Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)

Document Transcript

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From 1880 to 1885 56 years 478 Pages


February 8th 1880
December 31st 1885

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Feb 8, 1880

Continuation from the other Journal see Journal before this

~ Sunday

Feb 8th Sunday I attended meeting at Sunset, Apache Co, Arizona
in the forenoon Br Riche Prayed John W Young spoke 23 M[inutes], Br Richie 8,
Br Mortenson 8, W Woodruff 30 M {in the power of God}. Afternoon we held
a Meeting at Brigham City, J W Young spoke 30 M, We Woodruff
30 M we then returned to Sunset held a meeting in the Evening
Br Hatch spoke 20 M, W Woodruff Br Brookbank 25 W Woodruff 30.

~ Monday

9. A folded letter/box I received a letter from Br Alread I had a room full of company
for council, and a great cry for bread upon evry hand. I wrote
A hand pointing to the right 2 letters to R A Alread and G Teasdale, & G Q Cannon of 4 pages
spoke of my Mountain visit and revelation

~ Tuesday

10 A hand pointing to the right I wrote to L J Nuttall, Erastus Snow & Jesse N Smith.
I had a great Deal of company through through the day

~ Wednesday

11 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 7 Letters to day to Henry A Woodruff, Nellie, Emma,
Asahel, Clara, Owen, & Blanch. J W Young and Mortenson
were furnished to day with 4500 lbs of flour & Meal by Lot Smith
of Sunset, to take to Moan Copy, there is a cry for bread in the land

~ Thursday

Feb 12 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 letters to Phebe, Wilford Bulah & Jaques
Br Sextus Johnson arived today with his sheep and gats [goats]
we held a Meeting in the Evening a good many spoke Lot Smith
spoke J W Young & W Woodruff spoke on the United Order and
the great responsiblity of the Apostles and Elders. I advised
Br Johnson to go to St John with his sheep, & cashamer goats
about 30 of his goats broak through the Ice and was drowned
while crossing the Colorado at the ferry

~ Friday

13. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 letters to Susan Eugenia & Phebe Scholes I
sent Susan $2. I spent the Evening in council

~ Saturday

14 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Ilus ofF Carter of 12 Pages giving
him an Account of my travels in Arizona and visiting the Indians

Page 10

~ Sunday

Feb 15 1880

Sunday I met the people at Sunset at 10:30 Warren Tenney prayed
W. Woodruff spoke 45 M[inutes] Bishop Johnson 20 Afternoon we went
to Brigham City J. W. Young spoke 30, Bishop Johnson 28 W W. 20
we held a meeting at Sunset in the Evening John W Young spoke
60 M on the manner of living, and the word of wisdom W W 20 m

~ Monday

16 A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right I wrote all day on Ezra Carters letter J W Young
^ A crown Keys crossed^ went to St Joseph I wrote untill one oclok at night Ezra Carters
letter contained 29 pages I gave him a History of my last years
work among the Lamanites Purchase of the Ferry and of St John
travels in the Mountains My views of Govern[me]nt the political
tirade aga[ins]t the Mormons the corruption of the governm[en]t
I bore my testimony to him of the gospel and the Law of the patriarch
order of Marriage
. I also spoke of Father Carters family

~ Tuesday

17 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters from J. D. T. McAllister and
F M Farnsworth. I wrote 4 letters today to McAllister, Bleak
Farnsworth and James McClellin I mailed one regestered
letter Ezra Carters letter of 29 pages spokek strong upon the family

~ Wednesday

18 I spent the day reading and writing Br A M Tenney arived
to day we held a council in the Evening

~ Thursday

19 We received more communication from the land com-
missioners. I went to Brigham City with Br Tenney to
examine Br Crawford' child who had a tumour on the head
appeared like a leakage from the brain. John W Young returned
from Woodruff I wrote a letter to Bichardsishop Joseph Richards
A hand pointing to the right asking the missionaries to return to their claims I also wrote
R A Alread. I also wrote a recom[men]d for A. M Tenney
to deal out the Land

~ Friday

20 In company with John W Young we rode west to Grand Gulch

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and camped for the night with the heard[m]an in a cave in the Mountains
the cave was 25 feet long & 10 feet wide. we made our fire in the mouth
we saw panther tracts near the cave 25 Miles

~ Saturday

21 We mounted our horses in the Morning to go out to have a hunt
for Antelope we saw several heard but did not get near Enough to kill 20 M[iles]

~ Sunday

22 ^{Sunday}^ We left the gulch and drove 12 miles further up the mountain it
^was^ near bear ground & soft and hard drawing a waggon we camped in the cedars 12 [miles]
we visited a crack in the Earth 100 yards long & 20 feet wide at the
top & 10 feet wide lower down it was supposed that no bottom could
be found but on the 2nd visit by the aid of glasses we could [see] sbottom but
it diped from South to North at an angle of 45 degres was
probably 500 feet deep

~ Monday

23 We rode up a canyon 2 miles & back it was vary muddy we returned
to campe 15 Miles

~ Tuesday

24 We drove to the big Gulch. we took our waggon down the steepest
Mountain I ever descended on wheels we locked both hind wheels and
tied 3 cedar trees to the hind axeltree and then it was all we could do in safety 15 Miles

~ Wednesday

^ A folded letter/box^ 25 We drove from the gulch to sunset I receivd a letter from Br Richards. 25 M[iles]

~ Thursday

26. I visited the river & slews. I shot 8 ducks, my hors fell in cross-
ing an Embankm[en]t & flung me over his hiead. I got home vary weary 10 M[iles]

~ Friday

27. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Bishop Roskelley. I wrote
4 Letters to S Roskelley, Sarah, Bishop Richards & P J Christofferson

~ Saturday

28 Conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Bishop Lake W. W. spoke
a few Moments J. W. Young read a letter from G Reynolds to Lot Smith
Bishop Richards reported St Joseph, Bishop RLake reported Brigham
, Bishop Savage reported Sunset, A S Gibbons reported Moan Copy
J W Young spoke 35. L Hatch dismissed Afternoon Authorities sustained
statistical reports read & sabbath school L Hatch spoke 20 M[inutes]

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Bishop richards spoke 10 M[inutes], Wm C Allen spoke 10, W Woodruff 35 Minuts

~ Sunday

29 Sunday conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Warren R Tenney
Lot Smith spoke 45 W W. 8 M[inutes], Bishop Lake 30, Br Bushman 12 M,
Br Ladd 12 Afternoon Prayer By Andrew S Gibbons. Sacrament
Administered, W. Woodruff spoke one hour & 20 M, read the 84 section
of the D&C
, exhorted the shepherds to feed the flock, Husbands be kind
to your wives, wives to your husbands, Parents to children
children to Parents, spoke upon the United Order much of the
spirit of the Lord was manifest I received a letter from John Taylor
& L John Nuttall Asking me to come to April Conference at
Salt Lake City I wrote ^6^ Letters to John Taylor J Jakes Phebe W W
A hand pointing to the right John Hunt P J Christofferson, A. M. Tenny & J D T McAllister
I held a Meeting in the Evening many spoke

~ Monday

A heart March 1, 1880
Aged 73

March 1, 1880
I Wilford Woodruff are 73
yers of age this day. I thank my
Heavenly Father for the Preservation
of my life for this long Period and
for his blessings over me My last birth day was spent
in the Temple of the Lord in St George. To day I am in Sunset
fort Apache Co Arizona. The people are busy getting up a
celebration and dinner for me. And I am receiving
many birth day presents from young and old I receivd
^ A folded letter/box^ a letter from Br E Snow. I received a rug from Brigham
Sisters containing the word Union Another rug from
the Sunset Sisters, One pair of lace home made curtains knit
by hand, A silver large spoon from a Danish Sister. Sister
Fuller a nice tidy, Sister Johannah Haskell a large silk Handkerchief

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of her Father Edwardrs, A silk Hankerchief from Caroline
, several Book marks from the young ladies Two
nice cakes from the Sisters, God Bless our home by Miss
Emma Fuller Poetry by Lizzie Skinner, 2 Birthday cakes
by Brigham City Sisters, 1 pair of home made stockings
from the wool by Sister Adams, about 100 g^u^ests guests sat
down to the table, some poetry composed for the occasion was read
at the Table And a card was presented to me we celebrate thy
birthday, was the motto A company of little girls sang the
song "Papa come home" The young Ladies sang "do they Pray
for me at home" I attended a party at Brigham City in
honor of my Birthday and departure we left about 11 oclok
and returned to Sunset to spend to spend the night

~ Tuesday

March 2nd 1880 I arose with the head ake in the morning
I had a vary busy day in packing up Keys crossed I Blessed 2 children Br
Eatons Daughter & Br Hubert Allen Burks son which I named
Asahel Woodruff Burk. He was born yesterday March 1, my
Birth day. I administered to 2 who were sick, it seemed
like going away from home to pack up to move again

~ Wednesday

3rd Keys crossed I parted with all the people in both Forts Sunset & Brigham
, and with Brother Lot Smith and son started for St George
we drove 40 miles & camped on the bank of the river south of the ford 40 M[iles]

~ Thursday

4 We parted with Brothers Hatch & Judd and drove to Grand falls
visited the falls, then passed the Black falls traveled over the sandy road 40 M[iles]

~ Friday

5 We started at 6:30, drove 8 miles took breakfast then drove 15 M[iles]
to Seth Tanners took dinner then drove 18 mile & camped on the
Moancopy wash with Br Foutz distance of the day 40 Miles

~ Saturday

6 We drove 12 miles to Moancopy took breakfast with Br Mortenson

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we then visited the woollen Factory of John W Young we dined
with Sister Christena. We then drove to willow springs. 30 M[iles]

~ Sunday

7. Sunday we drove to Castle Rock & took breakfast 15 M[iles] we then
drove 6 miles of cedar and pine to Lime stone tanks watered
drove 3 miles & camped for the night. Distance 35 Miles

~ Monday

8 March Keys crossed A crown This is my wife Phebe's Birth day 73 yers old
we drove over the roughtest part of the road in Arizona today we
croossed the hogs back and the ferry we spent the night at the
Ferry with Br Warren M Johnson distance of the day 26 M

~ Tuesday

9 I looked over the ferry Account that had been received. We
drove to Bager Creek & Soap Creek it was a vary sandy & heavy road
we had good feed at night. Distance of the day 23 Miles

~ Wednesday

10 We started at 6 oclok & drove 6 miles through heavy sand to Jacob
watered at 8:30. 3 years ago to day I was laboring in the Temple
at St George to day I am travelling with Lot Smith through 20 M[iles]
of Heavy sand in Arizona between Jacobs Pools in the East
& Buckskin Mountain in the west we rode up the Buckskin Mountain
3 miles & camped for the night 35 Miles {total}

~ Thursday

11 We crossed the Mountain 12 miles took breakfast and drove to
Kanab one of our Animals Br Lots best horse was vary sick
by feeding clean grain without bayer grass we had a good Meeting 40 M[iles]
W Woodruff spoke 40 M[inutes], Lot Smith 20 stoped with Bishop Johnson

~ Friday

12 We found the horse badly foundered this morning and we left
our team and Br David Udal furnished us with a team to go
to St George with. We want Brother David Udal for a Bishop to
preside over St John. We drove 20 miles to winsor castle and
dined with Br & Sister Emmet. We then drove to Cedar ridge in
a cold driving snow storm we stoped in the cedars 2 hours

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^ An arrow^ Made a fire & warmed we then drove 10 miles out into the open
plain drove after dark and camped for the night in one of the
coldest most terrific snow storms I was Ever in we set the side
of the carriage to the Northern Blast put the Horses on the other
side and all three of us got into our bed in the waggon and had
hard work to keep from freezing to death. We had a cask of
water on the side of the waggon and it was frozen through solid
in the morning so that neither we nor our horses had water to drink
untill we found water on the road distance of the day 40 Miles

~ Saturday

13 An arrow We arose at 2 oclok fed horses made a fire but we
were so chilled we could not get warm. We started to travel
at 4 oclok we travelled 15 miles to Cottonwood Springs [bathed] &
got Breakfast we then drove to St George I met with many
Friends and a warm reception I drove to Brother McAllister
and found him sick with his old complaint bleeding of the nose
the Artery that goes from the heart passing up the left side of
the nose to the brain had made a side opening and a little exertion
started the Blood and He came near bleeding to death and it
weakened him greatly. I then visited Erastus Snow He asked
me to stoped with him so we did toat the big house and put up for
the night and glad to get to a stoping place to thaw out 40 Miles

~ Sunday

14 Sunday I was introduced to Brother Eugene Shopman a
Prusian A vary intelligent man spoke 7 Languages had
lived among the kings & princes of Europe and the leading
statesmen of America, done a good Deal of surveying on
the Government works was a leading officer in the Prusian
Armey that guarded the Kings Palace. On one occasion
He with 10 other officers spiked 300 Prusian Cannon that was

Page 16

^ A crown^ placed to guard the kings palace Shopman was instruted
by his Mother to do this so they could not fire upon the people who
had gathered in a body to petition the King to give them certain
rights which He had promised thisem His Mother was for the people
His Father a Prusian General & for the King, Shopman obeyed
his mother instead of the Father & saved the lives of the people
but He with all the officers interested had to instantly flee the
country & come to America. His Father was a rich man and
recast one half of them at his own Expens. Shoppman was
offered a pardon if he would return but he does not feel disposed to
He is teaching school at St George. I attended a Meeting in
the Tabernacle at St George W Woodruff spoke 58 Minutes
Lot Smith 25. Afternoon sacram[en]t Administered Milo Andrews
spoke 30 M W Woodruff 10, Authorities of the Church presented and
sustained. E Snow spoke one hour and the conference adjourned
I visited a short time D D McArthur, Pendleton, & Gates, and
spent the Evening with Br McAllister returned to my room & slept

~ Monday

15 A hand pointing to the right I Telegraphed to President Taylor & Phebe W Woodruff
I visited the Temple with D H Cannon & Lot Smith I visited
Br McAllister and family I administered to him and
He seemed Better I visited Br Harmon & family and Bleak
and family I wrote a letter to J. W. Young on Business to Phebe,
Allice Ann Smith I spent the Evening with E Snow Farnsworth
Lot Smith & Bleak I sat up untill 1 oclok with Br Bleak lay
untill 3 oclok in the morning thinking

~ Tuesday

16 I rode to the Temple with Lot Smith and theire parted with
him for the last time I wrote a letter to J. Jaques. They Baptised to
A hand pointing to the right day in the font 880 for the dead I attended a Meeting in the

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^ Keys crossed^ Evening at Samuel Hardies I spoke 30 M[inutes], and the spirit of the Lord
was with me we had a good Meeting

~ Wednesday

17. I spent the day in the Temple we gave 88 Endowments I sealed 22
couple at the Altar D. H. Cannon 2 total 24 sealings. I received a letter
^ A folded letter/box^ from Sarah, Sylvia & Mary and they write well

~ Thursday

18 An arrow I was taken with the influenzia cold on the Lungs and had
a sick night but I went to the Temple this morning we gave Endow-
to 68 Br Erastus Snow sealed 50 couple of my dead friends
W. Woodruff & Mary B Eyring officiated together for my dead
D H Cannon sealed 20 couple single Dead women to me sister
Eyring officiating for my females total 70 sealings for me to day
15 of these wer of the Thompson family I was suffering with
a severe cold and head ake all day I dined with sister
Artemisia Snow I also visited Brother Shoppmarns school
I think He has the best Art of teaching school of any man I
Ever saw, the best reading I Ever heard all read together
ie all of each class together all questions on Grammar are
answered together I like his manner of Government. I felt sick
all day yet we started at 6 oclok & drove to Santa Clara 6 Miles
took supper with Br & Sister McLellan went to Meeting at 8 oclok
E Snow spoke an hour W Woodruff 20 M[inutes], went to the house
soaked my feet and went to bed with a hot stone at my feet &
got some sleep had none the night before. I was quite bad with
cold on my Longs 6 Miles

~ Friday

19 Keys crossed I felt a little Better this morning I went to the Temple the&
spent the day I spoke to the people in the upper room and gave them
council I had 15 single women sealed to me & 9 couple for the dead
Total 24, Adoptions 16 dead 1 Living 17, Endow[me]nts 121, 42 ordinations

Page 18

43 sealing, 4 children sealed to Parents I was poorly all day

~ Saturday

March 20 Keys crossed I spent the day in the Temple I had one live Man and
[blank] dead adopted to me this includes the Woodruff, Thompson &
Hart family I then walked to Br McAllister I ordained William
Henry Thompson
to the office of a High Priest I spent the Evening writing

~ Sunday

21 Sunday we drove to washington dined with Br Jones we attended
Meeting at 2 oclok Charles Smith Prayed sacrament administered
W Woodruff spoke 50 M[inutes], E Snow 45. we then returned home 12 M[iles]

~ Monday

22nd A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 letters to Wilford, Jaques, & Sarah

~ Tuesday

23 I spent most of the day in the Temple we Baptized 225.
A crown Keys crossed I had My Great Grand Father (Josiah Medad) & wife &
3 Lougess adopted to me to day I gave 2 Anointing to 2 dead women
to J. D. T. McAllister this is the last day I shall stay in the
Temple upon this visit I attended a Meeting in the Evening at
Samuel Hardy's several spoke W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes]. I returned
alone I saw a letter sent to Br Bleak from S L City

~ Wednesday

24 I called upon several friends I Blessed Sister Minerva
. I had some conversation with Augustus Hardy concerning
some men in New York Br Snow took two teams Brother
Bleak one we loaded up our baggage and drove to Leeds
and spent the night distance 18 Miles

~ Thursday

25 we drove to Belview and dined with Brother Birch. We
then drove to Kanarrah through a gale of sand and and
rain spent the night 28 Miles

~ Friday

26 ground covered with snow we drove to Summet 30 M[iles]
I spent the night with Brother Howlet

~ Saturday

27 We drove to Parawan I stoped with Jesse N Smith I attended
the conference I herd the report of the Different Branches and wards

Page 19

By the Bishops and all the different Quorums & schools
J. G. Bleak spoke 25 M[inutes], W Woodruff 45 I reproved sin I received
in the Evening the last Letter I sent to the Twelve & Presid[enc]y {the revelation}
I sent them I spent the Evening with Jesse N Smith

~ Sunday

28. Sunday Prayer By Joseph Orton E Snow spoke
one hour & 25 Afternoon John E Dalley Prayed Br McFarlin
spoke 28 M[inutes]. The Authorities of the Church were sustained
W Woodruff spoke 50 M, Jesse N Smith 15, at the close we drove
to Paragoonay & held a Meeting J G Bleak & W Woodruff spoke
to the Meeting 6 miles

~ Monday

29 We drove to Beaver stoped with Bishop Murdock we
held a meeting E Snow spoke one H[our] & 25 M[inutes] on the Church History
W Woodruff 20 M 25 Miles

~ Tuesday

30 We travelled over a rough road through wild cat canyon
to cove creek fort and stoped with Arza Hinkley 36 Miles

~ Wednesday

31. We drove to Corn Creek Dined & drove to Filmore and held
a Meeting Nephi Pratt Prayed W Woodruff spoke 1 H & 10 Minuts 35 m[iles]

~ Thursday

April 1. We drove to Holden called upon Mother Stringham took
dinner with Br Wm H Ashley we then rode to sipeo got there
at 8 oclok in the dark & mud I spent the night with Daniel Thompson 25 Miles.

~ Friday

2 I left sipeo at 6 oclok on the Mail buck board to Juab station
I took dinner with Br John E Wilbeck then took cars to S L
in a snow storm and found my family all well and
was truly glad to meet them once more and found them in the
Enjoym[en]t of Good health after being absent 15 Months 130 Miles

~ Saturday

April 3rd Keys crossed I Paid cash Tithing to Bishop Hunter & got recept
for the same Sunset $3.00, Brigham City $2.00, St Gohn $3.90,
Snow Flake $5.00, Total $13.90. I met in council with the Twelve & Priesthood Meeting

Page 20

~ Sunday

April 4, 1880

Sunday we met in the new assembly Hall for a two days Meeting
Moses Thatcher Prayed John Taylor spok 6 Minuts W Woodruff
50 M, M Thatcher 45. Afternoon House crouded many had to
go away D. H. Wells Prayed Orson Pratt spoke 50 M C C Rich 20
Orson Pratt said He was Baptized Sept 19, 1830 John Taylor spoke
6 M. We met in the Prayer Circle A certain revelation
was discused given to Wilford Woodruff in the Wilderness
of Arizona Jan 26 1880 And it was received by the Twelve

~ Monday

April 5. The Twelve met in council at 9 oclock ^&^ in the Assembly
^ A hand pointing to the right^ room at 10 oclok C. C. Rich Prayed B. Young spoke 22 Minuts
Joseph F Smith 45 M, D H Wells 30. Afternoon Prayer By
Joseph E Taylor President Joseph Yuseph Young spoke 50 M.
He will be 83 years of Age on the 7 April. A. O. Smoot spoke
26 Minuts John Vancott 24. I wrote a letter to Bishop David Thompson

~ Tuesday

April 6, 1880 The year of Jubilee of the Church of Jesus
Keys crossed A crown of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Met at the large
at 10 oclok. O Pratt opened by Prayer President
Taylor spoke to the People what He required of them F D Richards
spoke 31 M[inutes] Statistics were then read Afternoon Prayer by A Carrington
Territorial report of the Trustee in Trust was then read E Snow spoke
one hour & 6 M

~ Wednesday

April 7. Met at 10 oclok Prayer By D. H. Wells Levi Hancock spoke 8 M[inutes]
President Taylor 6 M, (Levi Hancock was baptized Oct 1830)
As it was a year of Jubilee $800000 of the perpetual
Emigrating fund
was forgiven to the Poor as Debts which they
owed the institution Also $75899.01 of Back Tithing was
forgiven the Poor 1000 cows was to be given to the widows
& poor & the Church was to furnish 300 of them 5000 sheep

Page 21

was to be given to the poor & 2000 of them to be furnished by the
Church. The relief society of the sisters were to furnish as a
loan 34000 Bushels of the wheat they had in store for seed to the
poor who needed it but that must be paid Back again and the
Bishops were held responsible for the return of the same L W
spoke upon Tithing 17 M[inutes]. L. J. Nuttall read the Missionary
[list] A Carrington spoke 50, J Taylor 30 M. Authorities of the Church
were then presented and sustained

~ Thursday

Aprail 8. Conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer by O Pratt, L Snow
spoke 18 M[inutes]. W Woodruff 20 {in the power of God} O Pratt 17, & gave a strong
testimony, C C Rich 11, E Snow 15 B Young 6 M, Joseph F Smith 10,
A Carrington 6, M Thatcher 6, D H Wells 17, F D Richards 17)
J Taylor 30 Minuts we then adjourned untill the 6 Oct next
In the Afternoon I met with the Board of trade in the Coun-
cil House
and I listened to the Discussion of the members upon
various subjects I met in the Evening with the Priesthood
speeches made by Brother G Teasdale 20 M E Snow 60 M
J Taylor 30 Minutes

~ Friday

9 I went to the field in the morning divided the farm, betwen
Wilford & Emma I then went to the Council House and assisted
to set apart 63 Missionaries to the United States great Britain
& Europe I was mouth in setting 8 of them. There was
represented at our Conference as Saints in Utah 111820 souls
34327 children under 8 years of age

~ Saturday

10 I met in the City Hall in council of the Priesthood organized
and spent the day, speeches made & council given {Fifty}

~ Sunday

11 Sunday took cars to Ogden with the Brethren met with
the stake organization of the Young Men 40 Miles

Page 22

Prayer by L. Farr reports of the various wards read W Woodruff
spoke 30 M[inutes]. Afternoon John Henry Smith Prayed after which
the officers of the institution was presented and sustained. Joseph
A West
superintendent, Lester A. Herrick & Charles C Richards
councillors Zechariah Ballantine corresponding secretary
Edward H Anderson Recording secretary John L Willson Treasurer
Moses Thatcher spoke 43 M Joseph F Smith 50 M, Junius Wells 15,
Joseph A West 12 M I held a Meeting in the Evening 2 ward
and spoke an hour on my Lamanite Mission

~ Monday

^ A hand pointing to the right^ 12 I returned to Salt Lake and Attended council in the Afternoon
and went to the field at night I wrote 2 letters. 46 Miles

~ Tuesday

13 RI returned to the city we had a driving snow storm
& the rail road Depo Tellegraph Station & Deckers Eating House
all burned to the ground to day I wrote Letters to Wm Freeman
A hand pointing to the right J D T McAllister Farnsworth & Joseph H Watkins I visited
Judge Elias Smith who was vary sick I administered
ho [to] him and He was soon better & had a good nights rest

~ Wednesday

14 We met in council at the Endowm[en]t House and vote was
taken to give 300 bushels of wheat to St George Tithing office
it was also voted not to count the donation of the Temple
with what the laborours obtained from the tithing office that should
be Extra we discussed the St George and Manti Temple affairs

~ Thursday

15 We met in council at 2 oclok and Discussed church
Business Temple &c I spent the night at the field 6 M[iles]

~ Friday

16 I spent the day in the Historian Office I Paid $40 tithing
to day. I corrected one of my sermons

~ Saturday

17 I arose this morning & found near a foot of snow on
the ground we have had a hard winter & Backward spring much snow

Page 23

I took cars rode to Nephi to attend a 2 days Meeting I met
in the conference at 2 oclock in the Meeting House Jacob Bigler Prayed
W Woodruff spoke one hour & 20 M[inutes] on his visit to the Indians
I attended a Musical Consert in the Evening 95 Miles

~ Sunday

18 Sunday we Met at 10 oclok Prayer By John M Horne
W Woodruff spoke 70 M[inutes] on the gospel and Kingdom of God
Afternoon sacra[me]nt Administered George Teasdale spoke
upon the Jurisdiction of the Bishoprick as to cutting off trans-
gressors from the Church. I also spoke 20 M upon that same
subject I attended the Stake Conference of the young Men
in the Evening & spoke to them 50 M. I stoped with Br Teasdale

~ Monday

19 I took cars & returned to Salt Lake City I had some 95 Mile
conversation with Mr Turner upon various subjects I spent
the Evening with Mrs Foss & family and Brother Bleak I laid hands on 2 sick

~ Tuesday

20 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters from John W Young & Leathhead
I Paid $50 to John Jack for a Brother at Nephi to Emigrate
a woman from England the money was from John Vichers
I wrote Letters to L. H. Hatch & John W Young I met in council &
prayer circle in the Afternoon A certain revelation was spoke off
Brother & Sister Snow spent a part of the Evening with me & Turner

~ Wednesday

21 Still cold weather I wrote 7 Letters to A. M. Tenney, Phebe
A hand pointing to the right & Br Christofferson also to Lot Smith Mary Smith Mother
Johnson & George Lake I also sent him an order for 30 Bushels
of wheat for Br Watkins of St John I met in council in the
Afternoon Keys crossed {Fifty} at the City Hall A variety of subjects discussed

~ Thursday

22 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Warren M Johnson & John Hunt
I spent the forenoon with the Auditing committee And Afternoon
in council A revelation was discussed and received as the word of the Lord

Page 24

Many good remarks were made by the Apostles we had a hard
snow storm and the roads full of slush I spent the Evening at home

~ Friday

23 I spent the fore noon with Auditing committee. Afternoon in council

~ Saturday

24 In company with M Thatcher I rode in cars to Brigham City
Dined with Br Snow Attended meeting in the Afternoon M Thatcher
spoke 45 W Woodruff 60 M[inutes]. I took supper with my Daughter Phebe
I took cars at 8 oclok arived at Smithfield at 12 oclok 100 Miles

~ Sunday

25 I visited Mrs Roskelley she was quite sick I administered to her
Sunday I attended the sabbath school & spoke to the children 30 Minutes
I met the people at 1 oclok Edward Stafford spoke 45 M, W Woodruff
one hour I took supper with Br Roskelley and Met with the
people in the Evening and gave them a history of my travels
among the Lamanites & spoke two Hours

~ Monday

26 I took cars to Ogden & Salt Lake City I met in 100 Miles
council at 2 oclok and the subject of printing off[ic]e & Paper Mill discussed

~ Tuesday

27 I spent the forenoon with the Auditing committe and in the
Afternoon in company with C. C Rich & A M Cannon
& Erastus Snow and family I went to the Penetentiary to visit
Br G Reynolds and had a plesant interview with him and a
report went out that I was taken there by force which alarmed my
family at the field untill I returned & it was contradicted I spent
the night at the farm 10 Miles

~ Wednesday

28 I returned to the city I spent the fore noon with the Auditing
committee the Afternoon in council upon the power of the Bishopprick
I Attended a surprise Party of Bishop Thomas Taylor of the
14 ward. I spoke to the People. The presents Presented to Bishop
Taylor was a silver fruit Dish with $40 in cash speeches
were Made By President John Taylor & others

Page 25

~ Thursday

Aprail 29 1880

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to G. Q. Cannon. I wrote 2 pages concern-
ing my visitation in the wilderness Erastus Snow and myself
set apart two missionaries. I blessed one & He the other we set
apart 161 sisters we met in council in the Afternoon and disc-
ussed the Authority of the Bishopprick

~ Friday

30 A folded letter/box [FIGURE] I met in council at 10 oclok we had a visit of
the double African girl with 2 heads 4 arms 4 legs but one body
which was quite a curiosity I received a letter from J D T McAllister
I took car in the afternoon & rode to Logan spent the night with Preston 100 M[iles]

~ Saturday

May 1, 1880 Saturday the quarterly conference Met in Logan
at 10 oclok the House will seat 3000 M W. Merrill
opened with Prayer W Woodruff spoke 15 M[inutes], H S Eldridge 20,
C. C. Rich 35 Afternoon Prayer By L Farrell, F D Richards spoke 50,
M Thatcher 35 M. Report of the Donations and Expenditures on
the Temple read Total expenditures $219,495.93. Dr Ormsby
reported the sabbath schools 4400 Teachers & schollars. we
Attended the concert in the Evening which was quite interesting

~ Sunday

2 Sunday Met at 10 oclok L W. Hardy Prayed Authorities of the
Church were then presented & received E Snow spok 1 H[our] & 30 Min
He read the 20 sec of the D&C. New Edition Afternoon W Woodruff
spoke 1 H & 35 M on his Mission to Arizona & New Mexico
I met in the Evening with the sabbath school and Mutual
Improvement Association
M. Thatcher & W Woodruff addressed
the assembly we had a full House & a good time

~ Monday

May 3. We took cars and rode to S. L. City I received 2 letter
A folded letter/box from Sarah and the Temple work at St George

Keys crossed A crown The council voted to day that the Twelve should receive
$2000 a year for their services and their support from Jan 1, 1880

Page 26

~ Tuesday

May 4, 1880

A hand pointing to the right I spent the day with the Auditing commitee and council
we set apart 2 Missionaries I wrote a letter to Br McAllister
I herd a letter read from Br G Q Cannon I am appointed
Chairman of a committee to descide upon putting up Tower &
and roof of St George Temple

~ Wednesday

5 Met in council & Prayer circle with the Twelve had council
upon many subjects

~ Thursday

6 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 5 letters to Lot Smith J. W. Young George Lake
J B Lobert & O Jacobson I spent the night at the grass farm

~ Friday

7. A hand pointing to the right I returned from the field, the Ice was half an inch thick
at the field this morning with trees in bloom I wrote ^3^ Letters
to Br McAllister, Bleak, and Farnsworth 6 Miles

~ Saturday

8 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received a letter from A M Tenney I wrote 2 letters
A M Tenney R. A. Alred in one Envelope kept copy

~ Sunday

9 Sunday I came up from the field Attended Meeting 6 M[iles]
in the Tabernacle at 2 oclok Br Nesbeit spoke 64 Minuts
I attended the Prayer circle and went to the Farmers ward
and spoke to the People 1 H[our] & 30 M 6 Miles

~ Monday

10 A folded letter/box I received a letter from McAllister and wrote
A hand pointing to the right a letter to him I called upon Heber John Richards
{upon a [fleshy] tumor growing up on my back} [FIGURES]

~ Tuesday

11 A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from George Lake, McAllister, and
Phebe A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Phebe and McAllister I also
received a letter from Susan I was quite unwell this
forenoon & spent the Afternoon in the office

~ Wednesday

12 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to George Lake, sent him an order
for his stock paid on the ferry a Letter to Lot Smith
and sent him an Order Paid for stock on the ferry

Page 27

^ A hand pointing to the right^ and for wheat & corn Paid to J. W. Young $119. I also
received a letter from Sylvia saying that Brother Roskelleys
wife was dead and wanted me to come to the funeral. I wrote
to Sarah saying I had to start in the Morning to Sanpete

~ Thursday

13 I took cars rode to Nephi with Brigham Young & wife and
children Also Br Wm H Folsome & Amelia Young 90 Miles
I stoped with Br Teasdale, we met in the Evening at 7:30
E Hardy Prayed B Young spoke 40 M[inutes], Br Folsome 10, W Woodruff 50.

~ Friday

14 We rode to Ephraim & spent the night 33 Miles

~ Saturday

15 We Met for a quarterly conference W Woodruff spoke 4 M[inutes].
Br Mabyan read the Temple report receipts from all sources
to April 1, 1880 $177,766.38 B Young spoke 43 M E Snow 50.
Afternoon Cyrus Wheelock Prayed. The statistical report
of the stake was read 10512 souls was reported. G Teasdale spoke 10
W Woodruff 50 M. A vote was taken that we would not
sustain any store of any kind as a Church institution who would
not Pay thereir tithing

~ Sunday

16 I attended the sabbath school in the Morning & spoke to the
children 15 M[inutes], B Young 10. Met at 10 oclok Prayer By G Teasdale
W Woodruff spoke 42 M E Snow 55 M. At noon we talked with
the Spring City People about a store. Afternoon we partook
of the sacramet B Young spoke 45 M we then presented the
Authorities of the Church E Snow spoke 20 M. We attended
in the Evening the Young Mens Mutual and young Ladies we
had a full house we ordained Br Franklin Alread to the
Office of High Priest He being President of the young Mens
improve[me]nt Association W Woodruff spoke 30 M G Teasdale 30 M

Page 28

we then Dismissed. On the face of the outside wall of the Temple
at Manti was 751 feet around the Temple

~ Monday

17 We drove to Manti took dinner with Br Mabyan. We visited
the stone quiry and the Temple walls and went over the
grounds we Met at 2 oclok B. Young spoke 30 M[inutes] E Snow
40 M & W Woodruff 10 M. We met in the Evening W W spok 20.

~ Tuesday

18 I had an interview with Albert Smith Aged 76. I met
with the Brethren in the morning in council we drove to Moroni
and held a Meeting G Teasdale spoke 30 M[inutes], W Woodruff 40 m

~ Wednesday

19 An arrow we drove to Nephi while going Down the canyon
our Kingbolt broke droped the fore part of the Box to the ground
Piled us all up on the End board but done vary little harm
Except hindered us 30 Minuts when I arived at Nephi
I took a special car with John Sharp to S L City. 110 Mils

~ Thursday

20 A folded letter/box I received 6 Letters from Libert Farnsworth G Q
J W Young J McAllister J G Bleak. I Paid to John
$80.65 for Wm Milo. And $50 for Another Brother
I conversed with President Taylor upon Many subjects

~ Friday

May 21, 1880 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to E. Snow J McAllister
J. G. Bleak M F Farnsworth gave an Account of Affairs at S L City

~ Saturday

22nd A folded letter/box I received one letter from G Teasdale and I spent the
A crown Keys crossed day in writing my last will and Testiment 6 M[iles]

~ Sunday

23 I took cars with Mrs Phebe W, Sister Horn & J F Smith
and rode to Farmington took breakfast with Ezra Clark
Attended Meeting in the Meeting House at 10 oclok with the young
& young Ladies Mutual association Wm Barton Prayed
Minuts read, & verbar [verbal] reports of both societies given J F
Smith then spoke 30 M[inutes] Afternoon Thomas J Steed Prayed

Page 29

sacrament Administered and the officers of the society presented
and sustained Mrs Horn spoke 12 M[inutes], Mrs P W Woodruff spoke 12,
W. Woodruff spoke one hour we took cars & returned home 36 M[iles]

~ Monday

24 I had an interview with Charles Chrisman concerning
Salt river country I then went to the office & read 3 letters
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right from A. M. Tenney Lot Smith & J. H Watkins I wrote 2 letters

~ Tuesday

25 A hand pointing to the right I wrote letter to John W Irons of Moroni A M Tenney
upon Election & railroads contracts & other subjects I was in
council with President Taylor & others. It is still vary cold weather
I attended A meeting with L W Hardy in the 9th ward on the
Utah Eastern Rail Road I spent the night grass lot 6 Miles

~ Wednesday

26 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I consultied with [a] Miner concerning Entering St
He says Enter by Quarter sections I received a letter
from L Hatch I wrote 1 Letter to O Jacobson

~ Thursday

27 Keys crossed A hand pointing to the right I finished my last will & testim[en]t & got it signed today
I wrote 7 Letters to McAllister, Bleak, Farnsworth, Wm
H Fulsome
asked for the plan of the Tower to St George Temple wrote
to A M Tenney to John W Young and sent the orders to those who
had Paid Tithing wrote to George Q Cannon

~ Friday

28 In company with Mrs P. W. Woodruff & G Teasdale I took cars
rode to Provo & met with the releaf society at 2 oclok Margarett T.
Priesiding Prayer By G Teasdale W Woodruff spoke one hour
G Teasdale 15 M[inutes]. There was a silk Meeting in the Evening I did
not attend we spent the night at Br Smoots 50 Miles

~ Saturday

29 I met in the Meeting House for a 2 days meeting E F Sheets Prayed
stake statiscics were then read officers & Members of the stake
10431 children under 8, 4542 Total souls 14973. J Teasdale
spoke one hour E F Sheets 15 M[inutes]. Afternoon Prayer By [blank]

Page 30

L J Nuttall spoke one hour & 15 M[inutes] W Woodruff 10 M. I met
in the Evening with the young Memn & women mutual at the Academy
Keys crossed I ordained Milton Hardy to the office of A High Priest as
He was the superintendent of the young Mens Association of
the Provo Stake of Zion I spoke to the Assembly one hour and talked
vary plain to the young people

~ Sunday

30 Sunday we Met at 10 oclok L E Harrington Prayed
W Woodruff spoke one hour & 30 M[inutes], gave a history of his Mission
with the Saints and Lamanites in Arizona & New Mexico
Afternoon [prayer] By B Coombs L J Nuttall spoke, 1 H[our] & 20 M L E
Harrington 10 M W Woodruff 10. We took cars rode to S L City 50 M[iles]

~ Monday

31. I spent a part of the day in reading letter & in council with
Br J Taylor I received 4 Letters from McAllister Bleak
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right Tenney & Christofferson I wrote 2 letters to A M Tenney
& Br Christofferson & went to the farm & spent the night 6 Mils

~ Tuesday

June 1, 1880. A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received a fLetter from M F Farnsworth
A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letter to J. McAllister and spent the day with the
Auditing committee in looking over Dr Bernhisels Account

~ Wednesday

2 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a card from O Jacobson. I wrote 2 letter to
O Jacobson & L. H. Hatch Met in council & Prayer circle

~ Thursday

3. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 Letters to Bleak Pilkins Lot Smith & J Richards

~ Friday

4 I went to the field and spent the day cold rain & hail

~ Saturday

5 A folded letter/box I received 4 Letters from McAllister Bleak, Roskelley,
and Williams on Land at Smithfiel I received the Temple work for
May in 19880. I wrote one letter to McAllister and received
A hand pointing to the right one letter from Leslie W Snow.

~ Sunday

6 Sunday I spent the forenoon in the office with L John Nuttall. I attended
Meeting in the Afternoon in the Tabernacle Wm Taylor Prayed W Woodruff

Page 31

spoke 46 M[inutes]. He read the last paragrafph of the 12 chapter of Ezekiel
and refered to 9, 14, & 33 ch of Ezekiel of the fulfillment of
Prophesy the wicked Destroyed Noah, Daniel, & Job ownly
saved by their righteousness. The Apostles & Elders [are] watchmen
on the walls of Zion as Ezekiel was. I met with the 14 ward in
the Evening and spoke to the people about an hour

~ Monday

7 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters from Brs Folsome & Joseph F Richards
I wrote 3 Letters to Roskelley, Bleak, Wilkonson & Jacobson

~ Tuesday

8 A folded letter/box I received a letter from Ezra Carter I spent the day watering tot [lot]

~ Wednesday

9 I returned from the field & Met in council & Prayer circle 6 Mil

~ Thursday

10 A folded letter/box Keys crossed A coffin I went to the Farmers ward & Preached the
funal sermon of Sister Mary Kimball daughter of Br Smithies
and wife of Heber C. Kimball I received 3 letters to day Alread
A M. Tenney & J. W. Young ^6 M[iles]^

~ Friday

11th I went up City Creek with my children fishing but the water
was so high I ownly caught 2 trout I went to the farm at night 15 M[iles].

~ Saturday

12 I came from the field, and administered to a sick child

~ Sunday

13 A hand pointing to the right Sunday I wrote 3 Letters, to Lot Smith Jesse N Smith
& A M Tenney I advised them all to be united in their Election
I Attended Meeting in the Afternoon A H Raleigh Prayed C. C Rich
spoke 32 M[inutes], Orson Pratt 40 M and spoke in the Power of God
upon the Celestial Kingdom of God we met in the prayer circle
I attended Meeting in the 15 ward in the Evening Br Morris prayed
Br Morgan spoke 35 M. concerning his southern Mission
the Monopoly of the rich & distress of the poor. W Woodruff spoke
one hour & 10 M upon his first Mission and Fox Islands and
the state of the world and the jugdgments of God that await the wicked

Page 32

~ Monday

June 14, 1880

^ A crown^ what strange things one will dream when asleep I dreamed
thi morning that Queen Victoria had received the gospel
and Been Baptized she appeared vary humble, none of which
is likely to happen in this world. I also thought of Prince Albert
is Richard or Robert connected with his Name ({I dreamed that Queen Victoria was sealed to me and she bid me an [holy] thanks. This is not likely to happen.})
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to J W Young & R A Alread

~ Tuesday

15 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 Letters to A L Woodruff, Chicago and Wm
I spent the After[noon water]ing Garden

~ Wednesday

16. A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter and spent the forenoon on Dr Bernhisel
Account. I went to the field in the Evening Delight was sick

~ Thursday

17 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I returned from the field wrote 2 letters to Sarah and
David I received 3 letters and wrote 1 Letter

~ Friday

18 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I receivd one Letter from Br East and card from
Graham I commenced writing my English Mission
commencing at Far West I spent the Afternoon with Dr Bernhisel

~ Saturday

19 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from McAllister I wrote a letter
to Lot Smith Allice & Mary Smith. I received a letter from
A. O. Smoot at Honolulu I went to the field at night 6 M[iles]

~ Sunday

20. Sunday I attended Meeting at the farmers ward and
spoke 67 Minuts followed by Azmon Woodruff 30 M. I also
Met in the Evening with the young People. They were addressed
By Br Lambert Joseph H Felt Mrs Felt another Sister & W Woodruff

~ Monday

21. A hand pointing to the right The longest day in the year I received a card from L W Snow
I wrote Letters to M. T. Smoot Sarah card to Phebe A Snow

~ Tuesday

22 A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter from E Snow, ^&^ J G. Bleak I spent the forenoon
^ A hand pointing to the right^ in pruning my orchard I have cut down my favorite trees
to day they died last summer for the want of water wrote to O Jacobson

Page 33

~ Wednesday

June 23, 1880

A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Br Pilkin of Sunset I wrote
2 letters to McAllister, ^&^ Bleak I went to Ogden with a company
of friends to Meet QG Q Cannon. He arived at Ogden at the
same time that we did we spent a few Moments in Ogden
and then returned to Salt Lake City we found Br Cannon well
and harty 80 Miles

~ Thursday

24 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Sister Smoot and wrote 2 letters
to Br East & Wm C Stains I spent the day in writing my
Early History

~ Friday

25th I spent the day in writing my History for the Juvinile
to publish for a reader for children.

~ Saturday

26 A folded letter/box I received a letter from Wm H Folsome concerning the Temple

~ Sunday

27 An arrow This is the anversary of the Death & martidon of the
Prophet Joseph & Hyram Smith who were murdered in
Carthage Jail, on the 27 day of June 1844, 36 years ago
Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle B F Cummings Prayed
and spoke to the People concerning his Mission in Congress
obtaining the Geneology of the Saints and his labors in
Washington He was followed By G Q Cannon 40 m[inutes]
concerning his Mission in Congress and the signs of the
I attended Meeting in the Evening at the 16 ward
and spoke to the people One hour Followed By Joseph F Smith 15 ^m[inutes]^

~ Monday

28. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters from Mr Woodruff of Chicago
and Susan C Scholes I wrote one letter to Susan and sent
her $10 to Pay her fare from Onawa to Omaha

~ Tuesday

29 I spent the forenoon In President Taylors office and the
Afternoon writing

~ Wednesday

30. A folded letter/box I received 6 letters I met in council in the Afternoon

Page 34

~ Thursday

July 1, 1880

A hand pointing to the right I spent the morning in looking up the Pioneer flags &
other matters connected with the celebration of the 24 of July
I wrote one letter to Thomas Bullock, & 1 to sylvia went to the farm

~ Friday

2 A folded letter/box Returned from the farm received 1 Letter from David
A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to T. J. Lutz & 1 to David ^6 M[iles]^

~ Saturday

3. I met in a quarterly conference at 10 oclok in the Assembly room
Joseph E Taylor Prayed Minuts & statiscties read, 9 Men
were recommended to be ordaind Elders. The Authorities
of the Church were then Presented and sustained, Home
Missionaries called Joseph E Taylor spoke 16 M, J Taylor
15 M, W Woodruff 30, Elias Smith 15 M. I met in the Evening
with the compbined companies of mutual Improvem[en]t, Relief
& Primary in the Assembly room and the reports
of those societies Herdard and speeches made

~ Sunday

4 Sunday I met at the big Tabernacle at 10 oclok H S Eldridge
spoke 10 M[inutes] Presidet Joseph Young 35 M. spoke loud & clear
and plain in the spirit of the Lord He was born in 1797
being 83 years of age. Mellin Atwood spoke 35 M
George Romney 10 M. Afternoon Prayer By Bishop
Crane. Joseph F Smith spoke 67 M, G Q Cannon 30 Min

~ Monday

5 July 1880 This day was celebrated in Salt Lake for the 4th
as that came on Sunday Their was a company formed
of the U. S. troops from Camp Duglass with other Displays
among them a representation of the Valley House. The Govornor
Made a speech at the square & fireworks on Arsonal Hill
in the Night but was 10 oclok before they got to work

~ Tuesday

July 6. A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from McAllister ^&^ Bleak I wrote
A hand pointing to the right 2 letters to J McAllister & Sarah sent her $10, went to the farm

Page 35

~ Wednesday

July 7, 1880

A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter & wrote 4 letters to Wm Draper, Wm
, O. Jacobson. I met in council and presented a letter
from J G. Bleak about the petition of St George Temple the council
left it for me to direct I wrote to McAllister & Bleak to make
the petition of studing & lath & plaster from floor to celing we
met in the big Tabernacle to make arangem[en]t for the 24 of July

~ Thursday

July 8. Keys crossed A crown Some 600 old People from Salt Lake City
most of which were from 70 to 97 years of age all of whom
took cars on the Utah western R R and rode to Black rock
on the Salt Lake for an excursion Bishop Edward Hunter 87
John Taylor 72 & W Woodruff 73, were among the number
many went in bathing. We had songs & speeches and feasting
all seemed to Enjoy themselves vary well most of us returned
on the 2 oclok train I received a letter from Sarah Distance 34 m

~ Friday

9 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Thomas Bullock about the pioneer
flag I also wrote to Daniel Tyler I spent the day writing History

~ Saturday

10 I spent the day writing my History of my Mission to England ^6 m[iles]^

~ Sunday

11 Sunday I returned from my farm & Attended Meeting in
the Tabernacle Abram Kimball Prayed G Teasdale spoke upon
the first Principls of the Gospel one hour followed By W Woodruff
30 Minuts. I attended Meeting in the Evening in the 17 ward
Br Davis spoke 30 M W Woodruff 40 Minuts

~ Monday

12 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 5 letters & wrote 3 to T. S. Kimball Susan
sent her an order to Pay her fare to Salt Lake City wrote
to John Merrill going to Arizona

~ Tuesday

13 A folded letter/box An arrow I received 2 letters from Tenney and Bullock
I spent 4 hours at the Council House with President Taylor J. F. Smith
& A Carrington in hearing a case of seduction & Adultery

Page 36

^ An arrow^ A man committed Adultery with two married women
And the Husband of one of the women shot himself ^him^ dead and
was tryed by a Jury and cleared And a Brother of the two
Husbands of the two women also committed Adultery with
the towo women and both of the men who were innocent got
a Bill of Divorce from their wives it was a vary grieveious
Affair. They all confessed their sins and forgave Each other
and were to be Baptized for the remission of their sins I
A hand pointing to the right wrote 1 Letter to William on 7 acres of land

~ Wednesday

14 I spent the forenoon in writing & Afternoon in council I
A folded letter/box received 2 letters from Jacobson & Bulluk I spent the Evening in committee

~ Thursday

15 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I spent the forenoon in council I received
1 letter & wrote 1. I attended Theater in the Evening

~ Friday

16 I spent the day in the office writing History

~ Saturday

17 A folded letter/box I received 4 Letters

~ Sunday

18 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle in the Afternoon
I spoke in the Evening to the 4th ward E Snow arived from the south

~ Monday

19 I spent the day in writing the names that are living of
Zions Camp and of the Pioneers. Zions Camp first published
in the 14 vol of Deseret News, & Pioneers in salt Lake Daily
of July 4, 1880. I had an interview with Erastus Snow
I attended the committee Meeting in the Evening

~ Tuesday

20. A folded letter/box I received two Letters from McAllister & John Brown
I spent the day in writing & preparing for the 24 of July

~ Wednesday

21 I attended the council in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

22 I spent the day in writing & preparing for the 24. Attended council

~ Friday

23 I was vary busy in preparing for the 24 I have attended a Meeting
of the committe for the 24 Evry night for a week

Page 37

~ Saturday

July 24, 1880 Keys crossed A crown

We had the greatest celebration to day of the Enterance of the
Pioneers into this valley that was Ever held in Utah A procession
of two miles long was prepared at great Expens it passed through
the streets of the city, But I cannot give an Account of it in this
Journal But for the history of the same see Deseret News July 26 & the
Herrald of July 27 it was a vary importand day, an interesting Meeting

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle Erastus Snow spoke
one hour & 10 M. on the history of the Pioneers we had a prayer circle
and I attended Meeting in the Evening at the 14 ward G Q Cannon
preached an hour on the Practical Duties of life the good and
the Evil in our midst

~ Monday

26 An arrow An arrow I saw a painful scene to day Sheriff Turner of
Provo brought in the Murderer of his son had Been [to] Cheyenne
for the Murderer and had to guard both him & his son for days
without sleep. The prisioner was delivered over to the Jail in
Salt Lake City. Brother Turner wished me to go down & Preach the
funeral sermon of his son at Provo

~ Tuesday

27 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Sarah with $5 to Bell
I sent Papers to Ezra & Ilus Carter to J. W. Young, A. M. Tenney
I wrote a letter to Bell Moses, card to L W Snow

~ Wednesday

28 I took cars to Provo & Preached the funeral sermon of
John Turner the son of John Turner aged 21 was murdered
by two men who took his money and team he had with him
it was a painful scene I returned to Salt Lake 100 Miles

~ Thursday

29 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 1 letter & 2 cards I wrote 2 cards to Sarah & Wm Draper

~ Friday

30 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters, and took cars to Smithfield 105 M[iles]

~ Saturday

31 I spent the day at Smithfield was quite weary

~ Sunday

Aug 1, Sunday I rode to Logan & Attended Meeting at 10 oclok

Page 38

A Stainer Prayed John Morgan spoke 30 M[inutes]. W Woodruff 15
L Snow 15 M. At Noon I went to the Temple went to the top of it
I did not like the Internal arangment of it And alterations
were recommended. Afternoon Sacrament was Administered
Wm H Folsome Prayed G. Q. Cannon spoke 70 Minuts F D Richards 4,
John Taylor 20 I returned to Smithfield 16 Miles

~ Monday

2 I rode to Richmond administered to & Blessed Mother Hendrick
and administered to another Sister I then rode to Lewiston and
examined the country and found a fine country the valley is
15 miles long 6 wide with good sandy loom, quick soil, many
acres of wheat would yield 25 bushels ofto the acre without water
Br Hendricks introduced me to his family He had 3 daughter born
at one birth 12 years of age fine healthy girls I returned to
Richmond then to Smithfield, then down to the farm found 10 acres
of volenteer wheat without water will have to be cut with a
Mower I returned weary distance of the day 35 Miles

~ Tuesday

3rd I took cars in company with Sarah when I arived home
I found my Daughter Susan Scholes had arived from Onawa
with two of her children and in the Evening I had all four
of Phebes children together the first we had all been together for
twenty years I held a meeting with them in the Evening and
most all of us spoke and I Prayed with them. I received
Keys crossed A folded letter/box 3 letters from Jesse N Smith Bleak & David 105 Miles

~ Wednesday

4 A hand pointing to the right I spent the fore part of the day writing I wrote 3 letters

~ Thursday

5 A crown My Daughter Bulah Agusta Woodruff Left my house
this morning for a visit East and to attend school, it was quite a
trial to her Mother she took cars at 7 oclok

A hand pointing to the right I wrote 9 letters to my corresponding friends

Page 39

~ Friday

Aug 6, 1880

I went to the farm this morning helped Wilford to fix up the
mower & I went into 3 1/2 acres of heavy wheat tangled
down & I hoed wheat all day and was vary weary at night 6 M[iles]

~ Saturday

7. We finished our peace of wheat in the forenoon & shocked it up
in the Afternoon & returned home weary

~ Sunday

8. Sunday I spent the whole day resting Br Penrose Preached

~ Monday

9. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 5 Letters from W D. Johnson and others

~ Tuesday

10 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters I watered Garden in the afternoon and
went to a circus in the Evening called a grand affair

~ Wednesday

11. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Roskelley & Eliza D Gibbs

~ Thursday

12 I took cars rode to Nephi held a Meeting with the Relief
& spoke to them 40 M[inutes], and in the Evening I spoke one hour ^95 m[iles]^

~ Friday

13 We drove to Moroni and held a Meeting in the Evening G Teasdale
spoke 25 Minuts W Woodruff 40, the spirit of God was with us 22 miles

~ Saturday

14. We rode to Mount Plesant met in conference at 10 oclok ^15 m[iles]^
G Teasdale Prayed, W. Woodruff spoke 435 M[inutes] statistics wread
F M Lyman spoke 30 M. There were 10721 souls reported
Afternoon M Lyman Prayed Temple statisctics read and
reported $195,104.85 received. G Teasdale then spok 10 M
G Q Cannon 40 M and closed in a hard wind & dust storm
we held a Priesthood Meeting in the Evening John Taylor
spoke 35 M W Woodruff 30 {in the power of God}

~ Sunday

15 Sunday Met at 10 oclok. Erastus Snow spoke one hour & 25 m[inutes]
The Authorities of the Church was then presented & sustained
Afternoon sacrament Administered W. W. Prayed G Q Cannon
spoke 50 J Taylor 55 M & W Woodruff 10 M Exhorts the people
to get up a record of all their Dead friends so as to be ready
to work when the temple was done Adjourned till 13, 14 of Nov

Page 40

~ Monday

16th Aug 1880

Rode to Ephraim & dined then rode to Manti visited the
Temple found the Arches over the first story windows turned
looked well we was satisfied with it They ground all the sand
from sand rock we held a meeting at 3 oclok F M Lyman
Prayed G Q Cannon spoke 50 M[inutes], W Woodruff 25, J Taylor
55 M. the Power of God was with us in our Testimony 20 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

17 Rode to Fort Ephraim held a Meeting at 10:30 G Teasdale
Prayed W Woodruff spoke 20 M[inutes] G Q Cannon 45 M, J Taylor 50 m
we dined and went to Fountain Green and took supper
with N T Guyman and Preached in the school house to
a crouded House in the spirit of the Lord 60 M G Teasdale 30 M

~ Wednesday

18 We crossed the Mountain to Nephi J Taylor & G Q Cannon
came from Moroni Left Erastus Snow there we all
took cars and arived at Salt Lake at 6 oclok 120 Mi

On my return I received 18 Letters Sarah I Homes said
her Husband Johnathan H. Holmes died Aug 18, 1880 And
A coffin Johnathan Holmes Died Aug 1880 wished me to come and Preach the funeral lsermon

~ Thursday

19. I took cars with Mrs Woodruff & rode to Centerville then
took waggon to Johnathan Holmes residence I found his [ wife ]
in deep Mourning for his death I preached the funeral sermon of
Brother Holmes to a large assembly of the Neighbors went to the
grave comforted the family what I could & returned to the city 35 [miles]

The Manti Temple is 172 1/2 feet by 95 outside 79 feet high to the
square. The west Tower 169 feet & the East Tower 179 feet. The foundation
of the Temple is 63 feet Elavation from the road 126 stepts from the road
to the foundation, 14 inch step & 16 feet wide or length of step

Page 41

~ Friday

Aug 20 1880

A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 6 Letters, & wrote 3 letters to I F Carter &
Brookbank I went to the field 6 Mile

~ Saturday

21 A hand pointing to the right. I wrote Letter to McAllister, Farnsworth & Bleak & Tenney
I met in council upon the subject of forming a company to purchase
the Printing office

~ Sunday

22 Sunday I took Phebe W W & rode to big Cottonwood went to see
my Daughter Arabel Moses who was sick & spent 2 Hours with
her and returned after adminstering to her, and Attended prayer circle 16 miles

~ Monday

23 A hand pointing to the right My son David has been with me for several days on a
visit, he leaves this morning for Ashleys fork I wrote one letter
to S. E. Johnson & received one letter from Christofferson we
set apart 15 Missionaries I was mouth in setting apart 6 persons
F D Richards 5 Joseph F Smith 4. I wrote 2 letters to Christofferson

~ Tuesday

24 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to O Jacobson & Ezra Carter

~ Wednesday

25 I met in council with the Saints. Afternoon in writing

~ Thursday

26. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received letter from Phebe Snow & Job Welling
I went to the farm & spent the night {Heard the lecture} 6 M[iles]

~ Friday

27 A folded letter/box A humanoid My daughter Arabell Moses had a Daughter this Morning
at 3:30 A.M. Mother & child doing well I received a letter from
Sarah. Rote a letter to Milton Holmes of 4 Pages concerning the
Death of Johnathan Holmes and our Temples

~ Saturday

28 I took cars rode to Provo & Attended the Quarterly Conference
Met at 10 oclok John Brown Prayed W Woodruff made a few remarks
followed by G. Q. Cannon One hour. Afternoon David John Prayed
the Authorities of the Church were presented & sustained. John
spoke 7, W Woodruff 65 M[inutes]. Total souls of the stake
were 15008. J F Smith spoke 20. I attended a council with the Bishops ^50 Miles^
Apostles G Q Cannon & Joseph F Smith & A O Smoot

Page 42

^ An arrow^ in hearing a family Difficulty of B F Johnson we sat from 4 oclok
in the Afternoon untill 9 oclok at 9night I got vary chilly went to bed at
10 oclok and had a hard shake of the Ague for half an hour I was
then affected with the Diarhea went out of Doors several times in
the night took cold & was quite sick all night did not sleep

~ Sunday

29 Sunday I arose quite poorly in the mornin took but little break
fast went to Meeting at 10 oclok L E Harrington Prayed sacram[en]t
Administered QG CQ Cannon spoke one hour & 40 M[inutes]. concerning his
Mission at Washington Afternoon J. F. Smith spoke one hour
& 22 M A. O. Smoot spoke 3 M. at the close of the Meeting we took
cars & returned home to S L City. I went to bed & was 100 Miles
An arrow An arrow son [soon] taken with a severe attack of the Billious colic, which
lasted me 24 hours befor I got any passage during this time I was
in great Misery I took 6 table spoonfulls of castor oil, 3 tea-
spoonfulls of spirits turpentine before I got a passage, my
suffering was so great that it took away all my strength
it was like my attack at the Moan Copy ownly I did not

~ Monday

Aug 30. I suffered much through the day but got relief
about sundown but left me in a vary weak state

~ Tuesday

31 I was vary weak all day but little strength in my system

~ Wednesday

Sept 1. I was vary weak today. The Twelve came & laid
upon me & anointed me with oil and Blessed me I felt better

~ Thursday to ~ Saturday

2, , & 4 I have been vary feeble & feverish during these days

~ Sunday

5 Sunday the 8 day of my sickness I am not able to stand upon my feet

~ Monday

6 I am still vary weak gain but little

~ Tuesday

7 I am still vary weak Br Jaques calles daily ang [and] brings the News

~ Wednesday

8 A folded letter/box I received a letter from Br Farnsworth & card from Bulah

~ Thursday

9 I put on my clothes for the first time since I was taken sick still weak

Page 43

~ Friday

Sept 10, 1880

I dressed and walked out in the orchard the first time I have been out of
doors since my sickness President Taylor called upon to day spent an
an hour conversing about his visit with President Haye & wife

~ Saturday

11 A folded letter/box I spent the day in the House reading I received one letter from Bleak

~ Sunday

12 I spent the day in the House gain some strength

~ Monday

13 A hand pointing to the right I went to the office for the first time was vary feeble I
wrote 2 letters to Bleak & Susan & Phebe sent Phebe $5 for Bulah
I A folded letter/box received 12 letter came while I was sick

~ Tuesday

14 I came to the office this morning and wrote up my Journal to
date felt some better but weak I went to G Q Cannon resid[enc]e on
Joordon with the Twelve partook of a feast with him & returned 5 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

15 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 5 Letters to McAllister, Bleak, Farnsworth
Lot Smith & Peter Neilson In the Afternoon I went to
the farm A machine was set for threshing threshed out what
wheat we had 135 Bushels & 44 Bushels of Barley it rained all night

~ Thursday

16th I spent the time at the farm mostly

~ Friday

17 A hand pointing to the right It rained to day I took up a load of Barley & returned to the city
A folded letter/box I received 4 letters & wrote 4 letters

~ Saturday

18 I spent the day at home & Evening at the farm 6 mils

~ Sunday

19 Sunday Keys crossed A crown I went to the Tabernacle at 2 oclok I met with
Orson Pratt it was his birth day he was 69 years of age
and was his year of Jubilee in the Church was Baptised 650 years
ago this day He spoke to the People one hour & 18 Minuts & bore a
storong testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ W Woodruff spoke 5 M[inutes]

~ Monday

20 A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter I spent the day at home I heard that
Jonathan Pugmyre died vary sudden on Saturday the 18. Eat
his dinner well was dead in 5 munits

~ Tuesday

21 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 letters I was informed that John O Angus died to day at 3:25

Page 44

~ Wednesday

Sept 22 1880

^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote a letter to Jesse N Smith & kept a copy

~ Thursday

23 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from O Jacobson and wrote one to
A folded letter/box him I delivered at the tithing Office 1385 lb. of Barley at 2 cts pr lb
$27.70 cts I spent the night at the field 6 Mils

~ Friday

24 A folded letter/box I visited the Church farm on Jordon with the
Twelve. I spent the time in the Afternoon with G Q Cannon
& J F Smith in committee on the Delinquent Tithing of
the Terretory I received one letter from McAllister

~ Saturday

25 I spent the day in committee on tithing Affairs

~ Sunday

26 A hand pointing to the right Sunday Presidents Taylor Cannon & Smith & others
go to Ogden to Dedicate a school house I wrote 3 Letters

~ Monday

27 I spent the day in committee on the Back tithing and
Donations of the various stakes of Zion. George Q Joseph F
& L. J. Nuttall Dined with me. We held a Meeting in the
Evening with the committee on the Eastern Railroad

~ Tuesday

28. A folded letter/box I received a letter from Sarah spent the day in committee

~ Wednesday

29. I spent the forenoon in committee. I met with 7 of
the NavaJjoes and had confversation with them

~ Thursday

30 A folded letter/box I spent the day in council I received one letter

~ Friday

Oct 1. I spent the forenoon in council

~ Saturday

2 I Built a corn horse to day that cost me $32.70
I spent the forenoon in council in a committee

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday I spent the whole day in council upon the Priesthood

~ Monday

4 I sat in the Morning for my likeness the rest of the day in council

~ Tuesday

5 Keys crossed A crown I spent the day in concil {of Fifty}

~ Wednesday

6th Oct We met in general conference at 10 oclok in the
Big Tabernacle Prayer By D. H. Wells C. C. Rich spoke 12,
Lorenzo Snow 27, John Taylor 10 M[inutes], was taken faint

Page 45

President Taylor while speaking was taken faint &
was khelped to his seat President Cannon took his place
and spoke 37 M[inutes]. I met with the young Mens Mutual society
in the Evening Meeting called to order by W Woodruff G Q C
Cannon spoke to the people followed By Moses Thatcher W
Woodruff, then the Instruction of the superintendency was
read to the Meeting

~ Thursday

7. Keys crossed Conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer By F D Richards
A Carrington spoke 50 W Woodruff 30 M[inutes]. Afternoon
J F Smith Prayed. The statistics of the Church was then read
Members 65826, Apostles 12, Patriarchs 52, Seventies
4319, High Priests 3277 Elders 11509, Priests 1710
Teachess [Teachers] 1893 Deacons 3507, Officers & Members 92,104
Children under 8 years of age 35346. Total of souls 127,451.
Sunset Stakee of Arizona 517 souls Snow Flake Stake 1424.
Elder J. D. T. McAllister spoke 50 M, and gave an account
of the Labor in the Temple had Baptized 99523. Had ordained
159889 gave Endow[me]nts to 41791. Had sealed 14255 couple

~ Friday

Oct 8 Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Milo Andrews F D Richards
45 M[inutes]. G Q Cannon then read the report of the Manti Temple
District to Oct 1, 1880. Expenditures on the Temple were
$207,977.35 And for the Logan Cash valley Temple
$252147.78 Afternoon Prayer By Joseph Young Orson
spoke one hour & 20 M. theAt the close of the Meeting, we
the Apostles met in council, and debated upon the propriety of
organizing the first Presidency we had held several councils
upon this subject and we finally left the subject untill another
Meeting I met with the Priesthood meeting An Article on the

Page 46

Aaronic Priesthood was read dictated By President
Taylor. And remarks made By John Taylor W Woodruff
and O Pratt the spirit of God was with us

~ Saturday

Oct 9. Conference Met at 10 oclok. D O Calder Prayed
Moses Thatcher spoke 61 M[inutes], D H Wells 27. Afternoon John
Prayed President Joseph Young spoke 65 M, was
83 years of age & 6 months A List of 29 Missionaries was
called to Great Britain. One to Canida, 9 to Scandinavia,
4 to the United States & 5 to the Southern States. The foregoing are
now in the field of labor. 30 for Great Britain, 10 to
Scandienavia, 1 to the Sand wich Islands, 9 to the United
States, 31 to the Southern States. Joseph F Smith then
spoke 22 M. Conference adjourned untill sunday 10 oclok
The Apostle then Met in council at 6 oclok and
Decided to organize the first Presidency of the Church
Keys crossed A crown Wilford Woodruff Nominated John
to be the President of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
and it was carried unanimously President John
Taylor then chose George Q Cannon as his first
councillor and Joseph F Smith as his second
councillor. It was then Moved seconeded &
carried Unanimously that Wilford Woodruff should
be the President of the Twelve Apostles. We then Met in
the Assembly Hall with the Priesthood Meeting and at
that Meeting after documents were read upon the priest-
hood President John Taylor was then Presented before
the Priesthood Meeting as the President of the Church and his

Page 47

two councillors And Wilford Woodruff as the President
of the Twelve Apostles and receivd the unanimous vote of all
the Priesthood Assembled upon the occasion

~ Sunday

Oct 10, 1880 Keys crossed A crown Sunday This is a great day to Israel
The conference Met at 10 oclok conference
called to order By John Taylor. The Quire sang "the
Morning Breaks the shawows flee" Prayer By Elder
Edward Partridge Elder Orson Pratt spoke to the people
one hour & 15 M[inutes]. upon the Priesthood in its various
offices & dispensations which was vary interesting
L J Nuttall Presented 3 Names of Missionaries W Woodruff
Dismissed untill 2 oclok. Afternoon Met at 2 oclok
Keys crossed The various Quorums of the Priesthood were seated
in the following order. The first Presidency in the upper
seat The Twelve Apostles in the 2nd seat. On the south of the
stand the Patriarchs & Presidents of the stakes & their councillors
and the High Councils. On the North of the stand the Bishops
and their councillors. Presiding Bishop Hunter and his
councellors in front of them. The High Priest on the
North Benches of the house. The Quorum Presidents in the
front. The Elders immediately behingd the High Priest
The Seventies on the Benches of the south side of the House
And the Quorum Presidents in the front. The Lesser prie-
in the North side of the House. IConference called to order
By President John Taylor Prayer By Albert Carrington
This is the third time the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints have been called upon to organize a first Presidency of
the Church, first the Prophet Joseph Smith & councillors

Page 48

^ Keys crossed A crown^ Seconed when President Brigham Young & councillors
were Appointed. Third when President John Taylor &
concillors are now Presented to the Assembly. Elder Orson
then Presented the following Authorities of the
Church to the conference all of which were unanimously
sustained without a dissenting vote By Each Quorum
of the Priesthood rising in their order with uplifted hands
to heaven First to the Twelve Apostles and their councillors
second the Patriarchs Presidents of stakes and their councillors
and the High Councils. Third the High Priests. Fourth
the seventies. fifth the Elders. Sixth the Bishops & their coun-
cellors & seventh the Lesser Priesthood, Priests, Teachers
& Deacons. Eighth the Presidents of the various of the
various quorums. last the whole congregation, Male &
female in the galleries, on the stand & the body of the
House. John Taylor as Prophet Seer and Revelator
and President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day
Saints In all the world. George Q Cannon as his
first councillor in the first Presidency Joseph F Smith
as seconed councillor. Wilford Woodruff as Presid[en]t
of the Twelve Apostles. As Members of the Council of
the Twelve Apostles Wilford Woodruff Orson Pratt,
Charles C Rich, Lorenzo Snow Erastus Snow,
Franklin D. Richards Brigham Young Albert
and Moses Thatcher. As councillors to the
Twelve Apostles John W Young & Daniel H Wells.
Francis Marian Lyman as an Apostle in the Council of
the Twelve John Henry Smith as an Apostle in the Council of the Twelve

Page 49

Keys crossed Sunday The foregoing were all that were voted upon
by Quorums separately All the rest of the Authorities of the
Church were voted for in the usual Manner by the whole con-
gregation, After which George Q Cannon said I hold in
my hand the Doctrins & Covenants and I present them to the
conference to see if the people will vote for them. He had also the Pear[l] of
Great Price
in connexion with the Covenants, and all the conference
voted to sustain the revelations contained therein. President Taylor
then spoke some 20 M[inutes], followed By W. Woodruff spoke 15 M

~ Monday

11 Monday we met at 9 oclok at the Presidents office. We voted to
[FIGURE] take the Engine out of the Temple at St George. We met the
Missionaries at the Council House and we set apart 55 for
their Missions. W Woodruff set apart 9 President Joseph Young
Ordained Matthias Cowley to the office of a seventy and
set him apart to his Mission. I spent the night at the farm 6 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

12 I returned to the city and attended a Council {of Fifty} in the
City Hall. In the Afternoon I met with the Presidents of Stakes
and councillors in the Council House. John Vancott and
Loren Farr jouned our Council {of Fifty}

~ Wednesday

13 I met in council at the Endow[me]nt for council & Prayer

~ Thursday

14 I spent the day in writing up my Journal & in council.

~ Friday

15 A folded letter/box I received 3 letters & spent the forenoon in council and
President Taylor made some arangm[en]ts with Henry Lunt to
secure a coal Mine & Iron Mines near Cedar. Appropriated
$5000 to help secure it to the Church to own 2/3 & Br Lunt 1/3 I wrote
up my Journal I wrote one letter to Sarah and sent Davids to her

~ Saturday

A hand pointing to the right 16 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to McAllister & Bleak & went to the farm 6 m[iles]

~ Sunday

17 A hand pointing to the right Sunday I wrote 3 letters to Eugenia Phebe & Robert & George Scholes

Page 50

Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle John T Caine
& Milo Andrews spoke some 50 M[inutes], G Q Cannon 30 M
we attended the Prayer Circle in the Evening

~ Monday

18 I bought a No 7 Moniter Stove for Wilford to day
Paid $40 Paid $20 for some articles for Susan and family

~ Tuesday

19 STunesday in company with G Q Cannon I visited
George Reynolds at the Penetentiary. He had a room by
himself and was comfortable I received a letter from Bulah

~ Wednesday

20 A hand pointing to the right I returned from the farm & wrote a letter from
Ilus F. Carter and sent a draft of $125 to Bulah
A. Woodruff
I also wrote her a letter at Rochester. It is
a plesant day. Crops good Potatoe crop vary cgood.

