Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)

Document Transcript

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January 1, 1860
October 22, 1865

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From 1860 to 1865 6 years 368

January 1st 1860
October 22nd 1865

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~ Sunday

Jan 1st 1860
Sunday I spent the day at home H. C. Kimball Preach at the Tabernacle

~ Monday

2nd I spent the day in the office President Kimball called
in the Historians office and talked over his Journey to England
with the Twelve in 1840. Spoke of our sickness &c There was
A party at Bellow's Hall 14th Ward I called a short time

~ Tuesday

3rd Mr A. B. Miller arived from the States in 20 days He came at
2 oclock this morning He says the House of Congress cannot organize
and that politicks runs so high that he was glad to leave the country
and come to Salt Lake. He also was informed that Major & Russels
herd of cattle at Ruby valley were dying off that 1700 Head was
dead when the express left it had snowed 24 days in succession
we received some papers to day by the Mail.

~ Wednesday

4th I visited Lorenzo Snow who was sick at Brother Houtz and
administered to him I spent the day in the office and attended
a party at the Historians office

~ Thursday

5th I spent the day in the office we had a snow storm I wrote
A hand pointing to the right 3 Letters to Luther Scammons, Aphek & Andrew Woodruff
and to the U. S. Patent office per Wm Hooper we had 2 inches snow

~ Friday

6th I spent the day in the office we had a strong South wind
which melted off the snow and it rained some in the evening
I spent the evening with President Young {He invited me to
and visit him on Monday} He conversed upon many subjects He said it was
the intent of our Enemies was to get our organic act repealed
& esstablish Marshal Law but he did not believe they would
do it He spoke of the coal bed on Webber, wished for a good
rooad to it.

~ Saturday

7th I rode to Fort Herriman took Sarah & her children also Wilford
I spent the night in the Fort in my own house which I diHad bought

~ Sunday

8th Sunday I preached in Fort Herriman to the people during the
day and evening it snowed most of the day The cattle and
sheep had to get there living out on the range I had 87 sheep
Moroni Herded them daily.

~ Monday

9 I returned home with Wilford Having left Sarah to teach school
it snowed most of the way home & met us in the face distance 50 miles
I spent the afternoon and evening with President Young and his family
with Mrs Woodruff & Phebe Brother & Sister Stenhouse

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Judge E. Smith and Lady & N. H. Felt and Ladies we took a good
supper. in the Edge of the evening we met in the setting room
had singing and prayer Brother Stenhouse was Mouth Presidents
Youngs Family was presient a good spirit prevailed and such
order I never saw in any Numerous Family in my life
his immediate Family cannot be less than one hundred person
President Young conversed upon the subject of slavery in this
Territory and concerning cattle dying in Ruby valley. And
also pupon his mission to England to England in 1840, and some other
subjects. we tarried till 8 oclock then returned home. In speaking of
10the unhealthy state of the Missippi & other lands Peresident Young said if
man could live above the Earth they would not be so sick He said if
he was to build a House in that country to live in again He would build it
on arches so that air could have a Free circulation under it He said He
had herd of a house built in that way in New Orleans whare all were
healthy who lived in it

~ Tuesday

10th I spent the day in the office and Evening at home

~ Wednesday

11 In company with Bishop Hunter I called upon President
Young to enquire if he wished to change any of the Names for
the Board of D A & M Society He said he did not wish to make
any change I was here introduced to Capt Walter M Gibson
of South Carolinia who had lectured in the Social Hall upon his
travels in the Indian Archipeligo. in speaking of that country he
said the salobrity of that country was so great that you pull any
kind of herbage you can find and bind it on any tryee so that
it would stay and it would take root & grow said He I have
seen fifty kinds of herbage grow upon one tree of Different
kinds like the misseltoe He spoke of several diferent kinds of fruit
which he had No knowledge of before which were vary healthy
I spent the evening at home The mail came in this Evening.

~ Thursday

12 We obtained the Papers from the office this morning I obtained
the Dec Number of the American Agriculterist The New York semi weekl[y]
Tribune 2 Numbers I called upon Mr H F Morrell the post Master
[FIGURE] and paid him 90 cts postage on My Papers I paid for Genesse
Farmer in 1859 als[o] Gody Lady Book I paid for a quarter for 1860
The semi weekly Tribune U. S. Journal & The Amerian Agriculturist
all paid to the first of April

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~ Friday

Jan 13 ^1860^
It is quite cold winter weather I spent the day in the office

~ Saturday

14 A cold morning but plesant sunshine I spent the day in the office
15 Sunday I I Met with the Twelve at candlelight For Prayer F. D. Richards
Prayed & John Taylor was Mouth. we Administered to G. A. Smith

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I met with my Quorum J. C. Little prayed R Bentley
was Mouth. I Attended Meeting at the Tabernacle J Taylor preached

~ Monday

16 A shower of Frost all trees covered with Frost I spent the
day in the office I had a small party at My house through the
evening Capt Walter Murray Gibson and his Daughter Solulah
A crown Lucy Gibson were both present they both were Baptized By
H. C. Kimball Jan 16th 1860 at 37:30 PM. and confirmed members
of the C. J. C. L. D. Saints under the Hands of the Presidency of
the Church President Young being mouth There was also
at My House A. O. Smoot & wife, Thomas B. H. Stenhouse &
wife Lorenzo Snow & wife & Brother Houtz & wife Capt Giboson
Had been a great traveller through the Indies, Archipeligo &
Mexico He entertained us through the Evening in giving
sketches of his travelleds the customs, Habits & Religion of the
People, also the productions, Fruits, Animals, Birds, & reptiles
of the thousands of Island and Continent which he had visited
Many of those Ilands contained hundreds of new kinds of Fruit
the ownly Food they raise by cultivation is rice & sweet potatoes
all other food groes spontaneous when a man lands upon one of
those Islands he Finds his food before him upon the trees evry
one of those Islands contain a large supply of cocanut & Bannana
there is but one of the Island that is dangerous in consequence
of wild Beast and that Iland loose about 3 men in 2 days upon
an Everage by the Tiger alone. There is but one Island that
He visited which contained dangerous Reptiles. Georgia & the
souther States contained a thousand times more Dangerouse
serpents than the Indies & Islands. they manufactur a vary
fine silk cotton is also raised & produced from the cotton
tree. Nearly all kinds of Fruits are ripe all the year round
containing ripe & green fruit, Blossom, & buds upon the trees at
the same time He saw vary large forest trees some 70 feet
in DCircumference. There was an aromatic Fragrance in the land
breeze through the whole year which was a vary peculiar & healthy

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He was much delighted with his travels in India He has expended
some seventy Thousand Dollars in his Travels. He fitted up a
fine ship which cost $7000 in the Deceration of his state room
He was Arested by the Dutch his ship siezed, and He was imp-
for about one year & a half sentenced to death his ship
sold all without any Just cause or provication He escaped from
Prision through the help of some Malays. while in Prision He
had a Dream which showed him his Escape, his return to
the United States, his visit to Utah & Dreamed that some saints
returned with him to the Malays Islands. And He is now
Here & has Embraced the Gospel. He said he went through
Mexico in 1847 & [184]8. And when the U. S. Government sent an
armeyy to Utah to war with the Mormons He laboured vary
diligently to get the Administration to send Peace commissioners
to Utah at first He could make no impression upon members
of Congress or the President at last they consented to the propo-
sition He was one of the first men named and finally there
were some Dozen Applicants and at last as the president
wished to make as much out of offices as he could sent Powel From
Kentucky & MCCullock of Texas two of the worst men that
was offered. Capt Gibson conversed upon several other subj[ec]ts
The Express came in & Brother Stenhouse got sum papers &
Red his correspondence in the Herrald. TBrother Giles the Blind man
called in & played upon his Harp for two hours I gave him
$2 for his music

~ Tuesday

17 We got papers to 22nd Dec From St Louis giving an Account of
the Hanging of the four men at Charlestown V.a. 2 got out
the night before were retaken & hung The house of Congress was
not Organized at the 21 Dec I spent the day in the office Journalizing
I spent the evening at Brother J Horns several of the Twelve
were present O. Pratt J. Taylor F D. Richards L. Snow & W Woodruff
& A. O. Smoot Mayor The evening was spent in speeches & songs
we went home about Midnight

~ Wednesday

18th I spent the day in the office. I met with the Board of Directors
of the D. A & M. Society till 10 oclok I was Appointed in connexi[on]
with Lorenzo Young & President Edward Hunter to meet with the
Joint Assembly of the Legislature to ur[g]e the members to assist us
to form Branch sosciet[i]es throughout the Territory

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~ Thursday

19 Jan ^1860^
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to D. H. Wells & J. Taylor President of the council &
speaker of the House of Representatives I spent a short time in
the council They Appointed this Evening at candlelight to meet
in joint Session For the purpose of hearing addresses From the
President & Board of Directors for upon the subject of extending
the Agricultural & Manufacturing interest throughout the Territory
President Hunter & W. C. Stanes & Lorenzo Young met with me
at the H. O. Office to make arangements for the Meeting

I met with the Joint Session of the Legislature with Bishop
Hunter Lorenzo Young & Wm C Stanes. President Wells called
the tHouse to order, and presented the object of the meeting
Bishop Hunter arose and made a few remarks I was then presented
to the Assembly and addressed them at some length upon the
subject of the agricultural & Manufacturing interest of the Territory
I recommended the esstablishing Branches in evry county through
the Territory & Hold county Fairs for the Benefit of the whole
people and that they Join the State Fair, and that all unite in sending
agents to the states to buy good sheep, cattle, Horses swine or other
stock also good cotton seed & cotton jGinnes and any Machinery
we want, and other remarks was made I was then Followed by
Lorenzo Young & Wm. C. Stanes & Bishop Hunter then remarks
were made by councellor Harrington & A. P. Rockwood. President
Wells than made some good remarks and received us vary kindly
and Resolved to sustained us & to have the minutes printed in
the D News & Mountaineer & in tomorrows minutes

~ Friday

20 vary cold and Frosty I went to the office in the morning I there
learned that Joseph Rhodes was killed by Jason Luce last evening in
Butchers House whare William Hickman lay. Rhodes came to
the House and said he wanted to see Hickman Luce said he
could not Rhodes swore he would or die on the spot and drew
two pistols one cocked in Each hand and presented them at
Luce. Luce drew his knife and sprung at Rodes and struck
him in the Right Breast & the knife went through his body
Ormas Bates sprung at the same time and caught hold of each
pistol and turned the muzzles up Luce continued to thrust the
knife into Rhodes and he soon fell and as he began to Fall He
snaped both pistols but the hammer struck Bates Hand and
did not go off Luce continued to stab him untill he had

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Eleven gashes through his body. I went down to see the corpes
it had been washed and laid on a Board Naked I never
saw a Body so cut up. the poliece took the body From Hickman
to the City Hall, whare I saw the Body. Luce gave himsel up to
the Poliece. I spent the day in the office Luce had his trial
in the evening and was acquited upon the plea of self Defense

~ Saturday

21st I spent the day in the office. I spent the evening at A. O. Smoot
with a party O. Pratt J. Taylor & W. Woodruff of the Twelve, Hon
J. M. Bernhisel & many others were present I paid M Cannon $1 For line of Battlesnip

~ Sunday

22nd ^Sunday^ I spent most of the fore part of the day at
home I spent the afternoon with Presidents Young &
Kimball & Lorenzo Young. Capt Gibsons travels was a subjet of
Conversation the Island were spoken of. He visited 40 of
the group President Young showed us on the map whare the
Apostles Preached the country through which they travelled and
probably it continued to the Archipeligo and that the Malays
had the gospel and that the Israelitish traditions were among
them. President Young said that all the world would have
been warned long ago in our day if all the world had bee[n] as faith-
ful in warning his Neighbor as He & many of the Elders of theis
Church When going to Zion in 1834 Joseph reproved the camp
while standing upon a waggon wheel I said I had done the best
I could & could not Better it if I was to try it again H. C. Kimball
said the same. They said they had been in the Church nearly
half of his life. (I W W have been in the Church more than half
of my life) I remarked that it was an interesting time to live to
to see the fulfillment of the President Young said it was an interesting
time. H C kimball said we should see it Just as well if Dead as
if alive President Young said, while we are in the flesh, we have
to contend against evil spirits and Devils in a way which will
be hid from us in the spirit world. Brother Kimball said in
speaking of our Prayer circle I never saw T. D. Brown in that
circle but what I felt sorry to see him there. President Young
said He would never have been there If you had not Recommended
him for I had not confidence enough in him He leacked & so
did Wm. W. Phelps & others. what is spoken in a prayer circle
should never be Named out of the circle not [to] a wife or any body
Els if there is any thing to be said I will say it I could preach

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all about the Endowments in Public and the world know Nothing
about it I could preach all about Masonry & None but a mason
know any thing about it And the mane part of Masonry is to keep
a secret.

I attended the 14 ward evening Meeting S. M. Blair
first spoke of his sickness acknowledged the hand of God in his rec-
overy was Followed by Lorenzo Young also Elder O. Pratt spoke for
1 1/4 hour there was a full house

~ Monday

23rd It is thawing to day. I spent the day in the office A man by the name
of Cub Johnson or is so called kcame into the office with S. M. Blair
He wished to see President Young Br Blair said President Young
sent word to that Party viz Lot Huntington & party that he wished
them to lay down their arm repent of their sins and Become good
men & this Johnson was willing to do it & wished to see the President
about it But He did not see him. we had an evening school
in the office. J. V. Long gave us a lecture upon Wells grammar
and Phonography

~ Tuesday

24 I setteled my tithing with Bishop Hoagland for 1859 which
amounted to $295.32 cts Paid $253.32 & the remainder $42 I Paid in Molasses
through the office

The Eastern Mail came in and we obtained some papers and the
Presidents Message. President Young & Carrington Carrington
called upon us at the office a short time Read one letter from
J. Vancott who had arived at Copenhagen and letters from
other Brethren I received A jGenesse Farmer of Jan 1860, and one
Tribune. I preached to the 27th Quorum of Seventies at Thomas Bullocks
I herd four gun shots at 11 oclok at night

~ Wednesday

25th I spent the day in the office also the evening on a lesson in phonography

~ Thursday

26th I spent the forenoon at home settleing accounts and the afternoon
in the office I attended the D. A & M. Society I was apointed to
correspond with the sheep raisers in the United States.

~ Friday

27th A hand pointing to the right I wrote 23 Letters to J. C. Taylor of Holmdel, Monmouth Co N. J.
and Josiah Wm Ware Barryville Clark Co. V.a. concerning she[e]p
I spent the day in the office reading letters I wrote 1 Letter to
Edwin Whiting of Sanpete County I met at Presidents Youngs
for A Meeting whare C C Rich gaven an Account of the Death
of John King who was killed by riding down the mountain on a snow
slide on the 25th Jan 27 186[0] He wasould ^be^ 26 years old 29th Jan 1860 He was born
in Australia He was Found with his face on the ground & feet doubled back over his head

Page 18

Minutes of A Meeting of the Presidency Twelve Presidents of Seventies
and others assembled in President Youngs Council Room at 6 oclok

Thare were Present, President Young President Kimball (D H Wells sick)
All of the Twelve except A. Lyman & G. A. Smith who was sick
The Presidency of the Seventies Bishop Hunter & many others
A Hymn was sung O Happy Souls who pray Prayer By O Hyde
President Young stated the object of the Meeting was to convers
upon Doctrinal Points to see if we see alike & think alike I Pray
that we may have the spirit of God to rest upon us that our minds
may be upon the subject & that we may speak by the Holy spirit
He then called upon A Carrington to read a sermon he read
it before the company a peace prepared for the press written by
Orson Pratt upon the Godhead He claimed that it was the
atributes of God that He worshiped and not the person &
that He worshiped those Atributes whether He found them in
God, orJesus Christ Adam, Moses, The Apostles Joseph, Brigham
or in any body Els after the document was read President
Young then called upon the Twelve to express their feelings up[o]n
the subject He called upon O Hyde to speak & he called upon
TJ Taylor to speak He spoke a short time No one knew at
the time (except the President & Carrington) who was the auth[or]
of the document read. Brother Taylor said he did not see
it in that light He worshiped a personage and not the Atributes
he thought God was Located and could not worship the Atributes
in any body President Young then called a vote of the assembly
and said if you understand this to be a correct doctrin as here
written I wish you manifested it by saying yes No one spoke
President Young then said do I worship Atributes or the
dispenser of those Atributes I worship the Disspencer of those
of those atributes and Not the Atributes This is O Pratts sermon
prepared for the Press I do not want to have it published if it is
not right. Brother Orson worships the Atributes of God but not
God I worship not the Atributes but that God who holds and
dispenses if Eternity was full of atributes and No one to dispens
them they would not be worth a feather. Suppose an Angels comes
to us to Night with a message From God and he tels the angels
not to make himself known He comes to us with a message

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and gives a New Law and a penalty for not obeying. you may ask who
are you he may not tell you who he is or he may say God sent
me. you may say whare is that God who sent you I dont know or care
any thing about you or what you say. He might say to you I am a god
to you. Moses said to Israel I am a God to you. Joseph said to us
I am a God to you. this was true and upon the same principles I am
a God to this people & so is any man who is appointed to lead Israel or
the Kingdom of God if the people reject him, they reject the one who
sent him but we will let that drop, and turn to the other subjet now
suppose we were all to receive a fullness of the Atributes of God and
According to Orson Pratts Theory The Lord had a fulness and we could
He could not advance but we could advance till we were Equal to him
then if we worshiped the Atributes instead of God we would soon worship
ourselves as soon as we had a fulness of those atributes then you
cannot worship any thing beyound yourself you would then worship
the atributes & not the dispenser of those atributes "this is fals doctrin"
God did not say worship Moses because he was a God to the people. you
may say to your wife or son do so & so. they will say I will not but I
will go to a greater man I will go to Brigham Young. you might say
I am your counciller Dictator or your God Either would be correct
and they should obey your Just & righteous command yet they should
^not^ worship you for this would be sin. Orson Pratt has differed from
me in many things. But this is a great principle & I do not wish to say
you shall do so and so I do not know of a man who has a mathamat-
ical turn of mind but what goes to Far. The trouble betwen Orson
Pratt & me is I do not know Enough & he knows to much. I do not
know evry thing their is a mystery concerning the God I worship
which mystery will be removed when I come to a full knowledge
of God One of the greatest things Joseph Smith ever did was to
Familiarize Heaven & Earth and cause them to shake hand together
and become Familiar together this was a great principle it is sim-
ple yet true. When I me[e]t the gGod I worship I expect to personage
with whom I have been acquainted, upon the same principle that
I would to meet with my Earthly Father after going upon a
Journey & returning home.

W. Woodruff spoke & said that
it is our privelege so to live as to have the spirit of God to bear
record of the Truth of any revelation that comes from God through

Page 20

the mouth of his Prophet who leads his people and it has ever
been a key with me that when The Prophet who leads presents
a doctrin or principle or says thus saith the Lord I make it a point
to received it even if it comes in contack with my tradition
or views being well satisfied that the Lord would reveal the truth
unto his Prophet whom he has called to lead his Church before he
would unto me, and the word of the Lord through the prophet is
the End of the Law unto me. O Hyde & Joseph Young both backed
me up. Joseph Young said "I do not believe in the doctrin of
worshiping the atrtributes and not the Auther I once loved a woman
she says to me you shall have my respect & kind regards &
she told me to go in peace I told her it was not her good
will that I wanted alone I wanted her. So with my God if
he was to say to me Joseph here take my attributes & go I
would say No Father it is not your attributes alone that I
want but I want you. When I read O Pratts views in the
I could not swallow it. Joseph the Prophet said when
you see your Father you will see him Just as he was in this life
ownly he will be full of Strength Glory Immortality & Eternal
President Brigham Young said now here is the Twelve
I wish to extend there Influence as Far as I can but I cannot
do it while I ^they^ teach Fals doctrin one of the causes of the declartion
in England (as I understand the people are clear down) is what
Orson Pratt Preached in the seer. There is not a man in the
Church that can preach better than Orson Pratt upon any
subject which he understands it is music to hear him but the
trouble is he will preach upon things he does not know any
thing about and tehen he will preach fals doctrin & so will
Elder Hyde. He preaches upon the resurrection & teaches
things which are not true. I will tell you the God
which you and I worship, it is a Being that was on an Earth
like this He has been cloathed in Mortality the same as
we have been and he has had Devils to fight the same as we have had
but I do not expect they were the same Devils that we have. That God
says I am your God and there is none Els let us worship him and none
Els He is the God that we have. No matter what Gods Enoch saw when
the heavens were opened unto him if the God he saw had been exalted

Page 21

millions of years before our God was he also had to occupy an Earth
like ourselves and we shall find it out at some period and this
is all the mystery there is about it & if we are faithful we in
our turn shall be Exalted and become Gods, and there will be no
miystery about it when we understand it

O Hyde said I am satisfied that I have used a good deal of philosiphy
whis is not true but that is all done away with, and I did not think
I should meet with the Prejudices of Potawatamie here to night
President Young said if you bring Potawatamie with you you must
expect to meet it O Hyde said that he did not preach in Grants-
as Brother Joseph Young reported he did Brother Joseph was
not Present and he has been misinformed concerning it E. T. Benson
Explained the way O Hyde did preach He compaired the reseurrection
to taking a Journey around the world we travel all day stop at a
station at night lie down and sleep at night arise in the morning
& continue our Journey through another day & so on. So at the
end of this life we sleep in the grave till the morning of the resurre-
ction we then arise and continue our Journey" Brother Benson
also said I do not preach things which I do not know I keep
in shallow water I wish to teach the people those things which they
can understand, and those things we cannot understand I do
not trouble myself about. I know it is my duty to sustain the president
of this Church if I do not respect the President of this Church and belie[ve]
his word and I set myself up against him I am under condem
nation I would as lives cut off my right Hand. if he speaks to
us we must believe him and obey him. I mean to do it.

Erastus Snow said President Young has put words in my mouth
so that I can convey what I want. we are apt to say many things
which we do not mean & we injure ourselves I cannot see things
in the same light that Orson Pratt does but when President Young has
taught doctrin it has always tasted good to me I do not wish to
know any more than God wishes me to.

Orson Pratt said I will speak upon this subject I have not
spoaken but once in the Tabernacle since conference I then
spoke upon the revelations in the Doctrins & Covenants concerning the Father
& son & their atributes I spoke upon those attributes of the Father & son
I spoke of the Attributes of the Saints I gave my views upon the attrributes

Page 22

of God I sincerly believed what I preached. how long I have believed
this doctrin I do not know but it has been for years I have published
it in the Seer. I spoke of a plurality of Gods. in order to worship
this God I said that I adored the atributes wharever I found them
I was honest in this matter * I would not worship a god or Tabernacle
that did not possess Atrtributes if I did I should worship Idols
I have thaught this doctrin. Now the reson I worship the Father
is because in him is combined the attributes if he had not those
attributes I would not worship him any more than I would this
chair. I cannot see any difference between myself and President
Young. If you whad told me what you worshiped him for you
would have told me somthing, but now I can see no difference
between us. I wish to explain Now Jesus said I am in the Father
& the Father in me [3 Nephi 9:15]. Now I do not suppose that the Father is in
the Son & the Son in the Father in the Tabernacle, but in the spirit
and Attributes, truth light power &c. we are told that the son repr-
esents the Father in Attributes &c I called upon the Brethren to come
to this meeting to settel this But I must have somthing more than
a declaration of President Young to convince me I must have evidence
I am willing to take President Young as a guide in most things but
not in all. President Young does not profess to have revelations in
all things. I am not to loose my agency I have said many things
which President Young says is Fals I do not know how it is
I count president Young Equal to Joseph Iand Joseph Equal
to President Young I find things in Josephs Revelations
that govern me I would as lievesf believes Joseph as
Brigham. When Joseph teaches one thing & Brigham
seems to teach another contrary to Joseph (I say seems to)
I believe them as Joseph has spoken them and as the Apostle
speaks of them I do not know God ownly by his Atributes, and
that God who has the most Atributes I worship. I worship but one
God, and God does not dwell in me ownly by his Atributes I
have spoken plainly I would rather not have spoken so plainly
but I have No excuses to make President Young said I ought
to make a confession But Orson Pratt is not a man to make a
confession of that I do not Believe. I am not going to crawl to
Brigham Young and act the Hypocrite and confess what I do

Page 23

not Believe I will be a free man. President Young condems my doctrin
to be fals I do not believe them to be fals I believe President Young
to be sincere in sayin that my doctrin is fals. I did not Believe
the doctrin fals which I published in the Seer in England. it has
been said we should let those things sleep. But you do not let them sleep
If I had thought while in England that President Young worshiped
a God without attributes I would not have written what I did

((The above remark was an unkind cut in Orson Pratt he should not have said it))

But I do not believe it yet I will not act the Hypocrite it may cost me
my fellowship But I will stick to it if I die to night I would say O
Lord God Almighty I believe what I say.

Elder John Taylor spoke at some length and tried to convince Orson Pratt
of his Error. President Young said Orson Pratt has started out upon
false premises to argue upon his foundation has been a fals one all the
time and I will prove it false you have been like a mad stoubern
Mule, and have taken a fals position in order to accuse me you have
accused me of worshiping a stalk or stone or a dead Body without
life or attributes you never herd such a doctrin taught by me or any
leader of the Church it is as false as Hell and you will not hear the
last of it soon. you know it is false Do we worship those attributes No
we worship God because he has all those Attributes and is the dispensur
of them and because he is our Father & our God. Orson Pratt puts down
a lie to argue upon he has had fals ground all the time to night
Thare never was a time or Eternity but what a God did exist, and
a God that had children upon the same principle that children
are now begotton, and I was begotton by the God I worship
who reigns in the heavens and I shall also in my turn reign as
a God & so will you

O Hyde said to O Pratt, My opinion is not worth as much to me
as my fellowship in this Church

President Young said Michael was a resurrected Being and he
lef[t] Eloheem and kcame to this Earth & crewith an im[mor]tal Body & continued
so till he partook of Earthly food and begat children who were mortal
(keep this to yourselves) then they died. OA Carrington spoke upon
the subject a short time & made some useful remarks

President Young spoke upon the subject of O. Pratt laying dow fals
to work upon That principle if carried out would place

Page 24

us in a position that when a man got a fulness of the Attributs
of God they would have to worship themselves. But if we worship
God we worship him because he possesses all the Attributes and
dispenses them to the children of men all these Attributes are the
servants of God they serve his purposes and are at his command

President H C Kimball Followed President Young and said
Brother Orson Pratt has withstood Joseph and he has withstood
Brother Brigham many times and he has done it to night
and it made my Blood chill. it is not for you to lead but to
be leadd by him You have not the power to dictate but to be dictated

W. Woodruff arose and said Brother Orson Pratt
I wish to ask you one or two questions. you see that the spirit
and doctrin which you possess ins entirely in oposition to the First Presidency
The Quorum of the Twelve, and all who are present this evening and
it chills the Blood in our veins to hear your words & feel your
spirit should not this be an evidence to you that you are wrong
what would become of the Quorum of the Twelve if we all felt as you do
we should all go to Hell in a pile together. You say you are honest in
the course you are persueing. I wish to ask you if you was honest
when you said that if you had known that President Young
worshiped a God without life or Attributes that you would not have
written what you did (O Pratt said I will recall that) It was an insult
to President You[n]g and the Holy Priesthood which he holds. evry man
in this room who has a particle of the spirit of God, knows that President
Young is a Prophet of God and that God sustains him and He has the
Holy Spirit and his doctrins are true, and that he is qualifyed to
lead the people and he has explained evry thing so plain this evening
that a child can understand it, and yet it is no evidence to you. nothing
can make an impression upon you. no argument can reach your
understanding. But Brother Orson I have seen the day when
you was in sorrow it was when you was cast out of your Quorum
and out of the Church and that to in consequence of persueing the
same course you are this evening. then you could both see feel &
understand. then argument could reach you when you saw your glory
and crown departing from you. I beg of you to reflect and not let
your will carry you to Far in these things. it would be better for us
not to be able to cast up a simple sum in adition and be humble before

Page 25

the Lord than to have ever so much knowledge & permit that knowledge
to lead us to destruction. There are but few men upon Earth upon
whom God has bestowed such gifts, qualifications and reasoning
powers as he has upon you, and he will hold you responsible for
the use you make of them, and you should not make a wreck of your
salvation for contending for things which you do not understand
and I do feel at this advanced state of the Church, and late day
and with the information which you possess that neither you
nor your Brethren ought to be troubled with Fals doctrin Neither
should you cause your Brethren to listen to such a scene of things
as we have herd to night or to insult the president of this Church
as you have done. although you are unbending in your will to night
the day is not far distant when you will be glad to bend
to the president of this Chiurch and make reconciliation.

Erastus Snow Followed and backed up the Testimony of those
who have spoaken

Orson Hyde spoke upon the subject and said Brother Pratt had
not got the spirit of God. He was followed By C. C. Rich who
backed up the Testimony of the Twelve isn saying that Orson
Pratt was wrong. E. T. Benson spoke upon the same subject
and said if Brother Pratt had the confidence in President
Young which he ought to have he would Feel diferent if he had
the confidence in his Brethren which he should have I know He
would feel different

President Young said I will tell you how I got along with
Joseph I found out that God called Joseph to be a prophet
I did not do it. I then said I will leave the Prophet in the
hands of that God who called and ordained him to be a propht
He is not responsible to me and it is none of my business
what He does it is for me to follow & obey him. I wonce was ash
amed of one thing which I did while in Missouri in Zions Camp
I got a revelation that God excepted our offering I had the same
thing revealed to me twice & that we should not go into Jackson Co.
I named this to some of the Brethren a day or two before Joseph
got a Revelation upon the same subject I felt ashamed that
I named it first. I knew whare we were going and I now
know that when we go to Jackson County we shall go from the west

Page 26

and I will now tell you all and you may right it down that
all my preaching by the Holy Ghost it is revelation. I told the
Brother Joseph that he had given us revelation enough to last
us 20 years when that time is out I can give as good revelation
as their is in the Doctrins & Covenants. "Elder Taylor said
in one of his sermons that if we walk in the light of the Lord
we should have revelations all the time." it is the light that is
within you no man can live his religion without living in
Revelation but I would never tell a revelation to the Church untill
Joseph told it first. Joseph once told me to go to his own house
to attend a meeting with him he said that He would not go without
me. I went and Hiram Preached upon the Bible Book of Morm[on]
& Covenants and said we must take them as our guide alone
he preached vary lengthy untill he nearly wearied the people out
when he closed Joseph told me to get up. I did so I took the Books
and piled them all up on top of Each other. I then said that I
would not give the ashes of a rye straw for all those books for my
salvation without the living oracles I should follow and obey
the living oracles for my salvation instead of any thing Els when
I got through Hyrum got up and made a confession for not
including the living Oracles.

It may be thought strange by the Brethren that I will still fello-
wship Elder Pratt bafter what He has said, but I shall do it. I
amd determined to whip Brother Pratt into it and make him
work in the harvess. Orson Pratt said if I gratifyed my
feelings I had rather go into the canyon than to Preach I
have got to go to Tooele to get wood for my family President Young
said I will give you a mission in Tooleele to preach & send word
to the Bishop to get some men & draw up his wood Brother Pratt
has no busines in the canyon the Lord does not want him there
F D Richard Dismissed the meeting

~ Saturday

28th I spent the day in the office I met with the Twelve in the prayer circle
29Orson Pratt met with us he did not dress but said he wanted to be in
the society of the Twelve. He seemed much more soft in his spirit than he had been

~ Sunday

29th Sunday I met at the Tabernacle Orson Pratt was in the stand and
Keys crossed Quite unexpected to his Brethren he arose before his Brethren
and made a vary humble full confession Before the whole assembly for

Page 27

his oposition to President Young and his Brethren and He said he wished
all the Church was present to hear it He quoted Joseph Smiths
revelation to prove that President Brigham Young was ^right^ and that all
was under obligation sto follow the Leader of the Church I never
herd Orson Pratt speak better or more to the satisfaction of the
People, than on this occasion. he would not partake of the
sacrament untill he had made a confession then he partook of it
I attended the evening meeting at the 14 ward I Preached & was
followed by Orson Pratt.

~ Monday

30 I spent the day in the office Journalizing & writing letters

~ Tuesday

A hand pointing to the right31 I wrote 3in letter to my Journal the report of the meeting at Presid-
ents Youngs last Friday night

~ Wednesday

Feb 1st I spent the day in the office Journalizeing I had an interv-
iew with Brother Philip Hammand Buzzard of Mill Creek ward
he gave me an account of the sheep oin Iowa lived near John C Benet
who was speculating in sheep, Hogs & Fowles.

~ Thursday

2nd I wrote 2 letters one to Wm Hooper & one to Dr Thomas K Brooks
Fort Demoin, Polk Co, Iowa, upon the subject of sheep. I then rode to Fort
and Preached in the evening to the people spent the night in the Fort

~ Friday

3rd I spent the day in the fort I doctered my flock of sheep for the
scab I used tar and greease about half & half and rubed on the scab
we found that to be as good a remody as we could get. we went out
to the sheep grount [ground] and it looked as though a sheep could not live but
yet they do vary well. we have 14 lambs and but 5 Ewes.

~ Saturday

4th I returned home to day with Brother Stockings who carried me
whome in a sleigh it was vary cold in passing over a water dictch Br
Stockings was flung out of the sleigh and draged head fore most by the lines
I attended a party at the 15 ward Hall.

~ Sunday

5 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. Wilford prayed
& A Ivins was mouth. I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Erastus
preached sung Redeemer of Israel in Nelly Gray Lorenzo Young dismissed
I preached at the 15 ward Hall to a full house was followed [by] Bishop A Connigham
The Eastern Letter mail came in

~ Monday

6 I spent the day in the office

~ Tuesday

7 I attended the trial of several young men at the poliece station
for breaking up a party last [night] drew pistols threatened life and broke

Page 28

the peace in many wawys. while hearing the testimony it was shown
that while one of the party broke into the room and was in the act
of striking Joseph Smith (the son of Hyram) when Samuel Smith
(son of Samuel H Smith) struck the man and knocked ^him^ against the wall
this was the ownly blow given on Either side. they threatened to kill
Samuel Smith The trial was conducted at Jeter Clintons office
the police Station at the close of the testimony Justice Clinton
called upon me to speak I addressed them some 15 minutes in giving them
a morral lesson to the young Men who were presient and had committed
wrongs upon there Neighbors and at the close The Justice Approved
of the course of Samuel Smith in not going out to fight with
the rowdies when they threatened him. He fined the boys who had
raised the row five dollars Each.

There was a great party at sthe Social Hall The Presidency Twelve
Members of the Legislature city officers, & others including Gov Cummings
Gen Stambough & staff Tickets were $10 p[e]r couple Wilford &
Robert had a company of young people at our house dancded till 3 oclok

~ Wednesday

8th I spent the day in the office and the night at home

~ Thursday

9 I called upon President Kimball with Brother Jaques to get an acc[ou]nt
of the party we found Brother Kimball with a cold & lame hand but
quite cheerful he gave us an account of the Party General Stambough
& staff enjoyed themselves extremly well, were highly delighted. they
took supper at 10 oclock. Gov Cummings left soon after supper did
not seeme as well pleased as the others. He said there were about 200 persons
present they left from 3 to 5 oclok in the morning. Stambaugh & staff rem[ai]ned
till 5 oclok They said they had never seen any thing like it in there lives
I spent the day in the office I called at President Youngs office with
a Book I think the gospel of Nicodemus I left it with A. Carrington
He came & spent the time in the office till 9 oclok There was a
Party at the Social Hall which included all the clerks of our office

~ Friday

10th I was quite unwell with a severe cold I spent the day in the office
reading letters of 1849. Brother Cowley died last night

~ Saturday

11th I still suffer with a bad cold. I spent the forenoon in the office
13 I met with the Quorum in the evening there being present O Hyde
O Pratt E. T. Benson & W Woodruff. E T Benson prayed O Pratt
was mouth {O Hyde said he was sorry that I did not attend President Young party he thought that when
President Young made a party and invited the} 12 {all should attend that could}

Page 29

~ Sunday

132th ^1860^
Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning we had a full comp-
any. I attended meeting at the Tabernacle O Hyde Preached upon the
concentration of the mind followed by O. Pratt upon the same subjet
He spoke of the great acheivments of Sir Isaac Newton upon this princi-
ple and many others had accomplished great things by the great concen-
rtration of the mind which could not be accomplished upon any other
Principle this principle should be applyied in all our spiritual devotions
mathimatics was an excellent subject tho disipline the mind upon

I called upon President Wells who has an attack of the inflamatory
rhemumatism I administered to him by the laying on of hands. I then
went to the 14th ward meeting D Candland Preached a good sermon
I follow him

~ Monday

143 We had an Eastern paper mail this morning I got 2 Tribunes not
much News No organizations of the House yet. I spent the day in the
office and the night till 2 oclock in the Seventies Hall, with the Twelve and
others the time was spent in singing Dancing & speaking

~ Tuesday

14 I called upon President Wells he is still sick his rheumatics have
moved down into his knees. it has been thawing for several days it is
snowing vary hard to day I spent the day in the office

~ Wednesday

15 It is warm & thawing to day I spent the day in the office reading
Letters I read the Letters of two months I spent one hour of the evening
with President D. H. Wells who has the inflamitory rheumatism. he
conversed vary freely upon a variety of subjects of past days. I then
called upon President Young I found him & Brother Kimball &
Bishop Hunter together after an hour O Hyde & Wm Price came in
President Young O Hyde W. Woodruff & Edward Hunter laid hands
upon Wm Price & ordained him a Bishop to presidee over the Goshen
Brance [Branch] President Young was mouth. He gave him good advice

~ Thursday

16 I spent the time in the office. I wrote a Letter to John King concerning
A hand pointing to the right sheep Brother Stocking says that I have over 30 lambs and two lost

~ Friday

17 A plesant morning I spent the day in the office President Young
called into the office at about 1 oclok. He said when he come in
I want to ask a question and that is what do the clerks do in this
and how much do they do in a day I told him as near as I could
Brother Richard Britain came in with President Young & told all
his misfortunes He said he had broke many of his bones. he said nothing
prospered that He touched if he sowed any seed in the ground it would not grow

Page 30

President Young spoke of a cure for a sprain heat up the system
and the limb with hot watter, then into the cold water alternately
He had known many sprains cured in this way In speaking of the
House of Congress not organizing He said I look for the members
to go to the treasurer & demand their pay or per Dium. Many
remarks were made

~ Saturday

18 I rode to Fort Harriman and spent the night wilford also went &
carried a load of Potatoes for the sheep. I laid hands upon Brother Cooper
in the last stage of the Quick consumpsion it appeared as though He co[u]ld
not live but a short time

~ Sunday

19 Sunday I preached to the people in the fordt doring the day & in the
evening A. O. Smoot Preached upon the subject of the organization of
the thieves in this territory and that there must be a stop put to it
I followed him & talked vary plain upon the same subjet

~ Monday

20th I examined my sheep this morning I found 33 lambs & had lost 3
several of the sheep had the scab vary bad we rubed on tar & greese onto
the sore spots it is said to cure wharever it touches. I rode whom [home]
with Brother Smoot Wilford also came home with the mules I found
the Eastern mail had came in I got 3 Tribunes & one American Agri[c]ulter[ist]
No organization of the House up to Feb 1st. They are still Quarrelling I spent
the evening in the Historian office. The Regency met at President Youngs office
& President Yougng spoke upon Esstablishing High schools in this city said He
should call upon the conference to appropriate a portion of the tithing for this
purpose we had a hard snow storm at night 50 m[i]l[es]

~ Tuesday

21 I spent the day in the office President Young called upon us at the office &
said he wished us to do a little work he wanted us to get out the following Books
Keys crossed Short Biography of the life of Brigham Young, History of Joseph
, History of Great Salt Lake City, arival of the Saints & Progres
of Mormonism, Short Biography of the Church. He wished it for
Capt Gibsom who wishes it for an encyclopedia or general History
which is getting up in the U. S. A. He said Capt Gibson would come
into the office & write I spent the evening at the office

~ Wednesday

22 A single key with teeth to the right I called upon Capt Gibson & had a plesant interview with him
the door is open through Capt Gibson to publish in the New
American Cyclopaedia, The History of the Church including Joseph
& Brigham Young The Twelve &c President Young called into the
office a short time He then went down to a party at Sister Cobbs

Page 31

~ Thursday

23 ^1860^
A clear cold morning I spent the day in the office Capt Gibson called
upon us and spent a short time in the office I attended a meeting of the
D A & M Society at Bishop Hunters. I attended a party & took supper at
J. C. Little

~ Friday

24 Presidents Young & Kimball came in to the office at 1 oclok P.M.
also E. T. Benson & C. C. Rich. I spent the day in the office

~ Saturday

25 I spent the day in the office I wrote a Letter to the citizens of Washington co
A hand pointing to the right and one to Jacob Hamblin signed toby Bishop Hugnter & G. A. Smith. I met with
the Quorum of the Twelve in the evenigng O. Pratt Prayed J. Taylor was mouth

~ Sunday

26th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I attended meeting at the
Tabernacle Elder James H. Hart Preached upon the kingdom of God. I preached
in the evening to the people of the 14th ward I had much of the spirit of Preaching

~ Monday

27 I spent the day in the office.

~ Tuesday

^28^ I attended The Lecture of Capt Walter M.
28 A crown Gibson delivered in the Social Hall upon the geography of the Indian
Archipeligo giving an account of the Animal, Mineral, & vegitable kingdom
touching upon the inhabitants, & ssaid there were some 10 thousand Island
in the Indian Archipeligo Chain He also spoke of the feathered tribe
his lecture was very interesting He also spoke of the Navigators for a 1000
years past who had visited those Island & there fate. O Pratt opened by prayer
& J Taylor closed. Notice was given out for Capt Gibson to lecture on
Saturday night & Orson Pratt on Thursday night. John Taylor Dismissed

~ Wednesday

289 I spent the day in the office President Young called upon us at 1/2 past 5
oclok He said He had now Forty living children 23 girles 17 Boys He had
born unto him 23 Boys and 24 girles and had lost 7 children He spoke
A crown of Capt Gibsons lecture about the Temple 500 feet high

~ Thursday

Keys crossed March 1st 1860 This is my Birth day I am 53 years old this day
I felel sensative when I look at these figures, truly how short is
life like a weavers shuttle it soon passes. Man should strive todiligencetly
to make his life useful. He should speak the truth, live honestly,
practice virtue, and set an example generally worthy of imitation
and ever keep in mind that it will pay no man to defraud
his Neighbor, or break the commandmts of God.

I spent most of the day in the endowment House assisting in the
Endowments we gave Endowments to 24, 7 men 17 women H C K
Presided in the labor of the day President B Young attended to the
sealing I attended Orson Pratts lecture upon Natural History & Philosophy
treating upon the motion of Bodies which was quite interesting

Page 32

~ Friday

March 2nd ^1860^
we had a cold snow storm last night we have had a vary cold winter
the hardest winter in many respects we have ever experienced long
steady cold weather Elder Lorenzo Snow and his two daughters spent
the night at my house. I spent the day in the office President B.
called into the office & spent some time in conversation
with G. A. Smith who is still laid up with his sprained ancle.
President Young said he had heard that the army was all called away
except three or foor companies. Elder O Hyde called in and said
that President Young had given him and Elder E. T. Benson a
Mission Elder O Hyde to Sanpete with a part of his family and
E. T. Benson to Cash valley with a part of his family. we conversed
upon the subject of the lecture of Capt Gibson we wished to change
it from the social Hall to the Tabernacle. I called upon President
Young upon the subject He said he had no objections to its being in
the tabernacle if I would see it lighted I called upon L. L. Sprague
& Capt Gibson upon the subject I then attended Professors O Pratts
lecture in the 14th ward upon Natural Philosophy at the close I made
some remarks upon the subject of learning Recommended the
Family reading Books to be upon science instead of novels.

~ Saturday

3 I spent the day in the office I spent the evening at the Tabernacle
in listniang to an interesting lecture of Capt Wallter M Gibson upon
the history of the Malays at Sumatra including there customs
Language, Religion &c.

~ Sunday

4th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning for Prayers I
attended Meeting at the tabernacle President Young Preached a
vary interesting Discourse which was reported By G. D. Watt I
also reported it. at the close of the meeting I in company with
Presidents Young & Kimball & J Taylor & Lorenzo Snow called
upon President D. H. Wells who was fast recovering from his sickness
While speaking of the Malays President Young said that He was of the
opinion that the Malays were of the seed of Abraham they went to
those Islands the same as they came to this continent they are
probably of Abrams promised seed. They have a cerreimony to
marry for Eternity this principle shows that they obtained their
traditions from Ancient Israel for the gentiles did not practice
it & it has been handed down among them through many Generations
untill the present time The Malays are a vary warlike people & proud

Page 33

and while in Battle rather than to be saved by one of there servants they
would perish they would not owe there lives to a slave. We see a great
varity of& grade of intelligence I see right here in the midst of this
people some who do not know their right hand from there left
I see people freequently People who do not appear to have any underst-
anding they will also increas but they will be so far behind they
will never catch up, and they will never be any thing but serv-
ants. Such may be saved and get a good place. President Young said
I corrected O Pratt to day I did not say to him that God would incres
increase to all Eternity. But I said the moment that we say that God
knows all things comprehends all things and has a fulness of all that He
ever will obtain that moment Eternity ceases you put bounds to Eternity
space & matter and you make an End and stoping place to it. The people
or many say they cannot understand thies things. this is true No man
can understand the things of Eternity And Brother Pratt and all
men should let the matter of the gods alone I do not understand these
things Neither does any man in the flesh and we should let them alone
some men profess infidelity but when they go into Eternity they will
find all they see in this life upon the Earth is ownly a similitude of
what they will find in the next world. In speaking of the subject
of faith He said we will find but little faith but a good deal of belief
every body has that for it is an inherant principle in all. I have
laid hands upon people when I knew they would be healed at other
times I have laid hands upon people when I did not feel that
way & still they were healed. I once laid hands upon a sister
Lake when she said she had No faith I told her I did not care
whether she had or not for I had and I knew she would be
healed I laid hands upon her & she was immiediately healed. I
dont know how it is or how faith comes ownly as the gift of God
I know No other way to get it John Taylor said Joseph told
him on[c]e to go & lay hands upon a person who was possessed of
a Devil & cast him out and leave the house & dont speak to
any person I did so & left the house without saying a word
& the devil left her.

The conversation turned upon Josephs children
Brother Taylor said it was a pity that Emma had such an influence over
them B Young said Bless your heart the Lord watches over them
& will take care of them.

Page 34

~ Monday

5th March ^1860^
I spent the day in the office I attended O Pratts lecture upon Philosiphy
at the Tabernacle it was a dark rainy night there was quite a congregation
He treated upon light the two theories by which it is conveyed also its
velosity, also vibration music, sound, its velosoty in air & water and
showed whow the velosity of light was discovered by a swis Asstro-
while taking an observation of the four moons of Jupiter
for one year he found a variation in the time of the eclipsis
of Jupaeters Moons according to the distance he was from Jupater
while standing upon the Earth in its different positions [FIGURE]
in its ordit in its revolutions around the sun. his lecture [FIGURE]
was vary interesting He was followed by John Taylor
concerning what the Lord says about his being the light of
the son and of all worlds & the power by which all things were formed
The Eastern Mail came in to day and brought a few papers

~ Tuesday

6* I spent the day in the office athe evening at home we had a hard
snow storm throug the night Wilford came from Fort Herriman with his Horses to day

~ Wednesday

7 It is storming hard this morning I sspent the time
in the Endowment house this forenoon we gave Endowments to 28
15 men & 13 women among the Number was Capt Walter M. Gibson
& his Daughter also E R Young & wife I spent the afternoon in the
office *In the afternoon of the 6th President Young came into the H. Office
and herd a letter read written in the Deseret Alphabet by a man in
the Creek Indian Nation by the name of Ireing it was a good
letter it showed the good intention of the man to preach the gospel to that People
President Young said if the United States annexed us to New
we would soon become an independent Nation and organ[i]ze
ourselves into a government. I attended Capt Gibson lecture in
the Tabernacle which was vary interesting

~ Thursday

8 I spent most of the day in the office I sold one of my ponies
to day to Brother Box for $75 in goods I Bought 7000 shingles
& paid $10 p[e]r thousand in trade

~ Friday

9 I spent the fore part of the day choreing for myself the afternoon
in the office Capt Gibson called in a short time I had some conver-
sation with him upon Temperal matters He told me that He once
helped a man in France a Frenchman a relative of King Louis
who was imprisioned on some trifling offence and Capt
Gibson through money and influence helped him out of prision

Page 35

He has arived lately in New York bought a ship & is now on his way to
San francisco with the expectation to put Capt Gibson in command
of it This young Frenchmans Mother gave him $30,000 dollars when he left
her Capt Gibson got a letter From him the last mail, asking him how
he got along with those strange people the mormornsns He expets to
Meet with Capt Gibsons at San francisco but as Capt Gibson has
received the gospel He now awaits the will of God & the council of
his survants he has been to some $150000 expens in his travels upon
the earth and explorations, {but he is now out of funds and means I gave him some twenty-five
dollars worth of provisions today may the Lord bless him}

I attended Orson Pratts lectures in the Tabernacle He discoursed mostly
upon the subject of Hydrolics and made it quite interesting

~ Saturday

10 I spent the day in the office I met with my Quorum in the evening I
opened by Prayer John Taylor was mouth

~ Sunday

11th I met with my circle in the morning Wilford opened by prayer Brother Caine
was mouth. I attended meeting at the tabernacle Phineas Young preached
& was followed by President Young who delivered an excellent discorurse
I spent the night or evening at the Historians office

~ Monday

12 I rode down into the Field on top of a load of Lumber & shingles we got
stalled in a mudhole and one mule down. we had uto unload I laid out our
carell & stock yard. I spent the afternoon in the office The Eastern
Mail came in this Evening I got one tribune of Feb 14. I spent the evening
in the office.

~ Tuesday

13 I spent the day in the office I spent the evening with Brother Winder
& Hunter prepareing premiums, & appointing committies

~ Wednesday

14th A single key with teeth to the left I went to the Endowment House at 8 oclok and anointed 16 men
preparatory to their receiving their Endowments. we gave Endowments
to 30 in all 16 men 14 women. President Heber C Kimball deliv[er]ed
an address upon his Feelings to the Brethren. (see private History)
I spent the afternoon in the office Journalizing I took supper at S. M.
in company with a party of Neighbors

~ Thursday

15 I called upon D. H. Wells I found him a little bettere this morning
he has been troubled with a dizeness of the brain & stupor. I atten-
ded the lecture of Capt Gibson at the Tabernacle upon the Islands
of Java & New Guinnea it was a varry interesting account of those
Islands, with there productions & inhabitants

~ Friday

16 I was quite unwell this morning I spent the day in the office

Page 36

also the evening President Young & Carrington came into the office Before
six oclok & spent several hours confersing with G. A. Smith. we had a severe
wind & rain during the night

~ Saturday

17th A cold morning I went to the Blacksmith to get a mule shod from
there to the office and spent the day I met with the Twelve in the evening for
Prayer E. T. Benson Prayed Erastus Snow was mouth

~ Sunday

18 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Brother Moody was mouth
in opening & Edward Hunter followed I attended meeting at the Tabernacle
J Taylor Preached. I called upon President Young & spent 2 hours in his office
I then met with President Kimball & conversed with him in the office then
we spent a short time with G. A. Smith I then took a walk with Brother
Kimball about his premises he spoke upon the subject of Famine said he was sati[s]f[i]ed
that it would come. I attended meeting at the 14th warbd school House Robert
L Campbell
spoke a short time I followed him I had the spirit of the Lord
upon me I spoke plain & pointed upon apostacy I said that when men who
had embraced the gospel of Jesus Christ and received the Priesthood
they were then in a situation to become Saints or Devils and as long as
they were led by the spirit of the Lord and they live there religion they
will do the works of righteousness and obey the Lord. But when they ceace
to pray and loose the spirit of the Lord and begins to give way to that which
is evil his guardian Angel leaves him, and the spirit of the devil takes
possession of him and he begins to do the work of the devil and all the
sins which is necessary for a man to commit in order to become a Devil
is laid in his path and he is immediately tempted to commit them esspecia-
lly the sheding of innocent Blood for which their is no Forgiveness in this
world nor in the world to come [Doctrine and Covenants 42:18] this crime the apostate seeks to commit and
this will make a Devil of them Jesus was put to death by the Jews, his
Brethren the seed of Abraham Joseph Smith was put to death through the
Influence of his Brethren and those who had born the Holy Priesthood
& stood near him in office and betrayed him as was the Savior by Judas [Matthew 26:47-49]
it is so in this day Men who have received the Holy Priesthood are seeking
to betray Brigham Young to death they seek to shed the Blood of the
Innocent that they may become deevils they are inspiried by the devil
to do this and such men exist right here in this city and territory
and they will continue to exist upon the Earth untill Christ reigns

~ Monday

19 I spent the day in the office I attended O Pratts lecture in the evening
upon Asstonomy and the law of gravitation & forses and the scales

Page 37

to weigh the soun moon stars and all the planitary system it was vary interesting

~ Tuesday

20 A coffin Wm France Dr William France Died this morning at 6 oclock with the pleurisy of
the heart he died vary suddenly He has been one of the most skilful sugrgons
surgeons of his generation he was opened by Dr Anderson & foond that
the left lung was affected about 2/3 of it was grown up so it could not be
used I spent the day in the office

~ Wednesday

21 I spent the day in the Endowment House till 1 ooclok we gave endow-
ments to 13 Men & 15 women I was in great pain with the son head ake
I attended a meeting with the 14 ward for the purpose of Building our
center building. we voted to raise a tax to finish the Room.

~ Thursday

22 I suffered much with nerveos head ake I kept my head weat with
cold water President Young called in half past 3 occlok said that He had been
out to pick out a location for a powder mill Nort East part of the Church farm
Alexander Piper is going to carriy it on with Brother Edwards Broth
Young spoke of leacheing Earth for saltpeter. thought we ought to make to
our own powder and lead. He spoke of the dealing of the dealing governmt
with us President Kimball & Wells are both sick to day I met with
the Board of the agricultural society

~ Friday to ~ Saturday

23rd & 24. I was mostly confined to my Bed with the Nerveous Head ake

~ Sunday

25th Sunday I spent the day at home

~ Monday to ~ Saturday

26th to 31st I spent this week lying abed through the middle of the day
with the sick Head ake I visited Brother Kimball who was sick
laid hands upon him & blessed him President Young called at the
office almost daily He called saturday evening Robert & wilford ploughed
10 acres of wheat groung [ground] sowed 9 acres of wheat & 1 acre of oats

~ Sunday

April 1st Sunday I spent the day at home was still unwell

~ Monday

2nd I rode down to the farm with the boys it was a cold windey day

~ Tuesday

3rd It is a cold snowey day I called at the office in the afternoon I received
A folded letter/box a letter from G. A. Smith Notifying me to attend a counscil wednesday evening

~ Wednesday

4th I felt better to day I bought 14 Appletrees of Hemingway & set
them out in my Garden

Keys crossed I attended a council of the Presidency and Twelve at the Historians
in the evening upon the subjet of the sermon of Orson Pratt
the sermon was read & the time was occupied till half past 11 oclok in
discussing the subject President Young was the ownly one of the Presid-
dency who were present there were preset of the Twelve O. Hyde, O. Pratt
W. Woodruff J Taylor G. A. Smith E T Benson C. C. Rich F D Richads & Erastus Snow

Page 38

President Young made many remarks concerning Doctrinal points & the
situation of Orson Pratt who seemed vary dark in his mind upon
many points of Doctrin President Young wished the matter to be settelled
before the Quorum of the Twelve and not go before the conference after
spending several hours in investigating the subject it was decided for the
Twelve to meet in the morning in prayer & Fasting and settle the business
among ourselves. President Young said while speaking of Revelation that
A single key with teeth to the right someone asked if we were keeping the Celestial Law. it came to me
like a flash and I said it out Can a people keep a Celestial Law while
in a Telestial or Terrestrial kingdom I think No people will keep
the Fulness of a Celestial Law or have it revealed to them untill they
inherit a Celestial Glory

~ Thursday

5th The Quorum of the Twelve met this morning in the prayer room
we talked the matter over concerning Brother Pratt dressed & prayed
read over his sermon and corrected it and the Twelve voted to
receive the confession of Orson Pratt

~ Friday

6th April 1860
A General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints met in the Tabernacle of the Lord in the city of the Great
Salt Lake
Utah Territory, at 10 oclock this day there were present
President Young of the First Presidency (H. C. Kimball & D. H. Wells were
both sick) O. Hyde, O. Pratt, W. Woodruff, J Taylor, E. T. Benson
C. C. Rich Lorenzo Snow, Erastus Snow, & F. D. Richards were present
The day was spent in hearing testimony President Young lead was
Followed by the Twelve, & the spirit & power of God rested upon
them. I met with the Seventies in the evening & spoke to them.

~ Saturday

7 I spent the day in the conference the business of the confere[n]ce
was preseted and the remainder of the day spent in bearing testimony

~ Sunday

^8^ I attended meeting with the Bishops in the evening at the Basement of
the Social Hall Bishop Hunter addressed the meeting at the close
of his remarks President Brigham Young then addressed the Bishops
in a vary interesting manner concerning there office Brother
Godard reported what He said I also reported in the Office Private
Journal a synopsis of what was said among his remarks he said
that when a Bishop fully magnifyed his office they would preside
over there wards as a man does over his family the Bishop would
dictate to every man woman & child what they should No one sh[o]uld

Page 39

be Idle but all should labour the Bishop would then dictate to every man
what he should raise and how much and every one should be set to
work and when any one in the ward should have bread all sho[ul]d
have it. well says the poor shifless man that never earned a house
or a pair of shoes I would like that doctrin for then I would
have a house as Big as Brigham Young. No you would not untill
you Earned it. In speaking of Building up the centre stake he
said I [k]now the Lord will not keep us out of Jackson County one day
longer than we are prepared and the ownly fears I have had in the
matter is that the Lord will get tiered of waiting for us to get ready
and and will say I will wait no longer and if there is not five
ready to go
more than five ready to go to Zion let them go &
build it up I do not think there is any prepared to go yet I do
not think that I am prepared yet to lay the cornor stone of the
New Jerrusalem. But I mean to prepare myself as fast as I can

~ Monday

89th I went down in the field set out 36 Locus trees and done some other work

~ Tuesday

910th I spent most of the day in the office I planted a few peas.

~ Wednesday

11. I sowed my carriots & Beets today & spent a part of the day
in the office

~ Thursday

12th I wrode to Fort Herriman I went with two teams 25 miles

~ Friday

13 I went to Jordan Mills with 32 loads of logs & spent the night at Fort
18 m

~ Saturday

14 I went to the Jordan saw mill with 32 loads logs 18 m

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I Preached to the people of Fort Herriman & laid hands
upon a vary sick child of Alexander Baron.

~ Monday

16th I took 3 loads of logs to the mills on Jordan making 15 miles
saw logs delivered at Gardners Mills on Jordan Mills 18 miles

~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday

17th ^18^ ^19^ We commenced cleaning out our sheep carralls which
continued till the morning of the 19 we got out 30 loads of man-
ure & pit int on about 1 Acre of Ground we plouded it & sowed it
19 to day with carrotts Beets, Peas & Hungarian Grass seed & planted
a Few rows of potatoes. It commenced raining at Noon & rained
all athe after noon & all night

~ Friday

20 it is snowing vary hard to day till 12 oclock. it was thought that
as much snow Fell to day at this Fort as has Fallen any half day during
winter it soon Melted & coverd the Earth with water

Page 40

We left Fort Herriman at 3 oclok P.M. with 2 teams in the mud & water
& drove to Jordon Mills took a load of Lumber & another wathggon & drove
home arived at home at about 10 oclok at night 25 mil[e]s

~ Saturday

21st I went to the office this morning I Found for me 2 letters from
A folded letter/box sheep raisers & several papers I also learned that Thomas Williams
& Permenio Jackman while on the way to Calafornia was murdered
by the Indians they were shot by arrors thus was Ended the life of
Thomas Williams who has apostitized from the Church and became
^an^ Enemy to the Saints his [he] has received his reward we had a rain this
morning I Find in Examining my orchard this morning that it does
not look as though the peach orchard would not Bloom this season

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I attended meeting all day at the Tabernacle I preached
in the forepart of the day E. D. Woolley & Orson Hyde in the afternoon
Followed by President Young who spoke in a vary Edifying & inter
esting manner to ^upon^ a great variety of subjects

~ Monday

23 The Eastern Mail came in Brought me some papers & a Letter
A folded letter/box From Capt Hooper with one inclosed upon sheep I spent a part
of the day in the office a part of the day triming my grape vines
President Young called in the afternoon and spent an hour in social
conversation had 2 letters read From Capt Hooper & G. Q. Cannon
which were quite interesting He conversed with Bishop Woolley
about his going East He told Bishop E. D. Woolley that He was the
Bishop over the First ward in this city and there was not money
Enough in St Louis to hier him to leave the ward & go to St Louis
to speculate and I presume you do not Expect to get rich at it
Now I can see how to council a man what to do for his own good but
when I do it it comes in contact with his views & he dont wish to do it

~ Tuesday

24th I spent a part of the day in the office a part of the day tieing grapevines

~ Wednesday

25 I spent most of the day in the office The Eastern maill came in &
Brought some papers But no letters. The missionaries according to
appointment met at the Historians office at 3 oclock. Thare was
Present Presidents Brigham Young & Daniel H. Wells Also O. Hyde
O. Pratt W Woodruff G. A. Smith C. C. Rich Erastus Snow John
& F. D. Richards of the 12 who Blessed 54 Missionaries
I was mouth in Blessing Walter M Gibson. At the close of the
Blessing of the missionaries President Young addressed them in a
^W Woodruff Blessed 12 of the Above^

Page 41

vary Edifying manner among other remarks He said "I want you to
go upon your mission in the spirit of God you will do more good by
bearing testimony of the work of God through the Holy Ghoost than all
the argument you can use you may take two men one may be vary
learned in all the arts & siences of the day and be able to preach a Bible
& a half in one serman and the other man may be ignorant of these
things but be filled with the Holy Ghost let one preach by his lear[n]ing
& argument the other by the Holy Ghost & the man that preaches by the
Holy Goh^o^st will make ten saints whare the other will one. I do not wish
by these remarks to lay one straw in the way of any of the Elders obtain-
ing a knowledge of the Arts & sciences and being armed with truthful
arguments upon evry subjet. the Elders should sheek diligently to obtain
all knowledge in their power but they should obtain the Holy Ghost to
assist them in their ministry. Unless a man can fell [feel] that he administers
the ussues [issues] of life & death unto the people he does not magnify his calling
as an Elder in Israel if a man [is] called of God to preached the godspel
and he preaches it in the demonstration of the Holy Ghost according to
his calling it will prove a savior of life unto life or of Death unto death
to those who hear. [2 Corinthians 2:16]

Some of you are going to visit your relations
now when you get whare your relatives are dont set down at your
ease & give up preaching but remember that you are on a mission and
you should improve your time

You will have all manner of Evil
spoken against you and all I ask of you and all that God or angels will
ask of you is that not one word spoken against you will be true but
that it shall all be fals and I want you for your own sake, my sake &
for the sake of Christ & the Kingdom of God that the wicked shall
have no cause to speak one word of Evil against you And if you
will go & not let down one thread of your calling but do your duty
in all things I would feel perfectly safe in warranting all of youru
a safe return home some have died while on there missions this
is lamentable For it is unnecessary For if an Elder goes &
does his duty in all things there is no necessity of his Falling by
the way. another subject I wish to speak upon & that is about your
beging upon your missions. I do not wish you to beg but trust in gGod
& not have it to say when you come home that you have robed any
one or taking any thing unjustly from any one go & preache the gospel
Faithfully & trust in God and He will give you all he has for you

Page 42

There is another vary important subject which I wish to speak of & that
is the Temptation you will have From women this has caused the
down fall of more Elders in this Church than any other thing there is
some Elders who go on there missions all there lives and keep them-
selves clean & pure all there lives others comes home and are shady
there countenance Falls they cannot look you strait in the Eye they
fallen in the snare. Joseph said in speaking to the First Twelve that
they would have to watch against this snare For they would have
more trouble From this source than any other now let evry woman
alon while you are gone, dont lay your hand upon any woman, but
keep yourselves clean some have to bring a groop of women with
them they have to get a new dove into there house while they are gone
let those things alone while abroad, but what is done upon that
subject let it be done here.

while abroad you will meet with
many who will want to debate with you but dont contend with any
man but make a Bargin with such men & tell them if they have one
truth which you do not possess tell them you will exchange ten
Errors for it if you will show me I have them.

I shall meet with you tomorrow you will have a letter of Instruction
redad & I want you to observe it you will have prayers in camp there
must be no swareing nor contention you may think this or that
one does wrong but impute it to the Error of the Head & not the Heart
I have Appointed Joseph W Young to preside over the camp going
down I dont want you to Hurry him those teams have got to come
back again. you will be carried with your provisions Free But I
want you to assist the Teamsters about getting along Ther must not
be any abuse of cattle I have never permitted this in any company
I have had controll of I will never permit a man to abuse a dumb
brute yoaked or Harnessed up that cannot get away or speak for
himself but if a man wants to abuse any thing let him striken
a strong man that will knock him down in return but dont abuse
a dumb animal. At the close of the remarks Erastus Snow dismi-
ssed the meeting I walked home with Capt Gibson took supper with
him & conversed with him for some two hours concerning his mission
Former life He remarked that the 25 April was a vary Notable
day to him He Escaped From his prision in the Island of Java He
arived home at South Caralina & and met with a warm

Page 43

demonstration of his townsmen on the 25 April. He had now been set
apart & Blessed under the hands of 2 of the Twelve Apostles (W Woodruff
being mouth) to go upon a mission to preach the gospel to the United States
upon the 25 April He felt much pleased with his blessing & wished me
to write it off & forward it to him

~ Thursday

26th I spent the Forepart of my day writing in this Journal Elder A
arived home this Evening I called upon President Young
Brother Lyman was there we then called into the Historians office a
short time I then went home

~ Friday

27 President Young in company with several of the Brethren visited
The camp of the missionaries to organize them I spent a part of
the day in the office I sowed Carriots & Peas Lorenzo Snow spent
the night with me

~ Saturday

28th Quite windey I rode down to my field and spent the remainder
of the day in the office I met with the Twelve in the evening

~ Sunday

29th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. I opened by prayer
Henry Moon was mouth. I called upon Judge E. Smith with A. O. Smoot
& E F Sheets to get a protest printed against some irresponsible men
who had advertised for a general cattle drive the Hand Bills were
soon stuck up around the city I attended meeting at the Tabernacle &
herd A Lyman preach in the morning Elders Mcallester & E Snow
in the afternoon I then called upon President Young & spent several
Hours then returned home & spent the night

~ Monday

30. I called upon President Young in the morning & laid before
him Eleanor pratt account of the Death of parley p pratt
and asked his advise about its being published in England He said
He did not wish it published but wished it retained in the office
we had the back mail came in by an ox team which brought
our papers which have been lying by the way side since last fall.

The President & Twelve met at the Historians office to attend to the
Blessing of the remainder of the missionaries presidents Young and
Wells were present all of the Quorum of the Twelve except E. T. Benson
G. Q. Cannon was present O. Hyde, O. Pratt & A Lyman Blessed
four persons & set them apart for there mission Presidents Young &
Wells & John Taylor Blessed C. C. Rich & A. Lyman President Young
gave them a good Blessing President Young made a Few remarks upon the subject

Page 44

He said Brethren I want you to be so full of the Holy Ghost & the power
of God
when you get to England that I shall hear that you are so full
of teaching & wise council that it will run out of Both cornors of
your mouth. He said you will find some men there that have
some wisdom & some wisdom they have not got other remarks were made

~ Tuesday

May 1st I spent the day in the office President Young called into the
office and spoke of Capt Gibson and of French who came in
yesterday & said Capt Gibson owed him $20. he came on with
him to this place President Young said He did not believe that Capt
Gibson owed him any thing he believed Capt Gibson was an
honest man & that he was honest in spirit. He is on a mission
& one year will tell the tale. Wm Hickman called upon President
Young allso, a Johnson. They spoke of S. M. Blair spoke of the trial of
Furney. Word arived From Camp Floyd That Mr Coats the
shariff of Cedar County killed a man dead in self Defence that
was supposed to have been a Mr Johnson who had threatened
the lives of Blair & Ferguson the Editors of the mountaineer but
it turned out to be another Man. Elders A Lyman & C. C. Rich
with their company took there leave of there Familyies & Friends
this evening & started upon there mission I planted my corn i
squashes in the evening. I am perusing Capt Gibson Narative of
hi[s] arest sieszure of his vessel & his imprisionment by the Dutch at the
Indian Archipalego it is vary interesting it shows the cruelty of
the Dutch and the little attention our government pays to redressing
the wrongs of her citizens or maintain the honour of her Flag

~ Wednesday

2nd It is quite windey today I spent the day in the office

~ Thursday

I3 I obtained some lime for Biuilding a chimney on the the farrm
I spent the day in the office President Young called into the office
looked over the Book containing his History in the Deserett Alphabt
He said if he had his way he would have all his business done in
the Deserett Alphabet he would do away with the English stile of
writing then we would make ten correct scholars to whare we
now have one.

~ Friday

4th we have a vary windey day a vary dry wind it looks like
a gloromy spring a dry cold spring the winter has killed all the fru[i]t

Page 45

for this year except curants Apples & Plums Peaches Apricotts & most
of the grapes are killed, and many of the Trees, and it looks as
though we would hardly raise a crop of grain this year
A Brother Charles G. Parkingson arived From Cash valley and
reported that the Indians were vary hostile had stolen some 40 horses
He brought mea letter to President Young I went to his office & herd
it read it was From Bishop Maughn He stated that the Indians had
stolen some $1500 dollars worth of Horses of late & were vary mad
the Brother of Washakah was there & was mad at the Indians for
Doing so. Brother Benson was about to ordain 2 Bishops more
to preside over the several Branches. There was an organization
of 200 men to be ready at a moments warning to follow the
Indians in a moments Notice day or Night in case of Necesity
it was Weber Tom who was at the bottom of it. I called at the
News Office Judge Smith said a boy about 11 years old was on the
parairie west side of Jordon Hunting Horses a man rode up to him with
a vail over his Face and told him to give him the dinner which was
iied [tied] on the back of the mule behind the boy the boy said he would not
give it to him. he then drew a dirk & stabed the mule in the sholder
3 time caught hold of the boys dinner and yerked it off from the saddle
and rode away with his Horse coverd with Foam He was probably a
thief sassociated with a gang of villians who was stealing horses & Mules

~ Saturday

5th we had a cold night a cloudy day. S. M. Blair & J. Ferguson called
in to see us a short time. I called upon President Kimball he was not
at home had gone out for a ride. I called to see Elder Hyde build a stone
Barn. The Eastern Mail came in Brought many papers

~ Sunday

6th Sunday I met with my Quorum at 9 oclok Bishop Hoagland prayed
A. O. Smoot was mouth. I attended the meeting at the Tabernacle
G. B. Wallace Preached in the forenoon & A. O. SmootPratt in the afternoon
I took supper with Franklin Woodlley & Preached to the 13 ward it
was a vary stormy night it snowed all night

~ Monday

7th There is quite a body of snow on the ground all the Fruit & shade
trees were loaded ready to break down with the weight of snow I
commenced to shake the trees & spent 2 hours in unloading the trees
some broke down it snowed till about 10 oclok & cleared away there
was about 6 inches of snow upon the everage over the earth this morning
I spent the day in the office reading letters

Page 46

~ Tuesday

May 8th 1860
There was quite a Frost on the ground this morning the ground was
still white with snow still it will water the Earth & do much good
I spent the day in the office President Young called into the office
to look at his History with his Brother Phineas. He said that he
had got an account of his Family From his sister Fanny he thought
he lodged it in the office but we could Find nothing of it nor have
any recolection of it. President Young said he had given Phineas Young
a Job of ten thousand dollars seting out locust trees he wanted toone milli[o]n
set out

~ Wednesday

9th I rode with my Family down to my Farm the grain looked well
I spent the afternoon in the office reading letters

~ Thursday

10 I planted melons this morning. I perchased of Samuel Richards
a work called the route From Liverpool to Great Salt Lake City
Illustrated price $9. I was informed that Jesse Johnson son in law
of Samuel Snider, was killed on Tuesday May 8, 1860 by an upright
saw Fram He shut down the gate with the crank up while stooping
down to look to see if somthing was not loose the crank droped, the
upper part of the saw Frame caught his head & mashed it he was
buried on the 9th. Marion J. Shelton arived today From the
Moquitches I spent the day in the office

~ Friday

11 I planted Beans this morning then went to the office and spent
the day It was vary windey and cold

~ Saturday

12 It commenced hailing about 2 oclok this morning it commencd snowing
about 3 oclok and we had the hardest snow storm we have had this
year all the Fruit & shade trees were loaded down many of the
curant Buchels broak down I was laboring for 5 hours among
my trees to keep them clear of snow so they would not break down
I went to the office at 11 o'clok obtained the mountaineer & learned
that the poney express arived last night 5 days From the states
& Brought word that the Dimocratic Charlston Convention became
divided and adjourned one part at Baltimore the other at Richm[on]d
it has been said For many years that 1860 will be a vary Notable
year the signs of the times indicate that it will be it is vary unco-
mmon for snow to Fall 2 feet deep on the 12th May it was quite
cold at night and a Frost which killed grapes & probably Apples

~ Sunday

13th Sunday it snowed a short time this morning. it cleared off & snow
Melted all day I spent the day at home John Taylor & Gilbert Clemets preached

Page 47

~ Monday

May 14th ^1860^
A Hard Frost last night, every thing Frozen this morning grapes Apple Blooms
& curants were all drooping it now appears as though we should have no
Fruit of any kind this season. The mountains Hills & parts of the valley are
still covered with a white mantle. The mail came in yesterday which we
obtained today, which brought us a variety of papers. no News of importnce
I spent the day in the office There was a good deal of Fireing pistols in the night

~ Tuesday

15 I examined my Garden this morning I find the Frost & snow has
damaged me much. A Plesant day. Robert went to the Field to plant
Potatoes I had the sick head ake I called upon President Kimball. He was
getting better, had been quite sick. I learned to day the fireing of pistols
commenced at T. D. Browns his son was struck on the head with a
pistol which went of[f] The mans name was Miller he Fled away
followed by ^James^ Alread who overtook him told Miller He was his prisioner
Miller drew a pistol to shoot him But James Alread got the first shot
& shot him through the Breast but it was thought not mortal

~ Wednesday

16 I spent half a day in the office. The Following is a copy of
A vision which 2two Brethren had while sitting up with the corps
of Elder John Brown who was killed by a Rock May 3rd 1860

Keys crossed Testimony of Jeremiah Stokes and William Green

"I was setting up with the corpse of Elder John W. Brown
about 3 oclok in the morning (Friday May the 4th 1860)
when I behold a vary bright light hovering near the door
which Fronts to the west near the top of the door on the left
side was a crown shineing Brilliantly below was a circle
of 12 stars also vary bright and Beautiful. on the left was a
Representation of ^Br^ Browns coffin, on the right lower down was
a large stone the Express image of the one that killed Brother
Brown. This light remained without changing its position
one hour and a half. There were two candles burning in
the room but the light far surpassed there Brilliancy
Brother William Green was also present and testified that the
above is correct and Adds "I saw the light before Brother
Stokes and previous to seeing the light on the door I saw
on the lid of the coffin two small looking glasses vary clear
clear & bright set in stone in a moment more I saw Brother
John Brown standing on the opposidte side of the coffin he looked
as he did when found after his death He soon disappeared and then
I saw the light on the door. John R Young wrote this testimony From their mouth

Page 48

~ Thursday

17th ^1860^
I was unwell but I dug a little in my Garden planted 100 Hills of
Exelsor sweet corn Then went into the big field helped to plant sugar
cane. At about 11 oclock on Main street [blank] Johnson and
An arrow piercing a heart An arrow piercing a heart Myron C Brewer were both shot dead they were
carried to the dead House about 12 oclok they were both shot through
the sholder they were both Desperate wicked men

~ Friday

18th I went down to see the two dead they were both large stout
men Johnson had 5 Ball holes passed through his sholder into his
body one ball lodged under the skin in the left side Brewer had several
ball holes through the sholder into the body the upper part of the sholder
was carried away it is not known whether they shot each other or
whether they were shot by other men. I spent a part of the day in
the office

18 I was unwell and spent most of the day at home

~ Saturday

19 I went into the Field and assisted in finished planting my corn

~ Sunday

20 Sunday I was quite unwell & spent the day at home mostly I
met with my Quorum in the morning the Eastern Mail came in
which brought us a number of Papers My Daughters Susan Cornela
A humanoid (who married Robert Scholes) was taken in labor at 2 oclok PM
& continued in severe labor till 3 oclock when she had a Daughter
born 20 minutes to 3 oclock Monday morning May 21, 1860

~ Monday

21st Susan & babe was quite comfortable this morning I felt quite
unwell having been up all night. I spent a part of the day in the

~ Tuesday

22 I rode to Fort Herriman with Robert For the purpose of shearing our sheep

~ Wednesday

23 I had my sheep sheared to day 85 in number we also washed
them all in a Barrel of strong brine of salt & water for the scarb
I also washed 50 Lambs we were quite weary at night

~ Thursday

24th we loaded up our wool and started for Home whare we arived at
1 oclok I spent the afternoon in the office. President Young was in the
office a few days since on the 17 while speaking of Joseph Smith & his party
who had appointed a conference to be held in June, He said that party
would not accomplish any thing against us But the Lord would accompl[ish]
all that He intended. The express arived From Calafornia

~ Friday

25 I called into Presidents Young office G. A. S. was present The Express
arived From Calafornia Bringing a report that Indians have
commenced war upon the whites & have killed sixty men somewhere
about the sink of the Carson they have broaken up the mail

Page 49

stations on the middle route From Camp Floyd to Carson & have killed
some of the men one of the Streeper Boys who lived in the 14 ward
the Mail carriers & Mail is said to have been destroyed the Express
Boy was also shot at who brought word. The Eastern Express also
arived this Morning 5 days From St Joseph's & News 6 days From
Washington President Young got a letter From Capt Hooper saying
that the Bills to organize Five New Territories was rejected in the
Houce The Homestead Bill was killed in the senate. Abram Lincoln
of Illinois was nominated By the republican convention For
President & Hannibal Hamblin of Maine For Vice President
The ship Tapscott was chartered by the Saints in Liverpool to bring
700 Saints to New York Asa Calkings will come with them

~ Saturday

^26^ I spent half a day planting corn & Beans in my garden

~ Sunday

267th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. I was unwell & did
not attend meeting Samuel Richards & John Taylor Preached in the fore-
noon I spent several hours in the Presidents office with Presidents Young &
Youngs Wells & Carrington. President Young said that He thought the great
cry of the Indian war in the west was more a matter of speculation than a
reality they made all out of it they posibly could in order to get a populatin
and to get an armey there so as to get some money in circulation President
Young spoke of Going to the soda Springs, give me an invitations to go with him

~ Monday

^28^ Mrs Woodruff was quite sick I laid hands upon her. we had a fine
rain last night every thing looks Fresh & green this morning I spent the day
in the office In the evening I Blessed Eugenie Amelia The Daughter
Keys crossed of Robert & Susan Cornelia Scholes The ownly Grand Child I have
ever had which makes me a Grand Father and it also places in my
house Four living Generations at the same time a ceircumstance which
seldom happens viz My Father, Myself, My Daughter & my Grand
Daughter The Eastern Mail arived this afternoon Brought some papers

~ Tuesday

29th Mrs Woodruff has been quite sick for several days with a sever
cold upon the lungs with a cough. It is quite a growing time

~ Wednesday

30th A Plesant day the Calafornia Mail arived last evening I spent the
day in the office

~ Thursday

31st A Plesant day I spent the day in the office

~ Friday

June 1st I spent the Forepart of the day in my garden the afternoon
in the office Rees William was killed with a Buz saw in Little Cotton wood Canyon

~ Saturday

2nd I called into President Youngs office in the morning

Page 50

and spent most of the day in the office reading letters I met with
3 of the 12 for Prayer

~ Sunday

23rd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended
meeting at the Tabernacle Presidents Young & Kimball preached in the
morning also Brother Holladay all the Presidency preached in the afternoon
Presidents Young gave a great deal of good teaching & instruction as well
as the others.

I preached in the Evening at the 14 ward school Houce
and spent the evening at President Youngs office. The mail came in today

~ Monday

4 we obtained the mail today I learned that Dr Hickman Brother
^to^ Wm Hickman was shot deat through the Head at Pikes Peak.

I am preparing to go North with the president this morning
Presidents Young Kimball & wells with a large company atwith about
30 carriages & waggons started For Cash valley soon after we started
it began to rain and it rained for some two hours we drove to
Farmington & spent the night. I spent the night with Ezra Clark 16 miles

~ Tuesday

5th We rode to Branch Creek & nooned, then proceeded to Ogden
& camped I spent the night at Aaron Farr's with J. Taylor
& J. Horn. The Encampments was Formed in the yard of Bishop
West. The Presidency stoped with Bishop West distance 24 miles

~ Wednesday

6 We visited Bishop Wests Tanery. we then started For Box
whare we arived about 4 oclok I dined with the Bishop
and spent with Brother Lorenzo Snow. He has a fine location
a good grist mill & saw Mill & the best wddwelling house in the
city and the best garden in the North Country. We held a
meeting with the Saints in Box Elder President Young Preached
Followed by President Kimball

~ Thursday

7 We left Box Elder & passed through the Eastern Canyon into a
small valley whare the surplus stock is kept we then passed into another
small valley whare there was a shallow lake covering about 100 acres
with stock water good range & grass but no stock in the valley. we
then rode over into Cash valley, & stoped for the night at wellsville
18 1/2 miles from Box Elder This is the First time wI was ever in
Cash valley A Public Dinner was got up for the company after
dinner The Presidency walked out on a Bench & Located the public

Page 51

square. we had a meeting at 6 oclock Prayer By E. Snow. President Yo[u]ng spoke
to the People in a vary Edifying manner. I spent the night with Brother Ames
also Brother Taylor stoped with me Wellsville is the largest settlement in the
valley containing 555 population 133 men, 861 1/4 acres of wheat &c

~ Friday

8 We drove to Logan 10 1/2 miles, then to Smithfield, 8 3/4 miles Then to
to Richmond, 5 miles, Then to Franklin, 6 3/4 miles. Total 30 1/2 miles
From Wellsville to Franklin 30 1/2 miles as given by J. W. Foxs Rhode Ometer
we spent the night in Franklin I made my bed for the night on the ground
& found myself in the rain in the morning we camped all together.

~ Saturday

9 A rainy morning the People were called together For a meeting at 10 o'clok
Prayer By Joseph Young President B. Young then said I will propose a little
Business. I learn there is no Bishop in this place though three men have been
chosen as a council to preside. I would like to know the feelings of the
people here about a Bishop. Brother Maughan moved that President
Young Nominate a Bishop. President Young said I will nominate Br.
Preston Thomas to officiate as Bishop of this place. it was carried unanimously
He was going to the Soda Springs to settle but I wish him to stay here and
be your Bishop. President Young said I ame going to propose that you
go to work & build you a strong Fort a stockade oif nothing Els for your
safety & protection. also make a stockade out sid of your fort for stock
& hay & grain and stack your hay in such a manner that if the Indians
set fire to a stack of Hay that they may not burn you all up nor any thing
except the stack set on fire. it is better to have a little Hay burned up then
to have a scity burned up. I wish to say a word about the thieveing that
is go[i]ng on in this Territory I say stop this stealing that is going on here
and if you cannot stop it in any other way stop it by stoping their
breath I would say the best way to stop tboth white & red men From
stealing is to take them with a rwrite of Habeas Corpus by led from
the muzzle of a gun that will settle matter & stop all Expens when
an Indian steals your property you want to kill him while he
has been taught to steal all his life but you will let the white man
go who has always been taught not to steal & he knows better. This
stealing must be stoped I would rather men would not be killed I
would chuse to have them quit stealing or leave the country but I want
stealing stoped, & it must be stoped we have rode Day [and] night to save

Page 52

our stock from thieves to no purpose and if they will continue
it after all the warning they have had Just leave them whare they
are Found with your property. At the close of the meeting President
Young Ordained Peter Maughn Preston Thomas to the office of
a Bishop At the close of the meeting we drove to Richmond on the
way Erastus Snow broke down his waggon we lashed it up & draged
one wheel to the next settlement whare it was mended. we held
a meeting at Richmond President Young Prayed Then addressed
the Saints G. D. Watt reported all the sermons President Young said
I want you to build a substantial stockade or Fort so that 10 Indians will
not massacree the whole place. he went on to show them the danger they
were in at the close of the meeting we rode to Logan 20 miles
In company with Elder Taylor I spent the night with Brother Steel

~ Sunday

10th Sunday we have a rainy day. we held a meeting in a bowery we had
a large assembly From the various settlements meeting commenced by
singing & prayer by John Taylor all the Presidency was present also
W Woodruff J. Taylor E. T. Benson, L Snow, & E Snow of the Twelve
President Young addressed the people, and said I contempla[te] the scene
before me with a great Deal of satisfaction (tears were in his Eyes)
this assembly herd the gospel while scattered among the various
Nations of the Earth and through the means of that gospel you
have been gathered together in these valleys it is a novel sene. we
are here piled together in one place with all our imperfections and
traditions and if you are not what you ought to be you are the best
there is. He gave much good council & was Followed by President
Kimball who bore testimony to what had been said

In the afternoon Lorenzo Snow open by Prayer Joseph Young spoke
to the people Followed by John Taylor.

we had a rainy night Brother
Taylor and myself spent the night at Brother Steels.

~ Monday

11 A rainy morning several of the Brethren cought some Fine trout
we rode to Wellsville we held a meeting in the Evening Elder Wells
spoke about Herding not to send out childeren alone to be killed by the
Indians. He was followed by Erastus Snow, who spoke of building up
Zion President Young followed spoke upon the subject of prayer
also the productions of the valley He said it was folly to ask the Lord

Page 53

to assist us to live our religion when we had the gospel of salvation
and the Holy Priesthood and it was our fault if we did not live our
religion for we had the means of doing so in our hands it would be like
our sitting down to a great feast & then ask the Lord to Feed us.

Elder Taylor & myself spent the night at Brother Ames

~ Tuesday

12 A plesant morning we left wellsville & rode over the mountain
to Brigham City, whare we arived at 3 oclock Elder Snow made a
short speech to the people, said the people were cooking for the camp
they would give us the best they had. The Presidency with their
families took there meals with Elder Snow & president Young spent
the night with him I spent the night with him President Young told
the following dream which he had last night. He said I dreamed
that I was in a room with Phineas Young and I saw a smooth
faced young man setting beside him I asked Phineas who it
was He replyed this is the saviour, (I did not believe it) I smiled
and said I wonder if he is the saviour Phineas said he was I then
asked the person if he was the Savoor He said he was. I asked him
if [so] how halong have you been here He said 14 days. I said have you
a wife. He said yes this is my wife pointing to a woman dressed
in black with a thick dark vail over her face said this is my wife
I thought it a funny idea I felt that I wanted to prove him soon
the woman vanished and he turned into a woman himself then I
awoke and the thought came to me that it was a representatin
of young Joseph & Emma Smith who had undertook to Esstablished
a church, but it was upon fals groungd & principles in oposition to
the true Church of Christ. I was satisfied he was not the saviour

A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Mrs Woodruff who stated that sister
Cunningham was quite sick & wished to know when he was coming
home. Brother Cunningham was anxious to start for home immedi-
ately But President Young told him he would not advise him to do it
"my feelings are that she will be better and on his return home next
day he found it to be so. President Young spoke of the order of the travelling
camp said he had never seen a camp move with greater order
and Decorum there was no organization yet every man took his
place & kept it and all had moved in perfect harmony & with a good
spirit which showed the improvemet of the Saints

Page 54

~ Wednesday

13 ^1860^
We rode to Willard Creek & held a meeting with the people
President Young Prayed & spoke to the people a short time He
said we are still mormons or more properly speaking Latter Day
we are not going to the Moon or any other planet for our
Heaven but we shall make it here on Earth None will ever be
condemned Except those who have the privilege of hearing the
gospel and reject it. it is said that the Nations of the Earth that forget
God will be turned into Hell but how can a people forget got [God] that do not
know him. This people are improving you may say we have a
good many rowdies among us. how is it with you are you doing righ
if so you will practice honesty." He then spoke of our duty to build
up Zion & beautify the Earth. "if we have the spirit of Zion we will build
the best Houses make the best garden, & the best improvements we can
for if we will not be faithful over temperal things who will intr-
ust to us Eternal riches. President Kimball followed and bore
testimony. President Young then said I wish you to move this
public road East of the city to its old place, and improve this
place. At the close of the meeting we rode to Ogden at 3 oclok
I dined with Christopher Layton had lamb & green peas for
We held a meeting in the Ogden Tabernacle at 3 oclok
this is a splendid Hall it is 100 by 50 feet it will seat some
1500 people it was filled & many could not get in this is the la[r]gest
Hall in the Territory except the Salt Lake City Tabernacle. many
women had children who were crying vary loud which
made it hard speaking. E. T. Benson opened the meeting by
Prayer President Young spoke at length "He said there
never was a time nor never would be when there would
not be worlds in existance like this peopled with human
beings passing through a probation like unto ourselves
This continent is the place whare Christ will make his
appearance the second time and last time and the Kingdom
is ours Eternally. we will live to see the day that we shall be delivered
from our Enemies and the wicked thieves that now infest us &
I will say to those characters who are determined to steal & do
wickedly to go [at] it while you have a chance for your time is vary
short all those who have fallen of late in this Territory were worthy
of Deth & met there reward Except Brother Cook, who was killed

Page 55

while in the path of his duty President Kimball followed after president
Young spoke 3/4 of an hour D. H. Wells followed & bore testimony, to what
had been said.

