Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881) [DB-10]

Document Transcript

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Wilford Woodruffs
For Oct, Nov, & Dec
See Blank Book Journal No. 1

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Blank Book Journal No 2

~ Friday

Oct 24, 1879 Moqui villages Arizona [FIGURES] Br Lot Smith took the carriage around
on the bottom & Br Ira Hatch and myself took the riding Horse Button though He was
quite sick with the Distemper. We took the Indian trail and went onto the Mountain
to the village of Shomopavy containing 400 Indians. Stands on the top of the
Mountain the village is in a compacted form it is 470 yards around the village
we led our Horse up the steep trail & stone stepts 500 feet. They have to carry
all their wood, water, corn & all supplies up this steep cliff they & their forefathers
have lived in this way for Generations for safety in time of war The country is
vary Broaken & rough all around it in the valley below but vary sandy, we called the
people together and I spoke to them a short time and Brother Hatch interpred of [interpreted]. They
were quite ignorant & difficult to get them to understand, we then left the
village Deccended to the valley and went to another village 500 feet high
on top of another Mountain called Supowerlou. A small village
of about 200 souls we saw one white child a girl much whiter than
our children it was covered with fine white hair it is one of the Albinos. Both
Parents were dark like other Indians. we called the People together of this village
& spoke a short time to them we then went 600 yards & visited another
village called Mashonagancgbe This village contains some 800 people
& stands on the top of the rocks we called them together and I spoke to
them but they did not seem capable of comprehending what was said
they said they could not understand much. Their was one boy here with
3/4 of his hair as Black as a coal & 1/4 vary white mixed all through his black hair
They brought in Mellon and blue indian meal wafer Bread, the Mellon was
More like squashes than Mellon they eat them green One vary remarkable
feature of the Oriba's & there three villages were the amount of children they
far out numbered the grown people, we left this people & descended 500 feet
Page 6

, into the valley below it was the steepest place I ever lead a horse down
I sent a Note to Lot Smith By the Chief of the place an Aged Man I informed
Br Smith we should cross the valley to the three last villages The Chief
accompanied Br Smith to the Last Moque villages around on the East side
while Br Hatch & Myself crossed the valley some 7 Miles to the three last
villages Those 3 villages stand on a Barren Rock from 1000 to 1500 feet
from the valley beneath It can ownly be approached in two places one
the East & on the west. By a vary steep Narrow winding trail and stone
steps the country bordering upon the foot of this Mountain is composed of ridges
& gorges with peach orchards standing on the sides of the steep hills & in the vallies
but invariably planted in the sand. The Name of these 3 villages are Hano or
Tawa, on the North 300 people. 200 yard South stands Cheekomaovo 100 people
and on the south End of the rock stands ^&^ Hope or Walpeke with 800 people
These three villages stand on a Barren Desolate coarse sand stone rock from
1000 to 1500 feet almost perpendicular to the valley Below This rock upon
which those 3 villiages stands in varies in widths from 75 yards to 12 feet wide
and the foot path, which has Been travelled for centauries in going from one
village to another has worn a trail several inches deep in the solid rock with
bare feet and Mocasin. We asscended this vary high Mountain for 1000 feet
up stone steps & and winding trail leading up our poor horse after us. Before
we ascended we wattered our Horse at a well 30 feet deep which He had to go
down on stone steps, several woman were getting water in large Earthen [dugts]
Jugs which were carried in Blankets strapted across the heads we went
to the first village Hano. I here found the Chief Cachaby the Father of
Polakki As Br Smith was camped on the East Side of the villages by a
spring in a peach orchard. As I was to weary to go down to him [having]
climbed near 3000 feet of Mountain and Decended nearly the same on foot

Page 7

besides travelling 10 Miles I prepared for Br Hatch to take his home to
Br Smith camp and leave me to stop with the Indian over night I walked with
to Chief Cachaby to the Middle village and thare found an Indian by the
Name of Misiamtoi He was called Si for short He could talk fair English
but Better Spanish. I was vary glad to meet with him as I could converse
with him without an interpetor & I concluded to stay with him for the night
and quite a Number gathered into his House to see me and hear me talk,
vary soon Si's wife had got her supper cooked & I was asked to eat with
them which I attempted to do but it was hard work I could not
tell what I was eating for they were on the filthy order in cooking
& eating I eat some however but the food was vary unpaletable
soon Br Hatch returned Brought me a custard pie & Baked chicken
which I relished much He also brought me blankets to sleep on and
staid and slept with me over night after I got supper I talked to
the people who had gathered & Br Hatch interpeted. Their was to be a dance of the
Young people at the South village and Si Br Hatch & Myself went to see it but
they did not Begin untill about 9 oclok we saw them go through one dance some
20 young Men & half a doz young women with their Hair Horns on each side
of the Head they danced with great animation keeping step with the drum & singing
the girls steemed vary shy and modest we returned to our room & bed which
closed the Labors of this vary interesting day having visited six Indian villages
& spoken in most of them travelled 10 Miles Besides climing up 3000 feet of Mountains
I felt weary But well satisfied with the days labor 15 M[iles]

~ Saturday

Oct 25 I arose in the Morning rather weary as I lay on the ground floor with
But little under me & I did not sleep Much I went out doors and saw a row
of Men sitting on the roocks to see the sun rise as they were sun worshippers I took
a walk to the North End of the rocks watching for Br Smith to come up
Page 8

I saw many women going with their Jugs on their Backs
going for water I saw Many Donkies coming up the trail with 200 lb of cane
in sacks on their Backs to the village, all the corn produce wood & water
has to Be brought up to the top of the Mountain 1500 feet high on the Backs of there
Asses or on the Backs of Men & women. Soon I saw Brother Smith &
Hatch winding their way up the trail I stood on the top of [Blocks] of
Stone 10 By 20 feet on top and then crevecies between the rocks from 1 to 3 feet
which go down perpendicular for 100 feet or more Br Smith & Hatch soon
arived & Brought me some Breakfast which I eat with Relish we then
went with si to the south village Walpe to visit them. This village stands
on the South End of the Rocks and their work shops stand flush on the outer
Edge of the preapice and the dwelling Houses stand some 10 to 12 feet from the
outer Edge of the mountain and there is nothing built up to keep children
or Man or woman from falling off and draping [dropping] 1000 feet into the
abiss one Chief fell off, & several children at Different time In time of
war 5 Navajoes was shoved off who come to talk to them about peace
but got into a dispute and was shoved off & dashed to peaces Jacob
saw their bodies after they fell on the East side of the
rock about 100 feet from the top there is a projection of the rock below
and the Indian have made a trail to it and formed the space into sheep
& goat pens for many yards in length which are filled with hundreds
of sheep & goats so you can look down 100 or 150 feet from
the top of the rocks & see there sheep & goats but if one of them was to
Jump over the frail outer wall 2 feet hight they would go down

Page 9

. 1000 feet or More before they stoped there pains were [considered]
to save their flock from the Navajoes in time of war for they have
always been ready to rob them and they have never been able to keep any
horses untill of Late since the Mormons have been amoung them and [conseled]
them to peace so now they are begining to keep some horces. We called the
people together for a short time I spoke to them a short time then Br Lot
spoke to them in spanish & Si interpeted it to them in their own language
we then went Down the Mountain through the winding trial hitched up our
team & drove to Comiezzis spring & camped for the night 25 Miles

~ Sunday

26. we started at 6 oclok & drove 8 Miles & camped By a good spring of
water & took breakfast then drove & Met Polaka on his return
home from his trading tour loaded with raw Hydss & sundries Brother
Brockbank found his 4 oxen that had strayed from Moan coppy
and He took them onto Sunset we drove over a good Deal of good land
oif theire had been water we visited the coal vain in a bluff about
10 Miles from the Moquis villages from 2 to 10 feet which we travelled
over a good country for a road to day but No waggons
had been over it we followed the great Navajoe trail the
ownly obstruction we had was a great clay ridge about 12
Miles North of Sunset. This was the worst place to drive a waggon I ever
was in we went down a vary steep Bluff unto a wash we finally came to
a perpendicular descent of 12 feet then had to cross a high ridge vary
steep then go down a vary steep rocky cliff which was dangerous to
both Man & beast But we got Down safely and drove to Sunset 30 Miles
Page 10

~ Monday

Oct 27, 1879 [FIGURE] I received 3 Letters from Emma Clara & Jaques I spent
the day reading & writing

~ Tuesday

28. I read Br Haskels Journal of his Mission & stay for 6 months with
the Oribas & Moquis which was quite Interesting I had a council
with the Brethren in the Evening

~ Wednesday

29 [FIGURES] I received a Letter from Br Jaques & wrote 3 Letters to
Bishop Hardy & Hunter to Phebe & Jaques

~ Thursday

30 I drove to St Joseph with Lake & spent the Night 25 Miles
we held a Meeting I spoke followed by Br Lake

~ Friday

31. we drove to woodruff & spent the night at Br Hatches 25 M[iles]

~ Saturday

Nov 1, 1879 we held a Meeting at Woodruff on the subject of
Building the dam in the Colorado at that place to take the water
out after we gave our views about the construction of the
Dam a committee of construction was appointed viz Lorenzo Hatch
Oscar Mann, Noah Brimhall, Horace Russell & James Dean
A committee of three was also appointed to prize the work done on
the old Dam who were Oscar Mann Ole Jenson & Horrice Russell
The first committee Decided to Build the dam on the old site & use
what is built agreed to allow $1.50 cts per day for Men $1.50 for team
& wagon $1 for teams & 50 cts for waggon agreed to allow young Men
15 Acres Man & wife 20 Acres and then grade families according to Number
Page 11

The committee of 3 to prize the Dam brought in $100 for the Dam &
$100 for those who staid to keep the place, 3 of the Men who had
built one half the dam agreed to give it to the company for the privilege
of having the first choic of the Land as they wished to cooperate together
this was agreed upon & the Meeting closed

~ Sunday

2nd Sunday we Met at 10 oclok for preaching Br Lake praid
Moses Cluff spoke 35 Minutes on the patriarchal order of Marriage
Br Lake spoke 20 M[inutes], W W 30 M. Afternoon Lorenzo Hatch prayed
Br Brimhall spoke 40 M. W W 30 M. Br Hatch 20 M

~ Monday

Nov 3. we drove to St Joseph & spent the Night the Brethren there were
putting in their dam that the flood carried off.

~ Tuesday

4. We drove to Sunset I receivd 3 Letters from John Taylor
^[FIGURE]^ M Thatcher & S Roskelly & $5 in Money I spent the Evening talking with the Brethren

~ Wednesday

5 [FIGURE] I received a letter to day from Br Johnson at the ferry
Br Lot Smith returned from the Mountains to day we
spent the Evening in conversation The Teacher visited me

~ Thursday

6 [FIGURE] I received a letter from J Jaques {He said that} J. W Y {was injured.} I spent the day
in writing I wrote 4 Letters to Ammon M Tenney & 8 pages to E Snow
[FIGURE] and I indeed in his envellope a Letter J. D T McAllister & one
J. G. Bleak

~ Friday

7. [FIGURE] I wrote 3 Letters to J Taylor, L John Nuttall & J Jaques, A Hard wind storm
Page 12

~ Saturday

^[FIGURES]^ Nov 8. 1879 [FIGURES] I received a Note from John W Young at Moencoppy He thought
He would be at Conference {shorthand} I received a letter
from Brigham Young I wrote 3 Letters To Brigham Young Phebe WW & Jaques it
was a cold winday day. I filed all of Lot Smiths Letters to day one
Package of President Young Numbering 15 more precious than gold
and package of 10 of President John Taylors since He has been the president of
the Church all such Documents are worthy of preservation

~ Sunday

9. [FIGURES] Sunday I received 3 Letters from John Taylor, Wilson & Phebe
I wrote 2 Letters to Phebe & Jaques I held A Meeting with the two
settlements at Sunset I spoke 35 Minuts followed By several of the Brethren
It was a vary cold windy day

~ Monday

10th [FIGURES] I received a Letter this Morning from Bishop Samuel Roskelly containing
$5 from Br Thomas E Ricks I wrote Letters to Br Roskelley of 12 pages giving
him an account of my visit to the 7 villages of the Oribas & Moquis I also
wrote a letter to Sarah Advising her to send the children to school
[FIGURE] I dreamed last night of seeing my Father I thought He was dressed in
white I was myself as were many others I saw Thomas Bullock the same
and among other Persons I saw a number of Gentiles who was enemies to
us in our midst and I thought they ought not to be with us I have had a
Number of Dreams lately that seem to have some Meaning to them
(I read the following in the Arizona Miner "Apostle Wilford Woodruff of the Latter Day
and son in law of the Late Brigham Young having Married Dora Young
recently unbosomed himself to the Mormon Church as Follows,
Page 13

"I will never abandon my wives & children at the Demand of a Nation
steeped in sin and ripe for the damnation of hell" Woodruff is under-
indictments, for practicing Poligamy, at Salt Lake) I read this paragraph
and went on reading the Life of Christ as composed & Tranquil as before
I am in the Hands of God, and so is the United States Government. I glory
in the Epistle & Testimony which I have born to our Nation and all the
world from which that Extract was made and God will back up my
testimony and the Testimony of all the righteous Though the Heaven and
Earth pass away, the Testimony of Inspiration will not pass away but
will all be fulfilled as the Lord liveth)

~ Tuesday

11. In company with Lot Smith I went down the river with Lot Smith crossed
the river & came up the road was awaiting for the waggon when Brother Bloomfield
came up Br Smith t& myself took the waggon to go to the Dairy & Br
Bloomfield took one home & went back we drove 20 Miles & camped 25

~ Wednesday

12. we drove to McNeal spring & fed the Horses we then Drove through
some 5 inches of snow to Pine Hill and camped for the Night in a
Pine Grove The wind Blew a gale & vary cold we cut down a pine tree
cut of the limbs & mad a shield against the wind for our horses &
made a big fire got supper went to bed it was vary cold Br Smith
got up at Midnight to bring his Horses up to a fire fearing they
would freeze He could not find & came back to bed 20 Miles

~ Thursday

13. Br Smith Made a fire & soon found his Horses we then drove
10 Miles through near a foot of snow over the rocks without any road
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[FIGURE] we arived at the Dairy at 2 oclok & glad to get off a horse
we found 2 feet of snow when we got to the dairy we stoped for the
night at the dairy with Br Robert R Burk. I went to bed and Dreamed. 12 M[iles]
I was in a Meeting with president Young & O Hyde and a Number of others
I asked president Young if He would not speak He said He had done his
Talking O Hyde refered to my Epistles President Young said a few words
& I spoke & bore Testimony of the Signs of the times & Judgments of God
upon our Nation awoke while speaking

~ Friday

14. A Plesant Morning the Brethren killed 6 pigs I spent Most of the day reading
the History of the world By James D. McCabe I read 172 pages to the end
of the Asyrian & Percian Kingdom

~ Saturday

15 Lot Smith Left for Home I continued to read the History of the world

~ Sunday

16. Sunday I arose this Morning meditating upon my Dream last night I was
with the Quorum of the Twelve & president Young was with us in conversation
{shorthand} I spent the day reading the History of the world I read 208 pages
[FIGURE] In the Evening Br Bloomfield came & Brought me a letter from Erastus Snow

~ Monday

17. A cold Morning the coldest of the season I spent the day reading the world History

~ Tuesday

18 I spent this day reading the History of the world and In the Evening I helped Br whiting Dress a Buckskin He first grained it with a graining knife than oiled it
and worked it a while than put it in strong soapsuds several hours than lay it
in a frame & with a hoe raked it down untill partly dry then pulled it dry

~ Wednesday

19 Nov [FIGURE] I wrote 3 Letters to E. Snow about Mormonism I read from
2 extracts from the Mirror I wrote 1 page to J D T. Mc Allister & 1 page to J G Bleak

~ Thursday

20. I spent the day helpeding to pack up for Moving I read a post of the day I dreamed at night of being at home

~ Friday

21. We hitched up our team and drove across the valley 4 miles in 8 inches of snow and drove
up a steep rocky Bluff we had 4 waggons 3 yoke of oxen & a span of Mules & Horses it took us half a day
to get to the top of the Bluff 100 yards it was so steep & rocky we camped on the Bluff for the night 4 M[iles]
Page 15

~ Saturday

Nov 22nd 1879 [FIGURE] we arose this morning took Breakfast lunch & yoaked up our team & headed
over a vary rocky & rough country 6 miles there parted with the ox teams & Br Birk went 3 miles across
the country without road to Kinekenick springs which was the Sunset sheep heard But the House was [vacant]
On the road to day I saw some 300 Antilope two floks had 100 in each & smaller flocks from 10 to 30.
[FIGURE] I saw more antilope to day than I ever saw a day before in my life they had been driven
out of the Mountain by the snow down into the cedars they were in flock like a flock of sheep
On our arival we cleaned out the House put up a Bedsted made up our bed unloaded our
wagons By this time a Messenger arived from Sunset and Brought me 6 Letters from
Elias Smith, J Jaques, Angus M Cannon, Julia S Woodruff John P Sorrenson
and Ammon M Tenney which was a vary important one He had made a Barging [bargain]
with Mr Barth the Jew to Buy out St John water & Land for 750 cows to be
Paid for in one year ie He had the offer of the place for that sum & was awaiting my
reply to know if He should buy it. I was vary weary I told the Brethren that I
thought I would stop untill Tuesday Morning and go to Sunset and write
[FIGURES] Tenney an Answer I went to bed slept untill 12 oclk and
awoke And my Monitor guide or spirit of the Lord call it by what
name you will said to me arise tarry not go to Sunset council A M
to close the Bargan buy St John send the Missionaries to take the
Possession of the Colorado Meadows for much depends upon your action in
that Matter According to this instruction I arose Early and prepared myself

~ Sunday

^Nov 23 1879^ and left the place in company with Br McNeal and travelled about 40 Miles
half of the way over a vary stony road to sunset arived at 7 oclk in the evening vary
weary having ridden a part of the way on horsback I conversed with Brother
Lot Smith upon the subject and He agreed with me about writing to
Brother Tenney in closing the Bargin to Byuy St John and Joseph the Meadow
Page 16

~ Monday

Nov 24, 1879 [FIGURES] I wrote 2 letters to Ammon M Tenney & Br Greer we
advised Br Tenney to close the Barging [bargain] in Buying St John and to occupy the Colorado
and we called upon 4 Missionaries to prepare themselves to start to Morrow
Morning for the Colorado Meadows to take possession of them. I also wrote to John
to send 4 Missionaries to Colorado Meadow

~ Tuesday

25 [FIGURES] I wrote 3 Letters to day one to John Taylor of 6 pages concerning the lot
we had Done about Purchasing St SJohn, & taking Possession of the Colorado
, I sent an extract of Brother Tenneys Letter I left a copy of his letter
I also wrote a half sheet to Br Jaques I asked him to read Br Smiths
Letter I wrote a Letter to Elias Smith of 14 pages giving amount of my
visit to the 7 villages of the Oribas & Moquis gave a history of their Localism
and customs oI ordained Br Thomas Walter Brookbank to the office of a
Seventy and set him apart to his Mission asto the Lamanites He with
Brother Ira Hatch went from Sunset this Morning & Br [blank]

~ Wednesday

26. [FIGURE] I took my gun went & out & shot 2 Mallard Ducks & a wolf the wind
Blew very hard all day and a light snow storm at night

~ Thursday

27. [FIGURE] I wrote 4 Letters to day to Brigham Young A M Cannon
Phebe W W & Jaques

~ Friday

28 I spent most of the day in wreading the world History quite a Number of Brethren arived to attend conference

~ Saturday

29th [FIGURE] I received 2 letters from G Q. Cannon one to me one to Lot Smith. The quarterly conference
met at Sunset at 10 oclok Prayer By Jesse N Perkins W Woodruff spoke 20 Minutes
Wm C Allen spoke 12 M[inutes]. & represented St Joseph Br J N Walker represented Millville
Lot Smith spoke 8 M[inutes] Bishop Lake 8 M[inutes], Br Savage 8 Minutes & represented Sunset
Lot Smith spoke 10 M[inutes]. Afternoon prayer By Bishop Lake The Authorities of
the Church and of this State were presented & received Lorenzo Hatch spoke 35 M[inutes],
Jesse N Perkins spoke 20 M[inutes] W W spoke 30 Lot Smith 34
Page 17

~ Sunday

Nov 30 Sunday conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Brother Burnham W W.
spoke cuchoan read the XIX chapter of the Book of Alma on the resurrection & restoration
Lot Smith spoke 30 M[inutes]. Afternoon Prayer By George Skinner sacrament Administered
Bishop Lake spoke 42 Minutes Brother Bushman 12 M[inutes]. We held a Meeting in the
Evening Br Dean prayed BElder Ladd, Turley, Tanner, Perkins, & Teny spoke
then W W spoke 30 Minutes giving an account of his first Mission & other Missions
and spoke to the Lamanite Missionaries & Conference adjourned untill 28 & 29 of Feb 1880

~ Monday

Dec 1, 1879 I set apart Br Brigham Young Perkins for his Mission among the Lamanites
[FIGURE] I wrote a Letter of 16 pages to George Q Cannon & gave him an account
of the History of the 7 Indian villages we visited

~ Tuesday

2nd [FIGURE] I forwarded George Q Cannon letter & forwarded the conference Minutes to
O pratt & wrote a Note to J Jaq^q^ues

~ Wednesday

3 [FIGURES] I wrote 4 Letters to J. D. T. McAllister J. G. Bleak, E. Snow David H Cannon
and gave him an account of the Moquis villages I received 2 Letters from
Phebe W & Eugenia Scholes

~ Thursday

4 Dec Thursday Fast day I wrote a Letter to Br Farnsworth sent in McA
[FIGURE] Letter I attended the fast meeting In the Evening I had the Chief
and Son to spend the Evening with me

~ Friday

5 I walked several Miles to day & got very sweaty & took some cold I
Administered to 2 who were sick

~ Saturday

6 [FIGURES] I received 1 Letter from John Hunt I wrote Letters to
Warren M Johnson and one to John W Young about the ferry Br Lot Smith
had built a House for me I went into it to night and in the presence of several friends I
[FIGURE] dedicated iot to God I am suffering with severe cold on my lungs and spent a restless night
Page 18

~ Sunday

Dec 7, 1879 Sunday I arose quite unwell this Morning with a cold on my lungs I attended Meeting at
Sunset And the ownly sermon I wpreached was I advised all the Members of the Church who
bore any portion of the Priesthood that were called upon to speake in public never to make
any excuses for being called upon to speak to the people but to bear their testimony and say
what the spirit Directs & then stop. quite a Number of the Elders spoke including Brothers
Lot Smith & Lake I spent the evening in my room I had a vary poor night, slept
but Little, as I was quite Distressed in my Lungs sore throat & head ake.

