"Truth is mighty and will prevail"—The
introduction of the principles of eternal
truth—The fulfilment of prophecy in our
own time—The principles of the Gospel
worthy of consideration—The unpopular-
ity of the true Gospel—Peculiar position
of the Latter-day Saints—The kingdom of
God predicted by the prophets—Joseph
Smith—No power can stay the hand of Al-
mighty God—the Gospel of Christ is the
law of salvation—Mormonism unpopular—
Persecution—Polygamy—Treat our fellow
men aright—Commencement of the Mil-
lennium—We are in the hands of God—
Warfare between God and the Devil—
Faith—The secret of the strength of the
Saints—Responsibility of Rulers, etc—Re-
sponsibility of the Saints—Conclusion.
THERE is a proverb or saying which I
have heard a good many times in my
life, and which I think bears a great
deal of weight, and that is, "truth is
mighty and will prevail." I think this has
been manifested in every capacity in
which truth has been used whether
applied temporally or spiritually;
whether applied in the capacity
of nations or families or in-
dividuals; whether applied to
the world or to the Kingdom of God. I
think that in every age of the world
truth, whether it has been popular or
unpopular, has proved itself, in the
end of its labor, to prevail in all cases.
When Columbus was moved upon by
the Spirit of God to cross the ocean to
find a new continent, his object and de-
sires were unpopular with those by
whom he was surrounded, and it was
only after a good deal of labor that he
gained favor in the eyes of any of the
rulers of the nations whereby to re-
ceive assistance sufficient to carry out
his wishes. But in the end he prevail-
ed. He found a new world, as it were,
which to-day contains a population of
the Anglo-Saxon race numbering fifty
millions of people. The commence-
ment of Columbus' project was cer-
tainly unpopular, but the result has
proved it true. And so in all cases,
whenever men have been inspired to
receive truth or to promulgate any
principle, which would be a benefit to
the human family, they have generally
been unpopular. When Robert Fulton
undertook to demonstrate the power
of steam in a steamboat, the crowd
that gathered to behold the event did
not gather to see success; they gather-
ed out of ridicule to see a man fail in
performing a work that they consider-
ed impossible. But when the steam
was applied to the vessel it moved.
The invention was certainly very crude,
but there was truth in it, and it has
prevailed to a great extent; for steam
is the great motive power of all the
machinery in the world in a great mea-
sure. And so with a Scottish Earl
when he announced that there was a
man going to try and light the City of Edinburgh with smoke. The man
was looked upon as crazy. But there was
truth in that smoke, and it lit the city,
and it has given light to a good many
other cities since. The principle pre-
vailed, and is now adopted throughout
the world. So with Mr. Morse, the
electrician. He unsuccessfully in the first
instance, [in 1837-8] sought aid both
from the American Congress and the
English government to enable him to
carry out his ideas; but ultimately [in
1843] he gained assistance from Con-
gress and his invention of telegraphy
was demonstrated a success, and is
now made use of throughout the civil-
ized world. And so we might go on to
show that in almost every instance
when men have undertaken to intro-
duce new principles—principles of
truth—principles that would benefit the
human family—they have generally
been very unpopular until the truth
was made manifest to the world.
The same thing may be applied to the
introduction of the principles of eter-
nal truth pertaining to the salvation of
the human family in a spiritual point of
view. When our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ stepped forth into the
world to occupy the position to which
He had been ordained of God, there
were but few individuals who had faith
in Him, or who were looking for the
coming of the Son of Man in fulfilment
of prophecy. Jesus, all His life, it may
be said, from the manger to the cross,
was very unpopular with the mass of
the human family, more particularly
the inhabitants of Jerusalum. His his-
tory is before the world. He died an
ignominious death upon the cross, and
those of His own father's house, the
High Priests, and the leading men of
Jerusalem, were all in favor of His
death. [Matthew 27] Yet the Savior possessed truth.
He offered truth to the world; He off-
ered life and salvation to the world.
But the principles He taught were un-
popular in His day. He gathered
around Him a few followers; but the
acceptance of His principles cost them
their lives, as it did the life of the
Savior Himself. I do not know of a
man—except it was John the Revelator
—who escaped. They all died violent
deaths. They had to seal their testi-
mony with their blood. Some were
crucified; others were sawn asunder,
beheaded, or in some way put to death
for the word of God and the testimony
of Jesus Christ. They were put to
death for their religion. How is it to-
day? What name has been more hon-
ored, or more held up as an ensample to
the world than the name of Jesus
Christ? The Catholic world, the Pro-
testant world, in fact the whole Christ-
ian world are professing to honor the
name of Jesus Christ. The Savior had
truth, but it was not received in His
day and time.
With regard to our own time my
mind is often led to reflect upon it.
Half a century has past and gone be-
fore the eyes of this generation since
the God of heaven commenced, as in
former ages of the world, the fulfill-
ment of prophecy and revelation con-
tained in the Bible—this good old book
that the Christian world profess to be-
lieve in so much. The Lord has set
His hand to bring to pass some of these
prophecies and principles which He
had foreordained before the world was,
and which He has left on record
through the medium of holy men who
wrote and spoke as they were moved
upon by the Holy Ghost from genera-
tion to generation. Those prophecies
are with us to-day. They are contained
in the Bible, a book that is published
by millions throughout the Christian
world. The Christian world profess to
honor the Bible, and to honor the
prophecies and sayings of Christ and
the Apostles. But do they believe in
the fulfillment of these things? Do
they believe in the fulfillment of these
principles and truths which are to-day
being fulfilled in the eyes of heaven
and earth? No. Those prophecies and
those principles—which the God of
heaven has set His hand to carry out—
are as unpopular to-day throughout
the Christian world as they were when
Jesus of Nazareth stood in the flesh
and proclaimed the same to the
Jewish nation. We occupy the same
position that they did in that day and
generation with regard to these truths.
