Autobiography 1882 Leaves from My Journal [A-23]

Document Transcript

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Mr. H. H. Bancroft
With Compliments of
W. Woodruff

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By President W. Woodruff.



Salt Lake City, Utah.

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ABOUT nine months have elapsed since the first edition of
this work was published, and now the whole number
issued—over 4,000 copies—are exhausted, and there is a
demand for more.

We, therefore, have much pleasure in offering the Second
Edition of LEAVES FROM MY JOURNAL for public consider-
ation, and trust that the young people who pursue it will be
inspired to emulate in their lives the faith, perseverance and
integrity that so distinguish its author.

Brother Woodruff is a remarkable man. Few men now
living, who have followed the quiet and peaceful pursuits of
life, have had such an interesting and eventful experience as
he has. Few, if any in this age, have spent a more active
and useful life. Certainly no man living has been more par-
ticular about recording with his own hand, in a daily journal,
during half a century, the events of his own career and the
things that have come under his observation. His elaborate
journal has always been one of the principal sources from
which the Church history has been compiled.

Possessed of wonderful energy and determination, and
mighty faith, Brother Woοkruff has labored long and with
great success in the Church. He has ever had a definite
object in view—to know the will of the Almighty and to do it.
No amount of self-denial has been too great for him to cheer-
fully endure for the advancement of the cause of God. No
labor required of the Saints has been considered by him too
onerous to engage in with his own hands.

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Satan, knowing the power for good that Brother Woodruff
would be, if permitted to live, has often sought to effect his

The adventures, accidents and hair-breath escapes that he
has met with, are scarcely equalled by the record that the for-
mer apostle, Paul, has left us of his life.

The power of God has been manifested in a most remarkable
manner in preserving Brother Woodruf's life. Considering
the number of bones he has had broken, and the other bodily
injuries he has received, it is certainly wonderful that now, at
the age of seventy-five years, he is such a sound, well-pre-
served man. God grant that his health and usefulness may
continue for many years to come.

Of course, this volume contains but a small portion of the
interesting experience of Brother Woodruff's life, but very
many profitable lessons may be learned from it, and we trust
at some future time to be favored with other sketches from
his pen.


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Strictness of the "Blue Laws” of Connecticut—The Old Prophet
Mason—His Vision—His Prophecy—Hear the Gospel, and
Embrace it—Visit Kirtland, and see Joseph Smith—A Work
for the Old Prophet. Page 1.

Preparing to go up to Zion—First Meeting with President
Young—Camp of Zion Starts—Numbers Magnified in the
Eyes of Beholders—Remarkable Deliverance—Selfishness,
and its Reward. Page 4.

Advised to Remain in Missouri—A Desire to Preach—Pray to
the Lord for a Mission—Prayer Answered—Sent on a Mis-
sion to Arkansas—Dangerous Journey through Jackson
—Living on Raw Corn, and Sleeping on the Ground
—My First Sermon—Refused Food and Shelter by a Presby-
Preacher—Wander through Swamps—Entertained by
Indians. Page 7.

A Journey of Sixty Miles without Food—Confronted by a Bear
—Pass by Unharmed—Surrounded by Wolves—Lost in the
Darkness—Reach a Cabin—Its Inmates—No Supper—Sleep
on the Floor—The Hardest Day's Work of my Life—
Twelve Miles more without Breakfast—Breakfast and Abuse
Together. Page 10.

Our Anxiety to Meet a Saint—Journey to Akeman's—A Dream
—Find Mr. Akeman a Rank Apostate—He Raises a Mob—
Threatened with Tar, Feathers, etc.—I Warn Mr. Akeman
to Repent—He Falls Dead at my Feet—I Preach his Funeral
Sermon. Page 13.

Make a Canoe—Voyage down the Arkansas River—Sleep in a
Deserted Tavern—One Hundred and Seventy Miles through
Swamps—Forty Miles a Day in Mud Knee-deep––A Sudden
Lameness—Left Alone in an Alligator Swamp—Healed, in
Answer to Prayer—Arrival at Memphis—An Odd-looking
Preacher—Compelled to Preach—Powerful Aid from the
Spirit—Not what the Audience Expected. Page 15.

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Curious Worship—Meet Elder Parrish—Labor Together in Ten-
—Adventure in Bloody River—A Night of Peril—
Providential Light—Menaced by a Mob—Good Advice of a
Baptist Preacher—Summary of my Labors during the Year.
Page 18.

Studying Grammar—Meet Elder Patten—Glorious News—Labor
with A. O. Smoot—Turned out of a Meeting House by a
Baptist Preacher—Preach in the Open Air—Good Result—
Adventure on the Tennessee River—A Novel Charge to
Arrest and Condemn Men upon—Mob Poison our Horses.
Page 21.

Attending School—Marriage—Impressed to take a Mission to
Fox Islands—Advised to go—Journey to Canada—Cases of
Healing—Journey to Connecticut—My Birthplace—My
Mother's Grave—Baptize some Relatives—Joined by my
Wife—Journey on Foot to Maine—Arrival at Fox Island.
Page 25.

Description of Vinal Haven—Population and Pursuit of the
People—Great Variety of Fish—The Introduction of the
Gospel. Page 30.

Mr. Newton, the Baptist Preacher, Wrestling with our Testi-
—Rejects it, and Begins to Oppose—Sends for a
Methodist Minister to Help him—Mr. Douglass' Speech—
Our great Success on the North Island—Go to the South
, and baptize Mr. Douglass' Flock—Great Number of
Islands—Boiled Clams—Day of Prayer—Codfish Flakes.
Page 33.

Return to the Mainland—Parting with Brother Hale—My Second
Visit to the Islands—Visit to the Isle of Holt—A Sign
Demanded by Mr. Douglass—A Prediction about him—Its
Subsequent Fulfillment—Spirit of Opposition—Firing off
Cannons and Guns to Disturb my Meeting. Page 36.

Meeting with James Townsend—Decide to go to Bangor—A
Long Journey through Deep Snow—Curious Phenomenon—
Refused Lodging at Eight Houses—Entertained by Mr.
Teppley—Curious Coincidence—Mr. Teppley's Despondency
—Arrival at Bangor—Return to the Islands—Adventure with
the Tide. Page 40.

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Counseled to Gather with the Saints—Remarkable Manifestation
—Case of Healing—Efforts of Apostates—Visit from Elders
—A Conference—Closing my Labors on the Islands for a
Season. Page 43.

Return to Scarboro—Journey South—Visit to A. P. Rockwood
in Prison—Incidents of Prison Life—Journey to Connecticut
—Baptize my Father's Household. Page 46.

Taking Leave of my Old Home—Return to Maine—Birth of my
First Child—Appointment to the Apostleship and to a
Foreign Mission—Preparations for the Journey to Zion.
Page 50.

Start upon our Journey—A Hazardous Undertaking—Sickness—
Severe Weather—My wife and Child Stricken—A Trying
Experience—My Wife Continues to Fail—Her Spirit Leaves
her Body—Restored by the Power of God—Her Spirit's
Experience while Separated from the Body—Death of my
Brother—Arrival at Rochester—Removal to Quincy. Page 52.

A Peculiar Revelation—Determination of Enemies to Prevent
its Fulfillment—Start to Far West to Fulfill the Revelation—
Our Arrival there—Hold a Council—Fulfill the Revelation—
Corner Stone of the Temple Laid—Ordained to the Apostle
ship—Leave Far West—Meet the Prophet Joseph—Confer-
ence Held—Settle our Families in Nauvoo. Page 56.

A Day of God's Power with the Prophet Joseph Smith—A Great
Number of Sick Persons Healed—The Mob becomes
Alarmed—They try to Interfere with the Healing of the
Sick—The Mob Sent Out of the House—Twin Children
Healed. Page 62.

Preparing for our Journey and Mission—The Blessing of the
Prophet Joseph upon our Heads, and his Promises unto us—
The Power of the Devil manifested to Hinder us in the Per
formance of our Journey. Page 66.

Leaving my Family—Start upon my Mission—Our Condition—
Elder Taylor the only One not Sick—Reproof from the
Prophet—Incidents upon the Journey—Elder Taylor
Stricken—I Leave him Sick. Page 69.

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Continue my Journey—Leave Elder Taylor in Germantown
Arrival in Cleveland—Take Steamer from There to Buffalo
Delayed by a Storm—Go to Farmington, my Father's Home
—Death of my Grandmother—My Uncle Dies—I preach his
Funeral Sermon—Arrive in New York—Sail for Liverpool—Encounter Storms and Rough Weather—Arrive in Liver-
pool. Page 72.

Our Visit to Preston—Our First Council in England, in 1840—We Take Different Fields of Labor—A Woman Possessed
of the Devil—Attempt to Cast it Out and Fail—Turn Out the
Unbelievers, and then Succeed—The Evil Spirit Enters her
Child—Commence Baptizing—The Lord Makes Known His
Will to me. Page 75.

My Journey to Herefordshire—Interview with John Benbow
The Word of the Lord Fulfilled to me—The Greatest Gathering
into the Church Known among the Gentiles since
its Organization in this Dispensation—A Constable Sent to
Arrest me—I Convert and Baptize Him—Two Clerks Sent as
Detectives to Hear me Preach, and both Embrace the Truth
—Rectors Petition to have our Preaching Prohibited—The
Archbishop's Reply—Book of Mormon and Hymn Book
Printed—Case of healing. Page 78.

Closing Testimony—Good and Evil Spirits. Page 83.

How to Obtain Revelation from God—Joseph Smith's Course—
Saved from Death by a falling Tree, by Obeying the Voice
of the Spirit—A Company of Saints Saved from a Steam-boat
Disaster by the Spirit's Warning—Plot to Waylay Elder C.
C. Rich
and Party Foiled by the same Power. Page 86.

Result of not Obeying the Voice of the Spirit—Lost in a Snow
storm—Saved, in answer to Prayer—Revelation to Mission-
aries Necessary—Revelation in the St. George Temple.
Page 90.

Patriarchal Blessings and their Fulfillment—Predictions in my
own Blessing—Gold-dust from California—Taught by an
Angel—Struggle with Evil Spirits—Administered to by
—What Angels are sent to the Earth for. Page 93.

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FOR the benefit of the young Latter-day Saints, for whom
the Faith-Promoting Series is especially designed, I will
relate some incidents from my experience. I will commence
by giving a short account of some events of my childhood
and youth.

I spent the first years of my life under the influence of what
history has called the "Blue Laws" of Connecticut.

No man, boy, or child of any age was permitted to play, or
do any work from sunset Saturday night, until Sunday night.
After sunset on Sunday evening, men might work, and boys
might jump, shout, and play as much as they pleased.

Our parents were very strict with us on Saturday night,
and all day Sunday we had to sit very still and say over the
Presbyterian catechism and some passages in the Bible.

The people of Connecticut in those days thought it wicked
to believe in any religion, or belong to any church, except the
Presbyterian. They did not believe in having any prophets,
apostles, or revelations, as they had in the days of Jesus, and
as we now have in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day

There was an aged man in Connecticut, however, by the
name of Robert Mason, who did not believe like the rest of
the people. He believed it was necessary to have prophets

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apostles, dreams, visions and revelations in the church of
Christ, the same as they had who lived in ancient days; and
he believed the Lord would raise up a people and a church,
in the last days, with prophets, apostles and all the gifts,
powers and blessings, which it ever contained in any age of
the world.

The people called this man, the old prophet Mason.

He frequently came to my father's house when I was a
boy, and taught me and my brothers those principles; and I
believed him.

This prophet prayed a great deal, and he had dreams and
visions, and the Lord showed him many things, by visions,
which were to come to pass in the last days.

I will here relate one vision, which he related to me. The
last time I ever saw him, he said: "I was laboring in my
field at mid-day when I was enwrapped in a vision. I was
placed in the midst of a vast forest of fruit trees: I was
very hungry, and walked a long way through the orchard,
searching for fruit to eat; but I could not find any in the
whole orchard, and I wept because I could find no fruit.
While I stood gazing at the orchard, and wondering why
there was no fruit, the trees began to fall to the ground upon
every side of me, until there was not one tree standing in the
whole orchard; and while I was marveling at the scene, I saw
young sprouts start up from the roots of the trees which had
fallen, and they opened into young, thrifty trees before my
eyes. They budded, blossomed, and bore fruit until the trees
were loaded with the finest fruit I ever beheld, and I rejoiced
to see so much fine fruit. I stepped up to a tree and picked
my hands full of fruit, and marveled at its beauty, and as
I was about to taste of it the vision closed, and I found
myself in the field in the same place I was at the commence-
ment of the vision.

"I then knelt upon the ground, and prayed unto the Lord,
and asked Him, in the name of Jesus Christ, to show me the
meaning of the vision. The Lord said unto me: 'This is the
interpretation of the vision: the great trees of the forest
represented the generation of men in which you live. There is
no church of Christ, or kingdom of God upon the earth in

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your generation. There is no fruit of the church of Christ
upon the earth. There is no man ordained of God to
administer in any of the ordinances of the gospel of salvation
upon the earth in this day and generation. But, in the next
generation, I the Lord will set up my kingdom and my church
upon the earth, and the fruits of the kingdom and church of
Christ, such as have followed the prophets, apostles and saints
in every dispensation, shall again be found in all their fullness
upon the earth. You will live to see the day, and handle the
fruit; but will never partake of it in the flesh.' "

When the old prophet had finished relating the vision and
interpretation, he said to me, calling me by my christian
name: "I shall never partake of this fruit in the flesh; but
you will, and you will become a conspicuous actor in that
kingdom." He then turned and left me. These were the
last words he ever spoke to me upon the earth.

This was a very striking circumstance, as I had spent many
hours and days, during twenty years, with this old Father
Mason, and he had never named this vision to me before.
But at the beginning of this last conversation, he told me that
he felt impelled by the Spirit of the Lord to relate it to me.

He had the vision about the year 1800, and he related it to
me in 1830—the same spring that the Church was organized.

This vision, with his other teachings to me, made a great
impression upon my mind, and I prayed a great deal to the
Lord to lead me by His Spirit, and prepare me for His church
when it did come.

In 1832, I left Connecticut, and traveled with my eldest
brother to Oswego County, New York; and in the winter of
1833, I saw, for the first time in my life, an Elder of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He preached
in a school-house near where I lived. I attended the meet-
ing, and the Spirit of the Lord bore record to me that what
I heard was true. I invited the Elder to my house, and next
day I, with my eldest brother, went down into the water and
was baptized. We were the first two baptized in Oswego
County, New York.

When I was baptized I thought of what the old prophet
had said to me.

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In the spring of 1834, I went to Kirtland, saw the Prophet
Joseph Smith, and went with him, and with more than two
hundred others in Zion's Camp, up the Missouri. When I
arrived at my journey's end, I took the first opportunity and
wrote a long letter to Father Mason, and told him I had found
the church of Christ that he had told me about. I told him
about its organization and the coming forth of the Book of
; that the Church had Prophets, Apostles, and all
the gifts and blessings in it, and that the true fruit of the
kingdom and church of Christ were manifest among the
Saints as the Lord had shown him in the vision. He received
my letter and read it over many times, and handled it as he
had handled the fruit in the vision; but he was very aged,
and soon died. He did not live to see any Elder to administer
the ordinances of the gospel unto him.

The first opportunity I had, after the doctrine of baptism
for the dead
was revealed, I went forth and was baptized
for him. He was a good man and a true prophet, for his proph-
ecies have been fulfilled.



I ARRIVED at Kirtland on the , and
for the first time saw the Prophet Joseph Smith. He
invited me to his house. I spent about a week with him, and
became acquainted with him and his family, also with many
of the Elders and Saints living in Kirtland, quite a number
of whom were preparing to go up to Zion.

On Sunday, the , I attended a meeting in a
school-house in Kirtland, and for the first time heard Elders
Sidney Rigdon, Orson Hyde, Orson Pratt and others speak
and bear testimony to the work of God, and much of the
Spirit of God was poured out upon the Saints.

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It was the , that I was first introduced
to Elders Brigham Young and H. C. Kimball. When I met
Brother Brigham, he had his hands full of butcher knives;
he gave me one, and told me to go and put a good handle on
it, which I did. I also had a good sword, which Brother
Joseph wanted, and I gave it to him. He carried it all the
way in Zion's camp to Missouri, and when he returned home
he gave it back to me.

When I was called to go on a mission to the South I left the
sword and knife with Lyman Wight. When he was taken
prisoner at Far West, with Joseph and Hyrum, he had both
the sword and knife with him. All their weapons were taken
from them, so were the arms of many of the Saints at Far
West, under promise that they should be returned to them
when they were prepared to leave the State. When the
brethren went to get their arms, Father James Allred saw my
sword, which Lyman Wight had laid down, and took it and
left his own, and afterwards gave it to me and I still have it.
I prize it because the Prophet Joseph carried it in Zion’s
Camp. The knife I never obtained.

The , was appointed for the Camp of
Zion to start from Kirtland to go up to Missouri for the
redemption of their brethren. Only a small portion of the
Camp was ready. The Prophet told those who were ready, to
go to New Portage and wait for the remainder. I left, in com-
pany with about twenty men, with the baggage wagons. At
night we pitched our tents. I went to the top of the hill and
looked down upon the camp of Israel. I knelt upon the ground
and prayed. I rejoiced and praised the Lord that I had lived to
see some of the tents of Israel pitched, and a company gathered
by the commandment of God to go up and help redeem Zion.

We tarried at New Portage until the , when we were
joined by the Prophet and eighty-five more men. The day
before they arrived, while passing through the village of Mid-
, the people tried to count them; but the Lord multi-
plied them in the eyes of the people, so that those who
numbered them said there were four hundred of them.

On the , Brother Joseph organized the camp, which con-
sisted of about one hundred and thirty men. On the follow-

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ing day we continued our journey. We pitched our tents at
night and had prayers night and morning. The Prophet told
us every day what we should do.

We were nearly all young men, gathered from all parts of
the country, and strangers to each other; but we got acquainted
very soon, and had a happy time together.

It was a great school for us to be led by a Prophet of God
thousand miles, through cities, towns, villages, and through
the wilderness.

When persons stood by to count us they could not tell how
many we numbered; some said five hundred, others one

Many were astonished as we passed through their towns.
One lady ran to her door, pushed her spectacles to the top of
her head, raised her hands, and exclaimed; "What under
heavens has broken loose?" She stood in that position the
last I saw of her.

The published history of Zion's Camp gives an account of
the bones of a man which we dug out of a mound. His name
was Zelph. The Lord showed the Prophet the history of the
man in a vision. The arrow, by which he was killed, was
found among his bones. One of his thigh bones was broken
by a stone slung in battle. The bone was put into my wagon,
and I carried it to Clay County, Missouri, and buried it in the

The Lord delivered Israel in the days of Moses by divid-
ing the Red Sea, so they went over dry shod. When their
enemies tried to do the same, the water closed upon them and
they were drowned. [Exodus 14:21-31] The Lord delivered Zion's Camp from
their enemies on the , by piling up the
waters in Fishing River forty feet in one night, so our ene-
mies could not cross. He also sent a great hail-storm which
broke them up and sent them seeking for shelter.