~ Monday

8 Dec The room that I am occupying that I am occupy Br Smith built
for me is the best room I have been in in Arizona 18 x 16 feet, well carpeted
good fireplace, chimney & Mantle, 2 good windows & curtains, an cealing, and all vary
comfortable. I arose however with a severe cold on my Lungs I put a flannel lined
with Brown paper, covered with Lard & Nutmeg on the my chest, I learned the D News that
[FIGURE] A P Rockwood was Dead, Elder Albert P Rockwood one of the first seven
Presidents of the Seventies of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, died at his
Residence in the sugar House ward, at 4.35 this Saturday Nov 29, 1879 was born
June 5, 1805 Being 74 years of Age. He was one of the pioneers, and Been a Member
of the Utah Legislature since its first organization, and a Member of the
Deseret Agricultural & Manufacturing society for 20 years so we are all passing
away it will soon come my turn The wind is blowing vary hard to day the
air filled with sand I wrote 4 Letters to day to J Jakues [John Jaques|J Jaques]] to Phebe W W
[FIGURES] L John Nuttall & George Teasdale and all forwarded to Jaques

~ Tuesday

9th I was quite unwell to day I spent most of the Day Reading Hugh Blairs Lectures on
Rehetoric & Belles Letters which were quite interesting upon Many points I had
[FIGURE] company in the Evening I went to bed about 9 oclok feeling vary bad in my
Lungs I was sick all night my throat & Lungs felt raw I had hard work to swallow
I could not raise but Little & what I did was quite Bloody
Page 19

~ Wednesday

^Dec 10, 1879^ [FIGURE] I arose this morning quite feeble I felt that my Lungs were in a Dangerous
state I soon got some pulverized charcoal and Drank in water which began
to relieve me some I also drank a surrup made of Hops and Onions I received
4 Letters to day from Bulah, Leslie Nellie & Br Ammon M Tenny concering
the purchace of St John I got an interesting Letter from Bulah Brother
Wakefield arrived as a Messenger from Br Tenny with the Letter

~ Thursday

Dec 11 [FIGURES] I received a Letter from Br Teasdale & J. C. Owens Jr. I wrote Letter
to A M. Tenney, Richards & Allen & J. C. Owens I also wrote a Letter of 8 pages to Bulah
spoke of my cold on my Lungs & gave her advise upon various subjects, & I also wrote a Letter to
Phebe to Wilford to Leslie and wrote untill a Late Hour

~ Friday

Dec 12 [FIGURE] I wrote a Letter to John Taylor to Jaques I copied Brother Taylor I
also wrote to Brother of A. M. Tenny I had an interview with Brother Flake
I told Brother Tenney his Letter to us was stollen and not sent by the Apostle
Mail I write untill Late in the Evening

~ Saturday

13 [FIGURES] I received a Letter from A M Tenney and wrote one to him in return
and I wrote A Letters to Azmon of 12 pages gave him an account of my
Lamanite Mission

~ Sunday

14. Sunday I attended Meeting and spoke to the people 30 M[inutes] followed by Lot
30 Minutes We again Met in the evening I spoke a short time followed
By Lot Smith Joseph. H. Watkins Wm. H. James Lot Smith spoke again
and I followed him 30 Minutes I wrote a Letter to A M Tenney by Br Joseph
[FIGURE] H Watkins and one to Richards & Allen at St Joseph

~ Monday

^[FIGURE]^ 15 [FIGURES] I have all my Life got out some law, of all the trouble that have befallin
me This morning Br Lot Smith was Notified to stop trespassing upon the Government
Timber Land By cutting timber and to pay for what they had cut I wrote to John
& G. Q. Cannon upon the subject I also wrote to Nellie & sent her {shorthand}
Page 20

~ Tuesday

Dec 16, 1879 [FIGURE] ^3 Letters^ We rote to the commissioner of the Land Office Wm N. Kelley, and John S Campbell
at Washington Delegate from Arizona and wrote a letter to A. M. Musser of 10 pages on
the 7 Indian villages and sent him a copy of the two Letters on Timber I dreamed at night
[FIGURES] that I was in council with the 12 and I thought thare was quite a Number present
And I dreamed that Brother Taylor sealed plural Marriages to all that wanted to be sealed and
sealed all families I thought the glory of God rested upon us I thought we done all our
work openly and the Government had No power over us and many of us rejoiced together

~ Wednesday

17. [FIGURE] I wrote 2 Letters to day to Eugenia & Susan Scholes

~ Thursday

18 I spent most of the day reading Blairs Lectures on Rhetoric & Belles Letters

~ Friday

19 I spent most of the day in reading Blairs Lectures I had quite an interview
with Garnomunche one of the Main Navajoe Chefs [Chiefs] I preached to him Br East
and Standiford Br Lot was quite unwell & Father Edwards was quite sick

~ Saturday

20. John. W Young arived to day & spent the Night with me quite a Number of the Brethren
arived to day as emigrants to the Territory A Number spent the evening with me Father Edwards who
was 82 years old was quite sick John W Young draw his water from him with a cathater
which was a great help to him

~ Sunday

21 Sunday I met with the people J W Young spoke 60 minutes read the [vision] & spoke upon it
W Wodruff followed Met in the Afternoon at Brigham City J W spoke one hour followed
Br Br Burnham followd by W Woodruff we held a Meeting at Sunset in the Evening, W W
Brother Burnham, J W Y. & Lot Smith all spoke

~ Monday

22 [FIGURE] I received a Letter from Sarah I wrote 3 Letters to Sarah Sylvia and sent
[FIGURE] her $5 as a wedding present, I also wrote to Br Thompson I sent them 2 [medleys] to
put my Letters in. The head Navajoe Chief Garnomunche with some 20 other
Lamanites spent the Evening with me we talked to him through the evening
Br John W Young left us this evening My Daughter Sylvia was Married to
Br Thompson on Nov 1879
Br Hancock spent the night with me
Page 21

~ Tuesday

Dec 23rd 1879

[FIGURE] We are having the coldest Blowing snow storm of the season
so far Father Edwards is vary low with the Lung fever we drew off 3 quarts
of water from him at one time to day with the catheter wI wrote 2 letters to
[FIGURE] Phebe & J. Jaques

~ Wednesday

24. In company with Lot Smith I rode to St Joseph and held a Meeting Lot Smith
and W W spoke to the people in the spirit of the Lord and we had a good Meeting 25 M[iles]

~ Thursday

25 We drove to Woodruff and stoped with Br Hatch We held a Meeting and Brother
Lot Smith, Lake Burnham, Hatch & W Woodruff all spoke and had a good time
[FIGURE] W W said whoever lived to see 1890 would not be able to see any United States
for the Union would be broken before that time. Let the Historians see if He
guessed right.

~ Friday

26. We drove to Snowflake I spent the night at Jesse N Smiths several of the
Brethren called in and we spent the Evening in conversation 25 M[iles]

~ Saturday

27. I met in the Quarterly Conference of the SnowFlake Stake of Zion at
10 oclok this Morning In there New Meeting House prayer by L C Burnham W W
Made a few remarks Bishop Hunt Represented Snow Flake ward. L C Burnham
represented Savoy & James C Owens represented Bush Valley, & Woodruff
B. H. Willholm represented Concho, Joseph Cordon represented Walker, J. B. Jenson
represented Forest Dale, Brother Cluffs Branch was represented as in a Bad state Held no
Meeting. Br Lake then spoke 24 Minutes. We dined with Br Mann. Afternoon
Br Lake Prayed. The statistics of the stake was then presented and read By Brother
Fish, the Authorities of the Church were then presented and sustained. Lot Smith then
spoke 40 M[inutes]. W Woodruff then spoke 40 M, Lorenzo Hatch 5 M. Hard wind & rain all night
Page 22

~ Sunday

(Dec 28 1879 We held a Meeting in the evening Br Mann Prayed Lot Smith spoke upon tempered
Business was followed By Brother Mann & Linquist and several bore testimony)

~ Monday

29. We rode to Br Greers as the Colorado Meadows

~ Tuesday

30. We found 3 inches of Snow on the Ground this Morning. We have to wait here
for the Arival of Br Ammon M Tenny spent most of the day in reading

~ Wednesday

31. I spent most of the Day in studying Arizona Law.

~ Thursday

(Jan 1, 1880.) How these figures look to me, I was born in 1807 the first day of March
If I was to Live till 1887 I should be 80 years of age But How long I shall live & remain in
the flesh God ownly knows, this year opens with a prospect of Great Hostility of our
Government agains[t] the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the Kingdom of God
esstablished in Utah and adjoining Territories in the Rocky Mountains the Everlasting
Hills given to old Father Jacob & his posterity. But God reigns and our
trust is in Him. He will guide his Saints as He has in days Gone by, and
when this year is past We will see what state bothe the Nation and the Saints will
be in at the end of the year. Our Nations is Rapidly Hastening to Destruction and
is ripening in iniquity and is doomed to Destruction in fulfillmet of the Word of the
Lord who has spoken concerning them (This New Years day of 1880 finds me at
Brother Greers inat the Little Colorado Meadow in Apache Co Arizona Territory I spent
the day mostly reading and meditating I walked several Miles during the day & Br Lot Smith
Neil & Alread went to St John to attend a trial on the Land claim)

~ Friday

Jan 2nd I rode several Miles & returned & Met with Brother A. M. Tenny I had a talk
with him & soon Met with Brother Smith and others who had returned from St John

~ Saturday

(3rd we rode to Concho & spent the night with Br Willholm We held a Meeting
in the evening Judge Stinson was present I spoke 30 M[inutes]. & Lot Smith 30 M[inutes] I had
a view of the Land & water at Concho the Brethren were byuying out the Mexicans) 10 M[iles]
Page 23

~ Sunday

Jan 4, 1880

Sunday we drove Back to Br Greers & held a Meeting Br Neil prayed sacrament Admin[istered]
W W spoke 30 M[inutes]. Lot Smith 30. Br Willhelm 10 M[inutes] Bishop Hunt 10 M[inutes]

~ Monday

Jan 5 [FIGURES] We rode to Perkins camp, I ordained John H Perkins a seventy and set
him apart to his mission to the Lamanites. We then rode to Hatches camp I there set
apart a Man as a Missionary. We then drove to Br Domaciano Garabe house and camped
for the night this is the Main camp for the Brethren who arge going to take possession of the Land
we have purchased of the Barths Bro of St John JI went into the House and conversed
with the old Blind Brother Juan Antonio Garube He was also nearly Deaf. He had a
terrible complaint to make against Br Tenney Because when we met befor He did
not tell him I was An Apostle And after all the explanation that He could
get He told Br Tenney that He would forgive him as Jesus Did those who crucified
him for you know not what "you do." The old Jentleman was vary glad to meet
me allthough He could not see me. we held a Meeting at his house in the evening
I spoke to the Mexican Brethren 30 minutes & Br Neil interpeted I then spoke 30 M[intues]
to the Brethren in English Br Lot Smith spoke we had a good Meeting. we
Made our Bed on the floor I took a severe cold and suffered with my
throat & Lungs through most of the night & slept but Little 20 Miles

~ Tuesday

6 I rode up the river to St Johns crossed the tool bridge conversed with some of the
citizens and we took Dinner with the two Carpenter Brethren near St John then
went Down the river on the west side to the camp. There parted with our friends
We found a good Deal of Good Land on the West side of the river but not so much
On the East side We contin[ue]d ourj journy down the river to Hatch camp
found Brother Brookbank unwell & some gloomy we then rode back to Br Greers
I was weighed to day and reached my highest figure in life 162 1/2 lbs. distance of the day 25 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

7. Jan [FIGURE] I ordained Br Greer an Elder & set him apart for his Mission to the Lamanites
Page 24

We drove to Woodruff and held a Meeting Br Lot Smith spoke 40 M[inutes].
L Hatch 20 M[inutes] W Woodruff 15 M[inutes] I spent the night at Br Hatch I spoke to Br Nichols, 30 M

~ Thursday

[FIGURE] Mrs Richards (Jan 8, 1879 We drove to St Joseph arived at 1 oclok we were informed that
the 2nd wife Martha Jane Richards gave birth to a pair of Twin Daughter one was born 24
hours after the other {shorthand} But thought she was doing well, after getting our dinner we were
informed that she had a sinking turn and wished us to call in & see her We went in
and arived 10 Minutes to 3 oclock I saw she was dying and at 3 oclok she breathed her last
and her youngest child died in the evening The Death of Sister Richards seemed
quite unexpected to all I Blessed the 2 Daughters Br Lot Smith was Mouth with
the youngest which Died an hour afterwards we held a Meeting afterwards
Br Lot Smith spoke 30 M[inutes] Br Ladd 10 Joseph Harmon 5 & W Woodruff 15 M[inutes] 25 M[iles]

~ Friday

Jan 9. [FIGURES] I set apart Henry Walters Despain for his Lamanite Mission
we made Arangements with Br Ladd to go to St John & survey out the Land for the
the Brethren I wrote 2 Letters to the Meadows & St John We returned home to Sunset
and found a package of 11 Letters for me from John Taylor 2, Jaques 2, G Q Cannon 2
Phebe & Wilford 2, Samuel E. Lewis James G. Bleak, 1 &c We received the D News
up to Dec 31 and see a strong raid getting up against the Mormans in congress

~ Saturday

10. I spent the day in conversing with company & Reading

~ Sunday

11 Sunday I met the people at Sunset at 10 oclok W Woodruff red a part of 2 section in
the D. C.
and spoke 30 M[inutes] Lot Smith 306 we had almost a total Eclipse of the sun at
[FIGURE] Sunset fort commence at 4 oclok and continued untill about sundown
[FIGURE] I find quite a large number of fine large children among the Saints in Arizona
during the past year, named Wilford, But I am not the father of any of them But am what
is called the God Father of some of them if Blessing them would Make me so And to day I was called
upon to Bless a son of Lot and Alice Ann Richards Smith and He was Named
Wilford Woodruff Smith
Page 25


we held a Meeting in the evening, I requested the Brethren to occupy the time in speaking & bearing
their testimony several of which spoke, and I followed Lot Smith and spoke 30 Minutes
and gave council upon several subjects I advised the Authorities to get the young Men together
and Ordain priests Teachers & Deacons the spirit of the Lord was with us & we had a good Meeting

~ Monday

12. I am sorry to say that nearly all of the emigration that comes to Arizona from Utah
to this country has come Destitute of Bread Stuffs Depending upon this
country for flour while at the same time there is not one bushel where
there is ten wanted almost every man that comes wants bread and the
Sunset settlement is the ownly one in Arizona who has bread

~ Tuesday

13. [FIGURE] I wrote a Letter to John Taylor of 14 pages and one to J Jaques I have a copy
on file In the evening the young men of the place from 14 to 18 met in my room with
[FIGURE] some of their parents I talked to them for half an hour, we Lot Smith &
W Woodruff then ordained 3 priest 4 Teachers & 4 Deacons, I ordained 2 priest
2 Teachers & 2 Deacons we had a good Meeting

~ Wednesday

14. [FIGURE] I wrote Letters to A M Tenney & Alread to Hatch & Co. to Samuel E

~ Thursday

15. I spent the day in reading mostly

~ Friday

16. I spent the day mostly in reading the Book of D & C. and coun[seli]ng with the Brethren

~ Saturday

17. [FIGURES] I received 3 Letters from Bulah David and My Nephew Milo
B Webster
I wrote 2 Letters to David P. Woodruff 7 & Milo B
Webster Sister Eunice Son I wrote him 9 Pages, gave a short
sketch of my life & travels I wrote a Letter to A M Musser of 8 pages &
gave my views of the state of the Nation I told him I thought Gen Grant wanted
be next president of the U. S. and the Last I think the Government will be broaken
up on his hands Our Nation is fast ripening in Iniquity
Page 26

~ Sunday

Jan 18 1880

Sunday I met at Sunset at 10.30. I read in the D & C. a part of several sections & spoke
30 Minutes followed By George Lake. We met at Brigham City in the Afternoon &
Lot Smith spoke 40 M[inutes]. and W W. 35 upon the signs of the times and the
state of the Nation I read the News in the evening saw a prospet of Grant being the
Candidate of the Republican party for president in 1880

~ Monday

19. [FIGURE] I wrote 5 Letters to day to Phebe, Wilford, Bulah & J Jaques and
L W Hardy 8 pages asked to Let Erastus Snow read it I received 3 Letters from
[FIGURE] Erastus Snow, G Teasdale, and A Woodruff Br Neil arived and
spent the night with me

~ Tuesday

20. [FIGURE] I wrote 2 Letters to George Teasdale & J. D. T. McAllister
I sent McAllister to Kanab by Br Neile I left Sunset
and travelled to the sheep heard in the Mountains and spent the night in a tent
of the two shepherds [FIGURE] I Blessed in the Morning Wilford Woodruff Judd. 25 Miles

~ Wednesday

21. Brother McNeal and myself went out Hunting Antilope But caught Nothing
I rode in the saddle some 20 Miles 20 M

~ Thursday

22nd We doctored some 1600 sheep for the scab and was weary at night Our Mules
strayed off Brother McNeal went after them did not find them but ran
into a heard of Antilop about 50 But Having No gun got Nothing

~ Friday

23 Brother Johnson went to Sunset I went a hunting with my gun I found
a drove of 100 Antilope they run out into the plain I tryed to run on to them
horsback but could not get nearer than 100 yards I dismounted & shot at
them 3 times on a run but Killed None returned to camp rode 20 Mils

~ Saturday

24. Br McNeal & Myself went out Hunting Antelope we saw one drove of about 50 but
did not get near them I rode 15 Miles
Page 27

~ Sunday

Jan 25 1880

Sunday I arose this morning quite sore with my ride yesterday I read to day all the Lectures in
the Doctrines & Covenants and Many of the Revelations

~ Monday

26. [FIGURE] Quite windey & cold I spent the forenoon in reading the D&C. In the Afternoon
I helped Doctor Sheep In the Evening Br Watkin arived from St Joseph & Brought
[FIGURE] me 6 Letters from George Reynolds in the penetentiary & from Tenney, Alread, Sarah
Sylvia, and some Papers Brother Watkin stayed with us through the night I read
Coatses Lecture against Momonism which was an inspiration of the Devil & ful of lies
I Prayed to the Lord to give me His Holy spirit and light and truth I went to Bed
filled with prayer and Meditation I fell asleep & slept untill about midnight I awoke and the Lord
Poured out his spirit upon me and opened the vision of my Mind so I could see &
[FIGURE] comprehend in a good measure the mind & will of God and his purposes
concerning our Nation and the Inhabitants of Zion And when the visions of my mind
was open to to comprehend the situation of our Nations their Wickedness, Abomi-
nations & corruption and the Judgments of God and Destruction which awaited
her, and when I comprehended the Great & Mighty responsibility which
rested upon the Quorum of the Apostles in the sight of God and the Heav-
enly Hosts, my pillo Head became a fountain of tears and my pillow
was wet as with the Dews of Heaven and sleep Departed from me, and
the Lord revealed unto me our Duty, even the Duty of the Twelve Apostles
and all the faithful Elders of Israel And the following is a portion
of the word of the Lord to me while Dwelling in the shepherds tents in
the Wilderness surrounded by the drifting snows of the Mountains while
wraped in the visions of the night
Page 28

A Revelation to Wilford Woodruff, in the wilderness
Thus Saith the Lord unto my servant Wilford ^Woodruff^ I have heard thy prayer, and
will Answer thy petition I will make known unto the[e] my will concerning the
Nations who encumber the Land of promise, and also concerning Zion
and her Inhabitants. I have already revealed my Will carry the Nations
through the Mouth of my severant Joseph , who has seeled his testimony
with his own Blood, which ^Testimony^ Testing has been in here upon all the
ward from the Hour of his death, what I the Lord have [revealed] in
that Testament and Decreed upon this Nation, and all the Nations of
the Earth, shall be fulfillled, saith the Lord of Hosts. I the Lord have spoke
and still ^will^ be obeyed. My purposes shall be fuffilled upon this Nation,
and No power shall stay my hands. The hour is at the dayoor when my
wrath & indignation will be poured uout upon the wicked of this Nation.
Their Murders, Blasphemes, Lyings, whoredoms, and abominations
have come up before my [face], & before the Heavens, and the wrath of
mine Indignation is full. I have Decreed plagues to go forth and
lay waste mine enemies, and not m[an]y years hence they shall not be
left to pollute mine Herritage. The Devil is ruling over his Kingdom,
And my spirit has no pla[c]e in the harts of the Rulers of this Nation,
and the Devil stirs them up to Defy my power, and to make
war upon my Saints. Therefore Let mine Apostles and mine Elders
who are faithful obey my commandments which are already written

Page 29

your propheffit, & guidance. Thus Saith the Lord unto my saint,
John Taylor, and my servant Wilford Woodruff, & my servent Orson pratt,
and to call the resedue of mine Apostles, Have you not gave faith
in my Name without purs or scrip, and Declared the Gospel of
Life & Salvation unto this Nation, and the Nations of the Earth,
and warned them of the judgments which were to come as you have
been moved upon by the power of the Holy Ghost, and the inspiration
of the Lord. you have done this year by year, for a whole generation,
as men count time. Therefore your Goverments' are clean of the Blood
of this Generation, and esspecially of this Nation. Therefore as I have
said in a former commandment, so I the Lord say again unto
mine Apostles, go ye alone by yourselves, whither in heat or in cold, and
clens [cleanse] your feet with water, pure water, it matters not whether it
be by the running stream or in your clossetts, but bear there testi
monyies before the Lord & the Heavenly Hosts, and when you have all done this
then gather yourselves together in your Holy places, and cloth yourselves
in the robes of the Holy priesthood, and there offer up your prayers accordidng
to my Holy Law, Let him who presides be mouth & kneel upon the Holy
Alter, and there Let mine Apostles Bring all there testimonies before
my face, and Before the Heavenly Hosts, and Before the justified spirits made
perfect. And thus saith the Lord unto you, mine Apostles, when you

Page 30

these Testimonies Before me, let them be presented by Name as
far as the spirit shall pres[en]t them unto you. The presedents of the United States,
the Supreme Court, The Cabinet, The Senate & House of the Congress of the
United States, The Governors of the States & Territories, the judges & others
sent unto you, and all men and persons who have taken any part
in persecuting you, or Bringing Distress upon you, or your
families, or who have sought your lives, or sought to hinder you
from keeping my commandments, or of enjoying the Rights which the
Constitutional Laws of the Land garrantee unto you, and what I
the Lord say unto you, mine Apostles, I also say unto my servants
the seventies, the High priests, the Elders ^the priests^ and to all my servants who are
pure in hart and who have borne Testimony unto this Nation. Let
them go forth & clens their feet in pure water, and bear testimony to
of it unto your Father who art in Heaven. And thous saith the Lord
unto mine Apostles, and Mine Elders, when ye do these things with
singleness ^purity^ of Hart, I the Lord will hear your prayer, and am bound
^By oath & covenant^ to Defend you, and Fight your battles. As I have said in a
former commandment it is not my Will that mine Elders should
fight the Battles of Zion, for I will fight your ^Battles.^ Nevertheless Let
no man be afraid to lay down his Life for my sake, for He that
layeth down his life for my sake shall find it again and have Eternal
Life. The Nation is Ripened in Iniquity, and the cup of the wrath
of mine Indignation is full, and I will not stay my hand in
judgments upon this Nation, or the Nations of the Earth. I have Decreed wars
and Judements upon the wicked, and my wrath and indignation is about

