Mission - 1840 Record of British Converts [M-2]

Document Transcript

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W. Woodruff's list of
the number baptized in
Herefordshire England

Wilford Woodruff's
Baptismal Record

Page 2
Page 3

Hill Castle Frume Herefedshire Church

John Benbow teacher
Jane Benbow
Ann Bourn
Mary Rowbery
Charles Price preiest
John Cheese priest

Joseph Pullin
Margaret Pullin
James Hill priest
John Parry priest
Jane Gaily
^John^ William Benbow
Charlotte Clark Snday 8th

Ann Benbow
Presthowood Benbow
Sarah Benbow
Hellen Benbow
Page 4

Ann Parry
Robert Holmes
^20^ Elizabeth Holmes

^Hannah^ Sarah Badham
Mary Hill
Ann Bowberey
Ann Smith
James Barnes priest
James Benbow
Mary aAnn Holmes
Robert Hill
Thomas Jinkins
Hannah Williams
Sarah Tumkins
William Evins

William Davis
Johnathan Davis
Caroline Gaston
Confirmed 22 persons
Page 5

William Jinkins {preacher}
John Williams
Mary PeaCheese

Francis Birch {brother}
^20^ Ann Birch
James Gurney

Thomas Kington {superintendent} Elder
Hannah Kington
George Bourn
Ann Teague
^ confirmed 6th^

John Fidoe
Lydia Fidoe
John Benbow
Elizabeth Benbow
Elizabeth Woodyatt
Mary Cole
May Jones
Harriet Taylor
Page 6

Hannah Knot
Rebecca Tyler
Harriet Hill

Wm Jinkins {priest}
Daniel Browett {priest}
John Gaily {priest}
^20^ Elizabeth Browett
William Parsons {priest}
Mary Parsons p
James Hadley
Maria Hadley
John Shepherd
Baptized & confirmed ^8^ th 24th

Richard Hull
William Williams
Philip Green
Jane Green
Ann Graves
John White
Francis Brush
Baptized th
Page 7

George Allen
Thomas Benbow

Thomas Smith
Elizabeth Davis
James Watkins
William Morris
Mary Proser
^20^ Susanna Morris
John Dyer
Benjamin Williams
Mary Williams
Ann Dutson
Harriet White
Thomas Hope
Eliza Parry
Baptized & confirmed 35 persons

John Morgan
Mary Powel
Elizabeth Hill
Elizabeth Tringham
Ann Benbow
Page 8

Thomas Clark
Edward Philips prist
Edward Ginkins Herefordshire
Melina Prichard Prooms Hill
Baptized & confirmed

John Preece
Mary Ann Preece
Hannah Pullen
^100^ Mary Pitt
Hannah Pitt
James Palmer
Henry Palmer
James Palmer jr
James Bishop
Elizabeth Bishop
Elizabeth Smith
Rosanah Baylis
Lydia War Greenway

Dianna Bloxham
Margarett Crook
Susanna Margarett
Frederick Evans
John Balylis
Page 9

Mary Hill
Eliza Jinkins
Mary Ann Weston
^20^ Elizabeth Lambert
Glostershire Ligh

Ann Brooks
^20^ Jane Brooks
Sarah Smith
Mary Smith
Mary Packard
Susan Packard {Birmingham}
Sarah Embary
Elizabeth Bubb
Mary Hanses
Margarett Turner
Mary Roberts
Worcestershire Gatfield's Elm

Thomas Oakey
Ann Oakey
William Simons
Levi Roberts
Nathan Roberts ^Died Jun 7th^
Charles Hayes
Harriet Roberts
Sarah Roberts
Page 10

Ann Efford Ligh

Daniel Collett (Church Clark [clerk])
^14^ ^20^ Thomas Smith
John Spiers
Mary Robins
Harriet Hayes
Worcestershire Eldersfield

John Vernon
Thomas Smith
John Harlick
Ann Robins
William Baylis
Henry Baylis
Mary Gaskin
Glostershire Ligh th

Mary Bunday
Elizabeth Rook
Robert Rook
Elizabeth Collett
Benjamin Hill
Hawcross Worceshire
Page 11

Margarett Morgan
Hannah Palmer
Mary PictCleft greenway

I started for Preston to attend
conference & returned on the
in company with Elder Brigham
, Elder T Sington Baptzed
the following persons

140 James Williams
^20^ James Clift

Eliza Whithorn
William Smith
Hannah M. Harris
Ann Robins
Mary Palmer
William Gaskins Apperly
Ann Morgan
Jane Parry greenway

Priest John Cheese Baptzd the following
William Green
Thomas Bishop Lugwardine
Page 12

Charlotte Baker
Walter Mayos Mardon
James Baldwin
Samuel Warren
Esther Deveroitx
Elizabeth Mayal
Hannah Hooper
Elizabeth Baylis
Joseph Williams
^1280^ Mariah Shinn
Charlotte Shim
Elizabeth Morris
Mary ^Mayel^ Milard
John Alflard
Mary Alflard
Hariet Baldwin
William Williams
William Matthews Kesysend st