The camp of Zion arrived at Brother Burk's, in Clay County,
Missouri, on the , and we pitched our tents
on the premises. He told some of the brethren of my com-
pany that he had a spare room that some of us might occupy
if we would clean it. Our company accepted the offer, and,
fearing some other company would get it first, left all other

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business and went to work, cleaning out the room, and imme-
diately spread down our blankets, so as to hold a right to the
room. It was but a short time afterwards that our brethren,
who were attacked by cholera, were brought in and laid upon
our beds. None of us ever used those blankets again, for they
were buried with the dead. So we gained nothing but expe-
rience by being selfish, and we lost our bedding.

I will exhort all my young friends to not cherish selfishness;
but if you have any, get rid of it as soon as possible. Be
generous and noble-hearted, kind to your parents, brothers,
sisters and play-mates. Never contend with them; but try to
make peace whenever you can. Whenever you are blessed
with any good thing, be willing to share it with others. By
Cultivating these principles while you are young, you will lay
a foundation to do much good through your lives, and you
will be beloved and respected of the Lord and all good men.



AFTER Joseph, the Prophet, had led Zion's Camp to Mis-
souri, and we had passed through all the trials of that
journey, and had buried a number of our brethren, as recorded
in history, the Prophet called the Camp together, and organ
ized the Church in Zion, and gave much good counsel to all.

He advised all the young men, who had no families, to stay
in Missouri and not return to Kirtland. Not having any family,
I stopped with Lyman Wight, as did Milton Holmes and

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Heman Hyde. We spent the summer together, laboring
hard, cutting wheat, quarrying rock, making brick, or anything
else we could find to do.

In the fall I had a desire to go and preach the gospel. I
knew the gospel which the Lord had revealed to Joseph Smith
was true, and of such great value that I wanted to tell it to
the people who had not heard it. It was so good and plain,
it seemed to me I could make the people believe it.

I was but a Teacher, and it is not a Teacher's office to go
abroad and preach. I dared not tell any of the authorities of
the Church that I wanted to preach, lest they might think I
was seeking for an office.

I went into the woods where no one could see me, and I
prayed to the Lord to open my way so that I could go and
preach the gospel. While I was praying, the Spirit of the
Lord came upon me, and told me my prayer was heard and
that my request should be granted.

I felt very happy, and got up and walked out of the woods
into the traveled road, and there I met a High Priest who
had lived in the same house with me some six months.

He had not said a word to me about preaching the gospel;
but now, as soon as I met him, he said, "the Lord has revealed
to me that it is your privilege to be ordained, and to go and
preach the gospel.”

I told him I was willing to do whatever the Lord required
of me. I did not tell him I had just asked the Lord to let
me go and preach.

In a few days a council was called at Lyman Wight's, and I
was ordained a Priest and sent on a mission into Arkansas and
Tennessee, in company with an Elder. This mission was given
us by Elder Edward Partridge, who was the first Bishop
ordained in the Church.

The law of God to us in those days was to go without purse
or scrip. Our journey lay through Jackson County, from
which the Saints had just been driven, and it was dangerous
for a "Mormon" to be found in that part of the State.

We put some Books of Mormon and some clothing into our
valises, strapped them on our backs, and started on foot. We
Crossed the ferry into Jackson County, and went through it.

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In some instances the Lord preserved us, as it were by
miracle, from the mob.

We dared not go to houses and get food, so we picked and
ate raw corn, and slept on the ground, and did any way we
could until we got out of the County.

We dared not preach while in that County, and we did but
little preaching in the State of Missouri. The first time I
attempted to preach was on Sunday, in a tavern, in the early
part of December, 1834. It was snowing at the time, and the
room was full of people. As I commenced to speak the land-
lord opened the door, and the snow blew on the people; and
when I inquired the object of having the door opened in a
snowstorm, he informed me that he wanted some light on the
subject. I found that it was the custom of the country.

How much good I did in that sermon I never knew, and
probably never shall know until I meet that congregation in

In the southern portion of Missouri and the northern part
of Arkansas, in 1834, there were but very few inhabitants.

We visited a place called Harmony Mission, on the Osage
, one of the most crooked rivers in the west. This mis-
sion was kept by a Presbyterian minister and his family.

We arrived there on Sunday night at sunset. We had
walked all day with nothing to eat, and were very hungry and
tired. Neither the minister nor his wife would give us any-
thing to eat, nor let us stay overnight, because we were
“Mormons," and the only chance we had was to go twelve
miles farther down the river, to an Osage Indian trading
post, kept by a Frenchman named Jereu. And this wicked
priest, who would not give us a piece of bread, lied to us
about the road, and sent us across the swamp, and we wallowed
knee deep in mud and water till ten o'clock at night in try-
ing to follow this crooked river. We then left the swamp,
and put out into the prairie, to lie in the grass for the night.
When we came out of the swamp, we heard an Indian
drumming on a tin pail and singing. It was very dark, but
we traveled towards the noise, and when we drew near the
Indian camp quite a number of large Indian dogs came out
to meet us. They smelt us, but did not bark nor bite.

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We were soon surrounded by Osage Indians, and kindly
received by Mr. Jereu and his wife, who was an Indian. She
gave us an excellent supper and a good bed, which we were
thankful for after the fatigue of the day.

As I laid my head on my pillow I felt to thank God, from
the bottom of my heart, for the exchange of the barbarous
treatment of a civilized Presbyterian priest, for the humane,
kind and generous treatment of the savage Osage Indians.

May God reward them both according to their deserts.



WE arose in the morning, after a good night's rest. I was
somewhat lame, from wading in the swamp the night
before. We had a good breakfast. Mr. Jereu sent an Indian
to see us across the river, and informed us that it was sixty
miles to the nearest settlement of either white or red men.

We were too bashful to ask for anything to take with us to
eat; so we crossed the river and started on our day's journey
of sixty miles without a morsel of food of any kind. What
for? To preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, to save this gen-

Think of this, children; think of what the Presidency
the Apostles, and the Elders of this Church have passed
through to give you the homes and comforts you now enjoy.

Think of this, ye statesmen and judges of this American
nation; ye who are now seeking to destroy God's people in
the wilderness, who have gone hungry and naked and have
labored for fifty years to save this nation and generation.

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Cease your exertions to destroy this people, or God will bring
you to judgment and destroy your nation, and cast you into
outer darkness, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of
teeth [Matthew 22:13]; for the Lord God has spoken it. I must pause; I almost
forgot I was writing a narrative.

We started about sunrise and crossed a thirty mile prairie,
apparently as level as a house floor, without shrub or water.
We arrived at timber about two o'clock in the afternoon. As
we approached the timber a large black bear came out towards
us. We were not afraid of him, for we were on the Lord's
business, and had not mocked God's prophets as did the forty-
two wicked children who said to Elisha "Go up thou bald
head," for which they were torn by bears. [2 Kings 2:23-24]

When the bear got within eight rods of us he sat on his
haunches and looked at us a moment, and then ran away; and
we went on our way rejoicing. We had to travel in the night,
which was cloudy and very dark, so we had great difficulty to
keep the road. Soon a large drove of wolves gathered around,
and followed us. They came very close, and at times it
seemed as though they would eat us up.

We had materials for striking alight, and at ten o'clock, not
knowing where we were, and the wolves becoming so bold, we
thought it wisdom to make a fire; so we stopped and gathered
a lot of oak limbs that lay on the ground, and lit them, and
as our fire began to burn the wolves left us.

As we were about to lay down on the ground—for we had
no blankets—we heard a dog bark.

My companion said it was a wolf; I said it was a dog: but
soon we heard a cow bell. Then we each took a firebrand and
went about a quarter of a mile, and found the house, which
was sixty miles from where we started that morning.

It was an old log cabin, about twelve feet square, with no
door, but an old blanket was hung up in the door-way. There
was no furniture except one bedstead, upon which lay a woman,
several children and several small dogs. A man lay on the
bare floor with his feet to the fireplace, and all were asleep.
I went in and spoke to the man, but did not wake him. I
stepped to him, and laid my hand on his shoulder. The
moment he felt the weight of my hand he jumped to his

Page 24


feet, and ran around the room as though he was frightened;
but he was quieted when we informed him we were friends.

The cause of his fright was, he had shot a panther a few
nights before, and he thought its mate had jumped upon

He asked us what we wanted; we told him we wished to
stop with him all night, and would like something to eat. He
informed us we might lay on the floor as he did, but that he
had not a mouthful for us to eat, as he had to depend on his
gun to get breakfast for his family in the morning. So we
lay on the bare floor, and slept through a long, rainy night,
which was pretty hard after walking sixty miles without any-
thing to eat. That was the hardest day's work of my life.

The man's name was Williams. He was in the mob in
Jackson County; and after the Saints were driven out, he,
with many others, went south.

We got up in the morning and walked in the rain twelve
miles to the house of a man named Bemon, who was also
one of the mob from Jackson County. They were about
sitting down to breakfast as we came in.

In those days it was the custom of the Missourians to ask
you to eat even if they intended to cut your throat as soon as
you got through; so he asked us to take breakfast, and we
were very glad of the invitation.

He knew we were "Mormons;" and as soon as we began to
eat he began to swear about the "Mormons." He had a large
platter of bacon and eggs, and plenty of bread on the table,
and his swearing did not hinder our eating, for the harder he
swore the harder we ate, until we got our stomachs full;
then we arose from the table, took our hats, thanked him for
our breakfast, and the last we heard of him he was still

I trust the Lord will reward him for our breakfast.

Page 25




IN the early days of the Church, it was a great treat to an
Elder in his travels through the country to find a "Mor-
mon;" it was so with us. We were hardly in Arkansas when
we heard of a family named Akeman. They were in Jackson
in the persecutions. Some of the sons had been tied
up there and whipped on their bare backs with hickory switches
by the mob. We heard of their living on Petit Jean River, in
the Arkansas Territory, and we went a long way to visit them.

There had recently been heavy rains, and a creek that we had
to cross was swollen to a rapid stream of eight rods in width.
There was no person living nearer than two miles from the
crossing, and no boat. The people living at the last house
on the road, some three miles from the crossing, said we would
have to tarry till the water fell before we could cross. We did
not stop, feeling to trust in God.

Just as we arrived at the rolling flood a negro, on a powerful
horse, entered the stream on the opposite side and rode
through it. On our making our wants known to him, he took
us, one at a time, behind him and carried us safely over, and
we went on our way rejoicing.

We arrived that night within five miles of Mr. Akeman's,
and were kindly entertained by a stranger. During the
night I had the following dream:

I thought an angel came to us, and told us we were com-
manded of the Lord to follow a certain straight path, which
was pointed out to us, let it lead us wherever it might. After
we had walked in it awhile we came to the door of a house,
which was in the line of a high wall running north and south,
so that we could not go around. I opened the door and saw

Page 26


the room was filled with large serpents, and I shuddered at
the sight. My companion said he would not go into the room
for fear of the serpents. I told him I should try to go through
the room though they killed me, for the Lord had commanded
it. As I stepped into the room the serpents coiled themselves
up, and raised their heads some two feet from the floor, to
spring at me. There was one much larger than the rest in
the center of the room, which raised his head nearly as high
as mine and made a spring at me. At that instant I felt as
though nothing but the power of God could save me, and I
stood still. Just before the serpent reached me he dropped
dead at my feet; all the rest dropped dead, swelled up, turned
black, burst open, took fire and were consumed before my
eyes, and we went through the room unharmed, and thanked
God for our deliverance.

I awoke in the morning and pondered upon the dream.
We took breakfast, and started on our journey on Sunday
morning, to visit Mr. Akeman. I related to my companion
my dream, and told him we should see something strange.
We had great anticipations of meeting Mr. Akeman, suppos-
ing him to be a member of the Church. When we arrived at
his house he received us very coldly, and we soon found that
he had apostatized. He brought railing accusations against
the Book of Mormon and the authorities of the Church.

Word was sent through all the settlements on the river for
twenty miles that two "Mormon" preachers were in the place.
A mob was soon raised, and warning sent to us to leave
immediately or we would be tarred and feathered, ridden on a
rail and hanged. I soon saw where the serpents were. My
companion wanted to leave; I told him no, I would stay and
see my dream fulfilled.

There was an old gentleman and lady, named Hubbel, who
had read the Book of Mormon and believed. Father Hubbell
came to see us, and invited us to make our home with him
while we stayed in the place. We did so, and labored for him
some three weeks with our axes, clearing land, while we were
waiting to see the salvation of God.

I was commanded of the Lord by the Holy Ghost to go
and warn Mr. Akeman to repent of his wickedness. I did so, and

Page 27


each time he railed against me, and the last time he ordered
me out of his house. When I went out he followed me and
was very angry. When he came up to me, about eight rods
from the house, he fell dead at my feet, turned black and
swelled up, as I saw the serpents do in my dream.

His family, as well as ourselves, felt it was the judgment of
God upon him. I preached his funeral sermon. Many of
the mob died suddenly. We stayed about two weeks after
Akeman's death and preached, baptized Mr. Hubbel and his wife, and then continued on our journey.



WE concluded to go down Arkansas river and cross into Tennessee. We could not get passage on the boat,
because of the low water, so we went on the bank of the river
and cut down a sound cottonwood tree, three feet through,
and cut off a twelve-foot length from the butt end; and in two
days we dug out a canoe. We made a pair of oars and a
rudder, and on the , we launched our
canoe, and commenced our voyage down the Arkansas river,
without provisions.

The first day we sailed twenty-five miles, and stopped at
night with a poor family who lived on the bank of the river.
These kind folks gave us supper and breakfast, and, in the
morning, gave us a johnny cake and piece of pork to take
with us on our journey.

Page 28


We traveled about fifty miles that day, and at night stopped
at an old tavern, in a village called Cadron, which
was deserted because it was believed to be haunted by evil

We made a fire in the tavern, roasted a piece of our pork,
ate our supper, said our prayers, went into a chamber, lay
down on the bare floor, and were soon asleep.

I dreamed I was at my father's house in a good feather bed,
and I had a good night's rest. When I awoke the bed vanished,
and I found myself on the bare floor and well rested, not
having been troubled with evil spirits or anything else.

We thanked the Lord for His goodness to us, ate the
remainder of our provisions and continued our journey down
the river to Little Rock, the capital of Arkansas, which then
consisted of only a few cabins.

After visiting the place, we crossed the river and tied up
our canoe, which had carried us safely one hundred and fifty

We then took the old military road, leading from Little
Rock to Memphis, Tennessee. This road lay through swamps,
and was covered with mud and water most of the way, for one
hundred and seventy miles. We walked forty miles in a day
through mud and water knee deep.

On the , after traveling some ten miles through
mud, I was taken lame with a sharp pain in my knee. I sat
down on a log.

My companion, who was anxious to get to his home in
Kirtland, left me sitting in an alligator swamp. I did not see
him again for two years. I knelt down in the mud and
prayed, and the Lord healed me, and I went on my way

On the , I arrived at Memphis, weary and
hungry. I went to the best tavern in the place, kept by Mr.
Josiah Jackson. I told him I was a stranger, and had no
money. I asked him if he would keep me over night.

He inquired of me what my business was.

I told him I was a preacher of the gospel.

He laughed, and said that I did not look much like a

Page 29


I did not blame him, as all the preachers he had ever been
acquainted with rode on fine horses or in fine carriages, clothed
in broadcloth, and had large salaries, and would see this
whole world sink to perdition before they would wade through
one hundred and seventy miles of mud to save the people.

The landlord wanted a little fun, so he said he would
keep me if I would preach. He wanted to see if I could

I must confess that by this time I became a little mischiev-
ous, and pleaded with him not to set me preaching.

The more I plead to be excused, the more determined Mr.
Jackson was that I should preach. He took my valise, and
the landlady got me a good supper.

I sat down in a large hall to eat supper. Before I got
through, the room began to be filled by some of the rich and
fashionable of Memphis, dressed in their broadcloth and
silk, while my appearance was such as you can imagine, after
traveling through the mud as I had been.

When I had finished eating, the table was carried out of
the room over the heads of the people. I was placed in the
corner of the room, with a stand having a Bible, hymn book
and candle on it, hemmed in by a dozen men, with the land-
lord in the center.

There were present some five hundred persons who had
come together, not to hear a gospel sermon, but to have some

Now, boys, how would you like this position? On your
first mission, without a companion or friend, and to be called
upon to preach to such a congregation! With me it was
one of the most pleasing hours of my life, although I felt as
though I should like company.

I read a hymn, and asked them to sing. Not a soul would
sing a word.

I told them I had not the gift of singing; but with the
help of the Lord, I would both pray and preach. I knelt
down to pray, and the men around me dropped on their
knees. I prayed to the Lord to give me His Spirit and to
show me the hearts of the people. I promised the Lord in my
prayer I would deliver to that congregation whatever He


Page 30


would give to me. I arose and spoke one hour and a half and
it was one of the best sermons of my life.

The lives of the congregation were opened to the vision of
my mind, and I told them of their wicked deeds and the
reward they would obtain. The men who surrounded me
dropped their heads. Three minutes after I closed I was the
only person in the room.

Soon I was shown to a bed, and in a room adjoining a large one
in which were assembled many of the men whom I had been
preaching to. I could hear their conversation.

One man said he would like to know how that "Mormon"
boy knew of their past lives.

In a little while they got to disputing about some doctrinal
point. One suggested calling me to decide the point. The
landlord said, "no; we have had enough for once."

In the morning, I had a good breakfast. The landlord said
if I came that way again to stop at his house, and stay as long
as I might choose.



AFTER leaving Memphis, I traveled through the country
to Benton County, and preached on the way as I had

I stopped one night with a Squire Hardman, an Episco-

Most of the night was spent by the family in music and

In the morning, at the breakfast table, Mr. Hardman asked
me if we believed in music and dancing.

Page 31


I told him we did not really consider them essential to salva-

He said he did, and therefore should not join our

On the , I had the happy privilege of
meeting Elder Warren Parrish at the house of Brother Frys.
He had been preaching in that part of Tennessee, in company
with David W. Patten, and had baptized a number and organ-
ized several small branches.

Brother Patten had returned home, and Brother Parrish
was laboring alone. I joined him in the ministry, and we
labored together three months and nineteen days, when he
was called to Kirtland.

During the time we were together we traveled through
several Counties in Tennessee for the distance of seven hun-
dred and sixty miles, and preached the gospel daily, as we had
opportunity. We baptized some twenty persons.

By the counsel of the Prophet Joseph Smith and Oliver
, Elder Parrish ordained me an Elder, and left me to
take charge of the branches that had been raised up in that

As soon as I was left alone I extended my circuit and labors.
For a season I had large congregations; many seemed to
believe, and I baptized a number.

On the I had an appointment at the house
of Brother Taylor, the step-father of Abraham O. Smoot.

I had to cross Bloody River, which I had to swim in con-
sequence of heavy rains. While crossing, my horse became
entangled in a tree top, and almost drowned; but I succeeded
in getting him loose.

We swam to the shore separately. He reached the shore
first, and waited till I came out. I got into the saddle, and
went on my way in good spirits, and had a good meeting.

On the I baptized three Campbellites, one
of whom was a deacon. I then rode twelve miles to Mr.
Greenwood's, who was eighty years old, and had been a soldier
under General Washington. His wife, who was ninety-three
years old, I found quite smart, and busy carding wool. I
preached at their house and baptized both of them.

Page 32


On the following day I preached at the house of Benjamin
L. Clapp
and baptized seven Campbellites and one Baptist.

