Autobiography 1857 Draft 2 [A-6]

Document Transcript

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History of Wilford Woodruff.
(From his own pen)

In tracing the history of my fathers, I find it difficult
to obtain a satisfactory account of the Woodruff family, for more
than three generations.

My ^Great^ Grandfather, Josiah Woodruff, lived nearly one hundred
years, of age and possessed an strong iron constitution and performed
a great amount of manual labor nearly up to the time of his
death. His wife's name was Sarah; she bore to him nine
children as follows;— Josiah, Appleton, Eldad, Elisha, Joseph, Rhoda,
Phebe and two names not given.

My Grandfather, Eldad Woodruff, was the third son of
[page covered] he was born in Farmington, Hartford Co., Connecticut
[page covered] heis father ^also^ possessed a strong constitution; it was said, that
[page covered] d the most labor for several years of any man in
Hartford Co., and from over exertion in hewing timber he was
attacked with rheumatism in his right hip, which caused a severe
lameness, for several years before his death. He married Dinah
by whom he had seven children as follows, vizt. :— Eldad
Elizabeth, Samuel, Aphek, Titus, He-Ellen and Ozem.

Eldad married Lewey Woodford; Elizabeth, Amasa Frisby;
Samuel, Miss Case; Aphek, Beulah Thompson and Hannah ^Azubah^ Hart; Titus,
Louisa Allen; Hellen, Amos Wheeler; and Ozem, Acksah Merrill and Hannah
; all of these had numerous families, unions were productive
whom had large families.

My Grandfather died in Farmington, with the spotted fever
in 1806, aged 55 years. My Grandmother, Dinah, Woodruff died in
1824, in the same place, with a cancer in the left breast: her
sufferings were very great.

My Father, Aphek Woodruff, was born in Farmington
Nov. 11, 1778; he married Beulah Thomson, who was born in 1782,
Nov., 29, 1801. She bore to him three children ^sons^, ^namely:—^ Azmon born Nov., 29,
1802; Ozen Thompson born Dec. 22, 1804; myself born .

My mother died with the spotted fever, June, 11, 1808, aged

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26 years, leaving me 15 months old. My Father's married for
his second wife, Azup^b^ah Hart, was born July, 31, 1792; they were
married Nov., 9, 1810; and ^they^ had six children,. vizt.:— Philo born
Nov., 29, 1811;, and died by poison administered by a physician Nov.,
25, 1827; aged 16 years; Asahil Hart born April, 11, 1814, and
died in Terrahaute, Oct., 18, 1838; aged 24 Franklin born March
12, 1816, and died June 1, 1816; Newton born June 19, 1818,
drowned Sep. 1820; Julius born April 22, 1820, and died in
infancy; Eunice born June 19, 1820^1^. I married her to Dwight
in Farmington Conn. Aug. 4, 1841.

My father, Aphek was a strong constitutioned man, and
has done a great amount of labor. At 18 years of age, he commenced
attending a flouring and saw mill, and continued about [page covered]
[page covered] t of this time he labored 18, in each 24 hours hours a [page covered]

He never made any profession of religion, until [page covered]
him with all his household into the church of Jesus [page covered]
Latter day Saints
on the first day of July 1838. He [page covered]
man of great charity, honesty, integrity and truth, and made himself
poor by giving to the poor and accommodating his fellow-men
by loaning money and becoming surety for his neighbors, and
always saying yes to every man who asked a favor at his hand

I was born in the North part of the town of
Farmington, now called Avon, Hartford Co., Conn. .
I assisted my Father in attending the Farmington Mills, until I
was 20 years of age. / In the Spring of ^April,^ 1827 I took the flouring
mill of my Aunt, Hellen Wheeler, which I attended three years.
In the Spring of ^May,^ 1830, I took charge of the flouring mill of Mr.
Collins, the ax manufacturer, in south Canton, Conn., at the end
of one year it was demolished to make way for other machinery.
In the spring of ^March,^ 1831 I took charge of the flouring mill owned
by Mr. Richd. B. Cowleys of New Hartford, Conn. In the Sp^r^ing ^stet^
of ^stet^ 1832, in company with my oldest brother Azmon, I went to
Richland, Owego Co., New York, and purchased a farm and saw mill,
and settled down in business for ourselves.

At an early age my mind was exercised upon religious

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subjects, although I never made an ^outward^ profession until 1830; I did
not then join any church, for the reason that I could not find
any denomination whose doctrines, faith or practice, agreed with
the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or the ordinances and gifts which the
Apostles taught. Although the ministers of the day taught that
the faith, gifts, graces, miracles ^& ordinances,^ which the ancient saints enjoyed
were done away and no longer needed, I did not believe a word of
it, to be true, only as they were done away through the unbelief of
the children of men; I believed the same gifts, graces, miracles and
power would be manifest in one age of the world as in another,
when God had a church upon the earth, & I believed ^that^ the church
of God would be ^re-^established upon the earth, in my and that
I should live to see it. Thies^e^ principles was^ere^ rivetted upon my
mind from two causes; first, from the perusal of the old and
new Testament, with fervent prayer that the Lord would show me
what was right and wrong, and lead me in the path of salva-
, without any regard to the opinions of man, and the
whisperings of the spirit of the Lord for the space of three years
taught me in accordance with the written word of God that
He was about to set up His church and kingdom upon the
earth in the last days. / and secondly, I was taught thies^e^
principle ^things^ from my youth by Robert Mason, an aged man,
who lived in Simsbury, Conn.; who was frequently called the old
prophet Mason,: he taught me many things which are now
coming to pass. / he

He did not believe that any person man upon the
face of the earth had authority to administer in the ordinances
of the Gospel, but believed it was our privilege through faith, prayer
and fasting to heal the sick, and cast out Devils by the laying on
of hands
, which was the case under his administration as many
could testify.

I was looking for the coming forth of the truth when I
heard of what was called Mormonism. In 1832 I was
inspired to go to Rhode Island, an my brother, Asahel, was
also directed by the spirit of God to go to the same place

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when we met, we both told our impressions, and it caused us
to wonder and marvel and wonder, what the Lord wanted of
us in Rhode Island; but as we had made preparations
to move to the West, we let outward circumstances control us,
and Jonah-like, instead of going to Rhode Island, we went
to Richland, Oswego Co., New York, and there remained until
the 29th day of , before ^when^ I heard Elder Zerah Pulsiper
and Elijah Cheeny preach. My brother Azmon and I believed
their testimony, and invited ^entertained^ the Elders home and offered our-
selves for baptism the first sermon we heard. We read the
book of Mormon and I received a testimony that it was

I learned that Elders Sam. H. Smith and Orson Hyde were
had preached in Rhode island in 1832, which accounted for the
reason We soon learned what the Lord wanted of us in Rhode
Island, for at the time we were warned of the Lord to go there,
two of the Elders of the Latter day Saints were preaching there,
and had we gone, we certainly should have embraced the
work at that time, but as it was we had to wait for
the next call.

, I was baptized by Elder Zerah Pulsipher; and ^he^
confirmed ^me^ the same evening.

I was ordained to the office of a Teacher,
and my Eldest brother, Azmon, an Elder, and a small branch organized
of 12 members by Elder Pulsipher.

In Feby. following, in company with Elder Holton, I walked
some 60 miles to the town of Fabius to attend an evening meeting
of the saints in that place where Elder Pulsipher was presiding; I
saw the book of commandments or revelations given through Joseph Smith,
and I believed them with all my heart and rejoiced therein, and after
spending several days with them, and holding several meetings, we returned
home rejoicing. ¶ During the winter, we were visited by several of the
Elders among whom was Elder Harry Brown; He again who called
upon us again about Feby 1st, accompanied by Elder Parley P. Pratt
called upon us and instructed the branch, he spoke till near midnight

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: we had a precious time. He was upon an important mission to
gather up a company to go up to redeem Zion.
I accompanied brother
Pratt to Jefferson Co., ^&^ I told him my circumstances; he said it was my
duty to prepare myself to go to Kirtland, and join the camp of Zion.

I immediately went to work with all my might and settled
my business. ¶ , I ^with my^ biad^e^ my friends farewell, and took a pair
of horses and wagon, and took with me ^I took^ brothers Harry Brown and
Warren Ingales, and started for Kirtland, Ohio ^Zion^. I met with Orson Pratt,
John Murdoch and other Elders on the way and arrived in Kirtland
on the .

I was introduced to The prophet Joseph, who invited me
to make his house my home; which kind offer I accepted, ^his offer^ and staid
with him about one week. I became acquainted not only with the
prophet Joseph, and his family but / with ^stet^ many of the High Priests
Elders and Saints. I spent one Sabbath in Kirtland and heard many
of the Elders speak, and I felt to rejoice before God for the light and
knowledge which was manifested to me during that day.

