have children who should have the priesthood. I would not
ask the Lord for any greater blessing than this for myself the
Lord promised him that the various ordinances of his Kingdom
should be administered through his posterity forever whare ever
the kingdom of God existed. Then let evry child for the future
be begotten in Holiness and remember this one thing live your religion
I now want to speak of another thing. A vary small portion of
our time was spent in the Temple at Nauvoo whare we began to ad-
minister the ordinances according to the words of Malachi in the 4th ch
5th & 6 verses "Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the
coming of the great & Dreadful day of the Lord." "And He shall turn
the Hearts of the Fathers to the children & the hearts of the children to
their Fathers lest I come & smite the Earth with a curse" Abram received the promise from the Lord that his seed should
be saved. And all the seed of Abraham in all the Gentile Nations or
among the uncontaminated of the house of Israel will be gathered
That have signned they have changed the ordinances, & broaken
their covenants, or you would not see the children of these Mountains
in the degradation in which we now find them. The Lamanites upon
this continant are Manassehites almost exclusively, their is but
little of the seed of Ephraim among them, they are counted as
the seed of Abraham and they must be saved or they would
not have become so loathsome as they are. they are punished
in the flesh to make an attonement in the flesh for their
sins & transgressions, and when they pass through the veil the
enemy has no power over them. In the day of the Lord Jesus Christ
all the particles of the Blood of Abraham will be gathered together
The seed of Abraham has not been counted for many years nor never will be again. If an Angel was to commence now
to number them all when he had got the numbers together before
they could be computed there would be a great number more
born during the time of there numerration so they could not be
numbered & this is the reason why his seed cannot be numbered
Brethren & sisters you are of the seed of Abraham & you should live
your legio religion that you may claim the promises of Abraham
This priesthood will turn the hearts of the children to the Ancient
Fathers & the children to the Fathers now & those which are to
come will be made perfect this chain must not broaken for
mankind cannot be saved any other way. This Priesthood must
be linked together so that all the children may be linked to Father Adam. It may be asked when will this work be done, it will be
done in Temples in our day & in the days of our children. we shall
go into the Temples & be pillars therein & go no more out [Revelation 3:12] & we shall
plant trees & vineyards & eat the fruit thereof. [Isaiah 65:21] I will call it the Millennium. I carry it in my heartI say it has begun
evry saint carries it with him then let us increase in evry
good thing & we will extend this influence from Zion untill
it roots out evry evil & brings iall in subjection to the kingdom of
our God. We will administer in the Temple which we have now
begun & that is one point gained & we will sealed man
to man by the keys of the Holy Priesthood this is the
highest ordinance it is the last ordinance of the kingdom of God
on the earth and above all the endowments that can be
given you it is a finall sealing an Eternal Principle
have Children who should have the priesthood. I would not
ask the Lord for any greater blessing than this for myself the
Lord Promised him that the various ordinances of his Kingdom
should be administered through his posterity forever where ever
the kingdom of God existed. Then let evry child for the future
be begotten in Holiness and remember this one thing live your religion
I now want to speak of another thing. A vary small portion of
our time was spent in the Temple at Nauvoo whare we began to administer the ordinances according to the words of Malachi in the 4th ch
5th & 6 verses "Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the
coming of the great & Dreadful day of the Lord." "And He shall turn
the Hearts of the Fathers to the children & the hearts of the children to
their Fathers lest I come & smite the Earth with a curse"
Abram received the promise from the Lord that his seed should
be saved. And all the seed of Abraham in all the Gentile Nations or
among the uncontaminated of the house of Israel will be gathered
That have sinned they have changed the Ordinances, & broaken
their covenants, or you would not see the children of these Mountains
in the degredation in which we now find them. The Lamanites upon
this continant are Manassehites almost exclusively, their is but
little of the seed of Ephraim among them, they are counted as
the seed of Abraham and they must be saved or they would
not have become so loathsome as they are, they are punished
in the flesh to make an attonement in the flesh for their
sins & transgressions, and when they pass through the veil the
enemy has no power over them. In the day of the Lord Jesus Christ
all the particles of the Blood of Abraham will be gathered together
The seed of Abraham has not been counted for many years
nor never will be again. If an Angel was to commence now
to number them all when he had got the numbers together before
they could be computed there would be a great number more
born during the time of there numerration so they could not be
numbered & this is the reason why his seed cannot be numbered
Brethren & sisters you are of the seed of Abraham & you should live
your religion that you may claim the promises of Abraham
This priesthood will turn the hearts of the children to the Ancient
Fathers & the children to the Fathers now & those which are to
come will be made perfect this chain must not broaken for
mankind cannot be saved any other way. This Priesthood must
be linked together so that all the children may be linked to Father
Adam. It may be asked when will this work be done, it will be
done in Temples in our day & in the days of our children. we shall
go into the Temples & be pillars therein & go no more out & we shall
plant trees & vineyards & eat the fruit thereof. I will call it the
Millennium. I carry it in my heartI say it has begun
evry saint carries it with him then let us increase in evry
good thing & we will extend this influence from Zion untill
it roots out evry evil & bringsall in subjection to the Kingdom of
our God. We will administer in the Temple which we have now
begun & that is one point gained & we will seal men
to men by the keys [FIGURE] of the Holy Priesthood this is the
highest ordinance it is the last ordinance of the Kingdom of God
on the earth and above all the endowments that can be
given you it is a finall sealing an Eternal Principle
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"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," January 13, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/1R0