At the close of the meeting I accompanied President
Young to Bishop Wests Tannery I spent the night with Brother Benson
at Brother Farrs

~ Thursday

14 We drove to Kays Creek I dined at Brother Laytons instead of the
day previous. We held a meeting at the bowary President Young spoke a
few mom[en]ts Brother Kimball spoke a few words and then bid them good
by and we rode home to Great Salt Lake City & I spent the night
with my family, having travelled to & From Cash valley 200 mils

~ Friday

15 I spent the day in the office I met with a prayer circle in the Evening

~ Saturday

16th I spent the day watering my garden I was vary weary at night
I met with the Twelve in the Evening O pratt Prayed E T Benson was mouth

~ Sunday

17th Sunday I spent the day at home my Quorum met in the morning
Bishop hoagland Prayed. Brother Moon was mouth.

~ Monday

18 I spent the day in the office Journalizing the Eastern mail came in
& Brought us some papers but little News

~ Tuesday

19. I spent the forenoon diging up my dead peach & Almond trees killed
by the severe frosts last winter it was the most singular winter I ever
Experienced in any country for weeks we were visited with a dark
cold hoary frost which would load the trees like a snow it killed
nearly all the fruit buds in the country and entirely killed many
of the trees we will have but little fruit this season except curants
& a few Apples. I spent the afternoon in the office G. A. Smith
started for Cash valley about 1 oclok to day with Brother Chrisman

~ Wednesday

20 I put up a rough shed Joining the back side of my ketchen for a
shade. in the afternoon I visited my farm I found my wheat
oats potatoes corn & sugar cane looking vary well my Hungarin
grass was injured by the frost. I called at the office in the evening
I recieved a copy of the patent office report on Agriculture it
was sent By Capt Hooper it is a useful work.

~ Thursday

21 I spent the morning it triming out the dead wood from my peach trees
and the afternoon in the office I spent the whole night in
watering my garden

~ Friday

22 I spent the forenoon choreing. I visited President Kimballs oil

Page 56

Mill it will be ready to run in few weeks I spent a part of the afternoon
in the office.

~ Saturday

23 I rode to Fort Herriman and spent the night 25 mil[e]s

~ Sunday

24 Sunday I preached at Fort Herriman and Blessed 2 children

~ Monday

25 I went up into the canyon with Wilford & Moroni & got a load of wood

~ Tuesday

26 I returned home to day & spent the evening in the office

~ Wednesday

27th I spent the forenoon watering garden the afternoon in the office

~ Thursday

28 President Young called in the office in the morning & herd history
read for 2 hours President Young ordered the old Bowery rebuilt
Presidents Young & Kimball returned to the office at 11 oclok while reading
the History in speaking of that point which says that Lyman Wight
should be sustained in his office in the place of David W Patten but
not to take his place crown President Young said this is the case
with all the Twelve they will have their own crown but not the
crown of an other who has died in faith & been faithful. they staid
half an hour and went up the canyon I spent the day in the office

~ Friday

29 I spent the day in the office President Young called at 1 oclok
& herd some history red Presidents Young Kimball & Wells & G. A. Smith
went to Brother Blackhurst to take dinner The Eastern Express arived at 10 oclk

~ Saturday

30 I spent the forenoon in the office I attended a party at Brother &
Sister Blackhurst & took Dinner in the afternoon Elders Erastus Snow
& Family & F. D. Richards were present. I spent the night in watering my
garden & reading the Doctrins & Covenants. I had a rich feast of spiritual
things in comparing the revelations of the Lord given to us 20 & 30 years
ago with the present signs of the times. the Lord is begining to pour out his
Judgments upon the American continent in fulfillment of his promises

~ Sunday

July 1st Sunday President Young delivered a vary interesting discourse
to the people in the Tabernacle in the forenoon & President YKimball in the
afternoon I spent a short time with the president in his office & met
with The Twelve in the prayer circle there being present O. Pratt
W. Woodruff (was mouth) John Taylor (Prayed) G. A. Smith E Snow & F D Richard

~ Monday

2nd We received an Extra Mountaineer anouncing that Stephen A
was nominated at the Baltimore Convention as a candidate
for the presidency. I sent 197 lbs of wool to the machine to be
carded. The Eastern Mail arived at 9 oclok this morning I wrote
A hand pointing to the right a letter to E R Young I also wrote a letter to Capt Walter M Gibson

Page 57

~ Tuesday

July 3rd 1860
I spent the forenoon in the office In company with R Campbell I visited
Brother Mousleys school He teaches upon the new principle of chanting
his lessons in Geography having procured large splendid maps for
the same He teaches a new system of mental Earithmetic. his whole
system of teaching is the best I have ever seen. There is great prepara-
tion in this city for the 4th July. The signs of the times indicate war
trouble & perplexity among the Nations

~ Wednesday

4 At the rising of the soun we were saluted by the fireing of canon
in selebration of the Independane of the United States Bands of
music paraded the streets & gave us a serenade as they passed in the mid[s]t
of this scene Emma was confined & brought forth a daughter
A crown born 20 minutes past 7 oclock the city authorities escorted the Governor
Cummings to the Bowery at 10 oclok amid the roar of cannon the Presidency
& Twelve with some 4000 Saints were gathered together on the occasion
the Chaplain O. Pratt prayed tunes from the various Bands Oration
from Professer Carrington, speech from Professor Pratt, a few words
from Govornor Cummings. Dismissed by the Chaplain John Taylor
Evening parties at the Court House & other places. 100 rounds of cannon
were Fired during the day

~ Thursday

5 I went over Jordon in the morning in the afternoon I rode with
Brother Stockings 8 miles up Emigration Canyon to see a flock
of French Morino sheep on the way to Calafornia they were vary
fine sheep they asked from $100 to $150 each.

~ Friday

Mr McCummings Brought a load of his French Marenoes to my
Barn Yard for sale I Bought one of his best Bucks for $150.
Brother A. O. Smoot Bought 1 for $125, 1 for $150, 1 Ewe $100, 2 lab
lambs for $100 making 5 in all, for a Bay stud Horse $475.
I spent a short time in the office. I rode down to my farm in
the Evening.

~ Saturday

7 I received the mountaineer this morning it contained an acco-
unt of some awful stormes in the western states killing people
destroying towns & villiages & dashing to peacs evry thing in its
course. I spent the forepart of the day in the office and the aftern-
noon choreing

Page 58

~ Sunday

July 8 ^1860^
Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning for prayer Wilford
prayed E F Sheets was mouth I attended meeting at the Tabernacle through the
day. President Young Preached in the forenoon & afternoon and spoke much to the
Edification of the people. I spent a short time in his office in the afternoon
I met with our Quorum in the evening. Erastus Snow prayed F. D. Richards
was mouth Mr MC Cummings stoped for the night with his company
9 IIn my lot, had 70 Horses, 50 sheep of full Blood French Mereno

~ Monday

9 Mr MC Cummings left this morning with his company. I went
over Jordon to carry Br Aitken to my Grass lot to cut my hay
I then went to the office & spent the day

~ Tuesday

10 I rode down to the field in the morning in the afternoon Wilford
& mysef went to my field to get some hay it raisned iall the time
we were rakeing it up and we left it & went home in the rain

~ Wednesday

11 I spent the forenoon Hunting my cow and assisting Wilford to load
sand for the school house

~ Thursday

12 I spent the day drawing Hay. Lorenzo Snow spent the night with me

~ Friday

13 I spent the forenoon watering & Budding and the afternoon in the afternoon
office I called upon President Yoong & read to him a Letter from
Capt W. M. Gibson. President Young gave me an invitation to go up the
Big Cotton Wood Canyon on the 24th July with my Family & Friends

~ Saturday

14. I spent the forenoon pruning deead wood out of my trees the afternoon
in the office

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning H Stout Prayed
Arza Hinkley was mouth I attended meeting at the Bowery J. W. Cumings
spoke was followed by President Kimball, who spoke much to the edifycation
of the people He was followed By President Young who followed upon the
same subject that Brothers Kimball & Cummings had spoken upon
viz the Judgments of God upon the present generation President Young
said that all that Had been manifest in our day in storms, pestilence,
or Judgment was nothing more than a text in comparason to the sermon
the Lord will preach when the Elders have finished their missions among
the Gentile and are gatherd with the Saints to Zion the Lord ^would^ open the
Earth & swallow up such cities as New York, Boston, Philadelphia, & other
great cities of the Nations and the sea would heave itself beyoungd its bounds [Doctrine and Covenants 88:90]
and famines would spread not ownly over this continent but it
will spread & be felt in states, Nations, & continents and the Saints

Page 59

will close there Eyes upon the scene and their hearts will be filled with
paine. many remarks were made upon this subjet In the afternoon
Bishop Hunter spoke also Presidents Young & D. H. Wells I met withe the
Twelve at 8 oclok P.M. O Pratt Prayed W. Woodruff was mouth.

~ Monday

16 I spent this day in the Hay field. mostly mowing

~ Tuesday

17 I carted two loads of Hay to day Brother Walters was flung onto the
Honrn of his saddle while riding a young horse & mortally wounded

~ Wednesday

18 July 1860 [FIGURE] We had an Eclipse on the sun this morning. the greatest
obscurity of the sun was about sunrise. Brother George Walters died this
morning at about 9 ooclock. Father Tattersal died yesterday some 85
years of age he was an English soldier at the battle of Water loo was
a prisioner in the hands of the French for several years. nearly all
died that was in the prision with him He was buried to day with military
honors and a Band of Music Brother Walters was also buried today

~ Thursday

19 I spent the day in the office in the forenoon afternoon watered gardn

~ Friday

20 I spent the forenoon watering budding, afternooon History papers

~ Saturday

21 I budded peach trees in the forenoon spent the afternoon in the office

~ Sunday

22 Sunday I took 10 of my family and with the committee of arangements
I went up the big Cotton wood canyon & camped for the night at the Lake distance 30 miles

~ Monday

23rd Presidents Young Kimball & wells arived to day with many others at the head waters of
the big cottonwood I went to fishing in the morning on the Lake cought 18 trout many were fishing
on the lake & many trout were caught we had a hard rain in the afternoon most of the people
in camp were wet as many were not prepared for a rain storm there wereas much thunder and
lightning and vary heavy. people continued to arive all day till dark there were some 110022
persons present 1122 x 56 Carriages 163 waggons 235 Horses 179 mules 168 oxen

~ Tuesday

Keys crossed
24 This is the anaversary of the arival of the pioneers into this valley in 1847
There were 3 large Boweries built with floors laid for dancing
Each floor would hold 6 cotillions. I was called upon by the
committee of arangments & opened one of the cotillions parties
by prayer. the day was spent in recreation such as dancing
fishing and other amusements a quantity of papers was brought
to the presidency of the last Eastern mail which was read by A
, giving an account of the arival of the great Eastern, the
success of Garabaldi in Sicily, A vary destructive storm on the
Irish Coast, many lives & much shiping lost, much political excitement

Page 60

in the States, democratic party divided and appointed 2 sets of nomines
for President & vice President. we had considerable rain during the day
and night. danceing was kept up till past midnight.

~ Wednesday

25 The company commenced leaving the ground Early in the morning
& continued past noon one of Presidents Youngs waggons was turned
over into the Big Cotton wood it turned twice over with two wom[en]
& several children one woman was hurt in the sholder one
child came near drowneding we arived home about 3 oclok 30 mils

~ Thursday

26 I went down into the field I moved Susan Cornelia down to
the farm house. it rained hard for two hours which was vary
seasonable for the crops.

~ Friday

27 I called upon President Young in the forenoon all the Presidency
were in the office President Young read me a letter from Bishop
Maughn stating that there had been a fracas with the Indian
the Brethren had taken a one eyed Indian prisioner for stealing
and several Indians came down to liberate him the Indian started
to run & the guard shot him dead the other Indians shot at the guard
& killed a Brother Reed & mortally wounded Samuel Cousins
through the lungs. the Indians then took to the mountains & found
two Merrils getting wood they shot Ira Merrill dead & his
Brother badly wounded they took some Indians prisioners the
rest gathered their forces & came down to liberate them & they
met 100 rifles they then held a council the Indians then
agreed to go & get those who had shot the white men & bring the[m]
in & put them to death & make pease I spent the day in the office

~ Saturday

28 A plesant Morning I spent the day in the offices the forenoon with
President Youndg, Wells, Carrington, & R. L. Campbell. tA Carrington
read the conference minutes and a sermon of President Young deliv[er]ed
at the conference in Nauvoo Oct 1844 The minutes of this sermon
was compiled or written & furnished by Wm Clayton which done
great injustice to the subject. President Young gave a vary interesting
and instructive discourse upon the organization of the Church the power
of the priesthood the authority & duties of the various Quorums from
the deacon to the presidency But Brother Clayton in reporting it gave
a small portion of the sermon in detached sentences which gave an
Entire different meaning from what was intended Hence President

Page 61

A crown Keys crossed
Young had to remoadle the sckeleton of the sermon before us After the
Prophet Joseph died, the Question was asked how will the Church exist
and be governed now the Prophet is dead. will the Twelve lead if so
can they get Revelation. President Young took up this subject & showed what
the privliges were of all the Saints from the least to the greatest. all saints male
and female have the privilege of revelation, of inspiration, the spirit of God
the Holy Ghost. all saints should live in the spirit of revelation. A Priest
after the order of Aaron holds the keys of the Administering of Angels
will Angels administer to a man and visit him & not reveal any thing
to him No. then if Priests can have revelation cannot Apostles
yes. Evry part of the Melchezedeck Priesthood from an Elder to
the Presidency of the Church have a right to receive Revelations
From the face of the Lord direct without the Administration of
an Angel. Both Priesthoods are divided into classes as helps in the
government of God. Elders Belong to the Melchezedek priesthood, as Deakons
& teachers do to the arAaronic priesthood High Priests are for Presidents
to preside over different Branches & stakes & to administer in all the
ordinances of the Melchezedek Priesthood The Seventies are special
or& apostles to go into all the world to preach the gospel unto all
Nations to Build up the kingdom of God, & Esstablish churches in all
the Earth under the direction of the Twelve Apostles they should call upon
the High Priest to come & preside over the Branches after they are built up
a Quorum of ^70^ Apostles when united are Equal in authority to the Quorum
of the Twelve Apostles. [Doctrine and Covenants 107:25-26] The Twelve Apostles or traveling council are to be
special witnnessese of the name of Christ in all the world they are Equal in athhority
in there decissions to the Presidency of the Church they are to preside in all
the world whare the three first Presidency are not. [Doctrine and Covenants 107:23-24] The three first
Presidency preside over the whole Church & administer in all the
ordinances of the Church, which consists of a president & his
two councellors the President of the Church holds the keys of the
sealing powers & his secouncil act in concert with him in all things
should the presidency die The Twelve could organize anorter Presidency
& should the Presidency & Twelve all be slain, the seventies being
Equal in power & Authority to the Twelve or first Presidency could
organize both Quorums. A Bishop has two councellors there
is no difference in the authority of his councillors the 2nd has as much

Page 62

authority as the first A Bishop should have his councilers with him
on the trial of a case in order to make it Legal as it takes three to make
a Quorum. The High Priest could organize the Church in all its
parts if all other Authorities were dead for they have the Melchezedk
out of which grow all of the Higher offices of the Church
An Apostle is the highest office in the Church & kingdom of God Joseph
was a Prophet Seer & Revelator before he was baptized or
ordained, to the arAaronic Priesthood or had any Authority to adm-
inister in one of the ordinances of the house of the Lord He was afterw[ar]ds
ordained to the aAaronic Priesthood then to the Melchezedek priesthood
& Apostleship which is the highest office in the Church & kingdom
of God on Earth. when a man is ordained to the Apostleship &
keys thereoff if he dies in faith He will hold those keys to all Eternity
all the Prophets APatriarchs & Apostles who ever did or ever will
hold the keys of the Apostleship if faithful unto death will hold
them forever President Young was an Elder when he was ord[ai]ned
to be one of the Twelve Apostles some asked the Question how He
could officiate as an High Priest not having previsously been ord[ai]ned
a High Priest Joseph Said the Apostleship covered all the offices
of the High Priesthood, the same as a private member ord[ai]ned a
High Priest could officiate as a Deakon Teacher Priest or Elder
President Young said "I ordained most of the two or three first
Quorums of the Seventies and Joseph gave me vary particular
instructions to ordain them all High Priests which I did when
a man is ordained an High Priest Seventy or one of the Twelve He
can officiate in all the lesser offices of the Church whether He has been
ordained to that office or not. when I met with the Saints in
Nauvoo at the first meeting after Josephs death in defending
the true organization aga[in]st Sidney Rigdon I had it in my mind
all the time that there would have to be a presidency of three
Appointed but I knew the people could not bear it at the
time and on our return as the pioneers from the valley I
Broached the subject first to Brother Woodruff and afterwords
to the rest of the Quorum they received it & finally sustained it

I spent the afternoon in the office Journalizing

Page 63

~ Sunday

29th ^1860^
Sunday I spent the day at the Tabernacle N H Felt spoke in the morning
I followed him. [ink blot] Pr[e]sident Young spoke in the afternoon President Wells
said a few words at the close of the forenoon he said he wished the Brethrn
to save all their wheat. I met in the Evening with the Quorum of the
Twelve in our Prayer Circle. Presidents Young & Wells were also present
Elder O Hyde Praiyd, President Young was mouth.

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

30 & 31. I spent the time in the Harvest Field & halling Hay

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

Aug 1st, 2 & 3 I spent the time Harvesting wheat. I have 8 Acres of wheat
and I think the best Taos wheat I have ever raised I ploughed my
land deep & put on 120 lbs of seed wheat to the Acre I whashed the wheat
clean skum off all light wheat then limed it & sowed it dreged the
land thoroughly then rolled it & I think I will have 50 Bushels of wheat
good & clean without smut to the acre we had a hard rain storm in the evening

~ Saturday

4 We spent the day hoeing I attended a Meeting of the D A & M
at candle light at Bishop Hunters

~ Sunday

Aug 5. Sunday I met with my Qoorum in the morning A. O. Smoot
Prayed & L W Hardy was mouth. The subject was spoken off about
Jason Luce, & Lot Huntington & their party overpowering the Poliece &
Jeter Clintons court one day during the past week. The Mayor
will take the matter up tomorrow.

President Young Preached in the forenoon a powerful discourse he spoke vary
plain with regard to the Gentiles. He followed Brother Bywater & H. C. kimball
all of which spoke much to the Edifycation of the people. I attended the
meeting in the afternoon & herd President Young deliver one of the most edify-
ing discourses I ever herd in my life His subject was "what are the
pleasures of life." He spoke of Eating & drinking as being two of the greatest
pleasurs of the worlding but that pleasure ownly lasts while he is swallowing
He nomanated the various pleasures and a person would soon be saciated in
any of them but if a man Enjoyed the spirit & power of God, the Holy Ghost
the gift of Eternal Life it was like a living well of water within him He was
Happy all the time. I went home with President Young & took supper
with him. I also had a social conversation with D. H. Wells. The Twelve
did not meet in the Prayer Circle as there were none of the Quorum
in the city Except Erastus Snow & myself & Brother Snow did not
come. In conversation with President Young He said in speaking of
the Twelve their business was to preach the gospel and they ought to be
abroad preaching

Page 64

~ Monday

Aug 6th ^1860^
I spent the day watering my Garding I threshed & cleaned up 3 partes
of Poland Oats from 3 oz of sowing. I was taken with a severe sore throat
and went to bed sick and had a sick night

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

7 & 8. I was quite sick abed with an Influenzia

~ Thursday

9th I am some better to day I spent the day in the office Journalizing
and compiling History Brother Jaques & myself commenced Jan 1849.

~ Friday

10 A warm day A company of 30 wagons of L. D. Saints from various
parts of the world arived last night

~ Saturday

11 I spent the day in the office compiling History

~ Sunday

12 Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle J. V. Long Preached in
the morning. T. B. H. Stenhouse in the afternoon followed by President Young
I dined with President Young and spent the evening with him.

~ Monday

13th I rode to Fort Herriman & spent the night

~ Tuesday

14 I mowed 3/4 of an acre of Hungarian grass in the forenoon Wilford
assisted me to rake up the Hay in the afternoon.

~ Wednesday

15 We stacked up our Hay went to the canyon visited our stock got up
a load of wood

~ Thursday

16 I took a load of cedar posts & returned to the city distance 50 mils

~ Friday

17 I went to the office met with G. A. Smith who returned from the
South on Tuesday the 14th We called upon President Young I spent the
day in the office Journalizing

~ Saturday

18th I watered my garden in the forenoon & I spent the afternoon in the office

~ Sunday

19 A crown Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Brother Pugmire prayed
J. M Moodrofy was mouth. I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Andrew
spoke first in the morning upon the state of the feelings of
the people in the States they were not willing to acknowlede the hand of
in any thing but believed a great Revolution is at the door of the
Nation. Hon Wm H. Hooper followed and gave an account of his missin
to washington the state of the Nation, & public Feeling, his own feelings in
mormonism, his trusting in God. He was followed by H. S. Eldridge
He spoke of his mission, was blessed in his business &c He was followed
by President Young who said He was satisfyed with the missions of
the Brethren they had done their duty. He bore testimony that what
they said was true. He spoke of what was approaching this generation.
in the after noon George Q Cannon spoke lengthy gave nan account of

Page 65

his Journey the dealings of the Lord with him, the state of society, the spirit
of the Lord
is withdrawing from the Nation & they are walking in thick darkness
President Young followed and expressed his feelings upon a variety of things
A single key with teeth to the left Presidents Young & Kimball, with O. Pratt W. Woodruff J. Taylor G. A. Smith E. Snow
F. D. Richards & G. Q. Cannon of the Twelve met for prayer when the following
conversation took place President Young said the people of the United States
had sought our destruction and they had used every exertion to
perfect it they have worked through the Masonic institution to per-
fect it Joseph & Hyram Smith were Master Masons and they were
put to death by masons or through there instigation and he gave the
sign of distress & he was shot by masons while in the act, and there
were delegates from the various lodges in the union to see that he was
put to death {[and/he?] damns them} I hope to live to see the day when I can have power
to make them do right they have got the blood of the prophets upon their
heads & they have got to meet it. When President Buchannan & the U. S.
Government sent Col Johnson & the U. S. Army to Utah it was with
the Express purpose to destroy the Church & kingdom from off the Earth
to put to death this people but the Lord sustained us & put them to shame
& confusion & to his name be the honor & glory. There are other Masons
sent to this territory for the same purpose to Esstablish a lodge here
& try to get an influence with some here to lay a plan to try to murder
me & the leaders of the Church but they will not accomplish it. now Brother
L. N. Scovill thinks so much of masonery that he might Join in with
them. G. A. Smith, said He does not wish to mix hair & wool but
he would like to Go to England & obtain five charters for lodges
which would give us a grand lodge which would make us independnt
of all other Grand lodges in the world. this is what Brother Scovill
would like to do and this could be done but I do not think he would
be willing to mingle with our Enemies to the ingury of this people
President Young said I have no doubt but that thing could be done
& we could take our young men into the lodge but then I would aske
what Good could it do. what good could result from it I think
no good at all the truth is we have got to look to Lord God of Israel
to sustain us & not to any institution or kingdom or people upon the
earth except the kingdom of God, and I ask no odds of any man
or set of men beneath the heavens except the Lord and his Saints

Page 66

G. Q. Cannon said he was asstonished to come back & see how
cheerful & youthful the people looked & Esspecially the presidency after passing
through so much trouble He said he had herd Numbers say of the world
that there was some overruling providence that had sustained this people
through the war and they could not understand it. W. Woodruff
said Brother Cannon should have seen President Young in the midst of
the excitement when it was expected evry hour that a message would
arive with the tidings from the mountains that the blow was struck & blood
had began to flow then President Young was calm & serene happy
and cheerful the spirit & power of God surrounded him like a
Halo of Glory and it would comfort a mans heart to go into
his presence. Many other remarks were made President
Young Prayed and asked the Lord for evry needful blessing upon
upon the whole Church & kingdom of God in all there families & organiza-
tions He prayed that God would overthrow our Enemies President Kimball
was Mouth at the Altar & had much of the spirit & power of God in
prayer. President Young said in speaking of gat a grand lodge
Esstablished in Utah that if we accomplished it It would have
a tendency to bring down all hell upon us as far as they had the

~ Monday

20th I spent the day Journalizing & compiling

~ Tuesday

Aug 201st I spent the fore part of the day Journalizing the afternoon compiling
History Presidents Young & Kimball called in & heard History read Jan 1845
for some two hours. Brother Cannon was also with us Brother G. A. Smith
said that Brother Woodruff had done more to preserve the History of this
Church than any man on the Earth Brother Kimball said Brother Woodruff
you have been inspiried to write History & keep a Journal

~ Wednesday

22 I spent the forenoon hearing history read to G. A. Smith and the
afternoon Presidents B. Young & H C Kimball was presient from 3 to 1/2 p[as]t
4 oclock one & half hour & herd history read. while speaking of the
destruction by storm in the states President Young said I wish the state
of Missouri would take fire & burn up every thing except that which is
pure & good then we could go back for I want to go putty soon
we dont want to stay here long.

~ Thursday

23 I spent the day in the office compiling History.

~ Friday

24 I Budded some 50 wild plum stock with Mrs Sessions large seedling
plum in the morning I went to the office at 10 oclok & spent the time

Page 67

I spent the forenoon in the office compiling History the afternoon watering
my Garden it is vary hot weather

~ Saturday

25 I spent the day compiling History

~ Sunday

26th Sunday I spent the forenoon in the office President Young preached in
the morning followed by Erastus Snow President Young followed him He followed
spoke upon the vision & the different glories in the afternoon I spoke to the
people upon the subject of our Blessings & the dealings of God with us &
our duty to our children. I was followed by President Kimball. I met with
the Presidentcy & Twelve at the Historians office. There was ^the^ presidtency
& O Pratt W Woodruff J. Taylor G. A. Smith Erastus Snow, & F. D. Richards
of the Twelve present. when we proceded to ordain George Quayle Cannon
Keys crossed unto the Apostleship and a member of the Quorum of the Twelve
President Brighham Young was mouth which makes
thirteen Apostles of the Twelve which President Brigham Young
has ordained. Brother Cannons ordination & Blessing was reported
by G. D. Watt. We repaired to the upper room for Prayer when President
Young called for the names for missions abroad. when 16 names was
presented & Excepted, among those names were Orson Pratt, Erastus Snow
& George Q. Cannon of the Twelve, & Richard Bentley & John L Smith
from the office. Gilbert Clements was presented & President Young said
cross his name of the List when he goes to England let him go as an apost-
ate he will not have my consent to go as a missionary. Brother Edington
name was presented President Young said I do not know what good he
could do on a mission unless he had more wisdom in preaching than he has
in business matters he would not do much good he is a nice man & would
do well in fitting up a room for a party or a show but he would not
be worth a groat on a mission If Ever G Clements has a mission
I want him to Feel like Brother Mills a year ago he would have thought
it a great calamity to have been sent on a mission now he wants to
go. Brother Kimball asked how it would do to send Dr Anderson
on a mission President Young asked what for, he is a vary nice plesant
man but he is thorough Infidel in his faith he had a talk with me
upon the subject and honestly acknowledged that he had no faith in
spiritual things "I want nothing said out of the council about this. He
likes to live with this people & thinks we have the best organization in the world

Page 68

President Young brought a figure upon this subject He said if a man
who had been alway acquainted with the tropical fruit was to meet
with an Indian who had never seen or heard of the fruit the
white man would say to the Indian do you not hanker for pine
apple, organges & Banannas the Indian say no I never saw any
I do not know what they are it is so with Dr Anderson & other
men they have never tasted of the fruits of the spirit & power of
& do not know what it is and hence they have no faith in it
O Pratt Prayed & D. H. Wells was mouth

I conversed with Erastus Snow F. D. Richards & G Q Cannon about giving
us their History for the Church History

~ Monday

27 I spent the forenoon in Journalizing President Young called into the
office at 12 oclok it commenced to rain about noon John Smith the
Patriarch called into the office A certain revelation was read
to President Young given to him May 28, [18]47 on Platt river in the
pioneer camp He said record it & lay it away But not to publish
it I felt then as I do now when I felt to accuse any of the Brethren
of any thing which they do not acknowledge I feel that I had
rather be mistaken in my Judgment than to have them guilty of
Evil. He refered to his teaching yesterday He said there was a tendr
tender Jerm in every man which if rightly cultivated would to be
a God & a son of God but it was vary tender. President Young left at
one oclok Presidents Young, Kimball & Wells & John Taylor G. A. Smith
& George Q Cannon with many others started at about dark for
Provo Canyon. The Hand cart Company arived at 5 oclock &
camped on the public square 9th ward with 43 Hand carts & 6 waggns

~ Tuesday

28 [FIGURE] I arose early in the morning and went to Brother
Ellerbeck & bought 5 strawbury plants and
paid $1 each I got one plant of each of the
following kinds Victomtesse Harriicart de Thury,
Wilsons Albany, Peabody, Hovey Seedling, Early Scarlet.
I had the Hoockan before. I spent the day in the office compiling
History. we had a fine rain last night.

~ Wednesday

29 A pleasant day I spent the day in the office compiling History

Page 69

~ Thursday

Aug 30, ^1860^
I spent the day the forenoon in the office compiling History the afternoon
I spent at home I was visited By Father [blank] Smith & his daughter
Sister Whitney wife of Bishop Whitney Father Smith was 80 yea[r]s of
age was Born & had spent his life in Connecticut had been in the
Church near 30 years. He visited my garden, took supper with me
and returned home The Presidency Twelve & their company retur-
ned home to this city at [blank] oclok to day the company consisted of
Presidents Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Daniel H Wells, and J Taylor
G. A. Smith G. Q. Cannon of the Twelve & Wm H. Hooper, H. S. Eldridge
G. D. Watt H. K. Whitney J M Simmons Joseph A Young, Bryant
, Brigham Young Jr Heber John Richards A Cunningham
T Mccain, R. T. Burton, L Sprague, A. Bullock Joseph J. Taylor
& A. M. Musser. The company left Great Salt Lake City Monday
evening ^27^ 8 1/2 P.M., drove all night arived at Provo at 5 oclock AM
28, camped inside Tithing office Block Presidency Boarded with
Bishop Miller at 4 p.M. a large assembly came together when
the presidency spoke also G. Q. Cannon. President made an
arangments to start 4 oclok in the morning. 29 Aug started at
5 oclok arived at Walls ranch at 10 oclok A.M. passed 2 trains
of 30 or 40 each of 6 yoke of cattle loaded with flour for Pikes peak
Porter Rockwell commanding one of the trains President directed
Brother Wall to take charge of the tithing in that place. the party
dined at Walls. Passing through Heber City, arived at Wm H.
at Parleys parks at Sun down. 30th left parley park
at 9 A.M arived at Great Salt Lake City at 3 oclok the road
through Parleys Canyon is bad but the people are drawing large
loads of wood. I spent the night watering my garden

~ Friday

31st A crown Keys crossed I arived at the office at half past 11 oclok A.M. I called
at the President office there were Presientent B. Young D. H. Wells G A
Lorenzo Snow F D Richards ^&^ A Carrington. soon Gov.
A Cummings, in company with Capt Burton known as Hajee
Burton pilgrim to Mecca Explorer of Hurrur & discoverer of the
great Central African Lakes Gov Cummings introduced him to
President Young & others. He stayed about one hour He is captain of
the English Army. Conversation turned upon Capt Burtons travels
in India, Arabia & Africa He spoke of his Explorations of two

Page 70

Lakes in Central Africa He went all around the large lake
250 miles long about 100 wide He found mud fish 6 feet long with-
out scales. He found Eels. He found large flocks of sea guls the
lake was 700 miles from the sea He tried to sounded 400 feet
without any bottom. there was no visible outlet to it, though there
were several large streams runing into it. the water was not salt
this lake was surroounded with High Bluffs. He visited another
Lake about 90 miles wide & over 100 long this was not surrounded
with Bluffs like the other He did not go around this as it would
have taken 500 men to have fought there way through among
the natives He had but 150 men with him and the native chiefs
think any stranger that visits them was out of honor to them &
would not let them visit other tribes without forighting for it
He came near loosing his life in a dugout on the large lake.
in speaking of the Mahomitan religion He said it was not
a new religion but a refermation of the Christian religion
opium is sold in that country for its weight in silver. There
was a drug the people took which they received as a luxery
they would set Back to Back so as to not see each others faces if one
sneezed all would sneeze. He spoke of the custom of the Druses
their religion caused them to bath ofton and they are temperate
while many of the Christians of that country are intemperate
and filthy which causes them to be weaker than the Druses which
gives the Druses the advantage over the Christians in war &c
while speaking of the U. S. armey here President Young said
if Col Johnson had staid in this Territory a few years he would
have known more than he does now. he planted his army in the
center of the settlements so the people would protect his army from
the Indians. if he would had made his settlements in Cash
he would have had an outlet. Gov Cummings said the
armey did not come out to protect the Emigration but to see you
I had an interview with Emanuel Murphy who has Just
arived from Tenesee David Patten Baptized him in Tenesee in
1836 I was present He also Baptized his Brother Jeremiah who
afterwards Apostitized & died his wife Apostitized & started
for Calafornia in 1846 & got lost in the Sira Vada mountains

Page 71

and most of the company starved to death and the living cattle
Dead Mrs Murphy was Eat up & some of her children two fof
her sons were saved. Brother Emanuel Murphy has been a true
faithful Latter Day Saint He visited Joseph Smith almost daily
while in prision in Missouri. He liberated Erastus Snow out
of Liberty Jail. He has done much for the Church. He took
supper with me this Evening also Lorenzo Snow.

~ Saturday

Sept 1st A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to the American Hydropult Company
proposed to act as an agent for them in this Territory as I wanted
one myself I also wrote a Letter to the company of Cooks portible

Sept 1st I spent most of the day in the office compiling History

~ Sunday

2nd Sunday In company with G. A. Smith, Lorenzo Snow F. D Richards
I rode to visit James D. Ross company, to hold a meeting with them
at 1 o'clok P.M. meeting opened by singing a swiss song there being
about 100 swiss present G. A. Smith spoke to the people in English
which was interpeted to the swiss in their own language by Elder
[blank] Bonelli. He gave them vary good council told them
to be faithful & live thir religion, not to get cheated by speculators
nor to be in a hurry to get married to those men who profess to
save women by the whole sale but wait untill you get acquainted
with men and know that they are worthy and capable of being saved
themselves there is no hurry in these matters. He gave the same council
to those who could understand English spoke of their Journey across the
sea & plains that was calculated to bring out what is in you. Now go to
& repent of all your sins & get rebaptized and live your religin some
come here and expet all to be satisfied & perfect but they are not per-
fect themselves & they soon get dissatisfied they look at the falings of
others & do not look at there own, but you should go to & be unit-
ed with those [who] serve God and do right & you will be satisfied dont
be in a hurry to get rich, but do right and all bwill be well. when
we first came here the country afforded us Nothing to Eat but
black crickets, ownly what we brought with us. you must prepare
to turn your hand to any thing that is right in order to get along and
dont be greedy to get too much land to begin with but what land
you do cultivate do well. you have come a long way to be saved & to

Page 72

learn more of the work of God and I would advise you to spop [stop]
in this city for a while & hear the Presidentcy preach but I exp[ec]t
you will soon be scattered all over the country. we have some of the
worst men in the world among us and some of the best men
I know this work to be of God Joseph Smith was a true propht
of God & he Esstablished this work in these vallies of the mountioin
He bore a good testimony of the work of God

F. D. Richards followed & bore testimony of what G. A. Smith had
said he gave good advise to the people & was Followed by
Elders Lorenzo Snow who bore testimy to what had been said &
gave a good Exertation to the camp. Father Phineas Richards spoke
I followed & bore testimony to the good advise given By Elder
G. A. Smith and of the work of God Esstablished in the woEarth in
this generation. we had a good meeting & the spirit of the
with us. At the close of the meeting we bid them farewell
& returned to the city and met with the Presidency and Twelve
at the Prayer circle I opened by Prayer. G A Smith was mouth
the first time he has clothed for the Prayer circle for nearly one year
as he has had a sprained ancle and been vary lame. In speaking
of Elder J. D. Ross President Young said he stood upon a pivet &
hardly knew which way to turn he did not get quite money enough
to apostitize if he had got a little more money he would have gone
overboard President Young conversed about the government sending
the army here to destroy the Saints All the gentile merchants was
called into council who were trading in Salt Lake and they
all urged on the war Except Copening the mail contracter He
said the report of Drummond was a lie about the burning [of] the
court records & the Library. He said if the armey went to fight
the Mormons they would have to winter in the mountains for
the mormons would not let them come in & would fight them
if they attempted it and it proved true they were kept in
the mountains

~ Monday

3 Capt Burton of the British Army called upon President Young
who conversed with him conserning his travels in Arabia India
& Africa his pilgrimage to Meca & co I accompanied him over
the Presidents house & while in the observitory he tooks Note &
schets sketches of the city I walked with him through the presidents

Page 73

garden & premises Blacksmith shop &c He then visited the Historians
G A. Smith gave him an outline of the Mormon war with the
United States & a history of affairs for the Last 5 years in Utah he is
writing & publishing Extensively he is a free noble minded man he has
traveled so etensively that he has cast of[f] that cloak of prejudice and
superstition which most men have against all who do not embrace ther
own political & religious faith. He will tell the truth about all men &
things as far as he can obtain it I gave him an invitation to call upon
me. We received the Eastern mail. We obtained papers & I got one
A folded letter/box good Letter from Capt Gibson who spoke of his travels in visiting
the Saints in the Eastern country nhe wrote in a vary good spirit

~ Tuesday

4 I budded about 100 green gage plums into wild stocks I cut about
500 buds of my best fruit for Lorenzo Snow to bud in his nursery I
paid $25 on my Territorial tax which was including county tax $51.90
city tax $20.60, 14 ward school house tax $130 total tax for 1860 $202.50
I spent my time in the office in the afternoon. On sunday Evening while
in conversation at the Historians office A Brother Williams & another man called
to get council of President Young concerning Brother William of Union
who is possessed of the Devil & has been in the mountains 60 days to try
to starve himself to death but came home a living skeleton & finally
cut his throat & that did not kill him & he now wanted to drown himself
the men that came for counsel want the heads of the Church to unite
together & cast the Devil out of him the President said if he wants to
cut his throat or drown himself let him do it the devil is determined
to destroy his body any how if you want the devil cast out you may
go to work & cast him out if you can I shall not go down there to
do ^it^ we have devils enough to deal with up here without going abroad
after them if the devils destroy his body they will get through with
him that will be the end of there work with his tabernacle.

Brother Cannon said there was a learned Doctor [blank] that wanted
to be baptized believed in this work but wanted to close up his business
in New York City first said when he was baptized that He should lay
aside his practice of medicine as he believed the Lord had provided
means for the healing of his Saints without the practice of medicine
He is satisfied that the doctrin of the plurality of God and that Adam
is our Father is a true doctrin revealed from God to Joseph & Brigham

Page 74

For this same Doctrin is taught in some of the old Jewish records
which have never been in print and I know Joseph Smith nor Brigham
have never had access to and the Lord has revealed this doctrin
unto them or they could not have taught it. President Young said
if all that God had revealed was in fine print it would more than
fill this room but vary little is written or printed which the Lord
has revealed when God restores the Priesthood and Apostleship
he gives the keys to unlock the fountain of knowledge power & glory
when An Apostle is called & ordained all of the keys of the kingdom
of God upon Earth are sealed upon him and God reveals heis mind
& will through that source to the children of men for the govern-
ment & salvation of the children of men, and he reveals much in
evry age when the priesthood is upon Earth which is not written
or printed

A humanoid At about 3 oclock My Daughter Phebe wife of Lorenzo Snow
was taken in Labor at 3 oclok was taken in LDelivered of a daughter
at 15 minutes to 11 oclok She is doing vary well herself but her
daughter was supposed to be dead when born the midwife put the
child in warm water then in cold breathed into its lungs in
it remained without breathing for 30 minutes it then began
to breathed and breathed quit freely but was vary feeble through the night

~ Wednesday

5 Phebe is quite comfortable this morning the child is vary
feeble and it is quite difficul to keep life in it at about 12 oclok
the child appeared dead Sister Zina Young was present &
took charge of the child she breathed into his lungs & done all
she could and the child soon revived & sonon nursed I brought
up Susan from the farm to nursed the child I Blessed the
child and Named it Mary Amanda Snow. Sister Eliza
R Snow
& Sister Zina Young spent the afternoon with us
& Sister Eliza all night. the child lived till 9 oclock P.M.
and then Breathed its last Sister Eliza laid it out

~ Thursday

A coffin M S 6 We buried the child to day in my new lot No 7, Betwen
J. M. Grants and Orson Hydes. Phresident Young sent up a carriage
to the grave & several of his family went up, to the burial

Page 75

Phebe was taken with a severe chill in the evening and had a sick

~ Friday

7 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 Letters one to Lorenzo Snow and one to Capt Wm
M. Gibson
. I spent a part of the day in the office.

~ Saturday

8. Phebe rested comfortable last night & is better this morning
President Young called a short time in the afternoon art the office.

~ Sunday

9 I met with my Quorum in the morning I opened by Prayer Bishop
Hunter was mouth. I attended meeting at the Tabernacle G Q Cannon
preached was followed by Capt Hooper & President Young they all
spoke in the power of God. In the Afternoon President Young
delivered a powerful discourse to saint and sinner A hand pointing to the right He command-
ed the Elders who were going on missions in the name of the Lord
not to come home as merchants, or in carriages, nor to Bring
home any silk dresses or any thing Els to theire wives or children
nor to ownly have 2 shirts & pants to be descent and all they
bring home as wealth let int ^be^ men, women, & children. let it
be spent in Emigrating the poor many have gone to get wealth
for their pfamilyies but I dont want this done any more Now go
to & gather the poor.

J. D. Ross spoke a short time the meeting
was dismissed and all the missionaries were called to meet at the
Historians office at half past 4 oclok. At 4 oclok President Young
with the Missionaries met at the Historians office. He asked the
missionaries if there was any one who could not go I do not
wish to oppress any one there are a plenty of Elderss who are
able & willing to go no one excused himself The names were
then taken or called over to know who could fit themselves out
and all were provided for. You Elders what do you think of
the commandment I give you let your carriages be filled with
old men and women and you pull a wheel barrow, and if their
is feble men & women put them in Hand carts &with springs
dand draw them in. Some of the Brethren could not fit up &
a contribution was taken up to Fit them up B young $100, H C K $50,
W Woodruff $25, John Taylor $60, F. D. Richards $30, D Spences $12,
Fineas TYoung $160. Adjourned till 22nd Sept at the 70s Hall for a
Blessing meeting all the Twelve should be present. President Young made
some remarks upon his commandments to the Elders He said that every

Page 76

man that had gone out on missions and turned merchants they
are not worth a groat. when they come home they are empty
in spirit and become beggarly poor Brother P. P. Pratt began this
in England and He was begagarly poor, for years & Erastus Snow
and F. D. Richards came home merchants and they are poor
and Orson Pratt came home in carriages & with silks and
satins and he is poor He spoke in the power of God and sharply
rebuked the Twelve & Elders for their spirit of speculation
which they indulged in and when such Elders get home they
have not the spirit of God in them. He was followed by
George F Hendry. Elders Erastus Snow O. Pratt, & H. C. Kimball
all bore testimony to what President Young had said was
true H. C. Kimball refered to P. P. Pratt being in merchandize
and would not trust him $5 and Yearsley said that He
would not trust H. C. Kimball nor God Almighty. we shall
live while millions of such men are dead He bore testimony
in the power of God to what President Young had said.
He said that the Elders had been like blood suckers from
Here to England, and it is time for it to be stoped, and
let the women alone & not be corting them but let them
alone. many bring home women & wandt the president to
soon seal a woman to him this will soon kill him
President Young then spoke to Orson Pratt & said that
the Book debt was the worst trouble the Saints handsd to
contend with for 6 years Orson Pratt has done more
to make that debt than any other man so many Books
are forced upon the people and they are forced to take them
or they will not be fellowshiped notw stop publisheding
& geting your portraits taken & fill the kingdom with
them & make the people pay for them. this keeps the
people poor and keeps them from Emigrating. Brother
Orson Pratt hade made some remarks saying that he had used
his own means and not any of the means of the Church He had got
it all by his publications. Phresident Young said it all coome out of
the poor Saints Just as much as tho he had begged it J V. Long
reported President Youngs speech which pierced the bones & marrow

Page 77

and thoughts and intents of the Hearts of the Twelve Apostle and others of
who were present He spoke the truth in the name of the Lord with great
power & sharpness and power He reproved the sins of the Twelve & others
in a manner which made them feel by the power of God the necessity
of walking uprightly before the Lord, & to be free from all sin At the adjournmt
of the meeting we repaired to the Prayer room. Erastus snow Prayed & John
was mouth. (See privat Journal.)

~ Monday

10th I spent the day in the office the forenoon Journalizing and the afternoon
looking over the mail matter for news but found but little.

~ Tuesday

11 I spent the day Journalizing and compiling History I came in at 3 oclk
P.M. Found President Young in the office & T. Bullock reading to him the political
papers at the close of the reading I compiled History with Jaques

~ Wednesday

12 I spent the fore part of the day compileing History I spent the afternoon
watering my garden.

~ Thursday

13 I spent the day compiling History I attended the Bishops meeting
Keys crossed President Young was Present and delivered one of the most powerful
discourses I ever herd from his mouth unto the children of men there was
no reporter Present nor clerk to keep minutes. Brother Calder wrote
some minutes & I reported the following synopsis of the presidents remarks
Meeting opened by prayer by W. Woodruff Bishop Hunter called the roll
& not more than half the Bishops present a part of the councillors. Bishop
Hunter then called for teams to draw Adobies & sand. Also Enquired if
there was houses to rent, several was reported. A recommendatin
was read from one of the Brethren as school teacher.

President Young then arose and said there is a good deal I want to
say to the Bishops but I dont think I shall say much to you to night
I would liked to have seen all the Bishops here to night many are
absent. I shall speak of those things which we want now. The Bishops
are the men more than others to attend to the Business of the Church
in the Stakes of Zion. I have said a good deal at times against
the Bishops perhaps more than they thought was right. But I now will
tell you what I want. We have missionaries going abroad upon their
missions we are all acquainted with the situation & Locations of theis
country. The revelations says take neither purse nor scrip. [Luke 10:4] that is go withot
taking food or money. now this revelation wias given to the Twelve in
Jerrusalem a city filled with the wealth of the Nations it is like

Page 78

giving the same commandment to Elders in New Yoork City but
it cannot be Expected that Elders will start from this city to walk
a thousand miles to settlements without food or to kill there game by
the way But they have got to be supplyed with means to go to themre
Field of Labor. I now want to take up a collection next sunday
& the sunday following for the missionaries who are not able to fit
themselves out and I want the Bishops to see to it and attend to
it I shall take up a collection for this purpose. we are in a land of
plenty we have a superabundance of means. now shall we send
out those Elders to beg of the poor saints who are already bound down
with poverty to obtain all their supplies No we will not. I do not me[a]n
that this people shall stay here in their wealth and sin any longer &
send out Elders to preach & beg of the poor who have not means to
come to Zion as they have done heretofore. I intend this people
Hereafter shall find means to send the Elders to their fields of
Labor and if necessary to bring them back again. our Elders
have had to beg so much frofm the people that they have bound
the Saints with chains of oppression. this must be stoped The
Saints in Zion must take this burthen off from the poor abroad
The people Here think [they] are vary good Saints but they have
but one Eye open. The Elders of Israel here in Zion have
there minds upon thworldly matters and not upon the building
ofup of the Kingdom of God. they will go into the stand and preach
and get down and pray and promise the Lord what they
will do. they will get up and and a horse trade will make
them deny all they promised the Lord as the Elders advance
in the Kingdom of God did I say advance No they do not
advance you will hear Elders get up in the stand and Exhort
the people not to Quarrel with their Neighbors or abuse there
wives or children Now if the Elders were living their religin
& walking in the path of Duty they would consider such
preaching an Insult and a disgrace to them, as they would
be living above such conduct. The Elders and people are asleep
and there Hearts are set upon getting rich and the work of
is out of sight to them. Now I will say to you Bishops that
I dont care a groat whether you or the people do one thing or

Page 79

not but I will warn you that if you do not go to and raise
up means to assist in sending these Elders abroad and build up the
Kingdom of God The Lord will raise up other people to do the
work which you and this people are called to do. any man who
holds the priesthood of God that commits sin and does not
magnify that priesthood He will have to pay the penalty and He
cannot escape it. Now if the Bishops want to do their duty let
them go to work & raise means enough to help the poor Saints that
are going away. Orson Pratt, Erastus Snow are poor. Brother Bywater
& John L Smith & some others want some help to get away, and their
families will want help after they are gone and the Bishops must see
to them such men as Ormus Bates can take care of himself &
others can, but those who cannot must be provided for. you may
think that I am hard. But all I would ask would be for the Bishops
and this people to see the things of God & his Kingdom as I do. But
when I think of the situation of the Earth, and the price of the Earth
which is no less than the life & Blood of the Lamb of God, and when
I think what the cost will be of the neglect of this people, their
worldly mindedness and unbelif it causes me pain. what is the
cost it is this Jesus Christ the Son of God our Elder Brother is at the
door and wants to come in and take possession of the kingdom
and reign triumphant over his foes and you wont let him.
this people are shutting up every avenue so that Jesus Christ
cannot come to the Earth. Can you see what it costs. it makes
my heart ake (while in this part of his speach he walked the floor
and his voice was like the voice of God) "all I will ask of this people is
to see things as I do then they would act & not sleep. Now what
do the Bishops know about their wards or what is going on in
there wards Nothing. Let me ask a Bishop how many grog shops
have you in your wards I dont know How many Hore Houses I
dont know How many gambling shops &c I dont know, and so it
goes all through the Church sompe poor woman will call upon a Bishop
or some man upon business in the morning the Bishop says O dont trouble
me I must go to the canyon for wood I dont want to be trouble though
I am your Bishop. Bishops do not magnify there calling in thes things Now
many Bishops are there here to night out of the 20 wards in this city not many

Page 80

How much tithing do we receive of the people in this Territory
not one bushel of wheat in a hundred which is our due, not a tithing
of what we ought, and we have had to use much which we have
received as tithing to build roade up provo Canyon and other places
now we cannot get tithing in any thing which the people can
sell for money. Now if some man would appear on these streets
and offer cash for wheat, we would not get one bushel in a thous[an]d
Now there has been $500,000 dollars worth of Freight annually
paid for goods brought to this Territory. in 10 years there has [been]
$5000000 dollars paid for goods now how much of that had
ought to come to the tithing office $500000 dollars Now I will say to
you Bishops if you feel to lay this thing before the people I want
you to say to the people Bring on your diemes shillings half dollars
Dollars half, Eagles, Eagles Twenty Dollars peaces Fifty dollar
peases and send these Elders to their field of Labor. I will
now tell you how much the Elders in England have spent of the
tithing money. They have spent $540070 $27035 each year
now I want this stoped. From the day that P. P. Pratt commen[c]ed
Begging in England up to the present time there is not one of that
class of Elders but what have become beggars and Hell is full of
such Elders and I dont care how soon the rest go there. I
went there and Esstablished the work and all the means I got I spent
in Emigrating the poor. I have said that I would sell evry scents
worth of property I possessed in the world for two thirds of its
value and give every dime of it for Emigrating the poor Saints now
let any man or company of men come and Byuy my property &
I well give it to Emigrat the poor, and I will begin without one cent
and in 10 years I will be worth more than I am now. I will stop
this begging in England if I can and I think I can do it. you
Englishmen cannot you see the poor Saints starving in England
and yet our Elders will beg the last cent they have got. This
subject has pained me for years But I have never had the power
untill now to handle it I now have the power and I will use it
thank the Lord. Other remarks were made by the president. I arose
and bore testimony to what President Young had said. The follo[w]ing
are some of the remarks I maidde

Page 81

I am not a Bishop, but in a Bishops meeting and I feel like saying a
few words as President Young has givien liberty. It matters not to me
whether the lash hits me or yoou in the reproofs given by President
Young. I feel to thank God that we are blessed with a leader who has
indipendence of mind sufficient to do the will of God let it reprove or
rebuke who it may. He asks no odds of any kingdom, Nations, people
person or thing who stands in the way of his doing his duty. It is a
Blessing to us that we have a leader who have eyes to see for us when we are
in dandger ourselves and if we had not some one to warn us and reprove
us when we do wrong we would not be safe. President Young is sustaind
by the power of God and when he calls upon us to do any thing we ought
to do it, and if we withhold we do it to our hurt. the Elders in England
have beged of the people, untill they have bound them in chanes and
kept them there in poverty if the Elders had persued a wilse course
there are thousands who are now in England who would this day
have been in Zion. then let us go to & fit out the missionaries and
stop there begging from the poor. Bishop made a few remarks &
the meeting dismissed

~ Friday

14 I spent the day in the office compiling History & Journalizing

~ Saturday

15 I spent this day Journalizing, & reading papers tThe Eastern Mail
came in but not much news.

~ Sunday

16 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & had prayer I attended
meeting at the Tabernacle all day Elder O. Pratt spoke in the morning
and he preached an excellent discourse said he had been in the church
thirty years lacking a few days spoke of what Joy he had in bearing
testimony of the work of God & in bringing sools to repentance but he
had sorrow in doing things that was not acceptable to the presidency
of the Church. He said he was going on a mission and did not
know whether he would ever return or not He spoke as though
he had some presentment that He would never return to Zion A single key with teeth to the left
He was followed by President Young. In the afternoon Capt Hooper
spoke followed By H. C. Kimball D. H. Wells & President. The Presidency
& O pratt & W Woodruff of the Twelve met at 5 oclok in the prayer
H. C. Kimball Prayed & B Young was mouth. at the close we
went to President Youngs office He said he wished to get up a party for
the missionaries & wished W Woodruff John Taylor & F D. Richards to be managers

Page 82

~ Monday

17, ^1860^
I spent the day Journalizing

~ Tuesday

18 I went to Fort Herriman Bought Wilford a white mare 4 years old
with white colt of the flat Head stock. 25 mil[e]s

~ Wednesday

19 I returned home to salt Lake City & brought a load of cedar post 25 mls

~ Thursday

20 I spent the day compiling History President Young arived
A hand pointing to the right home at 8 oclok P.M. I received a Letter From my daughter Bulah the first she ever wrote me

~ Friday

21 I spent most of the day in the office

Brother J W. Fox gave me the following accoont of there Journey
They left this city on Monday 17th drove to Wm Kimballs station
in Parleys park & spent the night. 18th drove to grass Canyon
and spent the night 19 visited the new coal bed in grass Canyon
found a good bed of coal 10 feet 11 inches thick with a bed of
lime stone on top of it 40 feet thick the coal came to the
serface of the Earth in the Canyon whare they will tunnel in
to get the coal 20 drove to Thurstons & Grants & spent the night
20 drove toback to the city & spent the night there was about 20 person
in company and travelled about 130 miles.

21st Elder Orson Hyde called into the office to day He informed me
that Sanpete County put in 12,000 Acres of wheat would everage 20
bushels to the acre making 240000 Bushels of wheat in 1860.

~ Saturday

22 I spent the day in the office At a missionariy meeting in the
Seventies Hall Present President Young H. C. Kimball, & O Hyd
O Pratt W. Woodruff J. Taylor G. A. Smith E. T. Benson L. Snow E. Snow
F. D. Richards & G. Q. Cannon of the Twelve. D. Spencer president
of the Stake. Also Joseph Young & 4 of his councellors
Meeting opened By prayer By Lorenzo Snow & singing. Names called
most were present. six were called to take seats & President
Young with the Twelve proceded to Bless them & set them apart to
their missions. we then had singing, & the 12 Blessed 6 more then
singing & 6 more Blessed. Singing & 5 Blessed 30 ^26^ Blessed in all
Meeting adjourned till 2 oclok. Met at 2 oclok AM. [P.M.] singing &
Prayer By H. S. Eldridge. President Young addressed the saints
which was reported by G. D. Watt He was followed by Elder Kimball
and Joseph Young. Adjourned till 6 oclok The Presidency &
Twelve & Missionaries met at the 70 Hall at candlelight for a concert
which Lasted till 10 oclok

Page 83

~ Sunday

Sept 23 ^1860^
Sunday I attended a Funeral of Sister Nancy Kent the oldest sister
of Brigham Young She died Sept 22nd 1860 Aged 74 years old 3rd Aug 1860
John was 69, May 22nd May 1860 Phineas 61, 16 Feb 1860,
Joseph 7th April 1860, 64 years old Brigham was 59, June 1st 1860,
Lorenzo 54, 19th Oct 1860.

Meeting opened By singing "Ear long the veil" vPrayer By Joseph Young
John Young then spoke and said {I} fell [feel] to acknowledge the Hand of God
in this thing. I dont fell this to be a matter of mo^u^rning though we feel
to mis the society of our Friends when taken away, but we must follow our sister
soon, and I pray that I may be as well prepared as she is. Nancy was the
oldest of the Family and the last of the sisters that was taken away She is in
her 75 year 57 years since she was married and she has always been
a good woman and always kind to all. I dont know as I ever knew her
get out of the way she hag [had] good gifts and she received the gospel the first
time she recieved itherd it she has been faithful to the last and now gone to
the spirit world I have not the power to make manifest that which is in
me we must do the best we can in this life & in the next we shall
receive a fulness but before I go home I want to have my work done
so that I can breath out my spirit in peace into the Hands of God. I
want to use my time so that I have nothing to repent off. I want to
live to do my work for If we leave our work to be done by somebody
els to do it will be a long time before it is done Like an Elder going on a
mission leaves work to be done by some one Els it is undone.

Phineas Young said I have been Edified in what has been said yet
there has been Nothing said that I want to say. when my Friends
die I want to speak of them If I was to say which of my sisters is
the best I coold not tell, the last is gone, and the Brothers have got to follow
but I dont know who will go first. But if I was to make a choice &
chuse the one that has done the least good in the world or the one that was
still likely to do the least good on the Earth it would be myself. I would
like to go to the spirit world & be with my sisters I dont expect to do much
good in this life yet I feel that I have done about the best I could.
I dont want to live my life over again to try to Better it for I
dont expect I should. I dont want to live any longer than it is
the will of God I should

Page 84

Joseph Young spoke gave a good exertation but I have lost the
minutes for the present

Brigham Young spoke and said I dont want to say much at this
time though I reflect much & could say a good deal. I expet that
it will appear a Novel thing for a man to preach the funeral
sermon of his wife or sister or any of his own Family but I had
rather preach the funeral sermon of my own Family or call upon
my Brothers to do it than to call upon any body Els. there is a
fear or trembling in the departure of the spirit from the body because
it is attended with pain I have no fear of Being dead or being
in the spirit world but there is a fear in dying because of pain
Hence their is a terror in death, but no fear in having my spirit
free but to get there is hard work. If the children of men
was in possessin of the truth concerning Eternal things they would
not cling to life as they do. you know my feelings about mans
singing & doing wrong. I have been kept from Evil, sin, & suffering even
in all the mobing I have escaped whiping imprisionment and suffering
and I feel that I have greater resason to rejoice I dont know
that is because I am more righteous than other men But I have
greater reason to rejoice than other men in this thing. Sister Nancy
was a good woman I never knew her get angry in my life
or do wrong she would have done much good in her day if she had
a chance she has benen chained as it were but she has saved her-
self & her husband and I think others. I dont wish her back
again nor do I want to live my life over again neither do I
want any of my sisters to return I do not wish to keep the people longer
Lorenzo Young said there is a difference in men some were prepared
for the gospel others not. I dont care how rough my life may be
if I do the best I can. I was with Nancy a good deal and her
last words were Hosannah glory to God she wanted to say more but her
speech failed. I do not wish to say much let us do good and shun
Evil that we may not bring sorrow upon ourselves. I have often thought
what would be the situation of many that have had great light and
follen away so that they could have no redemption there situation
must be awful. it has been great Joy to Nancy to be with Brother
Brigham & her friends. may God Bless us all is my prayer Amen

Page 85

I accompanied the corps to the grave after the corps was buried president
Young returned thanks to the friends for there attendance & said I hope
we may all live so that we can meet her in the morning of the first
. I attended meeting at the stand at 2 oclok & Wm C.
spoke & was followed By J. D. T. McCalaster Wm Martindale
J. L. Smith A Calkings followed By B Young & H C. Kimball, both of
which spoke much to the Edifycation of the people

At the close of the meeting The Presidency & Twelve met the missionaries at
the Historian office. several were Blessed among the Number was O Pratt
Erastus Snow G. Q. Cannon, & Wm H Hooper, after which we repaired to
the prayer room, whare we had a vary interesting meeting. The
subjet of Orson Pratt came up again concerning his fals doctrin
President Kimball wished him to make satisfaction to President Young
But President Young said he did not wish him to make any acknowled-
ments to him Brother Pratt was strangely constitueted he had acquired
a good deal of knowledge upon many things but in other things he was
one of the most ignorant men he ever saw in his life He was full of integ-
rity & would lie down & have his head cut off for me or his religin
if necessary but he will never see his Error untill he goes into the
spirit world then he will say Brother Brigham how foolish I was
Now Brother Pratt thinks that he and all the gGods will be learning
for many millions of years but by & by will know all things & all
will know it alike & that will be the End of their Exhaltations & knowledge
he cannot see the folly of forming this opinion here in the flesh
& in his ignorance. But a thousand years hence he will see the folly
of it I will hold on to Brother Pratt & all these my Brethren of
the Twelve (notwithstanding all their sins, folley, & weaknesses) untill I
met with them in my Fathers kingdom, to part no more because
they love God and are full of integrity. Brother Pratt said I do not
believe as Brother Brigham & Brother Kimball do in some points of doctrin
& they do not wish me to acknowled to a thing that I do not believe
Brother Brigham said No you cannot see the truth in this matter untill
you get into the spirit world. Brother Brigham spake vary comforting
words to the 12 He said his love for them was far above women & I wish
you could all say it Brother Wells Prayed & John Taylor was mouth
W Woodruff was appointed a missionarycommittee to fit out the missionaries

Page 86

~ Monday

Sept 24th ^1860^
I spent my time to day in the office Journalizing & assisting to fit out
the missionaries. The Eastern Mail came in today

~ Tuesday

25 I spent the day Journalizing & assisting to fit out the missionaries
A crown I attended a missionary Party at the social Hall at 5 oclok there were
about 70 couple present it was much the best party I ever attended there
was much of the spirit of the Lord resting upon the company all the Presid-
ency & 12O Hyde W. Woodruff J. Taylor G. A. Smith Lorenzo Snow Erastus Snow
& G Q Cannon of the Twelve present I never saw President Young feel
Better He gave a short address He said the gentile chain was broake
& they would never put their yoke again upon the neck of the Saints
or Church & Kingdom of God to all Eternity if we would do our
duty He blessed the Saints, and gave instruction to the sister upon
the subject of wearing Hoops He said when we followed that custom
we followed the custom of Hores & prostitute women and all
who ware large hoops expose themselves and show there folly He
advised the Sisters to lay them aside He gave good advice to all & had
much of the spirit of the Lord He said we might build as many
Halls as we pleased & we should not find any place whare we should
feel as well & have as much peace as we did in that Hall & he
warned the brethren not to attend balls or parties in the world with
the gentiles for then you are upon the gentile ground & the devils
ground & he will have power over you But if I invite Gentiles
to attend a party here they are under my controll & the spirit
of the Lord governs & the Gentiles have to be subject to it but go
to a Ball of there getting up & you become subjet to them in spite
of all you can do then let it Entirely alone. President Young left
the Hall about 1 oclok in the morning I left about 2 oclok the company
broke up about [blank] oclok

~ Wednesday

26 I spent the day Journalizing & fitting up missionaries I Blessed
2 men &with G. A. Smith & I ordained one man into the 27 Quorum
of 70s By the Name of Pelique B. Jolly. While ordaining him
one of Daniel H. Wells Boys was run over by a waggon in front
of the office which I say it run across his body & legs it hurt his
Back but broke No bones. Robert moved my sugar mill down to the
farm to day & Wilford drew sand & Adobies. President Young said
on sunday night Sept 23 to Orson Pratt & Erastus Snow now if

Page 87

you want to go to England go or any whare Els whare the spirit may
send you. your mission is in all the world & if you find any man in
the United States who is wanted in England or any other part of the
vineyard send him there No matter whare a man is sent he is
under the direction of the Twelve & they have a right to send him
to any place whare the spirit may direct. I[n] conversing about merch[an]t-
dicze with Capt Hooper President Young said I think & then I dont think
but before I enter into business I want to have the right bump touched
in my head by an Angel or the spirit of God before I act. H. S.
did not go East for the Church but upon his own responsib-
ility. Yet He done some business for us but I should not have sent
him I dont want the interest upon the money the brethren put into
Banks all I want is the principle Brother Cannon could make enough
in England upon Exchanges to support himself & family. Brother Cannon
said He got the passage of the Saints From New York to Florence
for $10.80 cts via Rail way

I attended a meeting of the Board of the D A & M socity at
Bishop Hunters to prepare for the State Fair

~ Thursday

27 I spent the day assisting the missionaries & in the offce

~ Friday

28th I set up my sugar mill at the farm to day I walked to the farm & back
to the city twice to day I felt quite unwell. the mail arived to day 16 mi[les]

~ Saturday

29. I spent the fore part of the day looking over the papers & the afternoon
in compiling History. Capt Hooper with O. Pratt G. Q Cannon & others
started at 3 oclok from Presidents Youngs onpon their Journey. I met with
the President & Board of directors of the D A & M Society at the deseret store
to make arangements for the coming fair staid till midnight

~ Sunday

30 Sunday I had my right hand badly swoolen this morning from a bruse
I polticed it through the day & did not attend meeting Bishop Kesler preached
in the morning followed by John Taylor & President Young in the afternoon
President Wells & Kimball

~ Monday

Oct 1st a plesant day my hand is better I spent the forepart of the day
compiling History In the afternoon I called upon President Young He
invited me to take a walk with him. I went with him to his new sugar
mill esstablished to go by water. it was a strong affair with a Breast
wheel. We then went to his barn to see his new Boilers they are making
them with wooden Ends but I think the Ends should have been made of

Page 88

Iron. He puts two large Rods of Iron through Each End, lays a strip of cloth
in white lead between the wood & Iron & fastens it down with screws instead
of shingle nails it is made vary strong but I think nails would have done as
well. we then called to see Joseph A Youngs sick child I also examined his new
school house & barn President Young is building vary extensively He said
when his school house was done He would invite me to come & preach
in it. I returned to the Historians office at half past 3 oclock and spent
the evening compiling History

~ Tuesday

2nd I spent the day at carriying in things at athe fair & assisting in
the arangments of the fair

~ Wednesday

3rd I was at the fair in the morning was summons to appear at
the court room at 10 oclok in the case of Delos Gibson I went to
court was Excused. returned to the fair and spent the day

~ Thursday

4 I spent most of the day in the fair The stock was shown to day,
& examined by the committee and prises awarded

~ Friday

5 The Eastern mail came in I spent a short time in looking over the
papers I rode with Bishop Hunter over Jordon to a rase course but
it was cold & it Blew a gale and the air was full of Dust we soon
got ashamed of Being on the ground & went home. Our fair closed
at 12 oclok and the people removed their things I was awarded the
following priseds, first Prize on Beans, Beets, French Cantelopes,
& Aaron Squash. Also seconed Prize upon French Mareno Buck
watermellons. I got 4th prize on grapes. Bulah Woodruff got 1st
prize upon a collar which she croched in 6 hours.

~ Saturday

AugOct 6th 1860. The general Conference of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints met this day at 10 oclok at the
Tabernacle of the Lord. President Young made a few remarks
was followed By Elder ^H C Kimball^ (O. Hyde who spoke in the power of God &
spirit of the Apostleship was upon him, and he bore a great & good
testimony. this testimony of Brother Hyde was Sunday morning Oct 7)
Elder H. C. Kimball G A Smith & B Young in the forenoon of this 6 day
of April [October], in the afternoon. President Brigham Young E. D. Woolley
& Joseph W. Young Preached. In the evening the High Priest, Bishops
& Lesser priesthood met in the Tabernacle Elder John Young & Bishop

Page 89

Edward Hunter spoke to the people followed by President Brigham
He gave much instruction to the Bishops but there was no one
who reported it. He said that Brother Hunter was the Ckief [Chief] Bishop &
I have the right to claim my food & raiment at his hands but I
dont do it But I feed myself & thousands of others. he made many
vary important remarks upon the occasion

~ Sunday

Oct 7 President Young made a few remarks followed by Elder O
as spoken of under the date of the 6th He was followed by President
Young. Judge Kinney & others were Present. In the afternoon John
H. C. Kimball D. H. Wells & President Young preached & were full
of the power of God. At 5 oclok the Presidency & Twelve met for
Prayer. E. T. Benson Prayed & G. A. Smith was mouth.

The Twelve Apostle met with the People in the Tabernacle at candle
light. Lorenzo Snow E. T. Benson & W Woodruff spoke to the people
and the spirit of God rested upon us

~ Monday

8 The conference met at 10 oclok President Young spoke a short time
then the statistics of the recepts & disbursments of the cash tithings
for 1857, [185]8, [185]9 & 1860. The conference closed at Noon & adjourned
till the 6 day of Next April at 10 oclok. I spent the afternoon in
the office Journalizing

~ Tuesday

9 I got some Blacksmithing done & attended to choreing till 11 oclk
the rest of the time I spent in the office it commened raining
at 11 oclok, and rained for several hours

~ Wednesday

10 I rode to Fort Herriman spent the evening in diging potatoes 20 miles

~ Thursday

11 I seperated my sheep from Brother Stockings & started Moroni with
the sheep for home I went to the field & finished diging potatoes at
about 11 oclok & started for Home Brother Homer rode with me we
got to my farm house at sundown with my sheep I had 130 in
all I turned my French Mareno Buck with my sheep 20 miles

~ Friday

12 I rode down to my farm & spent the afternoon & night till
1 oclok boiling sugar cane Molasses it takes 6 gallons of Juice
for 1 gallon Molasses

~ Saturday

13 Keys crossed Wilford commened togrinding Early & did not oil the mill &
wore out one of the lower Boxes we must have another I took
a mule put on a pair of spiurs & rode to the mashine shop at the sugar house
made an arangemet to have a man go with me to the sugar Mill to

Page 90

to run the Box on the maschine standing I put some 5 lb of compocit-
ion in my pocket & went to get onto my mule the girt was not tight
& as I went to get on the saddle turned some & as I tried to throw
myself onto his back my spur pricked him he sprung light a
Deer and turned me with the sadde on his side the seconed Jump
I struct the ground with my head & shoulders my feet cleared
the stirups but in trying to hold onto the lines he draged me ag[ai]nst
his helels I then let go fearing he would kick me my fall
jared me a good deal & bruised my Elbow, but I was not serio-
usly injured though I might have been killed it was fortunally
for me that the animal did not kick. I caught my mule & rode
down to the mill and assisted in casting the Box I spent most
of the day at the farm & went home in the evening & took home 2 Barr[els]
of molasses

~ Sunday

14 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Brother Pugmyre
Prayed & Brother [blank] was mouth I attended meeting at the
Tabernacle Brother Taylor & President Young preached to the peopl
which were two vary interesting discourses the spirit & power
of God
was upon them & their teachings were vary plain & full
of instruction there is a far greater outporing of the spirit of God upon
the Presidency & Twelve & the Saints in general than ever before there
is some great Events at the door of this generation which will effect
both Zion & great Babylon. I met with the Presidency & G A. S. &
J. Taylor for Prayer B Young Prayed G. A. Smith was mouth. I
met with Bishop L Hardys ward He preached & I followed him I
called upon Brother Aitken who was sick

~ Monday

15 I spent the day in the office

~ Tuesday

16 A vary plesant morning we are having a vary fine fall I spent
the fore part of the day in the office. the afternoon I visited the
school of Brother Mousley He keeps an excellent school

~ Wednesday

17 I spent the day in the office I administered to a sick child at
noon. I met with Bishop Hunter at his house in the evening

~ Thursday

18 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to I F. Carter, Ozem Woodruff & Ozem
T Woodruff
. Brother Kimball came in & herd one of his sermons
read. Brother A. R. Wright arived in this city with his train of
goods 11 waggons & 63 yoke ^Head^ of Oxen lost but 3 Head of oxen on the way

Page 91

The company of missionaries was on Green river on the 5th Oct.
no accident except Brother Needhams Mule got scart [scared] at a Blanket
run & cut himself bad no other damage. came in with his ox train
in 60 days all well

~ Friday

19 I spent the day in the office. the Eastern mail came in today

~ Saturday

20 I spent this day in the office I looked over the news by the mail
Politicsks still occupy the attention of the United States Garribaldi
is still making great strides in Italy

~ Sunday

21 A crown Keys crossed President Young Preached two discourses to day the stron-
gest, greates, & best I ever herd preached in Israel in some respects
many Gentiles were present. He told them plainly what awaitd
this Nation and all the Gentile Nations of the Earth and also
what awaited the kingdom of God upon the Earth & its future
destiny his discoures were reported by G. D. Watt. I accompinied
Presidents Young & Wells to visit Brother Kimball He was sick
we administered to him Brother Brigham was mouth. there was
much of the spirit & power of God rested upon President Young
through the day and also upon the people. while walking with President
Young I said Brother Young you feel well today and I am glad of
it and I thank God that I have lived to see the day when the leader
of the Church & kingdom of God fee is inspired to take the stand
you have to day and the Lord will sustain you in it and I am
satisfied that there is asome great Event at hand which will
Effect Both Zion & Baylbylon President Young said "yes there is, and
I am moved upon to take Just such a step as I do and I shall
not take any other I feel as though the Lord stood by me & sayes
punch the gentiles give it to them and I will stand by you"
after Blessing Brother Kimball we went to the Historian office and
conversed for an hour then went to President Youngs office & staid
till 9 oclok.

~ Monday to ~ Saturday

22nd to 27 I spent this week on my farm making sugar cane
molases President Young started for a visit South on the 23rd.

~ Sunday

28th Sunday J. D. Ross preached in the Tabernacle upon the Priesthood
in the forenoon. I spoke in the afternoon & was followed by John

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

29 to 301 I spent the time at the farm I finished making molases it
takes as much again Juce this season to make a gallon of molases as it did last year

Page 92

~ Thursday to ~ Saturday

Nov 1st
We have had a snow storm during the past week & it is vary
cold & freezeing I got all my sugar cane, cut, striped, piled & cov[er]ed up
before the storm yet it froze considerable and was hard to press out
yet I got it finished Wednesday night 31 Soct it took 8 or 9 gallons
of Jucce to make one of molases while last year it ownly took 4 1/2
I made ownly 256 gallons from about 1 1/2 acres of cane I made
300 gallons for other people total 556 gallons I had one half of what
I made for other people. I had one acre of potatoes under the snow
and in the frost, and I spent the 1, 2, & 3 diging them & finished on
the 3rd we are having plesant weather since the storm still the
snow melts vary slowly

~ Sunday

4 Sunday Capt Walter M. Gibson arived home in this city on
the 3rd. I called upon him at President Youngs House this morning to
give us an account of his travels in the Tabernacle today I met
with my Prayer circle in the morning E. F. Sheets prayed W Woodrff
was mouth I attended meeting in the Tabernacle John Pack spoke in
the morning followed by Phineas Young in the afternoon Capt Gibson
spoke two hours & gave a vary interesting account of his missin
the dealings of the Lord with him the Lord opened the door before
him in a marvelous manner. He Baptized some Noted men He was in
Broad way at the visitation of the Prince of Wales thought there were
one million of people in 3 miles in Broadway New York as the prince
went through. He had a view of the Prince. He had an interview with
the Jappaneese Embassay and was the ownly man in America who
saw them that could communicate with them without interpeters and
one vary remarkable incident occured ie while the Jappaneese Gove[rn]m[en]t
utterly refused to admit of any American missionaries to visit their
realm they vary warmly invited Capt Gibson to pay them a
visit at Jappan that they would be his Friends & raise up other
friends for him in that land He spoke to them of the people in Utah
he ownly had an hour with them before they set sail
they wished to learn more about the people in the great valleys
of the mountains. I spent the evening with Capt Gibson at Lorenzo
and had a plesant interview

~ Monday

Nov. 5 I spent the day at the farm in choreing the Election was
held in Great Salt Lake & Toelle Counties for a Legislative Counsellor

Page 93

W Woodruff was Elected in the place of Professor O Pratt resigned

~ Tuesday

6th A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Erastus Snow & spent the day in the office

~ Wednesday

7. I spent the day in the office The Presidency returned home
this Evening from their Southern Tour was gone 15 days
& President Young preached 20 time & had 3 teeth extracted
one a sound one through a mistake I spent the evening in
his office He said I hope that Abel Lincoln was Elected
President of the United States yesterday & that the South
meet in convention & nominate Breckenride to day to
be the president of the South but I am afraid they will not
have pluck enough to do it I wrote a Letter to Amasa
A hand pointing to the right Lyman in England to day

~ Thursday

8 I pruned my vineyard to Day forenoon & buried a
part of the vines the afternoon in the office

~ Friday

9th I finished coverding my grape vines to day & pruned Elder
O Hydes vineyard He has lost his crop two years in consequence
of not understanding pruning his vines he has cut out the new
bearing wood & left the old standing I have cut out the old
wood & left sufficient of the New wood standing for next years
crop I also pruned Orson Pratts orchard. I spent the afternoon
in the office I visited Bishop Hoagland in the evening He as been
quite sick but is now getting Better.

~ Saturday

10th The Eastern Mail came in to day at 11 oclok I spent the day in the office

~ Sunday

11 Sunday I attended my prayer circle in the morning Bishop Hunter
Prayed A. O. Smoot was mouth I attended meeting at the tabernacle
H. S. Eldridge spoke in the morning was followed by President Young in
the afternoon John Taylor & Capt Walter M. Gibson spoke followed by
President Young. we had an Express by Poney from Fort Carney
exTelegraphed from St Louis via St Joseph to Fort Carney the poney expre[ss]
was four days from Fort Carney says that Abel Lincoln [page torn] w[as]
Elected President of the United States. New York gave him
50,000 majority which secured his Election The Presidents
B Young D. H. Wells, & W Woodruff J Taylor G. A. Smith L. Snow
& F D Richards of the Twelve met in the prayer circle D. H. Wells
Prayed G. A. Smith was mouth. President Young said

Page 94

I spent the evening after Prayers at President Youngs spent
the time in conversing upon the Election & govermentull affairs

~ Monday

12 The Utah Legislature met at the Social Hall at 12 oclok by a
special call of the Governor on the Petition of the United States Judges
to appoint them there field of Labor

12 The Legislature met to day at [text faded] [oc]lok by the specil call of the
Govonor to appoint to appoint the Judges to their several Districts
I received my certificat of Election from the Govornor & Secretary
this morning I met with the council we had a short Joint
session Herd the Govornor's Message read some committies app-
ointed & adjourned till tomorrow 11 oclok I met with a Joint
committee at the Historians office till midnight we had a driving
snow storm

~ Tuesday

13 A plesant morning but little snow on the ground I spent the day in
the Legislature also the evening. we were called together for a special session
by the Governor Alfred Cummings to appoint the Judges to their several
districts and after we passed the acts requested by the Governor
He vetoed them all & we adjourned late at night without
doing any thing which was sanctioned by the Governor

~ Wednesday

14 I went down to my Farm in the fore part with Mrs Woodruff
& our Daughter Phebe & returned in a hard snow storm

15Dr Darwin Richerson was buried to day who died on the 13th He was a
member of Zions Camp was baptized in 1833, has been a Faithful
man in the kingdom of God & died in the faith of the gospel

~ Thursday

Br ^15^ ^15^ John D. Liynch died this morning. it was quite cold today

~ Friday

I met
^16^ in the evening with the school teachers association at Mrs Pratts
school House Orson Pratts jr was President I ^was^ much interested in the
exercises of the evening. there was some 25 teachers from differet
Nations all giving there different modes of teaching school One German
school teacher gave a vary interesting address upon illustrative
[page torn] [ge]ography for small children evry thing should be illustrated to there minds
by drawings or pictures of Rivers Cities Mountains Continents &c
then they would understand it R. L. Campbell & mysel addresed
the meeting at the close of the exercises. we had a strong wind in the night

~ Saturday

17 I spent this day in the Endowment House & the evening in the office
it is a pleasant day after the strong wind last night

Page 95

~ Sunday

18th Nov ^1860^
Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Br John M. Mody prayed
Jonathan Pugmyre was mouth I attended meeting at the Tabernacle J. L. Hey-
& E. D. Woolley Preached in the afternoon Capt Walter M. Gibson
& spoke followed by President Brigham Young Brother Gibson said that
He was about to take another mission was going to Jappan, Siam, & the
Malay Islands. He has had an invitation by the Historian of Jappan to
visit that Land, is intimately acquainted with the King of Siam & has been
strongly invited by the princes & chiefs of the Malay Islands to visit
them He seems to have been raised up as an instrument in the Hands of
to open the way among those Nations for the receptions of the gospel
President Young Blessed him & said He would go with a commissin
to all Nations upon the Earth & he should go with his good will
& blessing.

Presidents B Young H. C. Kimball & D. H. Wells met at the
Historians office in the evening also W Woodruff J. Taylor & G. A. Smith
B Young Prayed G A Smith was mouth

~ Monday

19 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House the evening in the
office Journalizing

~ Tuesday

20 A cool morning but Plesant I wrote a Letter to Elder O Hyde
A hand pointing to the right I spent most of the day in the office

~ Wednesday

21st I had buctchered to day one ox and a cow. Capt Walter M Gibson
started to day for his mission for Jappan, Siam, Singapore, & the Polen-
ecian Islands
. He goes south via San francisco. He takes his daughter Leulah
His two sons remain I spent most of the day in the office.

~ Thursday

22. I spent this day cutting up Beef & choreing The poney Express
arived to day and report that 5 states have seceded from the union
viz South Caralinia, Georgia, Alabama, Missippi & Texas. ^Florida^ this will
probably lay a foundation for a An arrow piercing a heart bloody war ^(Fals report No secession yet)^

~ Friday

23 I salted down my beef this forenoon & spent the afternoon in the office

~ Saturday

24 I was quite unwell this morning with a Diarrhoea. I spent most of the day
in the Endowment House. The Mountaineer to day contains the news
By Poney Express concerning the withdrawal of the Southern States from
the union it commenced in South Carolina in fulfillment of the prophecy [Doctrine and Covenants 87]
A crown Keys crossed of Joseph Smith the Prophet or the revelation of the Lord through
him which has been published in the pearl of Great Price & written
in various Books for many years it really looks as though the United
States were ripe for the Harvest

Page 96

~ Sunday

25th Nov ^1860^
Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning R. L. Campbell prayed
A. Hinkley was mouth. I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Phineas Young
preached followed by President B. Young in the forenoon in the afternoon
A. O. Smoot E. D. Woolley & President H. C. Kimball The Eastern Mail
came in at 1 oclock The Gentiles could get their papers but the
Saints could get Nothing. I spent the evening at President Youngs
Brother Kimball called a short time & went home being unwell D. H. Wells
read some papers

~ Monday

26 We got the mail this morning The New York Herrald of Nov 1st 1860
Howls Bitterly at the prospect of the desolution of the American Union
which is nigh the door as the signs of the times indicate. South Carolina
is the first to cecede according to the Revelation of the Lord through
Joseph Smith given December 25 1835. [Doctrine and Covenants 87] Four other states have already
signifyed their intention to follow The papers are full of the speeches
of southern statesmen calling upon the South to arm themselves againt
the North & to secede from the Northern States the times are quite warlike

~ Tuesday

27 I spent the forenoon Journalizing

~ Wednesday

28 I spent the day doctoring my sheep I had 122 I found but 4 in
the whole flock that showed any signs of the scab I used a decoction of tobaco

~ Thursday

29th I started for Box Elder this morning In company with Wilford
& my daughters Phebe & Bulah, & rode to Farmington & spent the night
with the Family of Ezra Clark I discoverd the bad Effects of the East wind 18 mil[es]

~ Friday

30. I rode to Ogden upper road & spent the night with Lorin Farr 24 mils
I found many buildings Blown down & unrofofed 1/3 of the north side of the roof
of the Tabernacle the wind done much damage in ogden

~ Saturday

Dec 1st 1860. I drove to Brigham City via Ogden Hole I spent the
night with Lorenzo Snow I visited their Court House Mills & other impro-
vements the wind had done much damage to that place

~ Sunday

2nd Sunday I preached to the people in the Court House during
the day and evening the spirit of the Lord was with us and we
had a good meeting.

~ Monday

23rd I spent the day in Box Elder I attended a party in the
evening at the Court House of the young people I delivered them
a speech vary good order prevailed

~ Tuesday

34th I drove to Ogden & preached to a full House in the evening I spent
the night at Bishop Wests 23 mils

Page 97

~ Wednesday

NovDec 45th ^1860^
I drove to great salt Lake City on the Lower road found a good
road except a short distance of mud & water I spent the night at home 40 mils

~ Thursday

56 I drove to Fort Herriman & spent the night 25 m[iles]

~ Friday

67th I Butchered a hog, went to the canyon got a load of wood. my ax
struct a limb while choping, glanced, struck my shin, cut through
my Boot, & came near cutting my shin

~ Saturday

78th I returned home, Bought a south Down Buck half Blood of
Samuel Benyon, Brought home with me & put with my flock

~ Sunday

9th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning E F Sheets prayed
J. C. Little was mouth. I attended meeting at the Tabernacle James H Hart
preached in the morning & President B Young in the afternoon He gave
much interesting instruction J Taylor & myself went home with
President Young at noon. H. C. Kimball D. H. Wells G A Smith J Taylor
& W. Woodruff met at the Historians office in the Evening H C Kimball
was not well & did not stop for prayers D. H. Wells prayed. G. A. Smith
was mouth.

