Thing that 3 trains should be stoped for an hour
for a political Man to come & get on the cars &
ownly rode 2 Miles we Did not reach Nephi untill Noon
I met with the conference in the Meeting House at 2 oclok
several of the Brethren spoke for near an hour then I spoke
about an hour I als[o] attended the Priesthood Meeting in
the Evening & spoke 50 Minutes, & had a good Meeting
~ Sunday
Nov 1. Sunday I Attended the sabbath school in the Morning
they had a large school I Addressed them at the close
Afternoon the Meeting house was cramed fuller than
Ever before Brother Teasdale spoke some 40 Minuts
And the Power of God was upon Me & I had a good
time the spirit of the Lord was upon me All the Saints
seemed to appreciate my visitation there vary Much
~ Monday
2 I spent Most of the Day at Brother Teasdales
we took cars & Returned to Salt Lake City in
the Evening I was quite Poorly through the night
had the Rheumatism in the night
~ Tuesday
3. I went to the office & on the way stoped at a pooling
place & cast my vote for the Men of my choice
I met with my councillors & others at the office
I spent the day in the office
~ Wednesday
4 I spent the day in the office & Attending to
the Duties of the same
~ Thursday
5 I went to the Temple And we done a good deal
of Business Among the Rest we voted to change our
fast day from the first Thursday in the Month to the first Sunday
Thing that 3 trains should be stoped for an hour
for a political Man to come & get on the cars &
ownly rode 2 Miles we Did not reach Nephi untill Noon
I met with the conference in the Meeting House at 2 oclok
several of the Brethren spoke for near an hour then I spoke
about an hour I also attended the Priesthood Meeting in
the Evening & spoke 50 Minutes, & had a good Meeting
~ Sunday
Nov 1. Sunday I Attended the sabbath school in the Morning
they had a large school I Addressed them at the close
Afternoon the Meeting house was cramed fuller than
Ever before Brother Teasdale spoke some 40 Minuts
And the Power of God was upon Me & I had a good
time the spirit of the Lord was upon me All the Saints
seemed to appreciate my visitation there vary Much
~ Monday
2 I spent Most of the Day at Brother Teasdales
we took cars & Returned to Salt Lake City in
the Evening I was quite Poorly through the night
had the Rheumatism in the night
~ Tuesday
3. I went to the office & on the way stoped at a pooling
place & cast my vote for the Men of my choice
I met with my councillors & others at the office
I spent the day in the office
~ Wednesday
4 I spent the day in the office & Attending to
the Duties of the same
~ Thursday
5 I went to the Temple And we done a good deal
of Business Among the Rest we voted to change our
fast day from the first Thursday in the Month to the first Sunday
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," October 31, 1896 - November 5, 1896, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed December 3, 2024,