~ Thursday

21 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 4 letters I wrote 1 to Jacobson Br
Henry Charles Fowler Baptized my Daughter Susan
C Scholes
in the font for the renewal of her covenants
and her health

~ Saturday

* 223. I took cars & rode to Nephi, with Moses Thatcher to
Provo I met in the conference in the Afternoon J. G
Prayed. The stake statistics were then read 2117 souls
reported in the stake. G Teasdale spoke 35 M[inutes], W Woodruff 30 m
On the subject of tithing. In the Evening I met with the young
& young Ladies Mutual. G. Teasdale Prayed, Br Jinkins
spoke 8 M Bishop of Levan 5 M, Sister Grover 7, W Woodruff
one hour, we had a good meeting

~ Friday

* 22nd I met with the quorum of the Twelve in council at
the Council House we had ownly 6 of the Quorum Present

~ Sunday

24 Sunday we Met at 10 oclok W Woodruff spoke one hour
& 15 M[inutes]. Afternoon Prayer By R. N. Alread G Teasdale spoke

Page 51

25 Minuts. Then the Authorities of the Church were
Presented & sustained L E Harrington spoke 40 M[inutes], W.
Woodruff 15 M. Four were cut off for Apostacy, 3 for
Adultery & 1 for stealing total 9. W Woodruff ordained one
High Priest and set him apart for a Bishops councillor
and another Man was set apart for a Bishops councillor
I met in the Evening & spoke one hour to the people {The Spirit of God was with us} 90 Miles

~ Monday

25 An arrow An arrow Monday we received a Telegram that the
Apostle Charles C Rich had a shock of Paralisis on Sunday
and was vary low. I visited Sister Goldsborough who had
a fall and was badly hurt. We administered to her I took cars
and returned to Salt Lake City Moses Thatcher joined me
at Provo I spent the night at home 90 M[iles].

~ Tuesday

26 A folded letter/box I received 5 letters from M H Hardy, McAllister
Bleak, Jesse N Smith & Susan we had 3 telegrams this
Morning from Br Rich saying that He had a Bad night
was sinking fast Benedic had arived there might be some hope

~ Wednesday

27 Keys crossed Telegram say their is more hope of Br Rich to day
Brigham T Young son of Joseph A Young died at 2 oclok
this Morning with drunkenness & Morphene I attended council
Keys crossed A crown A crown In our council today we ordained Francis
M Lyman
(son of A mason Lyman) to the
Apostleship as one of the Twelve Apostles. John Taylor was
Mouth in ordaining. We also ordained John Henry Smith
(son of George A Smith) To the Apostleship A member of
the Twelve Apostles. W Woodruff ordained him it was the
first Apostle I Ever ordained

The following is the blessing sealed upon the Head of John Henry Smith

Page 52

Ordination of John Henry Smith to the Apostleship to be one of
the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles ordained under the hands of
President John Taylor, George Q. Cannon, & Joseph F Smith
of the Presidency, and Wilford Woodruff who was Mouth in
ordaining, also Orson Pratt, Erastus Snow, Franklin D
, & Brigham Young of the Quorum of the Twelve and
D H Wells councillor to the Twelve

Brother John Henry Smith in the name of the Lord Juesus Christ
and by the Authority of the Holy Priesthood And Apostleship confered
upon us we lay our hands upon your head, and we ordain you
an Apostle in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
and as A member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. And
we seal upon you all the power And Authority to Administer
in all the Ordinances of the House of God agreeable to this office
Even the Apostleship which is the Highest Authority Ever confered
and sealed upon the sons of men in the flesh. And we pray God
to cloth you with the power of this Apostleship, with the power
of God
. That your mind may be open to comprehend &
understand your relationship to God, your relationship
to your Brethren, your relationship to the Church and Kingdom
of God
, in relation to this world, and in relation to the responsibility
which now rest upon you. And we say unto you The Eyes of
God & his Son Jesus Christ isand of the Heavenly Hosts, and of
Joseph Smith and the Apostles, And the Eyes of your Father who
are behingd the veil are upon you, and there is rejoicing in
Heaven becaus you are one of the Sons of the Prophets & Apostles, and
have come forth to take upon yourself the Holy Apostleship and
we say unto you be humble before God and seek for the Holy spirit

Page 53

For you need this power to guide and direct you in this Apostleship
and inasmuch as you walk in faithfulness and humility before
God and seek and obyey the council of your Brethren you will
become a Mighty man in the Earth, and you shall stand in the
flesh to behold the great work fullfilled, and the promises of God
concerning the great last dispensation of the fullness of times.
We Pray God to cloth you with his power, with the spirit and
power of the Holy Ghost, and the revelation of Jesus Christ
which Belongs to the Apostleship which is your right to claim
which is your right to claim exercise, & which is your right to
Enjoy. lift up your voice as with the sound of a trumpet
long & loud as far as you have an opportunity in you day
and declare the work of life & salvation unto the inhabitants
of the Earth [Doctrine and Covenants 34:6]. you are unordained unto this power you hold the
Isuessues of of life & death as far as the salvation or condemnation
of the world is concerned, you are called to stand in the defence
of the truth and to bear your record of the Kingdom of God
on the Earth and your Testimony will rise in judg[me]nt
against the wicked in the day of Judgm[en]ts in the day when all
men will give an account of the deeds done in the body
your words shall be a savior of life unto life to those who
believe and obey, or of Death unto Death to those who
reject your testimony. Therefore we say unto you go
forth in peace & the power of God to bar [bear] a record of the words
of Ceveerlasting life. And take upon you and feel in your
spirit this Apostleship, and the blessings of God will attend your
labors we seal again your Evry Blessing, and evry key and
endowm[en]t of the New and Everlasting Covenant

Page 54

Even the Blessing of Abraham Isaac & Jacob in
the name of Jesus Christ our Redeemer Amen

The spirit of God rested upon us while we was ordaining
thes two Brethren to the Apostleship. The Blessing of Br
Lyman I have not God [got] therefore I cannot record it

~ Thursday

Oct 278, 1880 Dr Benedict arived from Paris and gave
us an Account of Br C. C. Rich. He was reviving some
but No prospect of final recovery I wrote 3 letters to
A hand pointing to the right McAllister Teasdale and Sarah

~ Friday

29. [FIGURE] I receivd a quantity of trees, currant & gooseburys &
vines today which I set out in the orchard at the farm 6 Mil

~ Saturday

30 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 3 letters from Sarah, David, & Jacobson
I went on top of the Temple with Susan. I wrote 10 Letters to
Jacobson, McKinnon Sarah. One for Susan to open at
home with a Note to each of the children, Eugenia
Phebe, Robert, Wilfgord George & Flossy with Each a
present. I wrote to David sent him his $6 Note I
wrote to Phebe A Snow

~ Sunday

31 Sunday I attended the Sabbath School Jubilee in the Taber-
some 8000 children with many grown people were
present, met at 10 oclok and passed through the Exercises untill
near 12 oclok Then W Woodruff addressed the Assembly 10 M[inutes], spoke
upon the administration of Angels ({to him in London})

I attended the meeting in the Afternoon W Woodruff spoke
one hour followed By O. Pratt 30 M. I attended meeting
in the 17 ward in the Evening and assisted in the organization
of the Bishop & his council. Edward Hunter spoke 15 M.

Page 55

W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes] & John Henry Smith a few mom[en]ts

~ Monday

Nov 1, 1880 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters & wrote one to I F Carter

~ Tuesday

2 This is the Great Election for the Nation I took cars in the
Morning rode to Ogden with my Daughter Susan & 2 childr[en]
got her a ticket and saw her on Board of the U. P. for
Council Bluffs. I then took cars & returned to Salt Lake to
cast my vote for G Q Cannon as our delegate to Congress
In the Afternoon I returned again to Ogden making 80 M
Miles travel to cast my vote. I took Utah Northern in the
Evening rode to Smithfield arived at Midnight Distance of the day 170 miles

~ Wednesday

3rd I went with Newton to bear River we shot 4 ducks and
returned Mary had burned her knee caught cold in it and was
in great Pain in the night I got up held her limb over the
smoke of burnt wool, and Put on a peace of salt Bacon
& she went to sleep & rested ^10 M[iles]^

~ Thursday

4. I attended fast Meeting to day

~ Friday

5 I spent the day with my family in Smithfield

~ Saturday

6 In company with Thomas D Lutz & Sarah I rode to Logan
to attend the quarterly conference Met at 10 oclok ^Br^ Merrill
Prayed Statiscital report read Total souls 14550. Total of
Temple funds $257,271.41. G. Q. Cannon spoke 25 M[inutes], W Wood
ruff 25 M Afternoon Wm B Preston spoke 12 M, F. D. Richards
one hour & 10 M on the Law of Tithing At the close of the Meeting we visited
the Temple, two banks of the roof was on we could see that it will crowd
hard to get the roof on this fall. I rode to Smithfield & spent the night 16 Miles

~ Sunday

7 I rode to Logan attended Conference at 10 oclok C O Card
Prayed Lorenzo Snow spoke one hour & 10 M[inutes]. W Woodruff 38 M
At the close of the Meeting the Twelve Met at Br Cards House

Page 56

Keys crossed A crown We here met with Br C. C. Rich who had been
Brought from Bear Lake on a Bed having received a paraletic
stroke, the left side entirely useless, he could speak a little so as
to be understood. Br George Q Cannon Anointed him and six
of the Apostles laid hands upon him & W Woodruff was mouth
and blessed him. He seemed overjoyed at seeing us. We met at
2 oclok sacrament Administered. The Authorities of the Church
were presented and sustained, 4 Missionaries called to spend
all their time as home missionaries Joseph F Smith spoke one
hour & 10 M[inutes], M Thatcher 14, G. Q. Cannon 15 M W W 3 M.
We adjourned & rode to Smithfield & held a Meeting Bishop
Farrell spoke 15 M & W Woodruff one hour 16 Miles

~ Monday

8 I took cars at 3:40 rode to Logan & Salt Lake and
^ A folded letter/box^ arived in a snow storm I went to the office & received 8 letters 98 Mile

~ Tuesday

9 Keys crossed A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Sarah sent her $10 to pay for
an ox. In company with J Taylor ^&^ G. Q. Cannon we
Administered to C. C. Rich, we also was informed of the death
of Johnathan C Wright. I went to the field 6 Miles

~ Wednesday

10 I went to the field took down a coal house for Sarah D
I went & visited my Daughter Clara who had been vary
sick with the Diphtheria she was better to day I met in
Keys crossed council with the Presidency & Twelve President Taylors
claim upon the Sugar House Machinery of $10000 weras
allowed him

~ Thursday

Nov 11, 1880 we had 3 inches of snow on the ground this morning
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received one letter & wrote 3 letters one to Bulah sent her $10.

~ Friday

12 A hand pointing to the right I wrote onetwo letter to McAllister & Bleak

~ Saturday

13. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to Tenney spent the rest of the day on Bernhisel Acc[oun]t

Page 57

~ Sunday

Nov 14 1880

Sunday I visited C. C. Rich today and Attended Meeting
at 2 oclok Br Brain spoke 5 M[inutes], John Nebeker 30 M G Q Caon
One hour. We attended the Prayer circle W. W. Prayed
I attended the Meeting in the 14 ward. John ^W^ Taylor spoke 15 M,
and Thomas Taylor 30, & W Woodruff 60 M.

~ Monday

15 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 4 Letters from Bulah, Susan, Phebe
& Robert Scholes Jr I wrote 5 Letters.

~ Tuesday

16. A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I wrote 1 letter to A M McDonald I spent the forenoon
with the Auditing committee on the Accounts of Dr J M
with the Trustee in trust during the Administration
of President Brigham Young but we could find Nothing
due him but a small amount

~ Wednesday

17 A hand pointing to the right An arrow This is the coldest night I Ever saw in Nov
Thermomitor at daylight stood 3 degrees below Zero, 2 above
at 8 oclok I wrote a letter to William Woodruff on the Woodruff
Genellogy my Daughter Clara was vary sick with the
Diphtheria has now got the plurisy inand great pain in the
side and has suffered vary much

~ Thursday

18 I returned from the field this morning. Clara was vary
sick through the night. I was afraid she would die I received
A folded letter/box I letter from Bulah I salted down a Barrel of Beef today

~ Friday

19 I left S. L. City this morning & took cars with Mrs W.
I rode to Nephi took dinner with Br. Teasdale then in
company rode to Moroni and held a Meeting in the Evening
G Teasdale spoke 30 M[inutes] W Woodruff 30 M. Distance 118 M[iles]

~ Saturday

Nov 20. We drove to Fort Ephraim to Attend the Quarterly
Conference. We Met in the Afternoon at 2 oclok Junius F Wells
Prayed, The Statiscical report was then read ^12 M[iles]^

Page 58

Total Number of souls 10305. President Peterson reported
the general condition of the stake. The General report of
the recepts of the Manti Temple District was given up to
date as $221,264.94 cts W Woodruff then spoke one hour
G Teasdale 15 M[inutes]. We held a Meeting in the Evening with the
young People Junius F Wells spoke 30 M, W Woodruff 50 M.

~ Sunday

21 Sunday we met at 10 oclok W Woodruff spoke 45 M[inutes],
Br Wareham 15 M, Br Mabyan 12 M. Afternoon sacram[en]t &
the General Authorities of the Church presented and sustained
Wm H Folsome spoke 35 M At the close of the Meeting we rode
to Manti and held a Meeting in the Evening with the young People
Junius F Wells spoke 40 M, and gave Excellent council
W Woodruff spoke 30 M, G. Teasdale 20. Stoped with Br Mabyan 8 Mile

~ Monday

22 In the Morning we drove onto the Temple ground,
and we were much pleased with the Appearance of the Temple
it was the first time Mrs Woodruff had Ever seen it, she
was much pleased with it. They had got on the string cours
of the first story After taken a sto view of the Temple and its
surroundings, we then drove to Ephraim and attended the
Relief society Mrs Phebe W Woodruff addressed the Meeting
followed By W. Woodruff a short time we then dined with
Br Peterson and drove to Moroni we spent the, 20 Miles
night with Brother Irons He and G Teasdale attended the
young Mens Mutual I spent the Evening in the House

~ Tuesday

23 I took a walk out with Br Irons to view the country
we shot 1 duck & 2 rabbits we took dinner & Drove to Nephi
and attended the Meeting with the young people. G Teasdale
spoke 30 M[inutes], W Woodruff 35 23 Miles

Page 59

~ Wednesday

Nov 24 1880

We attended a Meeting with a relief society Mrs Woodruff
spoke 35 M[inutes] and gave vary good instruction to the people
we took cars & rode to Salt Lake City and I had a severe
cold on my lungs & had a sick night. Distance 95 Miles

~ Thursday

25 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right Thanksgiving day I received 5 letters. I wrote
one letter to Br Bleak we had quite a snow storm Endow-
were given today there was quite a Number of
young folks Married today My son James Buried his
An arrow syoungest son [daughter] to day. My Daughter Bulah returned
home from the East this Evening I heard a letter read
from James Blackburn a Missionary at Michigan
giving an account of the Persecution He was recei-
ving from the People, they were driven from Place to place
He also related a most horrible circumstance He had rec[ieve]d
An arrow a letter from B Palmer of Cleveland Ohio saying
that the water reservoy of that city had become so foul
they could not drink it they drained the water off
and they found in the bottom of it 700 dead infants
all probably begotten out of wedlock how they can as
a Nation stand with such corruption in one Christian
city Not ownly Evidenc of 700 cases of whoredom in
one city but of 700 Murders in one city and the
inhabitants Drinking the water from their bodies 6 M[iles]

~ Friday

26. A hand pointing to the right I returned to the city & wrote a letter to McAllister

~ Saturday

27 A hand pointing to the right Keys crossed I wrote one letter to I F Carter and a Draft for
$62 for Bulah I wrote to Br Lutz I sent a descrption
to him of John Taylor, Erastus Snow, Francis M Lyman
& John Henry Smith I visited C. C. Rich He seemed some better

Page 60

~ Saturday

Nov 27, 1880

A hand pointing to the right I wrote to ^4^ Susan, Phebe, & Robert Scholes

~ Sunday

28 Sunday I did not feel well & kept the House. G. Q. Cannon
spoke in the Assembly Hall

~ Monday

29 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Br McAllister & Bleak

~ Tuesday

30 I spent a part of the day at the office. I was in the Presid[en]ts
untill late last night the (29) with the Presidency and the
Twelve to look over the Minuts of the conference in view of
the organizeing of the first Presidency we then Parted with
Br Geoge Q Cannon who starts in the Morning for Wash-
A. O Smoot goes with him to Kentucky I went to the field

~ Wednesday

Dec 1, 1880 A cold morning I received a letter from Lot Smith
I met in council and in a prayer circle

~ Thursday

2 A folded letter/box Keys crossed A crown I received A Letter from William Woodruff
who gave me the Geneology of my Progenetor
As follows ^1.^ Wilford Woodruff Born March 1, 1807

2nd Aphek Woodruff Born Nov 11, 1778, died March 28 1861 Aged 83

3. Eldad Woodruff born 1751. Died 1806. Aged 54 years

4. Josiah Woodruff born Aug 16, 1706 Farmington Ct Aged 100 years

5 Gen. Joseph Woodruff born in Farmington Ct. 1679.

6. Gen. John Woodruff Born in Farmington Ct. 1649.

7. Gen. Mathew Woodruff The original setler and
proprietor and one of the 84 original owners of the Town
of Farmington came from Hartford in 1640. And
was among the first setlers of Hartford Connecticut

Some called my Great Grand Father (4 G) Medad, others Elijah
and others Josiah, I put it down as Josiah

~ Friday

Dec 3. I spent the day writing up my Mission to Fox Islands

~ Saturday

4. I spent the day writing my Mission

Page 61

~ Sunday

Dec 5 1880

Sunday I attended meeting in the Afternoon Wm C Stains
spoke 30 M[inutes] A. M Cannon 30, & John Taylor 30 M.
I held a Meeting in the Evening in the 14 ward school House
W. W. Taylor spoke 20 M, Br Lambert 20, W Woodruff 30 m.

~ Monday

6 A folded letter/box I received one letter and spent the day writing my mission

~ Tuesday

7 A folded letter/box A crown A crown A crown My wife Phebe W W. took Ether this morning
and had 24 teeth extracted all she had she being 73 years
old it made her quite sick but she got along with it as
well as could be Expected I wrote 4 letters to Bleak
A hand pointing to the right Mc'Allister A. E. Wells & Sarah

~ Wednesday

8 I spent the forenoon in council with the Presidency &
Br David Udal concerning the Purchase of St John
and the paying for the same I met in the Prayer circle

~ Thursday

9 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 letters to Tenney, E. Snow, McAllister
Bleak & Farnsworth. I receivd 1 letter from I F Carter

~ Friday

10. A hand pointing to the right I spent the day in writing I sent an
Autobiographical sketch of the Life of Mrs Phebe W.
to Mr Bancroft & co of Sanfrancisco
I spent the day and Evening in writing

~ Saturday

11 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Sarah Woodruff & sent
her an order of $100 on the Smithfield Tithing
Office to apply on her Account

~ Sunday

12 Sunday I attended meeting in the Assembly Hall
Br Watson spoke 15 M, W Woodruff 32, Frances Cope
15 M, Joseph F Smith 45 M. I attended the Prayer circle
I attended Meeting in the 14 ward J F Smith spok 60 M
W Woodruff 30 M

~ Monday

13 In company with John Taylor Joseph F Smith

Page 62

I visited Br Dinwoody store we bought 10 chairs
2 sophias A centre table to fit up the council room
of the Twelve Apostles in the N.E. corner of the Council House

~ Tuesday

14 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Lot Smith & John P Sorrenson

~ Wednesday

15 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Sarah & Sarah M Coombs
I attended council & Prayer circle in the Afternoon
D. H. Wells circumstances was presented to the council at
length. All his property was liable to be soled under Mortgage
The Church and Z.C.M.I. had already advanced $3000
to Pay interest and $1500 dollars more was wanted to
Pay the interest or the Property would have to be sold
The council voted to raise $750 & Z.C.M.I would raise the rest

~ Thursday

16 A folded letter/box I receivd 2 letters from McAllister & Bleak I went to the farm 6 M[iles]

~ Friday

17 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I returned from the farm & received a letter from
Br Bleak I wrote a4 Letters to Sarah, & Coombs Bleak
and McAllister

~ Saturday

18 I took cars & rode to Ogden with J Taylor J F Smith
John Henry Smith Vancott & Wm Taylor & several others
we Met with the Presidency of the stake & High council and
of the Priesthood. Their has Exhisted a difficulty betwen
the Authorities of the Church in that Place for a good while
and the forenoon was taken up in teaching them and some
sharp chastisem[en]ts were given and I think the harts of
some were made to quake before the two Edged sword of
truth by the Power of God. The spirit of God was with us
we Met in the Afternoon and organized 7 Prayer circles
but many of the company had to settle their difficulties
before they could Enter the Prayer circle it was a profitable time

Page 63

Meeting opened by Prayer by W Woodruff F D Richards spoke
15 M[inutes] John Taylor 50, Joseph F Smith 50 M W Woodruff 20 m
The first Presidency & High council formed one circle
The High Priest one. The 4 Bishops of the ^4^ wards of Ogden
Each furnish a circle And the Presidency of the stake with the
Bishop furnish another circle and Br F D Richards organized
the 7 Prayer circles we had an interesting time it took untill
6 oclok I spoke a short time at the close

~ Sunday

19 Keys crossed Sunday I for the first time in my life talked with
Elder Taylor through a telephone one Mile surly men
have sought out many inventions I attended meeting at
10 oclok J Vancott spoke 12 M[inutes], Seymour Young 10 M,
Wm W Taylor 12 M, C W Penrose 11, John Henry Smith
17 M. Afternoon W Woodruff spoke 30 M, Joseph F Smith 37,
John Taylor 35 M. W Woodruff in his remarks bore
testimony to the work of God councilled Union among the
people spoke of the great responsibility we are under to
God, and the work we are called upon to perform. Joseph
Smith bore testimony to the work. Exhorted the people to
settle all their difficulties and not permit themselves
to be cut off from the Church for they would cut
themselves off from Eternal Life & salvation which
was more than Death at any time. President Taylor
spoke in the power of God warned the Saints to keep the
faith and live their Religion spoke of Congress the Government
& the Constitution which was Esstablished by inspiration
that we could afford to be generous to our government if they
would not give us our rights but seek to oppress us we must leave in

Page 64

the hands of God and He will deal with them and He
will sustain his Kingdom. Much good was done
by our visit there. We took cars & & returned to S L City 40 M[iles]
I read a Book of translation from the Jewish Talmud

~ Monday

20 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from the Eugenia I wrote
one Letter to I. F. Carter spoke of Phebes family & of his lamps

~ Tuesday

21 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from David. I wrote 1 to David
I met with Orson Pratt & David J Ross in relation
to his Being restored to the Church. Br Pratt is in vary
Poor health with sumthing like Brights Kidney disease
He is hardly able to do any kind of Labor and does not
appear as though He Ever wood do much more business

~ Wednesday

22 I spent the day in writing and attending council
and Prayer circle Herd a letter read from G. Q. Cannon
An arrow The Devil is stired up in Washington against
Mormonism I drew out a list of our persecutors

~ Thursday

23 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 letters to David John Br Perry, West & Preston

~ Friday

24 I spent most of the day in selling [settling] the Accounts of
A F McDonald I went to the farm at at night and
took supper with Emma & family & Azmon & Elizabeth 6 M[iles]

~ Saturday

25 I returnd from the farm & spent Christmass day in the
city I visted Br C. C. Rich with L John Nuttall and Administered to him

~ Sunday

26 Sunday I attended the Meeting in the Assembly Hall H S Eldridge
Prayerd J West spoke 15 M[inutes], Joseph F Smith 65 M. We Met
in the Prayer circle. Joseph F Smith and myself met in
the 15 ward New Meeting House. J F Smith spoke 58 M, W
Woodruff 50 M

~ Monday

27 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from David John & Bleak

Page 65

~ Tuesday

Dec 278 1880

Keys crossed A crown I wrote A Prayer to be presented upon the
Alter By the request of President Taylor to be presented to him
for his Aproval. This Prayer was to carry out the purpose of the
Lord in athe revelation given me while in the wilderness

~ Wednesday

29th A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to G Q. Cannon it is snowing hard today

~ Thursday

30th A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Sarah & wrote her one & sent
her $5. I wrote to James G Bleak

~ Friday

31, 1880 This is the last day of the year 1880 I once little
Thought I would live to see this date But I have lived to see it
as well as some of my Brethren. Great changes have taken
Place in the Church in some respects and in the world, the Church
has been organized with A first Presidency for the third
time & the Quorum of the Twelve filled up & in these changes through
The provide[nce] of God I have been Appointed the President of the
Twelve Apostles. I Pray that I may have Grace and wisdom
to assist me to magnify my calling in this capacity
In looking over my Journal I have recorded a synopsis of
my labors in the Church & Kingdom of God during the year
1880 on the following Page

[rest of page blank]

Page 66

Synopsis of my labors in 1880.
I Traveled 4126 Miles 4126 Miles
I held 178 Meetings 178 Meetings
I Preached 129 Discourses 129 Discourses
I Attended 2 General Conferences 2 Conferences
I Attended 10 Quarterly Conferences 10 Quarterly
I Attended 14 Young Mens mutual conferences 14 Mutual
I Attended 54 councils & Prayer circles with the Presid[enc]y & 12
I Ordained 1 Apostle, 4 High Priests, 1 Seventy, 1 Elder.
I Ordained 2 Priests, 2 Teachers, & 2 Deacons
I Set apart 75 Missionaries, 1 councillor to the Bishop
I Blessed 5 children, Administered to 17 sick.
I Preached 2 funeral sermons. I organized 7 Prayer circles
I spent 17 days with Auditing committee
I wrote 20274 Letters, Received 202 letters
I Assisted in Baptizing for the Dead 1105
I Assisted in giving Endowm[en]ts to 277.
I had 35 dead women sealed to me I was sealed for 59 dead friends
I had 23 persons Adopted to me. I sealed 22 couple
I gave 2 their seconed Anointing
I Assisted in organizing the first Presid[enc]y in 1880
I Paid Tithing cash $123.23 Churh [Church] order $200, Produce $85.04 Total Tithing $408.27 Donations on Temple $17.
Total Tithings & donations $425.27 cts
Page 67

A Revelation given to Wilford Woodruff in the
wilderness of San Francisco Mountain in Arizona
On the 26 day of Jan 1880

Thus saith the Lord unto my servant Wilford
Woodruff. I have heard thy Prayers, And will ans-
wer thy Petitions. I will make known unto thee
my will concerning the Nation who encumber the
land of promise. And also concerning Zion, and
her inhabitants. I have already revealed my
will co[nce]rning the Natiaon through the mouth of my
servant Joseph, who sealed his Testimony with
his own Blood, which Testimony has been in force
upon all the world from the hour of his death. What I
the Lord have revealed in that Testiment and decreed
upon this Nation, and all the Nations of the Earth
shall be fulfilled. Saith the Lord of Hosts, I the Lord
have spoken and will be obeyed. My purposes
shall be fulfilled upon this Nation, and No power
shall stay my hand. The hour is at the door when
my wrath and indignation shall be poured out upon
the wicked of this Nation. Their murders, blas-
phemies, Lyings, whoredoms and abominations
have come up before my face and before the heavens
and the wrath of mine indignation is full. I have
decred Plagues to go forth and lay waste mine
Enemies, and not many years hence they shall not
be left to pollute mine herraitage. [Doctrine and Covenants 105:15] The Devil is
ruling over his kingdom and my spirit has no

Page 68

place in the harts of the rulers of this Nation, and
the Devil stirs them up to defy my Power, and to
make war upon my Saints. Tharefore let mine
Apostles and mine Elders who are faithful obey my
commandments which are already written for
your profit and guideance. Thus saith the Lord
unto my servant John Taylor and my servant
Wilford Woodruff and my servant Orson Pratt and
to all the residue of mine Apostles. Have you not gone
forth in my name without Purse or scrip [Doctrine and Covenants 84:78] and
declared the Gospel of Life and Salvation unto this
Nation and the Nations of the Earth and warned them
of the gjudgments which are to come as you have
been moved upon by the power of the Holy Ghost and
the inspiration of the Lord. You have done this year by year
for a whole Generation as Men count time. Tharefore
your garments are clean of the Blood of this generation
and Esspecially of this Nation. Tharefore as I have
said in a former commandment so I the Lord say again
unto mine Apostles go ye alone by your selves whether in
heat or in cold and clens your feet with water pure
water, it matters not whether it be by the running streams
or in your clossetts but bear their testimonies befor the
Lord and the Heavenly Hosts And when you have all done this
Then gather yourselves together in your Holy places and
cloth yourselves in the robes of the Holy Priesthood and
thare offer up your Prayers according to my Holy Law
Let him who Presides be mouth and kneel upon the

Page 69

Holy Alter, and there let mine Apostles bring all these
testimonies before my face and before the Heavenly
and before the justified spirits maede perfect. And
thus saith the Lord unto you mine Apostles when you
bring these testimonies before me, let them be pre-
sented by Name as far as the spirit shall present them
unto you. The Presidents of the United States, The Supreme
, The Cabinet, The Senate & House of Congress of
the United States The Govornors of the States and Territories
The Judges & officers sent unto you and all men & persons
who have taken any part in persecuting you or Bringing
distress upon you or your families or have sought your
lives or sought to hinder you from keeping my commandments
or from Enjoying the rights which the Constitutional
Laws of the Land guarantee unto you. And what I
the Lord say unto you mine Apostles I say unto my
servants the Seventies, The High Priests The Elders and
the Priests And all my servants who are pure in
hart and who have born testimony unto this Nation
Let them go forth & cleanse their feet in pure water and
bear testimony of it unto your Father who is in heaven
And thus saith the Lord unto mine Apostles and mine
Elders when ye do these things with Purity of heart, I
the Lord will hear your Prayers and am bound by oath
and covenant to defend you and fight your battles as
I have said in a former commandm[en]t it is not
my will that mine Elders should fight the Battles of
Zion for I will fight your Battle [Exodus 14:14] Nevertheless Let no

Page 70

Man be afraid to lay down his life for my sake for
He that layeth down his life for my skake shall find it
again and have Eternal life [Matthew 16:25]. The Nation is
ripened in iniquity and the cup of the wrath of mine
indignation is full [Doctrine and Covenants 43:26], and I will not stay my hand in
Judgm[en]t upon this Nation or the Nations of the Earth
I have Decreed wars and Judgments upon the wicked
and my wrath and indignation are about to be poured
out upon them And the wicked and rebellious shall know
that I am God. As I the Lord have spoken so will I the
Lord fullfill. I will spare none who remain in babylon
but I will burn them up saith the Lord of Hosts [Doctrine and Covenants 29:9]. As I the
Lord have suffered so will I put all Enemies under my
feet, for I the Lord utter my word, and it shall be obeyed
and the day of wrath and indignation shall come upon the
wicked. And I say again wo unto that Nation or House
or people, who seek to hinder my People from obeying the
Patriarchal Law of Abraham which leadeth to a celestial
which has been revealed unto my Saints through
the mouth of my servant Joseph for whosoever doeth
those things shall be damned saith the Lord of Hosts, and
shall be broaken up & wasted away from under Heaven
by the Judgments which I have sent forth and shall
not return unto me void And thus with the sword and By
Bloodshed and with famine & plagues and Earthquakes
and the Thunders of Heavens and the vivid lightnings
shall this Nation and the Nations of the Earth be made
to feel the chastning hand of an Almighty God untill

Page 71

they are broaken up and Destroyed, and wasted away
from under heaven, and No power can stay my hand.
Therefore let the wicked tremble. Let them that blaspheme
my name hold their lips, for destruction will swiftly over-
take them. All that I the Lord have spoken through the
Mouth of my Prophets and Apostles since the world began
concerning the Last dispensation and fulness of times, con-
cerning my Church which has been called out of the
wilderness of darkness and Error, and concerning the
Zion and Kingdom of God and concerning Babylon
the Great, And what I have spoken through the Mouth of
My servant Joseph shall all be fulfilled And though
Heaven and Earth Pass away my words shall not pass
away, but shall all be fulfilled saith the Lord [Matthew 24:35]. These revela-
tions and testimonies you have before you. Let my Saints
search the word of the Lord and treasure up wisdom and
be prepared for that which is to come As I have decreed
so shall my Judgments begin at the House of God. There
are those in my Church who have a name among you
who are Adulterers and Adulteresses and those who blas-
phene my name and those who love and make a lie, and
those who revel and Drink with the Drunken with the drunken
if they do not speedy repent of their wickedness and Abomina-
tions They shall be severed from the ordinances of my house
saith the Lord. There are many who have need to repent
whose hearts are set upon the things of this world, who asspire
to the honors of men, and do not honor the Priestood, nor
seek to build up the Kingdom of God as they should

Page 72

Neither do they learn or comprehend that the rights
of the priesthood are inseparably connected with the
powers of heavens, and that the powers of heaven cannot
be controlled nor handled ownly upon the principles of
righteousness [Doctrine and Covenants 121:36], such should repent and turn unto the
Lord and seek for the Holy Spirit to guide them Judgm[en]ts
will begin at my House, and from thence will they go
forth unto the wicked, and the wicked cannot Escape
Blessed are the pure in heart [Matthew 5:8], for my Blessings await
them in this life, and Eternal Life in the world to come
Thus saith the Lord unto you miyne servants the Apostles
who dwell in the flesh fear ye not your Enemies Let
not your hearts be troubled I am in your midst
I am your Advocate with the Father I have given
mine Angels charge concerning you, mine Eyes
are upon you, And the Eyes of your Heavenly Father
and the Heavenly Hosts, and all Justified spirits
made perfect are a watching over you. Your works
are Manifest befor the face of my servants who have
sealed their Testimony with their Blood and before all
of my servants of the Twelve Apostles whom I have taken
unto myself. The vaeil is taken from off their faces and
they know your works They await your coming when
you have finished your testimony in the flesh. Therefore
be ye faithful untill I come. My coming is at the Door. Call
upon the Lord in mighty prayer. Ask and you shall receive
whatever you agree as touching anything and ask the Father in
my name it shall be given unto you seek dilligently to build

Page 73

up Zion and magnify your high calling and your
Enemies shall not prevail over you Zion shall not be
moved out of her place [Doctrine and Covenants 101:17]. Zion shall prevail against her
Enemies. My people shall not be hindered in the building
of my Temples unto my Holy Name if they will harken
to my voice and dao as I command them. The blood
of my servant Joseph & Hyrum and of mine Apostles
and Elders which have been shed for the word of God &
Testimony of Jesus Christ cries from the ground for
vengeance upon the Nation who have shed their blood
but that Blood shall spedily be avenged and shall scease
to cry unto me for the hour of Gods Judgmet is fully
come and shall be poured out without measure upon
the wicked. But Harken & hear O ye Apostles Elders & people
of my Church to the word of the Lord concerning you
that for all the Blessings that I will pour out upon you
and the Inhabitants of Zion, and the Judgments and
destructions upon the wicked that I will be inquired of
by you to ask the Father in my nanme to do and to perform
these things for you. As I told all the House of Israel by
my servant Moses that they should ask at my hand
for all those blessing which I the Lord had promised
unto Israel in the Latter Days. And as I the Lord
ordained mine Apostles who were with me in my
ministry, and promised them that they should sit
upon Twelve Thrones Judging the Twelve Tribes of Israel [Matthew 10:1] [Matthew 19:28]
So I say unto you mine Apostles whom I have raised
up in these last days that I have ordained you to bear

Page 74

record of my name and of the gospel of Jesus Christ
to the Gentiles first and then to the House of Israel. I
have also ordained you to set upon Thrones and
Judge the Gentiles and all of the inhabitants of the
Earth unto whom you have borne testimony of my
name in the day and Generation in which you live
Therefore how great is your calling and responsibility
befor me. Therefore gird up the Loins of uyour minds
and Magnify your callings in the fear of God and prepare
ye for the comming of the Son of Man which is nigh
at the Door. No man knoweth the day nor the hour
but the signs of Both Heaven and Earth indicate his
his coming as promised by the Mouth of my deciples
the fig trees are leaving and the hour is nigh Therefore
prepare yourselves O ye Saints of the Most High God
with oil in your Lamps, for Blessed is he that
watcheth for the coming of the Son of man [Matthew 25]. Again
hear ye the word of the Lord O ye mine Apostles whom
I have chosen in these last Days to bear record of
my Name and to Lead my People Israel untill the
coming of the Son of Man I the Lord have raised
up unto you my servant John Taylor to Preside over
you & to be a Law Giver unto my Church He has
mingled his Blood with that of the Martered Prophets
Nevertheless while I have taken my servants
Joseph & Hyrum Smith unto myself I have preserved
My servant John Taylor for a wise purpose in me
I have also taken many others of the Apostles unto

Page 75

Myself, for I take whom I will take and preserve
in life them whom I will preserve according to
the council of my own will. And while my
servant John Taylor is your President I wish to
ask the rest of my servants of the Apostles the
Question Although you have one to Preside over
your Quorum and over the Church which is the order
of God in all Generations. Do you not all of you hold
the Apostleship which is the Highest Authority ever given
to man on Earth? You do. Therefore you hold in
commothen the keys of the Kingdom of God in all the world
you each of you have power to unlock the veil of
Eternity and hold convers[ation] with God the Father and
his Son Jesus Christ, and to have the Administration
of Angels
. It is your right privailege & duty to inquire
of the Lord his mind & will concerning yourselves the inhab-
itants of Zion and their interest And whenever any
one of you receive the word of the Lord Let it be written and
presented in your councils and whatever by a united consent
you deem wisdom to be presented unto the people let it be presented
by the President my servant John Taylor as the word of the Lord, in
this way you will uphold him & strengthen his hands as all the
burthen [burden] should not rest upon one man. For thus saith the Lord
All of mine Apostles should be full of the Holy Ghost of Inspiration and
revelation and know the mind & will of God and be prepared for that which
is to come Therefore let mine Apostles keep my commandments and obey my
laws And the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against you Fear not for lo I am with
you intill I come I come quickly Even so Amen.

Page 76

A Prayer written By Wilford Woodruff By request of
President John Taylor to be Presented at the Altar

O God Our Eternal Father, Thou who dwellest in the heavens
Thou who hast created the heavens and the Earth and all
that dwelleth therein; Thou art the God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob. Thou hast sustained they [thy] Prophets, Apostles, and
anointed Ones from Eternity to Eternity. Therefore
we come before thee, in confidence and in faith, as thy
Saints, thine Apostles, and thy friends, to make our
wants known unto thee, the Lord Our God. Thou
art our Eternal Father, the Father of our spirits, and
hast called us and ordained us, and commanded us
to go forth unto the inhabitants of the Earth, ^in this generation
to declare unto them the gospel of Jesus Christ the words of Life & salvation
thou has commanded us to go forth unto the Nations of the Earth^ unto the
most notible cities, towns and cities villages of the
world reproveing them in righteousness of all their
wickedness and abominations, and warning them of the
desolation which awaiteth them if they reject the message
and testimony which thou hast sent unto them. Therefore
O Lord our God we have obeyed thay [thy] commandments
in thes things. We have gone forth through our own
Nation and the Nations of the Earth, and have declared
faithfully unto them the gospel of Jesus Christ. ^we have travelled in poverty offliction & persecution^ we have travelled
without purse or scrip and declaired thy word freely without
money and without price, and been chargeable to no man, as thou
knowest, for thou knowest all our ways. Thou hast given unto
us of thy Holy Spirit and of the Testimony of Jesus Christ, for which
we thank thee, O our Father and we have found many of thy
sons and Daughters of the seed of Abraham who have received
Our testimony among the Nations of the Earth and have been gathered

Page 77

Home unto Zion in the Mountains of Israel For therse things
O our Father we feel to praise thy Holy Name. Thou hast made us many
promises thruugh the mouth of thy servant Moses, and through many
of the ancient Prophets and Apostles who by inspiration and revelation
saw our day. Thou hast also made us many promises through the mouth
of thy servant Joseph whom thou hast raised up to lay the foundation
of thy Church and Kingdom in this last dispensation, and who has sealed
his testimony with his own blood. Thou hast also commanded us to
ask the Father in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ for all blessings prom-
ised onto us. Therefore O Our Father, we come before thee for this
purpose Thou hast commanded us O Our God through the mouth of thy
servant Joseph Smith the Prophet, that whenever any Nation or
people or house or individual rejects us or our testimony of Jesus
Christ or his gospel we should go alone by ourselves and clenanse our
feet with water pure water whether in heat or in cold and bear
testimony against that Nation, or man, or house, or people before thee
our Father and thy Son Jesus Christ and the Heavenly hosts [Doctrine and Covenants 84:92] Now our Father
who art in heaven we bear bear testimony unto thee that from the
hour that Moroni gave into the hands of thy servant Joseph the sacred
record from the hill Cumorah wicked and ungodly men sought his life
and continued to persecute him up to the hour of his death and
finally shed his Blood and martered him with his Brother Hyram
in Carthage Jail for the word of God & Testimony of Jesus Christ and
the wicked of this Nation have continued to persecute thy servants
from th time to time, untill the present hour [Joseph Smith—History 1:59-61] [Doctrine and Covenants 135:1-2]. The wicked of this Nation have
driven thy people from town to town from state to state and finally driven
them from the Nation into the wilderness, into these Mountains of Irsrael
and now our Enemies are not satisfied because we still live and prosper

Page 78

Even Our Nation itself is taking a stand against thy Church
and Kingdom and has passed laws forbidding us to obey the
Law of the Celestial patriarchal order of marriage which thou
hast commanded us to obey. The blood of one of thy servants
has been shed others have been imprisioned because they woud
not deny they word. Now O Lord our God we bear our testimony
against these men, befor Thee and the heavenly hosts and we
berar testimony unto thee Our heavenly Father that we according
to thy commandments unto us we have gone alone by ourselves
and clensed our feet in pure water and born testimony
unto Thee and thy Son Jesus Christ and to the heavenly hosts
against these wicked men by name as far as the spirit
has manifested them unto us we have borne our testimony
against those who have shed the blood of thy Prophets and Apostles
and anointed ones, or have given consent to their death
and against those who have driven thy Saints and imprisoned
them and those who are still ready to deprive us of Life, Liberty
and the privilege of keeping the commandm[en]ts of God. And
now O Lord our God thou hast commanded us that when
we have done this we should gather ourselves together in our
holy Places and clothed in the robes of the Holy Priesthood
should unite ourselves together in Prayer and supplication
and that we should bear our testimony against these men by
name as far as wisdom should dictate. Now O God our Eternal
Father we ask in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ that in
this important act of our lives we may do nothing but what
shall be acceptable in thy sight May the same spirit ^{shorthand}^ of Mercy
love and charity dwell in our hearts that dwelt in the soul

Page 79

of Jesus of Nazareth when he gave up the Ghosts upon
the cross and may we do nothing in this act but what we
do by the commandment of God. Now O Lord our God
we present before thee, the God of Israel and thy Son Jesus
Christ and Before the heavenly hosts, and Before Abraham
Isaac & Jacob, And all the Justified spirits made perfect
And Before the Altar the following list of names

^This list of Names are in print & I omit recording them here^

O Lord our God these classes of Men whether living
or dead have made war against Thee and thy kingdom
and thine anointed ones some have shed the blood of
thy Prophets and Apostles. Others have consented unto
their deaths and have persecuted the Saints of God and
have driven them from place to place and finally driven
them into these mountains of Israel and barren deserts
and many of our Nation their Presidents Governors
and judges still seek our destruction and still wish
to pass laws to prevent us from Building up thy
Kingdom and keeping thy commandments and
from redeeming our dead and performing the work
which thou has commanded us to do and to deprive
us of Our freedom as men and our rights as citizens
Now O Lord Our God thou knowest the situation of
this Nation, all their sins wickedness and abominations
are open before thy face They are not hid from thee Thou
knowest the hearts and intent of the children of men
towards thy People. Our Father in heaven we pray

Page 80

unto thee and ask thee in the name of thy Son Jesus
Christ that thou wilt protect they Church, thy Kingdom and
thy people from the Power of the wicked. O Lord may
this Nation not have power to prefvent thy Saints
from keeping thy commandments, from building the Temples
of our God and redeeming Our dead. Cloth thy servants
John Taylor George Q Cannon, and Joseph F Smith with
the power of God and the revelations of Jesus Christ
and also their Brethren the Apostles that they may be
of one hart & one Mind and have power to lead Israel
unto salvation and Eternal life cloth all the faithfuls
Elders of Israel with the power of God and the testimony
of Jesus Christ O Lord protect Zion that she may
not be moved out of her place O Lord Bless George
Q Cannon as the representative of thy people may
He be maintained by thy Power and be Enabled thereby
to ward off Every blow aimed at our liberties May
he be valiant in the testimony of Jesus Christ, that
his Garments may be clean from the blood of this Nation
O Lord hear us from heaven thy Holy dwelling place and answer our
pe[ti]tions sustain thine anointed ones and deliver us from the hands
of Our Enemies overthrow the Evil designs of the wicked and
ungodly against thy Saints and break Evry weapon formed
against us. Give thy people O Lord power to build up Zion
and redeem Our dead and be prepared for the coming
of the Son of Man. And we will ascribe all the honor power
and Glory unto God and the Lamb both Now and forever

Page 81
Page 82


Page 83

~ Saturday

Jan 1, 1881
This is New years day for 1881. What the year will bring forth
I know not. What the year will bring forth God knows and will direct
it, and time will show it to us I pray Godd to preserve me and
My family in Purity And I P[r]ay the Lord to Peserve the first
, Twelve and all the faithful Saints in Zion and Bless
And protect Br George Q Cannon in washington and hedge up the
way of our Enemies that they shall not have power over the Saints of
God. In company with Mrs Woodruff I visited Leonard W
at a surprise party at his house on his birth day. We had an
excellent time. His sons and family Presented him with a $30
arm chair. speech was made by one of his sons, in the presenta-
tion of the chair. Addresses were made by Br Hardy followed By
R T Burton & W Woodruff I spent the Evening with my son
Wilford, & Br Nixion & wife of St George

~ Sunday

Jan 2nd Sunday I met at the Tabernacle. Elias Morris prayd John ^L^ Henry
John L Smith spoke 10 M[inutes], C W Penrose 31, John Taylor 70 m
I attended the Prayer circle in the H. Office at 1 oclok and atten-
ded a Meeting in the 17 ward in the Evening John T Cain spoke
30 M, Br Lambert 15 M, & W Woodruff 45 M I wrote one
A hand pointing to the right letter to Wm R Smith of Centreville

~ Monday

3 A folded letter/box An arrow In company with Angus M Cannon I visited
Father Vance who had Been afflicted for 4 years with
Evil spirits, and was suffering much we talked with him
and his wife for several hours. A man by the name of
E R Walker called himself a Doctor and said He was
an Elder in the Church He was associated with other Men
He said they had cast out 1500 devils out of Br Vance
and had all their names written down in a Book

Page 84

He said he had 1500 more Devils in him He had a new
way of casting them out we appointed the next day to
have a Meeting to investigate thse subject I received a
card from Sarah I dined with President John Taylor
I spent the night at Sarah D. with the children. 6 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

4 I returned to the city and met with the High Council
On the family Difficulty of Br Vance & family we sat
7 Hours from 10 till 5 in the Evening We heard all the
difficulties brought up pro & con and Wakers operation
in calling out the 1500 devels, and there was 1000
still manifest in him yet, and after Hearing all they
had to say we decided that they all had need to repent
and that Dr Walkers operations were all fals and a
Delusion and he had deceivd some of the good well meaning
Brethren & drawn them away

~ Wednesday

5 A folded letter/box I received a letter from Bell & Jesse Moses I attended
the Council & Prayer Circle And the Prayer was
read which I was requested to wright & it was accepted

~ Thursday

6 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 4 Letters from David John, Bleak,
Johnson, and the Temple work for Dec. I wrote I wrote
2 Letters to McAllister & Bleak [in] answer to a private letter

~ Friday

7 I took cars to Woods Cross with John Henry Smith
and attended a Meeting held at the Meeting House before
a High Council. The acccusation was against Charles
E Pearsons
We sat from 10 oclok untill 5 oclok
charge was brought By Bishop Call But the decision
was that the charge was not sustained we returned home 16 m

~ Saturday

8 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Joseph A West. I wrote one to him

Page 85

I met in the Assembly room to attend the Quarterly Conference
the forenoon was mostly spent in reading the Statistics & reports
in the Afternoon all the General Authorities of the Chu[r]ch
were sustained President John Taylor spoke 35 M[inutes]
upon the subject of Tithing and other subjects

~ Sunday

9th Sunday Confere[n]ce Met at 10 oclok Loren Farr
prayed & John Taylor spoke one hour & 22 Minutes
A M Cannon 10 M. President Taylor said that those
who did not pay their tithing and keep the Law of
God should not have a recommend to go to the Temple
or Endowment House to get Endowments And if the
Keys crossed Bishops gave such recommends, they must bear the
Blame of it for I will not. Afternoon Prayer
By Bishop Hunter W Woodruff spok 37 M, Joseph
F Smith
spoke 15 M, E D Woolley 12 M, D O Calder
spoke 13, A M Cannon 27, Joseph E Taylor 15 M,
John Henry Smith 20 m wW Woodruff 15 {in the power of God}

~ Monday

10 A folded letter/box I received a letter from Br Farnsworth. Henry
caught a Links [FIGURE] in his trap that had
Been killing chickins and shot him in the head
I spent the day in the office

~ Tuesday

11 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Farnsworth I took dinner
with Br Miner and went to the field for the night 6 m[iles]

~ Wednesday

12 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I met in council & Prayer circle I received
one letter from Lot Smith

~ Thursday

13 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received one letter from George Swan with
free pass on the Rail Roads I visited Elders Pratt &
Rich. Both vary feeble I attended a Party in the 14 ward

Page 86

~ Friday

Jan 14, 1881
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from David John and wrote
a letter to McAllister David John & C Peterson & Lore[n]zo
. I met in council with President Taylor. He
did not wish men called to go to St John ownly
as volenteers did not wish to force any man to go

~ Saturday

15 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I receivd 2 letters to day from J G Bleak & Eugenia
I wrote 1 Letter to Eugenia I had a talk with Claudius Spencer

~ Sunday

16 Sunday I took cars rode to Ogden to attend the
Y.M.M.I.A. we Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Br
Balantyne. 18 Branches represeted showing 12869
chapters read in the various sacred Books Brother
West & Commings spoke Statistics read Authorities
sustained. W Woodruff spoke one hour showed By
Revelation that Joseph Smith had received all the keys
of the Aaronic & Melchezedec Priesthood for the last
from John the Baptist & Peter James
and John Moses, Elias, & Elijah, And had sealed all
these keys upon the Heads of the Twelve Apostles [Doctrine and Covenants 13] [Doctrine and Covenants 128:20] [Doctrine and Covenants 110:11-16] And that
the Prophet had laid all these responsibilities upon the
shoolders of the Twelve Apostles to bear off this kingdom
in all the world. He then Exhorted the young Men to qualify
themselves and step forth and magnify their callings In
reading History I would recommend the young Men to read
Rollins Ancient History and Josephus. I exhorted
the Elders to attend the Prayer circles as far as they had
an opportunity. F D Richards followed me Confe[ren]ce adjo[ur]ned
untill the 15 April At the close of the Meeting I returned to S. L.SC. 80 miles

~ Monday

17 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Sylvia I spent the day in the office

Page 87

~ Tuesday

Jan 18, 1881
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I receivedote [wrote] a letter to Sarah and visited O pratt &
C. C. Rich I found Br Pratt vary feeble Br Rich seemed
to be gaining slowly I brought up Br. Nickson to Dr Richards

~ Wednesday

19 Jan 1881 This is one of the most importand days of
Keys crossed A crown my life I met with the President John Taylor
and 2nd Councillor Joseph F Smith and 7 of the
Twelve viz Wilford Woodruff Orson Pratt, Charles C Rich,
Lorenzo Snow, Franklin D Richards Francis M. Lyman,
John Henry Smith And John Smith the first Patriarch
and the Presiding Bishop Edward Hunter and L John Nuttall
C. C. Rich was carried in a chair O Pratt was vary feeble
yet we all performed the ordina[n]ce of washing our feet against
Our Enemies And the Enemies of the Kingdom of God
according to the commandment of God unto us W. Woodruff
opened By Prayer And Keys crossed John Taylor was Mouth in the
washing of feet. At the Prayer circle Lorenzo Snow
was Mouth at the opening And President JOHN TAYLOR
was mouth at the Alter, and Presented the Prayer written
By W. Woodruff (By request of President Taylor) And the
names were presented before the Lord according to the
commandment. It was truly a solomn scene and
I presume to say it was the first thing of the Kind since the
creation of the world The Names & Prayer Presented
will be recorded By Br L John Nuttall Presidents
Taylors secretary we were 3 Hours in the Meeting & ordina-
This is the last time that the Apostle Orson Prat will
Ever in this life officiate in an important cerimony in the
Church & probably the same with Charles C Rich

Page 88

~ Thursday

An arrow An arrow Jan 20, 1881
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter I met at 10 oclok at Br Burtons and
Administered to Br Nicksons after which He took Ether
and Dr Heber John & Joseph Richards cut out two
tumors out of his body, one under his right arm pit
as much as 3 inches through and one on his left side,
the size of a hens Egg. it was skilfully done but Br Nixon
was vary weak. I then called upon Bishop Thomas
and setled my tithing which amounted to $420.27
I then called upon President Taylor a while in council

~ Friday

21. A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from G Q Cannon & David John
I took cars at 3:40 with several Brethren and Emma
and rode to Ogden and attended a party at 6 oclok got
up by the relief society and Improvement Association we
Met in a large Hall there were over 200 present all the Bishops
and there wives of the Stake were present Peace quietude
and good order Prevailed. we took supper at 10 oclok
some 200 sat down to the Table well furnished the party
The party was got up in honor of Sister Eliza
R Snow
Birth Day. Dancing was kept up untill 11 ock
Then speeches from F. D. Richards & W Woodruff
and reading from prose & Poetry on E R Snow untill
12 oclok then dismissed I spent the night with F. D. Richards ^40 M[iles]^

~ Saturday

Jan 22. A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to G Q Cannon we met
this Morning for a quarterly conference Joseph Standfor[d]
Prayed. President Perry spoke a short time concerning the
Emigration to Arizona The Bishops then made a report
of their wards I spent the day listning to the reports of the
Bishops of the various wards & Reports I spent the night with B[r] Richard

Page 89

~ Sunday

Jan 23, 1881
A crown Keys crossed ^Note the prophesy^
Sunday I met at 10 oclok Statistics of the Stake read
Then Joseph F Smith spoke in much power for one hour
and 35 M[inutes]. Afternoon Prayer By C W Penrose sacrament
administered. W. Woodruff then spoke one hour spoke
of the settlement in Southern Utah & Arizonia bore
testimony to the work of God and what Joseph F Smith
had said and in his remarks said Joseph F Smith was
one of the first Presidency and would be President of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in his DAY
F D Richards spoke 20 M, Joseph F Smith 15 M
on the government of the Church. Twelve ^The Twelve^ Presented in all the
warld whare the first Presidency ar[e] not, and that the first
Presidency of the Stake and all th[e] Elders & officers of
that Stake should follow the council of F D Richards
who presides in Ogden. At the close of the meeting I took
supper with Br Richards took cars at 6:20 with Joseph
F Smith & returned to S L City 40 M[iles].

~ Monday

24 A snowy day I set apart one Missionary to go to the Southern
States. I he^a^rd an interesting Letter read from G Q. Cannon
to President Taylor. I had an interesting conversaction
Keys crossed with Laron Pratt who had be[c]ome Def & dumb
through sickness He felt as though he would like to go
and teach the Gospel to the Deaf & Dumb mutes. He is vary
intelligent and can talk so I can understand him I

~ Tuesday

^25^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right receivd 3 letter today from McAllister & Robinson
I wrote 2 letters to McAllister & Bleak

~ Wednesday

26 A folded letter/box I receivd a letter from David John

~ Thursday

27. A folded letter/box I recieved 2 letter from Sylvia & McFarland

Page 90

A hand pointing to the right I wrote 23 letter to Sarah, Sylvia and Lot Smith

~ Friday

28 I spent the day writing I visited L W Hardy in
the Evening who had Been sick for a week I stoped at the farm

~ Saturday

29 A humanoid Nelly was taken in labor at midnight and had a son
born at 2 oclok P.M. Mother & child doing well I returned
to the city & spent the day in the Office & returned to the farm 6 m[iles]

~ Sunday

30. Sunday I returned from the field in the afternoon I attended
the Prayer circle

~ Monday

31. I spent the day copying in my Journal
I having written my Journals in pass Books for near
two years I have had to copy them in this Journal &
the one previous I finished this copying on the 3rd day
of Feb 1882.