Now, as I have said, truth is mighty.
It always has prevailed in every age of
the world. It will prevail in this dis-
pensation as it has done in others.
The God of Israel will no more fail to-
day to carry out the principles which
He has stretched forth His hand to es-
tablish than he did in the days of eith-
er Adam, Enoch, Noah, or Jesus, or in
the days of any other dispensation.
The principles to which I allude—the
principles of the Gospel—are well
worthy the attention and comprehen-
sion of at least the Latter-day Saints,
and it would be well for the Christian
world to take them into consideration
also; for if truth is going to prevail in
the earth it certainly will involve the
destiny of this whole generation, Jew
and Gentile, high and low, rich and
poor, Zion and Babylon. It will in-
volve the destiny of the whole world—
of the fourteen hundred millions of
people who breathe the breath of life
in it. And I bear record and testimony,
as a servant of God, that the God of
heaven has set His hand to carry out
those great and eternal principles
which He decreed before the world was
made and which He has left on record
through the mouths of His prophets to
be fulfilled in the last dispensation and
fulness af times. Are those principles
popular to-day? They are not? Why
not? Because the world is not govern-
ed by the spirit of inspiration; because
its people do not seek the Lord; be-
cause they do not honor His name; but
they are governed and controlled by
other principles. But the Lord will
rule over His own Kingdom, notwith-
standing the Devil has great dominion
to-day as he has had in almost every
age of the world. The inhabitants of
the earth have their agency. They
must use that agency according to the
desires of their own hearts whether
they be for good, or whether they be
for evil. But the day is at hand when
the Lord will show the children of this
generation that there is a God in Israel,
as He has done in other dispensations
when He has reigned. In all the his-
tory of the dealings of God with man
this one principle, sooner or later, has
manifested itself: that virtue exalteth
a nation, while sin is a reproach to any
people. You will see that this has
been manifested in the history of
all nations under heaven—in their rise
and progress and prosperity, and in
their fall and decline and in their final
overthrow and destruction. You will
find in every instance that sin, error,
darkness, falsehood, wrong-doing
have laid the foundation of the over-
throw of every nation and city under
heaven from the foundation of the
world until the present time. What
men sow they will reap, and what
measure they measure to others will be
measured unto them.
To-day we occupy a peculiar position
as a people—as Latter-day Saints here
in these mountains. Here is a people
growing up in the earth who are organ-
ized into a Church, called the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
How did the organization of that
Church come about? Why, the God of
heaven has proclaimed through His
prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and
others whose writings are contained
within the lids of the Bible, that in the
latter days He would set His hand to
call forth His Church out of the wild-
erness and out of darkness and error,
and establish it upon the foundation of
truth, Christ Jesus being the chief cor-
ner stone. The God of heaven also
proclaimed through Daniel, 4000 years
ago, that in the latter days He would
set up a kingdom which should never
be destroyed: and the kingdom should
not be left to other people, but it
should break in pieces and consume all
these kingdoms, and it should stand
forever. That prophet also declared
that a little stone should be cut out of
the mountain without hands; that the
stone should become a great mountain
and fill the whole earth; and that it
should break in pieces all other king-
doms. [Daniel 2:26-47] Was that Prophet inspired by
the Spirit and power of God? I say in
the name of Israel's God he was, and
so was Isaiah when he spoke of the
gathering of the people unto the
mountains of Israel to establish the
Zion of God in its beauty, strength,
power and glory. [Isaiah 2:2-3] The God of heaven also
inspired a prophet as he stood upon
the Isle of Patmos—John the Revelator
—and in connection with the great
events of the last dispensation and ful-
ness of times he saw, in vision, an
"angel fly in the midst of heaven, hav-
ing the everlasting gospel to preach
unto them that dwell on the earth, and
to every nation, and kindred, and ton-
gue and people, saying with a loud
voice, fear God and give glory to Him;
for the hour of His judgment is come." [Revelation 14:6-7]
Now I want this congregation; I want
the world; I want the Christian world;
I want the priests of the day who cry
aloud for the blood of innocence to be
shed to carry out their desires—I want
these priests and all who are laboring
to overthrow "Mormonism" to care-
fully inquire whether those prophets
were inspired of God? And if they
were inspired of God, whether it is
right for them to make war against the
work of God in the earth? Whether it
would not be better to let these things
alone—to leave them in the hands of
the Lord and allow Him to govern and
control as He sees fit? And if these
men were inspired of the Lord and
made those proclamations—with thou-
sands of others in the Bible and in the
revelations of God—the question is
whether this warfare against God and
against His work is going to prevail?
The wicked will have no such
power; for the Lord has set His
hand to fulfil these things which have
been predicted by His Prophets—to es-
tablish His Church and Kingdom and
Zion upon the earth. He has
called Prophets, and they were
inspired of God. Joseph
Smith was a Prophet of God. He was
a man raised up by the power of God.
He received the testimony of the Gos-
pel of Jesus Christ by visions and rev-
elation as did John the Revelator.
Angels appeared unto him and taught
him the ways of life. Those men who
held the Priesthood—who were put to
death in the flesh for the word of God
and the testimony of Jesus Christ—vis-
ited Joseph Smith. John the Baptist
conferred upon him the Aaronic Priest-
hood; Peter, James and John, the
Apostleship and Melchisedek Priest-
hood; and all the Prophets who held
any keys and powers belonging to the
Gospel, these also visited Joseph Smith
and conferred upon him those keys and
powers and authority to administer
them on the earth. [Doctrine and Covenants 27:8-12] These are eternal
truths, as the God of heaven lives, and
they will prevail whether men believe
them or not, or whether the wicked
war against them or not. These truths
belong to God Himself. He is the au-
thor of them. He has given forth cer-
tain decrees, and they will have their
fulfilment in the earth.