~ Monday

10th The Legislative assembly met at the Social Hall at 10 oclok &
organized & adjourned to meet tomorrow at the Court House at 11 oclk

~ Tuesday

11 The Legislative assembly met at the Court Houce to day at 11 oclok
I was Elected to Fill the vacansy of Profesor Orson Pratt resigned I atte-
nded yesterday & to day we met in Joint Session herd the Govornor
message read & adjourned. The Court Houce was vary well fitted up
& the secretary has furnished the rooms for the member vary well
at the close of the council I visited Elder Franklin D. Richards
who was vary sick with the inflamitory Rieumatasims I administered to him
by the laying on of hands. I then visited Daniel Spencer who has
been sick with a lung complaint a long time but is now getting better
I spent the evening at the Historians office Journalizing

~ Wednesday

12. I spent the day in the Legislator the council met at 11 oclok G. A. S. pres[en]ted
A memorial to congress for extending the southern root to Calafornia
& put serveice thereon. President D. H. Wells distribited the Governers message to
the several committies Elder Lorenzo Snow arived at my House this evening

~ Thursday

13 we had a snow storm through the night. I visited President Young Hog
yard he has about 100 all told of splendid Hogs, & pigs. I then visited his new
school room which is a splendid building. I attended the Legislature at 1 oclk

~ Friday

Dec 14th I visited my Farm in the Forenoon Attended the Legislature in the afternoon

Page 98

~ Saturday

Dec 15, ^1860^
I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we had a large
company mostly Germans. The Eastern Mail came in. No
prospect of South Caralinia Backing down but is resolved to go out
of the Union

~ Sunday

16th Sunday I met with wimy Quorum in the morning for prayer
I attended meeting at the Tabernacle IJ. D. Ross preached in the Morning
D H Wells in the afternoon followed by H. C. Kimball & B. Young all
spoke well Brother Wells exhorted the people old & young to put away
the intoxicating cup & scease drinking strong drink as it was
intoxicating the brain and destroying their influence he made
a strong appeal to the mothers. He was Followed by President
Kimball who bore testimony to the truth of what D. H. Wells had
said. He also exhorted the people to be united & live their religin
President Young spoke of the sermon of J. D. Ross, who quoted
the scripture that sayes My "I have other sheep which are not of
this Fold &c" [3 Nephi 16:1] He says that is not a correct translation it should
read ["]I have other sheep of this fold" For there is but one Fold
& one shepherd. He allso said that no Elder understood all the first
Keys crossed principles of the gospel if any man did he knew more than
he did. the gospel was like a cotton Factory or paper Mill a
person must understand the whole machinery in order to know how
cloth or paper is maide He also spoke of the Celestial Law said we
show [should] not have the celestial law revealed to us untill we get into
the Celestial Kingdom there is a Law belonging to every kingdom [Doctrine and Covenants 88:36]
what kingdom are we in. we are not even in a Terrestrial kingdom
then let us not talk about keeping a Celestial Law untill we get into
a Celestial Kingdom at least untill we can keep the Law of the gospel
while in a Telestial kingdom.

weI met with B. Young D. H. Wells J. Taylor G. A. Smith L. Snow,
for prayers J. Taylor Prayed & G. A. Smith was mouth. L. Snow
& myself visited A. O. Smoot who has been quite sick he had an
ague shake which shook his system to peaces but we found him better

~ Monday

17 A rainy morning I spent the forenoon in the office Journalizing
I spent the ofternoon in the Legislature.

~ Tuesday

18 I spent the the day at home & in the Legislature

~ Wednesday

19th I spent the forenoon at home the afternoon in the Legislature

Page 99

~ Thursday

Dec 20th ^1860^
I called upon F. D. Richards who has been suffering with the inflamitory
rheumatism to a great Degree. I found him much better. I had an
interview with Zerubabel Snow about the resistance of the people at Fairfield
against the collector of taxes. Judge Snow questioned the legality of the
Law or act in ordering the collector to raise a posse sufficient to take the
property to pay the taxes & cost by Force. I spent the afternoon in the
Legislator & evening at home

~ Friday

21 I spent the afternoon in the Legislature

~ Saturday

22 I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House. in the afternoon I
went down to my Farm & brought up 5 sheep one to Brother Picknell
to butcher & thre four to the tithing office for tithing. I spent the
evening with the Board of directors in makeing out the report to the Legislature

~ Sunday

23 I met with my quorum in the morning. Brother A Hinkley
Prayed & R. L. Campbell was mouth I attended meeting through the day
in the Tabernacle Bishop Crosby preached in the morning E. D. Woolley in
the afternoon followed by President Young I met in council or prayer
in the evening with President Young J. Taylor G. A. Smith E. T. Benson
Lorenzo Snow & W. Woodruff. B Young prayed & G A Smith was mouth
President Young spoke of the stealing in the Territory and named several
men who he believed were ingaged in it

~ Monday

24 A plesant morning I spent the afternoon in the Legislature mostly
in the Joint assembly. The Poney Express brought word that South Carolinia had left the Union

~ Tuesday

25 Christmas I met the 14 ward members, at the New Hall at the
New School House for a meeting John Taylor opened by prayer
I addressed the people Followed by John Taylor I apttended a
Party in the Evening at the Hall one half of the 14 ward was

~ Wednesday

^Ralph Farnham died this morning Aged 104 y, 5 M, 29 D, the last man that faught at the Battle of Bunker Hill^

26 A cold wind I got the Presidents message this morning I spent
the afternoon in the Legislature I officiated as President Protem

~ Thursday

27th I was not vary well & did not attend the Legislature I was better
in the evening & attended a social Party in the new Hall of the 14th
ward. all appeared to Enjoy themselves vary well

~ Friday

28 I attended the Legislature the Eastern Mail came in & brought
dates up to Dec 6th it showed that the desolution of the Union was ineveitable

~ Saturday

29th I spent the time at the Endowment House mostly

~ Sunday

30th Sunday I attended meeting through the day met with President Young & 12 in the evening
& preached at the 14 ward.

Page 100

Sunday Brother Emanuel M. Murphy preached in the morning gave an
account of his receiving the gospel, his gathering to Moissouri, his
visit to Joseph in Prision, the advice of Joseph the Prophet to him to
go to South Carolina & Georgia & warn his friends of the wrath &
desolation ofthat the people in that land & to gather out his Friends to
Zion for the wars & rebelion would begin in South Carolinia
Elder John Taylor Preached in the afternoon & refered to many
of the revelations & prophesies of Joseph Smiths which are now
Fulfilling The cecession of South Carolinia, [Doctrine and Covenants 87] The Lord's coming
out of his hiding place to vex the Nation, [Doctrine and Covenants 101:89] & many other things
He was Followed by President Brigham Young who said I think
upon the fulfillment of thies prophesies as much as Elder Taylor, but
my Great concern is about the preperation of this people for those
things which await them are this people prepared to dwell in Zion
and the New Jerrusalem while they mingle with thieves, Blasphemers,
drunkards, liars, & whoremungars. those who profess to be latter day Saints
are guilty of these things, and I have had hard work to hold myself
From going through the Land & clenseding it from such characters
I wish the drunkards were dead & buried they seek to dray [drag]
away our children & destroy them. he said the young men said they
would do as I told toldhem I will now tell you all to Quit drinking whiskey
& strong drink & your lying, stwareing, & stealing & many other things
He spoke of the army that had come here for our destruction they were
in a trap so that we could handle them but many of the mormons
had followed them around & licked the dust of their feet as it were
and worshiped them &while if they had taken my council I would
have made them Eat Mules legs and skin a gallee ie milk porage
without any milk. they should have paid well for what they
had & I would have had there Money & used it for gathering
the poor Saints & many things he spoke of he said the president of
the United States James Buchanan was one of the greatest Liyers
there was upon Earth He knew he lyed when he said that when
he went into power the Mormons were in open rebelion agai[ns]t
the U. S He said the Governmt was the most corrupt & rotten of
any Governmt in the world & they were ready to be destroyed

~ Monday

31st I spent the day in the office Journallizing A cold Hoary Frost

Page 101

This is the last day of 1860 which Ends this important & momentious
year, which has been looked forward to asby athousands for many years
as a period which would date the commencement of great & mighty
changes in the Earth, changes which would greatly Effect the interest
& welfare of all Nations under Heaven. Now what are the facts in the
case as far as they have come to the knowledge of the Historiamn. T[h]ay are
these. The whole European world have appeared inspired to spend
millions & labor with all thereir might to build Navies & Equipt armies
& prepare For a mighty struggle & deadly conflict with Each others
All Italy has risen up in the magesty of her streng[th]s under her great
leader Garabaldi and flung off ^the^ galling Napolitan yoke and formed
an Elective Monarchy Receiving Victor Emanuel as their king
England & France has made both war & peace with the Chineese
while they have both been preparing there armies & Navies for
a Bloody struggle at home. But the United States of America
is the spot whare 1860 markes the commencemt of a new Erea in
the History of that Government & people. it is the midst of this Governmt
whare the God of Heaven has set up his kingdom in the Latter Days
He sent An angel to this people thirty years ago raised up a prophet
called & ordained him to preache the gospel of Christ & Esstablish his
Church & kingdom in the midst of the people. Joseph the prophet of God
was Faithful to his calling, esstablished the Church of Christ, was filled
with revelation & prophesy declaired the word of God unto the people
told them what would come to pass in there midst the wars and
Judgments of God that awaited them because of there wickedness
and as Jesus told the Jews the Fate & calamities that awaited the
Jewish Nation so Joseph Smith the Prophet of God told the people of
the United States Government what awaited them & there final
Destiny as a Nation because of there wickedness & abominations & because
they would shed the Blood of Prophets & Saints. He said in 1832, 28 years
ago that South Carolinia would crise up in rebelion, and that war
would commence at that place & that the Southern states would arise
up in rebelion against the Northern states & the Northern states against
the Southern states & that war would be poured out upon all
Nations which would End in the death & miser of many of many
souls [Doctrine and Covenants 87] & because of these things or as the prophet has said the people of the

Page 102

United States have put to death the prophet Joseph the Patriarchs
Apostles & many Saints and driven the Church of Christ from
place to place for about thirty years and, Finally have driven
them into the wilderness even into the these vallies of the Mountain
and the Lord told us "to plead at the feet of the Judges Governors
& Presidents of the United States & if they Heed us not and do not
redress us of our wrongs (then the Lord says) I will arise out of
my hiding place & in my fury I will vex the Nation and I
will cut off those wicked & unjust stewards and appoint them
there portiuns with Hipocritts & unbelievers [Doctrine and Covenants 101:86-90] 1860 has laid the
foundation for the fulfillment of these things during this year the
Abolitionest of Republicans of the Northern states Elected their
President and Vice President and this has been taken as a pretext
and the Southern states are rising up in rebelion agast the Northern
states are holding conventions & preparing to cecede from the Union
as Joseph Smith said they would. South Carolinia ceceded
from the Union on the 270 Dec 1860 and others are preparing to
follow their example this has caused a great convultion throughout
the United States all Banking & monied institutions are suspending
specia payment, and the wheels of Government are beginging to be cloged
alarm & confusion is spreading throughout the whole land. The
Lord is withdrawing his spirit from the Nation and they are begining
to be filled with madness towards Each other and the Southern
states are arming & preparing for a Deadly conflict against the
Northern states and whome the Lord wants to destroy he first makes
mad and the people are being inspired with madness to such a degree
that they are ready to devour each other. the foundation has been
laid during the year 1860 To break up & annihilate the American
Government and the scenes which will follow in quick succession
will be terrible & horrible in their detail. Thiis Nation is guilty of
sheding the Blood of the Lords anointed, of his pProphets & Saints
and the Lord Almighty has decreed their destruction the
Lord has commenced a controversy with the American Government
and Nation in 1860 and he will never cease untill they are
destroyed from under heaven, and the kingdom of God esstablished
upon their ruins. Let the Gentiles upon this land prepare to meet their God

Page 103

Ralph Farnham the last survivor of the battle of Bunker Hill
died on the morning of Dec 26th 1860 in Acton Maine Aged 104 years
5 months & 29 days

[rest of page blank]

Page 104

A Synopsis of my labors in 1860

I Travelled Nine hundred & Eighty five miles 985 Miles
I Attended one hundred & one meetings 101 Meetings
I Preached Twenty Three discourses 23 discoures
I Attended Two General Conferencs 2 conferences
I Attended Thirty Prayer circles with the Presidency & 12 30 prayer c.
I Met with my prayer circle Thirty Two times 32 Meetings
I spent Ten days in the Endowment House 10 days
I ordained one Bishop 1 Bishop
I ordained one Seventy 1 Seventy
I Administered to Ten sick persons 10 Sick
I Blessed Nineteen Missionaries 19 Missionaries
I Blessed Three children 3 children
I wrote Twenty Four Letters 24 Letters
I Received Nineteen Letters 19 Letters
I spent Fourteen Days in the Legislature 14 Days
I settelled my Tithing with Bishop Hoagland $266 Paid

I spent most of my Time in the Historians Office
During the year 1860.

[rest of page blank]

Page 105


Page 106

~ Tuesday

JAN 1st 1861
This is the commencement of another new Year and of a vary
important year. Joseph Smith the pProphet said whoever lived to
see 1860 would live to see the foundation laid for some most awful
bloody wars and whoever lived to see those two figgures come together
1866 would live to see a day when the Earth would be deluged in blood
in many places & wthere would be such awful distress & calamity that
it would be a vexation to hear the report of it. We may prepare
ourselves for an awful time in the United States The hand writing has
been seen upon the wall And our Nations is doomed to diestruction
the United States will be visited this year with much affliction
more than they have ever seen since they have been a Free Govern[men]t
and it will increase yearly untill they are destroyed. they are like
the ox going to the slaughter they know not the day of their visitation
The Judgments of God await them because of their wickedness and
while we are looking for the judgments of God to rest upon the
United States & Great Babylon at large let us turn our Eyes towards
Zion in these vallies of the Mountains and ask what state are the
people in are they righteous & keeping the commandments of God
and preparing themselves for the great things of God which await
them or are they lying, stealing, swareing, & mingling with the
drunken yes many of those who are calling themselves
Saints are doing these things and they have great need to repent
before the Lord, or they will dBe damned & the Judgments of
God will rest upon them

South Carolinia seceded from the Union Dec 20th 1860

^Missisippi Convention voted to csecede from the Union Jan 9, 1861 Yeas 84 Nays 15
Georgia seceded Jan 10th 1861, yeas 208 Nays 89
Florida sedceded Jan 10th [1861] signed 11th Yeas 62 Nays 7.
Alabama seceded Jan 101 [1861] Yeas 61, Nays 39
Louisaniana seceded Jan 26 [1861] Yeas 113 Nays 17
Texas seceded Feb 1, 1861 Yeas 156 Nays 7^

Page 107

The Dedication of the New Hall in the 13th ward

The assembly began to gather at 10 oclok at 11 oclok the House
was full President Brigham Young & Heber C Kimball arived the
Meeting was opened by singing & President Young said we will now
have the Dedication Prayer offered By Wilford Woodruff the following
is the prayer offered up in the dedication of the House

O god the FaEternal Father we present ourselves before thee in the name
of Jesus Christ for the purpose of dedicating this house unto the Lord our
God we pray thee to grant unto us thy Holy Spirit that we may dedicate this
House unto thee in a manner which may be acceptable unto thee Lord
We dedicate the ground unto the Lord our God upon which the Foundation
of this building stands that it may be Holy. We dedecate the foundation
of this Hall, unto the Lord, the stone, the sand, clay, Lime & morter and every
thing appertaining thereto that it may be Holy. We dedicate the walls of this
building the Adobies & morter & evry thing appertaining thereto unto
the Lord that it may be Holy. We dedicate the windows the curtains, &
every thing conenected there with unto the Lord that they may be Holy. We dedic-
ate the cealing the cornish, with its ornamenting and all belonging thereto
that it may be Holy. We dedicate the roof with the shingles, nails, sheeting,
rafters, & everything connected therewith unto the Lord that it may be Holy
We dedicate the doors with the Hinges latches & locks and all belonging thereto
unto the Lord that they may be Holy. We dedicate the floor with all belong
the seats & all belonging thereto that it may be Holy. We dedicate
unto the Lord our God this pulpit & stand with the quishions & stand
seats & triming that it may be the most Holy place for the priests of the
Lord to administer in Holy things. We dedicate the chandeliers with
the Lamps that they may be Holy unto the Lord. We dedicate this Build-
ing as a whole from the foundation stone to the top thereoff with
every thing appertaining thereto that it may be Holy unto the Lord
and we ask thee O God the Eternal Father wein askthe thee inname of Jesus
Christ that thou wilt except of the Dedecation of this House at the
Hands of thy people that it may be Holy, and will thou cloth
ofll [all] of thy servants who shall administer in this House with the spirit
& power of God & the gift of the Holy Goshost that they may

Page 108

Be Holy and may no unclean thing be permitted to dwell
in this House. whether the Priest of the Lord administer in
Holy things in this House or whether thy sons & daughters go
forth in the dance in this House, may the spirit of the Lord
rest upon thy people that they commit no evil within the
walls of this House. We ask thee O God the Eternal Father
that thou wilt except of the dedication of this House at the
Hands of thy People in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen

At the close of the dedication Prayer President Brigham
arose and addressed the assembly He said as concerning
thatis House "&cI know but vary little about it I do not know for what
purpose it was built if it was built for meetings alone I am satisfied
with it, but if it was built for school purposes it is not suitable I
have not been consulted concerning the building of this Hall. I did not
know that thery were building it untill the walls were Erected
I wonce gave a pattern for building schools houses in this city
for each ward but there has never been a school House built after
that pattern in this Territy My pattern was sumthing like the
following Build two wings 20 By 30 feet for common schools
then build a centre Building say 30 By 60 feet make a Basement for
seting furnices or stoves for heating the whole building but not for
school rooms on the first floor above the basement at the south
End build a room for a Library then let there be a door
from each wing into the Library. OnLet the north End of the
same room be appropriated for teaching the Higher Branches
and Let all scholars be classaified according to their ages
and qualifycations. Then let the 2nd story be formed into one room
for a lecture room similar to this whare one class or all classes
may assemble to hear lectures upon any subject what ever.
I wish to give a word of council to the people I shall not give
any to the Bishop but I wish to say to the people dont you send
your children to go to school in this basement story it is not Healthy
asConcerning the Education of children I will say that notwithstand-
ing the drivings of this people I do not believe that you can
go into any city in the world & pick up 100 children promiscusly

Page 109

and put them by the side of our children that are as well educated
as the same number of our children gathered up promiscusly in the
Territory of Utah There are some people & counctryies who force
& whip their children into an Education but we should never
croud & force the minds of our children beyoung what they are able
to bear if we do we ruin them for life. I would rather my children
would spend their Early life sliding down Hill, skating, riding Horses
till they were 20 years old & not go to school one day than to clog
& force the mind while young with intricate studies it strains & cripples
the mind for life & ruins the man you never see a child that is confin-
ed while young to close rooms & hard study & followed up to manhood
that ever becomes a master spirit or qualifyed to transact difficult
business in after life. I do not think there is a man upon the face of
the whole Earth that has as great a complicated variety of subjects
& things to attend to to weigh upon the mind as I have. at the same
time, I do not think there is a man upon Earth who can accomplish
as much business in an hour, day, month, or year, with as much Ease
and as little trouble as I do. But should I do as most people do it would
soon ruin me. But I thoroughly train my mind so that I permit
nothing to trouble me upon the Earth. I strive to do my duty in all things
upon the Earth then leave the Event with the Lord when any subject or
thing comes before me I train my mind in such a way that I can bring
the whole force & strength of my mind to bear upon it and I keep it
there untill I have done with the subject I comprehend every truth
there is connected with the subject necessiary for the accomplish-
ment of whatever business is before me, & as soon as the business is
done I train my mind to instantly forget it & cast it away & should
never think of it again unless some circumstance should transpire
necessary to call it up I am now at the dedication of this Hall
my mind is here when I get through & go away I may never
think of this meeting again unless some person should call it to
my mind. when I have been crouded with business through the day
& I go to my bed to rest though I may not be any more sleepy than
I am now, the moment I lie down I throw evry thing out of my mind
untill it is like a peace of white blank paper I neither care for nothing
nor know nothing & in one minute I am asleep my wife has spoken

Page 110

to me many times in one minute after I have lain down & awaik
me up. mMany other interesting remarks were made By President
Young which I have not written but it was reported by J. V. Long
Brother Kimball Followed President Young and gave a vary good
Exertation to the people which waf [was] reported By J. V. Long He was
Followed By Bishop Woolley who spoke of the Building of the House
the intention of it, & thanked the Lord for it & gave a good exerta
tion which was reported He was Followed by Elder Lorenzo Snow
who gave a good exertation & spoke of what we learn by experience &c
I followed Brother Lorenzo Snow & said we were in a great school &
the best ever esstablished upon Earth & that we had the best teacher
ever given to man in the flesh save Jesus ownly and when they taught
us principle we should learn them & apply them to our lives the same as
we expect our children to learn there lessons when they go to school
I was Followed by President Brigham Young who refered to what
I and others had said. he said we should never scease to learn
He spoke of Drunkenness & said if a man must drink to buy his liquor
& shut himself up and get drunk alone & not curse anybody or commit
sin when you are drunk always bless those around you & not curse them
but it is better not to get drunk at all

Brother Jeter Clinton spoke & gave a good Exertation

Meeting was dismissed by Bishop Edward Hunter There was a
large party in the Hall through the night danceing

~ Wednesday

Jan 2nd I spent the day mostly at home There was a party at the 14
ward Hall
most of my Family went I spent the evening at home
A hand pointing to the right I recieved 2 letters one From Judge Z Snow at Cedar City the other from
Col J. C. Little upon the report of the Financs of the D. A. & M. Society

~ Thursday

3rd Keys crossed My Family attended the Fast meeting at the 14 ward Hall & I
had 6 children Blessed by the Bishop & council viz Bula Augusta, David Patten
Brigham Young Arabella Emma Manalla & Eugenia a grand Daughter
I spent the afternoon in the Legislature & made some reports

~ Friday

4th I spent the afternoon in the Legislature I spent the evening & most
of the night in writing a long Letter to Uncle Ozem Woodruff

~ Saturday

5 A hand pointing to the right I dated my letter to Ozem Woodruff Jan 5th.

Page 111

Saturday I sepent most of the day in the Endowment House we had a
large company to take through their Endowments President Heber
C. Kimball
gave us a good lecture in the morning upon various subjects
Keys crossed He said that the people did not believe what He and President Young had
said concerning Famine & laying up wheat there is not one in twenty in
this city who has laid up a Bushel of Grain and they all depend upon the
tithing office. He says we ought not to preach what we do not practice I do not
do it I have got two years provision laid up also clothing Brother Woodruff
here lays up provision & clothing. there are but few that do it. Now how
many will preach to the people & tell them to be like God while they do not
attempt to imitate the Lord but if a wife do not please them they will
pitch their wife or child out of doors and soon loose all the Lord has give
him now If we done as the Lord does if our families did not do right & obey
us we would bear with them, & feed them, & cloth them, and treat them
kindly that they may be saved. Look & se how long the Lord bears with the
A single key with teeth to the left wicked He rains upon the Just & unjust [Matthew 5:45] & if we want to be like the Lord
we should bear with the weaknesses of our wives & children. he said He
had some wives who had never been subject to his council & will yet
yet He took good care of them & treated them kindly {he had one woman that had
committed Adultery yet he fed her and took care of her but did not sleep with her as a wife} He said many [things] which were
Edifying. The Eastern mail came in & brought dates up to Dec 15th
The cecession movement was on the increase the whole nation was convulsed
and was fast going to ruin & destruction

~ Sunday

6th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. Wilford Prayed &
I was mouth at the Altaer. I attended meeting at the Tabernacle
Phineas Young Preached & He was followed by President Brigham Young who
gave a vary interesting & instructive discourse He said that in order
to become one we must obtain the mind of Christ we must be
govorned be the spirit of God or the mind of Christ then we
could govern our families and do our duty in all things. I called upon
upon Daniel H Well with Lorenzo Snow we found him vary sick with the
Erysipelas or Quinsey in the throat President Young was present we all laid
upon him & administered to him President Young was mouth &
Bless him. we then met for Prayer E. T. Benson was mouth ^prayed^ & G. A. S.
was mouth. two Letters was read to president Young one from O Hyde
& one from Jacob Gates in England quite a musical Letter

Page 112

~ Monday

Jan 7 ^1861^
I spent the forenoon in the office Journalizing and the afternoon in
the Legislature. I called to see President Wells He was No better appeared
to have the Quinsey I spent the Evening at home writing Letters
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 Letters one to Ozem Thompson, one to Ann Cossetts
The poney Express came in the evening brought a Letter From
Capt Hooper to President Young up to Dec 25th The cecession movement
is still going on.

~ Tuesday

8 I spent the fore noon in the office the ofternoon in the Legislature I spent
the night at the 13 ward Hall in a select Party Presidents Young &
Kimball were present also J. Taylor Lorenzo Snow & W. Woodruff of the 12
there were about 75 tickets sold at $1.50 each

~ Wednesday

9 I spent the fore part of the day in the office the afternoon in the Legislature ^Missippi secdeded to day^

~ Thursday

10th I spent the fore part of the day in the office the afternoon in the
Legislature A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter in the evening to Erastus Snow a short
letter & also Mailed my Letters to Ozem Woodruff, Thompson & Ann
. ^Georgia seceded Yeas 208 Nays 89. Florida seceded Yeas 62, Nays 7^

~ Friday

11 I spent the ofternoon in the Legislature and & the evening at home ^Alabama seceded Yeas 61 Nays 39^

~ Saturday

12. I spent the day in the Endowment House the evening I spent in the Legislature
President Kimball gave us an interesting lecture in the
morning upon various subject

~ Sunday

13. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning A O Smoot Prayed
Bishop Hunter was mouth I attended meeting at the Tabernacle
John Taylor preached in the morning & Brigham Young in the ofternoon
He gave a vary interesting discourse to the people Presidents Young & Kimball
& W Woodruff J STaylor G. A. Smith of the Twelve met for prayer H C Kimball
prayed G. A. S. was mouth. In speaking of the Government President
Young said the United States Government was in the fix that the man
was that had to swim a river or meet a Lion if He swam the river
He would drown if he met the Lion he would be devoured So with
the United States they are bound to be destroyed. Those things which
[they] wished to bring upon us shall come upon them. The brethren spoke
upon the subject of their Early travels President Young called upon
a leading Quaker who spiritualized all the scriptures and when he got
through his arguments among which was the doctrin that the forbidden
fruuit was in the heart. President Young asked him how Eve got into
the heart of Adam to partake of the forbidden fruit before Adam did

Page 113

President Young spoke of one Baily who cursed Joseph Smith & the
God that called him to be a prophet & the man was taken crazy on the
Ground was taken home & died insane. He said Dr Henry Ward Beecher
would not preach as he did if he did not read Mormon Books.

~ Monday

14. I spent the afternoon in the Legislator and evening at home

~ Tuesday

15 I Attended the Legislature in the afternoon I attended a party at
the Assembly rooms in the 13 ward was quite poorly in the evening

~ Wednesday

16 I attended the Legislator to day but was not well

~ Thursday

17 I attended the Legislator to day but was unwell

~ Friday

18. To day is the last day of the session but I was sick & could not attend.
it held till 4 oclok saturday morning I had sumthing like the pluricy in
the left side & could not leave my house

~ Saturday

19 I was confined to the House to day with sickness The Mail came in

~ Sunday

220 Sunday I spent the day at home it was vary cold

~ Monday

21 I am better this morning. Called upon the secretary & got my per Diem
& went to the Historians office

~ Tuesday

22 I spent most of the day in the Historians office and the night at home

~ Wednesday

23 I found a mare & colt in my yard nearly ru^i^ned by Eating barley grass
the beards had got into there Jaws and the mouth was filled with
Blood it was nearly killing them. we had an Extra mountaineer this
morning containing the News up to Jan 11th The Southern states are cede
ceceding one after another and the Nation is doomed to destruction
they will soon have war betwen the North & South. South Carolina fired
into the Star of the west a U. S. Steamer with troops to Fort Sumpter
it is rumured that the Governmt will send war ships against Charleston
there is fair prospects of Civil war I got the Deserettt News this morning
which also contained much News. I spent the evening at home looking
over the United States Statu[t]es at Large I sumed ^up^ the Appropriation Bill
of 1860 in Congress. the Appropraiation for the Army was $15259794.76
For the Navy $10,531,499.55 Total for the Armey & Navy = $25,691,294.31
The whole Bill Appropriated as recorded in the Statutes $41,830,092.97
This is but about one half of the real expenses of the Governmt in 1860

~ Thursday

24 The poney Express arived last night brought word that Florida & Alabama
had seceded From the Union I settelled my tithing with Bishop Hoagland
My Tithing for $1860 was $266 all was paid Except $13 still due see Acco[un]t Book

Page 114

~ Friday

25 Jan ^1861^
I spent the day in the office

~ Saturday

26 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House. I called upon Brother
Smoot Found Sister Smoot vary sick we administered to her by the laying
on of hands
I spent the evening at Joseph Horn. ^Louisiana seceded Yeas 113 N[ays] 17^

~ Sunday

27 Sunday I met with my CQorum in the morning. I attended meeting
at the tabernacle J. V. Long preached in the forenoon upon Tithing & John
in the afternoon upon Taxation I called upon President Young
and heard the last Telegraphic & Poney Express read it contained
some 15 pages

~ Monday

28. I spent the day in the office Mr James called in the office a short
time & gave an account of the silver mines in Carson and an account of
the country. I administered to T. B. H. Stenhouse who was sick

~ Tuesday

29 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters one to Erastus Snow in New York & one
to Richard Bentley in England I called to see Brother J. C. Little &
family with Mrs Woodruff His oldest son Charles was but just
alive with the Lung & Brain fever He had been sick about 2 weeks
Dr Burnhisel was attending him. We also called upon Sister Smoot
who had been sick for several days

~ Wednesday

30. A coffin C. L. J. C. Littles oldest son Charles died this morning. He was a vary promises [promising]

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Elder Lorenzo Snow of Brigham City

Farrymore Little buryed a man to day who was killed in Big Cotton
wood Canyon
on the 28th with a snow slide, or in runing before int
fell into the creek & drowned. I laid hands upon Brother Rose oldest
31Daughter who was flung out of a sleigh, and nearly broke his [her] head she was insen-
sible through the night Wilford returned home to night bringing ten head of cattle with him

~ Thursday

31. A pleasant morning I attended the funeral of Charles Little, the son of
Keys crossed Jesse C Little. President Young preached a short discourse on the occasion
No reporter the following is a synopsis of what he said

I reflected upon the subject of coming to this funeral I thought If I
come Brother Little would wish me to speak and I thought I should want
much of the spirit of the Lord to assist me to overcome my weekness to which
I am subject on occasions like this. At times I can overcome it. The question
has often been asked how is it with little children will they grow or not
after death Joseph once said they would, & then He said they would not
He never had any revelation upon the subject. And I have no doctrin

Page 115

to give upon the subject. I Believe in the great variety in the vast creations
of God. I do not Believe that the Lord ever made two worlds alike or things
alike in any world. I do not believe that the Human family have been
alike in stature in the various ages of this world. The Lord has power
to give a soul or spirit as miuch intelligence in a tabernacle 2 or 3 feet high
as in a gient 8 or 10 feet high as we find Evidences that in some ages of
this world men have lived to that hight. My doctrin or belief is that
we shall find all children & People at the resurrection as they lie down
with the same stature. that is the way I want to receive my children
if I bury a child that is two years old. I dont want him or her to come
to me in a tabernacle 80 or 100 years old or at any other age ownly the
age it left me and that is the way I believe it will be. we shall see
there spirits before we see there bodies. whare shall we go to find them
in the spirit world but whare is that right here on the Earth whare they
lived & whare we live. I have desired to see the spirit of a Friend & to convers
with it as I would with you, but I have never yet had this privilege
I want to know how they live in the spirit world what for a place they
have as I would come & look of Brother Littles House. But I believe all
spirits live here after Death and no whare Els, at least those who have taberna-
cled in the flesh on the Earth, whether they be good or bad. Satan has no power
over those who have overcome him in the flesh after they are dead but he has
power over those who all their lives have been subject to him in the flesh.
I will now ask how does any one present know what I say my words
have a shape to them as much as this chair and the shape of my words
go to the drum of your Ear so that you get an understanding of what I
say Now in speaking in the Tabernacle if I turn to the north the shape
of my words strike the drum of the Ear & they understand it perfectly
the words strike the wall break the shape to peaces & the sound strikes the
Ear of those in the south as mouch as in the North but they do not
understand what is said Now if I had force of Lungs & power to throw
the shape of my words to China they would understand what I say
as well as you do in the further part of this room they would hear it as
well. You know when you have a vision you can see as well all over
your Body as out of your Eye. When Joseph had a revelation he had the Eyes
of the Lord He saw as the Lord sees how did I know what was going on
in Washington. I have known what was going on there all the time

Page 116

And I know what is going on in other peoples Houses. I know it
by the spirit of God it is revealed to me. Do spirits administer to
us they do nbut we do not know it. Charles here will administer to
his mother but she will not know it. these things are so ordered
and governed that we may be tried and if Sister Little was to
die & go whare her children are in the spirit world she would do
just so. she would not administered to her friends openly for
she would see that it was for a wise purpose that there was a veil
between the living & the dead that the living might be tryed and
have a greater glory. the living cannot see the departed spirits
but the departed spirits can see the living and administer to
them while they know it not. We are all in the spirit world &
in Eternity but we know it not & do not comprehend it. My
wife awoke in the morning that Charles died & said to me I think
Charles Little is dead for I have seen him to night with Joseph in
a dream and if Brother & Sister Little could see what I have they
would not wish him back. He was vary happy with Joseph and
Joseph said he wanted him he had a particular place for him, and He
looked glorious. Many questions have arises in relation to the death
of children. Some have thought that it was ordained that children should
doie. bBut this is not true doctrin it is not ordained of God that children
should die, but it is the will of God that all children should live and
grow up to manhood & fill up the measure of there days if they could
do it and overcome the evils they have to meet with in life but
they meet with so much of the Law of Death & so many Evils that
many die in childhood & at all ages. you may ask why should not
they have a chance to prove themselves as well as we As I said before
there is a great variety the Human family die at all ages & children
that die thwill have a fulness of glory they will be as happy as they
are capable of being. will they have another probation or chance
of being tried as we are are I have many reflections upon this
subject but it is a doctrin I shall say nothing about. we should
be satisfyed with the principle that our children will be restod
restored to us again in their glorifyed bodies with the salme
statu[r]e that they were taken from us, and they will admin-
ister to us though we know it not it is hid from us for a wise purpose

Page 117

To give you a figure I will say to a man for instance if you will
go to Big Cotton wood Blindfolded I will give you a reward of Ten
thousand dollars but you cannot have it if you go with your Eyes
open to see the road. the man starts Blind folded fearing & trembling
lest he shall run a foul of wild cattle, into ditches, & difficulties, yet
he gropes his way & gets through claims his reward & gets it so in
the dealings of the Lord with us He does not let us see every thing in
the future before us but makes us promises & makes us walk by faith
that we may obtain them and the greater our trials & conquests
the greater will be our crown & glory. So all those who have been
tried & got through do not wish to administer to us in that way
that they will make it any lighter for us than it has been for
them that all may be tried alike as far as is consistent with
the Economy of God

Joseph Young followed then W Woodruff & E. D. Woolley I returned
to the office & made this report

~ Friday

Feb 1. I spent the day in the office I wrote a letter to G. A. Smith
A hand pointing to the right The Poney Express came in brought news up to 22nd Jan. 6 states
had seceded. the Express when copied off made 22 pages The Nation
are going to peices fast and it looks as though Destruction was
nigh there door. I spent an hour in the Presidents Office herd the Express Read
^Texas seceded Yeas 156 Nays 7.^

~ Saturday

2nd I spent most of the day in the Endowment House gave Endowments to 24

~ Sunday

3 I met with my Quorum in the morning E F Sheets prayed
J Pugmyre was mouth I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Charles
F Jones
spoke in the forenoon President Young in the afternoon. I preached
at the 14th ward school House was followed by Elder Taylor

~ Monday

4 A cold Morning I spent the forenoon in looking over Harpers
Series School & family readers published in 1860 they are vary good
The Telegraph & Poney Express came in containing about 30 pages I
herd it read. I assisted President Young & A Carrington consecrate
2 Bottols of oil. I spent the evening at home examining Harpers series
of school reading Books published in 1860. I think it the best series I
have seen.

~ Tuesday

5th A plesant morning. I spent the day in the office

~ Wednesday

6th The deserett News contained two Poney Expresses was an interesting

Page 118

Paper A hand pointing to the right I wrote A Letter to Lorenzo Snow. I attended the
funeral of Stephen Longstrth who was baptized by H. C. Kimball
in Waddington England 23 years ago. Brother Kimball preached
his funeral Serman & spoke much to the Edification of the

[several lines blank]

~ Thursday

7th I went with Wilford & Moroni with a waggon near the lake
among the stock to see if I could find any of my cattle I
found none I shot one rabit on a run. I took supper at
Sister Pratts

~ Friday

8 I called into Presidents Youngs saw Governor Cummings Judge
Kinney & Mr Bell. I then left the city in company with
Elder John Taylor for a mission North We rode to Farmington and
Held a meeting with the people in the evening the spirit of the Lord
was with us and we had a good meeting I spent the night with Ezra Clark

~ Saturday

9th We rode to Ogden and we spent the night with Bishop West

~ Sunday

10th Sunday We attended a conferences in Ogden met in the Taberna-
Elder Taylor spoke in the forenoon and I in the Afternoon it
was Judges to be 1200 people presant the spirit of the Lord was present
with all of us A High Council was appointed at the close of the afternoon
service by the unanimous vote of the people. At Early candle light we
met in the vestry of the Tabernacle to ordain the High Council many
of the Priesthood were present Brother Taylor myself & Brother Farr ordained
the 12 men a High Council in that Stake of Zion. we ordained 6 of them
High Priests who were seventies I was informed that a list of names

Page 119

was presented to President Young to pick out the High Council & He named
six of them & Brother Farr nominated the other six atfter they were ordained
the spirit & power of God rested upon me & I spoke to them about half
an hour upon the subjet of the Priesthood & the magnifying of that Priesthood
and meeting all responsibilities required at hour hands all deeply felt the
power of God that was present I exhorted them to temperance & every good
word & work which would exhalt them before God Elder Taylor followed
& made some good remarks We went to Brother Wests & spent the night

~ Monday

Keys crossed 11th Bishop Wests took us into his sleigh and drove us to South Webber
whare we had an appointment to regulate that Branch of the Church the
Bishop was in apostacy & was leading away others. they had got away others
a New Prophet to slide out of the Church upon. We had a large assembly of
saints from other Places Bishop Cook came in & opened the way by singing
& Prayer I then called upon Bishop Richard Cook to speak and
requested him to tell us his feelings if he believed in Joseph Morris as
a Prophet to tell us so, & to tell us what his feelings were in relation to the
Presidency of the Church. He arose & spoke some time without touching the
subject. I again requested him to come to the point He then "said "yes I do
Believe in Richa Joseph Morris as a Prophet whom God has raised up
to lead this Church & kingdom agreeable to the Revelatin in the
Doctrins & Covenants which says I will raise up unto you a Prophet
like unto Moses &c I do not Believe that Brigham Young is a prophet
or has ever had any revelation or inspiration more than any sectari-
an Priest, & I believe this Church will ownly be known in name in
10 years unless God does raise up a Prophet" when he closed several
of his party got up & Bore the same testimony we then sent for there
fals Prophet & called upon him to speak. he spoke about half an hour He
said Brigham Young was not a prohhet & Joseph Smith did not hold the
Keys of the Priesthood & was ordained of man while He Joseph Morris was
ordained of the Father, & held six times more keys of the Priesthood than
Joseph did He said he was the seventh Angel, & much other nonsens he
Presented before the Assembly. when He got through Elder Taylor spoke
to the Assembly & showed thbrother Cook the position He was in. He bore
testimony that Brigham Young was a prophet of God & he said that He whim-
self was more of a Prophet than Morris was. Brigham Young in saying

Page 120

that He did not profess to be a prophet seer & Revelator as Joseph
was, was speaking of men being born Natural Prophets & seers
many have the gift of seeing through seer stones without the Priesthood
at all He had not this gift naturally yet He was an Apostle & the
President of the Church & kingdom of God on the Earth and all the
Keys of the Holy Priesthood & of Revelation was sealed upon him & the
spirit & power of Revelation was upon him daily when He closed
I spoke to the people & bore testimony to the truth of what Elder Taylor
had said. Morris had been cut off from the Church twice for
Adultery in the Territory And He had spent about one year with
a woman whose husband was crazy. I told morris that He was not
a Prophet of God Neither was He the seventh Angels that when the
7th Angel came to Earth He would not spend the first year of his
mission with a woman whose Husband was crazy & commit Adultery
with Her. I showed the folly of Richard Cook & others following such a
man. When I closed my remarks Morris Denyed of Being with
that woman Bishop West arose & bore testimony that what I
had said was true. We then took all the Names of the persons
who professed to believed in Joseph Morris as the prophet of God
raised up to lead the Church there was 16 Names Given as follows
Richard Cook William Kendall Nels Morrison Mrs Hannah Cook
John Cook Robert Farley Nathan Brooks Mrs Margaret Cook
John Firth John Parsons John Trolsom Mrs Hellen Cook
Mrs Sarah Cook Mrs Mary Cook Mrs Joanna Kendall
John Taylor then moved that those sixteen named persons be
cut off from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I
seconed the motion & they were cut off from the Church without
a disscenting voice. We then Nominated Philo Allen to preside over
the remainder of that Branch of the Church which was carried
unanimously we also voted to unite that Branch to Ogden under the
charge of the President & Bishop of that Place. We took dinner with
Philo Allen we then rode to Ogden & spent the night with James Brown 18 mils

~ Tuesday

12 We rode North Ogden held a meeting with the people at 11 oclok
spoke upon Tithing & other subjects I spoke first was followed by Elder
Taylor we took dinner with Bishop Dunn then rode to Willow
& held a meeting with the people & spent the night with Bishop Alfred Cordon

Page 121

~ Wednesday

13 Feb ^1861^

We rode to Box Elder Held a meeting in the Court House in Brigham
at 1 oclok P.M. Elder Taylor spoke to the People I followed him Elder
Lorenzo Snow President of this Branch followed me. We had the spirit
of the Lord
upon us & a good meeting the People were in tears There
had been a good deal of Apostacy among the Welch saints in this Branch
Elder Taylor had talked with some of the leaders, and they were in meet-
ing this afternoon. We adjurned till candle light when a large assembly
met again and the evening was spent in bearing testimony 7 persons
spoke the spirit of the Lord was with them & they bore a strong testimony
among the Number was Isaac Laney who bore a strong testimony of the
work of the Lord He spoke of his being shot at Hawns Mill with some
17 Ball Holes in his body many of them apparently the most deadly shots as
History declares yet he was preserved he had a dream the night before it
took place as follows [FIGURE] He dreamed that a shower of serpents was all
around him in the air rattle snakes & that many of them bit him all over his
body but he was told that if he would not fall down but keep running
that they would not hurt him after he was bit a man came to him
& said Brother Laney do not decieve yourself about living No man ever
bit as you are can ever live But he said I shall live & not die. Brother
Laney testified that when he was shot this dream was fulfilled when
the Balls pearced his body through & through it did not hurt him more
than the scrach of a pin all though He bled at the mouth like an ox with
his trohroat cut yet he ckept running untill he was out of the reach of
the mob. A man came to him & said Brother Laney do not decieve
yourself about living No man was Ever shot as you are who ever lived
But He said I shall live & not die & he did live by the power of God &
is now Harty & well & he said I had another Dream two years ago
which will be fulfilled as Follows. "I dreamed I was at Camp Floyd
after the Armey of the U. S. had camped there & I saw a large frame building
with all the clapboards off & I saw a huge serpent stretched across
the building about 100 feet long with his head to the East he looked terrible
viscious & dangerous he soon rose in the air & flew towards the East While
in the air he appeared to be 500 feet long with 75 feet of rattles soon
he fell all to peaces every Joint in his body separated from his head to
his tail. The interpetation is the U. S. Government & Army will all break
to peases as they are now doing

Page 122

Brother Johnathan C. Wright Brought forth some strong testimony in
the work of God in this day. He bore a good testimony the spirit of the
rested upon him. He is much troubled with the dropsey & will soon
go to the grave unless the Lord preserves him by his power. We spent the
night at Brother Snows we administered to 3 persons. J. C. Wright was one

~ Thursday

14 We left Brother Snow & rode about 2 miles from Brigham City and
met with some of the leaders of the Welsh at the House of Brother
Philips, who had been cut off from the Church for apostacy & was
cut drawing away some seventy five families from the faith more or less
Brother Philips was a Presiding Elder in Wales & had great influence over
that Body of people after ariving in this country He lost the spirit of the
found much fault with the authorities of the Church & for a long time
had been in a Bad state of mind & was preparing to returned to the States
they attended our meeting yesterday and got there minds stired up & wished
to see us. We found six of the leaders of the Welsh Saints Present
Elder John Taylor talked to them for more than an hour and [they] told a
long string of complaints & we overthrew all there arguments the
spirit of the Lord was poured out upon us in a powerful manner
and we could see that two powers was at work with those men
who were contending against us finally they were over come by the spirit
of the Lord. Elder Taylor had taken away all there objections He exhorted
them to go & be baptized for the remission of their sins & keep the com-
mandments of God they all covenanted they would except Brother
Philips He was vary stubborn but soon he yielded & they all covenanted
that they would go & be baptized & repent of all there sins & sustain the auth-
orities of the Church. We then went down to a pool of water & Elder
Taylor Baptized seven persons 6 men & 1 woman they returned to the
House and we confirmed them we ordained Brother Philips to the office
of an High Priest. We ordained three to the office of 70, & 2 Elders these
were Elders, 70, & High Priest Before we left them feeling well &
went on our Journey to Boy Ogden & spent the night with Bishop West
President Farr, whare we got the Extra Deserett News.

~ Friday

15 We left Ogden & returned home to Great Salt Lake City & spent the night
at home whole Distance to Box Elder & Back again 130 miles

~ Saturday

16 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House, the Evening I spent
at a party at Brother Smoots

Page 123

~ Sunday

17 Feb ^1861^

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. Wilford Prayed Brother
Hinkley was mouth I attended meeting at the Tabernacle President Young spoke
to the Elders in the forenoon in a vary Edifying manner, said it was natural
for us to wish to make all men like ourselves but we must take men as we find
them & deal with them as such there is a great variety in the kingdom of God
you cannot find any two limbs or leaves of a tree or spears of grass just alike
In the afternoon Elder Joseph W. Young spoke followed by President Kimball
John Taylor & President Young. I Preached in the 13 ward to a large assembly

~ Monday

18 I spent the day in the office & evening at home Jefferson Davis Inaugurated

~ Tuesday

19. I spent the day in the office. Elder Orson Hyde spent the afternoon
with us reading Josephus mostly He spoke of his mission in Sanpete and
the unwise course of Bishop Warren Snow, & George Pecock his first
councillor, they have squandered a large amount of tithing funds, co[u]nty
taxes &c & Brother Hyde thinks from Testimony guilty of stealing many
cattle. Elder Hyde delivered a vary interesting lerrcture at the 13 ward
Assembly room I bore testimony to the same the room was crouded

~ Wednesday

20. I spent the day in the office. The Deseret News of to day contains
the following statistics. That the seccessionest have seized 14 Forts which
costs $6000000. Pierced for 1099 guns and 5530 Men required to man
them. The Poney came in from the East brought word up to the 11 Feb. the
Southern States have Formed a Confederacy Apointed Jeff Davis President
& Stephens of Georgia vice President. I wrote a letter to G. A. Smith
A hand pointing to the right giving an account of my Journey to Brigham City & the last
Poney Express A folded letter/box I received an invitation to attend a Party at the
sucial Hall on Friday 22nd Feb in Honor of Gen Washingtons Birthday
A single key with teeth to the right I attended a meeting of the D. A. & M. Society at the Historians office
we formed a New ticket of President & Board of Directors I resigned
my place in the Board of Directors at the close of the meeting I went
to the printing office and staid till 11 oclok waiting for an Extra

~ Thursday

21st President Kimball called & had one of his sermons read in the
fore noon I spent most of the day in the office I was poorly in the evening

~ Friday

22 I spent the forenoon in the office we had a hard snow storm last night
there was 6 inches of snow on the ground this morning I attended a
Party at the Social Hall with the Presidency and others also Govornor
Cummings the Judges, secretary, James & Mr Bell. We remained
till midnight dancing & singing

Page 124

~ Saturday

23, ^1861^

Saturday I spent the day in the Endowment House giving Endowm[en]ts
I spent the evening at home

~ Sunday

24 I met with my Quorum in the morning. Bishop Hunter Prayed
Henry Moon was mouth I spent the fore noon in the Presidents office
Hearing the Poney Express read the after noon I spent at home I
called at President Youngs. He told me about his first receiving
the gospel, the many fals spirits that surrounded the people so that
I was slow to receive the work at first. I went to the 14 ward &
Preached to the people upon the operation of the spirits, the necessity
of keeping the spirit of God that we may escape the fals spirits that seek
to lead us asstray we had the spirit of the Lord & a good meeting

~ Monday

25. I spent the day in the office the Eastern Mail came in brought
a large we[s]t mail to got 5 tribunes, Agriculturist, 3 speeches from
A folded letter/box Capt Hooper & 1 Letter from A. Lyman we got News by mail
up to Feb 1st

~ Tuesday

26th The poney arived this morning bringing dates up to the 20. it
was warm & some rain snow leaving fast.

~ Wednesday

27 The ground is covered this morning with a white mantle and
it has been snowing quite Hard. We got the News with an Extra this
morning which showed that Jefferson Davis was Inaugurated as President
of the Southern Confederation At Montgomery Ala. so there is
now two Presidents in the United States

~ Thursday

28. I visited President Heber C. Kimball's school room in
company with R. L. Campbell T. Bullock & President Kimball
Arthur Stayner was teacher. He had about 40 scholars 23 of
which were President Kimballs own children. We herd the 1st & 2nd
class read they were doing vary well. I spent the remainder of the
day in the office I made a record of the date of the secession of
the Southern States oin this record Jan 1st 1861

~ Friday

March 1st 1861

This is my birth day, I am 54 years old this day,
time rapidly passes with us all It is a plesant morning, still
some snow upon the ground in the valley Wilford started for
Fort Harriman this morning with 9 Head of cattle I visited
the labor on North Temple Street putting the water Ditches
on the side walks & paving them I spent the day in the office

Page 125

~ Saturday

March 2nd ^1861^

I spent most of the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowm[en]ts to some
30 persons Presidents Young & Kimball officiated is [in] sealing, teaching & co. [confirming]

~ Sunday

3rd I attended my Prayer circle in the morning Bishop Sheets Prayed, R.
was mouth. Thomas B. Broderick preached in the morning. Presid[en]t
Brigham Young Preached in the afternoon a vary interesting discourse, as
all his sermons are reported I do not pretend to write them or make a
synopsis of them ownly occasionally I record an item or two which I
will now do. He said in speaking of the coming of Christ "If Christ had
come & taken possession of the kingdom & set up his rule & governm[en]t upon
the Earth A single key with teeth to the left in the days of Noah, Moses, or at his first coming or even now
He would have Entirely defeated his own plan He would have cut off the agency
of man the Lord will not come to rule upon the Earth untill all the spirits
appointed to tabernacle in the flesh in this world have come & taken tabernacles
& been born, this Church & Kingdom has got to grow & progress in its present
organization untill the Zion of God is built upon the Earth & the New Jerrusalem
build & the bride prepared for her husband & when all things are prepared
Christ will come & take the kingdom & reign over the Earth but we are
not yet prepared for that Event if Christ was to come now to reign you
would not like his dictation as well as you do mine for I am more like
you than He is and he would be more strict in his deal[ings] & dictation
ywith you than I am. The Lord intends to try us & prove us whether we will
build up the kingdom & gather the saints in our poverty &c." At the close of the
meeting the President said in the vestry, speaking of our government He said
A single key with teeth to the right Our Nation will not Have a general war all at one & then be setteled in a year
or two but the spirit of war, madness & disunion will increase for a number
of years they will commence to fight little by little & keep increase untill
they will have a general mash up & destruction throughought the
Land. I spent the evening at home

~ Monday

4 March 1861 This day Abel Lincoln is Inaugurated as the President
of the United States, or that portion of it which is left. I attended
the Election of the President & Board of Directors of the D A & M. AgSociety
the following persons were Elected Edward Hunter President, J R. Winder
John Nebeker, Wm Wagstaff, N. H. Felt, A. P. Rockwood, Levi E.
Directors, J. C. Little Treasurer, T. Bullock Secretary. I
spent most of the day in the office I examined the Congressional Globe of 1859, [18]60 On Polygamy

Page 126

~ Tuesday

5 March ^1861^

March 5. The Poney arived this morning bringing Expresses up to
26th Febuary also A letter From Capt Hooper up to the 15. He thinks we
shall have a daily mail & the pacific rail road Bill will become a law
this session Abel Lincoln had arived in Washington a plan was laid to
assinate him at Baltimore but he went through in disguise, the breach
between North & South is growing wider every day. I spent the day in
the office A. P. Rockwood came into the office & told his dream about
building a log cabin when all the logs were rotton & broke representing our
Government T Bullock wrote it down & the interpetation & put it on file

~ Wednesday

6 Wilford left school this morning & commenced labor at home
Another Poney Express arived to day at 11 oclok PM, which brings word
that Congress have passed Bills for the organization of Territorial
Governments for Nevada, Dacotah & Colorado. Also that 500
men had sworn that Abraham Lincoln should never sleep in the white
& several other things

~ Thursday

7 A plesant morning I spent the day in the office on History
G. A. Smith arived home about 7 oclok P.M. from his southern
Preaching tour to the South had travelled some 850 miles. I attended
a school House meeting at the 14 ward concerning the building of the
New school House.

~ Friday

8. I Bought 4 plums trees of Mrs Session & set them out I then
went to the office found G. A. Smith accompanied him to Presid[en]t
Youngs & sat & talked awhile upon various things President Young
wished H. S. Eldridge to rent his Farm & take the superintendency
of Building the seventies Hall. G. A. Smith said that Israel P
was about to leave Filmore. I wrote Elder Orson Pratt a
A hand pointing to the right letter and gave him the News of the day.

~ Saturday

9 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments Houseto some 45 persons. the Eastern Poney arived to
day brought to 27 Feb.

~ Sunday

10th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning J Pugmyre
Prayed. Br Moody prayered at the Altar I attended meeting O. Hyde
Preached in the morning G. A. Smith in the afternoon followed by
H. C. Kimball the Presidency & Twelve met at the Historians office
for the Prayer Circle. There were present B. Young H. C. Kimball
D. H. Wells WO WoHyde J. Taylor G. A. Smith & W. Woodruff & Joseph Young

Page 127

President Young said He did not wish Utah mixed up with the secession
movement. He said that when Buchanan sent the armey it was there inten-
tion to Hang the Leaders then send thousands of Gentiles here and they
intended to rob all this people and take possession of our Houses & lands and
they sent Gov Cummings to operate with them. But they got disappointed &
it was upon that ground that Governor Cummings told the Forses not to go away
that there would soon ^be^ Employ here but the Lord has controlled the gove[rnor]
& he has done putty well & I feel to bless him but He had Evil in his
heart when he come here. President Young said he wished to have
O Hyde G. A. Smith and another of the Twelve go through the settlements
South & settle the difficulties I want you to settle SCyrus H. Wheelock
difficulty & also Jakcob Biglers at Salt Creek I will send Brother
Moffit to Sanpete we will ordain him a Bishop and let him preside
there we will send Thomas Callister to Fillmore, to Preside & we will
send Bishop Snow of Sanpete & George Pecokck on a long mission also
Bishop Bigler on a mission also Bishop Bronson. We will ordain
Charles H Bryan a Bishop for Salt Creek at Present

~ Monday

11 I went down to my farm this morning my sheep Just Began to
Lamb 4 sheep had 9 lambs by my French Buck I helped Wilford
plough the garden

~ Tuesday

12 I spent the forenoon in the office the afternoon at home

~ Wednesday

123 I spent the day at home getting out manure

~ Thursday

14. I spent the day making pens

~ Friday

15 I Brought home my sheep I had 26 lambs I spent the evening in the office

~ Saturday

16 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
44 persons President Young sealed 26 couple iamong the Number was
Jeremiah Stocking. it is still vary warm & dry

~ Sunday

17 Sunday I met with my Quorum W Woodruff prayed J C Little was
mouth I attended Meeting Presidents Young & Kimball preached in the
forenoon & Gilbert Clements in the afternoon upon the Refermation of
Martin Luther down to this day. I attended meeting in the 14 ward J. R.
spoke & I followed him

~ Monday

18. A plesant morning I feel poorly in health this morning. My flock
of sheep are lambing vary fast at the present time

~ Tuesday

19 I have 50 lambs to day I sowed some Peas I spent most of the day in
the office

Page 128

~ Wednesday

March 20 ^1861^

A hand pointing to the right I finished my letter to O. Pratt & wrote 2 one to E Snow &
one to Loren Farr it is some windey today

~ Thursday

21 A High wind

I spent the fore part of the day at home a short time in the office
we had a rain & snow storm through the night

~ Friday

22 The Earth is covered with snow this morning I spent most of
the day in looking over my Journal for History

~ Saturday

23 I was sick this morning with cold & sore throat I spent
most of the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowm[en]ts
to 54 persons

~ Sunday

24. Sunday I was quite sick this morning with a sore throat
I took a pack of the cold wet sheet this fore noon which done
me much good relieved the soreness of my throat

~ Monday

25 I was sick through the day & did not go ouut

~ Tuesday

26 I spent a short time in the office to day it was quite stormy

~ Wednesday

27 I spent the forenoon in the office, the afternoon at home

~ Thursday

28. we had a hard rainy night, a rainiy morning with some
hail I set out 2 Bushels of white carrotts for seed. G. A. Smith
got home last night. I saw him in the office to day he says the
led mines worked by N. V. Jones at the vegus have turned into
silver worth $1700 dollars per ton quite a settlement have gone in
there & laid out a town & they come up to the settlem[en]ts for provision
I called upon President Young & spent an hour He spoke of the walls
spreading in the 13 ward Assembly rooms. He also spoke of selling
some land to Jennings or Lawrence also of settling the bucket Factory
Bills it has rained a good Deal to day

~ Friday

29 I spent most of the day in the office

~ Saturday

30. I spent most of the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowm[en]ts
to 45 persons

~ Sunday

31st Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I did not dress. I
attended meeting at the Tabernacle. G. A. Smith Preached in the
Morning & W. Woodruff in the afternoon followed by President Young
The Eastern Mail came in I examined some papers in the evening

~ Monday

April 1st I spent the day in the office hearing the Nauvoo Battle read
The Eastern Pony Express arived I heard it read in the President
also a letter from Capt Hooper. He said He had presented

Page 129


A List of names of the inhabitants of Utah to the senate of the
United State
to fill the offices of this Territory. He presented Brigham
for Govornor

~ Tuesday

2 We have quite a rainy day I set out some Apple trees & Apricotts
I bought 2 Bunches of shingles of Solomon Angels for Brother Sayers
I spent the afternoon in the office

~ Wednesday

3 I visited Brother Deramas school in the forenoon with Robert
& Brother Heber C. Kimball Oil mill in the afternoon
He made some 9 gallons of oil from the flax seed to day, it is quite
a victory to get an Oil mill in successful operation in this Territory
I spent several hours in the office I received 2 letters one from
A folded letter/box Capt Wm H. Hooper & one from Lorenzo Snow

~ Thursday

4 A vary stormy Night & morning we have had a storm most of the
time for two weeks it is vary cold & unplesant weather I spent most of
the day in the office.

~ Friday

5 I went into my field & set some posts & fixed my fence.

~ Saturday

6th The General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints met this morning in the Tabernacle of the Lord in Great Salt
Lake City
. Orson Hyde called the meeting to order before the presidency
got there which was a little before the time of 10 oclok President Young showed
us this was wrong that He was the president of the Church & we should have
waited for him to have opened the meeting it did not Enter the mind of
any of the Twelve but what it was right at the Time Lorenzo Snow opened
by Prayer E. T. Benson spoke followed by Presidents D. H. Wells H. C. Kimball
& B. Young in the fore noon. In the afternoon offices voted for then
John Taylor Isaac Morley & G. A. Smith Preached. In the evening the High
& Bishops met at the 13th ward assembly rooms. The Bishops made
there reports of the teams going East for the poor reported all ready & the
grain tithing in various parts of the country reported President Young
spoke to the people upon various subjects said we should want to take
East flour for 1000 of our Emigration 200 lbs Each making 200,000 lbs
He also spoke upon the subject of thieveing He called upon the Bishops
to clens their wards of all thieves to cut them off from the Church
& from the Earth. He spoke in grate plainness

~ Sunday

7. Sunday we got the Eastern Mail, this morning I attended meeting at
the Tabernacle Lorenzo Snow H C. Kimball & B Young spoke in the forenoon

Page 130

In the afternoon President Brigham Young spoke to the people in the
spirit & power of God upon Principle He spoke upon the subject of
the Patriarchal Marriage He said if a man took more than one
Keys crossed wife upon the principle of passion instead of principle it will prove
a curse instead of a Blessing if a woman is sealed to a good man
she should be satisfied & attend to her own business & let her husband
alone & not be watching him all the time women are sealed to men
to bring forth children & not to gratify passion & much was said upon
this subject when he closed, He called upon Capt Jefferson Hunt to
speak He made a good deal of music for the people. I met with the
all the Presidency & O. Hyde, G. A. Smith L Snow & W Woodruff of the Twelve
in the Prayer circle. L. Snow Prayed & G A Smith was Mouth at
the close of Prayers Joseph A. Young came into the room & informed
President Young that what remains could be found of George A Smith jr
had Just arived by Jacob Hamblin consisting of a part of the scull ^&^ thigh
bones, they were brought into George A. Smiths House Before leaving the
circle room President Young said I want to say a few words to Brother
Orson Hyde At the opening of this general conference I was there
one minute before the time, & Brother Hyde had opened the conference
had prayers & singing & I must say I was mortified I am the presid[en]t
of the whole Church & it is my place to preside at a general
conference. did you ever know me [to] step foreward in the days of Joseph
& take his place & open a General Conference without he directed me
to do it, or did you ever know me interfere with the rights of any
man No you have not. I should have waited an hour after the
time before I should have opened the conference but Brother Hyde
opened it before the time & he has served me the same several
times and I dont want to see it any more. Elder Orson Hiyde
said it never Entered my heart that I was doing wrong several
who were president [present] said it was 10 oclok & asked me to open the conference
& I ownly done it to open the way for you. Brother George asked me this
Noon to open the conference & I told him No for I had heard that
you was not pleased about it G A Smith said I did ask him & it
did not Enter into my heart but what all was right. Brother Hyde
said He would remember it for the future, I do not think any
one of the Twelve thought of it. President Young said Now I will

Page 131

ask all of you, how would you feel if you had a work to do which
God & the heavens held you responsible for & just as you was about to
step forth to do it another man should rise up & take it out of your hands
Before the people as though you was not qualifyed to Do it or& was neg-
lecting your duty you would not like it you would feel schagrined
and so did I. Now we can see by this how easy it is for a man
to walk into a mud hole when they think they are walking on solid ground
then let us all profit by this example & be careful that we do not
interfere with the rights of others. We then went over to Presid[en]t
Youngs and spent the evening we heard the Poney from the East read it
was up to the 1st of April

~ Monday

8. I began to sow carrotts in my garden I spent the day in the office
Journalizing I spent the Evening at the Theater

9In company with G. A. Smith I ordained Anne Vander Woude
to the office of a seventy & Blessed him & set him apart as the first
missionary to Holland He is a native of Holland, & is set apart ofto that la
go to that land upon a mission

~ Tuesday

9th I set out some abovut 1000 grape cuttings to root this morning and I
done this in the midst of a severe snow storm we had a hard snow storm
which lasted till 1 oclok I had a visit in the afternoon From Father Smith
& Sister Whitney, also Sisters Eliza & Zina Young Sisters Pierce, Free &
Bigelow Young also Lorenzo Snow I wrote a letter to Elder Erastus Snow
A hand pointing to the right & sent him a copy of a letter to J. M. Bernhisel about Cooks
portible Evaporator

~ Wednesday

10th I spent the day in the office writing I wrote a Letter to Azmon
A hand pointing to the right Woodruff in answer to one he sent me I showed him the difference
between the faith of the Latter Day Saints & the Millerites concerning
the coming of Christ I gave him some account of my circumstances
situation & Family the production of the soil &c

~ Thursday

11 I rode to Wights Fort to visit a cattle Drive But I found more
men than cattle, it was quite a cold day rode 30 miles

~ Friday

12 The Pony came in last night was read in the presidents office there
seemed some prospect of war betwen the North & South. The great animal
drive came off to day over 2000 cattle were drove together & several
Hundred head of Horses and a large congregation of people and there
were a continual scene of pelmell of men & Beast all day, ma[n]y found

Page 132

their stray cattle I was vary weary at night

~ Saturday

13 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endow[me]nt House the Eastern
Mail came in

~ Sunday

14 I met with my Quorum in the morning and attend meeting at the
Tabernacle Elders D. H. Wells & G. A. Smith & President B. Young preached in the
morning. President Kimball & W Woodruff in the afternoon followed By
President Young. At 6 oclok all the Presidency & W. Woodruff & G. A. Smith
met in the prayer circle. President Young Prayed G A Smith was mouth

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

15, , , & 18. Spent the time in making fence

~ Friday

19 I ploughed & sowed some Poland Oats, & Miller Oats

~ Saturday

20 I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House, in the Evening I drove up to
a stone carrall on the mountain abo[v]e the Hot spring & left a waggon
Box for Moroni to sleep in & herd his sheep for a time on the mount[ai]n

~ Sunday

21 I met with my Quorum in the morning at the Historians office I
^[FIGURE]^ found on the Table A Deseret Extra News containing the latest
pony dispatch which says that war has commence, Charleston
Batteries opened fire upon Fort Sumpter at 4 oclok on the 12 April 1861
and fired 2000 shot & shell into the Fort in about 24 Hours & Anderson
siurrendered the Fort on the 13 April. The Fort much Damaged
two magazenes Blown up some 3 or 4 wounded on Both sides but
no one killed this is the commencement of the war at South Carolina
in fulfillment of the Revelation given through Joseph Smith the
Prophet in 1832 [Doctrine and Covenants 87]. I attended the meeting at the Tabernacle John
Preached followed By President Young in the forenoon
Jacob ^G.^ Bigler John D. Chase, & Parley P. Pratt in the afternoon followed
by President Young At the close of the meeting, The Presidency, Twelve
& Missionaries all met at the Historians Office There were present
B Young H. C. Kimball D. H. Wells & W. Woodruff J Taylor & G. A. Smith
of the Twelve. President Young & Kimball W. Woodruff & J. Taylor
laid hands upon the Heads of Nine of the Missionaries & blessed
them & set them apart to go upon their missions President Young
Blessed P. P. Pratt & George W. Grant & gave them each a great Blessing
said they should become greater than there Fathers at the close of
the blessing President Young instructioned the missionaries in vary plain
term Joseph Young & A. P. Rockwood ordained P P Pratt to the
office of a Seventy. President Young spoke of his being ordained as a

Page 133

President of one of the Seventies. President Brigham Young in his instructions
to the missionaries said now I want you to remember what I say to
you, now take care that you do not get to sleep & let the devil take the
advantage of you. You may do that in an hour that you cannot rega-
in through all Eternity. Now you have great priviliges & nothing
A crown but the attainment of the Throne of a God is worth the attainment of
a Saints of God. your privliges are great what is the privilege of
the wicked they want the privilege to get drunk to Hore it & kill each
other is this a privilege no more than it would be to stick your
hand into a Burning stove. We have the privilege of living to all
Eternity and Enjoying Eternal life forever, while the wicked want
to kill his Neighbor. Now I want to say to you all quit your covetous-
ness, and whether you have little or much give it to bring the poor
to Zion and let the women alone, or it will prove a curse to you
Here is George Grant has no wife now let him not think of
a wife untill He gets back, this corting women while you are
abroad upon a mission is a miserable business, I would not give
shucks for an Elder who cannot go on a mission & keep clean & come
back clean. now remember that. I have spent my Early life
without women. your integrity before the Lord is worth evry thing
many Elders go out get to sleep & do wrong and they come back
and are good for Nothing & never will be they will do no good
I want you to go & come back right I Expect this off you God
Expects it off you and now go & do right

President Kimball said, now take the bees for an Example when they
go out of the hive they go to make Honey they do not make any
bees while they are gone but they wait untill they come back to
the Hive you should go & do likewise Now do as President Young has
told you and God will bless you and you will come back
like a child innocent. G. D. Grant made a few remarks
President Young said the Elders should take means with them to carry
them on there Journey to there field of Labor. He said $100 would
carry a man comfortable to England He spoke of his Travels with
Brother Kimball East the Lord gave them money. He said that He
got a letter from Capt Wm H Hooper who said that no appoint[me]nts
had been done for Utah. The Utah Merchants were writing to

Page 134


Washington to Block up Hoopers way they want to get Harris
Elected Govornor and all Gentiles officers. He said He was
satisfied that if they were fi not fighting us they would
Each other they would fight us Bennet of the Herald
advised Hooper to recommend to Utah to orge organize an independant
state government if the president did not give us our own officers
He said we should have many to sustain us in it. In speaking of
the war in the United States President Young said the North would
find much treachery among there armies Anderson is playing a
a deep game, and his fight at Sumpter is all a sham he will try
to get influence in the North untill He can get the command of
an armey to deliver to the South and many play this game
The Nations would like to use us up but they cannot do it

~ Monday

22 I attended a surgical operation at 11 oclok today Dr Anderson
cut out a fleshy tumor near the armpit of Sister Daniel Thomas
near the size of a tea cup, she was under the influence of cloriform
I spent most of the day in the office

~ Tuesday

23 I went to Fort Harriman to day with Wilford 25 m[iles]

~ Wednesday

24. I ploughed one Acre in the field at Fort Harriman & sowed 3
3 Bushels of oats I visited some of my stock in the evening

~ Thursday

25 I returned back to G. S. L. City to day it was exceding wind 25 m[iles]

~ Friday

26 It is vary cold to day. I read the last pony dispatch which goes to
show that the United States North & South are going to war in
Earnest the Confederate States are raising some 75000 men as is
also the Northern States I called at Presidents Youngs office & took
some Notes of the company going East to bring the Saints there is over
200 waggons started East drawn by 4 yoke of oxen Each they carry
150000 lbs of flour to feed the Emigration on the road they have four
captains Joseph W. Young Ira Eldridge Joseph Horn & John R. Murdock
Each carrying a letter of Instructions to govern him on the trip

~ Saturday

27 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowm[en]ts to some 35 persons I spent the afternoon in the office
Journalizing. The Pony Express arived at 8 oclok P.M. I herd it
read at President Youngs office it was vary interesting. The Massachu-
usetts troops were attacked By the citizens of Baltimore 3 soldiers
killed & 11 citizens civil war has commenced there has many

Page 135


rail road Bridges Been burned to stop the Northern Army from
gathering at Washington and much excitement prevails throughout
the whole country. Gov Cummings & Mr Bell was in when the message
was read the Govornor looked sober

~ Sunday

278 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I did not dress
I went to visit Hosea Stout who had been sick nigh unto death but
He was now getting better I read to him the Extra containing the last
poney Dispatch, which He was glad to hear I attended meeting in
the Tabernacle all day Brother Heywood spoke in the morning Wm W Clayton
read the Morning Extra of D News containing the last Poney, this was
followed by John Taylor. In the afternoon Lorenzo D. Young Preached
followed by President Brigham Young who spoke plainly concerning
those who had fostered our Enemies and called upon all the people
to Form themselves into a committee of the whole to put down stealing
stop it if you have to stop the breath of the theives. Presidents Young &
D. H. Wells also W. Woodruff John Taylor & F. D. Richards of the Twelve
met at the Historians office to Bless some missionaries but it was
omitted untill tomorrow night at 6 oclok. President Young said that
He prayed for both parties in the States that they might both prevail
He said if Virginia & Maryland should Join together they would
soon take Washington. The South are better prepaired & much
faster than the North are. Lincoln has taken a course to rather
keep the North back. But the curse of God will be upon the
Nation and they will have Enough of it the rulers possess no
Power in the Land, they have persecuted the Saints of God
and the rulers would do nothing for us but all they could against
us and they will now get their pay for it. In speaking of
Governor Cummings President Young said He had done us good
He had stood between us & the army But the Lord had made
him do it. But He was united with the armey untill Col Kane
visited him when he first came here He was not going to the
army but I told him to go & to follow the same spirit that brought
him out here He done so he went to the armey, & brought in Gov.
Cummings The Govornor & Col Johnson was at swords points from
that time. The question was asked what we would do if the
President sent Secretary Harris hiere as Govornor would we

Page 136

not also cecede. President Youndg said No, we will keep
our records clean we shall want to compare records by &
by & we want to show on our part that we are right all the
time. If the boys were all right they ought to piss such a man
as Harris out of the country or whittle him out yet if we subm
submit to such mean things put upon us by the governm[en]t we shall
get our reward and they will get therirs it is better for us to
submit to those things which are unplesant than for us to do wrong
& for all the oppression they put upon us God will bring them into
Judgment. In speaking of the war it is said that the South
threaten to burn the Northern cities the North can play at that
Game also the ownly difficulty that I can see is there are
so many traiters in the North

~ Monday

29 It is warmer to day it has been vary cold for more than
a week. I spent the fore noon making gates, and the afternoon
in the office Journalizing I wrote a letter to My daughter Phebe
yesterday. All the Preseidency met at the Historians office
W. Woodruff & F. D. Richards of the Twelve was also present
Warren Stone Snow was Blessed By President Young who gave him
a vary good Blessing Brother Kimball also Blessed Br George
& gave him a good Blessing. In speaking of Geneol-
ogy & History President Young said I care so little about it in my
feelings & spirit that as far as I am concerned that I should
not make more than one page of History. Still I like to see such
things got up Joseph would tell more in one hour about Geneology
than the world can in a year He was particular about such
things much more so than I am but I expect He will be with
us. I expect if I live to be 80 years old I am in hops to have
some of the wisdom that Moses Had. He spoke of a remark
that He made in the 13 ward about Harris being sent here as Governor
He also said to Brother Kimball I took the liberty to curse those who
will still sustain our Enemies

~ Tuesday

30th It is growing warmer President Young had an Appletree set in the streets
in the midst of a groop of Box Elder He set out a Spitzenburgh Apple

~ Wednesday

May 1st A pleasant morning I spent the day in the office. The Poney
arived at 7 'oclok APM the News was vary warlike all through the country

Page 137

Both North & South were gathering large armies and preparing for war
the Banks & rich men throughout the whole contry were consecrating
there millions of Dollars to sustain the war. The Nation has persecuted
the Saints of God & made them consecrate there all & flee from place to
to place to save their lives and now it is there turn, the Lord has said
An arrow He would vex the Nation and he will suredly do it Civil war has
begun in Earnest & it will go on untill the will of God is done all they have
sought to bring upon us will come to pass upon them.

~ Thursday

2 The Deserett News Extra came out this morning containing the poney
of last Evening I spent most of the day in the office I called
upon President Young He gave me an invitation to take a trip south
with him A folded letter/box I received a Letter from Capt Gibson containing some
scraps upon Brigham Young in Calafornia papers. He also wrote a
long letter to President Young which President Young gave me to read
in the evening

~ Friday

3 I tied up my grape vines this morning my Apple & Peach orchard
are all in Bloom the frost has killed all my Apricott fruit this
season & I think some of the peaches. I spent a part of the day in
the office

~ Saturday

4 I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House giving Endowm[en]ts I was
quite unwell I spent the afternoon at [blank] The Pony Dispatch arived at 7 oclk
containing the News of the gathering of Armies North & South

~ Sunday

5. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning in the prayer
I attended meeting in the Tabernacle John Taylor Preached
in the morning followed by W. W. Phelps. Brother Budge spoke in the
afternoon followed By President Young I met at the Historians office a
short time then went to Brother Smoots

~ Monday

6 A cold morning I spent most of the day planting my Garden
I planted, Cucumbers, Mellons, squashes, peas, Beenes, corn, & a variety
of other seeds

~ Tuesday

7 G. A. Smith went to Farmington & President Young went to Mill
Creek ward to hold a meeting I spent the day at Home

~ Wednesday

8 I went onto the mountain above the Hot spring & visited my flock of
sheep and altered 30 Buck lambs most of which are Merino. I then
went down to the Jerdon to find a place to wash my sheep, & visited
my grass lot

Page 138

~ Thursday

May 9th 1861

A cool morning, Wilford went to Fort Herriman & took Emma to
attend the cowse. The Poneyy came in last Evening and I read the Extra
this morning, it was vary warlike. 1000 was reported killed at the taking
of Fort Sumpter while they reported none killed I spent most of the
day at home

~ Friday

10th A plesant morning I spent the day in the office in the fore part of the
day I attended an invitation party at Brother Blackhurst at 4 oclok P.M.
with Elder John Taylor & G. A. Smith & family

~ Saturday

11 I spent the forepart of the day in the Endowment House. The Pony
arived at 4 oclok P.M. News was vary warlike large Armies
gathering for Battle it looks as though Blood would soon be shed

~ Sunday

12 Sunday I met with my prayer circle this morning A. O. Smoot
Prayed I was mouth. I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Presid[en]t
Young Prayedeached in the morning. President Kimball in the afternoon followed
By John Taylor & W. Woodruff. We met at the Historians Office at
1/2 past 5 oclok & ordained 4 men to the High Priesthood & High Councillers
of this Stake of Zion. President Young Blessed Brother Long Brother Kimball
Blessed Brother [blank] John Taylor Blessed Brigham Young jr W Woodruff
Blessed Howard Spencer we ordained them High Priest & High Councellors
when I had done ordaining Howard Spencer BPresid[en]t Young said yay &
I ordain you to kill evry scoundrel that seeks your life & when
you come across such men use them up

~ Monday

13 I spent the day at home preparing to go away on my Southern Jour[ne]y

14 I spent the forepart of the day at home A report is in circulation
to day that a man shot John D. Lee dead and Delivered himself
up to the Deputy Sheriff & was brought to this city yesterday the ^the report was fals^

^the^ (13) May I preached a short funeral sermon at Bishop Sheets upon
the death of his wife who died on Saturday night

~ Tuesday

14th I called at the office oin the afternoon of the 14 & wrote some in
my Journal

~ Wednesday

15 Wednesday I started in the morning for a Journey south with
President Young & company I swent in company with Ezra Clark
Our company consisted of 48 Men, 14 women, 2 children, 23
carriages, 21 Horses & 42 Mules. This company was led by President
Young & Wells, followed by John Taylor W. Woodruff & G A Smith
of the Twelve and the Mayor A. O. Smoot & many other officers

Page 139


We rode to American Fork & spent the night President Young
stoped at Bishop Harringtons I stoped at Brothe Bourns

we had a meeting at 4 oclok at the New Tabernacle to dedicate it
it was a good House & well finished off not a quarter could get in so
we held a meeting out of Doors. G. A. Smith opened By Prayer
President Young then spoke to the people (G. D. Watt reported the sermon)
President Young was followed by D. H. Wells & Joseph Young. We then went
into the Meeting House which was about 35 by 50 feet it was filled full
mostly by the Priesthood President Young then gave some instruction
upon the subject of Prayer He then offered the dedication Prayer which
included all things to ask for iupon such occasions

~ Thursday

16 We drove to Springville arived at half past 12 oclok. we held a meeting
at the Tabernacle at half past 3 oclok. President Young spoke to the people
in Springville upon the subject of the dealings of the people with Bishop A
. He sustained Bishop Johnson in his course, at the close of the
Meeting we drove to Springville and held a meeting in the evening
and President Young & John Taylor preached

~ Friday

17. We drove to Nephi or Salt Creek and held a meeting. D. H. Wells
Joseph & Brigham Young, & W. Woodruff preached. George W Bryan
was ordained a Bishop under the Hands of W. Woodruff John Taylor
& Bishop Hunter. The company at this point consisted of 64 souls
including 48 men, 14 women & 2 children with 23 carriages 21 Horses & 42 Mules

~ Saturday

18 We drove to Round Valley & John Taylor preached to the people
I was sick with a severe cold on my lungs & so horse I could
not speak loud.

~ Sunday

19 Sunday we drove to Fillmore & held a meeting Presidents
Young & D. H. Wells preached followed by John Taylor, A. O. Smoot
E. D. Woolley & E. Hunter President Youngs address was upon the
Resurrection of the Dead. He said that some had thought that those
who had lived in former dispensations would be raised first but
this not the case Joseph Smith will be the first man raised & he
will raise his Friends & ordained them to raise those of there friends
who had been Faithful. G. D. Watt reported. I was a bed taking a
cold water pack for the sore throat & cold upon the Lungs

~ Monday

20. President Joseph Young returned home from Fillmore The rest

Page 140

of the company proceded to Cove Creek 35 miles

~ Tuesday

21. We drove to pine Creek & on to Bever whare we held a
meeting at 4 oclok President Young preached followed By G D Grant
D H Wells G. D. Watt, John Taylor & E D Woolley

~ Wednesday

22nd Bever contains 100 families & a good deal of Business
We drove to Parowan arived at 3 oclok. we held a meeting in
Paraw the Tabernacle President Young Preached followed by John
W Woodruff & E. Hunter

~ Thursday

23. I saw Ow-wan-nop the Pied captain of the country

President Brigham Young steped into the House of G. A. Smith &
gave a short sermon, but vary powerful. He rebuked the
speculators among us vary sharply those who are trading
with the Armey & Gentiles & still profess to be saints. some
remarks I herd at the close, as I was not in at the Begining
^ A single key with teeth to the left^ He said I marvel at the patience I have had with such men
Here is B. F. Stewart & his Brother & hundreds of others I could
name Bishop Warren is another. They are a stink in my norstrials
they will trade with our Enemies and sustain them and they
would let in all Hell upon us for a few dimes they would
like to open a gold mine, Esstablish whiskey & Hore shops or
do any thing for Money & be hail fellows well met with these
Damned curses, they would cut my throat if they had
the power. But I will live to see them Damned & in Hell
and these Stewarts & Hanks & your Bishop are among us
as Saints, and we take them by the hand and call them
Brother, But I have no more fellowship for them than I have
for the Devils in hell, and I curse them in the name of
Jesus Christ, and the curse of God shall rest upon them
from this hour, and they will see the day they will be glad to
lick up the dust of the feet of the meanest Saint in the celesti-
al Kingdom
of God. Such men are not worth Hall room
and the curse of Almighty God shall rest upon them.
At the close of his remarks He got into his carriage &
drove to Cedar 18 miles arived about 12 oclock. We held
a meeting President Young spoke upon the same subject that
He did in the morning. He spoke with power, he spoke of the

Page 141

Evils which exist in not following his council in our dealing with
the armey and gentiles if he had had his way the army would have
paid well for what they got in Utah, but as it was they had evry
thing brought to there door & some that call themselves Saints almost
worship them for a few dimes. He was followed by D. H. Wells &
W. Woodruff & John Taylor who spoke in great plainness. Another
Meeting was held in the Evening when E D Woolley W. Woodruff & George
preached. I stoped with Brother Steel.

~ Friday

24 We drove 28 miles south west to Pinto Valley the commencem[en]t of
the Mountain Meadows this place contains six family, ten men eight Houses
a good grazing country there are two good dairies kept & a flock of
300 goats & 600 sheep. There is 50 Acres of good mowing land of
wide Blade grass & red top, some 5 miles North.

~ Saturday

25 A crown A vary cold morning much Ice on the creek I wore my great
coat & mittens. We visited the Mountain Meadow Monum[en]t put
up at the burial place of 120 persons killed by Indians in 1857. The
pile of stone was about 12 feet high, but begining to tumble down a
wooden cross was placed on top with the following words
Vengence is mine and I will repay saith the Lord President Young said it should be
Vengence is mine and I have taken a little

A stone at the botton bore the following Inscription
120 Men, women, & children, murdered in cold Blood early in Sept. 1857
From Arkansaw. And on the other side south is a slab
Erected by company K. 1st Dragoons May 1859. Most of those
killed were buried some distance North in a hollow & not at that
mounment. We left & drove down the canyon and in a few hours
ride we passed over the rim of the Bason about 15 miles south of the
Mountain Meadow Monum[en]t we came to a vary choice wilfd fruit
on Bushes about 4 feet high about the size of a crambury the flavor
when ripe is betwen a crambury & strawbury they are not ripe untill
Oct some of this fruit also grows betwen Tokerville & pocketville
the ownly places I have seen it in Utah, or in the world, it has a
small prickery leavesf resembleing the Southern Live oak. We soon
came to warm weather so we had to strip to our shirt sleeves
the coulor of the above fruit was yellow but when ripe deep red
we past gunlock fort & camped for the night distance 35 miles

Page 142

~ Sunday

May 26, 1861

We travelled down the Santa Clara on the Calafornia road untill
we came to Jacobs Twist here we left the Calafornia road & passed
through "Jacobs Twist" & on to Santa Clara settlem[en]t arived at Noon
This is the most southern settlem[en]t in Utah distance from G. S. L. City
330 Miles Except the Tonaquaint 8 miles south East at the Junction
of the Santa Clara with the Rio Venirgen which is the most southern
settlement of this Territory. We held two meetings it being Sunday
President Young G A Smith D. H. Wells, J. Taylor & E Hunter, preached
This days travel was through a rough country Jacobs Twist would
be Easily defended against an Enemy, as few could get into it at a time
and it twists like an augor. The uper strata is Black Iron rock
the under strata red. I would think Nothing would grow but
the cacktus was 3 or 4 feet high 2 or 3 feet across the top and
other herbage & flours scattered along the road & side Hills
The Santa Clara settlem[en]t is a vary fertile Botton although it is
a bed of sand. The brethren have some vary fine orchards and
vineyards which we visited it was Judged that they would raise
1000 bushels of peaches the present year Jacob Hamblin will have
500 bushels. Brother Walter E Dodge has a fine orchard & vineyard
containing Apples, peaches, apricott, nectaerines, plums, pears quinces
almonds Figs English walnuts gooseburies curants and cataba
Isabella & Calafornia grapes all in a thrifty & promising condition
the cotton crop looked well I stoped at Brother Dodge He kept a good
house set a good [blank] had a Neat, smart, fine wife. Santa Clara
27contains 30 families 34 Men & 30 Houses 250 Acres in cultivation
more than half of the men had gone into the Hills to summer
there Flocks. Elder Isaac Chase Died to night Aged 69 years

~ Monday

27 Father Woodruff has been sick for several days to day He
is failing. We drove to Tonaquint, 8 miles and held a meeting
W Woodruff, J. Taylor L. W. Stewart E Hunter & Presidents Wells
& B Young Preached to the people. This place contains 12 families, the
Botton is 1/2 mile wide 6 miles long and good land. at the clo[s]e of
the meeting we drove to Washington the county seat of washington
We held a meeting when President Young A. O. Smoot E. D. Woolley
& John Sharp preached. At the close of the meeting a woman spoke to Presid[en]t
Young who had made all the clothing for 4 ye[a]rs for her family of 12. Presid[en]t Young
gave her 10 sheep for her industry

Page 143

~ Tuesday

May 28 1861

A coffin Aphek Woodruff My Father Aphek Woodruff Died at 1 'oclok P.M.
Aged 82 years 6 month, & 17 days He was able to labor most of the time
untill within a few days of his death he complained several times of
faint turns before I started on my visit South. I being absent from
Home could not be with him in his sickness death and burial. He was
sick about 3 or 4 days He sat in his chair a few minutes befor he
died. He asked to be laid upon his bed, and in a few moments he fell
asleep without a groan or a sigh like a candle going out, every thing was
done for him in his sickness, death, & burial, that could be done. I should
have been pleased to have been with him in his last moments but it was ordered
otherwise and all was right

[rest of page blank]

Page 144
Page 145

We travelled to day over a vary heavy road of sand. We found by the way
side a new species of reptile a kind of sand Hill Alegater or Crockadile
the body was about 15 inches in length the tail 6 inches, built like the
Lizzard family but covered with scales & a tough skin the scales were
of Dimond shape & of a Bright yellow colorur about 8 inches in circumfere[nce]
a head the shape of a rattle snake & similar fangs he got over the ground
vary slow, walking on 4 legs like an Alegater. We travelled to Tokerville
and held a meeting and President Young, McCullough S. L. Sprague George
& G. A. Smith preached. At Toquerville pocketvill & Graften
the people use Ising glass for windows they make a vary good substitute for glass

~ Wednesday

29. Wednesday passing over a vary rough country through narrow
Defiles and rugged canyons called Strattons Augor & Johnsons Screw
we arived at pocketville at 9 oclok Held a meeting President Young spoke
we then drove to Grafton 6 miles crossed the virgen 4 times we held a
meeting at Grafton D. H. Wells, W. Woodruff J Taylor & President
Young spoke. we arived at Grafton at 11 oclok traveled 14 miles
we here met Philip K Simith who had settelled 3 miles abo[v]e
Grafton with 5 others & called the place Adventure they say by
making 40 rods of fence at the mouth of the canyon they can
Enclose 7000 Acres so that Nothing can get out or in we did not
visit this place. This country from Tokerville to Adventure is the
best place to hide up women & children and defend them in time of
war for no army could get into those pockets & openings if there was
a few men to oppose them. After taking dinner we returned by
the route we came, back to Toquerville and had a vary rough days
ride making 28 miles

~ Thursday

30. We drove to 2nd Harmony or J. D. Lees Fort arived 20 minuts
past 1 oclok. President Young gave the plan of this fort it is 200 feet
square J. D. Lee built a House the whole length of the south side of it in[clu]ding
a meeting room & Theater. He spent about $30,000 dollars &
now the roof was all falling in, & it was Entirely deserted except
by J. D. Lee & family & one other man J. D. Lee had at this point
6 wives, 26 children, 10 Hiered men total 42 souls He was about
to abandon the place for the want of water. We held a meeting
President Young & Wells spoke to the people

Page 146

~ Friday

May 31, ^1861^

We returned to Cedar City & held a meeting John Taylor
& D. H. Wells Preached. We partook of a sumptuous dinner
about 50 persons sat down to the Table. Another Express arived
late last ningh [night].