Page 31

be poured out upon them, and the wicked and rebelious shall know
thus [that] I am God. And as I the Lord have spoken so will I fulfill. I will
spare none who remain in Babylon, but I will burne them up, saith
the Lord of Hosts. As I the Lord have suffered, so will I put all enemies
under my feet, For I the Lord utter my word, and it shall be obeyed.
And the Day of wrath & Indignation shall come upon the wicked and
No power shall stay my Hand And I say again wo unto that
Nation, or House, or people who seek to Hinder my people from obeying
the patriarchan Law of Abraham, which Leadeth to a celestial
Glory, which has been revealed unto my Saints through the mouth
of my servant Joseph, for whosoever doeth these things shall be damned
saith the Lord of Hostts, and shall be broaken up and wasted away
from under Heaven by the judgments which I have sent forth and shall
not return unto me void. And thus with the sword, and by Bloodshed
and with famine, and plagues, and earthquakes, And the Thunder of
Heaven, and the vived [vivid] lightnings shall this Nations and the Nations of the
Earth be made to feel the chastening hand of an Almighty God untill
they are broaken up, & destroyed, & wasted away from under Heaven and
No power can stay my Hand. Therefore let the wicked tremble, Let him
that Blasphemes my name Hold their lips, for Destruction will swiftly overtake
them. All that I the Lord have spoken through the Mouths of my prophets and
Apostles since the world Began concerning the last Dispensation and fulness
of times concerning my Church which has been called out of the Wilderness of
Darkness & Error, and concerning the Zion & kingdom of God, and concerning Babylon
the Great, stu And what I have spoken through the Mouth of my servant Joseph

Page 32

all be fulfilled, and though Heaven & Earth pass away, my words shall not
pass away but shall be fulfilled saith the Lord. These revelatians and testimonies
you have before you. Let my saints search the Word of the Lord and treasure
up wisdom, and be prepared for that which is to come. As I have Decreed,
so shall my Judgments Begin at the House of God. There are those in my
Church, who have a name among you, who are Adulterers, & Adultresses, &
those who Blaspheme my Name, and those who love & make a lie and
those who revel and Drink with the Drunken, if they do not spedily repent
of their wickedness & Abomination they should be severed from the ordinances
of my House saith the Lord. And there are many who have need to repent
whose lusts are set upon the things of this world, and aspire to the honors of
men, and do not honor the priesthood and sleek [seek] to build up the kingdom
of God
, as they should. Neither do they learn and comprehend that the rights of
the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of Heaven, and
that the powers of Heaven cannot be controlled nor handled ownly upon
the principles of righteousness. Such shuould repent and turn unto the
Lord & seek for the Holy Spirit to guide them Blessed are the Judgments
will begin upon my House, and from thence will they go forth unto the world
and the wicked cannot esscape. Blessed are the pure in Heart, for my Blessings
await them in this Life, and Eternal Life in the world cto come. Thus
Saith the Lord unto you my servants the Apostles who dwell in the flesh
fear ye not your enemies Let not your Hearts be troubled I am
In your Midst, I am your Advocate with the Father I have given mine

Page 33

Angels charge concerning you. Mine eyes are upon you ^and the eyes of^ your Heavenly
Father and the Heavenly Hosts, and all justified spirits made perfect are a watch-
ing over you, your works are manifest before the face of my servants who
have sealed their testimony with their Blood, and before all my servants of
the Twelve Apostles whom I have taken unto myself the veil is taken
from off their faces and they know your works. They await your coming
when you have finished your testimony in the flesh. Therefore be ye faithful
untill I come, my coming is at the Door. Call upon the Lord in Mighty
prayer, ask and you shall receive, whatever you agree as touching anything
and ask the Father in my Name it shall be given unto you seek
diligently to build up Zion, and to magnify your High calling And yor
enemies shall not prevail over you. Zion shall not be moved out of
her place. Zion shall prevail against her enemies. My people shall
not be hindered in the building of my temples unto my Holy Name
if they will Harken unto my voice, and do as I command them. The Blood
of my servants Joseph & Hyrum and of mine Apostles & Elders, which
have been shed for the word of God & Testimony of Jesus Christ, cries from the
ground for vengance upon the Nation who have shed their Blood, But
their Blood shall spedably [speedily] be avenged, and ^shall^ I cease to cry unto me for
the Hour of Gods judgment is fully come, and shall be poured out without
measure upon the wicked. But Harken & hear, O ye Apostles, Elders & people
of my Church the word of the Lord concerning you, that for all the Blessing that
I will pour out upon you and the inhabitants of Zion and the judgments &

Page 34

upon the Wicked, that I will be enquired of by you to ask the
Father in my Name to do & to restore these things for you, As I told Israel
Isra all the House of Israel by my servant Moses that they should ask
at my hand for all those Blessings which I ^the Lord^ have promised unto Israel in
the Latter Days. And as I the the Lord ordained mine Apostles who were with
me in my ministry and promised them that they should sit upon Twelve Thrones
Judging the Twelve tribes of Israel, so I say unto you, mine Apostles,
that whom I have raised up in these Last Days, that I have ordained you
to bear record of my name, & the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to the Gentiles
first & then to the House of Israel. I have also ordained you to sit upon
Thrones and Judge the Gentiles and all of the inhabitants of the Earth
unto whom you have born ^testimony^ testimy of my name in the day & Generation
in which you Live. Therefore, How Great is your calling & responsibility
before me! Therefore gird up the loins of your mind and magnify your
calling, in the fear of God, and prepare ye for the coming of the Son of Man
which is nigh ^at^ the door. No man knoweth the Day nor the hour But
the signs of both Heaven & Earth indicate his coming as promised by the mouth
of my Desiples, the fig tree is leaving, and the Hour is Nigh, Therefore
prepare yourselves O ye saints of the Most High God with Oil in your
Lamps for Blessed is he that watcheth for the coming of the Son of Man.
Again Hear ye the word of the Lord O ye mine Apostles whom I have
chosen in these Last days to bear record of my name and to lead
my people Israel untill the coming of the Son of Man, I the Lord

Page 35

raised up unto you My Servant John Taylor to preside over
you, and to be a Law Giver unto my Church. He has mingled his
Blood with the Martered prophets, Neverthless while I have taken my servants
Joseph and Hyram unto myself, I have preserved my servant John Taylor for
a wise purpose in me. I have also taken many others of the Twelve ^apostles^ unto
myself, for I take whom I will take & preserve in life whom
I will preserve according to the council of my Will, And while my servant
John Taylor is your president, I wish to ask the rest of my servants of the
Apostles the question, Although you have one to preside over your Quorum
^and over the Church^ which is the order of God in all Generations do you not all of you
hold the Apostleship which is the Highest Authority ever given to men on the
Earth you do; therefore you hold the keys of the kingdom of God on the
Earth in common in all the world. you each of you have power
to unlock the veil of eternity, & hold convers with God, the Father, & his son
Jesus Christ, and to have the Administration of Angels. It is your right
privilege & Duty to enquire of the Lord his Mind & will concerning yourselves &
the inhabitants of Zion, & their Interest, and whenever any one of you
receive the word of the Lord, let it be written and presented in your
councils and whatever by united consent you deem wisdom
to be presented unto the people, let it be presented By ^the president^ My servant John
as the Word of the Lord unto the people in this way you will
uphold him, and strengthen his hands as all the burthen [burden] should not
lie upon one Man. For thus saith the Lord all ^of^ mine Apostles

Page 36

be full of the Holy Ghost, of Inspiration, & revelations, and know
the Mind & Will of God, and Be prepared for that which is to come. Therefore
let mine Apostles go keep my commandments, and obey my voice, & the
Gates of Hell shall not prevail against you, fear not for Lo I am
with you untill I come. I come quickly even so Amen

The foregoing Revelation is copyed in my Journal of 1880

~ Tuesday

Jan 27, 1880 I arose in the Morning after the visions of the night with
my heart filled with Joy and gratitude for the manifestation^ns^ of the spirit
of God unto me I have written the foregoing Revelation as it were man
ifest unto me. We had some snow on the ground in the Morning and it
was very cold I spent the day in reading papers & Letters and
the Melinal Star In the Evening Br Judd arrived and Brought
me a letter & some papers Brother Judd and Birts spent the night
with us. It was quite cold

~ Wednesday

28. We had a hard snow storm this Morning it snowed
all day In the night I was wraped in vision for hours concerning
the Nation & Zion It was again Manifest to me the
Duty of the Apostles & Elders to go unto the Temple in St George &
other Holy places & bear testimony to God and the Heavenly Hosts
against the wickedness of this Nation my pillow was wet with the
fountain of tears that freely flowed as I beheld the judgments of
God upon the wicked

~ Thursday

29. It was clear this morning but vary cold We left camp &
drove 8 miles to a dry Gulch we then went 8 mils up the gulch &
crossed and drove 1 miles and camped under a cedar in the open
Page 37

canopy of Heaven with our beds surrounded with the Drifting snow
of the Mountains Br Whiting arrived in the evening Distance 15 M[iles]

~ Friday

Jan 30. A very cold Morning Br Judd drove the team some 10 Miles
further into the Mountains to a camp in the Gulch while Br
Whiting & myself Mounted our Horses & rode some 10 miles North
through the heards of cattle and it was so cold our beards
& faces was clothed with Ice from our breath we rode in the
saddl about 20 Miles and camped in the gulch with the Brethren 20 M[iles]

~ Saturday

31. We arose this Morning with a Heavy snow storm upon us
I felt that it was time for me to get out of the Mountains
Lest we be snowed in with an Alpine Winter so we
could not get out with our teams so we got our breakfast
had our prayers and hitched our Horses to our waggons &
with the Help of the Brethren & two more Horses we wallowed
through the Snow out of the Gulch and reached the [Leveled]
country above I mounted my Horse, and sat in the saddle
some 8 hours with the Northern Blast blowing the snow into
to my face and I reached the shepherds tent at 4 oclok ^20 M[iles]^
the Team did not arri[v]e for more than an hour after I did

~ Sunday

Feb 1. It was a clear plesant Morning we hitched up our
team & drove to Sunset. Thus I have spent 11 days in the Mo 25 M[iles]
Mountains in the Midst of the Driving snow making my bed
on the ground in the shepherds tent & in the open air surrounded
with the Drifting snows of the rigid winter, I eat my bread &
Meat twice a day with thanksgiving and Drank the cold snow water
Page 38

And enjoyed the best of Health I left Sunset with a severe
cold on my Lungs and after being 2 days in the Mountains it had
entirely Left me And although I was several Days from 8 to 10
Hours in the Saddle with the theCold North wind and the snow blowing
in my face and I would naturly have supposed that I would
have half froze to Dealth yet I did not suffer but vary little with
the cold which seemed remarkable to me considdering my age
having passed through seventy th[r]ee winters On my arival at
Sunset I found a package of 18 Letters awaiting me from
George Reynolds John Jaques, Henry A. Woodruff, M F Farnsworth
James G Bleak 2, J. D. T. McAllister, D H. Cannon, G. Q. Cannon
G Teasdale, L. John Nuttall, Warren M Johnson, Sarah & Sylvia &
and Heber L Thompson, A. M. Tenney, R Alread, & Samuel E Lewis
which I read with much Interest I attended the evening Meeting at
Sunset and had 4 Letters read from Brother Reynolds, McAllister,
Bleak and Farnsworth I also addressed the Saints and spoke
plain unto them of the signs of the times 25 M[iles]

~ Monday

Feb 2nd A cold Morning I spent the day reading and writing I wrote
[FIGURE] A Letter to A. M. Tenney

~ Tuesday

3rd [FIGURE] I wrote a Letter to Samuel E Lewis it was a cold Night

~ Wednesday

4. I spent the day in writing I wrote in my Journal the Revelation
given me while in the Mountains the Termometer stood this
Morning at Sunset Fort 6 degrees Below Zero, 0, the coldest morn
ing here this Winter I spent the evening conversing withe the

~ Thursday

Feb 5 1880 I attended the fast day Meeting & herd the people speak
Page 39


I also Addressed them a short time. I wrote a Letter to President John
and the Twelve Apostles I gave them an account of the visitation
of the Lord unto me in the shepherds tent in the Wilderness and I
sent them a copy of the revelation given me while in the vision
of the Night

~ Friday

6 [FIGURE] I wrote a Letter to George Reynolds of 18 giving him an account of my labors
In Arizona, visito to Islata to the 7 villages to pitone & Pedro the Apache Chiefe
the buying of St John visit to the Mountains & c

~ Saturday

7. I spent the day in writing I wrote 5 Letters to Sarah, Sylvia, Newton Mary & Br Thompson
[FIGURE] John W Young wife & 2 children arived to day & Br Mortenson came for loads
of flour

8. I spent the day writing reading & councilling with the Brethern

~ Sunday

8 [FIGURE] Sunday I recieved one Letter from J Jaques I attended Meeting at Sunset in the
forenoon Brother Richie prayed J W Young spoke 23 Minutes Brother Richie 8 M[inutes]
Br Mortenson 8 M[inutes] W W 30 {in the power of God} Afternoon held Meeting at Brigham City
J W Young spoke 30 M[inutes] JW Woodruff 30 M[inutes] we returned to Sunset Held Meeting in the evening Brother
Hatch spoke 20 Minutes, Br Rrookbank 25 & W W 30 M[inutes]. {shorthand}

~ Monday

9. [FIGURE] I received a Letter from Br Alread, I had a room full of company for council
And a great cry for bread, upon every hand I wrote 2 Letters to R A Alread
[FIGURE] and G Teasdale I also wrote to Geoo Q Cannon 4 pages
spoke of my
Mountain visit and vision there

~ Tuesday

10th [FIGURE] I wrote to L John Nuttall and Erastus Snow and Jesse N Smith
I had a great Deal of company through the day

~ Wednesday

11 [FIGURE] I wrote 7 Letters to day to Henry A. Woodruff, & Nellie, Emma,
Asahel, Clara, oOwen, & Blanch. Br J W Young & Brother Mortenson were
furnished by Br Lot Smith with 4500 lb of flour & Meal to day to
take to Moan Coppy there is beginning to be the cry for bread in the Land
Page 40

~ Thursday

Feb 12, 1880, [FIGURE] I spent the day in writing I wrote ^4^ Letters to Phebe Wilford
Bulah and Jaques, I copied into Phebes Letter a part of Eugenia Letter we held
we held a Meeting in the Evening a good Many spoke among them Lot Smith
J. W. Y. & W W I spoke on the United Order and the Great Responsiblity of
the Apostles & Elders {shorthand} Brother Sextus Johnson arived to day with his
sheep & Goats cashamare [cashmere], abotut 30 Broak through the Ice and were drowned
I advised him & his company to go to St Johns

~ Friday

13. [FIGURE] I wrote 3 Letters to Susan Eugenia & Phebe scholes I sent Susan $2. I spent the
evening in conversation

~ Saturday

14. [FIGURE] I wrote 1 Letter to Ilus F Carter of 12 Pages giving him an actcount of
my per travels in Arizona & New Mexico visit to the Indian, Saints & c

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I met the people at Sunset at 10.30 Warren Tenney Prayed W W spoke 45 Min
Bishop Johnson 20 Minutes Afternoon we met at Brigham City John W. Young spoke 30 M[inutes]
Bishop Johnson 28 W W 20 M[inutes]. We held a Meeting at Sunset in the Evening John W. Young
spoke one hour on the manner of Living & the word of Wisdom WW followed 20 M[iles]

~ Monday

16 [FIGURES] I wrote all day on Ezra Carter Letter J. W. Y went to St Joseph I
wrote untill 1 oclok at night Ezra Carters Letter contained 29 Pages gave a history of last
years work My visit to the Lamanites purchase of the Ferry & St Johns travels
in the Mountains My views of Government the political tirade against the
Mormons the corruption of the Government I bore my testimony to him of
the Gospel and the Law of the patriarchal order of Marriage spoke of Father Carters family

~ Tuesday

17 [FIGURES] I received 2 Letters from J. D. T Mc Allister & F M Farnsworth
I wrote 4 Letters to day to Mc Allister, Bleak, Farnsworth & James McClellan
[FIGURE] I mailed with a regestered Letter Ezra Carters of 29 Pages gave him
strong tistimony on the Gospel and his father House I also [reached] Br McAllister

~ Wednesday

18 I spent the day reading & writing Brother Ammon M Tiny arived to day
we had a council in the evening

~ Thursday

19. we received More communication from the Land commissioners
Page 41

I went to Brigham City with Brother Tenney talked with Mr
Crawford about his child who has a Tumor from the Brain Br
John W returned from Woodruff I wrote a Letter to Bulah
[FIGURE] Joseph H Richards asking the Missionaries to return to their claisms
I also wrote a Letter R A Allred I also wrote the Recomend & authority
to Ammon M Tenny to Deal out the Land & preside over the sales

~ Friday

20. I spent the day ready & writing and evening conversating with the Brethren

20. In compa[n]y with John W Young we rode West to grand Gulch and camped for
the night with the Hearders in a cave in the Mountain the cave was 25 feet
long & 10 feet wide we made our fire in the mouth of the cave we saw panther
tracks in the side of the mountain Distance 25 M[iles]

~ Saturday

21. we mounted our Horses in the morning to go out & hunt Antelope we saw several
Hurds but we did not get enear enough to kill any I shot at one 200 yards but
did not kill him we returned to camp 20 Miles

~ Sunday

22 {shorthand} we left the Gulch & drove 12 miles further up the mountain it was bear ground & snow
and the earth soft & very hard drawing we camped in the cedars 12 Miles

23. we visited a crack in the Earth 100 yards long 20 feet wide at the tops & 10 feet
wide lower down it was supposed No bottom could be found we rolled off rocks of
hundred pounds weight and they would strike shelves below break in peaces &
the sound behest in the distance But on our return afterwards with the use of a
Glass we could see the bottom but it diped from South to North on an angle
of 45 degrees it was probably 500 feet Deep

~ Monday

23. Monday we rode up Andenas Canyon 2 miles & bak it was so muddy & Hard
travelling we returned to camp Harnessed up our team & drove back to the Gulch &
camped for the night at the cane cedars 15 Mils

~ Tuesday

24. we drove to the big Gulch J W Y shot at a Deer but Did not kill him our
horses feet were tender going over the rocks unshod we took our waggon Down the
steepest Mountain I ever saw a waggon go Down we rough lashed both hind wheels
then tied 3 cedar trees to the hind axeltree and then it was all we could do to get down 15 M[iles]
Page 42

~ Wednesday

^[FIGURE]^ Feb 25 1880 We drove from the gulch to sunset I receivd a Letter from Bishop Richards 25 M[iles]

~ Thursday

26. I took a shot gun this Morning and went to the sleus [slough] and I worked hard all day I got 4
Mallards Ducks & 4 teal I undertook to ride my horse across a narrow Embankment and the
Horse Miered and fell on his broad side & flung me over his head I was so weary I had to
go to bed as soon as I got my supper 10 M[iles]

~ Friday

27. [FIGURES] I received a Letter from Bishop Roskelley {shorthand} I wrote 4 Letters to
Samuel Roskelley, Sarah to Bishop Richards & Peter J Christofferson

~ Saturday

28. Conference Met at 10 oclok prayer By Bishop Lake W W spoke a few moments
J W Young read a Letter from G Reynolds to Lot Smith Brother Richards
Reported St Joseph, Bishop Lake reported Brigham
, Bishop
Savage reported Sunset Branch, Andrew S. Gibbons reported Moankopy
J W Young spoke 35 M[inutes]. L Hatch Dismissed. Afternoon Church Authorities
Sustained Statistical Reports Read. & sabbath school L Hatch spoke 20
Bishop Richards spoke 10 M[inutes], Wm C Allen spoke 10 M[inutes], W W spoke 35

~ Sunday

Feb 29 Sunday Conference Met at 10 oclok prayer By Warren R Tenny
Lot Smith spoke 45 M[inutes], W W spoke 8 M[inutes] Bishop Lake 30 M[inutes] Br Bushman 12
Br Ladd 12 minutes. Afternoon Prayer By Andrew S Gibbons Sacrament Administered
W Woodruff spoke one hour & 20 M[inutes]. Read the 84 section of the D.C. exorted the
shepherds to feed the flock Husbands be kind to your wives, wives to your
Husbands, rest parents to children, children to parents spoke upon the
United Order much of the spirit of the Lord was manifest
[FIGURES] I received a Letter this Morning from John Taylor & L John Nuttall
Asking me to come to April Conference at Salt Lake I wrote Letters
to John Taylor J. Jaques Phebe W. W., John Hunt, Peter J Christofferson
A. M. Tenny & J D T McAllister we held a Meeting in the evening many spoke
Page 43

~ Monday

March 1, 1880 I Wilford Woodruff are 73 Years of age this day I thank
My Heavenly Father for the Preservation of my Life for this Long period and
for his Blessings over me My Last Birth day ^was spent^ in the Temple of the Lord at St George
to day I am in Sunset Fort and the People are busy getting up a celebration and
Dinner for me And I am receiving many Birth day Presents from young & old
[FIGURE] I received a Letter from Elder Erastus Snow I received a rug from
Sisters City
Sisters with the ward Union Another Rug from
Sunset Sisters one pair at Home made Lace curtins knit by hand, A Danish
Sister a silver spoon Sister Fuller a nice tidy Sister Johannah Haskell a ni[c]e
silk Hankerchief of her Father Edwards A silk Hankerchief from sister Caroline
several Book Marks from the girls Two nice cakes from [blank]
God Bless our home By Miss Emma Fuller, Red Poetry By Lizzyie Skinner
2 Birth Day Cakes By Brigham City Sisters 1 pair of Homemade Stockings from the
wool By Sister Adams sumthing like 100 guests sat down to Diner some Poetry
gather up for the occasion was read at the table and a card of we celebrate
thy birth day was presented to me. A company of Little girls sang Papa Come
Home, the young Ladies sang Do they pray for me at home I attended a party
at Brigham City in honor of my Birth day two songs were sung to
my Birth Day and Departure we left about 11 oclock & returned to Sunset
Page 44
Page 45
Page 46

~ Tuesday

March 2nd 1880 I arose with the Head ake this morning I had a vary busy day
In Packing up I Blessed 2 children Br EatonsDaughter, and Brother Hubert
Allen Burk's
son which I named Asahel Woodruff Burk. He was
Born yesterday March 1, my Birth day I administered to 2 that were
sick. It seemed like going away from home to pack up again to move

~ Wednesday

March 3rd I parted with all the people in both forts and with Brother
Lot Smith & son we Drove 40 Miles and camped on the bank of the
River South of the [forest] 40 M[iles]

~ Thursday

4. We parted with Brs Hatch & Judd & drove to Grand falls went &
visited them then passed the Black falls travelled over a
sandy road 40 Milles