, I started from Kirtland, and went to New Portage,
and remained till all the company joined us, when we were organized.
^¶^ , we took up our line of march, pitching our tents by the
way, and travelled to Missouri.

After we had pitched our tents in Clay Co. (our numbers being
205) and many of the brethren had been taken sick, and some had
died, Joseph requested the camp to disperse, except enough to take care
of the sick; all who had teams were required to leave the ground
go among the brethren, I went to bro. Lyman Wights', in company
with Heman Hyde and Milton Holmes. After Shortly, Joseph called
the brethren together at Lyman Wights', and told them if they would
humble themselves before the Lord, and covenant to keep His command-
ments and obey His counsel, the plague should be stayed from that
hour, and there should not be another case of the cholera in the
camp. The brethren commanded covenanted to do this and the
plague was stayed and there was not another case in camp.

Prest. Joseph Smith returned home ^to Kirtland^ with many other of the
brethren, I remained with Lyman Wight, laboring with my hands till the

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following winter.

I had a great desire to t^pr^each the Gospel, which I did not
reveal to any person ^name to my brethren^, but one Sunday evening I retired into the woods
alone, and called upon the Lord in earnest prayer to open my way
to go and preach the Gospel to the inhabitants of the Earth; the
spirit of the Lord rested upon me and bore witness unto me
that my prayer was heard, and should be answered. I walked
arose from my knees happy, and walked some forty rods through a
thick wood into an open road, as I entered the road, there stood before
^&^ me^t^ Elias Higbee, a high priest, with whom I had staid for a number
of months, but had never said any thing to me about preaching or
ordination, but now as I appouched^roached^ him, he said "bro. Wilford the
spirit of the Lord tells me that you should be ordained and
go on a mission." I replied, "I am ready."

At a meeting of the High Council at Lyman Wight's,
Clay Co., Mo. on , I was ordained a priest ^by Elder^ under the hands of
bros. Samuel^imeon^ Carter; Stephen Winchester and Heman T. Hyde, were ^also^ ordained
Priests at the same time.

Bishop Partridge said he would like to have me go into
the Southern States, through Arkansas, Tennessee & Kentucky, &c. ^&^ if I could
find any body who had faith enough to go with me ^to take^ for it would
be a dangerous count^r^y to travel in at present, in consequence of the
Missouri persecution, ^to take him.^ I told him I was as ready to go South as any
where, and asked if I should go through Jackson County, as it lay direct
on our route, he said ^replied^, it would be at the risk of life, and he
had not got faith enough to undertake it; if I had, I might
try it. I also asked him, if I went through Jackson Co., if I
should start without purse or scrip according to the law of God,
Hee he replied answered, that he had not got faith enough to start
on a mission through Jackson Co., without money, and if I did it
I must do it on my own faith, I felt strenuous to keep the
commandments, so I started without money; I called upon Elder Harry
, and asked him if he would not ^to^ accompany me; it met ^he consented,^
his wishes, and Bishop Partridge gave appointed him to go with me

, I received an honorable discharge from Lyman

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Wight, I certifying that I had faithfully performed my duties in Zions'
. I took my

On this day I took my valise in hand, weighing 15 lbs., mostly
books of Mormon, and started in company with Elder Harry Brown,
we ^&^ crossed the river into Jackson Co., and bowed our knees felt thankful.
to God; we bowed our knees, and prayed that God "might protect
us from the mob while going through the country, and that His
judgements might rest upon the wicked who had shed the blood
of the Saints in that land, that the land might be cleansed from
sin. I bore ^had^ a, Petition to the Governor of Mo., for redress of
wrongs perpetrated upon us in Jackson Co., for the purpose of obtaining
signatures unto it. We bent our way south, through Jackson Co., without
any harm molestation; yet, in one instance, we were miraculously
preserved from a mob of about 60, assembled at a grog shop,
which we had to pass.

, we called at the Harmony mission and had an
interview with the President, a Presbyterian minister; althoug^h it^ was near
sun down he would neither give us any thing to eat, nor lodge us,
because we were Mormons, it was 15 miles to the nearest house,
which was Jerrews Indian tready trading house; we asked the
minister to direct us there; he gave us directions, but the spirit
said to me, he was deceiving us, I asked him three times, and
he declared he was telling us the truth. ) We followed his directions
and we arrived ^came^ at ^to^ the Osage river swamp, where we were lost
in the darkness of the night; we followed the river, but as it is
one of the most ^very^ crooked in America, we made ^but^ little progress. After
travelling through mud and and water for one hour, we concluded
to go out on the open prairie and lie down in the grass until
morning, but when we got out into the prairie we heard the
Osage Indians drum and shout at the trading house as they were
having a Pow-wow, we followed by the sound and went into
their midst; As we approached, we were met by a dozen large
savage looking dogs; they smelt us in a friendly manner, but
did not attempt to bite nor bark; we arrived about midnight,
covered with mud, hungry and weary, and were kindly received

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and entertained for the remainder of the night by Mr. Jerrew,
who had an Osage squaw for a wife; she prepared us a good
supper, but marvelled that we did not drink coffee; she pro-
ffered us their best bed, which was highly ornamented, but we de-
clined ^ her accepting her kind offer, as we were wet and muddy;
she then made us a good bed of Mackinaw blankets before a
large fire, and we slept comfortably. May the Lord reward
both Mr. Jerrew and wife, and the Presbyterian minister accord-
ing to their deserts.

th, Mr. Jerreu gave us a good breakfast, put us accross
the Osage river in a canoe, and was we started upon our long
day's walk, it being 60 miles to the nearest house; and we had not
a morsel of anything with us to eat; most of our travels through
the day was through prairie; before dark we entered timbered land,
as we approached the timber a large black bear met us; we
had no weapons^.^ but a small pistol, when the bear got ^within^ about
6 rods of us, he rose upon his hind feet and examined us
a short time, then turned and went another off. We were
soon enveloped in such thick darkness ^that^ it was with great difficulty
that we could keep the road, we ^&^ were soon surrounded with ^by^
a large drove of wolves, that ^which^ kept up a continual howling, and
would frequently rush upon us, coming to within a few feet
of us, we travelled about two hours in this situation, feeling that
we were in danger, and concluded to stop and build a fire
and wait till morning; accordingly we built a large fire which
drove the wolves off, and as we were about to lie down, we heard
a dog bark and a bell; we felt assured we were near a
house; each both of us took a brand of fire, and on going
about one quarter of a mile, we came to a log hut, which was
occupied by Mr. Williams, who had been in Jackson Co., during
the mobing of the Saints;, he ^&^ had lately moved here depending
upon his gun mostly for his living, it was 60 miles to a
house on the North and 12 miles on the South; him ^He^ and his
family were living in a small old log hut, about 12 feet square,
and one bed in the room, upon which lay his wife, several children

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and three young dogs, he lay stretched out upon the bare
floor with his feet to a small fire, there was no door to the
house, but a ragged quilt hung up in the door way; it was
past 11 o'clock at night. I turned away the quilt, looked into
the house, every thing was in sound sleep, I ^&^ spoke three
times; no one stirred, not even a dog. I walked in and laid
my hands upon the man's shoulders, and spoke to him; the moment
he felt the weight of my hand, he leaped to his feet, and commenced
running around the room, leaping as high as he could each jump.
I told him not to be frightened, as we were travellers and friends
and did not wish to hurt him, but wished to stop with him
over night; when he came to his senses, he gave us permission to
stop with him till morning, if we would take the bare floor,
as he did, we asked for something to eat, as we had walked 60
miles without a morsel of food; he replied, he had nothing for us,
and assured us he had to kill game for his breakfast in the
morning. He informed us that the reason of his fright, was ^ in
consequence of his having shot a large panther dead a few nights
previous standing in his door, and he thought his mate had
lit upon him. We lay down upon the floor, and we were
glad of this place as it soon began to rain, and rained
through the night.

In the morning we arose, and went on in the rain 12
miles to a Mr. Conner's, who was also in the Jackson county mob;
he gave us breakfast, but damned us while we were eating because
we were Mormons, when we had finished f a hearty breakfast, we thanked
him very politely, and went on our way leaving him swearing; we
felt thankful for breakfast, for we had walked 72 miles without
eating food. We continued travelging, preaching by the way, without ^taught from house to house^
stopping, only over night. as we journeyed.