~ Saturday

June 1. We drove to parawan but before starting we gathered in
to the social Hall to hear the Express read I here for the first
time herd of the death of my Father

~ Sunday

2nd Sunday we held two meetings in Parawan Tabernacle
there was a large congregation Presid[en]t Young & J Taylor spoke
in the forenoon & in the afternoon D. H. Wells W Woodruff & B.
Young. this made 17 times that president Young had spoken

~ Monday

3. We drove over a vary rough road to minersville 35 M[iles].
we held a meeting & President Young & Wells Preached
Minersvill contains 26 Men 26 families 30 Houses 500
Acres of Land in cultivation

~ Tuesday

4. We visited the lead mines I went down to the mines
we brought away many specimins of oars we then drove to
Bever whare we partook of a sumptuous dinner then
drove 6 miles to Indian Creek & camped for the night on
the 5th

~ Wednesday

We dined at Corn Creek whare there was 6 families
7 men 5 Houses 40 Acres in cultivation we camp for the night
at Meadow Creek 8 miles south of Fillmore 43 3/4 miles

~ Thursday

6 We drove to Filmore took breakfast in various parts I took
Breakfast at Brother Holebrooks. We drove to Cedar Springs then
to round valley whare we met the Express. we drove to the severe
whare we found some 20 lodges of the Yampah Utes who had
100 Horses we watered & drove on not wishing to camp with
them so we drove on to Chicken Creek & camped 50 miles

~ Friday

7. We drove 18 miles to Salt Creek toook breakfast & drove to pason
25 miles & dined then drove to Spanish Fork & camped for the
night. I spent the night with Brothe Day & faught bed bugs 50 mils

~ Saturday

8th We took breakfast at Springville it rained in the morning
we took dinner at American Fork and we arived at G. S. L. City
at 6 oclok distance of the day 62 mile we have drove wary hard
for the last 3 days we had mud & water in the road all day
whole distance of the Journey going & returning 728 Miles

Page 147

~ Sunday

June 9 ^1861^

Sunday I spent the day watering my garden

~ Monday

10 I called at the office but spent most of the day in the garden

~ Tuesday

11. I spent the day in the gardieng Hoeing & pruning

~ Wednesday

12. I spent most of the day in the garden but wrote some in the office

~ Thursday

13 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to Ozem Woodruff Azmon Woodruff & I. F. Carter
I spoke of the death of Father Woodruff

~ Friday

14 I spent the fore part of the day in the garden. I attended the funeral of the
wife of Wm E. Edington I addressed followed the people followed by John
& Joseph Young. In conversation with G. A. Smith President Young said
He intended to called all the Elders Home from the United States in consequence
of the war raging through the land

~ Saturday

15 I spent the day at home in the garden

~ Sunday

16. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting at
the Tabernacle all day. President Young spoke upon the subject of the medical Faculty
dealing with the sick, midwifery, surery, &c the evils which arise from
malpractice of Doctors He was followed by Broth Kimball & Joseph
in the forenoon & Joseph Young H. C. Kimball & B Young in in the afternoon

~ Monday

17 I spent the day in my garden

~ Tuesday

18 [FIGURE] I broke sumthing in my right breast it seemed as though
sumthing gave way in the right Lung which gave me much pain all day
I herd History read in the fore noon & lay a bed in the afternon. One of D H.
teamsters by the name of Bullock was kicked by a mule & broke his Jaw

~ Wednesday

19. I still have pain in my breast & not able to do much I spent the day in the office

~ Thursday

20th I spent most of the day in the office reading

~ Friday

21 President Young Heber C. Kimball W. Woodruff Joseph A. Brigham jr
& John Young, Joseph Simons, John T. Caine & David Kimball started
this morning for Springville I road with Brother Kimball. we star[ted]
about 7 oclok we drove to American Fork & dined then we drove to
Springvill & spent the night J. V. Long was with us, G. A. Smith had gone ^before^ 55 miles

~ Saturday

22 We met at the Tabernacle at 10 oclok to attend a 2 days meeting the
meeting opened by singing & prayer by W. Woodruff President Young
spoke to the People follow by President Kimball; & W. Woodruff Presid[en]t
Kimball & Young in the afternoon. we spent the night at Brother Johnsons
we had quite a spirited meeting

~ Sunday

23. Sunday Meeting commenced at 9 oclok we had the poney Express
read this morning, not much of consequence.

Page 148

Sunday Meeting opened by Prayer by James Cummings. President
Young themn called upon J. D. Ross who addressed the Saints followed
By James Ferguson whose hands & armes shook like like a man
with the num palsey He spoke vary well He was followed by G. A.
, H. C. Kimball & President Young, who spoke vary plain upon
the subject of Betraying our Brethren as some had done these He said they
should be cut off from the Church, & not be permitted to again return
untill they had repented in dust & ashes & then dont give them the
priesthood again but let them set back & not take the place of good
men. In the Afternoon we partook of the Sacrament President
Kimball spoke to the people followed by President Young when
He finished speaking a list of Names was read who had signed
a docum[en]t Betraying the brethren & they were all cut off some 16
in number. We here found Brother Thomas B. Marsh quite crazy
He had [been] confined by being chained up He was now better att[end]ed
Meeting He kept his tongue runing like a sFlutter wheel when He
had a chance & the spittle drulling down out of his mouth, this
shows a sample of Apostacy & the Effects of Betraying his
Brethren. The following are the names of the different Devils
which He says are tormenting him he gave the Names as follows

Marrianeuba Anonondo Oie
Harrewansdo Dononvah
Toddewendah Tonanando
Gandesande Annonvah
Sotecalandaco Pluto

when Oie got into him He
would Jerk him around the House
in a dredful manner so that
it almost killed him we
stoped at his house a short time
At the close of the meeting we road to American Fork & preached
in the New Meeting House Presidents Young & Kimball preached foll[ow]ed
by J. V. Long I spent the night with G A Smith at Brother Bourne 18 m[iles]

~ Monday

24 We road to G. S. L. City arived at 11 oclok 35 miles
the whole distance going & returning was 110 Miles
I spent most of the afternoon Hoeing in my garden

~ Tuesday

25 I spent the forenoon Hoeing I spent a part of the day Journalizing

~ Wednesday

26th I spent most of the day in the garden I was in the office
a short time in the evening Journalizing the poney Express
arived at 8 oclok we got the Extra at 3 oclock but little News

~ Thursday

^27^ I spent most of the day in the office gardin a short time in the office
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to Wilard G McMullan

Page 149

~ Friday

28 ^1861^

I spent the day at home was not well A folded letter/box I received a letter from L. Snow

~ Saturday

29 I spent the day in the Endowment House til 1 oclok we gave Endowm[en]ts to
some 45 persons Mostly From Brigham City I spent the afternoon in the office
The poney Express arived 8 minutes to 10 oclok PA.M. We got the Extra at

~ Sunday

30. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I was mouth at the
altar I attended meeting at the Bowery. J. V. Long & W. Woodruff spoke
in the forenoon Albert Carrington, John Taylor F. D. Richards & D
spoke in the afternoon.

~ Monday

July 1. I spent the day making Fence

~ Tuesday

2 I spent most of the day at home

~ Wednesday

3 I spent a part of the day in the office

~ Thursday

4th Keys crossed I spent the day in attending the great celebration of the 4th
in Great Salt Lake City the greatest celebration ever had in this
Teritory see the accounts in the News & Mountaineer

~ Friday to ~ Saturday

5 & 6. I spent the time mostly at home

~ Sunday to ~ Saturday

7th to 13. I spent this week making fence on the North & west of
my Garden

~ Sunday

14th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. I attended meet-
ing at the Tabernacle D. Spenes H C Kimball & B. Young preached
in the afternoon President Young & Kimball & W Woodruff in the afternoon

~ Monday to ~ Friday

15 to 19 I spent the time making fence & drawing Hay.
My Harvest Apples began to get ripe this week the last dispatch
brought word that there had been a great fight in Missouri
& some 1500 killed on both sides

~ Saturday

20th I spent most of the day in the Endowment House

~ Sunday

21 Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle President
Wells spoke ofto the people & called for teams to go to Camp
to bring freight which the Church had bought at
the auction sales they had bought 25 tons of flour at
$50 ten dollars per ton He preached well to the people. I
followed him Joseph Young preached in the afternoon.

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

22 to 25 I spent the time drawing Hay

~ Friday

26th I spent the forenoon watering the garden the afternoon in
the office

~ Saturday

27. I spent most of the day in the Endowment House the poney
arived to day I also received a letter from F. F. Carter

Page 150

~ Sunday

28, ^1861^

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. Brother Mody
Prayed R L Campbell was mouth I attended meeting at the
Tabernacle or Bowery Lorenzo Snow Preached followed by Presid[en]t
Young & Kimball in the forenoon & D H Wells & B. Young in the
afternoon President Young Preached one of the most interesting
discourses ever Delivered to the people it was a sermon of sermons
contained much interesting doctrin, revelation & principle
He said the Lord would not permit him nor any other man to lead
this people astray if the leaders were to do wrong the Lord would
take them away. If an Apostle did not magnify his calling the Lord
would remove him & not permit him to lead the people astray. But I
shall not apostatize you need not any of you look for that for I
had the promise long ago that I should not do that. Neither shall
I go to hell. He also said the Lord was about to Empty the Earth
the men would be destroyed & He should live to see the day when
thousands of women would come to the men of this Church for
salvation one man would have to take thousands to save them
many things were said of interest. In the evening I called
upon Luke Johnson who was sick at Sister Hydes also Orson Pratt Jr
who was afflicted with sore eyes. I was informed that there were
fife theives killed last week in Ogden and other places North

~ Monday

29 I spent the forenoon in the office Journalizing the afternoon at home

~ Tuesday

30th I done some buding to day the first I have done this season
Wilford got home at 11 oclok at night from Bridger He did not
buy much of any thing as they were sold vary high the Brethren
bid against Each other untill most things went up high

~ Wednesday

31st I went up to the office this morning & there learned that
a Man by the name of Caw Croft shot Robert Brown in
a difficulty about the water He died at about 8 oclok & Cawcroft
was taken into custidy by the poliece

~ Thursday

Aug 1st I went to Fort Harriman

~ Friday

2nd I spent the day at Fort Harriman we had a rain

~ Saturday

3rd I returned to G. S. Lake City 40 mils

~ Sunday

4. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning W Woodruff
Prayed A Hinkley was mouth I attended meeting in the Bow[er]y

Page 151

Lorenzo Snow Preached followed by W Woodruff in the forenoon in the
afternoon John Taylor spoke we had a good meeting President Young,
Kimball, G. A. Smith G. D. Watt J. V. Long R. L. Campbell & Lorenzo
Preached in Farmoington & had an immens assembly on sunday
& a good meeting for 2 days

~ Monday

5. Brother Snow & family who had been visiting for a week in this city returned
home to day I spent the day at home

~ Tuesday

6. I spent this day in my Garden wI budded my orchard over today
whare I had been cheated by Charles Oliphant with fals fruit
all of his Jerman sour bough, Early Joe, & Fall Pippen are all one
kind of Apples and a small hard crab he has introduced this fals
fruit all over the city. I also budded 30 sprouts of Apple with an Apple
from Whiting called sweet June. Wilford returned home in the Evening
with his Mules He went up Mill Creek yesterday Morning to Allexan-
An arrow ders mill there was a heavgy shower of rain on the mountains & two
clouds met & burst on the dividing ridge betwen Mill Creek & Big
Cotton wood
Wilford sat upon some slabs eating his dinner on the
bank of the creek, below the mill when he heard a terrible Hollowing
He run up the bank to see what it was, when in a momen[t] a colum of
water 10 feet deep came rushing through the mill carrying away the
dam & a part of the mill & carrying with it a large number of saw logs
timber, & flood wood & sweeping away the slabs upon which Wilford
sat a few seconds before, he was saved from instant death almost
by miracle, this flood went thundering down the canyon carrying
away dams, Mills, Bridges &c Wilford left his wayggon & came home
to day with his mules, the rodes were destroyed the like torrent went
down the Big Cotton wood Canyon destroying the road in its course

~ Wednesday

7 The poney Express arived this morning I herd it read. The war is
going bravely on. It brings word of anoter Battle the Northern [am[oun]t]
is that they had 400 killed, the South 1500 killed & Governor Wice
defeated, & a great preparation for Battle in Missouri

~ Thursday

8. I spent the day making a fence around my garden

~ Friday

9 I went to the office at 10 oclok, & spent a part of the day

~ Saturday

10th I spent most of the day in the Endowm[en]t House I herd the poney Express
read, nothing of Great interest.

Page 152

~ Sunday

Aug 11, ^1861^

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Bishop Hoagland
Prayed. Bishop Hunter was mouth. I attended meeting at the Tabernacle
in the forenoon President Young Preached one of his best discourses
much to edifycation He was followed By President Kimball who spoke
vary well I did not attend meeting in the Afternoon President Young
occupied the afternoon a[t] the close a few remarks from F. D. Richards

~ Monday

12 I spent most of my time at home, a short time in the office
I called in the evening upon Sister Sayers, Phineas Young &
Bishop John Woolley

~ Tuesday

13 I spent the forenoon at home in the garden I spent a short
time in the office I wrote a letter to Phebe A Snow, of Box Elder

~ Wednesday

14 Brother E T Benson called upon me this morning I gave him a quantity
of Buds the Poney arived but brought no dispatch I spent the forenoon
in the office writing & reading the after noon at Home

~ Thursday

15. I spent a part of the day at the office but most of the day at home

~ Friday

16 I spent the day at home fanning up flaxseed oats &c

~ Saturday

17 I spent half a day at the Endowment House & the Evening at
home I had an attack in my right hip with the rheumatism

~ Sunday

18 Sunday I met with my Quorum J Pugmire Prayed J. C. Little
was mouth. I attended meeting all day in the Tabernacle Elder
McConmie Preached in the morning followed by N. V. Jones
Jacob Gates, C. V. Spencer & President Kimball, in the Afternoon
Joseph Young, A Carrington & H C Kimball.

~ Monday

19 I spent the forenoon watering, pruning, Buding, gathering carrot seed
I spent the afternoon in the office writing in Journals & I wrote
A hand pointing to the right a letter to Richard R. Bentley.

~ Tuesday

20 I was not well to day I spent most of the day in the office
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to G. Q. Cannon & mailed it with Brother
Bentley Letter

~ Wednesday

21 The Poney Express arived to day giveing an account of a great
Battle in Missouri 5000 of the Northern Army & 23000 of
the Southern Army. 800 killed of the Northern Army &
some 1500 of the South

~ Thursday

22 Wilford went to Fort Harriman to day I spent a part of the day in
the office & the remainder at home

~ Friday

23 I spent the forenoon at Hoome the afternoon in the office

Page 153

~ Saturday

Aug 24 ^1861^

I spent the day in the Endowm[en]t House till 2 oclok. I then Married
A single key with teeth to the right Orville David Hendrickson & Emma Smith Bolton. The Father Curtis
E. Bolton
, & Adeline Snow the mother of Orville were present & gave
there consent they were married at my house I received a Letter
from Ann Cossett to her sister Betsey. The Poney Express arived
containing important News from the Government

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I was sick & did not attend meeting President Young Preached

~ Monday

26 I was not well to day but I worked some in the garden

~ Tuesday

27 I set out a Bed of strawburies the vicomteese Harricart D Thurry
Also some Victoria & [blank]

I went to the office at 4 oclok. A meeting was Held at the Historians
Office to select a company to go to Uinta Valley Present B Young H. C
& D. H. Wells W. Woodruff & the clerks in the office A list of names
was called over 30 Answered to there Names several wished to be
Excused 3 were excused George Bradley wished to be Excused He has
been one of the main whiskey makers in the Territory. Then President
Young said. If I had called for volunteers on Sunday I could have
got 200 Names but this I did not wish to do I have been requested
many times to permit a settlement in that valley, But I have Never
wished to do it untill now But now I want a settlement there and I
wish to pick my company. The Gentiles will take possession of
that valley if we do not & I do not wish them to have it Anterro
the Cheif of the Pampa Utes wish me to make a settlement there
and I want to say a word to you Brother Braadley I do not wish to
excuse you I want you to go so that you can neither make whiskey
or get it For any man that makes whiskey or Beer is guilty of putting
the cup to his Neighbors Lips and any man that will make whiskey
to sell here would sell the kingdom of God for a pickcayune. I have
shown by my acts what I think of whiskey making. I have the best
still in the Territory and as soon as the Gentiles brought whiskey to
this Territory I laid up my Still & I have not used it and I wish that
all the whiskey that the gentiles brought had been so filled with poison
as to have killed all who drank it I despise the whiskey maker
more than I do the Thieves I have no fellowship for Either if I had
the power I would blow out the Brains of Evry thief in the Territory
yet I would rather a man would steal my ox evry six months

Page 154

Than to ask one of my Family to drink whiskey with him one in
six month the thief is the best man of the two for the whiskey
maker will be of no use when he gets in Hell ownly to tocarry
swill to the Hogs. I would not kill a man who would make & sell
whiskey & destroy the souls of men for dimes for I would consider
myself disgraced for I would want to kill a more descent man
if I killed any body, and any body who will make & sell whiskey
to this people for money ought to be damned and He will be &
& I will tell you Brother Badley that you will welter in Hell
for what you have done and so will all others who have made
& sold whiskey for the dimes Publicans & Harlotts will enter into
the kingdom of God before you, and I mean all I say Cursed
be the man that puteth the cup to his Neighbors Lips Others
remarks were made at the close A vote was taken to adjourn
to President Youngs schoole House at 6 oclok Saturday evening

~ Wednesday

28 The Poney arived at 11 oclok not much News Brother
Kimball spoke of the teaching of President Young last night He sust[aine]d
the same I spent most of the day in the office

~ Thursday

29 I spent the day making fence mostly

~ Friday

30 I spent the day or forenoon in the office

~ Saturday

31 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House The poney
arived at 4 oclok not much News

~ Sunday

Sept 1st Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning
& attended meeting in the Tabernacle all day. N. V. Jones C
V Spencer
, J. Gates & President Young preached in the fore noon
& D. H. Wells in the afternoon followed by President Young He
A single key with teeth to the left delivered one of the plainest discourseds I ever herd him
deliver upon following the fashions of the Gentiles, wearing Hoops,
making & selling whiskey, stealing &c It was a vary plain
strong discourse

~ Monday

2nd I spent the day making fence

~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday

3, & 5 I spent the time mostly in my Garden

~ Friday

6. I spent the day in the Endowment House President Kimball
was unwell & I attended to the sealing at the Altar I sealed 20

~ Saturday

7. I spent this day at the Endowment House I attended to
33 sealings & Brother Kimball 3. We had a double company

Page 155

~ Sunday

Sept 8th ^1861^

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting
at the Tabernacle Elders Orson Pratt & Erastus Snow arived home
yesterday from there mission to the States they both preached to
day Joseph W Young spoke first in the morning gave an account of
his Journey to & From the States He had charge of the 200 Ox
teams sent from this valley to Bring up the poor. He was followed
By Erastus Snow in the morning Orson Pratt in the after noon
President Young & company left this valley for Cash Valley on
Friday the 6th

~ Monday

9th I spent the day in preparing to build a fence on the niorth side
of my lot

~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday

10, & & 12 I spent the time building a 7 foot picket fence the north
side of my lot President Young & company returned home this Evening

~ Friday

13 I spent the fore noon in the Endowm[en]t House Joseph Horns
company arived in the city about noon I went to see them I
also saw the workmen drawing up stone on to the top of the theater
by water. I spent the after noon at home

~ Saturday

14th I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House gave Endow[men]ts
to a company from Box Elders mostly Danes. I went to the presidents
tohen to the Historians office. Milo Andrews company came in
last night & Homer Dunkin company came in last night all well

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle. D. H. Wells & H C.
spoke in the Forenoon & Wm Martindale ^2nd^ H. Dunkan M
& President Young in the afternoon. The Presidency &
Twelve met at the Historians office for Prayer Erastus Snow opened
by Prayer & John Taylor was mouth Elder Orson Pratt did not dress

~ Monday

16th I spent the day at home mostly in my garden

~ Tuesday

17 My sugar Evaporator arived to day I went to the Farm with it
the grate was Broaken I went to the machine shop to get it mended

~ Wednesday

18th I spent the day at home picking Peaches & Apples I spent the evening
at President Youngs.

~ Thursday

19 I spend the day making fence & Buding for G. A. Smith.

~ Friday

20 I spend the forenoon in the Endowm[en]t House I sealed 6 couple at
the altar. The afternoon I spent the afternoon mostly at home at work

~ Saturday

21 I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House all the Presidency were
present I sealed about 20 persons at the Altar I herd a part of the poney read

Page 156

~ Sunday

Sept 22nd 1861

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning J. C. Little Prayed
Hosea Stout was mouth. I attended the meeting at the Tabernacle
G Clements preached in the forenoon upon Home Agricultural, in the afternoon
H. C. Kimball A. Carrington spoke followed by President Young. we met
at 6 oclok aPresident Young D. H. Wells W Woodruff J. Taylor & F. D. Richards
were present President Young prayed D. H. Wells was mouth. We then
went to the 13 ward meeting. Bishop Woolley spoke concerning the
House was followed by President Young who presented us with some
glorious principles He reproved Bishop Woolley for setting his heart
& eaffections upon that House. We should not set our eaffections upon
any thing bug [but] God & his kingdom if the Lord should see a man make
an Idol of any thing the Lord would take that Idol away if the man was
good for any thing & destined to become great. He said if He had a
son that would not be satisfied but must go to Calafornia & would
be froward He would dishonor him & gather unto him children
that would be obedient. He said many good things & was followed
by J. Taylor, W. Woodruff & F. D. Richards

~ Monday

23 We had a rainy day I worked most of the day making fence
I preached a short funeral serman at Brother Jackson who lost
a daughter 3 years old

~ Tuesday

24 I went to my Farm to visit my sugar cane & to prepare my
Cooks portable Evaparator for making molases & sugar. I spoke to
Dr Dunyon concerning Wm Hickman who had accidentally shot
himself the Ball went through his body near the liver He could not
tel whether he would die or not I spent the afternoon at the office

~ Wednesday

25 I gathered 25 Bushels peaches in my orchard to day

~ Thursday

26 I spent the day at home

~ Friday

27. I spent the day in the Endowment House

~ Saturday

28th I spent this day in the Endowment House mostly

~ Sunday

29 I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Orson Pratt preached.
Afternoon Joseph W. Young Heber C. Kimball & D. H. Wells afternoon
the Presidency & 12 met in the Evening at Historians office Erastus
prayed John Taylor was Mouth

~ Monday

30. I went to the farm & put Brick in my Evvaparator

~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday

Oct 1st to 5 I spent this week at work at my Evaporator it did not
work well at first but when I got acquainted with it it done better

Page 157

~ Sunday

Oct 6th 1861

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints minet in the bodug ^bowery^
in a General Conference President B Young John Taylor & H C Kimball
preached in the forenoon. Afternoon Orson Hyde President B Young
Orson Hyde & D. H. Wells. In the evening President Young dedicated
the new addition to the Bowery the whole bowery was rededicated
Edwin D Woolley spoke followed by Phineas H. Young Samuel W Richards
G. D. Watt President B Young

~ Monday

7. Conference met at 10 oclok. President Young made a few remarks when
the Authorities of the Church was taken up presented by John Taylor
& received by the people President H. C. Kimball then spoke to the people
followed by President B Young D. H. Wells & Elder G A Smith

Afternoon Presid[en]t Young spoke followed by E. T. Benson Mark A. Coombs
Isaac Morley followed by a few remarks by Presid[en]t B Young

In the Evening the Bishops held a meeting in the Tabernacle Bishop
E Hunter spoke followed by D. H. Wells songs were sung & the meeting was
dismissed by President Brigham Young

~ Tuesday

Tuesday Oct 8th Conference met in the Bowery at 10 oclok. W. W. Phelps spoke
followed by William H Miles

Keys crossed President Young then Preached a vary interestin discourse upon
the subject of Marriage for time & Eternity G D Watt reported the
discourse. In the Afternoon President Young spoke asked for the rags
of the people to make paper. He was followed by Lorenzo Snow Orson
, H. C. Kimball. The Conference then adjourned till the 6th day of April next

~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday

9 to 12. I spent the time working my Evaporator making a vary
choice artiicle of molasses I attended the Missionary meeting in the Evening

~ Sunday

13. Sunday I met with my Prayer Circle in the morning & attended
Meeting at the Bowery. G. A. Smith & President Young preached
in the afternoon E. D. Woolley & President Young Preached I met with
the Presidency & 12 at the Historians office G A Smith was sick
A Large company was called to go to the Cotton Country
G. A. Smith Had presented most of the names Presid[en]t Young
directed that a letter be written to Oorson Hyde requesting him
to chuse from 30 to 50 families to go south

~ Monday to ~ Saturday

14 to 19. I spent the week making molasses on my Evaporator I made
40 gallons per day upon it & one day 47 gallons it looked like Honey &
tasted a good Deal like Honey it is the best Evaparator I ever saw

Page 158

~ Sunday

Oct 20th ^1861^

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended meeting
in the Tabernacle. Elder G. A. Smith & Erastus Snow preached in the fore-
noon & President Young in the Afternoon. President B Young
D. H. Wells W Woodruff G A Smith & F D Richard met in the Historians
in the evening President Young said He wished us to take a different
course in writing the Church History, to not write ownly about one
tenth part as much as we have done write in a Nariative style

~ Monday

21. spent the day at home

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

22nd & 23 Spent the time threshing wheat I had 366 Bushels of
clean tous wheat on 10 Acres 36 Bushels to the Acre

~ Thursday

24. I drew home my wheat

~ Friday

25 I spent the day in the Endowment House we had the largest company
ever met in that House for there Endow[me]nts. 70 got there Endow[me]nts &
66 ^132^ were sealedings D. H. Wells & W Woodruff done the sealings

~ Saturday

26 I spent the day in the Endow[me]nt House D. H. Wells & myself done
the sealings. I met with the Missionaries in President Youngs school House

~ Sunday

27 Sunday I met with my prayer circle & attended meeting
at the Bowery in the forenoon H Stout preached followed by John
J. L. Heywood & Brigham Young, in the afternoon the meeting was
in the Tabernacle D H Wells J. V. Long Prest B. Young Preached
I met in the evening with D. H. Wells G. A. Smith & Erastus Snow
conversation on Salem witchcraft also the Southern Mission

~ Monday

28 I spent the day Pruning my vineyard also Brother Hydes so
the Brethren going to the Cotton Country could obtain the cuttings
to take with them I supplied many of the Brethren

~ Tuesday

29. I spent this day pruning & distributing cutting to the Brethren

~ Wednesday

30 I spent most of this day diging carrotts they were the long
orange yellow & vary large rung deep into the ground & they were
vary hard to dig

~ Thursday

31st I dug my white Belgian carrotts to day they were the largest
I ever saw they were from 18 inches to 3 feet long I dug 120 Bushels

~ Friday

Nov 1st I spent the day in the Endowm[en]t House 30 got there Endowm[en]ts
D. H. Wells & myself done the sealing I sealed 10 couple I spent
the after noon in the Historians office Journalizing

~ Saturday

2nd I spent the fore noon in the Historians Endowment House we had a
small company I performed the sealing. I sealed 11 couple the afternoon

Page 159


I spent in the historians office looking over the papers

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Bishop Hunter prayed
Bishop Hoagland was mouth I attended meeting at the Tabernacle John Taylor
preached in the morning. E. D. Woolley preached followed by President Young
I attended meeting in President Youngs school House the 13 ward met I
spoke to the people followed by Joseph W. Young E. D. Woolley Bishop Hunter
Jeter Clinteon, & President Young. Bishop Woolley said He did not
want men to come & lay hands upon the sick in his house or ward
that was entheusiastic or would talk with the sick. He did not want
them to bring two devils whare they cast one out He did not like to[o]
much laying on of hands He believed that a person might be surfeited
with spiritual food as well as Temperal. President Young Differed forrom
Brother Woolley "He said "I do not know as I understand Brother Woolley
and I do not know as he understands himself this subject wants
Explaining, now for instance if a person is sick and laying on of hands
is the remidy if you lay on hands once & the person is not healed
try it again & continue untill the person is healed to Bring a com-
parison if a child turned a heavy table over onto it and the mother
tries to lift it off & cannot do it what should she do get help
enough & work at it untill the child is liberated, again Brother
Woolley does not wish us to convers with the sick Now when
I visit the sick I want to know what power I have to contend
with. Hence I talk with the person & try to find out what the
spirit of disease is which I have to grapple with Many good
remarks were made By President Young

~ Monday

4 I spent the fore part of the day in choreing & the afternoon
in the office Journalizeing

~ Tuesday

5 I spent the day in the office writing I wrote a Letter to Ann Cossett

~ Wednesday

^ A hand pointing to the right^ 6 I called upon President Kimball in company with President
Young & Wells & Carrington Brother Kimball was sick but getting Better
I also called upon Luke Johnson who was vary feble but some better
I spent the afternoon in the office I wrote a Letter to Bishop
Lunt of Cedar City requesting Steven S Barton to return
Joseph Mayberry his stove who is residing in Cash valley
A hand pointing to the right I wrote A Letter to sister Shuah Moulton this Evening

~ Thursday

7 I spent the day in the office

Page 160

~ Friday

Nov 8 ^1861^

I spent the fore part of the day in the Endow[me]nt House 53 receive
there Endowments President Young performed 3 sealing, D. H. Wells
20 & W Woodruff 10. I called upon Broth[er] Kimball

~ Saturday

9th I spent most of the day in the office Endowm[en]t House we gave
Endowments to 62 persons. President Wells sealed 28 W Woodruff
8. I spent a short time in the office (I turned 5 Bucks with my sheep)

~ Sunday

10 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Bishop Smoot
prayed Bishop J. C. Little was mouth. I attended meeting at the
Tabernacle A. H. Raleigh Preached followed By Presidents Wells &
B Young Keys crossed President Young delivered a vary interesting discours
He spoke upon Union & the Authority of the Church. He said He
should follow his file leaders He should not go back for any body
or Be governed by any thing behind him. He would say to Brother
Kimball & Brother Wells that if they wished to be united with
him they must go with him & follow him He should not follow
them or go to them so with the Twelve they must follow the presid-
dency for the Presidency would not follow them the Seventies
& High Priest must follow the Twelve & so on down through
evry departmet of the Church or Els there will be an Everlasting
separation so with a man at the Head of his family if every
wife & child does not follow the Husband & Father there will be
an Eternal Separation & if a Man follows his wives or children
instead of leading himself there will be confusion & destruction
in that family it is No business to any one what his fileleader
has done I never found a word of fault with Broth[er] Joseph in
my life. He gave much valuable instruction to the people. in the after-
noon Joseph Young & G. D. Watt spoke. I attended meeting at
the 14th ward school House I spoke to a crouded Houes was Followed
By Bishop Hunter & John Taylor the spirit of the Lord was with us

~ Monday

11 The wind Blows from the south strong & powerful the air is full
of dust I rode down to the field, with Wilford to see the flock of sheep
He & Moroni started for the canyon. We have had vary plesant weather
through October & so far in November till saturday night the Hills
& mountains was covered with snow a little in the valley wind vary
High to day. I covered some of my grape vines this evening

~ Tuesday

12 I spent the fore part of the day covering vines the afternoon in the office

Page 161

~ Wednesday

Nov 13 ^1861^

I spent the day in the office looking over scraps

~ Thursday

14 I spent most of this day looking over scraps

~ Friday

15 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endw[men]ts
to 45 I sealed 11 couple & D H Wells about 20. I spent the afternoon
in the office scrap[p]ing the evening at the social Hall to see an Exhibition
of Disolving views and went home in a hard rain storm which
lasted till 10 'oclock

~ Saturday

16 I spent the forenoon in the Endow[me]nt House we gave Endowm[en]ts to
63. D H Wells sealed 19 couple W Woodruff 14 couple I went to the
office in the evening & done some Journalizing. In the morning Before going
to the Endowm[en]t House. I dug up a peace of Ground & planted five dife[ren]t
kinds of Raspbury the Fastolf, Belle De Fontenay, Brincle Orange
White, 5 Kneveth Giant, & 1 Black.

~ Sunday

17 ^Sunday^ I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment house we gave
Endowm[en]ts to some 35. I sealed 15 couple President Young 2 couple
one was the wife of Alpheus Gifford who carried the gospel to B Young
& H. C. Kimball. He has been dead several years but his wife never
had her Endowm[en]ts untill to day I attended meeting at the Tabernacle
in the afternoon. President Young spoke & gave a vary interesting
discourse upon the subjet of the unnatural and natural man, also the im-
portance of preserving our lives and the lives of our children of living
in such a way that when we are sick or any of our family that
we may have the spirit of revelation to teach us what to do. He
spoke of the impropriety of our partaking of the sacrament with
our gloves & hats on his instructions were of importance to the
people. I attended meeting in the 14 ward School House in the evening
& spoke to the people, & was followed By G. D. Watt in his pecul-
ier style He urged the people to wash their bodies, keep their
Houses clean & make clean bread He dwelt mostly upon clenli-
ness & the duties of wives to their Husbands.

~ Monday

18 I spent a part of the day in the office I wrote some to Shuah Moulton
we now receive a Telegraphic dispatch almost daily from
Washington which keeps us posted upon the war Matters

~ Tuesday

19 I spent the day in the office scrap[p]ing I spent the Evening in Presid[en]t Youngs office

~ Wednesday

1220 I spent most of this day in the office looking of scraps

~ Thursday

1321st I spent the fore part of the Eday choreing the afternoon in the office

Page 162

~ Friday

Nov 22, ^1861^

I spent the fore part of the day in the Endow[me]nt House. We gave
Endowm[en]ts to 28 Men 32 women I performed 31 sealings. I called
at Capt Hoopers & laid Hands upon George Knowlton who has
the consumption & administered to him with Edward Stephenson
Wm Clayton & Wm H Hooper we also laid hands upon S. A. Knowlton
I took supper at Sister Fosses.

~ Saturday

23 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowm[en]ts to over 40. I performed 31 sealings at the altar Presid[en]t
Young was present to day and Yesterday at the sealings. Presid[en]t
Kimball has been quite poorly for several weeks & not attended
the Endowm[en]t House. President Wells is not well but is confined
to his House

~ Sunday

24 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning. After which I
rode to Fort Herriman. Charles W. Penrose & John Taylor spoke in the
forenoon. James A. Little spoke a short time followed by President
Young 40 minutes who spoke upon practical religion requested the Elders
to Quit drinking whiskey, coffee, using tobaco &c and lay aside every bad
practice. I preached in the evening at Fort Herriman 25 mils

~ Monday

25 We spent the day Hunting cattle I shot a Hare

~ Tuesday

26 I spent the day at the Fort, the rest Hunted cattle we found the most
of the cattle we had a cold rain storm through the night

~ Wednesday

27th We left Fort Harriman & rode Home to G S L City 24 miles

~ Thursday

28 I spent most of the day in the office looking over scraps I received
A hand pointing to the right a letter from Seth M Blair

~ Friday

29 I spent most of the day in the Endowm[en]t House, we gave Endowm[en]ts to
40 persons. I sealed 22 couple & president Young 1 couple who did not come
to the Altar. Chancey W West told the parties there was no necessity of
there coming to the Altar to be sealed for time

~ Saturday

30. I spent the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowmets to 53 I
sealed 22 couple. I spent the afternoon in the Endowm[en]t House Historians Office
it stormed all night & all day rained

~ Sunday

NoDec 1st Sunday A rainy day. I met with my Quorum in the morning
and attended meeting in the Tabernacle through the day I preached in the
forenoon followed by F. D. Richards & E. F. Sheets in the afternoon

~ Monday

2nd. A hand pointing to the right I spent the forenoon cutting up Beef & salting it in the afternoon
I wrote a letter to Seth M Blair

Page 163

~ Tuesday

Dec 3rd 1861

I spent the day in the office

~ Wednesday

4 I spent the day in the office we had a stormy night

~ Thursday

5 A stormy day I rode down to my Farm

~ Friday

6th I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowm[en]ts
to about 50. I sealed 17 couple & presid[en]t Young 15 couple I spent a
short time in the office

~ Saturday

7 I spent most of the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowm[en]ts to
62 persons I sealed 33 couple. I went to the Historians office & spent
a short time. Governor Dawson arived in this city last night to
be in readiness to deliver his message at the opening of the Legislature

~ Sunday

8th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Arza Hinkley open
by Prayer W. Woodruff was mouth I attended the meeting at the Tabernacle
H. Stout, Wm. Crosby & John Taylor Preachesd in the forenoon & J V
in the afternoon. My son David Patten was kicked by a Mule in
the head & was carried into the House for dead & it was several minuts
before he showed signs of life He vomited a good deal of Blood. I
^ An arrow^ Examined his head & found the skull not Broak I spent the afternoon
with him He was better at night I spent the evening at Presid[en]t
Youngs & the Historians Office

~ Monday

9 Keys crossed The Legislature Met to day Appointed A committee to wait upon
the Govornor &c &c.

~ Tuesday

10. I attended the Legislator. The two Houses met in Joint session *

~ Wednesday

11 I went down into the field & sowed 5 Acres of swamp land to readd top seed
I spent the evening at Presidents Youngs office * I also spent the evening of the
(10th) at President Youngs office when President Young Expressed his views
vary plainly upon the Govornors Message. He said if I was the president or
speaker of the Legislator I would not refer the message to any committee or say
Keys crossed one word about it I hope there will be nothing said about it in the Legislator
at all. They want us to pay taxes & next they will want us to send
a thousand men to the war. What will they do about the taxes the people
have not the money they would have to take wheat & Lumber & such
things as the people have if they get any thing but they will not collect
the taxes Here neither will they get 1000 men to go into the Armey they
would spend one million of Dollars by sending an armey here to collect
thirty thousand dollars taxes they have sought our Destruction all the day
long why do they not pay othere own debts they destroyed there armey

Page 164

and amuniction at Camp Floyd so that we should not get any of
it when the government is owing Utah there Quota of arms I will
se them in Hell before I will raise an army for them. Abe Lincoln
has sent these men her to prepare the way for an Army An order
has ben sent to Calafornia to raise an army to come to Utah this
is the reason why Bell came back. I pray daily that the Lord will take
away the reigns of Governm[en]t of the wicked rulers & put it into the Hands
of wife [wise] good [men] I will see the day when those wicked rulers wiped out the
Governor quoted my sayings about the Constitution, I do and always
have supported the Constitution but I am not in league with such
cursed scoundrels as Abe Lincoln and his Minions they have
sought our destruction from the Begining & Abe Lincoln has ordered
an army to this Territory from Calafornia & that order passed
over on these wires. A senator from Calafornia said in Washington
a short time since that the Mormons was in there way & must be
removed. The feelings of Abe Lincoln is that Buchannan tried
to destroyed the mormons & could not, now I will try my hand at
it. Other subjects were spoken off

~ Thursday

12 I spent the fore part of the day in the Legislator & the remainder
of the day in the office

~ Friday

13 Govornor J. W. Dawson called into the Historians office in the
morning & conversed upon common placed subjects I spent the day
in the Legislature we adjourned untill Monday 11 oclok

~ Saturday

^14th I spent the day making fence^

~ Sunday

15 Keys crossed Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended
meeting at the Tabernacle. Orson Hyde Preached upon the subject of
the revelations of St John spoke of the Book sealed with seven seals, the
opening of the seals, the Blowing of the trumps, and pouring out of the plagues
upon the wicked. He was followed By President Young who said the
Book that John sayw in the Hands of the angel was the Book containing
the record of the events of the children of men upon this Earth
the scribes keep a record in Heaven of the acts of men as they trans-
pire upon the Earth & they will be Judged out of the Books. The Beasts
there spoken of By John were actual Beasts that were raised from
the dead A true Prophet speaks of things which are true they do not
prophesy falsly. "we shall see the Judgments of God poured out
upon the wicked untill it will make us weep He said many interesting

Page 165

things and the spirit & power of God was upon him. ErastusLorenzo Snow
spoke in the afternoon also Elder Hyde. The Twelve met at the
Historians office for Prayer President Young met with us
F. D. Richards Prayed Lorenzo Snow was mouth at the close Presid[en]t
[FIGURE] Young said he had received over Eleven thousand dollars in gold
for the telegraph polls which he had set up, or delivered on the lines
He said I did not tuch that gold with my fingers or flesh untill it was
all paid in. I then put it in a vessel of water & clensed it and
said what words I wished over it I then delivered evry dime of
it over for tithing I have not used one farthing of it for my own
use. this is what I have done know one knows any thing about it Except
my clerks and I dont want you to say any thing about it.

It has been said that we have sold tithing wheat to the armey we
have done no such thing. Ferrymore Little made a contract to let them
have some wheat we loaned him some wheat, to Fill that contract which
he has paid. Again Mr Bell made us a proposal that if we would
deliver our southern wheat at Camp Floyed He would deliver as
much at the Tithing office so Brother Sharp left his loads of wheat
there & Bell left the same amount at the tithing office for us you can
tell the people this & let them understand how it is. We then went
below into the Historians office when G. A. Smith presented to the
President an Act to provide for calling a convention. President
Young said that is right and let the convention ask the General
Government to admid us as a state and if they dont do it tell
them that we will organize a state government and controll
if we do not do sumthing to head this military operation
they will afflict us the whole country will soon be a mil-
itary despotism we must soon take care of ourselves we must
soon organize a government for ourselves and take care of
ourselves. I administered to the wife of Parley P. Pratt who was in labor

~ Monday

16 I spent the day in the Legislator and the evening at the Historians Office

~ Tuesday

17 I spent the afternoon in the Legislature. I attended
a party in the evening at the social Hall made by President Young
He had most of his family present we had a plesant time

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

18 & 19 I spent the time in the Legislator we are having a vary
warm foggy winter

Page 166

~ Friday

Dec 20 1861

A vary warm foggy morning I spent a part of the day in the
Legislature was adjourned till Monday morning

~ Saturday

21st I spent most of the day in the Historians office

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & went
to the Tabernacle & Herd L. E. Harrington speak followed by
President Young who preached upon the Law of Life He gave much
vary good instruction and turned a A single key with teeth to the left that onlocked a door
that showed the future as touched ourselves & orur posterity for-
ever. He tought us the importance of our doing right & living
the Law of Life that we might be strong & healthy & have healthy
children and that Mothers should be prudent for the Benefit
of there osprings. George Symns spoke in the afternoon
President Young & Wells called in the evening & several of
the Twelve & spent a short time we then spent the Evening
at President Youngs office

~ Monday

23rd I spent the afternoon in the Legislature in the Evening the
committees on revenue met at the Historians Office also Presid[en]t
Young & Wells we had a corcus [caucus] to take into consideration the
subject of the welfare of the inhabitats of Utah. We read
the long Law upon the direct tax and discussed that subject
President Young said in speaking of Govornor Dawson you
take a man like him who has been an Editor for 15 years and
you will find him to be a Jackass. He told the story of Brockass
On the steamer going down the river. The Homestead Bill
was spoken of. President Young said the Lord will soon pass
a Homestead Bill. you need not look for the Nation to do much
for us. H Stout was of the opinion that the Legislature had not
the power to make laws disposing of Lands & improvements
E. T. Benson, & Orson Hyde made short speeches. President Young
followed & said you want to go to & call a convention we want
to get up a state government. I believe as I live that that
we should organize a State Government and let it go into
Effect by the 15th March & I have faith to believe that God will
sustain us. This is a secret corcus & I dont want it known
what is done here. I can say this about forming a State Gover-
nment I Believe that Abel Lincoln does intend to bring destruction

Page 167

upon this people if he can and has the power. I want to say
one word with regard to assuming this diret tax I think we had
better let the Government appoint there own officers & collect
there own tax, for I am satisfied that a Legal & Lawful assesor
& collecter cannot be found in this Territory according to this law
for there is not a Free holder in this Territory

~ Tuesday

24 I spent a part of the day in the Legislature the Afternoon I met
A crown in the New Hall in the 14th ward at 10 oclok for the purpose of dedica-
ting the House. Mrs Woodruff with several others of the Sisters
have been at work night and day almost for several days in making
the curtains & trimings for the windows and doors in order to get
it ready for the Dedication. Brother Edington took the supervis-
ion of the whole triming of the House. President Young arived
at about 11 oclok He called upon me to offer the Dedication

The following Dedication Prayer was offered By W Woodruff

O God our Eternal Father we present ourselves before thee this
Morning in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to Dedicate this House
unto Thee, and we ask for thy Holy Spirit to bring all things to
our rememberance which may be nessacessary in the dedication
of this House. We dedicate the Foundation of this building together
with the ground upon which it stands that it may be Holy from
the commencement to the name of Most High. We dedicate the
Foundation with the rock Mortar and timbers and all things
appertaining thereto that it may be Holy unto the Lord. We dedicate
the walls of this House with the adobies, the mortar and every
tihing appertaining thereto that it may be Holy unto Thee. We
dedicate the floor with the Joists boards and nails thereof that
the same may be Holy unto Thee. We also dedicate the windows
with the sash, glass putty and every thing pertaining thereto
also the curtains with the trimings ^thereof^ and the shades that
they may be Holy unto thee Lord. we dedicate the doors with
the Hinges screws locks, latches, and every thing pertaining
thereto that they may be Holy unto Thee the Lord our God. We
dedicate the roof with the rafters, boards, shingles, lath, nails

Page 168

Plastering, cornice, ornamental work and all things
appertaining thereto that Evry thing may be Holy and consec-
rated unto Thee. We dedicate the stand the pulpit the seats the
floor the Boards the paint and evry thing belonging thereto
also the Benches and seats in this room that they may be Holy
unto the Lord

And we pray that this dedication, may
be acceptable, that this house and the ground whare on it stands
may be Holy unto Thee, and we ask that thy Blessings may rest
upon the Bishops and Priests and Elders who may occupy this
stand that they may be inspired to speak unto the Edifycation
of this people and that they may magnify the Holy Priesthood
given unto them. And we pray that this House may be clean
and every thing clean and pure which dwells therein
O God the Eternal Father we dedicate this House unto thee
and thy Kingdom for the purpose of Preaching, teaching,
instruction, singing & prayer, and for the teaching of Our
Children, and for Lawful and innocent recreation. We pray
that thy protecting care may be over this House, that it may be
protected from fire and winds and Every Evil Element
And O God we pray that the spirit and power of darkness
may have no dominion here. That thy saints may inherit
this place in peace, that no Enemy may have power in
this House. And should the day Ever come that the Enemies
of thy Saints should have dominion in this Land grant that
this Building may be destroyed from the foundation and not
one stone left upon another that the wicked and unholy may
never inherit this House, nor this City nor any of the Houses
of thy Saints which have been dedicated unto thee Grant to accept
of this dedication we beseech of Thee that thy spirit may
rule and reign in this House, and may thy Saints not worship
this House nor any thing appertaining to this Earth, But may
they worship the Lord of Hosts and help do thy will and
Esstablish thy kingdom upon the Earth. And if anything there
be pertaining to this Building or the ground upon which it stands that
we have not named before thee Grant that it may be Holy, that all things
pertaining thereto with the dedication thereof may be acceptable unto Thee
which we ask in the name of Jesus Christ Our Redeemer Amen

Page 169

At the close of the Dedication Prayer President Young addressed
the Saints the following are some of the remarks which he made
A single key with teeth to the right He said as I have the privilege of speaking I hope I many be
actuated by the spirit of intelligence. As Brother Woodruff
has asked the Lord in his prayer so I feel to say amen to the whole
of it even to the destruction of the Buildings if our Enenies
ever had power to possess it. But I do mot think ewe shall
ever be driven from this inheritance I am satisfied we never
shall be if we live our religion & do our duty. Here we are
gathered together from all the Nations of the Earth, like the net
cast into the sea it gathers both good & bad and each one works
out what is in him. While Brother Woodruff was offering the
dedication Prayer I was wondering if they dedicated there
School Houses anciently. They dedicated Solomons Temple but
I dont know as they did there School Houses But we should
dedicate ourselves and all we have unto the Lord. We still have some
among us who still wish to mingle with the wicked they still
want to introdue Mr Devil to me & to this people and such wood
hender the progress of the kingdom of God. I am pleased to meet
with you here to day. I see the taste which you have displayed in
the finishing of this house which I like and admire. Pardon
me for quoting a remark of a man from the north in seeding
the 13 ward Assembly rooms proped up to keep them from
falling down. He said the glory of the Bishop of the 13 ward
had departed. But I hope the glory of the Bishop of the
14 ward will not depart as did the 13 ward I hope this
House will not fall down. I am pleased to see that you have
brought together the Elements which surround you and Erected
a Beautiful Hall which is a pleasure to meet in. Even the
most wicked take pleasure in beholding that which is beautiful
& lovely. I delight to meet here my soul is full of Blessings
for this people we are living in a world of sin yet we are
approaching to the light and travelling together as Latter
Day Saints we should dedicate our all to God. The gospel of
Jesus Christ
is to make good men better and to put them
in a position to recieve Happiness Joy and glory to the fullness

Page 170

of the capacity of man. Many Elders pray that they may
may have confidence in God. But I pray that I may live so
that God may have confidence in me I think it folly to pray
that I may have confidence in God for He is right all the
time and if we will live so that he may have confidence
in us we will do well. It is our duty to make all the
improvement we can while we live. All that we see here
on the Earth is a similitude of what is in heaven. we
have the Elements all around us to beautify & adorn zion
but we should not set our hearts upon Go[l]d or silver or
any thing upon Earth But sanctify the Lord in our Hearts
then we shall partake of Eternal life. I say to the 14 ward
if you occupy this House in the fear of God it will prove a
Blessing to you. In the time of the persecution in Missouri
we had to walk up & sign a Deed of trust to pay the
Expenses of the mob in driving out the Saints they said
Jo Smith could not make the saints consecrate but we can
make them consecrate. The Saints here complained of
paying a little tax and a little tithing money I dont know
but the Lord will let us pay a little money tax to the Devil the
Government requires a direct tax of some $27,000 dollars
When you have parties in this House dont admit drunken
men into it. another principle I wish to speak of if the
Bishop wishes to invite a Gentile in dont let the people complain
about it for when a Gentile comes in here and the priesthood
rules the Gentiles can do no hurt, But Let an Elder or
any latter Day Saints go & attend a party among the Gentiles
whare they reign and it is vary different that would be
rong we should never bow down to the wicked we should never
descend but asscend & try to Elevate others to our standard
Men come here from the States & profess to be asstonished at
our History and improvements, and they come here Expecting
to accomplish that which they will not do. Most of the officers
which the Government have sent here are a Hiss and a By word,
and a stink in the nostralls of all good men and there
never was a wickeder man than the Presid[en]t of the United States

Page 171

and so are his associates vary wicked men. I hop we will
strive to magnify our lives which God has given us, for we
shall either go on to life Everlasting, or descend to Everlasting
destruction. if we were all pure in heart as we should
be we would have pureower to hold our children & not bury
them as we now do. Now go to & dedicate your hearts &
your houses and all you have unto God. I feel to bless you
in the name of the Lord. we are in a world of sin, darkness
& temptation, and any man who will not be faithful to this
life how can He Expect to obtain Eternal Life we have got
the kingdom of God Esstablish on the Earth and what
we cannot Buind to the kingdom of God we will let go.

President Young was followed by D. H. Wells & O Hyde they
both made many good remarks.

I spent the Afternoon in the Legislature and in the evening
I attended a party at the 14 ward School House the first
Held in the Hall

~ Wednesday

25 A crown I spent the most of the Afternoon in the Legislature I attended
a Legislative Ball in the Social Hall about 20 Gentiles were
present we had supper & Paid $5 per couple

~ Thursday

26 I spent the after noon in the Legislature we adjourned untill
the 3rd of Jan 1862

~ Friday

27 I spent this day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowments
to some 60 persons All the Presidency were present Brother
Wells sealed about 30 couple and I sealed 9 couple

~ Saturday

28 I spent most of the day writing in the Journal in the office

~ Sunday

29 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning attended
Meeting at the Tabernacle all day Bishop Collester & G. D. Watt
Prayedeched & Isaac Laney & President Young in the afternoon
I attended meeting in the 14 ward assembly room we had a
full House I preached to the People followed by John Taylor
& F D. Richards & Bishop Hoagland

~ Monday

30 I spent the day in the office writing in my Journal
I attended a Jordon Dam Meeting at the 17 ward school House

~ Tuesday

31st I spent the day in the office looking over my Journal

Page 172

This is the last day of 1861 which has past and gone
and borne its report to heaven of the deeds of all Nations
and men. This year has brought to pass much of the
fulfillment of the predictions of the Ancient and Modern
Prophets of God. See this Journal DecJan 31st 1861 I there
declaired as a Prophetic Historian that this year would
be the most distressing year America Ever sayw since they
were an independant Nation time has proven it so

Five states viz Missisippi, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, & Florida
seceded from from the Union in January the first month
of the year Texas seceded in Febuary. then followed North
, Tennessee, Arkansas, Virginia, and A part of
Missouri have all seceded during 1861. This has brought
on a terrible war upon the Nation both North & South have
rushed to armes untill the North alone has over six hundred
thousand men under arms and the South near the same
number of men. this war has cost the Northern States some
Five Hundred Millions of Dollars during the past year and many
thousands of lives and this is ownly the Begining of trouble
the close of 1862 will leave America with a debt upon
her shoulders of One Billion dollars a debt as large as the
debt of England. The state of Missouri whare the Saints
have received there persecutions is now the great Battlefield
of the west. it is now man against man & neighbor against Neighbor
they who have spoiled the Saints are now being spoiled
Independance, & Jackson County Missouri, is nearly destroyed
is is the case with many parts of the State. The Lord has
taken peace from the Earth and all Nations are still prepar-
ing for war. The Lord has pointed out the fate of this Nation
in the Book of Mormon and Doctrins & Covenants
He has said that when they became ripened in iniquity
they should be cut off, that day has come there cup
of iniquity is full, the whole Nation Rulers and people
are filled with corruption befor God And the presi-
& Senate of the United States are sending men
to Utah to rule over this people as a Govornor & Judges

Page 173

who are so corrupt that they are a Hiss & bye word and
a stink in the Norstrills of all people in the streets. John
W. Dawson
was sent By President Lincoln to Utah as
there Governor He arived in Great Salt Lake City on the
7 of Dec. Delivered his miessage on the 10th to the Utah
and immediately commenced a scene of
debauchery and insulted women untill the widow of
Thomas Williams drove him out of her house with a fire
shovel because ^of^ his vulgar abuse to her, and He has left
this city for the East this day in the mail stage a disgraced
debauched Libertine, he left because He could not hold
up his head in the streets and look the people in the face
because ohif his crimes. These are the kingd of rulers the
Gentiles send to rule over Israel and Israel Begins to
Feel that it is time to rise up and appoint her own
Governors, Judges & Rulers & trust in God for the EResult.
The American Nation as a United States Governm[en]t is doomed
To destruction and No power can save it. They have forfeited
all right and title to redemption or salvation at the Hand of
the Lord or his Saints it is decreed that the measure which they
have meeted out unto the Saints shall be meetied unto them and
they are hastening unto there work of desolation, war, Bloodshed,
& destruction and wo, wo, is ther doom. The spirit of Prophecy
would cry O, Lord, Hasten thy work, let the wicked slay the wicked
untill the whole land is clensed from the corruption, sin,
abominations, and wickedness which now reigns upon the face
of the whole Earth. May thy Judgments continue to be poured
out upon this land of North America untill the Blood of Prophets
& Saints is avenged before the Lord and thy words fulfilled
upon the Land of Joseph. Take away the sceptre rule and
Government from the wicked & corrupt and give it into the
Hands of the Just even thy saints, that they may rule in
righteousness before thee. Give thy oppressed people O Lord
the privilege of appointing there own Governor, Judges, and
Rulers from this time forth that thy Kingdom may be Esstab-
lished upon the Earth, and the poor rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.

Page 174



A Synopsis of my Labors in 1861.
I Travelled with President Young & Company Through the Southern Country 904 Miles
I attended public Meetings 90 Meetings
I Preached 25 discourses 25 Discourses
I Attended two General Conferences 2 Conferences
I Attended 45 Prayer Circles 45 Prayer Circles
I spent 45 days in the Endowm[en]t House 45 Endowment House
I spent 22 days in Legislative Council 22 Legislative C.
I Officiated in Ordaining 24 High Council
I Ordained 11Eleven High Priest 11 High Priest
I Ordained 5 Seventies 5 Seventies
I Ordained 2 Elders 2 Elders
I sealed at the Endowment H. 358 Couple
I Married One Couple 1 Couple
I Confirmed six persons 6 Confirmed
I Blessed Nine Missionaries 9 Missionaries
I wrote 24 Letters 24 Letters W
I Received 7 Letters 7 Letters R
I Dedicated 2 school Houses 2 School Houses D
I Paid my tithing amounting to $300 dollars



Page 175




Page 176

~ Wednesday

Jan 1st 1862

Jan 1st 1862 This is the commencement of another
New year in this momentous fast age 1860 & [18]61 have been
two vary important years in the History of the united States
but 1862 will be more so. The war will be more severe
the people will be more inspired to shed Blood, greater
Battles will be fought & more lives lost, and there will
be many destructions in the Land, the Lord will visit the
people with other Judgments besides war, great calamities
await the wicked this year. there will be wars in foreign
lands and a great ^want^ of Bread in the Earth ther will be
pestilence, tempests, Floods Earth quakes and whirl winds
and Hail stormes which will destroy many of the lives
of men and the crops of the Earth, and the Lord will
continue to weaken this Nation untill they are broaken
to peasces and cast down to rise no more forever
The Lord has commenced a controvery with the
Gentiles upon this continent and He will never
scease untill they are broaken up & destroyed. The
Historian thiswill have much material for History during this
year. The foundation of the Temple has been uncovered
and it is the intention to commence building it this
season. The Saints are also about to call a convention
to organize a State Government and there will be a
great gathering of the Saints and there will many things
transpire in fulfillment of the Ancient & Modern
Prophets. The Nations of the Earth grow more and
more wicked Virtue righteousness & truth is hardly
known among men Except what is found among the
Latter Day Saints and they are persecuted by the Nation
because it Exists among them. This is a vary wicked
generation & the Earth groans under its abomination
and because of these things the Lord will pour out his
Judgments upon the inhabitants of the Earth untill the
Earth is clensed from the Abomination that Exhists &
the refuge of lies is swept away and the Earth prepared
for the coming of the LORD, who will Esstablish righteousness & truth

Page 177

I spent most of the day in the office writing D. B. Huntington
called into the office and gave us the following report He said
that when the Govornor got up to Eaphraim Hanks when
Wood Reynolds had changed the Horses to go on as the
Govornor John W. Dawson came to get in Wood Reynolds
knocked Him down He ran into the House Reynolds follo-
wed him in & there beat him almost to death and drove
off & left him in his gore He done this because of his
insult to Mrs Williams also insulting the women at Ephraim

~ Thursday

2nd I spent the day in the office writing the Mail came
in & brought many papers every thing is war News thes days

~ Friday

3rd I met in the Legislature & spent a part of the day in the office

~ Saturday

4 I spent the afternoon in the Legislature

~ Sunday

5 Sunday I met with my Quorum this morning Bishop Hunter prayed
I was mouth I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Lorenzo Snow
preached followed by H. S. Eldridge in the forenoon in the afternoon
an Elder followed by President Brigham Young who delivered
a vary instructing & useful discourse Keys crossed He Exhorted the Saints
to bring ther passions in subjection to the spirit of God for the spirit
of God would teach every person that which is right & rwrong then
let the Saints take the wright & refuse the wrong as long as a man
follows the spirit of God so long so long the spirit of God will
dwell with him we shall have a glory Just according to the
Law we keep there are many degrees of glory ther are
but vary few capable of receiving the Highest degree of Glory
there are but few in comparison who will be crown Gods
& the sons of God for they will not keep the Law which will
give it to them He made many vary important remarks. I met
with 5 of the 12 in a prayer circle F. D. Richards prayed
O. Hyde was mouth. I attended meeting at the 14 ward school
O. Hyde Preached I followed him we had a good meeting

~ Monday

6th All the mountains & vallies are covered with snow the snow
has fallen about 1 feet deep in this city. there is a good deal
said about the Govornor getting badly whiped at Ephraim Hanks
in the mountains by a set of Rowdies

Page 178

Keys crossed This is one of the most important days in the last dispensation
the inhabitants of this city met in a Mass meeting
for the purpose of appointing 9 men to meet in convention
with others from this Territory to frame a constitution
and organize a State Governm[en]t to Elect our own Governor
Judges & peace officers and to ask Congress to be admitted
into the Union and if they will not admit us we will go
on independant of them as our Fathers did in the Begining &
God will sustain us in it. The Tabernacle was filled with men
the Bone & sinnew of these mountains it was the Highest
Tribunal among men upon Earth it was not ownly an
assembly of the people from whom Emanates all power, Law
authority and Governm[en]t among freemen But it was an
assembly of Prophets Apostles Priests & Saints of the Most
High God who are inspired and Appointed to build up
the Kingdom of God upon the Earth. Bishop Edward
was called to the chair as President of the Meeting
Wm Clayton was secretary. A committee of five was
appointed to draft the sense of the Meeting the Following
person was appointed D. H. Wells John Taylor, Wm H Hooper
A. O. Smoot & G. A. Smith who retired to draft their
Resolutions while they were absent we had a vary important
speech from President Young I cannot write it in this
Journal G. D. Watt reported it He was filled with the spirit
& power of God He said the time had come to organized a
state Government appoint our own officer & take care of our
selves. at the close of his speech the committe arived &
presented there resolutions before the assembly which was
read by the secretary and all was received as one universal
acclamation there was not a dissenting vote in the meeting
there was then 9 Nine men appointed to meet in conv
ention on the 20 day of Jan 1862. The following are the names
of the delegates to the convention Daniel H. Wells, A. Carrington
John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, Abram O. Smoot, James
, Reuben Miller, Archibal Gardner Elias
. After these were appointed Elder Orson Hyde

Page 179

read before the meeting a communication to the St Louise
Republicnan showing them How they are receiving there rew-
ard for there persecution of the Saints. All the people were
ripe for the organization of a State Government, the Heavens
the Earth, the Holy Spirit, & the people were all ready for
this work AOur Fathers who made the declaration of
and formed the American Constitution was
inspired to lay the foundation of a Free and independant Govern[men]t
and the Lord protected them in it. But they did not know that
they were inspired to do it there was a veil over them that
they did not know what the purposes of the Lord were or that
he was protecting them it is not so with us we know that
God is leading us and is inspiring his people to Esstablish
his Kingdom & Government upon the Earth & we know it
This convention was dismissed by prayer By H. C. Kimball

~ Tuesday

7 I had a two hours job this morning in driving 2 large fat
Hogs 1 mile to the slaughter House they were killed in the
Evening. One Black Berkshire Hog weighed 506 lbs
One white Hog weighed 436 lbs
[Total] 942 lbs

~ Wednesday

8 I met in the Joint assembly of the Legislature
The subject of the direct tax was taken and discusses but no
action taken upon it I salted down my pork in the Evening & morning

~ Thursday

9th A strong south wind all night snow most all gone
this morning I spent the afternoon in the Legislature and
the Evening at the Historians office.

~ Friday

10th A windey morning I spent a part of the day in the Legislature

~ Saturday

11 I met with the Legislature to day

~ Sunday

12 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended
meeting at the Tabernacle. Joseph Young spoke in the morning
& Brother Jackman and President Young spoke in the afternoon
I attended meeting in the 14 ward assembly rooms E. T. Benson
Preached to the people followed By C. W. West & W. Woodruff we
had a good meeting

~ Monday

13 I spent the day in the Legislature untill candle light we
passed th long compilation act. I spent the Evening at the
H Office

Page 180

~ Tuesday

Jan 14th 1861 [1862]

A single key with teeth to the right Sarah Woodruff had a Daughter born at 3 oclock this
morning both doing well we had quite a snow storm laitst night
I spent the day in the Legislature after 11 oclok. I called at the
Historians office in the morning. G. A. Smiths grand Daughter
was thought to be dying we administered to it but it died
at 10 minutes after 2 oclok PM. I spent the Evening at the
H. O. & President Youngs Office

~ Wednesday

15 I attended the Legislature till 3 oclok I then went to the
Historians office and spent the Evening

~ Thursday

16. sI spent the day in the Legislature. I spent one hour in the
Telegraph Office, word was sent on the wire from the west
That Porter Rockwell with a guard had taken Rone Clawson
& John Smith alvive & Killed Lot Huntington while trying to
Escape on a stolen Horse at Rush valley. they would Bring
them all in as soon as they could. They were receiving
dispatches all the time we were there

~ Friday

17 An arrow Porter Rockwell and guard arived in this city
this morning delivered two live priseioners & one dead
one to the poliece & while taking John Smith & Moroni Clawson
to the Court House prision they Both tried to get away
and were both tried shot dead and all three dead Bodies
were brought to the Court House and Clawson & Smith lay
in a waggon out doors till afternoon & were visited by
Hundreds of People. Lot Huntington's Body laid in the suller
we met in the Legislature at Eleven oclok sat till 4 oclok
Had an intimission of two hours met again at 6 oclok & sat
till midnight

~ Saturday

18th I spent a part of the day in the office writing

~ Sunday

19. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended
meeting at the Tabernacle Wm Preston, Albert K. Thurber, Walter
& Theadore Turley spoke in the forenoon. E. D. Woolley Presidents
B. Young & H. C. Kimball in the afternoon President Young spoke upon
stealing and the criminals and rowdies in our Territories He was
glad the day had come when our officers would not stand & be
shot down by thieves. I preached in the Evening at President
Youngs school House followed By Brothe Ott & Lorenzo Young

Page 181

~ Monday

20th Jan 1862. Important Day

The Delegates Elected by the inhabitants of Utah met in
convention this day at the Court House in Great Salt Lake City
at 10 oclok A.M. to Form a constitution for a State Govern-
ment. Presidents B. Young H. C. Kimball & D H Wells and
Judge Kenney were present. Daniel H Wells was Appointed
President Wm Clayton Secretary R. L. Campbell & Patrick
assistant Secretaries. President Joseph Young Chaplain
R LT Burton Sergent at Arms, Andrew Cunningham Foreman,
John W. Woolley, James F. Alread Door keepers David P Kimball
Henry Heath Messengers. G. A. Smith A Carrington
Elias Smith Zerubbabel Snow & John Taylor were appointed
a committee to draft a constitution for a State Governm[en]t
James Ferguson Wilford Woodruff Samuel Richards Lorenzo
& L. E. Harrington was appointed a committe to draft
a Moemorial to Congress. Committee on Ordinance A. O.
, E. M. Green, J. W. Cummings A K Thurber and
Loren Farr. Committee on Election O. Hyde E. T. Benson
J. M. Moody Burnard Snow & Wm. B. Preston

Speeches were Made by G. A. Smith S. M. Blair H. Stout
John Taylor Zerubabel Snow & E L. E Harrington also Presid[en]t
Brigham Young made a vary important speech J. V. Long
was appointed Reporter. President Young said I would like to
have the members who come here should attend to the business
for which they came together and not name Either Mormon or
Christian. I would like to see any Lawyier show me the Constitution
or law that Gives the U. S. power to send any man to rule over us
I will claim my wrights and in the name of God we will
maintain them if any more men come here committing treason
I will treating them as treasoners, whether they be many
or few if I had been in the place of the President of the United States
and had possession of Mason & Slidell I would have hung them
or shot them for they were guilty of treason. We have the
right to do all that we shall attempt to perform and we will have
our right by the Help of God and if any man comes here again
to molest us they shall pay the penalty so help me God

Page 182

~ Tuesday

21st Jan 1862

We met in committees to day I Blessed my Daughter
who was 8 days old & gave her the name of Sylva Melvina
it has cleared off & we have sunshine to day we have had a
great amount of water fall in this Territory this fall & winter
we allso hear of great floods in Calafornia Origon & the
Eastern States

~ Wednesday

22 I spent the forenoon at home I met in convention in
the afternoon. at 1 oclok The Presidency and all the mem
Keys crossed bers of the convention were present G. A. Smith Chairm[an]
of the committee on the constitution Presented a con-
stitution for the State of Deseret which was read twice
by sections then by its title & was adopted by the assembly
as the Constitution of the State of Deseret.

James Ferguson clairman of the committee on Memorials
Presented a Memorial to the assembly which was read
and adopted but returned to the committee to Finish &
prepare it By ingrossing. President Young addressed the
assembly He said I suppose the people will expect a political
speech from me but I shall not say much but this much I
will say, we should guide the people by acts & not by words. I have
been the Govornor of this Territory some Eight years and
every thing has been done that was necessary and all has been
done right all our documents have been got vary corr-
ectly I have had good clerks around me. We now
are about to step into a State Government. we shall not take
any illegal steps, we are doing Nothing Except what the
Constitution of the United States garuntee unto us, but
we have not felt before to take this step untill now, we
now feel to do it it is our duty and we think we can
maintain a Government. We do not wish to refer to
the past but prepare for the future if the United States will
admit us well if not better it will be all right. we will
not break down the door in order to get in. This is the
ownly people on the continent who are tru to the Constitution
of the United States read the Constitution and then say who
is guilty of treason we are the ownly people in the U S who is

Page 183

not guilty of treason. What kill people for there religion and
not be guilty of treason and the whole Nation is guilty of this
Now take your rights and maintain them it is time to do it. you
have chosen me as your Govornor. I have been the governor all the
time of this people and shall be And I will say to you and to
all men that I will not hold this office or officiate in it ownly
as I shall be dictated by the Holy Priesthood of the Son of God.
If you hear any man say that we are not doing right in
Holding a convention & forming a state Governm[en]t tell them it
is not so. We are doing mothing but what is strictly Constitutio-
nal. We shall be the ownly people that will maintain the Const-
while others will break it. We will ask Congress to
admit us into the family of states what if they do not? We have
got a Government and what are they going to do about it
If the Constitution has been carried out it would have hung
President Buchannan and all who were associated with him
in making war upon us. Some want to stay longer to talk
but I am willing the United States should know that we are
capable of doing up important business in a short time mustch
faster than any other people. I like this Constitution. But
what Business has such a sentence in the Constitution that all
men may worship God as they please what do the people know
about God it would be much more applicable if it said
that all men might make a God of Gold, silver, Brass Iron
wood or stone or of any thing Els and worship that. But
now let us go to and worship God & maintain his kingdom
upon the Earth in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

President Heber C. Kimball followed with a short address
we received a communication Fomrom Govornor Fuller
& Ex Govornor Doty which was read to the assembly. Gov
Doty & Judge Kenney both sustained us in our position
AtThe convention adjourned till tomrorrow 1 oclok
At the close of the convention I made a supper for the
Presidency and Twelve all attended Except President
Young who thinking the apointment was next day did
not attend

Page 184

~ Thursday

Jan 23, 1862

The convention Met to day at 1 oclock roll called
all present Prayer by the Chaplain Joseph Young. A
communication was received from Ex Govornor Doty
giving leave to publish his communication in the Deserett
. The Constitution of the State of Deserett was
Presented Engrossed it was taken up & read then all
of the delegates to the convention came forward
and signed the constitution By counties I signed
Wilford Woodruff to five copies, and I consider
it the most important document that I ever attached
my signature to.

Judge John F. Kinney addressed the convention while the
members were signing the constitution. his speech is
Published in the Deserett News

Resolved that that the President & Secretary of this convention
be authorized to sign the Moemorial to Congress.

President D. H. Wells then addressed the assembly. He said
I do not feel as much like talking as I do like acting.
Why will Congress shut the door to us because we were
Mormons and they would not do it if this was not the true
Church of Christ. But the days will come when the people
of the United States will seek unto this people for Union
for this people will have a permanent Government Joseph
told what would come to pass. He spoke of this war
said it would begin at South Carolina [Doctrine and Covenants 87] but He dare
not publish it at First for fear the people would call it
treason yet it is coming to pass before our Eyes. What is done
here is done by the unanimous voice of all the people. Not
a voice is lifted against it this is an Evidence that it is
right. President Young asked Judge Kinney if He was
willing to have his speech published Judge Kenney said yes
He was willing. President Young said I here want to say a
word upon a principle my text is Election & Reprebation
did Joseph Smith make the war on South Carolina No He did
not but He foretold it, and that was all he had to do in the matter
Many men can see no difference between foreknowledge &

Page 185

Foreordination. Joseph Smith foreknew the war but He did
not foreordain it S. Rigdon and many others could never
see any difference between the two But the Gods & the prophets
Foreknow things which they do not Foreordain

E. T. Benson Moved that this convention Do now dissolve

The minutes were read & Excepted

The assembly was dismissed by W. W. Phelps

~ Friday

24 Friday I spent most of the day in the office

~ Saturday

25 I spent the day in the office writing

~ Sunday

26th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Wilford
opened by Prayer & I was mouth I attended meeting at
the Tabernacle

Wm H Folsom Preached
in the morning & Phineas Young & President Brigham
in the afternoon. I attended Meeting in the evening
at the 14th ward School House Brother Moody and Comings
Preached followed by Bishop Hoagland.

~ Monday

27th A coffin A coffin A coffin A coffin A coffin A coffin

One of the most Damniable, Diabolical, Satanical, Helish
Sacraleges has been committed upon the bodies of the
Dead Saints in the buriel Ground East of this city and
brought to light this day that was ever known or
recorded in the History of man. Clawson who
was shot dead a few days since while resisting the
officers of Justice He was buried by the citiesy authorities
some of Clawsons friends obtained permission from
the sextion to take up the bodiesy and remove it to the
Big Cotton Burying ground they took up the coffin
containing the body of Moroni Clawson and when
they opened the coffin they found the corps Naked
which was cloathed when it was buried this led
to a careful inquiry & examination. Jesse C. Little
the sexton had imployed a Man b[y] the name of
John Baptiste to dig the graves & bury the dead from
1859 up to the present time the police immediately

Page 186

went to his house and made a serch and they found
many Bundles of graves cloathes about his house in
various parts they also found a large Box filled full
of the clothing of the dead from little infants to the aged of
both sexes. Mr Baptiste was at the grave yard at the
time the poliece went up to him and he was picking up
cobble stones & took him up to the grave of Clawson
and accused him of robing the dead body He denyed
it but after being choaked a while He confessed it and
then confessed that th he had been robing the dead for
Two and a half years they then took him down to prision
and all of the clothing of the dead found in his possession
was taken to the Court House and there Exhibited so
that any persons who had buried friends since He had
been diging graves might se if they could recognice the
grave clothes Mrs Woodruff & myself went down to
se if we could recognize the grave cloths of Father Woodruff
but we could recognize Nothing as the Aprons were all
destroyed and the robes taken to peaces. There lay the grave
cloths of fifty persons or more some twenty pair of little
childrens stockings and the clothing of all ages male
& female which that man had striped from the dead
Bodies of saints & sinners He done his work mostly
nights He had a house nearest to the grave yard so that no
person had detected him in his diabolical work. The anoun-
cement of it to the public created great consternation through
the city. On Being questioned Baptiste acknowledged that
He had been carriying on this Hellish work for three years and
a half his ownly motive was to seell the clothing He said the
devil was in him which I think was true

~ Tuesday

28th The Poliece took up Baptiste to the grave yard to day
to point out the graves which He had opened. But there were
many persons in the Grave yard who felt Exasperated in there feelings
and He did not point out more than a doz graves which
He had opened for fear he would be killed. No Estimate
can be made of the Number of the dead He has robed

Page 187


I would probably range from One to three Hundred some
10 graves were opened to day several of them were found robed
He gave a list of some 15 Names which he had robed of late
some of those graves have been opened & the bodies found
Naked. John Baptiste was Born in Venace in 1814. What will
be done with the man I do not know

It was afterwords reported that John Baptist was branded in
the forehead as A robber of the dead, & croped & placed upon
Millers Island, & he undertook to cross onthe Lake on a frail
raft & was drowned as supposed as he never was heard
of after. He robed the dead in Austrailia to such an Extent
that he built a methodist meeting house with the avails of his
robery so he testified.

~ Monday

27 I met at 1 oclok at the 17 ward school House to attend
the meeting of the Jordon Irrigation Company for the purpose
of the organization of the company. Presidents B. Young & D H.
was present. W. Woodruff was appointed President G A
Treausurer, R. L. Campbell Secretary, Alonzo H Raleigh
Enoch Reese George B. Wallace John H. Rumell & Hiram B
a Board of 5 directors. I spent the Evening at the
Historian Office with the board of Directors

~ Tuesday

28 I attended the Traial of Box & Blair before the High Council
for settlem[en]t of Debts it was adjourned till next conference
I spent the afternoon in the office

~ Wednesday

29 It was a vary cold day I went to the farm sold 45
sheep to Abram Coone for a pair of Horses I also sold
16 sheep to James M Cumings I spent the evening at the
Historians Office & Presidents Youngs.

~ Thursday

30. Wilford & Moroni started for Fort Herriman on
Horsback to drive a cow it soon began to snow and we
had a vary hard driving snow storm all day from 12 oclok
I spent the Evening at the office

~ Friday

31 A cold pleasant Morning

Page 188

~ Saturday

Feb 1st 1862

I spent most of the day in the Office

~ Sunday

2nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. I attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle through the day President Young
Preached in the forenoon upon Temporal things. He wished
the People to get up their ox teams now the ground was
frozen and draw rock for the Temple so the stone masons
could be kept Employed. He wished to send 300 teams
or 1200 yoakke of Oxen to the States next spring to
bring up the poor and Machinery to this valley He wished
the people who had Means to unite & send to the States &
buy twenty Carding Machines, and spining Ginneys
we also want more Nail Factories. We want a machine
that will cut 20 penny nails and we want much machinery
in this Territory to be prepared to live within ourselves &
make all we consume for our trade will soon be cut off
from the Nations. I intend to send for a Machine to
make cards He treated mostly upon these subjects. In the
Afternoon H. S. Eldridge spoke followed by Lorenzo Young
& President Heber C. Kimball who spoke upon the same
subjects. I met with G. A. Smith & F. D. Richards at 5 oclk
for Prattyer. We agreed that when any one of the Quorum
of the Twelve were present at our time of prayer if he was
alone He should go and dress and pray at the Altar as a
representative of the Quorum. W. Woodruff Prayed &
G. A. Smith was Mouth. I attended meeting at the 14th ward
Levi Richard spoke upon Machinery and Manufacturing
I followed him & spoke upon the same subject fFollowed by
F. D. Richard Br Harrison gave out an Appointm[en]t for teaching Architeck

~ Monday

3rd I spent the day in the office reading & writing
Lectures are delivered twice a week in the 70s Hall upon the
various sciences which are useful to the people.

~ Tuesday

4 I spent the day in the office Journalizing

~ Wednesday

5 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to J. M. Bernhisel send him a draft
of $405.76 from John M. Ballwinkle I spent the day
in the office and I attended a meeting at the 70s Hall Brother
Joshua Terry delivered an address upon Psychology He made

Page 189

a poor out of it then Brother Willis delivered a lecture upon
Geography and the Burmese eating rice

~ Thursday

6. I spent the day in the office writing. My Daughter
A humanoid Phebe A Snow was delivered of a fine Son at
11 oclock P.M. She was in labor ownly about one
hour. I spent the Evening at Home The High Priest
had a party at the Social Hall

~ Friday

7. I spent the day in the office I wrote a letter to Br
A hand pointing to the right Lorenzo Snow and informed him of the birth of his son
I spent the Evening with the Board of directors in
getting up the By laws of the Jordon Irrigation Company

~ Saturday

8 I spent the day in the office writing

~ Sunday

A coffin 9 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning attended
meeting in the Tabernacle President Young Preached four
discourses in the forenoon, the 1st was upon John Baptiste robing
the dead He said as concerning robing the dead of there clothing
it did not injure the dead in the morning of the resurrection but
it is a diabolical act in the man all of the dead will be cloathed
in the morning of the resurrection No matter how they are
Burried. But as to the punishment of the man to shoot or hang
the man would not satisfy my feelings at all, it came to my
mind when I first herd of it, if I should unDertake to punish
him at all I would want to crop him & then print with
India ink upon his forehead (Croped for robing the dead)
2nd discourse was making dancing Halls of our schools & meeting
Houses I am opposed to it Dancing and Theaters is no part
of my religion this is by permission but I do not want them
amalgamated. 3rd Attendtion paid to Females some Females
complain that there is not attention enough paid to them in
this community But I will say that there is no community on
Earth where as much respect & attention is paid to Females as
in this Church. Every old woman thinks she must go to Every
party, and Many a first wife thinks she should be a Queen
and the rest of the wives surfs. But this I do not Believe in
4th We cannot get the Telegraphic News printed under a
day or two after it comes I Believe Elias Smith is writing his own History

Page 190

In the afternoon President Heber C. Kimball spoke Br
Joseph Fielding spoke first Bore his Testimony & was followed by
Brother Kimball. I met alone at the prayer circle at 5 oclk
and prayed at the alter I went to the 13 ward Assembly
room & Preached to the people 30 minutes was followed by
Bishop Hunter. Then Bishop Woolley spoke about one hour

~ Monday

10th I went down to the farm in the morning & delivered 16 sheep
to Brother Alread for J. W. Cummings. I spent the afternoon atin
homethe office & Evening in the office House.

~ Tuesday

11 I spent this day in the office Journalizing I held a meeting
in the Evening with the Jordor Irrigation Company upon the
Buy laws of the company. We got a long Telegraphetic dispatch
printed which gives an account of the war

~ Wednesday

12 I spent the day in the office on the Buy laws of the Joordan
Irrigation Company
& Journalizing

A crown A Lecture of W. Woodruff in the Seventies Hall
upon History and Journallizing on the evening of Feb 12.
I met at the 70s Hall at 7 oclok to deliver a lecture according
to appointment the Hall was crouded to overflowing and
Hundreds Had to leave who could not get into the House the
following is a synopsis of my lecture

Brethren and Sisters I feel Happy in meeting with you
in this capacity. I think it more profitable for the Saints to
meet together to hear lectures delivered upon the arts & scien-
ces and various principles than to spend so much time in
danceing and light amusement. The subject which I wish
to speak upon this Evening is Journalizieing & History this
subject Embraces a wide Field far greater than I shall
attempt to Explore this Evening. History is given under
two general Heads viz Sacred and profane and as spiritual
and temporal things are inseparably connected, so is sacred
& profane History many times is vary closely connected
together. We have but vary little History in the Early ages
of the world Either Sacred or Profane, and but vary few His-
torians or Journalists in any age of the world when

Page 191

compared with other callings & avocations of life. I shall
not say much upon profane History during this Evening I will
However refer to one or two prominent Historians. Rollins
compiled an Elaberate History of the ancient Medes, Persians
Asyrians, Babylonians, & Caldeans. He gives a History of their
government customs Literature & Laws but more Esspecially
of their wars. I would recommend this History for our
yound [young] men to read who wish to become acquainted with an-
cient History. I would also recommend the reading of Josepheus
the great Jewish Historian it appears to me that no man can
read with indiference His account of the siege of Jerrusalem
by the Roman Army the destruction of their city & Temple their
captivity & dispersion among the Gentiles Nations Here in the
siege of Jerrusalem over one million of Jews perished inby the sword
famine, pestilence, & fire. I would also refer to the History of Greece
& Rome & Modern Europe & America or the History of any
Nation and ask how have we obtained the History of those
Nations, Kingdom & Countrys. you may say that Historians
have handed those things down unto us, But How have Historians
obtained materials from which to compile therire History?
I answer From the scribes, reporters, & Journalists who wrote
day by day Events as they passed before there Eyes and this
class of men forms the foundation of all History and from
there Material, Historians who live hundreds of years after
Events transpire will compile History. But without material
Historians cannot make History or any thing Else.

I will call your attention to what is called sacred or Bibli-
cal History. Moses wrote the first five Books viz JGenesis Exiodus
Leviticus, Numbers, & Dieuteronomy. But He gives but vary little
History of the Early ages of man. We have a revelation in the
doctrins & covenants page 79 which says that "three years before
the death of Adam He called Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel,
Jared Enoch & Methuselah all who were High Priests with
the residue of his posterity who were righteous into the valley
of Adam Ondi Ahman and there bestowed upon them his
last Blessing and the Lord appeared unto them and they rose

Page 192

"up & blessed Adam and called him Michael the Prince the
Archangel and the Lord administered comfort unto Adam
and said unto him I have set thee to be at the Head a multitude of
Nations shall come of thee and thou art a prince over them
forever." "And Adam stood up in the midst of the congregation
and Notwithstanding he was bowed down with age being full of
the Holy Ghost predicted whatsoever should befall his posterity
unto the latest generation." [Doctrine and Covenants 107:55-56] THere was Adam and seven
of his sons all Aged Patriarchs who lived over nine
hundred years Except Mahalealel who lacked five years
of Being Nine hundred years of age [Genesis 5:16]. Enoch was 365 years of
age when he was Translated [Genesis 5:23] Here was that great & glorious
meeting of those old Patriarchs and all the History we have of it
those great Prophesies of Adam concerning what should
befal his posterity to the End of time is given to us in a few
lines whare is there a latter day Saints who would not be
glad to read the Journal & History of that great Event.

Abramham and the later Patriarchs & Prophets have left
to the world by there Journals and sacred records some
History of the dealings of God with them. But there records
were kept upon parchment & papyrus written in
Egyptian, Arabic, Chaldecic and Hebrew, mingled with
many Hieroglyphics in order to convey their ideas &
principles to future generations, some of which have
been translated into the English language by the order
of King James which now forms the Bible. But what
a small History the Bible is of the dealings of God for
4000 years with the Nations of the Earth.

Christ came in the meridian of time to Esstablish the gospel
& Kingdom of God upon the Earth. He organized the Church, chose
Twelve Apostles also Seventies & set the Church in order with
all the gifts graces and blessings. He administered the ordinances
of the gospel, wrought many miracles and finished the work He
was sent to do. But Jesus Christ with all the Saints had to contend
with the world the flesh and the devel & Jew & Gentile and
the world overcome them and put them to death and the Church

Page 193

of Christ disappeared with that generation. What is the History
of that generation, it is vary short. The four Evangelist
Mathew, Mark, Luke & John, gives the History Biirth life and
death of the sSaviour. as near as we can learn Luke kept
the Journals & done most of the writing He recorded the Acts
of the Apostles. Then Paul wrote his Epistles to the various
churches. Then James wrote one short Epistles. Then Peter
wrote two short Epistles about as much as one of our
reporters would write in one short discourse. Then Jude
wrote one short chapter. Then John the Revelator when
he was Banished to the Isle of Patmos under the reign
of Domician Cezar wrote his Revelations after He was
recalled under the reign of Nervya He wrote his three
Epistles, this maks 8 writers in the New Testam[en]t
and there testimony was vary limited, also their writings
as far as they have come to us, at least when we take into
consideration the great work which they performed

The ancient Jaredites and Nephites who inhabited this con-
tinent were commanded of God to write their history upon
Brass & Gold Plates which were hid up in the Earth to come forth
in our day to be translated by the Prophet Joseph through the power
of God for the benefit of the Saints. This forms the Book of Mormon
and is the purest translation of ancient records that we
have any knowledge of upon Earth yet this record gives but
a limited Idea of the dealings of God with that People yet
what we have obtained was by strict commandment of God.
But let us turn our thoughts a moment to our own day. I
need not tell you that this is the kingdom of God. Esstablished
by God Himself which is to take the place of all other kingdoms
upon Earth and we are the People ordained of God to esstab-
lish his kingdom upon the Earth, build up Zion and prepare
the way for the coming of Jeussus Christ. Now should we
not keep a Journal, Record, & History of the dealings
of God with [us] as they transpire day by day before our Eyes
we should. This Church & kingdom is organized in all
the fulness of the Holy Priesthood necessary for the

Page 194

accomplishment of the work of God in this great
and last dispensation of the fulness of times the
Church of Christ has been Esstablished in our day
with Prophets, Apostles, Evangelists, Patriarchs, High Priests
Elders, Bishops, Priests, Teachers, Deacons, Gifts, graces
Revelations and with all the ordinances Necessary for
the salvation of the children of ^men^ Joseph Smith was the
the first Apostle, Prophet, Seer, & Revelator called in
these last days He brought forth the Book of Mormon
and organized the Church of Christ as he was com-
manded by the revelations of Jesus Christ. When
the Twelve Apostles were chosen & ordained The
Prophet Joseph gave them strict instruction to keep a record
of there procedings (See the History of the Church Feb 1835)
The following Extract) "Since the Twelve are now appointed
& chosen I wish to tell them a course which they may
pursue and be benefitted in one point of light of which
perhaps they are not now aware. At all times when
you assemble in the capacity of a council to transact
business let the oldest preside and let one or more be appo-
inted to keep a record of your proceedings, and on the
decision of Every important decission item let it be what it may
let such descision be noted down and they will ever afterwords
remain upon record as LAW, covenant, & doctrin.
Questions thus decided might at the time appear unimportant
but should they be recorded and one of you lay hands upon
them afterwards you might finds them of infinate worth
not ownly to your Brethren but a feast to your own souls"
Many other remarks were made at the same time. The Prophet
Joseph always recommended the priesthood to keep a rec-
ord of all their Official acts, and among his last letters to
the Church before he was slain he urges upon the Church
to be particular in there records of the Baptizesms for
the dead
to be vary particular in there records of there
official acts, that what they bound on Earth should be bound
in heaven and what they loosed on Earth should be loosed

Page 195

in heaven, and what you record on Earth shall be recorded
in Heaven [Doctrine and Covenants 128:8]. President Brigham Young has also carried out the
same Principle since He has been president of the Church, in all
of our ordinances, Endowments, sealings, and official acts He
wishes us to be particular in recording the same. This Church
is organized with a presidency of 3 men the Twelve Apostles
also 63 Quorums of Seventies 4,410 Apostles & many thousands
of High Priests, Elders, Bishops, Priests, Teachers, & Deacons, all
should keep a Journal of the dealings of God with them and
there officials acts, and keep a true History of Events in this
great dispensation. I was inspired & moved upon to write a
Journal & keep a record of the affairs of this Church from the
time I first Joined this Church up to the Presient time. I seldom
Ever heard the Prophet Joseph, or Brigham Young or the Apostles
teach preach or Prophesy or perform any official act but
what I have recorded it imn my Journals unless some other
persons were recording the same, and I could not feel Easy
untill I had accomplished it I have written more sacred
History of the teaching of the prophets & Apostles & official acts
of the Latter day Sants than would make several Testim[en]ts
as large as the one Handed down to us by the Ancient Apostles
I have kept a Journal of almost Evry day of my life since
I have been a member of this Church By refering to my Journals
I could tell Each day what I have done, the company I have been
in, and what was transpiring around me, and any council and
Teaching From the Presidency or Twelve Except whare I know
there were reporters recording the same. I have urged this same
course upon the Twelve & the other Quorums of the Church to keep
a record of there meetings & the dealings of God with them and
for all men who bear the Holy Pristhood to keep a record of
their lives or Esspecially of there official Acts, in the Church
and kingdom of God. Some may say this is a great deal of
trouble But we should not call any thing trouble which brings
to pass good. I consider that portion of my life which has been
spent in keeping Journals & writing History to have been vary
profitably spent. For instance the Lord gives unto us the Holy

Page 196

Priestood and we are sent on a mission to the Nations of
the Earth, we go & Preach the gospel & bring many into the Church
and the Power of the Holy Ghost rest upon us. We heal the
seick, cast out devils, command the Elements & they obey
us & the Lord gives unto us dreams visions & revelations
and many Blessings should we not have respect Enough
to gGod to make a record of those Blessings which He pours
out upon us and Our official acts which we do in his
name upon the face of the Earth I think we should.