~ Friday

5 we started at 6.30 drove 8 miles took breakfast then drove
15 Miles to Seth Tanners took Dinner then drove 18 miles and
on the Moan copy wash with Br Foutz 40 Mites [Miles]

~ Saturday

March 6. we drove 12 miles to Moan coppy took Breakfast with
Br Mortenson we then visited the Woollen Factory of
J W. Young we dined with Sister Christena We then Drove to
the Willow Springs & camped for the night 30 M[iles]

~ Monday

67th Sunday we drove to Castle Rock & took breakfast 15 miles we
then Drove through 6 miles of cedar & pine to Lime Stone tanks
watered drove 3 miles and camped for the night 35 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

8. [FIGURES] This is my wifes Phebes birth Day she is 73 years old to day
we drove over the Roughest part of the Road in Arizona to day
Page 47

we crossed the Hogs Back & the ferry we [first] Drove 15 Miles to Navajoe
springs & took Breakfast. We spent the night with Br Warren M
distance of the day 26 Miles

~ Wednesday

9. I looked over the ferry Accounts that had been received
some forty had penchins. We left & Drove to Bager Creek
& Soap Creek It was vary sandy & Heavy road we had good feed
at night Distance 23 M[iles]

~ Thursday

10. we started at 6 c' & drove 6 miles through Heavy sand to
Jacobs pools watered at 8.30 Thee years ago to day I was
in the Temple
at St George. To day I am travelling with
Lot Smith through 20 miles of Heavy sand in Arizona Between
Jacob pools in the East Mountains and Buckskin Mountain we
rode up the Buckskin Mountain 3 miles & camped for the night 35

~ Friday

11. We crossed the Mountain 12 miles took Breakfast and Drove to Kanab
oun our arival Brother Smiths best Hors was vary sick by feeding
clean griain without Hay or Grass we held a good Meeting 40 M[iles]

W W spoke 40 m[inutes]. & Lot Smith 20. We spent the night at Bishop Johnson

~ Saturday

12. We found the horse badly foundered this morning & we left our team
& Br ^David^ Udal furnished us a team to go to St George with we want
this Br David Udal for a Bishop at St John talk with L John Nuttal
about it. We Drove 20 M[iles]. to Winsor Castle and Dined with Br &
Sister Emmet we then Drove to the Cedar Ridge in a cold driving
snow storm we stoped in the Cedars 2 Hours made a fire & [rested]
Page 48

we then drove 10 Miles onto the open plain in the midst of a very
cold stow storms we drove till Dark and camped with the cold
wind & Snow Blowing vary Hard I suffered muc with the cold then
during any storm of the Winter we made a fire & got some
supper but we could not get warm we had to go to bed for that ^40 M[iles]^

~ Saturday

13. we arose at 2 oclok mad a fire fed Horses started to travel at 4 oclok
it was exceding cold our water thoyd & cam solid and we were all
chilled throgh we travelled 15 miles to cotton wood spring [Bated] &
got Breakfast we then Drove to St George I met with my friends and
Met with a warm reception I drove to Br McAllister I found
him sick abed with his old complaint of Bleeding at the Nose the
Artery that goes from the Heart parting up the left side of the nose to the
Brain had made a side opening and a very little exertion started the
Blood to flow & He had Bled so much it weakened him I then
visited Erastus Snow & He asked me to stop with him so we
drove to the big Home & put up for the night Distance of the day 40 M[iles]

~ Sunday

14. Sunday was introduced to Brother Eugene Shopman a
prussian A vary interesting man spoke 7 Languages had lived among
the Kings & princes of Europe and the Leading Statesmen of Armenia
Had done a good Deal of surveying on the Government Works of left earths
was one of the Leading officers of the prussians Army that Guarded the
Kings palace On one occasion He with 10 officers He spiked 300
Prussian cannon that was placed to quard the Kings pallace so they
could not fire on the people and this act worked he cut off of
there 10 officers there Heads if caught they highered an Armenian Captn
to take them to New York so He has been in this country ever
Page 49

since He is teaching the school here in St George I attened the
Meeting in the Tabernacle at 10 oclock W. W spoke 58 minutes Lot
25 M[inutes]. Afternoon sacrament Administered Milo Andrus
30 M[inutes]. W Woodruff 10, Authorities of the Church presented & sustained E Snow
then spoke One hour And the Conference Adjourned. I visited a short time
D D McArthur, Pendleton, & Gates and
spent the Evening with Brother
McAllister And returned to my room and slept

~ Monday

15 [FIGURE] I telegraphed to John Taylor & Phebe W Woodruff I visited the
temple with D H Cannon & Lot Smith I visited Br McAllister &
family I administered to him and He seemed better I visited Brother Harma
Harmon & family & Bleak & family I then returned to Brother [Camis]
[FIGURE] I wrote Letter to J W Y on business & to Phebe W W to Mary and
Allice Ann Smith I spent the evening with E. Snow, Farnsworth,
Lot Smith J& Bleak I sat up untill 1 oclok with Br Bleak
went to bed lay untill 3 oclok thinking

~ Tuesday

16. I rode to the Temple with Brother Lot Smith & there parted with
him [FIGURE] I wrote a Letter to J Jaques they Baptized to day in the
font 880 for the Dead I attended meeting to night at Brother Hardies
& had a full House and a good Meeting most of the Brethren spoke
I spoke about 30 Minutes and the spirit of the Lord was amidstwith me
all the Hardy families sent Love to Phebe

~ Wednesday

17. I spent the day in the Temple we gave 88 Endowments I sealed 22
couple at the Altar D. H. Cannon 2 total 24 sealings I received a letter
[FIGURE] from Sarah Sylvia & Mary and found they write well

~ Thursday

18. [FIGURE] I was taken with the Influenza or cold on the Lungs and & I had a
sick night But I went to the temple this morning a we gave endowments
to 68 Brother Erastus Snow sealed 50 couple of my Dead friends
Page 50

W Woodruff and Mary B Eyring officiated to gether for my Dead
D H Cannon sealed 20 single Dead women to me Sister Eyring officiateding
for my females total 70 sealings for me to day 15 of these were of the
Thompson family I was suffering with a severe cold and Head
ake all day I dined with Sister Artemecia Snow I also visited
Brother Schoppmarns school I think He has the best Art of teaching
a school of any man I ever sanw the best reading I ever heard. all
read to gether that is each class to gether all questions on Grammar
are Answered together I like his manner of Government AI felt sick all
day yet we started at 6 oclok & drove to Santa Clara 6 miles took
took supper with BrotherJames McClellan & Sister McLellen went to Meeting at 8 oclok
E Snow preached an hour W Woodruff 20 Minutes went to the House soaked
my feet went to bed with a hot ston to my feet and had some sleep
not had any sleep the night before I was quite bad with cold on my
Lungs 6 M[iles]

~ Friday

19 [FIGURE] I felt some better this morning I went to the Temple & spent the day I spoke
to the people in the upper room & gave them council I had 15 single women
and 9 for the Dead Total 24. Adoptions 16 Dead, 1 Living, 17. Endowments
121. 42 Ordinations 43 sealings, 4 children sealed to parents I was poorly all day

~ Saturday

day March 20, 1880 [FIGURE] I spent the day in the Temple and I had 1 Live man &
136 Dead Adopted to me this includes the Woodruff Thompson & Harts
family I then walked to Br McAllister I ordained William Henry
to the office of A High priest I spent the evening writing up my Journal

~ Sunday

21. Sunday we drove to Washington Dined with Brother Jones We attended Meeting
Page 51

at 2 oclok Charles Smith prayed Sacrament Administered W Woodruff spoke
50 M[inutes] E Snow 45 M[inutes] we returned home & spent the night 12 M[iles]

~ Monday

22 [FIGURE] I wrote 3 Letters to Wilford Jaques, & Sarah

~ Tuesday

23. I spent Most of the Day in the Temple. We baptized 225. I had my
G. Grand Father Josighah Medad & wife and 3 Lougees adopted to me
to day. I gave Second Anointing to 2 dead mwoomen to J. D. T. McAllister
This is the Last day I shall spend in the Temple for the present I attendinged
a Meeting in the Evening at Br Hardis several spoke I spoke 30 M[inutes]. I
returned alone I saw a Letter sent to Br Bleak from S. L. City

~ Wednesday

24. I called upon several friends I Blessed Sister Minerva Snow
I had some conversation with Augustus Hardy concerning Business
Men of New York. Br Snow took two teams Br Bleak one we
loaded up our Baggage We drove to Leeds & spent the night 18 M[iles]

~ Thursday

25. We Drove to Belview and Dined with Br Birch we then Drove to
Kanarrah through a gate of sand & storm of rain spent the night their 28. [Miles]

~ Friday

26 Ground covered with snow Drove to Summit spent the night with
Br Howlet

~ Saturday

27. We Drove to parawan I stoped with Jesse N Smith I attended the
conference I heard the report of the Different Branches and wards by the
Bishops and all the Different Quorums and schools J. G. Bleak spoke 25 M[inutes]
W Woodruff spoke 45 M[inutes]. {shorthand} I read in the evening My Last
Letter to the Twelve & the {the revelation} I sent them I spent the evening with Jesse N Smith
& family

~ Sunday

March 28 Sunday prayer By Joseph Orton E Snow spoke 1 Hour 25 M[inutes]
Afternoon John E Dalley Prayed Br McFarlin spoke 28 M[inutes].
Page 52

The Authorities of the Church were presented & sustained and the Local
Authorities W Woodruff spoke 50 M[inutes]. Jesse N Smith 15 M[inutes] we Drove
to Paragoonay held a Meeting J G. Bleak & W Woodruff spoke to the people

~ Monday

29. We Drove to Bever stoped with Bishop Murdock we held a Meeting
E Snow spoke 1 H 25 M[inutes]. on the Church History W W spoke 20 M[intues].

~ Tuesday

30 We travelled over a Rough road through Wild Cat Canyon to cove
creek fort
and stoped with Arza Hinkley 36 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

31. We Drove to Corn Creek Dined & Drove to Filmore and held
to a Meeting Nephi Pratt prayed W W spoke 1 H & 10 M[inutes] {shorthand}

~ Thursday

April 1. We drove to Holden called upon Mother Stringham took Dinner
with Br Wm H Ashley we then rode to Sipio got there at 8 oclok the
Dark and mude [mud] I spent the night with Brother Daniel Thompson 25 M[iles]

~ Friday

2nd I left sipeo at 6 oclok on the Mail Buck board to Juab
Station I took Dinner with Br John E Wilbeck then
[FIGURE] cars rode to Salt Lake and in a snow storm and found my
family all well and was truly glad to meet with them once
More & found them in the enjoyment of Good health after being absent
15 Months Distance from Sipeo to Salt Lake 130 M[iles]

~ Saturday

[FIGURE] April 3. I paid cash tithing to Bishop Hunter & got received [receipt] for
the same Sunset $3.00, Brigham City $2.00 St Joseph ^$^3.90
Snow Flake $5.00, Total $13.90. I met in council with the
Twelve & attended the priesthood Meeting.

~ Sunday

4th April 1880 Sunday we Met in the New Assembly rooms for a two
days Meeting Moses Thatcher prayed President John Taylor spoke 6 Minutes
W Woodruff spoke 50 Minutes Moses Thatcher spoke 45 Minutes
Afternoon House crouded many had to go away D H Wells prayed O Pratt spoke 50 M[inutes]
Page 53

C C Rich spoke 20 M[inutes] O Pratt said He was Baptize 19 Sept 1830,
John Taylor spoke 6 M[inutes] we Met in prayer Circle W W {shorthand} discussed & accepted

~ Monday

5. April The 12 Met in council at 9 oclk and in the Assembly room at 10 ok [oclock]
C C Rich prayed B Young spoke 22 Minutes Joseph F Smith 45 M[inutes] D H Wells
spoke 30 M[inutes]. Afternoon prayer By Joseph Taylor President Joseph Young
spoke 50 Minutes He will be 83 years of age on the 7, April 1880
A. O. Smoot spoke 26 Minutes, John Vancott 24
[FIGURE] I wrote a Letter to Bishop Daniel Thompson

~ Tuesday

[FIGURE] April 6, 1880 The year of Jubilee of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints Met at the big Tabernacle at 10 oclok
O Pratt opened by prayer John Taylor spoke to the people concerning
what He required of them F D Richards spoke 31 M[inutes]. statistics
were then read. Afternoon prayer by A Carrington Territorial
report of the Trustee in Trust E Snow spoke One H & 6 M[inutes].

~ Wednesday

April 7. Met at 10 oclok prayer By D H Wells ^Joseph F Smith^ ^D H Wells^ Levi Hancock spoke
38 M[inutes] J Taylor 6 M[inutes] (Levi Hancock was Baptized Oct 1830) As it
was a Jubilee $800000 of the perpetual Emigrating fund, was rested
for given to the poor. Also ^$^ 75899.01 of Back Tithing was forgiven
the poor. 1000 cows was to be given to the Widows and the poor
& the Church give 300 of them 5000 sheep was to be given to
the poor, 2000 to be furnished by the Church. The female relief
Society was to Loan 34000 bushels of their wheat to the poor
to sow. Bishops to be responsible for the Return of the same
L W Hardy spoke upon tithing 17 Minutes L J Nuttall read Missionary List
A Carrington spoke 50 M[inutes]. J Taylor 30 M[inutes] Authorities of the Church presented and sustained
Page 54

~ Thursday

April 8 1880

Conference Met at 10 oclok prayer by O Pratt L Snow spoke 18 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 20 {in the power of God} O Pratt 17 M[inutes], {shorthand} C C Rich 11, E Snow 15 F D Richards 17 M[inutes]
B Young 6 M[inutes] Joseph F Smith 10 M[inutes] A Carrington 6, M Thatcher 6, D H Wells 17,
J Taylor 30 M[inutes]. We then adjourned untill the 6 Oct next

In the afternoon I met with the board of trade in the Council House
and listened to the Discussion of the Members. I met in the Evening
with the priesthood Meeting speaches Made by Brothers G Teasdale 20 M[inutes]
E Snow one Hour. J Taylor 30 M[inutes]

~ Friday

April 9. I went to the field in the Morning divided the farm then
went to the Council House and Assisted to set apart & Bless 63
Missionaries to the U. S., Great Britian, Europe, & the Islands
I set apart 8 persons. Their was Represented at the Conference Saints in
Utah 111820 souls 34,327 children under 8 years of age 50 [miles]

~ Saturday

April 10. I Met in the City Hall the council of the priesthood and organized &
spent the day Addresses made & council Given

~ Sunday

11 Sunday took cars to Ogden with the Brethren, Met with the
Stake organization of the Young Mens Mutual Improvement Association
prayer by L Farr reports of the various Wards read W Woodruff
spoke 30 Minutes Afternoon John Henry Smith prayed After which the
officers of the Institution was presented and sustained Joseph A West
superintendent, Lester A Herrick & Charles C Richards counsellors
Zechariah Ballantine corresponding secretary Edward H Anderson Rec[ording] secretary
Page 55

John L Wilson Treasurer Moses Thatcher spoke 43 minutes J F Smith 50
Junius Wells 15, Joseph A West 12. I held a Meeting in the ^Evening^ 2nd ward
and spoke one hour on my Lamanite Mission

~ Monday

^[FIGURE]^ 12 I returned to Salt Lake Attended Council in the Afternoon and went to
the field at night I wrote 2 letters to Lot Smith & J W Young

~ Tuesday

13 I returned to the City we had a driving snow storm and the rail road
Depo telegraph station & the Decker Tower at Sandy all burned I wrote
[FIGURE} Letters to Wm Freeman J. D. T. McAllister Farnsworth & Joseph H
. I visited Judge Elias Smith who was vary sick I administered
to him and He was soon better & had a good nights rest

~ Wednesday

14. We met in Council at the Endowment House and A vote was taken
to give 300 bushels of wheat to St George Tithing Office It was also voted
not to count the Donation of the Temple with what the Laborours
received from the Tithing Office that should be extra we discussed
the St George & Manti Temple affairs.

~ Thursday

15 We met in council at 2 oclok & Discussed Church business Temples
& c I spent the night at the field 6 M[iles]

~ Friday

16. I spent the day at the Historian Office I Paid $40 to day cash
Tithing I corrected my sermons.

~ Saturday

17 I arose this Morning with near a foot of snow on the Ground
we have had the Hardest winter more snow & cold than usual
and the spring Backward strong & cold Mountains full of snow
Page 56

April 17, 1880 I took cars rode to Nephi to attend a 2 days Meeting 95 M[iles]
I Met in the Conference at 2 oclok in the Meeting House prayer By Jacob Bigler
W Woodruff spoke One hour and 20 Minutes on his visit to the
Indians I Attended a Musical Consert in the Evening

~ Sunday

April 18. Sunday We Met at 10 oclok prayer by John M Horn
W Woodruff spoke one hour & 10 M[inutes]. on the Gospel & Kingdom of God
Afternoon sacrament Administered George Teasdale spoke upon
the Jurisdiction of the Bishopprick as to cutting off people I also
spoke 20 munites upon the subject I attended the stake conference
of the young Mens Mutual Impovement Association in the Evening
& spoke to them 50 M[inutes]. I spent the time with Brother Teasdale

~ Monday

19 I took cars returned to Salt Lake I had conversation 95 M[iles].
with a Mr Turner upon various subjects I spent the Evening with
Sister Foss family & Brother Bleak I administered to 2 sick

~ Tuesday

April 20 [FIGURES] I received 2 letters from John W Young and
John Leadhead I paid to John Jack $50 in cash for a Brother
at Nephi to Emigrate a woman from England the money was
from John Vichers I wrote Letters to Lorenzo H Hatch & John W Young
[FIGURE] I met in council in the Afternoon {shorthand} was spoken off
Br & Sister Snow spent a part of the Evening with me {shorthand}

~ Wednesday

21. Still cold weather I wrote Letters to Ammon M Tenney & Peter J
[FIGURE] Christofferson in one I wrote to Lot Smith to Mary Smith Mother
Johnson to George Lake I sent all in Lot Smith Letter I also
sent him the order for 30 Bushels of wheat for Br Watkins of St John
I met in council in the Afternoon [FIGURE] at the City Hall a variety of
subjects wer Discussed

~ Thursday

22 [FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters to Warren M Johnson & John Hunt
Page 57

I spent the forenoon with the Auditing Committee & Afternoon in council A
certain Revelation was Discussed and it was received as the word of
the Lord many good remarks was made by the Apostles
we had a hard snow storm and the roads full of slush I spent
the Evening at home

~ Friday

23rd I spent the forenoon with Auditing committee & Afternoon in the

~ Saturday

24th In company with M Thatcher I rode on the cars to Brigham City
dined with Br Snow Attended Meeting in the Afternoon M Thatcher
spoke 45 M[inutes] W Woodruff 60 Minutes I took supper with my Daughter
Phebe I took cars at 8 oclok arived at Smithfield at 12 ock Distance 100 M[iles]

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I visited Mrs Roskelley she was quite sick I administered
to her I attended the Sabbath School and spoke to them 30 [minutes]
I Met the people at 1 oclok Edward Stafford spoke 45 M[inutes]. W Woodruff
one hour I took supper at Br Roskelley & Met with the people
in the Evening and gave them a history of my travels among the Lamanites
& spoke 2 Hours

~ Monday

26 I took cars to Ogden 460 miles & to S L C 40 miles 100 M[iles]
We met in council at 2 oclk & Discussed the printing office Question
& paper Mill

~ Tuesday

27. I spent the forenoon with the Auditing Committee and in
the Afternoon In company with C. C. Rich & A M Cannon &
E Snow & family I went to the penetentiary to visit Brother
Reynolds and had a plesant interview with him and a report
went out that I was taken there by force which alarmed my
family untill it was construed I spent
the night at the farm

~ Wednesday

28 I returned to the City & spent the forenoon with the Auditing committee
the Afternoon in council upon the power of the Bishopprick & c
Page 58

I attended a surprise party of Bishop Taylor
in the 14 ward I spoke to the people the pward presented to Bishop Thomas
Taylor a silver fruit Dish that cost $40 speeches were made
by John Taylor & others

~ Thursday

29 [FIGURE] I wrote a Letter to G. Q. Cannon I wrote 2 pages concerning my visitation
in the wilderness {shorthand} E Snow & myself set apart 2 missionaries I Blessed one &
He the other we set apart the sister we met in council in the Afternoon
and discussed the Authority of the Bishopprick

~ Friday

30. [FIGURES] I met in council at 10 {shorthand} we had a visit of the Double
Affrican Girl, with 2 Heads, 4 arms & 4 Legs & one Body I received a Letter
from J D T MCAllister In the Afternoon to cars rode to Logan 100 M[iles]
I spent the night with Bishop preston

~ Saturday

May 1. Saturday the Quarterly conference Met in the Logan Tabernacle
at 10 oclok the House will seat 3000 people M W Merrill opened with prayer
W Woodruff spoke 15 M[inutes]. H S Eldridge 20 M[inutes] C C Rich 35 Afternoon
Prayer By Linas Farrell F D Richards spok 50 M[inutes]. M Thatcher 35 M[inutes]
report of the Donations and Expenditures on the Temple read total
Expenditures up to date $219,495.93 Dr Ormsby represented the Sabbath
4400 Teachers & schollars We attended the consert in the
Evening which was interesting

~ Sunday

May 2nd Sunday Met at 10 oclok prayer By L W Hardy Authorities of
the Church presented and sustained E Snow spoke 1 H & 30 M[inutes].
read the 20 section of the D & C New Edition Afternoon W Woodruff
5spoke 1 H & 35 M[inutes]. on his Mission to Arizona & New Mexico
I met in the Evening with the Sabbath School & Mutual
Improvement Association
M Thatcher & W Woodruff Addressed the
assembly we had a full House
Page 59

~ Monday

May 3rd We took cars & rode to S. L City 100 Miles
[FIGURE] I received 2 Letters Sarah & Temple work at St George

[FIGURE]The council voted to day that the Twelve should receive $2000 a year
instead of $1500 as that Did not support their Large families and the
$2000 commence at Jan 1, 1880 and many of the Bank accounts to be forgiven

~ Tuesday

4. Spent the day in Auditing commitee & council we set apart 2 Missionaries
[FIGURE] I wrote a Letter to McAllister I Heard a letter read from Mc
G. Q. Cannon I was Appointed chairman of committee to decide
upon putting up tower & [covering] roof of St George Temple

~ Wednesday

5. Met in council & prayer circle with the Twelve Held council upon
Many subjects

~ Thursday

6 [FIGURES] I wrote 5 Letters to Lot Smith J. W. Young George Lake
6 J. B. Lobert, O. Jacobson. I spent the Night at Sarah D at farm

~ Friday

7. Ice was 1/2 inch thick in the field the Morning with trees in Bloom
[FIGURE] I wrote Letters to J. D. T. McAllister, Bleak, Farnsworth