On the I preached at Brother Camp's
and baptized three. On the day following, it being Sunday,
I preached again at Brother Clapp's, and baptized five. At
the close of the meeting I mounted my horse to ride to Clark's
, in company with Seth Utley, four other brethren and
two sisters. The distance was twenty miles.

We came to a stream, which was so swollen by rains, that
we could not cross without swimming our horses. To swim
would not be safe for the females, so we went up the stream
to find a ford. In the attempt we were overtaken by a severe
storm of wind and rain, and lost our way in the darkness, and
wandered through creeks and mud. But the Lord does not
forsake His Saints in any of their troubles. While we were
in the woods suffering under the blast of the storm, groping
like the blind for the wall, a bright light suddenly shone
around us, and revealed to us our dangerous situation on the
edge of a gulf. The light continued with us until we found
the road; we then went on our way rejoicing, though the
darkness returned and the rain continued.

We reached Brother Henry Thomas' in safety about nine
o'clock at night, having been five hours in the storm and
forded streams many times. None of us felt to complain,
but were thankful to God for His preserving care.

On the following day I preached in Damon Creek and
organized a branch called the Damon Creek Branch, and
ordained Daniel Thomas a Teacher.

On the I again preached at the house of
Brother Clapp, and baptized five persons; one was a Camp-
bellite preacher.

On the following day I preached at the house of Brother
Henry Thomas, when a mob of about fifty persons collected,
headed by a Baptist preacher, who, after asking one question,
advised the mob to not lay hands on any man on account of
his principles.

The advice was good and well taken.

At the close of the meeting I baptized three persons, one
seventy-eight years old.

Page 33


This brings the year 1835 to a close—the first year of my
mission—during which time I had traveled three thousand
two hundred and forty-eight miles, held one hundred and
seventy meetings, baptized forty-three persons—three of whom
were Campbellite preachers—assisted Elder Parrish to baptize
twenty more, confirmed thirty-five, organized three branches,
ordained two Teachers and one Deacon, procured thirty sub-
scribers for the Messenger and Advocate, one hundred and
seventy-three singers to the petition to the governor of Mis-
for redress of wrongs done the Saints in Jackson County,
had three mobs rise against me—but was not harmed, wrote
eighteen letters, received ten, and finally, closed the labors of
the year 1835, by eating johnny-cake, butter and honey, at
Brother A. O. Smoot's.



I SPENT the fore part of January, 1836 (the weather being
very cold) at the house of A. O. Smoot, in Kentucky,
studying Kirkham's English Grammar. I continued to travel
and preach in Kentucky and Tennessee and baptized all that
would believe my testimony.

On the we held a conference at the house
of Brother Lewis Clapp (father of B. L. Clapp). There were
represented one hundred and three members in that mission.
I ordained A. O. Smoot and Benjamin Boyston Elders, and
Daniel Thomas and Benjamin L. Clapp Priests. I also
ordained one Teacher and two Deacons.

Page 34


After conference I took Brothers Smoot and Clapp with me
to preach. The former traveled with me constantly till the
, when we had the privilege of meeting with
Elder David W. Patten, who had come direct from Kirtland,
and who had been ordained one of the Twelve Apostles.

It was a happy meeting. He gave us an account of the
endowments at Kirtland, the glorious blessings received, the
ministration of angels, the organization of the Twelve Apostles
and Seventies, and informed me that I was appointed a member
of the second quorum of Seventies. All of this was glorious
news to me, and caused my heart to rejoice.

On the we were joined by Elder Warren
, direct from Kirtland. We had a happy time

On the , we held a conference at Brother Seth Utley's,
where were represented all the branches of the Church in the

I was ordained on the a member of the second
quorum of Seventies under the hands of David W. Patten and
Warren Parrish.

At the close of the conference we separated for a short time.
Elders Patten and Parrish labored in Tennessee, Brother,
Smoot and myself in Kentucky. On the we all
met at Damon Creek Branch, where Brother Patten baptized
two. One was Father Henry Thomas, who had been a revo-
soldier under General Washington, and father of
Daniel and Henry Thomas.

[Joseph Smith Papers Document] A warrant was issued, on the oath of a priest, against
D. W. Patten, W. Parrish and myself. We were accused in
the warrant of the great "crime" of testifying that Christ
would come in this generation, and that we promised the
Holy Ghost to those whom we baptized. Brothers Patten and
Parrish were taken on the . I being in another
County, escaped being arrested. The brethren were put under
two thousand dollars bonds to appear at court. Albert Petty
and Seth Utley were their bondsmen.

They were tried on the . They pleaded their
own cause. Although men came forward and testified they
did receive the Holy Ghost after they were baptized, the

Page 35


brethren were condemned; but were finally released by paying
the expense of the mob court.

There was one peculiar circumstance connected with this
trial by a mob court, which was armed to the teeth. When
the trial was through with, the people were not willing to
permit more than one to speak. Warren Parish had said but
few words, and they were not willing to let David Patten
speak. But he, feeling the injustice of the court, and being
filled with the power of God, arose to his feet and delivered a
speech of about twenty minutes, holding them spell-bound
while he told them of their wickedness and the abominations
that they were guilty of, also of the curse of God that awaited
them, if they did not repent, for taking up two harmless,
inoffensive men for preaching the gospel of Christ.

When he had got through his speech the judge said, "You
must be armed with secret weapons, or you would not talk in
this fearless manner to an armed court."

Brother Patten replied; "I have weapons that you know
not of, and they are given me of God, for He gives me all the
power I have."

The judge seemed willing to get rid of them almost upon
any terms, and offered to dismiss them if their friends would
pay the costs, which the brethren present freely offered to do.

When the two were released, they mounted their horses and
rode a mile to Seth Utley's; but, as soon as they had left, the
court became ashamed that they had been let go so easily
and the whole mob mounted their horses to follow them to

One of the Saints, seeing the state of affairs, went on
before the mob to notify the brethren, so that they had time
to ride into the woods near by.

They traveled along about three miles to Brother Albert
, and went to bed. The night was dark, and they fell

But Brother Patten was warned in a dream to get up and
flee, as the mob would soon be there. They both arose,
saddled their animals, and rode into the adjoining County.

The house they had just left was soon surrounded by the
mob, but the brethren had escaped through the mercy of God.

Page 36


I was invited to hold a meeting at a Baptist meeting house
on the . On my arrival I met a large congrega-
tion; but, on commencing meeting, Parson Browning ordered
the meeting to be closed. I told the people I had come ten
miles to preach the gospel to them, and was willing to stand
in a cart, on a pile of wood, on a fence, or any other place
they would appoint, to have that privilege.

One man said he owned the fence and land in front of the
meeting-house, and we might use both, for he did not believe
"Mormonism" would hurt either.

So the congregation crossed the road, took down the fence
and made seats of it, and I preached to them one hour and a
half. At the close Mr. Randolph Alexander bore testimony
to the truth of what had been said. He invited me home
with him, bought a Book of Mormon, and was baptized, and
I organized a branch in that place.

On the , Brother A. O. Smoot and I arrived at
a ferry on the Tennessee river, and, as the ferryman was not
at home, the woman kindly gave us permission to use the
ferryboat. We led our horses on board, and took the oars to
cross the river. Brother Smoot had never used an oar, and I
had not for some years, so we made awkward work of it.
Soon he broke one oar, and I let another fall overboard, which
left us only one broken oar to get to shore with. We narrowly
escaped running into a steamboat. We struck shore half a
mile below the landing place, tied up the boat, jumped on
the bank with our horses, and went on our way with blistered
hands, thankful to get off so well.

On Sunday, the , A. O. Smoot and I preached
at Mr. David Crider's, Weakly County, Tennessee. After
the meeting Mr. Crider was baptized. A mob gathered and
threatened us, and poisoned our horses so that the one I rode,
belonging to Samuel West, died a few days after. This horse
had carried me thousands of miles while preaching the gospel.

I continued to travel with Brothers Smoot, Patten and
Parrish in Tennessee and Kentucky, and we baptized all who
would receive our testimony.

On the we held a general conference
at the Damon Creek Branch. Elder Thomas B. Marsh

Page 37


President of the Twelve Apostles, presided. All the branches
in Tennessee and Kentucky were represented.

Brothers Randolph Alexander, Benjamin L. Clapp and
Johnson F. Lane were ordained Elders and Lindsay Bradey
was ordained to the lesser Priesthood.

I assisted President Marsh to obtain fifteen hundred dollars
from the Southern brethren, to enter land in Missouri for the
Church. The brethren made me a present of fifty dollars,
which I sent by President Marsh to enter forty acres of land
for me. Elder Smoot and I were released from the Southern
mission with permission to go to Kirtland.



HAVING returned from my Southern mission in the
autumn of , in company with Elders A. O. Smoot
and Jesse Turpin, I spent the following winter in Kirtland.
During this time I received my endowments and attended the
school of Professor Haws, who taught Greek, Latin and
English grammar. I confined my studies mostly to Latin and English grammar.

This winter and the following spring, in some respects, may
be regarded as one of the most interesting periods of the history
of the Church, when we consider the endowments and teach-
ings given in the temple, and the great apostasy which

I was married to Miss Phoebe Whitmore Carter, on the
, and received my patriarchal blessing

Page 38


under the hands of Father Joseph Smith, the Patriarch, two
days later.

I felt impressed by the Spirit of God to take a mission
to the Fox Islands, situated east of the Maine shore, a country I
knew nothing about. I made my feelings known to the
Apostles, and they advised me to go.

Feeling that it was my duty to go upon this mission, I did
not tarry at home one year after having married a wife, as the
law of Moses would have allowed. On the contrary, I started
just one month and one day after that important event, leav-
ing my wife with Sister Hale, with whom she expected to
stay for a season.

I left Kirtland in good spirits, in company with Elder
Jonathan H. Hale, and walked twelve miles to Fairport, where we
were joined by Elder Milton Holmes. There we went aboard
the steamer Sandusky, and made our way to Buffalo, and pro-
ceeded thence to Syracuse, by way of the Erie Canal. We
then walked to Richland, Oswego Co., N. Y., where I met
my two brothers, whom I had not seen for several years.

After spending one night there, we continued our journey
to Sackett's Harbor, and crossed Lake Ontario on the steamer
Oneida, to Kingston, Upper Canada, and from there also by
steamer along the canal to Jones' Falls, whence we walked to
a place called Bastard, Leeds County.

Here we found a branch of the Church, presided over by
John E. Page and James Blakesly. We accompanied them
to their place of meeting, and attended a conference with
them, at which three hundred members of the Church were

Thirty-two persons presented themselves for ordination,
whom I was requested to ordain, in company with Elder Wm.
. We ordained seven Elders, nine Priests, eleven
Teachers and five Deacons.

We spoke to the people several times during this conf-
erence, and at its close we were called upon to administer to a
woman who was possessed of the devil. At times she was
dumb, and greatly afflicted with the evil spirits that dwelt in
her. She believed in Jesus and in us as His servants, and
wished us to administer to her. Four of us laid our hands

Page 39


upon her head and commanded the devil, in the name of
Jesus Christ, to depart out of her. It was immediately done,
and the woman arose with great joy, and gave thanks and
praise unto God; for, according to her faith, she was made
whole from that hour.

A child, also, that was sick, was healed by the laying on of
, according to the word of God.

We walked thirty miles to visit another branch of the
Saints at Leeds, where we met with John Gordon and John
. Here we held a meeting and bore our testimony to
the people.

A Sister Carns here came to us and requested to have the
ordinance for the healing of the sick performed for two of
her children who were afflicted. One was a suckling child,
which was lying at the point of death. I took it in my arms
and presented it before the Elders, who laid their hands upon
it, and it was made whole immediately, and I handed it back
to the mother entirely healed.

We afterwards laid hands upon the other, when it was also
healed. It was done by the power of God, in the name of
Jesus Christ, and the parents praised God for His goodness.

After leaving the Saints in this place, we returned to Kings-
, and crossed Lake Ontario in company with Isaac Russell,
John Goodson and John Snider.

Brother Russell seemed to be constantly troubled with evil
, which followed him when he subsequently went upon
a mission to England, where Apostles Orson Hyde and Heber
C. Kimball
, when administering to him, had a severe contest
with them, as Brother Kimball has related in his history.

Brothers Russell, Goodson and Snider continued with us to
Schenectady, where they left us to proceed to New York, to
join Elders Kimball and Hyde to go upon their mission to

After leaving these brethren we traveled by rail to Albany,
and walked from there to Canaan, Conn., where we found a
branch of the Church, including Jesse and Julian Moses and
Francis K. Benedict.

We held a two-days' meeting with the Saints in Canaan,
and I ordained Julian Moses and Francis K. Benedict Elders.

Page 40


After holding several meetings in the town of Colebrook,
and visiting my half sister, Eunice Woodruff, who was teach-
ing school there, I proceeded to Avon, the place of my birth.
There I visited many of my former neighbors and relatives,
and the grave of my mother, Bulah Woodruff, who died , when twenty-six years of age. The following verse
was upon her tombstone:

“A pleasing form, a generous heart,
A good companion, just without art;
Just in her dealings, faithful to her friend,
Beloved through life, lamented in the end."

At the close of the day I walked six miles to Farmington,
where my father, Aphek Woodruff, was living, and I had the
happy privilege of once more meeting with him and my step-
, whom I had not seen for seven years. They greeted
me with great kindness, and it was a happy meeting.

After visiting with my father a day or two, I returned to
Avon, where most of my relatives lived, and held meetings
with them, and on the , I baptized my
uncle, Ozem Woodruff, his wife Hannah, and his son John,
and we rejoiced together, for this was in fulfillment of a dream
I had in , when I was eleven years of age.

On the I had an appointment to preach at the
house of my uncle, Adna Hart. While there I had the
happy privilege of meeting with my wife, Phoebe W. Wood-
, who had come from Kirtland to meet me and accompany
me to her father's home in Scarboro, Maine.

Those who had assembled to hear me preach were relatives
neighbors and former friends. After meeting, we returned to
Farmington to my father's home, where I spent the night
with my father, step-mother, sister and wife. Elder Hale
was also with us.

On the , Elder Hale left us to go to his friends
in New Rowley, Mass., and on the same evening I held a
meeting in the Methodist meeting-house in the town of Farm-
ington. I had a large congregation of citizens, with whom I
had been acquainted from my youth. My parents, wife and
sister attended the meeting. The congregation seemed satis-
fied with the doctrines I taught, and they requested me to

Page 41


hold another meeting; but I felt anxious to continue my
journey, and on the I parted with my father,
step-mother and sister, and took stage for Hartford with my

On my arrival at Hartford, not having money to pay the
fare of both of us, I paid my wife's fare to Rowley, Mass.,
where there was a branch of the Church, presided over by
Brother Nathaniel Holmes, father of Jonathan and Milton
, and I journeyed on foot.

The first day I walked fifty-two miles, the second day forty-
eight, and the third day thirty-six miles, and arrived at
Rowley at two o'clock, making 136 miles in a little over two-
and-a-half days.

I spent eight days at New Rowley, holding meetings and
visiting the Saints, including the Holmes family, and left
there on the .

On the , in company with my wife and Elder
Hale, I visited my wife's father, Ezra Carter, and his family
in Scarboro, Maine, it being the first time I had ever seen any
of her relatives. We were very kindly received. My wife
had been absent from her father's home about one year.

I spent eight days with Father Carter and household, and
one day I went out to sea with Fabian and Ezra Carter, my
brothers-in-law, in a boat, to fish with hooks. We caught
250 cod, haddock and hake, and we saw four whales, two at a
time, it being the first time in my life I had ever seen the
kind of a fish which is said to have swallowed Jonah.

On the , I parted with my wife and her
father's household, leaving her with them, and, in company
with Jonathan H. Hale, started upon the mission that I had
in view when I left Kirtland.

We walked ten miles to Portland, and took passage on the
steamboat Bangor, which carried us to Owl's Head, where we
went on board of a sloop which landed us on North Fox Island
at 2 o'clock, a. m., on the .

Page 42



THE town of Vinal Haven includes both North and South
Fox Islands
, in lat. 44° north, and long. 69° 10' east.
The population numbered, at the time of my visit, about
1,800. The inhabitants were intelligent and industrious, and
hospitable to strangers. They got most of their wealth and
living by fishing. The town fitted out over one hundred
licensed sailing vessels, besides smaller craft.

North Fox Island is nine miles long by two miles in width
and had a population of 800. They had a post office, one
store, a Baptist church and meeting-house, four school-houses
and a tide grist mill.

The land was rather poor, yet there were some good farms.
The products where wheat, barley, oats, potatoes and grass.
The principal timber was fir, spruce, hemlock and birch.
Raspberries and gooseberries grew in great abundance, and
some up-land cranberries were raised. The principal stock of
the island were sheep.

South Fox Island comes as near being without any definite
form as any spot on earth I ever saw. It would be difficult
for any person to describe it. It is about ten miles in length
by five in width, and is one universal mass of rocks, formed
into shelves, hills, and valleys, and cut up into necks and points
to make room for the coves and harbors that run through and
through the island.

The population was 1,000. The inhabitants got their living
entirely by fishing. There is no chance for farming upon the
island, and but a few garden patches, which are cultivated at
great expense. Some few sheep are raised there.

Many of the inhabitants fish in the region of Newfoundland,
and bring their fish home and cure them on flakes and prepare

Page 43


them for the market. They supply the market with great
quantities of cod, mackerel and boxed herring.

Upon this island there were two stores, three tide saw mills,
six school houses and a small branch of the Methodist church,
presided over by a priest.

What timber there is upon this island, such as pine, fir,
spruce, hemlock and birch, and the whortleberries, rasp-
berries and gooseberries, mostly grow out of the
cracks of the rocks.

Great quantities of fish, and in almost endless variety,
inhabit the coves and harbors around the islands. The whale,
blackfish, shark, ground shark, pilot-fish, horse mackerel,
sturgeon, salmon, halibut, cod, pollock, tom cod, hake, had-
dock, mackerel, shad bass, alewife, herring, pohagen,
dolphin, whiting, frost-fish, flounders, smelt, skate, shrimp,
skid, cusk, blueback, scallop, dogfish, muttonfish, lumpfish,
squid, five-fingers, monkfish, horsefish, sunfish, swordfish,
thrasher, cat, scuppog, tootog, eye fish, cunner, ling, also the
eel, lobster, clam, muscle, periwinkle, porpoise, seal, etc., are
found there.

Thus I have given a brief description of Vinal Haven. It
was quite dark when we landed there, without a farthing in
money. We made our way over the rocks and through the
cedars the best way we could, until we found a house, when
we rapped at the door, A woman put her head out of the
window and asked who was there and what was wanted.

I told her we were two strangers, and wanted a bed to lie
down upon until morning.

She let us in and gave us a bed, and we slept until quite
late, it being Sunday morning. When we came out and took
breakfast it was nearly noon. I asked her what she charged
for our entertainment, and she replied that we were welcome.

I then asked her if there was any religion or minister or
church on the island.

She informed me there was a Baptist minister, by the name
of Newton, who had a congregation and a meeting-house about
five miles from there.

We thanked her for her kindness, walked to the meeting-
house and stepped inside the doorway. We stood there until

Page 44


a deacon came to the door, when I asked him to go and tell
the minister in the pulpit that there were two servants of
God at the door, who had a message to deliver to that people
and wished the privilege of delivering it.

