Daybook (6 December 1883 - 3 May 1884) [DB-11]

Document Transcript

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~ Thursday

Dec 6 In company with Emma
I took cars rode to Nephi
G Teasdale joined us we traveled
through the night & ar[ri]v[e]d at Milford
at 5:20 AM Distance 226 Miles.

~ Friday

7 We stoped at Br [blank] Tanner &
took breakfast we then rode
to Minersville 15 miles
& stoped with Bishop Mcknight
Held a Meeting at 6:14

George Eyre prayed

G Teasdale spok 40 M[inutes] 6

W W spok 53 M[inutes] 2

~ Saturday

8 Br Rollins took his team
& drove us to Wards at
Rush Lake we dined 30 M[iles]
we then drove to Cedar
where we Met J McAllister
& held a co[u]ncil I stoped
with Bengt Nelson 40 M[iles].

Page 4

~ Sunday

Dec 9 Sunday Met at 10 {shorthand}
{shorthand} Robert W Heyboorn

J D T McAllister sp[o]k[e] 32 M[inutes] 4

G Teasdale sp[o]k[e] 33 M[inutes] 10 x 8

W W spok 37 M[inutes] 4 x 4

We Dined and took our state
waggon with McAllister & Teasdale
& drove to Kanarra 14 Miles
we stopd with Br Berry we
held a Meeting at [blank] {shorthand}

~ Monday

10 We drove to Leeds &
stoped at Bro Wilkenson
Distance of the day 28 Miles
we held a Meeting W W spok
followed by Teasdale & McAllister

~ Tuesday

101 We Drove to St George &
Met with Many friends I stayed
with Br McAllister 18 Miles

I went through the Temple

Page 5

[FIGURE] I wrote a letter to President

~ Wednesday

12 I went to the Temple to attend
to the Endowments Emma got Endo[w]ts
for her Grand Mother Smith I and
Emma were sealed for 46 of my
Dead relatives we had 66 Endowments
Ordained 1 Living 24 Dead McAllister
1 Living & 17 Dead D H Cannon 2 living
3 Dead & J G Bleak 38 dead
Adoptions J G B 2 Dead E Snow
brought a vision of J Gates
A plesant Day

~ Thursday

13 I went to the Temple in the
Morning a good Day I officiated
as Elh through we gave Endowments
73, ordinations 33 sealings 29
sealed children to parents 9, Adoptions
25 second Anointing 10. W Woodruff
sealed 15 Dead and had 25
adopted to him 1 Living & 24 dead
Emma Anointed to W Woodruff
& her father Samuel Smith

Page 6

was Adopted to W Woodruff &
W W got 2nd Anointing for him. I
laid hands upon McAllister
for sickness I attended the young
M y[oun]g Ladies Mutual
G Teasdale & W W spok to
the people & then followed their
program I spent the night at
Br Farnsworth

~ Friday

14 [FIGURE] I wrote 34 Letters to L J
Jaques & Sarah I had
210 get Endowments for me to day
I dined with Bro Wm Carter went to
the relief society conference herd 12
reports of the presidents of the various
societies including Emma W of the
[femen] ward W Woodruff then spoke
followed by G Teasdale E Snow &
McAllister & I then Met with
the High priests Meeting Minuts read
Brother Teasdale Lyman &
Woodruff spok

Page 7

We held a Meeting of the
superintendents & teachers of the
Sabbath School W Woodruff
Lyman Teasdale & other spok
I visited Br Wm Carter took
supper with them

~ Saturday

15 I visited Br Everetts &
Attended Meeting at 10 {shorthand}
{shorthand} Charles Smith

[FIGURE] I recd a letter from Leslie

W W spoke a few words

The Bishops of the various wards
made a verbal report the statistics
of the stake are 1 Apostles, 3
patriarchs, 148 seventies, 146
High priests, 480 Elders, 23 priests
24 Teachers, 188 Deacons 2053 M[embers]
3066 officers & Members 1386 Children
4452 total souls.

Sunday School
Report was then read 263 officers & teachers.
1254 pupils, 1517 officers & Members

F M Lyman spok 35 M[inutes]
He gave instruction upon the Quorums
of Dea[cons] pTeachers & priests

Page 8

Afternoon Henry Eyring prayed
J McAllister spok 34 M[inutes] 3 x 2

Reports of the Relief society read
Report of the Y[ou]ng Men Mutual
Report of the Primary. 12 x 2

G Teasdale spok 45 M[inutes] 12 x 2

We held a Meeting in the Evn[in]g
with the priesthood the
stock at Canan occupied most
of the meeting I spent the
Night at Br McArthurs

~ Sunday

16 Sunday I met with the 12
upon Orderville I attended Meeting
at 10 {shorthand}

W W spok 1 H[our] & 10 M[inutes]

F M Lyman spok 35 M[inutes] {shorthand}

We ord[aine]d 4 High priests {shorthand}

I took Diner with Br Richrd

Page 9

Afternoon 2:10 pm Thompson

Authorities of the Church were then
presented and read

E. Snow spok 47 M[inutes] 9

G Teasdale spok 15 M[inutes] 2 to 7

I took supper at the Snows
I attended the Y[ou]ng Mens & Ladies
{shorthand} D BD McArthur

F M Lyman spok 30 M[inutes] 12

G Teasdale 20 M[inutes] 6 x 30

W Woodruff spok 35 M[inutes] 10

~ Monday

17 I took a ride ar[oun]d the Clara
fields and attended a Meeting in the
Evn[in]g at the 1st ward a Disagreeable
Meeting I rcd one letter from Asahel

~ Tuesday

18 I went to the temple &
confirmed 6 relatives for the Dead
[FIGURE] and wrote to Phebe & Leslie

Page 10

705 Baptisms to day
16 Males & 6 females
for W Woodruff I attended
a prayer Meeting at Br Hardies
Br Teasdale followed the
Testimony of m[an]y present &
I followed him & had a good
time I spent the night at
Br Farnsworth.