~ Saturday

8. [FIGURES] I received a Letter from A M Tenney & wrote 2 letters to
A. M. Tenney & R. A. Allred sent in one envellop see copy

~ Sunday

9 Sunday I came up from the field Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle at 2 oclok
Br Nesbit spoke 64 Minutes I attended the prayer circle ^I spoke in the Farmers ward in^ the evening 1 Hour & 30 Minutes

~ Monday

10. [FIGURE] I received a letter from McAllister and wrote 1 Letter to him I
called upon Heber John Richards about a fleshy tumor growing in my back
and Dr Ormsby advised me to put on Iodine & thought it would [clot]
it I did so a week and it [sat] into my Back untill the Tumor enlarged
and became much inflamd Dr. Richards said it was the worst thing I could
have Done for it made me very sore & uncomfitable
Page 60

~ Tuesday

May 11 [FIGURE] I received 3 Letters from JGeorge Lake J McAllister & Phebe I wrote
2 Letters to Phebe & McAllister I also received a letter from Susan I was quite
unwell this forenoon I spent the Afternoon in the office

~ Wednesday

12. [FIGURE] I wrote 3 Letters to George Lake, sent him an order for his
stock paid on the ferry a Letter to Lot Smith sent him an order
for the stock paid on the ferry & 2 order to Joseph F Richards
for the stock paid on the Ferry & wheat & corn paid to J W Young
of $119 [FIGURES] I aslso received a Letter from Sylvia saying that Br
S Roskelley wife was dead & wanted me to come to the funeral
I wrote Sarah saying that I had to start in the Morning for
Sanpete Conference

~ Thursday

13. I took cars rode to Nephi with B Young, wife, Br Folsome & Amelia 90 M[iles]
I stoped with Br G. Teasdale we Met in the Evening at 7:30 E Hardy prayed
B Young spoke 40 Minutes, Br Folesome 10 M[inutes]. W Woodruff 150 Minutes

~ Friday

14. We rode to Ephraim and spent the night 33 M[iles]

~ Saturday

15. we Met for a Quarterly Conference at 10 oclock I ^W W^ spoke 4 M[inutes]. Brother Mabyan
represented the Temple There had Been recieved for the Temple from all sourses
up to April 1, 1880 $179,766.38 B Young spoke 43 M[inutes]. E Snow 50 M[inutes]
Afternoon Cyrus Wheelock prayed The statistical report of the stake
was read 10512 souls G Teasdale spoke 20 M[inutes]. W W spoke 50 M[inutes].
A vote was taken that we would not sustain No store of any kind
as a Church institution who would not pay their tithing

~ Sunday

16 I attended the Sabbath school in the Morning & spoke to the schollars 15 M[inutes]
B Young followed 10. Met at 10 oclok prayer By G Teasdale W W spoke 42 M[inutes]
E Snow 55 M[inutes] At noon we talked with the spring City people about the store
Page 61

we partook of the sacrament B Young spoke 45 M[inutes]. we then presented the
Authorities E Snow spoke 5260 M[inutes]. We Met in the Evening the young
& young Ladies Mutual we had a full House we ordained Brother
John Franklin Alread to the office of High Priest He being president of
the young Men Mutual of that stake W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes]. G Teasdale
30 M[inutes] we then Dismissed. On the face of the outsid wall of the [Flist] of the
Temple of Manti, was 751 feet around the buddy [body]

~ Monday

17. We Drove to Manti took Dinner with Br Mabyan we visited the
Stone quiry & the Temple went through the Grounds we Met at 2 oclok
B. Young spoke 30, E Snow spoke 40 M[inutes]. W W 10 M[inutes]. we met in the
evening W W spok 20


18. I had an interview with Albert Smith Aged 76. I met with the
Brethren in the Morning in council. We drove to Moroni & held
a Meeting G Teasdatle spoke 30 M[inutes]. W Woodruff 40.

~ Wednesday

19. [FIGURE] we drove to Nephi while going Down the canyon our king
Bolt Broke droped the forepart of the Box to the Ground piled us on the
foreboard but done very little Harm except Hundred [hindered] 30 Minutes at Nephi
I took a special car with John Sharp to S L City Distance of the day 110 M[iles].

~ Thursday

20. [FIGURE] I received 6 Letters from Libert, Farnsworth G Q. Canon J W Y
J McAllister & J G Bleak I paid to John Taylor for Wm Milo $80.65
And $50 for Another Brother I conversed with Brother Taylor on Many things
Page 62

~ Friday

May 21, 1880 [FIGURES] I wrote Letters E Snow J. D. T. McAllister J G Bleak
M F Farnsworth J W. Young and gave an Account of affairs in General

~ Saturday

May 22 [FIGURE] I received one letter from G Teasdate and I spent the Day in
writing my Last Will and Testament Came from the farm in the Morning

~ Sunday

May 23. I took cars with Mrs Woodruff & Sister Horn & J F Smith rode to
Farmington took Breakfast with Ezra Clark Met in the Meeting
at 10 oclok with the Young Men & Young Ladies Mutual Association
Wm Barton Prayed Young Men & Young Ladies Minutes read and verbal
reports of both societies given J F Smith then spoke 30 M[inutes].

Afternoon prayer by Thomas J Steed. sacrament Administered and the
officers of the Societies presented & sustained Mrs Horn spok 12 Minutes
Mrs P W Woodruff spoke 12 M[inutes] W Woodruff spoke one hour
we took cars & returned home 18 Miles

~ Monday

May 24 I had an interview this Morning with Br Charles Chrisman
concerning Salt River Country, I then went to the office & received
[FIGURE] Letters from A. M. Tenney Lot Smith ^&^ J H Watkins.
[FIGURE] I wrote 2 Letters to Lot Smith J. H. Watkins I had an
interview with Judge Snow in the evening

~ Tuesday

25 [FIGURE] I wrote Letters to John W Irons of Moroni & ^A^ M Tenney upon
Election rail road contracts and several subjects I was in council
with President Taylor and others It is still vary cold weather
I attended Meeting with L W Hardy in the 9 ward on Rail Road & spent
the night at at the Grass Lot 6 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

26 I consulted with A Miner concerning entering St John He says
Enter by quarter sextions [sections] I received a Letter from L Hatch
[FIGURES] and wrote 1 Letter to O Jacobson to let the [stock] run till fall
Page 63

~ Thursday

May 27, 1880 [FIGURES] I finished my Last Will & Testament & got it
signed to day I also wrote 7 Letters to J. D. T. McAllister J G Bleak
M. F Farnsworth. Wm Fulsome asked for the plan for the tower
of St George Temple I also wrote to A M Tenney to enter St John by
Quarter Sexion [section], I wrote to J W Young sent orders to those who paid
him Tithing spoke of [walkers alturn]. I wrote G Q Cannon

~ Friday

28. In company with Mrs. W & G Teasdale I took cars rode to
provo I met with the Female relief society of provo at 2 oclok
Margarett T Smoot presiding prayer By G Teasdale W Woodruff spoke
one hour G Teasdale 15 M[inutes]. There was a silk Meeting in the evening I
did not attend We spent the night at Sister Smoots 50 Miles

~ Saturday

29th I met in the Meeting house with the people for a 2 days Meeting
at 10 oclock prayer by E. F. Sheets stake statiscics were then
read officers & Members of the stake 10431. Children under a 8 years
old 4542. Total souls 14973. Families 272 G Teasdale
spoke One Hour, E F Sheets 15 M[inutes]. Afternoon prayer By B Mason
L J Nuttall spoke 65 M. one H 15 Minutes W Woodruff 10 M[inutes].
I met in the Evening with the young Men & young women at the
Acadamy I ordained Milton Hardy to the office of High priest
as He was called to preside ofver the young Mens Mutual
Improvement Association
of the provo Stake of Zion
I spoke to the Assembly one hour and talked vary plain
to the young people

~ Sunday

May 30. Sunday We Met at 10 oclok L E Harrington prayed
W Woodruff spoke one hour & 30 Minutes Gave a History of his
Mission with the Saints & Lamanites in Arizona & New Mexico
Page 64

Afternoon prayer By B Coombs L J Nuttall
spoke one Hour & 20 M[inutes]. Br Johns spoke 15 M[inutes] L A Harrington 10 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 10 M[inutes] We then took cars rode to S L City 50 M[iles]

~ Monday

May 31. I spent a part of the day with Br J Taylor in reading Letter and in
[FIGURES] Council I received Letters from Brs McAllister Bleak Tenney
& Christofferson I wrote to A M Tenney & Christoffer & went to the
farm and spent the night 6 Miles

~ Tuesday

June 1, 1880 The census year I received one Letter from M F Farnsworth
[FIGURE] I wrote Letter to J McAllister and spent the day with
the Auditing committee in Looking over Dr Bernhisels Accounts

~ Wednesday

2nd [FIGURES] I received a card from O Jacobson I wrote 2 letters
to O Jacobson & Lorenzo H Hatch Met in prayer circle & council

~ Thursday

June 3 [FIGURES] I wrote ^4^ Letters to J G Bleak Pitkins, Lot Smith & J Reachards

~ Friday

4,th I went to the field and spent the day there it was very cold
in the afternoon rained & Hailed

~ Saturday

5. [FIGURE] I received Letters from J McAllister Bleak Williams on
Land at Smithfield & Roskelley and Got the temple work
at St George for May 1880 I wrote one Letter to McAllister I re[ceive]d one
[FIGURE] Letter from L W Snow

~ Sunday

6 Sunday I spent the forenoon in the office with L John Nuttall
In the afternoon I attended meeting in the Tabernacle Wm Taylor Prayed
W Woodruff spoke 46 Minutes read the Last paragraph of the 12 chapter of Ekzekiel
then refered to the 9, 14, & 33 chapter of Ezekiel of the fulfillment of prophesy the
wicked Destroyed Noah Daniel & Job ownly saved by their righteousness
the Apostles & Elders wahtchmen on the walls of Zion as Ezekiel was
Page 65

~ Sunday

June 6, 1880

I met with the 14 ward in the evening & spoke to the people about an hour.

~ Monday

7. [FIGURES] I received 2 letters from Wm H Folsome & Joseph F Richards I wrote
3 Letters to Samuel Roskelley, James G Bleak, & W C Williams
also to O Jacobson

~ Tuesday

8. [FIGURE] I received a Letter Letter from Ezra Carter I spent the day in the yards
watering the Lot I went to the field at night 6 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

9. I spent the Afternoon in Council & prayer circle

~ Thursday

10. [FIGURES] I recieved 3 Letters from R A Alread A M Tenny & J W Young
I went to the farmers ward and preached the funeral sermon of
Sister Mary Kimball Daughter of Br Smithies & wife of Heber C Kimball

~ Friday

11. I went up City Creek with my children fishing but the water
was to high I ownly caught 2 trout. I went to the field in the evening

~ Saturday

12. I came from the field in the morning I administered to a sick
Grand Son James. I spent most of the Day in the office 6 M[iles]

~ Sunday

13. Sunday [FIGURE] I wrote 3 Letters in the forenoon to Lot Smith and
Jesse N Smith upon the Election of Apache Co Adressed them
all to unite upon the Elections I wrote to A. M. Tenney to committ
with the presidts of Stakes upon the Election & c I attended Meeting in
the Afternoon prayer by A H Raleigh C C Rich spoke 32 Minutes
& O Pratt 40 Minutes and spoke in the power of God upon the Celestial
of God. we met in the prayer Circle after Meeting I attented
Meeting in the 15 ward in the evening Br Morris prayed Br Morgan
spoke 35 Minutes concerning his southern Mission and the Monopoly of
the rich and Distress of the poor the rich were Monopolizing the rail
roads, cotten & coal trade W Woodruff spoke 1 Hour & 10 Minutes upon
his first Mission & Fox Island, and the state of the world and the Judgments of God
Page 66

~ Monday

June 14, 1880 What strange things a Man will dream while asleep I dreamed this
Morning at about 3 oclok of seeing Queen Victoria I thought she had received the
[FIGURE] Gospel & Been Baptized, she appeared vary humble, none of which is likely to
happen in this world. I also thought of Prince Albert is Richard or Robert conne-
cted with his name ({I dreamed that Queen Victoria was sealed to me and she bid me an [holy] thanks.
This is not likely to happen.}) [FIGURE] I wrote Letters to J. W. Young & R. A. Alred

~ Tuesday

15. [FIGURE] I wrote Letters to A. L. Woodruff, Chicago & Wm Draper
I spent the Afternoon in watering Garden

~ Wednesday

16 [FIGURE] I received one Letter spent the forenoon on Dr Bernhisels Account
I went to the field in the evening Delight was quite sick

~ Thursday

^17^ [FIGURES] I returned from the field wrote 2 letters to Sarah & David
[FIGURE] I received 3 Letters from Lot Smith & S. H. B. Smith I wrote
to James G Bleak

~ Friday

18 [FIGURES] I rec[eive]d a letter from Br East and card from Br Graham
I commenced writing my English Mission going to Far west &c I spent
the forenoon with Br Bernhisel

~ Saturday

19 [FIGURES] I received a Letter from McAllister I wrote a Letter
to Lot Smith Allice A Smith & Mary Smith I received a letter
from A O Smoot at Honoloolu I went to the field & spent the night 6 M[iles]

~ Sunday

20. Sunday I attended Meeting at the Farmers ward and spokee
67 Minutes followed By My Brother Azmon Woodruff 30 M[inutes].
I also Met in the evening with the young people Mutual they
were addressed by the visited Friends Br Lambert Joseph H Felt
Mrs. J. H. Felt & another Sister, & W Woodruff
Page 67

~ Monday

June 21, 1880 [FIGURE]

The longest day in the year I received a card from Leslie W Snow
I wrote Letters to Margarett. T. Smoot Sarah & card to Phebe A Snow

~ Tuesday

June 22nd 1880 I [FIGURE] rec[eive]d aLetter from E Snow, G GJ. Bleak, I spent
the forenoon In trim[in]g my orchard I have cut down my
favorite treess to day of peach, plum, & pear that Died last
year for the want of water. I wrote an order on Br O
to Br Sheets for all the Ham stock that I have
at Randolph

~ Wednesday

23 [FIGURE] I received a letter from Br pitkins of Sunset I wrote
[FIGURES] 2 Letters to J McAllister & J. G. Bleak I went to Ogden with a car
load of Freinds to meet Br G. Q. Cannon He arived at the same
munite [minutes] on the U. P. Train that we did on the Utah Central
we spent a few moments in ogden we then returned to Salt Lake
we returned in one hour & 5 minutes 40 miles the time I ever
Made on a Utah rail road. We met Br Cannon looking well
and harty 80 M[iles]

~ Thursday

24 [FIGURES] I received a letter from Margarett T Smoot I wrote
[FIGURE] 2 Letters to E. W. East and Wm C. Stans I spent most of the
day in writing some of my Early History

~ Friday

25 I spent the day in writing some of my History for the Juvinile
on to publish for a reader

~ Saturday

26. [FIGURE] I received a letter from Wm H Folsome concerning the building
of the Temple they are doing well
Page 68

~ Sunday

June 27 1880

[FIGURE] Sunday this is the Anniversary of the Martidom of the Prophets Joseph and
Hiram Smith who wer Murdered in Carthage Joal on the 27 day of June 1844
36 years ago I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle Benjamin F Cummings
prayed, and spoke to the people concerning his Mission obtaining the Geneology
of the Saints and his labor in Washington ^18 M[inutes]^ He was followed By G Q Cannon
who spoke 40 M[inutes]. concerning his Mission in Congress and the signs of the times
I attended Meeting in the Evening at the 16 ward & spoke to the people one
hour followed By Joseph F Smith 15 M[inutes].

~ Monday

28 [FIGURE] I received 2 letters from Mr Woodruff of Chicago & Susan C Scholes
[FIGURES] I wrote a Letter ^to^ Susan C. Scholes and sent her $10 to pay
her fare from Onawa to Omaha and asked her to write as soon
as she recieved it

~ Tuesday

29. I spent the forenoon in president Taylor [President's Office, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Territory|office]] and the Afternoon writing

~ Wednesday

30 [FIGURE] I received 6 Letters from McAllister, Farnsworth, Leslie Snow, A M Tenny,
Sylvia Susan & Eugena Scholes I met in council & circle in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

July 1. [FIGURE] I spent the Morning in Looking up the pioneers Flags and
other Matters conected with the celebration of the 24 I wrote Letter
to Thomas Bullock and Sylvia Thompson went to the farm 6 M[iles]

~ Friday

2 [FIGURES] Returned from the farm received a Letter from David, wrote Letters
to T. J. Lutz as personal Description, and to David P. W.

3. I spent the Day in the office writing

~ Saturday

4. July Sunday 3. I Met in a quarterly Conference at 10 oclok in the
Assembly room Joseph E Taylor opened by prayer Minuts and
statistics read 9 Men recommended to be ordaind Elders
Page 69

The Authorities of the Church were presented & sustained Home Missionaries
called, Joseph E Taylor spoke 16 M[inutes]. president John Taylor 15 W Woodruff 30 M[inutes]
Elias Smith 15 M[inutes]. I Met in the evening with the combined companies of
Mutual Improvement, Female Relief Society & primary, in the Assembly room
And the reports of those societies Herd & speeches Made

~ Sunday

July 4. Sunday I met at the big Tabernacle at 10 oclok H S Eldridge
spoke 10 M[inutes] president Joseph Young spoke 35 M[inutes]. spoke lowd clear and
plain in the spirit of the Lord. He was Born in 1797 Being 83 years
of age Mellin Atwood spoke 35 M[inutes]. George Romney 10 M[inutes]. Afternoon
prayer By Bishop Crane. Joseph F Smith spoke 67 M[inutes] and G Q Cannon 30.

~ Monday

July 5 1880 This day was celebrated in salt Lake for the 4 on the
4 was sunday, there was a procession formed by a company of U. S.
Troops from Camp Douglass with other Displays among other things
a representation of the Valley House on which the Govornor made
a speech at the working square. Fire works on Arsonal Hill in
the night but after 10 oclok before they got to work

~ Tuesday

July 6. [FIGURE] I received 3 Letters 2 from J G Bleak & McAllister I wrote
2 Letters to McAllister and Sarah and sent her $10. I spent the night at the farm 6 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

7 [FIGURE] I received a letter from Wm Draper & Card from Susan I wrote
Letters to Bishop Wm D Johnson Jr of Kanab about the Box sent to my
to O Jacobson about stock I met in council and presented a letter
from J G Bleak about the petition of St George Temple Between the N. S. room
& Garden the council left it for me to direct I wrote to J G Bleak & McAllister
to make the petition studing & lath & plaster from floor to celing we met into
the Big Tabernacle to make make arangment for the 24 of July
Page 70

~ Thursday

July 8, 1880 [FIGURES] Some 600 old people from Salt Lake City most of which were
from 70 to 97 years of age all of whom took cars on the Utah Western and
rode to Black rock on the Salt Lake for an excursion Bishop Edward
87, John Taylor 72, and W Woodruff 73 was among the number,
many went in Bathing we had songs & speeches and feasting and all
seemed to enjoy themselves vary well Most of us returned in the 2 {o'clock}
train [FIGURE] I received a letter from Sarah.

~ Friday

9. [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Thomas Bullock about the pioneer Flags
^[FIGURE]^ I also wrote to Daniel Tyler of Beaver I spent the day writing History

~ Saturday

10. I spent the day writing my History on Mission to England I spent the night at the farm

~ Sunday

11. Sunday I returned to the City Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle
prayer By Abram Kimball George Teasdale spoke upon the first
principles of the Gospel one hour followed By W Woodruff 30 Minutes
I attended Meeting in the Evening in the 17 ward Br Davis spoke 30 M[inutes]
W Woodruff followed 40 Minutes

~ Monday

12. [FIGURES] I received 5 Letters from Thomas S. Kimball, Elsworth
Richardson Susan & W. D. Williams on Land Matters. I wrote
Letters to Thomas. S. Kimball, Susan C Scholes sent her an order for
a R.R. Ticket from Omaha to Ogden, wrote to John Merrill on
going to Arizona
Page 71

~ Tuesday

July 13 1880

[FIGURES] I received 3 Letters from A. M. Tenney T. Bullock & on pioners
^[FIGURE]^ I spent 4 Hours in council at the Council House with J Taylor
J. F. Smith A Carrington & myself in Hearing a caste of seduction
and adultery. On Man committed Adultery with 2 Married
women and the Husband of one of the women shot him dead
and was tried by a Jury and cleared and a Brother of the
two Husbands of the Two women also committed Adultery
with the two women and both of the men who were innocent
got a Bill of Divorce from both of the woman It was a vary
grievious affair they all confessed their sins and they forgave
each other and were to be baptized I wrote one Letter to D. W.
, on Deeding 7 acres of Land and hope it will satisty

~ Wednesday

14. I spent the forenoon writing & Afternoon in council. I received
[FIGURE] Letters from O Jacobson & Thomas Bullock I spent the
evening in committee

~ Thursday

15 I spent the forenoon in Council on Electional Matters
[FIGURES] I received a letter from William Frotheringham &
wrote him one in return I wrote in the Afternoon & attended Theater in the evening

~ Friday

16. I spent the day in the office writing up the History of the pioneers

~ Saturday

17. [FIGURE] I received Letters from Daniel Tyler J. G. Bleak M Coldwell
and O. B. Huntington

~ Sunday

178 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle in the Afternoon
I spoke in the evening to the 4 ward Harrisson sperry Bishop
Erastus Snow arived in the evening from the South
Page 72

~ Monday

July 19, 1880

I spent the day in writing the names that are living of Zions Camp and
of the Pioneers. Zions Camp first published in the 14 vol of Deseret News
Pioneers in Salt Lake Daily Herald of July 4, 1880. Had an Interview
with Erastus Snow I attended the committee Meeting is in the evening

~ Tuesday

20. [FIGURE] I received two Letters from J. D. T. McAllister and John Brown
I spent the day in writing and preparing for the 24.

