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Collection Name The Salt Lake Tribune
Collection Description Monday, Apr 06, 1896
Collection Number N/A
Collection Box Volume 45
Collection Folder Number 316
Collection Page 2
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240 mentions
Scriptural Figure
295 mentions
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4 mentions
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86 mentions
Scriptural Figure
13 mentions
Scriptural Figure
99 mentions
Scriptural Figure
167 mentions
Scriptural Figure
12 mentions
Scriptural Figure
179 mentions
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13 mentions
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29 mentions
Scriptural Figure
210 mentions
Scriptural Figure
104 mentions
Scriptural Figure
159 mentions
Scriptural Figure
15 mentions
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Henry Brown
7 Mar 1808 - 24 Apr 1852
Oliver Cowdery
3 Oct 1806 - 3 Mar 1850
131 mentions
David Wyman Patten
14 Nov 1799 - 25 Oct 1838
140 mentions
Hyrum Smith
9 Feb 1800 - 27 Jun 1844
425 mentions
Joseph Smith (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
John Whittaker Taylor
15 May 1858 - 10 Oct 1916
157 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Aphek Woodruff, b. 1779
11 Nov 1779 - 28 May 1861
580 mentions
Bulah Thompson Woodruff
22 Apr 1783 - 11 Jun 1808
76 mentions
Brigham Young
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3440 mentions
Apostle, Family


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View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

The highest calling the Lord ever called any human being to, in any age of the world, has been to receive the Holy Priesthood, with its keys and powers, and to be called to go forth to the inhabitants of the earth and teach them the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to qualify and prepare them for a part in the first resurrection and to go back into the presence of God, their Creator, to dwell in glory worlds without end.
~ Wilford Woodruff
These are my views with regard to the calling of men in this dispensa- tion. Gold and silver may pass away; houses and lands may perish; all temporal matters will pass away; but the Priesthood never, salvation never, the kingdom of God never, and prophecy will never fall unfulfilled.
~ Wilford Woodruff
What greater calling can any man have on the face of the earth than to hold in his hands power and authority to go forth and administer in the ordinances of salvation? Do we prize these things in their fullness? I do not think we do. Nevertheless, so far we have been enabled to maintain our posi- tion, and to go forth and fulfill our missions as far as we have had time and opportunity. Certainly there has been nothing in this work that I have had greater consolation in than in preaching the Gospel to my fellow- men and in administering unto them the ordinances of the house of God, both for the living and the dead. I may say the same with regard to my brethren who are called to perform those ordinances.
~ Wilford Woodruff

The Lord has given us a large number of sons and daughters. They have got to take the places of their fathers, the same as the sons of Adam had in his day and generation. A great responsibility rests upon them. The Lord requires at the hands of our sons that they shall bear off this kingdom of our God while they dwell in the flesh, that they may be justified.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Still the world to-day is full of people who have not heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and while the Priesthood rests upon our shoulders we are still under obligation and are still held responsible for the salvation of the children of men, as far as we have the privilege of bestowing these gifts upon the sons and daughters of Adam.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Among other things, we live in a generation in which the Lord has enabled us to rear several temples--some in these mountains and some before we came here; and hundreds and thousands of people go into these temples to redeem their dead. This is a blessing the Latter-day Saints should prize. It is a duty that is required at our hands to do what we can in this direction. It is a blessing that the inhabitants of the earth have not had for centuries until this dispensation.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Brethren and sisters, this is the way I feel this morning. Of all people under heavens we should be the best, the most righteous, and the most true and faithful to God and to our fellow-men. We should be true and faith- ful to the Holy Priesthood while we have it resting upon us, and true to our labors. I rejoice at our condition to-day.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Brother John W. Taylor referred to our going to St. Louis and to Chicago. Yes, I recollect very well when we went into Jackson County, Missouri. My labors there have been alluded to. When I went on my first mission in 1834, I had to go through Jackson County on my way to Arkansas. It was just after our brethren had been driven out. I had to go and hide in the cornfields and in the brush during the day, and walk along in the night, till I got through that country, for the lives of myself and companion were in danger there. The last time I went there, the Mayor of Independence came out to meet us with a fine carriage.He had but one arm having lost the other in the army, but he gave us that arm and made us welcome. I could not help but feel the difference between then and when I went through there as a missionary.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I have always rejoiced in preaching the Gospel; I have always rejoiced in administering the ordi- nances of life and salvation at home and abroad, because I have known that this was the work of God, and I know it is to-day.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I want to say now to the rising generation, gird up the loins of your minds, prepare yourselves, and realize you have a mission before you. Who are going to bear this kingdom off when we go to the grave? To whom does the God of Israel look to do this? He looks to our sons and
~ Wilford Woodruff
Brethren and sisters, I say, God bless you. I am glad to meet with you. I rejoice in the Gospel, in the kingdom of God, and in the Holy Priesthood. I pray God to bless you, to open your eyes to see, and ears to hear, and your hearts to understand. I pray God to open your understanding, that you may comprehend the value and blessing of the Gospel that you have received and of the blessings of these temples and tabernacles in the midst of which you have the privilege of dwelling and receiving the ordinances of God. I pray that we may pursue that course that when we get on the other side of the veil we shall be satisfied with our record. We will find our history and our record there in the great library of the celestial kingdom of our God, and we will know what we have been doing in this life. If we do anything that is wrong we will be sorry for it. We should repent of wrong and try to do better. I pray that the Spirit of God may be with us to guide and direct us in our labors until we get through here, then when we pass away we may be received in the kingdom of God. We shall rejoice if we do right; for our eyes have not seen, our ears have not heard, and it has never entered into the hearts of the children of men the glory that lies before the sons and daughters of Adam. It is hidden from our eyes to-day, and will never be open to us until we enter into the presence of God and the Lamb. Amen.
~ Wilford Woodruff