[rest of page blank]

Page 91

~ Tuesday

Feb 1, 1881
A vary warm Day frost all out of Ground we had a
visit from a company of French men at President Taylor
He was at Ogden and not at home. I went to the font to get
Abram Owen Woodruff & Wilford Beatie Woodruff Baptized
& I would Judge there was 200 present & not Room Enoughh. the
two Boys were Baptized and I returned home

~ Wednesday

2 I took cars with Mrs P. W. Woodruff rode to Brigham City Mrs
W stoped there I continued on to Smithfield with my family there
and spent the night 100 Miles

~ Thursday

3 An arrow I arose in the morning & found the water runing through the
old dirt Roof onto the grain floor trunks clothing Bedding & all
that was in the house as it had Been raining several days and
the roof was flat The carpenters at Smithfield had been
at work at odd times for more than a year to build me a
frame one story house, and one carpenter had been four
months in trying to lath the two front rooms one 15 feet square
& the other 10 x 15 & ownly got them about half done

4 I went into the new house & looked over the situation and I
felt that the way things were Going on it would be another year
before it would be finished so my family could go into it, and
I took my son Newton & Son in Law Heber Thompson &
went to lathing and after working 2 Hours Brother Horton
came the Plasterer who had been 4 months plastering Lathing
and went to work with us it rained nearly all day Before
sundown we had Both room lathed and part of the largest room
plastered with one coat I was weary at night I slept in
the old cabin though wet and Damp with my family though
it was Dangerous to our health

Page 92

~ Friday

Feb 4 1881
I arose this morning and found nearly Every thing wet in
the cabin went to work & moved a good Deal of it into the
new House it was still raining hard But we wanted more lumber
I went two miles up the canyon to Thomas Hillyards Mill &
got 16 peaces of Lumber 2 x 4 x 16 feet long & 1500 more lath &
while going home we got set in the creek and had to unload & back [pack]
the lath several rods to the top of a hill & it was raining hard all
the time. we then drove out of the creek reloaded & got home
But I got quite wet & took cold I spent the rest of the day at
work on the House. got one coat of plaster on the House I slept
at night in the new House

~ Saturday

5 Rain stoped But the roads were so muddy & bad I could not
get to Logan to attend conference so I worked on the House I
carried about 20 Bushels of Earth in an old Brass kettle to fill
the out side walls above the Base Board to keep out cats mice & wind
I moved out all my family to Br Weeks and I worked
on the House all day

~ Sunday

6 Sunday I rode to Logan 8 miles over a Bad Road to attend
the conference Joseph F Smith spoke one hour & 10 Minutes
L John Nuttall spoke 15 M[inutes]. Afternoon Church authorities pres[en]ted
and sustaind W Woodruff spoke 40 M, & John Taylor 55 M
I met in the Evening with the Mutual association J F Wells spoke
25 Minutes J. F. Smith spoke 40 M, & W Woodruff 30 M.
I spent the night at Br Ricks

~ Monday

7 I returned to Smithfield in a snow storm & took 6 Bushels
of Lime with me & Heber Thompson took half a ton of coal
The Brethren were at work on the House I felt nearly sick
I spent the night at Brother Weeks

Page 93

~ Tuesday

Feb 8, 1881
I took cars at 3 oclok & rode to Brigham City & spent the day
I went to bed & slept untill 12 oclok visited the New Tabernacle
in the afternoon spent the night at my Daughters Phebe A. S ^65 [miles]^

~ Wednesday

9. Mrs Woodruff & myself took cars & returned to S L City 60 M[iles]
I attended council in the Afternoon & prayer circle
A folded letter/box But I did not feel well I received a package of 13 letters
from Bleak 2, McAllister, Carrington, Roskelley, Cowley
Phebe A Snow, Hobson, Murdock, Thatcher, Reid & Jesse & Bell M

~ Thursday

10 I received 2 letters to day & wrote one to Blanchard
A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 Letters to Greer Sarah & Sharp I sent
an order to Br Sharp of $300 to be credited to me on
the Smithfield Tithing Books

~ Friday

11. I received 2 letters to day I spent most of the day visiting
A folded letter/box the sick I visited Br C C Rich found him improveing slo[w]ly
I f next visited Elder O Pratt I found him quite weak he
was not able to set up more [t]hen one hour in 24 lost his flesh
voice and appetite and seemed sinking I dreamed a few nights
^ An arrow^ sin[c]e 3 times in one night that He died and I attended his
funeral But we greatly desire of it is the will of God that He
should live and lengthen out his days with us I next
visited Br J W Nixon who had 2 tumors cut out of
his Body he was still vary weak did not gain strength

~ Saturday

12 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letter to Samuel Roskelley of 8 pages

~ Sunday

13 Sunday Keys crossed I blessed Henry & Emma Manella Woodruff son
& sealed upon him the name of Wilford Azmon Woodruff He
was born Saturday at 2 oclok Jan 29, 1881. I returned to the
city attended Meeting & read the CX section of the D & C & spok
65 M[inutes], followed By John Henry Smith 20 M I attended the prayer circle

Page 94

~ Monday

Feb 14, 1881
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from L. H. Hatch Wm H Parker and
Sarah I sent 3 telegrams to Mcknight, Teasdale, McAllister & Ble[a]k
I wrote 5 letters to McAllister, Bleak, Teasdale, McKnight
& W M Parker

~ Tuesday

15 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to F Scott, Jesse Hobson &
A M. ^F^ Cowley

~ Wednesday

16 I met in council & prayer circle spent the day in writing

~ Thursday

17 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters & spent the day in writing a work
for Publication as the 4 reader for the Juvinile office

~ Friday

18 I spent the day in writing and the night at athe grass lot

~ Saturday

19. A folded letter/box I received a letter from G Teasdale finished my Reader
I went to the farm & spent the night 6 M[iles]

~ Sunday

20 A crown Keys crossed I took Br Gibbs & Wilford went to Orson Pratts
with Joseph F Smith I went to O. Pratt and
I felt to lay my hands upon him and give him my last
Blessing upon him being afraid that I would never see him
again the following is the Blessing that I sealed upon his head
Br Joseph F Smith Anointed him

Brother Orson Pratt, In the the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Heaven & Earth
by virtue of the Holy Priesthood, we your Brethren of the Apostles who stand
connected with you in the Apostleship in this last Dispensation of the
fullness of times, lay our hands upon your head, having a desire in our hearts
to bless you. And we ask God the Eternal Father in the name of Jesus Christ to pour
out upon us the spirit of Revelation revealing unto us the mind and will of God
that we may be able to Bless you according to the dictation and direction of the Holy
in that way and manner in which we may be justifyed befor God
and the heavenly hosts and be satisfied ourselves. In the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ, we seal upon you your Anointings according to the order of the Church and

Page 95

Kingdom of God, and we bless you with Evry blessing appertaining to
the Apostleship, the Kingdom of God, the Holy Priesthood, the work of the
last dispensation of the fullness of times. And we pray God our Heavenly
Father that his spirit may rest upon you, from the crown of your head to the
souls of yorur feet and we say unto you that you have been ordained of God
to stand in the flesh to bear the Holy Priesthood and to lift up your voice
long and loud and agreeable to your calling you have borne testimony for
half a centaury that is Past and gone It has been your lot As an Apostle
to dwell in the flesh and to stand in the Church and Kingdom of God
longer than any other man who has breathed the breath of life in the generation
in which we live it has been your lot to cross the ocean and to lift up your
voice to proclaim the words of life & salvation more times than another
Man who has lived in the flesh in this Generation. This has been your
calling and ordination. we say unto you Br Pratt, let your heart
be comforted, let your soul be full of Joy for the Heavenly hosts are
watching over you There is a Throne prepared for you in the Eternal
worlds which you will occupy in the own due time of the Lord
And God will sustain you and be with untill you untill you shall
have finished your testimony in the flesh And we say unto
you Br Orson it matters not whether you have finished your
testimony in the Body or not, for you have performed a great
work a grand work one that you should be satisfied with
here on the Earth. And in the name of Jesus we confirm
upon you all the blessings that have been sealed upon you By the
Prophet Joseph and the Patriarch Joseph and By all the
prophets and Apostles who have pronounced blessings upon
your head And we say unto you your Blessings have been sealed
in the Eternal worlds Your testimonies which have Been
before the Nations year After year are also recorded in the heav-
ens among the sanctified ones And among the Heavenly Hosts

This Blessing finished on page April 28, 1881

Page 96

I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle But Before I returned to
the city I Blessed my Grand son the son of Henry
& Emma Manella Woodruff I laid my hands upon him &
sealed upon him the name of Wilford Azmon Woodruff
Born Saturday Jan 20 at 2 oclok 1881 Meeting at 2 oclok
Prayer By Wm Taylor J W Nesbit spoke 45 M[inutes] C W Penrose
32 M, John Taylor 15 M. I went to the 14 ward in the Evening
and held a meeting I spoke to the people one hour

~ Monday

21. I took cars for St. George with J W Nixon & rode to Nephi
was there Joined By George Teasdale & we rode to Juab & there
changed cars and rode to Milford 122 Miles from Salt Lake
Bishop James McKnight was in waiting for me he took us
us into his waggon & we rode 15 Miles to Minersville and we
arived at 2 oclok at night vary much chilled with the cold
we went to bed & slept till 7 oclok. Distance of the day 142 ^M[iles]^

~ Tuesday

22nd Br McKnight took us in his waggon and drove us
to the Lake at David wards & then to Johnson Fort
we stoped with John P. Jones distance 35 M
I administered to one sister who was sick

~ Wednesday

23. A vary Plesant morning we drove to Cedar 6 Miles dined
There Met with J D T McAllister changed waggon
and rode to Kanarrah 20 Miles

I attended Meetings G Teasdale spoke followed By J McAllister
& W Woodruff spoke 40 Minutes I spent the night at the House
of Widow Roundy I laid hands upon her and sealed a
Blessing upon her the Angel of God recorded it But I have
not a record of it in my Journal

~ Thursday

24. We drove to Leeds spent the night with Br Charles Wilkinson

Page 97

we held a Meeting JG Teasdale spoke followed By W Woodruff
and J McAllister Distance 25 M[iles].

~ Friday

25 A building we drove to St George I called upon Sister Foss we drove
to the Temple whare I took up my abode I rejoiced to once
more take up my abiding place in the Temple of our God we went
to the Altar and had our prayers we met with many friends
A hand pointing to the right I wrote two Letters to Phebe W Woodruff and J GJaques
we slept in the upper part of the Temple ^30 M^

~ Saturday

26. A folded letter/box I received 2 letters to day I looked over my Endow[men]t
Record & we had a council together

~ Sunday

27 Sunday I met at the Tabernacle Meeting at 2 oclok M Ensign
Prayed W Woodruff spoke 50 Minutes to a full congregation
we took Dinner at James Bleaks I attended Meeting
in the Evening G Teasdale spoke 30 M[inutes] upon the Effections Love
followed by W Woodruff we bore a strong testimony upon
the subject we called upon Br Duncan McArthur & family
2 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Albert Carrington

~ Monday

28 Keys crossed I spent the day in the Temple Br Wm Henry Thompson
was Baptized for 8 Woodruff, 4 M[ales] & 4 Females and for
20 Thompson 13 M & 7 F and for others 12 total 40
Total 441

[rest of page blank]

Page 98

~ Tuesday

March 1, 1881
A heart with a key inside Keys crossed A crown This is my birth day I am this
day 74 years of Age And I wish
to bear my Testimony to all persons
whomsoever may read this Journal that the
God of Israel has sustained me and watched over me by
his power or agency from the hour of hism^y^ birth up to the
present hour I have spent my birthdays in this Temple
of 1870, [18]71, [18]72, & [18]74. I spent my 73rd birth day in
Sunset Arizona This is one of the most glorious days of
my life This morning we had appeared at the Temple 239 for
Endow[men]ts the greatest Number we Ever gave Endowments at
any one day in this Temple since its was dedi[c]ated ^Except one^ and
77 Male Members got Endowments for my Dead and 23 females
total 110 Endowments for my ^dead^ Praise the Lord O my soul
for this Blessing what regjoicing in the spirit world
I sealed 1 couple & adoped 1. We had a glorious day the spirit of
was with us I spent the Evening at an Entertainment in
the City Hall

~ Wednesday

^ Keys crossed March 2 I set apart James G Bleak to seal at the Altar^
March 2nd we gave Endowments to 106. I sealed 7 couple
and gave 2nd Anointing to 6 couple I gave 2nd Anointing to
Keys crossed A crown Calvin Foss & Sarah B Foss and Sarah B Foss
was sealed to her Father Ezra Carter and her husband
Calvin Foss was adopted to Wilford Woodruff and I found By
the record that the Woodruff Thompson Hart & Carter Family
were all adopted to Wilford Woodruff I spent the Evening
at Agustus Hardy's his Father & Mother was present

3 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to L John Nuttall & Phebe I got a Telegram
from Phebe saying that Br O Pratt was failing

Page 99

~ Thursday

March 3, 1881
We gave 82 Endowments to day. I searched my records to
day and found I had on my record Baptized for the dead
2749, Endowed 2037 couples sealed 66705. I sealed
10 couple for the dead to day and attended the prayer circle and was
Mouth at the Altar I wrote a letter to Emma Dated March 1,
A hand pointing to the right and sent an Accou[n]t of my birth day I spent the Evening at
Brother Lorenzo Brown's or rather took supper with him and
Sisters Eliza R Snow & Zina Young I attended the Priesthood
An arrow meeting But Began to feel unwell At the close of the Meeting
An arrow I went to my room in the Temple and went to bed
and sleped sever[al] hours I awoke about midnight and felt
distressed I soon saw that I had an attaack of the Billious cholic

~ Friday

^4th I was sick all day and night^

~ Saturday

March 5, 1881. This was an important day with me in several
Keys crossed A crown respects I had invited fifty of my Brethren the leading
men of this part of the vinyard to meet me in the Temple of the
Lord to give them some instruction and to meet them in
the prayer circle But my sickness pain & distress was so severe
I was not able to attend although I got ready to go into the prayer room
An arrow A pain struck me through the stomach as though a Dart was
shot through me and I was in great distres untill the prayer was
Ended the revelation that was given me in the wildernes was read
and they washed their feet & baore testimony unto God against those
men who had shed the Blood of the Prophets and Apostles and
had persecuted the saints they then went Before the Lord and off[er]ed
up Prayers from the alter Altar upon this subject And the Devil
seemed Determined that I should have no hand in it and I was
kept in great pain untill the servises were over I was administ[er]ed
to by the Brethren, and Br James Bleak administered to me the Medicine

Page 100

A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to J Jaques & Phebe This is the inauguration
day of President Garfield
I was quite sick through the day & night

~ Sunday

56 Sunday I spent the day in my room was still sick and weak

~ Monday

7. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I got a letter from J Jaques & wrote 2 letters to J Jaques
& Phebe I am begining to be som better but vary weak

~ Tuesday

8 Phebe W Woodruff's Birth day I wrote her a letter to day and
A hand pointing to the right one to J. Jakes & one to John Jack and asked him to send
an order for me to the Logan office to cover a Bill of Lumber
for my house to the amount of $116.07 & charge to my account
There were Baptized to day in the font 593. I confirmed
Brother J. D. T. McAllister for 7 for the dead the first was
for James Furguson. this was the work I have fir[s]t done since
I was sick I wrote a letter to Br John Taylor I spent the night
in my bed in the upper room was rather nervous

~ Wednesday

9th It rained last night & this morning and it has Been
a windey day There was 109 Endowments to day I wrote
up my Journal to day I took dinner at Br Gates went up
in the wind & rain Beforde dark I retired to my room in
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right the Temple I received a letter from Br L John Nuttall
and wrote one in returne of 7 pages I had a comfortable
nights rest

~ Thursday

10th March I am much Better this morning I wrote ^2^ Letters to Phebe and Sarah
{It is} 4 years {today since there was a sealing in this temple} we gave 86
Endowments to day. W. W. sealed 10 couple for the dead I gave 2nd An
to Calvin Foss who was dead, & Sarah Bracket Carter Foss and his
first wife I had rather of a restless Night

~ Friday

11th I searched the 2nd Anointing Record & found that Ezra Carter
& wife, Aphek Woodruff & 2 wives, Ozem Woodruff & 2 wives

Page 101

and Robert Mason & 3 wives were all that Received there
2nd Anointings in the St George Temple that I could find
Examine W. Woodruffs Journals & Salt Lake Records for the
2nd Anointings of his wives Mary Carter, & Mary Giles &
Ennice Woodruff &c we gave 102 Endowments W Woodruff sealed
9 couple & 1 child to Parents I officiated for Willard Richards in
Adopting 11 persons to him & sealing 5 children Br McAllister
officiated in giving 7 second Anointings 6 was dead

~ Saturday

12 Keys crossed I spent the day looking over my records I could not
find Ozem Woodruff Adna Hart or Elizabeth on the
Baptism record they were on my sealing record I had them
recorded in my Baptism record Sister Eliza R Snow Smith
and Zina had prayers at the Altar to day {and cleansed their feet against the enemies
of the Church as a representative of the [illegible shorthand] prophet of God} I attended the Theater
in the Evening and saw Ingama played which was well
done for a country place

~ Sunday

13. Sunday the ground covered with snow and a cold
day and still storming I found on my record 705 sealings
up to this date 326 sealings of the Woodruff family 349 of the Harts
and 246 Dead persons sealed to W Woodruff I received
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box 2 letters from J. Jaques & Phebe I wrote 2 letters one Joint
with G Teasdale to G Q Cannon & I wrote one to Phebe

~ Monday

March 14. I commenced labor in the Temple at 9 oclok I had
Keys crossed A crown 34 Adoptions of Henry Eyrings family Adopted into
my Family Then Emma Thompson Joined me at the Altar & I
had 41 single Dead women sealed to me then two of Brother
Thompson Daughters Amelia Y[ou]ng Thompson & Matilda Irene Joined
me & I had 943 sealings for Dead friends Total sealing 1343 Adoptions 34.

Page 102

I received the following Telegraphed Dispatch to day
^ An arrow An arrow^ Samuel L. Evans Died on Saturday On Sunday the 13 of
March As the Emperor of Russia was comping from Church
A Bomb was thrown under his carriage which Exploding
caused the Death of the Emperor Great Excitement in Russia
A folded letter/box I received a Letter from J Jaques I wrote one letter to J Jaques
A hand pointing to the right I received another Telegram saying that the bomb that killed
the Emperor of Russia also killed an officer & two soldiers

~ Tuesday

15 We Baptized to day 553. W. Woodruff confirmed 128 for
the dead including 54 [of] the Snow family Zina Diantha Huntington
was Baptized for them W Woodruff Had also Adopted
into his family 7 persons including James Fuergusson.

~ Wednesday

16 We gave Endowments to 68 persons. W Woodruff sealed
17 couple it has been snowing some to day

~ Thursday

17 [Eliza R. Snow Discourse] We gave Endowments to 91. W. Woodruff sealed 15 couple
Keys crossed and had 14 persons Adopted into his family the
Mathews & Edwards family we had a good day
I attended the Relief Society Meeting speeches made
By many including Eliza R Snow, & Zina W Woodruff followed
A folded letter/box I received a letter in the Evening from Bulah giving
an accou[n]t of the surprise party

~ Friday

18 Keys crossed I telegraphed to Wilford to secure the water. we gave Endow-
to 101. W Woodruff ordained 4. W Woodruff sealed
22 couple and G Teasdale & E R Snow Smith acted Proxy I had
^6^ persons Adopted to me I wrote one letter to Bulah

~ Saturday

A hand pointing to the right 19 I met in conference at 10 oclok the various wards were
represented and statistics redad we had the report of the various
societies represented W Woodruff spoke on tithing 20 M[inutes].

Page 103

Afternoon the Authorities of the Church were presented
Daniel D McArthur was appointed 2nd councillor to J. D. T.
Brigham Yo[u]ng spoke 30 Minutes at the close of
the Meeting I went to the Temple & had 8 persons Adopted
Keys crossed into my family, Charles Wilkinson & family I attended
Meeting in the Evening at Br Vance I received 2 letters
from Sarah & Joseph P Forbes

~ Sunday

20 Sunday I met the priesthood at 9 oclok I spoke to them
for 30 M[inutes] others spoke we met at 10:30. Br Terry prayed
W W set apart Br Irons as first councillor W W orda[in]ed 1 H
. 13 were set apart. F. M. Lyman spoke 30 M John
Henry Smith
25. We dined at Susies Gates Afternoon
^we ordained Jacob F Gates to the office of a seventy W W was mouth^
George Teasdale spoke 25 M B Young 30 M, & W Woodruff
spoke 30 M. We took supper at Henry W Irins & returned
to the Temple & spent the Evening I receivd 3 copies of my
History Published By the Jovinile Instructor offace & a
card & Paper we read them

~ Monday

21 A folded letter/box I attended the Examination of the school and
was much interested I received 3 letters to day from
W Laney, Leslie Snow, & L John Nuttall. I wrote a
letter or card to Laney I took dinner with the
Twelve also supper we returned to the Temple at 6 oclok
& spent the Evening reading

~ Tuesday

22 We drove to Leeds & spent the night at Br Wilkinson 18 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

23. we drove to Belview & took dinner Eliza & Zina Y[ou]ng
organized a primary society we then rode to Kanarrah 27 M
we had a vary rough road we spent the night at
Bishop Roundy's

Page 104

~ Thursday

March 24, 1881
A plesant morning we drove to Cedar & dined with
Br Henry Lunt we held a Meeting in the Evening McAllister
Jones & Teasdale spoke followed By Eliza R Snow & Zina Young
W Woodruff closed ^30 [miles]^

~ Friday

25th We drove to Parawan Met with Erastus Snow held
a council Attended a consort of the young peoples Mutual in
the Evening G Teasdale & myself stoped with Thomas
19 M[iles].

~ Saturday

26. [Eliza R. Snow Discourse] I called upon Br Dame found him in poor health
We Met at 10 oclok for a quarterly Conference Prayer By
J. D. T. McAllister we had the verbal report of wards
given By the Bishops. The Statisdical report of the Stake
was then read E Snow then spoke 28 M[inutes]. Mary Ann
then gave a report of the Stake Relief Society
Ellen McGregor gave a report of the young Ladies Mutual
J D T McAllister spoke 35 M. Afternoon prayer By J. Gates
The Authorities of the Church were then presented & sustained
The officers of the Relief, Mutual, Primary & silk association
were presented and sustained Thomas J Jones spoke 3 M.
Br Jones was presented and sustained as the President
of the Stake in place of Wm H Dame resigned George
spoke 30 M, J Gates 30, W Woodruff spok 10 M
We Met with the Twelve & board of St George factory
and liberated Br Jones we then Met with Eliza &
Zina with the primary Sister ZEliza showed the large
Body of Children Joseph Smith Gold watch which president
Y[ou]ng Bought it for her we held a Meeting in the Evening several
of the Brethren spoke

Page 105

~ Sunday

March 27, 1881
Sunday we Met at 10 oclok Home Missionaries were
Presented Edward Dalton was chosen first councillor
to Br Jones. B Y[ou]ng spoke 35 Minutes Br Whitehead 20 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 45 M Afternoon Prayer By E Dalton
Henry Lunt spoke 24 M Br Crosby 5 M, J D T
30 M, W Woodruff 30. W W set apart Thomas
J Jones
as President of the Stake we drove to Paragoona
held meeting Br Teasdale, B Young, McAllister, & W Woodruff
spoke I spent the night at oSister Silas Smiths 8 M[iles]

~ Monday

28 we drove to Minersville & dined with Bishop
McKnight Then drove to Milford I stoped with Christian
. The Brethren stoped with John Bush we held
a Meeting had a full House E. Snow, B. Young MCAllister
Teasdale & W Woodruff addressed the Meeting 45 M[iles]
we went to bed at 10 oclok slept till 1 oclok got up at
2 oclk took breakfast went on board of the cars at 3 oclk

~ Tuesday

29 We left Milford at 3 oclok rode to Juab exchanged cars
then rode to Salt Lake City I arived home with
a severe head ake through the night 225 Miles

~ Wednesday

30. I am afflicted with a severe cold I went to the office
A folded letter/box and received 8 letters I attended the council with the
Presidency & Twelve and a prayer circle I spent the night
at the farm 6 M

~ Thursday

31. I returned to the city & spent the day in council and had
a severe cold

~ Friday

^ A folded letter/box^ April 1. I spent the day in council I received 1 Letter
from Ezra Carter

~ Saturday

2nd I met with the Presidency Twelve & Presidents of Stakes in the

Page 106

Council House at 10 oclok Prayer By Lorenzo Snow
And the day was occopied in instructing the Presidents of
Stakes and Bishops Agents concerning tithing and its use

~ Sunday

April 3rd The Conference met today in the Big Tabernacle
Joseph F Smith Prayed. President Taylor spoke 10 Minutes
W Woodruff spoke 16 M[inutes] Lorenzo Snow 25, F D Richards 20.
Afternoon E Snow Prayed George Q Cannon spok one H[our] & 16 M
At the close of the Meeting we went into council and Prayer
. We discussed the subject of John W Yo[u]ngs affairs on
the Rail Road which was not satisfactory The Twelve were
requested to take the matter in hand There was a Sabbath school
Meeting in the Evening

~ Monday

4 Met at 10 oclok W Woodruff Prayed Joseph F Smith spok
56 M, John Taylor 30 M from D. C. sec 121. Joseph Smith
spoke vary strongly against the Saints sending their children
to Gentiles schools The Lord would hold the Parents responsible
for it President Taylor spoke upon the Priesthood and apostacy
The Twelve Met at Noon and & discussed John W Youngs case
again and Expect to withhold his name at Conference

we Met at 2 oclok in conference A M Cannon Prayed
The Territorial Statistics was then read E Snow then spok 45 M
John Nicholson spoke 10 M Report of Logan Temple was
Given Donations from Cache Stake was $143433, Bear Lake
$38,134.64 Box Elder $36,733.49, Trustee in trust $78705.19
from other sourses $660. Total $297,666.32 Sanpete Temple
Reported as having received $250,235.40 Total in the two
Temples $547901.72 I met with the Mutual improvement
J Wells Mrs Felt, Free, W. Woodruff, J F Smith & J Taylor spoke

Page 107

~ Tuesday

April 5, 1881
I met in the confer[en]ce at 10 oclok John Henry Smith Prayed
F M Lyman spoke 36 M[inutes], B Y[ou]ng 26 M G Q Cannon spok
30 M Afternoon L Snow prayed John Henry Smith spok 25 M
I met at Noon with the Twelve & discussed the case of
John W Young In the Afternoon we had reported up to this
date Expended on the Salt Lake Temple $1,2070,199.86 dollars
Sabbath school and Relief societies reported
John Taylor spoke 20 M. At the close of the Meeting we again
met with the Twelve & voted unanimously that we would
withhold the name of John W Young from being presented to
the conference for conformation untill he had made satisfaction
we had a Priesthood Meeting in the Evening D H Wells prayed
G Q Cannon spoke 30 M. W Woodruff spoke 25 M
John Taylor 40 M

~ Wednesday

April 6 1881 Met in conference at 10 oclok prayer By Wm B Preston
Wm Budge spoke 16 M. The Primary Associatedion was
then represented The means Appropriated as the Jubille
fund was then presented the Church had been promp
in paying all they agreed to The Emigration fund was then
reported $800000 hab [had] been remitted to the poor of that
fund Afternoon prayer By B Yo[u]ng The Conference has been
a vary interesting one in many respects Joseph F Smith spoke 15
List of Missionaries was then called and presented to the conf[ere]nce
for Europe the U. S. & Arizonia. J Taylor spoke 38 M.
Wm Jennings & Wm H Hooper was added to the Aud[it]ing Comitte
We held a Meeting in the Evening with the Seventies 76 quorums
were represented H S Eldridge & John Vancott spoke

~ Thursday

April 7. we met at the Council House & set apart 56 Missionaries

Page 108

~ Friday

(50) April 8, 1881
We met in council at City Hall and spent the day 38 {present}

~ Saturday

9th I spent the day at President Taylors offi[ce] President Taylor
requested me to By the segmiller springs of the Man at Paris
and E Snow of the one at St George

~ Sunday

10 Sunday I met in the Assembly room in the Afternoon
Meeting E Snow spoke one H[our] & 20 M[inutes]. we met in the
Prayer room J Taylor Prayed I went home & went to Bed
An arrow An arrow At midnight I was taken vary sick with another
attack of the Billious cholia I was vary sick through the night

~ Monday

11 April I was vary sick this morning I was Administered
to By Brother L John Nuttall & Reynolds I was nursed
thoroughly through the day

~ Tuesday

12 I got some relief to day but was still vary sick

~ Wednesday

13. I was some Better to day

~ Thursday

14 I was Better to day But still have a stationary pain
on my right side which appears like the Pleurisy But I
got some relief in the night

~ Friday

15 I was some improved to day I sat up some my pain
in the right side continued

~ Saturday

16. I receivd 6 Letters to day from Dr Ormsby, David,
J McAllister A Carrington & Prisby I took an Alcohol
^ A folded letter/box^ swet By J G Bleak

~ Sunday

17. A hand pointing to the right Br Bleak wrote 2 letters for me to J. D. T. McAllister & Sarah
I got up & dressed to day for the first time But my pain in
the right side still continues

~ Monday

18 I dressed today and walked out in the orchard I read a
^ A folded letter/box^ letter from Sister Dell and a P. O. order for $10 to pay
for her watch

Page 109

~ Tuesday

April 19, 1881
James G. Bleak and all the missionaries started on their
Journey this morning I spent the day in the House

~ Wednesday

20. I spent the day in the House I received Telegram from
Lorenzo Snow & John W Young I am gaining Daily

~ Thursday

21. I walked up to the office for the f[ir]st time to day since I h[a]ve
been sick I receivd a telegram from Br Hammond

~ Friday

22 I went to the office to day I went to the farm at night

~ Saturday

23. A folded letter/box I returned from the farm spent the forenoon in
Br Taylors office we administered to Sister Jaquish
she fell down & broke her hip bone. The two painters
called upon me we decided to let them paint the
Garden I received a letter from Sarah

~ Sunday

24 Sunday I looked over one of my sermons in the forenoon
attended meeting in the afternoon John Nicholson spoke 35 M[inutes]
G Q. Cannon 65 Minutes it was a good Meeiting I attended
the Prayer Meeting & I prayed

~ Monday

25 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I recceived 2 letters to day and wrote 5 Letters
to Sarah, A. Carrington, O. Jacobson I sent for a Horse
I visited the Presidents office and heard the Blessing
read that I gave O Pratt the morning before I started for
St George Orson Pratt was able to be present & heard it also
A hand pointing to the right I also wrote to Sarah M Dell & Ezra Carter & T R.
I also wrote to Susan Eugenia, Phebe, & Robert Scholes

~ Tuesday

26 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters to day from Br MCAllister &
and M. D. Hammond I spent part of the day in writing

Page 110

~ Thursday

April 28 1881
The forepart of this blessing of Orson Pratt written on page Feb 20 1881

And your Testimonies will remain from this time
henceforth and forever and will live, and your works
will live and are recorded in the Celestial Kingdom of God
and we further say unto you that the last official act that
you performed in the flesh that of washing of feet which
you performed in connexion with your Brethren the
Apostles in token of your testimony and work which
you have borne and alone among this Generation are
recorded among the sanctified ones among the Heavenly
and we your Brethren by virtue of the Apostleship
which we hold seal you up unto Eternal life, and
confirm upon you all the Blessings pertaining to the
Apostleship which has been confirmed upon you
God your Heavenly Father has watched over you, and
you have been sustained by the power of God. Through
that Power you have been Enabled to overcome and
to maintain your Position in the Church and Kingdom
of God
untill the Present day. We rebuke all unnecesary
pain, and we pray God if it be his will that you may be
restored and that you may Enjoy health strength & life
and yet stand in the midst of your family and friends
and the Quorum of the Priesthood to which you belong. We
commit you into the Hands of God and we fell [feel] to say
his will be done and all will be right Thou hast done a
Great work such as but few men have performed in the same
length of time since the days of Father Adam Therefor let your
heart rejoice and be comforted for Brother Joseph, Hyram
and others of the Apostleship who have gone before you

Page 111

await your coming and will rejoice to meet you
and when you leave here and look upon your work
you will feel to Praise God and shout Glory Hallelulah
to God and the Lamb Thou has been a great man in
the Earth. you have accumulated much Knowledge and
much truth and many Principles all of which will rise
with you in the morning of the first resurrection and you will
have the Benefit of all you have learned while dwelling in the
flesh And we seal these blessings upon you And we seal
all blessings upon you which belong to the Holy Priesthood
and Apostleship which belongs to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob for they are yours. you inherit them and have been
ordained to these things and you have been prepared from
before the foundation of the world to come forth in the flesh in the
Midst of your Fathers House, To hold the Keys of you[r] dead
and to open up for them the way of Redemption, all these
things will work out for you an Exceding weight of
Glory in the Presence of God your Heavenly Father. we seal
upon you the Blessings of health & strength together with
Evry blessing that you stand in need of pertaining to
time and Eternity in the name of Jesus Christ Our Redeemer Amen

[rest of page blank]

Page 112

I spent the fore part of the day in copying into this Journal
The Blessing of Elder Orson Pratt which I sealed upon
his head On Sunday morning Feb 20, 1881 now recorded
in this Journal I took cars at 3:40 Rode to Ogden the cars
were loaded with Emigrants I continued to Smithfield
arived at my house at Smithfied at 1 oclok vary weary 140
I spent the remainder of the night there

~ Friday

29 I visited my farm in Smithfield near Bear River
and spent the night with my family Administered to Sylvia 10 M[iles]

~ Saturday

30. I rode to Logan & Back Distance of the day 16 M.
Met in conference at 10 oclok Prayer By W Woodruff
The Statistics of the stake were read Total souls of the stake
15,046 Total contributions of the Logan Temple $303,285
Contruibution of the Trustee in trust up to date $80113.80 cts
E. D. Woolly spoke 12 M[inutes]. Eight Bishops then mad Report
vorbally President Taylor spoke 10 M. Afternoon J F Smith prayed
Temple report was then read W. Woodruff spok 36 Min
F. D. Richards 40 M L Snow 35 M At the close of the
Meeting we all went to the top of the Temple Roof and had
a view of the surrounding country then returned to Smithfield

~ Sunday

May 1. we rode to Logan with Br Lutz. Met at 10 oclock. George
Prayed Joseph F Smith spoke 60 M, G Q Cannon
50 M. Both J F Smith & George Q Cannon bore a strong
testimony of the work of God and exhorted parents to set a
good Example before their children and teach them the
gospel Afternoon prayer By L Farr Sacrament Administered
The Authorities of the Church presented and sustained
B Young spoke 30 M John Taylor spoke 60 Minutes

Page 113

At the close of the meeting drove to Hyde Park & held a
Meeting at 7 oclok W Woodruff Prayed. George Reynolds
spok 10 M[inutes], W. Woodruff 10 M, John Smith 3 M, G Q Cannon
34 M, Joseph F Smith 40 M John Taylor 10 M Rode
to Smithfield & spent the night 16 M[iles]

~ Monday

May 2nd We held a Meeting at Smithfield at 10 oclk
W Woodruff spoke 2 M, G Q Cannon 40 M J Taylor 32 M
John Smith 8 M Joseph F Smith 20 M we then drove
down to my House and on Examine[in]g it President
Taylor moved that $500 be appropriated for me to paint
the House Build a Barn and all the three Presidency voted
to that Effect we then rode to Richmond I stoped
with Robert Petty we held a meeting at 7 oclok
George Reynolds Prayed W Woodruff spoke 15 M,
G Reynolds 8 M, John Smith 15 M Richard Taylor 5 M
George Gibbs 10 M Joseph F Smith 30 M, J Taylor 45 M
G Q Cannon 16 M

~ Tuesday

May 3. We drove to Franklin Met at 11 oclock G Reynolds
Prayed G Q Cannon spoke 47 M, J F Smith 20 M W Woodruff
spoke 25 spoke upon the Eternal variety of the works of God
in both Heaven and on Earth. did not think the Lord Ever made
2 things alike. all the prophets, Apostles, of all ages including Joseph
Brigham, Heber, and all the Apostles of our day have their own
Identity in both time & Eternity Also thought that in
1881 there wouuld be an Emigration to Zion from the spirit
of about 10000 souls, as the Poland Bill of 1862 was
not in force in the spirit world these spirits would come
to Zion and take up their abode in the Tabernacles of the

Page 114

Mothers in Zion and in spite of the Poland Bill or the Devil
they would be born and some of them would be born in
Franklin in Idaho notwithstanding the opposition of Gov
Neil. John Taylor Followed & spoke 30 M[inutes]. I took dinner
with Sister Fox we then took cars rode to Logan in
42 minutes 20 miles we continued on to Mendon I stoped
with Willard Richards we spent a little time in shooting an
air gun at a target we held a Meeting in the Evening The
Presidency Twelve & others spoke Except myself we had vary
good Meetings throughout Cache valley while the presidency
& myself went north F. D. Richards, L. Snow & B Young
went South & we all met together at Mendon except
L. Snow. Distance of the day 35 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

May 4. we took special car Rode to Logan, Brigham City,
& Ogden and spent the day at Br Richards I had a sever
head ake in the forenoon but Better in the afternoon we took
the Evening train & returned to S. L City & spent the night
at home distance of the day 82 Miles

~ Thursday

May 5. I went to the office & Received 6 Letters from Farnsworth
Bleak, J. W. Young I. F. Carter P. Johnson & Fred Brand
A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Br Francis Sharp and sent him an
order to Balance my account of $200. I also wrote to the
Freight agent at the Juab Station to send me my box
of Merchandize that has been there for more than a year

~ Friday

6 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^3^ Letters to McAllisters Bleak & E. Snow
I spent the day writing I Paid $15 interest in Zions
saving Bank
on stock I wrote to Ilus F Carter
I spent the night at the grass farm ^6 M^

Page 115

~ Saturday

May 7, 1881
I returned to the city this morning I spent the 6 miles
day in the office went to the farm at night

~ Sunday

8. Sunday I met in the Big Tabernacle at 2 oclok
Orson Whitney Prayed. G Q Cannon spok 1 H[our] & 14 M[inutes].
W Woodruff spok 9 M attended prayer circle
I attended meeting in the 14 ward in the Evening Joseph E Taylor
spoke 30 M, W Woodruff 25 M

~ Monday

9th I spent a part of the day watering my Garden
& foolishly wet my feet which gave me a sever
cold I was nearly sick most of the night

~ Tuesday

10 A folded letter/box I received a letter from McAllister we had a
Rainy day I rowrote a letter to JO Jacobson again asked
him to send my horse

~ Wednesday

May 11. A rainy day I took cars in company with President Taylor
J. F Smith, F. D Richards John Henry Smith & others & rode to Nephi
Dined with George Teasdale then took carriages & rode to Moroni
and held a Meeting. I had such a cold I could not speak Brother
Taylor & Richards done the preaching Joseph F Smith held meeting
at Fountain Green & John Henry Smith & Vancott at Wales 118 Miles

~ Thursday

12 A plesant Morning my cold some better I telegraphed to Phebe
rode to Mount Pleasant I attended Meeting at 10 oclok prayer By G.
John Taylor spoke 55 Minutes, F D Richards 35 W Woodruff 10.
we dined at Wm. S. Seely's we then Drove to Ephraim 16
I spent the night at Br Petersons

~ Friday

13 We Drove to Manti visited the Temple found it progressing
finely we held a Meeting in the Afternoon I returned to Ephraim
in the Evening ^16 M[iles]^

~ Saturday

14. We Met for a 2 days Conference at 10 oclok Franklin Spencer prayed

Page 116

W. Woodruff spoke 3 M[inutes]. John Henry Smith spok 34.
The Statistical report was then read Total of souls in sanpete
Stake 10450, children under 8 years of age 3289, Sunday school
children 2233. John Taylor spoke 13 M, John Vancott 30 M
Afternoon prayer By W Woodruff John B Maiben then read
the report of the Manti Temple Total Donation up to present
date of the people $289,076.81 Trustee in Trust $75686.59
Total $364,763.40. George Reynolds spoke 30 M, W Woodruff
27 M We held a Priesthood Meeting in the Ev[en]ing prayer
By Cyrus Wheelock Br Peterson spok 3 M, J Taylor 65 M
Joseph F Smith 30 M

~ Sunday

15 Sunday Met at 10 oclok prayer By F D Richards John Mabin
Presented the Authorities of the Church which were sustained
Joseph F Smith spoke 40 M. W. Woodruff spok 19 M at the
close of the Meeting we rode through a hard thunder shower to
Fountain Green I spent the night with Br Carter 22 Miles
my wife Emma was with me on this Journey and called upon
the family of her Brother Owen Smith.

16. We rode to Nephi In the Afternoon of thiis sunday Meeting
John Taylor spoke one hour & 30 Minutes Br Peterson 10 M.
we adjourned to Meet at Manti on the 13 & 14 July

~ Monday

16 We rode to Nephi with Langly A. Baily who has been
with me on this Journey took Dinner with Br Teasdale we
then took cars & rode to Salt Lake City and I spent the night at
home. Distance of the day 110 Mil[e]s

~ Tuesday

17 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 3 letters & wrote 2 to O Jacobson & Peter Johnson
abo[u]t stock & Land I attended the Meeting of the board of trade

~ Wednesday

18 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received Letters from J G Bleak & wrote

Page 117

a letter to McAllister I spent the day in council Keys crossed
{of Fifty}. we discussed the subject of the coming Elections

~ Thursday

19 I received a letter from Br Barfoot concerning a cloak
belonging to the Prophet Joseph Smith. Sister Viena Jaquish
made a Donation of it to the Museum the cloak was show[n]
to me I spent the day in the board of trade & night
at the farm 6 M[iles]

~ Friday

20 A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to James G Bleak The Quorum of
the Twelve Apostles met in the Quorum room in the Council
at 7 oclok in the Evening there being 7 of the Twelve together
viz W Woodruff, L Snow, E. Snow, F. D. Richards, B. Young
F. M. Lyman, & John Henry Smith. Our Meeting fwas for the
purpose of trying or investigating the conduct of John W Young
we herd the Testimony of Erastus Snow untill 10 oclok &
adjo[ur]ned untill to morrow 9 oclok

~ Saturday

21. The Twelve Met in council at 9 oclok & John W Young gave his
Answer and we sat untill 5 oclok in the Evening
when the following motion was made by Francis Marion Lyman
I move that Br John W Young be required to manifest before
this Quorum that He saw his Error that he has made, and that
he will be one with his brethren in the future and be subject
to their council, and he must make ample satisfaction
to the Presidency of the Church before we can consent to have
him stand as a councillor to the Twelve Apostles. Carried
Unanimously. John W Young then made confession & asked
forgiveness Moved By John Henry Smith That this council
accept the confession made By John W Young in rejgard to this matter, and
that we are satisfied with it and the spirit manifest By him carried unanimously

Page 118

Our council adjourned and I called upon President John
to know if we could have an interview with him this
Evening & he Appointed Monday at 11 oclok that John W Young &
others of us with him that satisfaction might be mad with them

~ Sunday

22 Sunday I spent the forenoon in the office writing up my Journal
I spent the Afternoon in reading

~ Monday

23 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Sister Rhoda Scammans J G. Bleak
& J D T McAllister we sat in counsil with the Presid[enc]y
upon the subject of John W. Young untill 8:30 in the Evening
the Presidency sat and heard all the Testimony we had received
if they had sat with us in the first place it would have saved
some three days labor

~ Tuesday

24 A hand pointing to the right I wrote letters to Thomas W. Brookbank & Christine
D Young

~ Wednesday

25 I spent the forenoon in writing the Afternoon in
council when we received the Decision of the firt
upon the case of John W Y[ou]ng They requird
him to carry out the dee instructions which they gave
E Snow and company in the first place to put all of
his contracts into the hands of the committee as di[re]cted
which after much talk He agreed to do I went to the
Theater in the Evening

~ Thursday

26 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^4^ Letters to E Snow, B Y[ou]ng, J. W. Y[ou]ng &
Jesse N Smith, as a company in one also to J. W. Y[ou]ng &
Christine Young and A. M. Tinney and I gave him advice
to submit his contracts to the committee I spent the night at the field

~ Friday

27 I returned to the city and spent the day in writing for my
Journal A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Milo B Webster wrote him one
sent him my likeness

Page 119

~ Saturday

May 28, 1881
I spent the day in writing I went to the farm at night 6 M[iles]

~ Sunday

29 Sunday I attended the Sabbath school at the Farmers ward
And met with the people in the Afternoon. W Woodruff spok
40 minutes Edward Stephenson 30 M[inutes], C W Penrose 20 M
Br Reumell 10 M, & W W 5 M I spent the night at the farm

~ Monday

30 A folded letter/box I received a letter from James G Bleak

~ Tuesday

31. A folded letter/box I received a letter from Bishop Farrell saying that Sarah
was vary sick I took cars rode to Ogden, took U & N
car rode to Logan & Smithfield arived 12:30 night found
Sarah vary sick said to be Lung fever & congestive chills
I found her some better than she had Been 100 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

June 1. I went to the Mill with Newton He drew two loads
of Lumber home for a granery I caught 3 trout

~ Thursday

2nd I went to the fast meeting I was soon called home
Sarah had taken a chill and was vary sick it seemed
as though she would die strugling for breath she was
^ A hand pointing to the right^ vary sick through the day and night I wrote to Phebe

~ Friday

3rd I went to the field the wheat and oats looked well
Newton had jest watered it 8 miles

~ Saturday

4. Sarah had another chill to day vary sick through the
day and night I spent the day with her

~ Sunday

5 Sunday A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Bulah & wrote
her a letter in return I attended meeting in the Afternoon
I spoke one hour followed a short time forby Br Farrell

~ Monday

6. I helped Newton build a pig pen and pulled grass & weeds
in the garden Sarah had a chill to day but not as bad as other

~ Tuesday

7. I spent most of the day in tacking on tin Patches over
not holes on the out sides of the House

Page 120

~ Wednesday

June 8, 1881
I got up at 2:20 got Breakfast went to RR Depo & staid
untill 11 oclok waiting for the cars but as their was a Break
in the North they did not come untill 1 oclok I had gone to
the House & mitssed the train we had a hard hail storm the
second one within a few days the stones a litle larger than
marbles it broke out a good Deal of glass in town & knocked
off most all of the fruit from the trees Sarah was vary sick

~ Thursday

9. I got up at 2 oclok got Breakfast went to the depo at
3:30 took cars at 3:50 rode to Ogden stoped 1 H[our] & 30 M[inutes]
took car rode to Salt Lake City with a company of sectarian
Priest went to the office got 4 letters from O Jacobson Bleak
M Allister & A Hatch 1010 Miles

~ Friday

10 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from A Carrington & McAllister
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Sarah sent her $5 & wrote to
O Jacobson

~ Saturday

11. A hand pointing to the right I received 1 letter from Thompson I wrote 2 letters
to Wm Thompson & J D T McAllister I wrote in my Journal

~ Sunday

12. Sunday I attended Meeting in the Afternoon in the
Tabernacle at 2 oclok George B. Wallace Prayed & W Woodruff
spoke 1 H & 10 M & G Q Cannon 40 M we met in the praye[r]
after Meeting

~ Monday

13 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received Letter from Peter Johnson &
wrote Letters to Sarah I spent the day copiying in my Journal

~ Tuesday

14 I returned from the farm & received a letter from Br
McAllister A man broak his leg in the tithing office through
A hand pointing to the right a runaway team. I wrote to McAllister And to Peter
see copy I attended mass Mee[t]ing at the Court House in the
Evening I was appointed on the general committe

Page 121

~ Wednesday

June 15 1881
I spent the forenoon copying my Journal attended the
committee meeting at 12 oclok & council at 2 oclok

~ Thursday

16 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right Leslie & myself Bought Lumber and made a
cupboard in the forenoon. I received a letter from Sylvia
and wrote Sarah a letter and sent her $5 in athe letter

~ Friday to ~ Saturday

17, & 18 I spent the time laboring & in the office

~ Sunday

19. Sunday I attended meeting in the afternoon

~ Monday

20. A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Sarah & J M Ferrin I gathered to gether some
material to commnce to build a Barn

~ Tuesday

21. A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Sarah & another person I spent most of the day
on the barn

~ Wednesday

22 Keys crossed ^ A folded letter/box^ I in company with my wife Phebe accompanyied
the old folks on their Excursion to ogden there were some
600 persons mostly from 98 to 70 year of age see D News
of that Date for particulars I received 2 cards from Sylvia

~ Thursday to ~ Saturday

23 & 24 & 25 I spent these 3 days working on the Barn I
spent the night at the grass lot

~ Sunday

26 Sunday I returned to the city at 5 oclok & brought up
Sarah D. with me and we took cars at 7 & rode to Woods
and carriage to Bountiful whare we met the
People at the meeting house at 10 oclok President Taylor
spoke 50 M[inutes], G Q Cannon 30, & W Woodruff 25 Minutes
Dined at President Wm Smith rode to Farmington
held a Meeting at 3 oclok George Reynolds Prayed J F Smith
spoke 50 Minutes G Q Cannon 20, John Taylor 35 Minutes

~ Monday

27. We rode to Hooperville attended Meeting at 10 oclok. F D Richards
Prayed G Q Cannon spoke 22 M, John Smith 6 M, G Reynolds
7 M John Taylor 45. we dined with John Hooper ^25 M[iles]^

Page 122

We rode to West Weber and held a meeting at 3 oclok Prayer
By F D Richards John Taylor spoke 35 M[inutes], G Q Cannon 30,
W Woodruff 25 M. ^10 [miles]^

~ Tuesday

28. We drove to North Ogden and held a Meeting at 10:30
John Smith Prayed Joseph F Smith spoke 30 M, G Q Cannon 30
John Taylor spoke 32 M W Woodruff 10. We dined at
Br Stephens Stephens I visited Betsey Cossett She was vary
poorly in health I administered to her left my blessing with
her & $5 in money we rode to Plain City and held a Meeting
John Taylor spoke 31 M, J F Smith spoke 31 M, W Woodruff
23 M, G Q Cannon 30. I spent the night with Brother Spires
Plain City is a garden I should Judge 100 acres in strawburies
Joconda the larges and best for transportation vicomptess the earliest
& sweetest ^20 M[iles]^

~ Wednesday

29 we rode to Harrisville and met in an Apple grove
at 10:30. F D Richards Prayed G Q Cannon spoke 25 M
W Woodruff 22, J F Smith 31 M, John Taylor 50 M.
we dined with P Green Taylor we then rode to Linn 3 M[iles]
Met at 3:30 John Smith Prayed W Woodruff spoke 31 M
John Taylor 10 M George Reynolds 5 M, John Taylor 50 M
at the close of the meeting we rode to Ogden I rode with
An arrow Br Hammand while on the way one of the hame straps
broke and the tongue droped & frightened the horses they started
to run we came near turning over but finally stoped
without harm I spent the night with Br Richards 12 M[iles]

~ Thursday

^30^ We rode up Ogden Canyon one of the most romantic
^ An arrow An arrow An arrow^ canyons in the rocky mountain and many vary dangerous
places but when we got into a good place one of the bolts

Page 123

came out that held the tongue up Droped one side of the tonge
the horses sprung brought the waggon side ways onto a stump
and turned it almost bottom sid up all 4 of us was flung
out of the waggon suddnenly onto the ground my wife was
sitting on the nigh side of me was flung clear over my head
and struck onto her feet Brother Parry the driver was flung
flat upon his belly he held on to the lines & stoped the
Horses a large woman setting beside him was flung into the
fore wheel I struck on my hands & knees but sprang to my
feet & caught the woman in the wheel & helped her out
if the horses had draged the waggon any further the woman
in the wheel would have stood a chance to have been killed
but throug the mercy of God we all escaped unhurt
we drove to Eden and escaped unhurt and held a
Meeting at 10:30. F D Richards Prayed W Woodruff spok 35 M[inutes]
RG reynolds 10 M, John Smith 8 M, & John Taylor 70 M
we dined at Eden then rode 3 Miles to Huntsville & held
a Meeting at 2:30 in the New Meeting [House] that will seat 1000
peopl & it was full F D Richards prayed again G Q Cannon
spoke 45 M W Woodruff spoke 11 M John Taylor 35 M
F D Richards 10, John Smith 10 Br Middleton 5 Br Ham-
3 M we spent the night at Br Hammands 15 M[iles]

~ Friday

July 1. We drove Down the canyon to Ogden & took cars
and arived in S L City at 11:40 Distance of the day 52 M
A folded letter/box I went to the office & received 3 Letters from A M Tenney
M Allister on Temple Matters and Peter Johnson will
$69 for Land & Thompson I assisted on the Barn in the
afternoon & went to the field & got a load of Hay

Page 124

~ Saturday

An arrow An arrow July 2nd 1881 An arrow An arrow
The Startling News was brought over the wires today
that an attempt was made to assasinate Mr Garfield
the President of the United States He was shot twice in
the arm & abdomin and supposed Mortally wounded the
assassin was immediately arested & imprisioned the telegrams
were all published in the News & herrald of this date
I went to the field & drew up one load of hay & in the After
noon worked on the barm

~ Sunday

3 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle G Q Cannon
spoke 45 minutes John Taylor ^50^

~ Monday

4 Independance Day we had made great preparations for the cel
Keys crossed A crown An arrow ebrations of this day but the attempted assasination
of President Garfield broak it all up for as a people we did
not consider it proper to be celebrating the day while the
President of the United States lay in the agaonies of Death by
the hand of an Assasine I went to the office & wrote 4
A hand pointing to the right Letters to Sarah McAllister O Jacobson & Peter Johnson
I sent P Johnson a recept for $69 in cash

~ Tuesday

5 I spent most of the day on the barn shingling I spent the
night at the farm report says Garfield is improving 6 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

6. I spent the forenoon in shingling the north side of the barn I
A folded letter/box received one letter from Sarah saying that she was better
which I was thankful to hear reports still represent the President
Better I attended council in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

7. Wilford is laid up sick with swollen hands appears as
though poisened I ploughed corn all the forenoon in his place

~ Friday

8. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I recceived 3 letters from Sarah F D Richards & West
I wrote one letter to Sarah

Page 125

~ Saturday

July 9, 1881
I spent most of the day at work on the barn

~ Sunday

10. Sunday I took cars and rode to Ogden to attend the
Young mens mutual quarterly confernce I stoped with
F D Richards I met with the people at 10 oclok A Few rem-
arks made By the councillor Alonzo Herrett President
West & 1 councellor absent. Wm Jackson gave a lecture
on faith, James England on Baptism, Repentance
John Anderson on Baptism, Noah L Shirtliff on the
Reception of the Holy Ghost, Frank Greenwell on the
History of Rome. Afternoon Gilbert R Belnap on
Church History, Edward H Anderson on the organiza-
tion rise & Progress of the young mens Mutual Improvement
Association. W Woodruff spoke 25 Minutes F D Richards
12 M[inutes]. I took cars & returned to Salt Lake City 80 Mils

~ Monday

11. A folded letter/box I received a letter from J G Bleak & card from
Leslie Snow I finished my barn today

~ Tuesday

12 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from J. D. T. McAllister

~ Wednesday

13 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters from M. F. Farnsworth &
G Teasdale I wrote 3 letters to J G Bleak & M F Farnsworth
and Joseph A. West & a card to Leslie Snow

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

14 & 15. I got shingle & had Wilfords house shingled I spent
part of the time in the office and part of the time at the House

~ Saturday

16. July A coffin J. Y President Joseph Young died this morning
at 4 oclok in the morning Aged 84 years 3 months & 9 days
Thus passes away another Aged Patriarch of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints He was a good faithful
Man. I took cars at 7 oclok with G Q Cannon and
rode to Nephi to attend the quarterly confer[en]ce

Page 126

we met in the Meeting House at 2 oclok several of [the]
wards reported after which G. Q. Cannon spok 45 Minutes
W Woodruff 35 M[inutes]. In the Evening we attended the
young Mens & young womens Mutual Improvement Association
W Woodruff spoke 30 M & G Q Cannon 5 M we had a
good time short reports of Both societies were given. I spent
the night at Br Teasdale's & G Q C. at Br Pitchforth 100 M[iles]

~ Sunday

17 We Met with the Prayer circle & G Teasdale gave instruction
which was good. We Met with the sabbath school at 10 oclok
reports of the sabbath school was then given of the different wards
G Q Cannon then spoke 33 Minutes & W Woodruff 15 Minutes
We Met with the people in the Afternoon prayer By A H. Lund
G Q Cannon spoke 70 Minutes W Woodruff 30 M. we held a
meeting in the Evening. we administered to 4 that were sick
G Q Cannon spoke 4560 Minutes G Teasdale 10 W Woodruff 10.

~ Monday

18 We Met the people in the Morning at 10 oclok to answer
such questions as the publick might put to us and many
questions were given us in writing which Br Cannon answ[er]ed
I made a few remarks after him we took cars & returned
to Salt Lake City 100 Miles

~ Tuesday

19 A coffin Joseph Young I attended the funeral of President Joseph Young
to day at 11 oclk in the Tabernacle I should judge
there was some 7000 people present W Woodruff first addressed
the assembly followed By Presidents George Q Cannon and
John Taylor the speeches & Procedings of the funeral was
published in the Deserettt News of 19 July 1881

~ Wednesday

20. A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Wm H Miles & J G Bleak I attended
a committee meeting at 10 oclok in the Council House on

Page 127

the subject or [of] organizing corporation companies of the various
wards of [the] Territory so that Each ward should hold its Church
Property not Exceding $50,000 according to the Law of Congress
we passed upon a Blank form for this purpose I attended
a council in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

21 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Leslie I wrote 5 Letters to Miles
J G Bleak & McAllister {private} To Wm H Folsome & card & paper
to Leslie Br Cannon was quite unwell to day I spent
the day in the office At our last conference at Ephraim the
^[FIGURE]^ Temple superintendent reported they had up to the date of
April 30 Received Appropriations of the inhabitants of the stake
$289,076.81. Thrustee in trust appropriated $75,686.59
Total Appropriated up this date of April 30, $364,763.40

~ Friday

July 22 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Bishop David K. Udel Wm
H Thompson
& Henry W. Bigler In the Afternoon in
company with Mrs Woodruff I took cars & rode to
Ogden & U & N to Brigham City I spent the night at
Phebes. Distance 60 Miles

~ Saturday

23 I met in the Brigham City New Meeting hous at
10 oclok the people for a 2 days meeting Prayer By Abram
W Woodruff spoke a few moments. The following
Bishops represented their wards Bishops Burton, Parry,
Nichols, ^&^ Henever, then F. D. Richards spok 35 Minutes
Afternoon Bishop Ward Prayed and Bishop Tingy
Harper, & Welch represented their wards then W Woodruff
spoke 45 M[inutes], & Bishop Jenson represented his ward

~ Sunday

24 ^Sunday^ The Pioneer day we met at 10 oclok Oliver Snow
spoke 16 M, F D Richards one hour & 10 Minutes

Page 128

Sunday Afternoon Bishop harper Prayed Sacrament
wadministered after which W Woodruff spok one H[our]
& 15 Minutes spoke of our arival in the valleys and what
had been performed since Read Joseph Smith prayer
in Liberty Jail and the answer of the Lord unto him &
its fulfillment [Doctrine and Covenants 121-123] Lorenzo Snow followed & spok for 15 M[inutes]
A[t] the close of the meeting I ordained Wm Davis to the
Keys crossed office of Patriarch He was born in the 12 August
1895 [1795] Making him 86 years of age

~ Monday

25 We took cars at 7 oclok rode to Ogden and to
^ A folded letter/box^ Salt Lake I received a letter from M F Farnsworth
containing a list of the Woodruff family

~ Tuesday

26 I spent most of the day watering my lot

~ Wednesday

27. A folded letter/box I received a letter from J G. Bleak I paid my Bill
of $227.80 to Lattimer & Taylor for Lumber for my barn
A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to Leslie W Snow I spent the night at the farm 6 M[iles]

~ Thursday

28 I returned from the farm and I wrote
A hand pointing to the right Letters to Albert Carrington A. M. Tenney

~ Friday

29 A hand pointing to the right I wrote letters to Susan, Eugenia, & Phebe Schols
A folded letter/box O Jacobson I recived a letter from O Jacobson
30I took cars rode to Smithfied & spent the night 103 Mils

~ Saturday

30. I wrode to Logan and attended confernce Met at 10 oclok
Prayer By J. F. Smith The statistical report was then read
Total officers & Members 10799 ^10749^, children under 8, 4649.
Total souls 15386 15408 John Henry Smith spoke 33 M
and says teach your children the paths of Life and truth &
do not neglect it W Woodruff spoke 20 M. Afternoon prayer
By F D Richards The Temple offerings were then read Distance 16 M[iles]

Page 129

Trustee in trust had Donated $84,468.19. The public donated
$235,424.96 Total Donations on the Temple $319,893.15
Br Card spoke on the Temple 10 M[inutes], Thomas X. Smith 10 M,
Joseph Godard 10 M, F D Richards 30.

~ Sunday

31. Sunday I rode to Logan Met at 10 oclok Prayer By M. W. Merrill
J. F. Smith spoke 72 Minutes I dined with Bishop Farrill Afternoon
prayer By Bishop Farr. G. Q. Cannon read the 76 sec of the D & C.
the vision "These are they into howhose hands God has given all things
and they wdwell with God in heaven forever" read the 4 chap of Rev
President Taylor then spoke 70 Minutes G Q Cannon 26 M
The following reflection were in my mind while listening to
these discourses Jesus Christ Descended Below all things there-
fore he was worthy to open the Book & loose the seals thereof, and
those who are ordained Kings and Priests unto God will receive
all things Eith[er] in time or Eternity and will become councillors
to the Savior & dwell and labor with him throughout all Eternity
and we are the noble spir^i^ts who were appointed to come and
dwell on the Earth in the last Dispensation and to labor with
him in the building up his Kingdom and prepare it for his
coming and to prepare the world for the Judgmets of God

~ Monday

Aug 1. Monday I took cars at 4 oclok &with Sarah & rode
to Logan 8 miles Sarah continued down to Brigham City
to stop with my Daughter Phebe I stoped at Logan it was
a vary cold morning for the time of the year I went to Br
Prestons I walked an hour to try to get warm before the
house was open After Breakfast I went to the public office
and paid my Territorial & County tax for Smithfield $7.92
I had visited the top of the Temple and examined the tin roof

Page 130

and it looked vary well. I had Expressed a desire to
Br Taylor to return to Salt Lake with the rest of the Brethren
so that I could go to Sanpete and attend the Manti conference
But Br Taylor wished me to accompiany him across the
Mountain to bear lake so I was spending the day at Br
Prestons to be ready to go with Br Taylor in the Morning
An arrow But I was taken sick in the Afternoon with anoth[er]
attack of the Billious cholic I had eat a tart Apple but a
short time before whether that was the cause or not I do not
know. this is the fifth attack I have had in about a year
and a half and I have suffered Evry thing but Death with
them. the first attack lasted 10 days the 2, 15 the 3, 10 & the
4, 20. I felt upon the present occasion that I ought to Empty
my stomach I mixed up some mustard & salt & drank it
and vomited nearly all night But I was in great distress
through the night in my stomach & Bowels but go[t] no relief

~ Tuesday

Aug 2nd President Taylor and Party left for bear Lake at
5 oclok I sent for Brother Lamereux to come & help me He
gave a Number of injections but I got No releief untill
several of the brethren came & administered to me then I had
several passages which relieved me of my Distress I moved
down below in the Evening I had quite a fever

~ Wednesday

3 I was vary weak this morning & not able to sit up much
yet I took cars & rode to Brigham City Brother Lomarauyx
went went me I went to my Daughter Phebes Sarah was
there also quite poorly I had a vary high fever through the day 37 Miles

~ Thursday

4 I was some better to day

~ Friday

^5^ 5 I was better to day was able to seit up & read the News

Page 131

~ Saturday

Aug 6, 1881
I was much better this morning was able to get up and dres
I walked over the garden took breakfast & took cars & rode
to Ogden and Salt Lake City 60 M[iles]

~ Sunday

7 Sunday I went to the office receeived 2 letters read the
News attended Meeting in the afternoon W Woodruff spoke
40 M[inutes], B Young 30, John H Smith 12 M.

~ Monday

8 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 3 letters & wrote 2 to Lesslie & G Teasdale

~ Tuesday

9th I went with Wilford to the field comm[enc]ed cutting down
wheat with a sythe we then took a mower and I bound
wheat most of the day which I do not think I had any business
to do I was vary weary at night

~ Wednesday

10 I had an interview to day with E Snow G Teasdale
A hand pointing to the right & S Roskelley I wrote a letter to Bell Moses
I spent the night at the farm A vary heavy rain 6 M[iles]

~ Thursday

11 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I returned from the farm and wrote a letter to J G Bleak
I took cars at 2 oclok and rode to Nephi and I 100 Miles
spent the night with Br Teasdale Mrs Woodruff was with
me the Brethren held a Meeting I was not able to go to it I was
quite sick all night with Cholera Morbos was up a great deal
during the night and was quite sick

~ Friday

12 I took the coach with my wife & Br Teasdale & rode
to Moroni & nooned then road to Ephraim & spent the night 35 Miles

~ Saturday

13 Saturday we rode to Manti and attended the conference
and the Temple looked Beautiful upon the Mountain we
stoped at Brother Mabyen we Met at 10 oclok W Woodruff spok
10 Minutes at the opening. G. Teasdale spoke 44 M, Wm H Folsome 20.
Afternoon Prayer By Brother Works. The Temple Financial
Report was then read

Page 132

The following Donations for the Manti Temple was made
By the various Stakes of that Temple District

Sanpete Stake $112,863.27, Juab Stake $8,436.77
Severe Stake $19,729.52, Millard Stake $11,120.58
Beaver [Stake] 11,497.85 Parawan [Stake] $8565.53
Panquitch 3,127.98 Kanab 4,139.16,
St George stake 14,057.58, Emery S. 126.20,
Little Colorada $100, New Mexico 13.25
Sundry places 1095.85 Trustee in trust $82,155.56
Total from all sourses $277,038.07.

