I Arose found the sun shining plesant
I went below found Father ready for
Breakfast it is his birth Day EZRA CARTER
sen is 73 years old this day He informed
me that he had meditated much upon the
subject of being baptized by me before
I left but it was A vary cold day the
snow over the ground And water frooze
over And he could not get an evidence
that it was his duty then And thought
it best to omit it. So I thought it best
to continue my Journey as I was so
late in the season Father Carter walked
with me to see Mother Carters grave
we walked on top of the snow crust but
found the grave bare Father Carter
pointed to the ground beside her grave
And said that place will soon bye my
bed. I plucked some pebbles from Mother
Carters grave to take to Phebe I then
returned to the house bought some calf
skin And Father Carter made Phebe
A present of one Awhich I took with me
I took some of Father Carters Hair
And the rest of the family except
Mothers Carters And there was none
of hers saved. I think Mary fails
Father & Sister Foss then assisted me
to pack up such things asof Mothers as was
designed for Phebe one of the dresses that
Phebe wanted fell to Sister Foss which
she sent to Phebe for which she wants
Phebe to write back for her to have her
part of the crockery that is left. I
slept in there east cahamber through the
night for the last time I bid farewell to
Fabyan And Rhoda And Mary And the
children Also John Fabyan And Mary And
All that family I then in company with
Sister Foss rode through the lane blocked
up with snow on each side on to her house
And Father Carter walked And He got
there first He wanted to stay with
me untill I went, so we Packed up all
of little Phebes things And Paid her
Bill which was as follows
65 weeks of Board at 50 cts | $32.50 |
To New clothing for Journey | 6.50 |
to sewing | 2.50 |
$41.50 | |
Paid at sundry times | 19.36 |
Paid cash to balance March 18th | 22.14 |
$41.50 |
I then took the parting hand with
Phebe And Ira Foss the ownly children
of that family I saw I Also took the last
Parting hand And bid farewell to our Hon
Aged Father Carter who seemed much
Affected And wept He sent his best Parental
love to Phebe And wished me to say to her
that He was A full believer in the book of
Mormon And faith of the latter Day Saints
And as soon as he sees his way clear will
endeavor to be baptized spoke of Milton
Holmes calling in the spring to ^be^ baptized him
He was satisfied with our going to Calafornia
And with the course we are persuing
And He wished me to say to Luther
And Rhoda that if they would go with
us He would never complain about it
but thought it best for them to do so I then
took little Phebe who was clothed warm
into her Sister Foss slay And in company
with Sister Foss rode to Saco bought Phebe
A pair of shoes And as I Had given her
Br Fabyan A new silk Hendkerchief I also
gave Sister ^foss^ one that I had with me
I was much interest in my visit with sister
Foss I found her in good faith And a great
desire to gather with us And live with the
Saints she carried me to the depo we
there took the parting hand And little
Phebe And myself started on the rail
road after riding a while Phebe looks
around and says whare is my Mother I asked
her which one she said the one that
come with you & I Told her she had
gone back she said that was to bad
to leave her alone but she seemed to
enjoy the journey well to Boston though
she fell asleep And had a long nap on
the Arival of the cars I called upon Br S. P.
Davis No 5 Oxford Place And spent the night
I was treated well I am weary being so
drove daily As I went to lie down Phebe
says whare is my Mother I want to lie with
her but we both had a good nights rest
distance from BoSaco to Boston 90 miles
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