I sent Owen a Letter from Mother, Blanch & Alice
with Christmass greetings from all I sent a Letter
to the Galvanic Co at 171 Sycamore St Cincinnati Ohio
I signed 124 Drafts on Liverpool and 4 Educational License it was a Dark cold day
17. President Cannon returned home to day we had
^^ aninterview with him upon business to day I received
a Lengthy letter from Judge Estee who gave us good
Advice upon our temporal matters Judge Miner called
upon President Cannon I received a Letter from Brother Teasdale I receive a peck of fresh shell Oysters
~ Tuesday
18 We listened to the Report of the financial committee
of the Utah Company which seemed Hopeful
I Attended a meeting on the 17 with the ZCMI Board
~ Wednesday
19. ^^ I wrote again to L B Logan about the Fish culture
As I had not herd from the lmoneatter nor the money I met
Brothr Staufer & An Armenion Dr called upon us.
~ Tuesday
FIGURES Dec 11, 1894
I sent Owen a Letter from Mother, Blanch & Alice
with Christmass greetings from all I sent a Letter
to the Galvanic Co at 171 Sycamore St Cincinnati Ohio
I signed 124 Drafts on Liverpool and 4 Educational License it was a Dark cold day
17. President Cannon returned home to day we had
[FIGURE]interview with him upon business to day I received
a Lengthy letter from Judge Estee who gave us good
Advice upon our temporal matters Judge Miner called
upon President Cannon I received a Letter from Brother
Teasdale I receive a peck of fresh shell Oysters
~ Tuesday
18 We listened to the Report of the financial committee
of the Utah Company which seemed Hopeful
I Attended a meeting on the 17 with the ZCMI Board
~ Wednesday
19. [FIGURE] I wrote again to L B Logan about the Fish culture
As I had not herd from the latter nor the money I met
Brothr Staufer & An Armenion Dr called upon us.
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," December 11, 1894 - December 19, 1894, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/l27g