~ Wednesday

19 I had a letter
from president Taylor &
[FIGURE] Laney & one from Clara I went
to the Temple & we gave
Endo[w]ments to 7 Living & 63 Dead
Total 70 there was 31 Men
went through for me & 6 wom[en]
ordaination 1 Living 39 Dead
I had 39 sealing all for the
Dead Emmas And was
[on] sealings 3 living & 54 dead
By D H Cannon Children to parents
5 living & one Dead By Cannon
McAllister 8 Dead to parents
37 Adoptions to W W 1 Living
& 34 Dead McAllister

Page 11

Adopt[io]ns By Cannon 12 Dead
2nd Anointings By McAllister
5 living & 1 dead

~ Thursday

20 I had an interview
with Br Ray &
and 3 Lamanites by the
name of

Cheroquis Erastus,
son in law to chief
Juan Sol, of the
Maricopa Indians,
also head scout to
General Crooks in his
Apache campaign

Nephi Montano
& Pablo Flores

W Woodruff & Ema Woodruff
were sealed for 33 couple Dead
W W sealed 15 couple
we gave Endowments 45 ord[ain]ed 21
4 children to parents 60 sealings

Page 12

~ Friday

21 A rainy Night & day
I sealed Edward Meeks Mc
& Ida Foss Woolly in the
Marriage Coven[an]t we attended
a party at Ida Woollys & rode
home & I wrote a letter to
[FIGURE] Clara & the children

~ Saturday

22 We have had rain here for
2 days & nights I went this m[or]n[in]g
with Brother Thompson to a
pond south of the temple & we
had 30 ducks on a hunt of snipes
the size of a teal in our
waggon by 9 {shorthand} then we
went hunting quail saw a
good many but got none we
then ret[ur]ned & I attended a Meeting
with Broth[ers] Ray Hawks & 3
Lamanite Brethren from
Arizona who had come and
got their Endow[men]ts it was
interesting I then attended the
wedding party at Brother

Page 13

Mc Arthurths McArthurs
I after attended a Meeting at
1st ward & ret[urn]ed home 12 Mi[les]

Bro McAllister Judd Snow &
Woodruff spok to the people W W
moved that the people sust[ain]ed Brother Judd
which was carried unanim[ous]ly

~ Sunday

23 Sunday I rode to Santa Clara
with McAllister & E Snow & we
attended the Meetings at 1 {shorthand} we
had the vistitation of Br Ray &
3 Lamanites the Maricopis
the Leading Man was the Chief
scout for Gen Crook in the
war with the Apaches
Brother Ray spok & mad[e]
a representation of the
Maricopis & Pema &
spok 10 M[inutes]

E Snow spok 27 M[inutes] M 9

J McAllister spok 15 M[inutes] 2 x 2

W Woodruff spok 30 M[inutes] 6

We ret[ur]ned to St Georg. 12 M[iles]

Page 14


We Met the priesthood
at the Temple & Exam[ine]d 24
Members preparatory to being organized
into the school of the prophets

~ Monday

24 We had a Day of prayer &
Fasting & and organized a school of
the prophets
{shorthand} 24 persons
see that we partook of the sacrament
and attended to the salutations
an ordinance into the school of
the prophets we had a good day

~ Tuesday

25 [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to
A Hinkly I sealed 1 cople
& & had 4 Adopted to me
I had 1 sealed to Me
Sarah Harvy & 13 dead couple
I ord[ain]ed Chariquis Erastus
a Seventy the first of the
Lamanites that were elected
a Seventy There was 316
Baptisms to day that is
Christmas Br. Teasdale

Page 15

Ord[ai]ned Amus Hawks
their is 40000 Maracopis &
Peima, & 40000 of Pappagos
[FIGURE]—M [FIGURE]—Pima [FIGURE]—Pap[pagos] I dined with
Br Snow &
attended a wedding
party at Sister Nixons
had supper in a crouded Home
and at 9:30 returned to my
room had prayers, & went to
bed [FIGURE] wrote to Asahel {shorthand}

~ Wednesday

26 [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to A. F.
spent the forenoon in
the Temple and to Arza Hinkley

~ Thursday

27 I went to the Temple and sealed
Joseph Smith Liston & Elizabeth
2 A Riding
at the Altar I then
rode with {shorthand} & D H Cannon
to the Sugar Loft we climbed
the 10 foot perpendicul[ar] rock
took a view of the city and then
rode to the Red Stone query
& Black Stone query on the
Black Ridge I went to the temple
& signed Letters to McDonald
Hinkley & Ray I spent the Ev[enin]g with Thompson

[sideways text]
Distance of the day 16 miles
[end of sideways text]

Page 16

~ Friday

Dec 28 [18]83.

I called upon Bro Wakefield
then went to the Temple and found
I had been sealed for ^134^ 126 couple
since my arival in St George this
time I find on my sealing
record that I have sealed
978 couple on the record
up to Dec 28, 1883
I have had sealed to me accord[in]g
to the record 320 Dead women
up to 25 Dec 1883 Ema was
sealed for 134 I have had
2305 Endow[me]nts for my dead.
I have 628 yet to do for
Endow[me]nts mak[in]g a total on
the record of my baptisms
2934 up to date Endow[me]nts
57 ordinat[ion]s 30
sealings 31 sealings children
to parents 9 I dined with
Bro McAllister we then
took carriage & rode
to Washington & stoped
with Bro Barron

Page 17

& held a Meet[in]g J McAllister
spok 20 M[inutes]

John E Carlisle spok 15 M[inutes]

W W spok 55 M[inutes] 5

G Teasdale spok 10 M[inutes] 4

I spent the night at Br
Barrons 6 M[iles]

~ Saturday

29 We rode to Leeds &
dined with Brother Wilken
Wilkin We then rode
to Bellview & stoped for
the night with Br Gregener 24 Miles

~ Sunday

30 We rode to
Kanarah & dined with Bro Berry
& set apart young Elizabeth
we rode to Johns[on]
held a Meet[in]g G
spok 30 M[inutes]
W W 35 M[inutes] 40 Miles

Page 18

~ Monday

31 We started at 6:30
& rode to Johnsons
pond stoped & warmd
vary cold we then drove
to Miners-ville and all
chilled through 30 Miles
we Drove then rode
to Melford vary cold 15 [Miles]
total for the day 45 [Miles]
took cars rode to
Provo 45 + 195 Miles = 240 Total Miles

~ Tuesday

Jan 1, 1884 Left at
7:30 to Salt Lake 50 [Miles].
On My arival I went to the
office & found 123 letters in a
large bundle of papers I was
very weary and went to bed
in the Afternoon and slept
most of the time untill Mor[nin]g

