Dec 1. I took car rode to Provo to attend the quarterly conferen[ce]
Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Israel Coombs. The Bishops
made a verbal report. W Woodruff then spoke 30 Min
I dined with Br Smoot I talked with an Icelander
Elder who had just returned home. Afternoon {Prayer By} Harvy H Cluff Statistics of the stake were then read
As follows 2 Patriarchs, 245 seventies, High Priests 369,
1440 Elders, 175 Priests, 138 Teachers 388 Deacons
8440 Members, 11506 Officers & Members, 4979 children
under 8 years Total of Souls 16485. J F Smith spoke
one hour & 30 M. we held a priesthood Meeting in the
Evening obtaining Means to build the stake House
occupied most of the Evening
~ Sunday
2 Sunday Wm Paxman Prayed The Authorities of the
Church were presented and sustained. George Teasdale spoke
50 Minuts Wm Paxman 20 M[inutes]. Afternoon David Jones
Prayed Stake Authorities were presented W Woodruff spoke
40 M[inutes], J F Smith spoke 60 M[inutes] we then took cars returned to Salt Lake City distance to Provo & Back 100 Miles
Nov 30, 1883
[FIGURE] I received 3 letters to day from SarahFarrill & Bleak
~ Saturday
Dec 1. I took car rode to Provo to attend the quarterly conference
Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Israel Coombs. The Bishops
made a verbal report. W Woodruff then spoke 30 Min
I dined with Br Smoot I talked with an Icelander
Elder who had just returned home. Afternoon {{Prayer By}}
Harvy H Cluff Statistics of the stake were then read
As follows 2 Patriarchs, 245 seventies, High Priests 369,
1440 Elders, 175 Priests, 138 Teachers 388 Deacons
8440 Members, 11506 Officers & Members, 4979 children
under 8 years Total of Souls 16485. J F Smith spoke
one hour & 30 M. we held a priesthood Meeting in the
Evening obtaining Means to build the stake House
occupied most of the Evening
~ Sunday
2 Sunday Wm Paxman Prayed The Authorities of the
Church were presented and sustained. George Teasdale spoke
50 Minuts Wm Paxman 20 Minutes. Afternoon David Jones
Prayed Stake Authorities were presented W Woodruff spoke
40 Minutes, J F Smith spoke 60 Minutes we then took cars returned to
Salt Lake City distance to Provo & Back 100 Miles
~ Monday
Dec 3 FIGURES I received 4 letters from J D T McAllister also
from J W. Mc Allister, M. F. Farnsworth, J G Bleak & Sarah
I wrote 7 Letters to J McAllister & J W McAllister, Farnsworth
J G Bleak Delight with $10, Sarah with $10, & Newton
[FIGURE] I Paid the following sums of Money to day Tithing $26, Temple 12,
Bank $20 Sarah $10, Delight $10, Phebe $10, Asahel $13, Leslie
$3.50, Orion $3 Elizabeth $2 goods $1.50 Total $111.
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," November 30, 1883 - December 4, 1883, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025,