For an Example we embrace in our faith the belief that
the Ten Tribes of Israel will return from the North country
unto Zion in the last days suppose that those Israelites should
come to Zion in our day Led by the Holy Prophets of God
what would be one of the first questions we would ask
them, it would be, whare are your records show is [us]
your History we want to read an account of the dealings
of the Lord with you since you were led away under
Shalmanezar king of Asyria [2 Kings 18:9-11] But what would be
our disappointment if they should ^say^ O we have not
kept any record or account of the great & mighty works
of God among our tribes for many generations, we
have herd our Fathers say that thet Lord had done many
great & marvelous works in there day we have also had
great Blessings while on our Journey to Zion from the North
country. The mountains o Ice flowed down before us and
there was a Highway cast up for us to walke in as there was
to Israel when they came out of Egypt into the land of Cainan
[Joshua 3:16-17] and the Nations Trembled at our presence but we did not keep
a record of these things we did not think any body would
be particularly interested in it but ourselves. should we not
be greatly disappointed at such information we should &
so would it be with them when they come to Zion & Enquire
for the History of this Church & kingdom if we were to tell
them that we had not kept any History of the rise & progress
of the Church. But instead of neglecting this branch of our
work let Evry man who can keep a Journal & record

Page 197

Events as they pass before our Eyes day by day, this will make a valua-
ble legacy to our children as and well a great Benefit to future gener-
ations by giving them a true History of the rise & progress of
the Church & kingdom of God upon the Earth in this last dispen-
sation instead of leaving it to our Enemies to write a fals History
of the true Church of Christ. Brethren and sisters we are making
History every day let that History be good let us do the works of
righteousness that when our acts are recorded we shall be satisfied
with them Either in time or Eternity I ask these Blessings in the
Name of Jesus Christ Amen

I was followed by Judge Phelps who read two chapters of his new
translation from the bible He made some remarks upon his Early days

~ Thursday

13 I spent the day in the office

~ Friday

14 I spent the day in the office. In the Evening I attended the lectures
at the 70s Hall. Orrelius Miner gave a lecture upon Law spoke over
an hour He was followed by Hosea Stout upon Politics. He was
followed by Judge Kenny who spoke rather more upon the
gospel than any thing Els. He said the Municiple Law the Judges
& Lawyiers were all an Evil in community perhaps a Necessary
Evil. thought if we would preach morality instead of Law it would be better

~ Saturday

15. A folded letter/box I spent the most of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to some 45 I done the sealing. I sealed 40 couple

~ Sunday

16. Sunday we got the Telegraph dispatch this morning which said
that Fort Donalson was surrounded by 50000 of the Federal Army
we had a hard snow storm all day. I spent the day in the office
Journal writing. President Young spoke at the Tabernacle in the
morning. Elias L. T. Harrison spoke before President Young Brothers
Elebeck G. Sims & Robert Williams in the afternoon.

~ Monday

17 We got a telegraph Dispatch this morning saying that Fort
was taken possession off by the Federal Army yesterday
at 4 oclok P.M. they took 15000 prisioners among the Number
they took Utah Johnson & Gen Buchners & Pillow, killed
and wounded some 10000 Men on the southern side the North-
ern sid not given but said to be vary severe

~ Tuesday

18. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 letters to Ozem Woodruff Mayberry &
Burton Telegraph dispatch says Savannah's is taken by the North

Page 198

~ Wednesday

Feb 19 1862

A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I wrote 2 letters ITo I F. Carter & Azmon Woodruff
I spent the day in the office and the Evening at Brother George
with a party there were present John Taylor W. Woodruff
G. A. Smith A. O. Smoot Bishop Hunter, & E. D. Woolley with
our wives. We got a Telegraph dispatch saying that
Savannah had surrendered to the North without a blow, and that Gen
Pillow was not taken prisioner at Fort Reynolds

~ Thursday

20. A folded letter/box I receeived a letter from C. C. Rich. I called upon the
President showed him C. C. Rich lietter. I spent the day in the office

~ Friday

21 I spent the day in the office reading History I received a letter
A folded letter/box From J. M. Bernhisel

~ Saturday

22 I spent the day in the officeEndowment House we gave Endow[men]ts
to some 45 persons I sealed 30 couple & H. C. Kimball 2 couple
President Young was Presidentent

~ Sunday

23 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Wilford
Prayed & R. L. Campbell was mouth. I attended meeting at
the Tabernacle. Milliam Moss & Joseph Stanford spoke followed
by President Young who treated upon Zion He quoted the
Prophets about building up Zion, redeeming Zion &c. "He said
"we should not have Zion untill we made it the Lord would
no more build up Zion for us than He will plough & sow
our fields, we had got to do it ourselves.["] in the afternoon
Brother George Teasdale spoke well was followed by Brother
Kimball who spoke of the body & spirit of man but did
not explain the subject to the satisfaction of President Young
He then followed Brother Kimball and Explained the matter
to the people and said the Bodoy or Tabernacle was all & Every
thing to us without the Tabernacle we could not get an
Exaltation we should have in the morning of the resurrection
the same body we have now, the baby resurrection as taught
by O H was a fals doctrin & no truth in it. At 5 oclok I
met with Franklin Richards for Prayers I opened by Prayer
He was mouth at the altar. I attended meeting with Leonard W
in the 12 ward I preached to the people

~ Monday

24 ^ An arrow^ I got kicked by a 2 year old coldt on my wright leg above
the ancle this morning which hurt me much

Page 199

~ Tuesday

Feb 265, ^1862^

A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 3 Letters 2 from J. M. Bernhisel 1 from I F.
I wrote 2 letters, one I. F. Carter One to J. M. Bernhisel
I spent the Evening in the office. Thomas Bullock made a
map of the Territory. He received a letter from Presid[en]t
Young requiring him to deliver up to him all of his
Private records and papers that He might have in his possession

~ Wednesday

26 Keys crossed A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right
Thomas Bullock and myself delivered to President Brigham
His sealing records & Endowment records 1851 to [185]5
Perpetual Emigrating Fund, List of donations in 1849, [18]50, [185]1, [185]2, [185]3,
One red trunk containing 2 small Books of sealings and
adoptions in 1847 to [18]50, 7 Journals of Kingdom of God and
sealings in Nauvoo, One package of minutes on file of
the Kingdom of God from 1849 to [18]52 (this last package we
may want to refer to in the compilation of History)
One trunk covered with leather & Brass nails about 7 By 10 inches
containing G. D. Watts Phonographic report of the trial of
Joseph Smiths Murderers, some private Papers also 43
Promissary notes, Each one containing the autograph of Joseph
Smith and others also President Brigham Youngs Jornal of 1832 & [183]3, [183]5
Brother T. Bullock also delivered to President Young
a Box with secret lock containing gold dust and papers
Joseph A Young had made a complaint to his Father that He was
in the Historians office & took a Book upon sealings & Brother Bullock
told him He should not Examine it, as he had orders that no one
should see it, and that it had been under his care ever since
it was delivered to him this was the cause of the order to
deliver the above books into the hands of President Young. they
of course belong to him, as do all Historical Church records
documents & papers to dispose of & controll at his pleasure

I commenced refference papers to day for compiling the History of
1850. I made out the papers for Each month. I spent the
Evening at home

~ Thursday

27 I spent the day in the office making a Historical Nota-
tion for 1850.

~ Friday

28. I spent the day in mythe office I commenced the

Page 200

History of Brigham Young for 1850. We had a hard
snow storm today

~ Saturday

Keys crossed March 1st This is my Birth day again, I am
55 years of age this day. I am the same age my Grand
Father Eldad Woodruff was when he died. He had the
spotted fever and was killed by Doctor Todd, as was my
Mother and her sister all about the same time, and my
Father would have died at the same time if his nurse had not
given him water the night he was given up to dayie, &the
doctor ordersed French Brandy Bark & wine to all his
patients for the spotted fever and they all died pleading
for water and it would have been a great Blessing
to humanity and a righteous deed for any man
to have Empt[i]ed the brains out of Every doctors
head that practizced medicine upon that system
for it is much better that one doctor should die than
that a whole Neighborhood should perish

March 1. I spent the day in the Endowment House
Presidents Young Kimball & Wells were present. I sealed 9
couple at the Altar & D. H. Wells 11 couple.

~ Sunday

2nd Sunday In company with Amos Milton Musser and
Wilford I rode to Gardners Mill and held a meeting with
the people of that place talked to the people upon Tithing and
going to the polls to morrow to vote for the constitution also about
preparing our teames to send for the poor at the close of the
meeting we rode to Fort Herriman, and held a meeting with the
people I spoke first at Gardmers mill, followed by byrother Musser
Brother Musser spoke first at Fort Herriman & I followed him
we had a good meeting. We Exhorted the people to live their
religion practally to clenliness, to improvement, to attend to the
voting on the constitution, to prepare teams to go after the poor
and to attend to all their duties I spent the night at Brother Stockings

~ Monday

3rd March 1862 It snowed all day I returned to great Salt Lake ^45 miles^
[FIGURE] A single key with teeth to the right City with Brother Musser we went to the court House
to cast our vote there was such a votecroud we could not get in &
so we went home and waited untill the croud dispe^r^sed. this is

Page 201

a vary important day to this Territory, to Israel to the Church
and kingdom of God this day all American citizens go to
the polls and vote for the Constitution of the State of Deseret
also for Governor, Lieutenant Goverenor, & members of the Legislature
this is laying a foundation for a state Governm[en]t. I went
up to the office & spent the afternoon in writing

~ Tuesday

4 I spent the day in the office compiling the History of Jan 1850
Except a short time I spent in the Presidents Office The Jordon
Irrigation Company
spent 3 Hours in meeting in the Evening of the
third ie last night. President Young wanted the water for machi-
nery that was not wanted for irrigation we made, (as the board
of directors) 2 propositions to President Young which I laid
before him to day the first was to sell the surplus water to him
for $5000 with 10 per cent interest for 10 yeasrs and the company
would keptep the dam in repair, the $10000 dolloars to be paid
at the End of 10 years unless sooner needed for repairs
and at the End of 10 years or Even after Presid[en]t Young should
be to one half of the Expens of keeping the dam in repair
the other Proposition was to let the President have 3/4 of all the
surplus water for nothing & he run his risk about the dam
and water. I visited the Theater 145 long 810 feet wide
it was nearly ready to be occupied

~ Wednesday

5 They began to move the printing to day across the road to
the Deserett Store I spent the day in the office compiling History
I attended a lecture of Brother Merrill upon firs, making Hats,
the material & way of making, the manner of cureing firs

~ Thursday

6 I spent the forenoon looking at papers & Journalizeing the afternoon
I spent at home I went with my family to the Theater at
5 'oclok mine was the first family that entered the House we took
our seats in the first galery in front of the stage the House soon
began to fill and by half past 6 oclok the House was crouded
both below and two galeries the services comm[enc]ed at a little past
6 oclok by singing President Young made a few remarks then D H
offerd the dedication Prayer by reading it to the assembly
Then singing then President Young delivered an address to the ass-
embly, followed By H. C. Kimball & D. H. Wells & John Taylor we had

Page 202

several songs vary good music. We then had a play, called
Pride of the markedt in Versails which was a vary nice play

~ Friday

7 We had a snow storm last night, snow lies on the ground this morn[in]g
I spent the day in the office compiling History on Jan 1850
I met with the board of the Irrigation Company

~ Saturday

8 A single key with teeth to the right I spent the day in the Endow[me]nt House we gave Endow[me]nts to
about 50 persons I sealed at the altar 21 couple & D. H. Wells
20 couple to 41 couple sealed

~ Sunday

9 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. H. Moon
Prayed & L. W. Hardy was mouth. I attended meeting at the
Tabernacle. John M. Woolley Preached in the morning "LordR L. Campbell
in the afternoon," followed by President Brigham Young, who spoke
much to the Edification of the People. He said that we should
Organize a state government and go to and maintain it and trust
in God and He will defend us. I met with John Taylor G. A. Smith
& F. D. Richards J. Taylor Preaayed & G A Smith was mouth

~ Monday

110 I spent the day in the office compiled History. We had a visit
from a Mr Sullivan who has been spending the winter at the foot
of the rocky ridge at a place called South pass City I do not know
as there was any inhabitant of the city Except Mr Sullivan, he has
been Exploring the wind river chain valley & the surrounding
country He thinks there is 200,000,000 acres of good land could be
cultivated in that country. I spent the Evening at President
Youngs. I heard some peaces read from Calafornia strongly against
us, also a paper from Honolulu and a paper from Capt Gibson

~ Tuesday

11 I spent the day mostly in the office reading History I visited Br
Jesse Carter Little who had been quite sick but was now getting Better
we were visited by Mr P. C. Sullivan he showed us his map
and gave us an account of the streams, soil, timber, fish
fir game &c the streams abound with the fine mountain
trout, Bever, Otter, there is vast forests of pine and cottonwood
200,000 acres of good land that could be watered in the wind
river chain Basin He thought a good deal of the land would
raise grain without irrigation.

~ Wednesday

12 I spent the day in the office compiling history and reading I attended
a lecture givien by N. H. Felt upon the History of the Eygyptians

Page 203

~ Thursday

March 13th 18602

We had quite a snow storm last night, the ground is covered with
snow. G. A. Smith obtained a letter this morning from Bishop Lunt
saying that Brother Dodge had arived from Calafornia & said that
Col Tarlton had a ridgment of 1200 soldiers at San Bernadeno
on there way to Utah He was put under guard for several
days because he belonged in Southern Utah He accuses the mormons
of puling down the mountain meadow monum[en]t, said he would learn
the mornimons to let dead men alone. I spent the day in the office
reading History I spent the evening at home

~ Friday

14 I spent the day in the office President Kimball came in at 12 oclok
and herd his sermons read. I accompanied Brother F. D. Richards
to Samuel Snider and administered to him by the laying on of hands
He was vary sick with Lung fever & pleurisy

~ Saturday

15 I spent most of the day in the Endowm[en]t House. We gave Endow-
ments to about 40 persons I sealed 8 couple at the altar & D H
20 couple, total 28 couple. I attended the Theater at night

~ Sunday

16 I was quite unwell this morning I attended my Prayer Circle
in the morning, and also with the Twelve in the Evening. TJ Taylor
W Woodruff G. A. Smith & F. D. Richards. I opened by Prayer J. Taylor
G. A. Smith was mouth I spent the day at Home B Young preached in the Morning

~ Monday

17 A Hail & snow storm Wilford & Mrs Woodruff went to the farm
I was quite unwell with sore throat I spent a part of the day
at the office

~ Tuesday

18 I was unwell but I spent the day in the office also the Evening
President Young received a letter from H. H. Bancroft & Co
Booksellers and Stationers San Francisco Calafornia requesting
him to send him a map of Utah, with all the counties maped,
county seats and counties named, also the Name and location of
all the location post offices and settlements" A tracing upon the
map of all the mail and Emigrant routes which travers the
Territory. "Give a list of Federal officrs there position residence
and salary, A List of Territorial Elective officers The names of
Federal Judges with the boundaries of their Judicial districts there
residence salary and length & Expiration of term and the
time and place of there holding there session," "The name of your
delegate in Congress & when his term Expires. The name style

Page 204

and organization of your legislationure, together with a list
of the officers and members corressponding with that of Oregon
on page 145 of the Hand Book Almanac. A list of all the
counties, with Estimated population & assessable property and
County Seat. A description of the topography of Each county
with a mention of its principle features in agricultural or min-
eral information A List of the county officers with there resi-
dence, salary and Experation of term. A List of post offices
with population of place and name of postmaster.

Fourth Religions. Tables showing the organization officers
and numerical membership of your sChurch. The Temple its
size structure, cost, nearness to completion and a general
description of it" The foregoing is an Extract of Presid[en]t Young
Letter from Mr Bancroft. This letter was dated Feb 4th 1862
Received Feb 18. Sent to the Historians Office March 18. I called
upon President Young and asked him if he wished us to get up
a work in answer to that Letter He said yes I thought you would
had it done before this. But He did not know that it had been
in the Hands of Brother Carrington one month & in our hands
but 3 Hours. I spent the Evening in the office upon this work

~ Wednesday

189 I spent the day in the office Journalizing and upon the statistics
of Utah. I visited President Youngs office, and He called
into the Historians office at 5 oclok, and conversed upon
the subject of sending the statistics of Utah to Bancroft. I attended
the Theater in the Evening

~ Thursday

20th I spent the day in the office on Utah statistics & compiling History

~ Friday

21 I spent the day in the office compiling History. I attended the lecture
at the 70 Hall, upon National Character Brother Foreman
delivered the lecture, followed By J. V. Long. I took a severe cold

~ Saturday

22 I was poorly to day yet I spent most of the day in the Endowment
we gave Endowments to about 30 and Had 30 sealings I
sealed 7 couple and D. H. Wells 23 couple President H. C. Kimball
gave a lecture and among his remarks said, that our lives were
hid with Christ in God "He said we were the children of God,
and in the loinse of our Father." I spent the Evening at home

~ Sunday

23 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I opened by

Page 205

Prayer Arza Hinkley was mouth. I attended meeting at the taber-
all day. Wm Willes and W. W. Phelps Preached in the forenoon
& President Young spoke in the afternoon. I met with John Taylor
G. A. Smith & F. D. Richards for Prayer. W. Woodruff opened by
Prayer & G. A. Smith was mouth. I Preached at the 14 ward in
the Evening and had a good meeting

~ Monday

24 A Plesant morning I received 2 letters from J. M. Bernhisel &
A folded letter/box one package of 5 tea plants 2 I put in pots, one in my
Gardien one I gave to Presidents Youngs gardner, & one to G.
D. Watt
. I received one letter tofrom MaBarton.

~ Tuesday

25 I spent the day in the office compiling History

~ Wednesday

26 We read to President Young the History and statistics of Utah
in answer to Bancrofts Letter. I put in a Bed of Hoocker, Hovey
seedling, & Peabody strawburies.

~ Thursday

27 I bought of T. Elebeck $20 dollars worth of strawburies, goose-
buries & Blackburies and I put in a large bed of wilsons Albany
and Vicount Harrecart D Thurry, & scarlet Magnet

~ Friday

28. We have had a vary dry time for a week untill this morning
it commenced to rain & snow. I spent the day in the office

~ Saturday

29 I spent most of the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endow[me]nts
to over 40 persons. I sealed 10 couple & D. H. Wells sealed 17 couple

~ Sunday

30 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended
meeting in the Tabernacle all day. President Wells & Kimball spoke in
the morning & President Young Preached in the afternoon and He
Keys crossed delivered unto the people one of the most interesting Beneficial
doctrinal sermons that was ever delivered unto the House of
Israel. He revealed the principles of the Judgment. He said that
God would Judge the world but How would He Judge the world He would
not sit in Judgment upon Each individual case. But the Lord would
preside over all his Prophets and Apostles of Evry generation and
He sent them forth with a dispensation of the gospel to the children of
men in various ages of the world, those who recieved their testimony
and abided by their council would have no sins to pay for after
death, but the wicked would be Judged after death, it is said that
Christ will Judge the world But He chose 12 Apostles also 70 & many
others as Helps. it is said that the 12 Apostles would sit upon Twelve

Page 206

Thrones & Judge the Twelve tribes of Israel but they will not
Judge all individual cases. Joseph Smith will preside over this dispen-
sation and Judge but He has chosen 12 Apostles 70ties & we have High
Priest, High Council, and Bishops to Jud[g]e the people Joseph will not Judge
Each individual neither shall I neither do I want to spend my time
in listening to the sins & nonsens of the People. But all the Saints should
submit to the authority which is over them if a man sins & He is
tryed by his bishop and Judgment passed upon him & the man submits
to that Judgment that is the End of the Law, and this is the fulfilling of
the scripture whare it says that "some mens sins go to Judgment before
while other follow after" [1 Timothy 5:24] if the Saints sin and they are tried, Judged
condemned, & the Saints submit to that Judgm[en]t they will never be Judged
afterwards. this power is given into the Hands of the Apostles or
those who hold the keys of the pristhood that "whosoever sins ye remit
are [remitted] & whosoever sins ye retain are retained and whatsoever ye
bind on Earth is bound in Heaven" [Doctrine and Covenants 132:46] I do not Expet that there
will be much time spent after death in Judging the Saints but the
wicked will have to be Judged. If I was to say that the sins
of this Church should be remitted & forgiven it would be done
but I dont want to say that for we have got to mayny poor
curses among us who will commit sin and I want them to
pay for there sins many other interiesting remarks were made
by President Young. I met with John Taylor & F. D. Richards
for Prayer John Taylor Prayer, F. D. Richards was mouth. I attended
meeting at the 14 ward in the Evening J. W. Cummings spoke followed by
by G. D. Watt

~ Monday

31 A cold windey stormy day snow, Hail, & rain, cloudy & sunshine
I spent most of the day at home choreing I spent several hours in
the office Journalizing

~ Tuesday

April 1st April fool day even the telegraphs, Printing office, as
well as the children in the streets are trying to April fool the people
I spent the day in the office

~ Wednesday

2nd I called at the presidents office several times to see him
about Building a sheep carall at a spring near Coones Canyon
I had sent my pools [poles] there to make a carroll & Levi Riter
opposed me in [it] & said his claime covered that spring but He

Page 207

had never occupied it, and the grant which was given to Lorenzo
the right of which Riter bought was repealed by the Legislature
in 1860. I told President Young about the circumstances & he
said if he was in my place He should go ahead & put up a carrell
I spent the Evening in the printing office. it snowed most of the night

~ Thursday

3rd The ground is covered with some 3 inches of snow this morning
Willford started for the west mountain with a load of polls I spent
the fore part of the day choreing, the afternoon in the office compiling History
Phebe, Sarah, & Delight went to the fast meeting and got
there children Blessed by Bishop Hoagland in the 14 ward the
snow was off the valley by noon

~ Friday

14 I drove my sheep & waggon to my sheep carall near
Coons Canyon the carall was made, & I left Moroni with the
sheep & Wilford & myself returned home 24 miles

~ Saturday

5 Suaturday I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endo-
wments to some 50 persons D. H. Wells sealed 17 couple & W W
sealed 16 couple A folded letter/box I received 2 letters I attended the 70 Meeting {President Young spoke.}

~ Sunday

6 April Sunday The Saints met in the Tabernacle at 10 oclok in
A General Conference All of the presidency were present & all of
the Quorum of the Twelve Except A. Lyman, C. C. Rich & G. Q. Cannon
who were in England. President Young & John Taylor preached
in the forenoon. Elders O. Hyde E. Snow & B. Young in the afternoon
In the Evening there was a Priesthood meeting which filled the
Tabernacle. A difficulty between John Barry & Zebedee Cooltrin
of Spanish Fork was investigated. President Young spoke most of
the Evening and gave instruction upon the diferent offices of the
Priesthood He told the diferent duties of the President of the Branch
the Bishop, & the different Quorums He gave much instruction &
if the people would remember it & Practice upon it it would
be a great Benefit to them

~ Monday

7th Conference met at 10 oclok. Elders G. A. Smith B. Young H. C.
E T Benson & O Hyde Preached. Afternoon Presid[en]t
H. C. Kimball presented all the Authorities of the Church which
was voted by the Church, then president Wells & B Young spoke
and gave good instruction. In the Evening the Bishops and all
the priesthood met was addressed by E Hunter O Hyde & Presid[en]t Young

Page 208

~ Tuesday

April 8th 1862

Conference met at 10 oclok. Wm Clayton read the Financial
report of the Trustee in trust of the Church. J. V. Long read
the names of the missionaries. Elder Orson Pratt spoke upon
Constitutional Law, followed by a few remarks from G. A. Smith
Afternoon smsome business attended to after which Elder L. Snow
W Woodruff & President B. Young spoke.

~ Wednesday

9th Coneference met at 10 oclok F. D. Richards & H. C. Kimball
Preached ant 12 oclok. Conference adjourned untill next october 6th
The missionaries met at the Historians Office at 2 oclok

There were present of the Twelve O Hyde J. Taylor W Woodruff
G. A. Smith Lorenzo Snow & Erastus Snow. O Hyde prayed after
which O. Hyde, John Taylor, G. A. Smith & L Snow Blessed 12 missionaries
W Woodruff, E Snow & F. D. Richards Blessed 12 missionaries
then speeches was made by O. Hyde W. Woodruff E. Snow and
F. D. Richards G. A. Smith John Taylor & Lorenzo Snow all of
which gave good instruction to the missionaries.

~ Thursday

10 A cool morning we have had rain & snow up to this date
I spent most of the day in the office. We met in council
upon our Legislative Business

~ Friday

11. I spent the day choreing a part of the time in the office

~ Saturday

12 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endow[me]nt House,
we gave Endowm[en]ts to about 30. I sealed 15 couple. at 1 oclok
I went to the seventies Hall and attended the trial of Zera
, who had been sealing women to men without
Authority. He was required to be rebaptized & had the
privilege of Being ordained into the High Priest Quorum
I attended a feast at Brother & Sister Blackhurst with the
Quorum of the Twelve & there wives.

~ Sunday

13 Sunday A Hard rainy day J. V. Long & T. B. Stenhouse
Preached in the fore noon & J Taylor & W Woodruff in the
afternoon. I met with the Twelve for Prayer Lorenzo Snow
Prayed G. A. Smith was Mouth.

~ Monday

14 April 1862 Keys crossed The Legislative Assembly of the State of Deserett
convened in the state House in Great Salt Lake City at 11 oclok
it being the first time the State Legislature ever met in Deserett

Page 209

The House occupied the lower room & the Senate the uper room
The Senate organized by aElecting John Taylor President T. W
Chief Secretary & Patrick Lynch assistant secretary
S. L. Sprague Messenger Robert Pierce Foreman, Joseph Young
Chaplain, Joseph Taylor sargent at Arms, A. P. Rockwood
was appointed speaker of the House. After we became organ-
ized A committee was appointed to wait upon the Govornor
and inform him we were ready to receive any communication
he wished to make to the general assembly. We went into Joint
Session whare Governor Brigham Young met us and delivered
unto us his message which was read by Wm Clayton. Voted
to print 500 copies for the benefit of the Legislature. The Lieut.
Gov. H. C. Kimball delivered an address, followed by D. H. Wells
President of the Convention. After which President B. Young
addressed the Assembly in a vary interesting manner. He said
A single key with teeth to the right The Machine is now built in all its parts the wheel is now ready for
you to turn the water on & set the machine in motion or not
Just as you please. We have got to frame our own Governm[en]t
and govern ourselvers or we shall not be governed ownly by
the devel & wicked men and go to Hell together. Now I am
going to stick to the old ship of Zion and she will carry us
safe through. The wicked will sware to support the Constitution
of the United States but they will turn around and break the con-
stitution daily. The Constitution does not give the Congress
of the United States
power to govern the people in a Territory
any more than in a state capacity they have the power to
admit states but not to form there government or send
officers to rule over them. I am willing that you should do
all that is necessary, appoint all the officers and set the Factory
in [motion] & see if we cannot make some cotton cloth. I have no fears
in the matter. If we will Bless ourselves the heavens will
bless us, if we will help ourselves God will help us and in
Him alone should we trust. The Joint assembly adjourned and
met in there separate rooms. The President then appointed the
standing committees. the minutes were read and the senate
adjourned till tomorrow 10 oclok

Page 210

~ Tuesday

April 15, 1862

The Senate met at 10 oclok. The President of the Senate
made some remarks upon the Busines before us W. Woodruff
moved that we make a full organization of the State of
and put the machine in motion. The Senate then
went into a committe of the whole and discussed the subject
we attended to what business was before us then adjourned
till tomorrow 1 oclok. I attended the marriage ceremony
of a Brother Webb and Sister Horn daughter of Joseph
President Young married them after which we part-
ook of an Exelent supper. We had a vary severe snow
storm from the west it snowed all night

~ Wednesday

16. The Earth was covered with snow this morning. I spent
the afternoon in the Senate. We met a short time in Joint
session and Elected two senators to Congress viz Wm H Hooper
& George Q Cannon. We Elected 3 supreme Judges. We done
much Business then adjourned till 1 oclok tomorrow
we had another snow storm at about 6 oclok we
have had a constant scene of snow & rain storm
up to this date I have never seen as late a spring
as we have had this season

16 I spent the afternoon in the senate we met at 1 oclok P.M. We performed
a good deal of Business passed all bills before us & cleared the table
we went into Joint Session and Elected two Senators viz Wm H Hooper
& George Q Cannon, And D. H. Wells Secretary of State, O Calder
Treasurer, Wm Clayton Auditer of Public Accounts, A Miner
Attorney General, Elias Smith Chief Justice, of the State of Deserett
Z Snow Associate Justice S. M. Blair associate Justice.

~ Thursday

17 Senate met at 1 oclok After clearing the table of Business we
went into Joint Session and, we Elected Erastus Snow, John A
, Wm I. Appleby, Jesse Haven, & Wm Hyde, Circuit Judges

We closed up our Deseret State Legislation & adjourned to meet
in Great Salt Lake City on the 3rd Monday in Jan 1863. I attended
the theater in the Evening

~ Friday

18 A plesant morning without any snow storm the first time we
have had a plesant day for a long time it has stormed almost every
day through the month I received 3 letters from Ozem Woodruff I F Carter & Copeland
A folded letter/box I met with the Quorum of the Twelve to partake of a Feast at John Taylors

Page 211

~ Saturday

April 19 1862

A vary plesant day I spent the forenoon in the Endow[me]nt House
we gave Endowm[en]ts to 38 persons. Brother D. H. Wells sealed 19
couple. I spent the afternoon in the office. I wrote a letter
to J. M. Bernhisel & sent him a Draft from J. M. Ballwinkle of $235.13
I made out my tax roll as follows. Land Claim $3000, Cattle $310, Horses
$250, Mules $150, sheep $425 swine $30, waggons $80, watches $50,
other taxable property $100, total $4395. tax $44. 3/4 in cash

~ Sunday

20 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended
meeting in the Tabernacle in the forenoon O. Hyde Preached followed
By E. F. Bird, Miles P. Romney John Snith, Samuel Meslin &
Wm Willis, followed by a song By Brother Willis. In the afternoon
Brother Orson Pratt spoke I met in the Evening with O. Hyde
WO. Pratt G. A. Smith ^&^ E. Snow W. Woodruff. E Snow Prayed &
O Hyde was mouth. O. Pratt did not dress was lame.

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

21 A Plesant day, gardning also 22nd in gardning

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

23, 24 I sowed my carrotts.

~ Friday

25. I uncovered my grape vines to day Apricotts are
all in Bloom it is vary dry

~ Saturday

26 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave
Endow[me]nts to 42 persons. D. H. Wells sealed 18 couple & W Woodruff
12 couple I spent the afternoon in the Historians office. Capt Wm
H Hooper
started for Washington with an escort of about
25 men, who are expecting to go with him as far as Laramie
in consequence of a reported Indian difficulty

~ Sunday

27 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning attended
meeting at the Tabernacle all day 5 of the missionaries spoke
allin daythe morning, E. Snow in the afternoon followed by President
Young I met with J. Taylor & F. D. Richards for Prayer J Taylor
Prayed W. Woodruff was mouth. We laid Hands upon Robert
& set him apart for a mission to England I attended
meeting at the 14th ward in the Evening J D Ross & John Taylor Preached

~ Monday

28 I spent the day ploughing & planting my garden

~ Tuesday

29 I took a part of my family to the mouth of Coones Canyon
to see my flock of sheep I found them doing well also my cows

~ Wednesday

30 I spent the day in the garden

~ Thursday

May 1st I spent this day planting my garden

Page 212

~ Friday

May 2nd 1862

I spent a part of the day in the office Journalizing

~ Saturday

3 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowm[en]t House
we gave Endowm[en]ts to 44 person. D. H. Wells sealed 26 couple I
sealed 4 couple. President Young was unwell & did not attend

~ Sunday

4 Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle. John Stockes
Thomas Taylor, Robert Pixton Miner G. Atwood & Wm John
& President Wells preached in the forenoon & Millen
& President H. C. Kimball in the afternoon. I met
with O. Pratt, J. Taylor G A Smith & F. D. Richards for prayer
F. D. Richard Prayed & O Pratt was mouth. in company with
F. D. Richards I visited A. O. Smoot who was vary sick
we laid hands upon him anointed him & rebuked his fever
and he began to amend from that Hour

~ Monday

5 All the streams in Utah are vary High. The canyon creek
is doing much damage is washing away mill dams covering
wheat fields, carrying away fenses &c the New Bridge on
Webber is carried away & much damage is done. I spent
most of the day in the office filing my family papers

~ Tuesday

6. I spent most of the day filing family papers or corresponding
Letters I visited Brother A. O. Smoot I found him vary sick
I laid hands upon him with Dr Jeter Clinton & prayed
for him. His family was discouraged about him fearing He
would die. On my return to the office I spoke to President
B Young about him He said He would be around again
in few days He saw him in a dream the night before &
thought He would soon get well

~ Wednesday

7th I finished filing & packing up my family letters & all
all corresponding letters at noom. In the afternoon
I rode in President Youngs carriage with Him & D. H. Wells
& Albert Carrington to Brother Abram O. Smoots who was
still vary sick President You[n]g said we ought to be cheerful
while among the sick. When we are well we ought to live our religion
and be faithful in our prayers and when we are sick be Jovial
& get a fiddle & not be cast down we all laid hands upon Brother Smoot
President Young was mouth & blessed him I then returned to
the office & read History to Geo A. Smith I visited Brother Smoot

Page 213

in the Evening and again administered to him. I had 3
children taken quite sick at my house this afternoon viz
Sarah's Emma's & Phebe's they were quite sick through the

~ Thursday

8 Brother W. W. Phelps called at my house & He joined me
in in administering to my 3 sick children. I spent the mor-
ning in watering my garden then called at the Historians
& wrote in the Journal & herd history read

~ Friday

9 It is still vary dry Wilford went to the west mountain to day
Brother Smoot is some better to day I spent the day in the office

~ Saturday

10 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endow[me]nt House we gave
Endowm[en]ts to 40 persons. D. H. Wells sealed 26 couple I spent
the afternoon in the office Hearing History read

~ Sunday

11 Sunday two of my children are vary sick I did not attend
Meeting John Marett Wm Legg Orson Pratt & G. A. Smith
spoke in the forenoon. Amos M. Musser & Geo A Smith
Preached in the afternoon. I attended the prayer circle with
Orson Pratt & G. A. Smith. W. Woodruff Prayed & G. A. Smith
was mouth. I visited A. O. Smoot & found him much better
I administered to one of his children, and I administered to
3 of my own children

~ Monday

12 A Plesant May morning Apricotts are as large as robbins
eggs peach Bloom are mostly off Appletrees have been in
Bloom for a week. I spent the day in the office reading History

~ Tuesday

13 I rode Horseback about 35 miles attending the cattle drive at
Whites Fort it being the longest distance I had rode on Horsback
for a number of years I was vary lame & sore at night 35 m[iles]

~ Wednesday

14 I rode in a carriage to Sniders place where all the cattle
were gathered together from the various drives many found
there cattle there was a large Heard not claimed. I spent
the Evening in the office Journalizing & Hearing History read
Geo. A. Smith and myself laid hands upon Hans Christian
& set him apart for his mission to Denmark G A S was mouth

~ Thursday

15 I spent the fore part of the day in the office
reading History the after noon it rained and I set out cabages
& Tomatoes. President Young called to see my Hydropult.

Page 214

~ Friday

16 May 1862

I spent most of the day in the office reading History we had
a rain in the afternoon. President Young called in the aftern ^morning a short time^

~ Saturday

17 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 49 persons. D. H. Wells sealed 22 persons & W. Woodruff sealed 10 couple
it is a plesant day many of teams are starting out to day for the plains

~ Sunday

18 Sunday I attended meeting all day at the Tabernacle John
& G. A. Smith Preached in the forenoon Dr Clinton and
George Sims in the afternoon. I met for Prayers at noon
but my Quorum did not come I went up to visit Brother
A. O. Smoot I found him fast recovering from his sickness
I met at 5 oclok with John Taylor & G. A. Smith for Prayer
John Taylor Prayed G. A. Smith was mouth I attended meeting in
the 14 ward in the Evening and spoke to the people I Blessed two
missionaries during the past week, with G. A. Smith I sent
one yoke of 4 year old oxen & chain & a pair of Extra bows
in the 14 ward team to go East for the Saints

~ Monday

19 A cool morning I spent the day in the office reading History

~ Tuesday

20. I spent the fore part of the day mending a stable the afternoon
in the office reading History.

~ Wednesday

21 I set out about a doz Hop vines, then in company with Mrs
Woodruff & daughter Phebe and Brother Box I rode over
Jordon to the dam and then followed the damitch in its meandering
to its termination visited Brother Box'es farm & premises & returned
Home & red the dispatch from the seat of war distance 12 m

~ Thursday

22 I spent the day in the office compiling History. President
Young called into the office and spent an hour with us Brother
R. L. Campbell showed President Young a small Book to be
Printed for children President Young again took up the
Deseret Alphabet and conversed upon that subject He spoke
of what he had done to introduce that subject to this people
He had sent East, and got a font of the best deserett type
made that could be got and still the regency and superint-
tendent of common schools, the Teachers nor people none
of them have faith Enough to introduce the Deserett Alphabet
into the schools. I will not give my consent or furnish any type
to publish that Book or any other for children with the

Page 215

Errors now Exhisting in the English aruthography by doing
this we teach our children fals principles which they have to
wallow through all there lives. if I cannot present to my
children true principles in there language I do not want to pre-
sent any thing to them Neither will I use my priesthood to
force it upon the people. If the people will not assist me to int-
roduce it for the benefit of the rising generation they may go with-
out it, but we can buy those gentile school books for children
much cheaper than we can make them Here, and I dont wish
to have any of that class of Books made here. Brother Campbell
tryed to argue the point with President Young But he gained
nothing by it. We had long dispatches by Telegraph to day

~ Friday

23 I spent the forenoon in the office reading History. In the afternoon
I preached a funeral sermon of aBrother Teasdale child about 2
years old Presidents Young & Kimball at the same time was
Preaching the Funeral Sermon of Brother Frederick Gad who
had kept a Barbers shop at the globe for several years the sermons
were delivered in the Council or State House. I had closed my
services and went to the other meeting & heard President
Young speak a short time. He said it is a great Blessing which
God has given us in this life that by keeping the command-
ments of God we can maintain our identity to all Eternity
and dwell with the Gods. this is worth seeking for that we can
have the society of our Friends in glory immortality & Eternal
. President Kimball made a few remarks He spoke well
of Brother Gad. at the close of the sermon He was burried with
Military honors he being a milember of the Artillery. a band
of Maretial music Headed the posrosession, & went to the grave
under a slow march.

~ Saturday

24 I spent the day in the Endowment House till 2 o'clok we gave
Endowm[en]ts to 36, D H Wells sealed 27 couple. I visited Brother
Elebecks garden in the Evening, then Brother Smoot & found
Him getting better

~ Sunday

25 I attended meeting in the Tabernacle J. W. Cummings Wm M.
, D. H. Wells spoke in the morning & President B Young
in the afternoon followed by H. C. Kimball I met with my Quorum for

Page 216

Prayer at noon, & with the Twelve in the Evening I met with
John Taylor & F. D. Richards A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Lorenzo Snow

~ Monday

26 I spent the day in the office compiling History in April 1860

~ Tuesday

27 I compiled 15 days History in May 1850. The Jordon is rising
vary fast it is Higher than we have Ever known it before since
we have been in this valley

~ Wednesday

28 The river Jordon is vary high I took my Mules waggon
and Wilford to go to our Encampm[en]t at Coones Just before
I drove onto the small bridge one End of it fell about 18
inches onto the water and I expected Every minute to see it
go down stream I took my mules over one at a time & then
drew the waggon over By hand & went on our Journey all safe
I had Brother Lewis the ston mason we [with] me we drove to our
Encampment & laid the foundation to our milk House a wall
2 feet thick 19 By 12 feet on the outside leaving the building 15 By
8 in the clear it rained a part of the day

~ Thursday

29 I spent the day attending mason we finished the walls of the
milk House and Banked it up It rained a part of the day
I killed a regular scorpeon while bankeding up the House and
in the afternoon one of my mules got bit in the nose with
a rattlesnake & the lower part of his head swelled as large
as a peck measure. I put on spirits of Terpentine & lard

~ Friday

30 My Mules Head was badly swollen this morning I baithed it
in a strong decotion of wild sage & drenched the animal with sweet
milk I left him and drove home to the city 24 miles

~ Saturday

31. I spent the forenoon in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowments
to 16 persons & I sealed 12 couple there was none of the
presidency present. The Eastern mail came in the first we have
received for 6 weeks which is a long time for a daily mail

~ Sunday

June 1st Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Arza E
Prayed and I was mouth at the Altar. I attended meeting
at the Tabernacle all day T. B. Broderick & G. A. Smith spoke in
the morning & W. Woodruff & B. Young in the afternoon President
Young spoke upon the laying of the foundation of the Temple. He
had some of the stons taken up and they were not laid solid
but were laid on chinking, small stones, and I am ashamed

Page 217

that I have had any thing to do with it the men who have
bossed the laying of those stones are fools or consummit rascals
many other remarks were made upon the subject

~ Monday

2nd I spent most of the day about the water ditches, the City Creek
was doing much damage & about 60 men turned out & opened a
New ditch above brother Kimballs well.

~ Tuesday

3rd I spent the fore part of the day in the office Journalizing
the afternoon at home

~ Wednesday

4 I spent the forenoon at home watering the afternoon in the
office compiling History.

~ Thursday

5 I Baptized Henry [blank] Brown in the slew near Jordon
I confirmed him in the Historians office with G A Smith He
was mouth I spent most of the day in the office compiling History

~ Friday

6 I spent the forenoon at home & the afternoon compiling History
I let G. A. Smith have a variety of Apples for buding

~ Saturday

7 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endow[me]nt House we gave
Endowments to 35. President Kimball sealed 6 couple W. Woodruff sealed
14 couple. We had as hard a rain storm last night & to day as I ever
say [saw] in this valley in June I attended a meeting for the Examination of Doctors see oposite page*

~ Sunday

8th I met with my Quorum in the morning J. C. Little Prayed Bishop
A Hoagland was mouth. I attended meeting at the Tabernacle George
spoke mostly upon the subject of saving paper rags He was
followed by James MCGee, & closed by President Young who spoke
upon domestic affairs Housekeeping &c including the dish cloth
place for the Broom, water & milk Pail, How to make bread & cook
a meal of vitules also raising potatoes, strawburies, an Orchard
and farming in general He said Moses took the children of Israel
out of Egypt into the wilderness and there taught them the principles
of there Every day life. It is so with the Saints Here they want
to be gathered to Zion so they can be taught how to live we
cannot teach this in the world. We there preach the gospel of
but when they gather to Zion they should be taught
in all the duties of Every day life. In the afternoon James McGee spoke
followed by G A Smith & H. C. Kimball. G. A. Smith & W. Woodruff
of the Twelve met for Prayer W W Prayd G A Smith was mouth
I visited Br Alvord and spent an hour with him & his wife

Page 218

* On Saturday the Afternoon I met at the City Hall with Jeter
& H. J. Doremus several of the Doctors for Examination
Preparatory to thereir geting a license we first Examined
Dr Wiseman He said Gout was High Rheumatism. for the
Gout I no nothing better than Morphine or Opium and
the Oil of Galvanium. For Inflamitory rheumatism I would
give Tartar emetic medicine. For the diyspepsia I would give
opening medicine & hops or strong beer. For gravel I would
give Gensing ^Guaiacum^ & lime water. For white swelling I use a poultice
of Mandrake in its natural state that purifies the blood and
sometimes I use it in medicine. For Lung fever I use Pyroligneous
acid and Gensing for a bad case I would use calomel & Mercury
as nothing Els will reach the liver I give 5 or 6 grains. For the
Erysipelas I would use Lime water and calomel as a wash, and
I would give cream of Tarter and Rhubarb To soften down
what do you do for cancer's "cancars are caused in women
by suckling children to long in men by Extreme case of scrofula
I use calomel & Opeum Externally and a plaster of Rosin
and Olive Oil and a tincture of Genstian and Rhubarb
In a difficult case of childbirth I would use oil to soften the
parts If I had a shoulder presentation I should put it back
when the child is born I sever the Naval Cord about 2 1/2 inches
from the body. In case of Broaken breast I use Hazel nut oil
any kind of spirits is injurious in such cases. for cake breast
3 tablespoonfuls of Linseed meal 1/2 tablespoonful of mustard.
For the cramp colic, I would give Brandy and water or a
Pill of Rhubarb & Gamboge a warm Bath will take it away
For Forostbit I would give Turpentine with 1/4 vinegar

Dr Dunion said I believe all deseases is caused by cold, then
there is an obstruction somewhare if the Lungs are the most
sussceptible to the cold then the fever will settle there. I give Lobelia
Squills Nervine Horehound and many other things I use rhubard
seneca poke root blue flag root and the warm bath. For Inflamatory
Rheumatism. I give Rhubarb and other cathartic medicine
I use a Bath of sulpher, catnip, sage & other herbs for Erysipelus

Page 219

I would give similar medicines & I use charcoal Brewers Yeast
as a poltice and I should give Quinine & tincture of Iron

Dr Michael Hyler was asked what He would do with the Rheuma-
tism He would give Rheubarb & calomel generally. I use Dovers
Powders, Bark and wine, campher & opeum. For the Lung fever
I would give Alloes tartar emetic & Epicac and vegitabe & mine-
ral tonics and Calomel (tonics composed of Quinine & arsenic)
For sore Eyes, I use a solution of 2 grains of Tartar Emetic,
1 pint of barley water, 1 grain of cream of tartar & give a wine
glass full of the solution. I make a wash of Blue vitrol and
campher to wash the Eye. For Frost Bitten limbs I would
make a salve 1 lb Rosen 1 lb Beeswax 2 lbs Butter 4 oz spirits
of Nitre 2 oz of Quicksilver & cut it with sulphuric acid
For Diarrhea I would give Rheubarb magnecia, 20 drops
peppermint 10 drops lodlam half a pint of Barley water cover
it till it gets cool sweeten with loaf sugar take a spoonfull
each hour for 6 Hours for grown person children in
proportion. For Cancers I use Arsenic internally &

Dr Palmer the Ey doctor makes use of the following articles as
his main medicines Nitred of Silver Sulphat of zink sulphat
of copper sulphat of Iron, salt, sugar, saltpeter Borax Opeum
camphor Belladona, croton Oil, & calomel

~ Monday

June 9, 1862 I spent the day in the office mostly Journalizing I spent
the Evening at President Youngs & spoke to him of the doctors He
told us to give them a cirtificate according to there character

~ Tuesday

A single key with teeth to the right 10 President Young has ordered the raising of the foundation of the
temple in consequence of the stones many of them having been put
upon spawls or cobble stones & not laid solid which he did not
find out untill after it was done the workmen are taking up
the large top stones to day, and they have taken out our depo-
sit of records coin &c which we deposited in the foundation
which I never Expected to live to se taken out when I saw
it deposited

Page 220

~ Wednesday

June 11th 1862

I spent the day mostly in the office compiling I weighed
my wool in the morning I had 440 lbs of wool in the di[rt]
I paid 44 lbs for tithing

~ Thursday

12 Keys crossed This morning a company of about 300 men left
this city for South Webber all armed for war Infiantry
calvalry & artilery called out by order of the acting
Govornor of Utah Secretary Fuller on the demand of
Judge Kienney, who has issued warrants against Mr
Morris the fals prophet & his council John Banks &
Richard Cook & thareey have resisted the officers and
threatened the lives of all who should serve the writ
I Wilford Woodruff sen was born on sunday March first
1807. I spent the day in the office compiling History

~ Friday

13 I spent the office day in the office President Young & M.
called into the office at 3 oclock & conversed upon
several subjects. I spent the Evening in President Youngs
Office waiting for a messenger from our armey to bring the
News of affairs with the Morrisites I left after 10 oclok and
about 12 oclock a messenger arived and reported that Capt
Robert Burton surrounded the Morris Fort at about daylight
and sent a letter By the Heardsman to Morris & his council
that they would give him half an hour to answer the writ
and if they would not do it they would fire upon them
they waited one hour and heard Nothing from them
they then fired a cannon shot at them & the morrisits com-
mencd to fire there musketry and this opened the ball for
the day and they faught all day with cannon and and
small arm the secessionest had some minney rifles our
soldiers had strict orders not to Expose themselves but Brother
Jared Smith son of Arthur Smith shot his gun and then
An arrow rose up to see what he had done & stood up to load
his gun and He was shot in the breast & fell & Priv[ate]
Whitehead saw he was mortally wounded & he asked
him if he had any thing to ^say^ to his Father or Mother
He said tell them it is all right Mormonism is
Just as good and true to day as it ever was and that

Page 221

was the last words He spoke, and died in five minutes another
man was wounded in the shoulder He was a long way off one
man had a ball shot through his hated the Enemy have
some sharps & minney rifles, our armey have surrounded
them & our cannon is placed within 200 yards of the fort
they do not know how many of the morrisites were killed the
messenger did not know. as they were in there log cabins
the Two prisioners were set at liberty & came to our Army
and one of Cooks wives with 3 children came to the Armey

~ Saturday

14 The dead Body of Jared Smith was brought home at 1 'oclk
& delivered to his father. I spent the forenoon in the Endowm[en]t
we gave Endowm[en]ts to 26 persons & W. Woodruff sealed
13 couple we have had a cold rainy day The Battle commenced
at day light onthis morning with musketry a short time and
it rained hard all day & the fireing ceased & but little done all

~ Sunday

15 Dr Dunyon came in from South webber at 3 oclok no partic-
ular News. Eli B Kelsey spoke in the morning followed by John Taylor
President Young Preached the funeral sermon of Jared Smith,
who was shot by the morrisites. He attended the meeting in the
Tabernacle G. D. Watt spoke followed by President You^n^yg. I met
with my Quorum in the morning R. L. Campbell Prayed A Ivins
was mouth. I met with G. A. Smith & John Taylor for prayer
John Taylor Prayed & G. A. Smith was mouth. The Battle com-
menced with the Morrisites Early in the morning, the 12 pounder was
used with good Effect through the day. Miller came down
as a messenger left at 1 'oclok with a dispatch, at about dark
Morris sent a flag of truce and offered to surrender said they
had stacked there Arms. Burton went down to take charge
of them with about 50 men when they came into the room
whare Morris was, Morris made a speech & Col Burton told him
to stop he did not wish to hiear him Preach. then John Banks
arose & said to his followers all who are willing to stand by
JThe Prophet Joseph Morris signify it by raising the right hand
all his followers raised his right hand, & then raised rushed
to siezed there arms two obtained their arms & shot

Page 222


Henry Gibson ^ An arrow piercing a heart Peter Wahlen abought 25 years of age 6 feet 2 inches High^ through the Head and He fell dead then
Morris was shot dead through the Heart and John Banks was
shot through the throughtat supposed mortally they then
surrendered as prisioners they then surrendred themselves up
prisioners 1 [blank] Man

~ Monday

16 Brother Briant Stringham arived this morning & brought
the news of the surrender last Evening and He brought the
septure & crown of Joseph Morris the fals Prophet and two
other septres, the septre of Morris was 5 feet in length the botton was
8 square run to a point tiped with Iron 10 inches of the midd[l]e was
8 square upon which was written in the different letters the following words
(To All Nations and People, Off All Languages that
now dwell upon the Earth. Be it known unto you, That I am
sent by the Great King of Kings and Lord of Lords to
rule over all Adams Posterity and being his Representative
I hold in my hand this Emblem of Power unto which all
the Nations and Kingdoms of the Earth, Must bow for I am
the Legitimate Ruler over all the Earth And my Authority
is sanctioned by the first God. Therefore I hold in my hand
an Emblem of Power to represent His septre which will
shortly be Given unto me. I Am Joseph Morris President
of the Melchisedec Priesthood.)

On the End of the septre was a Ball 15 inches in circumference
They also brought two other smaller septres One containing
the following words (Behold I am Daniel Smith Even
Number 7Seven and I present myself with this rod in my
Hand before this people and also before all mankind in the
stead of the seventh first born son of Adam, to Represent
or foreshawdow his name Number and inscription He being
the seventh ruler over all Abrahams seed Even over the
Elect of God) The other septre contained the same as the one
above ownly it said Behold I am Hugh Park Even Number five.
The Crown was tin painted yellow, with red cloth stufed inside
with a small wooden top with a wooden botton with a tin tube to put
a stick in to carry around. The whole concern shows to what
Extent fals Prophets & fanaticism will go these things were

Page 223

Exhibited in front of the office and hundreds of men women
and children came to see them and there seemed to be much
Excitement amoung the people the body of Peter Wahlen was
brought into the city at 1 oclok I went down to see the body He
was a fine looking young man He was shot with a large Ball
through the top of the Head & fell dead & never spoke. He was
a Jerman by birth & a single man.

The bodies of Joseph Morris & John Banks was brought into
the city at 4 oclok & taken to the City Hall By order of
[blank] their bodies were dressed & washed
I examined them John Banks was shot with one ball
through the neck. Joseph Morris was shot with one ball through
the Head & two in the breast & shoulders they were soon in
readiness to be Exhibited to the public there was near 2000 people
men women & children in a croud wishing to see the bodies but
they were in a small room and there was such a croud that after
a few had seen them the doors were closed & they were not
Exhibited any more.

Mr E. D. Stark delivered a lecture in the 13 ward Assembly rooms
I attended in company with F. D. Richards He spent most of his
time in treating upon Physognomy & not Phrenology I considered
him a vary shallow man & not possessing much depth or good
sens or common politeness

~ Tuesday

17 A Plesant morning I went up to the office in the morning
at 10 oclock I went with Col J. C. Little to Brother Lees and atte-
nded the funeral of Peter Walehlen who was shot in the battle
with the morrisites. I preached a shotrt sermon on the occasi-
on was followed with a few remarks by Phineas Young &
Abel Lamb I then returned to the office. In the afternoon
I went onto the Balcony of the Deseret Store with H. C. Kimball
G. A. Smith F D. Richards A. O. Smoot and several others
to see the Army with there prisioners pass by but they passed
on the Block below us. Brother Richards and myself went
down with the croud & followed along side of the prisioners
to the Court House there was a vary large procession of the
military, prisioners, & spectators the Prisioners were marched

Page 224

^ An arrow An arrow An arrow^ into the court yard on the East side of the Court House and
there guarded I went up & took a view of them I saw
Richard Cook who I consider is the most wicked & the
worst man in the company as he took Morris in & was
the means of putting him up to be a prophet & was the main
spring of the organization of the band. He looked vary sheepish
& wicked He partially hid himself behingd his brother John
there were some 80 prisioners the remainder old men and
ignorant were left with the women. the whole of the company
of Prisioners looked wicked. I went into the House and Herd
Dr Clinton give a relation of the affair at South Webber &
I marvel that there was not more killed upon our side than
there was. while conversing Dr Clinton was called for
to go to the Arsenal & dress a wound as one of the brethren
was accidentally shot in the foot we immediately went
up to the arsenal & found it was Brother Richard Hopkins
the ball went in at the little toe & went along in the flesh
part of the foot towards the Heel. We laid Hands upon him
& I prayed for him & He was then taken holm I went
down to his house on Examination it was found that the ball
went through the toe of the boot and flattened it out to a sharp
Edge it went into the toe joining the little toe mashed the toe to pieces
went through the foot the whole length of it cutting the whole
length of the sole of the foot open as though it had been cut open
with a knife & the ball lodged under the Heel bone it was a serious

~ Wednesday

18 Judge Kinney had a court in the Court House at 9 oclok
this morning to try the prisioners Before the opening of the
court Judge Kinney had some conversation with me He
asked if I was at the funeral of Jared Smith & Herd
President Youngs sermon I said No I was not present. He
said "I was told that President Young said that I was responsible
for all these things and that I was weak in the upper story But
says Judge Kinney I denyed it. I did not Believe it. I have not taken
any step without counciling President Young and when the men
came to sware out their Affidavit I told them they must ask

Page 225

President Young when they came back they said they had done
so & President Young told them to go to Judge Kinney & Get out
there Affidavits.["] I told the Judge I know nothing in the matter

The Prisioners who Col R Burton took at the surrender of the fort
at South Webber & brought into this court yard yesterday was
brought into this court room at 10 minuts past 9 oclok, the number
being 98. The court was then declard opened Judge
Kinney then said to the prisioners I want you to understand
that you are here ^not^ to be tried but to be Examined. The Judge
ordered the prisioners to be separated. Richard Cook, Parsons
& Peter Clemgard were placed by themselves as they were named
in the writ. Judge Kinney appointed Mr Miner the Attorney
for the prosicution and Broadhead said He was ingaged on the
defence. But the prisioners denyed Employeding him Broadhead
presented a petition for the Prisioners to have a committee appoi-
nted to take charge of the property of the prisioners the Judge said
the court would take charge of that business. Col Burton
Cunningham & Golden came forward & were sworn as wit-
neseses. Col Burton gave his testimony and said I am the
the MaDepity Marshall of this Territory I attempted to serve 3
writs at south webber I went with a posse as I had good
reason to believe they could not be served without a posse this
was on the 13 June 1862. The men called for would not give
themselves up & I had to use force. I sent a communication
to them and requested an answer in 30 minutes but I waited
90 minutes & received no answer then I fired a cannon
Ball and they returned the fire with small arms and the
fire kept up through the day some Brethren came to me and
I organized them into my posse. Col Burton drew a map
of the fort and the surroundings. I tried all day to get possessin
of the fort but I ownly got possession of one or two Houses the first
day. the Enemy fired all day but none in the night. On the mor-
ning of the 14 we fired some in the morning But it began to
rain & rained all day and we did not do much. Jared
was shot the first day and died. On Sunday morning
the 15 of June we had fair weather I divided my forces as well

Page 226

as I could & opened fire with Artillery & small arms from
8 oclok in the morning till 7 oclok at night at that hour I
planted a Battery nearby & took possession of one line of
the fort then I saw a white flag I then told them to come
out & give themselves up they came out & stacked therir arms
and surrendered Parsons was among those who surrendered
I left my Men outside Except Mr Golden & Stodard I
placed some men to take charge of the arms or guard them
then Mr Morris made some remarks and asked me
what I wanted I said I wanted all the men who had taken
up arms against me. Then Morris said theo the croud all
who will stand by me to the death lift up their hand and
all as far as I could see lifted up their hands & made a
rush as though they were going to the school House or some
place to defend themselves I ordered Morris to stop several
times & followed him up I had no arms but my revolver
and as He would not stop I stoped him with my revolver
He was shot dead Banks was also shot through the neck
from which wound He died two women was shot at
the same time which I vary much regret but it could
not be helped the remainder soon gave themselves up
Parsons denied that the people were under arms to defend
them but did not state what they were under arms for
Jeter Clinton then testifyed that what Burton had said
was true. said that Banks told him that they did
receive the message which Col Burton had sent to them
Peter Wahlen was shot at 6 oclok sunday Evening
before the surrender. R. J. Golden testified that what had
been stated was true as far as He knew. MCCain testified
that He held in his hand a tru copy of the Message sent
to the Morris Camp which was read before the court
and signed as civel officers. Mr Miner said to the
Judge the crime of resistance would have been one year
imprisionment & $1000 dollar fine but two men were kille[d]
this becomes Murder and I ask in the name of the common-
wealth that the law may have thebe ^in^forced

Page 227

Mr Dow denied having Employed Mr Broadhead to plead
his case. Dow said I Joined Mor Morris & believed him to be
a prophet and I dont know as I have done any thing to
break the Law and I believe now that Morris ias as much
a Prophet as he was before he died. Judge Keinney said
I will dispose of this case and asked Miner if He knew of
some more guilty than others. The court separated the danes
from the English & then addressed the English and said I wish
to Explain to you the Law you hav violated. On the 22nd day of
May a writ was made out for three man Morris Clemgard
& Cook also a writ of Habeus Corpus for the delivery of 3
men who were falsly imprisioned I made this writ as it
should be and placed it in the Hands of an officer this writ
was sent by a proper but it was set at defiance and knowing
that you was under the influence of Morris and fanaticism
to a great degree that I let it rest 19 days then I issued another
writ of Habaes Corp Habeas Corpus. you may Enjoy your
religion but you cannot break the Law & shed Blood with
impunit & in doing so you commit Murder. I will aslso
say that you cannot live without work it is contrary
to both Law and gospel. But I will not send you to pri-
sion I will let you ought on bail to appear at the next
term of court I shall require you to Enter into Bail of
$1500 Each & this is to secure your attendance at court
& you may give bail for Each other and I shall hold all of
you responsible for the appearance of the whole company if any
man goes away & does not appear at court all the property
of the whole company is held in morgage for the paym[en]t
of the bond. An Interpeter was imployed to interpret it
to all who not understand English. The names of
all was taken, after this they were discharged but
all there armes were retained untill the sitting of the court
they will be put into the hands of an Officer you are
now dismissed to go where you please but if you take
up arms again to resist an officer they will be taken from
you & you will be arested.

Page 228

~ Thursday

June 2019th ^1862^

Judge Kenny was in the chair at 9 oclok at 15 minuts
past the court opened Mr Miner called upon the clerk to
read the affidavits which was read & Accused the three pris-
ioners of Murder viz Clemguard, Cook, & Parsons. They
were asked if they were ready for trial they said yes. Robert
was sworn & bore the same Testimony that He did yesterday
Richard Cook asked Burton if He did not recollect of his coming
to him on the square & ask to be shot. Burton said I did not
recognize you though some did ask to be shot but we did not
see fit to shoot any one after the surrender. Mr Ross also
gave his testimony. Clemgard said, I went to Ross and
asked to be slain and save the people Ross said that was
true. Jones one that was imprisioned testified that Clemgard
was the commanding General of their forces during all their
trainings. Dr Clinton gave his testimony Cunningham
& Golden gave their testim[on]y. Burton & Ross both
testified that Clemguard said he was the commander
in Chief of all the forces. Jones testified that Christian
was capt of 12 men in the fight which He
acknowledged He was then taken into custidy as a Murderer
Judge Kiney made some remarks then committed
Clemguard & Nelson to safe keeping in prision untill
the sitting of the next term of court. Richard Cook
was sentenced to 30 days imprisionm[en]t & a fine of $50
for contempt of court also Cook & Parsons were
bound over to appear at the next term of court under
Bonds of $1500 Each. The court then adjourned sine die

~ Friday

20 I spent most of the day in preparing waggon teams
& Harness for the men to go the canyon

~ Saturday

21 I spent the fore noon in the Endowm[en]t House. we gave
[endowments] to 29 persons. D. H. Wells sealed 15 couple.

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I Prayed
& A. Hinkley was mouth. I attended meeting through the day
E. T. Benson G. A. Smith & H. C. Kimball Preached in the morning
& Ira J. Willis & Levi Jackman in the afternoon. I attended the
prayer circle alone as all the Twelve but myself was gone {I had a poor night.} ****

Page 229

~ Monday

June 223rd ^1862^

I was not well this morning I went to the office in the morning
I went to my grass lot & farm I put up my fence at my
grass lot & visited my farm I found all the crops looked well
Except the sugar cane which was backward

~ Tuesday

24 I spent the forenoon at home & afternoon in the office

~ Wednesday

25 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 letters to Azmon Woodruff J. M. Bernhisel
Richard Bentley and the Landlord of the Eagle Tavern of Sacramento
asking if He had any knowledge of Aphek Woodruff I spent the day
in the office writing letters

~ Thursday

26 I spent a part of the day in the office a& a part in the garden
we have a great deal of mail of late that which has been lying
back for 2 months we got a telegraph to day the north & South
are constantly fighting

~ Friday

27 We got a long telegraph to day which brought up the back
news to this period they have had some hard fighting
of Late. I spent most of the day in the garden & reading

~ Saturday

28 I spent the fore noon in the Endow[me]nt House we gave Endow[men]ts to
24 persons & D. H. Wells sealed 18 couple.

~ Sunday

29 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting through the day in the Bowery. President Young preached in the
morning upon the subject of Apostacy & death including Joseph
and those gathered with him at South webber He said
if he had had his own way he would have let them staid &
rotted there He would not have disturbed them but Judge
Kinney thought the Law must be honored & magnifyed & he
called out a posse & it cost the lives of two innocent men of that
posse & several of the Morrisites were Killed but one drop of blood
of an innocent man is worth more than that whole company of
thieves & I warn all men in this Church not to baptize one of
that company without my consent if you do you will stand
a chance of looseing your own standing. That whole company
are guilty of sheding innocent Blood & would have shed the blood
of Every righteous man on the Earth if they had the power. they
will not obtaine salvation Except it be through Hell fire & not much
then G. A. Smith followed. In the afternoon Daniel Carnes & H C.
spoke I met G A S for Prayer I prayed G A S was mouth

Page 230

~ Monday

June 30th ^1862^

I was not well this morning I spent most of the day at home

~ Tuesday

July 1st I spent the morning in the garden the forenoon in the office
and afternoon compiling History it was a Hot day

July 1. I spent the day in the office compiling History

~ Wednesday

2nd In company with A. O. Smoot I Administered to
Isabel Allexander under severe Labor she is vary
sick I spent most of the day in the office

~ Thursday

3rd Isabel Allexander Died yesterday at 4 oclok
I attended the funeral to day at 10 oclok & preached
a funeral sermon. I attended the wedding of Isabel
Sprowl one year ago tomorrow today we are
called to bury her. I went over Jordon Bridge in
the afternoon. We obtained a telegraph dispatch giving
an account of 4 days fight before Richmond it was
one of the most destructive battles faught upon this continent
The North acknowledge some fifteen thousands killed & wounded

~ Friday

4 July 1862 Great Salt Lake City had a great celebration of
Keys crossed the Independance of the United States of America there was
a large procession of Judicial, State, Territorial, Civil, Military,
& city officers as well as Cavalry, Artilery, Infantry, & citizens
they marched to the bowery in the Temple block whare orations &
speeches were delivered by Messrs G. A. Smith Joseph Romney
Nesbit, Gov. Fuller, Gov Young, Gov Doty, Cook, ^&^ Wm
. These speeches were intermingled with songs & music
There was a union Ball at the Social Hall in the Evening

~ Saturday

5th I spent the forenoon in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endow[me]nts
to some 35 persons I sealed 20 couple. I spent the afternoon in the office
^I Baptized my son dDavid Patten^

~ Sunday

6 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. Brother Ivins
prayed & A. O. Smoot was mouth I confirmed my son David
Patten Woodruff
a member of the Church. I attend meeting
at the Bowery all day Joseph Young Preached in the morning
followed by H. C. Kimball. President Young Preached in the afternoon
a vary interesting discourse I met in the Evening with John
& F. D. Richards for Prayer John Taylor prayed &
F D Richards was Mouth. I Preached to the 13 ward in
the Evening followed by G. D. Watt.

Page 231

~ Monday

A hand pointing to the right July 7th ^1862^

I spent the forenoon at home in the guarden the afternoon in the
Office, Journalizing & compiling History Ira Jones Willis spent
the afternoon with us He gave us an account of his life He
was baptized April 18 1831 By Newel Knight He started
with the first company for Ohio, then was sent to Jackson
Missouri & was in the first company that arived there
July 25 1831. was through the persecution of Jackson Co M
was whiped by Moses G. Wilson with Hickery gads in 1834
& he bears the marks upon his back to this day whic he has
exhibited to us He went to Calafornia in the Mormon Batta-
& He & his Brother William Sidney Smith Willis took the
Job of digging the mill rase for Capt Sutter and discovered
the gold of Calafornia after labuoring about 2 month & coll-
ected $1,400 dollars. He pioneered the road from Sacramento
across the Siera nevada mountain through Carson valley to
the sink of the Humbolt & brough the first train of waggon
over that road He had 29 men, 17 waggons, 40 yoak of oxen
& about 40 mules & Horses, 20 cows & calves & was 30 days
in travelling from Plesant Valley to Carson Valley 80 miles
the value of time Expended in pioneering & making the road
amounted to $100000 as the company would have made
that amount in spending ther time in the gold mines and
saved the lives of many of the Emigrants by making this
road. Mrs Woodruff spent a vary sick night with the Neuralgy

~ Tuesday

8th We had an Eastern Mail to day I spent the day compiling
the History of June 18650 commenced June 1st

~ Wednesday

9th I spent the day compiling History in June

~ Thursday

10. I finished compiling the month of June to & commenced on July

~ Friday

11 I went down to the farm ground up several sythes to
be prepared to commence Haying I spent the Evening in the office

~ Saturday

12 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowm[en]ts to 66 persons I sealed 29 couple. I went
to office then in company with G. A. Smith & A Carrington
I visited the Telegraph Office Mr Strickney said the mail
would not be brought for 20 days they had changed their
rout. Lightning had destroyed some 15 telegraph poles

Page 232

~ Sunday

July 13, ^1862^

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning R Campbell
prayed W. Woodruff was mouth I attended meeting all day
at the bowery J. V. Long Preached in the forenoon Presid[en]t
Young in the afternoon spoke to both Jew & Gentiles He preached
a great sermon. I met in the Evening for prayer W. Woodruff prayed
& G. A. Smith was mouth

~ Monday

14. I went up Coones Canyon 5 miles & returned to our camp 15 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

15 I returned to G. S. L. City 15 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

16 I went to Fort Herriman & moved Delight out to the fort to
take charge of our cows. wilford drove 6 cows & calves onde
dry cow & a yearling Heifer from Coones Canyon to Fort Herriman

~ Thursday

17 I spent the day making up my carrall & sheds

~ Friday

18 Willford returned to Coones Canyon & returned Home
I met many Emigrants I took Home with me George Charles
18 years of age was an Orphan Had been a sailor to
China, Siam, & Calafornia had walked from Calafornia to
this city wanted a home & I took him home 45 mls

~ Saturday

19 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowm[en]t to 23, D. H. Wells sealed 13 couple

~ Sunday

20 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning we did not
pray I attended meeting at the bowery Lorenzo Snow preached
followed by President B. Young who bore a strong testimony
of the truth of the work of God. D H Wells spoke in the afternoon
followed by John Taylor & H. C. Kimball I met with the
Twelve in the Evening for prayer. D H Wells prayed Lorenzo
Snow was mouth.

~ Monday

21 I spent this day putting up a frame for a back ketchen
on the west side of my House. Brothe Murphy done the carpen-
ter work there was an Election for a President & 6 Board
of Directors the following are the names of the persons Elected
W. Woodruff President John R Winder T. W. Elelerbeck E. F. Sheets
Enoch Reese F A Mitchel R. L. Campbell Directors

~ Tuesday

22 I spent the day in the office

~ Wednesday

23 I spent the day budding Apple Trees & making a ketchen

~ Thursday

24 A crown We had a great celebration of the 24 July A long procession
was formed. The Presidency & Twelve & U S Officeals was Escorted from

Page 233

President Youngs to the Bowery. Prayer By W. Woodruff Chaplain
speeches songs & toasts were given a vast assembly was given & the
day pasts off vary plesantly. A party at the Social Hall in the Evening

~ Friday

25 A vary hot day I finished the body of my ketchen

~ Saturday

26 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endow[me]nt House we gave Endowments
to 36 persons 28 sealings from D. H. Wells

~ Sunday

27 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended
meeting at the Tabernacle John Taylor Preached in the forenoon &
W Woodruff & H. C. Kimball in the afternoon I met with my Quo-
rum the Twelve John Taylor prayed & G A Smith was mouth

~ Monday

28 I spent the day choreing at home

~ Tuesday

29. I went to my Hay field & commenced cutting Hay

~ Wednesday

30 I spent the day at home Wilford drew 1 load of Hay

~ Thursday

31 I assisted in putting up & drew 4 loads of Hay

~ Friday

Aug 1st I drew 4 loads of Hay to day

~ Saturday

2nd I spent the fore part of the day in the Endow[me]nt House all the presid[enc]y
were there Brother Wells done the sealing. Mrs Woodruff was quite
sick I administered to her by the laying on of hands I went to the
field in the Evening we drew 4 loads of Hay I attended meeting thewith the D A & M societ

~ Sunday

3 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning
& attended meeting in the bowery in the afternoon. Hugh Finley & Presid[en]t
Young preached in the forenoon & John Taylor & D. H. Wells in the afternoon
I met with the Twelve in the Evening W Woodruff Prayed F D Richards
was mouth

~ Monday

4 I went to the field to day & mowed in the forenoon & we drew 4 loads
of Hay I attended the Gardners Club in the Evening at Dr Spragues

~ Tuesday

5 I spent the day at home & in the office the boys drew 4 loads
of Hay

~ Wednesday

6 I spent most of the day at home the Boys finished Haying they
drew two loads of Hay

~ Thursday

7th I spent most of the day at home I was not well

~ Friday

8 Wilford went to the canyon & drew a load of Lumber
I spent most of the day at home

~ Saturday

9. I spent most of the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endow[men]ts
to some 27 W Woodruff sealed 10 couple D H Wells 3 couple
A folded letter/box I received a letter from J. M. Bernhisel

Page 234

~ Sunday

Aug 110, ^1862^

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting at the bowery Br T. B. Broderick preached in the fore-
noon & Wm Clayton in the afternoon followed by H. C. Kimball
I met with Brother John Taylor for prayer He prayed & I
was mouth

~ Monday

11 I spent the day watering garding, & putting on a roof on back ketching
I attended the meeting of the gardners club

~ Tuesday

12 I spent most of the day in setting out straybury beds

~ Wednesday

13 I went down to my farm in the forenoon. I met with the
two Agricultural Boards in the Evening. we turned over all the
former Business to the old Board to settle all there own Accounts
I went to the printing office at 10 oclok & herd the Telegraph
dispatches read which contained much News another Battle fought
three thousand killed. President Lincoln had suspended the writ
of Habeus Corpus through the United States. Stoped all Emigration
from the U. S. to other countries, or from one state to another the
guerillas have captured Indipendance Jackson Co & Liberty
Clay County. 700000 men have been called to arms in the
North in two months

~ Thursday

14 I set out a strawbury in the morning & spent the afternoon in
the office Journalizing

~ Friday

15 I spent most of the day in the garden

~ Saturday

16. I spent the forenoon at home & the afternoon in the office the
Endowment House we gave Endowm[en]ts to 45 D. H. Wells sealed
22 couple & W. Woodruff 10 couple. I met with the Board of the Agri-
cultural society

~ Sunday

17 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning, & attended
meeting in the Tabernacle in the forenoon Brother Savage preached inand
was follow by Joseph Young. Governor Harding was on the stand
President Young Preached at Farmington followed By G. A. Smith
& several others I did not attended meeting in the afternoon I
met with John Taylor in the Evening I prayed & John Taylor was mouth

~ Monday

18 I spent the forenoon at home I met with the Presidency
and Twelve in the afternoon to appoint a list of missionaries to England
we then visited the Temple Block & then the Theater

~ Tuesday

19 I spent most of the day in the garden

Page 235

~ Wednesday

Aug 20 ^1862^

I spent the forenoon in the garden the Afternoon in the office
I met the board of the D. A. & M Society at the H. Ooffic [office]

~ Thursday

21 I spent most of the day in the garden pulling weeds

~ Friday

22 I spent the forenoon in the garden gathering peaches & weding
the afternoon in the office I met with the board of the D. A. & M. Society

~ Saturday

23 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowm[en]ts to 45 MPersons & D. H. Wells sealed 25 couple
A single key with teeth to the right last Evening while walking with President Young & Father Morley
on the Temple Block, President Young said I expect this Temple will
stand through the Millennium & the Brethren will go in and give
thei Endowments to the people and this is the reason why I am
having the foundation of the Temple taken up. A H Raleigh was the
boss of the Job and I told him I should hold him responsible for the
work, but if He had lived in the days of Nero and built the
meanest House for him to serve the devil in he would have done it
much better than He has the foundation of this Temple. He is so
self willed that he will not be taught any thing. If we do not
Hurry with this I am afraid we shall not get it up untill we
have to go back to Jackson County which I Expect will be in 7
years I do not want to quite finish this Temple for there will
not be any Temple finished untill the One is finished in Jack-
son County Missouri pointed out by Joseph Smith keep this a
secret to yourselves lest some may be discouraged some things
we should keep to ourselves. President Young then said right
west of the Temple in a line betwen the North & south gates
we shall build a Tower & put a Bell in it we shall build it
square & build it as high as we please then west of the Tower
we will build a Tabernacle to hold some 15,000 people the
Tower will stand so as to have a road Each side of it, one
between the Tower & Temple, & one betwen the Tower & Tabernacle
this plan was shown me in vision when I first came onto
the ground. President Young then said to Brother Morley &
Levi Jackman who was ^were^ standing by, you are both Jackson
county Members, & I want you to live to go back to Jackson
County with me. He also said here is brother Woodruff He was
the first man that I felt ledad by the spirit to speak to about the organization of the Church

Page 236

~ Sunday

Aug 24, ^1862^

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting at the Bowery President Young preached in the morning
followed by D. H. Wells H. C. Kimball, & D. H. Wells in the after noon
followed by Lorenzo ^D.^ Young. I met at the Prayer Circle of the
Twelve alone & Prayed I then went to the 14 ward school House
& preached to the people A folded letter/box I rote to Lorenzo Snow

~ Monday

25 I spent the day in my garden

~ Tuesday

26 I spent this day mostly in my garden

~ Wednesday

27 I drove to my camp near Coones Canyon

~ Thursday

28 ^[FIGURE]^ I returned home to the city & brought my bucks with me 30 mls

~ Friday

29 I spent the forenoon at home the after noon at the Presid[en]ts
& the Historians office

~ Saturday

310 I attended the Endowm[en]ts we gave Endowm[en]ts to about 5042 persons
D H Wells sealed 20 couple W Woodruff 10 couple I went to President
Youngs office & with him to the theater I went to the Court House
& paid my taxes mostly cash $42.90 cts I then met with the
Doctors on Examinations, & spent the Evening at President Yo[un]gs office

~ Sunday

31 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning W Woodruff
prayed A Hoagland was mouth I attended meeting at the bowery
E. T. Benson spoke was followed by President Young, who delivered
a vary interesting discourse upon the first principles of the gospel
in the afternoon. Brother Vanvaughkenburgh spoke followed by
H. C. Kimball & Levi Hancock & closed with a few rem[ar]ks
from President Young. I spent the Evening at President Young

~ Monday

Sept 1st President Young left this morning for a tour through
the southern country accompaniiyed by several of the Twelve &
others in this city. I spent the day at home and attended the
Gardners Club in the Evening

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

2, , , & 5. I spent most of this week in my garding picking
peaches & [blank]

~ Saturday

6th I spent the forenoon in the Endow[me]nt House 36 Had their
Endow[me]nts D. H. Wells sealed 13 couple

~ Sunday

7th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning attended
meeting in the Bowery Wm S Godby spoke & I followed him &
spoke upon the subject of the D A & M Society was followed by
H. C. Kimball in the forenoon & D H Wells, Martendale & Spencer in

Page 237


in the Afternoon. I met alone at 5 oclok for prayer in
the H. O. circle room

~ Monday

8 I spent the forenoon in the office reading & writing

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

9, , , & 12 I spent most of the day at home picking peaches and
Budding Apples & Pears. oOur Telegraphs are quite interesting of
Late the Confederate Army have got North of Washington near

~ Saturday

13 I spent the forenoon in the Endow[me]nt House we gave Endowm[en]ts
to 25 persons 5 couple sealed by H. C. Kimball & 5 couple by
W. Woodruff I attended a meeting of the board of the D A & M Society

~ Sunday

14 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & had prayer
I attended meeting in the Bowery & I preached to the people in
the fore noon. Wm H. Fulsome, Enoch Reese, D. H. Wells & H. C. Kimball
& Robert Williams. In the afternoon, I met in the prayer
room & had prayers, alone.

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

15 & 16. I spent the day at home mostly I saw Capt Wm H.
to day & had some conversation with him

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

17, , 19 I spent most of the time threshing my wheat & drawing it
home I had 419 bushels of good clean wheat from 9 acres making
46 1/2 bushels to the acre. Elders Amasa Lyman & C. C. Rich arived
in this city on Tuesday 16.

~ Saturday

20 I spent the forenoon in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowm[en]ts to
34 persons W. Woodruff sealed 14 couple H C Kimball 1 couple

~ Sunday

21 I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended meeting at
the bowery through the day C. C. Rich Wm W Hooper & J Vancott
spoke in the forenoon. in the afternoon H. S. Eldridge followed by
F M Lyman Joseph Rich R. L. Campbell & Daniel Spencer Brother
C. C. Rich went Home with me & attended the prayer circle
with F. D. Richards & myself

~ Monday

22nd I gathered 40 Bushels of peaches to day in my garden & cut
the trees down as fast as I gathered them

~ Tuesday

23 I gathered 30 Bushels of peaches today

~ Wednesday

24 I gathered 91 Bushels of peaches today & cut the trees down

~ Thursday

25 I gathered 20 Bushels of peaches to day which finished the
gathering of my crop mostly for this year the peaches were small & late and I cut the trees down

Page 238

President Young & company arived home at night from the
south I spent the Evening at his office with several of the brethren
who called in to see him

~ Friday

26 I went to the farm with Wilford to fix up my Evaparator

~ Saturday

27 I spent most of the day in the Endow[me]nt House we gave Endowm[en]ts
to about 60 persons D. H. Wells sealed 19 couple & W Woodruff
sealed 14 couple total 33 couple I also married Thomas Turner
& [blank] in the Morning at my house

~ Sunday

28. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended
meeting at the bowery. Elder Amasa Lyman Preached in the
forenoon followed by President Young in the afternoon

I met with the Twelve in the prayer circle C. C. Rich was
prayed & G. A. Smith was Mouth I preached in the 13 ward
in the Evening to a full House was followed By Capt Hooper

~ Monday

29 I spet the day in preparing my Evaparator to make Molases

~ Tuesday

30 I made 28 gallons Molases

~ Wednesday

Oct 1st I made 30 gallons Molases to day went Home
in the Evening & met at the H. O with the Board & committes
of the D A & M Society

~ Thursday

2nd I met in the fair with the committies to award premiums
President Young arived with his family at 11 oclok & went through
the fair & alls [also] Presidents Kimball & Wells it was opened to the
publick at 12 oclok it was the best collection of Fruit I
Ever saw in my life

~ Friday

3 The fair was crouded to Excess all day I spent the day
and Evening in the fair.

~ Saturday

4. I spent most of the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endow[men]ts
to 50 persons D. H. Wells sealed 22 couple & W. Woodruff 15 couple
tottaal 237 couple

~ Sunday

5 Sunday I met with my CQuorum in the morning attended
Meeting at the bowery James S. Brown & Wm Gibson & Jacob Gates
spoke in the forenoon & John Brown & T D MCallister & Joseph W.
in the afternoon. I met with the Presidency & Twelve for prayer
D. H. Wells, Prayed A Lyman was Mouth I spent several
Hourse in the Historians Office getting out an Address

Page 239

~ Monday

Oct 6th 1862

The General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints met this Morning at the bowery at 10 oclok all the
Presidentcy were present & all the Twelve Except O pratt E. Snow
& Geo Q Cannon President Young addressed the ^people^ for more than
an hour upon this text "seek first the kingdom of Heaven & all things
necessary will be added unto you [Matthew 6:33].["] He spoke much to the Edification
of the people He said that it was Just as important that we should
try to preserve our lives & seek to fulfill our mission in this
probation as in any period of our Exhistence. President Kimball
followed in the forenoon in the afternoon C. C Rich Brigham Young
& Wm H Hooper spoke. In the Evening the Bishops held a meeting
Bishop Hunter President Young & Wells spoke.

~ Tuesday

7. The Conference was addressed by Elder O Hyde & A Lyman in the
forenoon. in the afternoon Wm C Moody, Brigham Young & J Vancott
spoke The High Priest Held a meeting in the Evening in the Tabernacle
& was addressed by President John Young Lorenzo D. Young then John
Young again & G. D. Watt

~ Wednesday

8. Conference was addressed by O Hyde who presented the Authorities
of the Church who were Excepted President Young then addressed the
the Saints followed by O Hyde H C. Kimball, then a shout of
was offered up then the Patriarch John Young was
called to the stand to dismiss the congregation He arose & blessed the
Presidency the Twelve, and all the congregation and much of the
spirit & power of God rested upon him. Conference was adjourned
ttill the 6 day of April Next

~ Thursday

9th I spent the day in the Endow[men]t House

~ Friday

9 & 10. I spent the time at Home gathering fruit

~ Saturday

11 I spent the time in my garden

~ Sunday

12. Sunday I went to Coones Canyon to see about my flock of
sheep Moroni my Indian Boy has left them after finding my
flock & making arangments about them I returned Home

A Campbellite Preacher spoke in the bowery followed by Horace
S. Eldridge
& President H. Wells

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

13, , , 16 I spent this time in Making Molasses

~ Friday

17. President Young started for the North to day with his comp[an]y

~ Saturday

^18^ I spent the fore part of the day in the Endow[me]nt House we gave Endow-
ments Hto some 45 D. H. Wells sealed 20 couple W Woodruff 9 couple

Page 240

~ Sunday

Oct 19 Sunday ^1862^

I attended meeting at the bowery Daniel Spencer & H. C.
preached in the forenoon & W. Woodruff & Enoch
in the afternoon

~ Monday to ~ Friday

254 I spent this week in gathering my Beets carrotts
& the products of my garden

~ Saturday

^25 I spent the time in the Endow[men]ts House Wells sealed 20, Woodruff 14.^

~ Sunday

26th Sunday I met with my circle this morning and attended
Meeting at the Bowery. President Young arived home last Evening
& was at Meeting. Elder John Taylor preached followed by
G. A. Smith. in the afternoon F. D. Richards & H. C. Kimball
Capt Conner with his command camped on the bench
near Emigration Canyon & many of the officers were
at meeting to day. at 5 oclok we held a meeting at
President Youngs school House to take into consideration
the subject of a uniform price of trade & commerce
all voted to sustain the measure

~ Monday to ~ Friday

o 31. Spent the week mostly in my garden

~ Saturday

Nov 1st I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 65. 38 couple sealed by D H Wells &
W Woodruff. Wells 28 Woodruff 10.

~ Sunday

2nd Nov. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the
Morning & Herd James McKnight preach in the forenoon
President Young preached in the Afternoon I went to
Fort Harriman with Wilford 20 miles

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

3 to 6 I spent the week in fixeing up the House & premices in
fort Herriman. Wilford drew wood

~ Friday

7. I returned to Great Salt Lake City 20 miles

~ Saturday

8 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowm[en]ts to 40 persons D. H. Wells sealed 24 W Woodruff 3

~ Sunday

9 Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle D. Candland
S. M. Blair & J. V. Long, in the fore noon spoke. in the Afternoon
John Taylor John Milton, & President Young spoke to the people
I met with theJohn Taylor & F. D. Richards in the prayer circle
John Taylor prayed W. Woodruff was mouth. I attended the
Meeting at the 14 ward S. M. Blair spoke & I followed him
then John Taylor spoke then the Bishop brought up the case
of Wm Jennings & he was cut off for rebellion from the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Page 241

~ Monday

Nov 10th 1862

I spent the day at home

~ Tuesday

11. I went to Fort Herriman 20 miles

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

12 & 13. I spent the days making a stable & going to the canyon

~ Friday

14 I returned to G S. L. City 20 miles

The Brethren gave Endowments to day D. H. Wells sealed 45 cople

~ Saturday

15 I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endow[me]nts to
45 D H Wells sealed some 20 couple & W Woodruff 11 couple
^I spent the fore part of the day in the Endow[me]nts House we gave Endow[me]nts to 45.^

~ Sunday

16 I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Capt Steiner preacher
followed by President Young both discorses were vary inter-
esting I met with my Quorum of the Twelve J. Taylor W Woodruff
G. A. Smith & F. D. Richards were present J. Taylor prayed G A Smith
was mouth I Attended meeting at the 14 ward Capt Steiner
preached followed by John Taylor & W. Woodruff

~ Monday

17 I attended the Endow[me]nts House in the forenoon we gave Endo-
w[me]nts to about 50 D H Wells sealed 32 couple I spent a short
time in the Historians office & done some Journalizing I wrote one
A hand pointing to the right letter to Wilford, & one to Lorenzo Snow containing $90
in U S. Notes by Brother Jenson

~ Tuesday

18 I spent the day drawing polls & posts & making a fence for Mrs
Sayers on the west side of Her lot

~ Wednesday

19 I finished making 20 rods of fence for Mrs say[er]s I spent
the afternoon at home

~ Thursday

20 I spent the forenoon correcting a sermon the afternoon at

~ Friday

21 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave
Endowments to 50 persons D. H. Wells sealed 32 couple

~ Saturday

22nd I spent the forepart of the day in the Endow[me]nt House we
gave Endowm[en]ts to 48 D. H. Wells sealed 18 couple & W. Woodruff
8 couple

~ Sunday

23rd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Brother
Hinkley Prayed E Hunter was Mouth I attended meeting in
the Tabernacle John Taylor spoke in the forenoon & President Young in
the afternoon upon the Sacrament He "said invite None to partak nor
forbid None, all Eat & Drink upon their own responsibility.["] I
met in the prayer circle & prayed alone None of the Twelve with
me I Preached in the 14 ward in the Evening Had a good time

Page 242

~ Monday

Nov 24th 1862

I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowm[en]t House we
gave Endowments to 46. D H Wells sealed 21 couple W Woodruff
sealed 5 couple total 26

~ Tuesday

25 I spent the day drawing Home my corn

~ Wednesday

26 I went to Fort Herriman with Wilford 20 miles

~ Thursday

27 I spent the day at work at Fort Herriman

~ Friday

28 I started from Fort Herriman at 3 oclok & drove to
G S L City 20 miles 20 mils

~ Saturday

29 I spent the day in the Endowm[en]t House D H Wells sealed
23 couple W Woodruff 12 couple total 35 couple

~ Sunday

30. I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting
at the Tabernacle Daniel Spencer & H. C. Kimball preached in the
morning & President Young in the Afternoon He spoke upon the death
of Infants, that we should want a variety in the next world as well as ^in^
this. I preached in the 14 ward school House in the Evening I went
alone in the Evening to the prayer room & had prayers

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

Dec 1st, , & 3. I spent this time in laboring at home

~ Thursday

4. I opened my carrott keep to day & took out some 20 bushels of
rotton ones

~ Friday

5 I spent the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowm[en]ts to
55 persons W Woodruff sealed 35 couple D. H. Wells was sick

~ Saturday

6 I spent the day in the Endowm[en]ts House we gave Endowments to
81 persons W Woodruff sealed 28 couple & G A Smith 28 couple Total 56.