Page 19

~ Wednesday

Jan 2nd 18484 I went to the office
and looked over 13 Letters in the
forenoon I attended Council in
the Afternoon A snow storm
I reported on the Lamanites &
Canaan Stock After the minutes
of the {shorthand} I left with G Q Cannon

~ Thursday

3 I looked over my Acc[ou]nt at
the Tith[ing] office and found a Debt
of $155, and got an order
of $200 to cover it I spent the
day in the office I wrote
a Letter to Emma W

~ Friday

4. I spent the day in the

~ Saturday

5 [FIGURE] I recd a letter from
McAllister & the Labor in
the Temple for 7 years from
1877 to 1883 Baptized
187231, Endowed 75808
ordained 28276 ordained 28276
sealed 26031 children to par[en]ts 5688

[sideways text]
Adopted 4094
2nd An[ointings] 2078
[end of sideways text]

Page 20

Mary Vancott Y[ou]ng
Died this Morn[in]g from
an operation of the womb
by Dr Hughs

I Del[i]vred to Junius Wells for
Bind[in]g 1, 2, 3, & 4 vol of the
Contributer Also the
45 vol of the M Star

~ Sunday

Jan {shorthand} 6 Met at 2 {shorthand}
{shorthand} Bro M Cannon

W W spok 45 M[inutes] 6 x 2

G Q Cannon spok 34 M[inutes] 2 to 4

~ Monday

I7 attended the Sabbath School
Meeting in the Ev[enin]g

~ Tuesday

8 Tuesday I attended the funeral of
Mary Vancott G Q Cannon
spok 25 M[inutes] {shorthand}

J F Smith spok 22 M 10

Page 21

John Taylor spok 14 M[inutes] 2 x 2

~ Monday

7 Monday I recd 3 letters
from McA, P Boyer L Harris

~ Tuesday

8 I wrote [FIGURE] Letters to Sarah
sent $10 to Newton & to [Nov sighning]
register sent one $1 for the
Oct Numbr of Vol 33 I wrote
to Wilford I recd one letter
[FIGURE] from Joseph H Felt

Owen 1 suit $35 - $10
Due $25.00
1 pair of shoes 2
1 suit 9
1 suit 6
25.00 15.35
17.34 2
Due $7.65 17.35
1 suit to Wi[l]f[o]rd Beaty $9
Page 22

J R Howard left new
News for Woodruff

~ Saturday

Jan 12 [18]84 {shorthand}
{shorthand} 10 {shorthand} Heber J Grant

~ Sunday

13 {shorthand} 2 {shorthand} J E Taylor

Wm B Preston sp[o]k 9 M[inutes] 6 x 2

G Teasdale spok 55 M[inutes] 8

Ask Teasdale Joseph H Felt

~ Wednesday

16 Jan 1884 I met in council
It was mo[tio]ned sec[ond]ed & carried
that F D Richards should be
the Assistant Historian

~ Friday

Jan 18 I looked over my
Journal & saw I had paid
Tithing $5751.75 cts

from 1851 to [18]59, 9 years
not counted the amt. Recd
see public Books

Page 23

~ Saturday

Jan 19, 1884

{shorthand} to Nephi ^{shorthand}^ 95
and stoped with Br Teasdale {shorthand}
attended {shorthand} afternoon conference
{shorthand} Jacob Bigler

Statistical report was then read
Patriarchs 3 High priests 69
Seventies 111 Elders 172 Priests 74
Teachers 19 Deacons 150
Officers & Members 1371
Children under 8 year 690
Total Souls 2627

Joel Grover spok 15 M[inutes] 6

W Woodruff spok 52 M[inutes] 10

W W ord[ain]ed 1 H[igh] priest & 1 H[igh] Counsl
& ass[is]ted in ord[ainin]g 1 Hp & 1 Counsllr
to the Bishop of Mona

I went to Brother Jones

We Met in the Ev[enin]g in a
priesthood Meeting
{shorthand} George Kendall

Page 24

1 Caot 5.75
Shoes 2.55
Hat 1.25
[Total] $9.55


[sideways text]
70 * 70 = 4900

[end of sideways text]

Report of the priesthood
the presidents gave a total
Report Br Jones of the High priests
spok W W spok 35 M[inutes]

G Teasdale sp[o]k 25 M[inutes] 11

2 Apostles 2 patriarchs
38 H[igh] P[riests] 68 70 [Seventies], 51 Elders
15 priests 11 Teachers 22 Deacons

~ Sunday

{shorthand} attended prayer circle {shorthand}
Met with the Sabbath School
Conference at 10 {shorthand} G Teasdale

at Council House Minutes read
sacrament Administered

Reports were then read

Page 25

W Woodruff spok 30 M[inutes]

G Teasdale spok 10 M[inutes]

President Paxman spok 5 M[inutes]

sabbath school reported
766 schollars & 92 teachers

I took Diner with President Paxman

we Met at 2 {shorthand}
{shorthand} Authorities of the Church
were presented & sustained

Br Heywood spok 10 M[inutes] 2/101

W W spok 55 M[inutes] 12 x 1

G Teasdale spoke 49 50 M[inutes] 2 to 11

W W spoke 30 M[inutes]

~ Tuesday

22 Tuesday {shorthand}
{shorthand} Edward Taylor

J F Smith spok 45 M[inutes] {shorthand}

Ogden Herrald No 19
Collumn Argument

Page 26

~ Saturday

$7.70 + .90 = $8.60

Jan 26 [18]84

{shorthand} 10 {shorthand}
{shorthand} Bishop Perry

Bishops made a verbal report

Afternoon {shorthand} Bishop Paar

Bishop Still reported

Oliver Snow spok 15 M[inutes]

W W spok 45 M[inutes]

~ Sunday

27 Sunday {shorthand} 10 {shorthand}
{shorthand} Bishop Dewey

Seymour B. Y[ou]ng spok 50 M[inutes] {shorthand}

W Woodruff spok W0 40 M[inutes] {shorthand}

I {shorthand} I Met at 2 {shorthand}

Moroni the Lamanite spok
to the people 10 M[inutes] {shorthand}

Temple Affairs read

Page 27

W W sp[ok]e 1 H[our] & 22 M[inutes] 9 x 9

Br Gill spok

John D. Gibbs was ord[ain]ed a
patriarch By [blank]

