Chapter 1; My missions to Fox Islands
My Travels through Canada and visit
to my parents in Connecticut while on my journey
Having returned from my Southern Mission in the
fall of , in company with A. O. Smoot
& Jesse Turpit, I spent the winter in of 1835,,
in Kirtland, received my Endowments, and attended the
school taught by profeser Haws who taught Greek
Latten & English Gramer, I confined myself mostly
to Lattin & English Gramer. This Winter & Spring
in some respects was one of the most interesting in
the History of the Church considering the Endowments &
teachings given and the Apostisy which followed
I was Married to Miss Phebe Whittemore Carter
on the , I received my patri-
archal Blessing under the hands of president Joseph
Smith the patriach on the
I felt impressed ^By the spirit of God^ to take a Mission to Fox
Islands, on the East of Maine a country I knew
nothing about I made my feelings known to
some of the leading Apostles and they advised me
to go, so on the
The time having arrived for me to start on
my mission I did not tary at home one year
according to the Law of Moses after having married
me a wife I ownly tarried one Month & 18 days
and on the , I took the parting hand with
my wife whom I left at with Sister Hale, where she
was expecting to tary for the season. After parting with
other friends I Kirtland left Kirtland in good spirits
and walked in company with Johnathon G Hale
12 miles to Fairport was there joined by Elder Milton
Holmes we went on board of the Steamer
Sandusky went to Buffaloo and by the Erie Canal
to sary Syracuse. We walked from there to Richland,
Oswego Co where I met my two brothers whom I had
not seen for several years after spending one night there
we continued our journey on foot to Sackets Harbor &
crossed Lake Ontario on the Steamer Onida to Kingston
Upper Canida we took a steamer & traveled on the
canal to Jons Falls & walked to a place called Bastard
Leads county, where we found a Branch of the Church received up
by John E page & James Blakesly, we accompanying them to
their place of meeting and attended a Conference with them
the conference consisted of 300 members of the Church
there were 32 persons presented for ordination which I
was requested to ordain in company with Elder Wm
Draper we ordained 7 Elders 9 priest, 11 Teachers
& 5 Deacons. We spoke to the people several times during the
conference. At the close of the conference we were called
upon to administer to a woman who was possessed
with the Devil she at times was dumb & greatly
afflicted with the evil spirits that dwelt in her
She believed in Jesus of Nazareth and in us as his
servents, and wished us to administer to her
four of us laid hands upon her head and
commanded the Devil in the Name of Jesus Christ
to come ^depart^ out of her, and it was immediately done
and the woman arose with great joy and gave thanks
and praise unto God for according to her faith she
was made whole from that hour, a child
also that was sick was made whole by the laying on
of hands according to the word of God see Mark 16 ch 17.
we walked 30 miles to visit another Branch of the
Saints at Leeds where we met with John Goodson
& John Snider. We held meetings & bore our testimony
the to the people. A Sister Carns presented unto us two
of her children who were sick one a such lay child lay at
the point of death I took it in my arms presented it to
the Elders who laid their hands upon it and it was
healed & I presented it whole to its Mother. It was healed
by the power of God in the name of Jesus both children
were healed and the parents prasied God for his goodf
goodness. After leaving the Saints in this place we returned
to Kingston crossed Lake Ontario in company with Isaac
Russell ^John Goodson & John Snider^ who seemed constantly trouble with evil
spirits Broth Russell These three Brethren continued with
us to Schenectady where they parted with us to go to
New York to join Elders Heber C Kimball & Orson Hyde
on their mission to England to preach the Gospel
After leaving these Brethren we traveled by road to
Abbey and walked from there to Canaan Conn whare
we found a Branch of the Church including Jesse & Julian
Moses & Francis ^K^ Benedict. We held a ^2 days^ Conference with
the Saints in Canaan I ordained Julian Moses &
Francis K Benedict Elders. After holding several Meetings
in the Town of Colebrook and visiting my half sister
Eunice Woodruff who was teaching school ^on the ^ I visited Avon
Avon the place of my birth I visited many of my
former Neighbors & relatives and the Grave of
my Mother Bulah Woofruff the Daughter of Lot
Thompson who died aged 26 years
The following vers was upon her tomb stone
A Pleasing Form, a generous gentle heart
A good companion just without art
Just in her dealings, faithful to her friend
Beloved through Life, lamented in the end
At the close of the day I walked 6 miles
to Farmington where my Father Aphek Woodruff
was living, and I had the happy privilege of
on[c]e more meeting with my Father & Step Mother
which I had not seen for some seven years they
received me with great kindness and it was a happy
meeting. After visiting my Father a day or two I
returned to Avon where most of our relatives lived
lived and held meetings with them and on
the , I baptized my Uncle Ozem Woodruff
& his wife Hannah, & his son John and we rejoiced
together for this was in fulfillment of a dream I
had in when I was eleven years of age
We all rejoiced together. On the I had an
apointment to preach at my Uncle Adna Harts
while there I had the happy privilege of meeting
with my wife Phebe W Woodruff who had
had come from Kirtland to meet me & accompany
me to her Fathers home in Scarboro
Maine. Those who had assembled together
to hear me speak were relatives, Neighbors,
H former friends. After meeting we returned to
Farmington to my Fathers home where I
spent the night with my Father Mother Step
Mother, Sister & wife Elder Hale was also
with us, on the , Elder Hale left us
to go to his friends in New Rowley Mass
and on the same evening I held a meeting
in the Methodist meeting house in the Town of
Farmington I had a large congregation
of citizens with whom I had been acquainted
from my youth up. My parents wife and sister
attended the meeting. The congregation seemed
satisfied with the doctrin I taught and
they requested me to hold another meeting, but
I felt anxious to continue my journey and on
the I parted with my father Step Mother
& Sister and took stage for Hartford
with my wife and on my arrival at Hartford
not having money to pay the fare of both of us
I paid the fare of my wife to Rowley Mass where
there was a Branch of the Church presided over
by Br Nathaniel Holmes Father of Johnathan
& Milton Holmes and I journeyed on foot
the first day 52 miles the 2nd 48, & the third
day 302 mils and arrived at arrived at Rowley at 2 oclock
making 136 mils in a little over two days &
a half I spent eight days at New Rowley holding
meetings and visiting the Saints including the
Holmes family I left on the
and on the in company with my wife &
Elder Hale I visited my wifes Father family
Ezra Carter in Scarboro Maine, it being
the first time I had ever seen any of her
relatives we were very kindly received. My wife
Phebe had been absent from her home about
about one year I spent 8 days with Father
Carter & Household visiting the relatives & Saints in
Scarboro and one day I went out into the sea with
a B Fabyan & Ezra Carter my Brothers in Law in
a boat to fish with hooks we caught 250 Cod
Haddock & Hake and we saw four whales two
at at a time, the first ^time^ in my life that I had
ever seen that kind of a fish that swallowd
Jonah. On the , I parted with
my Wife and her Fathers household leaving her
with them, and in company with Johnathan H
Hale started upon my mission to that I had
in view when I left Fo Kirtland to visit
Fox Islands to preach the Gospel to the inhabitants
thereof. We walked 10 miles to portland & took the
steem boat Bangor which took us to Owls Head
where we went on board of a sloop which landed us
on North Fox Islands at 2 oclock on the of Auguts
August This town is called Vinal Haven it
includes both North & South Fox Islands in Lat
44 North Long 69, 10, population 1800
Chapter 2nd A short history of Vinal Haven
population, the persuit of the people, The introduction
of the Gospel, and success in the same
The Town of Vinal Haven includes both North
and South Fox Islands in Lat 44 North and Long
