^^ wrote 1 Letter to Susan and spent the day in the Office
~ Saturday
June 1. I spent the day at home choreing
~ Sunday
2 Sunday I Attended the Quarterly Conference at the Tabernacle Bishop Preston spoke first followed By John
Henry Smith who spoke upon the Duties of the Saints
Afternoon W Woodruff spoke for 30 Minutes telling
The Saints what the Mind & will of God was con-
cerning them. He was followed by J. F. Smith who spok
40 Minutes there were some 8000 Saints present
~ Monday
3rd I met with Board of Zions Savings Bank &
we Elected A New Board but the same Men
of the former Board, we also met with Mr
Mires & Marcus E Jones upon Making a Road to
Deep Creek and to Examine for a Road to St George
~ Tuesday
4 we learn by Telegraph that Many are Dying
in the streets in New york & other cities with
the Heat. Thermometer 100
6 I had a bad night slept but Little I went to the office
had an interview with Orson Smith we went to
the Temple at 11 oclok we received a Telegraph from G. Q. Cannon on our affiairs East some rain in the East
8 I spent the day at home choreing & resting not well
The young Mens Conference Met in the Assembly Hall
speeches were made By J F Smith & other Brethren
[FIGURE] wrote 1 Letter to Susan and spent the day in the Office
~ Saturday
June 1. I spent the day at home choreing
~ Sunday
2 Sunday I Attended the Quarterly Conference at the
Tabernacle Bishop Preston spoke first followed By John
Henry Smith who spoke upon the Duties of the Saints
Afternoon W Woodruff spoke for 30 Minutes telling
The Saints what the Mind & will of God was concerning them. He was followed by J. F. Smith who spok
40 Minutes there were some 8000 Saints present
~ Monday
3rd I met with Board of Zions Savings Bank &
we Elected A New Board but the same Men
of the former Board, we also met with Mr
Mires & Marcus E Jones upon Making a Road to
Deep Creek and to Examine for a Road to
St George
~ Tuesday
4 we learn by Telegraph that Many are Dying
in the streets in New york & other cities with
the Heat. Thermometer 100
6 I had a bad night slept but Little I went to the office
had an interview with Orson Smith we went to
the Temple at 11 oclok we received a Telegraph from
G. Q. Cannon on our affairs East some rain in the East
8 I spent the day at home choreing & resting not well
The young Mens Conference Met in the Assembly Hall
speeches were made By J F Smith & other Brethren
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," May 31, 1895 - June 8, 1895, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/y9pP