W W ord[ain]ed 6 High priests
also 15 Seventies Assisted to ord[ai]n
16 Seventies S B Y[ou]ng Mouth
Lorenzo Snow & Oliver Snow
also ord[ain]ed 30 70 [Seventies] & L Snow
W W assisted L Snow to ord[ai]n
6 High priests

W W ord[ain]ed 1 Bishop & a con[ci]ll[o]r
& assisted to ord[ai]n 2 con[ci]ll[o]rs
W W ord[aine]d 1 High Counsl

[upside-down text]
James Woodruff was Bapt[ize]d
by Wm Millard in Cambridgeshire
was Drowned in a Lake his
family left
[end of upside-down text]

Page 28

I attended the Meeting
of the YMMI
2 Essays read
W W spoke 45 M[inutes]
S B Y[ou]ng 15 M[inutes]

we had a full House & a good
time W W gave instruction

~ Friday

Feb 1, 18484 {shorthand} 10 {shorthand}
{shorthand} Bishop Morris

quite a number of Bishops reported
After wards Bishop Crane is
a fine Bishop with the spirit
of the Lord

W W spok 15 M[inutes] 484

L Snow spok 9 M[inutes]

[sideways text]
2 to 11
[end of sideways text]

W W ord[ain]ed Asahel H Woodruff
an Elder and assisted to
ord[ai]n a Freeman

Page 29

Afternoon {shorthand} J. E Taylor

G. Teasdale spoke 20 M[inutes] 0

J Taylor spoke 57 M[inutes] 9

G. Q. Cannon spoke 15 M[inutes] 8 x 2

I met in the Evening with the
pristhood Meeting {shorthand} Milando Pratt

W W spoke 10 M[inutes] upon the
responsibility of the pristhood

Joseph E Taylor spoke 10 M[inutes]

[Lane Grant] spoke 12 x 13 M[inutes]

Prayer Elder F. D. Richards
G Teasdale [spoke] 25 minutes
L. Snow [spoke] 30 [minutes]
E. Snow [spoke] 40 [minutes]
Statistical Report Read
by James Leishman

Benediction Zebedee Coltrin

~ Saturday

2 I took car rode to Smithfield
I spent the night 95100

Page 30

~ Sunday

3 {shorthand} I rode to Logan & attended
the quarterly Conference at 10 {shorthand}
{shorthand} L J Nuttall

Br Card report of the Temple
Trustee in trust $196,000.94

Joseph F Smith spoke 2530 M[inutes] {shorthand}

W Woodruff spoke M[inutes] 24 11

F D Richards 30 M[inutes] 2 to 4

Afternoon {shorthand} Br [Benten] 2

G Q. Cannon spoke 50 M[inutes] 2

John Taylor spoke 65 M[inutes] 2 to 1

I rode to Smithfield 14

~ Monday

4 I rode to Logan &
visited the Temple and ar[riv]ed to
the font we set apart Thomas Edwards
president of [Byrnes] ward &
Wm Hendricks president of
[illegible] ward

Page 31

~ Tuesday

Feb 5 paid 50 cts to Br Ley
r[e]c[eived]d $10 of Adm & $8 of the

Emma $10 Delight 10
Owen $2.75

James give me 10 cts to by 5

15.75 x 2 = 231.50

15.75 x 3 = 47.25

70.00 - 31.50 = 38.50



~ Saturday

Feb 9 [FIGURE] I wrote to A Hinkley
& Nash

~ Sunday


Feb 10th {shorthand} 12 {shorthand}
attend the funeral of Vienna Jaques
Met at 10:30 {shorthand} A McCreg

A M Cannon spoke 20 M[inutes] 10

C W Penrose spoke 20 M[inutes] 2

H. J Grant spoke 5 M[inutes] 6

Page 32

J Hambling spoke 7 M[inutes]

W W spoke 30 M[inutes] 30 8

{shorthand} 12c {shorthand}
prayer by Henry Richards

president Taylor spoke 1 x 2
one Hour & 27—M[inutes]

I attended the Meeting in
the 13 ward at 6 x 5
{shorthand} George Godard

W W spoke 45 M[inutes]] 45

Br Wilcox spoke 20 M[inutes] 1

Bro McMurrin spoke 10 M[inutes] 5

M F Cowley spoke 20 M[inutes] 7

~ Sunday

Feb 17 {shorthand} rode to Farmers
ward attended Meeting 1 2 c
prayer R T Burton

Page 33

Br Howell spoke 5 M[inutes] 5

Br Stringfellow spoke 12 M[inutes] 6

W W spoke 55 M[inutes] 8 x 3

R. T. Burton spoke 10 M[inutes] 7

~ Monday

18 I took cars rode to Ogden
& carriage to North Ogden to
attend the funeral of Betsy Alvord
on my arival I viewed the corpse
& was informed that it was desired to
have a corroner inquest or examination
I listened 3 Hours of the testimony
on both sides I [round up the
& give my Decision which
was to let it all sleep as the
Body sleeps which was voted

I went to the Meeting House &
spoke to the people 9

Page 34

215 lb sugar

3 lb. raisens

1 Bottel of Lemon

~ Saturday

[Attendees of Wilford Woodruff's family meeting on his birthday]
W Woodruff ^Jr^ son 45 5 2 D[aughers]. 5 8
Bulah son 1, D[aughters] 2 5 5
Wilford Ston 25 son 67 5
Emma & Asahel 2 S[ons], 3 D[aughers] 7 6
Delight 3 son 2 D[aughters] 6 6
Azmon & Elizabeth Broth 2 2
Elias & wife 2 2
Mrs Fox son 4 5
Total 38 5
James & wife 3 ch[ildren] 44

~ Friday

Feb 29 Cash for butter &c ^1.50^
one order to Emma $30
Cash to Emma $10
James 2
sundries $1, $1.50, $51 = 3.50

Page 35

John Peterson wants to
rents few 10 to 20 feet of land

W W 7 son 6 D[aughters].
Advance received $10

~ Sunday

O Whitney spoke 15 M[inutes] 2 to 6

G Q Cannon spoke 45 M[inutes] 9

W. W spoke 10 M[inutes] {shorthand}

I visited the 16 ward spoke 1 Hour

Bulah paid $30.00
put it on Note

John Peterson 3rd ward
wants a Lease of 20 feet

He paid $10 I paid $350 for
an orchard


Page 36

~ Saturday

March 8, 1884 {shorthand}

Cars rode to Woods Cross Attended
Meeting at East Bountiful Meeting
House at 10 c
{shorthand} Peter Barton

Statistical report read
2 Patriarch H[igh] P[riests] 136 70 [Seventies] 220
Elders 326, Priests 75 Teachers 70
Deacons 108 Officers & Members 3810
Children under 8, 1586
Total Souls, 5396.