69, 10 East population 1800. the inhabitants are intelegent,
industrious & hospitable to strangers. The people get
most of their wealth & living by fishing. The town
fits out over 100 licensed sail besides smaller
craft. North Fox Island is 9 miles long 2 miles wide
pop 800. They have a post office one store a Baptist Church
& Meeting House 4 school houses & a ^tide^ grist-mill. The land
is rather rough yet their is some good farms, the products
are wheat, barley, oats, potatoes and grass, the principle
timber is fir, spruce, hemlock & birch rasp & gooseberries
grow in great abundance, some upland cranberries, sheep
the principle Stock, South Fox Islands comes as near
being without any form or capable of description as any
spot on Earth of consequence. It would be difficult for
any Historian to describe it, it is about 10 miles long
& 5 broad and is one universal mass of rocks, formed
into shelves hills & dales vallies cut up into nooks
and points to make room for the coves and harbors that
run through & through the Island pop 1000
The[y] get their living entirely by fishing. There
is a few garden patches under cultivation
but at great expens, some sheep are kept upon
the Island. Many of the inhabitants fish at New-
Foundland, & bring the fish home and cure them
on flakes and prepare them for Market, they
supply the market with great quantities of Cod
Mackerel and Boxed Herren. upon this Island
there are two stores, three tide saw mills, six
school houses, and a small branch of the Methodist
Church & a priest, what timber there is upon this
Island such as pine, fir, spruce, Hemlock, Birch
where the living rasp & goose berries mostly grow out of the
cracks of the rocks, There is great quantities of fish
inhabit the waters coves & harbors around these Islands
such as whales, blackfish, shark, Ground shark, pilot fish,
Horse Mackeral, Sturgeon, psalmon salon,
Holloboat, Cod, pollach, Tom Cod Hake, Haddock
Mackerel, stoat, Bass, Alewives, Herren, Pohagen,
Dolphin, Whiting, Frost fish, Flounders, Smelt, Skate
shrimp skid, Cusk, Bluebacks, scollop, Dogfish
Muttonfish, Lumpfish, squid Fivefingers M
Monkfish, Nurshfish, sunfish, swordfish
Thrasher, Cat, Scuppog, Tootog, Eye fish, Cunner,
Ling, Eels, also Lobsters, Clams, Scollop Mussels
Wincles, and porposes & seal &c &c
Thus I have a brief account of Vinal Haven
It was quite dark when we landed upon the
shore shore at 2 oclock on the morning of the ^without a farthing in money^. We made our way over the rocks & beaches
the best we could untillw untill we found a home
we landed without a farthing in money we rap[p]ed
at the door a woman put her head out of the
window and asked who was there & what we wanted I
told her we were two strangers and wanted a bed
to lie down untill morning, she let us in ang gave
us a bed and we slept untill quite late in
the morning it being sunday when we arose and
took breakfast it was nearly noon I asked
her what she charged us for our entertainment
She said we were welcome, I then asked her if
there was any religion or Minister or Church on the
Island she informed me there was a Baptist Minister
by the name of Newton who had a congregation and
Meeting house about two miles from there so
we thanked her for her kindness and walked to
the Meeting House and steped inside of the door
and stood untill a Deacon came to the door
I asked him to go & tell the Minister in the
pupit that there was two servants of God at
the door who had a message to deliver to that
people & wished the privilege of delivering it. He sent
word to us to come into the pulpit so we walked
through the congregation with our valieces under
our arms, and took a seat each side of the Minister
who was about to speak as we came to the door
He arose and delivered his discours to the people
of about half an hours length, when he closed
he asked me what was my wish I told him we
wished to speak to the people any hour that would
suit his convenience and the people so he gave
out word that there were two strangers present
who would speak to the people at 5 oclock. We were
quite a wonderment to the people not knowing
who we were Mr Newton invited us home to
tea which we gladly exepted when we arrived at
his home I opened my valiece and took out
the Bible Book of Mormon & Doctrin & Covents
and laid them on top of each other and took my seat
Mr Newton took up the Books and looked
at them but said Nothing I then asked him
if there were any school houses on the Island he
said there was four school houses I asked him
if they were free to preach in he said yes they were
Numbered from one to four at the time appointed
Mr Douglass & family accompanied us to the
Meeting House where we met a large congregation
none of whom knew who we were or our profession
except Mr Douglass Elder Hale and myself went into
the Stand and I arose amid peculiar feelings and
addressed the congregation for one hour from Gal 1, Ch
8 & 9 verses. This was the first time that I or [any]
Elder in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints
(to my knowledge) had attempted to preach the Gospel
to the inhabitants of any Island of the Sea fulness
of the Gospel, & the Book of Mormon to the inhabitants
of any Island of the Sea I had much liberty in
speaking and informed the people that the Lord had raised
up a prophet and organized his Church as in the days
of Christ and the ^ancient^ Apostles, with prophets & Apostles
and the gifts of the Church, as anciently and that
the Lord had brought forth the Book of
Mormon. At the close of my remarks Elder Hale
bore testimony, I gave liberty for any one to speak
that wished no one spoke at the close I gave
notice that we should hold meeting during the
next four evenings in the school house beginning
with No. 1. The first 13 days of our abode on the Island
we preached 17 discourses being invited by the
Inhabitants to tarry with them I left a copy
of the Doctrins & Covents with Mr Newton to
read which he did do and the spirit of God bore testimony
testimony to him of its truths and he walked
his room till midnight trying to decide what
to do whether to receive or reject it and he with
his family attended about a dozen of my first meet-
ings then made up his mind contrary to the
dictation of the spirit of God to him, to reject it
and came out against me. But we commenced baptizing
his flock. The first two we baptized was a
sea Captain & his wife by the name of Justis Eames
Brother Johnathan H Hale went down into the sea
and baptized them on Sunday the the
first ever baptized upon any Island of the Sea in
this dispensation to my knowledge, and on the next
sabbath I baptized his Brother Ebenezar Eames another
Sea Captain and a young Lady. Mr Newton the
Baptist Minister now commenced a war agaist us
against us and sent to the South Island for
a Mr Douglass a Methodist Minister to
(with whom he had been at variance for
years) to come over and help him put down
mormonism. He came over and held a conf-
-erence and got all the people together they could
and he railed against Joseph the prophet and the Book
of Mormon and he took the Book in his hand
and with an out stretched [hand] declaired he knew none
of the Judgments of God that would come upon him
for rejected that Book as the word of God
but (I never learned what his sentiments were
upon this subject at the end of his tearm of
fourteen years ^imprisonment^ in the Thomastons penetentiary
for a rape upon his daughter the judgment of
which was given upon the testimony of both wife
and daughter) I was present at & heard Mr
Douglass in his discours upon the occasion
and took minutes of the same when he closed
I came and informed the people I would meet
with them next Sunday in the meeting house &
answer Mr Douglass and wished him as well
as the people to be present I informed the people
that Mr Douglass had made many fals statements
against Joseph Smith and the mormons a people with
whom he had No aquaintance and he had
misquoted much scripture all of which I wished
to correct. We continued to baptize the people
on the North Island untill we had baptized every
person who owe dollars in the Baptist Meeting
House I then followed Mr Douglass home
To the South Island and preached the
Gospel to and baptized nearly all the members
of his Church. The excitement became great
upon both Islands, and on Sunday the
, I met a large assembly from both
Islands in the Baptist Meeting house and