~ Sunday

7th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning
and attended meeting at the Tabernacle A Carrington & W. Woodruff
Preached in the morning & President Young in the afternoon I met
with 5 of the Twelve for Prayer G A. Smith Prayed & E T Benson was mouth

~ Monday

8th Monday Dec 1862 I met as a councillor in therritorial Legislature
at 12 oclok in the Court House. We organized, appointed some
committees, took the office as administered by Judje Kinney
& adjourned till tomorrow to meet in the State House

~ Tuesday

9 The Legislative assembly met in the State House. the council
occupied the upper room chose their desks & seats. after transacting
the business of the day we adjourned to meet tomorrow in Joint
session to receive the Govornor Message

Page 243

~ Wednesday

Dec 10th ^1862^

We met in Joint Session in the lower room at 2 oclok Govornor
Stephen S. Harding delivered his Message the most insulting
document ever delivered to this assembly or any Legislative Body
it was received in silence. Col Cornor was introduced to the
assembly after the Govornor left. The Joint assembly metwas
dissolved & we met in our separate rooms there was considerable
excitement in the street in the Evening about the Govornors Message
Council adjourned to Meet on Friday at 1 oclok.

~ Thursday

^11^ Brother Lorenzo
had a child die thise evening of the 11th I spent the day at home

~ Friday

112th Brother Snow burried his child to day I spent most of the day
at home I met with the council at 1 oclok No business & the
council adjourned till Monday 1 'oclok we had a hard snow
storm & a cold Night

~ Saturday

123 I spent most of the day in the Endow[me]nt House we gave Endowm[en]ts
to 62 persons. W Woodruff sealed 26 couple & G A Smith 18 couple
we had a cold Night

~ Sunday

14 Sunday A cold stormy day I met with my Quorum in the
morning I was unwell & did not attend meeting Orson Pratt
preached in the afternoon & Orson Hyde in the forenoon I met
with the Twelve in the Evening there was 8 of the 12 present
O Pratt Prayed & O Hyde was Mouth. Preseident Young was
Present. He said if the Government undertook to send soldiers
here we would take possessession of what there was here & meet
the rest a long away off

~ Monday

15 I met with the Legislative Council at 1 oclok not much

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

16 & 17 Met in the Legislative Council Both days done but little Business

~ Thursday

18 I met in the Legislative Council

~ Friday

19 I met with the Legislative Council

~ Saturday

20 I spent the day in the council Endowm[en]t House we gave Endow[me]nt
to 72 persons. W Woodruff sealed some 2733 couples H. C. K 79 couple
G. A. Smith some 82 couple. I met with the D. A. SM Society in the

~ Sunday

21. Sunday I met with my corom in the mornigng I prayed &
E Hunter was mouth I attended meeting in the morning L Snow
Preached & President Young in the Afternoon I met with the Twelve
for prayer J Taylor Prayed L Snow was Mouth

Page 244

~ Monday

Dec 22nd 1862

I was quite poorly this morning I met with the Twelve at the
theater this morning I spent the day mostly at home

~ Tuesday

23rd I met with the Legislative Council at 1 oclok we did but little
A hand pointing to the right Business I wrote 2 letters one to Azmon Woodruff & one
to I F Carter

~ Wednesday

24 I met with the council in the afternoon we soon adjourned
Keys crossed I attended the dedication of the Theater it was much the finest
building in the Territory it is supposed to contain about 3000 persons
it was crouded full. President Young Made some remarks then
singing & E. T. Benson offered the dedication Prayer. we then had
singing & speaches from Presidents Young, Kimball, & O Hyde J
G. A. Smith & A. Lyman there was also some dancing
which continued till 10 oclok

~ Thursday

25 Christmas I spent the day mostly at home also the Evening the
Theater was opened this Evening to the public for the first time

~ Friday

26. I spent the day at the office & at home

~ Saturday

27 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowm[en]t House
I sealed 9 couple & G A Smith 1 couple total 10

~ Sunday

28 Sunday we had a hard snow storm all day I met with
my Quorum in the morning A. O. Smoot prayed & R Burton was
Mouth. I did not attended meeting at the Tabernacle A Lyman
Preached in the morning AE. D. Woolley & President Young in the
afternoon I met with my Quorum in the Evening W. Woodruff
wasprayed & G. A. Smith was mouth

~ Monday

29. I rode to my farm in the morning in a sleigh to see about my
sheep & I found that David a Boy who was to feed them
had not done his duty to them but was starving them

I attended the Legislative Council in the after noon & spent the
Evening at home reading Burton's City of the Saints He is as truthful
& honorable as any man who has written upon the subject of
the Latter day Saints who is in no way connected with us Mr Burton
is an Infidel in sentiment as any religion is concerned

~ Tuesday

30. I met with the council at 1 'oclock we did not do much business

~ Wednesday

31. I spent most of the day at home I am suffering
with a severe cold I attended the Theater in the Evening & herd
Old Fills birth day played & the Two Polts. Thus Ends the year 1862

Page 245

1862 Has past and left its trace upon the Historians
Record. It has been a vary important year it has fulfilled
the Historians predictions & the predictions of the prophets (see
the last page of this record written ithe last day of Dec 1861)
There has been more blood shed, & lives lost in the United
States in the battles between the North & South in 1862 than
there was in the Revolutionary war & the war of 1812 with
Great Brittian. The most Blooddyy battles were faught at
the following places Mill Springs, Pea Ridge, Fort Donellson,
Pittsburgh landing, Fair Oaks, 7 days battle before
Richmond, Cedar Mountain or Bulls run, Antietam,
Corinth, and Fredricksbugh. In these ten battles alone
the number would not fall much short of half a
Million of men who were killed & wounded and then
there has been scores of Miner battles which have slain
many thousands. Many also have been slain by pest-
ilence there has also been great destruction of property
by fire & otherwise. The spirit of Disunion seems to incr-
ease among the people. There has been a great want of Bread
in England and France during the past year caused in a great
measure by closing up the southern ports which has stoped
the importation of cotton. France has opened a war with
Mexico and there is a great lack of confidence through-
out the Earth betwen man & man and between all the Nations
of the Earth, there are many widows and orphans and
much morning & Lamentation through the Land in conseq-
uence of the much blood which has been shed during the past
year but the End is not yet, but ownly Just commenced peace
is taken from the Earth and the wicked are inspired to
slay the wicked. While these things are going on the Saints
are gathering home to Zion to build up the kingdom of God, then
the Lord may reign over his Saints while Satan rules over
his own Dominion. There has been Near 5000 Saints
gathered into these vallies during the past year. The Temple
foundation has been taken up in part & relaid & many impro-
vements have been made, & the Blessings of God have been upon Zion

Page 246

A Synopsis of my Labors in 1862

I Travelled 378 Miles
I Attended Public Meetings 128 Meetings
I Preached 27 discourses 27 Discourses
I Attended two general Conferencs 2 Conferences
I Attended 78 Prayer Circles 78 Prayer C.
I spent 60 days in Endowm[en]t House 60 days
I Assisted in giving Endowments to 3221 Persons
I sealed 488 Couple at the Alter 488 sealed
I Married One Couple 1 Couple
I Baptized One person 1 Baptized
I Confirmed One 1 Confirmed
I Blessed fifteen Missionaries 15 Missionaries
I Administered to Thirteen Sick persons 13 Sick
I Spent 25 days in the Legislative Council 25 Legislative C
I spent 5 days in the Senate of the State of 5 Deserett
I spent 3 days as a Member of the State 3 Convention
I Signed the Constitution of the State of Jan 23 [18]62 Deserett
I was Appointed President of the D A & M Society
I attended 22 Meetings of the D A & M 922 Society
I was Appointed President of the Jordon Irrigation Company
I held 10 Meetings with the Jordon Irrigation Company
I held 3 Meetings as Chairman of the Medical Board of Ex[aminers]
I spent 10 Evenings as a member of the Gardners Club
I wrote 20 Letters 20 Letters
I received 13 Letter 13 Received
I spent considerable of my time compiling Church ^History^ During the year 1862
I Paid my tithing for 1862 Amounting $229.09
Page 247


Page 248
Page 249

~ Thursday

Jan 1st 1863

I spent the day mostly at home with my famyily Brother
Lorenzo Snow & 4 of his family took dinner with me I was
quite afflicted with a severe cold the Hooping cough, colds
& influenzia is quite common throughout city

~ Friday

2nd I looked over my Journal and made a synopsis of my labors
A hand pointing to the right in 1862 I also wrote a Letter on the 1st Jan to my Brother Thompson
It is now quite cold winter weather

~ Saturday

3 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowments to 14 persons President Kimball sealed
3 couple & W. Woodruff 7 couple it is a cold Blustering day

~ Sunday

4. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning W. Woodruff prayed
R. L. Campbell Clwas mouth I attended meeting all day H. S. Eldridge
Preached in the morning followed by W. Woodruff Joseph W Young
spoke in the Afternoon followed by President Young wh[o] gave a vary
interesting discourse to the people, concerning the resurrection, the
work of the Millennium, the reign of Christ &c I met with the
Twelve in the Evening for Prayer John Taylor Prayed L. Snow was
mouth there was but three of us present I went to the printing
& stoped untill 10 oclok to get the Telegraphic dispatches
we got President Abraham Lincoln Message delivered on
on the first day of Jan 1863 setting free all slaves in all the
Cotton States who were in arms against the Northern States
we also got an account of three days fight at Murfresborough
and also at Vicksburgh

~ Monday

5 I spent the day at home & the office

~ Tuesday

6 I Met with the Legislative council in the afternoon but little business done

~ Wednesday

7 I met in the council in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

8 I spent the day at home did not attend the council

~ Friday

9 we got the dispatches this morning showing the Evacuation of vick-
by the Northern Army & a graphic Account of the battle
at Murfreesboro there is Exceding hard fighting on both sides
I settled my tithing for 1862 & Paid $229.09

~ Saturday

10 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowm[en]ts to 26 persons. I sealed 10 couple & G. A. Smith 6 couple

~ Sunday

11 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting all day John Taylor Preached in the morning and

Page 250

^ Keys crossed^ President Young Preached in the Afternoon. He read the
Vision given to Joseph Smith & Sidney Rigdon then He preached
upon it He spoke of the various glories & the different characters
who would occupy them He said all children who died in childhood
would go to the celestial kingdom and thereir Mothers if they do
not keep the celestial layw will not go whare there children
are & will never see them again but the children will be given
to others. He said many interesting things. I met with the
Twelve at 5 oclok for prayer O Pratt Prayed E. T. Benson was
Mouth. I attended Meeting at the 14 ward school House O. Pratt
Preached A vary singular discourse. He spoke of building the
Keys crossed New Jerrusalem in Missouri said we must not build
log Houses as the city would be translated & they would
be Everlasting Habitations & would remain forever He spoke
of the starry Heavens He did not think the sun or any star
which mortal Eye could see were celestial Bodies but as soon
as a world became celestial it could not be seen by man no more
than a spirit could be seen or a resurrected body by mortal
Man. in speaking of the creations of God He said they could not be
numbered and to illustrate it take a cubit inch of fine sand & with
a magnifying glass number the millions of particles of sand in the cubic
inch then multiply the cubic inches in our globe then multiply
the cubic inch of one Million of Millions of worlds and this
would not be the begining of the creations of God and yet his
curtains are stredched out still & from all the creations of God
He had taken the Zion of God into his own bosom. He referd
to different Asstronemers who had in ages past marked
upon there maps the starry heavens & many of those fixed
stars had since been removed, & could not be seen & he
believed that when this Earth was consumed by fire & reorga-
nized & became celestial that it could not be seen by the
inhabitants of any planet in our solar system, or by any
Except a celestial body. The Zion of God must be a vast
body if it contained a Zion from all the creations which
God had made. Many remarks were made by professor Pratt
and He carried our minds so far from Home it took me till midnight to get back

Page 251

~ Monday

12 Jan 1863

I spent the day at home. The Legislature met

~ Tuesday

13 I attended the Legislative Council in the Afternoon I attended the
Party at the Social Hall till 10 oclok

~ Wednesday

14 I met with the council in the afternoon

~ Thursday

15 I spent the Afternoon in the Legislative council

~ Friday

16 A folded letter/box I received a Letter from J. M. Bernhisel I spent the day in the
Legislature which closed in the Evening or adjourned sini Di

~ Saturday

17 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endow[me]nts
to 24 persons President Young sealed 11 couple President Kimball 3 couple
& W. Woodruff 6 couple I met with the D A & M Society in the
Evening. We resolved to Esstablish life Membership in the society

~ Sunday

18 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning but suffered
with the nerveous Head ake & spent the day at home E. T. Benson
spoke in the morning J. W. Cummings Joseph W. Young and Presi-
dent Young spoke in the afternoon I met with my Quorum in
the Evening J. Taylor Prayed & G. A. Smith was mouth

~ Monday

19 Jan 1863. The Deserett State Legislature Met this morning in the
Council House and organized at 1 oclok. A Joint committee was appo-
inted to wait upon Govornor Brigham Young & informed him that
the Assembly was organized & ready for any communication he
might wish to make. Governor Young accompanied the committee
to the State House & themet the Joint assembly & delivered to them his
Message (See Printed Message) 2000 copies of the message was
ordered to be printed & it was also to be printed in the Deserett News
Govornor Young then addressed the assembly He said
I wish to say a few words. Many may not be able to tell why
we are in this capacity. I do not think that you see this thing
as it is. Our organization will be kept up. we may not do
much at present in this capacity yet what we have don or
shall do will have its Effect Our constitution which we sent to
Washington has been closely scanned by the members of Congress
all of our moves here are feared by the nations of the Earth
Esspecially the United States. This body of men will give laws
to the Nations of the Earth. We meet here in our seconed annual
Legislature & I do not care whether you pass any laws this season
or not But I do not wish you to loose one inch of ground you

Page 252

have gained in your Organization but hold fast to it for
this is the kingdom of God and we are the friends of God
and you will find that much will grow out of this organiza-
tion But I will say without the inspirations & revelations of
God our acts are of no use. We are called the State Legislature
but when the time comes we shall be called the kingdom of God
Our Government is going to peaces and it will be like water
that is spilt upon the ground that cannot be gathered if we
do not take care of ourselves no one will take care of us
we are the best of any people on the Earth, and there is no
people as well off as this people on the Earth for light & the
knowledge of God. In 1857 we said to 7000 troops stop
and they stoped had there been but 500 like these troops here
we should have let them come in for they would not have
done any harm it is our business to take care of ourselves
if we see the Enemy coming it is our duty to prepare for
it. I can do better to never trade again in my life with a
wicked man. I will name one thing. I built a theatre here
myself. some wanted the Armey to come here I do not, and
since the Armey got up a Theatre for themselves we have been
crouded to the full. I will be richer in the End if the wicked
do not come nigh. I do not care whether you sit one
day or not, but I do not want you to loose any part of this
Government which you have organized, for the time will come
when these men will give laws to the Nations of the Earth
Joseph Smith organized this Government before in Nauvoo
and He said if we done our duty we should prevail
over all our Enemies. We should get all things ready &
when the time comes we should let the water onto the wheel
and start the machine in Motion

President Kimball made a short address said He remembered
well what Joseph Smith said upon the organization of this
kingdom He said if we done ^did^ what was right we should
be sustained by the power of God and the Holy Ghost. We have
to go step by step. The words of the prophet will be fulfilled upon
the Earth and many of us will live to see the kingdom of God

Page 253

Esstablished upon the Earth He made many interesting remarks
& bore testimony to what had been said. After Electing a public
Printer & ordering 2000 copies of the message Printed the Joint assem-
bly dissolved

~ Tuesday

20 We Met in the State Legislature & done some business then
adjourned sine Die there were parties in the Social Hall & 14 ward
school House

~ Wednesday

21 I spent most of the day Journalizing I wrote Gov Youngs Address

~ Thursday

22nd I salted down a Beef spent a part of the day in the office
attended a party at Brother John Taylors we went to the 14
ward school House
and danced a short time and returned Home

~ Friday

23 I spent the fore part of the day in the office

~ Saturday

24 I spent most of the day in the Endow[me]nt House we gave Endow[men]ts
to 27 B. Young sealed 10 couple, W. Woodruff sealed 10 couple
{I think President Young took a wife to day.} I spent the afternoodn in the office I
met with the board of the D. A. & M. Society in the Evening

~ Sunday

25 I met with my Quorum in the morning & spent the day in
the office I wrote a letter to J. M. Bernhisel I did not attend
A hand pointing to the right Meeting at the Tabernacle. O Hyde Preached in the morning
and President Young in the afternoon I met with
the Twelve in the Evening O Hyde Prayed & A Lyman was mouth

~ Monday

26 I took my horses & sleigh & drove to Fort Herriman
in company with Wilford

~ Tuesday

27 I spent the day in the fort it is quite cold some 5 inches of
snow on the ground & the stock are suffering much & some
dying daily I preached to the people in the Evening for about
1 1/2 hours we had a good time

~ Wednesday

28 I returned home to day called at the office spent the Evening
at home distance 45 [miles]

~ Thursday

29 I spent a part of the day in the office

~ Friday

30 I spent the day at home mostly I met with the Board of the D. A. M Society

~ Saturday

31 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 25. H. C. Kimball sealed 9 couple D. H. Wells
13 couple I attended the Theater in the Evening

Page 254

~ Sunday

Feb 31 Feb 1st 1862^3^

Sunday I spent the morning with my Prayer Circle I did
not attended meeting through the day I met with the Board
of the D. A. M. Society G A Smith attended meeting & Preached
in the morning and Samuel Richards & David Fulmore in
the afternoon. I met with G. A. Smith for Prayer I prayed
and G. A. Smith was mouth. We wrote a joint Letter to
A hand pointing to the right S. M. Blair asking for correct News about the Battle with
the Indians President Young spent the day in Grantsville

~ Monday

Feb 2nd I spent the fore part of the day in the Historians office
I called upon President Yyoung a short time. He had Just
returned from Touille valley I met with the Gardners Club
in the Evening

~ Tuesday

3rd A humanoid Emma Woodruff was delivered of a fine healthy
son this morning at 15 minutes to 7 oclock. I went to the
office in the forenoon. The subject of the late fight with the bear
River Indians
was spoken of the History of which is as
follows as far as we can learn. A Party of the Bannaoks
& Snakes have Joined together North of Bear River & have
been killing gold diggers & Emigrants the past summer
the fore part of winter Col Cornor sent a part of his
command to the Indians to get a white Boy that was
among them they got the Boy & killed 3 indians then returned
to Camp Douglass near this city, then the Indians commenced
killing more men. Col Cornor sent some 60 infantry & 13
Baggage waggons on the 22nd Jan and on Sunday the 24 Jan some
300 cavalry followed they found the Indians Encamped
near Bear river, they had to Ford the river in order to get
to them the Indians were Encamped in a Deep ravene the
cavalry made a charge upon them but were driven back by
the Indians they then left their Horses and made a charge
on foot & were again repulsed the third time they made
a charge & rushed right into theier midst & used there revol-
vers & shot as long as they could find any thing to shoot at
and the result of the Battle is reported to be 225 Indians killed
400 Horses taken and the Indian Encampment taken the looss in
Col Cornors command is 17 dead, 40 wounded, & 70 badly frozen

Page 255

2 officers wounded it is reported that Lieut. Darwin Chase
(once a Mormon Elder) Mortally wounded. He was ordained
into the Quorum of Seventies on the cornor stone of the Temple in
Far West at the Time that G. A. Smith and myself was ordained
into the Quorum of the Twelve. But Chase went to Calafornia
Apostitized Join the Army and a prospect of now Ending his
career. Col Cornor is bringing his dead & wounded into his
Encampment to bury & doctor. It is said that Bear Hunter the
cheief of the band was killed & his scalp now in Camp Douglass
I attended a lecture at the seventies hall delivered by John
upon Fruit raising which was quite interesting I
A hand pointing to the right returned home & wrote a letter to J. M. Bernhisel. Jacob
4thHamblin arived in this city with 3 of the Moquitch
the first of that tribe who had visited us.

~ Wednesday

4th In company with G. A. Smith Jacob Hamblin & Wm
B Maxwell
with ethe 3 Moquitch Indians I visited President
Brigham Young who seemed pleased with the interview
President Young gave them Each an Apple which they
Eat with a good relish. The Moquitch Indians live in
New Mexico about 1250 Miles South East of the Colorado & 335
miles from St George they live in a walled city built upon
the top of the rocks hard of access so as to be preserved from
their Enemies they do not go to war, nor fight ownly in ex-
treme cases of self defense, they never scalp an Enemy dand
do not like to shed blood they are vary truthful, virtuous
honest & Industrious, they teach there children not
to shed blood, they cultivate the Earth raise corn, beans
Mellons, pumpkins, squashes, Onions, red peper a large quan-
tity of peaches they raise cotton keep sheep, Goats, Jacks
& GJinnies they spin & weave their own cloth. The Men do all
the cultivation of the Earth & Making cloth the women
assist some they do the cooking & assist watering the sheep
they are vary kind to there women. They have seven
villiages the largest town has about 300 family containing
about 2000 souls the whole Number of the Tribe probable
about 5000 souls they are vary intelligent and light

Page 256

colored there are some with blue Eyes & Hazel Eyes and
vary light hair but they have never mixed blood with
any white men or other Indian tribes. they have had a
tradition that some good men will come from the west
and bring them the truth and they think we are the pelople
and they have come as ambasadors to see the people & to see if
we are the people they have been looking for they lighke the
people & the country and the improvem[en]ts which they see
here. they feel anxious that we should instruct them &
direct them in their affairs. Therir forefathers formerly
lived west of the Colorado but there Enemies drove them
East of the river. they have lived in stone houses for genera-
tion. The Brethren while going to see them passed through
a vary good country for a settlement well timbered with
tall white pine also white oak & cedar good soil & grass
a plenty of gaim such as wild Turkies, Deer, Antilope also
wild Honey. RPresident Young thinks of sending 100 Men
to form a colony there He said He did not wish to send
Men who did not wish to go. He recommended for the white
Men to take the same Number of Moquitchs with them to plant
and built & prepare to move thereir families there. The compa-
ny who went to visit them consisted of 24 Men with abouth
650 Horses they travelled from the Colorado to the Moquich Nation
without a guide. They found them quite poor they had been
robed by the Navahoes, and had but few sheep ^but a good crop of grain^ & little provisi-
left the brethren stoped ^3 days with^ about a week with them they
had a three days feast & offered up sacrafize & Prayers
that snow might fall upon the mountains to fill their basons
made of stone with water as they had no runing streams
or springs in there cities and when their snow water is gone
they have to go to the bottom land to wells to water there
flocks & for family use. The snow fell a foot deep the day
following theyir sacrafice they say snow always comes as
soon as they pray. Three of the Brethren stoped with them viz
Thales Haskell Ira Hatch & GJehiel MCconnell they remain
as Missionaries and three Four of their men accompanid

Page 257

Brother Hamblin Home they returned by the old trail saw some
Navahoes & bought some provisions of them they had a good
deal of snow & a rough road when they came to the Colorado
the Lamanites were afraid to cross for they had never
seen ^crossed^ so large water before and was afraid of being drowned
and wished to returnen home. Brother Hamblin told them
they must go with us & when they found they must go
they offered sacrafize in the following manner. The medicine
Man took some cotton thread of there own spinning about
18 inches long and tied on Each End a bunch of Duck ^Eagles^ fea-
thers about as big as a mans thumb, then placed it in the Edge
of the water, they then put some bread called peak & put between
the feathers then took a handful of dried peaches and put
between the feathers & then sprinkled consecrated white corn
meal over the water they then started over & when they came
into the deep water they sprinkled more meal upon the water
they went over safe they thanked the Lord for bringing them
over safe in half a mile they came to a mud canyon with
rocks from 100 to 300 feet high perpendicular the rains had
filled the canyon with mud so they had to bridge the passage
for 300 yards with willows in order to get there animals over
in order to get out of the canyon they had to climb out
about 400 feet by cutting steps in the rocks in a Zigzag
course seven of the animals missed the steps & fell down
the mountains some 50 feet. they then went on there Jour-
ey over a rough country for 8 days before they come to the
settlem[en]ts they were vary short of provisions & provisions was
sent out to meet them after spending 7 days with Brother
Hamblin, He brought them to Great Salt Lake City After
leaving President Youngs I took them to the printing Office & showed
the process of printing & Bookbinding & the telegraph Office they
were much pleased with what they saw I took them home
& gave them some dinner & Apples and Apricotts & plum
pitts. Brother Hamblin took them to the stores & to the Theater
in the Evening they were much pleased with the scenery
they have Theaters at home & give good representations

Page 258

~ Thursday

Feb 5 ^1863^

I went to the office & took the Moquis Indians to Brother
Savages Picture gallery & got their likenesses taken which
they were Much Pleased with we also raised a subscription
to get them some Hoes & Axes. G A S gave $5 WW $5 A. O. S
$3. They were taken to the Paper Mill, &c I received a
A folded letter/box Letter from I F. Carter. The Funeral of all the soldiers
An arrow who were brought in dead from the Indian Battle
were buried at Camp Douglass this Afternoon under
catholic crosses 16 were buried, 49 were wounded in the
Hospital, & 74 badly frozen

~ Friday

6th An arrow Lieut Darwin Chase died on the 4 inst at Centerville
while bringing him down will be buried to day

~ Saturday

7th I spent the day in the office in the afternoon the
forenoon I spent in the Endowment H. We gave Endowm[en]ts
to 25, President Young sealed 6 couple & D. H. Wells sealed 6 couple
quite a number of President Youngs daughters had their
Endowm[en]ts to day I met with the board of the D. A. & M. Society
in the Evening

~ Sunday

8th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning and attended
meeting through the day Joseph Young Preached in the morning followed
by John Taylor. In the Afternoon President H. C. Kimball spoke in
the afternoon. I met in the Evening with John Taylor & G. A. Smith
for Prayer. John Taylor Prayerd & G. A. Smith was Mouth. we
had a severe snow storm during the Evening snow fell several
inches deep

~ Monday

9 the Earth is covered several inches with snow I spent
a part of the day in the office I attended a party of the Gardners
A folded letter/box Club at the social Hall through most of the night we had a good
party the Presidency were presient a part of the time I received
a letter from Mr M. C Cummings of Calafornia

~ Tuesday

10. I visited N. V. Jones who was quite sick I laaiid hands upon
him in company with R. Burton & Godby Brother & Sister
Smoot took supper with us I Blessed My boy which I had by
Emma He being 8 days old I named him Asahel Brother
Smoot was Mouth.

Page 259

~ Wednesday

Feb 11, ^1863^

Brother N. V. Jones is vary sick this morning several of the
Brethren met at his house this morning to dress and pray with him
I spent most of the day in the office. I wrote 2 letters to McCommons
A hand pointing to the right and Aphek Woodruff I attended the Theater in the Evening
& sayw Damon & Pitheas acted which was well perform

~ Thursday

12 I spent a part of the day at home & a part at the office

~ Friday

13 We had a severe snow storm through the day I spent most
of the Evening at the Historians Office.

~ Saturday

14 I spent most of the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endo-
wments to about 40 persons. D. H. Wells sealed 30 couple
I went to the Historians office & Had a talk with Brother
Zerah Cole about John & David Whitmore in Missouri
David Whitmore is quite rich in gold which he has buried
in the Earth. Brother Cole thinks the Southerners will soon
get hold of him & hang him untill he would tell them
whare it was. I met with the board of the D. A. & M Society
in the Evening A. O. Smoot met with us & spoke of the Armey
& said that the New commissary would not pay the contracts of
Col Cornor for theHe ^Has^ not the right to make contracts for the Army

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning A. Hoagland
Prayed & A. Hinkley was mouth we learned while at our Prayer
A coffin circle that Nathaniel V. Jones was dead He died this morn-
ing at 1 oclok He has been a true & valuable man He has
died sudden He has always been a minute man ready to go
at the call of the Presidency of the Church at all times He thought
He would from the time he was taken sick. I attended meeting
all day J. V. Long preached in the forenoon E. F. Sheets D. Spencer
& President Kimball in the afternoon I met in the Evening with
G A Smith for Prayedr I prayed G. A. Smith was mouth we
A hand pointing to the right worote a Joint Letter to J. M. Bernhisel

~ Monday

16 I spent most of the day in the office

~ Tuesday

17 & 18. I A attend the funeral of Andrew Pettit and prea-
ched a funeral sermon Ezra Pettedt his father is also quite
sick I spent the afternoon in the office

~ Wednesday

18 A folded letter/box I received a letter from S. M. Blair I spent most of the
day in the office I wrote a letter to S. M. Blair
A hand pointing to the right

Page 260

~ Thursday

Feb 19, ^1863^

^ A folded letter/box^ A hand pointing to the right I spent the day in the office I received a letter from
H. L. Southworth & wrote him a letter in return Wilford
returned from Fort Harriman stock is doing poorly

~ Friday

20 [FIGURE] I delivered Into the hands of Wm I Appleby
Abram Taylor's Note given to J. M. Bernhisel for $1303.92
Note given March 28 1861 Interest 10 per ct untill paid
received May 31, 1861 $39.12. Endorsed on the Note I also
delivered to him the Mortgage upon Taylors House & Lot
in Emigration street to be foreclosed at Judge Kinneys
March Term of Court. I had the two last teeth taken
out of my upper Jaw to day by Brother Barlow with the inte-
ntion of putting in a New set

~ Saturday

21. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowm[en]t House
we gave Endowm[en]ts oto over 40 President Young sealed
10 couple D H. Wells 7 couple & W. Woodruff 10 couple.

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I started for Fort Herriman in a snow storm
while on the road we had a variety of weather snow & hail
storms piercing wind & hot burning sun I preached in fort
Herriman in the Evening

~ Monday

23rd I rode most of the day over the Hills & plains Hunting
cattle & much of the way my horse broke the road knee
deep in snow Wilford rode all day for his Mules & did not find them

~ Tuesday

24 We found our mules this Morning & returned home to salt
Lake City
driving home 16 Head of our cattle 40 mile

~ Wednesday

25 We went down to our Farm branded our cattle picked
out 21 of our poorest sheep & 3 cows & 5 calves & drove home
to feed on hay

~ Thursday

26 I spent the day making sheds for sheep & calves & getting
out manure onto my orchard.

~ Friday

27 I spent this day getting out Manure

~ Saturday

28 Saturday I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowm[en]t
we gave Endowm[en]ts to 37. President Young sealed 15
couple & D H Wells [blank] I spent the afternoon in the office

~ Sunday

March 1st 1863 This is my Birth day I am 56 years
of age this morning at 10 oclock I met with my Quorum
I Prayed & R. L. Campbell was mouth I attended meeting at the

Page 261

Tabernacle. C. C. Rich Preached in the morning & in the afternoon
J Taylor & President Young I met with President Young and
the Twelve at 5 oclok for prayer Lorenz Snow Prayed & President
Young was mouth at the Altar He Prayed for Govornor Harding, &
Judges Wait & Drake & the Armey who was sent here to make war
upon us & the Govorment who sent them here. He Prayed Essentially
for all the Enemies of the kingdom of God. We had a good time I atten-
ded meeting at the 14 ward, & Preached to the People followed by
Elder F. D. Richards. We the Quorum of the Twelve set apart Hiram
& [blank] [ Thomas William Atkinson ] To go on a mission to the Sandwich Isles
this is the first time that Hiram Kimball Ever attempted to take a
Mission to Preach the gospel since he has been a member of the Church
John Taylor was mouth in Blessing Hiram Kimball & W Woodruff
in Blessing [blank]

~ Monday

2nd I spent the day in getting out manure upon my garden

~ Tuesday

3rd Keys crossed A great Mass Meeting was held to day at the Tabernacle at 1 oclok
when the conduct of Govonor Stephen S. Harding, & Judges Drake &
Waite was investigated & therir wickedness & abominations shown
before the people. Resolutions were past concerning them & a committee
appointed to wait upon them to ask them to resign & go home and
a Petition sent to the President to remove them all the procedings were
Published in the Deserett News of the 4th instant

~ Wednesday

4. I went to my farm & to Mill, & spent a short time in the office

~ Thursday

5 I spent a part of the day in the office

~ Friday

6. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a Letter from Mr McCommons & wrote him
one in return

~ Saturday

7. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we
gave endowments to 26. W. Woodruff sealed 17 couple we
have a cold snowy day

~ Sunday

8 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting through the day. President Young Preached both
forenoon & afternoon to a congregation of about $3000
persons. He preached a great sermon which was reported
by Long & Watt I met with the Twelve in the evening for
Prayer. A. Lyman prayed & G. A. Smith was Mouth I
spent a short time in President Youngs office He set apart Eldridge

Page 262

& Feramore Little, Lewis Hill, & his son John Willard
all to go on a mission East to assist in the Emigration

~ Monday

March 9th I spent the fore part of the day at home and
An arrow the afternoon the flag was raised upon President
Youngs House for a signal to gather together all armed
Men and many hundreds gather together and formed an
encampment in President Youngs yard & premises, also in
D. H. Wells Premises some 700 men stood guard through the night
tothis was in consequence of the report that Gov Harding, & Judge
Wait & Drake had issued a warrant to arest Brigham Young for
Poligamy & had put it into Col Cornor's Hands to serve the
writ through military force and the citizens were resolved
it should not be done.

~ Tuesday

10 The military guard are kept up day and night. I spent
most of the day at home


11. I spent the day at home making posts The military guard on hand

~ Thursday

12 I assisted Wilford to drive off 21 Head of cattle I went
about half way to Fort Herriman and returned home Wilford
drove the cattle to Fort Harriman. There was quite an excitement in
the city on my returning home. Col Cornor marched out his
forces and & travelled one mile towards the city, the flag was
raised upon the presidents House and the people gathered in arms
to meet the Enemy, but as soon as they came about one mile
they marched back again

~ Friday

13 I rode with Joseph Young to Bountiful, & spent the night at
David Sessions 10 miles

~ Saturday

14 Keys crossed This was the day appointed for the Dedication of the meeting
in the city of Bountiful or sessions settlement at an Early
hour 100 Horsmen arived from Farmington with the Brass band
at about 9 oclok President Young & company arived with 100 cavallry
they drove 10 miles in one hour & 15 minutes all the Presidency &
7 of the Twelve were present in the New Meeting House and a full
congregation. Meeting commenced at 10 oclok. The Quoir sung
& President Heber Kimball made the Dedication Prayer. President
Young addressed the people praised the people for building the House
thought it the best Meeting House in the Territory. He was followed By

Page 263

H. C. Kimball in the forenoon and D. H. Wells Joseph Young & John Taylor
in the afternoon. The Presidency & Twelve & others took Dinner with
Brother Call. He is about putting out 10 Acres of orcharding mostly
Apple I spent the night with David Sessions

~ Sunday

15 Sunday A large assembly gathered & filled the House. G. A. Smith
W. Woodruff & Orson Pratt spoke in the forenoon. A Lyman
John Vancott, & President Young in the afternoon. at the close of the
meeting, we Entered our carriages & drove to Salt Lake City in
about 1one hour I spent the night at home 10 miles

~ Monday

16. I spent the fore part of the day in the office

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

17 20 I spent this time gardning diging, trenching, taking up
trees & seting them out again, & sowing Peas, Beets, cabbage turnips &c

~ Saturday

21 I spent the day mostly in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 45 Persons President Young sealed 13 couple & D H Wells 26
We have had vary fine weather untill to day it commenced raining
in the morning & turned to a snow storm & snowed all the afternoon
& was quite cold. I met with the D. A. & M. Society on the Evening of the 20

~ Sunday

22 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I spent the forenoon
signing the Life membership's certifikets & annual ciertifikets of
the D. A. & M. Society. I signed 88 in all. it stormed some this
Morning A folded letter/box I received a Letter from Dr. J. M. Bernhisel I wrote a Letter
A hand pointing to the right to Blymyers Bates & Day Mansfield Ohio & asked what He would
furnish me a copper pan for of No 3. I attended meeting
in the afternoon. James A. Little spoke in the afternoon
followed by President Young who gave a vary interesting dis-
course. I met with A. Lyman in the Evening for Prayer. I
prayed & A Lyman was mouth.

~ Monday

23 I spent the day in gardning

~ Tuesday

24 I spent this day in gardning

~ Wednesday

25 I spent the day in gardning & met with the D. A & M
in the Evening and made arangements for planting sugar cane

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

26 & 27 I spent the time in gardning

~ Saturday

28. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowments to 27 persons D. H. Wells sealed 15 couple &
President Young 7 couple I spent the afternoon in the office
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to J M. Bernhisel

Page 264

~ Sunday

March 3029^, 1863^
Sunday I met with the D. A. & M. Society at 9 oclok
I met with my Quorum at 10 oclok. And attended
Meeting at the Tabernacle at 11 oclok. D. H. Wells & H C Kimball
preached in the forenoon & H. C. Kimball & DB HYoung in the afternoon
I met with the Twelve for Prayer J. Taylor prayed & G. A.
was Mouth. I preached to the 14 ward in the Evening
at about 11 oclok at night I heard a salute of 11 guns at
Camp Douglass & also a Band of Music report says that word
reached Camp Douglass that Col Cornor was promoted to
the Brigadeer Generalship & consequently the firing

~ Monday

30 I spent a part of the day in the office & a part at Home

~ Tuesday

31. I made out a Bill of goods for Brother Godbie to purchase
for me I paid him $150 in gold & $128 in green backs

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

April 1, & 3rd I spent the time at work in my Garden &
going down to the farm and at the office

~ Saturday

4th I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 35 Persons. President Young sealed
13 couple & D. H. Wells 4 couple. I spent the afternoon in
the office A folded letter/box I recieved a letter from J. M. Bernhisel

~ Sunday

5 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended
Meeting all day in the Tabernacle. Elder Orson Pratt had
been sick & night [nigh] unto death with the Pleurisy in the left side
I went with the Twelve to visit him on the 2nd instant & laid
upon him. On the 3rd Friday several of the Twelve
laid hands upon him I visited him in the Evening & laid
hands upon him & told him in the name of the Lord that He
should live & not die & that He should be healed for He had
not done his work in the flesh. He began to amend & told
me he thought He should be able to attend conference.
I was quite surprised to see him come into the Tabernacle
this morning & take a seate with us. Brother O Hyde spoke
in the Morning & President Young spoke in the afternoon
& corrected some of Brother Hydes teaching. The Twelve met
at the Prayer Circle at 5 oclok. Erastus Snow prayed O Hyde
was Mouth. Ten of the Twelve were present all Except O. Pratt
& G. Q. Cannon.

Page 265

~ Monday

April 6th ^1863^
Monday The General Conference met this morning D. H. Wells
spoke followed by H. C. Kimball & G. A. Smith in the forenoon

7 A List of Names of the young men was called to go upon a ^mission to^
Erurope was read before the Assembly.

~ Tuesday

7 A vary windey cloudy day. The Quorum of the Twelve prea-
ched through the day. An Additional List of Missionaries
was read to the Assembly among the rest my son Wilford
Woodruff Jr
was called to go upon a Mission to England
it rejoices my hart that I have lived to see the day when
I have a son who is called to go into the vineyard of the
Lord. We had a Priesthood meeting in the Tabernacle

~ Wednesday

8th It being cold & windey the conference was held in the
Tabernacle Presidency Preached the conference Adjourned till
the 6th day of next October we had a good conference

~ Thursday

9. The Quorum of the Twelve met with 35 missionaries at
the Historions Office we ordained 14 Seventies & blessed ^10 W W Blessed^
36 Missionaries. ^W Woodruff ordained his son into a quorum of Seventie^ I spent most of the day in the office

~ Friday

10th we had quite a snow storm all night the Earth was as dry as dust
the snow melted about as fast as it come

~ Saturday

11th I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowments to some 35 persons. D. H. Wells sealed 19 couple
W Woodruff sealed 7 couple. I attended a feast at Jane Blackhursts
with the Presidency & 12. I also attended a missionary meeting
at the Historians office

~ Sunday

12 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. Wilford was
Mouth. Bishop Moon prayed. I attended meeting at the Tabernacle
J. V. Long Preached in the forenoon followed E. Snow, D. Candland,
& B Young in the afternoon I inmet in the Evening with G. A. Smith
& F. D. Richards for prayer F D. Richards prayed & G A.
Smith was mouth. I called upon Orson Pratt in the Evening
with E. Snow & F D Richard. we laid hands upon him & adm-
to him. He was vary sick I Blessed 1 Missionary

~ Monday

13 I went with Wilford to Fort Herriman 20 miles

~ Tuesday

14 There was a great cattle Drive to day we separated out the
Fort Harriman stock & drove the remainder to White Fort I mwent Home 20 [miles]

Page 266

~ Wednesday

April 15^, 1863.^
All the cattle were driven to day at Sniders fenced farm & the
Horses at the tithing carrall I visited both places 10 miles

~ Thursday

16 In company with Wilford I drove 12 miles to Coones Canyon
to my flock of sheep I had 128 old sheep & 61 Lambs I returned
Home 24 mils

~ Friday

17 Wilford drove my Horses over Jordan to day we had a hard
snow & rain storm last night & to day

~ Saturday

18 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowments to 47 persons. President Young sealed
12 couple & D. H. Wells 19 couple. I met with the Missionaries
at the Historians office at 4 oclok we ordained 1 seventy &
set apart 5 for there mission. President Wells spoke to them followed
by W. Woodruff

~ Sunday

19 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and
attended meeting all day in the Tabernacle several of the
Missionaries spoke in the morning followed by Judge Phelps
in the Afternoon President Young spoke. Brother Campbell &
myself met for Prayer I attended Meeting at the 14 ward
school House
I preached to the People

~ Monday

20 I ploughed my garden & sowed carrotts Beets & Peas

~ Tuesday

21 I continued planting my Garden. Brother Sidney A Knowlton
Died last night at 10 oclok. we had a hard rain storm last night

~ Wednesday

22. We had a soaking rain lastthis morning I attended Brother S. A.
Funeral D H. Wells preached to the people & I followed

~ Thursday

23 I spent the day mostly at home I had a family meeting
at my house in the evening. I Blessed Wilford & set him
for his Mission & wrote his Blessing & gave him a
copy of it I also blessed brother Justin Wixom and
wrote his blessing for him

~ Friday

24. Wilford made all arangements to leave to day but
we had a snow storm, and the team does not go out

~ Saturday

25 Keys crossed I parted with Wilford this morning who started
upon his first Mission to the Nations of the Earth to preach
the gospel of Jesus Christ. I gave him $140 to bear his
expenses to Liverpool & to buy him some cloths when he gets there
it was quite hard for him to bid us good buy. But he came back

Page 267

and took dinner & went away feeling first rate. I went
down to the field & mended my fence I held a D A & M Meeting in the evening

~ Sunday

276 Sunday I rode to Sessions Settlement and preached in
the morning & Preached in the afternoon at Centerville & rode
home in the Evening 25 mile

~ Monday

267 Monday I rode to Fort Harriman & spent the night 20 mils

~ Tuesday

278 Three of us dug a sullar 7 by 9 feet, 4 feet 6 inches deep & put
up a hewed log building over it & put the roof on

~ Wednesday

279 We finished our milk house & drove home 20 m[iles]

~ Thursday

2830 I spent the day budding & gardning

~ Friday

May 1st I spent the fore part of the day gardning & afternoon
Journalizing & writing I received a Letter from Blymyers,
A folded letter/box Bates & Day

~ Saturday

2nd I spent the day grafting or Budding.

~ Sunday

3 Sunday I rode to the west Mountain & returned home in the evening 24 [miles]

~ Monday

4 I washed my flock of 128 sheep in the warm spring water to
day I was vary weary at night I Attended Judge Drakes Court
of Examination at the Council House untill midnight the case was a
writ served upon Ward Pack for the Dettention of Agness Lowery
Lowery against Her well [will] I & Wm. W. Phelps testified that she was
Married to Ward Pack on the 18 day of April 1863 on Saturday

~ Tuesday

5. The court met this morning & decided that Agness should be
delivered to the Marshall & the Marshall should delivered the girl to
her Mother untill she should become of age but at the close of the
court Agness went home with her husband

~ Wednesday

6 I spent the day mostly at home. The Telegram says
there was the Bloodiest battle of the war fought at
Fredgericksburgh on Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday last
North Lost 15000. The Northern Armey drove
back across the Rapahannock with great slaughter

~ Thursday

7. I had over 100 sheep sheared to day

~ Friday

8 We finished shearing sheep to day

~ Saturday

9. Richmond The Southern Capitol is reported
taken to day I met with the D A & M Society
this evening. We now have daily accounts of Hard
fought battles I received a Letter from Wilford
A folded letter/box

Page 268

~ Sunday

May 10, ^1863^
Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning
attended Meeting all day at the Tabernacle J. M. Wololly
spoke in the forenoon & W Woodruff in the afternoon
I prayed at the circle room at 5 oclk I wrote a
A hand pointing to the right Letter to Isaac Bowman

~ Monday to ~ Saturday

May 11 to 16 I spent this week in gardening the President
and company is expected home soon. The Telegraphics
reports show that the Federal troops have not taken Richmond
nor recrossed the Rappahannock but they got terribly
beatten in the Battle and the Northern Loss was so great
they would not report it. the South acknowledge there Loss
25000, but the North must have Lost 40000 men

~ Sunday

17 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning I opened by
prayer. R. L. Campbell was mouth I met at the prayer circle
& prayed at 5 oclok I did not attend meeting through the
day. Wm Smith & D H Wells preached in the forenoon &
R. L. Campbell in the afternoon

~ Monday

18 We have a rainy day I spent most of the day in
the office. President Young and suit arived at home at
25 minutes to 5 oclok. I wrote a Letter to Blymyers Bates & Day
A hand pointing to the right concerning his Evaparator

~ Tuesday

19 I spent the day mostly at home gardening

~ Wednesday

20 I took a walk with Presidents Brigham Young &
D. H. Wells & W H Folsome through the Temple Block & the
Theater from top to Bottom. President Young Expressed
his satisfaction with the presient work on the Temple was
much Better than it was before the foundation was taken up

~ Thursday

21. I attended the Examination of Brother Henriy I Duremus
school in company with G. A. Smith Elias Smith & R. L.
and was pleased with the improvement of the
scholars I spent the afternoon in the office

~ Friday

22nd I spent the day at home

~ Saturday

23rd I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave endowments to some 30 persons D H Wells done
the sealing ^21 couple^

~ Sunday

Sunday 24. I met with my Quorum in the morning

Page 269

I attended meeting in the morning in the Tabernacle
President B Young preached in the forenoon to a large
congregation. G. A. Smith & H. C. Kimball spoke in the
afternoon. I met in the evening with the Twelve. John
Prayed & G. A. Smith was mouth

~ Monday

25 I spent the day in my Garden

~ Tuesday

26 I spent most of the day in my Garden I herd Tulleidge read
some of my History as I had Employed him to comp[i]le some of it

~ Wednesday

27 I spent the forenoon in my office

~ Thursday

28. I spent the day in my garden

~ Friday

29 A single key with teeth to the right I spent most of the day at home. My son Jackson James
by Mayry Jackson who had been abscent for several
years returned to my house to day to live with me

~ Saturday

30. I spent the day in the Endowment House H C Kimball sealed
5 couple W Woodruff 8 couple D. H. Wells 7 couple & President Young 1 couple

~ Sunday

31. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended Meeting in
the Bowery all day we had quite a Number of Distinguished visitedrs
in the Meeting to day among the Number the Mayor of Buffalo President
Young Preached a vary lengthy discourse & a vary interesting one in the
forenoon & Presidents Kimball & Wells in the afternoon. I met with the
Quorum of the 12. F. D. Richards Prayed W. Woodruff was mouth.

~ Monday

^ A hand pointing to the right^ June 1st I spent the day at home I wrote a Letter to Azmon Woodruf

~ Tuesday

2nd I went up Parleys Canyon to Josiah &H & Leonard Hardys then
rode over the summit & up to Samuel Sniders I then went a mile into
the canyon got a cord of wood came back to Sniders & spent the night

~ Wednesday

3rd I took a survey of the valley it is a vary fine place. Brother Snider
has about 100 cows 1200 sheep a drove of Horses, swine &c it is a good
range for stock in the summer. I drove home with my load of wood
whole distance going & coming about 60 miles it is a vary hard
upon a team to get a load of wood in 2 days there 60 mile
Hon J. M. Bernhisel arived home on the 2nd instant. They are still fighting
vary hard at Victsburgh.

~ Thursday

4. I called upon Dr J. M. Bernhisel also G. A. Smith I delivered into
the Hands of Dr Bernhisel some Note & papers which he had left
with me I wrote a Letter to Wilford in connexion with the rest
A hand pointing to the right of the family

Page 270

~ Friday

June 5, 1863
I spent the day mostly in my garden I wrote a letter to
A hand pointing to the right Azmon Woodruff in answer to one of his.

~ Saturday

6 I spent the day in the Endowment House I sealed 17 & D H

~ Sunday

7. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting
all day in the Bowery. G. A. Smith spoke in the morning & gave an
account of the travels & Labors of the Presidency & company
south. In the Afternoon Presidencyt Young spoke upon our
warefare in producing what we use, also about building the Temple
He wished it built by donation instead of tithing as the people
did not pay their tithing. I met with G. A. Smith & F. D. Richards
in the evening for Prayer F. D. Richards prayed & G A Smith was

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

8 to 121th I spent the week mostly at home gardening

~ Friday

12th A single key with teeth to the right Two men stage drivers were killed by the Indians
and scalped while coming from Camp Floyd to this city the
bodies were brought into the city I examined the bodies, all the
skin was peeled off from the Head. Wood Reynolds body was
cut a good deal with knives

I Attended the funeral of Sister Elebeck all the presidency
were present President Young arose to speak & had spoken
but few words was taken suddenly Ill & had to stop had
faintness & sickness of the stomach. was carried home in a
coach. it broke up the meeting, there was no preaching the corps was
buried & many attended the burial

~ Saturday

13. I spent the forepart of the day in the Endowment House. D H
sealed 15 couple

~ Sunday

14. Sunday I met with my Quorum for prayer Bishop Hunter prayed
W Woodruff was mouth. I attended meeting all day in the Bowery
G. D. Watt J. C. Little & L. W. Hardy preached in the forenoon. John
& President Young preached in the afternoon I met in the
Evening for Prayer with the Twelve. W. Woodruff prayed & John
was mouth.

~ Monday

15 I spent most of the day in getting the waggons ready for the
canyon. I attending meeting in with the Jordan Dam Company

~ Tuesday

16 I spent the forenoon in the office signing membership tickets

Page 271

of the D A & M. Society and the afternoon at home

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

17 & 19 I spent the time mostly at home I wrote a Letter to Elder
A hand pointing to the right Richard Bentley

~ Saturday

20. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House I sealed
8 couple & D. H. Wells 168 couple

~ Sunday

21. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morming & attended
the funeral of Caroline Garant aged about 18 I preached her
funeral sermon was followed by Bishop Wooley I preached in
the Tabernacle in the afternoon. I followed Brother Grow. Soon
After I returned home I herd that Albert Smoot was drowned
& I soon learned that it was true. He Attended the funeral
of Caroline Grant in the forenoon went to the grave, returned
home helped pick peas for dinner, eat his dinner then went
to the Jordon River with 5 small boys & went in to bathe the
water was vary cold. He could not swim, he soon was taken with
the cramp & steped off into deep water & never spoke, & soon sunk
to rise no more. As soon as it was known, men gathered at the
place & hunted for his body 3 Hours before he was found. Mrs
Woodruff & myself went to Brother Smoots & we found them
in great affliction at about 8 oclok in the Evening the body
was brought to his Fathers House. we labored upon the body three
hourse with Electricity & inflating the lungs & with warm baths
to bring him to Life but of No avail. I went home about midnight
Albert Abram Owen Smoot was born the 23rd of Nov 1847
A coffin He was the first male child born in these valleies ofin the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
. He was a good Youth
dutiful to his parents & died in the faith of the gospel of Christ

~ Monday

22 I Attended the funeral of Brother Albert Smoot Presidents
Young & Wells were present. G. A. Smith F. D. Richards & W. Woodruff
of the Twelve, & a large congregation of the Saints. President Young
Preached. The following is a synopsis of his remarks

I can say to Brother Smoot & family that they have not a
thousandth part the reason to regret or grieve in this bereave-
ment that other parties have who have froward sons. I would
rather follow all my children to the grave than to have them
froward in their wasys & witnessing them turning from the

Page 272

paths which are right. When our children are called to go
hence, when our children are taken from us who have
not Jeperdized their chances of salvation, we have reason to
rejoice instead of mourning. I knew this young lad, he was
a fine boy and as far as he had grown up he manifested
the finest traits of character. he is now locked up whare
he is safe and sure of salvation. Is not this a comfort?
It is to me. What would have been the lads future course? We
do not know. I do not know what will be the future course of
my children. Do you know? I have witnessed such scenes.
Ownly once in my life has my head acked. This was when
Joseph was killed, was martered. in parting with Fathers
Mothers, wives & children is no comparison to it. When I feel
as though the top of my head was coming off then I think
sumthing is the matter I felt this was for Many days
I can call to mind, those who have Endured more than
I in some things. Here sit b sits before me to day a good Father
& mother who lost a son under more painful circumstances
than this. He was murdered & his remains scattered over
the plains. We have before us a beautiful boy cut down in
the flower of youth yet we have No cause for morning, this
I do know that when our youths have lived according to our
council we have No cause to mourn. It is no trial of my
faith to see my children laid in the grave But to see them
Join with the wicked, forget their duty, & become froward
this is a trial which in part I have experienced all I ask
is for grace to bear up under such trials that I may settle down
in calm serenity and feel that the Lord giveth & the Lord taketh
away & blessed be the name of the Lord. I have heard that Brother
Smoot regretted that his son had not received his Endowment
we are the ownly people that that can give our children their
blessings. We can do it. Others cannot this should be a source
of consolation to us. What is there for us to grieve about. Crying
because God has taken our child to Heaven. Well we might cry if
the devil had taken our child to Hell. If this family sit up &
shout Hallalujah it will be more pleasing to the Lord than to sit up to cry

Page 273

Death is in the Land & we may expect it. I have freequently said when
I die give me a decent burial that is all I ask. The grave has seemed
to me the sweetest place I ever looked into in my life. Brother Smoot is
perhaps a better man than most of us. his trials remind him that he
is still in a land of sorrow & trouble. If all who bear the name of Saints
get into the celestial world it will be because they purify themselves and
are faithful & overcome & feel a little more the responsibility that belongs
to the kingdom of God than many now do. Many other remarks were made

~ Tuesday

23 I was Journaliziong & reading History

~ Wednesday

24. I spent the day mostly at home in the garden

~ Thursday

25 I spent the day at home & Evening in a caucas

~ Friday

26. In company with the presidency & others I rode to Provo in Brother
D. H. Wells carriage we dined at Brother Nails in Lehi

~ Saturday

27. A Large congregation assembled in a Bowery in provo from all
parts of the county. All the presidency, & several of the Twelve, & a large number
of visiting Elders were present. Presidents Kimball & Wells Preached
in the morning, & Judge Kinney made a political speech
in the Afternoon. President Young then delivered a Highly
instructive discourse upon the building up the Kingdom of God

~ Sunday

28. Sunday The assembly was vary large to day President Joseph
spoke first He was followed by Elders W. Woodruff & F. D. Richards
in the Afternoon Elder G. A. Smith spoke followed by Elder Taylor
& President Young who blessed the people & the Meeting closed. I
spent the time while in Provo at Brother Southworths. The people
are cattching many trout in provo River & Lake this season
I went out to the River inon Saturday morning & caught about
15 lbs in an hour with a young man who said he could get
100 lbs per day in the Lake with a hook. A man caught 1 1/4 tons
or 2500 lb of trout at one hall with a net at the mouth
of Provo River it is the best place for fishing trout I ever
say. I visited many gardens & orchards in Provo while
I was there. At the close of the meeting President Young took
supper at Brother Southworths & the whole company rode to Lehi
& spent the night

~ Monday

29 We returned home to Great Salt Lake City distance 95 mls

~ Tuesday

30. I spent the Eveday in Journalizing & Evening in a caucus.

Page 274

~ Wednesday

July 1st 1863
I spent the day mostly in my garden

~ Thursday

2nd I spent most of the day in the Endowment House. I sealed
13 couple I spent the afternoon at home

~ Friday

3rd Keys crossed I attended the grand Union Ball in the Theater it being
the Largerst party I ever attended. 40 cotillons were on the
floor at once I staid till near 2 oclok the party did not break up
untill near midnight

~ Saturday

July 4. President Wells Barn burned up to day a large body
of people were gathered together to put out the fire

~ Sunday

5 Sunday I rode to Fort Harriman & held a meeting in the
evening it is vary hot & dry the whole range is burned up

~ Monday

6. I spent the fore part of the day putting up the polls of my
carrall which the people had scattered around. in the Afternoon
I took Delight & Marion & drove back to the city 45 mils

~ Tuesday

7. A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Mrs S. C. Moulton & Phebe Snow
I took supper with President Young, & walked with him through
the Temple Block. He presented his view of the Temple in Jackson
Missouri. Emma Wardle who was living with us
had a vary severe attack of the Cholera Morbus was vary sick
we administered to her by the laying on of hands & other means

~ Wednesday

8. We have 90º of Heat in the shade I spent a part of the day in
the office Journalizing the remainder of the time at home

~ Thursday

9 The heat is vary oppressive, the Earth is parching up
I visited the Presidency, they were preparing to start
for Ogden on the morrow

~ Friday

10. The Presidency started for Ogden to day. I watered
my Garden but left a good deal of vegitation burning up

~ Saturday

11. I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowments to about 60 persons I sealed 37 couples

~ Sunday

12 Sunday it is a vary hot day I spent the fore noon
in the office writing Letters I received a letter from
A folded letter/box My son Wilford who was at Florence I wrote 2 letters
A hand pointing to the right to Wilford Woodruff jr & my daughter Phebe A Snow. I
met in the Evening with D A & M Society to get out the premium List

~ Monday

13. I commenced Haying to day I mowed about half an acre

~ Tuesday

14 I watered my garden to day

Page 275

~ Wednesday

15th ^1863^
A hand pointing to the right I received a Letter from Wilford June 30 at New York
I spent most of the day at home. We have Telegraphic Dispatches
saying that mobs have arizen in New York Albany & Boston
to resist the conscription Acct, & they are destroying lives &
much property. The Nation have sown mobs for seed and
will now reap an abundant harvest of the same I attended the meeting of the D A & M S

~ Thursday

16 I attended the great Mormon Battalion & Pioneer Ball in
the Theater it was a grand affair

~ Friday

17 I spent the day at home mostly at work in my garden

~ Saturday

18 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House. We gave
gave Endowments to some 35. W Woodruff sealed 7 couple H C
1 couple & D H Wells 32 couple total 40 couple sealed

~ Sunday

19 Sunday I met with my circle in the morning. I prayed
R. L. Campbell was mouth President Young preached in
the forenoon & H. C. Kimball & D. H. Wells in the afternoon
Daniel Spencer made a few remarks in the morning. I atte-
nded meeting in the morning afternoon I met with John
for prayer in the Evening I prayed & J Taylor
was mouth

~ Monday to ~ Friday

2 24 I spent the week mostly at home at work in the gar-
den picking fruit &c. The Pioneers met at the Theater on
the 24 for a dance. The Presidency were with them I
did not attend. I received 3 Letters from Wilford
John Luce & Mrs Shuah Moulton

~ Saturday

25 Satturday I spent most of the day in the Endowment
H C Kimball sealed 4 couple & W Woodruff 13.
My men went to the Lake & Godt a load of salt
^Sarah Delight had a daughter born 9:30 P.M.^

~ Sunday

26 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and
attended meeting all day. J V. Long & Lorenzo Young spoke
in the forenoon, & Joseph Young & Brigham Young in the
Afternoon. I met with F. D. Richards for Prayer
W. Woodruff Prayed & F. D. Richards was mouth
Sarah Delight was Delivered of a Daughter on
Saturday evening at half past 9 oclok Mother & child
doing well

~ Monday

27. I picked 8 bushels of Apples to day

Page 276

~ Tuesday

28 July ^1863^
I spent most of the day at home. I attended the Auction
room & found vary cheap Jewelry selling for much more
than it was worth.

~ Wednesday

29 I spent the day at home mostly in my garden
G. A. Smith arived home to day from his trip south. He
went as far as St George with Judge Kinney they preached
daily to the people

~ Thursday

30th I spent most of the day at home in my Garden

~ Friday

31st I spent this day in my garden mostly I visited Brother Hemion-
garden with Long, Campbell, Bullock & Jaques. He has the
best orchard, Nursery, & Flower Garden combined in the
Territory. He has produced a splendid Nursery

~ Saturday

Aug 1st I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House. we gave
Endowments to some 40 persons. All the Presidency were present
D. H. Wells sealed 15 couple

~ Sunday

2nd I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended meet
ing in the Bowery G. A. Smith & W. Woodruff spoke in the fore-
noon & President Young in the afternoon. I met with the Twelve
in the Evening for Prayer J Taylor Prayed G. A. Smith was mouth
I Blessed I Blessed my daughter by Sarah Delight, it being 8
days old & Named it Emeline

~ Monday

3. I attended the political speech of Judge Kinney he delivered an
interesting address to a large Assembly. We had an Election today

~ Tuesday

4 [FIGURE] I called upon Brother Barlow to get a set of teeth made for my
upper Jaw. A new dentist Brother Sharp took a cast of my mouth
He professed to be a good workman. I wrote a letter to Sister Shuah

~ Wednesday

5. A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to I. F. Carter I kept No copy
of either I expressed my feelings about the war & gave them
an invitation to come to Utah for safety I wrote a letter
A hand pointing to the right to Phebe

~ Thursday

A hand pointing to the right 6 I wrote a letter to my son Wilford Woodruff jr at Liverpool &
enclosed one to him from his sister Phebe.

~ Friday

7. I spent the day at home laboring in my Garden

~ Saturday

8. I spent the day in the Endowment ^House^ All of the Presidency
went to the Town of Heber in the mountains to hold a meeting
I sealed 14 couple ^gave Endowments to 65^. I received my new set of upper

Page 277

teeth & this being my first day that I attempted to talk in
them I found it rather difficult to speak in them

~ Sunday

9. Sunday I attended meeting all day in the Tabernacle
Joseph W. Young, Wm S Godby & Joseph W Young spoke
in the morning & John Taylor & W Woodruff in the afternoon
I met in the Evening with John Taylor & G A Smith for prayer
W Woodruff prayed & G A Smith was mouth

~ Monday

10. The Presidency returned home this Evening I spent the
day at home & attended the club at night I watered my
garden, thin[ne]d out carrot's sold T D Brown 2 bushels of Apples for
$10, sent one load of wheat to Mill & a load of wool to Machine
I was introduced on Saturday the 8 to Judge Titus.

~ Tuesday

11th A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Hon Isaac Newton concerning the
crops of Utah. I spent the afternoon picking Apples I picked
12 Bushels for 11 purchaces who wished to take them to the mines

~ Wednesday

12th I spent the forenoon at home I picked several Bushels of Apples
and 1 Bushel of peaches for market. A man by the name of Briggs
Professes to have been sent out by young Joseph as one of his
Twelve Apostles. He had an interview yesterday with President
Brigham Young. J. V. Long reported the conversation. President
Young told him that he should not assist him to get a room
to preach in or to advocate his doctrins for they were fals

~ Thursday

13. I spent the day at home at work in my garden. I sent
President Young a Basket of Peaches

~ Friday

14 I spent most of the day at home I spent the Evening at the
Office I read in the Mailennial Star of July 15 stating that
Wilford Woodruff jr & 10 others named arived in Liverpool
on the 17 July, on the steam ship City of Cork that they
were in good health & had the spirit of the Lord. Bishop Dives in
the 14 ward hads been tried for steeling ofIron of John Taylor & others
was fined $360 for the Iron taken of John Taylor & is now on trial
for stealing Iron of Standingsh & others

~ Saturday

15. I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House, all the Presidency were
present. D. H. Wells sealed 20 couple ^gave endowments to 45^

~ Sunday

16. ^Sunday^ I met with my CQuorum in the morning I prayed Bishop Hunter
was Mouth. I attended meeting all day Vancott & Stanes preached

Page 278

in the forenoon & D Spencer & President Kimball in the afternoon
I met with J. Taylor & C. C. Rich for Prayer J Taylor Prayer
& W Woodruff was Mouth I accompanied John Taylor to Broth
Folsome, his wife was dying. we did not go in to see her she di[e]d in the night

~ Monday

17th I spent the day at home mostly in the garden

~ Tuesday

18 A coffin I Attended the funeral of Mrs Folsom President Young preached
her Funeral sermon there was no reporter present & his
remarks were not written. He was followed by President Kimball

~ Wednesday

19. The Presidency, several of the Twelve, & many others left this
city for a trip to Cash Valley. I went in company with Broth
Ridalch. We drove to CKays ward took dinner then drove to
Ogden. G. A. Smith & myself stoped with Loren Farr as did
Joseph Young & others I felt quite unwell I picked 20 Bushels of
Apples yesterday & done some other chores & was quite weary at night

~ Thursday

20 We travelled to Box Elder. All the Presidency myself and
others stoped with Brother Lorenzo Snow for the night we had
a meeting at 4 oclok. President Young spoke to the people
followed by H. C. Kimball & D H. Wells. it was vary hot & sultry
I was quite poorly through the night

~ Friday

21. I was not well this morning we rode to Wellsville G A S
& myself & others took dinner with Brother Shumway Brother G. A.
Smith was sick & went to Bed. The Presidency held a meet-
ing with the People J Taylor F. D. Richards, C. C. Rich & President
Young Preached to the People at the close of the meeting. we rode
to Logan & spent the night. G. A. Smith & myself & Loren Farr stoped
with S. M. Blair

~ Saturday

22nd We held a conference with the people of Cash valley, met in
a large Bowery. W Woodruff spoke in the morning ^and foretold the Building of the temple in Logan By prophesy^ followed by
President Young ^who said, "Br Woodruff spoke By revelation"^. I attended meeting in the Afternoon, was not well

~ Sunday

23. I was taken about 1 oclok A.M with a severe attack of the Cholera
Morbus & was up most of the Latter part of the night & was conf[ine]d
to my bed all day Sunday & could not attend meeting quite a
number of others were sick, with the same

~ Monday

24. I was quite feeble this morning yet I got into the carriage
& rode to Brigham City so did all the company. A meeting
was held in the Evening I did not attend I stoped with Brother Snow

Page 279

A council was held in Cash Valley and agreed to Form a new settle-
ment at Bear river lake A Lyman ^C C Rich^ was to be the president of the mission

~ Tuesday

25 I was quite poorly this morning. I rode with the company
to Ogden, we had a meeting I attended it, it was A vary inter-
esting meeting. President Young spoke with great Plainness and
Power He called upon thHis councillors & the Twelve to wake up &
get rid of there selfishness & get the spirit of God & edify the
people He called upon the whole people to covenant with upli-
fted hands to Heaven to obey his council which we all did. He
told the people to go to & build graneries & continue to lay up grain
untill they had bread to last them seven years & not sell their
grain to any body untill they had done this & stop sending their
bread stuff to the gold mines & stop going to the gold mines to stay
at home & attend to there own business. Stop carrying grain to the
distilleries to be made into whiskey, stop making whiskey & stop
drinking whiskey, and if you will do this I promise you in
the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that you will suffer no famine
He made other interesting remarks. He said some opp[ose]d
our admission into the family of states upon the ground that we
would be uniting with a corrupt Body we would not be as
much united with them than as we are now we would then be
free from their govornor & Judges & be more Free than we
are now but we are the kingdom of God & I do not care
what they do about it

~ Wednesday

26. We rode to Farmington took dinner with Ezra Clark
& then rode to G. S. L. City & returned home distance to Logan
& back again 180 miles

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

27, & 28 I threshed out my wheat we had 280 bushels on
10 Acres while last year we had 419 bushels on 8 1/2 Acres

~ Saturday

29. Saturday I attended in the Endow House W Woodruff
sealed 7 couple, D H Wells 14 couple ^30 Endowments^

~ Sunday

30 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning, And attended
Meeting all day in the Bowery. Elders John Vancott H. S. Eldridge
Brigham Young Jr & John W Young spoke in the forenoon & Wm
C Stains
, also spoke & in the Afternoon G. D. Watt & H C Kimball
spoke. I met with President Young, J. Taylor, C. C. Rich & F. D. Richards

Page 280

in the prayer circle. C. C. Rich was ^prayed^ Mouth & President Young
was Mouth. In the Evening I went down to see James Furguson
who was near his end, with hard drinking he wished me to
administer to him which I did he did not have any realizing
sens that he was going to die. I told hims family that he would not
live much past midnight He died about 1 oclok at night

~ Monday

31. I rode to Fort Herriman to attend to the gathering of my stok to
send to Rush valley with the rest of the Fort Harriman. they drove on
Monday about 200 Head of stock which was put into small
caralls & they goaded each other vary much through the night

~ Tuesday

Sept 1. The people made a drive to day gathered about 200 Head of
oxen & cows more they were put into the heard with the rest & in
the night they had a stampede and knocked down the carall & run
away the Horsmen went after them & it took till 10 oclok in
the morning to get them together again

~ Wednesday

2nd they drove in more stok to day I got 30 Head in all

~ Thursday

3rd. I turned in 28 Head in the Heard to drive to rush valley
they started at 10 oclock awith about 500 Head of cattle 200
Horses & 1000 sheep they putty near cleared Fort Harriman
of the stock on the range I returned to the city ^40 mls^
A folded letter/box I recieived a vary good Letter from my son Wilford

~ Friday

4. I spent the day picking peaches & Apples I picked about 20
Bushels & sent 5 bushels of peaches to the Tithing office

~ Saturday

5 Saturday I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House
W Woodruff sealed 7 couple & D. H. Wells 7 couple ^30 Endow[men]ts^. I spent
the afternoon Journalizing we had a hard wind at
noon that blew off much fruit

~ Sunday

6th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Bishop
Hoagland Prayed W Woodruff was mouth. I attended meeting
at the Bowery. ^Martin^ Zyderlaand, D. H. Wells & W. Woodruff spoke
in the morning & G. A. Smith spoke in the afternoon. President
Young met with G. A. Smith & myself for Prayer. W Wood-
ruff prayed & G A Smith was mouth.

~ Monday

7. I spent most of the day gathering fruit In the Afternoon
I rode in company with G. A. Smith R. L. Campbell E. F. Sheets
& F A Mitchell to our farm, the woollen Factory Paper Mill &c

Page 281

I attended the club meeting in the evening

~ Tuesday

8. A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to My son Willford & mailed a letter
to him from his Mother & sisters Phebe, Bulah, & Eliza Snow
& R L Campbell. I also wrote a Letter to G. Q. Cannon sent
in the same letter

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

9, 10. I spent the time in setting out strawburiy beds & gard-
we had a heavey rain which soaked the ground

~ Friday

11. I cut my madder seed to day & laboured in my garden in
the forenoon & in the afternoon in the office I receieved a letter
A folded letter/box from East about Jordon Dam Company

~ Saturday

12. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we had
a large company ^70^. W. Woodruff sealed 28 couple H. C. Kimball 2

~ Sunday

13 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
a Meeting all day at the Bowery. John Taylor spoke in the forenoon
& Wm W. Cluff Martin Zyderlaian, John Stock &
[blank] I met with John Taylor & G. A. Smith for Prayer
John Taylor Prayed & G. A. Smith was mouth

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

14, & 16. I spent the time in the garden mostly.

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

17, 18. I spent the time Budding, I buded my small Nursery

~ Saturday

19. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House. we
gave Endowments to 18. W. Woodruff sealed 11 couple
President Young & Kimball left home Early this morning & took
a Journey to a place of safety. Albert Carrington was appo-
inted Editor of the Deserett News instead of Elias Smith

~ Sunday

20. Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle. Elder Samuel
H. B. Smith
George B Wallace & W Woodruff spoke in the forenoon
President D Spencer Thomas Williams & E D Woolley in the
Afternoon. I met alone in the Prayer circle & prayed

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

21, , , 24. I spent the time at the farm

~ Friday

25 I took my team & carriage & Mrs Woodruff & Bulah & rode
to Farmington examined the county fair then rode to Kaysville
& spent the night at Brother Smiths

~ Saturday

26 we commenced our 2 days meeting Did not Dedicate the
House to day rather expected the President to visited us we had
a good time in speaking to the people

~ Sunday

27 Sunday we dedicated the New Meeting house to day

Page 282

G A Smith offered the dedication Prayer. President Young
Preached in G. S. L. City & did not visit us we had a good time
& at the close of the Meeting I drove home to G S L City 40 m[iles]

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

28, , 30 I spent the time at my sugar cane mill Making molases

~ Thursday

Oct 1. I spent the day at the farm. I met in the Evening with the board

~ Friday

2nd The fair opened this morning I was in attendance It was
the poorest fair we have had since the society was organized
there was an improvement in some things

~ Saturday

3 I was unwell this morning I went to the Endowment House
& spent the day untill 3 oclok. we gave Endowments to 36. W. Woodruff
sealed 29 couple I spent the Evening at the fair which closed at
5 oclok many of the things were removed in the Evening

~ Sunday

4 Sunday President Kimball & John Needham spoke & also
2 Dainish Brethren

~ Monday

5 I spent the day at the farm

~ Tuesday

6. Oct The conference met & opened this morning & we had
a good day

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

7 & 9 The conference continued through 4 days & we had
had a good time much of the spirit of God rested upon
Presidency Twelve & Elders who spoke I receive a Letter
A folded letter/box from my son Wilford at Liverpool written to his Mother
& sister Phebe & Susan

~ Saturday

10. I spent the day in the Endowment House. W Woodruff sealed
25 couple & H C Kimball 8 couple ^gave Endowments to 45^

~ Sunday

11th Sunday I was unwell all day & did not attend meeting. I met
with G. A. Smith in the Evening W. Woodruff Prayed

~ Monday to ~ Friday

12, , , , & 16 I spent this week on my farm making molasses I was
quite sick with cold upon the lungs & sore throat went home sick Friday night

~ Saturday

17. I was quite poorly this morning but went to the Endowment House
& spent the day President Young sealed one couple Father Smith 82
years old had a woman sealed to him by President Young about 70. ^45 Endowments^
H C Kimball sealed 17 couple & W Woodruff 12 couple. I attended the
funeral of the child of Matthias Cowley. I went to the office & wrote
a Little in my Journal

~ Sunday

18. Sunday I was quite unwell & many of my family was sick I did
not attend meeting

Page 283

~ Monday

Oct 19, 1863

I gathered 40 Bushels of winter Apples to day

~ Tuesday

20 I went to the field & ground sugar cain in the afternoon
it became vary cold & froze vary hard

~ Wednesday

21 Ice was 2 inches thick this morning I made 20 gallons of
Molasses tho day & went home at night

~ Thursday

22nd I Boxed up in chaff about 40 Bushels of Apples to day

~ Friday

23 I spent the day at home choreing

~ Saturday

24 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House ^30 end[ow]ments^ W Woodruff
sealed 16 couple & President Kimball 1 couple. I attended a
meeting in the Evening with Board of the D. A. & M. society

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I went to the office in the morning & wrote some in
my Journal. Bishop Edward Hunter talked about one hour
upon various subjects He told a Dream that a woman had
she was in athe world of spirits & saw men receive there rewards
& punishments one man had stolen a coat in the world & He
was put in prision when he died & his wife & children was
sold to remain in servitude untill the last farthing was paid

~ Monday

26 I spent the day at home and ^at^ Night I attended the military
Meeting at Presidents Young school House many interesting
remarks were made By President Young which were reported
by J V Long

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

27, 28. I spent the time at the farm in making up the Agricultual
sugar cane, which finished my making molases for this season

~ Thursday

29 I spent the day at home choreing. I began to dig my carrotts

~ Friday

30. I Attended Mother Ivins funeral. Presidents Joseph
& Brigham Young both Preached. I reported it. I dug with
my help near 100 bushels of carrotts we had a snow storm
at night.

~ Saturday

31. We have a stormy day I attended the Endowment House today
we gave endowments to 37. President Kimball sealed 7 couple
W. Woodruff 22 couple G A. Smith buried a child to day it
snowed and rained through most of the day

The following is a synopsis of Presidents Youngs remarks on the
30, at the Funeral of sister Ivins

"On such occasions as this I can say that I have many reflections
we are subject to pain, sickness & death yet we cling to life. when a

Page 284

Person dies all we can do for them is to bury them decently we cannot preach to the Dead. It is right that we should cling to life that we
may live to do our Duty, to build up the kingdom of God but we should
not cling to the world or to set our hearts upon the things of the world
we should live Every day so that we should be satisfied with our-
selves at night it will be an Evidence that the Lord is satisfied
with us we should seek to do our duty day by day. Brother Joseph
in his remarks said that He wished we had the faith we once had. I
see the power of God manifest around me Every day. Joseph laid
with mye yesterday upon one of my wives who was vary
sick & it seemed as though she could not live an hour & she was
healed right up & thousands of the saints who are now alive
would now have been in there graves if it had not been for
the Exercise of faith in the midst of the saints. we have in our
bodies the seeds of Death & our secret enemy takes every advantage
He can to destroy our lives from off the Earth. many of the children
are taken away. As to Sister Ivins she Appeared to be ripe
she was in years. Whare has she gone she is in Paradise, in the
world of spirits, whare is it, it is in this world & on this Earth
I do not think sister Ivins is far off she may be in this room
we have not to go out of this room to find the Lord. He is in all
places by his influence. I told Brother Orson Pratt when He said
there was Empty space if he would show me where it was I would
show him one place where the Lord was not. All men will
have to pass through the ordeal of Death. Jesus Christ went through
the same & all men will have to go through the same. Our bodies go
to the dust whare they will lie untill they are raised up clothed
with Immortality we shall meet Sister Ivins in the Resurrection
she has been kindly treated by her children & all the family
and I feel to Bless them for it I have never met with Sister Ivins
but what she manifested a good kind contented spirit. we
all want to be prepared for that which is to come, we should exercise
faith for the devils wicked men & Nations & all Hell are triying to
destroy the Latter Day Saints & the kingdom of God. We have the seeds
of death within us & the devils take the advantage of us & try to destroy
us in our weakness. I would rather have the faith of the gospel than

Page 285

the gold of the world. I know the feelings of the people, they might have the
Loright of the Lord but they are seeking for gold & will not do as they should
I know the feelings of the people whare they are Justified before the Lord & whare
they are not, we have to bear with them chastize them, then comfort
them &c, and do the Best we can with them. I know the standing of this
people before the Lord all the time I do not say much to them. I do not tell
them all I know. May God Bless you amen

~ Sunday

Nov 1st 1863 Sunday

I attended my Prayer Circle in I was mouth & Edward Hunter
Prayed. I attended meeting in the Tabernacle. George Godard preached
followed by Bishop Woolley in the Afternoon In company with
A. O. Smoot I laid hands upon Joseph & Owen Smith also Leonard
two wives his wife Sophiah had not lain down upon
her bed for 6 days in consequence of severe pain & stomach was
confined 2 days since when we took hoer [our] hands off from her
head her cough & pain stoped & she lay down upon the bed
In the Evening I met with President B Young J Taylor & G
A Smith
for prayer. W Woodruff prayed & B Young was mouth
President Young requested us to go out & preach & call to our
aid a company of men to go out as missionaries to preach the
of the kingdom of God to the people we drew up a list of
20 names & presented to the President which He Approved of
the Names are as follows
Joseph W. Young Jesse C. Little Hecter C. Haight
Albert P Rockwood S. H. B. Smith John Vancott
Lorenzo D Young Brigham Young jr Wm W Cluff
John S Gleson A. O. Smoot Wm C. Stains
David M. Stewart Wm H. Folsom John V. Long
Elias Smith Jacob G Bigler James MC Knight
George J Taylor H. S. Eldredge

we went into President Youngs office & spent a part of the evening

~ Monday

2nd I spent most of the day in sending Notification to the above
named missionaries I attended a military meeting in the Evening
at President Youngs school House whare a report was made of the
state of the military about 950 men were reported ready for
service on short Notice speaches were made by Presidents Young & Kimball

Page 286

G. A. Smith W. Woodruff George D. Grant A. O. Smoot
& A. P. Rockwood & adjourned for 1 week

~ Tuesday

Nov 3rd 1863

Sarah Woodruff had a son Born this morning at about 2 oclok
I administered with Wm W Stanes to Franklin D Richards
who was vary sick I spent a part of the day in the office

~ Wednesday

4th I spent the day at home in my Garden I attended the Theater in the
evening & say the play the Lady of Lyons by two new Actors viz Mr
& Mrs ^Irwin^ who played vary well

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

5 & 6. I spent the time in the garden diging carrotts, triming & cover-
ing grape vines

~ Saturday

7. I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowment
House we gave Endowments to 44 persons W Woodruff sealed 27 couple

~ Sunday

8. Sunday In company with Brigham Young jr & Wm C Stains
I rode to Sessions Settlement & preached in the meeting House
Brigham Young spoke first followed by Brother Stanes & I
followed Him the spirit of the Lord was with us we took
dinner with Brother Call then drove to Centerville &
H. S. Eldridge spoke to the people followed by B. Young jr
Wm C Stanes & W. Woodruff we preached repentance to
the people & the spiritual things of the kingdom we returned
Home in the evening & Wm C Staines & myself preached in
the 14th ward followed byrother J Cummings we had the spirit
of the Lord & a good time

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

9, & 11 I spent the day at home mostly choreing I Belessed
my son by Sarah it being 8 days old which we named Newton

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

12 & 13. I spent most of this time Hunting fowl we got
11 duks 4 prairies chickens & 3 raHares

~ Saturday

14. I spent the day in the Endowment House. we gave
Endowments to 43 B. Young, sealed 2 couple & W. Woodruff
31 couple

~ Sunday

15. In company with Brigham Young jr & Wm C Stanes I rode
to Farmington & held a meeting with the people. Brother Young spoke
first followed by Brother Stanes & I spoke last we had a good meeting
& took dinner with Lot Smith & returned to the city in the evening

Page 287

In company with A. O. Smoot iI went to the 8th ward & preached to the
People we spoke in great Plainness to the people. Brother Smoot informed
me that the City Hall & Court House was broaken into & all the locks broke
& the treasury rob[b]ed of its contents from the evidence He had obtained He
was satisfied that certain men in the penetentiary had ben let out & done
the work

~ Monday

16. In company with James J. Woodruff I went to Fort Harriman 20 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

17. I went into the canyon with two teams & drew out 2 loads of wood

~ Wednesday

18 [FIGURE] I went into the canyon with my teams to day John Barr Broke
the reach of one waggon & went home Empty I took home one load
I got a sliver of wood into my Eye & could not get it out

~ Thursday

19. I went into the canyon with 2 teams to day John Barr broke
his reach again to day & not having tools to make another had
to go home Empty he has not drawn any wood wnow for two
days my Eye was vary painful all day it had become bloodshot
& highly inflamed I was in great agony when I arived at the
Fort. A Sister Johnson came in & Examined my eye & found a
small peace of wood sticking fast in my Ey Ball far in the back
side & picked it out with a pin which was vary painful I suffered
through the night with it

~ Friday

20. I rode home to G. S. L. City. at midnight I was ^20 miles^
called up to go down to the farm & visit my daughter Susan who
thought her youngest child was dying. I took Mrs Woodruff
down to see the child we laid hands upon & rebuked the
desease & the child began to amend

~ Saturday

21 I took Mrs Woodruff & Susan & her sick child to
my house I then went to the Endowment House & spent most
of the day. we gave Endowments to 27. President Kimball sealed
3 couple & W Woodruff 19 couple

~ Sunday

22 I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting at
the Tabernacle I preached to the People in the forenoon & President
Kimball in the afternoon I attended the prayer circle at 5 oclock
alone & offered up prayers. I attended meeting in the Evening
in the 17 ward & preached to the people

~ Monday

23rd My men wento out on the range to look up my Horses I spent
the day at home Susan's child is vary sick I laid hands upon it

Page 288

~ Tuesday

Nov 24, ^1863^

I Attended the funeral of a child of Brother Albert Dewy. I also
administered to Dr Whitmore who was vary sick. Bishop Seth
died last night he was holding the office of Patriarch
I spent the Afternoon in the office writing

~ Wednesday

25 I attended the funeral of Bishop Taft & spoke to the people
followed by E. F. Sheets & Isaac Groo. Brother Taft Joined the
Church in 1841. He was in the pioneers company to this valley
was a Bishop several years in the 9 ward was ordained A
Patriarch April 1861, And has officiated in that office up to
the time of his sickness & death.

~ Thursday

26 We have a vary hard snow storm to day I wrote a letter
A hand pointing to the right to day to my son wilford at Liverpool

~ Friday

27. It snows vary hard to day it looks as though winter had set in
in earnest. I spent a part of the day in the office writing to Wilford

~ Saturday

28. I spent most of the day in the Endowment House. we gave Endowment
House to 27 persons. I sealed 22 couple. H C. Kimball sealed 3 couple
I spent the afternoon in the office

~ Sunday

29 I met in the morning with my Quorum. I prayed Bishop Hunter
was Mouth I attended meeting at the Tabernacle John Taylor spoke
in the forenoon E. F. Sheets & W. Woodruff in the Afternoon
I preached in the Evening at the 20 ward followed By A. O. Smoot

~ Monday

30. I spent most of the day at ^Home^ I, Butchered 4 Hogs to day.

~ Tuesday

Dec 1st 1863 I spent the fore noon at home & in the office writing
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Leonard Wheeler

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

2 & 4. I spent most of the days at home choreing I received 2
letters from My son Wilford jr in England. He wrote to his Father,
Mother, sister Phebe, John Benbow, & John Stockings his letters
were vary good & possessed a good spirit.

~ Saturday

5. I spent the day in the Endowments House. we gave Endowments to
31 pearsons I sealed 15 couple & President Kimball 5 couple

~ Sunday

6th Sunday whe had quite a snow storm last night. in company with
Brigham Young jr & Wm C. Stanes I rode to Big Cotton wood school House
& held a meeting with the people. Wm C Stanes spoke followed by Brigham
Young jr [blank] Spences & W. Woodruff we had a full House & a
good meeting we took dinner with Isaac Hill, & returned to the city
I attended meeting in the 16 ward & spoke to the people followed By James McKnight
I had the spirit of the Lord & a good time O Pratt & Myself met in prayer circle

Page 289

~ Monday

Dec 7th 1863

I spent the fore part of the day in the office writing. Jason Luce, killed
8.a man in the street by the name of Samuel Bunton from Origon
he cut his throat with a Bowe knife. He was immediately arested
& imprisioned during the Evening G. A Smith arived home bringing
8the Bodies of two deatd men viz Ira Jones Willis & his son Cornelius
John Willis
. both were turned over together on a load of wood
in the creek near Lehit the waggon turned bottom side upwards &
the men were rolled up in their blankets face downwards in the
creek with the wood on top of them this was on Saturday
night quite dark the oxen came unhitched & went home were
found at the door in the morning. the bodies were found sunday
Morning. Brother Willis was in the first company of Saints that
gathered at Jackson County helped build the first building in
Jackson County that the Saints put up. He was in the Mormon Batt-
& helped find the first gold in Calafornia. He was whip[p]ed
by Moses Wilfson with Hickory gads & carried the scars to the grave
He has been true & faithful unto death & will have a crown of life

~ Tuesday

8 The bodies of Brother Ira Willis & son were brought into the
Historian office & Exeibited to the Jackson County Saints & all others
who called in & were buried about 12 oclok Noon. Jason
was examined before Orrelius Miner Esqr & was committed
to be tried before the probate court next Monday

~ Wednesday

9. I spent the day mostly at home. I drained some sorgum sugar
which I made through canvass bags

~ Thursday

10 I spent the fore noon choreing & the afternoon writing

~ Friday

11. A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to my son Wilford at Liverpool & sent
him £6 draft on the Liverpool office. I sent him two sheets
one on Temporal & the other on spiritual things.