Jan. 24, I preached at Mr. Nathan Tanner's in Green Co.
Missouri, the first time we had found a congregation during our
journey, that we could converse, and preach to, in safety, and the first
time that I had ever attempted to preach ^as a missionary.^ to a congregation in the
capacity of a Priest or missionary, I had great liberty and was

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followed by Elder Brown: during our preaching there was a hard snow

We arrived at Petty John Creek, in the Arkansas Territory, where
Mr. Alexander Akeman resided with a large family of sons and one
daughter, all of which who^m^ were settled around him, Mr Akeman, ^stet^ was a
member of the church ^he^ and a part of his family, were members of the
church in Jackson Co.; his wife died strong in the faith in Mo.; & his
whole family were mobbed, and some of his sons were whipped severely;
but he could not stand the persecution and the loss of his property,
he moved to Arkansas to get rid of Mormonism, had apostatized, and
was bitter against the work; when we called upon him, he opposed
us strongly, — spoke against the leaders of the church and the book of
, he had one son who received us, and had a little faith, I
had a ^the following^ dreamed the night before I ^we^ went there. concerning what we should
meet with, and what would transpire. " I dreamed that we were re-
quired to walk in a strai^gh^t narrow path, and while following the path
it lead to the door of a house, which was placed in a high wall which ^that^ we
could not get around; as I opened the door to go through, I saw the
room ^was^ filled with ^large serpents.^ snakes, I proceeded ^entered,^ and they all coiled up to jump
at me; as they made a spring to bite me, they all fell dead at my
feet, turned black, swelled up, burst open, took fire and were consumed
before my eyes.

We met with much opposition not only by ^from^ Mr. Akeman
but from ^&^ many in the neighborhood, Elder Brown wished to leave
the place immediately; I told him I should stay and see my dream
fulfilled. We staid in the neighborhood 25 days, during which time,
the Lord brought judgment upon those who threatened to mob ^& kill^ us;
many of them died suddenly, while we were there, and I was
warned three times by the Lord to go to Mr. Akeman and bear
testimony unto him of the truth of Mormonism and the wickedness
of his course in opposing it, and the last time I called upon him
he was filled with wrath against me, and when I left his house
he followed me in a rage, apparently with some evil intent; when I
had got a few rods from his door, he was nearly treading on my
heels, he ^&^ fell dead at my feet, as though he had been struck with

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lightning; he swelled & ^immediately^ turned black; this created a great wailing
and mourning among his family. Brother Brown and myself assisted
in laying him out, and burying him; he died , and
we buried him on the .,

This singular dispensation of providence brought solemnity
upon the people, and they began to reflect and wished to heare
preaching; we held several meetings and preached to the people, and
baptized Mr. Hubbel and his wife, aged people ^persons^, who had opened their
doors, and given us a home; and just as we had got the people
prepared to receive the Gospel, and anxious to learn and pleading with
us to stay and preach, bro. Brown resolved that he would continue
his journey south. I was fully satisfied that should we stop, we would
build up a church, and was convinced it was our duty to stop
but bro. Brown held the office of an Elder ^& I submitted^ and I was a Priest, we
were travelling together upon a mission, and I felt that I must be
subject to those over me in the priesthood, so I submitted.

This is an error which many have committed in this church
who were sent as Missionaries to the world, as soon as they got doors
open and a people prepared to receive the Gospel, they go away and
leave them: we left this people with tears in their eyes.
Brown did not baptize another person ^on the mission^ during his whole southern

, we cut down a large cotton wood tree, and ^in two days^ dug out
a canoe 4 feet wide & 12 feet long, put on a pair of oars and ^then^ rowed
down the Arkansas river, 125 miles, to little Rock, begging our food
by the way, a meal at a time, as we had opportunity; after visiting
little Rock we travelled down the river 10 miles, and tied up our
canoe on the east bank and stopped with Mr. Jones, I preached
next day at his house. On the th, we left our canoe with Mr. Jones
and walked back up the river 10 miles, opposite little Rock, and took
the old military road, and started to wade the Mississippi swamp
which was mostly covered with water from little Rock, Arkansas, to Memphis,
Tennessee, a distance of about 175 miles. We waded through mud and
water knee deep, day after day, and in some instances 40 miles per day,
before we could get a stopping place.

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On the , while in the swamps, I had an attack
of the Rheumatizm and could not travel fast.

My companion, bro. Brown, had got in a hurry, and wished
to hasten to the Mississippi, close up his mission, take boat and
return to his family in Kirtland, and as I could not travel
as fast as he wished, we parted; he left me sitting on a log in
the mud and water; I was lame and unable to walk, without food,
and 12 miles from the nearest house on the road; he went out of
sight in great haste; I then knelt down in the water and prayed
to the Lord to heal me; the spirit of the Lord rested upon me, and
I was healed; the pain left me, I arose and went my way; whenever
I met with one or more families I preached and bore testimony
to them as I went along. ^¶^ I crossed the Mississippi river on the
evening of the .

I ^&^ staid at a public house kept by Mr. Josiah Jackson,
I was suspected of being an imposter. Mr. Jackson believed I was
one of Murrill's clan, who were then murdering and stealing N^n^egros;
and to test me, he gathered together a large house full of the ^most^ wickedest,
and most corrupt Gentlemen ^people^ in the city, and set me to preaching
to them, to see whether I could preach or not.

I do not think that Mr. Jackson or the same company
of men and women will ever meet together again for the same
purpose; or to test for they would not like again to have their
sins and abominations revealed to each other, as plainly and pointedly
as I told them that night, through the inspiration of the Holy
: they were glad to get rid of me upon almost any terms.

I travelled from Memphis to middle Tennessee.

, I met with Elder Warren Parrish in Benton
, Hime and David W. Patten had labored together through the
winter in Tennessee, and baptized 20 persons. Elder Patten had
returned to Kirtland. I joined Elder Parrish and we labored
together over 3 months, travelling and preaching daily, baptizing such
as would receive our testimony, extending our labors through ^in^ Tennessee & Ken-

, we recieved a letter from Oliver Cowdery, saying,
that they wished ^requesting^ Elder Parrish to come to Kirtland, and for me to

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remain and take charge of the Southern churches, and the Lord
would bless me in so doing.

, Warren Parrish ordained me to the office
of an Elder, we baptized some 40 persons while laboring together.

, Elder Parrish returned to Kirtland ^left^. I continued
to traveled alone through the year, and extended my labors both in
Kentucky and Tennessee. I baptized 43 persons during this
season, 31 after bro. Parrish left me.

, while travelling in the night with several
bro. Benj. L. Clapp and others, a tremendous storm of wind
and rain overtook us; we came to a creek which had swollen to
such an extent by the rain that we could not cross without
swimming our horses; and several of the company were faemialies, and
could not consistently cross the stream / we undertook to head the
stream sufficient to ford it, but in the attempt in the midst
of the darkness, and the raging of the wind and rain, we became ^were^
lost in the thick woods,we had neither fire, light nor road, but
were in the dark, mud, ^amidst the^ rain, wind, mud, creeks and ^fallen^ tree tops,
we crossed streams near twenty times, and setting aside our females
and horses we made more the appearance of fishermen than
travellers. I was reminded of Pauls perils by water; but the
Lord was merciful unto us in the midst of our troubles, [Acts 27] for
while we were groping in the dark, running the risk of killing
both ourselves and animals by riding off steep ^precipitous^ bluffs, a bright light
suddenly shone round about us, and revealed unto us our perilous
situation, as we were upon the edge of a deep gulf; the light
continued with us until we found a house and learned the
right road, then the light disappeared, yet ^&^ we were enabled
to reach the house of bro. Henry Thomas at 9 o'clock in the
evening, without all safe, having rode 20 miles, being 5 hours in
the storm, and forded streams twenty or more times, and we felt
to thank the Lord for our preservation.

During the winter and spring, I continued to labor mostly
alone, through Kentucky and Tennessee, and extended my labors
opening new places, preaching daily, baptizing, confirming and organ-

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izing new branches, & holding conferences. &c.

, at a conference held at bro. B. L. Clapp's
in Callaway Co., Ky., I ordained A. O. Smoot & Benj. Boydston
E^e^lders and B. L. Clapp & Dan. Thomas priests.

Bros. Smoot & Clapp both entered into the labors of
the ministry. Elder Smoot frequently accompanied me on
my mission. Elder D. W. Patten returned to Tennessee, in april,
and joined us in our labors, accompanied by his wife, it was
a happy meeting, he related to me the blessings he had received
in Kirtland during the endowments; we travelled and labored
together; persecution raged against us; Elder Patten bore a
strong and forcible testimony unt of ^to^ ^of^ the work of God, and when
we were opposed by mobs he would rebuke them in great
plainness; we were threatened, but not injured; the sick
were frequently healed under our administrations.