took up the same subject that Mr Douglass
had dwelt upon against the Book of mormon
and our principles I spoke 2 1/2 hours and
answered ery every objection against the Book of
Mormon or Joseph Smith or our principles
I had good attention and the people seemed satisfied
at the close of the meeting Elder Hale administered
the ordinance of baptism, Mr Newton in
order to try to save his cause went to the
main land and brought over several ministers
with him and held a protracted meeting to try
to stop the work of God among the people, but it
was of no avail for the whole people would
attend our meeting and receive the word of God
and we continued to baptize. We visited the dwelling
[page folded] of most of the inhabitants of the Islands
while standing upon Mr Carvers farm on the East
end of the north Island we counted 55 Islands some
were inhabited but the majority of them were not, we also
saw twenty ships under sail at the same time
we had no lack for food while upon these Islands
for if we did not wish to trouble any of our friends
for a dinner we would borrow a spead or hoe & bucket
& go onto the beach & dig a peck of clams & boil
them and they would make us a delicious meal
which we often practiced, On the , Elder
Hale & myself went onto the top of a high granite
rock upon the South Island, for prayer and supplication
we sat down upon under a pine growing out of
a fissure of the rock and Brother Hale read the
XVI Chapter of Jeremiah speaking of the hunters and
fishers that God would chuse up in the last days to
gather Israel and of a truth here we were on
an Island of the sea standing upon a rock where
we could sirvey the gallant ships and also the
Islands which were as full of rock holes & coves as any
part of the Earth. But what had brought us here
to search out the blood of Ephraim the honest and
meek of the Earth, and gather them from there
, which followed him to England and the
^HCK & Oxford^
Twelve while administering to ^him^ at prestin England, had
a severe contest with them as Heber C Kimball
has related in his History
When eleven years of age I had I dreamed
that I saw the had a dream which made a
great impression upon my mind. In this dream
the final judgment was portrayed to me, and I
saw hosts of persons depositing their riches
The ^W. Woodruffs^ Englands Missions of 1840
Joseph Smith the prophet asked the Lord what
his will was concerning the Twelve, and the Lord
answered in a revelation given
in which the Lord says Let them take leave
of my Saints in the City Far West on the
next on the building spot
of my Home saith the Lord, Let my servant
John Taylor and also my servant John E Page
and also my servant Wilford Woodruff and also
my servant Willard patriarch be appointed to fill
the places of those who have fallen and be
officially notified of their Appointment. [Doctrine and Covenants 118:5-6]
It will be observed that different from nearly
all other revelations in the instant a day & date
was given and place was given for the commencment
of this Mission and when this revelation was
given all was peace & quiet And in Missouri & at
Far West but before the time being for the fulfillment
of that revelation The Saints of God had been driven
out of the State of Missouri into Illinois under
under the Edict of Gov Boggs and the Missourians
had sworn that if all the other revelations of
Joseph Smith were fulfilled that should not be
as it had a day & date to it and they would see
that it should not be fulfilled. It almost seemed
as though the Lord having a foreknowledge of what
would take place had placed a day & date to
that revelation to see whether the Apostles would
obey that revelation at the risk of their lives
when the time drew near for the fulfillment of
this commandment of the Lord Brigham Young
being then president of the Twelve (As Thomas B.
Marsh had fallen) He called the Twelve together who
were then at Quency Illinois to see what our
Minds would be about going to Far West to
fulfill the revelation Father Joseph Smith the
patriarch and others who were present did not
think it wisdom for us to attempt it as our
lives would be at stake and thought the Lord
would take the will for the deed But when
president Young asked the Twelve what their feelings
were upon the sub[ject] [page torn] We all of us as in the voice
of one man said the Lord God had spoken and
it was for us to obey, It was the Lords business
to take care of his saints and we would
fulfull the commandment or die a trying. According
to our revalation on the I
took into my waggon Brigham Young & Orson
Pratt and Father Cutler took into his waggon
George A Smith & John Taylor & George A Smith
On the way we overtook John E Page who was
on his way with his family to Quincy Ill His
waggon had turned over and when we met him
he was trying to gather up a barrel of soft soap
with his hands, we helped him right up his
waggon he drove down into the vally below
and accompanied us on to far west. On the
night of we arived at Far West and spent
the night at the Home of Morris Phelps who was
still in prison On the morning of the , Notwithstanding the threats of our Enemies
that the revelation that was to be fulfilled this
day should not be and Notwithstanding that
ten thousands of the saints had been driven out of
the state by the edict of the Governor
and though the prophet Joseph & Hyrum Smith
with other leading men were in the hands of our
enemies and in chains & in prison still we
moved on to the Temple Ground in the City of Far West
and held a council and fulfilled the revelation
and commandment given unto us, and among
other things that we performed at this Council we
excommunicated from the Church 31 person who
had apostetized from the Church and turned to be our
enemies. The mission of the Twelve was sung
we then repaired to the South East Corner of the
Temple Ground and with the arrival of Elder ^Alpheus^ Cutler the
Master workman of the building Committee, we
laid the South East ^Club^ Corner of Stone of the Temple
according to revelation there were present of the
Twelve Apostles Brigham Young Heber C Kimball
Orson pratt John E page and John Taylor who proceeded
to ordain Wilford Woodruff and George A Smith
to the office of the Apostleship and as members of the
Quorum of the Twelve in the place of those who had
fallen as they had been called by revelation
Then vocal prayer was offered up in the following order
Darwin Chase & Normon Shearer
Brigham Young Heber C Kimball
Darwins Chase and Norman Shearer (who had
just been liberated from Richmond prison) were
also ordained to the office of Seventies. The Twelve
then offered up vocal prayer in the following order
Brigham Young, Heber C Kimball, Orson Pratt John E Page
John Taylor Wilford Woodruff and George A Smith
After which they sung Adam^on^di Aman and then the
Twelve took their leave and parting hand of the following
Saints agreeable to revelation viz A Brother Elias
Smith, Norman Shearer, Wm Burton, Stephen Pecke,
Artemusia Granger, Martha Peck, Sarah Granger
Theodore Turley, Hiram Clark, & Daniel Shearer,
Then we took the parting hand of this small remnant
of Saints who remained on the Temple ground to see us
fulfill this revelation of God and commandment of God,
and turned our back upon Far West and Missouri
and returned to Illinois, and we accomplished this mis-
sion without a dog to move his tongue on any man
to say why do you so. We reached Quincy crossed the
Mississippi river on the steem ferry & entered Quincy on the
and we all had the joy of receiving our
families once more in peace & safety un There was an
incident unaccounted with our journey well worthy of record
that while we were on our journey to fulfill the revelation
Joseph the prophet & his companions in chains had got
liberated through the blessings of God from his enemies
& prison and passed us not far distant from each
other without either party knowing it, they making their
way for their families in Illinois while we were making
our way to Far West into the hands ^midst^ of our enemies
so they arrived home to their families & friends before
our return. was a very interesting day to
me as well as others. In company with 5five others
of the Quorum of the Twelve we rode four miles
out of town to Mr Clevelands to visit Br Joseph
Smith & his family we arrived at his home & once more
had the happy privelege of taking Br Joseph by the hand
two years had rolled away since I had seen his face.