Bishops verbally reported
W Woodruff spoke 50 M[inutes]

we Dined with Br Call and Attended
Meeting in the Afternoon {shorthand} J B Nobles

Bishops reported the condition of the wards
all said there was an improvement in the [ward]

J F. Smith spoke 60 M[inutes] M 3

~ Sunday

9 {shorthand} A cold raw morning I Met
the Assembly at 10 c at the Meeting
House at 10 c {shorthand}

G Q Cannon spoke 63 M

[sideways text]
4 x 2
[end of sideways text]

Page 37

W W spoke 15 M[inutes]

I dined with Phebe Sessions I met
{shorthand} afternoon {shorthand} Samuel W Richards

Wm R Smith spoke 12 M[inutes] 8

John W Hess spoke 5 M[inutes] 2 to 11

Anson Call spoke 7 M[inutes] 2 to 19

Samuel S Richards spoke 24 M[inutes] 1 x 2

J. F Smith spoke 35 M[inutes] 1 to 6

G. Q. Cannon spoke 15 M[inutes] 1

W W spoke 5 M[inutes]

5 High Council W W ordained
1 H[igh] P[riest] 1 H[igh] C[ounselor]

~ Tuesday

11 March wrote Letters
to Ray, M Hatch & Evans

paid for [sealing Lula] 5.90
freize lace .80
Nails 50 cts .50
[Total] $7.20
Page 38

8 x 4 = 32 - 4 1/2 = 26

62 1/2 x 5 = 310



3 x 1 1/2 = 3 + 1 1/2 = 4

5 1/2 x 2 1/2 = 10 + 1 + 2 1/2 = 13 1/2

6 1/2 x 4 = 24 + 2 = 26

10 1/2 x 7 1/2 = 70 + 5 + 3 1/2 = 78 - 13 1/2 = 65

720 + 11 = 18.20

~ Sunday

March 16 {shorthand}
with Bro Taylor sacrament administered
J E Taylor spoke 25 M[inutes] {shorthand}

W. W spoke 40 M[inutes] 10


$3.50 see Susan Deed is
it 76 1/2 x 100 or 77 it is 76 1/2

~ Saturday

March 22 paid for D C $3.75
for work

see Susans Deed Note of feet

Page 39

P W 4
E W 6
D [W] 5
S [W] 5
[Total] 20
James 3
[Total] 23

W W 6
Phebe 4
Susan 7
Bulah 3
Nellie 32
David 5
Bell 3
Sylvia 2
[Total] 32
[Total] 55
23 children + S C 32 = 55 total



to New York

Bishop Richards Union
Fort Ward

[sideways text]
10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 40

108 + 35 + 10 + 15.75 + 8 + 6 = 182.75 - 18 = 164.75 - 40 = 124.75
[end of sideways text]

35 profits to the [Lord]
10 x 1 invite for the

[sideways text]
[end of sideways text]

Page 40

~ Sunday

March 30th {shorthand} 2 c

C W Penrose spoke 1 H[our] & ^24^ M[inutes] {shorthand}

G. Q. Cannon spoke 11 M[inutes] 1 to 10

~ Monday

March 31 {shorthand}
{shorthand} presidency & 12

Paid for Meat &c $1.55 Sarah $10

for [Trolley Messages] $5.50

~ Saturday

April 5 Met at 10 c
{shorthand} F. D. Richards

Lorenzo Snow spoke 27 M[inutes]
[sideways text]
2 to 17
[end of sideways text]

B Young spoke 18 M[inutes] 12 x 1

E. Snow spoke 34 M[inutes] 2 to 4

Missionaries Called A H Woodruff

Page 41

Afternoon {shorthand} D H Wells

Statiscital report read

3 [First Presidency] 10 A[postles] 63 P[atriarchs] 4363 70 [Seventies]
3230 H[igh] P[riests] 1165 E[lders] 1582 P[riests]
1719 T[eachers] 4817 D[eacons]
23883 f[emales] 39649 ch[ildren]
1362 M[ales born] 1290 F[emales born]
3561 Mar[riages] 11730 Bap[tisms]
485 New M[embers] B[aptized]
2551 C[hildren] Bless[ed]
383 M[ale] Deaths
442 F[emale] [Deaths]
1395 Draying [drawing] support

Page 42

10 40 250 17 Any in
[J care N Snell]
[ Missionary] 880 called

St light stat 540
417 d 789
1206 souls

San Luis Stake 687 souls

5 P[atriarchs] 84 70 [seventies] 183 H[igh] P[riests]
540 Eldr 29 P[riests] 67 T[eachers]
205 D[eacons] 1841 ch[ildren]

primary report
3425 + 6695 M[embers] = 14620

Femal Relief S[ociety]
31912 [Bushels] in total
33700330 wheat

Page 43

Sunday School conference
4005, to 6682 off[icers]
20144 40201 Me[m]b[e]rs

146883 Memb[ers]
teacher &
32835 Reports in [Liberty]

W. Woodruff spoke 20 M[inutes]

G Q Cannon spoke ^2^ 14 M[inutes] 6

John Taylor spoke 13 M[inutes] ^9^

~ Sunday

April 6 Met at 10 c
{shorthand} Joseph F Smith

G Q Cannon read the report of
the Auditing Committee

G Q Cannon spoke 60 M[inutes]
[sideways text]
2 to 17
[end of sideways text]

There Arived in our Midst several
of the Maricopa & Pema Chiefs
who had arived from Arizona to
Visit us Cheroquis Erastus was with them

J F Smith spoke 30 M[inutes] 2 to 7

Page 44

John Spiers Plain City
{shorthand} him in [Strawberry time].

