4th Sunday The United States is without A President to day
President Polk went out last night President
Taylor is installed to morrow Hence there is no president today
I met A congregation of Saints And many strangers at Brother
Birds for A meeting At 2 oclok Elder Whipple from the valley of
the Salt Lake was present. Elder J P Haven from the Bluffs
Also And A vary full House. I Addressed over one hour & had
much of the Spirit of God resting upon me And bore A strong
testimony unto the people preached the first principles of the
gosple And spoke of the general Bareings of the work of God
in the present Dispensation. In speaking of the body of Christ
And members in particular I told them I had seen men in
my travels without Arms, legs, some without eyes, &c but I had
never seen A man going about without A head. And As A natu-
ral body without A head would dye so the Church without ^a^ Head
would die.
Br Whipple followed me & made some vary good
remarks And edeyfying He said notwithstanding the Jews had Apostitized
the right of the kingdom belonged to them & Jesus came & set up the kingdom
among them they rejected it He took the kingdom from the Jews gave it
to the gentile all that were in the kingdom went to the gentiles with the
Kingdom of God. The Gentiles in like manner have Apostictized And have
not continued in the goodness of God still they have A rightt to have the
kingdom of God set up among them in the last days And Joseph Smith
being warned & commanded of God has recieved the gospel from the hand
of an Angel, preached it to the gentiles set up the kingdom for the last time
among them they have rejected it. it will now again be taken from them
& given to the Jews & all in the kingdom will go to the Jews with it & many will
come from E. W. N. S & sidt down with A[b]ram &c while the ^gentiles^ children of the kingdom will be cast out
Brother Haven followed with interesting remarks in explaining
the principles of repentance, by A figure. If A Mother set two litt[le]
children at work, they should leave it & go to play & dirty their
clothes And when the Mother came [she] find they had not done th[e]
work but been disobediant but promised forgiveness if they w[ould]
go wash their face change their closes [clothes] & do the work one goes &
do as she is required the other follows her Mother & crys all day &
pleads with her to forgive her when night comes one has cryed
all day for fiorgiveness, but has not done the thing required the othe[r]
has done the things required. which is most justifyed the
one that obeyed the Mother. So with Man it is not evry one th[at]
says Lord, Lord, that shall enter into my Kingdom but He that
doeth the will of my father who is in Heaven. [3 Nephi 14:21]
I Administered the sacrament And confirmed two person
And Blessed three children. And dismissed the meeting we had
A good time
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many of the most Noble spirits that ever dwelt in flesh like Jesus and the Apostles have been meekly submitting to the ordimances of the gospel, and like little children have been subject to the Authority of the Holy Priesthood And have made evry sacrafize required and laboured day & night to build up Zion that the honest in Heart & the meek of the Earth may have A place to flee to in order to Escape the just judgment of ^that^ God whose rod is now suspendend in the Heavens and is about to Fall upon the Earth and lay great Babylon with all of Her greatness, pomp, power, and glory in the dust. My Prayer to God is that evry Elder of Israel & saint of God throughout the whole Earth may be incouraged to labour dilligently & faithfully while the day of Harvests lasts for soon night will come when No man can work, theyn ^they^ will be Just as sure of their reward As was their chief captain & Head.
I met A congregation of saints And many strangers at Brother Birds for A meeting At 2 oclok Elder Whipple from the Valley of the Salt Lake was present. Elder J P Haven from the Bluffs Also And A vary full House. I Addressed over one hour & had much of the Spirit of God resting upon me And bore A strong testimony unto the People preached the first principles of the gosple And spoke of the general Bareings of the work of God in the present Dispensation. In speaking of the body of Christ And members in particular I told them I had seen men in my travels without Arms, legs, some without eyes, &c but I had never seen A man going about without A head. And As A natu- ral body without A head would dye so the Church without ^a^ Head would die.
Br Whipple followed me & made some vary good remarks And edeyfying He said notwithstanding the Jews had Apostitized the right of the kingdom belonged to them & Jesus came & set up the kingdom among them they rejected it He took the kingdom from the Jews gave it to the Gentile all that were in the kingdom went to the gentiles with the Kingdom of God. The Gentiles in like manner have Apostitized And have not continued in the goodness of God still they have A rightt to have the kingdom of God set up among them in the last days And Joseph Smith being warned & commanded of God has recieved the gospel from the hand of an Angel, preached it to the gentiles set up the kingdom for the last time among them they have rejected it, it will now again be taken from them & given to the Jews & all in the kingdom will go to the Jews with it & many will come from E. W. N. S. & sidt down with A[b]ram &c while the ^gentiles^ children of the Kingdom will be cast out
Brother Haven followed with interesting remarks in explaining the principles of repentance, by A figure. If A Mother set two little children at work, they should leave it & go to play & dirty their clothes And when the Mother came [she] find they had not done the work but been disobediant but promised forgiveness if they wo[uld] go wash their face change their closes [clothes] & do the work one goes & do as she is required the other follows her Mother & crys all day & pleads with her to forgive her. When night comes one has cryed all day for fiorgiveness, but has not done the thing required the other has done the things required, which is most justifyed the one that obeyed the Mother. So with Man it is not evry one [who] says Lord, Lord, that shall enter into my Kingdom but He that doeth the will of my father who is in Heaven.
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