He greeted us with great joy as did Hyrum and
Lyman Wight all of whom had escaped their imprisonment
to gether they had been confined in prison six months
and been under sentence of death three times, but yet
their lives were in the hands of God and He had
delivered them and they were now mingling with their
wives children & friends and out of the reach of the
mob and Joseph was frank open and familiar
in ◊◊◊d our rejoicing was great. No man
can comprehend feel, sens or understand the joy
or sensation that is created by such a meeting
except those who have born the Holy priesthood
and been in tribulation for the Gospel sake after
spending the day together with returned to our families at
night. On the day following , we met in conference
in Quincy The prophet Joseph presiding which caused
great joy to all the Saints, much business was done
on the 4, but on Sunday the Joseph Smith addressed
the assembly followed by Sidney Rigdon & the Twelve
Apostles the spirit of the Lord was poured out upon us
and we had a glorious day.
On the following day , I met with the Seventies &
we ordained 60 men into the Quorum of Elders & Seventies
Brother Joseph met with the Twelve, ^Bishops^ and Elders of
Bishp ^Bishop^ Partridges Home, and there was a number with
us who was wounded at Hauns Mill among the number
was, Isaac Laney, who was in company with about
Twenty others at the Mill. A large armed Mob ^fell upon^ and
^them^ with rifles and other weapons and shot down 17
of the Brethren & wounded others Brother Laney fled from the
scene but the[y] poured a shower of led after him which
peirced his body through and through, He showed eleven
ball holes in his body, there were 27 in his shirt
7 in his pantaloons, and his coat litteraly cut to
peaces one ball entered one arm pit & came out of the
other another entered his back and came out at
the breast a ball passed through each hip each leg
and each arm all this was while he was running for
life and as strange as it may appear, all those wounds
with one broaken rib did not lessen his speed
but he out run his enemies & carried his life
we can ownly acknowledge it to be by the power
and Mercy of God, president Joseph Young was also
among the number He also fled although the balls flew
around him like l◊◊d yet he was not wounded How
marvelous are the ways of the Lord
Before starting upon our missions to England
we were under the necessity of settling our
families, And as a place called Commerce
afterwards called Named Nauvoo was chosen
for our people to settle I left Quincy in
company with El Brother Brigham Young & our
families on the and arrived in Commerce
on the and after an interview with Joseph
we crossed the river into the old Military Barracks
in Iowa, and there took up our alode abode
for our Families, President Brigham Young and myself
[page covered] [w]ith our families both went into one room
[page covered] [a]bout 14 feet square. Finally Br Young obtained a
room and moved into it by himself then Orson
Pratt & family moved into the same room with
myself and family, ^A day of Gods Power^ while I was living in these cabins
with in the old barracks we experienced a day of Gods
with the prophet Joseph. It was a very sickly time
and Joseph had given up his Home in Commerce to
the sick and had a tent pitched in his door yard
and was living in that himself, and the large emigration
who had been driven out of Missouri was flocking into
Commerce but had no homes to go into was lying
in the waggons in tents & on the ground and many
were sick though the expenses they were subject to
and Br Joseph had waited on the sick untill
he was worn out and nearly sick himself. But in
the morning of the he arose in the
morning reflecting upon the salvation of the Saints
of God in their persecutions & affilictions and he
called upon the Lord in prayer and the power of
God rested upon him mightely and he arose up
^in the Name of^ as [did] Jesus healed all the sick around him in his day
So Joseph the prophet of God healed all around him upon
this occasion he healed all in his house and
door yard Then in company with Sidney Rigdon &
several of the Twelve Heber Kimball & Parley P Pratt who had
just got out of prison accompanied him and he
^went^ through among the sick lying on the bank of the River
and he commanded in a loud voice in the name
of Jesus Christ to come up and be made whole and
they were all healed and when they had healed all
that were sick on the East side of the river they crossed
the Mississippi river in a ferry boat to the west side
to Montrose where we were. The first home they went
into was President Brigham Youngs who was on his
bed sick at the time BThe prophet went into his
home and healed him and they all come out together
as they were passing by my door Brother Joseph sayes
Brother Woodruff follow me this was the ownly word
spoken by any of the company from the time they left
Brother Brighams House till we crossed the public square
and entered into Brother Fordham House He had
been dying for an hour and we expected each minute
would be his last I felt the power of God that
was overwhelming the prophet of God when we entered
the House Br Joseph walked up to Brother Fordham
& took him by the right hand Joseph
[page covered] [hol]ding his hat in his left hand Br Joseph saw
that his eyes were glazed He speechless and uncon-
cious He held his hand in his looking him in
the sp face He says Br Fordham Do you not know
me[?] at first he made no reply but we could all
see the effects of the Spirit of God resting upon him
He again said Elijah do you not know me[?] with
a low whisper he said yes, He then said have you
not faith to be healed, His answer a little planer
was I am afraid it is to late if you had come
sooner I think I might have been, He had the appearance
of a man waking out of sleep, it was from the sleep
of Death Joseph then said do you not believe that
Jesus is the Christ, I do Br Joseph. Then the prophet
of God spoke with a loud voice as in the Majesty of
the GodHead Elijah I command you in the Name
of Jesus of Nazareth to arise and be made whole. The
words of the prophet was not like word of man but
like the voice of God. It seemed to me that the House shook
from its foundation, Elijah Fordham leaped from
his bed like a man raised from the dead [to] life and
a healthy color came to face, and life was m[an]-
ifest in ery act. His feet were done up in
Indian Mud poltices, He kicked it off his feet and
scattered its contents and he called for clothes put
them on called for a boul of bread & milk & eat
it put on his hat and followed us into the street
to visit others who were sick. The unbeliever may
ask was there not deception in this, if there is any
deception in the mind of the unbeliever There was
none with Elijah Fordham the dying man nor
with those who were present, with him for a few minutes
more he would have been in the spirit world which to day
^through the blessings of God he lived up to in which year^
being 41 years since that event he is alive in the
^he died in Utah^
Mortal body in Salt Lake City while all who were with
him on that occasion with the exception of two are in the
spirit world, Among the Number were Joseph & Hyrum Smith
Sidney Rigdon, Brigham Young Heber C Kimball George A.