There was $42,855.08 more means used up to this date
on the Logan Themple than on the Manti. The Trustee in trust
has Donated $2312.63 cts more on the Logan Temple
than on the Manti. The Stake Statiscics were then read
There were officers and members of the sanpete valley stake
7419, children under 8 years 3231, Total Souls 10650
Joseph Pollard then spoke 30 M[inutes], Erastus Snow 15 M
we Met in the Evening to hear a lecture upon Education
from Karl Maser He spoke 55 M, & James Talmage 20 M

~ Sunday

14 Sunday Morning I visited the Temple with Mrs W
E Snow Folsome, parry & others it was Beautiful the walls
were up 41 feet from the ground half the distance from the
square the arches were turned over the windows of the second
Story We Met in the Bowry at 10 oclok had a large
congregation Erastus Snow spoke 67 Minutes. we visited
the office at noon and Examined the drafts for the Eating House
& Engine room & were satisfied with them I met in the
afternoon at 2 oclok Sacrament Administered Authorites of

Page 133

the Church presented and accepted W Woodruff then spoke
one hour and 11 Minutes, read that portion of the celestial
in the vision [Doctrine and Covenants 76:50-70] & the 5 ch of Revelation. we had a good
Meeting at the close of which we rode to Ephraim &
spent the night at Br Kanut Peterson who was vary sick
we laid hands upon him and he was much better 8 M[iles]

~ Monday

15 We rode to Fountain Green and Dined with Bishop
Johnson then rode to Nephi & spent the night with G Teasdale 35 Miles
I held a Meeting in the Evening with the people and
spoke 40 Minutes

~ Tuesday

16 We took cars at 5 oclok & rode to Salt Lake we had the company
of Presidents Taylor & Cannon a part of the way On my
arival at the city I received 23 letters from Joseph A West
J McAllister & F M Farnsworth I had an interview
in the Afternoon with John P Sorrenson Just returned
from New Zealand

~ Wednesday

17 An arrow The report this morning is that there is vary little hope
of President Garfield

~ Thursday

18. A hand pointing to the right I wrote letters to day to J. D. T. McAllister, Farnsworth
& Folsome we had a hard rain today

~ Friday

19 I spent most of the day copying Journal

~ Saturday

20 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Sarah & wrote her
one I spent the day copying in my Journal

~ Sunday

21 Sunday I spent the fore part of the day in writing in my
Journal I attended the Meeing in the Afternoon Henry W Nesbit
spoke 45 Minutes followed By G. Q. Cannon who spoke 50 M[inutes]
Br Cannon and myself attended the Evening meeting in the
14 ward Henry P Richards spoke followed By G Q Cannon & W Woodruff

Page 134

~ Monday

Aug 22nd 1881
I spent most of the day on my Journals I spent the night at the farm

~ Tuesday

23 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters today to [from] Lorenzo Snow and &
Sarah I returned from the farm There seems but little chance
for President Garfield to get well from the tener of the Telegraph
News I spent the day on my Journals

~ Wednesday

24 It is quite a sick time in this city a good many death
among children Br Wm ^J^ Player called upon me to preach
the funeral sermon of a a Daughter 10 years of age But ceircu
mstances would not permit me to go I spent the forenoon
preparing to go away. We took cars at 2 oclock and rode
to Lehi and attended Meeting at 4 oclok John Taylor spoke
27 M[inutes]. W Woodruff spoke 24 M. G. Q. Cannon spoke 30 M
At the close of the Meeting we rode to Alpine a Beautiful villag
in the gorge of the Mountain we took supper at Br
Mc Cough Colough's the Bishop I spent the night with him 30 M[iles]

~ Thursday

25 We visited the Tithing office fruit orchards all loaded
with fine fruit And a sample of their Marble and a
New invented Hay press, By John Debley we then went
to Meeting at 10 oclok. George Reynolds Prayed. John Taylor
spoke 54 M, G Q Cannon 27, W Woodruff 23. we dined
and drove to the American Fork Held a Meeting G Reynolds
Prayed. G Q Cannon spoke 35 M, W Woodruff 37, John
Taylor 55 M. 6 M[iles]

~ Friday

26 I was vary sick all night with the Bilious colic we drove
to Plesant Grove I spent the day at Br Browns the Brethren
held a Meeting but I did not attend we took cars at 4 oclok
& rode to Provo Bishop Brown & wife were bringing the corps
of their Daughter who had [died] in some of our settlements East 15 M

Page 135

~ Saturday

Aug 27, 1881
I am better to day we met in a Bowery for a 2 days
conference JDavid John Prayed The Statistics was then red
Utah Stake officers & Members 10859, children under 8
4664. Total of Souls 155521 A O Smoot spoke 15 M[inutes],
W Woodruff 18 M, Br Snell 10 M G Q Cannon 20 M

~ Sunday

28 Sunday we Met at 10 oclok W Woodruff Prayed
J F Smith spoke 50 M, G Q Cannon 47 M.

Afternoon prayer By George Reynolds John Taylor spoke
two Housrs There was a priesthood Meeting in the Evening I
did not attend I spent the Evening with Br Taylor at Br
Dusenbery we drove to Springville & I spent the night at Br Goosebeck 5 M[iles]

~ Monday

29. We held Meeting at 10 oclok G Reynolds Prayed John Taylor
spoke 20 M, W Woodruff 30 M, G Q Cannon 25 M,
J F Smith 30. We dined then drove to Spanish Fork
and met in the Bowery A O Smoot Prayed G Q Cannon
spoke 25 M, Joseph F Smith 30, W Woodruff 25 G Reynolds 2 M
John Taylor 45 M. I spent the night at Sister Andrews 6 M[iles].

~ Tuesday

30. We drove to Salem Met at 10 oclok G Reynolds prayed
Joseph F Smith spoke 17 M G Q Cannon 19 M W Woodruff
15 M G Reynolds 5 M, John Taylor 35 M. we then drove
to Pason Met at 4 oclok A O Smoot prayed G Q Cannon
spoke 25 M, Joseph F Smith 25 M, W Woodruff 26 M,
John Taylor 40 M I spent the night at Bishop Tanners

~ Wednesday

31 We drove to Spring Lakeville & G Q Cannon & J F Smith
held a Meeting there Br Taylor & myself went on to
Santaquin I took dinner with Br Peter N aAnderson 6 M[iles]
we held a Meeting at 1 oclok Br Coombs prayed
W Woodruff spoke 26 M John Taylor 45 M, G. Q. Cannon 30 M

Page 136

Joseph Smith spoke 25 M[inutes]. We drove to Goshen and I spent the
night at Br Johnsons 8 M[iles]

~ Thursday

Sept 1. We Met at 10 oclok in the school house A. O. Smoot
spoke 6 M Wm Price 2 M. Br Price was then restored
to the Bishoppric of that place G. Gurley was appointed the
1 councillor and Peter Oglebury 2nd councillor He
spoke 2 M. John Taylor then spoke 64 M, G Q Cannon
25 AF M Lyman 15 M, John Henry Smith 12 M
W Woodruff 20 A O Smoot 2 M we set apart
the Two councillors to Bishop Price W Woodruff ordai
the 2nd councillor a High Priest & set him apart. at
the close we drove 12 Miles back to Pason & spent the night
we held a Meeting in the Evening with the young Mens
& young women Mutual we had a full house W Woodruff
spoke 20 M G Q Cannon 20 M F M Lyman 20, and
John Henry Smith 15 Mn I spent the night at Br Moores 12 M[iles]

~ Friday

2 A folded letter/box we took cars at 6 oclok & rode to S L City 65 M[iles]
I went to the office & received 3 letters from Wm. H. Fulsome
J. McAllister, & M F Farnsworth 65 M
Br Orson Pratt visited the office to day for the first
time I have seen him for a long time

~ Saturday

3 I spent the day mostly at home we made 2 Barrels cider

~ Sunday

4. Sunday I spent the day at home not Being well

~ Monday

5 A new safe was brought into the office of President
Taylor weighing three tons, 600 lb. I wrote one letter to Sarah
A hand pointing to the right & sent $5 to pay city taxes

~ Tuesday

6. A folded letter/box I received 4 Letters from Sarah, L. Snow, J. McAllister
and Wm Horsley

Page 137

~ Wednesday

Sept 7, 1881
I met in council today the case of the
Liquor in Brigham City was taken up and
the commit[tee] felt that they had nothing to do upon the
subjectch matters it was left to the Authoritites of Brigham
Cicty athe preside[nc]y felt that they ^had^ Enough
to do to attend to the Kingdom of God without
attending to the local affairs of the various towns
wards of the Church

~ Thursday

8 I spent a part of the day at home I went to
^ A hand pointing to the right I wrote to J McAllister^
Grass lot in the Evening & spent the night I was unwell 6 M[iles]
{[4 words of illegible shorthand]}

~ Friday

9. I returned to the city I attended council at 3 oclok upon
Territorial Statiscical matters

~ Saturday

10 I made half a Barrel cider this morning & spent the
Rest of the day in the office I wrote 2 letters to Jesse Moses
A hand pointing to the right David P Woodruff

~ Sunday

11 ^ A folded letter/box^ Sunday I received a letter from J G Bleak I attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle Br T. B. Lewis gave a powerful
Discourse & bore a strong testimony to a large assembly
of Saints and many strangers. spoke 45 M[inutes], followed 35 M
By C W Penrose who spoke well I met in council, & {prayer}

~ Monday

12 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to J. G. Bleak Matthias F Cowley
A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Bishop David Udal and
M F Cowley

~ Tuesday

13 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 Letters to J. G. Bleak John R. Stewart
L. L. Fuller & Allexander Findlay the three last to go
on a Mission to St John Arizona President Taylor
wishes me to call men to settle that place which I am
doing as I have an oppertunity

Page 138

~ Wednesday

Sept 14, 1881
An arrow I attended the funeral of David John Taylor son
of President Taylor's who went to New Yog to buy goods
for Z.C.M.I. was taken suddenly sick & Died there
Aged 28 left a wife & 2 children Bishop Thomas Taylor
Joseph F Smith W Woodruff & G Q Cannon
addressed the Meeting we had a large assembly

~ Thursday

15 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Sarah sent $5 for Newton to
buy Nails for grainary I wrote to D H Parry of Ogden
and David K Udel on Matters of St John I also
wrote to David P. Woodruff at Ashley

~ Friday

16 I met with the committee in the Historians office
on historical matters this committee was apointed
By the Presidency to examine into the labor work
and Business of the Historian office they were Joseph
F Smith
F. M. Lyman & John Henry Smith they
sat untill 11 oclok & adjourned untill 4 oclok
O Pratt was appointed Historian May 9, 1874,
making his labor as Historian for 7 years up to
May 7, 1881 During this time He has got up a history
documentary, for 22 years, Making 34 volums of 241,259
pages, averaging 1213 1/2 pages each vol, at a cost of $12377.70
there was 54 pages of indexing for Each vol as title page,
making $400 per volumn inclunding Binding, paper, ruling, pens
ink and indexing total $13,600. But none of this work
had been compared with its copy I spent the night at the farm

~ Saturday

17. I returned to the city G Q Cannon and myself set
apart 3 Missionaries I set apa[r]t one of them Wilford brought
3 wild Horses to the lot from a Band I went to the farm 6 M[iles]

Page 139

~ Sunday

Sept Dec 18, 1881
Sunday I spent an hour this forenoon with my Brother
Azmon who is quite poorly in health I attended Meeting
in the After noon in the farmers ward school House
and spoke an hour followed By Wm Taylor 15 M[inutes]
I read the vision in the D & C and spoke upon that
subject I spent a part of the Evening with Br Hulse

~ Monday

19 An arrow I was taken in the night with the Billios
again and was in pain most of the night I eat a peace
of tosts returned to the city looked over the papers saw
that President Garfield was in a critical conditin
Keys crossed again I went to the office and set apart 3
Missionares I was mouth in setting one apart and
John Henry Smith two. I had an interview with
John D. T. McAllister this morning

~ Tuesday

20. Wilford started this morning for Milford to meet his
wife & sick child I was sick all day & most of the time ^a^bed

~ Wednesday

21 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I was quite poorley this morning but went to the
office Met with the committee & rececived a Letter from
Sarah and sent her one Enclosed $10 to finish
paying the paint Bill I attended the council in the afternoon
Keys crossed when the subject was brought up by Br Cannon concerning
the gathering of the Jews whether they would gather in
unbelief or Believe in Christ before they were gathered
Zach 12 ch, 13 & 14 ch goes to show that the Jews will be in
unbelief Br Cannon read in the Book of Mormon in
the late Edition Pages 108, 84, 78, 122, 425, 29 vers
Page 488, 489, 558, 12 vers all went to show that the
Jews or some of them would Belive in Christ Before they were gathered

Page 140

~ Thursday

Sept 22, 1881
A folded letter/box I received a letter from A M Tenney I spent the day in office

~ Friday

23 Wilford went to Milford to Meet his wife and
child who was vary sick and it died at 7 oclok
An arrow on Thursday the 22nd

A coffin
[sideways text]
George W
[end of sideways text]

~ Saturday

24 I spent the day mostly at home

~ Sunday

25 Sunday Wilford & Julia returned home this morning
Julia was in great sorrow they buried their child
in Parawan I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle
W Woodruff spoke 36 M[inutes] Orson Whitney 30 M.

~ Monday

276 A folded letter/box I received 7 letters to day J R Winder, Bell
& Jesse Moses, G. J. Bleak, A McDonald Milton
H Hardy
Br Stewart & Sarah I attended the Meeing
An arrow at the Tabernacle on the funeral occasin of the
Burial of President Garfield F M Lyman spoke 16 M
A Miner 29 M & G Q Cannon 20 M

~ Tuesday

27 A folded letter/box I received a letter to day from Bell Moses
I spent 2 Hours with President Taylor and J
speaking upon the work in the Temple
8I Paid a side walk tax to day of $58.89 I spent
the night at the farm 6 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

28. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters to day from D H Peery
& Musser I wrote a letter to James G Bleak I attended
the council in the afternoon & had Prayers Dr John M
A coffin J M Bernhisel Bernhisel died to day Aged 82 years old
At the close of the council in company with
F. D Richards & John Henry Smith I visited the Body of
John M Bernhisel

~ Thursday

29. A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Thomas J Jones & sent $10 to pay funeral Expenses

Page 141

A hand pointing to the right I also wrote to Bishop McIntyre & sent him $7 to
help pay him for his troubles in the sickness of Wilfords child

A coffin Rogers

Father [blank] Rogers of Provo Died [blank] Aged
A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^2^ Letters to J G Bleak & Sarah
I sent $2 and 3 letters from Bell and Jesse

~ Friday

30. Keys crossed I attended the funeral of Dr J M Bernhisel to
day in the 17 ward Meeting House D H Wells opened by
Prayer and addresses made by Hon George Q Cannon, Capt
Wm H Hooper & President John Taylor Meeting Dismissed
By W Woodruff A larg procession followed the body to the
grave. I went to the field and spent the night 6 M[iles]

~ Saturday

Oct 1, 1881 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 5 Letters to Bishop D W. Johnson
Susan, Eugenia, & Phebe Scholes, and Lot Smith
An arrow I had a severe pain in the stomach nearly all day
Orson Pratt is still vary low

~ Sunday

Oct 2nd A hand pointing to the right Sunday I wrote 1 Letter to A. M. Tenney
I attended meeting John Henry Smith spok 20 M[inutes] Br Lewis 37 M
I attended prays circle Presidency & Twelve visited O pratt

~ Monday

A coffin Orson Pratt
Died Oct 3 1881
at 8:40 MAM
Aged 70 year

Oct 3, 1881 I called at the house of Orson Pratt at
8:40, and he had just breathed his last Thus by
his death we loose the last man that was organized in the
first quorum of the Twelve Apostles at least who are in the
Church. I think that Wm Smith, Wm E McLellin &
John Boyanton are still living, but all out of the Chuch
Elder Orson Pratt has been in the Church the longest
of any man that has Ever lived in it up to the present time
He has traveled more miles in the ministry than any other
Man has crossed the Atlantic 16 times He was a self made man

Page 142

Orso Pratt had obtained through his own Exertion
without the aid of teachers, more Mathimatical Philo-
logical and Astrological Knowledge probably than
any other man in this generation Orson Pratt was born
in Hartford, Washington County new Yow Yoork sept 19
1811, was baptized sept 19, 1830 on his birth day being 19 years
was ordained an Elder Dec 1, 1830. He was ordained a
High Priest Feb 2, 1832. He was a Member of Zions Camp
in the spring of 1834 And came near dying with the
cholera at our arival in Clay County Mo. He was
ordained into the first Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
on the 26 day of April 1835 under the hands of David
& Oliver Cowdery He was a Member of the
Utah Legislator for Many years, and speaker of the House
and done a great deal of publishing in his day and
Died at 8:35 on the morning of Oct 3, 1881 Aged 70 years
and 16 days and awaits a glorious reserrection for
further particulars see Deseret News Oct 3, 1881
This has been a singular Day Soon after Orson
Pratt Died, one of his wives Judiuliett Pratts Barn
took fire & burned up with all its contents. Milando
had a large Mirror hanging in his house fall &
mashed to peaces On our arival at President Taylors
office we received a Telegram from Moses Thatcher saying
that Elder Feramorez L Young Died of Typhoid fever on
Tuesday night at 11 oclok [blank] day o[f] [blank] 100 miles out from
Havannah and buried at sea. this was a vary heavy blow
to the Mother & family We had just got through with this

Page 143

An arrow [when] word came to me that a man by the name of Pullen had
fallen from the temple wall in a gale of wind I went to
see him I found him badly mashed up & he died in about
an hour I made arangments for him to be laid out in a
coffen & sent to his family in south bountiful I
went to the coop & got materials to lay out Br Orson
the Bill was $18.650 and I got order for the
family amounting to $234.40 Total $252.90

~ Tuesday

Oct 4, 1881 A crown Keys crossed I attended council all day {of Fifty}
and adjourned untill April 4, 1882 at 10 oclok

~ Wednesday

5 I spent a part of the day in preparing for O pratts
funeral in the afternoon I attended the council & prayer
I had some private talk with F M Lyman & John H Smith

~ Thursday

April [October] 6, 1881 We met in general conference The Twelve
A crown Keys crossed Apostles met the met the Body of Orson Pratt at the
west gate & carried it in from of[f] the stand in the
Big Tabernacle The conf[er]ence comm[enc]ed at 10 oclok F D Richards prayed
President Taylor spoke a few munites. W Woodruff made a few
remarks and the Meeting dismissed atuntill 1 oclok
The corps was then placed in position to be seen by the public
for two hours untill 1 oclok which was seen by many
thousands at 1 oclok the Meeting opened by Prayer by J F
, after which W. Woodruff arose & read the revelation
given through Joseph Smith to Orson Pratt Nov 4, 1830 Sec 34, D & C
W Woodruff then said if I were to utter my
thoughts aloud I would say 'O God the Eternal Father we ask thee in the name
of thy Son Jesus Christ, to give unto us grace, to give unto us power, to give
unto us faith, to give unto us inspiration, as the servants of the Lord that what

Page 144

time we may spend of these precious moments before this vast Assem-
bly that we may satisfy ourselves, that we may satisfy our friend.
But O my soul when I think of this Eternal & immortal spirit that
is chained up in these chains of mortality, that while the soul of
man pants to mingle with those Eternal principles and Eternal intel-
which dwell around the throne of God and the Lamb, still we are
confined here, limited, with all the inspirations we can get. sometimes
I feel when I realize these things it would be a relief if I could break
these bands as Brother Orson Pratt has done and open my Eyes in the
spirit world and partake of the glory and blessings that await that man
but then again we must submit. we should be patient. we should be
satisfied in regard to our condition on the Earth, in our Mortal
state. it will last but a vary little while. Now the few moments we
have to spend with yoo Brethren & sisters in speaking upon this
occasion, what can we do. what do you expect we are going to give
you a history of Orson Pratt. If we had a month with all the
inspiration we could get from God in our mortal state we could not
tell you the one thousandth part of the Glory, the exaltation, the power,
the blessings and the Kingdoms, thrones and principalites that await
that man, and Every other Man that has kept the same Law. we cannot
do it. No Eye hath seen, no Ear hath [heard] neither hath it Entered into the
heart of man to conceive the glories that await the saints of the
living God. [1 Corinthians 2:9] Now while I spent a few moments in talking
to the living I also Expect to refer to the dead, but it will take the
trump of the sixth angel to sound to reveal the history of Orson
Pratt to an assembled world. You cannot do it. I cannot do
it. it is not in our power There are a great many things
concerning Br Pratt that have not been written and never will be

Page 145

on this side of the veil. They are however recorded on the
other side of the veil. he will meet his history there. I have
been associated with Br Pratt, a good many years. The first
sermon I ever herd him preach was in Aprail 1834, in a house
in Kirtland. it was there I listened to the first Testimony I ever
heard from him also from Brigham Young, Oliver Cowdry
Hyram Smith & Joseph Smith the Prophet and one or two
others. I was associated with him then for this was Just before
we started in Zions Camp for Missouri. Their are a few members
of Zions Camp here to day. Their is a small remnant of them left
All those brethren who were in the camp, our travelling a thousand
miles led by a prophet of God will remember the scenes we
were called upon to pass through we were visited by the cholera
The first circumstance of the kind that we as a company ever
experience. Br Orson Pratt whose body lies before us lay at the
point of Death as also George A Smith and a number of others
while some twenty of the Brethren were laid in the grave. The
Lord took whom he would take, and preserved those whom He
would preserve according to the council of his own will No man
could pass through a much worse sickness than the cholera. men
weighing near towo hundred pounds were reduced to seventy
or one hundred pounds in a vary short time. Br Pratt as I
have said lay at the point of death, yet during his sickness he
manifested that indomitable determination that has governed
his whole life from that day to this. while death as it were sought
to overcome him, he rolled over upon his back closed his eyes
clasped his teeth and shut his hands and apparently said
now death do your worst I deyfy you for in the name of Israels

Page 146

God I am going to live. In the name of Jesus Christ I
am going to stand in the flesh and bear my testimony
of the Gospel of Christ to the Nations of the Earth That was
about the way he acted from that moment he began to recover
and He has lived with us since that day forty seven years
His history is before you. it is before the world as far as written
as far as we can obtain it. Bro Orson Pratt has lived in
this Church longer than any other man who has been in it
Perhaps He has lived longer in it than vary few men ever
will live in the Church and Kingdom of God in the flesh
He has crossed the Atlantic Ocean sixteen times And has
travelled more miles than any other man in the Church. He
has preached more sermons. He has brought many thousands
into the Church. He had this revelation given to him which
I have read in your hearing [Doctrine and Covenants 34] he has lifted up his voice long &
loud. He has declaired the words of life and salvation to this
generation. his garments are clean from the blood of the
inhabitants of the Earth and his testimony will rise against
this generation to condemn them. I believe there is no man
living, I do not say it is so but give it as my belief that there
is no man living to day in the whole gentile world that has
accumulated By hard study and labor without the assistance of
teachers the same amount of mathematical, philosphical and Astrionom-
ical Knowledge that Br Orson Pratt obtained. He has probably published
and written more upon science, astronomy, mathematics and upon
the gospel of Christ than any other man in our Church if not in the
United States He has done a great work. He has done a good work
^Continued on page Dec 31, 1881^

Page 147

Lorenzo Snow followed W Woodruff and spoke 20 M[inutes].
F D Richards spoke 20 M John Taylor 28 M Then G Q Cannon
spoke 30 Minutes on the Death & Burial of F. L. Young
At the close of the services The Twelve Apostles acted as
Bearers & conveyed the Body to the Hears viz W Woodruff
L Snow F D Richards F. M. Lyman, John Henry Smith &
D. H. Wells there was a large p[r]ossession of carriges followed
the Body to the Grave

~ Friday

Oct 7. Conference Met at 10 oclok Lorenzo Snow prayed
F M Lyman spoke 40 Min, C W Penrose 41. Afternoon
Prayer By G Teasdale, Joseph F Smith 41 M. The statistics
of the Church was then read. The following representations
were given Members 53,560, officers & Members
82496, children under 8 year of age 36010 Total souls
119,867 Representation of Arizona was 2059
Total Births 2122 Total Deaths 749 above Deaths

~ Saturday

Oct 8th Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Kanute Peterson
John Henry Smith spoke 30 M W Woodruff 33 M
Recepts for Logan Temple $332,415 & 11. Trustee
in trust Donation was $9509.27. O Card gave
an account of the condition of the Temple
Donations on the Manti Temple by the People was $198,794 & 18 cts
Trustee in trust $85311.82 total $284,106.
J Taylor spoke 10 M. Afternoon Prayer By Henry Eyring
F D Richards spoke 55 M. 99 Missionaries called
to various parts of the world G Q Cannon spoke 20 M
We Met in the Evening with the Y.M.M.I. Association

Page 148

Junious Wells spoke 30 M[inutes] Mrs Georg H Taylor 15 M,
John Taylor 15 M W Woodruff 20 M, G Q Cannon 10,
Joseph F Smith Presented Authorities F M Lyman Dismissed

~ Sunday

9 Sunday Conference met at 10 oclok F M Lyman prayed
Lorenzo Snow spoke 35 M, G Q Cannon 55 M
A valuable discourse. Afternoon prayer By M Thatcher
who arived at the stand at 2 oclok from Mexico
The report of the young Ladies Mutual was then read
The Authorities of the Church was then presented and
accepted. Moses Thatcher spoke 35 M, John Taylor 50
I attended the Sunday school union meeting D H Wells prayed

~ Monday

Oct 10 I met with the Twelve & set apart 54 Missionaries
In the Afternoon I met with the members of the Legislator
and the Presidency. The subject of the offices of the
house & council of the Legislative Assembly was
discussed I spent the Evening with the committee on stock

~ Tuesday

11 I met with the board of trade. Reports mwere made forom
some 20 committees mostly in writing I made a report
on stock and a motion made to have it published

~ Wednesday

12 I met with the Presidency & Twelve & Presidents of stakes
and instruction was given upon many subjects He said
concerning work in the Temple He advised theose who presided over
the cTemples to call for volunteers to come & work as on a Mission
as a donation to the Temple except the President, secretary and
a few individuals who were necessery to remain and they moved
be supported. All donations made for the Temple I nwant the President
of stakes to get the account of it & kept on a record I received 3 letters
A folded letter/box from Bleak, Sarah &c

Page 149

~ Thursday

Oct 13, 1881
I took cars at 7 oclok rode to Ogden & on Freight to Smithfield 100 M[iles]

~ Friday

14 I paid order on Smithfield Tithing Office on my account $125
and Br Peterson cash for a pair of Boots $7. spent the day visiting

~ Saturday

15 In company with my son Newton I went over Bear River
and we shot 25 ducks and got But 13 of them and the rest fell in
bear river where we could not get them so we quit shooting

~ Sunday

16 An arrow I arose at 2 oclok not feeling well but took cars at 4 oclok
and went to Brigham City But was sick with Billious colic I could
not attend Meeting But was confined to bed G. Q. Cannon J F Smith
& L Snow laid hands upon me iand administered to me in the Evening. The
Presidency & some of the Twelve held meeting in the Meeting House & spoke to
the people I was quite poorly all night 40 M

~ Monday

17. I was confined to the bed all day but was better

~ Tuesday

18 I was some better to day but quite weak I spent the day mostly reading

~ Wednesday

19 I returned to Salt Lake to day much better I received 3 letters from
A folded letter/box Sarah, Bleak &c

~ Thursday

Oct 20 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received a letter from Peter Johnson containing a
P. O. order of $53 for land which I collected at the Post office
I wrote one letter to day to Peter Johnson sending him his note
I Telegraphed to J G Bleak saying there was 2510 lb of freight
at Milford and to send teams for it

~ Friday

21 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^3^ Letters to George L Farrell asked him to
buy a harness for Newton. I wrote one letter to Francis Sharp
containing an order of $50 on tithing Book account &
requested him to help get the Harnes, & one letter to Sarah had
an interview with Br Taylor

~ Saturday

22 I spent the day at the office another rain storm

~ Sunday

23rd Sunday I attended Meeting John Nickleson spok 245 Minutes

Page 150

Sunday W Woodruff followed Br Nickleson & spoke
22 Minutes and said more important truths in that
time than in any 22 Minutes of his life The discourse
was reported and I trust will be published I received
A folded letter/box 3 letters today

~ Monday

24 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received one letter from McAllister and
one from Peter Johnson I sent Peter Johnson a Deed
of 80 Acres of Land in Randolph we set apart 67
Missionaries to go abroad

~ Tuesday

25. I spent the day writing and at the office I went
to the grass lot and spent the night 6 M[iles]
There was a report that the Zar of Russia was Assa-
ssinated but not Believed

~ Wednesday

26. A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received a letter to day atfrom Lot Smith
I wrote 2 letters to Emma & Delight

~ Thursday

27 Oct A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to Andrew Brixon
I took cars at 2 oclok and rode to Nephi and spent the nigh 90 M
90 Miles Br Taylor and company held a Meeting I was unwell
& could not attend J Taylor G Q Cannon & F D Richards spoke

~ Friday

28 We took cars rode to Juab then took carriage & rode
25 Miles in the rain and snow all day distnce 40 Miles
we held a Meeting in the Evening F D Richards Prayed
John Taylor spok 42 M[inutes], W Woodruff spoke 25 M G Q Cannon
20, F. D. Richards 25. I spent the night at Br Thompsons in
Sipeo. Distnce of the day 40 Miles

~ Saturday

29. we rode to Holden 15 M[iles] & took Dinner and held a
Meeting at 1 o'clok F. D. Richards Prayed W Woodruff spok
15 M, F D Richards 17, F D Rich G Q Cannon 15 M,

Page 151

J Taylor 24 M[inutes]. We then rode to Filmore and I stoped
with Br Ashmans 25 M[iles].

~ Sunday

30 Sunday we held a Meeting at 10 oclk F D Richards prayed
G Q Cannon spoke 65, W Woodruff spoke 40 M.
Afternoon Prayer By John L Smith F D Richards spoke
33 M, John Taylor 21 M one Hour & 21 Minutes

~ Monday

31. we drove to Meadow Creek and held a Meeting at 10 {o’clock}
F D Richards [prayed] W Woodruff spok 22 M, G Q Cannon 42
John Taylor 35. I dined with Br Fisher. we then rode to Canosh
and held a Meeting. L. J. Nuttall prayed F D Richards spoke
30 M, G. Q. Cannon 25, W Woodruff 20 M John Taylor 50.
I spent the night at Br Hakan Andersons 16 M[iles].

~ Tuesday

Nov 1. we drove to Cove Creek & took dinner we then drove
to Beaver and spent the night at Br Ashworths 45 Miles
I was vary weary at night

~ Wednesday

2 A Plesant morning I Telegraphed to S L City and to
St George. we held a Meeting at 10 oclok. F M Lyman
prayed F D Richards spok 45 M, John Henry Smith 6,
F M Lyman 20 M W Woodruff 20 M Afternoon prayer
by F. D. Richards G Q Cannon 55 M, J Taylor 60 M. We held
a Meeting in the Evening with the young People. G. Q. Cannon
W Woodruff F D Richard & J. H. Smith all spoke we had a good time

~ Thursday

3 We drove to Buck Horn spring & nooned then drove to parawan ^35 M^
I stoped with President Jones for the night 35 M[iles]
we held a Meeting in the Evening F M Lyman G Q Cannon
& W Woodruff spoke

~ Friday

4 We met with several Brethren and gave them some
council about San wan we then held a Meeting

Page 152

W. Woodruff prayed. F D Richards spoke 40 Minutes
John Taylor 65 M[inutes], W Woodruff 10 M. President Taylor
set apart Morgan Richards as 2nd councillor to president
Jones. We then rode to Ceder and held a Meeting 18 Miles
at 6:30 George Gibbs Prayed W Woodruff spoke 30 Minutes
F D Richards 30, John Taylor 70 M.

~ Saturday

5 We drove to Duncan Creek & took dinner with
Thomas Woolsey, who was in the Pioneer camp
Keys crossed He told me to make tea of ceder Bows for Billious colic
and it would cure me. We rode to Pinto I spent the night
with Robert Knell we were vary weary 26 Miles

~ Sunday

6. We held a Meeting at 110 oclok L J Nuttall Prayed
John Taylor spoke 55 M W Woodruff 25 M F D Richards 22.
They had a flood at Pinto that came near washing their
town away a torrent of water rushed through their
houses 2 feet deep The strem was 100 yards wide & 3 feet
Deep and went through the Town with Great force
We drove to Pine valley I stoped with James B Bracken 14 M[iles]
we held a Meeting in the Evening G Gibbs Prayed F RD
Richards spoke 30 M, W. Woodruff 25 M, J Taylor 44.
we met with 3 sons & 2 sons in Law of John W Berry
who were going to St John

~ Monday

7 we left at 8 oclock & drove to Dimon Valley and dined
then drove to St George. President Taylor and most of the
company stoped at the Big house with E Snow I stoped with
F M Farnsworth 30 Miles

~ Tuesday

8. we went to the Temple I took a bath while the Brethren
were Baptizing

Page 153

we held a Meeting in the Tabernacle at St Georg at 10 oclk
Prayer By G Q Cannon. W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes]. I took
E Snow 30. I took Dinner with J G Bleak

Afternoon Prayer by F D Richards John Taylor spok ^one H[our] &^ 42 M
Keys crossed I went to Samuel Hardy's and attended a prayer Meeting
at night many spoke and bore their testimony & I followed
them & spoke 40 Minutes and Enjoyed much of the spirit of the Lord

~ Wednesday

9. Keys crossed I went into the Temple and had our first Daughter and
child sealed to me and my wife Phebe W Woodruff who was
her mother And I had all of my Fathers children 6 in number
by his second wife, my step Mother, sealed to their Father & Mother
viz Philo born Nov. 29, 1811 Died Nov 25, 1827, Aged 16 years

Asahel Hart [born] April 11, 1814 [Died] Oct 18, [18]38 [Aged] 24 years

Franklin [born] March 12, 1816 [Died] June 4, 1816, [Aged] 2 m 24 D

Newton born June 19, 1818 drowned Sept. 1820, Aged near 2 yers

Julius [born] April 22, 1820. Died young

Eunice [born] June 19 1821 Died ^Married^ Aug 4, 1841. Died June 14, 1853 Aged 32 years

Wilford Woodruff & Phebe W Woodruff acted as Proxy
I also had 3 children Named Ira & Mary Carter all dead
sealed to their Parents Ezra Carter & Sarah Fabyan Carter
Wilford Woodruff & Phebe W Woodruff Acting proxy
all the above recorded in the recorded in St Georg Temple Records
I also had 20 persons Adopted to me & my family
President John Taylor had quite a Number Adopted to him
Mrs W and myself took supper with E. Snow I then went
to Meeting in the Tabernacle at 6 oclok Br Lunt prayed G Q Cannon
spoke 3 M, John Henry Smith 5, W Woodruff 15 M E Snow
15 M, John Taylor 65

Page 154

~ Thursday

Nov 10, 1881
Keys crossed I went to the Temple I had adopted to me George Powel
aged 67, Mariah Powel 62, Charles Foster & wife and
Peter Jenson & wife all adopted to me

~ Friday

11 I spent the day in St George the forenoon in
business The afternoon I visited Br Shopmans school
& Sister Bentley, Church, Carter, and Eyring and
spent the night at Br Farnsworth

~ Saturday

12 We left St George & drove to Leeds I dined at
Br Wilkensons. We held a Meeting at 2 oclok
J G Bleak prayed W Woodruff spoke 20 M[inutes], F D Richards
34 M, John Taylor 20. We then drove to Tokerville
and stoped with Brother Spilsbury 30 Miles
we held a meeting in the Evening J D T McAllister prayed
F D Richards spoke 25 M, W Woodruff 24, J Taylor 65.

~ Sunday

13 Sunday we drove through Nephi Twist up to virgin City
I stoped with Br Beeby we held a Meeting at 2 oclok Prayer
By Br J. D. T. McAllister W Woodruff spoke 40 M, F D Richards
38, Erastus Snow 10 M, John Taylor 57. ^10 M[iles]^

~ Monday

14 We rode over a vary rough rode to Rockville 12 M[iles]
held a meeting at 10 oclok David Cannon prayed
J Taylor spoke 2 M. L John Nuttall spoke 30 M, J McAllister
36 M, J. G. Bleak 7 M, David Cannon 7. Afternoon the
St George Brethren went Back. G Gibbs prayed W Woodruff
spoke 35 M, F D Richards 46, J Taylor 45 M
I spent the Evenings at the Bishops

~ Tuesday

15 We went unp a Mountain 1000 feet higher than rockins [rockies]
we drove 12 Miles to the fork of the road opesite a ranch
whare we nooned we then Drove to winsor castle 35 Miles

Page 155

On our arival at the castle we Met Bishop Johnson
from Kanab with a load of Beds & beding and provisin
which made us all comfortable for the night.

~ Wednesday

16 We drove to Kanab & met in the Meeting House and had
a feast in the Evening had speeches songs addresses &c
John Taylor, W. Woodruff L. J. Nuttall F D Richards
all spoke I spent the night at Nephi Johnsons 20 M[iles]

~ Thursday

17. We held a Meeting at 10:15 F D Richards prayed
L John Nuttall spoke 54, W Woodruff 45 M[inutes]. Afternoon
prayer by Bishop Johnson F D. Richards spoke 45 M
President Taylor one Hour & 34 M. We held a Meeting
with the young people in the Evening. J L ^J^ Nuttall, F D Richards
and W Woodruff spoke (Joel H Johnson was Baptized June 1831)
He was born March 23, 1802

~ Friday

18 it was a vary cold day. We drov 20 Miles through
one of the worst sand roads that I Ever travelled to
Orderville and I stoped with Br Thomas Chamberlain 20 M

~ Saturday

19. President Taylor and company went to Mount Carmel
and held a Meeting I stoped at Orderville and held a Meeting
at 10 oclok W Woodruff spoke 1 Hour & 30 M. Br House spoke
10 M. Afternoon prayer By Bishop Johnson J Taylor spoke
^ A coffin R R Rhoda Foss Richards Died at 1 oclok this morning^
20 M, L J Nuttall 45 M F D Richards 50 M. we took

~ Sunday

^20^ Dinner and rode to Glendale. Held a Meeting at at 3 oclok
Bishop Johnson Prayed. L John Nuttall spoke 25 M, W Woodruff
28 M, John Taylor 45 M. We held a Meeting in the Evening
Bishop Johnson F D Richards and W Woodruff spoke 28
20 we visited the Machine shop Tanery &c and held a
Meeting W Woodruff Prayed in the Evening

Page 156

Bishop Johnson, F D Richards & W Woodruff spoke

~ Monday

21 we drove up the canyon to the Mill through a fine grove
of red pine timber for shingle & Lumber we went over the
divide and took the left hand canyon and got lost. we
camped for 2 hours took diner then went back to the road
we had left and continued on to Hill dale visited the spring
the head of the Severe River the stream abounds with trout
above & Below Hill dale. we were vary could [cold] when we 35 Miles
arived there. we held a Meeting L J Nuttall prayed
J Taylor spoke 20 m[inutes], W Woodruff 20 F D Richards 45.

~ Tuesday

22 we rode in the cold to Panquich and held a Meeting
W Woodruff spoke 30 M L John Nuttall 35 M. Afternoon 10 Miles
prayer By Bishop Johnson F D Richards 35 M J Taylor 60.

~ Wednesday

23 we drove to Kingston the people living in the United order
I spent the night with Br King ** 30 Miles

~ Thursday

24 The Brethren watered their horses at a well this morning
and the water being warm it was thought the Horses drank
to much and they scoured a good Deal in the forenon
at Noon several were sick and some were [illegible]
Joseph F Smiths Hors drviven By Brothe[r] Barret was
bled in the mouth and was (given half a pint of
Kareosiene oil which I would have thought would have
Killed him) but the horse went off all righ[t] But Br HouseHouse
did nothing for his horse and when we got to Mary vale
the Horse was dead in 5 Minutes after the Harness was
off from him He felt vary bad But Br Taylor herd
of it & sent for us we called upon him & he said you
get the Best Horse you can & I will pay for i[t] as it is a

Page 157

Church affair and I do not wish you to loose
it He bought a horse of Br Silvester for $100 & Br
Taylor Paid for it. we Nooned at Hugh D Lisenbee
who said He would Entertain all we sent to him
24 we drove to Mary vale and spent the night 23 M[iles]

~ Friday

25. we held a Meeting at 10 oclok L. J. Nuttall prayed
JJ Taylor spoke 55 M[inutes], F D Richards 30. we drove
to Elsenora 3 M[iles]. Took Dinner with Br Sylvester
held a Meeting at 2 oclok Br Gibbs prayed W Woodruff
spoke 25 M F. D. Richards spoke 19 M, J Taylor 233 M
we then drove to Richfield I stoped with Joseph B Horn 10 Miles

^23^ ** we held a Meeting at Kingston in the Evening
W Woodruff spoke 45 M, L John Nuttall 30, F D Richards 40.
it was a large congregation and a cold night

~ Saturday

26. we held a Meeting at Richfield at 10 oclok Bishop Horn
Prayed. Statiscical report read. The Bishops then made
report of their wards F D Richards then spoke 53 M
Afternoon W Woodruff spoke 53 M, John Taylor 60 Minutes **

~ Sunday

27 Sunday Met at 10 oclok B[r] Bean prayed Report of the
Sabbath Schools then given. John Taylor spoke 3 M.
Report of the young Mens Mutual given F D Richards spoke 45,
L John Nuttall 20. Afternoon Bishop King prayed. Authorities
presented & sustained W Woodruff spoke 38 M, J Taylor 60.
I ordained Eugenio Romero An Elder a Mexican with
Wm F McAllister He was going to get his Endowments to
Prepare for a Mission to his people

Peter Jens Jenson of Round Valley was adopted to W Woodruff
we held an Evening meeting with the mutual association

Page 158

Officers reported W Woodruff spoke 35 M[inutes] F D Richards 30,
John Taylor 17 M.

(** 26 we held an Evening Meeting
with the young people W Woodruff spoke 30 M, J Taylor 55 M)
The statistical report of Richfield given 2032 Members
Officers & Members 2954, children under 8, 1486. Total
of souls 4440. Jensina Thorsen was set apart as a
Midwife W Woodruff was Mouth

~ Monday

Nov 28 we rode to Salina. I stoped with Bishop
Jenson. I administered to one sick sister we held a meeting
at a school House. L J Nuttall prayed John Taylor
spoke 35 M W Woodruff 27, F D Richards 3. we Met in
the evening. Jens Jenson Prayed. W. Woodruff spok 45
L John Nuttall 38 M, F D Richards 23, W Woodruff 18.

~ Tuesday

29 President Taylor & comp[an]y drove to Gunnison and
held a Meeting I drove to Mary's vale. I held, 14 Miles
a Meeting Br House spoke 11 M W Woodruff 70 M.
we then drove to Manti I stoped with Wm H Folsome 25 Miles

~ Wednesday

30. we visited the Temple this morning and found it
had progressed finely. we then Drove to Ephraim 7 mi
I stoped with Br L S Anderson A telegram says that
Br Thomas Lattimer was Dead. Br's Lyman & Smith
spoke in the forenoon at the conference Afternon prayer
By Bishop Spencer Joseph F Smith spoke 52 M, C. W.
40 M, John Taylor 8 M. Tratiscits [statistics] of Sanpete
Stake are officers & members 7496, children under 8
3236, Total souls 10732

~ Thursday

Dec 1. we held a Meeting at Ephraim at 10 oclok F M Lyman
Prayed Manti Temple Account was given

Page 159

Total recepts of Donation from the stake $204,343.57
From the Trustee in trust $88,192.83
grand Total up to date $242,236.40
W Woodruff then spoke 45 M[inutes], L John Nuttall 30.
Afternoon prayer By Br Parry John Taylor spoke 65 m
we then rode to Moroni in a storm & I took a sever
cold. others of the party held a Meeting at spring City
Mount Plesent, & Fountain green I spent the night with
Br Joseph L Jolley we had a snow storm in the night. 12 Miles

~ Friday

2 we found 5 inches of snow ofn the ground this morning
Sister Barrett fell down stairs this morning and brused
hersel a good Deal. I learned By Telegraph that Sister
Bleak Died in the Temple, sick 2 hours we road to
Nephi & held a Meeting in the Evening W Woodruff spoke
25 Minutes F M Lyman 25 John Henry Smith 15,
C W Penrose 32 M I was quite poorly all night 22 M[iles]

~ Saturday

Dec 3 My Lungs were vary sore we took cars & rode
to Salt Lake. President Taylor and company stoped at
Provo, to Attend the conference we met a train of 41 cars
6 loaded with rail road Iron, train drawn By 2 Engines 100 Miles

~ Sunday

4. Sunday I was not well and spent the day at home

~ Monday

5 I spent the day at the office & the night at the farm 6 m

~ Tuesday

6. A hand pointing to the right I returned home & wrote a letter to Bishop Farrell &
A coffin Eldad Woodruff one to Eldad Woodruff but He died in Nov
1881 Aged 65 years but I did not know it when
I wrote. I also wrote to my Brother Ozem T Woodruff

~ Wednesday

7 I attended Prayer circle & wrote in my Journal

~ Thursday

8 I sent $40 in Envellop to Br Ferrill By M Thatcher

Page 160

~ Friday

Dec 9, 1881
I spent most of the day mending Gates and the night at Grass lot

~ Saturday

10 I returned home and tspent the day in the office 6 Miles
Br Albert Carrington was run over by a rail car and Died

~ Sunday

11. at 1 o'clok this morning I attended his funeral at 12 ock
Sunday today D H Wells, Angus Cannon W Woodruff &
John H Smith spoke at the funeral. I attended Meeting in
the Afternoon John & Taylor & W Woodruff addressed the peopl

~ Monday

12 I had 800 feet of flooring laid in the Dining room of the
valley house

~ Tuesday

13 A folded letter/box I received 3 letters to day I spent the day in the office

~ Wednesday

14 I returned from the farm attend council & prayer cirrl [circle]

~ Thursday

15 we killed our pigs to day I wrote one letter to Br
A hand pointing to the right G McMullin

~ Friday

16 I spent the day in the office I attended O S Fowlers lecture
in the Theater and at the close on a vote of the public I was
called to the platform and He Examined my and gave the public
my character when He got through I addressed the
people and told them what He said to me when He gave me
a chart 45 years ago which created some amusement with
the people We cut up and salted our pigs to day

~ Saturday

17 A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to my Grand Daughter Lucy Emily
& inclosed $1 to her in answer to her letter to me
I spent most of the day in the office

~ Sunday

18 Sunday I took cars rode to Provo with Joseph F Smith
Capt Hooper & others to attend the funeral of Sister Corey
L J Nuttall prayed A O Smoot spok 21 M[inutes], Joseph F Smith 50
W Woodruff 8, & Wm H Hooper 15 After the funeral we returned
to Salt Lake City Distance 100 M[iles]

Page 161

~ Monday

Dec 19, 1881
I spent most of the day in the office the night at the farm 6 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

20 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Sarah I took supper with some
friends at Capt Hoopers

~ Wednesday

21 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Delight Woodruff inclosed $8 for Christmass
I wrote in my Journal in the forenoon paid $6 donation on the
Temple I took cars for Smithfield at 3:40 100 Miles

~ Thursday

22 I spent the day with my family Br Roskelly called
upon me in the Evening

~ Friday

23 A cold morning I went out a sleigh riding with Newton
Br Farrill & Moorehead spent the Evening with me 12 Miles

~ Saturday

24 I rode out with Newton he shot 2 ducks 12 Mi

~ Sunday

25 A cold morning in company with Sarah I rode to Wm
F Rigbys
at Newton. we held a Meeting at 1:30. Prayer
By Samuel Roskelly. W Woodruff spoke one hour & 25 M[inutes].
we held a Meeting in the Evening W Woodruff spoke ^one hour^ & 30 M.
I spent the night with Br Griffins Br Rigby had four
sisters for wives and a house full of children and all
got along in great Harmony

~ Monday

26 A cold morning I went through Br Rigbys Nursery he
had 75000 trees mostly shade trees. we returned to Smithfield 12 M[iles]
I dined at Bishop Ferrills I dreamed that President Youngs
came to me, and told me to take care of myself and not to
Expose myself to much. we attended a party in the Evening

~ Tuesday

27 I went sleigh riding to Bear River I shot a porcupine
& Newton 2 ducks 12 Miles

~ Wednesday

28 I made 2 doors for Newton he was sick but helped me
hang them an upper door for grainary & door for tool room

~ Thursday

29 I rode to the River and spoke to the young Mens Mutual in the Evening 40 Min ^12 Miles^

Page 162

~ Friday

Dec 30, 1881
we fixed up Newtons sleigh and prepared for a company
in the Evening. Br Peterson was vary sick and I administered
to him we had quite a party of friends at our house in the Evening

~ Saturday

31. I wrode to Logan with Bishops Farrill & Roskelley in a
sleigh while passing over a sideling place Br Farrill uturned
us over into the snow we attended the Priesthood Meeting
I spoke 40 Minutes we returned back to Smithfield 16 Miles

I ^Brought from page Oct 6, 1881^

He is called home and it is all right He would not come back if he had
the power to do so. I have been looking for his death for months. the last
time that I saw President Joseph Smith the Patriarch I was on my way to
England. Bro George A. Smith was with me. Father Smith was sick and he
asked us to lay hands on him. we did so and I Blessed him. The last
time I saw Mother Smith she asked to have a Blessing at my hands. I
felt to Bless her. Before I started for St Gerge in the spring I felt to Bless
Br Pratt with an Apostles Blessing as far as I had the right & Power
to do so. I laid my hands upon his head and blessed him as I felt led by
the spirit of the Lord. And when I am dead and gone all those Blessings
recorded will be found in my Journals. I want to say I cannot say
mourn over the death of Br Pratt. My friends who have been acquainted
with my views know this. I cannot mourn over Apostles Prophets or
inspired men, who have died in the faith of the Gospel of Christ. Any Man or
woman who has kept the celestial law of God on the Earth and have died
in the faith, will open their Eyes to a scene of Glory and Blessings and
Eternal Life that man cannot obtain upon any other principle. If Br
Orson Pratt could speak today to this assembly what would be his voice
after opening his Eyes in the spirit world after meeting with Joseph
, with Apostles, with Prophets, with the Elders of Israel and the Saints of God

Page 163

After mingling with [them] what would be his voice to us. He would say
"O ye Apostles of the Lamb of God, who occupy these seats, O ye five
thousand seventies, messengers to the Nations of the Earth O ye six thou-
sand High Priest, who hold the Melchesedec priesthood of the order
of the Son of God, O ye ten thousand Elders who occupy these
Rocky mountains, And the Lesser Priesthood, And the hundred
and fifty thousands Saints who have gathered to Zion can you afford
to spend onde day or one hour to the neglect of the Kingdom of Good to
gather unto yourselves riches, or the honors of this world No he would
say you cannot do it with safety, before the heavens, Before the Gods
nor before one another That would bye the voice of Bro Orson Pratt
to these Latter Day Saints could he speak to us. Now as far as I
am concerned I need say but very little more with regard to Bro
Orson Pratt. He is what we call dead, his body is here before us
His immortal soul, This Embryo of the God Head is in the spirit world. it
is alive. it will live as long as our Heavenly Father lives. Bro Pratt has
passed through many scenes of life in his Early ministrations. he has
many a time travelled through Illinois & Indianna preaching the gospel
when He was vary sick from the ague yet though sick he would go out
at night and preach. He travelled thousands of miles in those Early
days in this way in bearing his testimony of the gospel of Christ
His Testimony is closed. His voice is hushed in death you nor I
will not hear his voice any more untill we meet him in the spirit world
and that will not be a great while at least for some of us. I want
to say to the Living let this admonition have its Effect upon us. what-
ever we have got to do let us work while the day lasts. The Lord tells
us in this code of revelations, in this testiment which He has given
unto us what awaits this generation if they will not repent

Page 164

He tells us of the great Judgments that are to be poured out upon the Earth
and the great responsibility we are under as the servants of the most High
God in delivering our testimony and preaching the Gospel. Bro Orson Pratt
makes the ninth Apostle who have opened their Eyes in the spirit
since we came through Emigration Canyon on the 24 July
in 1847. These things give me vary peculiar reflections it says vary
loudly to Bro Woodruff Bro Taylor and a great many others "be
ye also ready" It says to all these Apostles and all these Elders
of Israel
"Be ye also ready" whatever you have to do, do it while
the day lasts. Be true and faithful to your God, to your covenants,
to your Priesthood and to the mighty responsibility resting upon your
head. This is the voice of the spirit of God unto us. I thank God for
the gospel. I thank God for the promises of Eternal life which have
been revealed unto us I thank God for the Holy Priesthood.
Yes we should be faithful we should magnify our calling that [we]
may in vary deed become saviors upon Mount Zion. There
are other Brethren to follow me and I do not wish to occupy any
more time But If I could speak to Brother Orson so that
He could hear me I would say

Sleep on Brother Orson, But Ere long from this
The conquored tomb shall yield its captive prey
Then with thy Quorum Thou shalt reign in Bliss
An Apostle, A King and Priest to an Eternal Day

I looked over my Journal and recorded on the following page A syonopsis of my labors

Page 165

A Synopsis of my Labors in 1881

I travelled 3932 Miles 3932 Miles
I held 190 Meeting 190 Meeting
I Preached 120 Sermons 120 sermons
I Attended 15 Quarterly Conferences & 2 High Councils
I Preached 8 Funeral Sermons. Attended 5 priesthood meetings
I Attended 45 Councils with the Presidency & Twelve
I Attended 10 Y.M.M.IA Meetings, & 2 General Conferences
I wrote 158 Letters I Received 162 Letters
I Ordained 1 Patriarch, 2 High Priests, 5 Elders
I Administered to 18 sick. I set apart 42 councillor to the Bishop
I set apart 14 Missionaries, assisted in 110 others
I had 41 Dead women sealed to me & 97 Adoptions
I sealed at the Altar 91 couple. Gave 2nd Anointing to 15
I Confirmed 135 for the dead & sealed 12 Adoptions
I had 40 Relatives Baptized for & 110 Endowments
I sealed 6 children to Parent. Blessed 2 children
I had my oldest child sealed to me & Pheb W W
I had 6 children sealed to Aphek & Azubah Woodruff
I had 4 children sealed to Ezra & Sarah Carter
I Assisted in Baptizing 1569 for the Dead
I Assisted in giving Endowments for 993 Dead
I paid Tithing in 1881 $420.27 cts
Page 166


Page 167
Page 168

~ Sunday

Jan 1, 1882
I rode to Logan with Bishops Roskelley Farrell to attend
young Mens Mutual association conference we met at 10 oclok
Moses Thatcher spoke 30 M[inutes]. Reports of the presidents of the various
branches of the stake was then made verbally some 12 Presidents
reported Junius F Wells then spoke 42 M, much to the Edifycation
of the people. Afternoon reports continued untill 30 reported
W. Woodruff then spoke 40 Minutes, Joseph F Smith 42 Min
we had a good Meeting much of the spirit of God was with us
I spent the night with Moses Thatcher 8 Miles

~ Monday

2 We took cars at 4 oclok spent near 2 hours in Ogden took
Breakfast with F D Richards we arived in S L City at 11:40 [A]M
Keys crossed A crown President John Taylor opened the Gardo House at
11 oclock to receive the citizen & wish them a happy New
Year He shook hands with over 2000 people and in the
Evening Joseph F Smith myself & several of the Twelve
laid hands upon his last son about 2 month old and Blessed
him his Father being Mouth and sealed upon him the nam[e]
of Samuel P. The Gardo House had been fitted for president
Taylor By a committee appointed which cost some $15000.

~ Tuesday

Jan 3. We met in council at the Council House wher President
Taylor read a communication concerning his operation
on the reception Day some alterations were suggested
by the brethren and it was published in D News Jan 5

~ Wednesday

4 A folded letter/box I received 6 letters. Met in council at 10 oclok
when several subjects were discussed. The Quorum of
the Twelve Apostles expressed themselves very strongly opposed
to setting an example by opening a Door for any man in the
Church President or Apostle to drayw funds from the Church

Page 169

without limit for their own use or any other purpose their should
be fixed sum for Every man

~ Thursday

5 A hand pointing to the right I spent the day in the office I wrote 2 letters to Sharp and
G Thatcher & sent them my annual rail road Passes
I went to the farm at night 6 Miles

~ Friday

6 I returned from the farm and it was made known to
An arrow me that there was an Insane man in the city said He
came from Calafornia Professed to be Christ and said
God had ordained him to Baptize by fire all who did not
receive his testimony and that was to be through a pistol
or rifle he was to kill every one who did not receive
his testimony and He was Esspecially ordained to kill
John Taylor & George Q Cannon I laid the matter before
President Taylor But he did not seem to have any fears
upon the matter But we thought it proper to lay the Matter
before the Probate Judge and as the court thot him a dangerous
man to be at libyerty arangements were made to put the
man in the Insane assylum. we had a hard snow storm
I wrote a Joint letter to Bro McAllister & Bleak

~ Saturday

7 A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to Cousin Malinda Woodruff Hatch of
6 pages sent my Photograph I spent the night at the Grass lot 6 M[iles]
8 Sunday I attended the quarterly conference in the Afternoon
Joseph E. Taylor was speaking when I went in gave good
council. A T Thurber spoke followed By Bishop Murdock
Elias Smith spoke some 16 M[inutes].

~ Sunday

8 Sunday I returned from the farm In the fore noon Meeting
A O Smoot spoke 20 M W B Preston 15 M Heber J Grant 5 M
J Vancott 20

Page 170

Sunday Afternoon The Assembly [Hall] in the Temple Block
was Dedicated By Prayer By Joseph F Smith sacr[a]ment
was Administered Erastus Snow spoke 44 M[inutes], & President
John Taylor spoke 45 Minutes in the power of God
I attended the prayer cicrle with the Presidency & Twelve and
the Evening Meeting in the 14 ward & spoke to the peopl
40 Minutes from the words Blessed is that people whose
God is the Lord [Psalm 33:12]

~ Monday

Jan 9. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letter from Bleak who gives
a sum total of all work in the St George Temple from
1877 to 1881 inclusive as follows Baptism for the living and
Dead 129,327, Endowments 57,936, ordinations 21315
sealings 19,696, sealing children to parents 4064,
Adoptions 2033, second Anointing 1562. I also
received a letter from Br Farnsworth I wrote ^4^ Letters
to Sarah sent $5 to Sarah D. sent $5 I wrote to Br Thompson
and sent him my Photograph. I also wrote to Br Farnsworth
I spent the day in the office writing. The Legislature met
and was organized to day and prepared for work

~ Tuesday

10 I spent the day in the office writing in my Journal untill 10 oclk
I administered to Br Wm Player who was vary sick

~ Wednesday

11. 6 inches of snow on the ground this morning I spent the forenon
in the office attended the council in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

12 I attended council in President Taylors office and
went to Frank Turnsbows in the Afternoon & Evening & spent the
night at the farm 6 M[iles]

~ Friday

13 I spent the day writing in my Journal

~ Saturday

14 A folded letter/box I rec[eiv]ed a letter from Sarah & spent the day in writing on Journal

Page 171

~ Sunday

Jan 15, 1882
Sunday A cold morning I took cars at 7 occlock with J F Smith
& Junius F Wells & rode to Ogden to attend the quarterly conference of
the young Mens Mutual improvement Association Met at 10 oclok
we also met Moses Thatcher there The forenoon was mostly spent
in carrying out a pollished program several young men spoke
upon History of the Church, fruits of the gospel, Evils of intemperance &
Moses Thatcher spoke 40 Minutes in a vary interesting manner
Afternoon prayer By Br Wright W. Woodruff presented the resignat[io]n
of Joseph West as the president of the young men And nominated
Edward H Anderson as his successor Junius H. Wells then spoke
15 Minutes. Joseph F Smith spoke 45 minutes & W Woodruff 30.
Joseph West spoke 3 M[inutes], & President Parry 10 M. I presented the
councillors of the President, was received we had an Exellet day
much of the spirit of the Lord was with us and strong testimony
given to the people we took dinner & supper with Br F D Richards
took cars & returned home to Salt Lake City 80 Miles

~ Monday

16 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Lot Smith one to Sarah I learned
that the cold was 16 Below o'zero at Logan & Smithfield & 22 at Paris

~ Tuesday

17 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received a letter from Bell Moses I wrote her one
[in] return and spent the day writing in this Journal

~ Wednesday

18 I spent the day & evening copying in my Journal Asahel
An arrow Asahel's Horse run away with his temporary sled
and Asahel did not stop him untill He got over Jordan
He left his sled there but brought his Hors home

~ Thursday

19 I corrected one sermon & spent the day copying in
my Journal I attended a very plesant Party at the social
in the Evening & made a short speech

~ Friday

20 I spent the day writing in my Journal

Page 172

~ Saturday

Jan 221 1882
A hand pointing to the right I returned from the field & wrote 2 letters to McAllister &
John Rowley President Taylor says yes Baptise children at
8 years old in the Font in St Georg Temple There will be figured 2
ofter J. T. whare 2nd Anointing is recommended I went to the field 6 M[iles]

~ Sunday

22 I spSunday I returnd from the field and attended the confer[ence]
of the young people Mutual association George Godard Prayed
Rool called minutes read Statiscital report then read By
Br Lambert Joseph Felt spoke 20 M[inutes], Sister Taylor spoke 10,
Sister Freeze 5 M, Sister Emeline B Wells 5 M, James H.
5 M The officers of the society were then presented
and sustained. Afternoon sacrament Administered W Woodruff
then spoke 43, Joseph F Smith 30, John Taylor 10 M Royal
B Young
5 M, Rodney Badger 4 M, Joseph Felt 5 M.
we then adjourned untill the call of the superintendent

~ Monday

23. I spent the day writing I administered to Cannon

~ Tuesday

24 I met in committee on D A & M Society. I again
Administered to Sister Cannon She appears to be at Deaths
Door I Attended a lecture in the 14 ward of John Morgan
on the war of the North and South which was a rehearsal
of a Dredful scene to contemplate

~ Wednesday

25 A hand pointing to the right I met in councils with the Apostles & had
Prayers. I wrote 2 letters to G. Q. Cannon & J Mcallister
I spent the Evening in the office with Br Preston

An arrow At 5:36 The Jury came into court and rendered
a verdict of guilty as indicted upon Guiteau

A coffin Elizabeth


Sister Elizabeth Died at 10:55 last night
Jan 25, 1882

Page 173

~ Thursday

Jan 26, 1882
I met with the board of Zions Saving Bank at 10 oclok
I attended the funeral of Father Vance in the 7 ward school
house at 12 oclok & spoke 30 Minutes a few remarks mad by
Bishop Thorn & Jenkins I went to the field & spent the night 6 Miles

~ Friday

27 I returned from the farm in a heavy snow storm
I spent the day in writing up my Journal

~ Saturday

28 A plesant Morning I spent most of the day writing in m^y^ Jour[na]l
I wento the field and spent the night I took a sever cold 6 m[iles]

~ Sunday

A coffin
[sideways text]
H Cannon

[end of sideways text]

29 Sunday I returned from the field and Attended the funeral
of Sister Elizabeth H Cannon at the 14 ward Assembly
Hall met at 10 oclok There was as many again as co[u]ld
get into the room. W Woodruff spoke 15 M[inutes], Joseph F. Smith
30, & John Taylor 30 M for the speeches & proceding of the
Meeting see Deseret New of Monday Jan 31. I was quite unwell
through the night with a chill & cough. I attended Meeting in
the afternoon John Murdock prayed Br Ludwig Surhke spok
25 M. George Teasdale spoke 42 M.

~ Monday

310. I was quite poorly this Morning I received 3 letter from
^ A folded letter/box^ Lot Smith gave an account of his accident in the Thersing
Machine. 1 Letter from Bishop Farrell, 1 from Pheb Schols
A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to Bishop Farrell & sent him $10 to pay
for a ton of coal to Sarah $9.

~ Tuesday

31 A hand pointing to the right I am some better this morning but still have a severe cold
I wrote 2 letter to Lot Smith & Sister Johnson I spent the
day in the office writing

~ Wednesday

Feb 1, 1882 I attended council & Prayer circle I wrote 2 letters
A hand pointing to the right to Bishop Amos Maycock & one to Gideon Alverd
I spent the Afternoon in the office writing

Page 174

^ A folded letter/box^ I received one letter from David to day I spent the day writing

~ Thursday

2 Keys crossed A crown An arrow I met in council this Morning with the Presidency
Twelve & others to take into consideration the importance of
appointeing committees to get up a collection of facts concerning
our condition and affairs in Utah Territory & Present the
same to Congress to rebut the lies that are flooding Congress
against us both by speeches of Priest's & Editors A committe
was appointed & sub committees to thake this matter in hand
I am still quite poorly with a severe cold upon my lungs
I saw my Brother Azmon Woodruff wife on board of the
cars for Ogden & North Ogden to Bring Betsey Alvord
down to Salt Lake to spend her last days with her relatives
I furnished Elizabeth with $6 to pay the Expenses

~ Friday

Feb 3rd I spen[t] the day in copying in my Journal I finished
today in copying from my Pass books while in Arizona
^ A folded letter/box^ & New Mexico for near two year I received 1 Letter today

~ Saturday

4 I went to the Depo & got Elizabeth Woodruff & Besey
Keys crossed Cossett & took them to the farm and Betsey is epxpecting to make
her home with Azmon I spent the night at the farm 6 M[iles]

~ Sunday

5 Sunday I spent the day in the farmer ward mostly reading

~ Monday

6 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from McAllister I spent the
day in the office writing

~ Tuesday

7 A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to Sarah & sent $10 to pay Davids
Bill in the store I spent the day in the office writing I received 2 letters
A folded letter/box from Farnsworth & Thomas Hall. I am suffering with a cold

~ Wednesday

8 I met in council with the Presid[enc]y & Twelve I am still quite
unwell with a cold

~ Thursday

9th I spent the day writing I received a letter from Sarah

Page 175

~ Friday

Feb 10 1882
A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to Sarah & inclosed $10 in cash
& a $50 order on tithing office

~ Saturday

11. I spent the day in the office writing was poorly with cold

~ Sunday

12 Sunday I was vary poorly with cold on my lungs & was
abed most of the Day did not attend any Meeting

~ Monday

13 Election of city officers I spent most of the day
in writing I copied a lengthy revelation in this
Journal at the close of the year 1881.