He sent for us to come to the pulpit, so we walked through
the congregation with our valises under our arms, and took
a seat by the side of the minister, who was about to speak as
we came to the door.

He arose and delivered his discourse to the people, occupy-
ing about half an hour. When he closed he asked me what
was my wish.

I told him we wished to speak to the people at any hour
that would suit his or their convenience; so he gave notice
that there were two strangers present who would speak to the
people at five o'clock that evening.

We were quite a source of wonderment to the people, as they
had no idea who we were.

Mr. Newton asked us home to tea with him, and we gladly
accepted the invitation. When we arrived at his house I
opened my valise and took out the Bible, Book of Mormon
and Doctrine and Covenants, laid them upon the table, and
took my seat.

Mr. Newton took up the books and looked at them, but
said nothing. I then asked him if there were any school-
houses upon the island, and if so, whether they were free to
preach in.

He answered that there were four, numbered respectively
from one to four, and that they were free.

Mr. Newton and family accompanied us to the meeting-
house, where we met a large congregation, none of whom
knew who we were or anything about our profession, except
the minister.

Elder Hale and I went into the stand, and I arose with
peculiar feelings, and addressed the congregation for one hour,
taking for my text Galatians i. 8-9.

This was the first time that I or any other Elder of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had (to my
knowledge) attempted to preach the fullness of the gospel and
the Book of Mormon to the inhabitants of any island of the sea.

Page 45


I had much liberty in speaking, and informed the people
that the Lord had raised up a prophet and organized His
Church as in the days of Christ and the ancient apostles, with
prophets, apostles and the gifts as anciently, and that He had
brought forth the Book of Mormon.

At the close of my remarks Elder Hale bore testimony.

I gave liberty for anyone to speak that might wish to. As
no one responded, I announced that we would hold meetings
the next four evenings in the school-houses, beginning at No. 1.



DURING the first thirteen days of our sojourn upon the
island we preached seventeen discourses, being invited by
the people to tarry with them. I left a copy of the Doctrine
and Covenants
with Mr. Newton for his perusal.

He read it, and the Spirit of God bore testimony to him of
its truth. He pondered over it for days, and he walked his
room until midnight trying to decide whether to receive or reject it.

He and his family attended about a dozen of my first meet-
ings, and then he made up his mind, contrary to the dictation
of the Spirit of God to him, to reject the testimony, and
come out against me. However, we commenced baptizing his flock.

The first two we baptized were a sea captain, by the name
of Justin Eames, and his wife. Brother Jonathan H. Hale
went down into the sea and baptized them on the

Page 46


tember, and these were the first baptisms performed by proper
authority upon any of the islands of the sea (to my know-
ledge) in this dispensation.

Before we left Kirtland some of the leading apostates there
had tried to discourage Brother Hale about going upon his
mission, telling him he would never baptize any one, and he
had better remain at home. When Captain Eames offered
himself for baptism, I told Brother Hale to go and baptize
him, and prove those men false prophets, and he did so.

On the following Sabbath I baptized his brother, Ebenezer
, another sea captain, and a young lady.

Mr. Newton, the Baptist minister, now commenced a war
against us, and sent to the South Island for a Mr. Douglass, a
Methodist minister (with whom he had been at variance for
years) to come over and help him put down "Mormonism."

Mr. Douglass came over, and they got as many people together
as they could and held a conference. He railed against
Joseph, the prophet, and the Book of Mormon, and, taking
that book in his hand, with out-stretched arm, declared that
he feared none of the judgments of God that would come upon
him for rejecting it as the word of God. (I never heard what
his sentiments upon this subject were at the end of his term of
fourteen years' imprisonment in the Thomaston Penitentiary,
for an outrage upon his daughter, the judgment of which
was given upon the testimony of his wife and daughter.)

I was present and heard Mr. Douglass' speech upon this
occasion and took minutes of the same. When he closed I
arose and informed the people that I would meet with them
next Sunday in the meeting-house, and answer Mr. Douglass,
and wished him as well as the people to be present.

I informed the people that Mr. Douglass had made many
false statements against Joseph Smith and the Latter-day
Saints, with whom he had no acquaintance, and he had mis-
quoted much scripture, all of which I could correct.

We continued to baptize the people on the North Island
until we had baptized every person who owned an interest in the
Baptist meeting-house. I then followed Mr. Douglass home
to the South Island and preached the gospel to and baptized
nearly all the members of his church.

Page 47


The excitement became great upon both Fox Islands islands, and on
Sunday, the , I met a large assembly from
both Islands, and took the same subject that Mr. Douglass
had dwelt upon in his remarks against the Book of Mormon
and our principles.

I spoke two-and-a-half hours, and answered every objection
against the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith or our prin-

I had good attention, and the people seemed satisfied. At
the close of the meeting Elder Hale administered the ordin-
ance of baptism.

Mr. Newton, in order to save his cause, went to the main-
and brought over several ministers with him and held a
protracted meeting. They hoped by this to stop the work of
God, but all to no avail, for the whole people would attend
our meeting and receive the word of God, and we continued
to baptize.

We visited the dwellings of most of the inhabitants during
our sojourn there.

Upon one occasion, while standing upon Mr. Carver's farm
on the east end of the North Island, we counted fifty-five
islands in that region, the majority of which were not inhabit-
ed. We also saw twenty ships under sail at the same time.

We had no lack for food while upon the island, for if we did
not wish to trouble our friends for a dinner, we only had to
borrow a spade or a hoe and a kettle and go to the beach and
dig a peck of clams. These, when boiled, would make a
delicious meal, which we often availed ourselves of.

One , Elder Hale and I ascended to the top of a high
granite rock upon the South Island, for prayer and supplic-
ation. We sat down under the shade of a pine tree which
grew out of a fissure in the rock, and Elder Hale read the
16th chapter of Jeremiah, where mention is made of the
hunters and fishers that God would send in the last days to
gather Israel.

Of a truth here we were upon an Island of the sea, standing
upon a rock where we could survey the gallant ships and also
the islands, which were as full of rocks, ledges and caves as
any part of the earth. And what had brought us here? To

Page 48


search out the blood of Ephraim, the honest and meek of the
earth, and gather them from those islands, rocks, holes and
caves of the earth unto Zion.

We prayed, and rejoiced together. The Spirit of God
rested upon us; we spoke of Christ and the ancient prophets
and apostles in Jerusalem; of Nephi, Alma, Mormon and
Moroni in America; Joseph, Hyrum, Oliver and the apostles
in our own day, and we rejoiced that we were upon the islands
of the sea searching out the blood of Israel.

While being filled with these meditations and the Spirit of
God, we fell upon our knees and gave thanks to the God of
heaven, and felt to pray for all Israel.

After spending most of the day in praise and thanksgiving,
we descended to the settlement and held a meeting with the

On the we called upon Captain Benjamin
, and visited his flakes, where he had one thousand
quintals of codfish drying for the market. They had mostly
been caught in the region of Newfoundland. While we were
passing Carvey's Wharf our attention was called to a large
school of mackerel playing by the side of the wharf. Several
men were pitching them out with hooks. We also flung in a
hook and caught all we wanted, then went on our way.



WE continued to labor, preaching and baptizing, and
organized a branch of the Church upon each island,
and, finally, on the , we parted from the Saints
on the North Island to return to Scarboro for a short time.

Page 49


We walked from Thomaston to Bath, a distance of forty-six
miles, in one day, and at the latter place attended a Baptist
convention. I also preached there to a large congregation in the
evening, and the people gave good attention and wished
to learn more about our doctrines.

On the following day we walked thirty-six miles to Portland,
and the next day to Scarboro. Here I again met with my wife
and her father's family.

The time had come for me to give the parting hand to
Brother Jonathan H. Hale. We had traveled during the sea-
son over two thousand miles together, with our hearts and
spirits well united.

He felt it his duty to return to his family at Kirtland, but
duty called me to return to my field of labor upon the islands.

On the I accompanied Brother Hale one
mile upon his journey. We retired to a grove and knelt down
and prayed together, and had a good time, and, after com-
mending each other to God, we parted, he to return to
Kirtland and I to Fox Islands.

I spent fourteen days visiting the Saints and friends, and
holding meetings among them, and on the I
took leave of Father Carter and family, and in company with
my wife rode to Portland, and spent the night with my broth-
er-in-law, Ezra Carter.

A severe storm arose, so we could not go to sea until , when we took steamer to Owl's Head, carriage to
Thomaston and sloop to Fox Islands.

My second visit to these islands was made under very differ-
ent circumstances to the first. On my first visit I was an
entire stranger to the people, and they were strangers to the
gospel, but upon my second I met many Saints who had
received the gospel, and who hailed me, and my companion
also, with glad hearts.

On Sunday, the , I met with a large
assembly of Saints and friends, and again commenced baptiz-
ing such as would receive my testimony.

After visiting the North Island and holding meetings with
the Saints there, and baptizing two after meeting, I embarked
on board a sloop, with Captain Coombs, for another island

Page 50


called the Isle of Holt. We arrived at noon, and I preached
to the people at night in their school-house, and had an
attentive audience. I spent the night with John Turner,
Esq., who purchased a copy of the Book of Mormon.

On the following day we returned to Fox Islands, and as
St. Paul once had to row hard to make the land in a storm,
we had to row hard to make it in a calm. [Acts 27]

After preaching on the North Island again and baptizing
two persons at the close of the meeting, I returned again to
the mainland in company with Mrs. Woodruff and others,
where I spent fifteen days, during which time I visited among
the people, held twelve meetings and baptized several persons.

On the I returned again to the North
Island, where I held several meetings, and then crossed over
to the South Island.

On the I spent an hour with Mr. Isaac
in clearing away large blocks of ice from the water
in a cove, in order to baptize him, which I did when the tide
came in. I also baptized two more in the same place on the
, and again two others on the .

On the I held a meeting at a school-house, when
William Douglass, the Methodist minister, came and wanted
me to work a miracle, that he might believe, and otherwise
railed against me.

I told him what class of men asked for signs, and that he
was a wicked and adulterous man, and predicted that the curse
of God would rest upon him, and that his wickedness would
be made manifest in the eyes of the people. (While visiting
these islands several years afterwards I learned that the pre-
diction had really been fulfilled, and that he was serving out a
fourteen years' term of imprisonment for a beastly crime).

Mrs. Woodruff crossed the thoroughfare in a boat and
walked ten miles, the length of the island, to meet me, on the
last day of the year. I held a meeting the same day in the
school-house, and at the close of the meeting baptized two
persons in the sea, at full tide, before a large assembly.

, found me standing upon one of the
islands of the sea, a minister of the gospel of life offer salva-
tion unto the people, laboring alone, though blessed with the

Page 51


society of Mrs. Woodruff, my companion. I had been declar-
ing the word of the Lord through the islands many days, the
Spirit of God was working among the people, prejudice was
giving way, and the power of God was manifest by signs fol-
lowing those who believed.

I spent this New Year's Day visiting the Saints and their
neighbors, and met a congregation at Captain Chas. Brown’s,
where I spoke to them for a while, and at the close of my
remarks led three persons down into the sea and baptized
them. Two of these were sea captains, namely, Charles
Brown, and Jesse Coombs, and the third was the wife of Cap-
tain Coombs. After confirming them we spent the evening in
preaching, singing and praying.

I held meetings almost daily with the Saints up to the ,
when I crossed to the North Island. Here I found that the
seed I had sown was bringing forth fruit. Six persons were
ready for baptism.

But my mission upon these islands was not an exception to
the general rule: success did not come without many obstacles
presenting themselves. Those who rejected the word were
frequently inspired by the evil one to make an attempt at per-

Some of those who felt to oppose me went down to the har-
bor and got a swivel and small arms, and planted them close
by the school-house, near the sea shore, and while I was
speaking they commenced firing their cannon and guns. I
continued speaking in great plainness, but my voice was
mingled with the report of musketry.

I told the people my garments were clear of the blood of
the inhabitants of that island, and asked if any wished to
embrace the gospel. Two persons came forward and wished
to be baptized, and I baptized them.

On the following day when I went down to the seaside to
baptize a man, the rabble commenced firing guns again, as on
the previous night. I afterwards learned that notices were
posted up, warning me to leave the town, but I thought it
was better to obey God than man, and, therefore, did not go.

The next day I baptized three persons, and two days subse-
quently a couple of others.

Page 52


I had ample evidence of the fact that lying spirits had gone
out into the world, for three persons whom I had baptized
had been visited by Mr. Douglass, who told them that I
denied the Bible and could not be depended upon; and they
yielded to his insinuations until the devil took possession of
them, and they were in a disaffected condition, and sent for

When I met them they were in great affliction, but when I
instructed them in regard to the principles of the gospel, and
administered to them, they were delivered from the evil influ-
ence and rejoiced.



On the I again crossed to the North
, and after remaining there seven days visiting, we
returned to Camden. Here I met Brother James Townsend,
who had just arrived from Scarboro.

I ordained Brother Townsend to the office of an Elder, and
we concluded to take a journey to Bangor, and offer the
gospel to the inhabitants of that city.

We undertook the journey on foot in the dead of winter,
when the snow was very deep, and the first day broke the road
for seven miles to Scarsmont. The day following, it being
Sunday, we held two meetings, preached the gospel to the
people, and were kindly entertained.

On the evening of the next day we wallowed through snow-
drifts for a mile, to meet an appointment to preach in a school-

Page 53


house, and I got one of my ears frozen on the way; but not-
withstanding the severity of the weather, we had quite a large
and attentive audience. We also spent the next two days
with the people there and held meetings.

On the evening of the , as we came out of
the school-house, a light appeared in the north-eastern hori-
zon, and spread to the west and soon rolled over our heads.
It had the appearance of fire, blood and smoke, and at times
resembled contending armies. The heavens were illuminated
for the space of half an hour. It seemed at times as though
the veil was about to rend in twain and the elements were con-
tending with each other.

We looked upon it as one of the signs in the heavens pre-
dicted by the prophets of old, as to appear in the last days.
We were wading through deep snowdrifts most of the time
while witnessing this remarkable scene.*

The following day we walked fifteen miles through deep
snow to Belfast, and, after being refused lodging for the night
by eight families, we were kindly entertained by a Mr. Thomas

There was an interesting incident connected with our stay at
his house. After eating our supper, it being late in the even-
ing, Mr. Teppley placed a stand before me with a Bible upon
it, asking me to read a chapter and have prayers with them,
he being a religious man.

I opened the Bible mechanically, when, the 25th chapter of
being the first to catch my eye, I read it, and as I
closed the book Mr. Teppley turned to his wife and said, "Is
not this a strange thing?" Then he explained to us that he
had just read that chapter and closed the book when we
rapped at the door, and he felt impressed to say, " Walk in,

There is probably no other chapter in the whole book that
would have the same influence in causing any one to feed a
person who professed to be a servant of God, and asked for

After becoming acquainted with his circumstances I thought
it providential that we were led to his house, for although he
was a professor of religion and a Methodist, he was in a state


Page 54


of despair, believing that he had committed the unpardonable

However, I told him what the unpardonable sin was, and
that he had not committed it; but that it was a trick of the
devil to make him think so, in order to torment him. He then
acknowledged that he went down to the wharf a few evenings
before, with the intention of drowning himself, but when he
looked into the cold, dark water he desisted and returned
home, and had said nothing previous to anyone about it.

I taught him the principles of the gospel, which proved a
comfort to him.

We spent the following day in visiting the people of Belfast,
and in the evening preached in a brick school-house, provided
by Mr. Teppley, and many wished to hear more from us.

We next visited Northport and Frankfort, holding meetings
at both places, and on the , we entered
Bangor, which at that time had a population of ten thousand.
This was my birthday, I being thirty-one years of age.

I visited some of the leading men of Bangor, and they
granted me the use of the City Hall, where I preached to
good audiences for two successive evenings. This was the first
time a Latter-day Saint Elder had preached in that town.
Many were anxious to learn more about our principles, but
our visits through all the towns from Thompaston to Bangor
were necessarily brief, owing to our appointments upon the
islands. It was like casting our bread upon the waters and
trusting in God for the result.

On the we sailed from Penobscot for the Isle
of Holt
, where I held a meeting on the following evening.

The next day I took passage on the mail boat for the North
, where I again had the privilege of meeting with the
Saints for prayer and praise before the Lord.

On my arrival I received a package of letters from friends
abroad. One was from Kirtland, and gave an account of the
apostasy and tribulations which the Saints were passing
through. Joseph the Prophet and others, with their families,
had gone to Far West, and the Saints were following them.

Brother Townsend returned home, and I was again left
alone in the ministry.

Page 55


On the afternoon of the , Brother Sterrett
and I, accompanied by our wives, went several hundred yards
from shore to a sand bar (it being low tide), to dig clams.
The ground near the shore was much lower than the bar we
were on, and while we were all busy digging clams and talk-
ing "Mormonism," the dashing of the waves of the incoming
tide against the shore suddenly made us conscious that we
had fifty yards of water between us and the shore.

The surf waves also added to our difficulty, and as we had
no boat, our only alternative was to cross our four arms, thus
forming a kind of arm-chair for our wives to sit upon, and
carry them in turn to the shore, wading through two-and-a-
half feet of water.

By the time we got our wives and clams safely landed, the
truth of the maxim was firmly impressed upon our minds,
that "Time and tide wait for no man," not even for a preacher
of the gospel.



ON the I received a letter from Zion,
requesting me to counsel the Saints I had baptized to
sell their property and gather up to Zion.

About this time the Lord was manifesting Himself upon
the Islands in various ways, by dreams, visions, healings, signs
and wonders. I will relate one peculiar circumstance of this
kind that occurred.

Mr. Ebenezer Carver had been investigating our doctrines
for quite a length of time, and, having a great desire to know
the truth of our religion, he walked to the sea shore, wishing
that he might have some manifestation in proof of its truth.

Page 56


The passage of scripture came to his mind that there would
be no sign given "but the sign of the prophet Jonas[Matthew 12:39]," and
while this thought was in his mind a large fish arose to the
top of the water, a distance from him in the sea, and suddenly
sank out of sight. He much desired to see it again, and soon
it arose to the top of the water, accompanied by another fish
of about the same size, and one of them swam on the water in
a straight line towards Mr. Carver as he stood upon the shore.
It came as near to him as the water would permit, and then
stopped and gazed at him with a penetrating eye, as though
it had a message for him. It then returned to its mate in
the ocean and swam out of sight.

Mr. Carver retraced his steps homeward, meditating upon
the scene and the wonderful condescension of the Lord.

It is proper to remark that this was at a season of the year
when fish of that size are never known upon those shores or
seas, and they are never, at any season, known to come ashore
as in the case mentioned.

Mr. Carver was convinced that it was intended by the Lord
as a sign to him.

Two days after this event I visited Mr. Carver at his house,
and found his wife confined to her bed with a fever, and she
requested me to administer to her. I placed my hands upon
her head, the power of God rested upon me, and I com-
manded her in the name of Jesus Christ to arise and walk.

She arose and was healed from that instant, and she walked
down to the sea and I baptized her in the same place where
the fish visited her husband. I confirmed her there, and she was
filled with the Holy Ghost and returned to her home rejoicing.