~ Saturday

12 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 38 persons. W. Woodruff sealed 29 couple

~ Sunday

13. I met with my Quorum in the morning. W Woodruff prayed E Hunter
was Mouth I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Wm C Stanes spoke in the
morning O Pratt in the afternoon I met with the Twelve in the evening for prayer
O Pratt Prayed G. A. Smith was Mouth. I preached in the evening at the 13
ward followed by Joseph Smith. He spoke vary well

~ Monday

14. The Utah Lgislature met & organized today I attended

Page 290

~ Tuesday

Dec 15 1863

I spent the day in the Legislature to day we met in Joint session
and Received the Acting Govornors Message which was vary good
considering a Gentile Govornor

~ Wednesday

16. I met with the council at one oclok & spent the Afternoon in the Lgislature
& in the Evening I Attended the Musical consort of O Calder, at
the Theater thare was 200 girls all dressed in white & 60 young men in
dressed coats white vests. It was one of the beautifulest sights I ever saw
they sung vary well

~ Thursday

17 I spent the fore part of the day in the office the afternoon in the Legislature

~ Friday

18. I spent the day in the Legislative Council

~ Saturday

19 I preached the funeral sermon of Father Atwood at 10 oclok in the
assembly rooms. then went to the Endowment House & sealed 21 couple
we gave Endowments to 31 persons. I Attended the trial of Jason Luce

~ Sunday

20. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting in the Tabernacle Lorenzo Snow spoke in the forenoon & I
spoke in the Afternoon. President Young was present. I met with my
the Quorum of the Twelve for Prayer in the Evening there were present
O Pratt, J Taylor, W Woodruff L. Snow, & Erastus Snow

~ Monday

21. I spent the afternoon in the Legislative council

~ Tuesday

22nd. I spent the fore part of the day in writing my report to the Legislature
in the afternoon I attended the court & heard the Judge Elias Smith
sentence Jason Luce, who had been tried for murder & rendered
Guilty of Murder, in the first degree by a Jury of 12 men. The
Judge sentenced him to be shot on Tuesday the 12 of January
He made a few remarks & tryed to Justify himself by saying that
what he done He done in self defence &c when he was taken down
into his sell he wept like a child he told his brother that if He
was executed he must remember that Wm Hickman was the
cause & that he was now deserting him. Hickman & party are
holding out the hope to him that He will be reprieved

~ Wednesday

23rd The Legislature met to day adjourned till Jan 4. Thare has
been a General drive of Horses & cattle from west of Jordon they
were drove into the public yards by hundreds some were killed &
maimed a large share of them find no owners it is a Bad time
of year for a public drive

~ Thursday

24 we had a hard snow storm I spent most of the day in picking over Apples

Page 291

A folded letter/box I received a letter from my son Wilford in Liverpool. He wrote to
His Mother, Sister Bulah, Brother & Sister Smoot, & Sister Sayers.

~ Friday

25. Chrismass Morning A Hard snow storm I spent the fore part
of the day in the office the evening at home

~ Saturday

256. I spent most of the day in the Endowment House. We gave endowments to 30
persons. I sealed 28 couple it was Sister Whitneys Birth day she wished
me to lay hands upon her I did so & Blessed her

~ Sunday

27. I met with my Quorum in the morning. Attended meeting in the
Tabernacle all day. Bishop Lunt Preached in the morning Brigham Young jr
& David G. Ross in the afternoon. after meeting I visited Thomas Taylors
family & found them all comfortable. I visited Brother Bentleys family
& found his family well except his oldest daughter had the Teeth ake
I preached in the 7 ward school House in the evening. I visited Sister
Cannon she had a sick child I administered to it & prayed with the
family ^I met with the Twelve for prayer^

~ Monday

28. I sent 2 gallons Molases to sister Bentley. I spent the day in the
office writing it snowed a part of the day. I visited Mother Russel &
2Dr Burnhisel in the evening

~ Tuesday

29 It was a hard snowy day. I spent most of the day in writing
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 letters to Elders Cannon, Bentley, T. Taylor, & W. Woodruff jr
Mrs Woodruff, Phebe & Bulah also wrote to Wilford.

~ Wednesday

30 I mailed my letters to G. Q. Cannon R Bentley T Taylor & W. Woodruff
A few moments after I mailed my Letter to Brother Cannon A
funeral possession passed by to bury his youngest child. I spent
most of the day writing in my Journal

~ Thursday

31. I spent most of the day at work upon my Journal. I looked
over my Journal & recorded A synopsis of my labors in
1863 upon the following page

Thus Ends the year 1863. Joseph the Prophet said whoever
lived to see 1860 would live to see the commencement of the down-
fall of the United States the Union was dissolved in 1860
& Civel war commenced which has raged ever since & the
Land is beginning to be bathed in Blood & will continue untill
the words of the Prophet will be fullfilled. It is an important
age of the world and the events of Each year are rapidly
fullfilling the words of all Prophets since the world Began

Page 292

A Synopsis of my Labors in 1863
I Traveled 757 Miles
I Attended Public Meetings 110 Meetings
I Preached 39 Discourses 39 Discourses
I Attended 2 General Conferences 2 Conferences
I Attended meetings in the Prayer 66 Circle
I spent 35 days in the Endowment 35 House
I Assisted in giving Endowments to 12295 Persons
I Sealed 492 Couple At the Alter 492 Sealed
B. Young Sealed 76 Couple, H. C. K. 68 Couple, D. H. Wells 187 couple
I Blessed Ten Missionaries 10 Missionaries
I Administered to 20 Sick Persons 20 Sick
I Attended the 40 Days Session of the Legislature
I Attended 15 Meetings with the Board of D A & SM. S.
I Attended the weakly Meetings of the Gardners Club
I wrote 28 Letters 28 Letters
I Received 21 Letters 21 Received
I Attended the meetings of the board Of the Jordon Irrigation Company
I spent the remainder of my time In the Historians Office and in Farming & Gardning
I Ordained 3 Into the Quorum of Seventies 3 Ordained
I Blessed six Children 6 Children
I Paid my Tithing Amounting To $269.09
I Attended the dedication of the Meeting House At Kays Ward on the 27 Sept.
Page 293


Page 294

~ Friday

Jan 1st 1864 This is the commencement of a new Year
I have lived to see 56 New Years And I have kept a daily
Journal for the last thirty years of my life and in some
measure the life of others. I have written many sermons
and teachings of the Prophets Joseph Smith & Brigham Young &
of other Apostles and Elders. I have watched the signes of the
for many years, and the fulfilment of Prophesy.
And I am satisfied that there are great & mighty events at our
doors among which are great wars, Famines, Pestilence,
Earthquakes, stormes, & tempests, the overthrow of Republics
Nations, kingdoms, & thrones, the opening of the seals
and the Pouring out of the Plagues upon Great Baybylon
in fulfillment of Daniel, The Revelator John, & Joseph Smith
and all Prophets who have spoken of the last days. [Daniel 11] tThe
last three years have been vary important in the History
of the United States. The union has been dissolved and
A Bloody war has ben raging for three years, and the
spirit of God is being withdrawn from the Nation and
the wicked are slaying the wicked and the land is being
deluged in Blood and great destructin awaits the Nation
and there are great Events await all Nations and the
way is preparing for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ
and his coming will overtake the world as a thief in the
night. [1 Thessalonians 5:2] 1864 will be an eventful year and so will all
the following years untill the Coming of the savior. The
Lord is watching over the interest of Zion and sustaining
his Kingdom upon the Earth and preparing the way forth
return of his Saints to Jackson County Mo to build up the
waste places of Zion. Jackson County have been entirely
cleared of its inhabitants during the year 1863 which is
one of the greatest miracles manifest in our day, and those
who have driven the Saints out of Missouri & spoiled them
are in there turn now driven out and spoiled and there is
much distress throughout all the land where the saints
have been persecuted. And the judgments of God will
continue upon the whole Nation untill the Blood of the prophets is avenged

Page 295

I spent this New years day at home & taking my family out to a sleigh ride

~ Saturday

2nd I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
Presedent Young & Kimball were present. we gave endowments to 17 person
I sealed 14 couple

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. E. Hunter prayed
W. Woodruff was mouth I attended meeting at the Tabernacle all day E. F. Sheets
Preached in the morning & Erastus Snow in the afternoon. I met with
President Young & several of the Twelve for Prayer. B. Young prayed &
John Taylor was mouth. I preached in the 15 ward followed by E Snow

~ Monday

4. The Legislature met to day at 1 oclok I spent the Afternoon in the
council. We were visited by Mr [blank] Carpentier the President of
the Calafornia Pacific Telegraph Company. He proposes to Esstablish
A new Telegraph line from Oregon to Mexico runing north & south
through the chain of settlements esstablishing the main depo in
theGreat Salt Lake City wishing us to pass an act giving him an Incor-
porate company & sustaining him in his operations by Legislative
Enactments. I spent the Evening at home one of my children was
sick with thea severe cough. Brother Tullidge read my Private
History which he had compiled in my Autobiography 131 pages

~ Tuesday

5 I spent the afternoon in the EnCounci Chamber we done considable
business. It was vary cold night Thermomiter 7 degres below zero
I had a child quite sick I administered to it & it was healed

~ Wednesday

6. A plesant morning after a cold night I spent the afternoon
in the council I wrote 2 letters one to I F Carter the other to
A hand pointing to the right Azmon Woodruff we had a vary severe cold night

~ Thursday

7. I spent the day in the Legislative Council. We had a
cold snowy day. I visited Col R. Burton in the Evening I
found him sick confined to his bed. He gave me a cirtifica[te]
to the guard to visit Luce in prision who was awaiting his
sentence to be shot I found him vary cheerful full of
hope that his sentence would be commuted to confinement
in the penetentiary. He had no Idea of Dying. He said it
would take a man of more nerve than he had to give
himself up to be executed & he should not do it he did not
say how he would avoid it. I wrote a letter to My Brother
A hand pointing to the right Thompson Woodruff

Page 296

~ Friday

Jan 8, ^1864^

A cold morning I visited President Young and asked him if
He had any council to give R. Burton any concerning the
execution of Jason Luce Tuesday he said no not one word
He knows what to do. it will want to be done in Private. I visited
Brother Burton. Then in company with E. F. Sheets & Wm C Stanes
we rode to Farmington in a sleigh & stoped for the night at
Ezra Clark's. We Attended a party at the Court House in the
evening. Presidents Young Kimball & Wells were president we broke
up about 10 oclok 16 miles

~ Saturday

9. Saturunday We met at the New Meeting House built by the Saints
Keys crossed in the Town of Farmington for the purpose of Dedicating
it unto God. President Brigham Young called the Meeting to order
we then had signging and I was called upon to offer up the dedica-
tion Prayer
I dedicated the House from the foundation to the
Top thereof nameing every thing I could think of in the Building
& the ground upon which it stood. at the close we had sing-
ing then President Young spoke to the people a short time followed by
President Kimball. We then had an intermission of one
hour after which I spoke to the people 30 minuts followed By
E T. Benson 15 minutes followed by Brother Folsome. H. S. Eldridge
& President Young closed & told the Mechanics that He had
advised them for years to make their Bins & get wheat for
there labor & lay it up & they had not done & now he did
not care what they had to pay for bread.

We had a Meeting in the Evening, when Elders O Hyde J. Taylor
& E. Snow spoke to the people

~ Sunday

10. Sunday We Met at 10 oclok Joseph W Young Joseph A
, & Brother Ship spoke in the forenoon. In the Afternoon
Wm C Stanes ^D. H. Wells^ H. C. Kimball spoke to the people & President
Brigham Young made the last speech & gave vary good Advise
He told us how to have peace in our families. We should never
let our families see us mad we should always be kind & mild
with them & do what was right & not neglect our Prayers
toor to ask a Blessing at the Table, but set a good example before
our families. He said that the sin of omission would lead to
the sin of commission. He Blessed the Assembly & we returned to G. S. L. C. 36m[iles]

Page 297

~ Monday

Jan 11th 1864

An arrow I called upon Brother Burton & then I called at the Court
and had another interview with Jason Luce who is sentenced
to die tomorrow. He still feels sure that He will not die. he thinks
that he has the testimony of the spirit of the Lord, that He will
live & not die. He said that he was innocent of many things
that the people thought he was guilty off. He said that he had
never killed any person or had any hand in the death of any
person except Rhodes & Bunting & said that he could not
fell that he was guilty of murder in the death of Either of them
He had killed them in self defence. He said Wm Hickman
had advised him to do many things that made his flesh
crallwl but he had not followed Hickmans advise in these things
He told the Jailors (which I did not Hear) that Hickman
once asked him to go & knock an old man in the Head
for no other purpose ownly to obtain an old Mare that was
not worth more than $30. And He feels that Wm Hickman
has betrayed him and done him much injury & he looks
upon Hickman as a vary bad man. He said he would like
to see me tomorrow. He thought to day was the time appointed
for his execution untill I told him it was tomorrow. I went
to the council & spent the afternoon & attended to the business
of the day. And in the evening I again called upon Jason Luce
in company with John Sharp, T. B. Stenhouse R. Burton &
many others. G. D. Watt being present acted as reportinger in
taking an account of what Jason Luce would reveal unto us in
his last moments. I called upon Governor Reed & asked
him if he would commute Jason Luce sentence to the Penet-
foromor life as Hickman had held out this promise
to Luce. Soon Hickman & Wilford Luce came in for their
answer & Mr Reed told them He could do nothing in the
premises that He considered that He would be commiting
crime to change the sentence of Luce unless he had better
ground than any thing He had seen. So when I arived
at the prision in the evening I told Jason Luce there was
no chance for him to live & I wished him to prepare to die. He
then spent more than an hour giving us an acount of what

Page 298

He had done & what he knew. He said in the case of Drown &
Arnold that Hickman was responsible for their death. He killed
them with the help of one or two others. He said Wm A Hickman
robed Carpenter's store took the goods in his waggon & carried
them to Huntingtons & from Huntingtons to his house over Jordon
& then told Furguson if he would kill Carpenter He would
clear him that He should not lyie in Jail one day. Furguson killed
Carpenter & was Hung for it & Hickman made him believe
that he would be liberated up to the last minute. Luce said that
Hickman Murdered [blank] for no other purpose
ownly to obtain his gold watch & money & thinks he has the watch
yet. He said that Hickman was at the head of a Band of thieves
they have stolen as high as 100 Head of cattle at a time from
Camp Floyd & gone ount onto the prairie & divided them & taken
them to different parts of the Territory. Luce also said that
Hickman had many men around him that Had to be fed & that
men under him would go onto the range & drive up a Beef
& kill & eat it & sell the Hides or make them into Larretts
or throw them away as the case might be without any regard
to whom might be the owners. Luce said that Hickman had
been his ruin and the ruin of others and in all thes things
He had carried his point by declairing that President Brigham
hagd given him council to do all these things (which
is a cursed lie). Luce made many other remarks which was
reported by G. D. Watt

~ Tuesday

12 An arrow At eleven oclok I called at the prision & was with
the prisioner untill a few moments before his execution
his Mother Brothers wife & 5 children visited him last night
also this morning. He had gotton a woman with child who
was not his wife. He requested his Brothers to take care
of this woman & if they were permitted to take more than
one wife to take her to wife. He had a vary hard time to
part with his wife children & Friends. He felt to confess all
of his and ask the forgiveness of God & all men for all
his crimes. He had worn his garments up to within an hour
before his death. I advised him to take it off which He did

Page 299

He converse with me untill abut 12 oclok. He asked me to pray with
him that he might have strength to go to his execution & pay the
penalty of his crimes. I prayed with him according to his requ-
est & then bid him good ^by^ as did others who were with him. He
then walked to his place of execution. there was a large number
outside the wall & some one hundred in the Court House placed at
the windows to witness the Execution Jason Luce sat in a
chair with his feet maniceled. He addressed the people a few
moments renounced Wm aA. Hickman as his betrayer bid
the people good by. Sherif Burton drew the Black cap over
his face & at a given signal 5 Balls was shot through or near
his heart & his spirit left his body without a groan or
hardly a movement of his body his corps was taken to
the gate & exhibited to the croud, it was then taken to his
Brothers House & laid out

~ Wednesday

13. The body of Luce was buried to day in the burying ground
A subscription was taken up to day for his Family & some
$300 was obtained $175 in money. I spent the afternoon
in the council chamber

~ Thursday

14. I spent the forenoon in the presidents office & the Afternoon in
the Legislative council

~ Friday

15 I spent the afternoon in the Legislative council.

~ Saturday

16 A hand pointing to the right I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave endowments
to 45 persons. President Kimball sealed 12 couple & W. Woodruff
5 couple I attended the council in the after noon & done
considerable business I wrote a letter to E. D. Woolley

~ Sunday

17. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting at the Tabernacle all day. E. T. Benson spoke in the forenoon & A
in the afternoon. I met with President Young & several
of the Twelve in the Prayer Circle after Prayers President Young
informed us He had a letter from Brethren on the Sandwich Islands
which was read informing us that Capt Gibson Had ordained
on the Island A Quorum of Twelve Apostles & Seventies & Bishops
& High Priests &c. He charged $100 for ordaining the 12 each &
$50 for 70, $5 for a Bishop $2.50 for a Bishops counceller &c
And He had claimed all the Island to himself & said that Brigham
An arrow

Page 300

Young had no dominion over those Islands. And all his
conduct is Accordingly He has taken possession of the Island &
takes from the Saints all that thaty raise & is playing the Tyrant
over all the Saints on those Island. After reading the Letter He
said that He wanted two of the Twelve to take several of the young
Brethren who had been over there before & go to the Islands & set
the churches in order & do what is necessary

~ Monday

18 I spent the afternoon in the Legislative council

~ Tuesday

19 I spent the afternoon in the council

~ Wednesday

20. We met in Joint session & Appointed the officers of the Territoy

~ Thursday

21. We spent the After noon & evening till a late hour in the council
We had the Appropriation Bill. The House had Appropriated $45000
The council cut it down to $27000.

~ Friday

22 Friday The last day of the Legislature we spent the day & night
till 11 oclok & then adjourned. I wrote 4 letters to member
A hand pointing to the right of the House

The Legislature of the State of Deserett Met on saturday Jan 18, 1861,
And organized & Adjourned till Saturday 23rd

~ Saturday

23 I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave endowments to some
25 persons. H. C. Kimball sealed 4 couple. The Legislature of the State of
met to day in the AForenoon & set till about sundown. we
met in Joint Session Received the message of Govornor Young which
was short but good & plain we adjourned sine Die

~ Sunday

24. Sunday. I met with my Quorum in the morning I opened
by Prayer. I spent the forenoon in the prayer room with G. A. Smith
E. Snow Brother Brown & another man who told their difficulties about
the Timber in pine valley. I spent the Afternoon in Bed, as I
was sick. I met at 4 oclok with President Young & Eleven of
the Twelve Apostles in the Prayer Circle. President Young Appointed
Keys crossed E. T. Benson & ELorenzo Snow to go to the pacific Islands. He
also Appointed Joseph Smith to go with them to preside over the
Islands after the Twelve returned. He also Apointed ^Wm. W.^ Cluff
^John R^ Young & ^Alma L Smith^ To go as missionaries to
the Islands. He said Joseph Smith & Cluff might take their
wives with them to the Islands if they wished

~ Monday

25 I met with the Jordon Dam Irrigation Company and

Page 301

We Appointed our officers. G. A. Smith was Elected President
W. Woodruff Treasurer R. L. Campbell secretary. And the same
directors as last year except Wm C. Stanes in the place of

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

26th to 29 I spent most of the time at home choreing

~ Saturday

30. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House. We gave endow-
ments to 26 persons. H. C. Kimball sealed 6 couple W. Woodruff 13 couple

~ Sunday

31st Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting all day. A. Lyman Preached in the morning & W. Woodruff
in the Afternoon. I met in the Afternoon with A Lyman &
E. Snow & F. D. Richards for Prayer. I preached in the Evening
at the 9 ward

~ Monday

Feb 1st Monday I setteled my tithing to day & Paid for 1863
$269.09. I Also paid for tax on internal Revenue $10.70

~ Tuesday

2nd I spent the day mostly at home writing & choreing I attended
the Gardners Club in the Evening & presented to the club the
following specimins of Apples Northern spy, Pecks plesant,
green New Town Pippin, wine sap, Newtown Spitzenborgh, Wagner,
Hubbardsons Nonesuch & green winter Pairmain

~ Wednesday

3rd I spent the day about Home and the evening at the Theater {with Delight}

~ Thursday

4th I spent the day at home & at the office writing

~ Friday

5 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I wrote a Letter to my son Wilford at Liverpool I also included
a letter to him from his Mother & sister Phebe

~ Saturday

6 Keys crossed This morning before I was out of Bed, My Grand Son
Wilford Leslie Snow, son of Lorenzo & Phebe Snow, being two
years old this day, came to my bed side & laid his hands upon
my head & Gave me the following Blessing "O Lord Bless
Grand Pa, give unto him great wisdom, health, strength, & Peace,
comfort his heart, may he live long upon the Earth to do great
good, give him power over every enemy, and preserve him
from Every Evil & sin. Give him the desires of his heart
in all things in righteousness. May the spirit of God contin-
ually rest upon Grand Pa, to guide him in all things. may peace
abide upon his habitation, & salvation upon his family forever
I ask these Blessings in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen. As Wilford Leslie
is young in the Patriarchal office it is right to say he had the assistance of his Mother

Page 302

I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave
20 their endowment W. Woodruff sealed 14 couple I spent the afternoon
in the office writing I attended the Theater in the Evening

~ Sunday

7 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting at the Tabernacle. Henry I. Doremus & Joseph Young
spoke in the morning, & J McKnight & Wm Samuel Godby in
the Afternoon. I went to my Prayer Circle & Prayed I Preached
in the evening in the 3rd ward I called upon Mother Malin
85 years old she was a smart old Lady.

~ Monday

8. Monday it is a cold foggy frosty day I spent a little time
in the Presidents office in the afternoon, and I attended the
Lecture of Artemus Ward and it out humbugs all humbugs I
ever see or heard of in my life it was neithur fun nor good none-
sens every body felt sold.

~ Tuesday

9 It is a cold day. I spent a part of the day in the office I wrote a
Letter to G. Q. Cannon I visited his wife also sister Susan Conrad
or Wilconson. I conversed with her about Elder Lorenzo D Baran

~ Wednesday

10. I spent most of the day in the office writing.

~ Thursday

11. I spent most of the day in attending a funeral of
Mrs Summers aged som 65 years it was a vary cold windy
day. I spoke to the people a short time. There has been a
destructive storm of wind & snow North to day, it has destro-
yed many buildings. it carried away the Tower & roof
of the New Meeting house in Bountiful. The Patriarch
John Young was in the storm & came near perishing
I went to the Theater in the Evening to see the performance
of Professor Sim^m^ons in his Magic & Mistic feats of
Necromancy. his performance did not consist of a great
variety, but a good deal of mystery

~ Friday

12 We had a hard wind through the night I spent most
of the day in the office

~ Saturday

13. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment. We
gave Endowments to 23. President Kimball sealed 4 couple &
W Woodruff 9 couple I spent the evening in the office

~ Sunday

14. I met with my Quorum in the morning. Attended
Meeting all day in the Tabernacle. G. B. Wallace spoke in the

Page 303

Morning W. Woodruff in the Afternoon I went to the prayer
& prayed. I spent the evening at O. Pratts. He had been
sick, ^but^ was getting better

~ Monday

15 I spent the day drawing rock to Jordon Bridge

~ Tuesday

16. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House. we gave
Endowments to 19. B. Young sealed his son John Willard Young
& wife at the Altar. He laid his hands upon their heads as he sealed
them. W. Woodruff sealed 3 couple I drew a load of rock in
the afternoon to Jordon Bridge.

~ Wednesday

17. I drew 2 loads of rock to day

~ Thursday

18 I spent the day doing busines about town

~ Friday

19 Keys crossed I made out a Bill of Goods for Brother Stanes to purchase
for me amounting to $415 which amount I paid to Wm
C Stanes & he receipted the same. In the Evening we met
at President Youngs office to attend theto the setting apart of
the brethren to their missions. The presidency set apart the
following persons. President Young was mouth & blessed Joseph
A Young
& H. B. Clawson, President Kimball, Wm C. Stanes
& John Willard Young, President Wells, Joseph W. Young
& Henry S Beatey. W. Woodruff & B Young jr also laid
on hands. The Presidency then went to the social Hall
Brother Stanes Accompanied me home Brother & Sister
Smoot was there & we spent about 2 Hours in conversation

~ Saturday

20 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 16 persons. H. C. Kimball sealed 5 couple
& W Woodruff 5 couple. I sealed my Daughter to Robert

~ Sunday

21 Sunday I was not well & spent most of the day in bed
Brother Folsom preached in the morning & John Taylor in
the afternoon I met in the evening with J Taylor & F D Richards
for prayer we spent the Evening in conversing upon the
things of the kingdom of God

~ Monday

22 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to G. Q. Cannon and to Wilford
& Enclosed in the same a letter from Mother Phebe Bulah
Emma David & Brigham, all sent to Brother BrighCannon

~ Tuesday

23 I mailed my Letter this morning

Page 304

~ Wednesday

Feb 24, ^1864^
I spent the day at home & in the office

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

25 & 26 I spent the time at home mostly at work

~ Saturday

27. I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endow[ments]
To 56 persons. H. C. Kimball sealed 11 couple & W Woodruff 26 couple
President Young & Wells called a short time & then went away

~ Sunday

28. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting in the Tabernacle President Young attended all day
Brother Musser Preached in the morning & Elder O. Pratt in
the Afternoon. He preached a powerful sermon on the tessti-
of Joseph Smith being sent of God the first Evidence
was the congregation before us if he had not been sent of God
the congregation would not be here. He presented the 3 witnesses
who saw the Angel, spoke of the fulfillment of the revelation of
Joseph Smith, of the war begining in South Carlialinia as
the prophet said it would, & much testimony was brought [Doctrine and Covenants 87:1-4]
I met in the Afternoon with President Young O. Pratt
J Taylor & E T Benson for Prayer. I Preached in the 14 ward
after J. V. Long

~ Monday

29. I spent the day cleaning out my barn yard & putting
the manure onto my garden. In the Evening I met with
the Presidency & 12 at President Youngs office & the Presidency
set Apart E. T. Benson Lorenzo Snow Joseph F Smith, Wm
W Cluff
, & Alma M. Smith for a mission to the Sandwich
& James Townsend & Brigham Kimball for a
mission to England

~ Tuesday

March 1st 1864. This is again my birth day I am
657 years old this day. I was quite sick through most
of the day I got up in the Afternoon. My Indian Boy
Sarraqueets had stolen some $20 of money out of
my Pocket Book & had spent most of it among the
stores I spent some time in searching out othe matter
A folded letter/box I received a letter from Wilford to day written to
to his mother & Phebe & Susan dated Jan 21.

~ Wednesday

2nd I suppose spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 8 persons W Woodruff sealed 5 couple
there was none of the Presidency Present Snow & Benson started for the Island

Page 305

~ Thursday

March 3rd 1864

The brethren started for the Islands last evening, took stage
for Sanfrancisco I was quite unwell with neuralgia

~ Friday

4. I was quite unwell to day & spent the day mostly at home

~ Saturday

5. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
52 persons. President Kimball sealed 13 couple & W Woodruff 27 couple

~ Sunday

6 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning was quite unwell
& did not attend meeting

~ Monday

7. I lost my cow called Cloe the boys rode nearly all day to get
her but could not find her. Robert took my Horses for
ploughing on the farm for wheat

~ Tuesday

8. A vary cold wind through the night & most of the day

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

9, & 11. I spent the time in pruning my Apple Orchard & setting
out trees. I set out some 20 pair trees

~ Saturday

12 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave endow-
ments to 46 persons. President Kimball sealed 14 couple & W
W. Woodruff 22 persons or couple. I got 2 letters from my
A folded letter/box son Wilford & my Brother Thompson. wilford had received
my draft of £6. He sent two of his Autograph

~ Sunday

13 Sunday I met with my circle in the morning & attended meeting
G. A. Smith Preached on the History of the Church in the forenoon
& Elder Canfield, B. Young, Jun. R. Williams & John Taylor in
the afternoon I met for prayer with the Twelve in the Evening &
preached in the Evening at the 6 ward.

~ Monday to ~ Friday

14 to 18. I spent this week in my garden making a grape trellis
setting out trees &c

~ Saturday

19. I spent most of the day in the Endowment [House] we gave Endowments to
39 persons H. C. Kimball sealed 12 couple & W Woodruff 18.

~ Sunday

20 Sunday I met in the morning with my Quorum attended meeting
in the fore noon S. M. Blair preached I attended a meeting of the
D. A. & M. Society at noon. I staid at home President Young atte[nde]d
Meeting. Bishop W. S. Warren & D. G. Ross Preached I met with
F. D. Richards for Prayer. President Young called & visited us
a short time

~ Monday

21. I Bought of J Jakques the following grapes Black Hamburgh
Zinfindel, Royal Muscadine, Canida Chief Millers Burgundy Concord & Union Village
I paid $10 for the above grape one Each

Page 306

~ Tuesday

March 22 ^1864^

A folded letter/box I received A Letter from R. Bentley I spent the morning
setting out fruit trees I set out two Butternut trees yesterday
A folded letter/box I received two mail Brasslock sacks full of public Documents
Agricultural, works, Gen McLellin report, & congressionall
speeches sent to me for Distribution as the President of
the D A & M Society. I received A Letter from Lorenzo
at San Francisco. I visited the President a short time
at his office. He said He was going to send D. H. Wells to
England to take G. Q. Cannons Place. I had thought of sending
Brigham Jr, But my mind rest more upon Brother Wells
A hand pointing to the right I wrote A Letter to Hon J F Kenny copied by T Bullock & sent

~ Wednesday

23rd I spent the day mostly at home setting out grape vines

~ Thursday

24. A hand pointing to the right ^ A folded letter/box^ I received A Letter from Hon J. F. Kinney stateing that
He should send me two Mail Bags of seeds in few days
I highered hired John Bar to day for the summer at $25 per month

~ Friday

25 We had some snow squals to day

~ Saturday

26. We had a vary severe snow storm for the time of year all day
it b[l]ew furiously near night I spent most of the day in the Endowment
we gave Endowments to 40 persons. President Kimball sealed 16
couple & W Woodruff 21 couple Total 37 couple I met at 3 oclok at
Dr Clintons with Daremas to Examine Dr Clinton as a surgeon
& Physician

~ Sunday

27. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning attended meeting
at the Tabernacle all day George Goddard speaks Preached in the morning
& R. L. Campbell & J. C. Little in the afternoon I met with President
Young & J Taylor G. A. Smith & F. D. Richards for Prayer President
Young Prayed & John Taylor was mouth. I preached in the 14 ward
in the Evening 1 1/2 hour

~ Monday

28. I spent the day in the office Journalizing & writing I attended a
meeting of the Regency at Presidents Youngs office we
staid till near 11 oclok. President Young & Wells Blessed Wm
H. Hooper
& H. S. Eldridge to go East to do business.

~ Tuesday

29 I spent the day mostly in the office I received 2
A folded letter/box letters from G. Q. Cannon & Thomas Taylor. Lesley was
vary sick it snowed hard through the night

~ Wednesday

30. the Earth is covered with snow this morning

Page 307

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to Wm C. Stanes asked him to write to
me & let me now how he got along in his business &c

~ Thursday

31. We are having storms now almost daily it snows & rains
A folded letter/box I received a Letter from judge Kinney I also received a
sack of seeds from Judge Kinney for distribution containing
Madden seeds, corn, beans, peas, grape roots &c

~ Friday

April 1st I spent most of the day in the Examination of
Brartlet Tripps school. I spent the Evening at Wilford Luce
House I gave him good council concerning his future Life

~ Saturday

2nd I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave
endowments to 21 persons. H. C. Kimball sealed 6 couple & W Woodruff
4 couple I attended the Theater with G. A. S. in the evening

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
the meeting all day in the Tabernacle. Brother John Fawcet spoke
in the morning followed by D. Fulmore & Robert Williams & in the
afternoon D. H. Wells & W. Woodruff spoke. I met with President
Young & several of the Twelve for Prayer. D H Wells prayed and
G. A. Smith was mouth. I attended meeting at the 14 ward
school House
. G A Smith preached on the persecution of
the Saints in Missouri. I presented the Quilt of the Female relief society to be sold for $140 dollars to purchase an
organ for the meeting purposes of the ward

~ Monday

4. I met in the Council House with the court & grand
Jury I was chosen Foreman of the Grand Jury we read
our charge from Judge Titus repaired to our room had
one case & brought in one Bill of Indictment against
John Peters for stealing a pistol. it snows to day

~ Tuesday

5 I met with the Grand Jury to day at 10 oclok it
snowed & rained hard to day. I took supper at Jane
with John Taylor G. A. Smith & F. D. Richards
and their wives

~ Wednesday

6. I met in the Bowery at 10 oclok with the General
Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
. President Young called the Meeting to order G. A. Smith
^D H Wells^ spoke in the forenoon A few remarks from President Young ^Kimball^ in
the Afternoon Elder Taylor & G A Smith spoke Elder Wells spoke

Page 308

I Attended A Priesthood Meeting in the Evening. President
Young & G A Smith spoke. I met with the Grand Jury at
noon but did not do much business

~ Thursday

7 I met with the grand Jury at 9 oclok attended the
conference all day in the Tabernacle G A Smith spoke upon
the influence of fals spirits. in the Afternoon O Pratt preached
upon the Gospel followed by C C Rich

~ Friday

8. I met with the Grand Jury in the morning at 9 oclok & attended
Meeting at the Tabernacle all day. F. D. Richards & President Young
spoke in the forenoon. In the Afternoon W. Woodruff
W. W. Phelps & G A Smith spoke A Priesthood Meeting in Evening

~ Saturday

April 9. I Attended in the Endowment House in the Morning
we gave Endowments to [blank] persons & H C Kimball sealed
[blank] couple I went to the Tabernacle at 11 oclok Elder O Hyde
preached the Authorities of the Church were then presented
& passed. In the Afternon John Taylor spoke upon the
Constitution of the United States. A List of Elders was
called to go on Missions Elder Kimball spoke I met with
the Grand Jury at 2 oclok closed our business & was
dismissed by the Court.

~ Sunday

10. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning attended
Meeting all day at the Tabernacle President Young spoke in
the forenoon followed by President Kimball. I met at noon
with the D A & M Society, in the Afternoon President Kimball
spoke followed by D. H. Wells & G A Smith. Conference Adjourned
till the 6 day of next October. I met at 5 oclok for
prayer with 6 of the 12. I preached at the 14 ward in the Evening

~ Monday

11. I ploughed my Garden & took supper at Brother Blackhurst
with President Young & the 12. I received A Letter from
A folded letter/box Elder Sims

~ Tuesday

12 I spent the day sowing carriots, Beets, onions, & Pease
I took supper at John Taylors with the Twelve

~ Wednesday

123 I spent the day Gardning

~ Thursday

14 I spent this day gardneing I rode with the President & G. A. S. in the Evening

~ Friday

15. I spent the day setting out trees Locus trees & gardning

~ Saturday

16. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to

Page 309

29 persons President Kimball sealed 9 couple & W Woodruff
4 couple I Attended the election of officers for the D A &
M. Society
. W Woodruff was elected President & 11 EDirectors
were Elected

~ Sunday

17 Sunday I went to Fort Harriman & held a meeting with
a few of the people & spent the night I laid hands upon Sister
Stocking who was sick & blessed her

~ Monday

18. I returned to the City distance 40 mls

~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday

19, , 21. I spent the time at the Agricultural Gardens putting
up a House & ploughing. I Attended a Gardners Club Meeting
and divided a large Quantity of Peach plum & cherry
cuttings [FIGURES 1] A folded letter/box I received a Letter from Wm C Stanes

~ Friday

22nd I spent the fore part of the day budding in the Afternoon
I met with O. Pratt J. Taylor G A Smith & F D Richards of
the Twelve to Bless & set apart 35 Missionaries who had
been Appointed to go to the Nations of the Earth to preach
the gospel. O Pratt was mouth in Blessing 9 persons, J Taylor
8, G. A. Smith 5, W. Woodruff 7, & F D Richards 6. five
were ordained Seventies. The missionaries were addr[esse]d
by O. Pratt, J Taylor W. Woodruff F. D. Richards & followed
By President Young who gave a vary interesting lecture
& important council. He was followed by President Kimball

~ Saturday

23 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 18 persons. H. C. Kimball sealed
2 couple W. Woodruff sealed 6 couple

~ Sunday

24 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & atten
ded meeting at the Tabernacle. J Cummings spoke followed
by B Young jr & D. H. Wells. In the afternoon G. A. Smith
spoke followed by John Taylor

The Presidency, Twelve & missionaries met at the Historians
at 5 oclok. 2 Persons were blessed. G. A. Smith
made some remarks And then followed promiscus
conversation about the fitout &c. At the close of this meeting
2Presidents Young & Kimball set apart D. H. Wells Brigham Young jr
& Orson Pratt to there missions. President Young said I have ordained
my son Brigham to all the Power I hold as one of my councillors

Page 310

~ Monday

April 25 1864

A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 3 sacks of Pattent Office Agricultural
Reports for Distribution I put into the Hands of Brigham Young jr
A Letter to my son Wilford it was a package of Letters

~ Tuesday

26 I spent the day watering tiying up grape vines &c. I paid
$150 & 50 cts to Knowldon for L Snows reaper

~ Wednesday

27. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to to 8 couple W Woodruff sealed 3 couple

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

28, 29. I spent the time mostly in my garden Budding

~ Saturday

30. President Wells & B. Young Jr started upon their mission
to England. Each took a wife with them. I spent the fore
part of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
24 persons President Kimball sealed 6 couple & W. Woodruff 9.
I went down to my Grass lot in the Afternoon & made some fence

~ Sunday

May 1st Sunday I had a severe cold & sore throat I was not
Able to attend meeting. Elder O. Pratt spoke in the fore noon
Bishop John M. Wooley spoke in the Afternoon

~ Monday

2nd I spent the day watering my Garden

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

3 & 4. I spent the time mending my ditch fence

~ Thursday

5 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Wm C Stanes kept a copy. A
company of U. S. troops passed to day 137 Horsmen & 7 waggons

~ Friday

6. I spent the day mostly at home

~ Saturday

7. I spent the forepart of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowments to 19 persons. H. C. Kimball sealed 10 couple
W. Woodruff sealed 6 couple I held a meeting in the Afternoon
with the Board of Jordon Dam Society President Young &
F Little called into the office a short time

~ Sunday

8. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting
all day in the Tabernacle. G. A. Smith & Wm Laney spoke in the fore
noon. Joseph Young Robert Wmilliam & President Young in the
Afternoon. I met in the evening with Presidents Young & kimball
& G. A. Smith for Prayer. President Young Prayed & G A Smith
was Mouth I called upon Brother Smoot in the Evening.

~ Monday

9. In company with my Daughter Susan & Saraqueets I
went with my Horses & waggon to Mountainville up Webber
the first time I was Ever up the Canyon I spent the
night at Brother Bomans 37 miles

Page 311

~ Tuesday

May 10, 1864

I spent the day in assisting to shear my sheep they sheared 88

~ Wednesday

11. We finished shiring my sheep to day I had 154 in all [He]
had used & lost some 25 of my old sheep & used 8.

~ Thursday

12 I took my wool & returned home to the city I have a
severe cold upon my Lungs & have had for some 2 weeks
A folded letter/box I received a Letter from Wilford it was a good Letter

~ Friday

13 I wrote some in my Journal & spent some time choring

~ Saturday

14. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 13. H. C. Kimball sealed 4 couple & W Woodruff 3 couple

~ Sunday

15. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & Attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle. G. B. Wallace, Carmichael, & W Woodruff
spoke in the fore noon & B Young & H. C Kimball in the afternoon
I met with Presidents Young & Kimball and J. Taylor in the
Evening for Prayer

~ Monday

16. It is quite cloudy this Morning. The Presidency Twelve &
others start this morning for Bear river Lake valley & dine
at Bishop Laytons. We had a fine dinner we then rode to
Ogden & spent the night, with Loren Farr distance 40 m

~ Tuesday

17. We travelled to Box Elder took dinner then rode to
Logan & spent the night distance 55 mils

~ Wednesday

18. we rode to Richland & took dinner then rode to Franklin
and spent the night

~ Thursday

19. We left Franklin at 6 oclok & traveled the first 20 miles
through a hard rain storm & hilly & a vary croocked road
it was like beating against a head wind at sea we gowould
go Northerly then southery & so continued untill we come
to the foot of a long dog way, we baited our animals then
started to go up the dog way but it was so slipery we could
not get onto it so we went on the side of the Mountain below
to the road but it was so steep & rough that the animals could
not draw the veacles but about a rod at a time. On our arival
at the summit the Animals were nearly exhausted but we then
began to descend & found a wet muddy road caused by the melting
of the snows at the summit after traveling about a mile in a mudy
road we Entered a mud Hole 6 miles long the worst I ever saw
in my life I could not compare it to any thing but taking all

Page 312

the mud holes I ever saw in my life & place them in a string
& then try to drive a team through them what made them
worse than then Illionis & Indianna mud Holes was they
were nothing but mud while these were full of trees stumps
& brush, both Horses & Mules struggled fearfully Belly deep
in mud to make advancement occasionally a pair of Horses or
Mules would fall & be buried all over except their Heads but
men would go in pry out the animals pull out the veacle with ropes
& start again some carriages were broaken in this way. we walked
through the mud untill 8 oclock in the Evening then we stoped
& baited our animals & then continued our Journey in bear
river Lake Valley
by moon light & arived in Paris at 3 oclok
in the morning of the 20, having been 21 Hours on the road
of hard travelling making a distance of 50 miles &
the most bad road I ever travelled in one day in my life

~ Friday

20. On our arival in Paris at 3 oclok in the morning we of
course found all abed & asleep. Brother C. C. Rich was keeping
Batchelors Hall. He got up & made the best provisions for
all the company that He could. The Presidency stoped with
Brother Rich. G. A. Smith myself & several others stoped with
David Savage we spent the day in Paris resting. We found
this to be a large valley good soil & water suffic[ien]t to irrig[at]e
the whole abundant timber & Handy a great stock range
and the finest Lake in Utah Terriotory & perhaps in America
for one of its size it was 30 miles long 10 wide, & through
the middle the bottom not yet found with 200 feet line the waters
are cold & vary clear & abound with the finest trout in
the world large streams inter into it from the mountains vast
numbers of trout go up these streams from the Lake the Brethren
kill them with clubs & spars & ketch them in nets they range
from 4 to 12 lbs wait though some have been seen in the
water supposed to weigh 50 or 75 lbs we had fish in plenty
to eat

~ Saturday

21. The sun came out plesant we hitched up our teams & drove to
3 miles creek & found a small settlement in tents & waggons
we then rode To St Charles 7 miles. Here we found a large settlement in

Page 313

tents & waggons. We then rode to Fish Haven whare we found a
Number of families in cane wickeups, tents & waggons. Here is a
fine stram of cold water Empties into the Lake over a fine gravelly
bed many fish come up this stram. we returned to St Charles
& took diner of trout I eat with Brother Pugmyre after diner
we returned to Paris & spent the night distance of the day 26

~ Sunday

22 Sunday A plesant Morning I walked out with C. C. Rich & the
Twelve to see his public square & tithing office grounds we received
A dispatch from the City, it gave us to understand that Richmond
was not taken. We held a meeting at 10 oclok with the people
used a waggon for a stand. W Woodruff opened by Prayer
President Young spoke to the People & named the settlement on Big Creek
St Charles & wished the place to be the county seat. He wished
the people to settle together, a house on each city Lot. He Advised
the people not to send their children Herding nor for one man
to go alone in the canyons for wood. He was followed By H. C. Kimball
G. A. Smith & J Taylor all gave good council. We took dinner
then Harnessed up our teams & drove to the mouth of the canyon
& camped for the night we passed by a small settlement in
waggons we visited a root grafted Nursery of several thousands
trees & many seedlings 11 1/2 miles

~ Monday

23. At about 5 oclok we started from our Encampment with
Horse & Mule teams doubled on light veacles & 2 yoke of oxien
on the Heavest & we started up the canyon when we came
to the 6 mile mud Hole the foreward team got down we then
took an old Indian trail on the side of the Mountain &
lashed 12 feet pole to each waggon which formed a strong
leverage & with men at the end of the pool on the up hill
side kept the waggons from Turning over & in this way
most of the waggans passed by the deepest Mud we got
up without much accident. when we got to the summit the
teams that came to help us up returned back. I rode up
Horsback & walked down on the west side of the Mountain
when we got to the foot of the Mountain we Nooned then
return to Franklin in Cash vally. while on the way
An incident occured which came near costing

Page 314

An arrow

G A Smith his life. A man by the Name of Marrill
put a loaded rifle in the carriage with a cap on the muzzle
rested on the seat before G. A. Smith the carriage whell
went into a sideling stoney rock Brother Smith flung
his body on the uper side of the carriage to bala[nc]e it at
that instant the Rifle went off the ball went through the
Buffalo robe in front of him passed by his side & went
through the waggon cover behind him, it was a providential
escape from Death 40 miles

~ Tuesday

24. We drove to Logan & took dinner we held a meeting
with the people. W Woodruff Prayed G. A. Smith J Taylor
H. C. Kimball & B. Young Preached. President Young said while
speaking of the doctrin of the Plurality of wives that there
were but few Elders in this Church that would receive
the Exhaltation they were looking for it would save a
good many more women than men there are but
few men that enter into it that keep the Law. At the close
of the meeting we rode to Wellsville & spent the night

~ Wednesday

25 It rained in the morning we left Wellsville at 7 oclk
& drove through the rain to Willow Creek & took dinner
at a public table in the school House, then rode to Ogden
& spent the night. I spent the Night at L Farrs 40 miles

25 We drove to Farmington & dined I took diner with
Ezra Clark then rode with Brother Miles through the
rain to G. S. L. City 40 miles

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

26, 27. I spent the time in the garden at work I found
it vary weedy

~ Saturday

28 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House. We gave
Endowments to 19 persons. H C Kimball sealed 3 couple
W Woodruff sealed 13 couple President Young was present

~ Sunday

29. Sunday An arrow Keys crossed I met with my Quorum in the morning
And Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle. G A Smith spoke
followed by H C Kimball. Elders E T Benson & Lorenzo
arived from the Sandwich Islands at 12 oclok
Brother Snow called at my House & took went to meeting
spoke to the people gave an Account of their mission

Page 315

Told how they found Capt Walter M Gibson that He had
been rob[b]ing the Saints upon the Islands HabD labored to build
himself up insteat of the Church or the poor Saints upon the
Islands. He had got 3000 Acres of Land, 3000 sheep many
Goats, large flocks of Folwls many horses &c. He takes all
these things from the Saints after Laboring with him for
several days they cut him off from the Church & this
decission was sanctioned by the whole Church present with
uplifted Hands. He was followed by Elder Benson who con-
firmed what Brother Snow had said also gave an Account
of there ship wrek. There long boat while trying to land at the
Island was upset by the surf and all came Near drowing
Brother Snow was drowned brought out of the sea by a Native
& it took some 15 minutes to bring him to life, many interest-
ing things were said. At the close of the meeting the Pres-
idency & Twelve met for Prayer President Young prayed &
G. A. Smith was mouth

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

30, 31. I spent the time in my garden

~ Wednesday

June 1. I spent the day in my Garden my strawburies are beg-
ining to get ripe

~ Thursday

2nd I spent most of the day in the office Journalizing.

~ Friday

3rd I spent the day watering my Garden we had a plenty of it
I spent a short time in Presidents Youngs office.

~ Saturday

4. I spent the most of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 39 persons. H C K sealed 10 couple W. Woodruff
A crown sealed 20 couple. There was present B. Young H. C. Kimball
J Taylor W. Woodruff G. A. Smith F. D. Richards ^Joseph Young^ D Calder
G. D. Watt J. D. T. Mcallister, Wm Folsom S. Sprague
J. V. Long & L Farr. Also Eliza R Snow Elizabeth Ann
& Sarah M Hyde. At the close of the sealings all
the above Named persons repaired to the Font & we thare
dedicated the Baptismal Font unto god for Baptisms for
the remission of sins for the Healing of the sick & for Baptisms
for the dead
. President Brigham Young was mouth & he
named in his Praryer every thing from the foundation to
the Top, and He said that He felt that the Lord ExAccepted the Dedication

Page 316

I visited G. D. Watt's garden in the Evening & saw some vary
fine strawburies in Beds. I think the Excellenta were the

~ Sunday

5. I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting in
A coffin the Tabernacle in the forenoon. Brother McDonald spoke followed by
H. C Kimball & Lorenzo Young. while Brother Kimball was speaking
word was brought to the Tabernacle that Mrs Phebe W. Woodruff
was immediately wanted at home she went out & I followed
to see what was the matter & I soon learned that Matthias
was Drowned in the Jordon River several persons went
down to the river As soon as Meeting was out I got some men
& a Boat & grapeling Hooks & went to the river & spent the Afternoon
in hunting the Body but did not find it

~ Monday

6th I got 20 men, 3 Boats & 6 set of grapelling Hooks, & spent the whole
day on the Jordon River trying to find the Body of Matthias
but we did not find it

~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday

7, , ^&^ 9 I spent the Time in the Garden

~ Friday

10. Friday In company with Presidents Young & Kimball, the
Twelve & others we drove to Farmington. Here we learned that
F. D. Richards had a son named Ira 3 years of Age killed yest[er]day
by falling off a pair of stairs in the mill. He was laid out I went
in to see the Body. Brother Richards stoped to bury the child, we
went on to Kays ward took dinner in the meeting House. Held
a meeting with the people then rode to Ogden & spent the night
with Bishop West. distance 40 miles

~ Saturday

11. Our two Days conference commenced at 10 oclok G. A. Smith
W Woodruff E. T. Benson L. Snow spoke in the forenoon. John
Van Cott
, A. P. Rockwood & A. H. Raleigh in the Afternoon. We held
a Priesthood Meeting at 6 oclok. President Young spoke to the

~ Sunday

12 Sunday, we held a meeting all day. President Young & Kimball
spoke also J Taylor & F D Richards. M Cowleys Body rose
A coffin yesterday was taken out of the water to day & buried.

~ Monday

13 We traveled to Farmington took dinner & held a Meeting in
the Meeting House. G. A. Smith John H. C. Kimball & B Young spoke
we then rode Home & spent the night

Page 317

~ Tuesday

June 14th 1864

I spent the day Journalizing & in my garden my Indian Boy
got flung from a Horse & Badly injured in the face & arms

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

15 & 17. I spent the time mostly in my Garden

~ Saturday

18. I spent most of the Time in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 45 persons H. C. Kimball sealed 12 couple & W Woodruff
sealed 27 couple total 39

~ Sunday

19. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended
Meeting at the Tabernacle and heard the Rev Mr Sheepshank
An Episcopal Minister speak from the text, Be ye reconciled
to God. [2 Corinthians 5:20] in the afternoon Elder Taylor Preached. We met
in the Prayer Circle with J. Taylor G. A. Smith & F D Richards I
Prayed & F. D. Richards was mouth I preached in the 14
ward in the Evening

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

20 & 21. I spent the time mostly making a picket fence east
side of my House

~ Wednesday

22nd I started with the Presidency & Twelve to visit Cash
. We rode to Kays ward took dinner at a public
table then preached to the people the Presidency &csome
spoke we then rode to Ogden & spent the night 40 m[iles]

~ Thursday

23rd We rode to Box Elder & held a meeting with
the people. President Young & several spoke 22 m[iles]

~ Friday

24. We rode to Wellsvill had Dinner and a meeting
and I spoke a short time as did several others we then
rode to Logan & spent the night I stoped with Brother
Thatcher in company with F. D. Richards Presidents Young
& Kimball stoped with Bishop Maughn, J Taylor & G A
& others with E T Benson 30 m[iles]

~ Saturday

25 we met under a large Bowery with more than 2000
people at 10 oclok to hold a two days Meeting we had three
Quires of music. President Kimball spoke in the fore noon
& G. A. Smith John Young & President Young in the afternoon
we held a priesthood meeting in the Evening President
Young spoke followed By G. A. Smith & John Taylor. The
cavalry was on parade a part of the day had a rev-
iew in the Afternoon

Page 318

~ Sunday

June 26 1864

The Meeting assembled at the Bowery at 10 oclok it was
Judged that there was 3000 present. I opened the meeting
with prayer after singing. I then spoke to the people was
followed during the day By President Young G A Smith & John
. The main part of the Preaching was instructing
the Saints to take care of our wheat, & the other products of
the Earth & wished all the settlements to send delegates to
a General confvention to be held in G. S L City on the
2nd Monday in Octobe Aug to there decide what shall
be the price of our flour & other things. We had a heavy
blow of wind & dust in the Afternoon & some rain we
closed our meeting at about 5 oclock

~ Monday

27. In the morning with Brother Randle & Richards we
drove to Mendon from there to Wellsville & Box Elder
whare we held a meeting President Kimball & Young spoke to the
people I spent the night with Brother Snow 30 miles

~ Tuesday

28. We rode to Willow Creek & held a meeting F. D. Richards
W. Woodruff G. A. Smith & President Young spoke we then
rode to Ogden & held a meeting at the Tabernacle the
Presidency & others spoke. I spent the night at McGraws 22 [miles]

~ Wednesday

29. We rode to Centerville & preached. I spoke to the people
followed by G. A. Smith & President Young. President Young
said that if they did not take my council & follow me
we shall be separated I shall not go to you for council
but you will have to come to me. At the close of the
meeting we rode home to our families in G S L City 40 m[iles]

~ Thursday

30. I rode to my grass lot to My farm to President Youngs
woollen & cotten Factory & home again & in the Evening wrote
some in my Journal. 8 [miles]

~ Friday

July 1st I spent the day at my Grass lot pulling Milk weeds
out of my Grass

~ Saturday

2nd I spent most of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 28 persons H. C. Kimball sealed
14 persons & W. Woodruff 18 persons

~ Sunday

3 Sunday I went to Fort Harriman & held a meeting with the
people. All voted to sustain a state convention in gGrate Salt

Page 319

Lake City on the 2nd Monday in Aug.

~ Monday

4. I went into the canyon got a load of wood then rode home
to G. S. L. City distance 45

~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday

5, , 7. I spent the time in the Hay field cutting grass & drawing Hay

~ Friday

8. In company with George Nebeker My wife Phebe & Daughter
Phebe Bulah we rode to American Fork took dinner then rode
to Provo & spent the Night 50 miles

~ Saturday

9. we met at 10 oclok AM for a two days meeting in the Bowery
we spent the day in teaching the people we held 3 meetings. I
spoke 21 minuts. I stoped at Brothe Southworth

~ Sunday

10. Sunday. we held two meetings to day in the Bowery the congrega-
tion would number some 3000. at the close of the Afternoon
Meeting we rode to the American Fork toand held a meeting in
the meeting House & the Presidency & 12 all spoke making 7 sermons
in 2 Hours we had a good meeting. At midnight Brother Sten-
arived from G. S. L. City quite Excited saying that Gen
Cornor placed a Provo Marshall & guard in the Church store
House oppisite the gate of the Temple Block on Sunday while the
people were at Meeting Expecting Marshall Law would be proclaimed

~ Monday

11. we took a guard of 100 soldiers or men with us & returned 50 miles
home to G S L City. We found quite an Excitement in
the city on our return. There was a guard of 250 men
at President Youngs House

~ Tuesday

12. I spent most of the day in getting signers to a petitin
to the Governor & city council to remove the soldiers
from the inhabited portion of the city

~ Wednesday

13. I spent the day at the office mostly

~ Thursday

14. I spent the day mowing & was weary at night

~ Friday

15 I spent the day doing Business in the city. I paid $10
for the Telegraph & settled for the Telegraph Dispatches I
met with the Mormon Battalion party at the social Hall in the
evening I took supper at 10 oclok we had speeches from Pres-
ident Young & Kimball & J. Taylor & G. A. Smith. I left before
two oclok the party did not break up untill 4 oclok

~ Saturday

16 I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to 48
H. C. K sealed 19 couple & W W. 18 couple I met with the D A & M society

Page 320

~ Sunday

17 July 1864

Sunday I met with my circle in the morning. I prayed
E Hunter was Mouth I attended meeting in the Bowery in the
Morning. I preached to the people upon the gospel & had the
spirit of the Lord was followed by J V Long in the After noon
I did not attend meeting. G A Smith H C Kimball, J.
& President Young spoke to the people & they had
a good meeting I met in the Evening with G. A. S. F. D. Ri[char]ds
for Prayer President Young came in as we got through. He
covnversed upon the present state of the Nation

~ Monday

18. I took a calf & a pig in my waggon & rode to Fort Harri-
& spent the night 22 m[iles]

I learned that there was a large drove of savage wolves
led by a Mountain Lion was destroying many colts, calves
sheep, Heifers & cows all animals died that were bit by
them. A vary large shee wolf was caught in a trap the
night I was there

~ Tuesday

19 I returned home to day 22 m[iles]

~ Wednesday

20. I spent the day helping the Boys off to the canyon
& laboring in my Garden

~ Thursday

201 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 Letters to TI. F. Carter & Wilford I laid
upon 4 that was sick

~ Friday

22 I took Mrs P. W. Woodruff in a carriage & in company with
the Presidency & Twelve & others & rode to E. T. City & took
dinner then rode to Tooele City & spent the night with Brother
Aitken. Presidents Young & Kimball stoped at Bishop Rowburys 35 m[iles]

~ Saturday

23rd I visited Brother E. B. Kelseys currant orchard of some
4 Acres from which he makes his wine. We commenced
a Two days meeting at the Bowery, at 10 oclok

The Meeting was Addressed by John Sharp, A. H. Raleigh, Peter
, & G A Smith in the forenoon, & in the Afternoon President
Young spoke was followed By J. Taylor & R L Campbell.

~ Sunday

24. Sunday The people met 10 oclok & were address by
F. D. Richards H. C. Kimball W Woodruff & President
Young. We had quite a hard shower of rain during the
meeting we took dinner & started for home at 3 oclok
& arived in G. S. L. City at 9 oclok 35 miles

Page 321

~ Monday

July 25, ^1864^
I spent the day gardning

~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday

26, , 28. I spent the time mostly gardning I watered last night
the water has become vary low

~ Friday

29. I picked 7 Bushels of golden sweet Apples & spent the rest of
the day weeding my garden

~ Saturday

30 I spent the day in the Endowment House or the forenoon we gave
endowments to 8 person. H. C. Kimball sealed 3 couples

~ Sunday

31 I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting
in the Bowery. G. A. Smith spoke upon the foundation of this Church
I followed him. Rev Mr Low spoke a few words. President
Young spoke in the Afternoon to strangers. I met in the
evening with B Young & G A Smith for Prayer. B Young
Prayed G A Smith was mouth

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

Aug 1, , 3. I spent the time watering & weeding my garden
& picking & selling Apricotts

~ Thursday

4. In company with the Presidency & Twelve I toowent to
Farmington. I rode with George Nebeker. I spent the
Night with Ezra Clark 18 mils

~ Friday

5. we drove to webber valley & spent the night with
Bishop Petersons 27 mils

~ Saturday

6. We had a meeting with the people the Presidency and
Twelve spoke to the people through the day. In the evening we
crossed the River & took supper with Judson Stodard
we then rode up to the Mill & spent the night

~ Sunday

7th Sunday we held a meeting at the Bowery near Bishop
Thurstins through the day and had good teaching all day
from the Presidency & Twelve. at the close of the meeting
we crossed the river & spent the night with Brother Bowman
we find in visiting this valley that they are having
vary good crops of wheat corn & vegitables

~ Monday

8. We left Bowmans & rode to Farmington & took dinner
then held a meeting in the meeting House. W Woodruff
Preached followed By Presidents Kimball & B. Young. we
then rode to G. S. L. City & spent the night 40 mils

~ Tuesday

9. I spent a part of the day in the convention & part in
my garden

Page 322

~ Wednesday

Aug 10, 1864
I spent most of the day in the convention which closed
at night after Adopteing a List of Prices or rather
adjourned untill the 4th day of Oct.

~ Thursday

11. I spent a part of the day in the office Journalizing
A folded letter/box I received a Letter from Wilford to myself & his Mother
I paid Thompson $5 on my city heard Bill which
setled up to Aug.

~ Friday

12 I spent most of the day in Budding

~ Saturday

13 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from J. W. Young & Justin Wixon
I spent the fore noon in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
20 persons. H. C. Kimball sealed 8 couple & W. Woodruff 8.

~ Sunday

14. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting in the Bowery. DG SpencerGodard spoke in the morning followed
By Thomas Callister ^& Eldridge^ & in the afternoon D Spencer W Woodruff
& H. C. Kimball in the of evening I spoke in the 14 ward
after R L Campbell

~ Monday

15 I spent the day in the garden

~ Tuesday

16 I budded 419 peach trees in the old fort I Attended
meeting in the 17 ward school House of the Jordon Dam Company

~ Wednesday

17. I attended meeting in the Bowery with the citizens to take in
to consideration the propriety of Diging Artesian wells &
Bringing the River Jordon to this city from the Point of
the mountain

~ Thursday

18 I spent the day budding peach trees & in the Evening at
9 oclok we left President Youngs House to visit Provo valley
I took passage with Brother Kimball. There was some dozen
carriages in company & a Number of horsmen. We rode to
Hardys' Station & took Breakfast at 1 oclok. We then rode to
Wm Kimball's Station at Day light & took another Meal
we had a bright moon light nknight

~ Friday

19 We rode to Heberville in Provo Valley whare we spent the day 45 mils

~ Saturday

20. We met at the Bowery at 10 oclok for a two days meeting
in Heber City. A. P. Rockwood opened by Prayer H. C. Kimball
spoke followed by G. A. Smith. In the Afternoon F. D. Richards
& J Taylor spoke then Elder Wm Wall, Joseph Murdock & John
spoke then President Young spoke much to the Edification of the people

Page 323

~ Sunday

Aug 21, 1864
Sunday Morning. Cloudy. In company with several loads of the
Brethren we crossed Provo River to visit one of the greatest
curiosities of Nature which lies about 4 miles west of
Heberville. This curiosity consists of some 35 small creaters
from 5 to 80 feet high in the form of an umbrella with
a hole cut in the Top some 20 of them are nearly full of warm
water some run over the top & no bottom can be found to
them while others ar dry about 15 feet deep. one was 80
feet water runing over top & forming a crustation of white
substance a rope was sunk with a wait 125 feet deep & no bottom
One of these large dry mounds has a large dry hollow with
an opening at the side has a rough surface of losse rock this
is all pure white lime stone & this is about 40 feet high
& opening 40 feet across & this creater or mound is one
universal rattle snakes den considered the largest rattle
snake den in America from 4 to 500 have ben killed
in a day at the den they are the large yellow rattle snake
some have 20 or 30 rattles on, in the spring they cover the
ground & form into Bodies of several Bushels, all tied in
nots, with their heads pointeing all ways for defence. the Breth-
ren have formed a lime kilm in the center of this den
& make the finest lime in the world & the men make there
beds in the knight by the kiln while tending the fires with
snakes for companions as yet we have heard of none
being bit a large amount of snakes oil has been obtained
from this den, a great deal of the country around these
creater sound hollow as a carriage passes over it. After
examing the curiosities we went to Meeting at the bowery
in Heberville. A. P. Rockwood spoke followed by W. Woodruff
& H. C. Kimball. I took dinner at Brother Wall He asked
to for the privilege to resign his office as President of the
stake. His resignation was excepted. In the afternoon
F. D. Richards spoke followed RBy R. Burton then President
Young spoke over an hour Told us whare we should
be one & whare we should not. At the close of the meeting
we took supper at Joseph Murdock

Page 324

~ Monday

Aug 22nd 1864
At 8 oclok we started in a rain storm & drove to Wm
& took dinner. I took dinner with Charles
A. Harper
we then rode to G. S. L. City & I spent the night at home 45 mils

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

23 to 26. I spent the time mostly in my garden

~ Saturday

27. Saturday I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 27. W. Woodruff sealed 18 couple

~ Sunday

28. Sunday I met with my Prayer Circle in the morning
W. Woodruff prayed A Hoagland was mouth. I attended
meeting at the Bowery. G. A. Smith spoke followed by John
in the forenoon W. Woodruff F. D. Richards & President
Young in the Afternoon. In the Evening we met for
Prayer H. C. Kimball Prayed &at the Alter J Taylor opened

~ Monday

29. I renovated my Granery took every thing out & white-
washed every thing & put it back again to kill the Black
weavel, which is so destructive to wheat. I met at President
Youngs with the Twelve & Merchants President Young asked
the Merchants to buy up the wheat & flour that was to
be sold

~ Tuesday

30 I spent most of the day at home I met with the
Jordan Dam Company at 4 oclok

~ Wednesday

31 I spent the day at home preparing to start on a Journey tomorrow

~ Thursday

Sept 1st 1864 I started in company with President Young
7 of the Quorum of the Twelve, & a large Number of Brethren
for a Journey to St George. we drove to Battle Creek & spent
the night. I stoped with George S Clark also F D Richard 42 M[iles]
2ndWe held a meeting in the Evening. G. A. Smith E. T. Benson W Woodruff
& F D Richards spoke to the People. We had a great Hail storm
through Utah County which cut down the cane & corn

~ Friday

2nd We drove to Springville & took dinner with Gideon W Wood
Brother John Eddings was with me he went with his Team to
take me down. Emma was with me. After meeting dinner
we held a Meeting. D. O. Calder J. T. Cain, R Burton &
E. T. Benson & G. A. Smith all spoke to the People. we then rode
to Pason & spent the night with Bishop John B. Fairbanks
F D Richards stoped with me. We held a meeting in the Evening

Page 325

L Snow & John Taylor spoke to the people 28 Mils

~ Saturday

3rd We drove 3 miles to the residence of Joseph E Johnson
to Breakfast. He has the finest Nursery & flower Garden in
Utah Territory covering 6 Acres of ground containing the
greatest variety of flowers, shrubery, fruits & Forest trees
that I ever saw in one collection after taking Breakfast
& visiting his premises we Joined the company as they came along
& drove to Salt Creek Nephi & stoped for the night with Br Foot
G. A. Smith H. W. Miller F. D. Richards & myself visited Johnson
Nursery. The company scatter through the settlement 30 Mils
4thWe held a meeting at 4 oclok. President Young spoke to the people
Followed By F. D. Richards E. T. Benson & D^avid^ McKinzey. we had
a dance in the Evening

~ Sunday

4. Sunday We Met at 10 oclok J Taylor W. Woodruff spoke in the
forenoon. In the Afternoon we partook of the sacrament. David
O Calder
L. Snow & G. A. Smith spoke to the people followed
By President Young who gave good council to the People

~ Monday

5. We Left Salt Creek & drove to round valley 35 Miles
We held a Meeting W. Woodruff E. T. Benson G. A. Smith G. D.
spoke to the people, followed By President Young
I spent the night with Warren Foot

~ Tuesday

6th We drove to Fillmore & held a meeting in the state House
F. D. Richards L. Snow, J. Taylor & W. Woodruff, President Young
made a few remarks. At the close of the meeting, I visited
several orchards Brother Huntsman has a fine Apple orchard
also Peaches, and thare are many fine orchards in the city
We held a party in the State House But President Young soon
Broke up the Party because of confusion & disorder in the House

~ Wednesday

7th I visited Brother Croft's grist Mill & carding Machine
driven by one of the Turbine wheels which shows great power
for its size. We held a meeting at 10 oclok in the State House
O Hyde spoke followed By President Young. He Quoted the
chapter in dDieut. which speaks of true & fals Prophets
Bishop Callister spoke a short time. At 3 oclok we
left Fillmore & drove to Corn Creek & spent the night
at Joseph Barrows 15 miles

Page 326

~ Thursday

Sept 8th 1864
A cold Morning we drove to Cove Creek & Nooned with
Wilden it was vary dusty we then drove to Bever &
spent the night with Brother Shepherd 55 m[iles]
we held a meeting at candle light. J Taylor & O Hyde
spoke to the People

~ Friday

9. We drove to Elk Horn Springs & Nooned then drove to
Parawan and held a meeting with the people E. T. Benson
W. Woodruff & F D Richards spoke to the people 35 M[iles]
I spent the Night with Brother Webb

~ Saturday

10. O Hyde W Woodruff E. T. Benson & F D Richards all drove
to Cedar City in the morning, whare we held a Meeting
F. D. Richards E T Benson & W Woodruff spoke to the people
O Hyde made a few remarks. We held another Meeting
at 7 oclok L Snow & O Hyde spoke. President Young &
company arived at 6 oclok PM. in the rain 18 M[iles].

~ Sunday

11. Sunday we drove to Pinto Creek & spent the Night 28 [miles]
L Snow & myself spent the night with Prime Coleman
we held a meeting at 7 oclok. President Young spoke followed
by John Taylor E. T. Benson, Philip Margeretts, McConnell
& G A Smith Preached 28 m[iles]

~ Monday

12 We rode to Pine valley & spent the night with Robert W. Carr's
We had a meeting in the Evening. O. Hyde W. Woodruff & President
Young Preached we had a good Meeting 15 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

13 A single key with teeth to the right This was a vary interest days travel from Pine valley to
St George. We had the worst road I have found in the Territory
(except the 7 mile mud Hole Entering Bear Lake valley) the road
was vary hilly rocky & rough. We passed by or along the Base
of a volcanic creator about 1000 feet high Brother Eddings
Emma Woodruff & myself went to the top of it it was a tedious
undertaking. we sunk into the fine soft cinder ancle deep
in climing up the steep sides. We went all around the top of
the cone the hole in the crator was about 200 feet deep
& 600 feet across the top of the cavity it had filled the vally
& surrounding country with vast quantities of Lavy. We
picked up some specimins on the top of the cone & came down
again to the valley much ^more^ Eisily than we went up

Page 327

We rode on to St George & found the valley for some 12
miles filled with Lavy. We found St George quite a fine
city or a foundation laid for one some of the best Houses
in Utah (except Great Salt Lake City) & some vary fine
vineyards & gardens & orchards growing. I spent the night
with Brother Copeland distance from Pine Valley 40 m

~ Wednesday

14. I visited Brother Dodges vineyard of one Acre it was
vary fine about two thirds of his vines were Issabella
& one third Calafornia Except a few Black Hamburgs
& white Muscat of Allexandria the Black Hamburgh was
the Best grape Issabella were vary fine for the kind
We held a meeting in the Bowery on the public square
G. A. Smith, L. Snow, & President Young Preached. The
President said He should call up the cases of those who
had been called to go to the cotton country & had not
gone but neglected their mission & that if he was to give
a revelation concerning them it would be that they
should be cut off from the Church. In the after-
noon O Hyde A. Lyman & E T Benson Preached

~ Thursday

15 We met at 10 oclok. W. Woodruff & F D Richards spoke
in the fore noon followed by G. A. Smith. In the Afternoon
John Taylor, Erastus Snow spoke followed By President
Young ^He^ spoke followed upon Prayer said when any one
Prayed all should close their Eyes and be united and all
ask for the same thing that the speaker asks for without
this we cannot get the Blessing And all parents should
do the same in their family Prayer & learn their children
to do the same or they cannot get what they ask for
There was a dance in the Evening I did not attend

~ Friday

16. We drove to Santa Clara. I with several others visited
the orchard of Jacob Hamblin it has produced this season
some 1500 bushels of vary fine peaches, it is as fine a peach
orchard as I ever saw. We held a meeting at 1 oclok
W. Woodruff E. T. Benson & G D Watt spoke followed By President
Young. We returned to St George & spent the night 12 mile
we had a dance in St George.

Page 328

~ Saturday

Sept 17, 1864
We left St George & drove to Washington & held a meeting at
the bowery at 1 oclok. O. Hyde, G. A. Smith John Taylor, & President
Young Preached to the people. I spent the night at Woodruff
. Washington has many Peach orchards & some grape
in it [blank] Miles

~ Sunday

18. Sunday We left Washington & drove to Harrisburgh & held
a meeting under a bowery. A. Lyman L. Snow, & F. W. Richards
spoke to the people followed by President Young. While on the road from
Washington to Harrisburgh we stoped on the edge of a high precepice
An arrow which presents a vary interesting scenery in the valley below
& while standing there Brother Edings wh wished me to help him
lift up a flat stone which he wished to throw off from the
top of the precepice into the depthe below as I took hold of it
I caught ta scorpenean bewtween my finger & the stone and he
stung me in the middle Joint of my forefinger which gave me
a shock through my whole system it was a small one &
I mashed him to peaces in lifting the stone, this alarmed me
somewhat as the sting of a scorpeon is considered vary
dangerous with us as some have died with it. I soon got
some tobaco & bound on which took the poison out & I recei-
ved no material injury from it. In the afternoon we drove
over a sandy, rocky road to Tokerville & held a meeting at 7 oclok
W Woodruff, J. Taylor G. A. Smith & E. T. Benson spoke to the people

~ Monday

19 We drove to Virgin City, two waggons broke down, the
road being vary rough. We drove to Grafton & held a meeting
at 1 oclok. W Woodruff opened by Prayer. G. A. Smith spoke followed by
John Taylor W. Woodruff & President Young. G. D. Watt being
absent, I took minutes of President Youngs discourse (see report)
Meeting was again held at 7 oclok. Brother Parks J. T. Caine
D Calder & R. Burton spoke to the People (W. Woodruff related
an incident)

~ Tuesday

20. We returned to Virgin City & held a meeting at 11 oclk
J Taylor & W. Woodruff spoke to the people followed by
President Young A single key with teeth to the right who said "we are in the Land of Zion. it is
known why we are in this land. This country was not much
known untill we came into it. Since that time much has been known

Page 329

"Who printed the first Paper in the west, planted the first fruit
trees, penetrated the western wiles, printed the first paper in
the Rocky Mountains. The Latter Day Saints done all these
things. Most people thought that we should go to vancovers Island
We were urged to go to Calafornia. had we have gone there
we should not have gone staid but a short time. we could not have
staid there the emigration would have overwhelmed us, but we
intend to Fill these mountains. We have been visiting these southern
settlements I see no sorrow among the people, there is one article the
Saints want to take with them whareever they go in all places and
that is contentment. When we go to the centre stake of Zion we
shall not have 600 Acres of Land each to run over, No we shall
have a small spot. There will not be a chicken pig cow horse or
any animal in the city. If you put in one Acre to grapes as it
should be you could take $5000 for the use of it. Again tobacco
if you must use it raise it yourselfes you can raise $1000 lbs on
an Acre at $2 per lb it would fetch $2000. You have welth in
the soil here, you have advantages here which we have not in
the North. If we go East & get more land we shall have
more people to occupy it. We shall have to raise more out of the
Earth than we do now. The Lord is blessing you and the
Earth you inherit. you do not have so many foul spirits to
contend with as we do in the North, both from the Living & the

At the close of the Meeting we rode to Tokerville
& held a meeting at 7 oclok. D. O. Calder J. T. cCaine
Samuel L. Adams & J Taylor spoke to the people. We had
a good meeting. R. T. Burton

~ Wednesday

21. We rode to CKanarra took dinner then drove to Cedar City
& held a meeting. President B Young spoke to the people (W W reported
it, see report). He was followed by President Young John Taylor
E. T. Benson W Woodruff. 36 Mils

~ Thursday

22nd we left Ceder City drove to Parawan & took breakfast
we then drove to Bever. Brother Musser lost both of his horses they
died within an hour of each other distance of the day 55 m[iles]
I spent the night with Wm Barton his wife was Susan West

~ Friday

223 A cold morning we drove to Cove Creek & nooned

Page 330

We then drove to Corn Creek & spent the night many horses were
sick apparently by overdriving & overfeeding distance 50 m[iles]

~ Saturday

24. We drove to Fillmore & took breakfast at Chandler Holebrooks
then to Round Valley & spent the night 37 m[iles]

~ Sunday

25 Sunday We travelled to the Severe bridge whare we met
with 60 Mounted men, a Band of music 11 waggons 80 men
in all as an escort from Sanpete. We then travelled to
Fort Gunnison. We held a meeting 35 Mils
President Young G. A. Smith J. Taylor & E. T. Benson spoke

~ Monday

26. We drove to Mantio ^18 m[iles]^ & took breakfastst with John Lowery
we then drove 6 mils to Fort Ephraim & held a meeting at
4 oclok. W. Woodruff spoke followed By E. T. Benson. we
held another Meeting at 7 oclok G. A. Smith spoke followed by
Erastus Snow who spoke in dDanish. President Young held a
meeting at Manti at 2 oclok 24 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

27. We drove to Moroni & held a meeting at 10 oclok
I called upon F. D. Richards to speak. he was quite sick &
did not feel able I felt moved upon by the spirit of God
to lay hands upon him which I did with G A Smith &
He was healed & got up & spoke in the spirit & power of
& was followed by G A Smith & W. Woodruff. E T Benson
& E Snow held a meeting at the same time at Springtown
We drove to Mount Plesant whare a Meeting was Held at
2 oclok. President Young spoke to the people followed by Brother
Harrocks, Winder, & J Taylor at the close of the Meeting we
drove to North Bend & spent the night

~ Wednesday

28. We drove through thistle valley down the spanish fork
to springvill whare the company stoped. I continued
on to Provo. The company at North Bend numbered ^50 mils^
417 men 27 Ladies, 85 vehicles the Escort numbering 386 persons

~ Thursday

29 We drove to Lehi took dinner with D Thomas. We then
drove to Great Salt Lake City & spent the night distance 50 m
we were all glad to once more get home after being absent
from home for a month distance to Santa Clara & back [blank]

~ Friday

30 I spent the day at home choreing

~ Saturday

Oct 1. I spent the day in the Endowment House. We gave

Page 331

Endowments to 29 persons. President Kimball sealed
10 couple & W Woodruff 14 couple

~ Sunday

2nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning Jesse
N Smith
spoke then G A. Smith gave an account of our trip
south, in the forenoon. In the Afternoon John Smith the Patri-
said a few words followed by Wm C. Stanes who gave
an account of his summers mission. He was followed by President
Young. President Young & the Twelve met for Prayer

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

3 & 4. I prepared my machine for making Molases

~ Wednesday

5 I commenced making Molases to day. We had 4 acres of
Imphe vary stout but the frost cought it before it was
Near ripe

~ Thursday

6th The General Conference Met at the bowery to day to day at
10 oclok. We had Preaching all day from H C Kimball and
other Elders

~ Friday to ~ Saturday

7 & 8. Conference continued & preaching from the Presidency
Twelve & returned missionaries. The Authorities of the Church
were presented in the Afternoon of the 8.

~ Sunday

9 Sunday. Conference met at 10 oclok. Elder L Snow
& President Kimball spoke in the forenoon & E. T. Benson
John Young & President B Young in the afternoon. The Twelve
met in the Evening for Prayer

~ Monday

A single key with teeth to the left A single key with teeth to the left Oct 10th 1864. The remainder of Zions Camp had
a meeting for the first time since their travels to Mo
in 1834, when they went up to redeem Zion. We met
in the Social Hall being over fifty of the original 205
it was the most interesting party I ever attended.
Bishop Hunter & council got up a good dinner & supper
for the company speeches was Made by Presidents Young
Kimball, G. A. Smith Joseph LeviYoung, W Woodruff
Levi Hancok C. C. Rich A Lyman & others much
of the Spirit of God was present. A portion of the
time was spent in the dance. The company was all
aranged on a seat in the main Hall. President Young Kim-
ball W. Woodruff & others went around & shook hands with
the whole company. Mrs Phebe W. Woodruff also

Page 332

A single key with teeth to the right
shook hands with the company. President Young in
his speech said that if that company behaved vary
well they should be the first company chosen to go
back to Jackson County. We had a vary interesting time

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

11 to 14 I spent the time at my farm
making Molases

~ Saturday

15 I spent the day in the Endowment House. We gave
Endowments to 52 persons. H C Kimball sealed 11 couple
W Woodruff sealed 24.

* Oct 10 I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 30. H C Kimball sealed 11 couple W. Woodruff
15 couple. while in our party George Q Cannon & John
A folded letter/box Young arived in our midst from England there was
a Joyful Greeting. Brother Cannon brought a package
of Letters from Wilford to myself & family also
his portrait they both gave a good report of his
Mission & faithfulness

~ Sunday

16 Sunday I met in the Morning with my Quorum for
Prayer & attended Meeting in the forenoon & herd a good
discourse from Elder G. Q Cannon. President Young preached
Sister Mabyan's funeral sermon. I do not think it
was reported. I was not well & did not attend Meeting
in the afternoon I received a letter from Phebe &
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box wrote two one to Phebe & one to Ira Brown

~ Monday to ~ Friday

17 to 21. I spent the time at my farm making Molases

~ Saturday

22nd I spent the day in the Endowment House. We gave
endowments to 18 persons. H. C. Kimball sealed 4 coupl
W. Woodruff 13 couple, and Among them was one
Elijah Steers who got a wife by Lying his way through
the House or By misrepresentation

~ Sunday

23rd Sunday I met with my Ouorum in the morning & attended
meeting in the Tabernacle. John L. Smith who has returned from
his mission spoke a short time in the morning, followed by G. Q.
& W. Woodruff in the afternoon Jacob Gates & H C. Kimball
spoke. I met President Young & G Q Cannon for Prayer at
7 oclok I attended meeting in the 14 ward. G Q Cannon Preached

Page 333

followed By W. Woodruff

~ Monday

24. Finished Making Molases

~ Tuesday

25 I dug my carrotts & Beets

~ Wednesday

26 I packed up my 20 Bushels of Apples in chaff I sold 15 Bushels
of Apples for $12 total $180.

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

27 & 28. I spent the time in burying my grape vines & choreing

~ Saturday

29 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Wilford & I. F. Carter I spent
most of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
6953 persons. H C Kimball sealed 1412 W Woodruf 353 couple I atte-
nded a trial of Elijah Steers for Lying in the House of the Lord
He was mostly excused through ignorance

~ Sunday

30 ^Sunday^ We had Quite a snow storm last night the mountains &
Vallies are covered with snow this morning. I spent the
fore part of the day in the office writing. I wrote a long letter
to Wilford in Manchester England I wrote two sheets one
A hand pointing to the right on temporal & the other on spiritual things I had the spirit
of writing, & gave him good council. Bula also wrote to him
I met with President Young John Taylor & G. Q. Cannon for prayer

~ Monday

31. I went to Fort Harriman & spent the night 20 M[iles]

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

Nov 1 & 2 I spent the time Hunting my stock

~ Thursday

3 I returned to G S L City & took Sarah Delight back with
me to spend the winter 20 miles

~ Friday

4. I spent the day mending my waggon

~ Saturday

5 I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
13 persons. H. C. K. sealed 2 couple W. Woodruff 9 couple

~ Sunday

6. Sunday I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle. John Talbot
Thomas O King John T Gerber & W. Woodruff spoke
in the forenoon & Warren S Snow, Wm Fothering
Henry A Dixon & George Halliday followed by B
who gave us good instruction. I met at 5 oclk
with President Young & G. Q. Cannon for Prayer we
set apart Thomas E Jeremy as a member of the High

~ Monday

7. I spent the day at Home choreing

~ Tuesday

8. I sent 2 teams to the cole mines this morning
this is the Great day of Election

Page 334

~ Wednesday

Nov 9, ^1864^
I spent the day mostly at home. No Telegraph News to day

~ Thursday

10. No News of the Election yet. I visited the office & spent
a part of the day at home

~ Friday

11. In company with BPresident Young, J. Taylor, G. A. Smith, &
G. Q. Cannon & several others I rode to Kays ward. Wm Streeper
drove the carriage I was in. I spent the night with Wm B. Smith 22 [miles]

~ Saturday

12 We found our horses Both foundered. Brother George Chrisman
owned them He fed them heavely with oats then watered &
drove to kays ward. One was sick before we got there they poured
spirits of Turpentine into there hoofs. I attended the meeting
at the meeting house I there met Mother Mary Philips the oldest
person in the Territory she will be 91 years old in 3 weeks
She will thread a needle readily without glasses and walked
to meeting as spry as a girl. I Baptized her in Herrifordshire
in 186440. G. A. Smith J. Taylor & Joseph A. Young spoke in the
forenoon & President Young Father Stainer & W Woodruff
spoke in the Afternoon. We met at Bishop Laytons after
meeting. We administered to his child who was sick. We then
ordained Bishop Christopher Layton to the High Priesthood
& Bishopprick President Young was Mouth. I spent the night
with Wm Gilbreth with G. A. Smith

~ Sunday

13 I attended Meeting at the Meeting house at 10 oclok. G. Q. Cannon
John W. Young, R Burton & President Young spoke in the forenoon
President Young said "No man had a right to Preach what he did
not Practice." In the Afternoon G. A. Smith & J. Taylor spoke
followed by President Young, who closed the meeting then drove
to Ogden By Moon light we stoped with Bishop West's 18 mile

~ Monday

14. President Young J. Taylor G. Q. Cannon & several others rode
up Ogden Canyon. G A Smith & myself attended Meeting
at the Tabernacle. G. D. Watt Prayed. G. A. Smith spoke to the
People & I followed him. we spoke about an hour each we
had the spiript of Preaching. In the Afternoon President Young
was present L Snow also arived. John Taylor & several others
spoke in the Afternoon. We held a meeting in the Evening
G. D. Watt spoke followed By Joseph A Young & President Young

~ Tuesday

15. G. A. Smith spoke followed By G. Q. Cannon in the Afternoon

Page 335

John Taylor spoke followed By W. Woodruff, & President Young closed

~ Wednesday

16. Wednesday we started Early in the morning to return home
soon After we left Kays word a snow storm accompanied
by a strong canyon wind struck us and it was almost impos-
sible for us to travel it came near blowing over our carriages
I was in the lightest carriage of the company & it was with
the greatest difficulty we could keep it right side up it blew
4 small windows out. We finally reached Farmington President
Yougng stoped with Bishop Hess. J. Taylor G. A. Smith & myself went
to Ezra Clarks & spent the night in the worst gale I ever experienced
on land in my life it damaged Ezra Clark some $700 in
Blowing off roofs & blowing away Hay &c it blew down some
Houses & tooke the roof off from Many it took the roof off from
Bountiful Meeting House 22 [miles]

~ Thursday

17 We drove to G. S. L. C. & saw many Hay stacks strown through
the fields as we came along I spent the night at home 18 [miles]

~ Friday

18 A folded letter/box I received a letter from Wilford & spent the nightday in the office
I attended a meeting at the Council House last Evening with the Bishops

19. I attended a meeting in the Evening at the Historians Office
with the G. S. L. City Irrigation & Canal Company or with the
committee to take into consideration the subject of Diging the
canal, the size, Expens, ways & means &c.

