He unbosomed his feelings in the House of his friends gave much important instruction
to the Elders which was not reported he urged upon us ^the absolute necessity of giving strict heed to obey^ to give heed to his teachings and
councils ^and the revelations of the Lord to the Church^ and be wise in all things that Zion and her stakes might be redeemed and
esstablished ^no more to be thrown down^ in esstablished. He said that the Kings of the Earth would yet come to
behold the glory of Zion and great and glorios blessings would be bestowed upon the
Saints in the last days. Hiram SmithfollowedJosephand bore testimony to the truth of what he had said.He ^&^ was followed by Oliver Cowdery who made but few remarksHe exhorted the Saints ^Elders^ to keep within the bounds of their knowledge
and let the great mysteries of the kingdom alone, for the gentiles had not a knowledge
even of the first principles of the gospel, for it is far better to preach what the people
would call the small things of the Kingdom than to enter into the visions of Isaiah, Ezekiel, and John. He was followed by Elder Sidney Rigdon with
a few remarks.Then the Twelve were called upon to break bread ^which was distributed to the^ to the multi-
tude, (as Jesus did in the days of the Apostles ^who eat and were filled^) And the multitude eat and were filled and rejoiced together at the closed of the feast thanks was returned to the Lord for his blessings with uplifted hands to heaven which was at the ^Thanks was returned at the meeting closed at the^
setting of the sun. But The House was again filled at candle light and the meeting again commenced with much interest.The prophet Joseph
^President Smith^ requested the congregation ^Elders^ to speak their feelings freely and sing exhort or
pray as the spirit should give utterance. The meeting continued during the
whole night many of the gifts were poured out upon the people. and at break
of day the meeting was ^we were^ dismissed and we returned to our homes
I also spent the night of the in the Temple with several of the
Elders in prayer and praise before the Lord the Holy Ghost rested upon
us and the spirit of prophesy was given unto ^us^ and many things were
shown us by the Holy Spirit. Sunday The patriarch Joseph Smith opened the meeting in the morning by prayer and read the twelvth Chapter of the 2 second Book of Nephi and preached from it during the forenoon in the afternoon Elders Kimball, O Pratt, and S. Rigdon, spoke followed by the Prophet Joseph ^April 9th president Smith spoke in the afternoon^ He & said in the name of the Lord that the judgments of God would
rest upon those men who had professed to be his friends and friends to humanity
and the ^in^ building up Kirtlandthe ^a^ stake of Zion, but had turned traitors to him and
to interest of the Kingdom of God had given power into hands of our enemies
against us, and they had oppressed the poor Saints, and had become covenant
breakers for which they will feel the wrath of God, he said they had become
whited walls and sought to bring distress upon the Saints
He unbosomed his feelings in the House of his friends gave much instruction
to the Elders he urged upon us the absolute necessity of giving strict heed to obey his teachings and
councils and the revelations of the Lord to the Church and be wise in all things that Zion and her stakes might be redeemed and
esstablished no more to be thrown down. He said that the Kings of the Earth would yet come to
behold the glory of Zion and great and glorios blessings would be bestowed upon the
Saints in the last days. Hiram Smith bore testimony
& was followed by Oliver Cowdery who
exhorted the Elders to keep within the bounds of their knowledge
and let the great mysteries of the kingdom alone, for the gentiles had not a knowledge
even of the first principles of the gospel, it is far better to preach what the people
would call the small things of the Kingdom than to enter into the visions of
Isaiah, Ezekiel, and John. He was followed by Elder Sidney Rigdon with
a few remarks. the Twelve break bread which was distributed to the multitude, ( who eat and were filled)
Thanks was returned at the meeting closed at the
setting of the sun. The House was again filled at candle light
President Smith requested the Elders to speak their feelings freely and sing exhort or
pray as the spirit should give utterance. The meeting continued during the
whole night many of the gifts were poured out upon the people. at break
of day we were dismissed
I also spent the night of the in the Temple with several of the
Elders in prayer and praise before the Lord the Holy Ghost rested upon
us and the spirit of prophesy was given unto us and many things were
shown us by the Holy Spirit.
April 9th president Smith spoke in the afternoon & said in the name of the Lord that the judgments of God would
rest upon those men who had professed to be his friends and friends to humanity
and in building up Kirtland a stake of Zion, but had turned traitors to him and
to interest of the Kingdom of God had given power into hands of our enemies
against us, and they had oppressed the poor Saints, and had become covenant
breakers for which they will feel the wrath of God, he said they had become
whited walls and sought to bring distress upon the Saints