~ Wednesday

21. I attended the council in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

22nd I spent the day in writing and preparing for the 24. Attended a council

~ Friday

243 I was vary Busy in preparing for the 24 I have attended a committee
Meeting for every night for a week

~ Saturday

July 24 1880 [FIGURES] The greatest Celebration of the Entrance
of the pioneers into this valley that ever took place in Utah was
perfo[rme]d in this City to day A procession of 2 miles long got up at
great Expens passed through our streets But I canot give an
Account of it in my Journal But for the History of the same see the
Deserett News of July 26 & Herrald of July 27. It was a great Meeting

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I attended Meeting at the Tabing at the Tabernacle Erastus
spoke 1 H & 10 M[inutes]. on the History of the pioneers we had prayer
& I attended Meeting in the evening at the 14 ward G. Q. Cannon
preached an hour upon the practical Duties of Life the good
and the Evil in our midst
Page 73

~ Monday

July 276 1880

[FIGURES] I saw a painful scene to day Sheriff Turner of Provo
Brought in the Murderer of his son Had been to Chain [Cheyenne] for
the Murderer & had to guard both him & the body of his son
for days without sleep the prisioner was Delivered over to the
Jail in Salt Lake City. Brother Turner wished me to go
down and & preach the funeral sermon of his son at

~ Tuesday

27. [FIGURES] I received a Letter from Sarah with $5 to Bell
I sent papers to Ezra & Ilus Carter, to LJ. W. Young, & A. M. Tenney
I wrote Letter to Bell Moses, card to Leslie W Snow

~ Wednesday

28 I took cars rode to provo and preached the funeral
sermon of John Turner the son of John Turner He
was 21 years of age was Murdered by 2 men for his teams
He had with him It was a painful scene I returned to
Salt Lake City 100 Miles

~ Thursday

29 [FIGURES] I received one Letter & 2 cards I wrote 2 cards to
Sarah & Wm Draper

~ Friday

30. [FIGURE] I received 2 letters from G. Thatcher & G Lake of Brigham City
I took cars with the Tweleve rode to Logan & I on to Smithfield ^of^ 105

~ Saturday

31. I spent the Day at Smithfield was quite weary

~ Sunday

Aug 1, Sunday I rode to Logan Attended Meeting at 10 oclok A Stainer Prayed
John Morgan spoke 30 M[inutes] W Woodruff 15 M[inutes]. L Snow 15 M[inutes]
At Noon I went to the Temple and went to the top of it I did not
Page 74

I did not like the internal arangments of the Temple in the working
rooms and alterations were recomended. Afternoon sacrament was
Administered Wm H Folsome Prayed G. Q. Cannon spoke 1 Hour & 10 M[inutes]
F D Richards spoke 4 M[inutes]. & John Taylor 20 M[inutes] I returned to Smithfield 16 M[iles]

~ Monday

2nd I rode to Richmond Administered to and Blessed RMother Hendricks
and administered to another Sister I then rode to Lewiston and
examined the country and found one of the finest countries in Utah
the valley is 6 milss wide & 15 Long good sandy Loom, quick
soil my Acres of wheat would yield 25 Bushels of wheat to
the acre without water Br Hendricks showed me to his family He had
3 daughters born at one birth 12 years of age fine healthy girls
I returned to Richmond then to Smithfield then went Down
to the field found about 10 acres of volonteer wheat without water would
have to be cut with a mower 4 Acres spring wheat could be
bad I returned weary distance of the day 35 M[iles].

~ Tuesday

3rd I took cars in the Morning at 5 oclok & rode to ogden &
on to Salt Lake Sarah was with me & on my arival Home I found
My Daughter Susan Cornelia had arived from Onawa with
two of her children and in the evening I had all 4 of my first
wife Phebe' children to gether the first time for neare 20 years
I held a meeting in the evening with them and met all of us spoke
and I prayed with them I received 3 Letters from Jesse N Smith
J G Bleak & David

~ Wednesday

4. [FIGURE] I spent the fore part of the day writing I wrote a letter
to Jams G Bleak & a card to O Jacobson and A. M Teney

~ Thursday

5. [FIGURE] My Daughter Bulah Augusta Woodruff Left my House
this morning for a visit East and to attend school somewhere
it was quite a trial to her Mother she took cars at 7 oclok
Page 75

[FIGURES] I wrote 9 Letters to Wm. C. Stainiees Daniel Tyler, Jered
& J. H. Richards, Eugena C. Scholes, George Lake
J D T M. Allister, Warren M. Johnson and David P Woodruff

~ Friday

6. I went to the farm this morning and helped Wilford fix up the
reaper and went into a heavy peace of 3 1/2 acres of wheat & I voed [hoed] wheat
till night & was vary weary at night

~ Saturday

7. We finished our peace of wheat in the forenoon & shocked it
up in the Afternoon it was the while [excaleeon] and very fine what
I returned home in the evening very weary

~ Sunday

8 Sunday I spent the whole day resting Br Penrose preached in the Tabernacle
on the resurrection

~ Monday

9. [FIGURES] I received Letters from W. D. Johnson, McAllister
Farnsworth 2 cards from Leslie & Bulah I wrote Letters

~ Tuesday

^10 I wrote Letters [FIGURE]^ to Phebe A Snow, card to Leslie I watered Garden in the Afternoon & went to the circus in the evening which was a
grand affair

~ Wednesday

101. [FIGURE] I wrote Letter to Roskelley and Eliza D Gibbs

~ Thursday

12. I took cars rode to Nephi. Held a Meeting with the Relief Society & spoke
to them 40 Minutes and In the evening I spoke an hour to full House of people 105 Miles

~ Friday

13. We drove to Moroni and held Meeting in the Evening G Teasdale
spoke 25 Minutes
& W Woodruff 40 Minutes the power of God was with us. spent the night with Br Irons 22 ^M^

~ Saturday

14. We rode to Mount Plesant Met with the conference at 10 oclok
G Teasdale prayed W W.
spoke 35 Minutes statiscics read & M Lyman spoke 30 M[inutes].

7353 [officer & Mentor]
3468 children
10721 souls in Sanpete Stake
Page 76

Conference Met at 2 oclock Prayer By M Lyman Temple Statistics
were then read And found that the Donations for the Temple which had been expected
from the Beginning were $195,104.85 cts George Teasdale then spoke 10 M. G Q Cannon
spoke 40 M[inutes] & closed in a hard wind & Dust storm. We held a Priesthood Meating
in the evening John Taylor spoke 35 M[inutes]. W Woodruff 30 {in the power of God}.

~ Sunday

15 Sunday Met at 10 oclok. Erastus Snow spoke one hour & 25 M[inutes]. The Authorities of
the Church were then presented. Afternoon sacrament Administered W Woodruff Prayed
& G Q Cannon spoke 50 Minutes J Taylor 55 M[inutes]. and W Woodruff 10 M[inutes]. exhorts
the people to get up a Record of all their Dead friends so as to be ready to work
when the Temple was done Adjourned untill the 13 & 14 of Nov.

~ Monday

16. rode to Ephraim and Dined rode to Manti visited the Temple found the
Arches of the first story turned looked well, was satisfied with it they ground all
the sand from sand rock. Held a Meeting at 3 oclok M Lyman prayed G. Q. Cannon
spoke 50 Minutes W Woodruff 25 M[inutes] J Taylor 55 M[inutes] the power of God was with
us in our Testimony I spent the night at Wm H Folsom 20 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

17. Rode to Fort Ephraim held a Meeting at 10:30 G Teasdale Prayed W Woodruff
spoke 20 M[inutes]. G Q Cannon 45 M[inutes]. John Taylor 50. We Dined & I wrote [went] to
Fountain Green & took supper
with Noah T Guyman & Preached in the school
House to a crowded House in the spirit of the Lord one hour G Teasdale 30 M[inutes].

~ Wednesday

18 We crossed the Mountain to Nephi J Taylor & G. Q. Canon came from Moroni
Left Erastus Snow there, we all took cars and arrived at S L City at 6 oclok
And returned home one More on my return I read Letters from S. E. Johnson
Daniel Tyler, A. M. Tenny Mother Johnson, Thomas W. Brookbank Phebe A
. O Jacobson & Sarah I Homes saing her Husband Died Aug 18, 1880
[FIGURE] Johnathan Holmes died Aug 1880 wished me to come & preach the funeral sermon Distance of the day 120 Miles

~ Thursday

19 I took cars with Mrs Woodruff rode to Centerville rode in a
waggon to Johnathan H Holmes found his family Morning for his death
Page 77

Manti Temple is 172 1/2 feet, 95 outside 79 feet high to the square, the west
Tower 169 feet and the East Tower 179 feet, 63 feet elevation from the road
126 stepts to the top to the foundation, 14 inches step and 16 feet wide

~ Thursday

19 Aug I preached the funeral sermon of his D Br Holmes to a large
Assembly of the Neighbors went to the grave comforted the family what
I could & returned to the Salt Lake in the evening 35 M[iles].

~ Friday

20. I went to the fie[l]d 6 Letters for me from, Samuel Roskelley, James Richey
James G Bleak, Thomas A Shreeves, I. F. Carter & Wm C Stains. I wrote
[FIGURE] 3 Letters to Ilus F Carter & card to Phebe & Letter to Thomas W Brookbank

~ Saturday

21 [FIGURE] I wrote Letters to McAllister Farnsworth & Bleak sent in one Envellope
& A M Tenney and kept copy of Tenneys I met in council in the
forenood [forenoon] on ferry a company to buy the printing office

~ Sunday

22. Sunday I took Mrs W. & rode to Big Cottonwood ward to see Arabel
my daughter who was sick & spent 2 Hours & returned and met with
the prayer circle and was mouth in prayer 16 M[iles]

~ Monday

23. [FIGURE] My son David has been with us for several Days on a visit
He leaves this morning for Ashleys Fork I wrote Letter to S E Johnson
[FIGURES] I received a Letter from Br. CP P. J. Christofferson we set apart
15 Missionaries I was mouth in setting apart 56 persons F. D. Richards 5 J F Smith
4 person [FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters to Br Christofferson

~ Tuesday

24. [FIGURE] I wrote 2 Letters to O Jacobson I set apart 15 Missionaries WW
set 6. F D Richards 5 & Joseph F Smith 4.
(eror) and Ezra Carter

~ Wednesday

25. I met in council with the Saint in the Afternoon spent the time writing

~ Thursday

26. [FIGURES] I received Letters from Phebe Snow family & Job Welling {Heard the lecture}
I spent the fore part of the day making fence I spent the night at the farm

~ Friday

27. [FIGURE] My Daughter Arabell Moses had a Daughter this Morning at 3:30 A.M
^[FIGURE]^ Mother & child doing well received a Letter from Sarah I wrote a Letter to Milton
of 4 Pages concerning the Death of Johnathan Holmes & our temples
Page 78

~ Saturday

Aug 28, 1880 I took cars & rode to Provo To attend the Quarterly Conference
Met at 10 oclok Prayer By John Brown W Woodruff made a few remarks followed
By G Q. Cannon one hour Afternoon David John Prayed The Authorities of the Church
were presented and sustained John Smith spoke 7 M[inutes]. & W Woodruff 65 M[inutes]
Total officers & Members of Utah Stake 10512 children under 8, 4494
Total Souls 15008 J F Smith spoke 20 M[inutes]. I attended a council with presidents
A O Smoot & G Q Cannon & J F Smith of the 12, in learning a family Difficulty
of B. F. Johnson, we sat from 4 oclok in the Afternoon untill 9 oclok at night
I got chilly went to Bed at 10 oclok and had a hard shake of the Ague for
[FIGURE] half an hour I was then Attacked with the Diarhea and went out
of Doors [write] in the night & took cold and was sick all night Did not sleep

~ Sunday

Aug 29. Sunday I arose quite Poorly in the morning took but Little Breakfast went to
Meeting at 10 oclok L E Harrington Prayed Sacrament Administered G Q. Cannon
spoke one hour & 40 Minutes concerning his Mission at Washington
Afternoon J. F. Smith spoke one hour & 22 M[inutes] A O Smoot spoke 3 M[inutes]
At the close of the Meeting we took cars & returned home 100 Miles

^[FIGURE]^ I went to bed and soon was taken with a severe attak of the Billious Cholic
which lasted me 24 hours before I got any Passage during that time I was in
Great Misery I took 6 table spoonfuls of Castor Oil & 3 teaspoonfulls
of spirits of turpentine before I got a passage my suffering was so great that
it took away all my strength It was like my attack at the Moencopy ownly
I did not have cramp

Page 79

~ Monday

Aug 30, 1880

I suffered much through the day but got relief about sundown but left in a
vary weak state

~ Tuesday

31. I was vary weak all day scarcely any strength in my system

~ Wednesday

Sept 1. I was vary ^weak^ to day The Twelve came in and Anointed me with oil
And laid hands upon me & Administered to me & Blessed me and I felt Better

~ Thursday

2nd I remaind through the day weak & quite feverish

~ Friday

3. was still vary weak & high fever

~ Saturday

4. I remain the same not able to sit up at all

~ Sunday

5 Sunday the 8 day of my sickness I can bearly stand on my feet to day

~ Monday

6 I am still vary weak gain but vry little

~ Tuesday

7. I am still vary weak Br Jaques calls upon me daily & Brings me letters

~ Wednesday

8. [FIGURE] I received a Letter from Br Farnsworth & card from Bulah still vary weak

~ Thursday

9. I put on my clothing on for the first time this Morning since I was taken sick
I went Down Stairs to day but still very weak

~ Friday

10. I dressed & walked through the orchard the first time I have steped out of Doors
since my sickness President Taylor called upon me to day & an hour
talk with me about his visit with president Hayes & company

~ Saturday

11. [FIGURE] I spent the day in the House reading I received a letter from Br Bleak

~ Sunday

12 Sunday I spent the day in the House gain a little strength

~ Monday

13. I went to the office for the first time was vary feble I wrote 2 letters to
^[FIGURE]^ J G Bleak & Susan & Phebe sent Phebe $5 for Bulah I read the following letters
while sick J. G. Bleak 2, J McAllister 2, M F Farnsworth 2, J G Sheet 1,
Phebe Snow, Charles G Kemp, Br Necher 1, O Jacobson 1, Lot Smith 1, J W Young 1, total 12
Page 80

~ Tuesday

Sept 14, 1880

I came to the office this Morning & wrote up my Journal to date feel some better but
weak I went to G Q Cannon residence on Jordon with the Twelve partook
of a feast with him & returned in the evening 5 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

15. [FIGURE] I wrote 45 Letters to McAllister Bleak Farnsworth Lot Smith yu &
Peter Neilson In the Afternoon I went to the farm A Machine was set for
thrashing at 5 oclk in the evening & thrashed out what wheat we had 134 Bushels

~ Thursday

16. The men thrashed our Barley this Morning 143 Bushels of, the wheat yielded
38 Bushels to the acre & 44 of Barly I spent the night at the farm it rained low
through the night 6 M[iles]

~ Friday

17 It rains to day I took up a load of Barley & returned to the City
[FIGURES] I received Letters from M F Farnsworth Jesse N. Smith
Bulah Woodruff & Daniel Tyler I wrote a Letter to John
giving him a recommend for Jarus J Woodruff to get work
I wrote a Letter to Phebe & Susan ask if they got my Letter
I also wrote to Br Christofferson

~ Saturday

18. I spent the day at home and the evening at the fine farm

~ Sunday

19. Sunday [FIGURES] I met at the Tabernacle at 2 oclok and I amet
with O Prat it was his birth Day was 69 years of age to
day and was his year of Jubitee [Jubilee] in the Church was Baptised on his
birth Day 50 years ago He spoke to the people One hour & 18
Minuts Bore testimony of the Gospel of Christ I spok 5 M[inutes].
Page 81

~ Monday

Sept 20 [FIGURE] I received one Letter from Sarah I spent the day at home I heard
that Jonathan Pugmyre Died very sudden on Satturday the 18 eat
his Dinner Well was Dead in few minutes

~ Tuesday

21. [FIGURES] I r[eceiv]ed a letter for Susan I recieved a telegram from J
saying that John O Angus Died this Morning at 3:25.
I wrote 2 letters to Sarah & Phebe & Susan

~ Wednesday

22nd [FIGURE] I wrote a Letter to Jesse N Smith & kept copy

~ Thursday

23 [FIGURES] I received a letter from O Jacobson & wrote
one to him & told him to sell the stock I delivered to
the tithing Office 1385 lbs of Barley at 2 cts $27.70 ^I spent the night at^ the field

~ Friday

24. ^[FIGURE]^ I visited the Church farm on Jordon with the Twelve in the Afternoon
I spent the time in the Afternoon with G. Q. C & J F Smith on committee on the Delinquent tithing
of the Territory I received a letter from J D T. McAllister

~ Saturday

25 I spent the whole day in committee on tithing affairs


26. ^[FIGURE]^ Sunday J Taylor G. Q Cannon & J F Smith & others go to oOgden to
Dedicate a school House I wrote a Letter to Ammon M Tenny
of St John of 4 pages I wrote to C Nibly of Logan & Lot Smith

~ Monday

27. I spent the Day in committee on the back tithing & donations
of the various Stakes of Zion G Q C J F Smith & L J Nuttall Dined with me
we held a meeting in the Evening with the committee on the eastern
rail road

~ Tuesday

28 [FIGURE] I rec[eive]d a Letter from Sarah spent the day in committee {shorthand}
Page 82

~ Wednesday

Sept 29, 1880 I spent the forenoon in committee I met with 7 of the Navajoes
and had confversation with them

~ Thursday

^[FIGURE]^ 30. I spent the day in council I received one Letter

~ Friday

Oct 1. I spent the forenoon in council

~ Saturday

2nd I Built a Corn House to day which cost me in Lumber & work $32.70
I spent the forenoon in council upon a circular

~ Sunday

3 Sunday I spent the whole day in council on Priesthood we had prayer

~ Monday

4. We spent the whole Day in council I sat in the Morning for my portrait

~ Tuesday

5. ^[FIGURE] {shorthand}^ I sat for a portrait I spent part of the day in council

~ Wednesday

6 Oct Met in General Conference at 10 oclok in Big Tabernacle
prayer By D H Wells C. C. Rich spok 12 Minutes Lorenzo Snow 27 M[inutes]
John Taylor 10 M[inutes] was taken faint & had to stop G. Q. Cannon followed
him & spoke 37 Minutes, I met with the young Mens Mutual society
in the evening Meeting called to order By W Woodruff, Elder G Q Cannon
spoke to the people followed by Moses CThatcher W Woodruff also
addressed the Meeting Then the Instruction of the superintendeny was
read to the Meeting

~ Wednesday

7. [FIGURE] Conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer By F. D. Richards, A Carrington
spoke 50 M[inutes]. W Woodruff 30 M[inutes]. Afternoon J F Smith Prayed
The Statistics of the Church was then read
Members 65826, Officers & Members, 92104, children under 8, 35340
Total of Souls 127,451. There were Apostles 12, Patriarch 52,
Seventies 4319, High Priest 3277, Elders 11509, Priests 1710,
Teachers 1893, Deacons 3507, Officers & Members 92,104
Children under 8 years of age 3507, Sunset Stake Arizona, 517 souls
Snow Flake Stake 1424, Elder J D T McAllister spoke 50 M[inutes] and gave
an Account of Labor in the Temple since it was Dedicated in Jan 1877.
Had Baptized 99523, had ordained 15,889 Gave Endowments to 41791,
Page 83

Had sealed 14255 Couple

~ Friday

Oct 8. Conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Milo Andrews F D Richards spoke
45 Minutes G Q Cannon then read the report of the Manti Temple
Districts to Oct 1, 1880 were expenditures $207,977.35 And for the
Logan Cache Valley Temple $252,147.78 cts Afternoon Prayer By Joseph Young
Orson Pratt spoke one hour & 20 Minutes. At the close of the Meeting we the
Apostles went into council and Deliberated upon the subject of organizing
a first Presidency we had held several concils upon this subject
and we finally left the subject untill another Meeting I met with
the priesthood Meeting An Article on the Aaronic Priesthood was
read Dictated By president Taylor and remarks made by John
Taylor W Woodruff & oO Pratt the spirit of God was with us

~ Saturday

Oct 9. Conference Met at 10 oclok D O Calder prayed Moses Thatcher spoke
61 Minutes & D H Wells 27. Afternoon Oct 9, J Vancott Prayed president
Joseph Young Pray spoke 65 Minutes was 83 years & 6 months of age
A List of 29 Missionaries were called to Great Britain, one to
Caniada, 9 to Scandinavia, 4 to United States, 5 to the Southern
States the foregoing are now in the field of Labor others were then called
who are to go after conference, 30 for Great Britain, t to Canada,
190 to Scandinavia, 1 to the Sandwich Islands, 9 to the United States
31 to the Southern States. Afternoon Meeting called to order By W Woodruff
Joseph F Smith spoke 22 Minutes conference adjourned untill sunday 10 oclok
The Apostles Met in council at 6 oclk and Decided to organize
the first presidency W Woodruff Nominated John Taylor to be
[FIGURE] The President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints and it was carried unanimously president Taylor
then chose George Q Cannon for his first councillor & Joseph F Smith for
his second councillor
Page 84

Oct 9, 1880 It was then moved seconded & carried unanimously
^[FIGURE]^ that Wilford Woodruff be the president of the Twelve Apostles
We then went into the Assembly Hall and Met with the priesthood
Meeting and at that Meeting After Documents were read upon the
priesthood President John Taylor was there presented before the
priesthood meeting as the president of the Church & his two councillors
and Wilford Woodruff as the president of the Twelve Apostles and
receivd the universal vote of the whole Assembly of priesthood

~ Sunday

[FIGURES] Oct 10, 1880 Sunday This is a great day to Israel The conf-
erence met at 10 oclok conference called to order By John Taylor The
song sung the Morning Breaks the shadows flee Prayer By Elder Edward Partridge
Elder Orson Pratt spoke to the people one hour & 15 Minutes upon the
Priesthood in its various offices & Dispensations which was vary interesting
Before the Adjournment till Afternoon L. J. Nuttall presented 3 more names
for Missionaries Benediction By W Woodruff

[FIGURE] Afternoon Met at 2 oclok The various Quorums of the priesthood were
seated in the following order The first Presidency in the upper seat, the
Twelve in the second seat. On the south of the stand the Patriarchs
the presidents of the stakes with their councillors, and the High Councils
On the North of the Stands the Bishops and their councillors. Presiding
Bishop Hunter & his councellors in front of them. The High Priests
in the North centre of the Body of the House the Quorum Presidents in
the front. The seventies in the south centre of the body of the House the
Quorum Presidents in Front. The Elders immediately behind the
High priest The Lesser Priesthood in the North side of the
House. Conference called to order By Preisident John Taylor

Page 85

Oct 10, 1880 Sunday PM

Prayer offered by Albert Carrington This is the Third time the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints have been called upon to organize the
first Presidency of the Church, first when the prophet Joseph Smith
& councillors. Second when Brigham Young & concillors whthird when
John Taylor & councillors are presented Elder Orson Pratt them
Presented the following Authorities of the Church to the conference all of
whom were unanimously sustained by each Quorum of the
Priesthood rising in their order with uplifted hands to
heaven first to the Twelve Apostles and their councillors, second
the Patriarchs, Presidents of stakes & their councillors and the High
. Third the High Priests. Fourth the seventies. Fifth
The Elders sixhth the Bishops & their Councellors. Seventh the lesser
Priests, Teachers, & Deacons. Eighth the Presidents of
the various Quorums Last the whole congregation male & female
in the galleries on the stand and in the body of the House
John Taylor as Prophet, seer and revelator And President of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in all the world
George Q Cannon as first councillor in the first Presidency
Joseph F Smith as second councillor in the first Presidency
Wilford Woodruff as President of the Twelve Apostles. As
Members of the council of the Twelve Apostles Wilford Woodruff, Orson Pratt
Charles C Rich Lorenzo Snow, Erastus Snow, Franklin D.
, Brigham Young, Albert Carrington and Moses Thatcher
As councillors to the Twelve John W Young and Daniel H Wells
Francis Marian Lyman as An Apostle in the council of the Twelve
John Henry Smith as An Apostle in the Council of the Twelve

Page 86

Oct 10, 1880 Sunday The foregoing were all that were voted upon by Quorum
[FIGURE] seperately all the rest of the Authorities of the Church were voted for
in the usual manner by the whole congregation After which
George Q Cannon said I hold in my hand the Doctrin & Covenants
and I present them to the conference to see if the people will vote for
them He had also the pearl of Great price in connection with the covenants
and all the conference voted to sustain the revelations contained therein
John Taylor spoke some 20 Minutes followed By W Woodruff spoke 15 M[inutes]

~ Monday

Monday 11. We Met at 119 oclock at the presidents office voted to take the
Engine out of the Temple at St George. We met the Missionaries at
the Council House and we set apart 55 for their missions W Woodruff
set apart 9. President Joseph Young ordained Matthias Cowley to the
office of seventy & set him apart for his Mission I went to the farm in
the Evening & spent the night 6 Miles

~ Tuesday

12. I rode to the City and Attended a Council ({of Fifty}) in the City Hall. In
the Afternoon I met with the presidents of stakes & councillors in the
Council House. John Vancott & Loren Farr joined our Concil ({of Fifty})

~ Wednesday

13. I met in council at the Endowment House for prayer & council

~ Thursday

14. I spent a part of the day in council & in writing up my Journal

~ Friday

15 [FIGURE] I received 3 Letters and spent the forenoon in council & president
Taylor made some arangments with Henry Lunt to secure a cole
Mine & Iron Mine near Cedar Cider appropriated $500 to help
secure it the Church to own 2/3 & Br Lunt 1/3 I wrote up my Journal
I [FIGURE] wrote a letter to Sarah & sent one from David to her

~ Saturday

16. I went to the farm and back I wrote 2 letters to McAllister & Bleak

~ Sunday

[FIGURE] 17. Sunday I wrote 3 Letters to Eugenia & Phebe, Robert & George Schols
I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle John T Caine & Milo Andrews
spoke some 50 M[inutes]. & G Q Cannon 30 M[inutes] we attended the prayer circle
in the evening
Page 87

~ Monday

Oct 18 1880

I Bought a No 7 Moniter for Wilford paid $40 bought Articles for
Susan and her family paid $20.

