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Harold B. Lee Library

Collection Name Deseret News
Collection Description The Deseret News was the first newspaper published in the Utah Territory: the weekly edition began June 15, 1850; the semi-weekly edition was added October 8, 1865; and the daily edition began November 21, 1867.
Collection Number Deseret News 1876-10-11
Collection Box Volume 25
Collection Folder Number 37
Collection Page 584
Source Link Brigham Young University
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56 mentions
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296 mentions
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88 mentions
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54 mentions
Scriptural Figure
86 mentions
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180 mentions
Scriptural Figure
45 mentions
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210 mentions
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104 mentions
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159 mentions
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Joseph Smith (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844


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View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

I was once preaching to a large assembly in Collinsville, Connecti- cut; when I got through a young clergyman came forward and asked me if I had received my diploma from college. I answered him, "No." "Do you know," said he, "that a man who has not received a college diploma, has no right to preach?" "No, sir," I said, "I do not know it." "Well, sir," he said, "that is the case." I then asked him to inform me how it was that Jesus preached without receiving a college diploma? and if such things as college diplomas were ever known or read of in the ministry of Christ and his Apostles?
~ Wilford Woodruff
The gospel now being preached to all the world by commandment of the Lord to the Prophet Joseph is the same as taught by Adam, Enoch and the Saviour. It never changes through lapse of time; its ordinances and laws are always the same, worlds without end.
~ Wilford Woodruff
The first principles of the Gospel taught from the dawn of creation are faith, repentance and baptism, and the laying on of hands for the reception of the Holy Ghost; and they are the same to-day. To certain minds there might be a mystery connect- ed with these principles. Why, say some, is this so? We can only answer, because it is the law of the great Jehovah, the plan framed in the heavens for the salvation and redemption of man. They are re- quirements made of the whole hu- man family, which must be obeyed in order that the prevailing mystery may be banished and the fruits and the blessings of the gospel enjoyed.
~ Wilford Woodruff

Our boys are often called from the plow and the workshop to go abroad to the nations to disseminate the prin- ciples of the everlasting Gospel. By what power are our young men sus- tained, who go forth, inexpe- rienced, without much education, presenting in meekness to a learned and intelligent world the gospel of Christ? God through his angels attends them; he strengthens their feeble knees, and gives them utter- ance.
~ Wilford Woodruff
The gospel now being preached to all the world by commandment of the Lord to the Prophet Joseph is the same as taught by Adam, Enoch and the Saviour. It never changes through lapse of time; its ordinances and laws are always the same, worlds without end.
~ Wilford Woodruff
The gospel is free to all; it is with- out money and without price. But none can officiate in its ordinances acceptably to God, except those who have received divine authority to do so. For, says the apostle, no man taketh this honor unto him- self, except he be called of God as was Aaron. But there are a great many gospels, all claiming to be of Christ, and all differing more or less from one another, and from the one taught by the Saviour when upon the earth. When he who has the authority preaches the Gospel he promises, in the name of Jesus Christ, to all that believe and obey, that the Holy Ghost will be given them. By virtue of this promise all such can know for themselves whether it is of God or whether it is of man. If an unauthorized man goes forth, pretending to proclaim this same gospel, and it matters not how able and talented he may be, his doctrine can be detected, be- cause the promises which were to follow the believers in Christ are not realized, the Holy Ghost which imparts its gifts unto men are not received, and hence the fallacy of the doctrines of men is exposed, so that none need be deceived.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Our boys are often called from the plow and the workshop to go abroad to the nations to disseminate the prin- ciples of the everlasting Gospel. By what power are our young men sus- tained, who go forth, inexpe- rienced, without much education, presenting in meekness to a learned and intelligent world the gospel of Christ? God through his angels attends them; he strengthens their feeble knees, and gives them utter- ance.
~ Wilford Woodruff
The Lord chose poor, illiterate fishermen and sent them forth to combat and even to confound the wisdom of the wise. His gospel is represented to-day by the weak things of the earth, and has been new for over forty years. And what is the result of our preaching? Let facts speak for themselves. You can behold for yourselves, a people gathered here from the different nations, all prompted by the same motives, namely, to build up and establish Zion on the earth in fulfillment of the words of God through the mouths of his prophets. Why have we been so successful, thus far, in accomplishing so great a work? Simply, because God has confirmed our preaching and the testimonies we have borne by conferring the Holy Ghost, with signs following the believers. Had not this been the case Utah would be to-day what it was on the 24th of July, 1847, when the pioneers first set foot on its soil—a barren, desolate land, unfit for the habitation of man. The results of our preaching be- spoke the fulfillment of prophecy. Zion has arisen, and some of the prophecies concerning her, recorded in the Old and New Testament, are having their fulfillment.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Angels have visited the earth and delivered the keys of salvation to the prophet Joseph. He lived long enough to effect a complete organ- ization of the church, strictly ac- cording to the revelations of God to him. God has in our day given gifts to men, for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the min- istry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. The apostle likened the church unto a perfect body. One part cannot say to the other, I have no need of you; but all the parts are necessary to complete the or- ganization; which is just as neces- sary to effect the perfection of the Saints of this generation as of any other.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance and baptism for the remission of sin, are absolute requirements, which must be com- plied with before the Holy Ghost can be received. These signs, says the apostle, shall follow them that believe: in my name shall they cast out devils, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover, etc. These blessings are the right of every honest believer in Christ. They were set in the church by the Saviour, and remain with the Church, as a mighty cloud of wit- nesses throughout this Territory could testify to; and not only they of this Territory, but those of every land and clime wherever the gospel has been preached and a branch of the church organized
~ Wilford Woodruff
Says the apostle John, This gospel is to be preached to all that dwell on the earth, to every nation, and kin- dred, and tongue, and people; as a witness before the second coming of our Saviour to dwell on the earth, who will come, not as a lamb to the slaughter, not riding upon a colt, the object of the people's scorn. But he will come in power and great glory, taking vengeance upon them that love and fear him not. We, therefore, are sending glad tidings of great joy to whom- soever will receive them, that they may come up to Zion and escape the judgments that will most assur- edly overtake the wicked.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I know that we are engaged in the great latter-day work, the work of the living God. And I know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God, chosen and set apart to usher in this last dispensation of the ful- ness of times. He has left a record, published, sealed by his own blood, confirming the truth of the same. This testimony is in force to all the world, and it will be in force until the end of time. This we declare is the kingdom which the Prophet Daniel saw in vision, never more to be thrown down or give to another people. In these mountains Zion is to be built up, in fulfilment of prophecy, and every jot and tittle that has been spoken of her must come to pass. The last is first, and the first will be last.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Let me say to my brethren and sisters, our responsibilities are great, far greater than the outside world who reject the Gospel. We have received the light, the knowledge of God; we are under sacred cove- nants to stand by the truth, and by one another in righteousness. If we are found traitors to the cause, crucifying the Son of Man afresh, great will be our condem- nation. Our time allotted us to tarry here below is short; but our spirits are eternal, and will live for ever, and our future destiny de- pends on this our earthly career. The Lord has given his angels charge concerning us; they are our friends, and their eyes are over us. They stand in waiting with sharp sickles in their hands, ready to go forth and reap down the earth.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Our calling is to perfect ourselves, to purify Zion and make it a fit habitation for the Son of God when he comes; to build Temples, and in them perform the rites and ordi- nances for the living and the dead, and accomplish all that God de- signs us to do. And that we may be faithful in the performance thereof is my prayer in the name of Jesus.
~ Wilford Woodruff