Day in the Life

Mar 20, 1842

Journal Entry

March 20, 1842 ~ Sunday

March 20th Sunday. Sermon of Joseph the Seer

A large assembly of Saints gather together at
an early hour to hear a discours deliverd upon the
subject of Baptism by Joseph the Seer, but ats a
young child was dead & his bcorpes presented in the
assembly it called forth many remarks from JThe
speaker upon death & the resurrection which were
in the highest degree interesting & his remarks
upon Baptism was truly glorious to the believer
in Jesus Christ. The following is a brief synopsis
of some of the items presented in the discours

[Joseph Smith Papers Document] The speaker read the 14 ch Revelations. And sayes
"we have again the warning voice sounded in our midst
which shows the uncertainty of human life. And
in my leasure moments I have meditated upon the
subject, & asked the question Why is it that, infants
innocent children are taken away from us, esspeci-
ally those that seem to be most intelligent beings"
Answer "This world is a vary wicked world &
it is a proverdb that the world grow weaker &
wiser, but if it is the case the world grows more wicke[d]
& corrupt. In the early ages of the world A rich-
man & a man of God & intelligence had a better
chance to do good to be received & believed that [than] at
the present day, but in thiese days such a man is
much opposed & persecuted by most of the inh-
abitants of the earth & he has much sorrow to pass
through, hence the Lord takes many away even in
infancy that they may escape the envy of man,
the sorrows & evils of this present world & they were
two pure & to lovly to live on Earth. Therefore if
rightly considerd we have, instead of morning we
have reason to rejoice, as they are deliverd from evil
& we shall soon have them again. What chance
is their for infidelity when we are parting with
our friends almost daily none at all. The
infidel will grasp at evry straw for help untill
death stares him in the face & then his infidelity

takes its flight for the realities of the eternal
world are resting upon him in mighty power &
when evry earthly support & prop fails him, he
then sensibly feels the eternal truths of the imm-
of the soul. *Also the doctrin of Baptizi-
ng children
or sprinkling them or they must
welter in Hell is a dectrin not true not supported
in Holy ^w^rit & is not consistant with the character
of God. The moment that children leave this world
they are taken to the bosom of Abraham. The
ownly difference between the old & young dying
is one lives longer in heaven & Eternal light
& glory than the other & was freed a little sooner
from this miserable wicked world. Notwithstanding
all this glory we for a moment loose sight of it &
mourn the loss but we do not mourn as those
without hope.* (We should take warning & not wait
for the death bed to repent) As we se[e] the infant
taken away by death, so may the youth & middle aged
as well as the infant suddenly be called into
eternity. Let this then proove as a warning to all
not to procrastinate repentance or wait till a death
bed, for it is the will of God that man should repent
& serve him in health & in the strength & power
of his mind in order to secure his blessings & not wait
untill he is called to die.

"My intention (says the speaker)
was to have treated upon the subject of Baptism.
But having a case of death before us I thought it
proper to refer to that subject. I will now however
say a few words upon that subject ^Baptism^ as intended
God has made certain decreas which are fixed & unalt-
erable. for instance God set the sun, the moon,
the stars in the heavens, & gi[v]en them their laws
conditions, & bounds which they cannot pass except
by his command. they all move in perfect harmony
in there sphere & order & are as wonders, lights &
signs unto us. The sea also has its bounds which
it cannot pass. God has set many signs in the earth
as well as in heaven for instance the oaks of the forest
the fruit of the tree, the herd of the field all bear a
sign that seed hath been planted there.

for it is a decree of the Lord that evry tree fruit
or herb bearing seed, should bring forth after its kind
& cannot come forth after any other law or princi-
ple. upon the same principle do I contend that
Baptism is a sign, ordained of God for the
believer in Christ to take upon himself in order to
enter into the kingdom of God. "for except
you are born of the water & the spirit you cannot
enter into the kingdom of God, saith the Savior, [John 3:5] as
It is a sign of command which God hath set for
man to enter into theis kingdom of God those who
seek to enter in any other willay will seek in vain, for
God will not receive them neither will the angels
acknowledge their works as accepted, for they have
not taken upon themselves those ordinances & signs
which God ordained for man to receive in order to
receive a celestial glory, & God has decreed that all
that ^who^ will not obey his voice shall not escape the
damnation of hell. what is the damnation of
hell, to go with that society who have not obeyed
his commands. Baptism is a sign to God, to Angels
to heaven that we do the will of God & their is
no other way beneath the heavens whareby
God hath ordained for man to come to God & any
other cource is in vain. God hath decreed &
ordained that man should repent of all his sins &
Be Baptized for the remission of his sins then he
can come to God in the name of Jesus Christ in
faith, then we have the promise of the Holy Ghost