, Elder Warren Parrish joined us, he came direct
^arrived^ from Kirtland and joined us in our labors. We held a conference
on the , at bro. Seth Utleys; 7 branches were represented con-
taining 116 members. Abel Wilson and Jesse Turpin ^were^ ordained priests
and Albert Petty ordained a Teacher. , I was ordained
under the hands of ^by^ David W. Patten a member of the second
quorum of Seventies. We

We continued to extended our laborsed over a circuit of
several hundred miles, bro. Smoot labored continually with us and
bro. Clapp frequently. We travelled two by two, only as ^except when^ we
^&^ all met together to hold conferences.

, [Joseph Smith Papers Document] a states warrant was issued against
D. W. Patten, Warren Parrish & Wilford Woodruff, sworn out
by Mathew Williams, a Methodist priest, and served by the
Sheriff, Robert C. Petty. Elders Patten and Parrish were
taken by an armed mob of about fifty, under ^pretence^ form ^color^ of law
led by the Sheriff, a Colonel, 1st & 2nd major, with other
officers, and a Methodist priest, with a gun on his shoulder
I was in another County and not taken. We were accused
of prophecying falsely, by saying, that four persons who

Page 15

were baptized should receive the Holy Ghost in 24 hours,
and that Christ should come the second time before this gen-
eration passed away; the whole concern was a mob mock
, contrary to law, justice, judgment or truth.

On the , I went to a baptist meeting house on
Thompsons creek, to ^preach^ fulfil an previous appointment; the
house was crowded with people, as I rose to speak in the
pulpit a baptist priest, Mr. Browning, arrived at the door
on horseback, & stepped in greatly agitated, and told the Deacon
to forbid my preaching in the house, at the sametime
commenced a tirade of abuse against the Mormons, telling
several lies, which I corrected before the people, which
increased his rage; as I was forbidden to preach in the
house, and had been invited, and travelled many miles
to fulfil my appointment, ^I told the people^ I would like to preach &
was willing to stand on a wood pile, a fence; a cart,
or any place, they would appoint; a man rose and said
he owned the land in front of the meeting house, and
I might stand & preach on that, and welcome, all the
congregation with the exception of the minister and one Deacon
arose and left the house, walked across the street &
formed seats of a worm fence, and gave good attention
while I preached for an hour and a half on the principles
of the Gospel; when I closed I gave liberty for any
one to speak. Mr. Randolph Alexander rose and
made a few remarks, it being the first time he
^who^ had ^never^ heard a Mormon Elder speak ^before^, he said, the
people of the present day made him think of a
pen of hogs, the keeper would make a trough, and
pour into it anything, hot
or cold water, dish water or anything else, ^and they would drink it,^, but let a
stranger come along and pour over a ba^s^ket of corn on
the back side of the pen, & the hogs would be frightened
and run and snort all over the pen; he said, it was
so with the people, the priests would feed them with

Page 16

any kind of doctrine, no matter how false, the
people will swallow it down, but let a stranger come
and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which will save
the people, as Mr. Woodruff has done, and the people
are afraid of him.

Mr. Alexander invited me home, bought a book
of Mormon
, and was soon baptized, and several others followed
his example.

I.SD , I wrote a letter to Oliver Cowdery, and
sent him a list of subscribers, and o for the Messenger and
, and a detail of my mission in the South.

, I rode in company with A. O. Smoot to a
ferry on the Tennessee river; there ferryman was absent, we
were offered the use of the boat, & ferried ourselves, but
not being much used to the business, and loosing one oar
in the river, and having to row with one ^a^ broken oar, we
landed a great distance below the usual place with a
high circulation of blood and blistered hands, but our horses
leapt the bank and we went on our way to the Sandy,
which we swam and spent the night at Thomas Frazer's

, we rode to ^preached at^ Mr. David Crider's, and preached
at his house, also on Sunday the , ^where^ we were threatened
with ^by^ a mob; I baptized Mr. Crider amid the scoffs of
the rabble, they did not mob us, but ^who^ went in the night
and poisoned both of our horses, the one which I rode
belonging to bro. Samuel West, which died in 2 days afterwards,
brother Smoot's recovedred, the hogs ^swine^ which ^that^ eat of the horse
flesh also died.

I met with D. W. Patten and his
wife; he and bro. Parrish had been driven out of Benton into
Henry Co. and Elder Parrish had left for Kirtland

. We were visited by Elders T. B. Marsh
and E. H. Groves, from Caldwell Co. Mo. and

, We held a conference at Damon's creek
Callaway Co., Kentucky; several branches were represented, containing

Page 17

119 members; Johnson F. Lane, Benj. L. Clapp and Randolph
were ordained Elders, and Lindsey Bradey to the office
of a priest by D. W. Patten, who baptized five at the
close of the conference.

ISD At this conference I was released from my labors in
the South, and counselled to go to Kirtland and receive my
endowments, as was also A. O. Smoot

, I parted Elders Marsh and D. W. Patten and wife
and E. H. Groves started for Far West. I organized the
first company of Saints who emigrated from the Southern states,
which numbered 22 souls.

I appointed Elder Boydston Prest. of the Coy. and counselled
them to be united, and to remember their prayers night and
day before the Lord.

,th, the camp started. I spent a few days visiting
the branches, baptized and confirmed 8, and obtained 30 subscribers for
the Messenger and Advocate.

, In company with A. O. Smoot & Jesse Turpin
I started for Kirtland; this was the first time I had ever
travelled on a steam boat, we left the steamer at Louisville on
the , and spent 19 days visiting Elder Smoots relations and preach-
ing among the people; we visited the big bone lick;
we arrived in Cincinnatti , where we saw thirteen persons
dead and wounded taken from the Steamer Flora ^which had burst her pipes while running a race^; arrived in
Kirtland on the th, and had the happy privilege of meeting
the prophet Joseph, and many Elders, with whom I was acquainted
in the camp of Zion. , I heard Joseph preach in the Temple.
In the afternoon I was called to speak and read the 56 chap. of
Isaiah 56 chapter, and made some remarks upon it, and gave an account
of my mission in the South; Elder Smoot also addressed the Saints.

I was counselled by the Presidency to attend the school
in the Temple taught by Prof. Haws, I studdied the Latin language
and English Grammar, and boarded with bro. Ira Bond.

I attended meetnigs with the Seventies and other Quorums
during the winter of 1836–7, and recieved much valuable instruction

Page 18

, I was present at the organization of the
third Quorum of seventies; there was^ere^ 27 ordained.

, I was set apart to be a member of
the first quorum of Seventies.

, I visited the office of the Kirtland safety
society, and saw the first paper that was issued from that institution,
it was given to Jacob Bump in exchange for other notes, he was
the first to circulate it.

I heard Pres. Joseph Smith declare in the presence of
F. G. Williams, D. Whitmer, E. Smith, W. Parrish and others, that
he had received that morning the word of the Lord upon the subject
of the Kirtland safety society, he was alone in a room by himself,
he ^&^ not only had the voice of the spirit, but ^heard^ an audible voice upon
the subject; and said if the people would give heed to his counsel
all would be well.

, at early candle light, ^a^ clouds began to arise in
the North East and reached to the north west, having the ap-
pearance of fire, and it soon spread over the whole horizon, the
reflection of the clouds upon the earth which was covered with snow
had a blood red appearance; it commenced at about 6 o'clock and
lasted till past 10 p.m.

, Prests. Joseph Smith and O. Cowdery addressed the
saints in the Temple, Joseph blessed the people in the name
of the Lord, and said, if we would be faithful, we should arise
above our embarrassments and be delivered from the hands of our

, I wrote an article ^on Faith^ which was published in
the Messenger and advocate.

, I attended meeting at the Temple.
Prest. Joseph Smith had been absent on business for the church,
but not half as long as Moses was in the mount away from
Israel, yet many of the people in Kirtland, if they did not
make a calf to worship as did the Israelites, they turned
their hearts away from the Lord and from His servant Joseph [Exodus 32:1-8],
and had engaged in speculation and given away to false spirits

Page 19

until they were darkened in their minds and many were
opposed to Joseph Smith, and some wished to appoint David Whitmer
to lead the church in his stead; in the midst of this cloud
of dark spirits, Joseph returned to Kirtland, and this morning
arose in the stand, when he appeared as though he was
much depressed, but soon the spirit of God rested upon hism
men and he addressed the assembly in great plainness for
about 3 hours, and put his enemies to silence. when he arose
he said, "I am still the President,— prophet, seer, Revelator
and leader of the church of Jesus Christ, and kingdom God
and not not man has appointed and placed me in this
position, and no man or set of men have power to remove
me or appoint another in my stead, and those who undertake
this, if they do not speedily repent, they will ^burn their fingers &^ go to hell.
He reproved the people sharply for their sins, darkness and
unbelief, the power of God rested upon him, and bore testimony
that his sayings were true.

was spent in the Temple by the
saints in Kirtland in fasting and prayer. The Patriarch Joseph
Smith Sen
. presided; the spirit of the Lord was poured out
upon the people, a contribution was taken up for the poor.