Now, as far as the Latter-day Saints
are concerned, I will say to my breth-
ren and sisters we ought to contem-
plate these principles. There is
no power organized beneath the hea-
vens that can stay the hand of Almighty
God. He has set His hand to carry out
His purposes. The world hate this
people, because the Lord has called
them forth out of the world, the same
as He called His disciples of old. This
is the position we occupy to-day as His
people. Though our numbers are
small, yet "a little one shall become a
thousand, and a small one a [s]trong na-
tion:" and the Lord will hasten it in
His time. [Isaiah 60:22] A little one has already be-
come more than a thousand, or a hun-
dred thousand, and in spite of all op-
position this small one will become a
great nation, and God will hasten it in
His time, because God is our friend.
Now, these are truths. They have em-
anated from God Himself.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the law
of salvation. No man can be saved
without it. The Gospel is the power
of God unto salvation to every one
that believeth—to Jew or Greek, Cath-
olic, Methodist, Baptist, or any other
sect or party on the face of the earth. [Romans 1:16]
We, as Latter-day Saints, are called
upon to build up Zion. We have been
gathered to be instructed by inspiration
and through the medium of the Holy
Priesthood in the principles of eternal
truth. This is our condition to-day.
Fifty-three years have passed since
this work commenced. Joseph Smith
dwelt in the flesh some fourteen years
after he organized this Church. He
holds the keys of this dispensation on
both sides of the veil, and will hold
them forever. God ordained him to
perform a certain work. He performed
it. He stayed on earth until his work
was finished. All the keys, powers
and principles which God gave unto
him he left with his brethren; although
whatsoever he left with his brethren
did not take from him; for as Jesus
says in a revelation given in regard to
the Priesthood:
"Whoso is faithful unto the obtaining
these two Priesthoods of which I have
spoken, and the magnifying their call-
ing, are sanctified by the Spirit unto
the renewing of their bodies;
"And he that receiveth my Father,
receiveth my Father's Kingdom; there-
fore all that my Father hath shall be
given unto him;
"And this is according to the oath
and the covenant which belongeth to
the Priesthood;
"But whoso breaketh this covenant,
after he hath received it, and altogeth-
er turneth therefrom, shall not have
forgiveness of sins in this world nor
the world to come."—Doc. and Cov.,
Sec. 84.
Thus, although the Lord bestows up-
on His servants the same powers and
blessings that He Himself holds, it
does not take away these powers and
blessings from the Father. The Father
possesses all He had before. The Son
possesses all that He hath had given
unto Him. So do the sons of the liv-
ing God. When a man bestows those
gifts and blessings and powers upon
others, he does not lose them himself.
The Lord raised up Joseph Smith. He
organized this Church. It has been
organized for 54 years next April. And
what has been the consequence? Have
we had opposition? Yes. Have we had
persecution? Yes. Is not the de-
sire of a great many millions of people
for our overthrow? Yes; and a great
many wish us put to death. Some men
go so far as to be willing to slay, utter-
ly, men, women and children, because
they believe in what is termed "Mor-
monism," but which is really the Gos-
pel of Jesus Christ. These things are
proclaimed to the world to-day. What
is the matter? Mormonism is unpop-
ular. Why is it unpopular? "Be-
cause," say the priests of the day, "it
interferes with our rights. We preach
for hire and divine for money, and if the
Mormons were to prevail in the earth,
we should lose our business, and we
cannot endure it." "Why," says the
world, "you profess to believe in
polygamy, and that is why you are per-
secuted." No, you are mistaken about
that. The worst persecution this
Church ever endured was before polyg-
amy was revealed to the Church. We
have had more prosperity since we car-
ried out that law and endeavored to
fulfil it according to the command of
God than we ever had as a people be-
fore. And here is the principle with
me. I speak as an individual; I speak
for myself. If this work is of God; if
the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as revealed
to Joseph Smith, is true, then God will
take care of it; if the patriarchal law
of marriage comes from the God of Is-
rel, He will take care of it; He
will protect and defend it, and
He will uphold the people that
carry it out. I say this in the
name of Israel's God. And if it is not
of God who wants it? I don't, neither
do this people. I speak of this prin-
ciple because I want my brethren and
sisters to understand the views I have
upon it.
I know we are engaged in the work
of the Lord. I know this is His Church.
He has organized it with Prophets and
Apostles in fulfilment of predictions
made thousands of years ago. This is
a work which was ordained before
the world was. The Lord Almighty
never created a world like this and
peopled it for 6,000 years as He has
done without having some motive in
view. That motive was, that we might
come here and exercise our agency.
The probation we are called upon to
pass through is intended to elevate us
so that we can dwell in the presence
of God our Father. And that eternal
variety of character which existed in
the heavens among the spirits—from
God upon His throne down to Lucifer
the son of the morning—exists here
upon the earth. That variety will re-
main upon the earth in the creations
of God, and for what I know, through-
out the endless ages of eternity. Men
will occupy different glories and po-
sitions according to their lives—ac-
cording to the law they keep in the
But I want the Latter-day Saints to
understand their position. Our trust
is in God. With regard to men, it is
our duty to treat our fellow men
aright; to leave them in the hands of
God if they persecute us. The Lord
has a controversy with this generation.
This Bible, the Old and New Testa-
ment, contains a vast amount of, I will
say, tremendous revelations, tremen-
dous events, which hang over the heads
of the people of this dispensation. Are
these events going to fall unfulfilled?
