11th I Paid M. Cannon $5.575 dollars to Buy cannonttle with
I went over Boston to East Boston twice. I took 3000 lbs of
stationary & Books from the Eastern Depo to long wharf &
put on board of the ship Beatrice Also 900lbs of Baggage
for S. B. Foss.
~ Tuesday
[FIGURE] 12th We had one of the heardest snow storms this mo
rning that I ever saw there was About 12 inches of snow
fell in 3 hours I went into Boston with Ilus ofF Carter
to continue the purchase of goods we made a Bill of Hard
ware Nails &c of $ [blank] Also a Bill of $600 of Boots
& shoes
Elder Allexander Badlam arived home to
day from the gold diggings of San Francisco to Cambridge-
port He had been gone one year to that country He was
truly glad to get home & we were glad to see him He
Brought $2000 dollars worth of gold dust And He broug
ht me A present of 9 1/2 oz. of gold dust as A present from
several Brethren in the mines. And this begins to fulfill
A portion of my Patriarchal Blessings which I received
under the Hands of Father Joseph Smith in AD 1837.
He said I should have access to the treasures hid in the
sand to assist me in my necessities & in gathering many
orphan children to Zion And it is begining to come to pass
Brother Badlam called upon me in the evening & we had
a plesant interview together.
I received An interesting letter from Capt Joseph JRussell I wrote A letter to Joseph Russell 12 m[iles]
14th I received 1 Letter from Mary Ann Pratt I wrote 57 Letters to L HardyM. C. PeveyThomas Knowles, S. Wells Wm Ashland. Elder Cannon took his departure from Boston to day. I walked over the city with Ilus to day
He went to Portland & I returned Home. My cares
& Labour are vary great thes days. Elder Badlam
put into my Hands $200 sent from the gold mines
to Thomas Knowles to help him to Zion I sent him word
that He might get ready & go with us. Brother Badlam
Brought over two thousand dollars in gold for himself
& considerable to cheer the Hearts of several individuals & to
help them to Zion Brother Badlam has been faithful on this
mission has returned with gold sufficient to pay all his
Debts Honorably & to go comfortably with his family to the valley
He has come home in good health & spirits & faith, & the
Lord has blessed him for which I feel thankful I wrote 2 letters to J. L. Heywood & Thomas Cartwright.
~ Friday
[page covered] [1]5th I received 2 letters one from George H. Russell one
from Wm Page I wrote to G. H. Russell I Boxed up A one horse
carriage wheels And all & shiped it on board the Beatrice. Brother Joseph Fabyan Carter & Sarah C Foss called upon us & spent the night
~ Monday
11th I Paid M. Cannon $5.75 dollars to Buy cattle with
I went over Boston to East Boston twice. I took 3000 lbs of
stationary & Books from the Eastern Depo to long wharf &
put on board of the ship Beatrice Also 900lbs of Baggage
for S. B. Foss.
~ Tuesday
[FIGURE] 12th We had one of the heardest snow storms this mo
rning that I ever saw there was About 12 inches of snow
fell in 3 hours I went into Boston with IlusF Carter
to continue the Purchase of goods we made a Bill of Hard
ware Nails &c of $ [blank] Also a Bill of $600 of Boots
& shoes.
Elder Allexander Badlam arived home to
day from the gold diggings of San Francisco to Cambridgeport He had been gone one year to that country He was
truly glad to get home & we were glad to see him He
Brought $2000 dollars worth of gold dust And He brought me A present of 9 1/2 oz. of gold dust as A present from
several Brethren in the mines. And this begins to fulfill
A portion of my Patriarchal Blessings which I received
under the Hands of Father Joseph Smith in AD 1837.
He said I should have access to the treasures hid in the
sand to assist me in my necessities & in gathering many
orphan children to Zion And it is begining to come to pass
Brother Badlam called upon me in the evening & we had
a plesant interview together.
FIGURES I received An interesting letter from Capt
JosephRussell I wrote A letter to Joseph Russell 12 m
14th FIGURES I received 1 Letter from Mary Ann Pratt I wrote
7 Letters to L. HardyM. C. PeveyThomas Knowles, S. WellsWm Ashland. Elder Cannon took his departure from
Boston to day. I walked over the City with Ilus to day
He went to Portland & I returned Home. My cares
& Labour are vary great thes days. Elder Badlam
put into my Hands $200 sent from the gold mines
to Thomas Knowles to help him to Zion I sent him word
that he might get ready to go with us. Brother Badlam
Brought over two thousand dollars in gold for himself
& considerable to cheer the Hearts of several individuals & to
help them to Zion Brother Badlam has been faithful on this
mission has returned with gold sufficient to pay all his
Debts Honorably & to go comfortably with his family to the valley
He has come home in good health & spirits & faith, & the
Lord has blessed him for which I feel thankful
[FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters to J. L. Heywood & Thomas Cartwright.
~ Friday
15th FIGURES I received 2 letters one from George H. Russell one
from Wm Page I wrote to G. H. Russell I Boxed up A one horse
carriage wheels And all & shiped it on board the Beatrice. Brother
Joseph Fabyan Carter & Sarah C Foss called upon us & spent the night
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," March 11, 1850 - March 15, 1850, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Z6D8