{Wilford Woodruff} confirmed 19 of the above
Page 13

{Wilford Woodruff} Baptized the following
George Brooks
Mary Brooks
Edmund Wattis
Hannah Wattis
William Beard
Elizabeth Johnson
Ann Baylis
Susan Baylis
Mary Baly
Mary Haywood
Baptized & confirmed at Crawcutt worcestershire Sunday

Mary Philips
^200^ Ester James
Mary Jinkins {at last}
Baptized & confirmed at Moorends Cross

William Jones
William Morris
Thomas Bosley
Mary Rowbrey
B Young frooms hill
Page 14

Ann Hope
Sarah Hope
Thomas Baker
Mary Mayos
William Jay
Catharine Jay
Tohomas Whiting
Ann Whiting
Ann Jay
Hannah Baker
J Chess Marden

John Meeks
William Johnson
James Williams
Ann Beard
^2^^20^ Elizabeth South
{Wilford Woodruff} Bowery near Ashfield confirmed

Susan Williams
Rachel Jinkins
Ann Rowley
Ann Jones
Mariah Prichard
Henry Jones
Susanna Barrup
Page 15

Henry Griffits
Hannah Weaver
{Wilford Woodruff} Baptized & confirmed nightengale Bower near Birchwood

Samuel Jones
Jonathan Lucy
Melina Cook
Maria Hill
{Wilford Woodruff} Baptized & confirmed at Coldwall

John Arvart
John Moris
Thomas Jones
J Parry Baptized at Wind Point

Ann Steed
Mary Symons
Ann Bartlet
^20^ Phebe Davis
{Wilford Woodruff} Baptized & confirmed at windpoint

Sarah Stanton
Mary foxall
Jemima Siymons
Margaret Hill
{Wilford Woodruff} Baptized & confirmed at Brand lodge

Edward Prosser
Jane Williams
Jane Everals {[illegible shorthand]} 200
Mary Hull
Thomas Vernal
Page 16

^Ann Vernal^
Thomas Gurney
Jane Banister
Ann Philips Stokes Lane
James Price
Ann Price
Elizabeth Williams
Emma Shinn
Mary Shinn
Ann Deveroix
John Cheese Baptized the above keysend street

^2^ ^20^ Mary Patoe
Ann Davis
Hannah Thomas {Wilford Woodruff} 200
{Wilford Woodruff} Baptized & confirmed frooms hill May

Elener Gaily
John Cole J Chesse frooms Hill

John Lewis
Eliza Lewis T Clark frooms Hill

Francis Hill
{Wilford Woodruff} Baptized & confirmed keysen st

Elders Richards & Kington had Baptize 50 confirmed 100 Ordained 10 priest 1 Teacher from to the

300 & 17 over

George Bundy T Oakey Gadfields elm

Robert Clift
^20^ Elizabeth Clift ^W^
James Morgan
{Wilford Woodruff} Baptized at Pitthouse Dymock
Page 17

William Coleman
Job Smith
Sophia Whittle
Sarah Whittle
Ann Hunt
Sarah Smith
Charlott Stewart
Ester Harris
Elder Kington Baptized at Halkington

John Davis
John Smith
Mary Ann Clark
Caroline Moore
Jane Smith
{Wilford Woodruff} Baptized at Halkington

James Bolter James Palmer Baptized 18th

Francis Probert
Lydia Matthews Bap James Morgan 18

Mary Webb
288 Charlotte Walters
^20^ Eliza Shinn
Caroline Trehern
{Wilford Woodruff} Baptized at Keysend street

Ann Perkins
Robert Baldwin Wind point Richards ^^

James Foxall
Hannah Foxall Brand Lodge Richards 21

Mary Haywood
Ann Lucy T Clark Colwall

William Smith
George Eddins
William Rowley
{Wilford Woodruff} Baptized Tapperdy
Page 18

Susanna Higgins
Joseph Haywood
John Field
Hannah Field
Elizabeth Meeks
Ann Jones
{Wilford Woodruff} Baptized at Bowery

Hannah Pulling {Wilford Woodruff} Bap at Bishop Froome th

Eliza Gurney
Elizabeth Davis
^20^ Hannah Even
Ann Sanders
{Wilford Woodruff} Baptized at Creeks Green

Joseph Evens
Thomas Sanders J Cheese Creek Green

Jane George
Elizabeth Hall
Mary Robery
Elizabeth Robery
William Hall
{Wilford Woodruff} Baptized at Hope Rough

Ann Daniels
Ann Banister
John Powel
Elizabeth Powel
Sarah Rock
{Wilford Woodruff} Baptized at Shucknel Hill

Ishmael Philips
Elizabeth Pitt Richards at Shucknell Hill 30

Benjamin Meeko Bap dy [by] Prist Jinkins

Elizabeth Clement bap John Jones

Thomas Powis
Sarah Powis
Page 19

^20^ Mary Tyler T Clark

Samuel Badham
Francis Holmes
Hannah Holmes
Elizabeth James
Elizabeth Birch
Elizabeth Went
Hannah Bishop
Mary James
William Embry
John Birch
Elizabeth Embry
{Wilford Woodruff} Bap at Frooms Hill {[illegible shorthand]} st