No; no more than they did in the days
of the fall of Babylon, of Ninevah, of
Jerusalem, and of other cities in the
nations of the earth. When the inhab-
itants of Jerusalem became ripe in
iniquity; though Jerusalem was the
royal city, in which was the Urim and
Thummim, and in which sacrifices
were made unto the Lord, yet the city
was laid low, and the Jews have been
trampled under the feet of the Gen-
tiles for I,800 years. We are living at
the commencement of the Millennium,
and near the close of the 6000th year of
the world's history. Tremendous
events await this generation. You
can read an account of them
in the revelations of St. John;
the opening of the seals; the
blowing of the trumpets; the pouring
out of the plagues; the judgments of
God which will overtake the wicked
when Great Babylon comes in remem-
drances before God, and when the
sword that is bathed in heaven shall
fall on Idumea, or the world, who shall
be able to abide these things? Here
we are living in the midst of these
tremendous events.
We are in the hands of God; our na-
tion is, and so are the nations of the
earth; and when they undertake
to overthrow the Kingdom of God,
which is decreed shall be estab-
lished, they have somebody to fight
against besides Joseph Smith, Brigham
Young, or John Taylor, or any other of
the leaders of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints. This war-
fare is between God and the devil, be-
tween light and darkness, truth and er-
ror, between the heavens and the earth;
and that God who has supported His
work from the creation of the world
is bound to do it unto the end. Where
have you ever read that the Kingdom
of God would be overthrown in the
last days? You cannot find it any-
where on the pages of the records of
divine truth. No; the revelations of
God will be fulfilled. And we must
exercise faith in that direction. As
the ancients had faith; as the world
was created by faith; as Noah built an
ark and preached the Gospel of repen-
tance for 120 years by faith; as Abra-
ham went out not knowing where he
was going by faith; as the ancients
performed many mighty works, such as
the subduing of cities and kingdoms
by faith; therefore I say to the Latter-
day Saints, you are required by the
God of Israel, your Heavenly Father,
by His Son Jesus Christ, by the holy
angels, and by every principle of eter-
nal truth to exercise faith in the revel-
ations of God, for they will be fulfilled
as the Lord lives. [Hebrews 11:7-8] God is with this
people. But we are required to heark-
en to His voice, obey his command-
ments, and humble ourselves before
Him. And I thank the Lord that I
have lived to see the time when I be-
lieve there is a great improvement
among the Latter-day Saints. I be-
lieve they are exercising greater faith
in God. And there is a calmness pre-
vailing among the Mormons—so called
—that is a marvel and a wonder to the
world. The world wonder why we are
not excited over the opposition that is
brought to bear upon us by the millions
of people who inhabit this continent,
as well as by the people of the nations
of the earth. The reason of our calm-
ness is—God is our friend, our law-
giver, our deliverer. If the Lord can-
not sustain His work, we certainly
cannot. But He can. He has always
done it, and will do it to the end.
Therefore I say to the Saints, fear not.
Trust in God. Let not your hearts be
faint. Let your prayers ascend to the
ears of the Lord of Sabbaoth day and
night. Ask what you want. When
you do that, the Lord will answer your
prayers, if you ask what is right.
There is where our strength lies. It is
in God. I have no hope in anything
else. But I do look upon the Latter-
day Saints as occupying a most glori-
ous position in this day and age of the
world. This is the first time since God
created the world that he has ever es-
tablished a dispensation to remain on
the earth until the coming of the Son
of Man—to remain in power and
strength and glory until the Millennium,
until He reigns whose right it is to
reign. [Doctrine and Covenants 58:22] Behold what lies before you!
Behold the power of God! Behold the
prosperity of Zion! Behold the bles-
sings that have rested upon your
houses, your lands, your flocks and
herds, your children—the blessings of
the earth as well as of the heavens—in
this mighty barren desert! Then why
should we have any doubts or fears
with regard to the Kingdom of God?
No! As a people we should rise up
in faith and power before God and
make our wants known, and leave our
destiny in His hands. It is there any-
how. It will remain there. And with
regard to our nation, I leave them
in the hands of God; but I would
to God their eyes were open to see and
understand the responsibilities that
rests upon them. I would to God that
the rulers of our land—the President
of the United States, the Congress of
the United States, the Supreme Court
of the United States—would learn the
responsibility the God of heaven will
hold them to in the administration of
those glorious principles laid down in
the Constitution of the government of
this country. The God of heaven will
hold this nation, as well as all other
nations, responsible for the manner in
which these principles are used. If
they misuse them, it will be their loss.
If they trample the Constitution under
foot; if they undertake to deprive any
portion of citizens of the rights the Con-
stitution guarantees unto them, they
will be held responsible and will have
to pay the bill. When innocent blood
is shed, it costs something; and I would
to God that our nation could under-
stand the blessings they enjoy. There
is no nation on the face of the earth
that has the same liberty that is guar-
anteed to us by the Constitution of our
Have we any warfare with our gov-
ernment? Have we any reproach to
offer them? Not at all. I feel sorry
that this nation should sow seeds
which when ripe will bring destruc-
tion; for I know as God lives that if
this or any other government departs
from the principles of truth, become
ripened in iniquity, forsake the Lord,
forsake the principles of life and liber-
ty, the God of heaven will hold them
responsible. Judgments will come
upon the wicked. When men depart
from the principles of truth and cleave
unto darkness and wickedness they
reap the whirlwind; they lay the foun-
dation for desolation.
I pray God my Heavenly Father that
His blessing may rest upon us as Lat-
ter-day Saints; that we may compre-
hend and understand our position, our
duties and our responsibilities to God.
