in the States, democratic party divided and appointed 2 sets of nomines
for President & vice President. we had considerable rain during the day
and night. danceing was kept up till past midnight.
~ Wednesday
25 The company commenced leaving the ground Early in the morning
& continued past noon one of Presidents Youngs waggons was turned
over into the Big Cotton wood it turned twice over with two wom[en]
& several children one woman was hurt in the sholder one
child came near drowneding we arived home about 3 oclok 30 mils
~ Thursday
26 I went down into the field I moved Susan Cornelia down to
the farm house. it rained hard for two hours which was vary
seasonable for the crops.
~ Friday
27 I called upon President Young in the forenoon all the Presidency
were in the office President Young read me a letter from Bishop Maughn stating that there had been a fracas with the Indian
the Brethren had taken a one eyed Indian prisioner for stealing
and several Indians came down to liberate him the Indian started
to run & the guard shot him dead the other Indians shot at the guard
& killed a Brother Reed & mortally wounded Samuel Cousins
through the lungs. the Indians then took to the mountains & found
two Merrils getting wood they shot Ira Merrill dead & his Brother badly wounded they took some Indians prisioners the
rest gathered their forces & came down to liberate them & they
met 100 rifles they then held a council the Indians then
agreed to go & get those who had shot the white men & bring the[m]
in & put them to death & make pease I spent the day in the office
~ Saturday
28 A plesant Morning I spent the day in the offices the forenoon with
President Youndg, Wells, Carrington, & R. L. Campbell. tA Carrington
read the conference minutes and a sermon of President Young deliv[er]ed
at the conference in Nauvoo Oct 1844 The minutes of this sermon
was compiled or written & furnished by Wm Clayton which done
great injustice to the subject. President Young gave a vary interesting
and instructive discourse upon the organization of the Church the power
of the priesthood the authority & duties of the various Quorums from
the deacon to the presidency But Brother Clayton in reporting it gave
a small portion of the sermon in detached sentences which gave an
Entire different meaning from what was intended Hence President
24 July 1860
in the States, democratic party divided and appointed 2 sets of nominees
for President & vice President. we had considerable rain during the day
and night. dancing was kept up till past midnight.
~ Wednesday
25 The company commenced leaving the ground Early in the morning
& continued past noon one of Presidents Youngs waggons was turned
over into the Big Cotton Wood it turned twice over with two women
& several children one woman was hurt in the sholder one
child came near drowning we arived here about 3 oclok 30 mils
~ Thursday
26 I went down into the field I moved Susan Cornelia down to
the farm house, it rained hard for two hours which was vary
seasonable for the crops.
~ Friday
27 I called upon President Young in the forenoon all
the Presidency were in the office. President Young read me a letter from Bishop
Maughn stating that there had been a fracas with the Indian
the Brethren had taken a one eyed Indian prisioner for stealing
and several Indians came down to liberate him the Indian started
to run & the guard shot him dead the other Indians shot at the guard
& killed a Brother Reed & mortally wounded Samuel Cousins
through the lungs, the Indians then took to the mountains & found
two Merrils getting wood they shot Ira Merrill dead & his
Brother badly wounded they took some Indians prisioners the
rest gathered their forces & came down to liberate them & they
met 100 rifles they then held a council the Indians then
agreed to go & get those who had shot the white men & bring them
in & put them to death & make pease I spent the day in the office
~ Saturday
28 A plesant morning I spent the day in the offices the forenoon with
President Young, Wells, Carrington, & R. L. Campbell. A Carrington
read the conference minutes and a sermon of President Young delivered
at the conference in Nauvoo Oct 1844. The minutes of this sermon
was compiled or written & furnished by Wm Clayton which done
great injustice to the subject. President Young gave a vary interesting
and instructive discourse upon the organization of the Church the power
of the priesthood the authority & duties of the various Quorums from
the deacon to the presidency But Brother Clayton in reporting it gave
a small portion of the sermon in detached sentences which gave an
Entire different meaning from what was intended Hence President
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," July 24, 1860 - July 28, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 2, 2025,