I now called the people together and exhorted them to sell
their property and prepare to accompany me to the land of
Zion. I had labored hard for many days for the temporal
and spiritual welfare of the inhabitants of those islands, and
the Lord had blessed my labors and given me many souls as
seals of my ministry, for which I felt to praise Him; and now
I felt to labor quite as zealously to gather out those who had
embraced the gospel, and lead them to Zion.

The worst difficulty which the Saints had to contend with in
that day was from false brethren. Warren Parrish, who had

Page 57


been a prominent Elder in the Church, and had labored with
me as a missionary, had apostatized and been cut off from the
Church. Learning that I was building up branches of the
Church upon the island, he and other apostates conspired to
block up my way by writing lies to the people and stirring up
a spirit of mobocracy upon the islands.

They succeeded in exerting a strong influence with the
wicked, but I knew they could not hinder the work of God.

On the I held a meeting at Brother Ebenezer
, and, though the hearts of the wicked were stirred
up in bitterness against me, the Spirit of God was with me,
and at the close of the meeting I baptized three persons.
One of these was Mrs. Abigail Carver, the mother of Eben-
ezer Carver, who was seventy years of age and in poor health.
She had not so much as visited a neighbor's house for six
years, but upon this occasion she walked with boldness to the
sea shore and I baptized her, and she returned rejoicing.

On the I had the happy privilege of again
meeting with Elders Milton Holmes, James Townsend and
Abner Rogers, who had come to the islands to attend confer-
ence with me.

We held our conference on the , on North Fox
, and had a representation of the different branches on
the islands. We also preached and bore our testimony,
ordained several and baptized one person at the close of the

On the Mrs. Woodruff left the islands to
return to her father's home in Scarboro, Maine, and a few
days afterwards I called the Saints of the North Island
together and communed with and instructed them. I also
informed them that the Spirit of God bore record to me that
it was our duty to leave the islands for a season and take a
western mission. They had been faithfully warned and the
Saints were established in the truth, while the wicked were
contending against us, and some were disposed to take our
lives if they had the power.

Page 58



ON the we left the island in an open sail-boat
and made our way to Owl's Head, and then walked
twenty miles. The following day we walked forty miles and
suffered some with weary limbs and blistered feet, but we felt
that it was for the gospel's sake and did not choose to com-
plain. The next day a walk of thirty miles brought us to
Scarboro, where we spent the night at Father Carter's.

On the I parted with Mrs. Woodruff and
Father Carter and family, and in company with Milton
walked thirty-three miles towards Portsmouth, which
city we reached the following day and spent several hours
there, visiting the navy yard. We then walked to George-
, formerly New Rowley, and spent the night with Father
Nathaniel Holmes.

On the I visited Charleston and Bunker Hill
, and also spent several hours in the city of Boston,
which then contained a population of one hundred thousand.
I ascended to the cupola of the court-house, from which I
had a fine view of the city. I visited several of the Saints in
the city, and walked over the long bridge to Cambridge and

I visited the jail there in order to have an interview with
Brother A. P. Rockwood, who had been cast into prison
on the plea of debt, in order to trouble and distress him,
because he was a "Mormon." This was the first time we had
ever met. The jailor permitted me to enter the room where
he was. It was the first time in my life I had ever entered a
prison. The jailor turned the key upon us and locked us
both in.

I found Brother Rockwood strong in the faith of the gos-
pel. He had the Bible, Book of Mormon, Voice of Warning

Page 59


and Evening and Morning Star]] as his companions, which he
read daily.

We conversed together for three hours in this solitary
abode. He informed me of many things which had trans-
pired while he was confined there as a prisoner. Among
other things, he mentioned that the jail had taken fire a few
days previous to my visit. He said it looked a little like a
dark hour. The fire was roaring over his head, while uproar
and confusion were upon every hand. Fire engines were
rapidly playing around the building, with water pouring into
every room. The people were hallooing in the streets.
Prisoners were begging for mercy's sake to be let out, or they
would be consumed in the fire. One was struggling in the
agonies of death, while others were cursing and swearing.
Brother Rockwood said he felt composed in the midst of it
until the fire was extinguished.

At eight o'clock the jailor unlocked the prison door to let
me out, and I gave the parting hand to the prisoner of

We had spent a pleasant time together, and he rejoiced at
my visit; and who would not, to meet with a friend in a lonely
prison? I left him in good spirits, and wended my way back
to Boston.

I spent several days in Boston, holding meetings with the
Saints there, and then walked to Providence, Rhode Island,
preaching by the way.

I there took steamer and arrived in New York on the , where I met with Elder Orson Pratt and his family,
and Elijah Fordham and near one hundred Saints who had
been baptized in the city of New York.

I spent three days in New York visiting the Saints and
holding meetings. Several new converts were baptized while
I was there.

Leaving New York, I traveled through New Jersey, and
returned to Farmington, Connecticut, the residence of my
father. I arrived at his house on the .

It was with peculiar sensations that I walked over my native
land, where I spent my youth, and cast my eyes over the
Farmington meadows and the hills and dales where I had

Page 60


roamed in my boyhood with my father, stepmother, brothers
and half-sister.

On my arrival at my father's home I had the happy privilege
of once more taking my parents and sister by the hand, also
my uncle, Ozem Woodruff, who was among the number I
had baptized the year before.

After spending an hour in conversation, we sat down around
our father's table and supped together and were refreshed.
Then we bowed upon our knees together in the family circle
and offered up the gratitude of our hearts to God for preserv-
ing our lives and reuniting us.

I spent the next eighteen days in Farmington and Avon,
visiting my father's household, my uncles, aunts, cousins,
neighbors and friends, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ
unto them and striving to bring them into the kingdom of God.

On the , one of the most interesting
events transpired of my whole life in the ministry.

When Father Joseph Smith gave me my patriarchal bles-
, among the many wonderful things of my life, he prom-
ised me that I should bring my father's household into the
kingdom of God, and I felt that if I ever obtained the bles-
sing, the time had come for me to perform it.

By the help of God, I preached the gospel faithfully to my
father's household and to all that were with him, as well as to
my other relatives, and I had appointed a meeting on Sunday,
the 1st of July at my father's home.

My father was believing my testimony, as were all in his
household, but upon this occasion the devil was determined
to hinder the fulfillment of the promise of the patriarch
unto me.

It seemed as though Lucifer, the son of the morning, had
gathered together the hosts of hell and exerted his powers
upon us all. Distress overwhelmed the whole household, and
all were tempted to reject the work. And it seemed as
though the same power would devour me. I had to take to
my bed for an hour before the time of meeting. I there
prayed unto the Lord with my whole soul for deliverance, for
I knew the power of the devil was exercised to hinder me
from accomplishing what God had promised me.

Page 61


The Lord heard my prayer and answered my petition, and
when the hour of meeting had come I arose from my bed, and
could sing and shout for joy to think I had been delivered
from the power of the evil one.

Filled with the power of God, I stood up in the midst of the
congregation and preached the gospel of Jesus Christ unto
the people in great plainness.

At the close of the meeting we assembled on the banks of
the Farmington river, "because there was much water there,"
and I led six of my friends into the river and baptized them
for the remission of their sins.

All of my father's household were included in this number,
according to the promise of the Patriarch. They were all
relatives except Dwight Webster, who was a Methodist class-
leader and was boarding with my father's family.

I organized the small number of nine persons, eight of
whom were my relatives, into a branch of the Church, and
ordained Dwight Webster to the office of a Priest and
administer the sacrament unto them.

It was truly a day of joy to my soul. My father, step-
and sister were among the number baptized. I
afterwards added a number of relatives. I felt that this
day's work alone amply repaid me for all my labor in the

Who can comprehend the joy, the glory, the happiness and
consolation that an Elder of Israel feels in being an instrument
in the hands of God of bringing his father, mother, sister,
brother, or any of the posterity of Adam through the door
that enters into life and salvation? No man can, unless he has
experienced these things, and possesses the testimony of
Jesus Christ and the inspiration of Almighty God.


Page 62



NOW, as my mission to my native land was accomplished,
which I felt impressed to take while upon the islands, I
felt it my duty to return here.

Monday, , was the last day and night I spent
at my father's home while upon this mission. At the setting
of the sun I took the last walk with my sister I ever had with
her while in my native State. We walked by the canal and
viewed the river and fields, and conversed upon our future

After evening prayer with the family, my father retired to
rest, and I spent a season with my step-mother who had
reared me from my infancy. In conversation we felt sensibly
the weight of the power of temptation, out of which the Lord
had delivered us.

I also spent a short time with my sister Eunice, the only
sister I was ever blessed with in my father's family. I had
baptized her into the Church and Kingdom of God, and we
mingled our sympathies, prayers and tears together before the
throne of grace.

How truly are the bonds of consanguinity and of the blood
of Christ united in binding the hearts of the Saints of God
together, and "how blessings brighten as they take their

This being the last night I was to spend beneath my father's
roof while upon this mission, I felt the weight of it, and my
prayer was, "O, Lord, protect my father's house, and bring
him to Zion!" (which prayer was granted.)

On the morning of , I took leave of my relatives
and my native land, and started on my return to Maine.

Page 63


I arrived in Scarboro on the , and on the my first
child—a daughter—was born, at Father Carter's house. We
named her Sarah Emma.

On the , I left my wife and child at Father Carter’s
and started once more to visit Fox Islands.

While holding meeting with the Saints at North Vinal
on the , I received a letter from Thomas
B. Marsh
, who was then President of the Twelve Apostles,
informing me that Joseph Smith, the Prophet, had received a
revelation, naming as persons to be chosen to fill the places of
those who had fallen; John E. Page, John Taylor, Wilford
Woodruff and Willard Richards.

President Marsh added, in his letter, "Know then,
Brother Woodruff, by this, that you are appointed to fill the
place of one of the Twelve Apostles, and that it is agreeable
to the word of the Lord, given very lately, that you should
come speedily to Far West, and, on the next,
take your leave of the Saints here and depart for other climes
across the mighty deep.”

The substance of this letter had been revealed to me several
weeks before, but I had not named it to any person.

The time having now come for me to prepare for leaving the
islands, I had a desire to take with me all the Saints I could
get to go to Zion. There had already been a line drawn upon
the islands between the Saints and those who had rejected the
gospel, and the enemies were very bitter against me and the
work of God I had labored to establish. They threatened my
life, but the Saints were willing to stand by me.

I spent four days with the Saints visiting them, holding
meetings and encouraging them, while the devil was raging
upon every hand.

I had baptized and organized into the Church nearly one
hundred persons while upon the islands, and there seemed a
prospect of gathering about half of them with me, but the
devil raged to such an extent that quite a number were terri-

The inhabitants of the islands had but little acquaintance
with the management of horses or wagons; in fact, most of
them knew more about handling a shark than a horse. How-

Page 64


ever, in company with Nathanial Thomas, who had sold his
property and had money, I went to the mainland and pur-
chased ten new wagons, ten sets of harness and twenty horses.
When I got everything prepared for the company to start, I
left the affairs with Brother Thomas, and went on ahead of
the company to Scarboro, to prepare my own family for the

The outfit which I purchased for the company cost about

Before leaving Brother Thomas, I counselled him in regard
to the course to pursue, and charged him not to be later than
the 1st of September in starting from the mainland.

I arrived at Father Carter's on the , and
waited with great anxiety for the arrival of the company from
the islands, but instead of reaching there by the 1st of Sep-
tember they did not arrive till the ; and when
they did arrive the wagon covers were all flying in the breeze.
It took a good day's work to nail down the covers, paint the
wagons and get prepared for the journey.



ON the afternoon of the , we took leave of
Father Carter and family, and started upon our journey of
2,000 miles at this late season of the year, taking my wife
with a suckling babe at her breast with me, to lead a company
of fifty-three souls from Maine to Illinois, and to spend nearly

Page 65


three months in traveling in wagons, through rain, mud,
snow and frost. It was such a trial as I never before had
attempted during my experience as a minister of the gospel.
On our arrival at Georgetown we were joined by Elder Mil-
ton Holmes
. We traveled each day as far as we could go, and
camped wherever night overtook us.

On the , while crossing the Green Moun-
, I was attacked with something resembling the cholera.
I was very sick. I stopped at a house for about two hours,
but the Elders administered to me, and I revived.

On the I was again taken sick, and my wife and child
were also stricken down. We also had several others sick in
the company, through the exposure of the journey.

On the we had our first snow storm, and the horses
dragged our wagons all day through mud, snow and water.

On the Elder Milton Holmes left us, and
took steamer for Fairport; and two days afterwards a little
boy of Nathaniel Holmes', about six years of age, died, and
we had to bury him at Westfield.

The roads finally became so bad and the cold so severe that
Nathaniel Thomas and James Townsend concluded to stop for
the winter. We parted with them on the ,
near New Portage, Ohio.

On the my wife, Phoebe, was attacked
with a severe headache, which terminated in brain fever.
She grew more and more distressed daily as we continued our
journey. It was a terrible ordeal for a woman to travel in a
wagon over rough roads, afflicted as she was. At the same
time our child was also very sick.

The was a trying day to my soul. My wife
continued to fail, and in the afternoon, about 4 o'clock, she
appeared to be struck with death. I stopped my team, and it
seemed as though she would breath her last lying in the
wagon. Two of the sisters sat beside her, to see if they could
do anything for her in her last moments.

I stood upon the ground, in deep affliction, and meditated.
I cried unto the Lord, and prayed that she might live and not
be taken from me. I claimed the promises the Lord had
made unto me through the prophets and patriarchs, and soon

Page 66


her spirit revived, and I drove a short distance to a tavern,
and got her into a room and worked over her and her babe all
night, and prayed to the Lord to preserve her life.

In the morning the circumstances were such that I was under
the necessity of removing my wife from the inn, as there was
so much noise and confusion at the place that she could not
endure it. I carried her out to her bed in the wagon and
drove two miles, when I alighted at a house and carried my
wife and her bed into it, with a determination to tarry there
until she either recovered her health or passed away. This
was on Sunday morning, .

After getting my wife and things into the house and wood
provided to keep up a fire, I employed my time in taking care
of her. It looked as though she had but a short time to live.

She called me to her bedside in the evening and said she
felt as though a few moments more would end her existence in
this life. She manifested great confidence in the cause she
had embraced, and exhorted me to have confidence in God and
to keep His commandments.

To all appearances, she was dying. I laid hands upon her
and prayed for her, and she soon revived and slept some
during the night.

found my wife very low. I spent the day in
taking care of her, and the following day I returned to Eaton
to get some things for her. She seemed to be gradually sink-
ing and in the evening her spirit apparently left her body, and
she was dead.

The sisters gathered around her body, weeping, while I
stood looking at her in sorrow. The spirit and power of God
began to rest upon me until, for the first time during her sick-
ness faith filled my soul, although she lay before me as one dead.

I had some oil that was consecrated for my anointing while
in Kirtland. I took it and consecrated it again before the
Lord for anointing the sick. I then bowed down before the
Lord and prayed for the life of my companion, and I anointed
her body with the oil in the name of the Lord. I laid my
hands upon her, and in the name of Jesus Christ I rebuked
the power of death and the destroyer, and commanded the

Page 67


same to depart from her, and the spirit of life to enter her body.

Her spirit returned to her body, and from that hour she was
made whole; and we all felt to praise the name of God, and to
trust in Him and to keep His commandments.

While this operation was going on with me (as my wife re-
lated afterwards) her spirit left her body, and she saw
it lying upon the bed, and the sisters weeping. She looked
at them and at me, and upon her babe, and, while gazing upon
this scene, two personages came into the room carrying a coffin
and told her they had come for her body. One of these mes-
sengers informed her that she could have her choice: she
might go to rest in the spirit world, or, on one condition she
could have the privilege of returning to her tabernacle and
continuing her labors upon the earth. The condition was, if
she felt that she could stand by her husband, and with him
pass through all the cares, trials, tribulation and afflictions of
life which he would be called to pass through for the gospel's
sake unto the end. When she looked at the situation of her
husband and child she said: "Yes, I will do it!"

At the moment that decision was made the power of faith
rested upon me, and when I administered unto her, her spirit
entered her tabernacle, and she saw the messengers carry the
coffin out at the door.

On the morning of the , the Spirit said to
me: "Arise, and continue thy journey!" and through the
mercy of God my wife was enabled to arise and dress herself
and walked to the wagon, and we went on our way rejoicing.

On the night of the I stopped for the night at an inn,
the weather being very cold. I there learned of the sudden
death of my brother, Asahel H. Woodruff, a merchant of
Terre Haute, Ind.

I had anticipated a joyful meeting with this brother on the
following day. Instead of this, I only had the privilege of
visiting his grave, in company with my wife, and examining a
little into his business.

I was offered the position of administrator of his affairs,
but I was leading a company of Saints to Zion, and could not
stop to attend so his temporal business. Strangers settled his

Page 68


affairs, and took possession of his property. His relatives
obtained nothing from his effects except a few trifling mementos.

I left this place and crossed into Illinois on the , and arrived at Rochester on the , and, getting
information of the severe persecutions of the Saints in Mis-
and the unsettled state of the Church at that time, we
concluded to stop at Rochester and spend the winter.

Thus ended my journey of two months and sixteen days,
leading the Fox Island Saints to the west, through all the
perils of a journey of nearly two thousand miles, in the midst
of sickness and great severity of weather.

I took my family in the spring and removed to Quincy,
Illinois, where I could mingle with my brethren, and I felt to
praise God for His protecting care over me and my family in
all our afflictions.



JOSEPH SMITH, the Prophet, asked the Lord what His
will was concerning the Twelve, and the Lord answered in
a revelation, given , in which He says:
"Let them take leave of my Saints in the city Far West, on
the next, on the building spot of my house,
saith the Lord. Let my servant John Taylor, and also my
servant John E. Page, and also my servant Wilford Woodruff,
and also my servant Willard Richards, be appointed to fill the
places of those who have fallen, and be officially notified
of their appointment." [Doctrine and Covenants 118:5-6]

Page 69


It will be observed that this differs from nearly all other
revelations in this respect: a fixed day and a stated place were
given for the commencement of the mission. When the reve-
lation was given, all was peace and quietude in Far West,
Missouri, the city where most of the Latter-day Saints dwelt;
but before the time came for its fulfillment, the Saints of God
had been driven out of the State of Missouri into the State
of Illinois, under the edict of Governor Boggs; and the Mis-
sourians had sworn that if all the other revelations of Joseph
were fulfilled, that should not be. It stated the day
and the place where the Twelve Apostles should take leave
of the Saints, to go on their missions across the great waters,
and the mobocrats of Missouri had declared that they would
see that it should not be fulfilled.

It seemed as though the Lord, having a foreknowledge of
what would take place, had given the revelation in this man-
ner to see whether the Apostles would obey it at the risk of
their lives.