, I received my washings and anointings in the
house of the Lord, I spent the whole night in the Temple
with others of the Seventies in prayer and fasting, the spirit
of the Lord rested upon us, after 24 hours I partook of food.

, The Presidency of the church, the Twelve
apostles and other Quorums met in solemn assembly, and sealed
upon our heads, our washings, anointings and blessings with a
loud shout of Hossanna to God and the Lamb; the spirit
of the Lord met ^rested^ upon us, after spending three hours in
the upper room, the quorums repaired to the lower court, &
the vails were lowered, the ordinance of washing of feet was
administered, Elder H. C. Kimball washed my feet &
pronounced blessings upon me; after this ordinance the vails of
the Temple were rolled up, and Prest. Joseph Smith addressed

Page 20

the Elders for three hours, clothed with the spirit and power
of God, he unbosomed his feelings in the house of his friends,—
gave much instruction, he urged upon us the absolute necessity of
giving strict heed to his teachings and counsel, and the Revelations
of the Lord to the church, and be wise in all things, that
Zion and her stakes may be redeemed and established, no more
to be thrown down, he said, that the kings of the earth
would yet become to behold the glory of Zion, and that
great and glorious blessings would be bestowed upon the Saints
in the last days. Hyrum Smith bore testimony, and was followed
by Oliver Cowdery, who exhorted the Elders to keep within the
bounds of their knowledge, and let the great mysteries of the
kingdom alone, for the Gentiles had not a knowledge even
of the first principles of the Gospel, ^he said^ it It is far better to
preach what the people would call the small things of the
kingdom, than to enter with the visions of Isaiah, Ezekiel
and John. The twelve broke bread which was distributed
to the multitude, who eat and were filled, thanks wereas returned
and the meeting closed at the setting of the sun. ¶ The house
was again filled at candle light, Prest. Smith requested the Elders
to speak their feelings freely, and sing, exhort and pray, as the
spirit should give utterance, the meeting continued during the
whole night, many of the gifts were poured out upon the
people; at break of day we were dismissed.

I also spent the night of the 7th, in the Temple,
with several of the Elders in prayer and praise before the Lord,
the Holy Ghost rested upon us and the spirit of prophecy was
given to us, and many things were shown us, by the holy
spirit. April

April 9, Prest. Smith spoke in the afternoon, and
said in the name of the Lord that His ^the^ judgments ^of God^ would
rest upon those men who had professed to be his friends
and friends of humanity, and in building up Kirtland, a
stake of Zion; but had turned traitors to him, and the
interests of the kingdom of God, and had given power

Page 21

into the hands of our enemies against us; ^t^They had
oppressed the poor saints ^& had brought sought to bring distress th upon them^, and had become covenant breakers,
for which they ^will feel the^ wrath of God,^.^ he said, they would become
whited walls.

April 13 1837, I married Phebe W. Carter daughter
of Ezra and Sarah Carter of Scarborough, Maine, the ceremony
was performed, at the house of Prest. Joseph Smith, by Fred.
G. Williams Esq.
the prophet Joseph was expecting ^had appointed^ to marry us,
but his life was sought by a mob and he had to flee.

15, I received my Patriarchal blessings under the hands
of the Patriarch Joseph Smith Sen. My wife having received her
Patriarchal blessings from him previously.

May 5[th], while laboring for Joseph Young, we ^Kirtland^ wereas
visited with a sudden storm of wind and rain, a vain ^current^ of it passed
south of the Temple in the form of a whirlwind or tornado, which
destroyed and injured several buildings, it clo cros crushed ^one of^ Joseph Young's
buildings and removed the one we were in some 10 feet, but no
person was injured. ¶ I felt impressed to go out upon a mission,
the spirit was upon me & lead me to go to Fox islands called
Vinal Haven, bordering East upon the ^east coast of the^ state of Maine, it was a
country I had never visited, I named my feelings upon the subject
to Elders Kimball, Rigdon and others, they encouraged me to go.
Elder Kimball blessed me and said in the name of the Lord I
should be blessed and prospered on my mission and do a good work;
I made a proposed to Jonathan H. Hale to accompany me on
my mission, which he did.

May, I left my wife and friends in Kirtland, and
walked to Fairport in company with bro. Hale, we were joined by
Milton Holmes, & took the steamer Sandusky and arrived in Buffalo
, and Syracuse on the , — walked 36 miles to Richland,
Oswego Co. N.Y. and called upon my two brothers Azmon &
Thompson, whom I had not seen for several years; we
visited the churches as far as Sacketts' harbor—called upon
Archd. Patten and delivered to him some letters from Warren
, ^in^ which were enclosed many ^one^ hundred ^dollar^ bills, which he had

Page 22

taken from the Kirtland bank, having been a Clerk in
that institution., He

We crossed the lake Ontario, visited upper Canada,
and attended a conference, May 10th [], with Elders John E. Page
and James Blakesly, in the township of Bastard, Leeds Co.,
there was eight branches represented containing 300 members,
13 elders, 5 priests, 8 teachers and 6 deacons. Elder Wm.
and myself ordained 7 Elders, 9 Priests, 11 teachers
and 5 deacons: 5 were baptized by Elder Page at the
close of the Conference.

A woman was possessed of the Devil and greatly
afflicted, much of the time was dumb, 4 of us laid hands
upon her, and cast the Devil out of her in the name
of Jesus Christ, and she was made whole and gave thanks
unto God, and went on her way rejoicing. ¶ We visited several
other branches and preached the word of God and several
of the sick were healed. ¶ We returned to Kingston.—
took steamer for Oswego and canal for Albany; we
^bros.^ John Goodson, Isaac Russell & John Snider accompanied
us from Canada, and left us at Schenectady, to join Elders
Kimball, Hyde and Richards at New York, to go to

We walked from Albany to Farmington. Conn. — attended
a conference of the saints in Canaan — arrived at my fathers
house , this was the first time I had ever seen my
Father or relatives in Conn. since I joined the church; they
received me kindly. On the , I preached in the city hall
in Colinsville, and a mob gathered and attempted to break up
the meeting, with fife and drum, hollowing and yelling; they
were stirred urged on by a presbyterian priest; at the close
of the meeting the priest came to me with his rabble
and asked many questions; he said, I had no right
to my opinion, and no man had a right to preach the
unless he had a collegiate education, I told him I
would admit that point when he could tell me ^at^ what

Page 23

college Jesus Christ and his Apostles obtained their education
in, : the priest and rabble then left me.

, I preached in a school house in West Avon
to an attentive congregation; after meeting I baptized my Uncle
Ozem Woodruff, his wife and son, John, in fulfillment of a
dream which I had when I w at 10 years of age.

I visited most of my relatives in Conn., and preached
the Gospel
unto them.

M , I preached at Adna Harts in Avon
where I was met by my step-mother and sister, ^also by my wife^ who had travelled
alone from Kirtland ^& was on her way^ to visit her father in Maine. but
met with me at this point.

, I parted wi Elder Hale went to
New Rowley, ^Mass.,^ to visit his friends. I had been solicited to
preach to the citizens of Farmington by many prominent
men, but every room which was offered me, including the
town hall was closed against me by the Rev. Noah Porter,
Pastor of the Presbyterian church, until the Methodist church
was offered me, which he had not room ^influence^ to close, 2 hours
after I gave out the appointment the house was filled,
and I preached to a very attentive congregation, including my
Father and his household, for an hour and a half upon the first
principles of the Gospel
; I gave liberty to the assembly to ask any
questions, or find any fault with what I had said, but I met with
no opposition.

, I left my Father's house and in company with my
wife, took stage and rode ^by stage^ to Hartford.

, Not having money to pay the fare for ^us^ both myself
and wife, I paid her fare in the stage to New Rowley, Mass., and I
walked through a hot sultry day 15 hours, averaging three and a half
miles per hour, making 52 miles.

. I walked 48 miles.

, I walked 36 miles and arrived at Elder Nathaniel
, in R New Rowley, at 2 o'clock p.m., making 136 miles on
foot ^in^ a little over two days and a half, I met with my wife

Page 24

and Elder Milton Holmes, at his Fathers house; I spent several
days in preaching to the Saints in that region.

, We left New Rowley, and was joined by Elder
Hale, who accompanied us to Saco, Maine.