When I look, brethren and sisters, up-
on this handful of men and women here
in these mountains of Israel, say 150,-
000, out of the fourteen hundred mil-
lion people that dwell on the earth;
when I realize the responsibility that
God has laid upon the Latter-day
Saints, the responsibility of building
up this great Kingdom of our God, of
proclaiming the principles of eternal
life, light and truth to the world; when
I reflect upon these things I ask my-
self the question—what manner of men
ought we to be? Our numbers are
small compared even with the inhabi-
tants of this nation, not to speak of
the inhabitants of the world; yet, as I
said before I say again, the God of
heaven looks to the Latter-day Saints
to carry on His work.
Then let us be careful. Let us rea-
lize our condition. Let us realize we
are here upon a mission. Let us rea-
lize that we will be held responsible for
the manner in which we fill it. We
In the Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City,
Sunday Afternoon, Jan. 6. 1885.
"Truth is mighty and will prevail"—The
introduction of the principles of eternal
truth—The fulfilment of prophecy in our
own time—The principles of the Gospel
worthy of consideration—The unpopularity of the true Gospel—Peculiar position
of the Latter-day Saints—The kingdom of
God predicted by the prophets—Joseph
Smith—No power can stay the hand of Almighty God—the Gospel of Christ is the
law of salvation—Mormonism unpopular—
Persecution—Polygamy—Treat our fellow men
aright—Commencement of the Millennium—We are in the hands of God—
Warfare between God and the Devil—
Faith—The secret of the strength of the
Saints—Responsibility of rulers, etc—Responsibility of the Saints—Conclusion.
THERE is a proverb or saying which I
have heard a good many times in my
life, and which I think bears a great
deal of weight, and that is, "truth is
mighty and will prevail." I think this has
been manifested in every capacity in
which truth has been used whether
applied temporally or spiritually;
whether applied in the capacity
of nations, or families, or individuals; whether applied to
the world or to the Kingdom of God. I
think that in every age of the world
truth, whether it has been popular or
unpopular, has proved itself, in the
end of its labor, to prevail in all cases.
When Columbus was moved upon by
the Spirit of God to cross the ocean to
find a new continent, his object and desires were unpopular with those by
whom he was surrounded, and it was
only after a good deal of labor that he
gained favor in the eyes of any of the
rulers of the nations whereby to receive assistance sufficient to carry out
his wishes. But in the end he prevailed. He found a new world, as it were,
which to-day contains a population of
the Anglo-Saxon race numbering fifty
millions of people. The commencement of Columbus' project was certainly unpopular, but the result has
proved it true. And so in all cases,
whenever men have been inspired to
receive truth or to promulgate any
principle, which would be a benefit to
the human family, they have generally
been unpopular. When Robert Fulton
undertook to demonstrate the power
of steam in a steamboat, the crowd
that gathered to behold the event, did
not gather to see success; they gathered out of ridicule, to see a man fail in
performing a work which they considered impossible. But when the steam
was applied to the vessel it moved.
The invention was certainly very crude,
but there was truth in it, and it has
prevailed to a great extent; for steam
is the great motive power of all the
machinery in the world, in a great measure. And so with a Scottish Earl
when he announced that there was a
man going to try and light the City of
Edinburgh with smoke. The man
was looked upon as crazy. But there was
truth in that smoke, and it lit the city,
and it has given light to a good many
other cities since. The principle prevailed, and is now adopted throughout
the world. So with Mr. Morse, the
electrician. He unsuccessfully in the first
instance,—in 1837-8—sought aid both
from the American Congress and the
English government to enable him to
carry out his ideas; but ultimately—in
1843—he gained assistance from Congress, and his invention of telegraphy
was demonstrated a success, and is
now made use of throughout the civilized world. And so we might go on to
show that in almost every instance
when men have undertaken to introduce new principles—principles of
truth—principles that would benefit the
human family—they have generally
been very unpopular until the truth
was made manifest to the world.
The same thing may be applied to the
introduction of the principles of eternal truth pertaining to the salvation of
the human family in a spiritual point of
view. When our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ, stepped forth into the
world to occupy the position to which
He had been ordained of God, there
were but few individuals who had faith
in Him, or who were looking for the
coming of the Son of Man in fulfillment
of prophecy. Jesus, all His life, it may
be said, from the manger to the cross,
was very unpopular with the mass of
the human family, more particularly
the inhabitants of Jerusalum. His history is before the world. He died an
ignominious death upon the cross, and
those of His own Father's house, the
High Priests, and the leading men of
Jerusalem, were all in favor of His
death. Yet the Savior possessed truth.
He offered truth to the world; He offered life and salvation to the world.
But the principles He taught were unpopular in His day. He gathered
around Him a few followers; but the
acceptance of His principles cost them
their lives, as it did the life of the
Savior Himself. I do not know of
a man—except it was John the Revelator
—who escaped. They all died violent
deaths. They had to seal their testimony with their blood. Some were
crucified; others were sawn asunder,
beheaded, or in some way put to death
for the word of God and the testimony
of Jesus Christ. They were put to
death for their religion. How is it today? What name has been more honored, or more held up as an ensample to
the world than the name of Jesus
Christ? The Catholic world, the Protestant world, in fact the whole Christian world are professing to honor the
name of Jesus Christ. The Savior had
truth, but it was not received in His
day and time.
With regard to our own time my
mind is often led to reflect upon it.