Afternoon {shorthand} Wm B Preston

I conversed with the Lamanite Chiefs

Authorities of the Church were
presented & sustained Wm Preston
Appointed Presiding Bishop of the
Church & John W Taylor
Appointed to fill the place in the
Quorum of the Twelve caused by
the Death of C C Rich

President Taylor spoke 65 M[inutes] 11

~ Monday

Asahel H April 7, [18]84
Met at Social Hall
set apart 55 Missionaries
W W 1

Page 45

~ Tuesday

8 I met in council with the {shorthand}
& Many subjects were Discussed &
a Committee was Appointed of 4
W W, E. S. B. Y. & F M L to take into
consideration the matter of getting relief
for St GJohns we Met in the
Evening at the H. O and found
a resolution see resolution

~ Wednesday

9 I Met with the presidency & {shorthand}
& presidents of stakes

I had Dinner with the Lamanite

I Met at the Council at
which time John W Taylor
was ordained into the Twelve

Wm B. Preston the presiding
Bishop & L W Hardy 1st

Page 46

~ Thursday

10 I ordained Ferdinand Clark
a seventy & set him apart for
his Ministry or Mission

I assisted in ordaining 1 70 [ Seventy ] & setting apart
1 woman I went to the field
& spent the night 6 M[iles]

~ Friday

11 I administered to 1 sick returned
to the City with Asahel & parted
from him went to the office
Met in council with presidency
& Twelve & the 7 Lamanites
President Taylor spoke to them
though then interpreted it to

~ Saturday

12 I took cars and rode to
Tooele & stoped with Brother
Lyman who showed me his
Journals 6 volumes he is writing
more than any other man in
the church except myself
it was cold & rainy today 35 Miles

Page 47

I saw Amasa Lymans
Journals for Many years
was in the Hands of his
oldest Son F M Lyman
he kept a Daily Journal f up
to the time of his Death
I spent the night with Br

~ Sunday

13 Sunday I Met in the
Meeting House the f[ir]st time I
was ever in it the last time
in 67 {shorthand} D E Harris 3 x 2

W. Woodruff sp[o]k[e] M[inutes] 54

G. Teasdale sp[o]k[e] 40 M[inutes] 2

Hugh S Gowans presid[en]t
Charles L Ander 1 Co[u]n[c]iller
Thomas M Lee 2 Co[u]n[c]iller
of Tooele Stake

Page 48

Afternoon {shorthand} Br [illegible]

F M Lyman sp[o]k[e] 25 M[inutes] 2

G Teasdale spok[e] 35 M[inutes] 7

w w spok[e] 45 M 2

we then foll[ow]ed the body to the
grave. Sister Gowans was 96 yr
old. w w off[er]ed prayer at the grave

52 x 14 = 208 + 52[0] = 728

Lambert weighed 728 lbs at
his Death

Elizabeth Ann
paid $20
for the Salt Lake Temple
send rece[i]pt

we administered to 3 sick
retu[rn]ed home & sent off 20 Letters to
1 to each presid[en]t of all the stake
in Utah [FIGURE] rec[eiv]d 2 lett[e]r[s] fr[o]m Tenny

Page 49

~ Tuesday

15 [FIGURE] I wrote Letters to Sarah
to Jesse N & Lot Smith, D K Udall

~ Thursday

Attended Ethan Pettets funeral
at 17th ward at 1 c

~ Saturday

April 19 {shorthand} Nephi 100 M[iles]

{shorthand} 11 c & he[a]rd the
B[i]shops verbal {shorthand}

Statistical repo[r]ts total off[i]cer[s]
& Members 1941, child[re]n 700,
Total souls 2647
C R Savage spok[e] 44 M[inutes]

[sideways text]
3 to 2
[end of sideways text]

Afternoon 2 1/2 Br Andrew
G Teasdale spok[e] 57 M[inutes] 2 to 6

W Woodruff spok[e] 30 M 2 to 0

I attended the primary & spok[e] to the ch[i]ld[re]n

I attended the priesthood {shorthand}
at 7:30 w w spok[e] 45 M[inutes]

G Teasdale spok[e] 15 M

[sideways text]
8 x 4
[end of sideways text]

Page 50

Br Paxman spok[e] 15 M[inutes]

217 of the pr[ie]sthood at {shorthand}

~ Sunday

Aprail 20. {shorthand}
{shorthand} order {shorthand} Met at 102 c
in the sabbath school {shorthand} G Teasdale

a crowded House sacrament
administered superintendents reported
the sabbath schools 936 office[rs]
& Member[s] of the school
of the stake

w w sp[o]k[e] 30 M[inutes]

G Teasdale spok[e] 30 M[inutes] 8

Afternoon {shorthand} J Bigler
w woodruff spok[e] 45 M[inutes]

G Teasdale sp[o]k[e] 25 M[inutes] 7

I dtook supper with Br
Andrews held Meeting at 7 c
John Hunting spok[e] prayed

Page 51

I [leathed] [opn] the {shorthand} to testify
the Breth[ren] spok[e] 21 Min[utes]

w w spoke 30 M[inutes]

I spe[n]t the night at Br Teasdales

~ Monday

21 I took cars at 5 c & rode
to S L City 95 Miles

I rec[ei]ved 4 Lett[e]rs and sent all
20 circula[r]s to the presid[en]ts of
stakes. Telegraphed to McAllister

3 x 16 x 1 x 18 x 4 x 18 feet long
12 Bo[a]rds 16 feet long

20 + 12 = 32

Boards 1 x 8 x 16 feet

boards 16 feet by 8 inch

1 peace 2 x 4 x 18 feet l[on]g

4 Boards 12 feet long 1 x 8

Page 52

6 peaces 1 x 6 x 16 feet long

470 feet + 23 + 4 = 940 x 1285 x
^[owed]^ 90

285 + 275 = Due $560 + 12 pickets 35 = $595

pickets for gate & oth[e]r
Timber for gate

~ Tuesday

22 I spent the day ab[ou]t home

~ Wednesday

23 I w[en]t to the farm with Wilton
& bu[i]lt & sp[en]t the day making picket fences

~ Thursday

24 I sp[en]t this day making fence

~ Friday

25 I sp[en]t the day at the field
making fence I rec[eive]d 4 letters &
[FIGURE] 1 telegraph & sp[en]t the night
at home

Page 53

Wilford was planting potatoes today

155 + 595 = 750

1000 - 750 = 250

~ Saturday

April 26 {shorthand}
2 c {shorthand}
Abram Cannon

W W sp[o]k[e] 44 M[inutes]