, I accompanied my wife to her Fathers house in
Scarborough, ^Maine^ we were kindly received and entertained ^received^; it was the first
time I had seen any of her relations. We found Mother Carter
very sick. I spent several days visiting the Saints in that region.

On the , I accompanied Ezra and Ilus Fabien Carter,
my brothers-in-law, on a fishing excursion; we caught with hooks
250 cod fish, haddock and hake, and saw 4 whales; it being the
first time I had ever seen that class of fish that swallowed Jonah.

, I left my wife and in company with Elder Hale,
^I^ started to fill my mission on Fox islands, we walked to Portland
and spent the night at Mr. Samuel Hale's.

, We took the steamer Bangor & rode 85 miles to
Owls head, where we arrived at sunset, without means to prosecute
our journey further, we retired to a high hill, and bowed before the
Lord and prayed that he would open our way, the spirit of the
rested upon us, and testified unto us that our prayers would
be answered; as we arose from our knees a sloop came into the
harbor, we went to the Captain and enquired where he was
going, he replied, through the channel of vinal Haven; he took
us on board and landed us on North Fox Islands, at 2 a.m.
on the , it being very dark we wandered ^in the dark^ about for an
hour, rambling over the rocks and bushes, found the house of Mr.
Nathaniel Dyer where we ^&^ were entertained; it being sunday morning and
feeling anxious to commence our work, Mr. Benj. Kent piloted us to the
Baptist meeting house, occupied by Elder Gideon J. Newton, pastor of the
only religious denomination upon the Island, at the door, I sent for the
Deacon and told him I wished him to inform the minister that
we were servants of God and wished to deliver a message to that
people, the ^minister^ sent word for us to come into the pulpit, accordingly with
valize in hand, we walked up into the pulpit, and took a seat on
each side of him, when he closed his discourse, he asked me what hour

Page 25

we would like to speak, I told him at 5, he gave out our appoint-
ment, and invited us to his house, I asked him how many school
houses there were on the island, he answered said, four, and gave me
their names, I asked him if they were free for any one to preach
in, he answered in the affirmative; I took out my bible, book of
, and doctrine and covenants and laid them all upon his
stand, he promised to read them.; the hour of meeting arrived,
I preached to a full house upon the first principles of the Gospel,
and bore testimony that the Lord had raised up a prophet, and
had commenced to establish his church and kingdom again upon
the earth, in fulfilment of the ^His^ word of God as spoken through
the ancient prophets and apostles; this was the first discourse
ever delivered by any latter-day Saints upon this chain of islands;
Elder Hale bore testimony. I gave out appointments for preaching in
the four school houses, the people came out en masse to investigate
the principles which we taught, in 14 days we preached 19 discourses,
when Cap. Justice Ames and wife were baptized by Elder Hale, Elder
Newton, the baptist minister, with his family, attended twelve of our
meetings, read the books, and was convinced by the spirit of the Lord
that our doctrine was true, and he had a hard struggle for days in
his mind to know which to do, receive, or reject it, he finally resolved
to reject it, and took a stand against us, he & commenced preaching
against us, he also sent for Mr. Douglass, the Methodist Minister, on
the South Island, to come over and ^&^ help him; he had been long at
variance with Mr. Douglass, but they became ^very^ friendly and united in
a war against us;. We continued preaching daily until be we baptized
most of the members of Mr. Newton's church, and those who owned
the meeting house.

I followed Mr. Douglass home to his own island, and com-
menced preaching to his church, and baptized a good share of
his members;, among whom were several sea Captains. Ministers from
the main land were sent for, who came over and tryed to put
a stop to the work by preaching and lying about us; but the
work continued to roll on, they wished me to work a miracle
to convince them that my doctrine was true, I told them they

Page 26

had rejected the truth, and they would see signs, but not unto

Vinal Haven includes both North and South Fox Island is
in Lat. 44°, Long 69° 10 '. The inhabitants are generally healthy,
industrious and hospitable to strangers, the people obtain most of
their wealth and living by fishing, and fit out annually over one
hundred licensed vessels, beside many smaller crafts. The north
Island is 9 miles long and 2 wide; population 800, a post office,
a store, a grist mill, 4 school houses, and a small branch of the
baptist church; the land is rather rocky and rough, yet there are
many good farms which produce good wheat, barley, oats, potatoes and
grass; the principal timber is fir, spruce, hemlock and birch,
rasp and goose berry grow in great abundance, sheep are the
principal stock.

South Fox island comes as near being without any form
as anthing I ever saw, and it would be difficult for a historian
to give a description of it, it is about 10 miles long and 5
wide, and is one universal ^a^ mass of rocks, much of it ^principally^ granite,
formed into shelves, hills, hollows, and cut up into nooks, ^nooks^ points
and canons ^ravines.^ to make room for the ^by^ coves and harbors, which run through
and through the island, population 1,000.

I do not recollect of ever seeing a horse on either itsland,
there are some small patches ^of land^ under cultivation, but it is at the
expense of great labor and toil,. Many ^resident^ fish^ermen,^ ^fish^ at New Foundland,
^&^ bring their fish ^them^ home, and dry them upon flakes; they annually
supply the market with a great amount of codfish, mackerel and
boxed herring. The latter island contains two stores, three tide saw
mills, 6 school houses, a small branch of the Methodist church and
a priest. The timber is pine, fir, spruce, hemlock and birch,
also gooseberries, raspberries, and whortleberries and upland cranberries; bushes
and timber grow in a great measure out of the crevices of the rocks.

There is a great amount and variety of fish in the waters
coves and harbors around these islands, such as ^vizt:—^ whale, black fish,
shark, ground shark, pilot fish, horse mackarel, sturgeon, salmon,
Holloboat cod, Pollock, tom cod, hake, haddock, mackarel, shad

Page 27

bass, alewives, herring, Pohagen, dolphin, whiting, frost fish, flounders,
smelt, skate, shrimp, skad ^shad^, cusk, bluebacks, scollop, dogfish,
muttonfish, lumpfish, squid, five fingers, monkfish, nursefish, sunfish
swordfish, ^thrasher, cat, scuppog, twotog, eye fish, canner cunner, Ling. V eels, also lobsters^ clams, mussels, wrinkels, porpoises, seals &c. &c.

, the harbor was filled with a school of mackerel,
which were caught in great numbers with by the poeple standing upon
the wharf.

While standing upon the farm of Eleazur Carven^er^ on the
north island I counted fifty five islands, many of which were

, I left the island with Elder Hale, Cap. Ames took
us to Thomastown in a sloop.

, We walked 46 miles to Bath.

, We attended a baptist convention, in and preached
to a large congregation in the evening in Pierce's hall: the people
listened attentively.

, we walked 36 miles to Portland.

, walked 10 miles to father Carter's in Scarborough, Maine, where I found my wife and friends well.

, I parted with Elder Hale, who returned to
Kirtland, I continued preaching through various towns on the main
land until , when I again returned to Fox islands, accom-
panied by my wife.

, I visited the isle of He^H^olt 12 miles east, and
preached to an attentive congregation, and left ^leaving^ them the book of
which they promised to read, and ^I^ returned on the .,

I continued by labors during the winter of 1837–8,
and nearly every person had attended my meetings, and taken sides
for, or against. Our enemies made attempts to break up our

a company of sailors belonging to the united
states revenue cutter
, brought on shore a swivel and joined the
mob, parading near the house where I was preaching, and discharged
it several times, followed by ^accompanied with^ small arms, with the intention of
breaking up the meeting; some of the mob gathered around

Page 28

to see what effect this would have, I warned them in the
name of the Lord, and proclaimed the judgements of God that
awaited the wicked, and shook my garments in the presence of
the people, and told them I was clear of their blood, byut they
only heard my voice intermingled with the roar of cannon and
musketry; before I closed speaking, the sailors went back on board
of the revenue cutter. At the close of the meeting I baptized
2, two, also one next day, and while baptizing the mob again
commenced firing guns. The bBaptists and Methodists got up the
mob. Mr. Douglass, the methodist priest, when argument failed him,
applied to all the magistrates for warrants against me; they
refused to grant them, as he had no cause of complaint but
religious persecution.

, I crossed in the mail boat to Hampden,
and ordained James Townsend; we walked together through
deep snows, and visited and preached in the towns of Searsmont,
Belfast, Northport, Frankfort, Hampden, and twice in the city
hall in Bangor, to large assemblies, and returned to Fox islands
via Casteem and the isle of Holt — arrived in Vinal haven
,: Elder Townsend returned home.