Smith and Parly Pratt, Orson Pratt & Wilford Woodruff
are the ownly two living who were present at the time and
we soon shall mingle with those who have gone.
as soon as we left Bro Fordhams we next visited
the House of Joseph B Nobles who lay very low and
dangerously sick when we entered the home Brother
Joseph took him by the hand and commanded him
in the Name of Jesus Christ to arise & be made whole
and he arose & was immediately healed, and while this
was going on the wicked mob in the place led by one
R Mourn had became alarmed and followed us into
Br Nobles Home But before them arrived in the
Home Br Joseph had called upon Br Fordham to
offer prayer and while he was praying the mob entered
with all the evil spirits that accompanied them
as soon as they entered Br Fordham who was
praying fainted & sank to the floor as soon as
Joseph saw the mob in the home he a◊◊◊ and bid
the room cleared of both that class of Men and
^Devils^ immediately Br Fordham came to and finished
his prayer, it shows what power evil spirits
have upon the tabernacles of men and the saints
are ownly saved from the power of the devil by the
power of God. This case of Br Nobles was the last
case of healing of the day. It was the Greatest Day of
the power of God and of healing members on the Earth
since the organization of the Church and Kingdom
when we left Br Nobles, the prophet Joseph went
onto the bank of the river waiting for the Ferry boat
to return back home with those who accompanied
him. We accompanied him to the river
while waiting for the boat a man came to Joseph
Smith of the world, knowing of the miricles which had
been performed he having a pairs of twin children
about 5 months old old and both laying [each]
night unto death aske[d] the prophet of he would
not go and heal them but they were some 2 miles
from Montrose the prophet said he could not go
but after pausing some time he said he would
send some one to heal them and he turned to me
and said you go with the man & heal his children
and he took a bandanna red silk hankerchief
out of his pocket and gave to me and told me to
wipe their faces with the hankerchef when I administered
to them and they should be healed and he said unto me
as long as you will keep that hankerchief it shall
remain a league between us you and me I went
with the man and done as the prophet commanded
me & the children were healed and I keep possession
of the hankerchief unto this day.
Chapter 3rd preparing for our journey & Mission
The blessings of the prophet Joseph upp upon our
heads and his promises upon us. The power of the
Devil manifest to hinder our performing our Mission
(on the Joseph Smith & his counsellors Sidy
Rigdon & Hyrum Smith crossed the river to Montrose to spend
the day with the Twelve and set them apart & bless them
before they started upon their missions there were twelve
in number & dined at my House. After dinner we
assembled at Brigham Youngs Home for our Meeting
Br Hyrum Smith opened by prayer After which the presidency
laid their hands upon our heads & gave us a
blessing president Rigdon was mouth in blessing me they also
blessed Sisters Young, Tayler & Woodruff the prophet Joseph
promised us if we would be faithful we should again
return to our families & friends and be blessed upon
our missions and have many souls as seals of our
ministry and returne again in peace and safety to
our families & friends (all of which was fulfilled) Br Hyrum
ordained us to preach the first principles of the Gospel
and thought that was about as much as this genera-
tion could endure. Then Joseph arose and preached some
precious things of the Kingdom of God unto us in the power of the
Holy Ghost some of which I will mention from my journal
Ever keep in exercise the principal of mercy and be ready
to forgive our Brother on ther first intimation of repentance
and asking forgiveness for our Heavently Father will be equilly
as merciful unto us also we ought to be willing to repent
of ^and confess^ all of our own sins and keep Nothing back and Let
the Twelve be humble and not be exhalted, and beware
of pride and not seek to excell one above another but act
for each others good and honirably make mention of each
others names ^in prayer^ before the Lord and before our fellow men
do not back bite or devour our brother. The Elders of Israel
should seek to learn by precept & example in this late age
of the world and be oblieged to learn ery thing we know
by sad experience I trust the remainder of the Twelve will
learn wisdom & not follow the example of those who have
fallen. When the Twelve or any other witness of Jesus Christ
stands before the congregations of the earth and they preach
in the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost and the
people are asstonished and confounded at the doctrin and
say that that man has preached a powerful discourse,
a great sermon then let that man or those men take
care that they do not ascribe the Glory unto themselves but
be careful that they are humble and ascribe the praise &
Glory to God and the Lamb for it is by the power of the
Holy Ghost priesthood and the Holy Ghost that they have power
thus to speak, who art thou O man but dust, and
from whom dost thou receive thy power and blessings but
from God Then let the Twelve Apostles and Elders of Israel
observe this
key and be wise, ye are not sent out to be
taught but to teach. Let every man be sober be be
vigilent and let all his words be received with Grace
and keep in mind that it is a day of warning and
not of many words. Act honest before God & men beware
of sophestry such as bowing & scraping unto men in whom
you have no confidence be ^honest^ open and frank and I in all
your intercourse with mankind I wish to say to
the Twelve and all the Saints to profit by this important key
that in all your trials, troubles, and temptations afflictions
bonds, imprisionsments and death se[e] to it that you do
not betray Jesus Christ that you do not betray your
Brethren, that you do not betray the revelations of God whether
in the bible Book of Mormon or Doctrin & Covenants or
any of the word of God Yea in all your troubles see that
ye do not this thing lest innocent blood be found in
your shirts and ye go down to Hell. We may ever know
by this sign that there is danger of our being lead to
a fall & aposticy when we give way to the devil so as to
neglect the first known duty but whatever you do do
not betray your friend the forg[o]ing are some of the important
instructions given to the Twelve by the prophet Joseph
before they started upon their missions
In as much as the devil had been in a means not prevented
by the Twelve going to Far west & returning without harm it
seemed as though the Destroyer was determined to make
some other affect upon us to hinder our performing our
mission for it seemed that as soon as any one of the
A Apostles begins to prepare for starting they were smitten
with chills and fever or sickness of some kind nearly
all the Quorum of the Twelve began to be sick and their
families so it still required a good deal of faith
and perserverance to be exercised in order to start off
on a Mission with the chills & fever. On the
for the first time in my life I was attacked with the
chills & fever this I had every other day which laid
me prostrate each day my chill was upon me My
wife Phebe was also soon taken down with chills &
fever as were quite a Number of the Twelve I spent 13
^days^ in Montrose with my family after I was taken sick
before I started upon my missions. The
was the last day I spent at home in Montrose and although
sick with the chills & fever most of the day I made
what preparations I could to start on my ^the^ mission on the
morrow a mission of four thousand miles to preach
the Gospel to the Nations of the Earth and that to without money
purse or scrip with the power of disease resting upon
with a shak[e] of the fever & ague each alternate day but
but yet I do this freely for Christ sake trusting in
him for the recompense of reward. May the Lord give
me grace according to my day and souls for my hire &
a safe return to my family & friends while f◊◊ter [ink blot] ask
in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
Chapter 4.