C W Penrose spok[e] 38 M[inutes] 2 to 3

~ Monday

28 I sp[e]nt the forenoon in the
off[i]ce rec[eive]d [FIGURE] 4 lett[e]rs Held a
Meeting at 11 c with John Sharp
J F Smith B Y[oun]g & John W Y[oun]g
& sent a telegram to [blank]
I went over Jorgan saw my field
good stand of Lucern a rain
storm retu[rn]ed & orda[in]ed Broth[er]
Christ[i]an Daniel Fjelstead
to the office of one of the 7
presid[en]ts of the 70

Page 54

~ Tuesday

29 I rec[eive]d 1 Letter today & wrote
Lett[e]rs to O. G. Snow Thomas Ames
& Gen J ^A^ Williamson Land Commis-
sion Atlintic & pacific R. R.
626 F Street Washington D. C.

see Copy Book

wrote to
Sarah To E Snow
J G Bleak

~ Wednesday

Aprail 30 w w ord[ain]ed Francis
Charles Teasdale
a 70 & set ap[ar]t
to a Mission to the Cheroke
Israel Bale 70 R to the
Cherokee Territory

w w set apart 1 for New
& J F Smith 1.

[FIGURE] I wrote A Lett[e]r to
Jesse Moses & card to

wrote to Nellie & Asahel

Page 55

~ Friday

May 2nd {shorthand} at 2 c
{shorthand} Wm Taylor

Reports of Eld[e]rs read
Eld[e]rs reported verbally

B Yo[un]g sp[o]k[e] 20 M[inutes] 10

J E Taylor gave good co[u]ncil
on the sale of property

J. F. Smith spok[e] 40 M[inutes] 3

W. W spok[e] 5 M[inutes]

Sanford Alread W W
ord[ain]ed a 70 & set him ap[ar]t
to a mission on the
Sandwich Islands May 3rd

~ Saturday

{shorthand} attended Meeting at 10 c the
Bishops reported verbally Br Crane
was [alone]

A M Cannon spok[e] 25 M[inutes]

Afternoon {shorthand} Lorenzo Y[oun]g

Bishops cont[inu]ed the[i]r reports
many spoke of the wards

Page 56

D H Wells spok[e] 35 M[inutes] 3

Wm Taylor spok[e] [blank] M[inutes]

I attended Meeting in the
Ev[en]ing J E Taylor spok[e] G Godard
& G Q Cannon 30 M[inutes]

~ Sunday

Sunday Morning {shorthand} C W Penrose

Wm Taylor spok[e] upon the
Logan Temple.

W Woodruff spok[e] 30 M[inutes]

Br Day sp[o]k[e] 5 M[inutes] 3

Br Edington spok[e] 16 M[inutes] 4

John Taylor sp[o]k[e] 10 M[inutes] 2 to 8

Afternoon {shorthand} Milando Prat

John Taylor spok[e] 58 M 6 x 1

20 of May go by rail to
St John

Page 57

I met in the Evening
{shorthand} J F Wells all the
presid[en]cy pres[en]t

G Q Cannon sp[o]k[e] ^1 H[our] & 17^ M[inutes] 11

Leonard John Nuttall

Heber Godard was ord[ain]ed
a 70 by w w

Soren Jensen 2
Farmers Ward

Koosharim Piute Co
Grass Valley James Woodruff

Page 58
Page 59
Page 60


Page 61
Page 62
Page 63
Page 64
Page 65

John R Howard
go on the 20 by car 2

Joseph [Thomass] {shorthand}
{shorthand} 1 ward

Marshall Philips at City Hall

Louis P Borg 8 ward spok
to stake G Q Cann &
A M Cannon

Page 66
Page 67

John R Wilson work on gate
& fence cash $8 ^order^ $5 $16.00

James H Pratt 4 day 2.50 $10
cash $5 order $5

Page 68

D.C. sect 106:4, coming of Christ nigh

sec. 110, Christ in Kirtland Temple

sec 111:6, Dont concern about Zion

sec 112:24 to 304, vengence coming

sec 123, Bring testimonys against
your enemies

sec 97:10, 11 & 12 My Temple
built by the tithing of my people
#Doctrine and Covenants 97:13-28|13 to 28

Doctrine and Covenants 5:8-20|sec 5:8 to 19 & 20## A scourge

Navaho Station is the nearest
station to St John for our
people waggon will meet them

~ Wednesday

May 7, 1884
Bulah paid $35 on Note

3 x 30 x 9 Illegible of [bark]

5000 Bricks 14 pounds of
rock 7 x 650

Page 69

D.C. sec 75:19 to 22, Judge that House

D.C. 82:10 I the Lord am bound when
ye do what I say.

84, All that my [Father] hath shall be
given unto him. 38 to 41, 46 to 52

114 to 120

sec 85:3, 4, 5, 11, pay
tithing or No inheritants

sec 86, parable of the wheat & tares

sec 87, war of the rebelion

sec 88:33, reject the gift & the giver
vers 62 to 75, 133 I salute you

D.C. 90:7 to 11,

sec 93:21 to 34

was with the Father in the beginning

sec 95:4 to 7, Many called few chosen

sec 97:18 to 28, Zion not fail

sec. 98:1 to 18, dont be afraid of your enemies ^14^
verses 32 to 38 on war

sec. 101:10 to 24. Indignation upon the Nations
vers 86 to 99 importune at the feet of men

sec. 103:1 to 8, 14 to 20, 25 to 29
vers 36 All victory gained by Diligence

sec. 105:V, Zion built up by law of the
Celestial kingdom for God to remember
14, 15

Page 70

Henry G Reid {shorthand}
to St John is a Mason at
P V Longs place 13
[lodges] 7 & 2 East to get in
with some one

John R Tilby W W set apart
to Sandwich Islands & ordained
him an Elder

D&C sec 18 testify that you
have heard my voice

sec 50, fear not little flo[c]k you are mine

I am in your Midst

sect 60 I rule in heaven above & on Earth

shake off the Dust of your feet against
those who received you not

sec. 63. I take whom I will take
I utter my voice and it shall be obeyed
17 vers & 32, 54