Half a century has past and gone before the eyes of this generation, since
the God of heaven commenced, as in
former ages of the world, the fulfillment of prophecy and revelation contained in the Bible—this good old book
that the Christian world profess to believe in so much. The Lord has set
His hand to bring to pass some of these
prophecies and principles which He
had foreordained before the world was,
and which He has left on record
through the medium of holy men who
wrote and spoke as they were moved
upon by the Holy Ghost from generation to generation. Those prophecies
are with us to-day. They are contained
in the Bible, a book that is published
by millions throughout the Christian
world. The Christian world profess to
honor the Bible, and to honor the
prophecies and sayings of Christ and
the Apostles. But do they believe in
the fulfillment of these things? Do
they believe in the fulfillment of these
principles and truths which are to-day
being fulfilled in the eyes of heaven
and earth? No. Those prophecies and
those principles—which the God of
heaven has set His hand to carry out—
are as unpopular to-day throughout
the Christian world as they were when
Jesus of Nazareth stood in the flesh
and proclaimed the same to the
Jewish nation. We occupy the same
position that they did in that day and
generation with regard to these truths.
Now, as I have said, truth is mighty.
It always has prevailed in every age of
the world. It will prevail in this dispensation as it has done in others.
The God of Israel will no more fail today to carry out the principles which
He has stretched forth His hand to establish than he did in the days of either Adam, Enoch, Noah, or Jesus, or in
the days of any other dispensation.
The principles to which I allude—the
principles of the Gospel—are we
worthy the attention and comprehension of at least the Latter-day Saints,
and it would be well for the Christian
world to take them into consideration
also; for if truth is going to prevail in
the earth it certainly will involve the
destiny of this whole generation, Jew
and Gentile, high and low, rich and
poor, Zion and Babylon. It will involve the destiny of the whole world—
of the fourteen hundred millions of
people who breathe the breath of life
in it. And I bear record and testimony
as a servant of God, that the God of
heaven has set His hand to carry out
those great and eternal principles
which He decreed before the world was
made and which He has left on record
through the mouths of His prophets to
be fulfilled in the last dispensation and
fullness of times. Are those principles
popular to-day? They are not? Why
not? Because the world is not governed by the spirit of inspiration; because
its people do not seek the Lord; because they do not honor His name; but
they are governed and controlled by
other principles. But the Lord will
rule over His own Kingdom, notwithstanding the Devil has great dominion
to-day as he has had in almost every
age of the world. The inhabitants of
the earth have their agency. They
must use that agency according to the
desires of their own hearts whether
they be for good, or whether they be
for evil. But the day is at hand when
the Lord will show the children of this
generation that there is a God in Israel,
as He has done in other dispensations
when He has reigned. In all the history of the dealings of God with man
this one principle, sooner or later, has
manifested itself: that virtue exalteth
a nation, while sin is a reproach to any
people. You will see that this has
been manifested in the history of
all nations under heaven—in their rise
and progress and prosperity, and in
their fall and decline and in their final
overthrow and destruction. You will
find in every instance that sin, error,
darkness, falsehood, wrong-doing
have laid the foundation of the overthrow of every nation and city under
heaven from the foundation of the
world until the present time. What
men sow they will reap, and what
measure they measure to others will be
measured unto them.
To-day we occupy a peculiar position
as a people—as Latter-day Saints here
in these mountains. Here is a people
growing up in the earth who are organized into a Church, called the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
How did the organization of that
Church come about? Why, the God of
heaven has proclaimed through His
prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and
others, whose writings are contained
within the lids of the Bible, that in the
latter days He would set His hand to
call forth His Church out of the wilderness and out of darkness and error,
and establish it upon the foundation of
truth, Christ Jesus being the chief corner stone. The God of heaven also
proclaimed through Daniel, 4,000 years
ago, that in the latter days He would
set up a kingdom which should never
be destroyed; and the kingdom should
not be left to other people, but it
should break in pieces and consume all
these kingdoms, and it should stand
forever. That prophet also declared
that a little stone should be cut out of
the mountain without hands; that the
stone should become a great mountain
and fill the whole earth; and that it
should break in pieces all other kingdoms. Was that Prophet inspired by
the Spirit and power of God? I say in
the name of Israel's God he was, and
so was Isaiah when he spoke of the
gathering of the people unto the
mountains of Israel to establish the
Zion of God in its beauty, strength,
power and glory. The God of heaven also
inspired a prophet as he stood upon
the Isle of Patmos—John the Revelator
—and in connection with the great
events of the last dispensation and fullness of times he saw, in vision, an
"angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting Gospel to preach
unto them that dwell on the earth, and
to every nation, and kindred, and tongue and people, saying with a loud
voice, fear God and give glory to Him;
for the hour of His judgment is come."
Now I want this congregation; I want
the world; I want the Christian world;
I want the priests of the day who cry
aloud for the blood of innocence to be
shed to carry out their desires—I want
these priests and all who are laboring
to overthrow "Mormonism" to carefully inquire, whether those prophets
were inspired of God. And if they
were inspired of God, whether it is
right for them to make war against the
work of God in the earth? Whether it
would not be better to let these things
alone—to leave them in the hands of
the Lord and allow Him to govern and
control as He sees fit? And if these
men were inspired of the Lord and
made those proclamations—with thousands of others in the Bible and in the
revelations of God—the question is,
whether this warfare against God and
against His work is going to prevail?
The wicked will have no such
power; for the Lord has set His
hand to fulfill these things which have
been predicted by His Prophets—to establish His Church and Kingdom and
Zion upon the earth. He has
called Prophets, and they were
inspired of God. Joseph
Smith was a Prophet of God. He was
a man raised up by the power of God.
He received the testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by visions and revelation as did John the Revelator.
Angels appeared unto him and taught
him the ways of life. Those men who
held the Priesthood—who were put to
death in the flesh for the word of God
and the testimony of Jesus Christ—visited Joseph Smith. John the Baptist
conferred upon him the Aaronic Priesthood; Peter, James and John, the
Apostleship and Melchisedek Priesthood; and all the Prophets who held
any keys and powers belonging to the
Gospel, these also visited Joseph Smith,
and conferred upon him those keys and
powers and authority to administer
them on the earth. These are eternal
truths, as the God of heaven lives, and
they will prevail whether men believe
them or not, or whether the wicked
war against them or not. These truths
belong to God Himself. He is the author of them. He has given forth certain decrees, and they will have their
fulfillment in the earth.