~ Tuesday

14 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I went to Marian Pratts with Joseph F Smith
and read Orson Pratts will which did not amount to much
I received a letter from Sarah & wrote her one letter inclosed
$20 to Pay her Store Debts

~ Wednesday

15 I met in council & prayer circle with the Presidency & 12
I received a letter from Bishop Farrell I receivd a Box
to day from Br Grow to hold my Journals & Papers it was
a vary Good one There has never been a time since the
An arrow organization of thes Church when there has been
such a universal howl & cry through out the Land
against the Latter Day Saints that there is now
the whole land is flowoded with lies agnanst the
people of God as it is Now The whole Government
seems determined on the Destrutction of all faithful
Latter Day Saints Mother Elizabeth Ann Whitney
breathed her last to day at 2:10 oclock Feb 15, 1882

A coffin Mother
Elizabeth Ann
Whitney Died
at 2:10 oclok
to day

she was born 26 Dec 1800. would have been
82 years of age had she lived untill the 28 of [next]
Dec she has gone down to the grave like a shock of
corn fully ripe. I attended a Meeting of a committee at Council Hous

Page 176

~ Thursday

Feb 16, 1882
I spent the day in the office writing in my Journal

~ Friday

17 A hand pointing to the right Keys crossed A crown I attended the funeral of Mother Elizabeth
Ann Whitney
which was held in the Assembly Hall at
11 oclok Prayer By John Pack D H Wells spoke some 30 M[inutes]
Lorenzo Young 20 M Joseph F Smith 30 M. The relief society
and a large train of carriages followed the remains to the grave

~ Saturday

178 An arrow I got out a statement of the sayings of John D Lee
to President Y[ou]ng of the Mountain Meadow Massacree
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Brs Mcallister & Bleak
I ^19^ went to the field & spent the night 6 miles

~ Sunday

A coffin Wm

Died at

2019. ^Feb 1882 Sunday^ I spent the day at the farm I visited Azmon
And Betsey Cossett who was with him she
is in vary poor health Br Wm Nixon Died
at 3:30 this morning I spent the day at the farm was not well

~ Monday

20 I returned from the farm I spent the day at the office. I met
a short time Iwith Sister E. rR Snow, Horn, King & others concerning
the young People' Association I spent the Evening at President
An arrow An arrow An arrow An arrow An arrow An arrow An arrow An arrow An arrow An arrow
Taylors office upon the subject of Petitioning Congress
not to Enter into hasty Legislation again[s]t Utah upon
the flood of lies that is now delugeing the whole land ag[ain]st
the Saints of God There never has been such a universal
cry and howl against the Saints of God through out the whole
Nation as there is at the Present time by Priests and people
urging Congress to take away our rights of citizenship
and Congress are now passing Laws against us and we
now have to make our last appeal to the God of heaven
we had reports read from the relief society young Mens

Page 177

And young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association And
it was recommended to get up a petition from the Men & women
of Utah two Men were apointed to go to UWashington & Meet
with Br Cannon M. Thatcher & John Henry Smith was apointed
to this Mission we left about 9 oclok

~ Tuesday

21. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to hJohn Johnson & O Jacobson of Randolph
I offiered him city lots for $25 ap[i]ece I spent a part of the day in the
office of President yTaylor I attended a Meeting in the Evening on
Keys crossed the peteitoions got up for Congreess to not pass special legislatin
to take away our rights

~ Wednesday

22 I met in council in the forenoon & prayer circle & a
council at 3 oclok to take into consideration the importance of
organizating a state Government & asking for admission into
the union

~ Thursday

23rd I spent the day mostly in the office writing I attended the
council in the Evening and it was voted for the Legislature to get
a Joint resolution passed to appoint a committee of both Houses
Keys crossed A crown to organize a State Government & ask for Admission into
the union remarks were mad by President Taylor & Erastus
He said we should claim of the Government Evry right
that the Constitution gave us and if the Nation rejected us
they must bear the Blame of it this was our duty as a matter
of History & to our children & to Posterity

~ Friday

24 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 letters to Susan, Eugenia, & Phebe Scholes

~ Saturday

25 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 4 letters from McAllister Bleak Griffiths
and Sarah I wrote 4 Letters to A Carrington Sarah
J D T McAllister & Bleak I spent the night at the grass lot 6 m[iles]

~ Sunday

26. Sunday I attended Meeting at the Assembly Hall E Snow spok 1 H[our] & 26 M[inutes] {in the power of God}

Page 178

~ Monday

Feb 27, 1882
27. I spent the day in the office I receivd a letter from Sarah

~ Tuesday

28 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Sarah inclosed $10 for coal

~ Wednesday

A heart March 1,
75 years
of Age

This is my birth day I am 75 years of age to
day at 10 oclock AM. My life has been
preserved through many Eventful scenes. should
I live to see another Birth day, what condition I will be in
I cannot now predict whethr I will be a free man or in bondage
for the Congress of the United States is strongly moved upon
by the priests of the day to take away all our civil political
& religious rights But how far they will go time must determin
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Emma & Clara I attended the council
of the Presidency & Twelve And I received the following Telegram

President Woodruff. Temple workers of St George Greet and
congratulate you on this your natal day Praying Peace length
of days, continued usefululness and the increasing power
of the heavens to rest upon you
(J D T Mcallister
David H Cannon
James G Bleak)

I returned the following Answer
Messrs McAllister Cannon
& Bleak Thanks for the greeting of my friends. May our
Friendship & union increas & continue through all time
and Eternity S L City March 1, 1882. W Woodruff

I attended Br Days lecture in the 17 ward on New Zeland it was
quite interesting

~ Thursday

2 A folded letter/box I received a lecture from John Morgan I attended a council
in the Presidents office

~ Friday

3 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right A snow storm I met with the Twelve in the fore-
noon and voted to call some 18 men to go to strengthen the
settlement at Manassah And appointed a Bishop to preside

Page 179

A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 3 letters from Sarah, Sylvia & J F Shelley I wrote
3 letter to Sarah Sylvia, & Shelley I attended a party at 14 ward

~ Saturday

4 A folded letter/box Keys crossed I received a letter from A. M. Tenney I had an interview
with Elder Joseph B. Keeler had just returned from his
Mission in Georgia been gone two years had Baptized
some 25 person, was warned to leave the state 3 times
was followed by a Mob of 4 Men who shot 4 times at
them with Buck shot but did not hit them

~ Sunday

5 Sunday we had quite a snow storm. I was unwell and
did not attend Meeting I spent the day and Evening at home

~ Monday

6 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Thomas Hall & wrote one
to Br Peterson I met with some of the Twelve in the forenoon
7 I attended a ward Meeting at the 14 ward on Business
that required a Majority of all the members of the Church
it required 224 we got 204, and had to adjourn

~ Tuesday

7. I bought shingle & Nails to shingle the East side of the old valley
I conversed with President Taylor about the Auditing of
the Church Accounts and attending to the Property of the
Church in the different stakes I wrote one letter to Thomas
A hand pointing to the right Hall & to Jesse & Arabell Moses I attended A Church Meeting in 14 ward

~ Wednesday

A heart 75 years
of age

March 8, 1882 This is Mrs Phebe W. Woodruff
Birth day she is 75 years of age this day
she is 8 days younger than my self I met
A hand pointing to the right in council in the forenoon I wrote one letter to
James G Bleak I spent the night at the farm 6 M[iles].

~ Thursday

9. A hand pointing to the right I returned from the farm & wrote 4 letters to Lot Smith
Elizabeth Browett Andrew L Rogers & S K Gifford
and 1 Letter to Sarah sent $3.

Page 180

~ Friday

March 10, 1882
I spent the day in the office writing

~ Saturday

11. I spent the forenoon writing. I took cars with Brother
Roskelley & Rode to Smithfield & spent the night 100 M[iles]

~ Sunday

132 Sunday I Attended Meeting in the Afternoon &
spoke to the people one hour I met in the Evening Br
Burton spoke 45 Minutes & W Woodruff 25 M[inutes].

~ Monday

13 Keys crossed I transacted some land business on land Matters
I found snow about 2 feet deep I went down to the location
of the Land the family had 4 acres in one field & 20 in another
I spent the night at Smithfield untill midnight

~ Tuesday

14 I took cars and rode to Ogden stoped with Br Richards
2 hours then rode to Salt Lake City 100 Miles

An arrow piercing a heart To day the Edmunds Bill passed the house of
of Representatives of the Congress of the United States
199 voted for the passage of the Bill & 42 against it
Those who voted against it were representatives from

Alabama, Hebert, Gunter Herndon Shelly, Williams

Arkansas, Gravens, Gunter. Georgia, Cook. Illinois Singleton

Kentucky Caldwell, Carlisle, Knott, Phister Thompson

LouisianaBlanchard Robertson. Maryland Chapman

Missisippi, Hooker, Manning, Money Missouri Buckner

New York, Belmont, Hewitt.

North Carolina Armfield, Cox, Shackelford

Ohio, Alberton, Convers. South Carolina Evans Tillman

Tennessee Dibbrell House, Millin, Warner

Texas Jones, Mills Reagan, Upson, Wellborn

Virginia, Cabell Garrison, Tucker. West Virginia Kenna

This Bill is entirely a Breach of the Constitution

Page 181

of the United States condemns Men before trial or
conviction by a court or Jury, take away the rights of
a rtrial by a Jury of their peaers, Makes an Expose facto
law, and a Bill of Attainder, and takes away the rights
of Franchise of, Latter Day Saints for their Religin
and are Deprived of sitting on Juries for their
opinions sake. But if the Nation can stand it
we can. we have been looking for this for the Nation to
take a stand against the Saints and the Church and
Kingdom of God on the Earth Nthe Nation is taking
a stand against God, against Christ ag[ai]n[s]t the Church
the Kingdom & Zion of God on the Earth. they are
ripening in iniquity and turning the last keys that
will seal their condemnation that lingers not
and preparing themselves for Destruction

I spent the Afternoon in council

~ Wednesday

15 A folded letter/box I received 3 letters I met in council in
the forenoon with the Presidecy & Twellve &
attended the Bishops Meeting In the Afternoon I
Attended the council again also in the Evening

~ Thursday

16 I spent the day in council withe thePresidency & Twelve
upon the Articles of incorporation & other subjects

~ Friday

17 I spent the forenoon in council with Presidency & Twelve
and the Afternoon with the Twelve upon the subject of the comp-
ensation of the Laborers in the St George Temple

~ Saturday

18 An arrow I spent the forenoon in the office In the Afternonon I
went to the field to visit Henry Woodruff my son in law
He had the Mumps & they had fallen and He vomited Blood

Page 182

He had the cramp in the stomach and He bled a good
Deal through the day I staid with him untill late in the
Evening I made a poultice of Linsed meal & fine tobaco
and poulticed his swelling below and it eased him

~ Sunday

19. Sunday I spent most of the day with Henry, and He
was better at night

~ Monday

20. I returned to the city went to the Court House
si[g]ned the Minutes of the school Meeting in the 14 ward
as Chairman. I was in President Taylors office & had
an interview with John Sharp who was just from
A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right Washington I sent 11 letters to day notifying
Missionaries who were called to go to Colorado I
wrote 1 Letter to Br McAllis. I Met in council
with J F Smith & F D Richards

~ Tuesday

21. I spent the day in the office writing

~ Wednesday

22 Wednesday I wrote 1 Letter to N A Woodbury
A hand pointing to the right and sent him $3 to pay a school Bill

~ Thursday

23 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letter to Bishop Francis Sharp & sent $50
order on tithing office wrote to Sarah I spent the
Afternoon in the office in council

~ Friday

24 An arrow piercing a heart The Edmunds Bill was signed to day
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I rBy President Arthur and it become a
law to take away the rights of the Latter Day Saints
because of their Religion I received a letter to day
from O Jacobson containing $35 for the sale of a
Horse I wrote a Letter to O Jacobson I spent the
day in council with the Presidency We considered it
wisdon for the brethren to live with but one wife under the same Roof

Page 183

~ Saturday

March 25, 1882
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 3 letter from David Udal S R Marks
& Oliver Shibbly I wrote 3 letters to D Udall Marks
& Shibby I spent a part of the day in council

~ Sunday

26. Sunday I attended Meeting in the Afternoon W Woodruff
spoke 50 M[inutes], & T. B Lewis 30 M. I spent the Evening at home

~ Monday

27. A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received a letter from Martineau & wrote
Letter to Milo B Webster & L R Martineau

~ Tuesday

28 I spent the day Auditing Church Accounts

~ Wednesday

29 I spent the forenoon Auditing Afternoon in council

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

30 & 31. I spent the time in Auditing Church Accounts

~ Saturday

Aprail 1. I spent the day ploughing Draging & sowing the orchard
I sowed orchard grass, & ^&^ Timothy on the lot I went to the field 6 [miles].

~ Sunday

2. Sunday I attended the Meeting in the Tabernacle G G Bywater
prayed GJames G Bleak spoke 21 M, G. G. Bywater 31 M,
Milo Andrew 28 M. I met in prayer circle & spent
the Evening at Sister Foss

~ Monday

3 I spent the day Auditing accounts

~ Tuesday

4 A crown I attended council {Fifty} all day speeches was
Made by seven of the councillors upon various subjects

~ Wednesday

5 I spent the day in council {Fifty} to day many speeches
made upon the subject of organizing a State Govern[men]t

~ Thursday

6 A crown A hand pointing to the right Keys crossed The general Conference of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints met this
Morning at 10 oclok in the Big Tabernacl

Prayer By F D Richards President Taylor spoke 15 m
John Henry Smith 8, F M Lyman 30 M John Sharp 6 M
Wm W Cluff 10 M, Abram Hatch 15 M Afternoon
J F Smith Prayed B Young spoke 22 M

Page 184

Afternoon Statistics read W Woodruff spoke 29 M[inutes].
we held a council at the close of the Meeting at President
Taylors office concerning the reading of the financial
report, Before the General congregatin concluded
to read it Before the Priesthood I wrote one letter

~ Friday

7 Conference Met at 10 oclok D H Cannon Prayed
L Snow spoke 44 M. said one good thing was
in the Edmunds Bill it made all children Legitimate
that were born from Parents who were married By
Mormon Elders and those who were not married By
them were not legitimate L. J. Nuttall read the
account of the Donatins for the Temple List of Missionaries
called Afternoon Prayer By F M Lyman E Snow
spoke one hour & 13 M. John Taylor spoke 19 M
also 2 M. we Met in council at President Taylors
office as the Quorum of the Twelve upon the Missionary
list for Arizona

~ Saturday

Aprail 8. Conference Met at 10 oclok prayer By D H Wells
Franklin D Richards spoke 62 M, G Teasdale 21 M

Afternoon A M Cannon Prayed Moses Thatcher spoke
one hour & 23 M. Keys crossed At noon I met with 8 of the Quorum
of the Twelve & councoillors D H Wells & Joseph F Smith to take
into consideration the filling of the Quorum of the Twelve At the
first vote the following person received the following number
of votes G Teasdale 2, Wm W Cluff 1, C W Penrose 2
A. M. Cannon 2 Junius F Wells 2 L John Nuttall 1,
D H Wells 5, Jesse N Smith 5. Total 20 At the close
of the Meeting in the Afternoon Meeting we Met at President

Page 185

Taylors office and Presented to him what we had done but
He prefered to put it off untill G. Q. Cannon came home
and we voted to do so we Met the Priesthood in the Evening &
the financtial report of the Church was read to them & speeches made

~ Sunday

9. Sunday Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Joseph E Taylor
Authorities of the Church were then Presented and a list
of Missionaries called J F Smith spoke 60 Minutes
Afternoon prayer By E Snow. President Taylor
spoke two hours & 13 Minutes A reporter from New
Yourk world was present and corresspondent of the
London Times President Taylor spoke vary plain
and pointed upon our determination to keep the comm-
andments of God and obey the Constitutional Laws of
the Land. hI met with the Twelve and yound Men
& young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association
in the Assembly Hall at 7 oclok in the Evening and
we had a crouded House And speeches was mad[e]
By 10 of the young Men superintendents of the young Men
and 4 young Ladies followed By W Woodruff M Thatcher
& Joseph F Smith and John Henry Smith

~ Monday

10 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 6 Letters & wrote 1 to Sarah &
sent her $10. I met the Missionaries at the Council
and the Twelve & seventies & set apart 48
Missionaries I spent the Afternoon writing in my
Journal I attended the Theater in the Evening and heard
Oscar Wild lecture upon the subject of art and Beauty
it was a vary singular lecture indeed and He seemed
a vary singular Man He spoke 50 M[inutes].

Page 186

~ Tuesday

Aprail 11, 1882
I spent the forenoon in the garden I met with the board
of trade
in the Afternoon I made a report to the board
as Chairman oupon stock which was ordered [and]

~ Wednesday

12 I met in council with the Presidency & Twelve in
the forepart of the day in the afternoon I met at President
and in the Evening I went to the Theater

~ Thursday

13 Keys crossed I met with the Twelve in the forenoon on the Indian
Mission we voted to call 15 or 20 young Indians &
send them to school to Provo to make Missionaries
among their tribes we voted to send 6 families to
savoy to strengthen Br Tilcher in the Indian Mission
we voted to call Br Layton & his family to form
a New settlement in some portion of Old Mexico
in Chihuahua ^or^ Sornora it was the wish of pthe
Quorum that James G Bleak go to Arizona &
take charge of the Indian Mission. we Met
with President Taylor and laid Before him what
we had done He did not decide upon any portion
of it. I went to the field in the Evening

~ Friday

14. A folded letter/box I received 6 Letters mostly from person
concerning those who were driven from Jackson Co
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to G Q Cannon

~ Saturday

15 A hand pointing to the right I spent most of the day in the office I wrote a
Letter to J D T McAllister

~ Sunday

16 Sunday A stormy day I did not attend Meeting

~ Monday

17. I spent Most of the day Auditing in 1881 the Accounts
of the Church

Page 187

A building I met with the Presidency & Twelve & Br Wm H Folsome
upon the subject of Biuilding the Dining room and tower
& Engine house of the St George Temple and it was
decided to build it on the north side of the Temple Joining on
to it. we had a rainy night I obtained a Donation of
$40 from the Trustee in trust for Haden Church to assist
him in necessities and deliverd the Money to him

~ Tuesday

18 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to Milo B. Webster I spent the forenoon
Auditing Church accounts for 1881

~ Wednesday

19 I met in council & prayer circle in the forenoon I visited
Mother Mary Ann Yo[u]ng first wife of President Brigham Young wife
who sis sufferin vary much with dropsey. she cannot lie down
but sits up in a chair I laid hands upon her head with her son
Brigham and I Blessed her she will not live long

~ Thursday

20 Keys crossed we received a telegram this Morning from G Q Cannon
saying that a vote was taken on his case and there was
123 vote cast against him & 79 for him & 90 did not vote as
there is 292 members of the House of Representatives & 202
voted the delegate seat from Utah is declaired vacant I
think the time has come when the Nation is getting ripened
in iniquity and is getting prepared to be cut off I think Br
Cannon will now come home

~ Friday

21 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter I wrote Letters to Melinda
W Hatch
Unionville Hartford Co Ct Wilford & myself
administered to Brothers Robert H Ford 11 ward & to
John Pack 17 ward both vary sick Wrote to Orvil E Bates
N M Anderson & Silas S. Smith & sent Br
Anderson Letter to Silas S Smith

Page 188

I took cars at 2 oclok with F M. Lyman & John Henry Smith
for Nephi Br Lyman stoped at Provo I rode to Nephi 95 m[iles]
we took supper with Br Teasdale. We Attended the Priesthood
Meeting at 7 oclok there were president [present] 2 Apostles, 35 High Priest
44 Seventies, 24 Elders, 6 Priests, 3 Deacons Total 90. A report
was given By the Presidents of the various quorums G Teasdale spoke
3 M[inutes], John Henry Smith 45, W Woodruff 40 M

~ Saturday

22 Conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer By John T Chase.
G Teasdale spoke 10 M. we then heard the various branches represented
by the Bishops Then John Henry Smith spoke 45 M.

Afternoon prayer By Jacob Gates Bigler W Woodruff spoke 60 M.
Statisctical report was then read. we Met also in the Evening
with the young Men & young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association
and heard the reports from both sexes W Woodruff then spok 40 M
John Henry Smith 10 M. the spirit of the Lord was with us

~ Sunday

23 Sunday we Met with the Prayer circle & gave them instruction
John Henry Smith & W Woodruff both spoke. We Met with the
Sabbath school at 10 oclok we had the sabbath school report of
the stake there was 599 officers & Members G Teasdale spok 4 M
John Henry Smith spoke 41 M W Woodruff 10 M. I dined
with Jacob Bigler Afternoon sacrament Administered President
Teasdale Presented the subject of Brethren selling
and using strong drink and a vote was taken not
to sustain any man in the Priesthood who made a business
of selling Liquor or freequenting those places for
drinking strong drink W Woodruff spoke 15 M &
John Henry Smith 40 M The following names
were then cut off from the Church for various crimes

Page 189

Cyrus R Foot, Elizabeth Foot, Wm Petty Wm Broadhead
the following were suspended from the Church John Painter
Johnson B Young Temperance Young. we took supper
with Sister Oakey we Met at 7 oclok in the Evening
Prayer By Joseph Vicher W Woodruff spoke one H[our] & 10 M[inutes]
John Henry Smith spoke 13 M. I spent the night at Br
^ An arrow^ G Teasdale Joseph Barfoot died this morning at 5 oclok

~ Monday

24. A folded letter/box I took cars and rode to Salt Lake I received
4 Letters I spent a part of the day auditing accounts

~ Tuesday

25 I spent the day Auditing accounts A coffin J B Joseph Barfoot buried to day

~ Wednesday

26 I receeived 23 letters from M. F. Farnsworth G Osmond
& Bell Moses I met in council & Prayer circle
Keys crossed The subjeect of the Jurisdiction of the Bishops courts
was conversed upon by the Twelve Br Joseph Barfoot
died on Sunday Morning at 5 oclok we lost a valuable man
when He died

~ Thursday

27. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters one from John Morgan
I wrote 1 Letter to Ezra Carter

~ Friday

28. ^ A folded letter/box^ I I received 1 Letter and wrote Letters to
A hand pointing to the right BSarah I spent the afternoon Auditing Church Accounts

~ Saturday

29 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Silas S Smith and wrote
Letters to Arabelle Moses & N. M Anderson

~ Sunday

30. ^ An arrow^ Sunday I visited Br Jacob Gibson And administered to
him He was vary sick and hardly Expected to live Just
before I arived at his house his son was flung from his
horse and cut a large gash in his head I also laid
upon the child of Br J. D. ^T^ McAllister I returned to
the city 6 Miles

Page 190

I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle George Bywater
spoke 1 Hour and 25 Minutes to a large congregation &
about 200 visiters from the East

~ Monday

May 1, 1882 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 1 letter from Milo Webster
I wrote 2 letter to John Morgan & M F Cowley and told
Br Cowley to stay in the vineyard as long as He wished. we
set apart 6 Missionaries W Woodruff was mouth with 3 & J F Smith
3. I spent the day Auditing I sowed pease in the Evening

A coffin
[sideways text]

[end of sideways text]

Jacob Gibson Died on this 1 day of May 1882 Aged [blank]

~ Tuesday

May 2nd A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from John W. Young & one
from Sarah I wrote a letter to J. W. Young to Emma & Delight

~ Wednesday

3. I attended the funeral of Jacob Gibson I spoke 30 M
followed By Bishop S Woolley & Joseph Taylor & L W Hardy
3I attended council in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

4 I was visited By two Jentlemet [gentlemen] this Morning one by
^ A folded letter/box^ the Name of Dr E W. Kellogg from Hartford Ct and the
other from Callafornia I went with them to Z.C.MI the
Temple & Tabernacle & Musium I received 2 letters I took
cars rode to Smithfield at Midnight 100 Miles

~ Friday

5. I rode to the farm & looked over the land returned & helped
Newton draw up currant Bushes willow & plum brush I attended
a primary Exhibition at the school house

~ Saturday

6 I rode to Logan to attend the conference Met at 10 oclok
Prayer By Loren Farr C. W. Preston spoke 15 M. The Bishops
of the various wards then reported verbally the condition of the
various wards 7 spoke Then C. W. Penrose spoke 45 Minutes
Afternoon Prayer By Br Marshall The Stake Statistics
were then read. all the Temple Donations up to the Present time

Page 191

amounting to $388,048.11 cts Erastus Snow then spoke one hour
& 8 M[inutes]. He read the 19 ch of Exidus & 6 verse and the Lord said unto
the House of Irsrael "ye shall be unto me a kingdom of Priests" W. Woodruff
spoke 20 M. The statistics gave Cache valley stake 7307
members 10902 Officers & Members, 5036 children under
8 years of age & 15938 souls At the close of the Meeting I ret[urn]ed
to Smithfield it was vary cold & windy. 16 Miles

~ Sunday

7. Sunday I rode to Logan and Met in conference at 10 oclok
Samuel Smith Prayed Lorenzo Snow spoke 55 Minutes J F
53 M Joseph says can we say that that which is
perfect has not come are not the revelations & commandments
of God perfect. is not the Gospel of Christ & the Holy Priesthood
which God has revealed unto us perfect although we ourselves
may mot [not] have ariven to that state of Perfection which it is
our privilege to obtain Br Joseph read a part of the 2 ch of
the Book of Jacob
concerning the sins of the Peopl and made
remarks upon it. At the close of the Meeting I went on to the top
of the Tower of the Temple in the rain and had a view of the
different departments of the Temple and found the work going
on vary well but I find a Number of changes have had
to be made in the arangements of the Temple from the origional
Plan in order to prepare for the work of the Temple this is
for the want of a thorough Knowledge by the Architect of
what was needed in the work of a temple so that he could
have drawn the original plan correctly. we Met in the
Afternoon at 2 oclok. The Authorities of the Church were then
Presented and sustained F. D. Richards spoke 48 Min
John Taylor one hour & 16 Minutes

Page 192

President Taylor said when we go to the spirit world
we go Naked as we came into the world, and if we got any
clothing we shall be dependent upon somebody for it as we were
bwhen born in the flesh so if we get a Mansion in our Fathers
Kingdom we shall be dependent upon him

~ Monday

8 A hand pointing to the right I rwrote a letter to S Roskelley & took cars with the Brethren
& rode to Ogden we there Met a telegram & Letter from
G. Q. Cannon of importance and wanted an Answer by Telegram
Br Taylor had gone to his Mill and Brother Joseph F Smith
F. D. Richards L John Nuttall & myself went down there
4 miles to Meet him and held a council then returned to
Ogden and took the Freight train at 3:20 for Salt Lake
On our arival we went to the office & set apart & Blessed 8
Missionaries W Woodruff was Mouth in blessing 4, & J F Smith 4
I had taken cold & had a severe head ake Distance of the day [blank]

~ Tuesday

9 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 5 letter from Cannon, Carrington,
Bleak, & other I met in council at 8 oclok and decided
to Telegraph to G Q Cannon I wrote to G Q Cannon B F Johnson
& A F McDonald

~ Wednesday

10 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 1 letter from John Morgan and wrote
Letters to David Boice & C Hanson I attended council in
the afternoon Br Roskelley called upon me to day

~ Thursday

11. Keys crossed A hand pointing to the right I had a conversation this morning with President
Taylor upon the subject of the Historian office He wished
us to copy the Answers to JGeorg Q Cannons Letters that one
might follow the other I wrote Letters to J McAllister
J G Bleak J Morgan & M F Cowley {I [sold two cattle]}

~ Friday

12 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to A Carrington & M F Farnsworth

Page 193

~ Saturday

May 13 1882
I spent the day in the office writing

A crown Keys crossed I wrote some instruction concerning my Funeral
at my Death which I deposited with L John Nuttall
President Taylors Secretary, which ^copy^ is record in my
copy Book I wrode in the Evening with Bishop Hardy

~ Sunday

A coffin D.R.

14 Sunday Dr Benedict was buried to day A large congregation
attended the funeral. I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle
W Woodruff read the 15 chapter of 1 Cor & spoke
one hour and 10 M. I attended the 14 ward sMeeting in the Evening
John W Taylor spoke about 1 Hour & 30 M, and gave a vary
good discours W Woodruff spoke 3 M.

~ Monday

15 A folded letter/box I received a letter from A. F. McDonald Sister
Hamblin called and asked some advise

~ Tuesday

16 I spent the day in the office writing I wrote Letter to
A hand pointing to the right M F Cowley

A coffin John

John Parry Died today Master Mason of Logan Temple

~ Wednesday

17 A folded letter/box I received one letter to day and attended the council
at 10 oclok

~ Thursday

18 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 letters to Susan, Eugenia & Phebe C Scholes
and invited the girls to come out this fall In company
An arrow with John Henry Smith I visited Br A C Piper
who has been seriously afflicted with a cancer or
tumur about the face and has had it cut out twice but
is still badly afflicted we anointed him and laid hands
upon him and rebucked the affliction and I felt a testimony
that He would get Better I took cars and wrote [rode] to Nephi &
spent the night with G Teasdale A Meeting was held in the
Evening Brother Richards, Lyman & Smith spoke
distance of the day 95 Miles

Page 194

~ Friday

May 19, 1882
We took the sanpete valley Rail Road narrow trak and rode to
Wales 28 Miles took waggon to Ephraim 14 miles took diner at
Br Petersons then rode to Mantit 8 miles visited Evry department
of the Temple from the top to the Bottom Mr Robinson who was
with us admired the Temple vary Much. G Teasdale and myself
stoped with Br Folsome Br Richards and myselfLyman with
Br Mabyan distance of the day 48 Miles

Mr Robinson had spent 7 years in India was in the British
armey in there wars with the Vulos came Near loosing his life

~ Saturday

20 I met in conference at Mantit at 10 oclok in the New Tabernacle
with a full congregation After Prayer W Woodruff spoke 44 M[inutes].
The Temple report was then read Total Recepts for the 3 Months
was $12274.46 Total receipts from the commensment &
Expenditures were $234,533.37 $344,676.52 Wm H Folsome
spoke 10 M. G. Teasdale spoke 30 M Afternoon F D Richards
spoke one hour & 25 M. We held a Meeting in the Evening
G Teasdale spoke 50 M & W Woodruff 35 M I had an interview
with Albert Smith

~ Sunday

21 Sunday we Met at 10 oclok a crouded House Franklin
Prayed F M Lyman spoke one H. & 9 Minutes
W Woodruff spoke 15. Afternoon prayer By Edward L Parey
Franklin Spencer spoke 20 M W Woodruff 5, F D Richards
one hour & 14 M. at the close of the Meeting we rode to Ephraim
and held a Meeting at 8 oclok W Woodruff spoke one hour &
G Teasdale 23 M. ^8 Miles^

~ Monday

22 We rode By waggon to Wales 12 Miles Rail road 28 &
held Meeting W Woodruff spoke 60 Min Distance 40 Miles
we had a vary Good conference

Page 195

~ Tuesday

May 23, 1882
We took cars & rode to Salt Lake City I receivd 6 letters
A folded letter/box and one from Susan I spent the afternoon writing up my Journal

~ Wednesday

24 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters today to Canute Peterson & David Williams
of Plesant valley We met in council and voted to Loan
the Logan Temple $2000 to continue the work I attended the
Theater in the Evening

~ Thursday

25 A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to C. C. N. Dorius Wm Folsome
J. D. T. McAllister and Susan Scholes Kept copies we have rain today

~ Friday

26 I spent the day in office writing

~ Saturday

27 we white washed the Historian office I rode to the field with
Wilford & visited the farm ^6 M[iles]^

~ Sunday

28 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle T B Lewis spoke
one hour W Woodruff 30 M[inutes].

~ Monday

29 This was decoration Day we laid a New floor in the
Historian Office

~ Tuesday

30 A folded letter/box I received 4 letters today from G Q Cannon A. S.
, J. G. Bleak & M F Cowley Thi[s] was Decoration day

~ Wednesday

31 I attended council to day and prayer circle

~ Thursday

June 1, 1882 We put a carpet down in the Historians office
I Paid $25.50 today on the Insurance of my house A
woman was killed to day on the rail Road near farmington
80 years of age

~ Friday

2 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 1 Letter I wrote Letter to A. S. Gibbons
L J Nuttall sent the list of workers of St George Temple to
J McAllister I wrote one letter to J. G. Bleak I attended the
14 ward school Exhibition which was quite interesting

~ Saturday

3 I took cars & rode to Provo to attend to a 2 days Meeting we
Met at 10 oclock Prayer By Br Maser W Woodruff spoke 40 M

Page 196

Statistics read There were 11006 officers & Members 4778
children under 8. Total Souls 15789. A O Smoot spoke
35 Afternoon Prayer By H Corey L. E. Harrington
spoke 30 M[inutes], Howard Corey 15 M. Authorities of the
Church were Presented and Sustained Br Williams
spoke 5 M, W Woodruff 30 M. I attended the Priesthood
Meeting in the Evening The High Priest Quorum was
represented & W. Woodruff spoke 60 M on the priesthood

~ Sunday

^June 4, Sunday^ Orson Whitney wife (Zina Smoot) had a son this Morning that
weighed 11 lbs we Met at 10 oclok Joseph F Smith arived
and spoke to a crouded House one hour & 28 M, and said
God Gives us life Liberty & the right to the Persuit of Happiness
The Constitution and layws of the Land cannot give this
but garentees unto us protection in the exercise of these
rights. A. O. Smoot spoke 10 M. We dined at Br Southworths
Afternoon Prayer By George D Snell. W Woodruff spoke
60 M. We took cars at 4 oclok and reached Salt Lake
at 6:30 I Attended Meeting at the 19 ward with
J F. Smith and the Presidency of the Stake and several
of us spoke & we ordained James Watson A High
Priest & Bishop to Preside over that ward Joseph F
was Mouth we also ordained a Bishop and two councillors
at Provo Joseph F Smith ordained the Bishop & W Woodruff
one of the councillors. Distance 100 M

~ Monday

5 I had an hours conversation with President John Taylor
upon the subject duties & rights of the Presidency & Twelve
I spent Most of the day in the office ^ Keys crossed^ I Employed Leslie W
to commence work in the Historian office today

Page 197

~ Tuesday

June 6, 1882
I spent the day in the council of the Presidency & Twelve
in the forenoon & in the Aternoon in the office

~ Wednesday

7th I attended council in the Afternoon, and met with the
Lawyiers upon some Legal questions untill 7 oclok I then went
to the field with Wilford & Leslie & camped for the night

~ Thursday

8 we started at 1 oclok to cross the Big ^mountain^ Canyon we took
Breakfast with Br Armstrong we crossed the Big Mount[ai]n
over a terrible road & camped on East Canyon Creek
at about Noon we tryed to Ketch some fish but the water
was to high & riley we labored faithfully till dark and ownly
caught some half a doz small ones and was vary weary

~ Friday

9 we took breakfast and started back about 7 oclok & drove
to Armstrongs station and stoped awhile to fish but cought
ownly one small one we then crossed the Little Mountain &
came home through the Emigration Canyon quite weary 50 M[iles]

~ Saturday

10 I took cars at 8:10 with J Taylor & J F Smith rode to woods
there took carriages & rode to Bountiful Meeting Hou[s]e to attend
a 2 days Meeting Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Bishop Brown
J Taylor spoke 50 M[inutes], J F Smith 35 M. Afternoon John W
Prayed The Bishops reported verbally W. Woodruff
spoke 25 M. G Reynolds spoke 15 M At the close of the
Meeting we attended a Priesthood Meeting and some
difficulty in the presidency of that stake was talked over
John Taylor J F Smith & W Woodruff spok and several
others I spent the night with Br Perkins 12 M[iles]

~ Sunday

11 Sunday we Met at 10 oclok Wm R Smith Prayed John Taylor
spoke 60 M President Wm Smith & Layton both spoke A vote
was taken to drop it and Never bring it up again.

Page 198

Afternoon A Stainer Prayed L Snow spoke 35 M[inutes]. J Taylor
spoke 15 M The Authorities of the Church were presented and
sustained Bishop John W Hess was chosen and set apart as the
1st councillor to President Smith The conf[ere]nce adjourned untill 3 month
I administered to 4 sick person & assisted in setting apart 1 councillor
we took cars & returned home in the Evening 12 M[iles]

~ Monday

12 A folded letter/box An arrow I received a letter from James J Woodruff saying that
He had lost his youngest child of late He had buried 5 children
out of 7. We had a hard shower of Rain Br J F Smith
and myself set apart 5 Missionaries to the Southern States J F Smith
was mouth with 3 & W W with 2

~ Tuesday

13 A hard rainy day it irreigated the whole country for 200 Mils
Keys crossed I met in council in the Afternoon with F. D. Richards & L Snow
the Presidents of Stakes & 4 Lawyiers in relation to the
real Esstate interest of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints A folded letter/box I received a letter from Eugenia Scholes

~ Wednesday

14 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Eugenia Scholes & James J Woodruff
and telegraphed to Bleak & McAllister it was voted in council
to send Br Alman to St George to Build the Tower & Engine House
& eating House for the Temple

~ Thursday

15 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I Received a letter from Sarah and wrote Letters
to J. G. Bleak and Arobella & Jesse Moses I had an
interview with Emma & Asahel upon Temporal matters
I spent the day in the office mostly writing

~ Friday

16 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Sarah and sent $5.

~ Saturday

17. Keys crossed A crown The opening of Liberty Park was performed this
day in the Park the Procession formed at the City Hall wdrove to the
Park speeches Mayde By T B Lewis, Been Sheets D H Well E H Murray

Page 199

Gen McDowell McCook, W Woodruff & Mayor Jenning
In the Evening the company went west to Garfield & took supper
I went to the field and assisted Henry Woodruff load up Betsey
things and in the Morning of the 18 he started to take
her back to North Ogden

~ Sunday

18 Sunday I attended my Prayer circle at the Historins office
and attended the Tabernacle at 2 oclock we had a great
Number of Strangers Present Prayer By D O Calder Br
Taylor a Missionary spoke first 24 M[inutes]. Rodney Hillam
spoke 19 M, & Joseph F Smith 40 M.

~ Monday

19 I was visited this Morning By Gen Gibson from Ohio

~ Tuesday

A coffin
[sideways text]
[end of sideways text]

20 I spent the day in the office Morley Dunford was
buried to day we had quite a shower of Rain this morning
A folded letter/box I received one letter from Sarah to day

~ Wednesday

21 Keys crossed I met in council at 10 oclock and herd various subjects
discussed at 3:40 I took car with about 40 other to go to
Ogden to [meet] G. Q. Cannon who arived about the same time that
we did. we all had a happy Meeting we returned to S L City 80 Miles

~ Thursday

22 we Met in council and discussed our situation all
day many views were given

~ Friday

23 We spent the day in council I received 2 letter from
A folded letter/box Warren M Johnson & J G Bleak

~ Saturday

24 I spent the day in council [at] City Hall {went to the field}

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle C W. Penrose prayed
G Q Cannon spoke one hour & 22 Minutes I spoke in the
Evening at the 13 ward 40 M. I did ministered to Miner
who had an attack of paralisis of the brain
He was in a vary bad state

Page 200

~ Monday

June 276 1882
I spent the day in council in the City Hall speech of Capt Hooper

~ Tuesday

27 A folded letter/box I received 4 letters from J G Bleak Eugenia & Phebe
& W M Johnson I spent the day in council in
the Social Hall L W Hardy & H B Clawson spoke

~ Wednesday

June 28, 1882 Keys crossed A crown This was a great day for the old Folks
There were gathered into the Tabernacle there were present 6
over 90 years of age Susan Leverage was in her 100 year
Father Hines was 98. several were near 100 years. 100 persons
were over 80 about 900 were over 70 years of age and the
Tabernacle was crouded with some 10000 under 70 years of age
The procedings were published in both the News & Herald of
29 & 30 of June It was a vary interesting day

~ Thursday

29 All the old Folks met at the liberty park and we had a great
day Bands of Music, speeches, presents to old Folks 1000 old
people sat down to dinner & 2000 of younger people The day
Passed off plesantly but all were weary at night

~ Friday

30 [FIGURE] It is supposed that Guiteau is hung to day at Washington
It has been one of the most singular trials ever had
in America He assasinated President Guarfield and there
was a great exertion made to clear him upon the plead that
He was insane Telegram sayes he was hung at 12:40

~ Saturday

July 1. I attended the Quarterly Conference at 10 oclok Prayer
By John Vancott L Smith D O Calder spoke 28 M[inutes]. Roul [roll] called
statistics read Officers & Members 16179, children 5738,
Total souls 21917. Joseph E Taylor spoke 15 M W Woodruff
spoke 15 M. Afternoon prayer By D O Calder. C. W. Penrose
spoke 25 M A M Cannon 35 Br Rollins 15 M

~ Sunday

July 2 Sunday Conference Met at 10 oclok John Vancott prayed

Page 201

A coffin
[sideways text]
Mary Ann

[end of sideways text]

Abram H Cannon spoke 30 M[inutes], W Woodruff 25 M at the
close I attended the funeral of Sister Mary Ann Young aged
79 the wife of President Brigham Y[oun]g W Woodruff spoke 10 M
John Taylor 30 M, & J F Smith 10 M she was buried by the side
of her Husband President Brigham Y[ou]ng

Afternoon Br John Nicholson spoke 34 M Authorites of the
Church then presented after which Joseph F Smith spoke 41 M

~ Monday

July 3rd A folded letter/box I received 2 letters and wrote 1 Letter to committee
A hand pointing to the right Thermometer shows 92° of heat in the shade I wrote
2 letters to McAllister & Bleak I spent the day in the office writing

~ Tuesday

July 4, 1882 Independance Day A great celebration at Liberty
and picknicks in mayny places. I spent the day watering
my garden & mowing weeds I Blistered my hands

~ Wednesday

5 I came from my field this morning and bought a shovel
Plough and fitted Wilford out for ploughing corn

~ Thursday

6 I was quite unwell through the day I visited Br L J Nuttall
in the Evening and found him quite feeble, had been sick
near a week I spent the forenoon on Auditing business

~ Friday

A coffin
[sideways text]

[end of sideways text]

7 I spent the day in the office word has reached us by Telegraph
An arrow An arrow and Letters from St John that about the 24 of June while
the Mexicans were celebrating St Johns Day 3 of Greers
sons, & a highered hired man, J Von & a son of hHatch rode
into Town armed with Pistols & guns The Mexicans ordered them
to leave town or put away their arms which they refused to do then
fighting between the two parties commenced. Mexicans gathered their
arms and drove the cowboys into some unfinished houses James Von
was killed The Hatch boy shot in the shoulder. The three Greer
Boys taken prisioner & Nathan C Tinney killed while thrying to stop the fight

Page 202

~ Saturday

July 8, 1882
Keys crossed A crown I had an interview this morning with President Taylor
Br Hill Accompanied by the Indian Joseph and
Sapavona the chief of the Ute Nation and successor of
Ouray. He had his two sons with him all three had been
Baptized of Late and they had come down to have a talk with
President Taylor The Indian Joseph while coming down
the canyon in the night turned over the waggon and fell on
top of Sapavona and hurt his face vary much much They
had a plesant talk together and President Taylor gave them
vary good council

~ Sunday

A coffin
[sideways text]
[end of sideways text]

9 Sunday The funeral of Br Marks ^2 children^ was this Morning at 9.
I met in the Tabernacle at 2 oclok Prayer By John Sharp
W Woodruff read the 4 ch of Ephesians and spoke one hour
followed By Joseph E Taylor 15 M[inutes]

~ Monday

10 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letter from J L Farrell & J G Bleak
I wrote 3 letters to Farrell, Bleak, & Sarah and ordered a
Bill of Goods for St George Temple

~ Tuesday

11 I spent the day watering my lot I was vary weary

~ Wednesday

12 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letter from Bleak & Mcallister
I wrote Letter to Folsome. The Bombardment of
Allexandry by the British fleet has commenced with
Terrible effect on the fortifications & the city I wrote
to Eugenia & Phebe C Scholes & George L Farrell

~ Thursday

13 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Warren M Johnson, Levi
, J. G. Bleak M F Farnsworth

~ Friday

14. A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Sarah & Bishop Farrell. I
Bought A Johnson Mowing Machine for Newton paid
half down $45 price $90. Robinson Circus to day

Page 203

~ Saturday

July 15, 1882
A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Sarah

~ Sunday

16. Sunday I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle Brother Irvin
^ An arrow^ and Penrose spoke President John Taylor wife Harriet died at night

~ Monday

17 Keys crossed I met the Presidency & Twelve & others at the Hospital to
dedicate it at 10 oclok Prayer By W Woodruff Rules of
of the Institution were then read. A speech was then made
By President Taylor followed by Joseph F Smith F. D. Richards
made the Dedicatory Prayer speech by W. Woodruff
followed by A. M. Cannon & Wm Jennings who donated
$500 to the Institution followed by C W Penrose

I took cars to Ogden & on to Smithfield whare I arived
at about Midnight 100 Miles

~ Tuesday

18 I found my Daughter vary sick and in Great distress
with an Absess on the right side I helped Newton
unload a Mowing Machine and set it up ready for work
I was taken with creek in the back yet I went to the field
with Newton to see him commence cut grass he had
a Johnson Mower which worked well 6 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

19 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 23 letters to Dr Ormsby & Phebe & Heber
Br Roskelley & myself administered to my
Daughter Sylvia who is still in great distress

~ Friday

201. we went to saw Mill got a load of slabs for wood
fixed up the Hay Rake went to the field & got a load of Hay
had a rain storm

~ Thursday

^20^ Newton went to Logan I staid
at the House

~ Saturday

22 I went to the field with Newton & loaded 3 loads of
Hay and was weary at night Sylvia was vary bad

~ Sunday

23 A folded letter/box I received a letter from Phebe Snow and a card from P W W

Page 204

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to P. W. Woodruff I called the Bishop
and councillors & other Elder and we Administered
to Sylvia by Anointing with oil and laying on of hands
and she was immediately releaved of her severe
pain But in the Evening Sarah fainted away

~ Monday

A crown Keys crossed July 24, 1882. Thirty five years ago to day I brought
President Brigham Young in my carriage into Great
Salt Lake valley
the first time He ever saw the valley with
the Natural Eyes And this day has generally been celebrated
throughout the Territory And the Inhabitants of Smithfield
wished to celebrate this day We Met at 10 oclok at the school
House and formed in procession and marched under the
music of a Martial band through the Main streets we then
met in the school House whare speeches was made By
W Woodruff Bishop Farrell & others and we dismissed at 12
I spent the afternoon with the family

~ Tuesday

25 [FIGURE] I went up the canyon with Br Hillyard a fishing
I caught 23 trout & Br Hillyard 24. I was vary weary
at night My Daughter Sylvia is Much Better 10 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

26 I spent the day with the family

~ Thursday

27 I took car at 3:40 stoped at Brigham City took
dinner with Phebe & Br Snow then rode to Ogden
stoped with F D Richards 2 Hours & proceded to S L City 100 Miles

~ Friday

28 A folded letter/box I received 7 Letters waited
upon Mr & Mrs Lig Lisle to various places in the city
I spent a part of the day reading the History of the Twelve

~ Saturday

^ An arrow 29.^ I went to the office in the Morning but was sick I drank
some cold water which mad me vary sick I spent most of the day in bed

Page 205

~ Sunday

July 30, 1882
A coffin A. C. P
I attended the funeral of Allexander C Piper at the 12 ward
Meeting House at 10 oclok There was a large assembly
present among whom were the High Council & nearly all
the Bishops of the city including Bishop & his council Br
Piper was the Bishop of the ward A member of the High
Council and an officiating Alderman at the City Hall
He died with a cancer in the face and suffered much
D. H. Wells opened by prayer A M Cannon spoke 15 Minutes
Bishop Hunter 10, Br Druce 7, John Sharp 6, Ferrimorze
10, D. O. Calder 7, & W Woodruff 27 M A large
procession followed the remains to the grave

I Attended the Meeting in the Tabernacle in the Afternoon
we had a large company of strangers at meeting
among the Number about 30 Editors of various publications
J D T. McAllister prayed and spoke 27 M, G Teasdale
57 Minutes I spent the Evening at home

~ Monday

July 31 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 5 letters to day to Presidents Preston
Peterson, Snow, Smoot & Perry

~ Tuesday

Aug 1, 1882 I met in the forenoon with the Lawyiers
in council upon the subject of Incorporation &c. I
was with President Taylor in the Afternoon he had
been sick I spent the night at the field we had a hard
wind and rain in the afternoon ^6 M[iles]^

~ Wednesday

2 I met in council this Afternoon President Taylor
was Not able to attend we visited him in his room
He sanctioned tohe obtaining of a Bill of article for
St George Temple including a waggon

~ Thursday

3 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a3 letter to Sarah, Bleak, & A M Tenney

Page 206

~ Friday

Aug 4, 1882
I took cars to 3:40 rode to Brigham City left Mrs
Woodruff continued to Logan whare President Taylor
stoped with his company Except My self who continued
to Smithfield & spent the night 100 Miles

~ Saturday

5 I rode to Logan and attended conference at 10 oclok
Prayer By F. D. Richards The report of the recepts & disburs-
ments of the Temple was presented to me the whole Total of
receipts were $405,692.43. The Trustee in trust
had Donated $119,508.81 The Trustee in Trust also
Donated during conference $5000 more in cash to
help Pay off the indebtedness The statistical report
of the stake was then read Members 7455, officers and
Members 11024, children under 8 years 5005.
Total of souls 16029. There were Apostles 1, Patriarchs 7
Seventies 359, High Priests 421, Elders 1652
Priests 272, Teachers 330, Deacons 527.

F M Lyman spoke 29 M[inutes], W Woodruff 38 M.
Afternoon Prayer By Joseph F Smith L Snow spok 40 M
E Snow 55 M. At the close of the Meeting we went to
the Temple & looked through it it was progressing finely

~ Sunday

6 I rode from Smithfield and Met at 10 oclok John
W Taylor
prayed Joseph F Smith spoke 35 M.
He said God would not give his honor to Joseph
, Brigham Young, John Taylor Nor any other
Man, But would take the honor to himself for building
up his Kingdom but would Bless all his servants
who would labor with him for the building up of his
Kingdom F D Richards spoke 20 M.

Page 207

Afternoon prayer By L Farr Authorities of the Church
were presented President J Taylor spoke one hour
and 11 Minutes At the close of the Meeting we Met at
Moses Thatchers & set apart Samuel Roskelley president
of the High Priest Quorum of the Cache Stake of Zion &
his 2 councillors. I set apart 1 councillor I
spent the night with Br Ricks.

~ Monday

7. We took cars rode to S L City and held a Meeting with
the Auditing Committee & I spent the Evening at Judge
Elias Smith and those of us who were there decided
to contend for our Legal rights before the Courts and
not put our office[r]s in the Hands of the Govornor
to appoint 100 Miles

~ Tuesday

8 A hand pointing to the right I met with several of the Brethren at President
Taylors office to consult upon the interest of the
Territory I received a Telegram at 10 PM & returned to the city

~ Wednesday

9 Keys crossed I took cars in the Morning rode to Ogden met
with President Taylor & M Thatcher and returned
to this city & Met in council at 3 oclok 80 Miles

~ Thursday

10 A folded letter/box I receivd a letter from J G. Bleak his wife had a
son & he Blessed him Wilford Bleak It is vary hot
weather we all suffer I attended the consert in the
Tabernacle lighted with Electrict lights I should think
there were some 5000 persons present

~ Friday

11 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Phebe Scholes I wrote
Letters to Phebe W W & J G Bleak Bishop Winters died today

~ Saturday

12 I spent the day in the office I visited Br McAllister in the
Evening and administered to him was weak from bleading at the nose

Page 208

~ Sunday

Aug 13, 1882
Sunday I attended the funeral of Bishop Winters
at 10 oclok in the 14 ward school House. Bishop Taylor
B. Young Bishop E. Hunter and Bishop of the 5 ward
spoke at the funeral I attended the Meeting at the
Tabernacl in the Afternoon Elder Matthias Cowley
spoke to the people one hour & 30 M upon the first principle
of the gosple
quoting chapter & vers. He spoke vary
well. I attended Meeting in the Evening in the 14 ward
Elders Mathews & James addressed the people

~ Monday

14 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I receeived a letter from J. G. Bleak I wrote one
Letter to John Morgan It was Decided to day to Employ
the firm of Harkness & Co to defend the County Court before
the Utah Courts A humanoid

~ Tuesday

15 A humanoid A folded letter/box I received a letter from Sarah Sylvia not as well
^Sylvia Thompson had a son born to day 12 oclok^
I spent the day in the office was sick in the Evening

~ Wednesday

16. A folded letter/box I received a letter from M F Farnsworth and
from A F McDonald I wrote a letter to Sarah
I attended council in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

17 A humanoid A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letter to day one from Sarah saying
that Sylvia had a son on the 15 Aug at Noon both doing well
I received 1 Letter from I F Carter

~ Friday

18 We took cars for Nephi at 7 oclok we were going to Fort
to hold a 2 days conference A company of Prysbeterians
came aboard at the same time to go to Ephraim to dedicate a
New Meeting House they gathered up all along the rout additions
to their company when we arived at Nephi we had
a car by ourselves & the Prysbeterian by themselves we arived
at Wales at 4 oclok took carriages 10 Miles to Ephrain 140 Miles

Page 209

~ Saturday

Aug 19, 1882
I spent the night at Br Anderson. we met at 10 oclok
in the Bowery for a 2 day meeting Prayer By B Y[ou]ng
W Woodruff spok 20 M[inutes], B Y[ou]ng 45 M W H Folsom 421.
Afternoon Prayer By A K Thurber L John Nuttall 25 M.
Statistics read Members 5762, Officer & Member 7830,
children under 8 yea[r]s 3419. Total souls 11249.

I spent the night at Br Folsoms at the close of the Meeting
we traveled to Manti & held a Meeting in the Evening 8 M[iles]

~ Sunday

20. Sunday 20 Wm H Folsome Prayed John Taylor spoke
60 M. John Henry Smith spoke 26 M. Afternoon C W
Prayed sacrament Administered. Authorities of the
Church presented & sustained G Q Cannon spoke one hour
& 8 Minutes E Snow spoke 35 M. we rode to Manti 8 m[iles]
Held a Meeting at 7:30. B Y[ou]ng Prayed W Woodruff
spoke 25 M B Y[ou]ng 15 M, G Q Cannon 32 M, John
Taylor 20. I spent the night at Br Folsomes

~ Monday

21 Monday we visited the Temple from top to Bottom. we
Rode to the top of the Hill in carriages and rode into the
uper story of the Temple from the Hill on a rail car,
and some portion of the wall was within 12 feet of the
squair we conversed upon the subject of the Terrestrial
Room & the Celestial Room We held a Meeting at 3 oclok
upon the subject of the Deed of the spspring & farm that waters
the ground of the Temple. It was voted to Give the deed
to HenryJohn B Mabyan We left Manti atand returned to
Ephrain & spent the night with Br Anderson 8 M[iles].

~ Tuesday

22. we left Ephraim at 6:30 in carriages & took
a car at Wales at 9 oclok & arived at Nephi at 12 oclk

Page 210

we took car for S L City at 2 oclok and arived at S L C
at 6:30 and spent the night at hoeme. Distance of the day 142 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

23rd I received 3 Letters and wrote 1 Letter to Betsey Alvard
A hand pointing to the right and sent her $2. I met in council at the Gordo House
with the Presidency & 12 and then went to the Endowment House & had
prayers I spent the forenoon in the office

~ Thursday

24 I spent the forenoon in the office writing & in council

~ Friday

25 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to J D T McAllister & J G Bleak
and Sarah & sent her $5.

~ Saturday

26 I met in council at 11 oclok with the Presid[enc]y, 12, &
other Brethen on the welfare of Zion many subjects were
discussed {I went to the [illegible shorthand]}

~ Sunday

27 Sunday I returned to the city The funeral of Mrs John
was held to day I attended a Meeting in the Tabernacle
at 2 oclok George G Bywater spoke upon the first principles
of the Gospel
50 Minutes W Woodruff 30 M who spoke upon
the Eternal variety of the creations of God, and the great
variety of the spirits of the childeren of Men before &
aftr Birth some were keeping the Celestial Law (but few)
others the Terrestrial Law and the Multitude the Telestial Law
at the close I went down to Jordon and visited George
Q Cannon
who was quite sick with the cholery Morbus
and administered to him and returned Home 10 Miles

~ Monday

28 I met in council at 11 oclok and subjects discussed
concerning the wellfare of the people David P Woodruff and
family arived in the Evening

~ Tuesday

29 A hand pointing to the right I sent a card to Sarah I received 2 letters
A folded letter/box from Sarah & Arizona P M

Page 211

I attended council at 10 oclok and took into consid-
eration the Importance of Having committees visit each
county and see that all Elligible voters Register W Wood
ruff & B Yo[u]ng was Appointed to visit Wasach &
Uinta Counties

~ Wednesday

30 A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter from Milford Waggon Company
I met in council at 10 oclok & attended prayer circle
I prepared to start in the Morning to Ashleys fork

~ Thursday

31 I left Salt Lake City &at 10 oclok & rode with B Y[ou]ng
to Park City & on to Heber City arived about 9 oclok
& President Abram Hatch received us kindly 45 M[iles]

~ Friday

Sept 1. we Met in council with Presidents & Bishops
and held a Meeting in the Evening I was quite sick with
the cholera Morbus & could not attend Meeting B Y[ou]ng
spoke to the people

~ Saturday

2 I was better this morning we had a plesent day. Abram
the President of the Stake & Bishop Foreman of the 2nd ward
prepared themselves to accompany us to Ashleys fork. we
left Heber City at 11 oclok we rode up the creek to Br W
Foremans saw Mill and nooned we wthen continued on to
Strawbury valley whare we camped for the night distance 23 M
The Altitude of this valley is 8000 feet no one living in the valley
it is to high & cold for cultivation it is ownly fit for stock
range in the summer as it is covered with grass in summer
and Deep snows in winter Strawbury Creek abounds with
Mountain trout

~ Sunday

3 We left camp at 7 oclock we passed through Strawbury
over rocky Hills & Nooned on currant creek

Page 212

I caught 16 trout & B Young 8 total 24, which made us
two good meals This stream abounds with trout, and
the banks skirted with a great amount of Ripe currants
in the Afternoon we crossed red creeck & passed through
7 vallies and went up & down some Terrible Hills and
camped on the Duche^s^ne river about twice the size of the
Provo this stream is also of fine good water and
abounds with fine large trout distance of the day 38 M.
My Diarhea is checked but have some Rheumatism in the
Right sholder

~ Monday

4 we drove Down the Duchesne 14 Miles then Nooned and
crossed the stream came Down the Blue Hill near a mile
long & vary steep and camped on Lake fork a fine stream 35 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

5 we drove Down Lake fork 5 Miles over to Dry gulch on
to Uinta River and nooned on an Island Afternoon
Drove to Deep Creek & camped. this creek was a small riley
stream water rather poor. Distance of the day 33 Miles

~ Wednesday

6 We pass in sight of the Milita[r]y post to day we Nooned
in Ashleys fork. we then Drove through the field to Bishop Jeremiah
and made our camp this being the End of our Journey
I had an interview with Bishop Hatch & Br Clark one of his
councillors also with Br Ashton the Man Apointed to Regester
the vots of the people. Distance of the day 22 Miles

~ Thursday

7 I visited Br Nathan C Davis farm I found him and
wife well I found Ashleys fork one of the finest vallies in
the Territory settled with about 100 families abot half Saints
and half gentiles but the Saints were not as well united as
they should. land was Excellent water plenty & crops good

Page 213

The Military post is located the North west side of the valley
is about 2 x 4 Miles and comes to the Edge of the Mormon settlement
I visited Capt Dodds Farm & coal mine Distance of the day 12 M[iles]

~ Friday

8 Friday we held a Meeting with the people commenced at 10 oclok
Bishop J Hatch prayed. W. Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes] to Mormons
gentils officer & soldiers B Yo[u]ng spoke 30 Minutes Abram Hatch
spoke 18 M. Afternoon prayer By Thomas Bingham
W Woodruff spoke one hour B Young 40 M At the close of the [meeting]
we went to Green River 15 Miles & spent the night on the bank
we set out lines in green river and caught one white
salmon of abot 5 lb weight 15 Miles

~ Saturday

9 we spent the day mostly on the Banks of the green River
we Employed a Deer hunter He killed 3 deer for us. we
returned to Ashley in the Evening 15 Miles

~ Sunday

10 Sunday we Met for a Meeting at 10 oclok N C Davis
prayed W Woodruff spoke 35 M, B Young 50 M
Afternoon prayer By Br Clark Abram Hatch spoke
34 M B Young 35 M & W Woodruff 10 M

~ Monday

11. Monday I spent last night at Capt Dodds I spent
the Morning ketching grasshoppers for bait for trout
we left at 11 oclock we Drove to Deep Creek and
Nooned then drove to a Branch of the Uinta and
camped for the night A company from Fort Duglass
camped on the other side of the creek Distance 25 M

~ Tuesday

12 we travelled to the Uinta & Nooned then drove to the
Duchesne and camped at the point of Rocks distance 40 M

~ Wednesday

13. we travelled up the Duchesne to the old Agency and
crossed the stream & camped for the night 20 Miles

Page 214

I cought 7 trout in the Duchesne 3 of which would
weigh 2 lb. each B Young caught some that would
weigh 2 lb. each

~ Thursday

14 We caught several large trout this morning and
fished Down the River to the crossing then drove to
Current Creek Drove 2 Miles up the crek through a
forest of ripe black currants & willows and camped
for the night we caught several trout Distance 26 M

~ Friday

15 We drove to the strawbury creek & valley passed
the surveying Party I caught 124 trout & B Young quite
a Number ^20^ some we caught would weigh abot 2 lb we
had some reigm [rain] & camped in our waggons 24 M[iles]

~ Saturday

16 A wet Morning we Drove down to Br Foreman saw
Mill & Nooned 8 mils we then drove to Heber City 26 M[iles]
we spent the night at Abram Hatches took a bath & felt well
we had not seen a paper containing the News of the Day
for 2 weeks so we looked over the files of the News

~ Sunday

17. Sunday I met at 10 oclok with the people. W Woodruff
spoke 50 M[inutes] B Young 35, A Hatch 15 M we attended
the prayer circle and gave some Instructions. we
then Met with the Sabbath School. I spoke to the children
followed By B Young we spoke of our Early life spent the
night with Br Hatch

~ Monday

18 Monday we left Heber at 8 oclock and drove through
to Park City through a hard snow stome we continued
on to Salt Lake City and spent the night at home 45 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

19 A folded letter/box I went to the office and found 19 letters for me
and 2 cards I went to the field in the Evening and

Page 215

Met with David & wife & 3 children & Henry & Nellie
& child & took supper with them. David & family was to start
in the Morning & Henry & Nellie & child on Thursday morning
for Ashleys Fork

~ Wednesday

20 I wrote in my Journal And attended council & read my
Letters & Papers in the Evening and about 9 oclok Sister
Keys crossed Rhoda Scammans and her son Dr Ezra Scammans
arived at our House Sister Sarah B Foss & Phebe Woodruff
had not met with her Sister Rhoda for 35 years it was a
happy Meeting

~ Thursday

21 I accompanied Dr Scammons & his Mother Rhoda with
Sarah, Phebe, & Elizabeth Foss to the Presidents Office,
Historians Office, Temple, Tabernacle, & Assembly room
I spent the rest of the day in the office writing I rec[eiv]ed
A folded letter/box 2 letters from A. F. McDonald & B F Johnson

~ Friday

22 I accompanid Dr Scammans to the farm and
spent the rest of the day in the office I wrote 2 letters to
A hand pointing to the right J. D. T McAllister & Bleak

~ Saturday

23 A hand pointing to the right I spent the day in the office I wrote 4 letters to David
, A. M. Tenney, Elizabeth Browett, & Bell Moses.

~ Sunday

24 Sunday 24. I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle prayr By
Br Haywood G Q Cannon spoke one hour & 15 M[inutes] on the state
of the Nation and the Church we heard the children sing at
the close of the Meeting I attended Meeting in the Evening at the 14
ward & heard A H Raleigh & Miner speak

~ Monday

25 A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter from A. M. Tenney and spent
the day in the office

~ Tuesday

26 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Ezra & I F Carter Attended theater in the
Evening with Rhoda & E Scams

Page 216

~ Wednesday

Keys crossed Keys crossed Keys crossed Sept 27, 1882
I met in council with the Presidency when the subject was
Keys crossed discussed of filling the Quorums of the Twelve & seventies
A crown And it was decided that it was proper for the President
of the Church to Nominate the persons to fill the Quorums as
was the custom from the Begining except in the first & second
organization which was by revelation. we also had a
council upon the subject of Benjamin F Johnsons family
Affairs A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 letter to Mrs Shuah C Moulton

~ Thursday

28 Keys crossed Keys crossed A crown I commenced the first manuscrip of the
History of Zions Camp I spent the day writing

~ Friday

29 I continued writing History of zions camp

~ Saturday

30 A hand pointing to the right I wrote one Letter to Ira Hinkley spent the day writing History

~ Sunday

Oct 1. Sunday I attended the funeral of Sister Caroline
in the 11 ward. Bishop McCray spoke 15 M[inutes], Bishop
L W Hardy 15 M, & W Woodruff 45 M. I attended Meeting
in the Tabernacle Erastus Snow spoke one hour & 15 M
G Q Cannon 15 M. I attended Meeting in the 14 ward
in the Evening G Q Cannon spoke one hour & W Woodruff 15 M

~ Monday

2 A rainy Morning I spent the day in the office

~ Tuesday

3 Keys crossed I spent the forenoon in the office writing I received 4 letters
A folded letter/box to day and attended council whare Much instruction
was given it was decided that the president of the Church
should Nominate the persons to fill the Quorum of the
Twelve Apostles And the Twelve should Nominate or
present Names to fill the first presidency of the Twelve
Seventies a good Deal of Instruction was given

~ Wednesday

4 A rainy Morning I received a letter from Daniel Tyler

~ Thursday

Oct 5th Keys crossed I met in the big Tabernacle at 10 oclok

Page 217

Prayer By G Q Cannon President Taylor spoke 10 M[inutes]
We then dismissed in consequence of cold to Meet in the
Assembly room at 2 2 oclock weI met according to Appointm[ent]
7 of the Twelve in the Apostles room. Several Letters were
read from B F Johnson F D Richards was appointed
secretary of the Twelve. Afternoon we met in the Assembly
Hall. W Woodruff spoke 50 M, L Snow 43.

~ Friday

Oct 6, 1882 We Met this Morning in the Assembly Hall
B Young Prayed F M Lyman spoke 40 M, D H Wells 44
Logan Temple Donations were then read Trustee in
had Donated on the Logan Temple $125,984 & 08 cts
Total sum Donated & Expended up to present Date is $419,584.28
Manti Temple Donation read which shows that
the Trustee in Trust has Donated $137,667.30
Total Donations $379,267.64.
Total Donations of Trustee in trust for Both Temples
Total for Both Temples up to date $798,851.92
At the close of the Meeting the 12 Met at the council room
and wrote a list of Names for the Presidency to make choice
of two to fill the two vacancies in the first seven presidents
of the seventies Met at 2 oclock in the Assemby room
Prayer By Moses Thatcher B Young spoke 30 M, TM Thatcher
spoke 56 M. He said that what the Saints would suffer
from our Enemies would not be a drop to the ocean comp-
ared to what our Enemies would suffer in their day
we held a Priesthood Meeting in the Assembly Hall in
the Evening President Taylor spoke one hour & 30 M G. Q. C 20 m.