When the time drew near for the fulfillment of this com-
mandment of the Lord, Brigham Young was the President of
the Twelve Apostles; Thos. B. Marsh, who was the senior Apostle, had fallen. Brother Brigham called together those
of the Twelve who were then at Quincy, Illinois, to see what
their minds would be about going to Far West, to fulfill the
revelation. The Prophet Joseph and his brother Hyrum,
Sidney Rigdon, Lyman Wight and Parley P. Pratt were in
prison in Missouri, at the time; but Father Joseph Smith,
the Patriarch, was at Quincy, Illinois. He and others who
were present did not think it wisdom for us to attempt the
journey, as our lives would be in great jeopardy. They
thought the Lord would take the will for the deed. But when
President Young asked the Twelve what our feelings were
upon the subject, we all of us, as the voice of one man, said
the Lord God had spoken, and it was for us to obey. It was
the Lord's business to take care of His servants, and we
would fulfill the commandment, or die trying

To fully understand the risk the Twelve Apostles ran in
making this journey, my readers should remember that
Lilburn W. Boggs, governor of the State of Missouri, had

Page 70


issued a proclamation, in which all the Latter-day Saints were
required to leave that State or be exterminated. Far West
had been captured by the militia, who were really only an
organized mob; the citizens had been compelled to give up
their arms; all the leading men who could be got hold of had
been taken prisoners; the rest of the Saints—men women and
children—had to flee as best they could out of the State to
save their lives, leaving all their houses, lands and other prop-
erty which they could not carry with them to be taken by the
mob. In fact they shot down the cattle and hogs of the
Saints wherever they could find them, and robbed them of
nearly everything they could lay their hands upon. Latter-
day Saints were treated with merciless cruelty and had to
endure the most outrageous abuses. It was with the greatest
difficulty that many of them got out of the State, especially
the prominent men; for there were many men of that State at
that time, who acted as though they thought it no more harm
to shoot a "Mormon" than a mad dog. From this brief ex-
planation you will be able to understand why some of the
brethren thought we were not required to go back to Far West
to start from there upon our mission across the ocean to

Having determined to carry out the requirement of the
revelation, on the , I took into my wagon
Brigham Young and Orson Pratt; and Father Cutler took
into his wagon John Taylor and George A. Smith, and we
started for Far West.

On the way we met John E. Page, who was going
with his family, to Quincy, Illinois. His wagon had turned
over, and when we met him he was trying to gather up a
barrel of soft soap with his hands. We helped him get up
his wagon. He drove down into the valley below, left his
wagon, and accompanied us on our way.

On the night of the , we arrived at Far West,
and spent the night at the home of Morris Phelps, who was
not there, however, himself; he, having been taken prisoner
by the mob, was still in prison.

On the morning of the , notwithstanding
the threats of our enemies that the revelation which was to be

Page 71


fulfilled this day should not be, and notwithstanding that ten
thousand of the Saints had been driven out of the State by
the edict of the governor, and though the Prophet Joseph
and his brother, Hyrum Smith, with other leading men were
in the hands of our enemies, in chains and in prison, we
moved on to the temple grounds in the city of Far West, and
held a council, and fulfilled the revelation and commandments
given unto us, and we performed many other things at this

We excommunicated from the Church thirty-one persons,
who had apostatized and become its enemies.

The "Mission of the Twelve" was sung, and we then
repaired to the south-east corner of the temple ground, and,
with the assistance of Elder Alpheus Cutler, the master work-
man of the building committee, laid the south-east chief
corner stone of the temple, according to revelation.

There were present of the Twelve Apostles: Brigham
, Heber C. Kimball, Orson Pratt, John E. Page and
John Taylor, who proceeded to ordain Wilford Woodruff and
Geo. A. Smith, to the apostleship, and as members of the
quorum of the Twelve, in the places of those who had fallen,
as they had been called by revelation.

Darwin Chase and Norman Shearer, who had just been
liberated from Richmond prison, were also ordained to the
office of Seventies. The Twelve then offered up vocal prayer
in the following order: Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball,
Orson Pratt, John E. Page, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff
and George A. Smith, after which we sang "Adam-ondi-

The Twelve then took their leave of, and gave the parting
hand to, the following Saints, agreeable to revelation: A.
, Elias Smith, Norman Shearer, Wm. Burton, Stephen
, Shadrach Roundy, Wm. O. Clark, John W. Clark,
Hezekiah Peck, Darwin Chase, Richard Howard, Mary Ann
, Artimesia Granger, Martha Peck, Sarah Granger,
Theodore Turley, Hiram Clark, and Daniel Shearer.

Bidding good-by to the small remnant of the Saints who
remained on the temple ground to see us fulfill the revelation
and commandments of God, we turned our backs on Far West

Page 72


and Missouri, and returned to Illinois. We had accomplished
the mission without a dog moving his tongue at us, or any
man saying, "Why do you do so?"

We crossed the Mississippi river on the steam ferry, entered
Quincy on the , and all had the joy of reaching
our families once more in peace and safety.

There was an incident connected with our journey that is
worthy of record. While we were on our way to fulfill the
revelation, Joseph, the Prophet, and his companions in chains
had been liberated, through the blessings of God, from their
enemies and prison, and they passed us. We were not far
distant from each other, but neither party knew it. They were
making their way to their families in Illinois, while we were
traveling to the Far West into the midst of our enemies. So they
came home to their families and friends before our return.

was a very interesting day to me, as well as to
others. In company with five others of the quorum of the
Twelve, I rode four miles out of town to Mr. Cleveland's, to
visit Brother Joseph Smith and his family.

Once more I had the happy privilege of taking Brother
Joseph by the hand. Two years had rolled away since I had
seen his face. He greeted us with great joy, as did Hyrum
and Lyman Wight, all of whom had escaped from their
imprisonment together. They had been confined in prison six
months, and had been under sentence of death three times;
yet their lives were in the hands of God, and He had delivered
them, and they were now mingling with their wives, children
and friends, and out of the reach of the mob. Joseph was
frank, open and familiar as usual, and our rejoicing was great.

No man can understand the joyful sensations created by
such a meeting, except those who have been in tribulation for
the gospel's sake.

After spending the day together, we returned to our families
at night.

On the day following, , we met in conference at
Quincy, the Prophet Joseph presiding, which caused great
joy and rejoicing to all the Saints.

On Sunday, , Joseph Smith addressed the assembly,
followed by Sidney Rigdon and the Twelve Apostles. The

Page 73


Spirit of the Lord was poured out upon us, and we had a
glorious day.

On , I met with the Seventies, and we ordained
sixty men into the quorums of Elders and Seventies. Brother
Joseph met with the Twelve, Bishops and Elders, at Bishop Partridge's house; and there were a number with us who were
wounded at Haun's Mill. Among them was Isaac Laney,
who had been, in company with about twenty others, at the
mill, when a large armed mob fired among them with rifles
and other weapons, and shot down seventeen of the brethren,
and wounded more. Brother Laney fled from the scene, but
they poured a shower of lead after him, which pierced his
body through and through. He showed me eleven bullet
holes in his body. There were twenty-seven in his shirt, seven
in his pantaloons, and his coat was literally cut to pieces.
One ball entered one arm-pit and came out at the other.

Another entered his back and came out at the breast. A
ball passed through each hip, each leg and each arm. All
these shots were received while he was running for life, and,
strange as it may appear, though he had also one of his ribs
broken, he was able to outrun his enemies, and his life was
saved. We can only acknowledge this deliverance to be by
the power and mercy of God.

President Joseph Young was also among the number. He
also fled, and although the balls flew around him like hail, he
was not wounded. How mysterious are the ways of the Lord!

Before starting on our missions to England, we were under
the necessity of settling our families. A place called Com-
, afterwards named Nauvoo, was selected as the place
at which our people should settle.

I left Quincy, in company with Brother Brigham Young
and our families on the , and arrived in Com-
merce on the . After an interview with Joseph we
crossed the river at Montrose, Iowa. President Brigham
Young and myself, with our families, occupied one room
about fourteen feet square. Finally Brother Young obtained
another room and moved into it by himself. Then Brother
Orson Pratt and family moved into the same room with
myself and family.

Page 74




WHILE I was living in this cabin in the old barracks, we
experienced a day of God's power with the Prophet
Joseph. It was a very sickly time and Joseph had given up
his home in Commerce to the sick, and had a tent pitched in
his door-yard and was living in that himself. The large num-
ber of Saints who had been driven out of Missouri, were
walking into Commerce; but had no homes to go into, and were
living in wagons, in tents, and on the ground. Many, there-
fore, were sick through the exposure they were subjected to.
Brother Joseph had waited on the sick, until he was worn
out and nearly sick himself.

On the morning of the , he arose reflect-
ing upon the situation of the Saints of God in their persecu-
tions and afflictions, and he called upon the Lord in prayer,
and the power of God rested upon him mightily, and as Jesus
healed all the sick around Him in His day, so Joseph, the
Prophet of God, healed all around on this occasion. He
healed all in his house and door-yard, then, in company with
Sidney Rigdon and several of the Twelve, he went through
among the sick lying on the bank of the river, and he
commanded them in a loud voice, in the name of Jesus Christ
to come up and be made whole, and they were all healed.
When he healed all that were sick on the east side of the
river, they crossed the Mississippi river in a ferry-boat to the
west side, to Montrose, where we were. The first house they
went into was President Brigham Young's. He was sick on
his bed at the time. The Prophet went into his house and
healed him, and they all came out together. As they were

Page 75


passing by my door, Brother Joseph said: "Brother Wood-
ruff, follow me.” These were the only words spoken by any of
the company from the time they left Brother Brigham's house
till we crossed the public square, and entered Brother Ford-
house. Brother Fordham had been dying for an hour,
and we expected each minute would be his last.

I felt the power of God that was overwhelming His Prophet.

When we entered the house, Brother Joseph walked up to
Brother Fordham, and took him by the right hand; in his
left hand he held his hat.

He saw that Brother Fordham’s eyes were glazed, and that
he was speechless and unconscious.

After taking hold of his hand, he looked down into the
dying man's face and said: "Brother Fordham, do you not
know me?" At first he made no reply; but we could all see
the effect of the Spirit of God resting upon him.

He again said: "Elijah, do you not know me?"

With a low whisper, Brother Fordham answered, "Yes!"

The Prophet then said, "Have you not faith to be healed?"

The answer, which was a little plainer than before, was: "I
am afraid it is too late. If you had come sooner, I think it
might have been.”

He had the appearance of a man waking from sleep. It
was the sleep of death.

Joseph then said: "Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ?"

"I do, Brother Joseph," was the response.

Then the Prophet of God spoke with a loud voice, as in
the majesty of the Godhead: "Elijah, I command you, in the
name of Jesus of Nazareth, to arise and be made whole!"

The words of the Prophet were not like the words of a man,
but like the voice of God. It seemed to me that the house
shook from its foundation.

Elijah Fordham leaped from his bed like a man raised from
the dead. A healthy color came to his face, and life was mani-
fested in every act.

His feet were done up in Indian meal poultices. He kicked
them off his feet, scattered the contents, and then called
for his clothes and put them on. He asked for a bowl of bread

Page 76


and milk, and ate it; then put on his hat and followed us
into the street, to visit others who were sick.

The unbeliever may ask: “Was there not deception in this?”

If there is any deception in the mind of the unbeliever,
there was certainly none with Elijah Fordham, the dying man,
nor with those who were present with him, for in a few min-
utes more he would have been in the spirit world, had he not
been rescued. Through the blessing of God, he lived up till
, in which year he died in Utah, while all who were with
him on that occasion, with the exception of one, are in the
spirit world.

Among the number were Joseph and Hyrum Smith, Sidney
, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, George A.
, Parley P. Pratt and Orson Pratt. Wilford Woodruff
is the only one living who was present at the time, and he
will soon mingle with those who have gone.

As soon as we left Brother Fordham's house, we went into
the house of Joseph B. Noble, who was very low and
dangerously sick.

When we entered the house, Brother Joseph took him by
the hand, and commanded him, in the name of Jesus Christ,
to arise and be made whole. He did arise and was immedi-
ately healed.

While this was going on, the wicked mob in the place, led
by one Kilburn, had become alarmed, and followed us into
Brother Noble's house.

Before they arrived there, Brother Joseph had called upon
Brother Fordham to offer prayer.

While he was praying, the mob entered, with all the evil
spirits accompanying them.

As soon as they entered, Brother Fordham, who was pray-
ing, fainted and sank to the floor.

When Joseph saw the mob in the house, he arose and had
the room cleared of both that class of men and their attend-
ant devils. Then Brother Fordham immediately revived and
finished his prayer.

This shows what power evil spirits have upon the taberna-
cles of men. The Saints are only saved from the power of
the devil by the power of God.

Page 77


This case of Brother Noble's was the last one of healing
upon that day. It was the greatest day for the manifestation
of the power of God through the gift of healing since the
organization of the Church.

When we left Brother Noble, the Prophet Joseph went,
with those who accompanied him from the other side, to the
banks of the river, to return home.

While waiting for the ferry-boat, a man of the world,
knowing of the miracles which had been performed, came to
him and asked him if he would not go and heal two twin
children of his, about five months old, who were both lying
sick nigh unto death.

They were some two miles from Montrose.

The Prophet said he could not go; but, after pausing some
time, he said he would send someone to heal them; and he
turned to me and said: "You go with the man and heal his

He took a red silk handkerchief out of his pocket and gave
it to me, and told me to wipe their faces with the handker-
chief when I administered to them, and they should be
healed. He also said unto me: "As long as you will keep
that handkerchief, it shall remain a league between you and

I went with the man, and did as the Prophet commanded
me, and the children were healed.

I have possession of the handkerchief unto this day.

Page 78




ON the , Joseph Smith and his counsel-
ors, Sidney Rigdon and Hyrum Smith, crossed the river
to Montrose, to spend the day with the Twelve, and set them
apart and bless them, before they started upon their missions.
There were twelve of us who met there, and we all dined in
my house.

After dinner, we assembled at Brother Brigham Young's
house for our meeting.

Brother Hyrum Smith opened by prayer; after which the
Presidency laid their hands upon our heads and gave each of
us a blessing.

President Rigdon was mouth in blessing me, and also
blessed Sisters Young, Taylor and Woodruff.

The Prophet Joseph promised us if we would be faithful,
we should be blessed upon our mission, have many souls as
seals of our ministry, and return again in peace and safety to
our families and friends; all of which was fulfilled.

Brother Hyrum advised me to preach the first principles of
the gospel; he thought that was about as much as this gener-
ation could endure.

Then Joseph arose and preached some precious things of
the Kingdom of God unto us, in the power of the Holy
Ghost; some of which I here copy from my journal:

"Ever keep in exercise the principle of mercy, and be ready
to forgive our brethren on the first intimation of their repent-
ance and desire for forgiveness; for our Heavenly Father will
be equally as merciful unto us. We also ought to be willing
to repent of and confess our sins, and keep nothing back. Let

Page 79


the Twelve be humble and not be exalted, and beware of pride
and not seek to excel one another, but act for each other's
good, and honorably make mention of each other's names in
prayer before the Lord and before your fellow-men. Do not
backbite or devour a brother. The Elders of Israel should
seek to learn by precept and example in this late age of the
world and not be obliged to learn everything we know by sad
experience. I trust the remainder of the Twelve will learn
wisdom and not follow the example of those who have fallen.
When the Twelve, or any other witnesses of Jesus Christ, stand
before the congregations of the earth, and they preach in the
power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost, and the people
are astonished and confounded at the doctrine, and say 'That
man has preached a powerful sermon, then let that man or
those men take care that they do not ascribe the glory unto
themselves, but be careful that they are humble, and ascribe
the glory to God and the Lamb; for it is by the power of
the Holy Priesthood and the Holy Ghost that they have
power thus to speak.

"Who art thou, O man, but dust! and from whom dost
thou receive thy power and blessings, but from God?

"Then let the Twelve Apostles and Elders of Israel observe
this key, and be wise: Ye are not sent out to be taught, but to

"Let every man be sober, be vigilant, and let all his words
be seasoned with grace, and keep in mind it is a day of warn-
ing, and not of many words.

"Act honestly before God and man; beware of sophistry,
such as bowing and scraping unto men in whom you have no
confidence. Be honest, open, and frank in all your intercourse
with mankind.

"I wish to say to the Twelve and all the Saints, to profit by
this important key, that in all your trials, troubles, tempta-
tions, afflictions, bonds, imprisonments and deaths, see to it
that you do not betray Jesus Christ, that you do not betray
the revelations of God, whether in the Bible, Book of Mor-
, or Doctrine and Covenants, or any of the words of God.

"Yea, in all your troubles, see that you do not this thing, lest
innocent blood be found upon your skirts, and ye go down to hell.

Page 80


"We may ever know by this sign that there is danger of
our being led to a fall and apostasy when we give way to the
devil, so as to neglect the first known duty; but whatever you
do, do not betray your friend."

The foregoing are some of the instructions given to the
Twelve by the Prophet Joseph, before they started upon their

Inasmuch as the devil had been in a measure thwarted by
the Twelve going to Far West, and returning without harm,
it seemed as though the destroyer was determined to make
some other attempt upon us to hinder us from performing
our missions; for it seemed that as soon as any one of the
Apostles began to prepare for starting, he was smitten with
chills and fever or sickness of some kind.

Nearly all of the quorum of the Twelve or their families
began to be sick, so it still required the exercise of a good deal
of faith and perseverance to start off on a mission.

On the , for the first time in my life, I was
attacked with chills and fever; and this I had every other
day, and, whenever attacked, I was laid prostrate.

My wife, Phoebe, was also soon taken down with the chills
and fever, as were quite a number of the Twelve.

I passed thirteen days in Montrose with my family, after I
was taken sick, before I started on my mission.

The was the last day I spent at home in Mon-
trose, and although sick with the chills and fever the most of
the day, I made what preparations I could to start on the mor-
row on a mission of four thousand miles, to preach the gospel
to the nations of the earth, and this, too, without purse or
scrip, with disease resting upon me, and a stroke of fever and
ague once every two days.

Yet I did this freely, for Christ's sake, trusting in Him for
the recompense or reward. My prayer was: "May the Lord
give me grace according to my day and souls for my hire, and
a safe return to my family and friends, which favor I ask in
the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”

Page 81




EARLY upon the morning of the , I arose
from my bed of sickness, laid my hands upon the head
of my sick wife, Phoebe, and blessed her. I then departed
from the embrace of my companion, and left her almost with-
out food or the necessaries of life.

She parted from me with the fortitude that becomes a
Saint, realizing the responsibilities of her companion. I
quote from my journal:

"Phoebe, farewell! Be of good cheer; remember me in
your prayers. I leave these pages for your perusal when I
am gone. I shall see thy face again in the flesh. I go to
obey the commands of Jesus Christ."

Although feeble, I walked to the banks of the Mississippi
. There President Brigham Young took me in a canoe
(having no other conveyance) and paddled me across the river.

When we landed, I lay down on a side of sole leather, by
the post office, to rest.

Brother Joseph, the Prophet of God, came along and looked
at me.

"Well, Brother Woodruff," said he, "you have started
upon your mission."

"Yes," said I, "but I feel and look more like a subject for
the dissecting room than a missionary.”

Joseph replied: "What did you say that for? Get up, and
go along; all will be right with you!"

I name these incidents that the reader may know how the
brethren of the Twelve Apostles started upon their missions
to England, in .

Elder John Taylor was going with me, and we were the first
two of the quorum of the Twelve who started on their mission.

Page 82


Brother Taylor was about the only man in the quorum that
was not sick.

Soon a brother came along with a wagon, and took us in.
As we were driving through the place, we came to Parley P.
, who was stripped to the shirt and pants with his head
and feet bare. He was hewing a log, preparing to build a

"He said: "Brother Woodruff, I have no money, but I
have an empty purse, which I will give you." He brought
it to me, and I thanked him for it.