~ Tuesday

19. Tuesday In company with G. Q. Cannon I visited George Reynolds
at the Penetentiary He had a room by himself and was comfortable
[FIGURE] I received a Letter from Bulah I spent the night at the Farm 6 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

Oct 20 [FIGURES] I wrote a letter to Ilus F Carter & sent a Draft of $125
for Bulah A Woodruff I also wrote a Letter to Bulah at Rochester
It is a plesant Day crops good potatoe crop vary large

~ Thursday

[FIGURES] I received 34 Letters from O Jacobson Sarah, &c I wrote Letter to
21. O Jacobson Henry Charles Fowler Baptized Susan C Scholes in the
font for the Renewal of her covenants and her health

~ Friday

22nd I met with the quorum of the Twelve in council at the Council
we had ownly 6 of the Quorum present we done let very
Little or No business

~ Thursday

23 I took cars and rode to Nephi Moses Thatcher went with me
to Provo. I Met in the conference in the Afternoon Prayer By J G Bigler
stakes statistics were then read, 2117 souls G Teasdale spoke 35 M[inutes]
W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes]. On th tithing. In the evening I met
with the young Men & young Ladies Mutual G Teasdale Prayed
Br Jinkins spoke 8 M[inutes]. Bishop of Lavan 5 M[inutes]. Sister Grover 7 M[inutes].
W Woodruff spoke one Hour we had a good Meeting

~ Sunday

24. Sunday Met at 10 oclok John Kinkie Prayed W Woodruff spoke
One hour & 15 M[inutes]. Afternoon Prayer By R N Alread G Teasdale
spoke spoke 25 M[inutes]. Then the Authorities cwere presented & sustained L E Harrington
spoke 40 W Woodruff 15 M[inutes]. Th[r]ee 34 were cut off for Apostacy
3 for Adultery and one for stealing ^W W^ I ordained one High priest & set
him apart for a Bishops councillor And another was set apart
for Bishops councillor I met in the evening & spoke one hour to
the people the spirit of God was with us distance 90 Miles
Page 88

~ Monday

Oct 25 1880 Monday we received a Telegram from Salt Lake City
^[FIGURES]^ saying that the Apostle Charles C Rich had a shoke of Parallisis on
Sunday and was vary low I visited Sister Goldsborough who had
a fall and was badly Hurt We administered to her I took
cars & returned to Salt Lake Moses Thatcher Joined me at Provo
I spent the night at home 90 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

26. [FIGURE] I received 5 Letters from M. H. Hardy J McAllister, J G Bleak ^2^
Jesse N Smith, and one for Susan we had 3 telegrams this
forenoon from Br Rich 1 saying that He Had a Bad night 2nd said
that He was sinking fast 3rd that the Doctor Benedict had arived and
thought there might be some hope.

~ Wednesday

27. [FIGURE] Telegram says that their is more hope of Br Rich this Morning
Brigham T Young son of Joseph A Young Died at 2 oclok this morning He
died with Drunkenness & Morphene I attended council in the afternoon
27 [FIGURES] In our council to day we ordained Francis M Lyman
son of Amasa Lyman to the Apostleship as one of the Twelve Apostles
John Taylor was mouth in ordaining We also Ordained John Henry
son of George. A Smith to the Apostleship A member of the Twelve
Apostles W Woodruff Ordained him. It was the first Apostle I ever
ordained. The following is the Blessing sealed upon his head

Ordination of John Henry Smith To the Apostleship to be one of the Quorum of the Twelve
Ordained under the Hands of President John Taylor George Q Cannon &
Joseph F Smith of the Presidency & Wilford Woodruff who was mouth in ordaining
also Orson Pratt, Erastus Snow, Franklin D Richards & Brigham Young of the
Quorum of the Twelve & D H Wells councillor to the Twelve
Brother John Henry Smith. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and By
the authority of the Holy Priesthood and Apostleship confered upon us we

Page 89

lay our hands upon your head. And we ordain you an Apostle in the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day and as A member of the quorum of the
Twelve Apostles And we seal upon you all the power and authority
to administer in all the ordinances of the House of God agreeable to
this office, even the Apostleship which is the Highest authority ever
confered and sealed upon the sons of Man in the flesh, and we
Pray God to cloth you with the power of this Apostleship, with the
Power of God, that your mind may be opened to comprehend and
understand your relationship to God, your relationship to your Breth-
ren, your relationship to the Church and kingdom of God in relation
to this world and in relation to the responsibility which now rests
upon you And we say unto you the Eyes of God, and of his Son
Jesus Christ, and of the Heavenly Hosts, and of Joseph Smith
and the Apostles and the eyes of your Father who are behind the
veil are upon you, and there is rejoicig in Heaven because
you are one of the Sons of the Prophets and Apostles and have come
forth to take upon yourself the ^Holy^ Apostleship. And we say unto you
Be humble before God, and seek for the Holy spirit for you need this
Power to guide and Direct you in this Apostleship and inasmuch
as you walk in faithfulness and Humility before God and seek and
obey the council of your Brethren you will become a Mighty man in
the Earth, and you shall stand in the flesh to Behold the Great work
fullfilled and the Promises of God concerning the Great last Dispensation
of the fullness of Times. We ask ^pray^ God to cloth you with his power
with the spirit and power of the Holy Ghost, with the spirit and power
of the Holy Ghost and the revelation of Jesus Christ which Belongs to
the Apostleship which is your right to claim, which is your
right to exercise and which is your right to enjoy

Page 90

Lift up your voice as with the sound of a Trumpet long and loud
as far as you have an opportunity in your day and declair the words of
life and salvation unto the Inhabitants of the Earth, you are ordained unto
this power, and you hold the Issues of Life and Death as far as the
salvation or or condemnation of the world is concerned, you are
called to stand in the Defence of the Truth and to bear yor record
of the Kingdom of God upon the Earth and your Testimony will rest
in judgment against the wicked in the day of Judgment in the day
when all man shall give an account of the deeds done in the body
your words shall be a savior of Life unto Life to those who believe
and obey or the savior of Death unto Death to those who reject
your Testimony. Therefore we say you go forth in peace and
the power of God to bear record of the words of Everlasting Life
and take upon you, and feel in your spirit this Apostleship, and
the Blessings of God will attend your Labors. We seal upon you
Every Blessing and every Key and Endowment of the New and Everlasting
Even the Blessing of Abraham Isaac & Jacob in the
Name of Jesus Christ our Redeemer Amen

The spirit of God rested up us while we were administering to him the
Blessing of Brother Lyman I have not with me so I canot
record it

~ Thursday

Oct 28, 1880 ^Dr Benedict arived from Paris gave us an account^ of Brother C. C. Rich He was reviving some but no prospect
of final recovery. I wrote 3 Letters to J McAllister G Teasdale
& Sarah
Page 91

~ Friday

Oct 29, 1880

[FIGURE] I recived a quantity of Trees & Goose & currant Bushes & straw-
berry vins which I set out at the farm & in the orchard in the
City I spent the night at the farm. 6 M[iles]

~ Saturday

30 [FIGURES] I received 3 Letters from Sarah, David, O Jacobson
David sent $6 to take up a Note of his at the Music
Store. I went on top of the Temple with Susan. I wrote
Letters to O Jacobson, & Archibald McKinnon & sent him $6 on
the Taxes. I wrote to Sarah, redceived one Letter from George Thatcher
[FIGURE] I wrote a letter for Susan to open at home with a Note
to each of the children Eugenia, Phebe Robert,Wilford
George Casey & Florrey with each a present I wrote to
David sent him his Note for $6. I wrote to Phebe A Snow

~ Sunday

31. Sunday I attended Sabbath School Jubilee in the Tabernacle
some 8000 children with many grown people attended at 10 oclok and
passed through the Exercises untill near Twelve oclok then W Woodruff
addressed the assembly 10 minutes {shorthand} administration of {shorthand} {to him in London}
I attended the Meeting in the Afternoon & spoke one hour followed By O.
30 Minutes. I attended Meeting at the 17 ward in the evening &
assisted in the organization of a Bishop & councillers Edward Hunter
spoke 15 Minutes W Woodruff followed 30 M[inutes]. & John Henry Smith a
few moments

~ Monday

[FIGURE] Nov 1. [FIGURE] I received 2 letters from Bulah & wrote one to I F Carter

~ Tuesday

2nd This is the G[r]eat Election Day for the Nation I took cars in the
Morning rode to Ogden with my Daughter Susan & her 2 children I
got her a ticket and saw her on board of the U P for Council Bluffs
Page 92

[FIGURE] As soon as I got my Daughter on board of the cars I took cars
& returned to Salt Lake to cast my vote for George Q Cannon & in the
afternoon I returned again to Ogden making 80 miles travel
to cast my vote I took Utah Northern in the evening & rode to
Smithfield arived at midnight and spent the rest of the night
with my family there Distance of the day 170 Miles

~ Wednesday

3rd I went with Newton to bear River we shot 4 ducks & returned 12 M[iles]
Mary had bruisedd her knee caught cold in it and was in
great pain in the night I got up held her limb over the
smoke of burnt Wool & put on a peace of salt Bacon and she fell
asleep and rested

~ Thursday

4. I spent the Day in Smithfield and mostly at home Attended fast ^Meeting^

~ Friday

5 I spent this day in Smithfield

~ Saturday

6. In company with Thomas D Lutz & Sarah I rode to Logan
to Attend the Quarterly Conference Met at 10 oclok Wm M Merrill
prayed statiscital report of the stake was then read
Total Officer & Members 10133, children 4417, Total Souls, 14550
Apostles 1, Patriarchs 7, High Priests 433, Seventies 359, Elders 1407
Priests 293, Teachers 337, Deacons 485, Total Temple funds $257,271.41
G Q Cannon spoke 25 M[inutes]. W Woodruff 25 M[inutes]. Afternoon Wm B Preston
spoke 12 M[inutes]. F. D. Richards one hour & 10 M[inutes]. on the Law of Tithing
At the close of the Meeting we visited the Temple two Bants [Banks] of the roof
was on we could see that it will crowd hard to get the roof on this
fall. I rode to Smithfield & spent the night 16 Miles
Page 93

~ Sunday

Nov 7, 1880

I rode to Logan Met in conference at 10 oclok Charles O Card Prayed
Lorenzo Snow spoke one hour & 10 Minutes. W Woodruff spoke 34 Minutes
[FIGURE] At the close of the Meeting The Twelve went to Br Cards House
and there met with Br C. C. Rich who had been brought from
Bear Lake on a bed Having received a Paraletic stroke the left
side entirely useless He could speak a little so as to be understood
Br G Q Cannon Anointed him and six of the Apostles laid hands on
him & W Woodruff was Mouth and Blessed him He seemed overjoyed at
seeing us. We met at 2 oclok. Sacrament Administered the Authorities
of the Church presented and sustained 4 Missionaries called to spend all their
time as Home Missionaries Joseph F Smith spoke one hour & 10 M[inutes]
M Thatcher 14 M[inutes], G. Q. Cannon 15 M[inutes], W W Woodruff 3 M[inutes] we adjourned
I rode to Smithfield & held a Meeting Bishop Ferrill spoke 15 M[inutes]
and W Woodruff one hour. I spent the night with my family Distance 16 M[iles]

~ Monday

Nov 8. I took cars at 3:40 rode to Logan Met with the Twelve &
Brother Rich was taken on a bed & we rode to Ogden then to Salt Lake
and arived in a snow storm I went to the Office & received 8 letters 98 Mils
[FIGURE] 2 from Robert Scholes, James G Bleak, Phebe Scholes A. M. Tenney,
Bulah A. Woodruff, S Roskelly, J McAllister

~ Tuesday

9. ^[FIGURES] I wrote a letter to Sarah sent her $10 to pay for the ox^ In company with J Taylor & G. Q. Cannon I administered to C. C. Rich
we also learned of the Death of Johnathan C Wright. I went to the field 6 [Miles]

~ Wednesday

10 I went to the field took Down a coal House for Sarah D Woodruff
I went & visited my Daughter Clara who had Been vary sick with the Diphtheria she
was Better to day I met in council with the Twelve & presidency We allowed J Taylor $10,000 for his interest in the sugar factory
Page 94

~ Thursday

Nov 11, 1880

we found 3 inches of snow on the Ground this morning I received one letter from
[FIGURES] Brother Steed & wrote one in returne I wrote a letter to
Ilus F Carter to Bulah A Woodruff sent her $10

~ Friday

12. [FIGURE] I wrote 2 Letter to J D T McAllister James G Bleak

~ Saturday

13. I spent the forenoon in council about Br J M Bernhisels Accounts
[FIGURE] I wrote one letter to A M Tenney & kept copy

~ Sunday

14. Sunday I visited C. C. Rich to day and attended Meeting at 2 oclok
Br Brain spoke 5 Minutes John Nekeber 30 Minutes & G Q Cannon
One hour we met in prayer Circle W Woodruff prayed I went to the
14 ward in the Evening John W Taylor spoke 15 Minutes & Thomas Taylor 30
& W Woodruff an hour

~ Monday

15 [FIGURES] I received Letters from Bulah, Susan, & Phebe Scholes & Sarah
I wrote Letters to Bulah & Susan, Phebe, & Robert Scholes Jr and
to Samuel Roskelley

~ Tuesday

16. [FIGURES] I wrote a letter to A. M. McDonald I spent the forenoon
on the Auditing committee on the Accounts of Dr J M Bernhisel
with the Trustee in trust During the Administration of president
Brigham Young but we could find nothing due him except
a very small amount

~ Wednesday

17. [FIGURE] the coldest night I Ever saw in November Thermometer at
Daylight 3 degrees Below Zero 2 above at 8 oclock I wrote Letters to Wm
on the Woodruff Geneology My Daughter Clara who has had
the Diphtheria has now got the plurisy great pain in the right side

~ Thursday

18. I returned from the field this Morning Clara was vary sick
last night I was afraid she would die I received a letter from
[FIGURE] Bulah I salted down a Barrel of Beef to day

~ Friday

19. I left S. L. City this Morning & took cars with Mrs P W Woodruff
& rode to Nephi took Dinner with Br Teasdale then in carriage rode
to Moroni and held a Meeting in the evening G Teasdale spoke 30 M[inutes] 4& W W 30
Distance 118 M[inutes]
Page 95

~ Saturday

Nov 20, 1880

We drove this Morning to Fort Ephraim to attend the Quarterly Conference
we Met in the Afternoon at 2 oclok Junius F Wells Prayed
statistical reports read Total souls 10305 President Peterson reported
the General condition of the stake The General report of the recepts of
The Manti Temple was given up to the present as $221,264 & 94 cts
W. Woodruff then spoke one hour G Teasdale 15 M[inutes]. We held Meeting
in the evening with the young people Junius F Wells spoke 30 Minutes
W Woodruff 50 M[inutes] & we had a good Meeting

~ Sunday

201 Sunday we Met at 10 oclok W Woodruff spoke 55 M[inutes]. Br Wareham 15 M
Br Mabyan 12 M[inutes]. Afternoon sacrament & the General Authorities of
the Church were presented and sustained & Wm H Folsome spoke 35 M[inutes]
at the close of the Meeting we rode to Manti 8 miles and held a Meeting
with the young people Junius F Wells spoke 40 Minutes and gave Excellent council
to the people followed by W Woodruff 30 M[inutes]. & G Teasdale 20 M[inutes]. we spent the
night with Br Mabyan 8 Miles

~ Monday

22 In the Morning I visited the place of the Temple then Drove on to
the Temple Ground & we were much pleased with the appearance of the Temple
It was the first time Mrs Woodruff had ever seen it she
was much pleased with it they had got on the string course of
the first story, after taking a view of the Temple & its surrounding
we then rodte to Ephraim and attended the female Meeting
Mrs Phebe W Woodruff addressed the Meeting followed By W Woodruff a short time
we then Dined with Brother Peterson & drove to Moroni Distance 20 M[iles].
we spent the night with Br Irons He with Brother Teasdale attended the young
Meeting I spent the evening in the House

~ Tuesday

23. I took a walk out with Br Irons to view the country we shot one Duck &
2 rabbits we took Diner & Drove to Nephi attended Meeting with the
young people Br Teasdale spoke 30 M[inutes] W Woodruff 35 M[inutes]. Distance 23 M[iles]
Page 96

~ Wednesday

Nov 24, 1880

We Attended Meeting with the Female relief society Mrs Woodruff spoke to
the people 35 Minutes and gave vary good Instruction to the people we
took cars & rode to Salt Lake City & I had a sever cold upon my
Lungs and had a sick night Distance of the day 95 Miles

~ Thursday

2Nov 25 [FIGURES] Thanks Giving Day I received 5 Letters from J G Bleak 2 Phebe
and Robert Scholes, G Teasdale ^I wrote to J G Bleak^ we have had quite a snow storm
Endowments Given to day & quite a number of young folkspeople Married
[FIGURE] My son James has his youngest child buried to day at 2 oclock
Bulah returns home in the evening I heard a Letter read from
James Blackburn a Missionary at Michigan giving an account
of the persecution He was Meeting with theirre, they were Driven from
place to place, He also related a most Horrible circumstance He
[FIGURES] had recieved a letter from B Palmer of Cleaveland
Ohio saying that the water Reservoir of that city had become
so foul they could not Drink it and they Dreaned [drained] it off
and found in the bottom of it 700 Dead Infants all probably
Begotten out of wedlock, How long can a Nation stand with
such corruption in one city, Not ownly evidence of 700 cases of
whoredom, but of 700 cases of Murder in one city and the inhabitants
drinking the water from their Dead Bodies. I went to the farm 6 M[iles]

~ Friday

26 [FIGURE] spent the day at the office I wrote to
J. D. T. McAllister sent a recomend for Spery My Daughter Bulah
arived Last night & I found her at home this morning

~ Saturday

27. [FIGURE] I wrote Letters to I F Carter sent Draft for $62 wrote to
Thomas J Lutz sent his Description of John Taylor Erastus Snow
Francis F Lyman & John Henry Smith I visited C C Rich & found him
much Better I wrote to Susan Phebe & Robert Scholes
Page 97

~ Sunday

Nov 28 1880

Sunday I did not feel well and kept my House G. Q. Cannon spoke in the
Assembly Hall in the Afternoon

~ Monday

29. [FIGURE] I received 2 letters from Br J McAllister & G Bleak

~ Tuesday

30. I spent a part of the offices I was in the Presidents
Late Last night the (29) with the presidency & 2 of the Twelve we look over the
Minutes of the Council of the Twelve During conference upon the subject
of organizing of the first presidency and converted the munits [minutes] as far
as necessary. We then parted with G. Q. Cannon who starts in
the Morning for Washington A O. Smoot goes with him on his
way to Kentucky I spent the night at the field (we salted 3 Hogs) 6 m[iles]

~ Wednesday

Dec 1, 1880 A cold morning I received a letter from Lot Smith
I met in council & Prayer circle

~ Thursday

2nd [FIGURE] I received a letter from Wm Woodruff who gave me the Genalogy
1 Gen [FIGURES] of my Progenetor as Follows Wilford Woodruff Born March 1, 1807
2nd AFather Aphek Woodruff, Nov 11, 1778, Died May 28, 1861. Aged 83 years
3 Gen Eldad Woodruff born 1751. Died 1806. Aged 54 years Avon Ct
4 Gen Josiah Woodruff Born Aug 16, 1706 in Farmington Ct
5 Gen Joseph Born in Farmington 1679
6 Gen John Woodruff Born in Farmington Ct 1649.
7 Gen Mathew Woodruff TThe original setler and Proprietor one of the 84
original owners of the Town came to Farmington from Hartford in 1640
and was among the first Setlers of Hartford
Some called my Great GrandFather Medad others Elijah I put it down as Josiah

~ Friday

3rd I spent the day writing up my mission to Fox Island

~ Saturday

4. I spent the day writing up my Fox Island Mission

~ Sunday

5 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Afternoon Wm C Staines
spoke 30 M[inutes]. Angus M Cannon 30 & John Taylor 30.
Page 98

I held a Meeting in the evening in the 14 ward school House W. W. Taylor
spoke 20 M[inutes]. Br Lambert 20, & W Woodruff 30 upon the principle
of Faith

~ Monday

6. [FIGURE] I received one Letter from Sarah Drakeford upon Genealogy
I spent the day writing my Fox Island Mission

~ Tuesday

7. [FIGURES] My wife Phebe took Ether this Morning and had 274
teeth extracted all she had she being 73 years old it made her quite
sick but she got along with it as well as could be expected
[FIGURE] I wrote 4 Letters to McAllister Bleat A E. Wells and Sarah

~ Wednesday

8 I spent the forenoon in council with the presidency & Bishop David
concerning the purchase of St John and the paying for the
same I spent the Afternoon in council & prayer circle