Page 218

~ Saturday

Oct 7, 1882
We met at 10 oclok Prayer By A. M. Cannon John Henry Smith
spoke 30 M[inutes], Erastus Snow one hour & 10 M. Afternoon H S Eldridg
Prayed Statisctical reports of the various stakes of Zion were read
In Cache Stake there was 5050 children under 8
Total in Cache Stake 16029. Total in Sanpete 11249
Total in Salt Lake Stake 22015. Children 5756
Utah Stake children 4835 Total souls 15916.
England total 5116, Scandianavian 5511, Holland 175,
Colorado 419. Total in Utah [blank]

Relief society report read wheat laid up 21976 bushels
Joseph F Smith spoke 40 M

~ Sunday

Oct 8. Sunday Met at 10 oclok Prayer By F M Lyman
Missionary List was then read and sustained by the
conference G Q Cannon then spoke one Hour & 10 M
W Woodruff spoke 5 M, and Exhorted the Saints to present
all their wants before the Lord in their prayer circles
W Woodruff said the sixts Angel who would Blow
the sixts Trumped [Revelation 9:13] would be some Man who held the
keys of the Kingdom of God in the Last Dispensation Erastus
said that while they were receiving he[t]heir Endowments
in the Temple in kirtland that A young Man clothed
with the power of God prophesied that the sixts Angel
would be Joseph Smith and there was a testimony
to all that it was true Afternoon Prayer By E Snow
Authorities were then Presented and sustained The
Names of Abram H Cannon & Theadore B Lewis Had been
chosen by the Presidents of the Seventies the Twelve Apostles
and the Presidency of the Church when they come to

Page 219

be set Apart on Monday W Woodruff set apart Abram
H Cannon
and when we come to lay hands upon the
Head of Br Lewis it was found He was a High Priest
therefore He could not be ordained as A President of the
Seventies therefore He was set aside & not ordained to
the office of the seventies which still left one vacancy
among the seven presidents After the Authorities were
presented President Taylor spoke one hour & 30 M[inutes].
The Apostle C. C. Rich was brought into the stand in a
chair and staid untill the Meeting was half out then
taken out (And probably it will be the last time that
He will Ever meet with the Saints again in that Tabernacle)
we held a meeting in the Evening with the young people in the
Assembly Hall The Hall was crouded many could not get
in W Woodruff called the Attention of the Assembly and
invited the officers to the stand rool [roll] called minutes read
and approved Joseph F Smith, M Thatcher, & W Woodruff
G. Q. Cannon spoke followed By Rodney Badger, Hardy
& J. F. Wells. we had a good Meeting and a good spirit

~ Monday

Oct 9. I met with the seventies Twelve & Missionaries
we organized & set apart 44 Missionaris for their
field of Labor I had a family meeting at the farm Rhoda
& her son Ezra was with us we had a vary good
Meeting all made a speech of some kind I got my feet damp
in walking through the orchard and was taking in the Evening
with a severe cold in my head and suffered much through the night

~ Tuesday

10 An arrow I attended a council ({of Fifty}) but suffered all day
with with a severe cold in the Head

Page 220

~ Wednesday

Oct 11, 1882
I still suffer with my cold I attended council at
10 oclok and a council ({of Fifty}) at 2 oclok whare we attended
to what business came before us Sister Rhoda Scamman
& her son Ezra left for home on the 10th The ring held
their convention and Appointed P T Vanzile as the

~ Thursday

^12^ candidate. I spent the day in the office writing up my Journal
A folded letter/box I received 4 letter from J McAllister, Bleak, Sarah

~ Friday

13 Keys crossed A crown We met in council at Presidents Taylor office
we heard the revelation read in which George Teasdale
and Heber J Grant were called to fill the vacancies in the
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and Seymour Young
to fill the vacancy in the first Presidency of the Seventies

~ Saturday

14 We held a meeting with the Presidency, Twelve Apostles
and the Presidents of Stakes. Remarks were made by President
Taylor then the revelation was read. G. Q. Cannon spoke to
us and said how can we teach the people any Law or principle
that we do not keep ourselves Joseph F Smith spoke upon
several subjects upon the Patriarchal order of marriage
President Taylor told what Joseph Smith said to him
upon that subject & said if we do not Embrace that principl
soon the Keys will be turned against us for if we do not
keep the same law that our Heavenly Father has we cannot
go with him The word of the Lord to us was that if we did
not obey that Law we could not go whare our Heavenly Father
dwells A man obeying a lower Law is not qualified to
preside over those who keep a higher Law. W. Woodruff said He
was glad the Quorum of the Twelve & seventies was now to be filled
and said that the reason why the Church & Kingdom of God

Page 221

could not progress if we did not receive the patriarchal Law
of Marriage
was that it belonged to this dispensation as well
as the Baptizedsm for the dead and any law or ordinance that
belongs to this dispensation must be received by the Members of
the Church or it cannot progress The leading men of Israel
who are presiding over stakes will have to obey the Law of
Abraham or they will have to stop. Moses Thatcher spoke
upon the Esstablishment of cooperative companies for handling
Machinery waggon &c G Q Cannon spoke upon the manuf-
acturing of waggons &c. E Snow said that Joseph Smith said
that the parable that Jesus spoke off [of] hthat the man who had one tallent
& hid it in the Earth was the man who had but one wife & would
not take another wtould have her taken from him & given to one
who had more. [Matthew 25:24-30] F M Lyman thought it would not do to seal
Dead women to him

14 I spent the day in the office writing. A snow storm

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I was in poor health with a cold & staid in the House

~ Monday

16 Keys crossed A crown I met with the Twelve & Presidents of TSeventies
and organized them & they set apart 18
Missionaries The presidency Twelve & Presidents of
seventies met at President Taylors office And speeches
were made After which The Presidency and Twelve
ordained George Teasdale, J Taylor was mouth & Heber J
, G. Q Cannon being mouth into the Quorum of the
Twelve Apostles The Twelve & Presidents of the Seventies
were then called upon to ordain Seymour B Y[ou]ng one of
the seven presidents of the seventies Lorenzo Snow was mouth
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 letters to Sarah, Mrs Geo Partridge & R M Thompson

Page 222

~ Tuesday

Oct 17, 1882
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter I met with the Twelve & seventies at
the Apostles room in Council House W. Woodruff said He
was pleased that the Quorums of the Twelve & the seven
Presidency of the Seventies were now full & glad to meet
with them and as the Presidency had required us to call
to our help such of the seventies as we needed to set in
order the Indian Mission remarks were made by
nearly all the Breathren present Men were then named
as leaders in the Indian Missions in different parts
of Utah, Colorado Arizona & New Mexico these names
to be presented to President Taylor

~ Wednesday

18 A folded letter/box I received one letter from M. F. Farnsworth
I met in council at 2 oclok The minutes of the meeting of the
Twelve was read & accepted By the Presidency. we Met with
Br Charles C Rich and Joseph F Smith Anointed him
and the Twelve laid hands upon him and QG. Q. Cannon
was Mouth in Blessing him

~ Thursday

19 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Haden W Church &
He informed me his wife & ownly Daughter was Dead and
Buried she died with canscer in the roof of the Mouth
I wrote 3 Letters to A. F. McDonald & B. F Johnson
see copy in Letter Book. I also wrote J. D. T McAllister

~ Friday

20 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Sarah & wrote 3 Letter
to J. G. Bleak, J. N. Perkins I sent Sarah $10 to pay
Taxes and wrote to her. My Daughter Clara was
taken vary sick with the Diptheria I went to the field to see
her came back to the city for Medicine and went back again
and spent the night She was vary sick all night 9 Miles

Page 223

~ Saturday

Oct 21, 1882
A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to M. F. Farnsworth S Roskelley all
5 letters was sent in one Envellop to McAllister I wrote
to J Hatch, Wm Shaffer, Nellie Woodruff I went to the
farm & spent the night Clara is still quite sick

~ Sunday

22 ISunday I spent the day with my family at the farm
Clara seemed to be some better in her throat

~ Monday

23 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letter from J Morgan & E Scammans
I wrote one letter to Lot Smith I went to Jordan River in
the Afternoon & Bought 240 lbs of Lucern seed of Brother Pettit 10 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

24 A folded letter/box I received one letter from Wm Cahoon on Zions Camp

~ Wednesday

25 A folded letter/box I received a letter from R. M. Thompson I attended
An arrow last night of the young Mens meeting I was called to
visit L John Nuttall who was vary sick Br Georg H. Taylor
Joined me in Administering to him Joseph F Smith soon
arived and we administered to him again He was vary sick

~ Thursday

26 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I receivd 3 letters from Lutz, Ira Hatch & Pitkin
I attended the Funeral of Sister Melvina Snow Brother
Parks Prayed Loren Farr spoke 23 M[inutes], Z Snow 22, &
W Woodruff 26 M. John Henry Smith & myself set apart
one Missionary Br Goroesbeck.

~ Friday

27 A folded letter/box I received a letter from James G Bleak asking for
a Bill of Materials for St George Temple Tower I wrote
A hand pointing to the right Letters to David K. Udall & John Morgan

~ Saturday

28 In company with Leslie & Orion I took a ride
over Jordon we killed 4 rabbits 16 M[iles]

~ Sunday

29 Sunday I visited L John Nuttall who was vary sick
I administered to him I Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle
& W Woodruff spoke 42 Minutes & Joseph F Smith 62 M

Page 224

~ Monday

Oct 30, 1882
A folded letter/box I received 2 Letters from J McAllister & Readhead
A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^3^ Letters to A. O. Smoot, Bishop Ferrill
J. D. T. McAllister I visited the grass lot ^6 M[iles]^

~ Tuesday

31 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to John Reidhead & Ira Hatch

~ Wednesday

Nov 1, 1882 A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter from G. Teasdale

~ Thursday

2 I spent the day writing on Zions Camp I wrote one letter
A hand pointing to the right to Sarah

~ Friday

3 An arrow I was quite unwell to day ^with the effection of the kidneys^ I took cars to day with
President Taylor and others rode to Logan I continued on to
Smithfield & spent the night ({I visited the theater for the first time}) distance 105 Miles

~ Saturday

4 My son Newton took me to Logan to attend a two days Meeting
Prayer Bry Br Card The Bishops reported their several wards
The statistical Report was then read Total officers and Members
were 11183, children under 8 4999 Total souls 16182
I dined with Brother Thatcher and had some conversation
with Dr Ormsby He gave me some Medicine to assist me
in my kidney affliction Afternoon Prayer by W. Woodruff
D. H. Wells spoke 50 M[inutes] Lorenzo Snow 50 M I visited the
Temple with the Brethren and found it progressing finely
The report of the Temple Committee showed there hab [had] Been
Expended upon the Building $422,439.03 And it will take
about $40,000 more to finish it I spent the night at the House
of Br Ricks 8 Miles

~ Sunday

5 Sunday we Met at 10 oclok Samuel Smith Prayed
F D Richards spoke 62 Minutes W Woodruff 40 M
Afternoon Prayer by Loreanz Farr sacrament Administered
President John Taylor then spoke one Hour & 20 Minutes
I went to Smithfield and spent the night 8 Miles

Page 225

~ Monday

Nov 6, 1882
In company with Newton & two other Boys we crossed
Bear River visited some slews we shot 12 ducks & one rabit
the other 2 Boys shot 3 Rabits & 6 ducks we camped for the night
at the big bend of Bear river our object was to try to kill some
wild geese as they were begining to visit that place

~ Tuesday

7 we arose in the morning and the youngest Boy killed one
goose the ownly one any of us got so we returned home
killing some ducks on the [way] Newton & myself killed 17 ducks
the two boys killed 9 ducks one goose & 4 Rabbits travelled 25 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

8 I spent the day in Smithfield was weary with my tramp

~ Thursday

9 I arose at 2:30 took cars at 3:40, rode to Ogden &
took cars at 10:10 & rode to Salt Lake distance 105 M.
A folded letter/box on My return home I went to the office and received 8 Letter
from McAllister, Bleak, Lot Smith A. F. McDonald, Roskelley
A O Smoot D. P. Kimball, O F. Littlefield I spent a
short time at the office I then visited Br L John Nuttall
who seemed to be getting some better I then visited Br
Elias Smith who had fallen Down stairs and bruised
himself badly He could not turned in bed or be turned ownly
with great pain I administered to him

~ Friday

10 A hand pointing to the right we have a snow storm I wrote 4 Letters to
J McAllister, Lot Smith, L O Littlefield & Arabella W Moses

~ Saturday

11 A hand pointing to the right A Hard snow storm I spent the day writing I wrote
Letters to Susan Scholes and A. F. McDonald
and J. G. Bleak I went to the farm ^6 M[iles]^

~ Sunday

12 An arrow I spent the day in the farmers ward Asahel was sick at night

~ Monday

13 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^2^ Letters to R M Thompson & & Edward Falkner

~ Tuesday

14. A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^3^ Letters to H. W. Church Samuel Roskelley & Thompson Woodruff

Page 226

~ Wednesday

Nov 15 1882
A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^3^ Letters to J. Hatch, A. M. Tenney A S Gibbons

~ Thursday

16 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to Randolph I took cars with the
Presidency & others & rode to Nephi and held a Meeting Distance 90 M[iles]
W Woodruff spoke 35 M[inutes], F M Lyman 35, G Q Cannon 30 M

~ Friday

17. Met at Nephi at 10 oclok G Teasdale Prayed President Taylor
spoke 47 M, G Q Cannon 30 M. We took cars rode to Fountan Green
F M Lyman G Teasdale & W Woodruff stoped there. G. Teasdale held
a Meeting at Fountain Green W Woodruff stoped at Moroni F M Lyman
held a Meeting at North Bend Presidents J Taylor & G Q Cannon
held a Meeting at Ephraim. Distance from Nephi to Moroni 30 Miles

~ Saturday

18 Br Baley took W Woodruff & G Teasdale to Spring City & we held
a Meeting at 10 oclok G Teasdale spoke 54. Langley A Baley spoke
14 Minutes & W Woodruff 47 M. F M Lyman held a Meeting at
Mount Plesant Presidents Taylor & Cannon attended conf[ere]nce at Manti
we rode to MEphraim & Manti spent the night at Br Folsomes 25 M[iles]

~ Sunday

19 Sunday we Met in the Assembly Hall Wm H Folsome prayed
W Woodruff spoke 38 Minutes {in the power of God} F M Lyman 28 M
Temple report read & the Authorities of the Church presented & sustained
Donations for the Temple by the people of that District $240,729.58
Trustee in Trust $140,858.74. Total $381,588.29
Afternoon prayer By Wm H Seeley G Teasdale spoke 47 M G Q Cannon
spoke 20 M & J Taylor 40 M

~ Monday

20 we rode to Gunnison and Met at 2 oclok 15 Miles
Prayer By Kanute Peterson W Woodruff spoke 25 M,
G Q. Cannon 40 M, President Taylor 47 M. I took supper
with Bishop Maban. G Q Cannon W Woodruff F. M. Lyman
& G Teasdale Met with the young People G Q Cannon spoke 38 M,
W Woodruff 34 M, F M Lyman 10.

Page 227

~ Tuesday

Nov 21, 1882
We rode to Fayett I stoped with Brother Bartholomew Electa
(Now Bartholomew) was driven from Jackson Co. Mo
Now blind since 8 years old Now 68 years old I stoped with her
Father over night after passing through Jackson Co Mo on my way
south in the fall of 1834. we Met at 2 oclok Kanute Peterson prayed
G Q Cannon Prayed spoke 30 M[inutes], W. Woodruff spoke 20 M
F M Lyman 25 M John Taylor 40 Minutes. We Met in the
Evening with the young people and speaches Made by Elders Lyman
Reynolds Irvin Cannon & Woodruff. 5 Miles

~ Wednesday

22 We rode to Levan we Met the peaple at 3 oclok 15 Miles
M F Lyman Prayed W. Woodruff spoke 20 M, M F Lyman 30,
G Q Cannon 22 Br Cannon said the great Difficulty in a[ll] the
Earth is the Preachers Preach one thing and practice another
President Taylor spoke 32 M

~ Thursday

23 We rode to Juab took cars rode to Mona F M Lyman stoped
there & held a Meeting we rode to Santaquin W Woodruff
stoped and Preached there Presidents Taylor & Smith cont[in]ued
on to Pason At the close of My Meeting at Santaquin I took
carriage & rode to Pason & attended Meeting at 6 oclok in the new
Meeting House G. Reynolds Prayed G Q Cannon spoke 45 M
J Taylor 45 I spent the night with Br Moore Distance 30 M.

~ Friday

24 We rode to Salem held Meeting at 10 oclok G Reynolds prayed
W Woodruff spoke 22 Minutes G Q Cannon 30, J Taylor 45.
We then drove to Spanish fork and held Meeting at 2 oclok
G Reynolds Prayed. G Q Cannon spoke 30 M. He read the
28 chapter 2nd Book of Nephi. W. Woodruff spoke 20 M
and asked of the chapter read By Br Cannon sound like a
Novel written By Spaldin, to pass away time

Page 228

John Taylor spoke 40 M[inutes]. we then drove to Springvill 12 Miles

~ Saturday

25 We held a Meeting at 10 oclok G Reynolds Prayed
G Q Cannon spoke 37 M, W Woodruff 25 M, J Taylor 50 M
we took cars in the Afternoon & rode to Salt Lake City 356 M[iles]

~ Sunday

26 Sunday I went to the office and receivd 14 Letters
^ A folded letter/box^ from Farnsworth, Bleak, Betsey Alvord, McAllister
Morgan, Hancock, Wilford, Nellie, Walker Littlefield,
Sarah Lot Smith & others I met in the Assembly Hall at 2 oclk
John Morgan spoke 30 M, W Woodruff 20 M G Q Cannon 35.
I met in the Evening G Taylor Prayed J Morgan spoke 340 M
W Woodruff 230.

~ Monday

27 Keys crossed A crown I Met in council in the Gardo House with the
Presid[enc]y & Twelve discussed the policy of yiealding any principal
for a State Government. we then went to the office & met with
our delegates to Washington And President Taylor with
the rest of us come to the conclusion that we could not
swap of the Kingdom of God or any of its Laws or principals
for a State Government I received 3 letters to day from
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right & wrote to Bishop Ferrill, Jacob Bigler, McAllister
Bleak & Farnsworth 5 Letters

~ Tuesday

28 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received a letter from Henry Palmer & wrote
Letters to Nancy A Clark, Lot Smith & Ezra Clarkarter

~ Wednesday

29 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Betsey Alnvord & sent her $5 in
money, to Henry and Nellie Woodruff I subscribed
for a Book for $5.

~ Thursday

DecNov 30 1882 Thanksgiving day We Met in the Assembly
to attend an Exhibition of Evan M Stephens Musical
class of 450 children it was the Most interesting Exhibitin

Page 229

Keys crossed I ever witnessed in my life He had taken this 450
children who had No knowledge of Music and in 13 lessons
they were able to read Music sing Music keep time & make
Music and would soon turn out scores of [if] not hundreds
of our children who would be capable of teaching Music

~ Friday

Dec 1. A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Jesse Moses I wrote
a letter to Sarah & sent Jesses Letters to her. presidents
Taylor & Smith W. Woodruff, B. Young & D H Wells took cars
rode to American Fork presidents Taylor & Smith stoped
& held a Meeting there. Woodruff Young & Wells continued
on to Pleasant Grove stoped there & held a Meeting at 6 {o'clock}
Prayer By George Halladay. B. Young spoke 41 M, D. H. Wells 55 m
W Woodruff 50 M I spent the night with Bishop Brown 38 m[iles]

~ Saturday

Dec 2nd we took cars rode to Provo. we Met for a 2 days 101 Miles
Meeting F M Lyman Prayed After Meeting was opened the
statistics of the stake was read There were 2 Patriarch
5674 Seventies, 389 High Priest, 1331 Elders, 184 Priests
132 Teachers 393 Deacons, 11071 officers & members, children
under 8 years, 4858. Total of souls 15939. There was reported
in this stake that bore the Priesthood 3025 D. H. Wells spoke 47 Minutes
B Young 40 M. Afternoon J F Smith Prayed F M. Lyman
spoke 35 M, W Woodruff 50 M. we held a mpriesthood
Meeting in the Evening. the House was full in the Lower part
Brigham Young spoke 30 M, W Woodruff spoke 30 M
A crown The power of God rested upon me I felt wraped in the
visions of heaven. I never deliverd such a speech in my
life. I never before saw the Priesthood in the same light I do not
know what I said But I know I spoke the truth I was followed

Page 230

By Joseph F Smith who spoke 40 Minutes we were all clothed
with the power of God and strong testimony was Delivered

~ Sunday

3 Sunday We Met at 10 oclok Prayer By D. H. Wells President
Taylor spoke one hour & 40 Minutes Afternoon Prayer By
F M Lyman The Authorities of the Church presented & accepted
Joseph F Smith spoke 37 Minutes and Keys crossed [said] Brigham Young was
that Man who was to be raised up in the last days and was to
lead the Saints out of Bondage which He did do in leading
the Saints out of Nauvoo into the rocky mountains for they
were as much in Bondage then as they ever will be
He spake in the power of God. At the close of the Meeting we took
cars and rode to Lehi & held a Meeting at 6:30 prayer By
G Reynolds W. Woodruff spoke 35 M, Joseph F Smith 25 M
D. H. Wells 22, President Taylor 32 M. 17 Miles

~ Monday

4 We took cars & rode to Salt Lake City distance 33 Miles
W Woodruff & D H Wells set apart 6 Missionaries, W W 3, D H W 3.
A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Thompson Woodruff & Lot Smith I
Attended w Dwight S Dow's Lectures on Book keepin in the
Theater which was vary interesting which showed that his pupils
had learned all he had promised to teach them they seemed to
understand the subject I spent the day writing my Journal

~ Tuesday

5 On the night of June 1st 1882, I Wilford Woodruff dreamed that
a Messenger came to me, and said that no person in the spirit world
could work upon, or preach any ordinance of the gospel to the spirits in
that had not been Dedicated upon An Altar by some one having
the Priesthood on Earth. This of course was a Dream

~ Wednesday

^ A folded letter/box^ Dec 6, 1882 Keys crossed I received a vary interesting letter from
Brother Christian Lingo Christianson the Indian Interpeter

Page 231

A crown Keys crossed of Moancoppy He had Baptized 27 Lamanites
of late and Messengers had appeared to one of them a
lame Man and told him there soon would be a great war
all over the Land Except in Zion said they must all be
Baptized and work with the Mormons said there would
soon be a great famine there would be a good crops with the
Mormons for three years then times would be worse & worse
thoroughout the Land. I wrote an Answer to Br Christianson
A hand pointing to the right I met in council and visited in the Evening Elias Smith
who was vary poorly hardly able to moove in bed I also
visited L John Nuttall I found him Much better

~ Thursday

7 A hand pointing to the right ^ A folded letter/box^ I wrote to Lot Smith & received one letter from
Chandler Holebrook of 16 pages on Zions Camp I wrote
a Letter to B. F. Johnson I spent the day writing

~ Friday

8 I took cars with the Presidency & others rode to Woods Cross, 8 Miles
Attended Meeting at Bountiful Meeting House at 10 oclok G Reynolds
Prayed. W. Woodruff spoke 50 M[inutes], & John Taylor 60 M. we had
a good Meeting I dined with Phebe Sessions, and then rode
to Farmington and held a Meeting at 3 oclok. G. Reynolds
Prayed W Woodruff spoke 22 M, F. D. Richards 35 M, J. F Smith
35 M & President Taylor 35 M. ^ Keys crossed I ordained Israel Barlow A patriarch^ 7 Miles

~ Saturday

9 We took cars and rode to Kaysville to hold a 2 days Meeting 4 m[iles]
Met at 10 oclok Prayer By John Morgan The statistics
of the stake were read. The Bishops made a verbal report of
their wards. John Morgan spoke 36 M, R H Roberts 10.
Afternoon G Reynolds [prayed] The Authorities of the Church were
presented and accepted Br Hess spoke 20 M John Taylor 14 m
F D Richards 45 M. I met in the Evening with the young people

Page 232

Br Irvine spoke 17 M[inutes] G Reynolds 15 M, W Woodruff 60.

~ Sunday

10. Sunday Met at 10 oclok. W Woodruff spoke 45 Minutes
Joseph F Smith spoke 55 M. Afternoon G Reynolds Prayed
The Authorities of the Church were presented and accepted
President J. Taylor spoke one Hour & 20 Minutes in the Evening we
took cars and returned to Salt Lake City 25 Miles

~ Monday

11 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received a letter from Sarah I wrote her one in
return & sent her $15 in cash & a $50 order

~ Tuesday

12 I attended Meeting in the Assembly room at 10 oclok This
meeting was called to get a representation of the different wards
and quorums of the priesthood There was over 1700 Elders alone
in this stake of Zion Edward Snellgrove Represented the
High Priest Quorum. H S Eldridge represented the seventies
A folded letter/box I received one letter The Presidents of the various
Quorums of Priesthood occupied most of the forenoon in
reporting President Taylor spoke 25 M. I attended the
An arrow funeral of John A Bauk and spoke 30 M followed
By Bishop Kesler. Afternoon Meeting opened at 2 oclok
W. Woodruff spoke 35 M. Presidents of Elders Quorums
continued to report W Woodruff spoke 25 M we held a Meeting
in the Evening the spirit of the Lord was with the people J F Smith
spoke 25 M F. M. Lyman 20 M.

~ Wednesday

13 We Met at 10 oclock Prayer By D O Calder. The
Bishops continued their report of their wards this
Morning I met in council at 12 oclok for Prayers
Met at 2 oclok Br Draper Prayed. Bishops continued
their report. JG Teasdale spoke 18 Minutes John Taylor
spoke 40 M, D H. Wells 20 M A M Cannon then read

Page 233

the Revelation given through President Taylor and the
Mee[t]ing Dismissed much of the spirit of God was with us
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Betsey Alvard & Sister Browett

~ Thursday

14 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I receivd 3 letter from Lot Smith and Charles
Allen Foster
the following is an extract from Br Foster letter

We had a very interesting report from Br C L Christianson
about the spirit that is working among the Lamanites of Late He
said there was one of the Lamanites that had been visited four
different times. And the Messengers gave him much valuable
instruction, and told him that the Mormons were their true friends
and that they must listen to their teaching for they were their
Brethren and woould do them good and tell them what to do
That they had the History of your fathers forefathers. On one
occasion he was shown a large pile of Records and it was
told him to chuse one Book. He told the Messenger He could
not read but reached over and took one Book, and said He
would chuse that one. the Messenger said that was ^the^ right
one for that was the one that the record of there forefathers
that the Mormons had. At another time He was shown the
Indians & the Mormons and the Devil between them
like a great Big Ox or Bull. He was hoofing pawing and
Bellowing trying to keep the Mormons from the Indians, but
he could not do it, for he saw the Mormons and Indians all
together and all living as one people. he also saw them rise
above their Enemies. It is plain to be seen that there is a good
spirit at work with the Lamanites for when they come around
they show it and it is growing in them They sawy that they
know that there is a Better spirit with the Mormons than

Page 234

with the Americans They say they do not hear the Mormons
sware, and get Drunk and fight and abuse them as the Americans
do there is a good Many more of them visiting us than usual

Keys crossed A crown I dedicated the Prayer circle room at Kayesvill
on Sunday Dec 10.

14 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Bishop Ferrill, Sarah, Bleak, & spent
most of the day in writing I met a party at Nicholas
his son Maried Josephine Pettit I had a good
deal of conversation with Br Wm Jennings & Br LGroesbeck

~ Friday

15 I set apart 1 Missionary and took cars with the Presidency
and Twelve & rode to Ogden, Logan, and Smithfield. 100 M[iles]
G Teasdale spent the night with me

~ Saturday

16 We drove to Richmond & held a Meeting at 10 oclok took
Dinner with Wm L Skidmore Bishop G Teasdale spoke 50 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 70 M. we then returned to Smithfild and held
a Meeting at 6:30. A full House G Teasdale spoke 62 Minutes
W Woodruff 47. Distance of the day 16 m

~ Sunday

17 Sunday we rode to Ogden & Attended Meeting in the Assembly
F D Richards spoke 20 M F M Lyman 35 M
L Snow 17 M, B Young 20 M. Afternoon prayer By
G Reynolds G Teasdale spoke 10 M, W Woodruff 15 M,
J F Smith 45 M, John Taylor 30. We Met in the
Evening for a Priesthood Meeting F D Richards prayed
President Taylor spoke upon the Priesthood one hour and
30 M. G Reynolds read the 107 sec of D & C. 8 Miles

~ Monday

18 We met in council at Br Thatchers and Appointed
and ordained Thomas E Ricks a Bishop to preside ove[r]
the Bannack ward of the Church President Taylor was mouth

Page 235

This Branch includes the Snake River Country. we visited the
Temple it was Beautiful. the outside was painted with sumthing
like the cream color it took 15000 lbs of white Lead to paint it &
the Material cost $2000. The font was in its place we decided
upon the Plan of the Stands. The cornish of the main upper room
spans 10 feet. I spent the Afternoon at Br Ricks Br G Reynolds
was sick through the day & night

~ Tuesday

19 We arose at 3 oclok & took cars at 5 oclok and rode to Brigham
& held a Meeting at 10 oclok Snow falling. B Young spoke 30 m[inutes]
W Woodruff 30 M, J Taylor 60 M I doned [dined] with my Daughter Phebe
& took cars rode to Ogden & Salt Lake City 90 Miles
I spent the night at home

~ Wednesday

20 A folded letter/box I went to the office & received 4 letters from Roskelley, Nellie
John Henry Smith, Jeremiah Hatch, a card from Betsey Alvord
I met in council and spent the night at home reading

~ Thursday

21 I spent the day in the office writing the History of Zions Camp

~ Friday

22. I spent the day writing the History of Zions Camp

~ Saturday

23 I spent the day in the office writing

~ Sunday

24 Sunday I came up from the farm Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle
D O Calder Prayed Charles J Brain spoke 5 M W Woodruff 50 M
H J Grant 13 John Taylor 34 M. I attended a Meeting at the 17 ward in
the Evening A Carrington W Woodruff Jr & W Woodruff sen spoke

~ Monday

25 Keys crossed Christmass Myself Phebe W. & Bulah A. W & Azmon & Elizabeth
all met at the farm & took Christmass Dinner with Emama
made a good Dinner on a fat Turkey & other good things 8 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

26 A folded letter/box I received 4 Letters a large package from Lot Smith, &
from Susan C Scoles, Betsey Alvard. I spent most of the day writing

~ Wednesday

27. A folded letter/box I received one letter from John Hanson I attended the council

Page 236

~ Thursday

Dec 28th 1882
I spent the day at the field with Asahel Butchering a Hog

~ Friday

29 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from B F Johnson and I wrote
one to President Taylor concerning Lot Smith

~ Saturday

A coffin Wm H

20 to 8
Dec 30

30 1882 I dreamed last night that Capt Wm H Hooper was
Dead I told my family this morning that when I heard
from him I should hear he was ^dead^ And Br Jaques informed
me at the Historians office, that He died at 20 minutes to 8 oclok. I saw
Capt Hooper in the spirit world in my dream. I saw his location and
the limits by which he was bound and could not pass. I had a view
of mansions in the Celestial Kingdom of God which were comp-
osed of beautiful stones and materials, and were actual Buildings
as any on the Earth and that the best Architects in heaven were
imployed in their building

30 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^6^ letters to Sarah, Lot Smith, J McAllister and
Samuel Roskelley, B. F. Johnson & Betsey Alvord

~ Sunday

31. Sunday I attended Meeting at 2 oclok in the Assembly room
Prayer By J Irvin Brigham Young spoke 30 M[inutes], & Br
George G Bywater 45 Minutes both discourses were quite
interesting we attended prayer circle at the close of the Meeting
I spent the Evening at home Brother Ezra Pettit & Daughter
Josephine & her Husband, and Sister Moses spent the Eve[n]ing
with us & Brother Pettit & his wifes sister starts for
Messa City Arizona in the Morning via Sacrameto
and San barnadeno by rail

[rest of page blank]

Page 237
Page 238

Synopsis of my labors in 1882

I travelled 3261 Miles 3261 Miles
I held 160 Meetings 160 Meetings
I Preached 84 sermons 84 sermons
I Attended 15 Quarterly Conferences 15 Conference
I Attended 9 funerels. I preached 6 funeral sermons
I Attended 95 Councils with the Presidency & Twelve
I ordained 1 Patriarch, 1 first President of the 70.
I ordained 2 councillors to the Bishop
I Assisted in ordaining 2 Bishops, 1 President of 70.
I set apart 12 Missionaries, Assisted in 130 others
I Administered to 25 sick persons 25 sick
I wrote 208 Letters 208 Letters
I received 218 Letters 218 Received

[3 lines blank]

I Paid Tithing for 1882 $320.30
Donation on Temples 50 ct donation $18.00

[rest of page blank]

Page 239


Page 240

~ Monday

Jan 1, 1883
Quite a cold morning I spent a quigood part of the day in the office
A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter from J. G. Bleak

~ Tuesday

Jan 2, 1883 I attended the funeral of Capt Wm H Hooper a
Keys crossed A crown large assembly met to view the body but a small portion
of which could get into the House to attend the service Joseph F
spoke 30 M[inutes] and gave a great deel of consolation
to the family and friends He was followed By W Woodruff
who spoke about 20 M, & confirmed what J F Smith said
A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from A. M. Tenney, Farnsworth
and Malinda Hatch I wrote ^2^ Letter to A. M. Tenney & Farnsworth

~ Wednesday

3 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from J G Bleak and card from C D Evan
I wrote Letter to Cousin Malinda Hatch

~ Thursday

4 A hand pointing to the right I wrote to J. G. Bleak, & J. D. T. McAllister

~ Friday

5 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 5 Letters to Jeremiah Hatch, Nellie & Henry, & David
& Bell Woodruff, & Jesse and Bell Moses and John Henry Smith
I attended an old fashion party at the Social Hall

~ Saturday

6 I attended the quarterly conference & herd the report of the
Elders Quorum & Bishops wards Afternoon Prayer By G B Wallace
reports of Elders Quoroms were then read Bishops continued their
reports of their words Br Willard Burton reported the Southern States
Mission. W Woodruff reported the priesthood in general and
gave instruction to the lesser Priesthood. We met in the Evening
and the Bishops continued to represent their wards Joseph E Taylor
spoke 20 M, and gave Good instruction

~ Sunday

7. ^ An arrow^ Sunday I was taken at midnight sick with the Diarhea which
lasted me untill 12 oclok so I could not attend the fore noon Meeting
Bishops continued to report Francis Cope spoke followed By Seymour B
spoke and bore his testimony

Page 241

Sunday Afternoon A Miner Prayed Wilard Burton spoke 10 M[inutes]
Authorities of the Church of this stake of Zion were presented and
sustained Joseph F Smith spoke one Hour & bore a strong testimony
we met in the Evening W Woodruff spoke 42 M, J Taylor 60 M

~ Monday

8 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from J G Bleak & Wm Shaffer

~ Tuesday

9. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received ^2^ Letters from Roskelley & a revelation from a
fals prophet at Jackson Coonty Mo

~ Wednesday

Jan 10 1883 An arrow I attended the council in the Afternoon and a
vote was taken to raise the wages of Erastus Snow to $2500 a year
and that he send up his back accou[n]t and it should be allowed him
{Erastus Snow answered Wilford Woodruff in an excited [declaring] caused a wound that time cannot heal. It made me [ache/sick].
I could not walk. He slandered good men. He is responsible for it.}

~ Thursday

11 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Sarah & Sloan and got an annual
Ticket on the Utah Central I wrote 5 Letters to Susan and
A hand pointing to the right Phebe C Scholes inclosed $5. wrote one letter to Sarah sent $5
1 Letter to Roskelly & J G Bleak

~ Friday

12 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Wm Shaffer & John Hanson

~ Saturday

13 An arrow A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Erastus Snow and wrote
him one in recturn see copy {They were both pencil letters. I had a painful interview with [illegible shorthand]
that centered upon the same subject}

~ Sunday

14 Sunday I took cars in the morning and rode to Ogden
in a snow storm I stoped with Br Wright I attended
the young Mens Mutual Conference Met at 10 oclok
Remarks were made By superintendent Anderson
John S Brimhall spoke upon continuous Revelation
several of the young Men represented the various branches
over whom they presided The Prize Essay was read
composed By John W Gibson He drew the Prize ^40 Miles^

Page 242

Afternoon statistical report was then read F D Richards
spoke 30 M[inutes] W Woodruff 45 M I took supper with Br Richards
I then took cars & returned to Salt Lake City Distance of the day 80 M[iles]

~ Monday

15 A folded letter/box I received one Letter & spent the day on my Journal

~ Tuesday

16 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Eyring and Bleak
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Henry Eyring & Sarah sent $5

~ Wednesday

17 I wrote in the forenoon attended council in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

18 I spent the day on the History of Zions Camp

~ Friday

19 A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter from M F Farnsworth I spent the
day on Zions Camp Thermometer stands from ° zero to 2 degrees
below in the Middle of the day

~ Saturday

20 We took cars rode to Ogden when we left Salt Lake
the Thermometer at the coldest point was 24 degrees
below zero° at Ogden was 28 below at Humbolt Wells was
said to Be 45 degrees below zero the river froze over 2 feet thick
we met for a 2 days Meeting at 10 oclok Prayer By Joseph Standford
The Bishops reported their wards Afternoon prayer By W Woodruff
Bishops continued to report 18 out of 19 were reported. we held
a council at Br Richards it was decided to Appoint Br
Bishop Shirtliff A President over the Weber Stake of Zion
and C F Middleton first councillor and N C Flygare
seconed councellor. Br Monch reported the day school interest
Richard Balantyne reported the Sabbath scholes
F M. Lyman spoke 30 M. I spent the night at Br Herricks
with Br Hammond 40 Miles

~ Sunday

21 Sunday we have a snow storm I met at Br Richards
at 9 oclok when we voted to put in the officers that was
Named the day Before

Page 243

Sunday we Met at 10 oclok Prayer By F M Lyman
Statistics of the stake were then read Officers and Members 6349
children under 8 years 2595 Total Souls 8944, Elders 855
J MF Smith spoke upon the Priesthood & Revelation it was
a vary interesting discourse. He said God will not keep
any man on Earth to preside over the Church to lead the
Church of God astray He will take him away first and all
Men should sustain the Authorities of the Church or priesthood
President Taylor followed spoke 18 Minuts I dined with
Br Herrick we then Met at Richards J Taylors for a
council we their voted to sustain the Brethren who had been
Named for the Presidency of the Stake and other offices. we met
in the Tabernacle at 2 oclok Afternoon the Authorities of the
Church were presented and sustained Bishop Shirtliff was
Appointed President & C F Middleton 1st Councillor & N C Flygare
2nd Councillor. Loren & Aaron Farr were voted to Be
ordained patriarch and 3 others to be ordained patriarchs
several Bishops & their councillors called President
Taylor spoke 45 Minutes W Woodruff 5 M & F D Richards 10 M
At the close of the Meeting the Presidency Met at Br Richards
and ordained the Patriarchs & Bishop & Presidency of the
Stake At the close of the Meeting I got into a sleigh
with Bishop Hammond & rode 15 Miles to Huntsville in
one hour & 30 Minutes snow 1 foot deep I attended a
Meeting in the Evening at huntsville & spoke one hour 15 Miles

~ Monday

22nd. A plesant Morning but cold snow a foot deep
Bishop Hammond took me in a sleigh to Eaden and I
held a Meeting at 10 oclk Prayer By Charles Wright

Page 244

W Woodruff spoke 64 M[inutes], Bishop Hammond 6 M.
Keys crossed A crown W Woodruff ordained James Fisher a Patriarch
79 years of Age After dinner we returned to Huntsville
I administered to 2 that were sick I held a Meeting at
Huntsville Meeting House Built New cost $12000 we met
at 2 oclok we had a full House W Woodruff spoke
one Hour & 35 Minutes we had a good Meeting I Met again
at 6:30 in the Evening with all the people including the Relief Society
young Men & young women Mutual the Primary and sabbath
and Day schools. they filled the House W. Woodruff spoke
to the young people & children one hour and had much
of the spirit of teaching. at the close of the Meeting the
choir of singiers called at my room and sung many
of the songs of Zion I spoke about 4 hours to day 6 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

23 A vary cold Morning I wrode in a sleigh with
Bishop Hammond to Ogden and remained there
untill Evening then in company with Presidents Taylor
& Smith & L John Nuttall & Gibbs took cars to S L C 55 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

24 I went to the office and received 5 Letters & 1 card
we set apart 1 Missionary J F Smith Mouth we met
in council Br Moses Thatcher gave an account of his visit
to Old Mexico and the country I went to the farm

~ Thursday

25 I returned from the farm In company with
Keys crossed A crown F D Richard I ordained three Patriarchs viz
W Woodruff ordaind A. H. Raleigh & Martin H
& Br Richards was Mouth in ordaining
Joseph C Kingsbury Making 3 Patriarchs. It is
thawing a good deal to day I attended the 20 ward Exhibition

Page 245

~ Friday

Jan 26, 1883
We had quite a snow storm last night I received 2 letters from
A folded letter/box Jacob F Gates & Jeremiah Hatch I wrote A Letter to Jacob
F Gates I took cars & rode to Nephi with Presidents Taylor & Smith
On our arival we attended A Priesthood Meeting in the
Evening The various officers reported their Quorums Joseph F Smith
then spoke 45 Minutes W Woodruff 5 M & President Taylor 5 M
Br Paxman and myself spent the night at Br Teasdale 95 M[iles]

~ Saturday

27 I called upon President Taylor who was at Sister Pitchforths
and we went to Meeting at 10 oclok G Reynolds Prayed The Bishops
reported their wards. A contribution for the Mona ward
who had their ward burned up by an incendiary Trustee in
trust $400, Nephi $300, Levan $100. G Teasdale spoke
20 M. After noon prayer By Wm Paxman W Woodruff
spoke 60 M, John Taylor 34 M. There was an incident
Keys crossed took place to day I consider worthy of record. As the
Meeting house was not large Enough to hold all the people some
15 deacons gave up their seats to others, and they went and got
axes & surrounded President George Teasdale's wood pile
of several cords, & cut it all up into stove wood they then
went and done the same by some half a dozen widows in
the place. also cupt up the wood pile of one of the Deacons who
had met with an accident so he could not cut his
wood and they continued through the day in that Employment
and if other Deacons who are young men would follow
their Example it would help many of the Needy. When
Br Teasdale arived home to his surprise He found all his wood
pile missing, but was much pleased to find it all cut up
and nicely piled up in his woodshead. God bless such Deacons

Page 246

We Met in the Evening with the young People The super-
intendents reported their societies after which Joseph
F Smith
spoke 45 M[inutes], W. Woodruff 30 M the spirit and
power of God rested upon us & the people

~ Sunday

28. Sunday Joseph F Smith W Woodruff & G Teasdale
met with the Prayer circle and gave them some
instructions we Met with the school children in
the Meeting House at 10 oclok Isaiah Coombs prayed
The House was crouded with children and Young people
the reports of the Sabbath school was then given
President Taylor spoke 25 M W Woodruff 10 M
J F Smith 20 M and told an anecdote of his
Mothers prayer & faith in finding a yoke of their
cattle tied up in a gulch by thieves. There was
present Boys 325, Girls 277, total 602 George
spoke 5 M. Afternoon the Authorities
of the Church were presented & sustained. President
Taylor spoke upon the organization of the Priesthood
45 M. G Teasdale spoke 10 M. Wm Paxman spoke 5 M
At the close of the Meeting the officers appointed came together
to receive their ordination W Woodruff ordained
A crown 1 patriarch, 1 High Priest, 2 councillors to Bishops
And Assisted to ordain 1 Patriarch, 2 Bishops &
24 councillors. we took supper with Br John Vicors
We Met at 7 oclock Wm Paxman Prayed W Woodruff
spoke 48 M, and Joseph F Smith 40 M. we spent the
night with George Teasdale

~ Monday

29 We took cars at 5 oclok and arived at Salt Lake City 95 M[iles]

Page 247

At 10 oclok I called upon Sister Foss and found her vary
sick and administered to her I went to the office and
A folded letter/box Received 2 letters from Arza Hinkley upon his Mission
with the Mohave & Wallepi Indians 1 from A H Raleig

~ Tuesday

30 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to Henry & Nellie Woodruff
David & Bell & Jerremiah Hatch & Kept copies

Keys crossed I drew a lease to day wifor Wm Adams for a peace of
land in the North west cornor of Lot 6, Blok 77, 45 feet
By 100, for 5 years at 35 cts a foot front per Month

~ Wednesday

31 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to Eugenia Scholes retur[n]ed from the farm 6 m[iles]
I attended the council with the Presid[enc]y & Twelve we read
Arza Hinkleys Letter I administered to Sister Foss

~ Thursday

Feb 1. A Hard snow storm to day I attended the fast day
Meeting in the 14 ward

~ Friday

2 A hand pointing to the right ^ An arrow^ I wrote a letter to Asahel upon Matters connected with
his carriage. I spent the day in writing I settled an account

~ Saturday

^3 An arrow^ with Mrs Erickson I paid her $20 for Emma

~ Sunday

4 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Assembly Hall W Woodruff
spoke 47 M[inutes], & John Morgan 20 I attended Meeting in the
14 ward and lissened to an interesting letter lecture of Wm
upon his travels in India which was vary
interesting gave an account of their customes, religion, laws
punishment of criminals &c

~ Monday

5 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to G Q Cannon and spent the day in writing
and attended a lecture in the 17 ward in the Evening J. F. Smith
spoke one hour & W Woodruff 5 M

~ Tuesday

6 I spent the day writing History it is cold weather

~ Wednesday

7. I spent the forenoon writing I attended council at 2 oclok

Page 248

Keys crossed A crown At our council to day Br Christopher Layton was
set apart as president to preside over A new stake to be organized
in the southern part of Arizona bordering upon Mexico and James
H Martineau
as his seconed councillor. D H Kimball was appointed
as his first councillor but not set apart. President Taylor
said he wished Br Layton to understand that this Mission is
for the purpose of esstablishing a settlement in sonora or smome [some] part
of Mexico and Br Taylor wished them to understand that they
must bend their minds to the building up of the Kingdom of God on
the Earth and not for speculation. I attended a family party
at Wm Jennings in the Evening

~ Thursday

8 I spent the day writing History

~ Friday

9 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to Sarah and sent her $10. I spent
the day in the office writing Zions Camp History I wrote one
Letter to Delight and sent her $10, $5 of which was
for Emeline I went to the field 6 m[iles]

~ Saturday

10 Keys crossed A crown Sunday I attended Meeting in the Farmers ward at
2 oclok & spoke one hour to the people followed By Robert Burton 20 m[inutes]
My Brother Azmon & Elizabeth was present with others at the closeof
of the Meeting I visited Brother John Vancott and in company
with Br R Burton I laid hands upon his head and I sealed
upon him his last Blessing in the flesh as he was considered
dying By his family. He was sensible of Evrything but could
not speak y I attended meeting in the Evening with the young people
President Taylor spoke in the Assembly Hall one hour and 30 M

~ Sunday

11 A folded letter/box I received one letter from Phebe Scholes

A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to John Henry Smith on the 10th inst
A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from John Henry Smith Orvil Bates & Phebe Scholes

Page 249

Keys crossed A crown I received a package from C O Card containing
all the recepts of the people from all sourses for the building of the
Logan Temple As follows Logan Stake $205244.83
Bear Lake $50505.29, Box Elder $50999.35
Trustee in Trust $137,445.94, other sourses ^$^3746.87
Grand Total $447,942.28

~ Monday

12 I spent the day in writing I spent the Evening with Judg
Elias Smith He has been confined to his bed & chair 100 days
from falling down sullar. he cannot use Eith[er] of his legs

~ Tuesday

13 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters from G Teasdale & Emelin
I wrote one letter to Orvill Bates

Keys crossed I visited Br John Pack who is vary low I Blessed him
I spent the day in writing

~ Wednesday

14 I spent the forenoon in writing I attended council in the
Afternoon The great Calico Ball at the CTheater to rfor the
Deseret Hospital some 2000 persons present A driving snow
storm comm[enc]ed in the Evening so I did not go

~ Thursday

15 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 4 letters from Sarah, Newton, Mary &c
I wrote 3 letters to Sarah Newton & Mary

~ Friday

16 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 8 Letters to Thomas Allman, McAllister, Bleak
Thompson, Farnsworth, Roskelley, A Hinkley A F
I attended a party in the 14 ward

~ Saturday

17 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^2^ Letters to John Henry Smith A. O. Smoot
An arrow Alma Moroni Blanchard called on me
to day And professed to have found some plates
containing records in addition to the Book of Mormon
He had translated them by the Urim & Thummim
and He wanted to publish them I think it all fals

Page 250

~ Sunday

Feb 18th 1883

Sunday An arrow A coffin
[sideways text]

[end of sideways text]

An arrow A coffin
[sideways text]

[end of sideways text]

An arrow A coffin
[sideways text]

[end of sideways text]

The news reached us today that
Harrison Burgess died at pine
vary sudden. Bishop Wm
Bringhurst of Springvill deied
at his residence last night at 10 oclok Feb 17. Brother
John Vancott Died this morning at 20 M[inutes] past 7 oclk
He has supposed to be dying for near a week I met with
Keys crossed the Yo[u]ng Mens Mutual at the Assembly Hall at 10 oclok
Prayer By David McKenzie BRoll called, Minutes read
reports made by the Superintendants Sister Freeze Reported
the young Ladies W Woodruff spoke 3 Minutes Royal B Young
10 M Joseph F Smith 20 M. Afternoon Prayer By Samuel
Adams Joseph F Smith spoke one hour and 20 Minut
it was a powerful discourse And my reflections were
these that while the Lord holds Moroni responsible for
Delivering the Record of the Book of Mormon to Joseph Smith
& John the Baptist for Delivering the Aaronic Priesthood
and Peter James & John in delivering the Melcheizedek Priesthood
and Apostleship to Joseph Smith, and Elijah & Moses
to deliver the keys which they held so will the God of GHeaven
hold all men from Joseph Smith to the last Deacon responsi-
ble for the manner and use they make of the Holy Priesthood
and keys that are bestowed upon them. We met in council
at the close of the Meeting & had prayers we Met again with
a full house of young people in the Evening the Authorities
were presented & sustained Junius F Wells spoke 25 M
Rodney Badger 15 M. W Woodruff ({take care [while]} you {call women to preside think before you speak.})
we had a full house

Page 251

~ Monday

Feb 19, 1883
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 5 letters from Ella & Wilford Beatie, Wilford Woodruff ^3rd^
& B Yo[u]ng & H J Grant & Clara Woodruff I wrote one letter
to B Yo[u]ng & H J Grant I met in the Evening at the 12 ward young
Mens Mutual
at 7:30. prayer Joseph Felt spoke 7 M[inutes]
Joseph F Smith one hour & 25 M W Woodruff 20 Minutes
good teaching was given

~ Tuesday

20 An arrow I attended the funeral of John Vancott. W Woodruff
prayed Joseph F Smith spoke 20 M, W Woodruff 15 M
President Taylor 30 M. I went to the cemetry

~ Wednesday

21 I spent the forenoon writing I attended the council
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 6 Letters to E Snow, L Harris, Arza Hinkley
A F McDonald & Merryman & Ashet two Mohave
chiefs I also wrote to McAllister I recceivd 3 Letters
A folded letter/box from A. Hinkley L Harris & Merriman & Ashet
see copy Book Keys crossed I attended A meeting 21 ward W W spok 30 M J F S 60 m

~ Thursday

22 A folded letter/box I received card from Sarah I attended a party at
Keys crossed A crown the Gardo House there were present about 100 person
including the Presidency and Twelve Bishop Hunter and
council and Presidents of stakes The Meeting was for
the purpose of Dedicating the Gordo House unto the Lord
Franklin D Richards offered the Dedication prayer
we had a very plesant time

~ Friday

23 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I receivd 1 Letter from Br Bromwell & wrote
him a letter

~ Saturday

24 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Brs McAllister & Bleak I
spent the day at writing I set apart 1 Misisionary for the South
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters for Sarah & Newton I went to the farm 6 m[iles]

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I attended Meeting at the Assembly Hall

Page 252

Sunday Met at 2 ooclok Prayer By G Reynolds George G.
spoke one Hour and 12 M He made use of too many
Adjectives and High flown language for the comon people
to understand what He was wishing to convey at least
it was vary difficult for me to understand him I also
attended Meeting in the 15 ward in the Evening C W Penrose
spoke 18 M. W Woodruff Jr. spoke 10 M W Woodruff spoke 66 M
I gave an account of my first meeting with Joseph Smith
and the Elders in a testimony meeting in Kirtland and
Hail Storm at Fishing River and the visitation of
the Cholera in our camp in Clay County and Joseph
Smith Healing Many on the Banks of the Mississippi River

~ Monday

26 A folded letter/box I recceived 23 letters from G Q Cannon ^&^ L H Hatch
A hand pointing to the right I recceived a letter from Thomas J Lutz I wrote him one
Letter I attended a meeting at the Council House with the
Officers of the Y.M.M.IA We had a room full speeches
were made by several present including W Woodruff J F Smith
Junius Wells & J. H. Felt

~ Tuesday

27. I spent the forenoon writing I wrote 2 letters to Brs
A hand pointing to the right McAllister & Bleak

~ Wednesday

28 I spent the forenoon writing In the Afternoon I attend
the council we discussed the subject of of Buying lands west
of Grantsville to locate the Indians on it was voted to purchas
about $5000 dollars worth of Land and improvements
In the Evening In company with Joseph F Smith
I met with the Y.M.M.IA. Br Dean spok a few
Monuts followed By Bo Felt then Joseph F Smith spoke one H
& 20 M W Woodruff 20 M.

Page 253

~ Thursday

March 1, 1883

A heart with a key inside March 1, 1883
Wilford Woodruff
76 years
of Age

This is my birth day I have lived
to see 76 years in the flesh this day at
10 oclock. Through the blessing of God
I have lived to reach this age and
Am in the Enjoyment of good health
I thank my Heavenly Father for this
great blessing, and Esspecially that I have lived to receive
the fulness of the Everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ and have
been blessed with the Apostleship and have the great honor
of being the President of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints, and through the Blessings of God
have been Enabled in connexion with my family of Being
Baptized for about 3000 of my Dead relatives and also
through the Assistance of friends have been Enabled to get Endowments
in the Temple of St George for about 2500 of my reletives, Besides
having Been Baptized in the font of St George Temple for 100
Eminent Men including all the signers of the Declaration of
of the United States for these Blessings I feel
to thank my Heavenly Father and praise his Holy Name
My wife Phebe W Carter Woodruff has been preserved
unto me me we having been Married 49 years the 13 day
of next month Apriail. This is also my wife Emmas Birth
day Making her 45 years old to day she being born March 1, 1838
I met a few friends at my House with my family & spent the
Evening there were present, G. Teasdale & Sisters Eliza R Snow Smith
Zina Yo[u]ng, Sarah Kimball, and Sister Horn. we spent the
Evening vary plesantly conversed upon past days and Events
I pray the Lord to give me power to spend the rest of my days in his service

Page 254

March 1. I spent the forenoon at a fast Meeting & spoke to the
people it was a vary plesant day Through the Blessing of God
Keys crossed A crown we had a great victory to day in the Decision of the
Mandamus Case in the supreme court of the United States
Territory of Utah An appleal was allowed to the supreme
Court of the United States and Bonds Approved I acknowledge
the hand of God in this and also in Blocking up the way of
Edmunds not getting his Bill through the Senate of the U. S up
to the present time I received 4 letters from McAllister Bleak

~ Friday

^2nd^ A folded letter/box Sarah & David I spent the day writing

~ Saturday

3rd I took cars with Mrs Woodruff & L John Nuttall and rode
to Provo to attend a 2 days conference Met at 10 oclok 50 Miles
Prayer By Harvy Cluff A O Smoot spoke 20 M[inutes], W. W. 40 M
Statistics read Seventies 563, High Priests 381, Elders 1387
Priests 176, Teachers 157, Deacons 390, Officers and
Members 11236, children under 8, 557 5058,
Total Souls 16293. L J Nuttall spoke 20 M.

Afternoon Wm Kelsey spoke prayed L E Harrington spoke
12 M, Charles D Evans 5 M, Br Snell 10 M, Br Holladay
spoke 15 M. The tithing report was read. There was quite
a deficient^cy^ of the Tithing from last year Br Smoot made an
Explanation of the cause of the deficiency. W Woodruff spoke
W Woodruff spoke 60 M. I held a Meeting in the Evening
with the YM.M.IA. We had a full House W. Woodruff
spoke one H[our] & 10 M, L John Nuttall 25 M, Br Hardy 5 M
I spent the night with A O Smoot. We ordained 1 H[igh] P[riest] , 1 Bishop

~ Sunday

4 Sunday we Met at 10 oclok David John Prayed
Joseph F Smith spoke one Hour & 24 M. I set apart 1 B. Agent

Page 255

Afternoon prayer By E Morris The Authorities of the Church
were presented and sustained W. Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes]
Joseph F Smith spoke 45 M we then returned to S L City 50 M[iles]

~ Monday

5 A folded letter/box I received 5 letters from McAllister, Bleak, Roskelley
& C Lingo Christiansen I spent the day reading & writing

~ Tuesday

6 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received one letter from J G Bleak I wrote one letter
to Thomas J Lutze and sent him the likenesses of G Teasdale
& Heber J. Grant with their History. I wrote 3 Letters to Bleak
McAllister & Sarah I spent the day writing I received one
letter from A F MCDonald I wrote one letter to McDonald

~ Wednesday

7 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to Jesse & Bell Moses I attended council
and went to the grass lot 6 m[iles]

~ Thursday

8 I spent the forenoon writing

A heart with a key inside March 8, 1883
Phebe W. Woodruff
76 Years
of Age

Mrs Phebe Whitemore Carter Woodruff
is 76 years old to day we have both been
preserved to a good old age while many
of our friends and acquaintances in the Church
have passed away I received a letter from
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right Arza Hinkley I wrote 2 letters from [to] David
& Henry & Nellie Woodruff I attended the Y.M.M.IA at the
20 ward Joseph F Smith spoke one Hour & 25 M. W Woodruff
spoke 30 M. An arrow I attend the funeral of Ellen Eugenia
18 years of age W Woodruff spoke 30 M, & F D Richards 25 Minutes

~ Friday

9 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Jesse N Smith & L Harris
A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to Arza Hinkley

~ Saturday

10 I took car with J F Smith rode to woods cross and attended 8 m[iles]
a 2 days meeting met at 10 oclok Br Norman prayed Joseph F Smith
spoke one Hour & 20 M He spoke vary strong upon Doctrinal points

Page 256

Afternoon Thomas Grover Prayed Statistics of the stake was read
There were 2 Patriarch, 226 Seventies, 116 High Priests, 453 Elders
35 Priests, 80 Teachers, 113 Deacons, 3694 Officers & Members
1457 children under 8 years of age, Total of souls 5227.
Bishops then made their verbal reports. Also the superintendents
of Sabbath Schools & Young Mens Mutual Improvement Association
W. Woodruff then spoke 45 M[inutes]. I took supper with Harvy Perkins
I Attended Meeting in the Evening with the Yo[u]ng People
W Woodruff spoke 40 M, and Anson Call said a few words
Joseph F Smith spoke one Hour & 15 M.

~ Sunday

11 Sunday I visited Joseph Holebrook He was not able to get out of doors
Keys crossed I had not seen him for 15 years He was a Member of Zions Camp
He was strong in the faith He was the clerk of the High Priest
Quorum in Nauvoo and gave me a small manuscrip record
to deposit in the Historians office I met with the Priesthood
in the vestry at 9 oclok J F Smith gave them some instruction
as did Wm Smith President of the Stake. we Met the general
Assembly at 10 oclok W Woodruff addressed the people
one Hour & 15 Minutes mostly on the Priesthood B H Roberts
spoke 25 M. I took dinner with Phebe Session
Afternoon Prayer By B. Nobles Br Hess spoke 5 M,
Anson Call 3 M, Wm R Smith 8, Joseph F Smith 60 M
At the close of the Meeting we dadministered to a Brother nearly
Blind we took supper with Harvy Parkins we then took
cars & rode to Salt Lake City. I learn from the Herald 8 miles
^ An arrow^ that Jesse N Perkins & his onson John H Perkins are both
dead with the small pox of Taylor Arizona Brother
Perkins traveled a good deal with me in Arizona

Page 257

~ Monday

March 12, 1883
A folded letter/box I received one letter from Orvil E Bates I wrote one
A hand pointing to the right Letter to Sarah and sent her $15. An arrow {I spent the night at the farm. Not well.}

~ Tuesday

13 A hand pointing to the right I looked over my Nephi sermon in the fore noon I re[ceive]d
A folded letter/box 2 letters from A F McDonald & L Harris I wrote 2 letter
to Brother McDonald & L Harris & gave council conc[ern]ing
the labor among the Lamanites

~ Wednesday

14 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Orvill E Bates and Jesse N. Smith
I attended council in the Afternoon I wrote to L Harris copy in Book

~ Thursday

15 A crown I leased 25 feet front in the North west cornor of Lot 6
Block 7, to Oliver Hodgson Henry Heyward & John Wardrobe
for one year at $10 a Month payable in adva[n]ce

~ Friday

16 I rode over Jordon in the Morning to assist Wilford to start
to prepare 12 Acres of Land to sow to Lucern I went and borrowed
a sulky plough and got them well at work & returned home 12 M[iles]

~ Saturday

17 A folded letter/box I received one letter from John Henry Smith I had
an interview with President Taylor. I received 1 Letter from
A hand pointing to the right Emma I wrote one letter to her and made some explanations
I attended Stephensons LeExihibiton on the Music of his
classes I had to leave before his school was out

~ Sunday

18 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Assembly Hall in the
Afternoon John Druce Prayed G. Q. Cannon spoke 55 M
John Druce 10 M. I attended an Evening Meeting at
the 15 ward G Q Cannon spok 40 M, W Woodruff 20 m
A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to Br Christofferson

~ Monday

19 I spent the day writing in the office

~ Tuesday

20. A folded letter/box I recceived a letter from Brother Young & Grant I attended
a lecture in the Evening in the Theater of Phil Robinson He
spoke 1 H & 30 M upon his three wars Affrican, Egyptian & Zulu

Page 258

~ Wednesday

March 21, 1883
Mr Robinsons lecture was quite interesting his many
hair breadths Escapes were peculiar. Br Samuel Roskelly
returned to the city & called upon me to day I spent the forenoon
in the office in the Afternoon I attended the council

~ Thursday

22 An arrow

A coffin
[sideways text]
W. W. S
[end of sideways text]

I received 2 letters to day from Elizabeth Browett
and Lot Smith Brother Lot Smith informed that his son
Wilford Woodruff Smith Died March 14, at 5 oclok in the Eve[n]ing
from being scalded in some hot liye water. I Blessed the boy while
there on the 11 Jan 1880. I wrote 2 letters to Lot Smith &
A hand pointing to the right Elizabeth Browett I looked up the History of my Appointment
into preside in the Temple at St George

~ Friday

23 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from George Woodard
& Heber J Grant who spoke of the funeral of Lot Smith little
Boy who was scalded to death

~ Saturday

A crown 24 I went over Jordon with Jesse W Fox and Esstablished
the cornors of my 12 Acre grass lot and in consequence of not
getting a surveyor before I got 4 rods to[o] far to the west and
had Broaken up one Acre of land belonging to annoth[er]
Man * I went to the field in the Afternoon and drilled
in 5 packages of the welcome oats 2 oz in each package
making 10 oz in all I drilled 6 rows to each paper {I spent the night at grass lot}

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I met with my prayer circle and corrected some
Mistakes in the minuts of the Brethren I attended the Meeting at the
Assembly Hall at 2 oclok Prayer By Br McMaster
W Woodruff spoke 45 M[inutes], Br Pollard 15 M A M Cannon 35 M
we met in the prayer circle, & I attended the Meeting in the 7 ward
A M Canon spoke 40 M W Woodruff Jr 10 M Leslie W. Snow 10 M
W Woodruff sen 40 M. we laid Hands on David James & P W Woodruff

Page 259

A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from McAllister, Hinkley, & Hoffman

~ Monday

26 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to John Henry Smith, & Arza Hinkley
I spent the day in writing. I telegraphed to E. Snow, L Snow,
M. Thather & G. Teasdale to meet at 2 oclok on Aprail 2.

~ Tuesday

27 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to O Jacobson for information upon
the price of Lots in Randolph I received a letter from Br
F G Neilson of sunset & wrote him one in return

~ Wednesday

28 A folded letter/box An arrow I received one letter from J G Bleak I had our ownly
cow bloated to the fullest Extent we gave her soday then salt
finally as the last resort I had an opening made in the ponch
on the left side and put in a pipe with a quarter inch hole to
let the gass out she would have been dead without it I also
put a stick in her Mouth through all the operation she
was saved I put her in a warm stable at night I attended
council in the Afternoon John W. Young was with us

~ Thursday

29 A folded letter/box I received one letter from O. T. Atwood with an
Epistle & warning to the Twelve My cow is some better this morning
I went to the field with Asahel we had a rainy night 6 m[iles]

~ Friday

30 A cool morning I read a letter from Nellie Woodruff
A hand pointing to the right At Ashleys fork giving an account of 2 Men killing
an Animal in the country sumthing of the Panther kind
that measured 9 feet in length 3 1/2 feet high & weighed 200 lbs
it was shot with 17 Balls Before it died it was consid[ere]d
the largest Animal of the kind Ever killed in the Rocky
. I wrote ^2^ Letter to Henry and Nellie
Woodruff and Phebe Scholes

~ Saturday

31 The last day of March goes out with a cold snow storm
I spent the day in the office

Page 260

~ Sunday

Aprail 1, 1883

Sunday I attended Meeting at 2 oclok at the Assembly roo[m]
prayer By John Nicholson James G Bleak spoke 55 Min
H W Nasisbit spoke 30 M. I met with the Prayer circle I
attended Meeting in the 14 ward G Q Cannon spok 40 M
W Woodruff 30 M Bothe were practical discourses

~ Monday

Monday Aprail 2 I met with J. D. T. McAllister & Bleak
in council upon Business Matters.