64:7 vers I forgive sins

64:23, 24 & 25, 34 to 43
If ye Believe me labor while it is called to day

Page 71

4 boards 12 feet long
1 x 8 inchs

1 1/2 1 1/2 inch long 12 wood
10 feet long

2 peaces 1 1/4 ^board^ [FIGURE]
12 feet long

1 lb furnishing Nails 8 long

$475 paid $2.86–2.75
to taylor &c

8 packets

Gen Williamson
Washington D C

Gen Sedgwick

Page 72

12 peaces 2 x 4 x 16 feet 11 1/2 138
14 B. 1 x 8 x 16 feet 11 1/2 x 161
3 B. 1 x 10 x 16 feet x 13 1/2 41 1/2

Total of Edward Taylor 3.40
Total $10.120

Ask president Taylor about
Brother Browns Mother should
be sealed to E Snow in order
to be adopted to him

Hans Peterson {shorthand}
1 W W {shorthand}

Afternoon {shorthand} Jacob Bigler

sacrament administered

18 inches for Big Illegible
2 pair if not get 16

17 x 12, 2 x 4 x 42 pairs Hinges
4 x 10 feet 18 inchs
21 1/2 inchs severd

Page 73

12 peaces 24 x 16 feet 150 feet

14 B 16 x 8 x 114 161 feet

3 B 16 x 10 x 13 1/2 x 4 1/2 feet

112 x 12 = 124 + 120 = 144 + 6 = 150

13 x 3 = 39 + 2 1/2 = 41 1/2

14 x 11 = 14 + 150 = 2154 + 7 = 161

150 + 161 + 41 1/2 = 352 1/2 feet

138 + 161 + 41 = 340

30 x 6 = 180

16 25 x 67 25

67.25 + 16.25 = $82.50

111 x 20 = 220 + 10 = 230

213 23 4 = 420

[sideways text] 213 x 3 = 639 + 53 = $6586 [end sideways text]

Page 74

92 + 46 = 1238 + 6.90 = 144.90 - 18.50 = $126.40

138 x 5 = 690

138 + 6.90 = 144.490

30 x 6 = 180

$11.50 + 2 + 5 = 18.50

1380 + 15808 = 2968 feet

138 x 11 1/2 = 138 + 1380 = 1518 + 70 = 1588 588

11 1/2 x 4 = 44 + 2 = 46 + 3030 = 1380

92 + 46 = 138 x 11 1/2 = 138 + 1380 = 518 + 70

50 + 20 = 70

6 rods for picket fence
180 pickets 12 sumthing

Page 75

25960 x 260 x 834
E & W. N & S

John R Wilson for a
Missin to Arizona

Maroicopa Stake

James H. Hart
5 Ballery Place
New York

Beulah paid $17.00

A Bishop has a right to
suspend all person from the Church
that had NO recomend
untill the[y] get ther recomend

Page 76

1 board 6 inch f[ro]m the gr[ou]nd
8 ft x 8 inches wide 5 1/2 apart
45 high & 44 feet in a rod
35 rod 44 to the rod

92 rod lng + 35 [rod] end
= 127 + 11 = 127 + 127[0]
= 1397 + 1540
= 2937

35 x 44
= 140 + 140
= 1540
35 x 16 = 350

16 x 9 = 144

11 1/2 x 2 = 22

4 / 35
32 (4 x 9) = 326

16 Boards 1 x 18 x 9 feet
288144 feet
18 feet long
1 x 6 for [belly]

35 rods
= 1540

1 Board 1 x 8 516 feet long 1 1 1
1 Board 1 x 6 18 feet long 9 feet for [FIGURE]


Page 77

2 inch

32 x 14 feet Lumber
+ 33 3
= 65 + 24 = (89)
3 lb was 8

A Bishop may be tried
by the president of the stake
who presides over them
any Man who is presented on
by ownly one can be tried by
that Authority evry Man should
be accountable to the Authority
who apoints him

Received of the Edition of the
Salt Lake Tribune
Reve 21 ch 8 vers

Page 78

Mary Eliza Eardley wants to be
pryed for in the circle for the return of
her speech

Lena Neilson in the
Hospital to be prayed for

[FIGURE] [sideways text] West [end sideways text]

w 3 w w 20 w
w 2 w [FIGURE] w 1 w

[sideways text] East [end sideways text]

Henry Woodruff
in lot 2

20 feet
of lumber

John L. Ross {[shorthand]}

DC sect 84 cleanse your feet
[DC sect] 86 lawful heirs of the priesthood

D&C 18 you have heard my voice

Thomas Harrington is dead

1244 lb of Hay $8.71

Gen 4 feet 1 inch log

Page 79

James a Lloyd

John R Wilson {shorthand} 15 ward
{shorthand} w


Tell Thomas S Hiram at the
Stoore Home that I cant be th[ere]
send Her Here

Sarah Fabyan Carter born April 8 1775
Deceased July 21, 1845 Aged 70 years

See the Brown paper Map of
farm what lot is Henrys Home on

Malinda W Hatch
Unionville Hartford Co Ct

Betsy Cossett Alvord Sat Died
Saturday at 8c AM Feb 16 [18]84
Born Jan 19, [18]85 Aged 79 x 27 days

speak to president Taylor & & Cannon
about ord[ainin]g T O Arydle Patriarch

Page 80

Enquire of president Taylor about
the support of Br Rays family
been 4 month in 6 went with ther
Father and Mother who is poor

Jos H. Felt
Indian Territory.

Malinda W Hatch
Unionville Hartford Co[unty], Ct

School Bill $275


50 x 86


Page 81

[Illegible] Intervention
an elder
Pimo Papago
A learned Man [hears]

Wm Henry Thompson wants
WW to see Wm H Perkes in
the employ of Howard Seebree
near the Theater if we want
a clerk for the Temple or org[anize]
other Place if He is at liberty
He is a competant hand

James Sylvesteer
Washington Co
200 for contribution
present vol. paid $2

Br Barrow of Washington is dissatisfied
& wants a rehearing speak to Br Snow about it

Page 82

Mary Elizabeth (Rollins) Smith
was baptized in Oct 1830

Elizabeth Met was baptized
in Oct 1830 at Minersville

Jackson CO members
John Shepherd Tanner
Carter Shepherd

Nathan B Robinson
was killed by the Indian his
wife Annis Biby Robison his
wife spoke to me ab[ou]t her son
wanted him prayed for

Ask Br Nuttall to send
to Sister Thomp the receipt
of emigration which He took
from her while Br Taylor
was here

Maricopie & Pimas

Cheroquis Erastus

Page 83
Page 84