learn more of the work of God and I would advise you to spop [stop]
in this city for a while & hear the Presidentcy preach but I exp[ec]t
you will soon be scattered all over the country. we have some of the
worst men in the world among us and some of the best men
I know this work to be of God Joseph Smith was a true propht
of God & he Esstablished this work in these vallies of the mountioin
He bore a good testimony of the work of God
F. D. Richards followed & bore testimony of what G. A. Smith had
said he gave good advise to the people & was Followed by
Elders Lorenzo Snow who bore testimy to what had been said &
gave a good Exertation to the camp. Father Phineas Richards spoke
I followed & bore testimony to the good advise given By Elder
G. A. Smith and of the work of God Esstablished in the woEarth in
this generation. we had a good meeting & the spirit of the
Lord with us. At the close of the meeting we bid them farewell
& returned to the city and met with the Presidency and Twelve
at the Prayer circle I opened by Prayer. G A Smith was mouth
the first time he has clothed for the Prayer circle for nearly one year
as he has had a sprained ancle and been vary lame. In speaking
of Elder J. D. Ross President Young said he stood upon a pivet &
hardly knew which way to turn he did not get quite money enough
to apostitize if he had got a little more money he would have gone
overboard President Young conversed about the government sending
the army here to destroy the Saints All the gentile merchants was
called into council who were trading in Salt Lake and they
all urged on the war Except Copening the mail contracter He
said the report of Drummond was a lie about the burning [of] the
court records & the Library. He said if the armey went to fight
the Mormons they would have to winter in the mountains for
the mormons would not let them come in & would fight them
if they attempted it and it proved true they were kept in
the mountains
~ Monday
3 Capt Burton of the British Army called upon President Young
who conversed with him conserning his travels in ArabiaIndia
& Africa his pilgrimage to Meca & co I accompanied him over
the Presidents house & while in the observitory he tooks Note & schets sketches of the city I walked with him through the presidents
learn more of the work of God and I would advise you to stop
in this City for a while & hear the Presidency preach but I expect
you will soon be scattered all over the country, we have some of the
worst men in the world among us and some of the best men
I know this work to be of God. Joseph Smith was a true prophet
of God & he Esstablished this work in these vallies of the mountioin
He bore a good testimony of the work of God
F. D. Richards followed & bore testimony of what G. A. Smith had
said he gave good advise to the people & was Followed by
Elders Lorenzo Snow who bore testimy to what had been said &
gave a good Exertation to the camp. Father Phineas Richards spoke
I followed & bore testimony to the good advise given By Elder
G. A. Smith and of the work of God Esstablished in theEarth in
this generation. we had a good meeting & the spirit of the
Lord with us. At the close of the meeting we bid them farewell
& returned to the city and met with the Presidency and Twelve
at the Prayer Circle I opened by Prayer. G A Smith was mouth
the first time he has clothed for the Prayer Circle for nearly one year
as he has had a sprained ancle and been vary lame. In speaking
of Elder J. D. Ross President Young said he stood upon a pivet &
hardly knew which way to turn he did not get quite money enough
to apostitize if he had got a little more money he would have gone
overboard President Young conversed about the government sending
the army here to destroy the Saints All the gentile merchants was
called into council who were trading in Salt Lake and they
all urged on the war Except Copening the mail contracter He
said the report of Drummond was a lie about the burning of the
Court Records & the Library. He said if the armey went to fight
the Mormons they would have to winter in the mountains for
the mormons would not let them come in & would fight them
if they attempted it and it proved true they were kept in
the mountains
3 Capt Burton of the British Army called upon President Young
who conversed with him conserning his travels in Arabia India
& Africa his pilgrimage to Meca & co I accompanied him over
the Presidents house & while in the observitory he tooks Note &
sketches of the City I walked with him through the presidents
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," September 2, 1860 - September 3, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 6, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/KODx