2 I spent the day in writing

~ Tuesday

3 An arrow I met in council with the Quorum of the Twelve & their
councellors upon the subject of Councillor John W Young who
had Been Rail roading and his course had not been satisfactory
to the Presidency and Twelve we spent the whole day upon the case

~ Wednesday

4 We spent this day in council upon J W Young except met
in the Afternoon met for Prayer I received 2 letters

~ Thursday

5 A folded letter/box Keys crossed We Met in the Assembly Hall to hold a Meeting
preparitory to the General Conference Met at 10 oclok
Prayer By G Q Cannon published in the Deseret News
President John Taylor spoke 20 Minuts G Q Cannon 30 m
Afternoon met in Big Tabernacle at 2 oclok prayer By
J. D. T McAllister L Snow spoke 45 Minuts upon the united
did not Believe in having all things common but believed
in stewardship. The House was so cold that we dismised
the Meeting to meet in the Assembly Hall in the Morning

~ Friday

Aprail 6, 1883 We Met in the Assembly Hall at 10 oclok
Prayer By F. M Lyman W Woodruff spoke one hour
Jacob Gates 21 M, Henry Harriman 10 M. Afternoon
Prayer By G Q Cannon. Erastus Snow spoke one H & 30 M
I set apart 2 Missionarie. I ordained Hans Poulson a 70

Page 261

At the close of the Afternoon Meeting I met again with the Twelve
On Account of John W Young it was a difficult matter to bring
his mind to see that He had not done right in the course He had
persued. I attended the Sabbath school union at the Assembly
in the Evening. G Q Cannon spoke 15 M[inutes] others spoke we had
a good Meeting

~ Saturday

7th A folded letter/box I receeived one letter Met at 10 oclok M Thatcher prayed
Reports of the Relief society was then read Young Ladies report
was then read, And Primary Association. Sabbath school report
was also read they Numbered 41155 Members. After these
reports were voted upon President Taylor said we have voted to
receive and file these reports but they should be finished & corrected
first before they are prepared for filing

~ Sunday

Sunday Aprail 8. Conference Met in the big tabernacle there
were 12 or 13000 people present and several thousand could not
get in D H. Wells Prayed J F Smith spoke 45 M, G Q Cannon
36 M, & F M Lyman 10 M. Afternoon J D T McAllister
prayed sacram[en]t Administered the Authorities of the Church
were then presented and when John W Youngs Name was called
President Taylor made some remarks upon the subject and stated that
we had held a long council over him and that John W Young was then
called upon to make a confession or Explanation which He did do
and asked the people to Forgive him. He then received a clean
vote. Reports of the Auditing committee were then read to the people
And a list of Missionaries was then called President Taylor
spoke 62 Minuts. At 7 oclok in the Evening we Met with the Presid[en]ts
of stakes And the Tithing recepts & disbursem[en]ts were then read and
remarks Made

Page 262

~ Monday

Aprail 9, 1883

I met the Missionaries at the Council House and several of the
Twelve & seventies were present and I Appointed them their place
and they set apart about 106 Missionaries After they were set
apart I met with them at Noom and gave them instruction
followed By Lorenzo Snow, M. Thatcher, A Carrington & F M Lyman
I met at 10 oclok at the Assembly Hall with the conference of the
young Men Mutual Improve[me]nt Association at 10 oclok prayer
By Joseph E Taylor Secretary called the roll Minuts of the last
Meeting were then read, after which Milton ^H^ Hardy then spoke
35 M[inutes], Morgan Richards 22 Joseph H Felt 15 M, Sister Taylor 5
Sister Williams 5 M, FSister Free 5 M J F Wells 2 M

Met at 2 oclok Prayer By E. H. Anderson several Questions
were asked and Answered By W Woodruff who spoke 20 M
Junius F Wells spoke 33 M, W Woodruff 10 M F Cowley 15 M
I met in the Evening at 7 oclock. G Teasdale Prayed The Treasurer
report was then read And the officers of the institution were
then presented & sustained Moses Thatcher then Delivered
a lecture upon Infidelity & Christianity spoke 40 M W Woodruff
spoke 10 M. We had a vary interesting conference with the young people

~ Tuesday

Aprail 10 1883 An arrow An arrow We received word By telegraph
that Our Brother Ilus F Carter was Building a large Brick
Building on the North west cornor of Church & State Street
had the roof on and Mr Carter was standing on the roof and
it fell this morning at 7:10 to the Earth with a crash. One
wall had been Erected during the winter and it was supposed
the Mortar was Frozen and the warm weather loosend the
Brick there were seventeen Men in the Building one killed
several Mortally wounded three in the Basement supp[os]ed kille[d] Mr Carter Badly wounded

Page 263

^ Keys crossed^ I Attended the Council of {Fifty} the priesthood in social
through the forenoon. The Territorial convention met at
2 oclok PM. I spent the Afternoon in the office Journalizing

~ Wednesday

11 I spent the forenoon in council {fifty} in the social Hall and the
Afternoon in the prayer circle I spent the Evening at home

~ Thursday

12 [FIGURE 9] [FIGURE] The reports in the papers gave two names as the person
injured in the falling of the Brick Building in Rochester I. F. Carter &
J D Carter. I visited the Telegraph Office to asscertain which
it was and it was Decided it was Ilus F Carter the
A hand pointing to the right youngest son of Father Ezra Carters family I wrote him
a letter to Enquire how badly He was hurt

~ Friday

13 Keys crossed A crown A folded letter/box I received a letter from Henry Woodruff saying that
My Daughter Emma Manella his wife had a son born 5 minuts
past 10 oclock PM. on Aprail 4, 1883 Mother and child doing
well I attended a council with the Presidency Twelve and
the first Presidency of the Seventies Our Meeting was upon the
subject of reorganizing the Quorums of Seventies and the
order of the same President Taylor said the Twelve are
to see that the gospel is sent to all the world and the Twelve
must call upon the seventies to assist them and they must [be]
the Best Men you can get out of the 11000 Elders to fill up
the Quorums of the Seventies.

~ Saturday

A coffin Tenney 14 The Presidency Twelve & Preside[ncy] of the Seventies
met at 9 oclok and received council upon the
organization of the TSeventies and a revelation was
read at 15 M[inutes] to 11 oclok we took carriages & rode to G Q Cannons
House & attended the funeral of Mother Tenney A M Cannon
Prayed W Woodruff spoke 14 M J Taylor 15 E Snow 10 m[inutes]

Page 264

At the close of the funeral we returned & took dinner with President
Taylor at the Gordo House and at 4 oclok The Twelve & Seventy
Met at the Apostles room Council House upon the subject of
Electing a Man in the place of John Vancott But we did not
accomplish it But adjourned to the call of the President {I went into the field and planted to night}

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I attended Meeting at 2 oclok in the Assembly Hall
Prayer By John Nicholson, Nelson^M A^ Empy spoke 15 M[inutes]
John Morgan 58 M. I visited Br Elias Smith an hour
I attended Meeting in the 14 ward Henry Lunt spoke 30 M
W Woodruff 40 M

~ Monday

16 A folded letter/box I received 23 letters from Lot Smith and
P Graveson & Arza Hinkley who sent me a rejistered
letter containing an Account of the trial of Dan Jones at
A hand pointing to the right Salt River I wrote 2 Letter to Richard C Camp and
B. Young & Grant I spent the day in writing

~ Tuesday

17 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 5 letters to Lot Smith O Jacobson P
, M F Farnsworth & Sarah

~ Wednesday

18 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 3 letters from A M Tenney Henry
containing $25 for 2 lots in Randolph one from
C. L. Christianson I wrote 2 letters to Bell & Jesse &
Henry Hoffman and sent him a Deed of Lots (3 & 6
in Block 23 in Randolph Rich Co Utah) I laid hands upon
Laron Pratt last night who was vary sick with the Pnuemonia

~ Thursday

19 I went over Jordon with Wilford to see the land abot
sowing Lucern seed I found the land to rough I spent
the forenoon at work then returned to the city quite weary ^12 [miles]^

~ Friday

20 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^4^ Letters to A F McDonald, A. Hinkley
L Harris B. F. Johnson sent McDonald order of $276.43

Page 265

~ Saturday

Aprail 21, 1883

I took cars with F M Lyman & Abram H Cannon & rode to Nephi 2195 M[iles]
I dined at G Teasdales & Attended Meeting at 2 ooclk prayer
By Wm Sperry F. M. Lyman spoke 45 M[inutes], Abram Cannon 25 M
W Woodruff 25 M I attended a Meeting in the Evening with
the young Peoples Mutual. The statistics were read and reports
Made W Woodruff spoke 30 M F M Lyman 10 M, A Cannon 10 M

~ Sunday

22 Sunday I met with the Prayer circle and gave some instruction upon
the Marking of the clothing. I attended the sabbath school conference
Langly Baily Prayed. Sacrament Administered the sabbath school
superintendents gave a report verbally Abram Cannon spoke 10 M[inutes]
F M Lyman 20 M, W. Woodruff 25. We dined with Br Bigler
Met at 2 oclok G Kendal Prayed Authorities of the Church were
presented and sustained. Abraim Cannon spoke 25 M ^and read the instruction^ W Woodruff
30 M. We took supper at Langly Bailys and administered to his
wife we Attended Meeting in the Evening F M Lyman spoke
one hour, W Woodruff 10 M, & dismissed the Meeting it snowed

~ Monday

223 The ground was covered with snow this morning we took
cars at 5 oclok and rode to salt Lake City and found snow
nearly all the way arived home at 10 oclok 95 Miles

~ Tuesday

A folded letter/box24 A folded letter/box I received a letter from J G Bleak it is a vary cold
day A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to L C Christianson and
A M Tenney it was a vary cold day

~ Wednesday

25 I spent the forenoon writing the Afternoon in council
I went to the field and spent the night Wilford drew potatoes

~ Thursday

26. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right We have had our March weather all through Aprail
it has Been raining, snowing, frost & cold nearly through the whole
month it is more plesant this morning I wrote 2 letters to Bleak
& Henry & Nellie Woodruff

Page 266

~ Friday

Aprail 27, 1883

I spent the forenoon in the office writing I took cars with
Mrs Woodruff rode to Ogden, was there Joined By F D Richard
We rode to Brigham City I spent the night with my Daughter
Phebe 60 Mils

~ Saturday

28 We Met at 10 oclok for a 2 days Meeting Prayer By
Bishop Harper. Statistics were then read. There were
Officers and Members 4325, children under 8 years 1870,
Total souls 6195, High Priest 163 Seventies 155, Elders 619,
Priests 86, Teachers 88, Deacons 236. The verbal reports
of the Bishops F D Richards spoke 20 M[inutes] W Woodruff 25 M
Afternoon Prayer By Br Kelley. F D Richards spoke 65 M,
W Woodruff 30 M. I spent the night at Phebes

~ Sunday

29 Sunday we Met at 10 oclock Prayer By Loren Farr G Q Cannon
spoke 65 M[inutes], F D Richards 16. Afternoon, sacrament Administered
Church Authorities, Administered sacram[en]t presented W Woodruff
spoke 60 M, G Q Cannon 30 M we had a crouded House
and much of the spirit of the Lord was with us and we had a good
conference In the Evening I visited widow Wight & Father &
Mother Davis Sister Davis was 84 & Br Davis was 88 years
Father Davis related the following peace of History to me which
I had never heard Before ^[FIGURE] An arrow^ After giving me an Account of his
having to leave his house in the night and could take
nothing with him ownly what he could pack on two
Horses with his wife & several children the Mob robed
him of Every thing He had in his house & on his farm &
he had to travel some 20 miles to get into Far west and
was ownly saved By the Power of God from falling into the
hands of Bogard & his party on their return from Crooked river Battle

Page 267

The following incident of History wars repeated to W Woodruff
On the Evening of Aprail 29, 1883 By Wm Davis 88 years of age
and Blind. He said After they were driven from Far West
and Joseph Smith the prophet was in Liberty Jail He Wm
Davis went to Liberty to see the prophet while there Mr
Weathers the County Surveyor came to him and said Mr.
Davis I want to ask you some questions and I want you to tell
me the truth will you do it. He answered I will if I know it Mr Davis
do you not know that there is 300 Mormons lying in ambush near
this town, with the intention of liberating Joseph Smith and his
brethren from prision. Mr Davis Answered No sir I do not know
that there is one Mormon lying in Ambush in this region. Mr
Davis do you not know that there is 300 Indians lying in ambush
near this town to liberate Joseph Smith. No sir I do not know
that there is an Indian any whare near here Mr Weathers then
said last night all the guard saw three Indian Chiefs dressed in
war rament walk three times around Liberty Jail whare
Mormons are imprisioned and Evry th time they came
aroung [around] they struck their tomakawks into a cedar post and
then they went off towards the forest and when they left there
was a large Bow & Arrow appeared in the Heavens over the
Jail and it shone like silver and the reflection of it cast its
form upon the Jail over the probbats room and that was a
sure sign that there was 300 Indians in Ambush to liberate
the prisioners And Mr Weathers & the guard all believed
this was true if it is correct it is certainly worthy
of a place in the History of the Church

Page 268

^ Keys crossed A crown^ G. Q. Cannon L. Snow F. D. Richards & W Woodruff ordained
Daniel M Burbank a High Priest & Patriarch W Woodruff
was Mouth

~ Monday

30 We took cars at 7 oclok rode to Ogden & to Salt Lake. We
took down a train of Mormon Emigrants to Salt Lake ^60 Mils^ with
us I went to the Office & received one letter from G Teasdale
I got some Lumber in the Afternoon and with Boys made
^ A folded letter/box^ an Outhouse to take to the field I also received a letter from Sarah

~ Tuesday

May 1. A cloudy cold morning I received 2 letters from
A folded letter/box A F McDonald giving an account that L Harris had got
into trouble with the Indians He had acted vary unwise he had
gone to work and delt out his provisions to the Indians and when
He could not give any more they got mad and drove him out
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Sarah & Sister Gravenson

~ Wednesday

2 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Bishop Farrell & Gravenson A rain
& snow storm I spent the day in the office

~ Thursday

3 A folded letter/box I received 12 Letter from L Harris & Sarah. Wilford moved
to day to the farm I went down with him the last load Sister
Barshebe Smith had a Birthday Party taonight

~ Friday

4. A folded letter/box I received a letter from Levi gifford I took cars with
Presidents Taylor Cannon F D Richards L Snow A M Cannon
A Carrington & several other rode to Ogden & to Logan & I to
Smithfield arived at 12 oclok midnight Distance 105 M[iles]

~ Saturday

5 I rode to Logan with S Roskelley Attended the quarterly conference
SA Carrington spoke 20 M[inutes], L Snow 45. Statistics of the stake
were read And they reported 7 Patriarchs, 430 High Priests
348 Seventies, 1723 Elders, 3847 Priests, 387 Teachers, 614 Deacons
Officers & Members 11736, children under 8, 5226. Total souls, 17004.

Page 269

President Preston reported the stake & spoke 15 M[inutes]. Afternoon
Prayer By W Woodruff The following societies were reported
Logan Temple Donation, Relief Society, Young Men & young Ladies
Mutual Improvement Association
and Primary A M Cannon
spoke 25 M. The Bishops then occupied 50 Minuts in making
verbal reports of their wards Br Card then spoke upon the finishing
of the Temple and wanted Assistance Brother Merrill spoke 7 M

~ Sunday

6 Sunday I rode to Logan Met at 10 oclok prayer By Lorenzo Hatch
W Woodruff spoke 20 M[inutes] F. D. Richards 33 M G Q Cannon 53 M
I met at noon in council at Br M Thatcher we visited the Temple
went through it and then rode to Smithfield. Distance of the day 18 Miles
we held a Meeting at 7:30 Angus M Cannon spoke one hour W W 40 m

~ Monday

7 We drove to Richmond & I visited Beason Lewis who was
74 years of Age and was Entirely helpless from a stroke
of paralasis had been so for a year He has been a good man
A single key with teeth to the right A crown and done Much good He wanted me to Bless him which
I felt impressed to do, & while my hands was upon his head
I felt strongly moved upon to ordain him a High Priest
and Patriarch which I did do and the spirit & Power of
rested upon us while doing it and He felt vary thankful for
the Blessing I met with the People at 11 oclok had a full house
George Halladay spoke 30 M[inutes], & W Woodruff 65 Minuts
we dined with Brother Merrill & returned to Smithfield 14 m[iles]
I administered to 2 sick children and went to Bed at 10 oclok

~ Tuesday

8 I got up at 2 oclok and walked one Mile vary fast
to get to the cars in time and got in a high state of perspiration
and in consequence of An Engine breaking dow[n] I had to wait
an hour and a quarter for the train & got cold and head ake

Page 270

I took cars at Smithfied rode to Logan there Met
President Taylor & company & went to Ogden took Breakfast
and rode to Salt Lake at 12 oclok On my arival at the office ^105 mile^
A folded letter/box I received 8 letters from Elizabeth Milam, Phebe Scholes
Bell Moses John Henry Smith, M F Farnsworth G J Bleak

~ Wednesday

9 A folded letter/box I received 2 letter to day from E Snow & G Teasdale
I spent the forenoon writing & Afternoon in council

~ Thursday

10 Keys crossed I spent this morning sprouting potatoes I gave away 100 B[ushels]
I gave 80 to Judge Smith or rather I let him have them
I got word that Sister Margarett Smoot was stricken with
^ An arrow^ paraliysis and was vary low I went to the field spent the night 6 m[iles]

~ Friday

11 I spent the day in the office

~ Saturday

12 I took cars with Mrs Woodruff rode to Provo 50 M[iles]
we visited Br Smoot & family. Sister Margarett T.
was taken with paralysis was entirely deprived
of speech Mrs Phebe W Woodruff Anointed her
& A. O. Smoot Wm Smoot & my self laid hands upon
her And I Wilford Woodruff Blessed her and rebuked her
Disease and her speech began to come to her and
she was some better. I rode out in the Afternoon to the
Insane Assylum which I found to be a vary substanciall
Building I visited the steam esstablishment for making Brick
whare by machinery the clay & Earth is ground and pressed
into Brick in 10 hours labor from 20 to 25000 Brick are
Made I spent the night at Br Smoots ^4 M[iles]^

~ Sunday

13 Sunday I met in the prayer circles & gave instruction
to them we Met at 10:30. W Woodruff spoke one hour
I administered again to Sister Smoot

Page 271

Keys crossed A crown A. O. Smoot told W. Woodruff that He & Alanson
while surveying out Adam Ondi Ahman about 22 Miles
North of Jackson County Missouri they came acros a stone
wall in the midst of a dens forest & underbrush The wall was
was 30 feet long 3 feet thick, and about 4 feet high above the ground
and laid in mortar or cement, when Joseph Smith the
Prophet visited the place, and Examined the wall. He said it
was the remains of an Altar Built By Father Adam whare he
offered sacrafice after He was driven from the Garden of
which was located in Jackson County Missouri
The whotle Town which was laid out and named Adam Ondi
Ahman was in the midst of a thick & heavy forest of timber
and the place named after Adams Altar The Prophet Joseph said
it was upon this Altar whare Adam blessed his sons and
Posterity Before his death Let Historians of the Church note this

In the Evening we took cars and returned home 50 Miles

~ Monday

14 Keys crossed A crown I met the Brethren at the Historians Office and
W Woodruff B Young A Carrington & Wm Taylor set apart
11 Missionaries W. Woodruff set apart 3 and ordained 3 Seventies
I spent the day in the office writing

~ Tuesday

15 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 letters to Jesse & Bell Moses A F McDonald
L Harris copied in Book & C. P. Bingham

~ Wednesday

16 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received one letter from L Harris I wrote 2 letters
to L Harris & to L W Shirilliff I received one lette[r]
from F. D. Richards

~ Thursday

17 I rode to the farm saw Emma Sarah D & Wilford [visited]
B Youngs farm & J R Winders stock and returned 10 M[iles]
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to M F Farnsworth & J D T. McAllister

Page 272

~ Friday

May 18, 1883

My Daughter Bulah & myself took cars with Presidents
Taylor, Cannon, Thatcher & others rode to Nephi 95 Miles
from there to Wales 24 Miles then in waggon 11 Miles 35 M
total distance of the day 130 M. I wro rode from wales to
Mount Plesant with Br N P Matson and was chilled
through with the cold I held a meeting in the Evening Broth
Paxman spoke 35 M[inutes] W Wodruff 65 M, had a good Meeting

~ Saturday

19 We drove to Manti 22 Miles and held a 2 days
Meeting in the New Meeting House President Taylor spoke
35 M[inutes]. Statistics were then read & President Taylor spoke 40 m
Afternoon Prayer By Wm Paxman Temple report was
then read. Total recepts for the Manti Temple up to date was
$447013.73, Trustee in Trust $174690.64 cts
G Q Cannon 45 M W W 30 M. I spent the night at Br Folsom

~ Sunday

20 Sunday 20. we Met at 10 oclok J Morgan Prayed
M Thatcher spoke 35 M[inutes], John Morgan 45 M, W B Preston
25 M. At Noon we administered to a crippled Boy. Afternoon
Prayer By Kanute Peterson G Q Cannon spoke 35 M,
President Taylor 58 M. At the close of the Meeting I rode
^with^ Bishop Irons to Moroni & spent the night distance 25 M[iles].

~ Monday

21. Bishop Irons tooke me in his carriage & drove to
Freedom while there A drove of Deer came along on
the side of the Mountain in the cedars above the town
and 2 Men shot into the drove about a Dozen times
I do not know how many they killed we took cars
at 9 oclok and rode down to Nephi we saw Deer gioing
up the Hills as we passed. Some Deer got onto the railroad
on Saturday and had to Be whistled off we rode to S L C. 125 m[iles]

Page 273

~ Tuesday

May 22, 1883

A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 6 Letters from Gifford, Farnsworth, Tenney,
McDonald, ^&^ Neilson I spent the day in the office writing
I wrote 6 letters 2 to McDonald, A M Tenney, P W
Nelson, Gifford, to Huffaker An arrow The Church
Empire Mill Burned down this Afternoon with 3000
Bushels of wheat. It stood up City Creek it is reported
that the loss to the Church was $23000 & about $5000 dollars
to private Individuals as it was said that 5000 Bushels of
wheat belonging to private Individuals was burned

~ Wednesday

23 I spent the forenoon writing in the Afternoon I met in council

~ Thursday

24 I rode with Wilford to the settlement of the Coones under
the west Mountain & returned home I went to the field with wilford

~ Friday

25 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from McAllister & G Teasdale
[FIGURE] I had a Deed of thirty Acres of Land made
out to Wilford Woodruff Jun from Isaac Coone 70 R[ods] By 70

~ Saturday

26 I spent most of the day writing I went to the field with
Wilford at night 6 miles

~ Sunday

27 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Assembly Hall
G. Q. Cannon spoke 65 Minuts we had about 150
strangers present I Attended Meeting in the Evening
at the 14 ward. We had some of the commissioners present
2 of the Missionaries present & spoke a short time then
W Woodruff spoke 30 M

~ Monday

28 A folded letter/box I received a letter from Br McAllister & A F
we held a council over one paxman
of St George M F Farnsworth arived to day and
called upon me I wrote 2 letters to J McAllister &
A hand pointing to the right E Snow

Page 274

~ Tuesday

May 29, 1883

A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from L Harris I wrote 2 letters
A hand pointing to the right to A F McDonald & A. E. Hinkley I met with presid[en]t
Taylor at the Gardo House & heard a letter read from
Christopher Layton upon the organization of his stake of Zion
As we got through An English Lord was brought into
the Gordo House to be introduced to President Taylor But
he would have been one of the last men I should have picked
out of a croud for an English Lord for He looked more
like a Baby or a child than a lord.

~ Wednesday

30 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to L. Harris and G. Teasdale
*I ordained 2 Seventies & set apart two Missionaries

~ Thursday

31. I spent the day choreing Br Farnsworth was with me

~ Friday

June 1. A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to Sarah & sent her $5
I took on the Rio Grand & De[n]ver RR at 21:^30^ oclok
We went up the Spanish fork Canyon and through Price
River Canyon
it was over a vary crooked rail road
we travelled up Clear Creek Fish Creek and Price River
to Pearce Station and stoped & spent the night with
Brother Birch who was keeping an Eating House 124 Mils
the most interesting point in passing through Pine [Price] Canyon
was Castle gate A perpendicular rock or pillar 500 feet
high, the whole canyon was quite romantic

~ Saturday

2 A cold winday day we left at 8 oclok with Brother A M
& Thomas Edward Taylor and Bishop George
took us in his wagon And we rode over a Barren
country without any grass or hardly vegitation exept a
little greasewood & sage to Huntington 250 Miles forded a Deep
river we dined with Bishop Cox the town was laid

Page 275

out on a level Barren plain but when the soil was watterd
crops would grow we road after dinner 12 Miles to Castle
12 Miles & stoped for the night with President Larson
the President of the Emery Stake Distance of the day 42 Miles
I was vary weary Brother Cannon & Taylor went to
Orangeville and attended the young people Mutual. Br C.
went with us I had a good Deal of conversation
with him concerning his History & travels from Calafornia
to Idaho was acquaintied will [with] nearly all the river & lakes of
Utah in traping fishing & Hunting He had killed 20 Bear
mosly grisellys and droves of Elk & Deer had caoght
great Number of Beaver Otter & Martin [Marten] gave me a History
of Grand & Elk lake out of which run the Duchane & Lake
branch. Elk lake was full of fish and vast herds of Elk
fed around the shore Lake Fork Empties into the Duchane

~ Sunday

3 I rode to Orangeville 6 Miles & Attended Meeting
at 10 oclok Prayer By James Woodward. Two Bishops
reported verbally. The Authorities of the Church were
Presented & sustained. Statistics of the Church were then
read as Follows 2 Patriarchs, 44 High Priests
77 Seventies, 175 Elders, 14 Priests, 26 Teachers
48 Deacons, 1072 Officers & Members, 591 children,
1653 Total souls. W Woodruff spoke 50 [minutes]. I ordained
A Brother Logan to the office of Patriarch By the vote of the
People Afternoon Prayer By Charles Pulsipher
A M Cannon spoke 45 M, T E Taylor spoke 43 M
we returned to Castle Dale & spent the night 12 M[iles]

~ Monday

June 4 We Met at 10 oclok At Castle Dale Bowery

Page 276

Prayer By Jasper Peterson. T E Taylor spoke 25 M[inutes]
A. M. Cannon 32 W Woodruff 45. We drove to Huntington
Met with Bishop Cox and talked with him He resigned
his office as Bishop. we Met with the People & presented
his resignation to the people and his resignation
was excepted [accepted] W Woodruff spoke upon the subject
We asked the People who they would have for a Bishop &
the People called for Charles Pulsipher And we presented
his name to the people and they voted universally for
him to be Bishop. W Woodruff spoke 45 M, A M Cannon
25 M T E Taylor 20 M W Woodruff then ordained
Charles Pulsipher to the office of a Bishop in the Huntington
Branch of the Emery Stake of Zion I ordained 2 High
council & 2 councillors to the Bishop. I spent the night with
Noah T Guyman 12 Miles

~ Tuesday

5 A windey day I left the saints at Huntington & drove
to price station while crossing a river 100 yards wide
& 4 feet deep it swung our waggon around down the
stream but we got out safely. We took the cars at 5 oclok
& found on board J. F. Smith B. Y[ou]ng ^&^ J Morgan and their wives
We crossed Green River at 10 oclok at night I went
to bed in a pulman sleeping car but slept none during
the night distance of the day was 304 Miles

~ Wednesday

6 We rode to the Junksion Junction and travelled
up ^* An arrow^ gunnison River to the summit of the Divid we had
to asscend to the highth of 10700 feet. we asscended 1000
feet above the first snowdrifts it was a grand scenery
we passed hundreds of Acres of pine fence polls

Page 277

100 feet in length when on the summit we had a view
of the country for 20 or 30 miles around we passed through
several Miles of snow sheds we leave the water of the gunn-
ison River
at the summit *^ An arrow An arrow^ when we commenced to descend
we reached the Head waters of the Arkansas River The gunnison
runs into the pacific & the Arkansas into the Atlantic, we
passed through Black Canyon before we reached the summit the
perpendicular ragged walls rose over our heads from 1000 to
3000 feet on our left with the ^gunnison^ river on on our right this
in connexion with the Royal gorge is the grandest scenery
and the Most difficut location for a rail road I think that can
be found in the world. This road was made By Brother Hendricks
& hammand No human being had Ever passed through this canyon
untill these Brethren had Blasted out a rocky bed for this railroad
and in order to commence it the workmen were let down
in rop[e] Baskets, and drilled holes into the rock and touched
off with a fuse long Enough to Enabled the men to be halled
up high Enough to be out of the reach of harm, this road was
built 15 miles at the base of this huge Mountain Just above
high water mark As we descended from the summit down
the Arkansas River the road was as crooked as the river
and we were sitting in an open car for observation at
the hind End of the train and we were hurled down that
canyon over those sharp curves at the rate of 40 miles
an hour and it seemed to me that nothing but the power
of God saved us many times from being hurled into the Billows
Below us many times when the Locomotive was going North
we were going East and vice versa. we were in great

Page 278

danger, and when we arived at the Bottom we breathed much
freeer we arived at Pueblo in the Evening we here took
supper and changed cars we took sleeping cars and arivd
at Denver at 1 oclok. Distance of the day 331 Miles

~ Thursday

7 We arose and found ourselves in Denver we went
to the American Hotel & took breakfast After which
BMr W. N. Babcock general Agent of Chicago and
North Western Rail Road From Colorado, Brought
3 carriages and took all the company through the
Main streets of Denver which has a pop of 65000
inhabitants it is a large fine city sustained and
Built mostly by the Mining interest. We visited the opera
House a fine building finished inside with polished chery
wood I found all the street cars drawn By one horse
The rail Road Depo is a fine building. At 2:30 we took
cars and rode to Pueblo whare Capt Brown wintered
with a part of the Mormon Battalion distance from Denver 130 miles
we changed cars at Pueblo we took sleeping Births
I had an upper Birth and a Bad night & did not sleep

~ Friday

8 We arived opposite Mannassa at daylight left our
Baggage on the ground and started to walk 2 1/2 miles to the
Town it was vary cold A team met us in the way & took
us to town whare we arived at Silas S Smith cold & Dull
We got some breakfast and I went to bed & slept Distance from
the city of Denver to Mannassa 275 Miles

In the Afternoon we visited several families among
the Number John C Daulton the Bishop of Mannasa I spent
the night at Brother Smiths we had a cold storm in the night

Page 279

~ Saturday

June 9, 1883

We found 5 1/2 inches of snow on the ground this morning
we met in council on the organization of the stake and
agreed to organize it into a stake. we met at 10 oclok
in the New school House Prayer By J Morgan W Woodr-
uff spoke 20 minuts B Young 30, J Morgan spoke 30 M.
Afternoon Prayer By Wm Christionson Statistics read
the following is reported 9 Seventies, 9 High Priests,
60 Elders, 9 Priests, 9 ^12^ Teachers, 224 Deacons, 437 Members,
539 Officers & Members, 539 children under 8 years
944 Total souls. 200 Members Absent for Employm[en]t not
reported Total for the stake 1144. The Bishops reported
verbally their words J F Smith reported spoke 67 M
At the close of the Meeting we rode over the first Branch
of the river the north fork of the Conejos River we visited
the Mexican Settlement. we met at 6 oclock for a priesthood
Meeting. W. Woodruff spoke a few Minuts then J F Smith
spoke The Names selected for the organization of the stake
was read and unanimously voted for B Young spoke

~ Sunday

190 Sunday A Plesant Morning we Met at 10 oclok
Prayer By John Hopkins. Br Brown spoke 8 M[inutes]
James Bean 14 M Richard C Camp 7 M W Woodruff 60 M
I took dinner with Bishop Daulton I administered
to his wife who was sick. We Met at 2 oclok prayer
By Br Brown. The Authorities of the Church were then
presented & sustained sacram[en]t Administered B Young spok
30 M John Morgan 20 M Joseph F Smith spoke 53 m
we then organized the stake and we ordained &
set apart Silas S. Smith President of the stake & 2 councillors

Page 280

we ordained 10 High Priest, 11 High Council. We ordained
1 Bishop & 5 councillors to the Bishops W Woodruff 3 High priests
& 3 High council & 2 councillors to Bishops. W Woodruff
J F Smith & Silas S. Smith made some remarks. We held
a Meeting in the Evening with the Young People J F Smith
spoke 40 M[inutes] B Young 15 M W Woodruff 40 M

~ Monday

11 We Administered to Martha Smith & Elizabeth Mayers
we drove to Ephraim 4 M[iles] All the Towns in this valley are
located on a level Even plain. We met at 11 oclok
B Young spoke 22 M[inutes] John Morgan 17, Bishop Hopkins 17,
John Croft 15, J F Smith 45 W. Woodruff 18 M at the
close of the Meeting we administered to 2 that were sick
The Name of the Rivers that water the San Luis valley
Conejos, Alamosa, & Riogrande we rode to Richfield 6 Miles
and held a Meeting Prayer By Br Bean J F Smith
spoke One Hour & 25 M W Woodruff 15 M. we took
supper then took cars at 10 oclok. Distance from Mannasa to
Pueblo whare we arived at 6 oclok in the Morning 130 Mil

~ Tuesday

12 We took cars for Salt Lake City we travelled up the
Arkansas River through the canyon the Royal gorge to
the summit then down the canyon following the Head
water of the Gunnison. We had a rainy day nearly
all day But cleared off before sundown we took supper &
turned in for the night Distance from Pueblo 211 Mils

~ Wednesday

13 We crossed green River at Daylight we took Breakfast
at Price Station we arived at Salt Lake City at 5 oclok Distance
from Price Station to S L City 165 Miles

the whole Distance going and returning 1736 Miles

Page 281

~ Thursday

June 14, 1883

A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I went to the office & receivd 8 Letters I spent the
day in the office

~ Friday

15 I spent the day in the off[ic]e & went to the Musical concert
in the Evening to hear the celebrated Thomas with his
great Musical concert

~ Saturday

16 I spent the forenoon in the office Attended Thomases concert
in the Afternoon And attended the CTheater in the Evening & Heard
Barrett represent Richelieu in that great play I spent
the night at the farm 6 M[iles]

~ Sunday

17 I Attended Meeting at 2 oclok W Woodruff spoke 42 M[inutes]
A Carrington 44 M I wrode over Jordon in the Ev[enin]g 8 M[iles]

~ Monday

18 A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter to day I spent most of the day
at the House I done some Mowing

~ Tuesday

19. A folded letter/box I received one letter to day An arrow I was taken
in the Afternoon with an Attack of the Billious colic was
quite sick for several hours

~ Wednesday

20 A folded letter/box I received 1 letter to day I accompanied W C.
Williams of Missouri to visit the Temple & Tabernacle
I spent the day in the office. I met in council in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

21 [FIGURE] I was awakened this morning about 12:30 with
the ringing of a fire Bell I steped to the window and
saw a large fire East of me near By I called up the family
and Dressed and while pulling on my hat ready to go out
and standing By my East window An Iron waggon stand[in]g
in H. B. Clawsons waggon yard with 800 lb of Powder Exploded
which filled the air with Iron timber & fire brands which
flung fire over the Block and saw Clawsons waggon yard
& Buildings all in flames also the Council House savages & others

Page 282

were soon on fire I vary soon saw the Big Tabernacle start
to blaze on the East side of the roof soon an opening was made
through the gates and a Man was got on the toop of the roof
of the Tabernacle with a Bucket of water allthough He was
40 feet above the fire he flung the water and it struck square
into the fire and put it mostly out He still called for
water but I could find No buckets I ran home got a Bucket
& key & opened the west door & carried a Bucket of water
to the spot but when I got there the Hose had arivd &
& poured water onto the roof I went Back into the
street and I found the Explosion of the Gunpowder had
Broaken out nearly all the Glass of all the surrounding
Buildings I found all the doors & windows of the Mosium
Broaken in and the dry grass East of the Musium on fire
with the Assistance of Brother L J Nuttall & others we put it
out And I placed a guard over the building and its
contents I[t] burned down Clawson Esstablishm[en]t
Council House Savages Art Gallery Sorrenson & Co.
& several others the damage was laid at $75 to $100000.
It was Estimated that $20000 dollars worth of Glass
broaken out By the Explosion. The Valley House & my own
house was badly damaged

~ Friday

22 Large crouds of People were around the ruins of the fire
all day I spent a part of the day in the office I wrote 4
A hand pointing to the right Letters to B. F. Johnson S Roskelley Sarah & A Hinkley
An arrow An arrow L E Harrington died Thursday Morning June 21 at 10:30

~ Saturday

23 A coffin L E. Harrington In company with John Sharp L W Hardy R T Burton
we rode in a private car to American Fork and attende the

Page 283

Funeral of Bishop L E. Harrington we met at the House and followed
the corpse to the Meeting House which was filled to overflowing
The servises commenced at 10 oclok Prayer By Brother Paxman
W Woodruff spoke 25 M[inutes] A short synopsis is published in D News
of June 25 [18]83 He was followed By L W Hardy, R T Burton, John
A. O. Smoot M Tanner, Dusenbury, Masen & D Johns
who spoke about 5 M each. The Body looked amaciated. He
was followed to the Tomb by a large company at the close of
the services we took the car and returned to the city 70 Mils

~ Sunday

24 ^ An arrow^ Sunday I went up to visit Ensign Stockings who has the
Appearance of a walking scheleton scearsly any flesh upon his
bones yet he is vary hopeful that He will get up but he looks
as though he might die any day. At 1 oclok in company
with John Sharp Bishop Hunter L W Hardy & some others
we took a special train & rode to Lehi to Attend the funeral
of Bishop David Evens & Jeppa Larson. The bodies of
Both lay Dead at Lehi when we arived at the Meeting house
we found the House crouded and a large number that could
not get in the bodies of Both Men lay before us in the House
David John opened By Prayer Bishop Edward Hunter
spoke 11 Minuts followed by W Woodruff who spok 30 M
He said yesterday we were called to attend the funeral of
Bishop Harrington, today we are called to attend the
funeral of Bishop David Evans. I do not know whose
funeral we will be called to Attend tomorrow or,
when we will be called to attend our own He refered
to going toin Zions Camp to Missouri and said Br Evans
had Been a Bishop 41 years & spoke of his labors

Page 284

A coffin David Evans

He was followed By L. W. Hardy, R. T. Burton A. O. Smoot
A R Anderson who spoke of Jeppa Larson Bishop
Cutler closed. At the close of the services we took the car
and returned home. Distance of the day 60 M[iles]

~ Monday

25 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from A E Hinkley & M. S. Ray
I spent most of the day in the office I called upon Wilford in
the Evening

~ Tuesday

26 A folded letter/box I received a letter from L Harris the Thermometer
stood at 96 in the shade the North side of our office President
Taylor and company arived home today I wrote 2 letters
A hand pointing to the right to A Hinkley & M. S. Ray

~ Wednesday

27 I spent the forenoon in the office I spent the Afternoon
in council {of fifty} it was an Exceding hot day

~ Thursday

28 ^ A folded letter/box^ I attended council {of fifty} I received a letter from
E A E Hinckley

~ Friday

29. I spent the day in council of the Brethr[en] {of Fifty} it is
a hot day Thermometer 100 [at] {noon}

~ Saturday

30. I met in council with the Twelve & Presidents of the
70. We recomended to the Presidency of the Church Br
Christian Daniel Fjelsted to fill the place of John Vancott
we conversed upon a variety of subjects

~ Sunday

July 1, 1883 Sunday I attended Meeting at 2 oclok A. H. Raleigh
praiyed G. Q. Cannon spoke 60 Minuts

~ Monday

2. A folded letter/box I spent the forenoon in my lot I cut my orchard grass
& bound it up for seed I rec[eiv]ed a letter from G Teasdale

*^ An arrow An arrow^ I was taken sick on Monday night with another Attack
of the Billious cholic which confined me to my bed & home until
Saturday the 7, And I was not then well

Page 285

~ Saturday

July 7, 1883

I took cars this Morning with President Taylor & council
and several other Brethren to go to Huntsville to dedicate
the new Meeting house there we rode to Ogden and the presid[enc]y
held 2 Meetings there I was suffering with the Head Ake and
went to bed And in the Afternoon we rode up the Ogden
to Huntsville I spent the night at Br Neilsons 55 miles

~ Sunday

8 Sunday I went to Bishop F A Hammand and we all
went to the Meeting House & on to the roof & had a view of
the country we then went to the school House & saw the
Tables set for the Public Dinner. we then returned to
the Meeting House And commenced Meeting at 10 oclok
sacram[en]t was Administered Bishop Hammand made
a few remarks then read the statistics of the House. Then
Joseph F Smith offered up the Dedicatory Prayer
Then G Q Cannon spoke 20 M[inutes] W Woodruff 23,
J Gates 24 M. We then took dinner at the public tables
we Met again at 1:46. Abram H Cannon prayed
J F Smith spoke 37 M, John Taylor 66 M. We then
dismissed the Meeting and President Taylor and
Party returned back to Salt Lake except myself I
stoped and spent the night at Br Hammands

~ Monday

9 Br Alvin Sprague took his Horses and carriage
himself & wife & Emma & myself & rode up the
canyon 8 miles over a vary rough road & stoped
in a grove we got our dinner Brother Sprague
being the Main fisherman of the country fixed up
2 poles & fish lines and we went to fishing & in 2
Hours we caught 73 trout I caught 40 & Sprague 33.

Page 286

we then returned back to Huntsville distance of the day 16 m[iles]
I held a Meeting at at 28 oclok I spoke one hour &
spent the night at Br Hammands

~ Tuesday

10th Br Hammond took us in his carriage and took
us to Ogden 15 Miles we took the 10 oclok train & returned to
S L City at Noon I went to the office. distance 55 M
^ A folded letter/box^ & received 2 letters

~ Wednesday

July 11, 1883 Keys crossed A crown I took cars with Mrs Woodruff
& 478 other old people with 11 cars & rode to Provo
for an excursion of the old Folks. The people Assembled
at Br Graves Grove Mrs W & myself called to see sister
Smoot we found her Much Better she could walk
& talk & seemed comfortable Br Smoot took her in hi[s]
carriage onto the ground to see the old folks speeches
were Made & many presents given away and a
general Good time we returned in the Evening 100 Miles

~ Thursday

A coffin

Died July
1838 [1883] Aged [blank]

12 I took cars with Brother & Sister Arnold
& rode to Sandy from there in waggon to
South Jordon school House And at 2 oclok
the Body of Ensign Stockings who had died at Fort Herriman
was brought to the school House for burial W Woodruff
spoke 20 M[inutes] John Smith 3, Brother Crane James spoke
5 M, Bishop Wm A Bills spoke 5 M & the body was
then carried to the Grave & W Woodruff Dedicated it to the
Lord. We then went Back to Sandy & took cars to S L City
distance of the Day 30 Miles

~ Friday

13 A folded letter/box I went to the office & received 2 letters from S Roskelly
& J. G. Bleak I spent most of the Day in the office

Page 287

^ An arrow An arrow^ On the 10 July 1883 David ^P^ Rich &Son of Charles C Rich
and Rudolph Smith Adopted son of Elias Smith went
into Zions Savings Bank a little after 4 oclok & David Rich
struck Br B. H. Schetler with a rod of Iron with a
not on such as goes through the End gate of a waggon
and split his scalp down from the schull in the shape of
a horse shue down over his face they knocked him
down with the intention of robing the bank. David Rich
gathered up about $200 in gold and put in his pocket By
that time Br Dunbar came to the Door & asked what
was the Matter and as he Entered the Door Rudolph
Smith ran out first & David Rich followed, But they
were soon Arested and in Jail Dr Benedic was soon
there & I was present when they sowed his head up it
was a Bold Daring robery and most of the Money was
obtained which Rich took I did not hear that Smith got
any. This is the result of Drinking & carousing

~ Saturday

14 I spent the day in the office I wrote 3 letters to Jesse
A hand pointing to the right & Bell Moses A F McDonald & J MCAllister

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle at
2 oclok Prayer By John Pack G Q Cannon spoke
60 M[inutes] followed By President Taylor who spoke 22 Min
there was some 60 strangers present & some 15 Editors

~ Monday

16 I spent the day in the office writing I wrote 2 letters
A hand pointing to the right to S Roskelley & G Teasdale of 8 pages

~ Tuesday

17. I spent the day in the office writing I was taken sick
An arrow in the Evening the Hives came out all over me from
Head to foot I was much Distressed for 2 Hours

Page 288

~ Wednesday

July 18, 1883

A folded letter/box A crown I receivd 3 letters to day from Hinkley & Ray
& Foster I Attended council in the Gardo House in
the forenoon on Land Matters. The Central Pacific
Rail Road Company offered to sell to the Mormons all
there lands in Utah Territory amounting to some
1,200000 Acres for about $1,000000 But on investigation
it was shone that nine tenths of it was Mountain
and Desert & could not be cultivated so the offer was
Declined I Attended council in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

19 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to A E Hinkley M S Ray
& Charles A Foster

~ Friday

20 I spent the day in the office I wrote 1 Letter to
A hand pointing to the right C. S. Christianson I attended an Exhibition of
paintings of Charles Hancock representing the History
of the Church in the Social Hall. President Taylor & Cannon
myself, the High council & seven others were present it was
quite a course painting but I think laid a foundation
for a correct History of Events as far as it went

~ Saturday

21. I spent the day in the office I wrote ^1^ Letters to Sarah
A hand pointing to the right I took the cars at 3 oclok & rode to Nephi with J F Smith
& A. H. Cannon we held a priesthood Meeting in the Evening
of the Seventies Edward Stephenson spoke a short time
followed By Abram H. Cannon on the organization
of the Seventies. W Woodruff spoke 15 M[inutes] on the priesthood
I spent the night at Br Paxmans distance of the day 95 M[iles]

~ Sunday

22 Sunday I Attended the sabbath school conference in
the Morning in the Meeting House at 10 oclok prayer By
G Kendal we heard the verball report of the superintendents

Page 289

W Woodruff spoke 10 M[inutes], J F Smith 45 M. Afternoon
Met at 2 oclok Prayer By R N Alread sacrament
Administered. The Authorities of the Church presented and
sustained W Woodruff spoke 50 M. E Snow spoke 25 M
Evening Meeting Prayer By E Stephenson Joseph F Smith
spoke one hour & 25 M. He spoke upon the Marriage in Cana
at Gallilee He thought Jesus was the Bridegroom and Mary & Martha
the brides. He also refered to Luke 10 ch 38 to 42 verse. Also John 11 ch
2 & 5
vers John 12 ch 3rd vers, John 20 8 to 18. Joseph Smith spoke
upon these passages to show that Mary & Martha manifested much
closer relationship than Merely A Believer which looks consistent
He did not think that Jesus who decended throug Poligemous
families from Abraham down & who fulfilled all the Law
even baptism by immersion would have lived and died
without being married. Erastus Snow followed for 15
Minuts & told the congregation what Joseph taught
him upon the subject of Plurality of wives W Woodruff
closed by saying He wished the congregation to remember
the discourse of Joseph F Smith but they need not attempt to
preach the same sermon. They might Also remember the
testimony of Erastus Snow. W Woodruff also said That He
felt to indorse the discourse of Joseph F Smith and would
say that the Law of the Patriarchal Order of Marriage belonged
to this dispensiation and After it was revealed to Joseph
the Prophets and He was commanded to receive
it Had He and the People rejected it The Church & Kingdom
of God
given into the Hands of the Saints would not have
advanced any further but would have been taken out of their

Page 290

Hands and given to another People. It has been said that the
Law upon the patriarchal order of Marriage has caused more
sorrow to the Daughters of Eve than any other Law Ever
revealed to man. If this is the case it is in consequence of
the fals traditions of the children of Men. The Lord
never gave any law to any of the children of men by
keeping of which will give the same Exhaltation & Glory as
the Law of the Patriarchal order of Marriage Also any
People who habide that Law are placed in connexion by
covenant with the God of Heaven in that was that the
Lord is bound By oath & covenant to proteck them and
from the day that the Apostles & Elders published that Law
to the world with a determination to Maintain it
The Lord has fought our Battles & sustained us other
remarks were made by the speaker At the close of the
Meeting we went to Br Paxman & spent the night

~ Monday

23 A folded letter/box We took cars at 5 oclok & returned to S L City 95 Mils
I went to the office & received 3 letters 2 from Bleak & 1 from Hinkley

~ Tuesday

24 July 1883 Keys crossed A crown 36 years ago this 24 of July I Wilford
Woodruff Brought President Brigham Young in my
carriage into this Salt Lake valley the first time He ever
set his Eyes upon this Barren Desert. We arived and
pitched our camp at half past Eleven oclok and Before I
Eat my Dinner I planted some two Bushels potatoes. We met
to day in the big Tabernacle to celebrate our Entrance into
the valley of the 24 of July. The west End of the Tabernacle
was occupied by about 1000 children dressed in white
who were to sing under Evan Stephens their singing Master

Page 291

Erastus Snow opened By Prayer after singing two hours
W. Woodruff Dismissed. The servises of the Afternoon
continued 2 Hours was then dismissed By President Taylor
there was About 10000 persons present through the day
There was also a Baloon Asscention from the 8 ward
square A Man & woman went up How many more
24 of July I shall live to see time may Determine

~ Wednesday

25 [FIGURES] I received 2 letters to day I wrote one letter to
J G Bleak I Attended council in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

26 [FIGURES] I received 1 Letter to day & wrote one to Wm H Dame
one to J. G. Bleak and Telegraphed to John Murdock to help
do the freighting to St George President Jones offers to freight
6 Tons I asked Br Murdock to do the same He answered
He would He would freight six tons

~ Friday

27 I took cars in the Morning to go to South Jordon we
stoped at sandy Met Jeremiah Stockin who took
us in a waggon to South Jordon we had a Meeting
at Ensign Stockings house & agreed to Recommend
Henry Arnold & James Crane & Jeremiah Stocking
as Administrators of Ensign I Stockings Estate
But Jeremiah Stockings Declined serving so we let the
other two Brethren stand to recommend to the Probate judge
we returned home in the Evening distance of the day 42 M[iles]

~ Saturday

28. [FIGURES] I received a letter from A Wright I wrote a
Letter to A CT Wright I telegraphed to J G Bleak to send
team to Freight 500 fire Brick weight 3250 lbs {I went to the farm}

~ Sunday

29 Sunday I Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle W Wood-
ruff spoke 54 Minutes Many strangers Govornor of
Missouri Crilland & several Judges Present

Page 292
Page 293
Page 294

~ Monday

July 30 1883
A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from The secretary of the
Interior & Sarah. I made arangements for the shipment
of the Boiler and freight to St George 12000 lbs this including
500 firebrick I went to the farm & Back 6 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

31. I spent the day in the office writing

~ Wednesday

Aug 1. I spent the forenoon in the office I received one letter
A folded letter/box from Br Card containing the Expenditure on the Logan
was $606,447.41 up to the present date The approp-
riation of the Trustee in Trust is $176,276.26

~ Thursday

2nd A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 letter to Sarah Delight with inclosed
$5 in cash & $5 order total $10 I paid $20 cash
tithing to day

~ Friday

3 I took cars rode to Logan & Smithfield 105 Mils
I went down to the farm visited the crops they looked well 6 Mils

~ Saturday

4 I rode with Br Farrell to Logan to Attend the conference
Met at 10 oclok Prayer By George Farrill. W Woodruff
spoke a few words, & Erastus Snow 40 M[inutes]. Statistics of the
stake were then read as follows 1 Apostle, 7 Patriarchs
365 Seventies, 464 Hig Priests, 1775 Elders, 437 Priests
350 Teachers, 613 Deacons, 8202 Members, 12213
Officers end Members, 5496 children under 8 years
17709 Total Souls. The largest stake in the Territory
out side of Salt Lake Stake. Wm W Merrill spoke 25 M[inutes]
W Woodruff spoke 10 M. I dined with Br Card.
Afternoon Prayer By S Roskelly, Charles O Card
spoke 22 M, Thomas Rix spoke 10 M. The Bishops reported
their words virbally L Farr spoke 15 M. At the close
of the Meeting I visited the Temple went through the various Room

Page 295

~ Sunday

Aug 5th 1883
Sunday Met at 10. Prayer By A Stainer W Woodruff
spoke 70 M[inutes], L Farr 20. Afternoon Prayer By Wm Maugn
Sacrament Administered And the Authorities of the Church
Presented and sustained Erastus Snow spoke one hour & 20 m
W Woodruff spoke 5 M. At the close of the Meeting I rode to
Smithfield and held a Meeting S Roskelly spoke 25 M
& W Woodruff 30 Mi 16 Miles

~ Monday

6 I went over Bear River Newton shot 7 ducks 16 Mile

~ Tuesday

7 I spent the day reading and resting

~ Wednesday

8 I spent this day at the house

~ Thursday

9 I telegraphed to President Taylor & L John Nuttall

~ Friday

10 I spent the day up smithfield Canyon I caught 8
trout & returned home tiered out

~ Saturday

11 I went to the Hay field & loaded a load of Hay

~ Sunday

12 Sunday I rode to Logan and attended meeting at 10 oclok
Prayer By John Sharp Joseph F Smith spoke 55 M[inutes], G Q Cannon
40 M. Afternoon Prayer By W Woodruff Sacrament Adm[inistered]
John Taylor spoke 60 M, W Woodruff 10 M L J Nuttall 5
At the closo of the Meeting I returned to Smithfield 16 M[iles]

~ Monday

13 I spent Most of the day at Smithfield But in the Evening
I rode to Logan and spent the night at Br Ricks 8 Miles

~ Tuesday

14 We started at 6 oclok rode up Logan Canyon to Temple Mill
took dinner rested several hours saw the process of Making
Lumber & shingle then crossed the Mountain to Meadowville
and spent the night at Sister Christene Kimballs 40 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

15 We held Meeting at 10 oclok J. F. Smith spoke 38 M[inutes]
John Taylor 21 M G Q Cannon 24 M After dinner we
rode to the spring then Laketown Helaman Pratt Prayed

Page 296

held Meeting W Woodruff spoke 20 M[inutes], J F Smith spoke 30 m
G Q Cannon 15 M John Taylor 40. I stoped with Br Card 10 mil

~ Thursday

16 We rode to Garden City & held a Meeting at 10 oclok
Prayer By John Irwin G. Q. Cannon spok 30 M[inutes], J F Smith
spoke 12 M, W W spoke 17 M John Taylor 27 M. We rode to
Fish Haven & held A Meeting John Irvin Prayed G Q Cannon
spoke 24 M J. F. Smith 25 W Woodruff 20 M. ^J Taylor 10 M^ We then
rode to St Charles held a Meeting I spent the night with Br
Pugmire distance 25 Mils

~ Friday

17 We held a Meeting at 10 oclok L. J. Nuttall Prayed
J. F. Smith spoke 40 M[inutes] G Q Cannon 20 M W. Woodruff 20 M
John Taylor 55 M. We drove in the Afternoon to Bloomington 6 m[iles]
We held Meeting at 3 oclok J L Nuttall Prayed. J Taylor
spoke 35 M, G Q Cannon spoke 20 M W Woodruff 20 M,
J F. Smith spoke 24 M. We held a Meeting in the Evening
with the young people Sister Zina Williams spoke 35 M W Woodruff 30.
I spent the night with Br Horsley. Distance 8 Mils

~ Saturday

18 Met at 10 oclok for a 2 days Meeting Prayer By W Woodruff
John Taylor spok 4 M[inutes]. The Bishops Reported their wards
J F Smith spoke 27 M. Statistics of the stake read G Q Cannon
spoke 23 M. Afternoon Prayer By E. F. Sheets W Woodruff spoke
26 M, L John Nuttall 28 M E F Sheets 13 M

~ Sunday

19 Sunday I visited Br Rich and administered to him
we Met at 10 oclok Prayer By E F Sheets G Q Cannon spok
52 M[inutes], J F Smith 45 M Afternoon John Irwin Prayed
President J Taylor spoke one hour & 28 M.

~ Monday

20. I rode to Liberty & held a Meeting Prayer By E. F. Sheets
W Woodruff spoke 45 M[inutes], J F Smith 30 G Q Cannon 28 M

Page 297

We traveled to Obed & held a Meeting Bishop Austin Prayed
E F Sheets spoke 9 M[inutes], Joseph F Smith 23, W Woodruff 15 m
G Q Cannon 23. At the close we rode to Mount Peelier and
held a Meeting E F Sheets Prayed G Q Canyon spoke 30 M,
W Woodruff 15 M J F Smith 30 M we returned to Paris 25 Miles

~ Tuesday

21 We round [rode] to Mount Pelier & rodetook cars & rode to
Granger 125 Miles

~ Wednesday

22 We took a Pulman sleeping car to Morgan 120 M[iles]
we stoped with Samuel Francis and held a Meeting at
10 oclok L John Nuttall Prayed W Woodruff spoke 52 M[inutes]
John Taylor 35 M Afternoon John Taylor spoke 65 M
L John Nuttall 27 m, W Woodruff 10 M we then took
cars rode to Echo & to Coleville 25 Miiles

I attended a Meeting G Q Cannon & President Taylor were
the speakers the House was full. The stake have a splendid
stake building $24000 has been Expended and the
Estimated cost is $40000. I spent the night at Alma
House who was badly [burned] under the Bellows at Haugn
I helped Br G Q Cannon bless a child

~ Thursday

23 We rode to wonship & stoped with E. R. Young 8 1/2 Miles
We held a Meeting at 2 oclok L J Nuttall prayed W Woodruff
spoke 20 M[inutes] G Q Cannon 50 M J Taylor 48 M at the
close several of us went to Fishing and all of us ownly
[caught] 5 trout the fish were Mostly killed by the use of Giant powder
we spent the night at Br Malins distance of the day 11 1/2

~ Friday

24 We rode to Peoa and held a Meeting Alonzo Hyde
Prayed John Taylor spoke 35 M[inutes] G Q Cannon 31, W W 7 m
we then drove to Chamas & held a Meeting at 3 oclok

Page 298

Alonzo Hyde Prayed W Woodruff spoke 27 M[inutes] G Q Cannon
27 M John Taylor 62 M

~ Saturday

25 We rode to Heber City e here received a ^17 Mils^
telegram informing us that Capt Burt was shot by a
Negro & instantly Killed and the people arose & hung the
Negro. Br Charles H Wilkin was also shot throug the arm
I spent the night at Br A Hatch

~ Sunday

26 We Met in the Bowery at 10 oclok L J Nuttall
Prayed G Q Cannon spoke 45 M[inutes] W Woodruff 41 M
Afternoon Prayer By A Hyde John Taylor spoke
68 M Wm Taylor 7, L J Nuttall 117. We Attended
the funeral of Anna Baum 17 year old, died
3 weeks after a surgocal operation W Woodruff
spoke 20 M, G Q Cannon 17 A Hatch 5 M
we met with the seventies Wm Taylor spoke 45 M,
G Q Cannon 30, W Woodruff 10 M

~ Monday

27 We rode to Provo then took cars to S L City 75 Miles

~ Tuesday

28 I was quite sick this Morning with the Diarrhea
I Attended the funeral of Capt Burt I should Judg there
[FIGURES] were 15000 people viewed the Body in the Big
Tabernacle and about 9000 People staid to the funeral
Prayer By F D Richards Bishop John Sharp made
a few remarks, Joseph F Smith spoke 34 M[inutes],
John Taylor 40 M & W Woodruff dismissed

~ Wednesday

29 [FIGURES] I gave my Daughter Bulah A Woodruff
A Deed of 32 feet front in Lot 7, Block 7 I Attended
council in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

30. I visited Br Lorenzo Richards with his Broaken thigh

Page 299

Aug 30th 1883
Brothe Richards had his thigh broaken a Month before
the Sugrgean would acknowledge that it was broaken
or Before it was set which places him in a dangerous
condition. I spent a part of the day in the office wabut
was quite unwell

~ Friday

31. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 Letters to Sarah, Minnie Goodrich
Wm H Thompson & G Teasdale. I Bought 558 lbs
of fence wire & 11 lbs of staples $47.

~ Saturday

Sept 1. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 letters to Henry, David Bell Moses

~ Sunday

2 Sunday I Met at 2 oclok. Scott William Anderson Prayed
T B Lewis spoke 45 M[inutes]. At the close of the Meeting I attended
the Meeting of widow Tufts Lorenzo Young prayed L W Hardy
spoke Bishop Hunter spoke 15 M[inutes] J F Smith 40 m[inutes]
& W Woodruff 2 M[inutes]

~ Monday

3 We set apart 7 Men as missionaries J F Smith
set apart 3 & W Woodruff 3. I wrote 3 Letters to T. E. Ricks
A hand pointing to the right J Mc Allister & Farnsworth

~ Tuesday

4 A hand pointing to the right I wrote to A F McDonald & Hinkley 2 letters

~ Wednesday

5 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to E Browett, B Y Perkins ^&^ Lot Smith

~ Thursday

6 A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter from Br Christianson
Keys crossed I set apart 9 women as Midwives I was mouth
in setting apart 5 & J F Smith 4. I went to the field and
Made arangements for fixing up the House for Wilford
A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Sarah and sent $10 to Pay taxes
I Attended a surprize party in the 14 ward

~ Friday

7 A folded letter/box I received a letter from Sarah and spent [blank]
Reuben Freeman got his foot crushed in a threshing Machine
and had his Foot Amputated
An arrow

Page 300

~ Saturday

Sept 8, 1883
I took cars rode to Farmington to Attend the conference
Met at 10 oclok We heard the Statistical Report Read
Total souls reported 5054. The Bishops reported their
words [wards] verbally President Wm R Smith & his councillor
spoke then W Woodruff spoke 15 M[inutes]. I dined with J Hess
Afternoon Prayer By Roswell Hyde W Woodruff spoke 70 Mi

~ Sunday

9 Sunday Met at 10 oclok J Hess prayed G Q Cannon
spoke to a large congregation one hour & 15 M[inutes] W Woodruff
spoke a few words at the opening and 10 M[inutes] after Br Cannon
We dined with Br Hess Afternoon Prayer B[y] A Stainer
Authorities of the Church presented & sustained A H Cannon
spoke 20 M[inutes] W Woodruff spoke 44 M[inutes] {in the power of God}
Br Call bore testimony. we returned to S L City 18 Mils

~ Monday

10 I went to the field & saw Reuben Freeman he was some
better I administered to Lorenzo Richards who was low

~ Tuesday

11 A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from J Mc Allister, Bleak
& Farnsworth I wrote one letter to Sarah sent her
A hand pointing to the right $5, $3 for Boots & 2 for herself

~ Wednesday

12 A coffin E. J. I Attended the funeral of Sister Elizabeth
Knight Johnson she was Baptized when a girl
in Nov 1830 By Hyram Smith she had Been in
the Church about as long as any Person Living I
gave her last Endowments Thomas Taylor gave her
spoke 15 M[inutes] A M Cannon 11 M[inutes], G B Wallace 13
& W Woodruff 25 M[inutes] Bishop Hunter 5 M[inutes] I attended
council in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

13 A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter from Sarah And met in council
in president Taylors office

Page 301

Sept 13, 1883
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to P A. Snow Sarah & Newton
and Jesse & Bell Moses

~ Friday

14 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 23 letters from Sarah, Henry W. & Peterson
I wrote ^3^ Letters to McAllister, Bleak, & C S. Christenson

~ Saturday

15 I went to the field and visited Br Freeman he seemed to be
^ A folded letter/box^ improveing. Wilford was bad with inflamation in his Eyes
I administered to him I received one letter from Ilus

~ Sunday

16 Sunday I met at 2 oclok Prayer By Seymour Young
B Young spoke 22 M[inutes], John W Young spoke 15 M[inutes] W Woodruff 15 M[inutes]

~ Monday

17 I took a load of Lumber & went to the field & helped to
tie up some corn

~ Tuesday

18 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from A M Tenney & Joseph M Tanner

~ Wednesday

19 A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter from Lot Smith

~ Thursday

20 I spent the day on the farm laboring on Henry Woodruff
House that Wilford occupies I had 4 carpenters, Leslie
& myself, we put down the base board, car[ve]d & hung the
Doors & windows & built Entire a lean to on the north
side & returned home. we had a heavy wind all day 6 m[iles]

~ Friday

21. A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Sarah & one name not known
A hand pointing to the right I wrote my Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith
Teachings to the Twelve Apostles in the winter of 1844. A
copy of which I gave to Joseph F Smith & a copy
I deposited in the Historians office under Date of 1844

~ Saturday

22 I spent most of the day in the office I went to the field

~ Sunday

23 Sunday I returned to the city and attended the meeting
at 2 oclok Prayer By H B Clawson Br Goss returned missionary
spoke 15 Minuts & C. W. Penrose spoke one hour Generals
Sherman & McCook were present and gave good attention 6 m[iles]

Page 302

~ Monday

Sept 24, 1883
A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Bleak & A V Call I set
apart Br Joseph H Felt to a Mission to the Indian
Territory to relieve Br Teasdale

~ Tuesday

25 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received one letter from L Harris I wrote one letter
to Sarah I spent the day in the office

~ Wednesday

26 I spent the forepart of the day in the office I attended a council in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

27 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter from Wm C. A. Smoot
I wrote one letter to Llewellen Harris Erastus Snow
& L John Nuttall arived to day J D T McAllister yesterday

~ Friday

28 A crown Keys crossed I held a Meeting with the Twelve Apostles &
their councillors. We had Met with the Presidency in
the Morning to take into cionsideration the organizing
the school of the Prophets After the Presidency was accept
President Taylor requested the Twelve to meet together
and arange their own Quorum or prepare themselves
to Enter into that school we Met in the North East
Room of the Historian' office the minutes of which
are in W Woodruff Journal chest after each one
of us had given an account of ourselves all were
voted in some Matters appertaining to Albert Carri-
were investigated which He explained and
confessed wherein he was wrong & asked forgiveness
and all were accepted we then met with the presidency
and they still investigated further Brother Carrington
affairs which He explained and all were accepted
By the Presidency

Page 303

~ Saturday

Sept 29, 1883
I took cars this morning with Presidents Taylor & Cannon
& rode to Provo and attended a Board Meeting of Provo
Factory. I found Sister Smoot much Better Emma
stoped with her through the day I attended a priesthood
Meeting in the Afternoon and spent the night with Br Smoot 50 miles
A O Smoot Harvey Cluff, Isaac Bullock And David
set apart 25 Home Missionaries G Q Cannon
spoke 30 M[inutes], W. Woodruff 20 He said there would be
a Dividing Line in this Church and that line would
be Between those who could Preach the whole Law of
including the word of wisdom and practice what
they Preach & those who could not

~ Sunday

30 Sunday I met with F M Lyman & Platt Lyman we
Attended the Prayer Circle & met with the People at 10:30
Platt Lyman spoke 23 M[inutes] F M Lyman 22 M[inutes] W Woodruff 25 m[inutes]
Afternoon I met with the Missionary School of Maeser
which was vary interesting. At 4 oclok I took cars & returned
home to S L City 50 Miles

~ Monday

Oct 1. I spent a part of the day in cleaning out my orchard
cutting down my Apple trees and piling them in my wood
Pile I set them out in 19850 and now after 33 years
I am cutting them down to make room for Building
as they are no benefit to me as all the Apple have
been destroyed by the Apple grub or worm I met in
the Afternoon with the Presidency & Twelve and investiga-
ted the Sanwan Stake the propriety of maintaining it
or Abandoning it

~ Tuesday

2. A folded letter/box I received a letter from B F Johnson

Page 304

Oct 2, 1883
I spent most of the day in the office council I was sick at night

~ Wednesday

3. I met in council in the Afternoon I was vary sick today

~ Thursday

4. I spent the day in the office

~ Friday

5 Keys crossed I met in conference in the Assembly Hall G. Q. Cannon
Prayed I was in quite poor health But attended Meeting
President Taylor spoke 30 M[inutes] J H Grant 20 M[inutes] B Young
25 David H Kimball 5 M[inutes] G Q. Cannon 10 M[inutes]

Afternoon Prayer By J. F. Smith Lorenzo Snow 46 M[inutes] Erastus Snow 30 M[inutes].