What is the sign of the healing of the sick?
the laying on of hands, is the sign or way
marked out by James & the custom of the
ancient Saints as ordered by the Lord & we
should not obtain the blessing by persuing any
other course except the way which God has marked
out. [James 5:14-15]

What if we should attempt to get
the Holy Ghost through any other means except
the sign or way which God hath appointed, should
we obtain it certainly not all other means would
fail. The Lord says do so & so & I will bless so & so
their is certain key words & signs belonging to
the priesthood which must be observed in
order to obtaine the Blessings

The sign of Peter was, to repent & be baptized
for the remission of sins, inowith the promise tof the
gift of the Holy Ghost & in no other way is
the gift of the Holy Ghost obtained. [Acts 2:38] Their is a
difference between the Holy Ghost & the gift of the
Holy Ghost. Cornelius received the Holy Ghost before
he was Baptized which was the convincing power
of God
unto him of the truth of the gospel, but
he could not receive the gift of the Holy Ghost
untill after he was Baptized, [Acts 10:44-48] & had he not taken
this sign [or] ordinances upon him the Holy Ghost
which convinced him of the truth of God would
have left him, untill he obeyed these ordin-
ances & received the gift of the Holy Ghost by the
laying on of hands according to the order
of God he could not have healed the sick or
command an evil spirit to come out of a
man & it obey him for the spirit might
say to him as he did to the sons of Scavey
Peter I know & Christ I know but who
are ye [Acts 19:13-15]

It matereth not whether we live long
or short after we come to a knowlede of these princi-
ples & obey them. I know that all men will be
damedned if they do not come in the way which God
has appointed

As concerning the resurrection I will
merly say that all men will come from the grave
as they layie down, whether old or young their
will not be added unto ther stature one cubit neither
taken from it. All being raised by the power of God
having the Spirit of God in their bodies & not Blood
Children will be enthroned in the presence of God
& the Lamb with bodies of the same stature that
were on earth. Having been redeemed by the
Blood of the Lamdb they will there enjoy a fulness
of that light Glory & intelligence which is receiv-
ed in the celestial kingdom of God. "Blessed are the
dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their [Revelation 14:13]

labours & their works do follow them [Revelation 14:13]

The speaker before closing, called upon the vast
assembly before him to humble themselves in faith
before God, & in mighty prayer & fasting to call
upon his Holy name, untill the elements were
purified over our heads & the earth sanctified under
our feet that the inhabitants of this city may
escape the power of the disease, pestilence & destroyer
that rideth upon the face of the earth & that the
holy spirit of God may rest upon this vast multitude

A[t] the close of the meeting President Smith informed
the congregation that he should attend to the
ordinance of Baptism nearin the his ho river near his
house at 2 oclock. And at the appointed hour
the Bank of the missisippi was lined with a multitude
of people & President Joseph Smith went
forth into the river & Baptized with his own
hands about 80 persons for the remission of
their sins & what added Joy to the scene the
first person Baptized was Mr L. D. Wason a
nephew of Sister Emma Smith the first of
her kindred that have embraced the fulness of
the gospel
. At the close of this interesting scene
the Administrator lifted up his hands towards
heaven & implored the blessing of heaven ^God^ to
rest upon the people, & truly the Spirit of
did rest upon the multitude to the Joy &
consolation of our harts. After Baptism
the congregation again repaired to the grove
near the Temple to attend to the ordinance of
confirmation & notwithstanding president Smith
had spoken in th[e] open iaair to the people & stood
in the water to& Baptized about 80 person about 510
of those Baptized received their confirmation
under his hands in the after part of the day, &
during the intermission of these meetings their
was probably as many more Baptized & confirmed
for their Dead relatives at the Font By the Twelve
And those who wish for further information
concerning the scenes of the Sabbath in Nauvoo
or any other day in the week I would say to all
such come & see. W. Woodruff