Now, as far as the Latter-day Saints
are concerned, I will say to my brethren and sisters we ought to contemplate these principles. There is
no power organized beneath the heavens that can stay the hand of Almighty
God. He has set His hand to carry out
His purposes. The world hate this
people, because the Lord has called
them forth out of the world, the same
as He called His disciples of old. This
is the position we occupy to-day as His
people. Though our numbers are
small, yet "a little one shall become a
thousand, and a small one a strong nation:" and the Lord will hasten it in
His time. A little one has already become more than a thousand, or a hundred thousand, and in spite of all opposition this small one will become a
great nation, and God will hasten it in
His time, because God is our friend.
Now, these are truths. They have emanated from God Himself.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the law
of salvation. No man can be saved
without it. The Gospel is the power
of God unto salvation to every one
that believeth—to Jew or Greek, Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, or any other
sect or party on the face of the earth.
We, as Latter-day Saints, are called
upon to build up Zion. We have been
gathered to be instructed by inspiration
and through the medium of the Holy
Priesthood in the principles of eternal
truth. This is our condition to-day.
Fifty-three years have passed since
this work commenced. Joseph Smith
dwelt in the flesh some fourteen years
after he organized this Church. He
holds the keys of this dispensation on
both sides of the veil, and will hold
them forever. God ordained him to
perform a certain work. He performed
it. He stayed on the earth until his work
was finished. All the keys, powers
and principles which God gave unto
him he left with his brethren; although
whatsoever he left with his brethren
did not take from him; for as Jesus
says in a revelation given in regard to
the Priesthood:
"Whoso is faithful unto the obtaining
these two Priesthoods of which I have
spoken, and the magnifying their calling, are sanctified by the Spirit unto
the renewing of their bodies;
"And he that receiveth my Father,
receiveth my Father's Kingdom; therefore all that my Father hath shall be
given unto him;
"And this is according to the oath
and the covenant which belongeth to
the Priesthood;
"But whoso breaketh this covenant,
after he hath received it, and altogether turneth therefrom, shall not have
forgiveness of sins in this world nor
the world to come."—Doc. and Cov.,
Sec. 84.
Thus, although the Lord bestows upon His servants the same powers and
blessings that He Himself holds, it
does not take away these powers and
blessings from The Father. The Father
possesses all He had before. The Son
possesses all that he hath had given
unto him. So do the sons of the living God. When a man bestows those
gifts and blessings and powers upon
others, he does not lose them himself.
The Lord raised up Joseph Smith. He
organized this Church. It has been
organized for 54 years next April. And
what has been the consequence? Have
we had opposition? Yes. Have we had
persecution? Yes. Is not the desire of a great many millions of people
for our overthrow? Yes; and a great
many wish us put to death. Some men
go so far as to be willing to slay, utterly, men, women and children, because
they believe in what is termed "Mormonism," but which is really the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These things are
proclaimed to the world to-day. What
is the matter? Mormonism is unpopular. Why is it unpopular? "Because," say the priests of the day, "it
interferes with our rights. We preach
for hire and divine for money, and if the
Mormons were to prevail in the earth,
we should lose our business, and we
cannot endure it." "Why," says the
world, "you profess to believe in
polygamy, and that is why you are persecuted." No, you are mistaken about
that. The worst persecution this
Church ever endured was before polygamy was revealed to the Church. We
have had more prosperity since we carried out that law, and endeavored to
fulfill it according to the command of
God, than we ever had as a people before. And here is the principle with
me—I speak as an individual; I speak
for myself. If this work is of God; if
the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as revealed
to Joseph Smith, is true, then God will
take care of it; if the patriarchal law
of marriage comes from the God of Isrel, He will take care of it; He
will protect and defend it, and
He will uphold the people that
carry it out. I say this is in the
name of Israel's God. And if it is not
of God, who wants it? I don't, neither
do this people. I speak of this principle because I want my brethren and
sisters to understand the views I have
upon it.
I know we are engaged in the work
of the Lord. I know this is His Church.
He has organized it with Prophets and
Apostles in fulfillment of predictions
made thousands of years ago. This is
a work which was ordained before
the world was. The Lord Almighty
never created a world like this and
peopled it for 6,000 years as He has
done without having some motive in
view. That motive was, that we might
come here and exercise our agency.
The probation we are called upon to
pass through, is intended to elevate us
so that we can dwell in the presence
of God our Father. And that eternal
variety of character which existed in
the heavens among the spirits—from
God upon His throne down to Lucifer
the son of the morning—exists here
upon the earth. That variety will remain upon the earth in the creations
of God, and for what I know, throughout the endless ages of eternity. Men
will occupy different glories and positions according to their lives—according to the law they keep in the
But I want the Latter-day Saints to
understand their position. Our trust
is in God. With regard to men, it is
our duty to treat our fellow men
aright; to leave them in the hands of
God if they persecute us. The Lord
has a controversy with this generation.
This Bible, the Old and New Testament, contains a vast amount of, I will
say, tremendous revelations, tremendous events, which hang over the heads
of the people of this dispensation. Are
these events going to fall unfulfilled?