Mary Brooks
Mary Jonsey J Cheese F Hill

Sarah Loggin
Elizabeth Cole
William Cole {Wilford} 250
Susan Simmons
Elizabeth Dotton
Mary Philips
Sarah Morris
{Wilford Woodruff} Pap at Frooms Hill


Richard Parry
Ann Parks {Wilford Woodruff} Bap froom hill

Rosanna Hill
Mary Partridge
Rebecca Symsons
Eliza Trehurn
Mary Ann Atwood
Page 20

James Bishop J Cheese Keysend street

Joseph Firkins
Elizabeth Firkins J. Palmer little Marcle

John Pitt
Elizabeth Matthews
Ester Jones
John Jones
Richard Lilley T. Kington

William Philips
John Hunt
Mary Portman
Mary Humphreys
^20^ Sarah Whitern
Ester Harris Lime street T Oaky

John Meredith By John Spires turkey Hall

Samuel Roberts
Elizabeth Roberts
Ann Hopkins
Mariah Hopkins
Hannah Hopkins
Mary Ann Smith
{Wilford Woodruff} Baptized at Deerhurst

William Loveridge
Sarah Bail
Eliza Davis
Elizabeth Clark
{Wilford Woodruff} at Twigworth

Mary Ann Matty Brewett Lye

George Curtis
George Curtis Brewitt Lye
Page 21

Priest James Morgan Baptized 11
persons at Little Garway Herefordshire
they were Confirmed by Elders
Richards to

20 & 6 over

James Lewis J. Palmer

John Layton
Margarett Layton Kington

John Watkins
Ann Watkins
William Pitt
Abriaham Scriven Kington

James Hawthorn
John Roberts T. Oaky

Eliza Brace
Sarah Gibbs
Charles Fox
Jane Green
^20^ Ann Hackford
Eliza Hackford
Sarah Hackford
Ellen Green Philip Green

Charles Powel
John Tyler
Maria Gibbs
Susan Tyler
Jane Dutson
Mary Gibbs
{Wilford Woodruff} Baptized at Lugwardin
Page 22

Hannah Bubb
Sarah Taysom
Ann Barber P Green Lugwardin

Ann El
Thomas Jones
Ann Edwards
Rebecca Tew
Susan Tew
Francis Burnett
Ann Burnett
^20^ Eliabeth Wheeler
James Turley
{Wilford Woodruff} Baptized at Marden

Maria Lane
MEmma Tew
Lucy Tasem Philip Green Lugwardin

John Tiler
Mary Henbury
{Wilford Woodruff} Bap at Frooms Hill

Henry Rock Bap Priest Williams Shuknell hill 18

Ann Jennings
Jane Tylor
Mary James
Sarah Wall
Sarah Cole
James Cole
Ellen Clark
{Wilford Woodruff} Bap at Frooms Hill

Hannah Cole
Sarah Hembery
Sarah Hadley
Mary Powis
Eliza Powis
Page 23

^500^ Richard Bough 500 {[illegible shorthand]}
William Tippin
Margarett Leseman
John Clark
John Debrowx
Thomas Launset
John James
Emma Bevehen
Elizabeth Johnsons
John Johns
Richard Bullock
Mary Bullock Frooms Hill
The above were Baptized by Thomas Clark priest

Eliza Clark {Wilford Woodruff} Frooms Hill June 20th

Louisa Louis T Clark 21
Elizabeth Tyler C. Price
James Gettings
Mary [Gettings] W Parsons
Ann Morris
Elizabeth Morrigs
Susanna Prosser J Cheese
^20^ James Tayler P Green 20
James Hill
Mary Badham
Ann Casthope J Gaily 21
Sarah Bengough J Barnes
Maria Fernal
Ann Fernal
Sarah Gardner
Caroline Williams
Joseph Harbour W Evens 14th
Page 24

Hannah Jones
John Baily
Margaret Dovey
John Robery
{Wilford Woodruff} Bap at Frooms hill 21

Thomas Hooper T Clark 21

Ann Cole
Sarah James
Ann Cole
Richard Cole
Martha Clark
W Woodruff Bap at frooms hill

the above makes Just 300 that W Woodruff has baptized on this circuit

^20^ Sarah Clark
Jane Elton T Clark frooms hill 22nd

Robert Gomery W Woodruff Ledbury 22nd

242 were Baptized on this same circu
it by Elders Young Richards Kington &
others which makes the Church number
on the 22 of June 542 with 75 officers
viz 33 churches 10 Elder 52 Priest 13
Teachers. All of the Above have received
the work & been baptized during the term
of three month & 17 days & scores still
waiting to be Baptized as soon as an opportu
nity offers. I left Ledbury to attend
a conference in Manchester