4 deaths the day after we arived the 21st october 2 deaths the 2nd day & 15
burials the 3 day & 4 on sunday morning the day the expres left
they had not heard from the 2nd company of Hand carts but Joseph Young & Wheelock went ahead with the news that help was
coming. G. D. Grant followed with 10 of the best teams there had
been about 55 deaths in the first company in consequence of the cold
The Captain of the Company dealt out all the provisions to the people
the night before any help came & they did not know that any help
was coming they dealt out 11 oz to men 9 to women & 6 to children
there was but little help snow on the road till you got to rocky ridge 30 miles east of the pass
but vary cold several of the brethren froze their
feet Brother Wm Kimball had. A. O. Smoot was at Bridger
lost 20 Head of oxen in a few days will leave 75 or 100 Head
at Bridger thinks they may winter. Smoot camped on Muddy on the 30 oct when President Young came in & herd the
news He said He said there had so many gone to glory & would
not come Here to apostitize but we are learning a lesson by this
but our agents will not learn they will shove people out onto the
plains in sept & think all Utah will go out to meet them with
open arms. President Young said Brother Heber I will tell you
what we had better do we had better take Franklin & Samuel
Richards & Orson Pratt & let them esstablish posts at wood river the first Year, atBelow Laramie the 2nd year
& at Deer Creek the 3rd year & let them stop & not come
here next year at all but let those brethren go to those
places & esstablish stations & raise grain & what they cannot
raise lay out there means in the states to buy & bring untill they
can raise that is what we ought to do
I felt quite unwell to day I spent most of the day in the office
~ Saturday
Nov 1st I spent most of the day in the office a part of the
day at my beet press. The Calafornia Mail got in this
evening. President Young & Ferrymore Little sent each
with a team of 4 mules on each waggon with feed to
their teams in the mountains who had gone after the
emigration one waggon had on 1800 lb the other 1500
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I spent the day at the Tabernacle. F. D. Richards H. C. Kimball & B. Young spoke to the people in the forenoon & J. M. Grant in the afternoon it was a day of strong reproof
against sinners & sin President Young treated strongly upon
the ungodly those who had broaken any of the Laws of God were
made to tremble. I attended the prayer circle in the evening
President Young requested me to write out a list of the comm-
andments which He wished to make use of. I did not attend any
other evening meeting. I spent the night at home & had a dream
of meeting with President Young & he blessed me. I awoke it was a dream
~ Monday
3rd. I called upon President Young at his office one of the brethren
was in From Fort supply & asked council about walling in Fort supply
President Young said it would not do any good to try to wall in
that City as the gates would be open day & night but go to work &
wall in a Fort make a place secure where you could keep your tithing
& other grain in safety. I would rather make a good Earth wall than
a cobble stone wall as they will be tumbling down
4 deaths the day after we arived the 21st october 2 deaths the 2nd day & 15
burials the 3 day & 4 on sunday morning the day the expres left
they had not heard from the 2nd company of Hand carts but
Joseph Young & Wheelock went ahead with the news that help was
coming G. D. Grant followed with 10 of the best teams there had
been about 55 deaths in the first company in consequence of the cold
The Captain of the Company dealt out all the provisions to the people
the night before any help came & they did not know that any help
was coming they dealt out 11 oz to men 9 to women & 6 to children
there was but little snow on the road till you got to rocky ridge 30 miles east of the pass
but vary cold several of the brethren froze their
feet Brother Wm Kimball had. A. O. Smoot was at Bridger
lost 20 Head of oxen in a few days will leave 75 or 100 Head
at Bridger thinks they may winter. Smoot camped on
Muddy on the 30 oct when President Young came in & herd the
news He said He said there had so many gone to glory & would
not Come Here to apostitize but we are learning a lesson by this
but our agents will not learn they will shove people out onto the
plains in sept & think all Utah will go out to meet them with
open arms. President Young said Brother Heber I will tell you
what we had better do we had better take Franklin & Samuel
Richards & Orson Pratt & let them esstablish posts at
wood river the first Year, a below Laramie the 2nd year
& at Deer Creek the 3rd year & let them stop & not come
here next year at all but let those brethren go to those
places & esstablish stations & raise grain & what they cannot
raise lay out there means in the states to buy & bring untill they
can raise that is what we ought to do
I felt quite unwell to day I spent most of the day in the office
~ Saturday
Nov 1st I spent most of the day in the office a part of the
day at my beet press. The Calafornia Mail got in this
evening. President Young & Ferrymore Little sent each
with a team of 4 mules on each waggon with feed to
their teams in the mountains who had gone after the
Emigration one waggon had on 1800 lb the other 1500
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I spent the day at the TabernacleF. D. RichardsH. C. Kimball & B. Young spoke to the people in the forenoon &
J. M. Grant in the afternoon it was a day of strong reproof
against sinners & sin President Young treated strongly upon
the ungodly those who had broaken any of the Laws of God were
made to tremble. I attended the prayer Circle in the evening
President Young requested me to write out a list of the Commandments which he wished to make use of. I did not attend any
other evening meeting. I spent the night at home & had a dream
of meeting with President Young & he blessed me. I awoke it was a dream
~ Monday
3rd I called upon President Young at his office one of the brethren
was in From Fort supply & asked council about walling in Fort supply
President Young said it would not do any good to try to wall in
that City as the gates would be open day & night but go to work &
wall in a Fort make a place secure where you could keep your tithing
& other grain in safety. I would rather make a good Earth wall than
a cobble stone wall as they will be tumbling down
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 31, 1856 - November 3, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 8, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/ElWk