Leaving my family, starting upon my missions
and Incidents upon the Journey
Early on this important morning I arose
from my sick bed, laid my hands upon the head
of my wife Phebe and blessed her and departed from
her ^the^ embrace of my companion and left her
almost without food or raiment the necessaries of life
she parted with me with this fortitude that becomes
a Saint realizing the responsibility of her compan-
ion. Phebe farewell, be of good chear, remember
me in your prayers, I leave these pages for your
perusal when I am gone, I shall see thy face again in
the flesh I go to obey the command of Jesus Christ.
Although feeble I walked to the Bank of the Mississippi
River there President Brigham Young took me in a
canoe (having no other conveyance) & paddled me across the
river I lay down on a side of sole leather by
the post office to rest some Br Joseph the prophet
of God came along & looked at me Well Br Woodruff
says he you have started on your Mission yes says
I but I feel & look more like a subject for the
desecting room than a missionary Joseph replyied
what did you say that for get up & go along all
will be right with you. I name these incidents that
the recorder may know how the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles started on their missions to England in
Elder John Taylor was agoing with me and we were
the two first ^two^ of the Quorum that started on the mission
and Br Taylor was about the ownly well man there
was in the Quorum the rest being sick soon a brother
came along with a waggon and took us in as we
were passing through the place we came to Parley P Pratt
who was strip[p]ed to his shirt and pants bare headed
& Barfoot hewing a log preparing to build him a
cabbin cabin he says Br Woodruff I have got
no money but I have got an empty purse which
I will give you which he brought to me which
I thanked him for went a few rods further &
met Br Heber C Kimball in the same condition as
Parley hewing a log to build a cabins. He says as
Parley has given you a purse I have got a doller
I will give you to put in it, he gave me both
a doller & a blessing we drove 16 miles across a prarie
and spent the night with with a Brother Merrills
the day following a Brother Perkins ^we rode 10 miles to Br Perkins and he^ took us in his
waggon and carried us to McComb from thence to
Brother Carloss Smith I rode for hours during the day
over a very rough road of stones and stumps lying
on my back in the bottom of the waggon shaking with
the ague and I suffered much. We held a meeting in
a grove near Carloss Smith and here Elder Taylor baptized
George Miller who afterwards was ordained a Bishop, at
the meeting the Saints gave us $9 & George Miller a horse
to help us on our journey, I rode to Rochester with
Father Coultrin where I had an interview with several
families of the Fox Island Saints which I had brought
up with me from Fox Islands in I spent several
days with them and at Springfield where Elder
Taylor published fifteen hundred copies in pamphlet
form of a brief schedule of the persecutions ^and suffering^ of the Latter
Day Saints by the inhabitants of the State of Missouri.
We sold our horse and in company with Coultrin Father
Coltrin Br Taylor & myself left Springfield & continued
our journey I having the chills & fever nearly every other
day which made it very distressing for me to ride in a
lumber waggon shaking with the ague on the we
rode to Terre haute and spent the night with Dr Modesett
but I suffered much with the chills & fever Elder Taylor
up to this time had appeared to enjoy excellent health but
the Destroyer did not intend to make him an exception
to the rest of the Apostles for on the he fell to
the ground as though he had been knocked down seemed to have
fainted away but soon revived but on the following day
it seemed as though the enemy made a powerful grasp
upon his life. He fainted away several times and seemed
as though he would die we stoped several times with
him at a home by the way side we then took him into
a waggon & drove to Brother Horace S Eldridge and spent
the remainder of the day & night doctoring him and in
the morning Br Tayler recovered so for that he thought
he would be able to ride so we started on our journey
on the Morning of the and we travelled 40 miles to
Louisville and spent the night with the family of Br
James Townsend. We felt terribly shaken up
being in such a weak state Br Townsend was absent
from home but we were kindly entertained by Sister Townsend
in the morning Elder Taylor though very weak felt disposed
to try to continue his journey. We traveled 14 miles to
Germantown was quite sick at night and seemed
to have the Billious fever setted settled upon him
and I was very feeble myself
On the day following , being Sunday Br Taylor
concluded to spend the day & hold a meeting it was
a German settlement Elder Taylor wished me to speak
which I did upon the first principles of the Gospel
Elder Taylor followed me & spoke untill he was
quite exhausted not realizing his bodily [condition]
we returned to the Inn where we were staying &
stopping I was taken with a chill & fever &
had a sick night and Br Taylor was quite
sick. And the following day was a painful
day to my feelings. It was evident that Br Taylor
had a setted fever upon him and would not be
able to travel and Father Coultrin was resolved
to continue his journey and in consultation with
Taylor he thought it better for one sick man to be
left than for two as I was sick with the chills & fever
so that I was not co able to render him present assistance
and not able to take care of myself under these circumstances
Br Tayler advised me to continue with my journey with
Br Coltrin and make the best of my way to New-
York. Accordingly I done so After committing him
into the Hands of God though painful I took
the parting hand with him I left him in German-
town Wayne Co Indiana and in the Hands of a Merciful
God and a kind and benevolent family who promised
to do every thing in their power to make him comfortable
untill his recovery, which they did do though he
passed through a severe course of the Billious fever
and was sick night [nigh] unto death but through the
mercy of God he recovered from his sickness and
contiued his journey and we next met in the City
of New York I continued to journey with Father Coultrin
to Cleveland where we parted on the I went
on board of a steamer for Buffalo but was 3 days
and night in a storm before we made the Harbor and
when we did land it was midnight and do so we ran
into a schooner & stowe it in, from Buffalo I traveled to
albany in a canal boat and had a shake of the
ague daily while on the journey. At Albany I took stage
in the night and rode to my Fathers home in Farmington
on the I had visited my Fathers family
on the in the summer of on my way to Fox
Islands on my second visit there and I had
baptized my father & his household including my step
mother & ownly sister & organized a small branch
of the Church there of nine members eight of which
were my blood relations and I was glad to meet
with them upon this occasion as I found them all
strong in the faith of the Gospel & glad to meet
with me I was still suffering with the Ague
daily. On the my Grand Mother (on my Mothers
side) Anna Thompson died 84 years of age at
Avon, it was a singular incident that she with
her husband Lot Thompson and Mercy Thompson and
Samuel Thompson all of one family died the
year they were 84 years of age I was not able
to attend my Grand Mothers Funeral. On the my uncle Adna Hart died aged 43 years I
had visited him in his sickness and preached the
Gospel to him and he was believing and on his
death bed sent me a request that I would preach
his funeral sermon I had been associated
with him from my youth up I was at the time
having the chills and fever daily afflicted with a severe
cough so much so that my Father never thought
I should never leave the home alive but when
they brought me the request of my dying uncle and the
day came for the Funeral, I told my Father to get his
hors & buggy ready for I was going to attend the funeral
He thought I was very presumtious as I had suffered
with the chills and fever some 15 days for and to
attempt to speak in my weak state and to begin
at the same hour that my chill was to come on
was quite alarming to my parents yet according to my
