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Harold B. Lee Library

Collection Name Journal of Discourses
Collection Description The Journal of Discourses is a 26-volume collection of discourses and speeches by leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from 1851 to 1886. It was published in England between 1854 and 1886.
Collection Number Journal of Discourses
Collection Box Volume 15
Collection Page 275-283
Source Link Brigham Young University
Rights and Use Copyright and Use Information
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244 mentions
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48 mentions
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118 mentions
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169 mentions
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43 mentions
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180 mentions
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210 mentions
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12 mentions
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104 mentions
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159 mentions
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10 mentions
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David Woolley Evans
6 Jan 1833 - 5 Jul 1876
Joseph Smith (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Brigham Young
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3466 mentions
Apostle, Family


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I am surrounded with those who know by experience that we are dependent upon the influence and inspiration of the Holy Ghost to enable us to teach the things of the kingdom of God. My faith is that no man, in this or any other genera- tion, is able to teach and edify the inhabitants of the earth without the inspiration of the Spirit of God.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I would to God that the eyes of the Latter-day Saints were open far more than they are to those things that rest upon them! The Lord is look- ing to them alone to build up his Zion here in the mountains of Israel, and to prepare the bride, the Lamb's wife, for the coming of the Great Bridegroom.
~ Wilford Woodruff
When my mind, under the influ- ence of the Spirit of God, is open to comprehend these things, I many times marvel and wonder, not only at the world but also at ourselves, that we are not more anxious and diligent in preparing ourselves and our families for the events now at our doors, for though the heavens and the earth pass away, not one jot or tittle of the word of the Lord will go unfulfilled. There is no pro- phecy of Scripture that is of any private interpretation, but holy men of God spake as they were moved upon by the Holy Ghost, and their words will be fulfilled on the earth.
~ Wilford Woodruff

As I have been reading to you to-day, the Jews have got to gather to their own land in unbelief. They will go and rebuild Jerusalem and their temple. They will take their gold and silver from the nations and will gather to the Holy Land, and when they have done this and rebuilt their city, the Gentiles, in fulfillment of the words of Ezekiel, Jeremiah and other prophets, will go up against Jerusalem to battle and to take a spoil and a prey; and then, when they have taken one-half of Jeru- salem captive and distressed the Jews for the last time on the earth, their Great Deliverer, Shiloh, will
~ Wilford Woodruff
The last song sung here was, "Do what is right, let the consequence fol- low." That is what I say to the Latter-day Saints. Let us do what is right, maintain our religion be- fore God, be valiant in the testimony of Jesus Christ, and prepare our- selves for his coming, for it is near, and this is what God requires at our hands.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Who is going to be prepared for the coming of the Messiah? These men who enjoy the Holy Ghost and live under the inspiration of the Al- mighty, who abide in Jesus Christ and bring forth fruit to the honor and glory of God. No other people will be.
~ Wilford Woodruff
This land, North and South America, is the land of Zion, it is a choice land--the land that was given by promise from old father Jacob to his grandson and his descendants, the land on which the Zion of God should be established in the latter days. We have been fulfilling the prophecies concerning it, for the last forty years. We have come up here and established the kingdom; True, it is small to-day, it may be compared to a mustard seed, but as the Lord our God lives, the little one will become a thousand, and the small one a strong nation, and the Lord Almighty will hasten it in his own time, and the world will learn one thing in this generation, and that is, that when they fight against Mount Zion, they fight against the decrees of the Almighty and the principles of eternal life.
~ Wilford Woodruff
This is the work and kingdom of God; this is the Zion of God and the Church of Christ, and we are called by his name. The Latter-day Saints have to abide in Christ, and we can not do that unless we bring forth fruit, any more than the branch of the vine can unless it abide in the vine. To abide in Christ we must enjoy the Spirit of God, that our minds may be enlightened to comprehend the things of God.
~ Wilford Woodruff
The world hate us because the Al- mighty has called us out from the world to proclaim his Gospel and build up his kingdom. Let us be faithful, for the Lord is going to protect us, and build up Zion. He will also gather Israel, rebuild Je- rusalem and prepare the way for his second coming, in the clouds of heaven. Then let us, Latter-day Saints, wake up to our duty. Think nothing too hard that the Lord re- quires of us. Let us build this Temple that we may attend to the ordinances for the living and the dead.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Then rejoice in the Gospel of Christ. Re- joice in the principles of eternal life. I am looking for the fulfillment of all things that the Lord has spoken, and they will come to pass as the Lord God lives. Zion is bound to rise and flourish. The Lamanites will blos- som as the rose on the mountains.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Brethren and sisters, let us remem- ber our position before the Lord! Let us try and keep the faith, let us labor for the Holy Spirit, that our hearts, minds and eyes may be opened, that we may live by inspiration, that when we see dark clouds rising and evils strewing our path, we may be able to overcome
~ Wilford Woodruff