~ Thursday

9 [FIGURE] I wrote 4 Letters to A. M. Tenney and Erastus Snow
[FIGURE] I received a letter from Ilus F Carter wrote to J. D. T. McAllister
James G Bleak & M F Farnsworth

~ Friday

^[FIGURES]^ 10. I spent the day in writing I sent an Autobiographccal sketch of the
Life of Mrs Phebe W Woodruff to Mr Bancroft & c of Sanfrancisco
I spent the day in writing and evening

~ Saturday

11 Dec [FIGURE] $100 I wrote a letter to Sarah Woodruff sent her an
order of $100 on the Smithfield Tithing Office Wilford Woodruff
Gave an Order to Jasper Perkins, for his Little Sand Mine & two
Mine Cotst in the care of O Jacobson; I wrote O Jacobson a letter
upon the subject
Page 99

~ Sunday

Dec 12, 1880

Sunday I attended Meeting in the Assembly room Br Watson spoke 15 M[inutes] W Woodruff 32 ^M[inutes]^
Francis Cope spoke 15 M[inutes] & Joseph F Smith 45 M[inutes]. we met for prayer I
attended Meeting at the 14 ward Joseph F Smith spoke one hour & W Woodruff 30

~ Monday

13. In company with president Taylor & Joseph F Smith I visited
Br Dinwoody store & bought 10 chair, 2 sophies a centre table to
fit up the council room of the Twelve Apostles in the N. E. corner
of upper room of the Council House

~ Tuesday

14 [FIGURE] I wrote to Lot Smith concerning St John and gave him
authority to council all Emigration to go to St John untill
that place was setled I also wrote to John P Sorrenson
and sent By John S Ferris

~ Wednesday

15 [FIGURE] I received 2 Letters from Sarah & Sarah M Coomb I went to
the field & attended concil & prayer circle in the Afternoon The subject
of D. H. Wells circumsta[nc]es was Discussed at tength [length] all his
Property was liable to be sold under Mortgage the Church and
Z C M I had already advanced $3000 to pay the interest and now
$1500 more to be raised or the property has to be sold. The council
voted to rase $750 & if the CZ C M I would raise the other

~ Friday

16. [FIGURE] I received 2 letters from J D T. McAllister & Bleak
I went to the farm and spent the night 6 mile

~ Saturday

17. [FIGURES] I received a letter from Bleak I wrote Letter to Sarah Isaiah
M Coombs concerning sealing of children to parents I wrote to Br Bleak
& J D T McAllister
Page 100

~ Sunday

Dec 18, 1880

I took cars at 7 {shorthand} and rode to Ogden and with J Taylor J. F. Smith John
Henry Smith
, Br Vancott Wm Taylor & several others we met with the presidency
of the Stake & High council & many of the priesthood, their had existed
a Difficulty between the Authorities of that place for a good while
and the foornoon was taken up in teaching them and some
sharp chastisements were given and I think the Harts of some
were made to quake before the sharp two edged sword of truth
by the power of God, the spirit of God was with us, we met
in the Afternoon and organized 7 Prayer circles but many
of the company had to settle their Difficulties before they could
Unite together It was a profitable time

Meeting opened by prayer By W Woodruff F. D. Richards spoke
15 M[inutes]. John Taylor 50 M[inutes] Joseph F Smith 50 M[inutes] & W Woodruff 20 M[inutes]
The first Presidency and High council Comp formed one prayer
circle, the High Priest One, the four Bishops of the 4 wards
of Ogden each formed a circle. And the presidency of the stake
with the Bishops form another circle. I took Dinner with Brother
Peery we met in the Afternoon and Br Richards organized
the Seven prayer circles we had an interesting time it took untill
6 oclok I spoke a short time at the close 40 Miles

~ Sunday

^[FIGURES]^ 19. Sunday I for the first time in my life talked with Elder Taylor
through a Telephone one mile surely man has sout out many inve[n]tions
Page 101

I met at the Tabernacle at 10 oclock John Vancott spoke 12 M[inutes]. Seymour
10 M[inutes], Wm W Taylor 12 M[inutes], C. W. Penrose 11, John Henry Smith 17
Afternoon W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes], Joseph F Smith 37 Minutes
& John Taylor 35 M[inutes]. W Woodruff Bore testimony to the work
of God counciled Unions among the people spoke of the great responsibility
we are under to God and the work we are called upon to perform
Joseph Smith Bore testimony to the work exhorted the people to settle
all their Difficulties and not permit themselves to be cut off
from the Church for they would cut them off from eternal
Life and salvation which was worse than Death in any form
President Taylor spoke in the power of God warned the Saints to keep
the faith and live their religion spoke of Congress the Government
& Constitution which was esstablished by inspiration that we could
afford to be Generous to our Government if they would not
give us our rights but seek to oppress us we must leave
them in the hands of God & He would deal with them. God
would sustain his kingdom Much Good was done by our
visit there we took cars & rode to S L City 40 M[iles]
I read a Book a translation from the Jewish Talmud

~ Monday

20. [FIGURES] I received a letter from Eugenia. I wrote a letter
[FIGURE] to I F Carter spoke of Phebes family & his
Page 102

~ Tuesday

Dec 21, 1880

[FIGURES] I received Letter from David & wrote one to David I met
with O pratt & David J Ross concerning his being restored to fellowship
Br Pratt is in very poor health with sumthing like Bright Kidney
desease He is Hardly able to do any Kind of Business

~ Wednesday

22. 7I spent the day in writing and attended the council
in the Afternoon & prayer circle Herd a letter read from
G. Q. Cannon [FIGURE] the Devil is stired up in Washington
against Mormonism I drew out a list of our persecutors

~ Thursday

23rd [FIGURE] I wrote ^4^ Letters to David John, Br Peery, West, &
Wm B. Preston

~ Friday

24. I spent most of the Day in setling the Account of A F
I went to the farm at night & took supper with
Emma & family & Azmond & Elizabeth, Henry & Nella Woodruff

~ Saturday

25 I returned home and spent Chrismass Day in the City I
visited Br C. C. Rich with L. John Nuttall & administered to

~ Sunday

26 Sunday I Attended the meeting in the Assembly Room
Prayer By H. S. Eldridge Jesse West spoke 15 Minutes Joseph
F Smith
65 M[inutes]. We met in the prayer circle & Joseph F Smith
and Myself attended Meeting in the 15 ward New Meeting House
Joseph F Smith spoke 58 M[inutes] & W Woodruff 50 M[inutes]

~ Monday

27. [FIGURE] I received 2 letters from David John & J. G. Bleak

~ Tuesday

28. [FIGURES] I wrote A Prayer to Be presented upon the alter [what]
to the concil of the presidency & presented it to President Taylor for his
Page 103

~ Wednesday

Dec 29, 1880

[FIGURE] I wrote a letter to G. Q. Cannon It is snowing hard to day

~ Thursday

30. [FIGURES] I received a letter from Sarah & wrote her one & sent her $5
I wrote to James G Bleak

~ Friday

Dec 31, 1880 This is the Last day of 1880 I one little thought I would
live to see this date But I have been preserved as will as some of my Brethren
Great changes have taken place in the Church in some respects & in
the world. The Church has Been organized with a first presidency and
Twelve filled up, and in this operation the respon[si]bility of
Presiding over the Twelve has fallen upon me I pray that I may
have grace & wisdom to assist me to magnify my calling in
this capacity I spent the day in copying into my Journal
1880 on the following Page

~ Saturday

Jan 1, 1881. This is New years Day the first day of 1881. What the year
will bring forth I know not what the year will Bring forth God knows
and time must Determine I pray the Lord to preserve me and my family
in Purity and I pray the Lord to preserve the first presidency, Twelve, and all the
faithful Saints in Zion and Bless & Protect Br Cannon in Washington
and hedge up the way of our Enemies that they shall not have power
over the Saints of God. In company with Mrs Woodruff I visited Leonard
W Hardy
at a surprise Party on his Birth day, we had an excellent time
His sons & family presented him with a $30 arm chair speeches were
Made by one of his sons, in the presentation of the chair Addressed By Br Hardy &
followed By R T Burton & W Woodruff I spent the evening with my son Wilford
and Brother Nixion & wife from St George
Page 104

~ Sunday

Jan 2nd 1881

Sunday I met at the Tabernacle Elias Morris Prayed John L Smith
spoke 10 M[inutes]. C. W. Penrose 31, John Taylor one hour & 10 M[inutes]. I attended the
Prayer circle in the Historian office at 1 oclok And attended a Meeting in
the 17 ward in the evening, John T Cain spoke 30 M[inutes]. Br Lambert 15 &
W Woodruff 45 Minutes I wrote a letter to Wm R Smith of Centreville

~ Monday

Jan 3rd [FIGURES] In company with Angus M Cannon I visited Father
Vance who had Been afflicted for 4 years with evil spirits and
was suffering much we talked with him and his wife for several hours
a Man By the name of E. R. Walker called himself a Doctor But said
He was an Elder in the Church He was associated with another man
said they had cast out 1500 devils and had all their names written
down in a Book and said He had 1500 more in him He had a new
way casting them out we appointed the next day to have a Meeting
to investigate the Mystery ^subject^ I received a card from Sarah I dined with
President John Taylor I spent the night at Sarah D with the children 6 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

Jan 4. I returned to the City, and met with the High council on the family
Difficulty of Br Vance & family we sat 7 Hours from 10 till 5 in the evening
we heard all the difficulties brought up pro & con and wa[l]ker operation
in casting out the 1500 Devils and there was some 1000 more left in
[FIGURE] him and after hearing all we decided they had all need
to repent and Dr Walkers operation was all fals and a Delusion
and he had drawn away some of the Brethren

~ Wednesday

5 [FIGURE] I received a Letter from Bell & Jesse Moses I attended council and
Prayer circle and had our Prayer read which I wrote it was accepted
Page 105

~ Thursday

Jan 6, 1881

[FIGURES] I received Letters from David John, J. G. Bleak, Johnson,
and the Temple work for Dec. I wrote letter to Sarah ordered Bell
& Jesse Moses Letter, wrote to David John advised him to send all
Names to me and take a years provisions I wrote to J. D T McAllister
& J G. Bleak Answered to a private Letter

~ Friday

7. I took cars to Woods Cross with John Henry Smith and attended a trial
held at the meeting House Before the High council the Accusation was
against Charles E Penaroson we sat from 10 oclock untill 5 oclock PM.
the charge was brought By Bishop Call, But the Decision was the charge
was not sustained we returned thome Distance 16 M[iles]

~ Saturday

8 [FIGURES] I received a Letter from Joseph A West I wrote one in returne
I met in the Assembly Room to attend the Quarterly Conference The
forenoon was mostly spent in reading the Statiscals and Reports in the
Afternoon all the General Authorities of the Church were presented and sustained
President John Taylor spoke upon praying Tithing and other sujects He
spoke one hour & 2235 Minutes

~ Sunday

9th Sunday conference Met at 10 oclok Loren Farr prayed and John Taylor
spoke One hour & 22 Minutes A M Cannon spoke 10. President Taylor said
that who did not pay their tithing & keep the Law of God should not
have a recommend to go to the House of the Lord to get Endowments or to
get Married And if the Bishops give such men recommends they must
Bear the Blame of it for I will not. Afternoon prayer By E Hunter
W Woodruff spoke 37 M[inutes], Joseph F. Smith spoke 50 M[inutes], John Henry
10 Met in the evening Abram Hatch spoke 15 M[inutes] E D Woolley 12 M[inutes]
Page 106

Sunday Evening

D O Calder spoke 13 M[inutes]. A. M. Cannon 27 M[inutes], Joseph E Taylor 15 M[inutes]
John Henry Smith 20 M[inutes] & W Woodruff 15 Minutes {shorthand}

~ Monday

10. [FIGURE] I received a letter from F M F Farnsworth Henry Woodruff caught
a Links in his trap that had been killing chickens and shot him in
the head I spent most of the day in the office

~ Tuesday

11. [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to M. F. Farnsworth took Dinner with Brother
Miner went to the field and spent the night

~ Wednesday

^[FIGURE] I met in Council & prayer Circle^ 12. I returned to the City & received a letter from Lot Smith

~ Thursday

13. [FIGURES] I received a letter from George Swan containing free passes on the
rail roads I attended the council & Prayer circle and we
I visited Elder Pratt & Rich I found Elder Pratt
vary feeble & Brother Rich gaining some I attended a party in the
14 ward with a part of my family

~ Friday

14 [FIGURES] I received a letter from David John & wrote
Letters to McAllister David John & Canute Peterson &
Lorenzo Snow I met in council with President
Taylor He did not wish Men called to go to St John ownly
as volunteers did not wish to force any man to go

~ Saturday

15 [FIGURES] I received 2 letters to day from J G Bleak & Eugenia
I wrote Letters to Eugenia I had a talk with Claudius Spencer

~ Sunday

16. Sunday I took cars rode to Ogden to attend the Y M. M I. S
we met at 10 oclok Prayer By Br Balantyne 18 Branches of the Young
Mens Mutual Improvement Society were reported showing 12869 Chapters
read in the various sacred Books, Brother West and Comings spoke
Page 107

Afternoon Statiscics read, authorites sustained W. Woodruff spoke one
hour showed By revelation that Joseph Smith the prophet had received
all the keys of the Aaroncic & Melchezedec Priesthood for the last Dispensa-
from John the Baptist, Peter James
& John
, Moses, Elias & Elijah
and had sealed all these keys upon the Twelve Apostles and
that the prophet had laid this responsibility upon the sholders of
the Twelve Apostles to bear all this Kingdom I then exhorted the
young men to qualify themselves & step forth and magnify their
callings. jfor History I recommended the young men to read
Rollins Ancient History & Josep^h^uhs Josephus I exhorted the
Elders to attend their prayer circles F D Richards followed me
Conference adjourned untill the 15 of April At the close of the Meeting
I returned to S. L. City and spent the night at home Distance 80 M[iles]

~ Monday

17. [FIGURES] I received a Letter from Sylvia I spent the day in the office

~ Tuesday

18. [FIGURES] I wrote a letter to Sarah and visited Brother O Pratt & C. C. Rich
I found Br Pratt vary feeble Brother Rich gaining slowly I
Brought up Br Nickson to Dr Richards I spent the night at the farm 6 [miles]

~ Wednesday

19 [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Emma This was one of the most important days of my
[FIGURES] my life I met with the President John Taylor & 2nd councillor Joseph
F Smith
and 7 of the Twelve viz W. Woodruff O Pratt C. C. Rich
L Snow F D Richards F. M. Lyman & John Henry Smith. And John Smith
the first Patriarch and the Presiding Bishop Edward Hunter and L John Nuttall
C C Rich was carried in a chair & O Pratt was vary feeble yet
we all MPerformed the ordinance of washing our feet against our Enemies
Page 108

and the Enemies of the kingdom of God according to the cammandment of God unto
Us W Woodruff opened By Prayer & John Taylor was mouth in the
washing and at the Prayer circle Lorenzo Snow was mouth at the
opening & John Taylor was mouth at the Alter and Presented the Prayer
written By W Woodruff By request of President Taylor and the names
were Presented before the Lord according to commandment It was truly
a solumn scene and I presume it was the first ensample of any thing of the
Kind since the creation of the world. the Prayer and names Presented will
be recorded By L John Nuttall president Taylors secretary we were three
hours in the meeting and ordinances

~ Thursday

20. [FIGURES] I met at 10 wrote 1 Letter I met at 10 oclok at Br Burtons and Administered to Br
Nickson after which He took ether & RDr Richards cut out a tumor
out of his right arm pit as much as 3 inches through and one on his
left side the size of a hens egg it was skilfully done I then called
upon Bishop Thomas Taylor and setled my tithing which amounted to
$420.27. I then called upon president Taylor a while in council

~ Friday

21. [FIGURE] I received 2 letters from G. Q. Cannon & David Johns. I took
cars at 3:40 with several Brethren {shorthand} & rode to Ogden and attended a party
at 6 oclok got up By the relief society & improvement association we met in a
large Hall there were over 200 present all the Bishops & their wives of the
stake were present peace quietude & good order Prevailed we took
supper at 10 oclok some 200 sat Down to the table well furnished the party
was got up in honor of Sister Eliza R Snow Birth Day Dancing was
kept up untill 11 oclock then speaches from F D Richards & W Woodruff
& readings from prose & poetry on E R Snow read untill 12 oclok then Dismissed for the night. ^stoped at F D Richards^ 40 M[iles]
Page 109

~ Saturday

Jan 22, 1881

[FIGURE] I wrote a letter on the 21 to G Q Cannon, we met this morning for a
Quartily conference Joseph Standford prayed President Peery spoke a short
time concerning the emigration to Arizona. The Bishops then made
a report of their wards I spent the day list[enin]g to the reports of the vary [various]
wards and societies I spent the night at Br Richards

~ Sunday

23 Sunday I met at 10 oclok statistics of the stake read then Joseph F
spoke to the people in much power for one hour & 35 Minutes
Afternoon prayer By C. W. Penrose sacrament Administered W Woodruff
then spoke one hour spoke of the settlements in Southern Utah & Arizonia
Bore Testimomy to the work of God & what Joseph F Smith had said and
in his remarks said He was one of the first presidency {shorthand}
Franklin Richards spoke 20 Minutes Joseph F Smith 15 on the Government of
the Church the Twelve presided in all the World whare the first presidency
were not and that the presidency of the stake and all the Elders & officers
of that Stake should follow the council of F D Richards whose residence was
in oOgden at the close of the Meeting I took supper at Br Richards &
took cars at 6:20 with Joseph F Smith & others & returned to S L City 40 M[iles]

~ Monday

24 A snowy Day I set apart one Missionary to go to the Southern States. I heard
an interesting Letter read from G Q Canon, to president Taylor I had an
[FIGURE] interesting conversation with Laran Pratt the Def & Dum Brother He
feels as though He would like to go & teach the gospel to the Deaf & Dumb
people He is very intelegent and can talk so I can understand him

~ Tuesday

^25 [FIGURES]^ I received 3 Letters to day from McAllister & E Robinson & printed
Documents from the Josephite class I wrote 2 letters to McAllister &
[FIGURE] Bleak
Page 110

~ Wednesday

Jan 26, 1881

[FIGURE] I recieved one letter from David John

~ Thursday

27. [FIGURE] I recieved 2 letter from James McFarland & from Sylvia &
[FIGURE] wrote Letter to Sarah & Sylvia and Lot Smith (see copy)

~ Friday

28. I spent the day writing I visited L. W. Hardy in the evening who had been
sick for a week I spent the night at the farm 8 Miles

~ Saturday

29 Nellie was taken in labor at midnight had a son born at 2 oclok PM
[FIGURE] Mother & child Doing well I returned to the City and spent the day in the office
but went to the field at night.

~ Sunday

30. Sunday I returned from the field in the Afternoon Did not attend
Meeting attended prayer circle

~ Monday

Jan 31. I spent the Day copying my Journal see Feb 1, 1881 in new Journal
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April 22 1872, to John Wesley Doctor
to Doctors Bill $15 00
Page 148

Samuel, Garn Administrator on the
Estate of the Daniel, Garn late deceased

traveling exspenses
to ogden $1 55
to Weber Station 1 85
3 40
Page 149

Salt Lake County money
paid to Mahala, Garn, reliet of Daniel, Garns.

to Cash $1 30
to Cash 3 85
to Cash 2 50
to Cash 1 75
9 40

Minna, Garn, reliet of Daniel, Garn.

to Cash 2 50
Page 150

. Memorandum of moneys
found, on the premises of, Daniel, Garn, late

decased, in loin 100 20 00
in currency 100 45 00
5 notes to the value 3 900 50

April ^22^ for burial and other Exspenses 1872

To Joseph. E. Taylor, for funeral and Coffin 55 00
14 yards of linen per yard 1.25 17 50
1 white Shirt 3 00
1 collar 20
1 pair hose 45
tape 15
neck tie 40
makeing robe 2 00
apron & making 5 00
Page 151

September 22nd 1854 Received flour at Fort Bridger

16 Sacks marked J. B. Waung 15.77
5 Sacks marked W. B. Waung 4.69
Wate of Sacks 20.46
amount of flour 33
Elenor Simpson (Husband A Simpson) Sister to Wm Baiyliss
Automney County Ioway
Page 152

Green River
Received 1567 pounds of Flour from
John Bennion & Wm Blackhurst
for the Perpetual Emmegration

Also an order for 2000 lbs at Fort Bridger 1567
September 18th 1854 Paid Thomas Todd 6.13 ^Capten of 1st ten^ lbs of Flour 6.13 1/2
W. A. Mcmaster Capt of 23rd ten to 406 Lbs of Flour 4.14
Wm Lamb Capt of 2nd ten to 547 1/2 Lbs of Flour 539 1/2
S Fort Larrame September 22nd 54
Reciivid Flour on from John Banneon and

Wm Blackhurst
16 Sacks marked J. B. Waing in all 15.77
5 Sacks marked W. B. Waing in all 4.69
Wait of 4 Sacks 33
amount of Flour 20.13

Capt Todd Received 11.13 pounds flour 11.13
Capt Lamb Recd 5.96 pounds flour 5.96
Capt Mcmaster Recd 3.04 pounds flour 3.04
Page 153

21) If a broker is employed to buy a quantity of goods to
the value of ^£. L. D^ 975 6 4 What is the brokerage at ^L. D^ 6.6 per cent

s £. L. D
5 1/4 975 6 4
1 1/5 243 16 7
6 1/2 48 15 3 3/4
6.6 24 7 7 3/4
3, 16 18 6 1/2
3, 38
4, 62
1/2, 50

When the time is 1/4 1/2 or 3/4 of a year besides a number of years given
Rule Takes parts of the interest for a year which add to the
interest of the several years given & it will give the answer
24) What is the interest of ^£ L D^ 325 7 6 at 6 per cent perannum
For three years and a half

£ L D £ L D
10 5 9 1/2 257 5 1
5 2 10 3/4 4
2 11 5 1/4 10, 29 0 4
18 0 1 1/2 20
5, 80
1/4 56
Page 154

Simple Inte^re^st Brokerage

Is an allowance to brokers for helpers or merchants
or factor to persons to buy or sell them goods
Rule—Devide the sum given by one 100 &
take parts from the quotient with the rate per cent
19) What is the brokage of ^£ L D^ 796 14 7 at ^L^ 6 per cent

£. L. D s £. L. D
7, 96 14 7 4 1/5 7 19 4
20 2 1/2 7 17 10 1/4
19, 34 12 Ans 2 7 9 1/2
4, 15

20) When a broker sells goods to the Amount of
^£. L. D^ 7105 5 10 What may he demand for brokage
If he is Allowed ^L. D^ 5 6 per cent

£. L. D. L. D £. L. D
71, 0.5 5 10 4 1/5 71 1 0 1/2
20 1 1/4 14 4 2 1/2
1, 05 6 1/2 3 11 0 1/2
12 1 15 6 1/4
70 19 10 9 1/4
1/2, 80
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