~ Saturday

19 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 25. H C Kimball sealed 7 couple G Q
sealed 10 couple & W. Woodruff 3 couple. I met with
the cofmittee of the G. S. L. C. Irrigation & Canal Company

~ Sunday

20. I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended meeting
in the Tabernacle. Wm S. Godby G. Q. Cannon Allexander Ross,
spoke in the forenoon & WmC Stanes & President Young in the
Afternoon. We had a good meeting. President Young J. Taylor W.
Woodruff G. A. Smith & G. Q. Cannon met for Prayer. In
company with G. Q. Cannon I attended meeting in the 15 ward
Brother Cannon spoke a short time. I followed him & spoke an
hour I never felt more liberty in speaking I had much of the
spirit of the Lord upon me my mind was free & I had a good

Page 336

~ Monday

Nov 21, 1864
I spent the day at home in visiting John Edings to settle Family Difficulties

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

22, , & 25 I spent the time mostly at home attending
to my personal matters I set up a portable cider Mill
& made 25 gallons of cider

~ Saturday

26. I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 23. W Woodruff sealed 12 couple & G
Q Cannon
sealed 5 couple. We then attended the Mass
Meeting of the people who had met to adopt measure
to bring out the Jordon to this city. Resolutions were adopted
A company was organized. A President, vice President, secretary,
Treasurer, & 9 directers were appointed. The meeting adj[ourn]ed

~ Sunday

27 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle. P. P. Pratt spoke followed by W Woodruff
in the fore noon & dJoseph W. Young, spoke followed by Jacob
& G. Q. Cannon. I met in the evening with President
Young & the Twelve for Prayer President Young Prayed &
John Taylor was mouth. I Preached in the evening at the
13 ward had a walking congregation of Saints, Jews, & Gentiles

~ Monday

28. In company with E. F. Sheets J. VanCott & others I drove
to Fort Harriman through a severe snow & hail storm to attend
the cattle drive

~ Tuesday

29 There was a General cattle Drive to day through all west
range. I found most of my stock

~ Wednesday

30. I returned to G. S. L. City. 40 m[iles]

~ Thursday

Dec 1st The stray cattle were brought into the Tithing yard
to day from all the drives it was a Busy day with people
in getting out their stock. My Daughter Susan had a son to day

~ Friday

2 I Butchered my pigs to day

~ Saturday

3 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowments to 38 persons. H. C. Kimball sealed 7 couple
W Woodruff 5 couple, G Q Cannon 9 couple, total 21.
I spent the Evening at home I received a letter From I. F.
A folded letter/box Carter

~ Sunday

4. We are having the hardest rain storm we have had for
two years I attended meeting in the eveafternoon George Godard

Page 337

spoke in the forenoon & Alfred Randle John W. Young & G. B.
in the Afternoon. I met with President B Young & John
W. Young for Prayer. G. Q. Cannon called at the close. In company
with G. Q. Cannon I visited F. D. Richards who is sick with
the Liver complaint. is not able to go out doors. we administered
to James Brown the 3rd who was shot for a Grizzle Bear &
broke his thyigh he was vary bad

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

5 ^& 6^ It is still raining to day. I spent most of the day in the office

~ Wednesday

67. I spent the day making fence at my grass lot some 100 Head
of cattle in towere turned into my grass lot during this wet weather
& trod my lot up like the streets they broke dow my fence badly
I attended the Theater in the evening & saw Richard the III played
by Lyne it was vary well played

~ Thursday

8 I opened my carrotts & beets to day & found them wet & growing
I moved my beets in the suller & covered the carrotts with New
straw & dirt I planted walnuts Apricotts & Apples. I had
a sick child & administered to it

~ Friday

9. I spent the day mostly at home

~ Saturday

10 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 58 persons. B Young sealed one couple, W Woodruff 15, and
G. Q. Cannon some 20 couple I attended the Theater in the Evening

~ Sunday

11. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle. J. Taylor Preached in the forenoon &
G. Q. Cannon & President Young in the afternoon. I met with the
Presidency & Twelve for prayer J Taylor prayed G. A. Smith was
Mouth. I preached in the Evening in the 12 ward. L. W. Hardy Bishop
A. O. Smoot & L. W. Hardy followed

~ Monday

12 A crown The Territorial Legislator of Utah met to day at 1 oclok I
met in the council. We organized, Appointed G. A. Smith President
had a Joint Session, herd the Govornors Message read, ordered
500 copies printed, & adjourned till tomorrow all done in 2 Hours

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

13, , , & 16. I spent the week in the Legislatoive assembly and
attended the council & attended to the business of the session

~ Saturday

17. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 25 persons. H C K sealed 5 persons W Woodruff 5 persons
& G. Q. Cannon 7 person total 17 persons

Page 338

~ Sunday

Dec 18, 1864
Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & opened
by Prayer Bishop Hunter was mouth. I attended meeting in
the Tabernacle H. S. Eldridge spoke in the morning followed
by Joseph F. Smith in the afternoon. O. Hyde spoke I met
with the President Young & 8 of the 12. I attended meeting
in the 19 ward. L. Snow spoke & I followed him, we had
a good time.

~ Monday

19. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters one to W. Woodruff jr & one to
Ensign Stocking. I sent Wilford his Father & Mothers likeness

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

20 & 21. I spent the time in the Legislative Council. I visited
Brother James Brown who was vary sick with his wound
the thigh bones seem to be decaying & runing vary much.

~ Thursday

22nd I spent the afternoon in the council I took up a
collection for James S. Brown who is still vary low with
his broaken thigh & wound I collected $170 which
I delivered to him in the Evening which he was glad to
receive I visited him in the Evening and administered
to him with A. Lyman & N Tanner

~ Friday

23rd A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to I. F. Carter & spent the afternoon
in the council, and attended to my duties therein we
adjourned the Legislature untill the 3rd of Jan 1865

~ Saturday

24. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
13 person. B Young sealed 1 couple H. C. Kimball 2 couple
W Woodruff 5, G Q Cannon 1, Total 9.

~ Sunday

25 I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meet-
ing in the Tabernacle through the day I met with President
Young & several of the Twelve for Prayer I preached in the evening
at the 17 ward.

~ Monday

26. I spent the day in the Endowments House. We gave Endowments
to 41 persons. H C Kimball sealed 8 couple W Woodruff 7,
& G Q Cannon 10

~ Tuesday

27 I spent the day in the Endowment House. we gave Endowments
to 47. W Woodruff sealed 13 couple G Q Cannon 8 couple

~ Wednesday

28. I spent the day at home Attended the Theater at night

~ Thursday to ~ Saturday

29, & 31. I spent the time mostly at home I attended one party
in the 14 ward was suffering with a severe cold

Page 339

A Synopsis of my labors in

I Travelled with President Brigham Young and Company Therough the Territory of Utah 2118 Miles
I Attended Public Meetings 174 Meetings
I Preached 61 Discourses 61 Discourses
I Attended 2 General Conferences 2 Conferences
I Attended 66 Prayer Circles 66 Prayer Circles
I spent 41 days in the Endowment house 41 Endowments
I Assisted in giving Endowments to 1243 Persons
I Sealed 499 Couple at the Alter 499
B. Young sealed 3 couple H. C. Kimball 298, G. Q. C. 70 total 870
I set Apart 7 Missionaries, Assisted in setting 42 Missionaries
I Dedicated Farmington Meeting House 1 House dedicated
I Attended the Dedication of the Baptismal font for the Dead President Young was Mouth in the Endowment House
I Administered to 15 sick persons 15 they were healed
I Attended the Territorial and Deseret Legislature 40 days
I Attended the Grand Jury 6 days as Foreman 6
I Attended Zions Camp Party the first one held in 30 years
I Attended the meetings of the D A & M society as President
I Attended the meetings of the Jordan Irrigation Co as Treasurer
I Attended the Gardners Club
I Attended the Convention and mass Meeting 3 days
I received 11 sacks of Books & seeds from washington which I distributed through Utah Territory
I wrote 25 Letters 25 Letters
I Received 20 Letters 20 received
I Paid my Tithing for 1864 $220.22 Tithing

I spent the remainder of my time
Journalizing in the Historians office
and Farming and Gardening
Page 340


Page 341

~ Sunday

Sunday Jan 1st 1865
Jan 1st 1865 This is the commencment of a New Year
The past year has been an Eventful year in many respects
Esspecially in the history of the United States war has contine-
ued to rage with awful carnage through the year betwen the
North & South, and apparently with No prospect of peace.
All Nations steem to be prepareing for war and great calamity
await the wicked, yet Zion still prospers and God is with her
He defends Zion & sustains his servants

I met with my Quorum in the morning for prayer Attended
meeting in the Tabernacle all day. Lorenzo Snow preached in
the morning & G. Q. Cannon & E. D. Woolley in the afternoon I
I met with President Young & the 12 for prayer L. Snow prayer &
John Taylor was mouth I preached in the 7 ward in the Eve[ni]ng

~ Monday

2nd A folded letter/box I received a letter from Wilford I was suffering with
a cold I spent most of the day at home

~ Tuesday

3rd I spent the forenoon in writing & after noon in the Legisla-
ture and attended to the business of the same

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

4 & 5 I spent the time in the Legislative council

~ Friday

6 I spent the time in the council

~ Saturday

7. I spent the day in the Endowment House. We gave endow-
ment to 40 persons. H C K sealed 5 couple W W. 5 couple &
G. Q. Cannon 9. Total 19.

~ Sunday

8. I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meet-
ing at the Tabernacle all day. E. T. Benson spoke in the morning
& President Young in the afternoon which was a vary interesting
discourse. He conveyed the idea that Adam & Eve done right
in partaking of the forbidden fruit they were sent to the Earth
to do it that man might know the contrast good & Evil
In the Evening we mightt for prayer 8 of the Twelve were pres-
ent. I preached in the 19 ward in the Evening

~ Monday

9. I killed a calf in the forenoon & attended athe council in
the afternoon

~ Tuesday

10. A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to George Sims & attended athe
council in the afternoon

~ Wednesday

11 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to Wilford & sent him £9
Nine Pounds sterling £5 for W W & £4 for linen & 23 likenesses
^W. W., P. W. W. & Wilford Leslie^

Page 342

I spent the afternoon in the council and attended
a meeting of the D. A & M. Society.

~ Thursday

12 I spent the day in the council and attended a party
in the Evening at Sister Jane Blackhurst. Brother & sister
A single key with teeth to the right Blackhurst came over the sea with the Twelve in the ship
Rochester, and Each year since he has been in this city
they have made a feist for the First Presidency & Twelve
Apostles during the past year Brother Blackhurst has died
& Jane has been vary sick nigh unto death but she
was now Better she was leaning upon her staff. We had an ex-
cellent supper and after supper we got together and each
one of the Twelve present made a speech there were 8 of
the 12 present we had a good time much of the spirit of
the Lord
was with us. The Apostles rehursed their pasts
lives & therir good feelings towards Each other & there was
some prophesying. We left at 8 oclok

~ Friday

13. I spent a part of the day in the Endowment house. We
gave Endowments to 52 persons. H. C. K sealed 8 couple &
W W 13 couple I then went to the Legislative Council &
spent the Evening till 9 oclok PM.

~ Saturday

14 I spent a part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave endowments to 63 persons. H C. K. sealed 6 person
Erastus Snow, [blank] & G Q Cannon [blank]

I went to the legislative council & spent the afternoon

~ Sunday

15 I met with my quorum in the morning and attended
meeting in the afternoon. O Hyde & L. E. Harrington spoke in the
forenoon & J Taylor in the afternoon. I met at 4 oclock
with President Young & the Twelve for Prayer G. Q. Cannon
Prayed & President Young was mouth. I preached in the evening
at the 14 ward followed By G. Q. Cannon J. Taylor was

~ Monday

16. I spent the afternoon in the council and attended to
the duties of the day

~ Tuesday

17. I attended & Preached the funeral of [blank] Spencer at
11 oclok at the House of Daniel Spencer & attended the council
in the afternoon I attended a party in the evening at Joseph

Page 343

Joseph Horn's & had a good time with the Twelve & others

~ Wednesday

18 I spent the day at the Council House & attended to the
invitation of meeting with the Twelve at John Taylors. We staid
till 10 oclok

~ Thursday

19. I spent the day in the council & attended a party at the
14 ward till 112 occlok

~ Friday

20. I spent the day in the council & wrote a letter to President
A hand pointing to the right D. H. Wells. I called at the Endowment House & got excused for the
day. 56 obtained their Endowment H C Kimball sealed 110 couple
G. Q. Cannon 11. Our Legislature closed at midnight

~ Saturday

21. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave endowments to
47 persons. H. C. Kimball sealed 6 couple W Woodruff sealed
14 couple I spent the night at home

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended
meeting all day in the Tabernacle. Bishops Maugn, & Rowbery
preached in the forenoon W Woodruff preached in the afternoon
He took for his text (He that walketh in the path of righteousness
& truth, will have no communion with the Blasphemer & ungodly)
this text was his own prverb I spoke over one hour. I met with the
Twelve & President Young for prayer. At the close of prayer Presidt
Young said to George A. Smith I want to dismiss Thomas Bullock
& tfrom the Historian office & put Joseph ^F.^ Smith in his place I do not
want any more clerks in the office than there now is. I Believe
Dr Richards used to take any papers he could lay his hands upon
for waste Papers whether they are valuable or not & I beliveeve
Thomas Bullock will do the same, & I dont want him in the
office any longer. (But Brother G. A. Smith or myself have never
known either Richards or Bullock destroy any valuable papers
But always looked upon them as faithful honest men. G. A. Smith
wished me to see Thomas Bullock & inform him of his dismissal
I called upon him & informed him He went to the 11 ward with
me & spoke to the people & I followed him

~ Monday

23 Keys crossed The Legislatur of the State of Deserett met this morning at
10 oclok I was a member of the Senate. I was Appointed a committee
with L E Harrington with like committee from the House to wait
upon the Govornor to inform him that the Assembly was organized

Page 344

and ready for Business and asked if He had any communication
to make. He appointed 12 oclok to meet the assembly in Joint Session
we met at 12 oclok & Govornor Young presented his Message which
was read by G Q Cannon his private secretary & 1000 copies ordered
to be printed. the Lieut Govornor H. C. Kimball made a verbal
speech. He said we are as free as we ever shall be. The Lord
will soon come to reign on the Earth and we are preparing for
it. I say to this Assembly be of good cheer you shall never be
hurt. God will be our friend deliver us. Our enemies shall
feel the power of God upon them. This is the kingdom of God, &
when we ask the United States to be admitted into there Union
it looks to me like asking alms of the devil. I ask no odds of them
I was Appointed a Lieutenat Govornor I am a great man
antint I. I have looked at the Charter it dont give me the right
to say bo [so]. But I am alive in Christ and we shall ride off
triumphant. The Lord is no respecter of Persons [Acts 10:34] God will bless
& deliver his faithful children he has pleasure & confidence in
them as we would in our faithful children. We should not
undertake to pull down our Brother to undertake to bu^i^lbt ourselves up
at his Expens. I can say God Bless you all in the name of the
Lord Amen

Govornor B. Young then arose & said see [blank]
24 we adjourned the Joint Session & went into separate Houses and after
doing what business was necessary we Adjourned sine die

~ Tuesday

24. I spent the day mostly in writing at home A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Judge Kenny and sent him an Act of of the Legislature

~ Wednesday

25 I spent this day in writing & choreing

~ Thursday

26. G A Smith had three boxes of Bibles & testiments
I Bought 8 Testiments & 4 Bibles. I Bought a Bible for Mrs
P. W. Woodruff & Phebe & Susan my daughters I visited President
Youngs office And had an Interview with Mr Martin the great
American Wizard. He showed us some specimens of his art
in ventriloquism in imitating a rat, a Hen, a pig, & a Baby all
was vary good. I spent half the night in the office in Printing
in the Bibles I had bought, Family records.

~ Friday

27. I spent the day in the office & Endowment Houe we gave
Endowments to 51. H. C. K. sealed 5 couple W Woodruff 10 G Q Cannon 19

Page 345

~ Saturday

Jan 28, 1865
I spent most of the day at the Endowment house. We gave endow-
ments to 42 persons. W. Woodruff sealed 12 couple & G. Q. Cannon 9 couple
[blank] A single key with teeth to the right I sat for a likeness with Emma & her two children
and Sarah Delight & her two children I spent some time in the office
writing in my Journal. I conversed with Capt Walter Holebrook who
was in the battle of Bull run. his best frind a college mate was cut in
towo with a Cannon Ball while standing by his side. He was a spy and
went to Richmand out of 101 men he had but 17 men left at the close
of the Bull run battle

~ Sunday

29. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting
in the Tabernacle all day John Vancott spoke in the morning & Bishop
E. D. Woolley in the afternoon. I met with President Young & the 12
for Prayer in the Evening. John. W. Young prayed & W. Woodruff
was Mouth I preached in the Evening at the 16 ward

~ Monday

30 Solomon Wixom commenced work with me to day I setled my
tithing with Bixshop Hoagland for 1864 My tithing was $220.22
I paid $37.75 toin cash to settle my tithing I paid 24 gallons Molases
for 1864 $48 which was not applyed on my tithing for 1864
but carried to the Account of 1865 I spent the afternoon in the office
writing also the evening

~ Tuesday

31 I spent the day in the office writing Gov Young speech

~ Wednesday

Feb 1st I spent the day writing in my Journal

~ Thursday

2nd I spent the day in my office

~ Friday

3rd I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
41 persons. W. Woodruff sealed 9 persons or couple & G. Q. Cannon 9 couple

~ Saturday

4. Saturday I spent the whole day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 73 persons W. Woodruff sealed 21 couple & G. Q. Cannon 20 couple. President
B Young was present a short time. President Heber C. Kimball presides
at the Endowment House at all times when we give Endowments & gives lectures
and teaches such principles as the Holy spirits brings to his mind. There
was a Mass meeting held at the Tabernacle to day to take into consideration
the subject of bringing the waters of Utah lake to this city

~ Sunday

5. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended meeting all
day at the Tabernacle A. H. Raleigh spoke in the forenoon & John Taylor in
the Afternoon on the mind, memory, & soul of men & the knowlede of God I met
with President B Y & 2 of the 12 for prayer & preached at the 3rd ward & laid hands on J. S. Brown

Page 346

~ Monday

Feb 6, 1865
A plesant morning. My Boys went to Fort Harriman for cattle. I spent the day in the office
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 letters 2 to Jud[g]e Kenney 1 to Justin Wixom

~ Tuesday

7. I spent the day in the office writing

~ Wednesday

8. A folded letter/box I read my History with Brother Tullage I received a
letter from Richard R Hopkins in Bear lake valley

~ Thursday

9. I spent the day at home and in the office

~ Friday

10. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 57. W Woodruff sealed 19 H C Kimball 3, & G Q Cannon
14 couple total 36. I spent last night at President Youngs
office untill 10 o'clok attending the Navigation & Irrigation
Canal Company
Meeting they desided to tax city lots $100,
each five Acre lots $100, Ten acre lots $100, the two cottonwoods
$7.50 pr Acre dry creek $15 pr acre & unoccupied
lands $10 pr Acre & to collect 25 per cent this year

~ Saturday

11. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
53 W Woodruff sealed 20 couple & G Q Cannon 16. On my way to the
office I called into the office of Brother Sharp and stood by the side
of Sister Marinda Hoyde the wife of Orson Hyde while she had 15 teeth
pulled all that she had in her mouth

~ Sunday

12. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended the
meeting all day Bishop Kesler spoke in the forenoon & G Q Cannon
in the afternoon. He had much of the spirit of the Lord & spoke well I met
with President Young & J. Taylor & G. Q Cannon for prayer. Brother Cannon
accompanied me to Robert T. Burton & laid hands upon his ownly
son 10 [14] yers who was vary sick. I preached at night in Bishop
Hickenloopers ward to a full House & had a good time. I went home in
a driving snow storm

~ Monday

13. I commenced compiling History of Brigham Young in the yer 1854
in the evening I lade hands upon the son of R. T. Burton & J S. Brown

~ Tuesday

14. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 letters to Azmon, Thompson, & Ozem Woodruff
in the Evening I laid hands upon 3 persons with John Druce
viz R. T. Burton Wm Burton his son, & James S Brown

~ Wednesday

15 It rained & snowed. I got of the dentist Sharp a new
set of upper teet[h]s set in India rubber. I paid $20 upon them
I spent the day in the office writing letters

A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right I sent 2 likenesses in each of the 3 Above named letters of W. W. P W W

Page 347

~ Thursday

Feb 16, 1865
I spent the day in the Endowment house we gave Endowments to 54
H. C. Kimball sealed 2 couple W Woodruff 10 couple G. Q. Cannon 10 couple

~ Friday

17 I assisted in giving Endowments to 62. W. W. sealed 10 couple G. Q. C. 6 couple

~ Saturday

18 I assisted in giving Endowments to 28. W Woodruff sealed 9 couple G Q C.
sealed 8 couple. We than tooke our teams & carriages & in company with
Presidents Young & Kimball we drove to Centerville, had a dance
till 11 oclok & retired to rest for the night looking for a strong eastern tornado

~ Sunday

19. Sunday It had snowed about 12 inches during the night Brother
Cannon and myself took a pair of horses & sleigh & drove to Farmington
6 miles through a bad road & a tremendious snow storm. we had a
small congregation in a large meeting house Brother Cannon & myself
both spoke to the people occupied 2 hours. We then got into our sleigh &
returned to Centerville & herd President Young preach a short sermon
Brother Taylor & H. C. Kimball had spoken a short before. The whole company
than got up there teams & returned to G. S. L. City through 18 inches of
snow it had been snowing 24 hours it was the largest snow storm
we have had for several years. I took my wife Sarah up with me &
we stoped with Brothe Dual while in Centerville 36 mils

~ Monday

20. As soon as I got up in the morning I went onto the roof of my
House & shoveled the snow off from it to keep my roof from breaking in
I spent the afternoon in the office writing there is 2 feet of snow on the ground

~ Tuesday

21. I spent the day in the office. Brother Joseph F Smith & myself compile
the Church History 24 days in Jan 1854.

~ Wednesday

22. A crown President B Young got a telegraph from Brother Hammond at San
saying He had purchased 6500 Acres of Land on the Island
of Oahu for $14000 in gold to be paid $5000 in March & $3000
July 1, 1865 & $6000 in two years this ground is 30 miles
from Honolulu the capital of the Sandwich Islands. This purchase
contiains 600 Head of cows worth $8 pr head 500 head of sheep
$1.50 per head, 250 Goats 75 cts, 20 Horses $5, Also hoags chickens
turkeys, Guinea hens, & peacocks, had 5 Acres of cotton looking
well. This is the best peace of ground on the Island. This purchase was
made of T. T. Dorhoty Dougherty

~ Thursday

23rd I compiled the History of Jan 18654.

~ Friday

24. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to 56
H. C. K. sealed 10 couple W Woodruff 10 couple G Q Cannon 10 couple total 30.

Page 348

~ Saturday

Feb 25 ^1865.^
I spent the day at home as I was sick. H. C. K & G. Q. Cannon
gave Endowments to 56 persons H. C. K sealed 5 persons G Q Cannon 18 persons

~ Sunday

26. sunday I spent the day at home was sick with rheumatism
Joseph W. Young spoke in the morning & Robert Williams & G. B. Wallace talked

~ Monday

27. I sent a load of wheat to the mill, & spent the evening at the office

~ Tuesday

28 A folded letter/box I received a letter from Wilford one to me, one to his Mother
one to Bulah, one to Robert & Susan. He also wrote one to Brother Cannon
a vary good one. I called a short time in the Presidents office. I
married Emma Wardle to Lemuel L Williams at my house
in the Evening. President Young hgave his consent

~ Wednesday

March 1. Keys crossed my birth day I am 58 years of age this
day. I spent most of the day at my Farm taking care of
poor cattle. I drew one poor cow half a mile on a sled
to get her to a stable to keep her from dying it is a vary
hard winter on stock

~ Thursday

2nd I spent the forenoon in hearing Tullage read my History, & afternoon
in writing. Brother G. A. Smith returned from the South. Brother Isaac
gave an account of the Hawns Mill Massacree. He shot one man
after he had been shot with several balls

~ Friday

3rd I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House. We gave Endowments
to 52 persons. H. C. Kimball sealed 9, W. Woodruff 10 couple, & G. Q C. 1.
A single key with teeth to the right President H. C. Kimball said to C. W. West G. Q. Cannon & W Woodruff
{that President Young ordained his sons alone. He did not have his} 2 councellors {with him so that it is not legal
and it will not stand. It will be broken up and come to naught. They have not the power of the First} presidency
{because the} 2 {counsellors did not lay hands upon their} Heads {and I say in the name of Christ it will
not stand and I know it by} revielation {and God has shown it to me.} Why {did not President Young call
upon his} 2 {counsellors because he was selfish in it it was not done by the Spirit of God and it will not stand
and the Lord has told me so the Lord did not call him to do it and it will come to naught Wilford Woodruff
write this and see if it does not come to pass and if it does not then cross it out
this ordination was not legal because his} 2 councellers {did not} officiate {with him they have not the same
power that his other counsellors have but President Young wished to have his sons lead the Church if he died
this was his} object {and why did he not ask his} councellers {to join with him they would have done it
if he had} required {it but I know it will not stand}

~ Saturday

March 4. A crown I spent most of the day in the Endowment House, we gave
Endowments to 67 persons. H. C. K. sealed 7, & W. Woodruff 25 couple we
left about 3 oclok. There was a great celebration in the city on this

Page 349

day of all the Military & civil authorities on the inauguration of
Abraham Lincoln to the presidential chair & the late victories the Camp
U. S. armey was present & thousands of the citizens Joined them in
the celebration Judge Titus & Hon Wm. H. Hooper made the speeches at the
close Hon G. A. Smith waved the U. S. Flag & said "One country, A united
country An undivid country & the old Flag Forever." Ats the company
dispersed J. Taylor W. Woodruff G. A. Smith G. Q. Cannon A. O. Smoot
R Borton & scores of others Met Col George & staff at the City hall
& took refreshments together speeches were made & tosts were drank
all this was for policy. Col George is Expected to take the place of Cornor
He is a vary unassuming quiet man.

~ Sunday

5 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. Attended meeting
at the Tabernacle. Elder George Nebeker spoke upon his mission at the
Sandwich Islands while speaking, he fainted & we had to take him
out of the stand, & set him in a chair it was some time before he
came to. I followed him & spoke half an hour. when I closed Br
Nebeker had recovered he took the stand & finished his discourse
John Taylor spoke in the Afternoon. I met with President Young
& the Twelve for Prayer in our circle. Br Young prayed G A S was mouth
I preached in the 14 ward in the Evening & had the spirit of the Lord
& great freedom & a good meeting

~ Monday

6. I sealed one couple at the Altar & Administerd to 2 that was
sick spent most of the day in the office A single key with teeth to the right Brother Kimball said
that President Lincoln would be in the presidential chair untill He
had destroyed the Nation. The North will never have power to crush
the South No never the Lord will give the South power to fight
the North untill they will destroy Each other I mailed a letter to
A hand pointing to the right day to Wilford 1 1/2 sheets from Bulah half sheet from David & Sarah
I wrote a little in both

~ Tuesday

7. I spent the day mostly in the office. It snows almost Every day & many
cattle Horses & sheep are dying throughout nearly all the settlements of this teritory

~ Wednesday

8 I spent the day at home mostly

~ Thursday

9. I spent in the day in the office & at home I attended a poliece
party in the Social Hall at night which I left at about 3 oclok

~ Friday

A folded letter/box 10. I received a letter from Wilford he wrote to me his Mother & Bulah
We gave Endowments to 64. H C K. sealed 3 & G Q. C. 7. Tullage read History to me in the Evening

Page 350

~ Saturday

March 11, 1865
I spent most of the day in the Endowment [House] We gave Endowments to
63 persons H. C. K sealed 2 couple W Woodruff 3, G. Q. Cannon 13

~ Sunday

12. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting in the Afternoon. Br Francis A. Hammond spoke in the
forenoon concerning his mission on the Islands. G. Q. Cannon &
W. Woodruff in the Afternoon the spirit of the Lord was upon
us & we had a good time I spmet with B. Young John Young G. Q. Cannon
for prayer J. Young prayed W. Woodruff was mouth.

~ Monday

13. It is still snowing we are having the hardest winter we have
Ever had since we have been in these mountains we have more snow
both in the mountains & vallies than we have ever had before &
more cattle, sheep, & horses are dying tham in any other winter

~ Tuesday

14. we had another snow storm last night. we have a snow storm
evry day or night of late

~ Wednesday

15 A folded letter/box I received a letter from Isacc Bowman saying that if I
did not come & take away my sheep they would all soon be dead
as he was out of feed. I immediately notifyed all in the city
who had stock there to go & get them & I prepared to leave in the morning

~ Thursday

16. I took my team & waggon & James & Solomon Wixom &
drove to Farmington, & spent the night at Ezra Clarks. I attended
a fence meeting in the Evening. 18 m[iles]

~ Friday

17. I started this morning with Ezra Clark, Lot Smith &
several others for Isaac Bomans in Weber Valley. We had
An arrow three teams on sleighs & about 15 lb of Hay, we drove 20 miles
up weber canyon to Brother Boman's when we arived
there we found his fence lined with cow hides, & sheep
skins, and about a dozen of my sheep lying in the agonies of
death from mere starvation abotut 40 of my sheep had
starved to death during the last week they had nothing to eat
for 7 or 8 days. I immediately fed the sheep & cattle &
they stoped dying. had he let me known the circumstances
a week sooner I should have saved my whole flock,
had it have been a few days later I should have lost all
we staid over night with Brother Boman (67 Endowments 29 sealings)

~ Saturday

18. We fed all our stock this morning then drove 147 of my
sheep to the webber river & loaded them all into sleigh Boxes
H C K, G. Q. C. & co gave Endowments to 63 & 28 sealings

Page 351

& drew them all across two forks of the river in about one hour
we then divided them into small heards & tolled them with hay
down the canyon & within 4 miles of Farmington & stoped for the
night with a family by the name of gGreen 10 mi[les]
the snow was about 3 feet on a lever at Brother Bomans

~ Sunday

19. Sunday we got an Early Breakfast & then drove our flock of
sheep to Farmington at Brothr Ezra Clarks who gave me a yard
to put them in & a plenty of hay to feed them. Brother Ezra Clark
& Lot Smith have been vary kind to me & rendered me great
assistance in this immergancy I spent the day & night at Br Clarks 7 [miles].

~ Monday

20. Solomon Wixom & myself left Brother Clarks & our flock of
sheep in his care & James to feed them & we drove home
through a vary muddy road & found all well 18 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

21. A folded letter/box I received a letter from Wilford I went to the field &
commensed geting out manure the lot is still covered with snow

~ Wednesday

22nd I spent the day getting out manure on the farm

~ Thursday

23 I was not well had a severe cold spent the day at home

~ Friday

24. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowment to 67 person
W Woodruff sealed 7 couple G. Q. Cannon sealed 8 couple I was still
in poor health.

~ Saturday

25. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 67 persons. W. W. sealed 11 couple G. Q. C. 10 couple.

~ Sunday

26 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting in the afternoon. W. S. Godby & H. S. Eldridge spoke
in the morning & Bishop Hunter & President Young in the
Afternoon. I met in the Evening for prayer with several
of the twelve. I attended meeting at the 14 ward. Brother
G. Q. Cannon spoke I followed him

onday to ~ Thursday

27 to 30. I spent the time making fence & taking stock to the [illegible]

~ Friday

31. I spent the day in the Endowments House. we gave Endowments
to 60. H. C. Kimball sealed 2 W. Woodruff 12 G. Q. C. 13.

~ Saturday

April 1st April fool day I spent the day in the Endowment House
whare there was no fooling. We gave Endowments to 47. W Woodruff
sealed 11 couple G Q Cannon 15 couple. It was a warm plesant day

~ Sunday

2nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
the meeting at the Tabernacle A Lyman spoke in the forenoon

Page 352

and John Smith G Q Cannon & President Young in the
afternoon I met with President Young & the Twelve for prayer
B. Young Prayed & G. Q. Cannon was Mouth.

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

3, & 5 I spent the Time making fence & gardning

~ Thursday

6th April The General Conference of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints met at the Tabernacle

~ Friday to ~ Sunday

7, & 9 was spent in conference. Presidents B Young
& Kimball & most of the Corum of the Twelve Preached
President Young Deliverd ony [one] WO upon the Merchants
and another Wo upon the Lawyiers. We had a good
conference on sunday evening the Presidency & Twelve met
for Prayer. C. C. Rich prayed O Hyde was mouth Presidents
Young & Kimball & 9 of the Twelve were present

~ Monday

10. The convention met to day I attended the former prices
of the convention.

~ sday to April 14, 1865 ~ Friday

11 to 14. I spent the time ploughing & sowing wheat.
[FIGURES 5] A humanoid Washington April 14. At 30 m[inutes] past 9, President
Abram Lincoln was Assassinated at Fords Theater while sitting
in his private Box he was shot through the head with a single
barrel pistol the Assassin droped the pistol leaped from
the 2nd circle whare the President sat upon the stage holding
in his hand a large Dirk knife & made his escape in the
rear of the Theater mounted his horse & fled 30 minuts after
A man entered Secretery Sewards dwelling, (whare Seward
lay sick) & attacted & disabled 5 men, rushed upon
Mr Seward who was lying in his bed & Assassinated
him by stabing him 3 times in the neck. He then rushed
from the room & met Sewards son stabed him, went down
stairs mounted his horse & fled it is not known whether
the same man killed both the President & Secretary or whether
it was 2 men it created tremendious Excitemtment

~ Saturday

15. President Abraham Lincoln Died 30 minuts past 8 oclok A.M.
& Secretary Seward a little After 9 oclok one was stabed
30 minuts after the other & died 30 minute after all the flags
in Great Salt Lake City are at half mast & dressed in crepe
I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House. We gave Endowments

Page 353

to 36 persons. H. C. K. sealed 2, W W. 8, & G. Q. C. 10 couple I wrote
in my Journal in the Evening

~ Sunday

16 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
A coffin meeting in the Tabernacle I was called to preach the
sermon of President Abram Lincoln. I addressed the mee-
ting for about one hour, & Elders F. D. Richards & G. Q. Cann-
spoke in the afternoon upon the same subject. I met in
the Evening with President Young & the Twelve for prayer I
Attended the funeral of Theadore Calkin's at 5 oclok
F D. Richards spoke followed by W. Woodruff & G. Q. Cannon

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

17 & 18. I spent the Time gardning in my field

~ Wednesday

19 A coffin A. L. This is the day set apart by the Nation for the
funeral seremonies of Abram Lincoln in all the states
& Territories. A Large Assembly met at the Tabernacle
at 12 oclock of all classes civil & Military Jew & Gentile
Elder F. D. Richards made the opening prayer Elder A
Delivered an address of of about 30 minutes then
Rev Norman M. C. Leod delivered an Eulogy upon Pres[iden]t
Abram Lincoln. W. Woodruff delivered the benediction
at the close I called at Presidents Youngs office

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

20, 21 I spent the time on the timefarm

~ Saturday

22nd I spent the day in the Endowment house. we gave Endowments to
^40^ persons W W sealed ^12^ couple G Q C. ^15 See Endowments record^

~ Sunday

23rd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I attended
the meeting in the Tabernacle. Elders Morris Anderson McMaster
& Miner spoke in the forenoon & Elder Taylor in the afternoon
I met with President Young & the Twelve for prayers

nday to ~ Friday

224th to 268 I spent athe week in my Garden & on my farm
sowing seed & ditching against High water

~ Saturday

279. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 56. G. Q. Cannon sealed 11 W Woodruff 18, & H. C. K. 2. In
the Afternoon I read my Autibiography with Tullage wh[o] is writ-
ing for me

~ Sunday

2830. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle & herd 16 missionaries bear there testimony
in the forenoon & President Young followed brother Randall in the

Page 354

afternoon. He preached a vary plain sermon, spoke in the power
of God
, rebuked wickedness & told the people what to do. I met
with the president & Twelve for prayer

~ Monday

May 1. I opened my grapes this morning & spent the day in a
Missionary meeting. We Blessed & set apart 52 missionaries &
ordained 4 seventies. President Young delivered an Address & gave
good instruction. {He said that} P. P. Prat {blood was spilt for [committing] adultery}. I met in the
evening with the board of the Jordon Irrigation Co

~ Tuesday

2nd I spent the day planting sugar cane

~ Wednesday

3rd I left Great Salt Lake City in company with Presi-
dent B. Young & several of the Twelve & rode to Ogden
& spent the night we held a meeting at the Tabernacle & had
speeches from President Young ^30 M[inutes]^, J Taylor W. Woodruff G A
, F. D. Richards & G Q Cannon I spent the night at L Farrs 40 m[iles]

4. water vary high at Ogden River we crossed the
Bridg. Rode to Willow Creek held a meeting President
Young ^25 [minutes]^ & Twelve spoke rode to Brigham City held a meeting
at the Court house all spoke to the peole President & Twelve 29 [miles]

~ Friday

5 we rode to Cash valley, dined at Mendon passed through
Wellsville to Logan & spent the night 47 m[iles]

~ Saturday

6 Saturday we met in the bowery in Logan for a two
days meeting. W Woodruff & F. D. Richards spoke in the forenoon
& G. A. Smith & J Taylor in the afternoon

~ Sunday

7. Sunday G. Q. Cannon G. A. Smith & President Young
spoke in the forenoon ^40 [minutes]^ &, President Young preached one
of the greatest sermons of his life in the afternoon ^45 [minutes]^ among
other things said the gospel of Christ embraced all truth &
Blessings to man & all knowledge. He said G. A. Smith & W. Woo-
druff are our Historians. I do not excuse them from knowing
every thing, they should know all things appertaining to History
Iwhen I ask them any Question appertaining to History I want
them to answer it correctly. He was followed by D. D. Hunt
& L. Snow at the close of the meeting I laid hands upon Sister
Eliza Benson who had fainted & was speechless she revived

~ Monday

8 G. A. Smith F. D. Richards & Orson P. Miles & Myself, rode to
Hiram 8 miles & preached to the people we all spoke then rode

Page 355

to Wellsville ^6 mil^ & held another meeting. President Young ^25 M[inutes]^ J Taylor ^14 [minutes]^
G. Q. Cannon & L. Snow spoke. President Young said He
wanted all the Saints to burn up every copy they have
of the History of Joseph Smith by his mother Lucy Smith
for it is Not True much of its fals. I spent the night at
Thomas Kingtons.

~ Tuesday

9. We rode to Brigham City & spent the night 40 m[iles]

~ Wednesday

10. we rode to Ogden & held a meeting. G. A. Smith D. J. Ross
J Taylor G. Q. Cannon & President Young spoke. ^25 M[inutes]^ 22 mils

~ Thursday

11. We drove home to G. S. L. City 40 mls

~ Friday

12 I spent the day in my Garden

~ Saturday

13. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
45 persons. H C K sealed 9 couple & G Q Cannon 13.

~ Sunday

14 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting in the Tabernacle. G. Q. Cannon spoke in the morning
Keys crossed & President Young spoke in the Afternoon. He delivered
one of the strongest sermons of his life. He took a strong
stand against the Enemies of the kingdom of God. The
President & Twelve met for prayer I met with them. we
then called upon Sister Gray who had a canser
in the breast whcich was Eating her Vitals & rotting
her flesh. President Young Cannon, & myself laid
upon her she wished us to pray that she might
spedily die as she could not live. President Young dedi-
cated her to God for her death & burial. in about 12
hours she died

~ Monday

15 Sister Gray died to day died this morning & was
buried to day. I rode to Coones Canyon to shear my sheep

~ Tuesday

16. I had 3 Hands shearing sheep through the day

~ Wednesday

17 we finished shearing sheep & returned home 24 [miles]

~ Thursday

18 An arrow I called upon Brother James S Brown who has
lain 10 months with a broaken thigh from a shot wound
& suffered nigh iunto death. He concluded to have a
surgeon open his thigh & take out the broaken bones
G. Q. Cannon & myself laid hand upon him & prayed for
him higs thigh was opened 10 peases of bone & the ball taken out

Page 356

~ Friday

May 19, ^1865^
I spent the day at home budding

~ Saturday

20. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House. We
gave Endowments to 45 persons. G. Q. Cannon sealed 7 persons
& W. Woodruff 9 couple I called upon Brother Brown in the
Evening & found him quite low. There is quite a spirit of
mobocracy ain our Enemies at the present time against us
we have received 2 letters from Wilford of Late & I read
A folded letter/box 2 letters from others

~ Sunday

21. A hand pointing to the right Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning
& wrote a letter to Wilford. Henry W Miller spoke in
the forenoon I attended meeting in the afternoon. Charles
W Penrose
& H. C. Kimball spoke in the Afternoon I met
with President Young & the Twelve for Prayer

~ Monday

22 I spent the day in my garden

~ Tuesday

23rd I spent the day in the Mouth of Emigration drawing rock

~ Wednesday

24. I spent the day budding

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

25 & 26. I spent the time at the farm making water ditches

~ Saturday

27. A folded letter/box I received a letter from Wilford I spent the fore
noon in the Endowment House. we gave Endowments to 42
H. C. K sealed 2 couple G. Q. C. 6 couple & W. Woodruff 11.

~ Sunday

28. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning &
attended meeting in the Tabernacle Joseph F. Smith spoke
& preached a splended good sermon followed by G Q.
& the afternoon President B. Young spoke to
the people & delivered a good discourse we met
for prayer in the Evening

~ Monday

29. I spent the day at home in my Garden

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

30 & 31. I spent the time ploughing & hoeing ion my farm

~ Thursday

June 1. I spent the day on my farm

~ Friday

2nd In company with G. Q. Cannon I laid hands upon
James S Brown who had taken a severe cold & was
vary sick. He seemed to get relief by our administration
President Young relceive a letter from O Hyde saying
the Indians were murdering the Inhabitants wherever
they found them they had murdered one whole family
of 7 person & some others

Page 357

~ Saturday

June 3rd ^1865^
I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
38 person H C K sealed 8 couple W Woodruff 9.

~ Sunday

4th I met in the morning with my Quorum attended meeting
in the Bowery. W Woodruff & Joseph Young preached in the forenoon
& Joseph & Brigham Young in& H C Kimball in the Afternoon I
met with President Young & the Twelve for Prayer

~ Monday

5th In company with B Young & the Twelve & others I rode
to Provo taking dinner at Lehi 50 mils

~ Tuesday

6 we drove to Springville & held a meeting. J. Taylor G Q Cannon
& President Young spoke, ^15 [minutes]^ took dinner drove to the Indian Camp
say the Indians drove to Pason & spent the night 18 miles

~ Wednesday

7. President Young & company drove to the Indian farm
& held a treaty with the Indians. Col Irish the Agent
had called upon President Young to assist him to make
the treaty as he could not do any thing with them for
they would do as Brigham say. Mr Irish made a speech
& the Indian Chiefs made speeches, did not want to sell
there lands & go away they all took a stand against selling
there lands & going to Uinta valley. President Young made a
speech to ^10 [minutes]^ them toold them it was best for them to sign the
[treaty] & Explained to them the advantage it would be to them
they then said they would do as he said, but they wa-
nted to think of it untill next day. we then returned
to Pason & held a meeting. W. Woodruff & F. D. Richard
occupied the time. we spent the night with Brother Dixon 10 [miles]

~ Thursday

8. We rode to the Indian Farm had another meeting with
the Indians Chiefs & Braves after talking a while all the Chiefs
came foreward & signed the treaty except Sanpitch Walkers
Brother, who claims to be the main Chief he lay in his tent on
his face for about 2 days on his dignity, walker like, & would
not speak to any one. the other Chiefs went on & done their
business & paid no attention to him. after all was over
Sanpitch came foreward & wanted his presents & to sign the
treaty. He got some presents but afterwords had to come to
G S L City to sign the treaty. Col Johns of U S Armey
was present. Col Irish told him that he could not make

Page 358

any treaty with the Indians ownly through the influ-
ence of President Young. At the close of the treaty, we
rode to Spanish Fork & held a meeting President Young spoke
to the people followed ^20 [minutes]^ by John Taylor. I spent the night with Br Wilkins 10 m[iles]

~ Friday

9th We rode to Springville & held a meeting. F D Richards
W. Woodruff G. A. Smith & President Young ^20 [minutes]^ spoke to the people
we then returned to Pason & I spent the night with Br Dixon 10 m[iles]

~ Saturday

10. We met in the bowery at 10 oclok for a two days meeting
G. A. Smith G. Q. Cannon A. O. Smoot A. H. Raleigh E. Hunter
& B. Young spoke in the forenoon. ^15 [minutes]^ And in the Afternoon
President Young ^25 [minutes]^ John W. Young O Hyde R. T. Burton J. R.
J. Taylor & Brother Sloan all spoke in the afternoon

~ Sunday

11th June Sunday Met at 10 oclok. W. Woodruff spoke in the
morning 50 minutes followed by F. D. Richards. In the
Afternoon G. A. Smith, J. Taylor & President Young spoke
to the people. ^30 [minutes]^ we then rode to Provo & spent the night 12 m[iles]

~ Monday

12. We rode to Lehe took Dinner then rode to G. S. L. City 50 [miles]

~ Tuesday

13 I met in council with the Presidency & Twelve upon the
subject of the writings of Orson Pratt his work entitled the
Great first cause was read & rejected as fals doctrin.

~ Wednesday

14. In company with Presidents Young Kimball, & the Twelve
& others I visited Hon Mr Colfax, Gov Bowles & several others
we spent about two hours with them & had a free, social
interview they talked upon a variety of subjects among
the rest gold diging. President Young showed Mr Calfax
How much better off those were who had stayed at home
cultivated the Earth, & made improvements than those who
had gone to dig gold. Mr Colfax thought that if we did
not opened the mines ourselves that others will President
Young said if they opened mines in this Territory it would
be against all the faith I can Exercise betwen myself & my
God for they the people have spent $20 for Every one they
have obtained from the mines.

~ Thursday

15 I spent the day at the farm. My Daughter Nelle by Emma
was quite sick, with canker & fever Bishop Hoagland Joined
me in administering to her Gov Doty was buried to day

Page 359

~ Friday

June 16, 1865
I spent the day at the farm & night at home

~ Saturday

17. I spent the day at home, in the Endowment house. We gave
Endowments to 55 persons H C K sealed 8 couple W. W. 9,
G Q Cannon 16, & J Taylor 4 couple I read my Autiobiogr-
raphy in the Evening. Hon Mr Colfax speaker of the House of
Representatives of the Congress of the United States & his
company attended our Theater during the Evening & said he
never saw any thing better in a Theater said there was
ownly two Theaters west of New York City any better
than Salt Lake City Theater, & that our Location, city &
the manner it was Laid out was the best he Ever saw.

~ Sunday

18. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & spent
the fore part of the day in the Historyians Office, in committee
withe the Twelve & others getting up A petition to ^the^ President
of the United States Andrew Johnson to Appoint Col
Irish Govornor of Utah. Hon Schulyler Colfax was
also addressed by Note & requested to forward the same
to Washing^ton^

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

19 & 20 I spent the time at home

~ Wednesday

21. In company with President Young & others we drove
to Provo American Fork held a meeting at 4 oclok
G. Q. Cannon, L. Snow, Wm H. Hooper A. O. Smoot T. B. H. Stenhouse
G. A. Smith & President Young ^20 [minutes]^ all spoke to the people

A. H. Raleigh & myself spent the night at Mother Johnsons 35 [miles]

~ Thursday

22 We drove to Spanish Fork & held a meeting at 4 oclok
H. S. Eldridge Wm H Hooper E. F. Sheets John Smith L. Snow
G. A. Smith & J Taylor all spoke. I spent the night with Br Simmons

~ Friday

23rd We rode to Santaquin & held a meeting. W Woodruff F D.
Wm H Hooper J Taylor & B. Young spoke. ^35 [minutes]^ He said
when we arived here with our families we annulled Every
Law of man & was a Law unto ourselves we were free to do
all that was good but nothing that was wrong. we rode to Nephi 25 [miles]

~ Saturday

24. We met at 10 oclok in the New Meeting House to dedicate
it unto the Lord & to hold a 2 days meeting. G. A. Smith made
the dedication prayer. O Hyde J Taylor & President Young
spoke to the people ^40 Minutes^

Page 360

~ Sunday

Sunday June 25 1865
Meeting commenced at 10 oclok. W Woodruff Prayed
H. S Eldridge G. Q. Cannon & L Snow spoke in the forenoon
in the Afternoon President Young spoke ^34 [minutes]^ & reproved the
Merchants & said they would go to hell if they died not
repent & use their suprplus means for building up the
kingdom of God for they had got it out of the Saints
we travelled in the Evening to pason 24 miles

~ Monday

26. We rodes to Springville took breaksfast rode to American Fork
& held a meeting. F. D. Richards H. S. Eldridge W Woodruff
& President Young spoke to the people ^42 [minutes]^ 30 miles

~ Tuesday

27. We returned home 38 miles

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

28, & 30. I spent the time in my Garden.

~ Saturday

July 1. I spent the day in the Endowment House. H C K sealed 4
W. Woodruff 9, G. Q. Cannon 7 couple

~ Sunday

2nd Sunday I meet in the morning with my circle & attended
meeting in the Bowery. G. A. Smith & H. C. Kimball spoke in
the forenoon & Joseph W Young & G. Q. Cannon spoke in the
afternoon. I met with President Young & the Twelve for Prayer

~ Monday

I3 I spent the day on my farm

~ Tuesday

4th of July 1865 We had a Great celebration oin the city
of Great Salt Lake City. See the Account in Deserett News

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

5 & 6. I spent the time on my farm

~ Friday

July 7. In company with President Young the Twelve & others
I rode with Brother A. H. Raleigh to Lehi in a rain storm to
& dined at a public table then drove to Provo. 50 mils

~ Saturday

8. Wm Kidd was found dead in his house this morning in
Provo. I Attended the Coroner's inquest, it was proven that he
shot himself through the head yesterday with a horse pistol
which was found by his side, his pistol had 3 balls which
went in the forehead above the Eyebrows. He was a Bachelor
had No family. We met at the Bowery at 10 oclok for
a 2 days meeting. L. Snow opened the meeting, G. Q. Cannon
spoke 28 minutes L Snow 43, T. B. H. Stenhouse 25 minuts. Afternoon
W Woodruff opened By Prayer. F D Richards spoke 44 minutes
Joseph Bull, 8 minutes on the Deserett News G Q Cannon 13,
J Vancott 17 G. A. Smith, 4, Capt Hooper 15 minutes {meeting} closed
review of troops in the Evening

Page 361

~ Sunday

Sunday July 9, 1865

Meeting commenced at 10 oclok. J Taylor Prayed & spok
to the people 52 minutes W Woodruff 25 G. A. Smith 16 minutes
In the Afternoon Prayer By F. D. Richards Lorenzo Young spoke 43
minutes, John W Young 22, Samuel Richards 13. G. A. Smith
Presented the candidates for Election. We had a unanimous
vote for all. He spoke 9 minuts. President Young was not well
& did not speak untill the close then he spok 5 minute. we rode
to Springville & spent the night with Bishop Johnson 6 mil
We visited Brother Bringhurst Bee stand in the Evening it was
a good sight in Utah He had 16 stand & all doing well swa[rm]ing
& filling their hives with honey

~ Monday

10 We drove to Santaquin & held a meeting A H Raleigh Prayed
L Snow spoke 25 minutes G Q Cannon 30, Joseph W Young 24
G. A. Smith Attended to the Election Politics &c 12 minutes President
B Young spoke 17 minutes wished all the families out to get in the
town settlement & not expose there families to danger

we drove to Nephi I stoped with Edward Oakey 36 miles
we held a meeting in the Evening. Prayer By W. Woodruff
G. D. Watt spoke 8 minutes, A. H. Raleigh 13, Joseph W Young 10,
Lorenzo Young 8, H W Brazee 2 minutes J. Vancott 16, W Woodruff
10 minutes on Prayer G. Q. Cannon 10 minuts L Snow dismissed

~ Tuesday

11th We drove to Fountain Green & to Morroni, & held a meeting
at 1 oclok prayer By F. D. Richards G Q. Cannon spok 29 minutes
Samuel Richards 22, J Vancott 14 L Snow 19, dismissed
we drove to Mount Plesant & spent the night 32 miles

~ Wednesday

12. We met in the Bowery at 10 oclok for a two days meeting
L. Snow opened By Prayer. Lorenzo Young spoke 37 minutes T B H. Sten-
18, Joseph W Young 25 G. Q. Cannon 25. Afternoon
Prayer By J Taylor Joseph Bull spoke 10 minuts John Taylor 36
L Snow 23, G A Smith 30 minutes W Woodruff dismissed

~ Thursday

13 Meeting commenced at 10 oclok. Prayer By Joseph W. Young
W Woodruff spoke 38 minutes F. D. Richards 42, G A Smith 15
G Q Cannon Dismissed. Afternoon Prayer By G. D. Watt
President Young Spoke to the people 58 minutes. He said that the whole
curse of the Earth had got to be taken off from the Earth by the
Latter day Saints. We have got to be sanctified & sanctify all

Page 362

the Earth & we have got to begin by sanctifying our own
hearts first & then spread out. How many of the children
of this people are Entitled to the Holy Priesthood & the Blessings
of Abraham all who are born after their parents have received
their Endowments & are sealed & all others will have to be adopted
to their parents. All who want the Blessings of Abram
Isaac & Jacob go & get your Endowments before you get
married. then all your children will be heirs to the
priesthood. their is no son has a right to the Priesthood
& heirship unless their parents had their Endowments
before they were born such must be adopted to their
parents or they have no right to the heirship. Let no youth
get married untill they get their Endowments & get sealed
at the Altar. If young men knew what was for their
good they would go hundreds of miles to get married
right before they would do as many have. Our boys who
are guided by a right hand will be mighty men ^of God^ in the
Earth. The Lord instituted Polygamy to raise up a royal
Priesthood a kingdom of Priest, it is an institution of heaven
all the blessings that are sealed upon us will do us no good unless
we live for them {Remember son Wilford}. The Lord has in store for his children
Every good thing the heart can desire in righteousness. The
Celestial kingdom will be on this Earth to us when we are
celestial with the Earth. The Earth when it fell went Millions
of miles from the presence of God & when it returns back it will
go millions of miles from its present position to whare it came
from. Whare is the Mechanic that has knowlede Enough to lay
the first cornor stone of the New Jerrusalem {God might reveal this to someone}
Ancient Israel the seed of Abraham was not found worthy
to keep the Melchezedeck Priesthood, what then is to be done.
The Lord said I will in the Last days raise up a generation of
Men, a royal Priesthood who would come forth to redeem the death
of Israel as well as the Liveing. This is our work ye latter Day
Saints. Then rise up ye Latter Day Saints of God & do the work
of God required at your. The Lord Acknowledged Ancient Israel
because they were the best there was, but there was not light Enough

Page 363

to light one match. The breath of this people would sanctify the Camp
of Israel
as it was Anciently. And now I will say to all the people get
your Endowments & be sealed, then your children will be legal heirs
to the priesthood & Birth right if this is not the case with you your
children will have to be sealed to you. Capt Hooper then spoke 5 minutes
President Young then returned thanks to the people for their kindness to
him & his company. I do not feel worthy to receive the blessings that
I Enjoy. I have lived to see the day that I can travel all the time in the
midst of Saints And I will say to all the Saints lay aside all your
Business & come to meeting & hear what I & my brethren say to you
He spoke 5 minutes. Br Vancott spoke in Danish 15 minutes G. D. Watt 10.
Meeting was dismissed by President Young. He blessed the people
we rode in the rain to Springtown & spent the night with Br Ellis 6 m[iles]

~ Friday

14 We divided our company Prosident Young & co stoped to hold
a meeting at Springtown. G A. Smith W. Woodruff L Snow F. D. Richards
& G. D. Watt went onto Fort Ephraim to hold a meeting at 12 {oclok}
we arived at Fort Ephraim at 11 oclok 11 mils
we learned to day that A man by the name of Robert Geillespie was
killed by Indians on the Evening of the 12 inst. his body was carried
to day atto Mount Plesant whare he lived. A man by the name of Harris
was with him & got away. We commenced our Meeting at 12
Prayer by J. Vancott W Woodruff spoke 10 minutes. J Vancott spoke
in Danish 15. L Snow spoke 12 minutes. The congregation had
an intimission, & went out & formed in a line to meet the President
& co. after they arived we all again assembled in the meeting house
& G. A. Smith spok 15 minutes G Q Cannon 30, F D Richards 12 1/2
Capt Wm Hooper 11, & President Young 10 minutes

At the meeting in Springtonwn T. B. H. Stenhouse spoke 35 minutes John Taylor
40 minutes & President Young 4 minutes. We learn to day that the Indians
killed another man by the name of Johnson of springville.

At the close of the meeting we drove to mManti. L. Snow A. H. Raleigh &
my self stoped at the House of a Danish Brother by the Name of Rasmus S
10 mils

~ Saturday

15. We met in a Bowary at Manti to hold a 2 days Meeting. A company
of 50 men went out to try to overtake & punish the Indians who were killing
the people. Col Warren S Snow washad charge of the command

Page 364

Our Meeting opened by prayer by W. Woodruff John Taylor
spoke 28 minutes (while speaking it was found that many had loaded
guns in the congregation all that were loaded was taken out & stashed
outside & a guard put over them). Lorenzo Snow spoke 31 minutes
W Woodruff 26 minutes, & President Young 13 minutes
Afternoon Prayer By A. H. Raleigh, G. Q. Cannon spoke 32 minutes
G A Smith 25 upon politics & Election, Capt Hooper 9 minutes
Lorenzo Young 15 minutes. At the Dismissal of the meeting By G A Smith
The Military had a review

~ Sunday

16. Sunday We had a hard rain we met in the meeting house
& President Young spoke one hour & 12 Minutes. He advised
the people to get up 100 well disiplined, Mounted, men & to be in
readiness at a moments warning to defend you against all
Indians, & do oyour duty & say nothing to any man & call upon
Nobody to help yoo for you are able to help yourselves if a man
will not let his horse or saddle go make him go with it & defend
it & if he says he will not go tell him that he will go. Use up thes
wicked Indians who are killing the inhabitants & if these indians
who profess to be friendly will not help bring them to justice, do
not let them stay with you but treat them as Enemies, &
if white man will not help make him. There is not a Blessing
on Earth or in heaven that is good but what is ordained for a
good man. A wicked man cannot have them but a short time
while the good will inherit them forever. President Young spoke
upon the word of wisdom how hard it was for us to overcome but
"I will not let an appetite or passion master me. No man will
get rich by Joining hands [with] wicked men & devils.["] O Hyde followed
& spoke 5 minutes. J Taylor Dismissed the Meeting. President Young
Blessed the people. We took Dinner & rode to Moroni 22 mils
I spent the night with Brother Anderson it was cold & raining I
was quite sick through the night with the Cholera Morbus.

~ Monday

17. I was quite sick this morning. We rode through the mud
on a walk to Fountain Green, then a Better road down the canyon
to Lehi ^Nephi^ I took Dinner with Br Oaky, but spent 2 hours in bed
then rode to Pason & spent the night at Brother Dixons. 45 mi[les]

~ Tuesday

18. we rode to Lehi & spent the night we had a meeting 36 m[iles]

Page 365

in the Evening prayer by W. Woodruff. G. Q. Cannon spoke 27 m[inutes]
Phineas Richards spoke 24 minutes on life, health, & medicine. President
Young spoke 20 minutes on disease & its cures He said for the gravel
use onions, or wintergreen. For the piles or costiveness use the syrange
for sore Eyes put wet Earth in a rag & put on the Eyes, for heart
burn let the wind go downwards & not upwards J Taylor Dismissed
I spent the night with Daniel Thomas.

~ Wednesday

19. We returned home to Great Salt Lake City. 30 m[iles]

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

20 & 21. I spent my time getting up Hay & in the garden. My hay
was all nearly spoiled in consequenced of so much rain

~ Saturday

22nd I spent the day in the Endowment House. We gave Endowments to
34 person. H. C. K. sealed 2 couple G Q Cannon 13, W Woodruff 4.

~ Sunday

23. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & prayed
I Attended Meeting all day in the Bowery. Daniel Spencer G Q Can-
& Lorenzo Young spoke in the forenoon in the power of God
& John Taylor in the Afternoon I met in the Evening with
Presidents Young & Kimball & the Twelve for prayer. B. Yogung
Prayed & H. C. Kimball was mouth

~ Monday

24. July The An^n^aiversary of the Arival of the Pioneers in this valley
I spent most of the day in writing & work in my Garden. In the
Evening I attended a party in the Evening at the Social Hall in honor
of the Anniversary of the pionerers I went home at intermission

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

25 to 28 I spent this time on my farm Howing corn, cane, potatoes &
I cut some oats & a little wheat.

~ Saturday

29. I spent the day in the Endowment House. We gave Endowments to
[blank] persons B. Young sealed [blank] couple H C Kimball [blank] couple W W-
oodruff [blank] couple & G Q Cannon [blank] couple. Brother Cannon had
Elizabeth Tinney sealed to him to day. I had about 3 Bushels currants
picked pressed out the Juice & mad some wine. I put as much
water to the pumace as I had pure Juce then pressed again & put
the liquor all together & put in 2 lbs crushed sugar to the gallon

~ Sunday

30. Sunday I did not attend my prayer circle this morning
I attended Meeting in the Bowery. David Fulmer preached in the
morning 30 minutes followed By John Taylor 55 minutes

~ Monday

31. I had 3 acres of wheat cut raked & bound I done a good share
of it myself in the raking & buinding

Page 366

~ Tuesday

Aug 1st 1865
President Young & Kimball & company including the Twelve
left G. S. L. City & rode to kays ward took dinner & held a
meeting at half past 2 oclok. Prayer by F D Richards. H C
Kimball spoke 25 Minutes John Taylor 25 President Young 10.
G Q Cannon Dismissed. We then rode to Ogden & spent the
night with Bishop Wests. The Presidency at Br Farr. 40 m[iles]

~ Wednesday

2nd We drove to Willow Creek, held a meeting in the bowery
G Q Cannon Prayed W. Woodruff spoke 15 minuts G Q C. 12,
H. C. Kimball ^20^ F D Richards 22. H C Kimball spoke again 14
T B H Stenhouse 9, L Snow 4 minuts then J Taylor dismissed
we took Dinner then rode to Brigham City whare the company
stoped for the night. I drove on to the Musketoe settlement 4 mils
further & spent the night with Robert & Susan Scholes 25 mil
musketoes were in clouds smoke fires had to be build to live

~ Thursday

3rd I drove to Brigham City Joined the company & drove
through Box Elder Canyon to Wellsville in cash county. Dined
& held a meeting in the Bowery. G D Watt Prayed H C K.
spoke 45 minuts, G. Q. Cannon 20, J Taylor 15 minuts the meeting
closed & we drove to Logan I spent the night with Bishop
Maughn the Presidency at Brother Bensons 32 miles

~ Friday

4. I spent the day in Logan & attended a rigmental review
at 1 oclok there were some 800 under arms. E. T. Benson was
Elected Brigadeier General & other officers appointed & a Brigade
organized. We had a dance in the Evening

~ Saturday

5 We met in a Bowery 108 feet long 80 wide for a 2 days
meeting. J Taylor prayed. J. D Ross spoke 18 minuts H C Kim-
spoke one hour & 7 minuts. In the Afternoon G. Q. Cannon
President Young spoke 45 minutes J Taylor 45 T B H Stenhouse 15
I met at noon with the Bishops to obtain the statistics of the
water Irrigation, ditches grain raised &c

~ Sunday

6. Sunday Met at 10 oclok. L Snow praiyed. W Woodruff spoke
42 minutes F. D. Richards 38, President Young 23 minuts
In the Afternoon W Woodruff Prayed, G Q Cannon spok 45
minutes, C. C. Rich 20, John W Young 7 20 H S Eldridg 12 G D
25 & President Young 20 minutes at the close of the meeting
I rode to Wellsville the company remained at Logan 10 mils

Page 367

~ Monday

^7^ Aug 7, 1865
I cast my vote at Wellsville & rode to Brigham City then
drove to R Scholes 4 miles North lef[t] Mrs P W Woodruff & ret[urn]ed
to Box Elder & spent the night at L. Snows 30 miles

~ Tuesday

8. We met in the bowery at 10 oclok for a 2 days meeting F D Richards
Prayed. The Bowery is 124 feet long & 52 wide G. D. Watt spok 45 m[inutes]
H S Eldridge 22, President Young 13 minutes in the Afternoon
G Q. Cannon Prayed, & John R Winder spoke 11 minuts J. D. Ross
spoke 20 m Henry Lawrence 15 John W. Young 7, H. C. Kimball 35 minuts
T B H Stenhouse 15. President Young spoke 15 minuts in a vary intere-
sting manner urged the importance of attending to the duties of today
& never mind about the past or future, the resurrection or anything
Els But do right to day & all would be well. At the close of the meet-
ing the Military were called out for inspection

~ Wednesday

9 We Met at 10 oclok W. Woodruff Prayed George Snider spoke 12 m[inutes]
John Taylor one hour & 7 minuts H C Kimball spoke 23 minuts
Afternoon G Q Cannon prayed, F. D. Richards spoke 33 minuts
G Q Cannon 21 W Woodruff 19 C C Rich 18 President Young 19
spok 35 minuts when Meeting was dismissed

~ Thursday

10. We drove to Ogden & stoped with Brother Wests 22 mils
we held a Meeting in the Tabernacle G D Watt Prayed. President
Young spoke 28 minuts H. C. Kimball 17, John Taylor 28
W Woodruff 25 G Q Cannon 18, C C Rich 13 & F D Richards 3 m
At the close of the meeting we met in council at Brother Farrs
& herd letters read from England one Elder Parker had
Been guilty of whoredoms & Charles Benson of Drunkness

~ Friday

11. we rode to G S. L. City 40 mls

~ Saturday

12 I spent the day in my Garden I received 3 Letters 2 from
Wilford & felt to rejoice that he was doing so well

~ Sunday

13 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. Attended
Meeting in the Bowery W Woodruff preached 45 minuts G Q Cannon
35 minuts. In the Afternoon President Young spoke one
hour & 35 minutes in a vary plain & pointed manner to saints
& sinners I met with the presidency & 12 for prayer
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to my son Wilford May God Bless him

~ Monday

14 I labored vary hard puling weeds in my Garden

~ Tuesday

15 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
20 persons H. C. K sealed 3 couple W Woodruff 8 & G Q Cannon 9 couple

Page 368

~ Wednesday

Aug 16 ^1865^
I spent the day at my farm mowing wheat

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

17 & 18. I spent the time Harvesting my wheat

~ Saturday

19. A crown I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 25. G. Q. Cannon sealed 11, W. Woodruff 4 couple. I Baptized
Sister Sprague in the New Font for & in Behalf of his first [wife]
wEliza Caroline Everatt Sprague this was the first Baptism
in the Font. we had a thunder storm in the Evening. Brother
G. A. Smith returned from his southern Mission on the 14 inst

~ Sunday

20 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attend
meeting in the Tabernacle. H. C. Kimball spoke in the morning
& G. A. Smith & President Young in the Afternoon I met
with the Twelve for prayer.

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

21, , 23. I spent the time on my farm stacking wheat &
watering corn

~ Thursday

A hand pointing to the right 24 I spent the day choreing I got a letter from Wilford

~ Friday

25 In company with President Young & the 12 I rode to E. T.
was met at the black ^rock^ by an Escort, And the Grantsville
Marshall Band Numbering 15 dressed in home made gray
uniform. some were boys 9, 11, & 13 years yet they played
well. We partook of a public feast & held a Meeting in the
bowery. President Young spoke 20 minutes & H C Kimball 23.
G. A. Smith Dismissed the meeting. We drove to Toolele City
& spent the night 36 miles

~ Saturday

26. We met in the bowery at 10 oclok for a 2 days Meeting
G. Q. Cannon spoke 20 minutes President Young spoke 20 minute
John Taylor spoke 46 minutes. Afternoon Prayer by Lorenzo Young
Joseph F. Smith spoke 45 minutes, spoke well the spirit & mantle of
the prophets was upon him. D. J. Ross spoke 23 minute upon the Military
G. A. Smith spoke 25 minutes. Meeting Dismissed by W Woodruff
Col Ross reviewed the Militia in the Evening.

~ Sunday

27. Sunday Meeting opened at 10 oclok. Prayer by John Taylor
H C Kimball spok 63 minutes G. A. Smith spok 57 minuts
& gave an account of the Destruction of two Nations who have inhab-
ited this continent Because of sin, & iniquity & the sure destruction
of the American Nation who now inhabit it when the cup of their
iniquity is full. Afternoon prayer by W Woodruff, who also spoke

Page 369

235 minutes F. D. Richards spoke 25 Minutes President Young
made the closing speech spoke 30 minuts & blessed the people at the
close of the meeting we drove to G. S. L. City 36 mils

~ Monday

28. I furnished the Editor of the Daily Telegraph with Notes
of our trip & spent the day choreing

~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday

29, & 31. I spent the time in my gGarden & orchard gathering peaches

~ Friday

Sept 1. I spent the day on my farm gathering wheat & stacking
it, there was a cold wind in the North & some rain I took a
severe cold on my Longs & was nearly sick at night

~ Saturday

2nd I spent the fore part of the day at the farm we had rain
during the night it is quite cool, the fall crops & weather seems
one Month Earlier than it did last year my corn is ripe
& I am cuting it up my cane is as foreward ias it was last
year the 4th of Oct when I made it up I had a sick night. I
paid my taxes to day for 1865 $54.50 I also selted [settled] with
Mrs Jacksons she leaves for Sanbarnedo

~ Sunday

3rd Sept Sunday I arose sick was not able to attend meeting
R. L. Campbell & Hugh Finley spoke in the forenoon & President
Young spoke in the Afternoon a good sermon E T Benson bore testimony

~ Monday

4. Monday in company with President Young, The Twelve & others
I left Great S. L. City to visit St. George. I went with Brother
Robinson. we traveled to Lehi I had my Daughter Bulah with
me. we spent the night with Brother Hatch. we had a public dinner
at the school house. A Meeting was held in the Meeting House
President Young spoke 20 Minutes E. T. Benson spoke, 15 Minutes
G. Q. Cannon spoke 15 Minuts, C. C. Rich spok 11 Minuts, L.
spok 15 Minutes I wrote a letter to Mrs Woodruff and
A hand pointing to the right informed her that Solomon Wixon had left the farm & run
away with Mrs Jackson. 30 Miles

~ Tuesday

5. Traveled to Goshen on the west side of the lake, spent the night
with John Morgan. (Wm Larkin was pound keeper.) We held
a Meeting in the bowery. F D Richards spoke 13 Minuts, President
Young 31, E T Benson 17, Lorenzo Snow 14 Minuts G Q Cannon Dismissed 34 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

6. We drove to Nephi. A Military inspection was held &
a Meeting was held at 4 {oclock}. Prayer By G. Q. Cannon E. T ^30 M[iles]^
Benson spoke 55 Minuts, C. C. Rich 17, W Woodruff 16, F D Richards 13,

Page 370

G. A. Smith 18 [minutes], Bishop Bryon 2, & President Young spoke 15 Minuts

~ Thursday

7. We drove to Round Valley, & held a Meeting President ^40 M[iles].^
Young spoke 32 Minuts, W. Woodruff 15, C C Rich 10 G Q Cannon 9
E T Benson 24 & Presidt Young 10 Minutes. W Woodruff dismissed
we had a hard windy stormy night

~ Friday

8 It is a cold stormy Morning it is snowing, the Mountains &
hills are covered with snow. The Animals are all shivering with
cold we drove through the snow to Filmore. We held a Meeting 25 M[iles]
Bishop Nichols opened By Prayer. G. Q. Cannon spoke 26 Minuts
C. C. Rich 21, E T Benson 20, W Woodruff 20 Minuts L Snow Dismissed
We held a dance in the evening in the State House. it snowed in the night

~ Saturday

9th We held a Meeting in the State House. Prayer By A O Smoot.
L. Snow spoke 31 Minuts E. D. Woolley 28, G. A. Smith 2, Presidents spok
Young spok 50 Minuts. said the Military were subject to the
Priesthood as well as any other part of the kingdom. G. D. Watt Dismissed
We drove to Corn Creek & spent the night with Peter Robinson 14 [miles]
A hand pointing to the right John Freeman & Hall are setled here. I wrote to Mrs Woodruff

~ Sunday

10. We drove to Cove Creek & Nooned. I Stodard bought ought
the place for a herd ground. At the top of the divide we were
met by Bishop Murdock & an Escort. we then drove to Bever
& spent the night with Brother Cartwright 50 [miles].

~ Monday

11. Thare had been a frost for several knights past & killed every
green thing thousands of Acres of late wheat & corn were lost
We held a Meeting at 10 oclok. Prayer by G. Q. Cannon W Woodruff
spoke 30 Minuts G Q Cannon 26 F D Richards 18, E Snow 30,
President Young spok 3 Minuts. G. D. Watt Dismissed. Afternoon
Prayer By Bishop Hess. E D Woolley spoke 38 Minuts E T Benon
18, G. A. Smith 10. President Young spok 42 Minuts & said Let
all persons live above those they reprove & not reprove for things
thay practize themselves. G. A. Smith Dismissed the Meeting.
A Military Drill was Held in the Evening under the inspection of Burton & Ross

~ Tuesday

12. I was sick last night. We left Bever & drove to Parawan 36 Mils
A Lyman met with us here. We held a meeting in the Evening
Prayer by E D. Woolley. E. T. Benson spok 53 Minuts L Snow
16 ^M^ G. Q. Cannon Dismissed.

~ Wednesday

13th We had a Military drill in the Morning & a Meeting at 10 oclok

Page 371

E T. Benson Prayed President Young spoke 40 Minuts G. Q Cann-
30, W Woodruff 22, G. A. Smith Dismissed.

Afternoon Prayer by G. D. Watt G A Smith spok 16 Minuts
C C Rich 20, D J Ross 21 President Young spok 23 Minuts. He said
of [if] this people will do their duty in all things they will never have
to take up weapons against their Enemies as a people He dismissed
We drove to Ceder City & Held a meeting President Young spok 3 Minut
G. Q. Cannon 12 G. D. Watt 5 C. C. Rich 8, & W Woodruff 5 Minuts
L Farr Dismissed. I spent the night with Brother Height. 20 M[iles].

~ Thursday

14. We drove to Tokerville & spent the night with Albert Minnerly 40 [miles].
We held a Meeting in the Evening Prayer by L Snow. A Lyman
spoke 30 Minuts C. C. Rich 15 G. Q. Cannon 12, G. A. Smith 9, L Snow 10,
President Young spok 22 Minuts W Woodruff dismissed.

~ Friday

15 We drove to Washington & held a Meeting after dining G Q Cannon
prayed. President Young spok 11 Minuts G Q Cannon 6, E. T. Benson
10, G A Smith 2 Minuts. We then rode to St George 25 Miles
I stoped with Brother Copeland. The company scattered through
the Town. We had a hard sandy road through Most of the day

~ Saturday

16 Saturday We met in a large Bowery in St George for a two
days Meeting. We had a large congregation of familliar faces
E. D. Woolley Prayed, G. Q. Cannon spoke 22 Minuts, C C Rich 18,
F D Richards 43, G. A. Smith 12 Minuts A Lyman dismissed
Afternoon Prayer By Bishop Hess. R Burton spoke 23 Minuts
D J Ross 20, President Young 50 Minuts E T Benson Dismissed

~ Sunday

17 Sunday Prayer By G D Watt. L Snow spok 45 Minuts E T Ben-
40, J R Winder 17, & W Woodruff 17 Minuts

W Woodruff said Those who have attended this meeting yesterday
& to day herd a great variety of subjects spoken upon it is this
eternal variety that makes the heavens & the Earth so interesting
to immortal beings, it would be a great calamity if the Lord
created all the Human family alike if they all looked just alike
we could not find our wives unless they had there names written
upon there bonnets, parents could not find their children, nor
children there parents. Now here is the Presidentcy & Twelve there
is no two of them that look alike or preach alike, their minds
run in different channels yet they preach by the same spirit

Page 372

There is not a Better or handsomer set of men to be found
upon the Earth than they are. I am the most homely man
among them, so they let me say about what I am a mind to
but if I get much out of the way, President Young is here to correct
me as it is his place to correct all the Errors of the Church.
It is a hard Matter for the Lord to Esstablish his Church
& kingdom upon an Earth whare the devil has power & dom-
inion & reigns over the hearts of the children of men & it
would be an impossibility for the Lord to build up his kingdom
upon this Earth if he could not get some element, even some
of the children of men to work with him, and this has been
the difficulty since the creation of the world, that the Devil has
ruled over the hearts of the children of men to that degree that
the Lord could not find men Enough upon the Earth who would
submit for the Lord to rule over them, & lead them sufficient to build
up his kingdom to remain upon the Earth. Even in the days of
Enoch the Lord had to take him & his company off from the
Earth because they could not live upon it. [Moses 7:69] The Lord has now
set his hand one more for the Last time to Esstablish his kingdom
upon the Earth to remain, to overcome the Devil & his works &
subdue the Earth, & the Lord has decreed that this should be accomplished
and the Lord has taken all the pains in his power to Accomplish it
He has brought forth the best spirits that Ever dwelt in His
presence, to come forth upon the Earth to work with him in the
accomplishment of this work. Even Joseph Smith was retained
in the Heavens for seven thousands years to come forth in
this day to lay the foundation of this Church & kingdom to
be t[h]rown down no more forever, nor to be given in to the hands of
another people. The same is the case with the Presidency, Twelve
& many others in this Church & kingdom & the Lord has sent
his Angels to watch over them from the day they were
born untill now, to presevrve them from the power of the devil
who has sought there destruction from the beginning. And
we have visited the Nations of the Earth, for the last thirty years
to gather together the seed of Ephraim, the best spirits that
dwell upon the Earth into these vallies of the Mountains to

Page 373

assist in esstablishing this great & last kingdom of our
God upon the Earth to remain forever, & the Lord Almighty
is inspiring his servants with the spirit of his work, &
the Holy Priesthood, & is arming them with power to accom-
plish his purposes upon the Earth. Joseph Smith was the promised
seed to come forth to lay the Foundation of the kingdom, see what
he has Accomplished. He labored but 14 years, 2 Months, & 18 days
from the time He first organized the Church of Christ upon the
Earth, then He sealed his Testimony with his blood and all his
Father's family died as Marters & will be crowned in the presence of
God (Except William, if he had been a good man he would have
been in the spirit world with his family Fathers family long ago
but he has not been fit to live or die.) Joseph the Prophet during
his short labor laid the foundation of this great kingdom that
Daniel saw. [Daniel 2:26-47] He organized the Church & Kingdom with a full
& complete organization, sent the gospel in its fullness & glory
to the Nations of the Earth, gathered tens of thousands of Saints built
Temples & founded cities, gave Endowments to the Twelve Apostles
Elders & Saints & sealed all the Keys of the kingdom of God upon
The Twelve Apostles & Brigham Young as there President.
President Young is before you, look at him, he has the Appearance
of a Man about 40 years of Age, He is 64. He has travelled more
Miles, Attended More Meetings, Preached More sermons,
delivered unto the people more of the word of the Lord, revelation
prophesy, principle, sealed more blessings upon the heads of the
children of Men, united more in the Marriage Covenant,
Administered more of the ordinances of the House of God, Attended
to more branches of business, had more wives, Raised up more
children, created more recreation for the youth to keep them
out of the clutches of the devil, danced more cotilions, Built
more Temples, Tabernacles, Meeting Houses, school Houses, dwell-
ings & made more improvements & done more for the salv-
ation of Man, & the redemption of the Earth than any
man that Ever dwelt in flesh during the space of 30 years,
He has brought more to pass & Accomplished more in
30 years than the Early patriarchs did in 500 years

Page 374

Why is all this, it is because the Lord is agoing to make a short
work on the Earth, in the last days, & cut his work short in righteous-
ness. [Romans 9:28] He is inspiring his servants with the power of God & the
spirit of his work, & a desire to build up his kingdom & Mount
as Men have Never before been inspired. This great
& mighty work is put into your hands to perform ye saints
of latter days. No greater work can be given into the hands
of Men in the flesh. Then rise up ye Saints of God & do the
work required of you & the Lord will work with you, sustain
you & redeem you & give you power to Accomplish all
that has been promised through the Mouth of all the Holy Apostles
& Prophets since the world began which may God grant for Christ sake Amen
G A Smith Dismissed the Meeting

Afternoon Prayer By F. D. Richards. E D Woolley spok 27 M[inutes]
A Lyman 3, W. Woodruff 22, Bishop Hess 4, G A Smith 15,
E Snow 10. President Young spok 10 Minuts Blessed the people & dismissed

~ Monday

Sept 18. The Militia met this morning. I spent the fore part of
the day in St George visiting. In the Afternoon I drove to Harmony
Washington, & Harrisburgh & spent the night 15 Mils

~ Tuesday

19. Brother Samuel Gould is 80 year old & the smartest man I ever
saw of his Age. He told me to day he had cradled 10 Acres of grain in
a day. He cradled 5 Acres of heavy wheat in a day for Charles
in Parawan had mowed 4 Acres of grass in a day in
New York could now cradle two Acres of wheat in a day at
80 years of Age. President Young passed through Harrisburgh
to day to Tokerville. We held a Meeting at 11 oclok

Bishop Nichols, prayed Samuel Smith spok 10 Minuts, Joseph
L. Robinson
15, Alvin Nichols 25 J B Nobles 10, L Snow dismised
Afternoon F. D. Richards Prayed E. T. Benson spoke 35 Minuts
L Snow 30, F D Richards 25, W Woodruff 15 G. A. Smith Dismissed
A Meeting was held at Washington at 4 oclok ^18 m[iles]^ Br Musser prayed
L Farr spoke 20 Minuts L Snow 20, G Q Cannon 15 G& dismissed

~ Wednesday

20. We rode through the sand & uphill to Harmony 30 M[iles]
we held a Meeting L Snow prayed W Woodruff spok 12 Minutes
G. A. Smith 31, G Q Cannon 15 E D Woolley 10, President Young 9,
He said build together get a place that will not wash away & G A S. dismissed

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~ Thursday

Sept 21, 1865
We drove from Harmony to Cedar. We had a public dinner ^22 Miles^
& a dance in the Evening

~ Friday

22 We held a Meeting at 10 oclok W Woodruff spoke 35 Minuts G A Smith 10,
L Snow 51 E. T. Benson Dismissed. Afternoon F D Richards prayed
E T Benson spoke 30 Minuts G. Q. Cannon 20, F D Richards 26, President
B Young 13 Minuts. He said that this people are the best people that Ever
dwelt upon the Earth. they have advanced far more in the same
time than the people of Enoch did. G Q Cannon dismissed

We drove to Parawan & spent the night. I stoped at C Fremans 20 [miles]
We held a Meeting in the Evening F. D. Richards spoke 47 Minuts
E T Benson 7, G Q Cannon 12. L Snow dismissed

~ Saturday

23rd we drove to Bever & spent the night with John Mathews 35 M[iles].

~ Sunday

24. Sunday We held a Meeting at the Bowery. L Snow Prayed
W Woodruff spok 25 Minutes E. T. Benson 35 G Q Cannon 38
W Woodruff Dismissed. Afternoon F D Richards Prayed L Snow
spoke 50 Minuts F. D. Richards 22 G. A. Smith 20, President Young
spoke 40. He spoke his Feelings in great plainness concerning O.
& his publications He said Orson Pratt would go to Hell.
Joseph Smith said he would when Orson said that he would
believe his wife Sarah before he would Joseph Smith. He will go
to Hell as Joseph said. He would sell this people for gold. what would
I give for such an Apostle, not much and yet we hold him in
Fellowship, in the Church. I will also say to those who have taken
the advantage of the Brethren in the South in there poverty and
oppressed them they will go to Hell, and God will bless those
who obey council, have gone south, & done there duty if they are
poor. Whare is the man that has got property by asking the Lord for
it, that when he obtains it asks the Lord for wisdom to dispose of it
I have saved my land warrants so as to secure my land if they
come into Marked. have any of you done the same? He dismissed the M[eeting]
I visited Bartons New Mill the bottom stone runs 340 revolutions
per minuts insted of the top stone. He makes from 40 to 45 lb of flour
from a Bushel with the toll out

~ Monday

25 We drove to Cove Creek, Nooned then drove to Corn Creek & ^50 M[iles]^
spent the night with Brother Robinson we held a Meeting E D Woolley
Prayed C. C. Rich spoke 30 Minuts W. Woodruff 35 E D Woolley 19

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W Woodruff dismissed. President Young & others drove to Fillmore

~ Tuesday

26. We drove to Fillmore took Breakfast with Brother Robinson who
was sick with the consumpsion. we administered to him. We
held a meeting in the State House. L Snow prayed. L Snow spoke
28 Minutes E. D. Woolley 10. W Woodruff dismissed F D Richards
25, G Q Cannon 14 C C Rich 8, E. T. Benson 12. President Young
spok 40 Minuts. In speaking of the daughter of Zion He said
ye Elders & young men court up the girls & marry them & not let
them go to the gentiles. I cannot take them all. If any woman
does not want me more than any other man on Earth I do not want
her, let her have her choice I am not under the necessity of driv-
ing away any Elder to get a wife. I have chances Enough. how
shall we build up the kingdom of God by sanctifying the Lord God
in our hearts. President Young dismissed & blessed the people
we drove to round valley & spent the night [with] Brother Panter 25 Mils
We held a Meeting in the Evening. G Q Cannon prayed. President
Young spoke 24 Minuts W. Woodruff spoke 30 Minuts & the spirit
of God
rested upon me [with] power I told the people we had visited the Saints
all summer to prepare them to be sanctified before the Lord that they
might have power to build up the kingdom of God & prepare for
his coming. President Young spoke again 10 Minuts & changed
the Name of Round Valley to Sipio. E. T. Benson spoke 15 M[inutes]. B Young dismissed

~ Wednesday

27 We drove to Nephi & spent the night with Brother Oakey 40 m[iles]
We held a Meeting. John W Young Prayed. F. D. Richards spoke 19 M[inutes]
G. Q. Cannon 30, C. C. Rich 12. L Farr dismissed the Meeting

~ Thursday

28 We drove to Santaquin Dined with David H Holladay 18 mils
we then drove to Springville & stoped with Brother Rollins 18 mil
We held a Meeting G. Q. Cannon Prayed L Snow spoke 23 Minuts, E. T.
^ A folded letter/box^ Benson 35, W Woodruff 22. I received A Letter from James J. Woodruff

~ Friday

29. We drove to Provo took Breakfast, drove to Lehi took dinner, then drove
to G. LS. L. City & spent the night at home. Brother Robinson had a fine span ^54 m[iles]^
of large Mares which had carried us to dixey & back & had fed them
every meal himself untill he got to Lehi there another Man fed them
gave them half a Bushels of oats considerable wheat in it one of
the Mares was sick before we got home. we took the Harness off &
doctered her till past mid night but she died before Morning

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We gave her cayanne, Hen dung, salt & water, she died with the bloat
A Brother Smith said if we had bled her in the mouth & given
her a table spoone full of powdered Indigo with salt on the top of
it pulled out her tongue & layed it onto the roots of it that it would
removed the wind in her

~ Saturday

30. We buried the mare this morning in my garden & Brother
Robinson left for home I spent the day at home.

~ Sunday

Oct 1. Sunday I met with my prayer Circle & Attended Meeting
all day. G. Q. Cannon spoke 50 Minuts F D Richards 30 M
Afternoon President Young spok 5 Minuts W Woodruff 42
Robert Williams 7, E D Woolley 10 Minuts & J C Little Dismissed

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

2nd & 5 I spent this time inat my farm making Molasses

~ Friday

Oct 6. The General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints commenced this Morning at 10 oclok in the
Bowery. The 2 presidents B. Young & H. C. Kimball & Eleven of the
Twelve were present all except Orson Pratt who was in England.
Prayer by John Taylor. H. C. Kimball made the opening address &
spoke 65 Minuts A Randle 43. Elder Sloan dismissed
Afternoon G Q Cannon Prayed E Snow spoke one hour & 10 Minuts
George W Grant 7, C C Rich 30. J Gates dismissed.

~ Saturday

7. Conference met at 10 oclk W. Woodruff Prayed O Hyde spoke 60 Minuts
G A Smith 15 E T Benson Dismissed.

Afternoon The Authorities were all presented & accepted by the whole
Church not a dissenting vote J Taylor spoke 12 Minuts President Young
spoke 12, then John Taylor spoke again 62 Minuts & Meeting was dismissed

~ Sunday

8 Sunday I met with my Quorum for prayer I attended the
conference in the Bowery. In the Morning O Hyde Prayed. G. Q. Cannon
spoke 52 Minuts G A Smith 45 L Snow dismissed

Afternoon, I went into meeting with a severe attack of the Billious cholic
& suffered severe pain all the Afternoon Joseph Young prayed
Daniel H. Wells having arived on the 7th occupied the stand yesterday &
to day He delivered an address to the people one hour & 38 Minuts
President Young spok 30 M & Meeting was dismissed. I went home took
My bed & suffered immensly all night

~ Monday

9. I got passage through my system at day light this morning but was vary sick
Conference Met at 10 oclk L Snow spok 25 Minuts F D Richards 55 M

Page 378

Afternoon President Young spoke about one hour & 15 Minuts
upon a variety of subjects they met in the Tabernacle as it com-
menced raining Sunday night & is still dark & raining. I am
having all my wheat wet in the stack about 400 bushels as
a part of the stack is open to dry, it is dark & gloomy

~ Tuesday

10. It is still raining all day & night. The convention met to
day in the Tabernacle I am still confined to my house by sickn-
ess & did not attend. The Zion`s Camp party also met
lastthis nevening in the Social Hall. There was ownly [blank] present of
Zions Camp

~ Wednesday

11. It is still dark & raining knight & day untill this night
of the 11. stars shone forth it has been one of the hardest rains
we have ever known this time of [year] it will destroy a great deal of
grain, Hay, & fodder

~ Thursday

12 It is clear to day thank God. I have steped out of dayoors today

~ Friday

13 I am still poorly & spent the day indoors

~ Saturday

14. I called at the Endowment House a short time there was
59 got there Endowments. President Young sealed one H. C. Kimball
spoke sealed 8, & G Q Cannon 24.

~ Sunday

15. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
all day in the Tabernacle. Wm Willis spoke 25 Minuts D H Wells
spok one hour. Afternoon, Joseph W Young spok one hour
& 10 Minuts, & A Lyman 62 Minuts

~ Monday

16. I attended to some choring then Met with the Twelve at the
Historians office to call men to go south. The old lists were
read over & those who not gone who had been called, whare there
was any prospects of there going, there names were retained
upon the list still to go

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

17, , , 20. I spent the time in my field diging potatoes.

~ Saturday

21. I spent the day at home. Endowments were given at the Endowment
on the 20. I was not present.

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning for prayer
but spent the fore noon at home. Brother Reynolds spoke in the morning
10 Minuts Brother Hammond 72 Minuts, G Q Cannon 35 Minuts
Afternoon W Woodruff spoke one hour & 215 minuts see 2nd volume
My Journal is continued in 2nd volumn red covered Book

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[18]60 to [18]65

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