We went a few rods further, and met Brother Heber C.
, in the same condition, also hewing a log, towards
building a cabin.

He said: "As Parley has given you a purse, I have got a
dollar I will give you to put in it.”

He gave me both a dollar and a blessing.

We drove sixteen miles across a prairie, and spent the night
with a Brother Merrill. The day following we rode ten miles,
to a Brother Perkins', and he took us in his wagon to
Macomb, and from thence to Brother Don Carlos Smith's.

I rode four hours during the day over a very rough road of
stones and stumps, lying on my back in the bottom of the
wagon, shaking with the ague, and I suffered much.

We held a meeting in a grove near Don Carlos Smith's, and
here Elder Taylor baptized George Miller, who afterwards
was ordained a Bishop.

At the meeting the Saints gave us nine dollars, and George
Miller gave us a horse to help us on our journey.

I rode to Rochester with Father Coltrin, where I had an
interview with several families of the Fox Island Saints,
whom I had brought up with me from Fox Islands, in .
I spent several days with them and at Springfield, where
Elder Taylor published fifteen hundred copies, in pamphlet
form, of a brief sketch of the persecutions and sufferings of
the Latter-day Saints, inflicted by the inhabitants of Mis-

We sold our horse, and in company with Father Coltrin,
Brother Taylor and myself left Springfield, and continued
our journey.

Page 83


I had the chills and fever nearly every other day, which
made riding in a lumber wagon very distressing to me,
especially when I shook with the ague.

On the , we rode to Terre Haute, and spent the night with Dr. Modisett. I suffered much with the
chills and fever.

Elder John Taylor up to this time had appeared to enjoy
excellent health, but the destroyer did not intend to make him
an exception to the rest of the Apostles. On the , he fell to the ground as though he had been knocked
down. He fainted away, but soon revived. On the following
day, however, the enemy made a powerful attack upon his
life. He fainted away several times, and it seemed as though
he would die. We stopped several hours with him at a house
by the wayside. We then took him into the wagon and drove
to Horace S. Eldredge's, and spent the remainder of the day
and night doctoring him.

In the morning Brother Taylor was so far recovered that he
thought he would be able to ride. So we started on our
journey on the morning of the , and we traveled forty
miles, to Louisville, and spent the night with the family of Brother James Townsend.

We felt terribly shaken up, being in such a weak state.
Brother Townsend was away from home, but we were kindly
entertained by Sister Townsend.

In the morning, Elder Taylor, though very weak, felt dis-
posed to continue his journey. We traveled fourteen miles
to Germantown. He was quite sick at night, and the bilious
seemed to settle upon him. I was also very feeble

On the day following, , being Sunday, Brother
Taylor concluded to remain there for the day, and hold a

It was a German settlement. He wished me to speak, and
I spoke upon the first principles of the gospel. He followed
me, and spoke until he was exhausted.

After we returned to the inn where we were stopping, I was
taken with a chill and fever, and had a very bad night.
Brother Taylor was also very sick.

Page 84


The following day, , was a painful day to my
feelings. It was evident that Brother Taylor had a settled
fever upon him, and would not be able to travel.

Father Coltrin was resolved to continue his journey, and,
in conversing with Brother Taylor, he thought it better for
one sick man to be left than for two, as I was so sick with the
chills and fever that I was not able to render him any assist-
ance, nor, indeed, to take care of myself. Under these
circumstances, Brother Taylor advised me to continue my
journey with Brother Coltrin, and make the best of my way
to New York.



AFTER committing Elder Taylor into the hands of the Lord,
though painful to me, I gave him the parting hand, and
started. I left him in Germantown, Wayne County, Indiana,
in the hands of a merciful God and a kind and benevolent
family, who promised to do everything in their power to make
him comfortable until his recovery.

This they did, though he passed through a severe course of
the bilious fever, and was sick nigh unto death. Through the
mercy of God, however, he recovered from his sickness, and
continued his journey. We next met in the city of New

I continued my journey with Father Coltrin, and we reached
Cleveland on the . We there took steamer

Page 85


for Buffalo, but were three days and a night in a storm before
we made the harbor. We landed at midnight, and in doing
so we ran into a schooner, and stove it in.

From Buffalo I traveled to Albany in a canal boat, and had
a stroke of the ague daily.
While on my journey, at Albany, I took a stage in the
night, and rode to my father's home in Farmington, on the

I was glad to meet with my father's family and the other
members of the small branch of the Church which existed
here upon this occasion, as I found them all strong in the
faith of the gospel, and glad to meet with me.

I was still suffering with the ague daily.

On the , my grandmother (on my
mother's side), Anna Thompson, died at Avon. She was
eighty-four years of age.

It was a singular coincidence that she, with her husband,
Lot Thompson, also Mercy Thompson and Samuel Thompson,
all of one family, died when they were eighty-four years of
age. I was not able to attend my grandmother's funeral.

On the , my uncle, Adna Hart, died,
aged forty-three years. I had visited him in his sickness, and
preached the gospel to him, and he was believing. I had also
been associated with him from my youth up.

On his death-bed he sent me a request that I would preach
his funeral sermon.

I was having the chills and fever daily at the time, attended
with a very severe cough, so much so, that my father thought
that I would never leave his home alive. But when they
brought me the request of my dying uncle, and the day came
for his burial, I told my father to get his horse and buggy
ready, for I was going to attend the funeral.

He thought I was very reckless in regard to my own life, as
I had suffered with the chills and fever some fifteen days, and
to attempt to speak in my weak state, and to begin at the same
hour that my chill was to come on, seemed to him foolhardy.

My parents were quite alarmed, yet according to my request
my father got up his team, and I rode with him and my step-
five miles, through a cold, chilly wind, and I

Page 86


commenced speaking to a large congregation, at the same
hour that my chill had been in the habit of coming on.

I spoke over an hour with great freedom, and my chill left
me from that hour, and I had no more attacks for many days.

On the Monday following, , I felt sufficiently
restored to health to continue my journey. I took leave of
my father and sister, and left for New York, where I arrived
on the morning of the .

I spent two months and seven days after my arrival in New
York, traveling and preaching in that city, New Jersey and
Long Island, a portion of the time with Parley and Orson
. I had frequent attacks during this time of the chills
and fever, but I preached almost daily.

On the I attended our conference in New
York City, with Parley P. Pratt, and on this day Elder John
arrived in our midst, and it was a happy meeting.

He had passed through a severe siege of sickness after we
parted, but through the mercy of God had been preserved,
and was able to continue his journey. He also informed us
that others of the quorum of the Twelve had suffered a great
deal of sickness, and that it was with difficulty that they could

After spending six days in New York, Elder John Taylor, in
company with Elder Theodore Turley and myself sailed out of
New York Harbor for Liverpool, on board the packet ship
Oxford on the .

We took steerage passage, which cost fifteen dollars each.
We had storms and rough weather, but most of the winds
were favorable for a quick passage.

While on the ship, a Methodist minister got into a dis-
cussion with some Catholics who were in the company, and the
arguments of the minister ran rather more into abuse than
sound argument.

Elder Taylor told the Methodist minister that he did not
think it was becoming in a daughter to find so much fault with
the mother as they did, for as the Methodists came out of the
Catholics, Elder Taylor thought the mother had as much
right to enjoy her religion unmolested as the daughter had.
That ended the argument.

Page 87


Our company consisted of 109 souls, composed of Ameri-
cans, English, Scotch, Irish, Welsh and Dutch.

We arrived in Liverpool dock on the , having made the voyage from New York in twenty-three



ON , after visiting Mr. George Cannon,
the father of President George Q. Cannon, and his
family, we took cars in the evening, and arrived in the
midst of the Preston branch of the Saints, built up in ,
by Elder Heber C. Kimball, Orson Hyde and Willard

We very soon had a pleasant interview with Elder Willard
Richards, who had remained in Preston to take care of the
Church, while the rest had returned home to America.

We spent three days at Preston in visiting the Saints, and
on the we held a council at Elder Richards' home in
that place.

After consulting upon the best course for us to pursue, it
was finally resolved that Elder John Taylor and Joseph
go to Liverpool, Elder Woodruff to Staffordshire
, Theodore Turley to Birmingham, Elder Richards
wherever the Spirit might direct him, and that Wm. Clayton
preside over the branch in Manchester.

After various principles of the Church had been expounded
by the Apostles present, the council adjourned.

Page 88


Elder Willard Richards had been called to be one of the
quorum of the Twelve Apostles, but had not yet received his

On the day following I parted with Elders Taylor and Field-
, who went to Liverpool, and with Elder Richards,
who tarried in Preston. Elder Turley and I went to Man-

It was the first time I ever visited that city. I here
first met with Elder Wm. Clayton. As soon as I had an
introduction to him, he informed me that one of the sisters
in that place was possessed of the devil, and he asked me to
go and cast it out of her, thinking that one of the Twelve
Apostles could do anything in this line he might wish to.

However, I went with him to the house where the woman
lay, in the hands of three men, in a terrible rage, and trying
to tear her clothing from her.

I also found quite a number of Saints present, and some
unbelievers, who had come to see the devil cast out and a
miracle wrought.

If I had acted upon my own judgment I should not have
attempted to administer to her with the company present, but
as I was a stranger there, and Brother Clayton presided over
the branch, I joined him in administering to the woman. But
the unbelief of the wicked present was so great, we could not
cast the devil out of her, and she raged worse than ever.

I then ordered the room to be cleared, and when the com-
pany left the house, except the few attending to her, we laid
upon her, and I commanded the devil to come out of
her, in the name of Jesus Christ. The devil left her, and she
was entirely cured and fell asleep.

The next day being the Sabbath, she came before a large
congregation of people, and bore testimony to what the Lord
has done for her. We had a large assemblage through the
day and evening, to whom I preached the gospel.

On Monday morning, the devil, not being satisfied with
being cast out of the woman, entered into her little child,
which was but a few months old.

I was called upon to visit the child. I found it in great
distress, writhing in its mother's arms. We laid hands upon

Page 89


it and cast the devil out of it, and the evil spirits had no
power over the household afterwards.

This was done by the power of God, and not of man. We
laid hands upon twenty in Manchester who were sick, and
they were mostly healed.

On the , I arrived in Burslem by coach, and met, for
the first time, with Elder Alfred Cordon. This being my field
of labor, I stopped and commenced work.

Elder Turley stopped in the pottery district some eight days,
then went to Birmingham, his field of labor.

I received a letter on the , from Elder John
, who was at Liverpool, saying they had commenced
there and baptized ten persons.

I labored in the Staffordshire Potteries, in Burslem, Hanley,
Stoke, Lane End, and several other villages, from the until the , preaching every night in the
week and two or three times on the Sabbath.

I baptized, confirmed and blessed many, and we had a
good field open for labor. Many were believing, and it
appears as though we had a door open to bring many into
the Church in that part of the vineyard.

, was my birthday, when I was thirty-three
years of age. It being Sunday, I preached twice through the
day to a large assembly in the City Hall, in the town of Han-
ley, and administered the sacrament unto the Saints.

In the evening I again met with a large assembly of the
Saints and strangers, and while singing the first hymn the
Spirit of the Lord rested upon me, and the voice of God said
to me, "This is the last meeting that you will hold with this
people for many days.”

I was astonished at this, as I had many appointments out in
that district.

When I arose to speak to the people, I told them that it
was the last meeting I should hold with them for many days.
They were as much astonished as I was.

At the close of the meeting four persons came forward for
baptism, and we went down into the water and baptized them.

In the morning I went in secret before the Lord, and asked
Him what His will was concerning me.

Page 90


The answer I got was, that I should go to the south, for the
Lord had a great work for me to perform there, as many souls
were waiting for the word of the Lord.



ON the , in fulfillment of the word of
the Lord to me, I took coach and rode to Wolverhamp-
, twenty-six miles, and spent the night there.

On the morning of the I again took coach, and rode
through Dudley, Stourbridge, Stourport and Worcester, and
then walked a number of miles to Mr. John Benbow's, Hill
, Castle Frome, Ledbury, Herefordshire. This was a
farming country in the south of England, a region where no
Elder of the Latter-day Saints had visited.

I found Mr. Benbow to be a wealthy farmer, cultivating
three hundred acres of land, occupying a good mansion, and
having plenty of means. His wife, Jane, had no children.

I presented myself to him as a missionary from America,
an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
who had been sent to him by the commandment of God as a
messenger of salvation, to preach the gospel of life unto him
and his household, and the inhabitants of the land.

Mr. Benbow and his wife received me with glad hearts and
thanksgiving. It was in the evening when I arrived, having

Page 91


traveled forty-eight miles by coach and on foot during the
day, but after receiving refreshments we sat down together,
and conversed until two o'clock in the morning.

Mr. Benbow and his wife rejoiced greatly at the glad tidings
which I brought unto them of the fullness of the everlasting
gospel, which God had revealed through the mouth of His Prophet, Joseph Smith, in these last days.

1 rejoiced greatly at the news that Mr. Benbow gave me,
that there was a company of men and women over six hun-
dred in number who had broken off from the Wesleyan
, and taken the name of United Brethren. They
had forty-five preachers among them, and had chapels and many
houses that were licensed according to the law of the land for
preaching in.

This body of United Brethren were searching for light and
truth, but had gone as far as they could, and were continually
calling upon the Lord to open the way before them, and send
them light and knowledge that they might know the true way
to be saved.

When I heard these things I could clearly see why the Lord
had commanded me, while in the town of Hanley, to leave
that place of labor and go to the south, for in Herefordshire
there was a great harvest-field for gathering many Saints into
the kingdom of God.

I retired to my bed with joy after offering my prayers and
thanksgiving to God, and slept sweetly until the rising of the

I arose on the morning of the , took breakfast, and told
Mr. Benbow I would like to commence my Master's business,
by preaching the gospel to the people.

He had a large hall in his mansion which was licensed for
preaching, and he sent word through the neighborhood that
an American missionary would preach at his house that

As the time drew nigh many of the neighbors came in, and
I preached my first gospel sermon in the house. I also
preached on the following evening at the same place, and
baptized six persons, including Mr. John Benbow and his
wife, and four preachers of the United Brethren.

Page 92


I spent most of the following day in clearing out a pool of
water, and preparing it for baptizing in, as I saw many to be
baptized there. I afterwards baptized six hundred in that
pool of water.

On Sunday, the , I preached at Frome's Hill in the
morning, a Standley Hill in the afternoon, and at John Ben-
, Hill Farm, in the evening.

The parish church that stood in the neighborhood of
Brother Benbow's, presided over by the rector of the
parish, was attended during the day by only fifteen persons,
while I had a large congregation, estimated to number a
thousand, attend my meeting through the day and even-

When I arose in the evening to speak at Brother Benbow's
house, a man entered the door and informed me that he was
a constable, and had been sent by the rector of the parish
with a warrant to arrest me.

I asked him "For what crime?"

He said, "For preaching to the people."

I told him that I, as well as the rector, had a license for
preaching the gospel to the people, and that if he would take
a chair I would wait upon him after meeting.

He took my chair and sat beside me. I preached the first
of the everlasting gospel for an hour and a quarter.
The power of God rested upon me, the Spirit filled the house,
and the people were convinced.

At the close of the meeting I opened a door for baptism,
and seven offered themselves. Among the number were four
preachers and the constable.

The latter arose and said, "Mr. Woodruff, I would like to
be baptized."

I told him I would like to baptize him. I went down to the
pool and baptized the seven. We then met together and I
confirmed thirteen, and broke bread unto the Saints and we all
rejoiced together.

The constable went to the rector and told him if he wanted
Mr. Woodruff taken up for preaching the gospel, he must go
himself and serve the writ, for he had heard him preach the
only true gospel sermon he had ever listened to in his life.

Page 93


The rector did not know what to make of it, so he sent two
clerks of the Church of England as spies, to attend our meet-
ing, and find out what we did preach.

But they were both pricked in their hearts and received the
word of the Lord gladly, and were baptized and confirmed
members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The rector became alarmed and did not dare to send any-
body else.

The ministers and rectors of the South of England called a
convention and sent a petition to the Archbishop of Canter-
, to request parliament to pass a law prohibiting
the “Mormons” from preaching in the British dominion.

In this petition the rector stated that one “Mormon” mis-
sionary had baptized fifteen hundred persons, mostly members
of the English church, during the last seven months.

But the archbishop and council, knowing well that the laws
of England gave free toleration to all religions under the
British flag, sent word to the petitioners that if they had the
worth of souls at heart as much as they had the ground where
hares, foxes and hounds ran, they would not lose so many of
their flock.

I continued to preach and baptize daily.

On the I baptized Elder Thomas Kings-
. He was the superintendent of both preachers and
members of the United Brethren.

The first thirty days after my arrival in Herefordshire, I had
baptized forty-five preachers and one hundred-sixty-mem-
bers of the United Brethren, who put into my hands one
chapel and forty-five houses, which were licensed according to
law to preach in.

This opened a wide field for labor, and enabled me to bring
into the Church, through the blessing of God, over eighteen
hundred souls during eight months, including all of the six-
hundred United Brethren except one person; also including
some two hundred preachers of various denominations.

This field of labor embraced Herefordshire, Gloucestershire
and Worcestershire, and formed the conferences of Garway,
Godfield Elm and Frome's Hill.

I was visited by President Young and Dr. Richards.

Page 94


Brother Benbow furnished us with £300 to print the first
Book of Mormon that was published in England: and on the
, Brigham Young, Willard Richards and I
held a council on the top of Malvern Hill, and there decided
that Brigham Young go direct to Manchester and publish
3,000 copies of the Hymn Book and 3,000 copies of the Book
of Mormon, this being the first publication of these books in

The power of God rested upon us and upon the mission.

The sick were healed, devils were cast out, and the lame
were made to walk.

One case I will mention: Mary Pitt, who died in Nauvoo,
sister to Wm. Pitt, who died in Salt Lake City, had not
walked upon her feet for eleven years. We carried her into
the water and I baptized her.

On the evening of the , at Brother
Kingston's house in Dymock, Elders Brigham Young, Wil-
lard Richards and I laid hands upon her head and confirmed

Brigham Young, being mouth, rebuked her lameness, and
commanded her to arise and walk, in the name of the Lord.
The lameness then left her, and she never afterwards used a
staff or crutch.

She walked through the town of Dymock next day, which
created a stir among the people; but the wicked did not feel
to give God the glory.

The whole history of this Herefordshire mission shows the
importance of listening to the still small voice of the Spirit of
God and the revelations of the Holy Ghost.

The Lord had a people there prepared for the gospel. They
were praying for light and truth, and the Lord sent me to
them, and I declared the gospel of life and salvation unto
them, and some eighteen hundred souls received it, and many
of them have been gathered to Zion in these mountains. Many
of them have also been called to officiate in the bishopric, and
have done much good in Zion. But in all these things we
should ever acknowledge the hand of God, and give Him the
honor, praise and glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Page 95




BEFORE closing this little book, as a reader for our chil-
dren, I wish to bear my testimony upon several principles,
to the Latter-day Saints, especially to the rising generation,
the young men of Israel.

First, I wish to speak of the spirits of good and evil. The
Lord says, whatever leads to good is of God, and whatever
leads to do evil is of the devil[Moroni 7:12]. This is a very important sub-
ject for us to understand.

