Lift up your voice as with the sound of a Trumpet long and loud
as far as you have an opportunity in your day and declair the words of
life and salvation unto the Inhabitants of the Earth, you are ordained unto
this power, and you hold the Issues of Life and Death as far as the
salvation or or condemnation of the world is concerned, you are
called to stand in the Defence of the Truth and to bear yor record
of the Kingdom of God upon the Earth and your Testimony will rest
in judgment against the wicked in the day of Judgment in the day
when all man shall give an account of the deeds done in the body
your words shall be a savior of Life unto Life to those who believe
and obey or the savior of Death unto Death to those who reject
your Testimony. Therefore we say you go forth in peace and
the power of God to bear record of the words of Everlasting Life
and take upon you, and feel in your spirit this Apostleship, and
the Blessings of God will attend your Labors. We seal upon you
Every Blessing and every Key and Endowment of the New and Everlasting
Covenant Even the Blessing of AbrahamIsaac & Jacob in the
Name of Jesus Christ our Redeemer Amen
The spirit of God rested up us while we were administering to him the
Blessing of Brother Lyman I have not with me so I canot
record it
Oct 27, 1880
lift up your voice as with the sound of a trumpet
long & loud as far as you have an opportunity in you day
and declare the work of life & salvation unto the inhabitants
of the Earth. you areordained unto this power you hold the
Issues of of life & death as far as the salvation or condemnation
of the world is concerned, you are called to stand in the defence
of the truth and to bear your record of the Kingdom of God
on the Earth and your Testimony will rise in judgment
against the wicked in the day of Judgments in the day when all
men will give an account of the deeds done in the body
your words shall be a savior of life unto life to those who
believe and obey, or of Death unto Death to those who
reject your testimony. Therefore we say unto you go
forth in peace & the power of God to bear a record of the words
of veerlasting life, And take upon you and feel in your
spirit this Apostleship, and the blessings of God will attend your
labors we seal again your Evry Blessing, and evry Key and
Endowment of the New and Everlasting Covenant
Even the Blessing of AbrahamIsaac & Jacob in
the name of Jesus Christ our Redeemer Amen
The spirit of God rested upon us while we was ordaining
thes two Brethren to the Apostleship. The Blessing of Br
Lyman I have not God got therefore I cannot record it
Oct. 28, 1880 Dr Benedict arived from Paris and gave
us an Account of Br C. C. Rich. He was reviving some
but No prospect of final Recovery I wrote 3 letters to
[FIGURE] McAllisterTeasdale and Sarah
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