request my [Father] got up his team and I rode with him
and my step Mother five miles through a cold chilly
wind and I commenced speaking to a large congregation
at the same hour still my chills was to come on
and I spoke over one hour with Great freedom
and my chills left me from that hour and I
had no more return from it for many days
On the Monday following , I felt sufficiently
returned to health to continue my journey I took the
parting hand with my Father, Mother, & Sister and
left for New York where I arrived in the Morning of the
I spent two months & seven days after my arrival
in New York in travelling & preaching in New York
New Jersey & Long Island a portion of the time
with parly & Orson pratt I had freequent attacks
during this time of the chills & fever but I preached
almost daily d on the I attended a
Conference in New York City with Parly P Pratt
and on that day Elder John Taylor arrived in
our midst and it was a happy meeting he had
passed through a severe time of sickness after we
parted but through the mercy [ink blot] of God had been
preserved and was able to continue his journey. He
also informed us that all of the others of the quorum
of the Twelve had suffered a great deal of sickness and
that it was with difficulty that they could travel
After spending 6 days in New York John Taylor Wilford
Woodruff & Theodore Turley sailed out of New York
Harbor for Liverpool on board of the packet ship Oxford
On the and in the Liverpool docked
on the making the voyage from New York to
Liverpool in 23 days we took steerage passage
which cost $15 each, we had storms & rough
weather, but most of the winds were favorable for
a quick passage while on the passage some Methodist
priest got into an argument against some Catholics
who were in the company, and the arguments of the priests
ran rather more into abuse than sound argument
and Elder Taylor told the Methodist priest that
he did not think it was becoming in a daughter
to find so much fault with the mother as they
did for as the Methodist came out from the
Catholics, Elder Taylor thought the Mother had
as much right [ink blot] to enjoy their religion
unmolested as the daughter had that closed
the argument, our company consisted of 109 saints
composed of Englishmen Americans Englishman sct
schotish scotish, Irish, Welsh & Dutch,
[rest of page blank]
Chapter 5 Our visit to preston, our first council
in England, in 1840, we take different fields of Labor
After visiting ^Mr. George Cannon^ the Father and Mother of G Q
Cannon and the family after we took cars in the
Evening and arrived in the midst of the preston Branch
of the Saints built up in , by Elder Heber C
Kimball & ^Orson Hyde^ Willard Richards and we very soon
had a pleasant interview with Elder Willard Richards
who had remained in preston to take care of the
Churches while the rest had returned home to America
We spent three days in preston in visiting the Saints
and on the , we held a council at Elder Richards
Home, in preston, Lancanshire England and after
consulting upon the best plan ^course^ for us to persue
it was finally resolved that Elders John Taylor
and Joseph Fielding go to Liverpool and Elder
Woodruff to Staffordshire potteries & Theodore
Turley to Birmingham his former place of residence
and that Elder Richards go where the spirit might
direct him and that Wm Clayton preside over
the Branch in Manchester. After various
principles of the Church had been explained by the
Twelve present the Council adjorned Elder Willard
Richards had been called to be one of the Quorum
of the Twelve but had not yet received his ordination
On the day following I parted with Elder
Taylor & Fielding who wet went to Liverpool &
with Elder Richards who tarried in preston
and Elder Turley & myself went to Manchester
the first time I ever visited that City, I here
met with Elder William Clayton for the first time
as soon as I had an introduction to him
he informed me that one of the Sisters in the place
was possessed of the devil and he asked me to go and
cast him out of her Thinking that one of the Twelve
Apostles could do any thing they were a mind to. However
I went with him to the home where the woman lay in
the hands of three men in a terrible rage and trying
to tare her clothing off from her I also found quite
a number of Saints present and some unbelievers who
hagd come to see the devils cast out as a miricle
wrought. If I had acted my own mind I should [not] [page folded]
have attempted to administer unto her with the
company present But as I was a stranger there and
Br Clayton presiding over the branch I joined him in
administering to the woman. But the unbelief of the wicked
present was so great we could not cast the devil out
of her but she raged wors than before I then ordered
the room to be cleared, and when the company left
the home except the few attending upon her, we laid
Hands upon her and I commanded the devil to
come out of her in the Name of Jesus Christ, and the
devil left her and she was made whole and fell
asleep and the next day being the Sabbath she came
before a large Congregation of people and bore testimony
of what the Lord had done for her. We had a large
assembly through the day and evening to whom I preached
the gospel. on Monday morning the Devil not being
satisfied of being cast out of the woman entered a
little child belonging to the woman but a few months
old I was called upon to visit the child I found it in
great distress writhing in its Mothers arms we laid
hands upon it and called the devil out of it and
the evil spirits had no power over the Household
afterwards this was done by the power of God
and not of man. We laid hands upon twenty
in Manchester who were sick and they were ^mostly^ healed
On the I arrived in Burslem by coach and
met for the first time with Elder Alfred Cordon
This being my field of labor I stoped and commenced
work Elder Turly stoped in the pottery District
some 8 days then went to Birmingham his field of
labor in preaching baptizing confirming & blessing children
I received a letter on the from Elder John
Taylor at Liverpool saying they had commenced there and
baptized 10 person. I labored in the Staffordshire
potteries in Burslem, Hanly Stoke Lane End and
several other villages from the untill the
one month & 7 days preaching
ery night in the week and two or 3 times on the
Sabbath. I baptized, confirmed, & blessed many children
and we had a good field open for labor
and many were believing, and it appeared as though
we had a door open to bring many into the Church
in that part of the vineyard
was my birth day I being 33
years of age. It being on Sunday I preached
twice through the day to a large assembly in the
City Hall in the Town of Hanly and broke bread
unto the Saints again in the evening I ^again^ met with a
large assemble of the Saints and strangers and while
singing the first Hymn the spirit of the Lord rested upon
me and the voice of the Lord said to me this is the
last meeting that you will hold with this people
for many ^days^ I was asstonished at this as I had many
appointments out in that district, when I arose to
speak to the people I told them that it was the
last meeting I should hold with them for many days
they were as much asstonished as I was In the
at the close of the meeting several four came forward
for baptism and we went down into the watter &
baptized them. In the morning I went in secret
before the Lord and asked him what his will was
concerning me and the ownly answer I got was to
go to the South for the Lord had a great work for
me to perform there as many souls were there waiting
for the word of the Lord
Chapter 6. My journey to Herefordshire. Interviewed
with John Benbow. The word of the Lord fulfilled
to me. The greatest gathering into the Church known among the
Gentiles since the organization of the Church in this
On the in fulfillment of the word
of the Lord to me I took coach & rode to Wolverham-
pton 26 miles & spent the night on the morning of the
I again took coach & rode through Dudley
Stourbridge, Kideministon, Stourport, and
Worcester and then walked a number of miles to
Mr John Benbows, Hill Farme, Castle Froome,
Ledbury Hereforshire Mr Benbow this was in
the South of England a farming country, a region
where No Morm Elder of the Latter Day Saints had
visited, I found Mr Benbow a wealthy farmer cultivating
300 acres of land, occupying a good mansion and a plenty