The scriptures again tell us that there are many spirits gone
out into the world; and that we should try the spirits, to prove
which are of God and which are of the evil one. The New
says that every spirit that confesses that Jesus is the
Christ, is born of God[1 John 5:1]; and every spirit that denieth that
Jesus is the Christ is anti-Christ, and is not of God[1 John 4:1-3]. I will
also add that every spirit that confesses that Joseph Smith
was a Prophet of God, and that the Book of Mormon, Bible
and Doctrine and Covenants are true, is of God; and every
spirit that denieth this is not of God, but is of the evil one.

1 wish here to ask our young friends as well as the older
ones, the question: Do you ever consider or contemplate any-
thing about the number of evil spirits that occupy the earth,
who are at war against God and against all good, and who
seek to destroy all the children of men in every age of the

Let us reason together a moment upon this subject. It may
be impossible for any man, without direct revelation from God,
to get to know the exact number, but we may approximate
towards it.

The Lord has said by revelation that Lucifer, an angel in
authority, rebelled against God, and drew away one-third part
of the hosts of heaven; and he was cast down to the earth
and the heavens wept over him. [Doctrine and Covenants 29:36] [Revelation 12]

Page 96


How many were cast out of heaven down to the earth? We
suppose that the inhabitants of heaven here referred to
were the spirits begotten of our Father in heaven who were to
come down to the earth and take tabernacles. How many
were there to come down and take tabernacles? This, again,
may be difficult to tell, yet perhaps we may come near enough
for the purpose. It has generally been conceded that there
are about 1,000,000,000 persons on the earth at a time, though
the late statistics make out 1,400,000,000 at the present time.
But we will say 1,000,000,000. It is also said that a genera-
tion passes off the earth every thirty-three and one-third
years, making three generations in a century, which would be
3,000,000,000 in one hundred years. Multiply this by ten
and it will make 30,000,000,000 in 1,000 years. Multiply
again by seven and it will make 210,000,000,000 in 7,000

The argument might be used that when our earth was first
peopled there were but two persons on the earth, and after the
flood but eight souls were left alive, but the probability is that
during the millennium the inhabitants will increase very fast
as the age of children will be as the age of a tree, and the
inhabitants of the earth will not die off as they do now.

But we will suppose that there were 100,000,000,000 of
fallen spirits sent down from heaven to earth, and that there
are, 1,000,000,000 of inhabitants upon the face of the earth
to-day, that would make one hundred evil spirits to every
man, woman and child living on the earth; and the whole
mission and labor of these spirits is to lead all the children of
men to do evil and to effect their destruction.

Now, I want all our boys and girls to reflect upon this, and
to see what danger they are in, and the warfare they have to
pass through.

These one hundred evil spirits to each one of the children
of men seek to lead them into every temptation possible,
to use tobacco, smoke, drink whisky, get drunk, curse, swear,
lie, steal, and commit adultery and murder, and do every evil
to cut them off from exaltation as far as possible.

On the other hand, the Spirit of God labors and strives to
preserve all the children of men from these evils; and the

Page 97


Lord has given His angels charge concerning us, and they do
all they can for our salvation.

But yet we all have our agency, to choose the good and
refuse the evil, or choose the evil and refuse the good. The
Lord forces no man to heaven; neither does the Lord tempt
any man to do evil. When a man is tempted to do evil, it
is by the power of the devil, who is an enemy to all righteous-
ness.[Alma 34:23]

I feel very anxious to have our boys and girls, our young
men and maidens, seek for that which is good.

Whenever you are tempted to do evil, turn from it. Never
make light of any of the commandments or ordinances of the
gospel of Christ, and when you meet with any persons who do
it, shun their society.

Avoid the use of tobacco and strong drink, for they lead to evil.

You are laying the foundation while in the days of your
youth, for character which will decide your destiny through
all time and throughout all eternity, either for good or evil.

The Lord has told us by revelation (See Doc. and Cov. Sec.
130) that whatever knowledge or principle of intelligence we
attain to in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection,
and any person who gains more knowledge and intelligence in
this life through his diligence and obedience than another,
will have so much the advantage in the world to come. [Doctrine and Covenants 130:18-19]

Therefore, we should all strive to be diligent in obtaining
intelligence, and bringing to pass righteousness upon our
agency, and not wait to be commanded in all things, and great
will be our reward in so doing.

Page 98




IN order to obtain revelation from God, and in order to know,
when we do obtain a revelation, whether it is from God or
not, we must follow the teachings of the revelations of God
unto us St. James says: "If any man lack wisdom, let him
ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth
not; and it shall be given him." [James 1:5] Again, it is said, "Ask, and
it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it
shall be opened unto you." [Matthew 7:7]

It was upon this promise that Joseph Smith went before
the Lord and prayed in the name of Jesus Christ, and asked
for knowledge, wisdom and understanding, in order to know
what to do to be saved; and he proved the promise of St.
James before the Lord, and the heavens were opened to his
view, and the Father and Son were revealed unto him, and
the voice of the great Eloheim unto him was: ”This is my
beloved Son, hear ye Him." [Joseph Smith—History Note:14-17]

This was the first revelation of God to him. He did
hearken to the voice of Jesus Christ all his life afterwards,
and received a code of revelations and the word of the Lord
unto him as long as he dwelt in the flesh.

Joseph Smith left as strong a testimony as was ever given
to the human family, and sealed that testament with his own
life and blood. [Doctrine and Covenants 135:3]

We all have to pursue the same course in order to obtain
revelations from God. But I wish to impress this truth upon
the rising generation and all who read this testimony, that the
Lord does not give revelations or send angels to men or work

Page 99


miracles to accommodate the notions of any man who is seek-
ing for a sign.

When we have the principles of the gospel revealed to us
through the mouth of the Savior, or by inspired prophets or
apostles, we have no need to ask the Lord to reveal that unto
us again.

While the priesthood is restored to the earth, and
the revelations of God are revealed to us through the mouths
of prophets and apostles concerning the fullness of the gospel
—doctrine, ordinances and principles, we should study them,
and treasure up knowledge by faith. We should study out of
the best books, and the Holy Ghost will bring to our remem-
brance those things which we stand in need of, in the self-same
hour that we are called to teach the people.

But when any priest, elder, prophet, apostle, or messenger
is sent of God to preach the gospel, gather the Saints, work
in temples or perform any work for the Lord, and that man
is faithful and humble before the Lord, in his prayers and
duty, and there is any snare or evil in his path, or the
righteous to be sought out, or danger to the emigration of the
Saints either by sea or land, or knowledge needed in a temple,
then the Lord will reveal to him all that is necessary to meet
the emergency.

The teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith to President
John Taylor and the rest of us was to obtain the Holy Spirit,
get acquainted with it and its operations, and listen to the
whisperings of that Spirit and obey its voice, and it soon
will become a principle of revelation unto us.

We have found this true in our experience, and in order to
prove whether a revelation is from God or not we follow out
the principles revealed to us, and if we find that which was
manifested to us prove true, we know it is from God; for
truth is one of His attributes, and the Holy Ghost deceiveth
no man. When a man becomes acquainted with the whisper-
ings of the Holy Ghost, which is revelation, he should be
very careful to obey it, for his life may depend upon it.

Revelation is one of the gifts of the Holy Ghost, and for
the benefit of my young friends who may read this work, I
will give an account of a few instances from my own experience
of listening to the revelations of the Holy Ghost to me.

Page 100


In , after my return to Winter Quarters from our
pioneer journey, I was appointed by the Presidency of the
Church to take my family and go to Boston, to gather up the
remnant of the Latter-day Saints and lead them to the valleys
of the mountains.

While on my way east I put my carriage into the yard of
one of the brethren in Indiana, and Brother Orson Hyde set
his wagon by the side of mine, and not more than two feet
from it.

Dominicus Carter, of Provo, and my wife and four children
were with me. My wife, one child and I went to bed in the
carriage, the rest sleeping in the house.

I had been in bed but a short time when a voice said to me:
“Get up, and move your carriage."

It was not thunder, lightning or an earthquake, but the
still, small voice of the Spirit of God the Holy Ghost. [1 Kings 19: 11-12]

I told my wife I must get up and move my carriage. She
asked: "What for?"

I told her I did not know, only the Spirit told me to do it.

I got up and moved my carriage several rods, and set it by
the side of the house.

As I was returning to bed the same Spirit said to me, ''Go
and move your mules away from that oak tree,” which was
about one hundred yards north of our carriage.

I moved them to a young hickory grove and tied them up.
I then went to bed.

In thirty minutes a whirlwind caught the tree to which my
mules had been fastened, broke it off near the ground, and
carried it one hundred yards, sweeping away two fences in its
course, and laid it prostrate through that yard where my
carriage stood, and the top limbs hit my carriage as it was.

In the morning I measured the trunk of the tree which fell
where my carriage had stood, and I found it to be five feet in
circumference. It came within a foot of Brother Hyde's
wagon, but did not touch it.

Thus, by obeying the revelation of the Spirit of God to me
I saved my life and the lives of my wife and child, as well as
my animals.

In the morning I went on my way rejoicing.

Page 101


While returning to Utah in with a large company of
Saints from Boston and the east, on my arrival at Pittsburg I
engaged a passage for myself and company on a steamer to St.
. But no sooner had I engaged the passage than the
Spirit said to me, "Go not on board of that steamer, neither
you nor your company.''

I obeyed the revelation to me, and I did not go on board,
but took another steamer.

The first steamer started at dark, with two hundred passen-
gers on board. When five miles down the Ohio river it took
fire, burned the tiller ropes so that the vessel could not reach
shore, and the lives of nearly all on board were lost either by
fire or water. We arrived in safety at our destination, by
obeying the revelation of the Spirit of God to us.

In another instance, after attending a large annual conference
in Salt Lake City, and, having a good deal of business to
attend to, I was somewhat weary, and at the close of the con-
ference I thought I would repair to my home and have a rest.

As I went into the yard the Spirit said to me, "Take your
team and go to the farm," which is some three miles south of
the tabernacle.

As I was hitching the horses to the wagon Mrs. Woodruff
asked where I was going.

I said, "To the farm."

"What for?" she asked.

"I do not know," I replied; but when I arrived there I
found out.

The creek had overflowed, broken through my ditch, sur-
rounded my home and filled my barn-yard and pig pen. My
wife was wading in the water, trying to turn it from the lot to
save the home and family.

Through my own exertions I soon turned it, and prevented
much damage that might have occurred had I not obeyed the
voice of the Spirit.

This same Spirit of revelation has been manifested to many
of my brethren in their labors in the kingdom of God, one of
which I will here name.

Elder Chas. C. Rich was going from Sacramento to San
with a company of the brethren. He had in his

Page 102


possession a large amount of money to make payment on their
land purchase. This was known to some road agents in the
vicinity, who gathered a company of robbers and went on
ahead of Brother Rich and lay in ambush, intending to kill
the "Mormons" and rob them of their money.

Before reaching the company of robbers Brother Rich came
to a by-path or trail. The Spirit then told him to take that

The brethren with him marveled at his course, not knowing
that enemies awaited them, but they arrived in safety at San
Bernardino with their lives and money, while the robbers
wondered why their prey did not come.



I WILL now give an example from my own experience of
the result of not obeying the voice of the Spirit.

Some years since I had a part of my family living in Ran-
, Rich County. I was there on a visit, with my team,
in the month of December.

One Monday morning my monitor, the Spirit watching
over me, said, "Take your team and go home to Salt Lake

When I named it to my family who were at Randolph they
urged me strongly to stop longer.

Through their persuasion I stayed until Saturday morning,
with the Spirit continually prompting me to go home. I then
began to feel ashamed to think that I had not obeyed the
whisperings of the Spirit to me before.

Page 103


I took my team and started early on Saturday morning.
When I arrived at Woodruff, the Bishop urged me to stop
until Monday and he would go with me.

I told him, "No, I had tarried too long already."

I drove on sprightly, and when within fifteen miles of
Wasatch, a furious snow storm overtook me, the wind blowing
heavily in my face.

In fifteen minutes I could not see any road whatever, and
knew not how or where to guide my horses.

I left my lines loosely on my animals, went inside my wagon,
tied down the cover, and committed my life and guidance into
the hands of the Lord, trusting to my horses to find the way,
as they had twice before passed over that road.

I prayed to the Lord to forgive my sin in not obeying the
voice of the Spirit to me, and implored Him to preserve my

My horses brought me into the Wasatch station at 9 o'clock
in the evening, with the hubs of my wagon dragging in the

I got my horses under cover, and had to remain there until
the next Monday night, with the snow six feet deep on the
level, and still snowing.

It was with great difficulty at last that I saved the lives of
my horses by getting them into a box car and taking them to
Ogden; while if I had obeyed the revelation of
the Spirit of God to me, I should have traveled to Salt Lake City over a
good road without any storm.

As I have received the good and the evil, the fruits of
obedience and disobedience, I think I am justified in exhorting
all my young friends to always obey the whisperings of the
Spirit of God, and they will always be safe.

The Spirit of God will rule over and guide all men who will
permit it and seek for it, and this is especially necessary for
young Elders who are laboring in the vineyard of the Lord.
For the Lord knows where the righteous, honest and meek of
the earth are, and will lead the Elders to them

I have already related a remarkable instance of this in my
own experience, when the voice of the Lord came to me in
the town of Hanley, England, in .

Page 104


In that case it dictated me quite contrary to my expecta-
tions, for I had appointments out for a week ahead. But I
obeyed the voice of the Spirit, went south as I was directed
to, and my readers know the result.

I will refer to one more instance in my experience upon the
subject of revelation:

All the Latter-day Saints understand that we build temples
for the purpose of administering ordinances for the dead as
well as for the living.

The Lord has opened the way in a remarkable manner for
many of the members of the Church to obtain records of the
names of their dead for several generations.

I had also obtained a record of somewhat over three thous-
and of my father's and mother's families.

After the dedication of the temple at St. George, President
Young appointed me to preside over it. When we com-
menced work in the temple I began to reflect: "How can I
redeem my dead? I have some three thousand names of the
dead who have been baptized for, and how can I get endow-
ments for them?"

I had none of my family there, and if they had been there
they would not have been able to get endowments for so many.

While praying to the Lord to show me how to redeem my
dead, the Spirit of God rested upon me, and the voice of the
Spirit said to me, "Go and call upon the sons and the daugh-
ters of Zion in St. George, to come into the temple of the
Lord and get their endowments for your dead; and it shall be
acceptable unto me, saith the Lord.”

This filled my soul with joy, and I saw that it opened a field
as wide as eternity for the salvation of our dead and the
redemption of man, that we might magnify our calling as
saviors upon Mount Zion.

On my birthday, , the day that I was seventy
years old, one hundred and fifty-four sisters at St. George went
into the temple to get endowments for the same number of
the female portion of my dead.

This principle was received by President Young and adopted
from that hour, and through the kindness of friends I have had
nearly two thousand of my friends receive endowments in the

Page 105


temple of the Lord; and thousands of others have received
the same blessings in the same way.

President Young received revelations in that temple, and
there are yet many revelations to be received in the last days,
concerning the redemption of the dead and many other sub-
jects, but they will all be manifest in due time through the
proper authority unto the Church and Kingdom of God.

There are many other manifestations of the power of God
and the revelations of Jesus Christ to us in our lives. We
have been called by revelation to give endowments for many
persons now dead, who, when living, were honorable men of
the earth, and some who were prominent in our nation, but
who were not members of our family.

But I have said sufficient upon this branch of the sub-



THE duty of a Patriarch is to bestow blessings upon his
posterity and the children of men.

In a revelation (Doc, and Cov., Sec. 107), the Lord says that
"Three years previous to the death of Adam, he called Seth,
Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, and Methuselah, who
were all High Priests, with the residue of his posterity who
were righteous, into the valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman, and
there bestowed upon them his last blessings. * * And
Adam * * predicted whatsoever should befall his pos-
terity unto the last generation. These things are all written

Page 106


in the book of Enoch, and are to be testified of in due

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were Patriarchs, and blessed
their posterity. All that Jacob said and scaled upon the
heads of his twelve sons has been fulfilled to the very letter,
as far as time has permitted.

We also have Patriarchs in our day. Father Joseph
, the father of the Prophet Joseph Smith, was the first
Patriarch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
He gave a great many blessings unto the Saints, which are
recorded, and many of them have seen their fulfillment.

When he put his hands on the head of a person to bless
him, it seemed as though the heavens were opened, and he
could reveal the whole life of that person.

He gave me my patriarchal blessing in the temple of the
Lord at Kirtland, on the .

Many marvelous things which he sealed upon my head, for
which I could then see no earthly chance of fulfillment, have
already been fulfilled to the very letter.

One or two instances I will name. He said I should have
access to the treasures hid in the ground to assist me in get-
ting myself and others to Zion.

When in Cambridgeport gathering up the Saints, in
Alexander Badlam went to California on business, and the
Saints who were digging gold filled a little sack with gold
dust and sent it to me to assist me on my mission.

By the sale of this treasure from California I was enabled to
emigrate myself, family and a number of others to Zion in
the mountains.

He also said I should have power to bring my father and his
family into the Church. This was fulfilled when I visited them
during my mission to the Fox Islands, as previously related.

My father gathered to Salt Lake City with the Saints, and
he died there, aged 83 years.

The Patriarch also said I should be wrapt in the visions of
heaven, and an angel of God should teach me many things.
This was literally fulfilled.

Again, he told me I should be delivered from my enemies
(who would seek my destruction) by the mighty power of God

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and the administrations of angels. This was marvelously ful-
filled while in the city of London in . Brothers Heber
C. Kimball
, Geo. A. Smith and I went to London
together in the winter of 1840, being the first Elders who had
attempted to established the gospel in that great and mighty

As soon as we commenced we found the devil was manifest;
the evil spirits gathered for our destruction, and at times they
had great power.

They would destroy all the Saints if they were not restrained
by the power of God.

Brother Smith and myself were together, and had retired
to our rest, each occupying a cot, and but three feet apart.

We had only just lain down, when it seemed as if a legion
of devils made war upon us, to destroy us, and we were strug-
gling for our lives in the midst of this warfare of evil spirits
until we were nearly choked to death.

I began to pray the best that I could in the midst of this
struggle and asked the Father in the name of Jesus Christ to
spare our lives.

While thus praying three personages entered the room,
clothed in white and encircled with light.

They walked to our bedside, laid hands upon our heads and
we were instantly delivered; and from that time forth we
were no more troubled with evil spirits while in the city of

As soon as they administered unto us they withdrew from
the room, the lights withdrew with them and darkness

Many other sayings of the Patriarch Joseph Smith in my
blessing have been fulfilled in my experience, but I have said
sufficient on this subject. All the blessings that are sealed
upon our heads will be fulfilled, and many more, if we are
faithful and live for them.

In closing my testimony I wish to say that I do not think
that the Lord ever sends an angel to the earth to visit the
children of men, unless it is necessary to introduce a dispen-
sation of the gospel, or deliver a message, or perform a work
that cannot be done otherwise.

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It required an angel of God to deliver the gospel to Joseph
because it was not then upon the earth, and that was
in fulfillment of the word of the Lord through John the
Revelator (Revelations xiv. 6). And so in regard to the
administrations of angels in all ages of the world; it is to
deliver a message and perform a work which cannot otherwise
be accomplished.

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