and most of the company starved to death and the living cattle
Dead Mrs Murphy was Eat up & some of her children two fof
her sons were saved. Brother Emanuel Murphy has been a true
faithful Latter Day Saint He visited Joseph Smith almost daily
while in prision in Missouri. He liberated Erastus Snow out
of Liberty Jail. He has done much for the Church. He took
supper with me this Evening also Lorenzo Snow.
~ Saturday
Sept 1st I wrote a letter to the American Hydropult Company
proposed to act as an agent for them in this Territory as I wanted
one myself I also wrote a Letter to the company of Cooks portible
Sept 1st I spent most of the day in the office compiling History
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday In company with G. A. Smith, Lorenzo SnowF. D Richards
I rode to visit James D. Ross company, to hold a meeting with them
at 1 o'clok P.M. meeting opened by singing a swiss song there being
about 100 swiss present G. A. Smith spoke to the people in English
which was interpeted to the swiss in their own language by Elder
[blank] Bonelli. He gave them vary good council told them
to be faithful & live thir religion, not to get cheated by speculators
nor to be in a hurry to get married to those men who profess to
save women by the whole sale but wait untill you get acquainted
with men and know that they are worthy and capable of being saved
themselves there is no hurry in these matters. He gave the same council
to those who could understand English spoke of their Journey across the
sea & plains that was calculated to bring out what is in you. Now go to
& repent of all your sins & get rebaptized and live your religin some
come here and expet all to be satisfied & perfect but they are not per-
fect themselves & they soon get dissatisfied they look at the falings of
others & do not look at there own, but you should go to & be unit-
ed with those [who] serve God and do right & you will be satisfied dont
be in a hurry to get rich, but do right and all bwill be well. when
we first came here the country afforded us Nothing to Eat but
black crickets, ownly what we brought with us. you must prepare
to turn your hand to any thing that is right in order to get along and
dont be greedy to get too much land to begin with but what land
you do cultivate do well. you have come a long way to be saved & to
and most of the company starved to death and the living cattle
Dead Mrs Murphy was Eat up & some of her children twoof
her sons were saved. Brother Emanuel Murphy has been a true
faithful Latter Day Saint He visited Joseph Smith almost daily
while in prision in Missouri. He liberated Erastus Snow out
of Liberty Jail. He has done much for the Church. He took
supper with me this Evening also Lorenzo Snow.
Sept 1st [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to the American Hydropult Company,
proposed to act as an agent for them in this Territory as I wanted
one myself. I also wrote a Letter to the company of Cooks portible
Sept 1st I spent most of the day in the office compiling History
2nd Sunday In company with G. A. Smith, Lorenzo, SnowF. D Richards
I rode to visit James D. Ross company, to hold a meeting with them
at 1 oclok P.M. meeting opened by singing a swiss song there being
about 100 swiss present. G. A. Smith spoke to the people in English
which was interpeted to the swiss in their own language by Elder
[blank] Bonelli [blank]. He gave them vary good council told them
to be faithful & live thir religion, not to get cheated by speculators
nor to be in a hurry to get married to those men who profess to
save women by the whole sale but wait untill you get acquainted
with men and know that they are worthy and capable of being saved
themselves there is no hurry in these matters. He gave the same council
to those who could understand English spoke of their Journey across the
sea & plains that was calculated to bring out what is in you. Now go to
& repent of all your sins & get rebaptized and live your religin some
come here and expect all to be satisfied & perfect but they are not perfect themselves & they soon get dissatisfied they look at the falings of
others & do not look at there own, but you should go to & be united with those who serve God and do right & you will be satisfied dont
be in a hurry to get rich, but do right and allwill be well. When
we first came here the country afforded us Nothing to Eat but
black crickets. ownly what we brought with us, you must prepare
to turn your hand to any thing that is right in order to get along and
dont be greedy to get too much land to begin with but what land
you do cultivate do well, you have come a long way to be saved & to
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," August 31, 1860 - September 2, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 5, 2025,