, I accompanied bro. Stirrat at low tide, on
to a bar some 40 rods from shore, to dig some clams, we
were soon joined by Mrs. Woodruff and a sister Stone, who had
a curiosity to see how clams were dug; the ground for about
12 rods nearer shore was several feet lower than the point
we were on, we were so busily engaged we did not observe
the flowing tide until we were surrounded by water, and
having no boat, our only alternative was to wade ashore
and carry the women, which we safely accomplished amid the
relection that tide nor time waited for no man.

, Mr. Kent, the post master, showed me a letter
containing two sheets of foolscap signed by Warren Parrish and several
of the Twelve, who had apostatized and been cut off from the church,
the communication was full of slander and falsehoods against Joseph
and the Prophet and all that stood by him; it was sent

Page 29

with the intention of breaking up the work upon these islands,
but it did not accomplish it.

, I was visited by Elders Townsend and Milton
, who attended conferences with me upon both islands, and
bore their testimony to the people, but the spirit of opposition
increased to a great height. I was warned by the spirit ^of the Lord^
to leave for a season, and take a western mission; after visiting
the saints from house to house, and praying with, and encour-
aging them, I left on the , and went to the main land
with Elders Townsend & Holmes. Mrs. Woodruff returned to her Fathers;.
We walked to Scarborough; & I left , and walked to Brad-
where I left Elder Holmes, and proceeded to Boston.

, I gave out an appointment to preach at Sister
Vose's room, & I went to Cambridgeport to visit Elder A. P. Rock-
who had been imprisoned in jail on pretence of debt,
but in reality out of religious persecution; the jailor locked me
in until 10 p.m.; but while it disappointed a congregation of
people, it gave me a happy visit with Elder Rockwood, conversing
upon the work of God. On my return to Boston the people
were waiting to hear me, I spoke to them a short time.

, I left Boston and walked some 30 miles to
Holliston, staid at Deacon Hoveys^aven's^ and preached; I walked to
Providence, R.I., from thence took steamer to New York and
arrived on the 18th, met with and attended meetings with bro.
O. Pratt until the , when I went up the North river to
Newburgh and preached in several towns in New York & New Jersey,
and walked accross the country to Farmington Conn. and arrived
at my fathers house June 11, (1838)

I commenced preaching at my fathers house; July
1st, I baptized six persons in Farmington river, including my Father,
step mother and my ownly sister, Eunice, also cousin Seth Woodruff,
aunt Anna Cossett and Dwight Webster, a Methodist class leader,
who was boarding at my Fathers house.

When the Patriarch Joseph Smith Sen. gave me my
blessing, he said, I should bring my fathers household into

Page 30

the kingdom of God, which was words were fulfilled this day.

I confirmed those baptized and organized this small
branch of the church, consisting of 9 members, 8 of whom
were relatives, I ordained Dwight Webster a priest, and ad-
ministered the sacrament. unto them.

July 3rd, I started for the state of Maine and
arrived at Father Carter's in Scarborough on the 6th.

14th, My wife was delivered of a daughter at
her fathers house; w we named her Sarah Emma.

22nd, I wrote to Thomas B. Marsh an account
of my labors upon Fox islands and the eastern country.

30th, I left Scarborough and returned to the islands,
I preached several times to large congregations in the Methodist
meeting house, in East Thomastown, and in the town hall in
Cambden, before crossing to the islands, where I arrived Augt. 7

9th, I received a letter from Thomas B. Marsh
informing me of my appointment to fill the place of in
the Quorum of the Twelve, of one who had fallen, and I
was requested to come to Far West as soon as possible to
prepare for a mission to England in the Spring. I immed-
iately visited all the Saints upon both islands, and earnestly
exhorted them to sell their property and prepare themselves
to accompany me to the body of the church in Missouri.
Several immediately sold, but many were poor. Bro Nath.
said he would furnish means to help off all the
poor saints who would desired to go, and for this purpose
went with me to the main land on the 13th, and I
assisted him in procuring ^purshasing^ two thousand dollars worth of horses,
^harness,^ wagons, & tents &c. ^camp^ for the company, he paid about $1,500 of the
expenses himself, $1,000 of which went to furnish conveyance for the
poor, after purchasing the outfit for the company, and ^I^ urginged the importance
of their starting as soon as possible, not later than the first of Sep.

Aug. 19, I left the town of Camden where we had prepared
our outfit, and returned to Scarborough, to prepare my family for
the journey, expecting to see the company in a few days, but here I

Page 31

[page torn] uspense until Oct. 1, when Elder Townsend
[page torn] ompany; they arrived in Scarborough on the
[page torn] th their wagon covers all flying.

The company stopped at the house of sister Sarah
B. Foss
; we went to work and nailed down all the covers
and painted them, which made them waterproof

4th, we started upon our journey, my child was in
the first stages of the hooping cough, our company consisted of 53
persons; we had 10 wagons, with a pair of horses to each. We had
before us, at this late period, a gloomy land journey of two thousand
miles, from Maine to Missouri; we continued to travel through
rain, mud, cold, frost and snow, until I ^we^ arrived in Rochester,
Sangammon Co., Illinois, Dec. 19, where I stopped and settled
my family and company for the winter ^being unable to proceed further,^; my wife had passed
through a severe course of the brain fever while upon the journey,
and her suffering had been very great, her spirit had left her
body twice to all human appearance, and only been called back
through the prayer of faith and the power of God. Our child
had also been very sick and I had become so thoroughly
chilled through my whole system, in crossing the bleak prairies,
that it was two months after I stopped before I got sufficiently
warmed to feel natural.

Bro. Thomas buried one child, and nearly all the
company had been sick through exposure; some of them had stopped
by the way side.

I spent the winter laboring with my hands for the
support of my family.

I attended a conference at Springfield, Ills.,

Page 32

[Top of page blank]
Copy of No. 21, Vol. VIII.

Page 33

Joseph from time to time, as I had opportunity.

. I was with Prest. Joseph Smith and his council
and the Twelve, it was a day of Gods power with the pr
Prophet., H^h^e healed many who were sick nigh unto death, among
whom were Elijah Fordham and Joseph B. Nobles; even
the wicked rabble followed to see the sick healed; as Joseph
was about to cross the river a man came to him and asked
him if he would go about 3 miles and heal two of his small
children, who were twins, about 3 months old, and were sick nigh
unto death; he was a man of the world, he had never heard
a sermon preached by a latter-day Saint. Joseph said he could
not go, but he would send a man, after a momen hesitating
a moment, he turned to me and said you go with this man
and heal his children, at the same time giving me a red
silk handkerchief, and said, after you lay hands upon them,
wipe their faces with it and they shall be healed; and as
long as you will keep that handerkerchief it shall ever remain
as a league between you and me: I went and did
as I was told commanded, and the children wasere healed.

On the I was attacked with the chills and fever;
I had a chill every other day and was very sick.

On the Octr. I laid my hands upon my wife and
children, blessed them, committed them into the hands of
God, and started upon my English mission, leaving my
family sick, and with not more than 4 days provisions.
Bro. Brigham Young rowed me across the river ^Mississippi^ in a boat; I was
sick and feeble; when I landed I laid down upon the bank
of the river on a side of Sole leather; the Prophet Joseph came
along and looked at me and said, "You are starting on your
mission"; I said yes, but I look like a poor instrument for a
missionary, I look more fit for a hospital or dis^s^ecting room
than a mission; he replied "what do you say that for, go ahead
in the name of the Lord, and you shall be healed and blessed

Page 34

on your mission". I thanked him. A Bro., came along with
a wagon and carried me a few miles on my road, I started
without purse or scrip; I ^&^ passed by Parley P. Pratt who was
hauling ^e^ ^hewing^ logs for a house, he was bare-foot, bare-headed, with-
out coat or vest on, he said "I have no money but I have
an empty purse, I will give you that." I went a few rods
and found Elder ^H. C.^ Kimball building a log cabin, he said
"I have one dollar I will give you that to put in your purse"
he blessed me and I went my way, accompanied by Elder
John Taylor. I had a shake of the ague every other day,
and lay on the bottom of the wagon while I traveled.

We staid with Samuel ^H.^ and ^Don^ Carlos Smith at Macomb
& held a meeting with the Saints, in that ^place whereo^ they contributed
$9 to ^our^ necessities, and Geo. Miller gave us a horse.
Father Coltrin was going East, he took us into his wagon
to help us along; we spent five days in Springfield *
[paper inserted over page]
*where Elder Taylor had printed fifteen hundred copies of a the
pamphlet, upon the Missouri persecution; also ^had^ had a trial
with Elder Babbitt ^who^ having prefered a charge against him
for improper conduct. We sold our horse
[end of paper inserted over page]
we administered to him, and he revived; on the follow-
ing day he fell again, and fainted several times, it
seemed as though the destroyer would take his life; we
traveled with him 4 days after he was taken sick.
His sickness proved to be an attack of the billious
, we stopped with him two days, at a Mormon ^German^
Tavern in Germantown, Wayne Co., Indiana, with a
kind family, with whom he was acquainted; Father
Coltrin would stay no longer; I proposed to remain
with bro. Taylor, but as I was sick with fever & ague,
and not able to take care of myself, bro. Taylor advised
me to continue my journey with Father Coltrin, saying
"it is easier to take care of one sick man, than two."