of means. His wife Jane had no children, I presented my-
self to them as a missionary from America an Elder
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, had been
sent to him by the commandment of God as a messenger
of Salvation to preach the Gospel of Life & Salvation
unto him and his houshold and the Inhabitants of
the land. Mr Benbow & his wife wife received me with
glad hearts and thanksgiving, it was in the evening when
I arrived having traveled during the day 48 mils by coach &
on foot, but after receiving refreshments we sat down
together & conversed untill two oclock in the morning, Br
& Sister Benbow rejoiced greatly at the glad tidings of
great joy which I brought unto them of the fullness
of the Everlasting Gospel which God had revealed through
the mouth of his prophet Joseph Smith in these
last days, and I rejoiced greatly at the joyful news
that BMr Benbow gave me, that I was standing in the
midst of a company of men & women over 600 in
Number who had broaken of[f] from the Wesleyan
Methodist and taken the name of United Brethren
Had 45 preachers as ^among^ their number, had Chapels &
many Homes licensed according theto the Law of the land
for preaching in, and this Body of United Brethren were
searching for light and truth but had gone as far
as they could, and were earnistly ^earnestly^ calling upon the
Lord to open the way before them, and send them
light and knowledge that they might know the true
way to be saved, when I learned these things I could
clearly see why the Lord had commanded me while
in the town of Hanly to leave that field of labor
and go to the South, for I could could clearly
see in Herefordshire a great harvest field for
gathering many saints into the Kingdom of God, I retired
to my bed with joy & rejoicing after offering my prayer
& thanksgiving to God, & slept sweetly until the
rising of the Sun; I arose in the morning of the took breakfast
and told Mr Benbow I would like to commence my
Masters business by preaching the Gospel to the people
He had a large hall in his mansion which was licensed
for preaching, and he sent word through the Neighborhood
that an American Missionary would preach at his home
that evening, the time came, many of the Neighbors came in
& I preached my first Gospel sermon in ^his home^ the home. I also
preached on the following evening , at his home
and baptized 6 persons including Mr John Benbow
& wife 4 of four of the six were preachers of the United
Order ^Brethren^, I spent most of the following day in clean
cleaning out a nice pool of water and prepared it
for baptizing in as I saw many were to be baptized
there. ^I afterwards baptized 600 in this pool of water^ On Sunday the , I preached at Frooms Hill
in the morning, at Standly Hill in the afternoon
and at John Benbows Hill farm in the evening. It was
a remarkable incident that the parrish Church that
stood in the Neiborhood of Br Benbow and occupied
by the rector of the parrish had but 15 persons
attended his Church during the day while I had a large
congregation judged to be a thousand attended my
meetings through the day & evening, and as I arose in
the evening to speak at John Benbows house a man
entered the door and approached me and informed me
he was a constable sent by the rector of the parrish
with a warrant to arest me I asked him for what
crime, he said for preaching to the people, I told him
I had a license for the preaching ^of^ the Gospel to the people
as well as the rector, and if he would take a chair
I would wait upon him after meeting, he took my
chair & sat beside of me, I preached the first
principles of the fulness of the Everlasting Gospel for
an hour & a quarter the power of God rested upon me
the spirit of God filled the home the people were convinced
at the close of the meeting I opened a door for
baptism seven offered themselves, 4four were preachers, among
the number ^offered^ offered for baptism was the constable. He arose &
said Mr Woodruff I would like to be baptized, I told
him I would like to to baptize him, I went down
to the pool & baptized the seven we then met together
and I confirmed thirteen, & broak bread unto the
Saints and we all rejoiced together. The constable went
to the rector and told him that if he wanted Mr
Woodruff taken up for preaching the Gospel he must go
himself and serve the writ, for he had ^heard^ her him
preach the ownly true gospel sermon he had ever
heard in his life. The rector did not know what
to make of it, and he sent two clerks of the
Church of England ads ^as^ spies to attend our meeting
to see what we did preach but they were both
pricked in their hearts, and received the word of God
gladly & were baptized and confirmed members of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and the
rector became alarmed & dare not send any body
^els^ but the Ministers & rectors of the Church of England
of the South of England called a convention and sent
a petition to the Lord Bishop of Canterbury to petition
parliment to pass a Law to prohibit the Mormons
[page covered] [fr]om preaching in the British dominions in this
[p]etition the rector stated that one Mormon
American Missionary [had] baptized fifteen hundred
mostly members of the English Church during the last
seven months, but the Lord Bishop & Council understanding
very well, that the laws of England gave free toleration
to all religions under the British flag sent word
to the petitioners that if they [loved] the worth of souls
at least as much as they did the ground where
hares foxes & hounds run they would not loose
as many of their flock. I continued to preach and
baptize daily. On the I baptized Elder
Thomas Kington. He was the superintendant of both
preachers & members of the United Brethren, the first
thirty days after my arrival in Herefordshire I had baptized
forty five preachers, & 160 members of the United Brethren
which put into my hands one Chapel & 45 homes
licensed according to law to preach in, this opened a
wide field for labor, this enabled me to bring into
the Church through the blessings of God over eighteen hundred
souls during eight month labor including all of the
600 united Brethren exept one persons it also included
some two hundred preachers of the various denominations
This field of labor embraced Herefordshire
Glostershire & Worstershire and formed these Conferences
Garway ^Garway^, Gadfield Elm & Frooms Hill, I was visited
by president ^young^ & Dr Richards, Brother Benbow furnished
us with £300, to print the first Book of Mormon
that we published in England and on the B Young, W Woodruff & W Richards held a council
on the top of Malv Malvern Hill, and there decided
that president Young go dirct ^direct^ to Manchester & publish
3000 copies of the Hymn Book, & 3000 copies
of the Book of Mormon this being the first of the
publishing of these Books in England. The power of God
rested upon us upon this Mission, the sick were
healed, Devils were cast out, the lame was made
to walk one notible case I will mention Mary
Pitt who died in Nauvoo sister to Wm Pitt who
died in Salt Lake City she had not walked upon
her feet for eleven years we carr[i]ed her unto
the water where I baptized her. On the evening of
the at Br Kingtons house in Ledbury
Dymock Elders B. Young, W Richards & W Woodruff
laid hands upon her head & confirmed her, Br
Young being mouth and rebuked her lameness
& commanded her to rise & walk in the Name of
the Lord and she was made whole and never
used a staff or cruch to the day of her death
she walked through the town of Dymock next
day which created a stir among the people
but the wicked did not feel to give God the
glory. The whole History of this Herefordshire Mission
shows us the importance of carefully ^listening^ listeninig to
the still small voice of the spirit of God, to listen
^to^ the revelations of the Holy Ghost. The Lord had a
people there prepared for the Gospel, they were praying
for light & truth, the Lord sent me to them
I declared the Gospel of Life and Salvation unto
them, and some eighteen hundred souls received it
and many of them have been gathered to Zion in these
Mountains and many of them have been called to
officiate in the Bishoppric Bishopricks
and done much good in Zion, but for
all these things we should ever acknowledge
the Hand of God therein and give him the
honor praise & glory forever & ever Amen