H. C. Kimball Baptized abot 40 in the font I assisted
in confirming abotut 20 It was truly an interesting


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Smith Bidamon, Emma Hale
10 Jul 1804 - 30 Apr 1879
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
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Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Wasson, Lorenzo D.
27 Sep 2024 - 28 Jul 1857
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for it is a decree of the Lord that evry tree fruit or herb bearing seed, should bring forth after its kind & cannot come forth after any other law or princi- ple. Upon the same principle do I contend that Baptism is a sign, ordained of God for the believer in Christ to take upon himself in order to enter into the kingdom of God, "for except you are born of the water & the spirit you cannot enter into the kingdom of God, saith the Savior, as It is a sign of command which God hath set for man to enter into this kingdom of God those who seek to enter in any other way will seek in vain, for God will not receive them neither will the angels acknowledge their works as accepted, for they have not taken upon themselves those ordinances & signs which God ordained for man to receive in order to receive a celestial glory, & God has decreed that all that ^who^ will not obey his voice shall not escape the damnation of hell. What is the damnation of hell, to go with that society who have not obeyed his commands. Baptism is a sign to God, to Angels to heaven that we do the will of God & their is no other way beneath the heavens whareby God hath ordained for man to come to God & any other cource is in vain. God hath decreed & ordained that man should repent of all his sins & Be Baptized for the remission of his sins then he can come to God in the name of Jesus Christ in faith, then we have the promise of the Holy Ghost
~ Wilford Woodruff
What is the sign of the healing of the sick? the laying on of hands, is the sign or way marked out by James & the custom of the ancient saints as ordered by the Lord & we should not obtain the blessing by persuing any other course except the way which God has marked out.
~ Wilford Woodruff
What if we should attempt to get the Holy Ghost through any other means except the sign or way which God hath appointed, should we obtain it certainly not all other means would fail. The Lord says do so & so & I will bless so & so their is certain key words & signs belonging to the priesthood which must be observed in order to obtaine the blessings
~ Wilford Woodruff
The sign of Peter was, to repent & be baptized for the remission of sins, with the promise of the gift of the Holy Ghost & in no other way is the gift of the Holy Ghost obtained. Their is a difference between the Holy Ghost & the gift of the Holy Ghost. Cornelius received the Holy Ghost before he was baptized which was the convincing power of God unto him of the truth of the gospel, but he could not receive the gift of the Holy Ghost untill after he was baptized, & had he not taken this sign or [or]dinances upon him the Holy Ghost which convinced him of the truth of God would have left him, untill he obeyed these ordin- ances & received the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands according to the order of God he could not have healed the sick or command an evil spirit to come out of a man & it obey him for the spirit might say to him as he did to the sons of Seava & Peter I know & Christ I know but who are ye
~ Wilford Woodruff
It matereth not whether we live long or short after we come to a knowlede of these princi- ples & obey them. I know that all men will be damned if they do not come in the way which God has appointed
~ Wilford Woodruff
As concerning the resurrection I will merly say that all men will come from the grave as they lie down, whether old or young their will not be added unto ther stature one cubit neither taken from it. All being raised by the power of God having the Spirit of God in their bodies & not blood Children will be enthroned in the presence of God & the Lamb with bodies of the same stature that were on earth. Having been redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb they will there enjoy a fulness of that light Glory & intelligence which is receiv- ed in the Celestial kingdom of God. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their
~ Wilford Woodruff
As concerning the resurrection I will merly say that all men will come from the grave as they lie down, whether old or young their will not be added unto ther stature one cubit neither taken from it. All being raised by the power of God having the Spirit of God in their bodies & not blood Children will be enthroned in the presence of God & the Lamb with bodies of the same stature that were on earth. Having been redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb they will there enjoy a fulness of that light Glory & intelligence which is receiv- ed in the Celestial kingdom of God. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their
~ Wilford Woodruff
Joseph the Seer who made some edifying remarks concerning baptism for the dead. He said the Bible supported the doctrin, "why are ye baptized for the dead if the dead rise not &c" if their is one word of the Lord that supports the doctrin it is enough to mak[e] it a true doctrin. Again if we can baptize a man in the Name of the Father of the Son & of the Holy Ghost for the remission of sins it is just as much our privilege to act as an agent & be baptized for the remission of sins for & in behalf of our dead kindred who have not herd the gospel or fulness of it.
~ Joseph Smith