Page 35

I committed him into the hands of God; and the
family promised to do all in their power to make him
comfortable; I parted with ^from^ him with a heavy heart.

Sep. On the , Novr. I continued my journey with
Father Coltrin to Cleveland, Ohio, I there took steamer on the
for Buffalo; had a severe gale and did not reach
Buffalo until the . I traveled to Albany on a canal
boat, had the ague daily, was very sick, had no com-
panion except a sectarian priests who wasere daily lying
lying about the Mormons. I took stage at Albany
for Farmington Ct. on the night of the , and rode all
night and the following day, suffered severely with fever
and ague; I arrived at my father's house in Farmington on
the , quite sick; I found my father and family all well.

On the , my Maternal Grand-mother,
Anna Thompson, died aged 84; I was too sick to attend
her funeral. It is a singular incident, that my Grandfather
, Lot Thompson, and Anna Thompson, his wife, Samuel Thompson
and Mercy Thompson all of one family died in their 84
th year.

On the , Adnera Hart, died, bro^ther^ to my
step mother, ^died,^ aged 43, he requested me to preach his funeral
sermon; I had been sick at my father's house with the
ague for fifteen days, attended with a severe cough, and
the hour appointed for the funeral to take place was the
time for my ague, yet I gave out the appointment,
attended the funeral, and preached, an hour and a half
and I had no more ague for many days,. I left on
the , [blank] and visited New York, Long Island, ^&^ New
; but was in very poor health.

, I assisted Elders Clark, Wright and Mulliner
to set sail for England. Elder John Taylor, ^had^ recovered from
his sickness, and arrived in New York on the r,

Page 36


On the , Decr in company with Elders John Taylor
& Theodore Turley I went on board the packet ship "Oxford"
and sailed for Liverpool, where I landed , in
good health and spirits. When I left my Father, he gave me
some money to assist in paying my passage, also gave me
five dollars which he requested me to keep until I arrived
in Liverpool, saying, I would there need it; this I found
to be true after landing; that money was all we had
to pay our expenses to Preston; and we had two pence left.

We arrived in Preston on the had a happy interview
with Bro. Willard Richards; held a council and agreed
that Elder Taylor go to Liver-pool, Turley to Birmingham
and I go to Staffordshire Potteries.

, I arrived in Manchester; met Elder Wm. Clayton
who presided over that branch, numbering 164 members, I
was immediately called upon to visit a woman possessed
with the Devil; she was raging and foaming, and had
to be held by four men, the more we rebuked the Devil the
worse she raged; we continued to pray and administer
until we conquered and cast the Devil out of her, she
arose and gave thanks to the Lord. The Devil then entered
into a young child and we cast the Devil ^him^ out of the
child. I preached several times and laid hands on
twenty eight persons. I then went to Burslem on the
and met with Elder Alfred Cordon, President of the Burslem
branch, which numbered 66. I commenced preaching in
the Staffordshire Potteries, Elder Taylor^urley^ left for Birmingham
on the . I remained in the Potteries some forty days, preaching
daily, baptizing, confirming and blessing children.

On the 1st as I met in the evening with a
large assembly in Hanly, the Lord revealed unto me
that it would be the last time meeting that I would hold
with the Saints in the Potteries for many days; I told
Page 37

the people it was the last meeting I should hold
with them for a season, it created much excitement.
I had appointments out for a week, which I got Bro.
Cordon to fill. I went before the Lord in prayer and
asked him where I should go, the Spirit said, go to the
south. According to the directions of the Spirit, on the
March I went to Herefordshire, and called upon
John Benbow at Castlefroom; here I found a people
prepared for the Gospel. I preached twice at his house.
On the I baptized 6 persons including John Benbow
and wife. I here found a society called "United
," numbering about six hundred members,
and about 50 preachers, Thos. Kington was the presiding Elder;
they came from all quarters to hear me preach and
believed my testimony and I preached and baptized
daily; the Ministers of the Church of England sent three
church clerks to see what I was doing and I baptized
them. One constable came to arrest me for preaching, and
I baptized him. In about 30 days days I baptized 160,
forty eight of which ^whom^ were preachers of the United
Brethren including their presiding Elder, Thomas

I established forty two preaching places licensed
according to law.

On the I had an appointment at Haw
, as I was going into the meeting, letters were put
into my hands from Elder Brigham Young and others
informing me of his arrival with five of the Twelve,
and requested me to come to Preston, and attend a
general conference,— a vast assembly had gathered at
to attend my meeting, the house, yard and street
wasere crowded, a mob had also gathered; I preached
to the people, five came forward and wished to be baptized

Page 38

the mob surrounded the pool, armed with stones, I
dismissed the meeting and went away, but the congregation
and mob remained on the ground till midnight, and
as there was no prospect of their dispersing and the candidates
were anxious to be baptized, I went down in to the water
and baptized five in the mist of a shower of stones,
the water was all in a foam for a rod around me,
none that I baptized were hit, and I was only hit
twice, once on my hip and once on my head, the one ^blow^ on
my head raised a large bump, it which went away while
I was confirming: S^s^ubsequently I baptized many of the mob.

Subsequently I left next morning for Preston and attended
the conference with the Twelve, and returned to Hereforshire
accompanied by Elder Brigham Young, on the ,
and was soon joined by Elder Willard Richards. Elder
Young remained with me twenty seven days, preaching,
baptizing, confirming and counciling; numbers were added
daily to the church: he then returned to Manchester.

I spent about seven months in Herefordshire,
Glo^uce^stershire and Worcestershire, we baptized over
eighteen hundred including all of the United Brethren
save one: we baptized over two hundred preachers
of various denominations in that part of the vinyard

[line through remainder of page]
Page 39

A synod of church ministers became so alarmed for their
flocks in that part of the vineyard, they petitioned parliament
to adopt some measures to stop our preaching, they got ^received^ for
an answer, that if they were as well acquainted with the
Bible as their hunting grounds, and were as much interested
in the welfare of the souls of men, as the chasing of the
stags and foxes, they would not loose so many of their congregations.

, I visited London in company with Elders H.
C. Kimball
and G. A. Smith, I labored with them in establish-
ing a church, spending over 5 months in that populous city.

We visited nearly every part of the city, and all the
notable places that we could have access to.

I attended all the general conferences in England,
and set sail with my brethren of the Twelve on the ship, Rochester
— arrived in New York ,.

I went to Scarborough, Maine, got ^after^ my wife, and also ^also^
my son, Wilford, whom I had not before seen, he was born
. My daughter Sarah Emma had died .

I returned to New York and started for Nauvoo,
via the Lakes, was wrecked on Lake Michigan in the steamer
Chesapeake, but arrived in Nauvoo in safety , when
I had the happy privilege of meeting with the Prophets Joseph
and Hyrum, and my brethren of the Twelve.

I bought a log house of brother Tracy, on Lot No 1,
Block 106, on Hotchkiss and Durffee Streets, Prest Joseph Smith
afterward,s gave me the Lot.

I spent ^the^ winter of 1841–2, attending meetings
councils and laboring with my hands, I attended the
Nauvoo House provision Store until the 3rd Feby. 1842,
when I take took charge of the ^business department of the^ printing office in
connection with Elder John Taylor.

On the , [blank] ^my Daughter, Phebe, Amelia, was born.

The Printing office took fire in the upper
story in the midst of a large amount of paper, and it
came near burning up. was with difficulty extinguished.

Page 40

X', (while on a mission to the Eastern States)
I drove my carriage, containing myself and family into the door yard of
bro. James Williams in Iowa, to camp for the night; I tied my mules to a
large oak tree several rods from the carriage; as we were about to lay down
in the carriage for the night, I was strongly impressed to go and move my
mules from the oak tree, and also to move my carriage; I followed the
dictates of the Spirit, and removed my mules to a small hickory grove,
also moved my carriage several rods, and retired to rest.

In a short time a heavy rain storm came on, which broke
the tree near the ground, and laid it prostrate where my carriage had stood,
as it was, the top struck the hind end of the carriage; the tree was
2 feet in diameter; thus, by obeying the whisperings of the spirit, myself
and family were preserved.