Oct 8. Conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Milo AndrewsF D Richards spoke
45 Minutes G Q Cannon then read the report of the Manti Temple
Districts to Oct 1, 1880 were expenditures $207,977.35 And for the Logan Cache Valley Temple $252,147.78 cts Afternoon Prayer By Joseph Young Orson Pratt spoke one hour & 20 Minutes. At the close of the Meeting we the
Apostles went into council and Deliberated upon the subject of organizing
a first Presidency we had held several concils upon this subject
and we finally left the subject untill another Meeting I met with
the priesthood Meeting An Article on the Aaronic Priesthood was
read Dictated By president Taylor and remarks made by John
Taylor W Woodruff & oO Pratt the spirit of God was with us
~ Saturday
Oct 9. Conference Met at 10 oclok D O Calder prayed Moses Thatcher spoke
61 Minutes & D H Wells 27. Afternoon Oct 9, J Vancott Prayed president Joseph YoungPray spoke 65 Minutes was 83 years & 6 months of age
A List of 29 Missionaries were called to Great Britain, one to Caniada, 9 to Scandinavia, 4 to United States, 5 to the Southern
States the foregoing are now in the field of Labor others were then called
who are to go after conference, 30 for Great Britain, t to Canada,
190 to Scandinavia, 1 to the Sandwich Islands, 9 to the United States
31 to the Southern States. Afternoon Meeting called to order By W Woodruff Joseph F Smith spoke 22 Minutes conference adjourned untill sunday 10 oclok
The Apostles Met in council at 6 oclk and Decided to organize
the first presidency W Woodruff Nominated John Taylor to be [FIGURE] The President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints and it was carried unanimously president Taylor
then chose George Q Cannon for his first councillor & Joseph F Smith for
his second councillor
Oct 7, 1880
Had sealed 14255 couple
Oct 8. Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Milo AndrewsF D Richards
45 Minutes. G Q Cannon then read the report of the Manti Temple
District to Oct 1, 1880. Expenditures on the Temple were
$207,977.35 And for the Logan Cash valley Temple
$252,147.78 Afternoon Prayer By Joseph YoungOrson
Pratt spoke one hour & 20 Minutes.At the close of the Meeting, we
the Apostles met in council, and debated upon the propriety of
organizing the first Presidency we had held several councils
upon this subject and we finally left the subject untill another
Meeting I met with the Priesthood meeting An Article on the
Aaronic Priesthood was read dictated By President
Taylor. And remarks made By John Taylor W Woodruff
and O Pratt the spirit of God was with us
Oct 9. Conference Met at 10 oclok. D O Calder Prayed
Moses Thatcher spoke 61 Minutes. D H Wells 27. Afternoon John
Vancott Prayed President Joseph Young spoke 65 Minutes. was
83 years of age & 6 months A List of 29 Missionaries was
Called to Great Britain, one to Canida, 9 to Scandinavia,
4 to the United States & 5 to the Southern States. The foregoing are
now in the field of labor, 30 for Great Britain, 10 to
Scandinavia, 1 to the Sand wich Islands, 9 to the United
States, 31 to the Southern States. Joseph F Smith then
spoke 22 Minutes. Conference adjourned untill sunday 10
The Apostle then Met in council at 6 oclok and
Decided to organize the first Presidency of the Church
FIGURES Wilford Woodruff Nominated John
Taylor to be the President of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
and it was carried unanimously President John
Taylor then chose George Q Cannon as his first
councillor and Joseph F Smith as his second
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