No; no more than they did in the days
of the fall of Babylon, of Ninevah, of
Jerusalem, and of other cities in the
nations of the earth. When the inhabitants of Jerusalem became ripe in
iniquity; though Jerusalem was the
royal city, in which was the Urim and
Thummim, and in which sacrifices
were made unto the Lord, yet the city
was laid low, and the Jews have been
trampled under the feet of the Gentiles for I,800 years. We are living at
the commencement of the Millennium,
and near the close of the 6000th year of
the world's history. Tremendous
events await this generation. You
can read an account of them
in the revelations of St. John;
the opening of the seals; the
blowing of the trumpets; the pouring
out of the plagues; the judgments of
God which will overtake the wicked
when Great Babylon comes in rememdrance before God, and when the
sword that is bathed in heaven shall
fall on Idumea, or the world who shall
be able to abide these things? Here
we are living in the midst of these
tremendous events.
We are in the hands of God; our nation is, and so are the nations of the
earth; and when they undertake
to overthrow the Kingdom of God,
which is decreed shall be established, they have somebody to fight
against besides Joseph Smith, Brigham
Young, or John Taylor, or any other of
the leaders of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints. This warfare is between God and the devil, between light and darkness, truth and error, between the heavens and the earth;
and that God who has supported His
work from the creation of the world,
is bound to do it unto the end. Where
have you ever read that the Kingdom
of God would be overthrown in the
last days? You cannot find it anywhere on the pages of the records of
divine truth. No; the revelations of
God will be fulfilled. And we must
exercise faith in that direction.
As the ancients had faith; as the world
was created by faith; as Noah built an
ark and preached the Gospel of repentance for 120 years by faith; as Abraham went out not knowing where he
was going by faith; as the ancients
performed many mighty works, such as
the subduing of cities and kingdoms
by faith; therefore I say to the Latterday Saints, you are required by the
God of Israel, your Heavenly Father,
by his Son Jesus Christ, by the holy
angels, and by every principle of eternal truth to exercise faith in the revelations of God, for they will be fulfilled
as the Lord lives. God is with this
people. But we are required to hearken to his voice, obey his commandments, and humble ourselves before
Him. And I thank the Lord that I
have lived to see the time when I believe there is a great improvement
among the Latter-day Saints. I believe they are exercising greater faith
in God. And there is a calmness prevailing among the Mormons—so called
—that is a marvel and a wonder to the
world. The world wonder why we are
not excited over the opposition that is
brought to bear upon us by the millions
of people who inhabit this continent,
as well as by the people of the nations
of the earth. The reason of our calmness is—God is our friend, our lawgiver, our deliverer. If the Lord cannot sustain His work, we certainly
cannot. But He can. He has always
done it, and will do it to the end.
Therefore I say to the Saints, fear not.
Trust in God. Let not your hearts be
faint. Let your prayers ascend to the
ears of the Lord of Sabbaoth day and
night. Ask what you want. When
you do that, the Lord will answer your
prayers, if you ask what is right.
There is where our strength lies. It is
in God. I have no hope in anything
else. But I do look upon the Latterday Saints as occupying a most glorious position in this day and age of the
world. This is the first time since God
created the world that he has ever established a dispensation to remain on
the earth until the coming of the Son
of Man—to remain in power and
strength and glory, until the Millennium,
until He reigns whose right it is to
reign. Behold what lies before you!
Behold the power of God! Behold the
prosperity of Zion! Behold the blessings which have rested upon your
houses, your lands, your flocks and
herds, your children—the blessings of
the earth as well as of the heavens—in
this mighty barren desert! Then why
should we have any doubts or fears
with regard to the Kingdom of God?
No! As a people we should rise up
in faith and power before God and
make our wants known, and leave our
destiny in His hands. It is there anyhow. It will remain there. And with
regard to our nation, I leave them
in the hands of God; but I would
to God their eyes were open to see and
understand the responsibilities that
rests upon them. I would to God that
the rulers of our land—the President
of the United States, the Congress of
the United States, the Supreme Court
of the United States—would learn the
responsibility the God of heaven will
hold them to in the administration of
those glorious principles laid down in
the Constitution of the government of
this country. The God of heaven will
hold this nation, as well as all other
nations, responsible for the manner in
which these principles are used. If
they misuse them, it will be their loss.
If they trample the Constitution under
foot; if they undertake to deprive any
portion of citizens of the rights the Constitution guarantees unto them, they
will be held responsible, and will have
to pay the bill. When innocent blood
is shed, it costs something; and I would
to God that our nation could understand the blessings they enjoy. There
is no nation on the face of the earth
that has the same liberty that is guaranteed to us by the Constitution of our
Have we any warfare with our government? Have we any reproach to
offer them? Not at all. I feel sorry
that this nation should sow seeds
which when ripe will bring destruction; for I know as God lives that if
this or any other government departs
from the principles of truth, become
ripened in iniquity, forsake the Lord,
forsake the principles of life and liberty, the God of heaven will hold them
responsible. Judgments will come
upon the wicked. When men depart
from the principles of truth and cleave
unto darkness and wickedness, they
reap the whirlwind; they lay the foundation for desolation.
I pray God my heavenly Father, that
His blessing may rest upon us as Latter-day Saints; that we may comprehend and understand our position, our
duties and our responsibilities to God.
When I look, brethren and sisters, upon this handful of men and women here
in these mountains of Israel, say 150,-
000, out of the fourteen hundred million people that dwell on the earth;
when I realize the responsibility that
God has laid upon the Latter-day
Saints, the responsibility of building
up this great Kingdom of our God, of
proclaiming the principles of eternal
life, light and truth to the world; when
I reflect upon these things I ask myself the question—What manner of men
ought we to be? Our numbers are
small compared even with the inhabitants of this nation, not to speak of
the inhabitants of the world; yet, as I
said before I say again, the God of
heaven looks to the Latter-day Saints
to carry on His work.
Then let us be careful. Let us realize our condition. Let us realize we
are here upon a mission. Let us realize that we will be held responsible for
the manner in which we fill it. We
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