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Religious - Joseph Smith Discourse, 20 March 1842
March 20th . A large assembly of Saints gathered together at the place of meeting at an early hour, to hear a discourse delivered by President Joseph Smith, upon the subject of Baptism. A child of Mr. Windsor P. Lyons being deseased, the body of which lay before the assembly, called forth many remarks from the speaker upon the subject of death and the resurrection, which were in the highest degree interesting and edifying, as were also his remarks upon the subject of baptism. The following is a brief synopsis of some of the items delivered by the speaker. President Smith read the 14th chap. of Rev. and said, "We have again the warning voice sounded in our midst which shows the uncertainty of human life; and in my leisure moments I have meditated upon the subject, and asked the question, Why it is that infants, innocent chil- dren are taken away from us? especially those that seem to be the most intelligent and inter- esting? and the strongest reasons that present themselves to my mind are these: This world is a very wicked world; and it is a proverb that the 'world grows weaker and wiser' if it is the case, the world grows more wicked and corrupt. In the early ages of the world, a righte- ous man, and a man of God, and of intelligence, had a better chance to do good, to be believed and received, than at the present day; but in these days such a man is much opp[os]ed and persecuted by most of the inhabitants of the earth; and he has much sorrow to pass through here, the Lord takes many away even in in- fancy that they may escape the envy of man, and the sorrows and evils of this present world; they were too pure, too lovely, to live on earth; therefore if rightly considered instead of mourning we have reason to rejoice as they are delivered from evil, and we shall soon have them again. "What chance is there for infidelity when we are parting with our friends almost daily? None at all. The infidel will grasp at every straw for help until death stares him in the face, and then his infidelity takes its flight, for the realities of the eternal world are resting upon him in mighty power; and when every earthly support and prop fails him, he then sensibly feels the eternal truths of the immor- tality of the soul. We should take warning and not wait for the death bed to repent, as we see the infant taken away by death, so may the youth and middle aged, as well as the infant suddenly be called into eternity. Let this then prove as a warning to all, not to procrastinate repentance, or wait till a death bed; for it is the will of God that man should repent, and serve him in health, and in the strength, and power of his mind, in order to secure his blessing; and not wait until he is called to die. Also the doctrine of Baptiz- ing children, or sprinkling them, or they must welter in hell is a doctrine not true, not sup- ported in Holy writ, and is not consistent with the character of God. All children are re- deemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, and the moment that children leave this world they are taken to the bosom of Abraham. The only difference between the old and young dying, is, one lives longer in heaven, and eternal light and glory than the other, and is freed a little sooner from this miserable wicked world. Notwithstanding all this glory, we for a mo- ment lose sight of it, and mourn the loss; but we do not mourn as those without hope. "My intention was, to have spoken upon the subject of baptism, but having a case of death before us I thought proper to refer to that subject. I will now however say a few words upon baptism, as I intended. God has made certain decrees which are fixed, and immovable, for instance; God set the sun, the moon, and the stars in the heavens; and gave them their laws, conditions, and bounds which they cannot pass, except by his commandments; they all move in perfect harmony in their sphere, and order, and are as lights, wonders, and signs unto us. The sea also has its bounds which it cannot pass. God has set many signs on the earth, as well as in the heavens, for in- stance; the oak of the forest, the fruit of the tree, the herb of the field; all bear a sign that seed hath been planted there; for it is a decree of the Lord that every tree, plant, and herb, bearing seed, should bring forth of its kind, and cannot come forth after any other law, or prin- ciple. Upon the same principle do I contend that baptism is a sign ordained of God, for the believer in Christ to take upon himself in order to enter into the kingdom of God, "for except ye are born of water, and of the spirit ye can- not enter into the kingdom of God," [John 3:5] saith the Saviour. It is a sign, and commandment which
Epistle to the Saints, 20 March 1842
City of Nauvoo, Hancock co., Ill., March 20, 1842.
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
On Sunday a large assembly gathered at an early hour to hear a discourse from Joseph upon the subject of baptism, but as a young child was dead and his corps broug[h]t in the assembly it called forth many remarks upon death and the resurrection. I reported and recorded in my Journal A Brief Synopsis of the Sermon of Joseph the Prophet The speaker read the 14 ch of Revelations and said: "We have again the warning voice sounded in our midst "which shows the uncertainty of human life. And in my "leasure moments I have meditated upon the subject and asked the question, Why is it that inocent children are taken away from us especially those who seem to be the most intelligent beings?" The Answer: "This world is a very wicked world and it is a proverb that it grows weaker and wiser, but if this is the case it is also true that the world grows more wicked and corrupt "In the early ages of the world a righteous man—a man of God and intelligence had a better chance to do good, to be received and beleived than at the present day. In these days such a man is much opposed and persecuted by most of the inhabitants of the earth and he has much sorrow to pass through. Hence the Lord takes many away even in infancy that they may escape the envy of man and the sorrows and evils of the present world. ^and they were too true and too lovely to live on earth^ Therefore I rightly considered instead of mourning we have reason to rejoice as they are delivered from the evil and we shall soon have them again.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford appointed manager of the Church's official newspaper Times and Seasons.
Wilford sets type for printing/publishing the Book of Abraham in Times and Seasons.

Mar 20, 1842