~ Saturday

Aprail ^Oct^ 6, 1883. Conference Met at 10 oclok. I was
not well this Morning. J D T McAllister Prayed F D Richards
spoke 38 Mi M Thatcher 23, A Carrington 23.

Afternoon Prayer By A O Smoot W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes]
Missionaries were then called F M Lyman spoke 25 m[inutes]
statistics were then CRead with the following Report
11 Apostles, 62 Patriarchs, 273953 Seventies, 3261 High Priests
12326 Elders, 1553 Priests, 1659 Teachers 525 Deacons
65482 Members, 92903 Officers & Members, 38949
children under 8 years of age, 131750 Total of souls
1239 Males Birth, 1165 Female Births, 2404 Total Births

~ Sunday

^Sunday 7^ G Q Cannon spoke 55 M[inutes] {in the power of God} J F Smith 35 M[inutes]
Afternoon Prayer By John W Young. There were 12000
people in the Tabernacle & thousands that could not get in
The Authorities of the Church were presented & received
President John Taylor spoke 62 Minuts, G Q Cannon 15.
We met in the Evening with the young Mens Mutual
The presidents of the stakes made a short report of their
stakes. W Woodruff spoke 10 M[inutes], J F Smith 15 M[inutes] ^M Thatcher^ 10 M[inutes]

Page 305

~ Monday

Oct 8, 1883
I met with the Mishionaries at the social Hall to be set apart
I formed three companies who set apart 40 Missionaries
The Twelve and presidents of seventies set them apart
I met with the Presidency & Twelve & 22 Presidents of the
stakes & councillors & Bishops at 3 oclok BPrayer By W Woodruff
President Taylor spoke upon Principal 60 Minuts G Q Cannon
20. We also met in the Evening. Joseph F Smith spoke followed
By W Woodruff and others

~ Tuesday

9th The Presidency, Twelve, & Presidents of stakes met
at 10 oclok Presidents Taylor & Cannon spoke many
questions &asked and answered. I spent the Afternoon
in doing Business I received 3 letters

~ Wednesday

10 [FIGURES] I wrote a card to Sarah and Met in council {of Fifty
I attended the council in the Afternoon {of Fifty}. We also met
the Presidents of stakes in President Taylor office and
Presented to them the school of the Prophets

~ Thursday

Oct 11, 1883 The Presidency, Twelve, & Presidents of Stakes
[FIGURES] Met at 10 oclok Prayer By J D T McAllister President
Taylor spoke 35 M[inutes], W Woodruff 15 M[inutes] G Teasdale 15 M[inutes]
Zebedee Coltrin related a vision in the Temple in Kirtland After
the school of the Prophets was organized He said while siting in
council a personage passed through the room dressed in usual
clothing Joseph said that was the Savior soon another personage
passed through the House clothed in fire his features & feet were
visable but his body was ^w^rapted in flames Joseph said that was
God the Father. He said He was with Joseph & another Man in
the woods praying and Heavens was opened and they saw a
Man sitting upon a Throne whose hair was white as wool & a woman
sitting beside of him Both dressed in white Joseph said it was Adam & Eve

Page 306

Oct 11, 1883
^ Keys crossed^ Zebedee Coltrin was Baptized Sept 21, 1831. I met
in the Afternoon with the council and 35 of the Presidents of
of Stakes were called upon to Express themselves the following
Brethren spoke John Murdock, Wm Budge, Wm W Preston
Wm R Smith, C. J Larson Wm Paxman J L. Nuttall
Ira M. Hinkley, Willard G Smith, Jesse W Crosby, Thomas
J Jones
A. M. Cannoon, Wm W Cluff, David John Abram Hatch
L W Shirtliff, Silas S Smith, C Layton. Then the first
Presidency and Twelve voted to received the Brethren who
had spoken into the school of the Prophets And the Presidents
of the Stakes voted to received the first Presidency & Twelve
into fellowship & into the school of the Prophets

~ Friday

Oct 12, 1883 This was a day of fasting and Prayer with
Keys crossed A crown the leaders of the Church I took a Bath and wash
in the Morning and went to the Endowment House at 9 oclok
to receeive the washing of feet as it was done in Kirtland
47 years ago By the Prophet Joseph Smith as an Initiarytory
ordinance into the school of the Prophets Remarks were made
By the Presidency & others. President John Taylor washed
the feet of Zebedee Coltrin as He was the ownly man living
that was in the first school of the Prophets organized by Joseph
Smith in Kirtland ^in 1833^. Then Zebedee Coultrin washed the feet
of President Taylor. Then President Taylor washed the
feet of his two councillors & all the Twelve Apostles except
C. C. Rich who was sick & John Henry Smith in England
He washed the feet of 38 in all At the close of this ceremony
we partook of Bread & wine as a sacrament as they did
in the Temple in Kirtland which closed the labor of the day

Page 307

~ Saturday

Oct 13
I took cars & rode to Ogden to Logan & Smithfield 100 Miles
Newton arived two hours after with his waggon from
Salt Lake City with Mary & Clara I spent the night

~ Sunday

14 Sunday I rode to Logan with Bishop Farrill to attend
the conference of the Young Mens Mutual Met at 10 oclok
Prayer By C O Card speeches were made by several
young men M. Thatcher spoke 25 M[inutes] W Woodruff 20 m[inutes]
Afternoon Prayer By Wm Hyde several Young Men
bore testimony followed By Wm Budge W Woodruff &
Wm B Preston we adjourned the conference for 3 Months
At Noon I went all through the Temple & took my
Daughter Clara with me. we rode home at the close
of the Meeting. I held a Meeting in the Evening at Smithfield
spoke to a full House I administered to 2 sick 14 Miles

~ Monday

15 I rode over Bear River with Newton & returned 20 Miles

~ Tuesday

16 I took cars rode to Salt Lake City 100 Miles
A coffin Edward Hunter Died at 8 oclok PM Aged 90 years
Bishop Edward Hunter Died this Evening
at 8 oclok Oct 16 1883 Aged 90 years
and 4 months He has Been the Presiding
of the Church 31 years I last parted
with him in his office on Friday doing business five
days before his Death

~ Wednesday

17 A folded letter/box I received 5 letters to day I Attended council
in the Afternoon I ordained 2 Seventies & set them apart on Missions

~ Thursday

18 I met with the Auditing Committee in the forenoon
& in the office in the Afternoon

~ Friday

19 Keys crossed A hand pointing to the right I had an interview with Wm H. Folsome I spent the
forenoon in the office I wrote 2 letters to J G Bleak & B F Johnson

Page 308

Oct 19, 1883
^Oct 19^
I met at the Assembly Hall at 2 oclok to attend the funeral
of Bishop Hunter The House was filled at an Early
Hour the Body was viewed by a large Assembly. The opening
Prayer was viewed by Erastus Snow W Woodruff spoke
15 M[inutes], F. D. Richards 14 M[inutes], E. Snow 5 M[inutes], John Taylor 31.
Bishop Hunters Testimony which He gave a few days
before his death, was read Joseph F Smith dedicated
the grave there were some 55 carriages in the processin.

~ Saturday

20 I took cars rode to Nephie stoped with Brother
Teasdale I attended Meeting in the Afternoon Prayer
By Brother spary W Woodruff spoke a few words but
Being vary hoarse not able to speak introduced Br
George Teasdale who spoke 65 M[inutes] Br Paxman 20 M[inutes]
I attended the Priesthood Meeting in the Evening and
W Woodruff spoke 45 M[inutes], G Teasdale 25 M[inutes]. There
were Present 56 Seventies, 33 High Priests, 47 Elders
6 Priests & 22 Deacons

~ Sunday

21 I met with the Prayer Circle in the Morning and attended
the Sabbath school conference statiscics of the stake were then
read W Woodruff were then read spoke 20 M[inutes],
G Teasdale 30 M[inutes] we dined with Sister Oakey and
Met at 2 oclok & W Woodruff spoke 40 M[inutes], Br McCullah
15 M[inutes]. I took supper with Joel Grovor in company with
Allice Ann Smith Lot Smith wife & 3 children and Allice
Ann Mother & Sister they all went to Meeting with me
and G Teasdale spoke 70 Minuts & W Woodruff 30 M[inutes] but
was so hoarse I could Hardly speake I compared the Exsperien[ce]
of the King of Dohominy in using a cropt Gun with those who fight us

Page 309

~ Monday

Oct 22 1883
I took cars at 5:15 & rode to Salt Lake City 90 Mile
A folded letter/box I went to the office & received 1 Letter from Br Harris. I had
a visit from Dr. H C Jessen M. D. his son is a Danish consul
in this City He is writing up the History of America & wanted
some statistics of Utah I am vary hoarse to day
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to John Readhead & Hinkley Ray & THawks

~ Tuesday

23 I counciled with President John Taylor concerning our missio-
aries in Arizona & Mexico He said I must direct those mission
according as the spirit should direct me I wrote ^2^ letters to
A hand pointing to the right Joseph M Tanner sent Recommend for his wife to work
in the Temple of St George I wrote to L. Harris I attended
the Theater in the Evening the grandest scenery I ever saw on the stage

~ Wednesday

24 I met in council in the Afternoon and went to the field
I Paid $12 to day for 16 copies of Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine
for 2 for Washington library and for Historian Office, W Woodruff
Wilford Woodruff Jr, Phebe A. Snow, Susan C. Scholes Bulah
A. Woodruff
, Azmon Woodruff, Thompson Woodruff,
Dr Ezra scamann, Ilus F. Carter, Shuah C Moulton
Emma Woodruff Sarah Woodruff Sarah D Woodruff

~ Thursday

25 I returned from the field & spent the day in the office
A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Brigham Young & J M Grant & sent 6 Mission-
ary certificats by him to Missionaries in Arizonia
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to L Snow, Phebe A. Snow & ^Lot^ Smith

~ Friday

26 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Sarah I spent the day in the office

~ Saturday

27 I spent the whole day Repairing a Henhouse

~ Sunday

28 Sunday I Attended Meeting in the Assembly hall
Joseph Horn Prayed Heber J Grant spoke 30 Minuts
D H Wells spoke 45 Minuts

Page 310

~ Monday

Oct 29th 1883
I went over Jordon and found some one had Burned down
several rods of my 12 acre lot that I had sowed to Lucern 12 Mils

~ Tuesday

30 I took two teams went over Jordon reset 7 post & put
up the wire I sowed 50 lbs of Lucern seed & 1 Bushel of orchard
grass on 2 1/2 acres of land draged it & rolled it I went to the field 15 miles

~ Wednesday

31. A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from Thompson Farnsworth & Hinkley

~ Thursday

Nov 1. I spent most of the day in the office

~ Friday

2 I took cars with the Presidency & Twelve & rode to Logan & on
to Smithfield and spent the night distance from S L C 108 M[iles]

~ Saturday

3 I rode to Logan attended a Meeting of at the Temple
went through the temple I Attended the conference in the
Afternoon. The Bishops Made their verbal Report
statisticls of the stake was then read as follows 1 Apostle
7 Patriarchs, 360 seventies, 473 High Priests, 1794 Elders
451 Priests, 382 Teachers, 597 Deacons 8282 Members
12347 officers & Members, 5582 children under 8 years
Total Souls 17927. The Temple Report was Read there
had Been Expended $520,000. Trustee in Trust had
had appropriated about $200,000 of it. President Taylor
spoke about 5 M[inutes], A O Smoot spoke 15 M[inutes], L Snow 30 M[inutes]
At the close of the Meeting I rode to Smithfield in the mud & rain 16 M[iles]

~ Sunday

4 Sunday I rode to Logan through the mud attended Meeting
G Teasdale was speaking He spoke 25 M[inutes], F D Richards 20 m[inutes]
W Woodruff spoke 30, L Farr 16 M[inutes]. Afternoon Br Ricks
Prayed. Authorities of the Church were Presented J F Smith
spoke 38 M[inutes], & President Taylor spoke 48 Minuts
at the close of the Meeting I rode with Bishop Farrell to
Smithfild was chilled through But held a Meeting & spok 16 m[inutes]

Page 311

~ Monday

Nov 5th 1883
I Bought Sarah a Champeon Monitor Stove
Paid $50.40 cts Bought Newton a waggon for $75.
I also gave Bishop Ferrill an Order of $50 on the
school House in Merchinddize to the credit of Newton
& $50 on Tithing office for the family. I took cars
rode to Logan there Joined the Presidency & Twelve & rode to
Salt Lake I took Sister Elizabeth Weeks to Salt Lake
to spend the winter with Mrs Woodruff to help her

~ Tuesday

6 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 3 letters from Arobell Moses A F
& J. G. Bleak I wrote 1 Letter to Farrill I
spent the day in the offie

~ Wednesday

7 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters to day from Lot Smith Mary C Anders
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to Bell Ereickson

~ Thursday

8 A folded letter/box I received 1 letter from E. W. East I wrote ^5^ Letters
A hand pointing to the right to A. F. McDonald Ozem T. Woodruff, Bell
, J. G. Bleak & Lot Smith

~ Friday

9 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 5 Letters to Sarah, Hinkley & Ray, E W East
Mary C Anders I received a letter from Sarah one
A folded letter/box from Pason I wrote one letter to Heber Thompson

~ Saturday

10 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to Heber Thompson I had a visit
from Brother Christiansen of Moan Copy & Bishop
Farnsworth and of Brother Trajo who is going to assist
in the translation of the Book of Mormon into spanish
I got laid before the Trustee in trust the situation of
Brothe Christiansen & he appropriated about $400 for
his benefit

November 11, 1883 ~ Sunday

11 Sunday I attended the Meeting in the Tabernacle at 2 oclok the Earl
Earl of Cork was in the stand G Teasdale spoke 53 M[inutes] W Woodruf 15 M[inutes]

Page 312

Oct 29, 1883
I went over Jordon and found one of the setlers there
had Burned down several rods of my fenc & turned in ther
stock and I returned to get material to Fix it up 12 M[iles]
30 I went over Jordon with 2 teams fixed up my fence
sowed 2 acres of Lucern & orchard grass returned & went
to the field and spent the night 15 Mil
31 A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from Thompson Farnsworth
& Hinkley & Ray copied on Back Page

Nov 11, 1883
Sunday Evening I attended Meeting in the 17 ward & spoke 45 M[inutes]

~ Monday

12 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from John Readhead & B Young & Grant
Keys crossed I wrote one letter to John Henry Smith & sent for
Stars & Journals for H Office & odd Number for myself

~ Tuesday

13 A hand pointing to the right David & Henry Woodruff arived last night I wrote
one letter to Susan C. Scholes of 4 pages

~ Wednesday

14 I met in council & went to the farm spent the night

~ Thursday

15 I returned and helped David buy a Bill of Goods
I spent most of the day in the offic vary Pleasant weath[er]
A hand pointing to the right I wrote one Letter to Sarah with Davids

~ Friday

16 I took cars rode to Nephi 90 M[iles], took narrow gage &
Rode to Wales. Presidents Taylor, Smith, Teasdale, D H Wells
Junius Wells L Farr, Wm Budge W Woodruff several others
16 in all came to attend the conference at Ephraim. L Farr
and myself stoped at Wales & held a Meeting at Wales
L Farr spoke 45 M[inutes] & W Woodruff 50. Distance of the day 118 M[iles]

~ Saturday

17 We rode to Fort Ephraim held a Meeting at 10 oclok prayer
By L John Nuttall Statistics read as follows Seventies 280,
High Priests 310, Patriarchs 4, Elders 1034, Priests 200, Teachers 221, Deacon 182

Page 313

Nov 17, 1883
Total officers 2337, children under 8 year of age 3410. Total Souls
11533. W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes], Afternoon Loren Farr Prayed
Mantit Temple report was then read Trustee in trust had donated
$196,990.21. Total Expended up to date $482,924.35
Wm H Folsome spoke 20 M[inutes], John Taylor 54 M[inutes]

A coffin C C Rich Died Nov 17, 1883 at 2:30
The Apostle C. C. Rich Died to day at 2:30 AP. M. Aged
74 years & 3 Months He has suffered for several years

~ Sunday

18 Sunday Wm Paxman Prayed. Wm Budge spoke
24 Minuts G Teasdale 20 M[inutes] D. H. Wells 30 M[inutes] L Farr 18 Afternoon
Junius F Wells Prayed. Sacrament Administered Authorities of
the Church presented Joseph F Smith spoke 60 M[inutes], J Taylor 33 M[inutes]
Conference Adjourned 3 Months W Woodruff dismissed. we
held a Meeting with the young People in the Evening the House crouded
Elders Alread, Carlisle, & J F Wells spoke followed by
W Woodruff spoke 50 Minuts we had a good meeting

~ Monday

19 I rode to Manti went through the Temple with the
Presidency and others. The stone work of the Temple
was finished with the Parapets & roof I met with the
Presidency at Brother Mabyans to settle some matters with
some of the workmen I then rode to Moroni 28 Miles

~ Tuesday

20. We rode to Wales took cars to Nephi Held a Meeting
at 11 oclok Joel Grover Prayed D H Wells spoke 25 Minuts
Wm Budge 10, J F Wells 10, John Irvin 10, Loren Farr 5 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 5 M[inutes] J Teasdale 2 M[inutes] J F Smith 5 M[inutes]
we took dinner & returned to S L City Distance of the day 122 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

21 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 45 letters from Mc Allister, Farnsworth
Sarah, Harris, & Nash A coffin David P. Kimball Died to day David P Kimball died to day
6:30 A M of Typhoid Newmonia Aged 44 years

Page 314

~ Thursday

Nov 22, 1883
A snow storm this Morning I wrote one letter to
A hand pointing to the right J D T McAllister

~ Friday

23 I went to the Depo & got a can of 25 German carp
I tooke them down to the farm and put them into Azmons Spring

~ Saturday

24 I returned from the farm and spent the time in the office

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Assembly Hall at 2 oclok
Prayer By A H Raleigh Albert Woolley spoke 10 M[inutes], Wm M Palmer
35 M[inutes], John Taylor 33 M[inutes]. He spoke in the Power of God and said
the gospel would be taken from this Nation much sooner than
they Expected and if the Nation wished to measure arms
with the Allmighty they could try it and run the consequences
I attended Meeting in the 14 ward in the Evening Wm H Folsom
spoke 30 M[inutes] & W Woodruff 45 M[inutes].

~ Monday

26 I spent the day in the office writing

~ Tuesday

27 I spent the forenoon in the ofwork at home & Afternoon in
the office

~ Wednesday

28 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I recceived 3 letters to day from S Roekley
M F Farnsworth & Sarah I rowrote 7 letters to Dr Scamman
Shuah C Moulton I F Carter F M Farnsworth To James
& Ozem T Woodruff I attended council
in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

29 [FIGURE] I went over Jordon rabbit hunting to
Keep Thansgiving and it was a vary exciting day
there were about 100 men on the ground and I think
the hundred men killed near 1000 rabits Asahel
and his pardner Teasdale & myself got 24. Asahel
and myself got 6 apeace & Teasdal 12 I was weary
come night

Page 315

~ Friday

Nov 30, 1883
A folded letter/box I received 3 letters to day from Sarah Farrill & Bleak

~ Saturday

Dec 1. I took car rode to Provo to attend the quarterly conferen[ce]
Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Israel Coombs. The Bishops
made a verbal report. W Woodruff then spoke 30 Min
I dined with Br Smoot I talked with an Icelander
Elder who had just returned home. Afternoon {Prayer By}
Harvy H Cluff Statistics of the stake were then read
As follows 2 Patriarchs, 245 seventies, High Priests 369,
1440 Elders, 175 Priests, 138 Teachers 388 Deacons
8440 Members, 11506 Officers & Members, 4979 children
under 8 years Total of Souls 16485. J F Smith spoke
one hour & 30 M. we held a priesthood Meeting in the
Evening obtaining Means to build the stake House
occupied most of the Evening

~ Sunday

2 Sunday Wm Paxman Prayed The Authorities of the
Church were presented and sustained. George Teasdale spoke
50 Minuts Wm Paxman 20 M[inutes]. Afternoon David Jones
Prayed Stake Authorities were presented W Woodruff spoke
40 M[inutes], J F Smith spoke 60 M[inutes] we then took cars returned to
Salt Lake City distance to Provo & Back 100 Miles

~ Monday

Dec 3 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 4 letters from J D T McAllister also
from J W. Mc Allister, M. F. Farnsworth, J G Bleak ^&^ Sarah
I wrote 7 Letters to J McAllister & J W McAllister, Farnsworth
J G Bleak Delight with $10, Sarah with $10, & Newton
[FIGURE] I Paid the following sums of Money to day Tithing $26, Temple 12,
Bank $20 Sarah $10, Delight $10, Phebe $10, Asahel $13, Leslie
$3.50, Orion $3 Elizabeth $2 goods $1.50 Total $111.

~ Tuesday

4 I spent the day in the office

Page 316

~ Wednesday

Dec 5, 1883
I met in council in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

6 [FIGURES] I had an interview with President Taylor about
the Church taking an interest in the Iron Mines He
staited what He wanted to do I gave my concent to it
I took cars at 3 oclok for St Georg I received 2 letters
I rode to Nephi whare Br George Teasdale Joined
me we rode through the night arived at Milford at
at 5:20 in the morning Distance from Salt Lake 226 M[iles]

~ Friday

7 We took Breakfast we then rode to Minersville
arived exceding cold we were much chilled
we stoped with Bishop James McKnight & held
a Meeting at 6 oclok George Eyre Prayed G Teas-
spoke 40 M[inutes], W Woodruff spoke 53 M[inutes]. 15 Mils

~ Saturday

8 Br Rollins took his team and drove us to
Rush Lake whare we took dinner with Br Ward
we then rode to Cedar whare we met Br McAllister
we held a Meeting or council I stoped with Brother
Nelson distance of the day 40 Miles

~ Sunday

9 Sunday Met at 10 oclok J D T McAllister spoke 32 M[inutes],
G Teasdale 33, W Woodruff 37 M[inutes] We dined & rode to
Kanarra 14 Miles in the state waggon we stoped with
Br Berry and held a Meeting. G Teasdale spoke 30 M[inutes]
J McAllister spoke 30 & W Woodruff 40 M[inutes]

~ Monday

10 We drove to Leeds and stoped with Brother Wilkenson
and held a Meeting W Woodruff Teasdale & McAllister
spoke distance of the day 28 Miles

~ Tuesday

11 we drove to St George and Met with many friends
we spent the night [with] Br McAllister distance 18 miles

Page 317

~ Wednesday

Dec 12 1883
Keys crossed A crown A hand pointing to the right I went to the Temple & rowrote a letter to President
Taylor. We attended to Endowments to day Emma
was Baptized for the renewal of her cov-
. Emma Woodruff got Endowments to day
for her Grand Mother Smith and we were sealed
for 46 couple of my dead Relatives We had 66 End-
owments and 25 ordinations. E Snow read a vision
of Jacob Gates

~ Thursday

13 Keys crossed I labored in the Temple to day I officiated as Ell
we gave Endowments to 73, ordained 33 sealed
29, sealed Children to Parents 9, Adoptions 25
2 Anointings 10. W Woodruff sealed 15 couple Dead
and had 25 persons Adopted to him 1 Living & 24 dead.
Emma was Anointed to W Woodruff & W Woodruff for her
Father Samuel Smith and He was Adopted to W Woodruff
I laid hands upon Br McAllister for sickness I attended
the Young Mens & young Ladies Mutual JG Teasdale
& W Woodruff spoke to the young People I spent the night
at Brother Farnsworth

~ Friday

14 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 letters to L John Nuttall Jaques & Sarah
Twenty men (20) got Endowments to day for my dead
I dined with Brother Wm Carter Went to the Relief
Conference herd 12 reports of the Presidents
of the various societies including Emma Woodruff
report W Woodruff then spoke followed by G Teasdale
E Snow and McAllister I then Met with the High
Priests Quorum Minuts Read then Elders Teasdale
Lyman & Woodruff Addressed the Meeting

Page 318

Dec 14, 1883
we held a Meeting in the Evening with the superintendent
and Teachers of the Sabbath Schools After Hearing
the Reports of the Sisters W Woodruff Lyman and
Teasdale & others spoke I visited Br Wm Carter
& took supper with him & family

~ Saturday

15 I visited Brothe & Sister Everetts and Attended
the conference. Prayer By Charles Smith w woodruff
spoke a few words The Bishops of the various wards made
a verbal report and the statistical report of the stake
we found it contained 1 Apostle, 3 Patriarchs
143 Seventies, 146 High Priests, 480 Elders, 23 Priests
24 Teachers, 188 Deacons, 2053 Members, 3066
Officers & Members, 1386 children under 8 years of age
4452 Total of Souls. Sunday School Report was then read
263 Officers & Teachers, 1254 Pupils, 1517 officers &
Members, F M Lyman spoke 35 M[inutes]. He gave instruction
upon the subject of the Quorums of Priests Teachers
& Deacons Afternoon Henry Eyring Prayed J McAllister
spoke 34 M[inutes]. Reports of the relief society was then read
Also the report of the young Mens Mutual Improvement
Also the Primary Report. G Teasdale then
spoke 45 M[inutes]. We also held a Priesthood Meeting in the
Evening The Canaan Herd Stock Difficulty occupied
most of the Evening I spent the night at Br McArthurs

~ Sunday

16 Sunday I met with the Twelve upon the subject of
matters in Orderville I Attended Meeting at 10 W Woodruff
spoke 1 Hour & 10 Minuts, F M Lyman 35 M[inutes] we ordained
Keys crossed 4 High Priest WW was mouth in ordaining one

Page 319

Dec 16 1883
I dined with Richard Bentley. Afternoon Wm Thompson
Prayed Authorities of the Church were presented and accepted
There was a petition sent in not to present the Bishop of the
first ward as they thought He was ingaged with some others
to defruad them out of a Dividend of the Canaan herd
I told the petitioners that I should not read the
Petition But it must be setled in the ward whare the
Bishop Presided it was not proper to discuss it Before
the conference. Erastus Snow spoke 47 M[inutes], G Teasdale 45.
I took supper at Br Snows And attended the
Young Mens & Young Ladies Conference D D McArthur
Prayed F M Lyman spoke 30 M[inutes], G Teasdale 20 M[inutes],
W Woodruff 35 M[inutes]. I stoped with Brother Farnsworth

~ Monday

17 I took a ride around the clara fields and attended
in the Evening of the first ward ian investigation
of Bishop Judds course in the Canaan Board
affair A good deal of Bad Spirit was manifest
By Bishop Judd I received one letter & wrote
A hand pointing to the right one letter to Asahel I received one letter from Asahel

~ Tuesday

18 A hand pointing to the right I went to the Temple and confirmed
6 persons for Dead friends and wrote 1 Letter
to Phebe and Leslie. We had 705 Baptizsms for
the Dead. 16 Males & 6 females were for my family
I attended A Prayer Meeting at Samuel Hardy's
many spoke G Teasdale followed & I followed him and
had a good time Emma was there I spent the night
at Brother Farnsworth I received a letter from
President Taylor and Laney

Page 320

~ Wednesday

Dec 19, 1883
^[FIGURES]^ I went to the Temple and we gave Endowment
to 7 living & 63 Dead Total 70. 31 Men went through for
my Dead. There was ordained 1 Living 39 Dead I was
sealed for 39 couple of Dead friends. Emma was with
me there was 37 Adoptions to W Woodruff J McAllister
attended to Adoptions 34 dead, 34 li 1 living D H Cannon
Adopted 12 Dead, J McAllister gave 2 Anointings
5 living & 1 dead

~ Thursday

20 I had an Interview with Elders Ray & Hawks
and three Lamanite Elders who had come to get their
Endowment in the Temple. Their Names were Charoquis
(Son in Law to the Chief Juan Sol of the Maric-
tribe) Also Nephi Montano, & Pablo Flores
Charoquis Erastus is an Elder & a vary intelligent man
He speaks the English, spanish & several Indian tongues
He has visited New York Boston, Philadelphia Wash-
& Salt Lake. He was the leading scout under
Crook in the late Apache war He has a great desire
for the conversion of his tribe & the Pimo`s and wishes
to go and labor among them as a Missionary the
Mariacopes & Pimos number over 40000, and all seem
ready to receive the Gospel I ordained Charoquis
Erastus a seventy I think the first Lamanite ordained
to that office in the Church. These Lamanites all received
their Endowments, were much pleased and deeply interested
There is alsoof 40000 of the Papagoes and all looking
to the Latter Day Saints for council. There is also another
Learned Man, an Elder, who is a trusty Interpeter for

Page 321

Dec 20, 1883
the Pimo & Papago's his name is Valensuela
who is deeply interested in the work
W. Woodruff & Emma were sealed for 33 couple to day
for our dead. W. Woodruff sealed 15 couple we gave
Endowments for 45, 4 children sealed to Parents and
60 sealings

~ Friday

21. A rainy night & day I sealed Edward Meeks
Keys crossed McArthur & Ida Foss Woolly in the marriage
And we Attended the weding Party at
Ida Woollys I wrote a letter to Clara and the children

~ Saturday

A hand pointing to the right 22 We have had rain for two days which is a
singular thing for St George. I rode out this morning
down to the Pond and river and rode around to the
Washington fields & returned 12 miles I attended a
council with Brothers Ray Hawks & the three Lamanite
Brethren. I then Attended the Weding Party at Br
D D McArthurs and then Attended the first ward
Party Meeting to settle the Difficulty betwen Bishop
Judd and the People we had a much more Plesant
Meeting than before. Bishop Judd had seen his Error
and Asked forgiveness and made all right and
all voted to forgive him and sustain him Mc-
Judd Snow & Woodruff all spoke

~ Sunday

23 Sunday I rode to Santa Clara with E. Snow
McAllister & Emma And Attended the Meeting
at 1 oclok Brother Ray Hawks & the 3 Lamanite
Brethren were present. Br Ray spoke and gave a
History of the Maricopa & Pimo. E Snow spoke 27 M[inutes].

Page 322

Dec 23 1883
^ Keys crossed A crown^ W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes]. We returned to St. George 12 M[iles]
I met with Erastus Snow G Teasdale W Woodruff
of the Twelve & J D T McAllister Henry Eyring &
D D McArthur of the Presidency of the Stake Also
with James G Bleak

see the minutes of this Meeting

~ Monday

24 Keys crossed I went to the Temple in the morning. We had a day
of Prayer and fasting I met with 28 Men
Holding the Melchesedek Prieshood and I organized
them into the school of the Prophets, all of which had
Entered into the school of the Patriarchal order of
and all agreed to keep the word of wisdom
{I washed the feet of} 24 {men} we broak bread and partook of
the sacramet of Bread and wine {the washing of feet was an
introductory ordinance into the school of the prophets. I also gave the salutation to the brethren
as they entered the school.} we had a vary interesting day the
spirit of the Lord rested upon us

~ Tuesday

25 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to A Hinkley. I sealed
1 couple at the Altar and I had 4 Adopted to me.
I had 1 Sarah Harvey sealed to me. I was sealed
for 13 Dead couple I Ordained Chariques Erastus

Page 323

Dec 25 1883
to the office of a seventy I think the first Lamanite
Ever ordained to that office in this dispensation
There was 316 Baptisms to day which is called
Christmass. G Teasdale Ordained Amas Hawks
to the office of Seventy. I dined with with Br Snow
I attended a wedding Party at Sister Nixons
had suppair in a crouded House I returned to my
A hand pointing to the right room & wrote to Asahel 1 Letter and ^{[Eccles]}^ to A F McDonald

~ Wednesday

26 I spent the forenoon in the Temple I wrote A Hinkley
A hand pointing to the right and advised him not to go to Sonora but to do what
good he could whare He was

~ Thursday

27 I went to the Temple and sealed Joseph Smith Liston
and Elizabeth A Riding at the Altar in the Marriage
then rode with Emma & D H Cannon
to the sugar loaf & clum up a 10 foot perpendicular
rock took a view of the city then rode to the red stone
quiry also the Black stone quiry I went to the Temple
and sent Letters to A F McDonald A Hinkley & Ray
I spent the Evening with Br Thompson & family 16 M[iles]

~ Friday

28 I called upon Br Wakefield then went to the
Temple and in sercarching my record I find I
have been baptized for 2934 of my Dead have
Endowments for 2305 and have 628 more
to be Endowed for I have been sealed for 978 couple
of Dead friends I have been sealed for 134 couple of
dead friends on this present visit. There was 57
Endowments to day 30 ordinations & 31 sealings I
dined with Br McAllister

Page 324

Dec 28, 1883
We held a Meeting & J D. T. McAllister spok 20 M[inutes]
John E Carlisle 15 W Woodruff 55 M[inutes], G Teasdale 10.
I spent the Night at Br Barrons 6 Miles

~ Saturday

29 We rode to Leeds and Dined with Br Wilkin
we then rode to Belview and spent the night with
Br Gregener {I [broke] down to [illegible shorthand] a lamp [illegible shorthand]} 24 Miles
30 we rode to Leeds and dined with Brother Barry
we administered to Young Elizabeth Shapley we rode
^to Bellview and spent the night^ to Johnsons Fort & held a Meeting. G Teasdale spoke
30 M[inutes] W Woodruff 35 we stoped with Br Jones 40 Mi

~ Sunday

30 we rode to Kanarra and Nooned with Br
Barry. We then rode to Johnson Fort and
held a Meeting G Teasdale spoke 30 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 35 M[inutes]. distance 40 M[iles]

~ Monday

31 Keys crossed We started at 6:30. An extreme cold
Morning we rode to rush Lake 6 miles and was vary
cold we stoped and warmed and hot rocks & started
on and was 7 Hours in facing a cold North wind
in crossing the Mountain and Reaching Minersville
and when we arived there I was so chilled I could
hardly stand upon my feet we here met Joseph
F Smith
& F M Lyman they had been holding a
Meeting we took Dinner and drove to Milford
took supper with Br Tanner and went on
to the cars and lay down on the seats all night
with But Little sleep distance from Johnson fort
to Milford 45 Miles from Milford to Provo 195
and to Salt Lake 50. total from Johnson fort 290

Page 325

~ Tuesday

Jan 1, 1884
we arived in Salt Lake at 9:30 on New Years
. I went to the office and received 12 letters
A folded letter/box and a Bundle of papers I was vary weary and
went to Bed in the Afternoon and slept most of the time untill

~ Wednesday

2 I went to the office and read 13 letters and filed them
I attended the council in the Afternoon A snow storm
I reported about the Lamanites and the Canaan Stock
Affair. The Minuts of our Priesthood Meeting {school}
in the Temple I gave to G Q Cannon

~ Thursday

3 I got a tithing order of $200 took to the Tithing office
to draw from I wrote 1 Letter to Emma and sent
A hand pointing to the right her order $35.

~ Friday

4th I spent the day in the office writing my Journal

~ Saturday

5 A folded letter/box I received a letter from J McAllister containing
the Labor for seven years from 1877 to 1883.
We had Baptized mostly for the Dead 187231,
had OrdainedEndowed 75808, Ordained 28276,
had sealed 26031 at the Altar, had sealed 5688 children
to their Parents, had administered the ordinance of Adoption
to 4094 person had given second Anointing to 2078
5 Mary Vancott Young died this Morning about 9 oclk
caused By a surgical operation of the womb By
Dr Hughs & others I delivered to Junius Wells 1, 2, 3, 4
vol of the contributor for Binding I went to the field

~ Sunday

6 Sunday I attended Meeting at the Assembly Hall
W Woodruff spoke 45 Minuts {in the power of God} G Q. Cannon 34
I Attended the dedication of the 10 ward school House
W Woodruff offered the Dedacatory Prayer

Page 326

Jan 67, 1884
^ A folded letter/box^ I attended the I received 3 Letters I spent the day in the office
8 I wrote Letters to Sarah sent $10, 1 Letter to the Geneolgical
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box^ Society sent 1 dollar for the october No of the 33 vol
9 A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter from Joseph H Felt I attended council
in the afternoon

A Synopsis of my Labors in 1883
I traveled 6199 Miles 6199 Miles
I held 213 Meetings. I Preached 144 Discourses.
I Attended 19 Quarterly Conferences & 2 semi Annual Co
I Attended 13 funerals & preached at 11 Funerals
I Attended 54 Prayer Circls and councils of the Presidency & 12
I Attended 17 conferences of Young Men Mutual, 5 Priesthood M
I Attended 5 Relief Society Meetings & 5 Sabbath Unions
I Attended 6 councils {of Fifty}. I Administered to 25 sick
I Ordained 8 Patriarch, 10 High Priests, 9 Seventies
I Ordained 2 Bishops, 3 High Council, & 6 Councillors to Bishop
I Assisted to Ordain 2 Patriarch, 10 High Priests
3 Bishops, 8 High Council, 1 Seventy, 4 Councillors to B
I set apart 13 Missionaries and assisted in setting apart 159 others
I set apart 5 Midwives and assisted in 4 other
I wrote 223 Letters 223 Letters
I Received 214 Letters 214 Received
I was sealed for 134 couple; Had 59 Adopted to me
I sealed 33 couple confirmed 6. I was Anointed for Samuel Smith
I Paid Tithing for the year 1883 $ 349.44
Page 327


Page 328

~ Monday

Jan 7, 1884
I have written from Jan 1 to 6 By mistake before suming
up my Labors for 1883. I Attended the sabbath school
union Meeting on Monday night we had a vary interesting
Meeting speeches made By G Q Cannon & W Woodruff

~ Tuesday

8 I attended the funeral of Mary Vancott Young. G Q Can-
A hand pointing to the right non J F Smith & President Taylor spoke to the Edification of
the people I spent the Afternoon in the office I sent Sarah $10.

~ Wednesday

9 A folded letter/box I met in council with President Taylor &
council with Br Folsome about the Manner of finishing
of the Manti Temple I received 2 letters from Sarah
& Charles Kelley I received 1 Letter from Joseph H Felt
A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letter to Wilford I bought the following
suits of clothes Wilford $9, Elias $6, Owen $10,
Wilford Beatie $9, total $34.

~ Thursday

10 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to L Harris & J McAllister
I spent the day in the office writing

~ Friday

11 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 34 Letters to Bishop Farrell sent an
order for 20 tons of Hay for himself I included
a letter to Sarah & sent her a card to return
I wrote to Susan & sent her $5 for her own use
Lorenzo Snow called at our house and gave an
Account of his great family Gathering that is to be
I wrote to Phillip Boyer on sealing see copy Book

~ Saturday

12 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Nellie & David Woodruff
A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter from Sarah I spent the day
In council {of fifty} I went to the field at night 6 m[iles]

~ Sunday

13 Sunday I attended Meeting Joseph E Taylor Prayed
Wm B Preston spoke 89 M[inutes] G Teasdale 55 I Attended Meeting in 14 ward

Page 329

~ Monday

Jan 14, 1884
I A folded letter/box I A hand pointing to the right I received 1 Letter from Jesse N Smith I wrote 5 Letters
to Jesse & Bell Moses, Shuah C Moulton, Benjamin Cluff, John
Henry Smith
, & E A Scammans

~ Tuesday

15 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 8 Letters to I. F. Carter, Lot Smith, Jesse
N Smith
, Jeremiah Hatch, J P Christofferson, Joseph
H Felt
, Ozem T Woodruff & Sarah Woodruff. The Utah
Legislature received the gGovornors Message to day

~ Wednesday

16 A hand pointing to the right I wrote One letter to A E Hinkley Keys crossed I met in
A crown council with the Presidency & Twelve and during the
conversation F D Richards was called upon to
Make a statement of the Purport of a Letter that He had written
to President Taylor concerning what He thought ought
to be written in the Law of the Lord or the Book called
by that Name which met with feelings of all of us
And it was universally voted that Brother Franklin
D Richards Be appointed assistant Historian I spent
the Evening at home

~ Thursday

17 A folded letter/box I received two Letters from Elder Brigham
which were interesting I Attended a Dinner party
at Sister Barretts in the Evening

~ Friday

18 A crown Keys crossed I looked over my Journals to day to try to
find what amount of tithing I had Paid since 1850
I found $ I had Paid Tithing from 1860 to 1883
$5751.75 cts But what was Paid from 1850 to 59
Being 9 years I could [not] get from my own Accounts
But I paid Tithing those years as I was in Legislature
and received $120 each secssion and I always paid
my tithing on my income

Page 330

Jan 18, 1884
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 2 letters From M F. Farnsworth
& Bishop Farrell I wrote 2 Letters to Br Farrell &
sent him an order to settle up my Account of $76.25.
I wrote a letter to Sarah

~ Saturday

19 I took cars rode to Nephie stoped with Brother Teasdale 95
I attended Meeting in the Afternoon Prayer By Jacob Bigler
statistics of the stake was read There were 3 Patriarchs
69 High Priests, 111 Seventies, 172 Elders, 74 Priests, 19 Teachers
150 Deacons, 1371 Officers and Members, 690 children under 8,
Total Souls 2627. Joel Grover spoke 15 M[inutes] W Woodruff 52
W Woodruff Ordained one High Priest & one High Council
Assisted in Ordainingg 1 councillor to the Bishop
we Met in the Evening with the Priesthood Prayer By G Kendal
The Priesthood reported, 38 High Priest 68 Seventies
51 Elders, 15 Priests, 11 Teachers & 22 deacons all present
W Woodruff spoke 35 M[inutes], G Teasdale 25 M[inutes]

~ Sunday

20 I Attended the Prayer Circle in the morning then
Attended the Sabbath School Conference The minutes was
read and the report of the school given Numbering
766 schollars & 92 Teachers W Woodruff spok 30 m[inutes]
G Teasdale 10, Br Paxman 5 M[inutes]. I took dinner with
Br Paxman we Met at 2 oclok. The Authorities of the Church
was read & sustained Joseph L Heywood spoke 10 Minuts
W Woodruff 55, G Teasdale 50. We also held a Meeting
in the Evening G Teasdale spoke 50 M[inutes], & W Woodruff 30 M[inutes]

~ Monday

21 We took cars at 5 oclok & rode to Salt Lake 95 M[iles]
Arived at 9:30 I went to the office & received 2 letters from
A folded letter/box E R Snow Young Smith and to a party on her 80th Birth day

Page 331

~ Tuesday

Jan 22 1884
I spent the day in the office writing I received 2 letter one from
^ A folded letter/box^ the New England Genealogical Society & one from Sarah

~ Wednesday

23 F. D. Richards came into the office to day to begin to work
as assistant Historian I attended the lecture of Mrs Faithful
which was vary interesting she Afterword proved a trator

~ Thursday

24 Keys crossed A crown I Met with Brother Richards in our Historical Room
and we took into consideration the subject of comme-
ncing to Prepare Matter for the Book of the Law of the Lord from
the Death of President Young up to the Present time under President
Taylors superintendentcy and we found on searching that
in the History of Brigham Young it sayes that Orson Pratt
[was excommunicated] for apostacy and following his wife instead of the leader of the Church that he was cut off from the Church on the
20 day of Aug 1842. Also W. Woodruff Journals show
the same And He was restored to the Church, Baptized,
Confirmed, and restored to the Apostleship on the
20 day of Jan 1843 W Woodruff Journal says on
the 19 Jan 1843.

On the 4 day of May 1839 at a Conference held
at Quincy Ill. Orson Hyde and Wm Smith be
allowed the privilege of Appearing personally before
the next general conference of the Church to give an
account of their conduct and that in the Meantime they
be both suspended from exercising the funcsions of their office
Orson Hyde was restored to full fellowship on the 27 day
of June 1839, Also restored to the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles After making an humble confession. See W Woodruff
Journal of that date. See Star vol 26, 151

Page 332

~ Friday

Jan 25 1884
I spent the day in the office writing Br Richards also

~ Saturday

26 I took cars with Mrs Woodruff & rode to Ogden
& to Brigham City to Attend the Quarterly Conference 60 M[iles]
It was vary cold and but few Present The Bishops
Made a verbal report. I stoped with my Daughter
Phebe I dined with her Afternoon Prayer By Bishop Parr
Bishop Still report. Oliver Snow spoke 15 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 45 M[inutes]. I spent the night at Phebes

~ Sunday

27 Sunday Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Brother
Dewey. Seymour B Young spoke 50 M[inutes] W Woodruff 40 m[inutes]
Afternoon Moroni the Lamanite spoke to the people
W Woodruff spoke one Hour and 22 M[inutes]. Br Gill
spoke 5 M[inutes]. At the close of the Meeting W Woodruff
Ordained 1 Patriarch (John D Gibbs.), 1 High Council
6 High Priests, 15 Seventies, 1 Bishop, 2 Councillors to the
Bishop. W Woodruff Also Assisted in ordai[nin]g 6 High Priests
L Snow Mouth & 15 seventies S. B. Young Mouth at the same time
L Snow & Oliver Snow ordained 15 seventies there
was 53 ordinations in all I dined with Br Snow
I Attended a Meeting in the Evening with the young People
The House was full. There were two Essay read
written for a Premium the first Essay read got
the Premium Br Box was the author W Woodruff spok
45 M[inutes] S. B. Young 15 M[inutes]. I spent the night at Phebes

~ Monday

28 I spent the day in Brigham City untill 3 oclok I
took cars & returned to Salt Lake 60 Mils

~ Tuesday

29 An arrow I read this Morning in the Herrald the New
Edmonds Recomended By the Judicia[r]y Committee to the

Page 333

Jun 29, 1884
Senate of the United States. It is unconstitutional
in all its parts if the Government makes it to become a
Law and undertakes to inforce it it will rend the Nation
in peaces. I spent the day in the office writing I received
2 letters & wrote Letter to John E. Myers

~ Wednesday

30. A folded letter/box I received 2 letters to day I spent the forenoon in
the office I attended the council in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

31. A hand pointing to the right I wrote M. F. Farnsworth and sent him a pass
Keys crossed I met with Brother Armstrong this morning and Entered
into an Arangement with Adams & co to move their Building
17 feet to the East this building stands on the North West Cornor
of Lot 6, Block 77, the object of moving this Building is to
open a street North & South on the line of the Lots Between
John Taylor & W Woodruff

I wrote a Joint Letter to President John Taylor with
F D. Richards concerning the Book of the Law of the Lord

~ Friday

Feb 1. I attended the Priesthood Meeting in the Assembly
Hall at 10 oclok Bishop Morris Prayed quite a Number of
Bishops gave a verbal report. W Woodruff spoke 15 M[inutes],
E Snow 9 M[inutes]. At the close of the Meeting W Woodruff
ordained his son Asahel Hart Woodruff an Elder
and assisted A M Cannon to ordain a Brother Freeman
an Elder Afternoon Prayer By E Taylor G Teasdale
spoke spoke 20 M[inutes], J Taylor 57 M[inutes], & G Q Cannon 15 M[inutes]
I met with the Priesthood in the Evening Prayer By
Milando Pratt. W Woodruff spoke 10 M[inutes] By upon the
responsibility of the Priesthood. Joseph E Taylor
spoke 10 M[inutes]

Page 334

~ Saturday

Feb 2nd 18484
I took cars and rode to Smithfield. President Taylor & co
stoped at Logan to attend the conference they Met in the
afternoon Prayer By F. D. Richards G Teasdale spoke
25 M[inutes], L Snow 30, E Snow 40 M[inutes]. Statistical Report read
I spent the Afternoon & Evening in Smithfield 100 M[iles]

~ Sunday

3 I rode to Logan and Attended Meeting L J Nuttall Prayed
Br Card read the Receipts for the Logan Temple
Trustee in Trust had Paid $196000. The whole cost
was $55028.04 Joseph F Smith spoke 30 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 24 M[inutes], F D Richards 30. Afternoon
G Q Cannon spoke 50 M[inutes], John Taylor 65 M[inutes]. The
Power of God rested upon all the speakers At the close
of the Meeting I rode to Smithfield 14 Miles

~ Monday

Keys crossed 4 A crown [FIGURE] I rode to Logan and visited the Temple with
the Presidency and Twelve and the Architect Truman O
Angel Jr
had got the platform on the South side of the font
as marked in black I told the company that the recorder
witnesseds and confirmers should be as near together as possible
at the south End so the administrator could hear the recorder
distinctly when the names are called off as I have marked it
in read. No architect in building a Temple who is not
thoroughly acquainted with giving Endowments should
go to work to build a Temple according to his own
ideas without consulting with the building committee
and the Presidency of the Church and those who do understand
what is necessary for the work of the Endowments. By
persuing this cource in Logan Temple Br Angel has made
many mistakes and much work has had to be undone

Page 335

Feb 4, 1884
At the close of our visit at the Temple, we took cars & rode to
Salt Lake City & spent the night. Distance 100 Mils

~ Tuesday

5 A folded letter/box I received 4 letters from McAllister McDonald
Jesse N Smith & Clough I went to the office & wrote up my Journal
and labored with Br Richards on the Law of the Lord
I attended the Bishops Party in the Social Hall the Presidency
& four of the Twelve present and the Room full of Bishops
& their councillors & High Council Music at 6 oclok &
Supper at 6:30 and a good one dismissed befor Twelve oclok

~ Wednesday

6 I spent the forenoon in the office & the Afternoon I met in the
Prayer Circle & council several subjects was discussed
among other things the propriety of repealing the 3 mills school
tax and let each school [fund] their own children I spent the
Evening at home

~ Thursday

7 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 3 letters & wrote 4 Letters to McAllister
Farnsworth &J W McAllister & Shuah C Moulton
Elizabeth Stephens Born July 3rd 1836 at Conneaut Crawford Co
Peenn was set apart as a midwife and Doctress by W Woodruff
Mary Swindle Born May 29, 1843 at Hargew Zurick switzer-
land [was] set apart for same purpose By G Teasdale mouth

~ Friday

8 * I Paid Adams $70 for moving his house 18 feet.
9 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Hinkley & Nash upon the
woman dream * I Attended a par[t]y in the Social Hall Appointed
for the Bishop we had a good visit with many old friend W
W Woodruff & J Taylor Addressed the Assembly

~ Saturday

9 I went to the farm attended a consert at the Farmers ward

~ Sunday

10 A coffin Vienna Jaques 96 Y
I went to the 12 ward this morning attended the funeral of Vienna
Jaques who di^e^d aged 96 years A M Cannon spoke 20 M[inutes] Penrose 20,
J Grant 5 M[inutes] HG Hamblin 7, & W Woodruff 30.

Page 336

Feb 10, 1884
Sunday I Attended Meeting in the Assembly Hall. Prayer
By Henry Richards President J Taylor spoke One H & 27 M[inutes]
I Attended Meeting in the 13 ward in the Evening W Woodruff
spoke 45 M[inutes], Br Wilcox 20 M[inutes] Br McMurrin 10 M[inutes]
M F Cowley 20 M[inutes]

~ Monday

11 I spent the day in the office with F D. Richards & had
an interview [with] F. S. Richards upon affairs in Washington
I read history with Brother Richards I wrote 2 letter
A hand pointing to the right to Emma & Delight Franklin D Richards was
set apart as Assistant Historian in President Taylors office
By the Apostles President Taylor was Mouth

~ Tuesday

12 I spent the day in the Office in preparing History
for Book called the Law of the Lord

~ Wednesday

13 Cold below zero this morning I spent the forenoon in
the office this Morning with Br Richards On History
it was reported that the Thermometer stood at 16 degrees below
zero (0) early this morning.

~ Thursday

14 A crown Keys crossed My son Asahel H Woodruff was re-
Baptized this morning and received his Endowments
President Taylor paid us a visit this morning
in our Office

~ Friday

15 I spent the day in the office writing

~ Saturday

16 A coffin Betsey Cossett Alvord Died Feb 16
Betsey Cossett Alvord died this morning
at 8 oclok Aged 79 years and 27 day
She was born Jan 19, 1805 She lived
at my Fathers House & we were raised together in child[hood]
I Baptized her into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints in 1838 I also Baptized her Mother the 1 day of July 1838

Page 337

~ Sunday

Feb 17, 1884
In company with Mrs Woodruff I rode to the Farmers
ward visited Azmon then went to Meeting at 2 oclok
Prayer By R T. Burton Br Howell spoke 5 M[inutes] Br Stringfellow
12 M[inutes], W Woodruff 55 R T Burton 12 I returned home 6 M[iles].

~ Monday

18 [FIGURES] I took cars rode to Ogden then in a carriage
to North Ogden in a carriage to attend the Funeral of
Betsey Cossett Alvard On my arival A terrific snow storm
set in the wind Blowing so strong that we could not carry the
corps to the Meeting house we had to wait for two hours
before we wcould carry the body out A company of men
also waited upon me and informed me that they did
not wish to have the body buried untill a coroners inq-
ust was held as they considered there had been great
neglect in her last sickness I got both parties together
and sat and listened to their testimony for two hours
and [at] the End I decided there was no cause of action
and I advised all parties to bury all their complaints
with the woman and they voted to do it I met the congregation
at 4 oclok and spoke 15 Minuts then rode to Ogden with
Bishop Holmes then took cars & rode to Salt Lake 65 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

19 [FIGURES] I attended the trial of Sister Dr Ferguson
in the deserett Hospital practice. We sat all day and
untill 10 oclok in listning to the Testimony on both
sides. This Examination was held in the Social Hall

~ Wednesday

20 We Met again this morning at 10 oclok the Testimony
was finished and the pleas on both sides made and decision
given & remarks made by President Taylor and we
closed at 12 oclok Decision was charge not sustained.

Page 338

~ Thursday

Feb 21 1884
^ A folded letter/box^ I received 2 letters from B Young & McAllister
I met with the Council last Evening and this forenoon
with the Presidency & Twelve upon the subject of painting
the Logan Temple We concluded to leave the large upper
room while I attended A meeting at the social Hall at
7 oclock President Taylor gave his views concerning the late
trial of Dr Ferguson he said not one of the charges had been
sustained but he spoke quite Lengthy upon the different forms
of Government and useges of corporations & institutions His
address was quite instructive

~ Friday

22 A hand pointing to the right This is the celebration of the Aniversary of the birth
of Gen Washington but while all the stores are shut up I
spent the day in the office & wrote 6 Letters to to Malinda
& Ann Cossett, J McAllister, A. F. McDonald
Christopherson & Jesse N Smith & David P Woodruff
I wrote these Letters while a committee was discussing
the subject of the Probate Practice Act in my room.

~ Saturday

23 I spent the day in the office Listning to the reading
of the Probate Practice I went to the field in the Evening

~ Sunday

24 Sunday I Attended Meeting in the Assembly Hall
F M Lyman spoke 55 M[inutes] E Snow spoke 45 M[inutes]
I attended a lecture in the Theatore in the Evening
on Temperance By a woman which was a [Relief party afair]

~ Monday

25 A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from Lot Smith Orag Judd
I spent the forenoon in council in the Gordo House

~ Tuesday

26 I filed a package of Letters of Betsey Alvords written
By My self and others W Woodruff was Mouth in ordaining
Keys crossed A crown Truman O Angel A High Priest & Patriarch this morning

Page 339

~ Wednesday

Feb 27 1884 I spent the forenoon in the office writing I attended the council
in the afternoon. The subject of the Church Property in the Territory
was discussed And a committee was to be Apointed to attend
to the matter. There was a crouded House at the Theater at night

~ Thursday

28th A committee was in our Historical room to day I
spent the day on History and writing I wrote 1 Letter to
A hand pointing to the right John Henry Smith. The committee sat this Afternoon

~ Friday

29 Feb the Last day of winter I spent the day choreing

~ Saturday

March 1st 1884 This is my birthday I am 77 years old this
A heart with a key inside March 1, 1884 Wilford Woodruff Is 77 years old to day
day I am in the Enjoymet of Good health
and my weight is 175 lbs 5 lbs more
than I Ever weighed before. I am having
a meeting of all my Family to day it is also
Emmas Birth day she is 46 years old to day
See my Journal March 1, 1884 I had a vary interesting family
Meeting I had present on the occasion Azmon Woodruff & wife 2
Wilford Woodruff & wife Phebe & G. S. Leslie & Orion Snow & Jenna 5
Wilford Woodruff Jr wife 4 sons & 2 daughters 68
Emma Woodruff 2 sons & 3 daughters 6
Sarah D Woodruff, 3 sons & 2 daughters 76
James Woodruff & wife, 2 sons & 2 daughters 6
Bulah 1 son, 2 daughters & Brother Beatie 5
Elias Smith and wife 2
Sarah Foss Elizabeth Cowley 1 son & 2 daughter 5

I had present with me 1 Brother, 3 wives, 7 sons
6 Daughters, 7 Grand sons & 6 Grand Daughters. We had our
Dinner at 3 oclok we then all gathered togethered in the
Parlor for Prayer and conversation

Page 340

^[FIGURES]^ Wilford Woodruff sen then offered up Prayer and
dedicated the House and his family unto the Lord At the close
of the prayer W. Woodruff then addressed the family and
Expressed his feeling to them upon the occasion and
Exhorted his wives his sons & daughters to righteousness
& Holiness before the Lord at the close of his remarks
his son Wilford Woodruff Jun made a request that
they be permitted to lay their hands upon their fathers head
and Bless him I then took a chair and 5 sons & 2
grand sons laid their hands upon my head and Blessed
me. Then many of the family spoke and expressed themselves
upon the occasion and many of the children spoke peaces
and Wilford's son Elias Woodruff Deliverd the following
Address to his Grand Father To our Beloved Grand Father
Our dear Grand Father We greet thee on this thy seventy
seventh birth day, we wish you many, many hapy returns
returns of the same. For this and more we Ever pray. We all
will strive to walk in thy footsteps, and listen unto thy councils
as thou art a man of God. we likewise hope to become the same,
and with the help of our Heavenly Father, and for this we will strive
You have done a vast amount of Good both for the living and the dead
your days have been many, and many call you blessed. Thou hast been
in the hands of God The savior of thousands. Through the blessings
of God your life has been preserved from death through many dangers
through which you have been called to pass through Thou hast accompliished
a great work, and we all of one voice say peace, & Blessings be unto you
to the End of thy days Please accept of this tribute of Love and respect from
your little Grand Son Elias Woodruff. Written for him By Julia Woodruff

Page 341

~ Sunday

March 2, 1884
I attended the Meeting in the Tabernacle G. Q. Cannon spoke
to the people 45 M[inutes], W Woodruff 10 M[inutes] & Orson Whitney 15 M[inutes].
I attended Meeting in the 16th ward in the Evening & spoke to the
people one hour Bishop Kesler spoke a few Moments

~ Monday

3 A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from Br Wilkenson Mrs Birgess &c

~ Tuesday

4 I returned from the farm and spent the day in the office

~ Wednesday

5 A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from Susan Sarah & Bell Moses. Susan
was in vary Poor health I spent the forenoon in the office

~ Thursday

6 Keys crossed I had an interview in company with the Presidency & some of
the Twelve with Addelila Adelna Patti, Represented as
the greatest singer in the world she never sings for less than
$5000 dollars a night. She visited the Big Tabernacle and Asse-
mbly Hall
and was much Delighted with both she then invited
us to visit her private car which we did it was a small carr but
considered the most costly car in the world $60000 dollars had
been Expended upon it we visited each department of her bedroom
hot & cold baths and all got up on the grandest stile imaginable, we
all drank [to] her health in a little champagne I attended the
Evening singing in the Theater they were mostly Italians &
Germans the Main singer was Madam Gerster Gerster, she got
$2000 for her singing. Galasfi Galassi gets $800 per night
The whole Recept for the night was $4475 dollars but the
Business Maniger said the Entertainment had cost the company
$4000. I took Bulah with me to the Theater

A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to Sarah & sent her $10

~ Friday

7 I met in council at the Endowment House and decided concerning
the sizes of the Altars in the Temple we had a snow storm I
gave a lease to John Peterson for 10 years 20x60 for $10 per Month

Page 342

~ Saturday

March 8, 1884
A heart Phebe W. Woodruff is 77 years old today
This is Phebe Whitemore Carter Woodruffs
Birth day She is 77 years old this day
at 10 oclok A.M. w[e] have both been
preserved in a wonderful manner
through all the vicissitudes of this life so
far and both are still in good reasonable health.

I took cars & rode to Woods Cross to attend a quarterly
conference at Bountiful we Met at 10 oclok
Peter Barton Prayed The Statistical Report was read
Davis stake contained 2 Patriarch, 136 High Priest
220 seventies, 326 Elders, 75 Priests, 70 Teachers, 108 Deacons
3810 Officers & Members, 1586 Children under 8 years
5396 Total of Souls. Four Bishops then made a verbal
report of their wards. Then W Woodruff spoke 50 Minuts
upon the organization of the Priesthood and its labor
we dined with Br Call, and Met again at 2 oclok
J. B. Nobles Prayed. 4 Bishops Reported then Joseph F
spoke 60 Minuts I spent the night at Br Calls 10 M[iles]

~ Sunday

9 Sunday we Met at 10 oclok G Q Cannon having arived
He spoke 63 M[inutes] followed By W Woodruff 15 M[inutes]. I dined
with Phebe Sessions & Met in the Afternoon at 2 oclok
Prayer By Samuel W Richards. Wm R Smith spoke 12 M[inutes]
John W Hess spoke 5 M[inutes], Anson Call 7 M[inutes], Samuel W Richards
Joseph F Smith 35 G Q Cannon 15, W Woodruff 5 which
closed the conference. Keys crossed Samuel W. Richards said whare a
Man had 2 or 3 wives one After the other and did not have but one
at a time He would still be in Poligamy in the next world
the same as though He had them all at one Joseph F Smith

Page 343

thought Different from Br Richards. He though[t] in that way a man
Man would not be carrying out the Patriarchal Law of marriage
if that would have answerd he did not see the necessity of the
Lord commanding Joseph the Prophet to take several wifes at
the same time. An Angel of God stood by him with a drawn
sword and told him he should be slain & cut off from the Earth
and the Kingdom of God if he did not obey that Law G Q Cannon
was of the same opinion, that A man must have more than
one wife at a time in order to obey that Law But He said He
beliveved there would be men in the Celestial Kingdom that
had but one wife and some who had no wife and some
who had several wifes would not get there at all for good
Men died without having the Privilege and men would be
Judged according to their desires as well as their acts and
those men who died without the gospel and would have received
it if they had a chance will receive it hereafter & be saved in
the Celestial Kingdom so with those who would have received
the Patriarchal Order of Marriage oif they had a chance
will be saved in the Celestial Kingdom. W Woodruff
agreed with Brother Smith & Cannon in this principle
He spoke of the Temporal Blessings the Lord had poured
out upon those who had Entered into it faithfully At the
close of the Meeting we took cars & rode to S L City 10 m[iles]

~ Monday

10 A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from Malinda Hatch, Sarah, &c
Keys crossed A crown At the close of the Meeting we ordained 5 High Council
and 2 High Priest W Woodruff was Mouth in ord[aini]ng
one High Priest & one High Council I Attended a Meeting of
the Building Committee and Examined the plan for the Bank

Page 344

^ Keys crossed^ I administered to 2 who were sick I set apart Caroline
as a Midwife for Willard Settlement Box Elder

~ Tuesday

11 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^3^ Letters to Brother Ray, Evans & Malinda Hatch
I Paid $3.50 cts for 1 years Deseret Weekley News for Malinda

~ Wednesday

12 I worked at Wilford House in the forenoon and attended
council in the Afternoon I administered to 2 sick children

~ Thursday

13 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters from Br McAllister I wrote
Letters to Sophi M Burgess, & Bell Moses I visited the
Legislature for the first time this winter. They sat all night

~ Friday

14 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to susan & sent her $5. I did not
keep a copy of the Letter An arrow The Legislature closed
to night at 9 oclok they had to strike out an
Appropriation of $50000 for the University of
Before the Govornor would sign the Bill

~ Saturday

15 A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to John Henry Smith I spent
the day in the office

~ Sunday

16 Sunday I rode to the farmers ward & Met with the saints
Joseph E Taylor spoke 25 M[inutes], W Woodruff 40, and ret[urn]ed
to the City and called upon Elias Smith who was sick

~ Monday

17 I spent the day in the office on history & writing

~ Tuesday

18 I spent the day in the office on history with Br Richards we
Administered to Anne Phippa Pettygrew for tumor in the breast
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to Albert Smith

~ Wednesday

19 I spent the forenoon in the office And attended the
council in the Afternoon we had a hard snow storm

~ Thursday

20 A snow storm this morning it has been the heaviest snow
storm this winter I think there is more snow in the

Page 345

Mountains and hills at this time of the year than we have Ever
seen since we have been in the valley

~ Friday

21 The sun shines & the snow is melting I spent the day in the
office An arrow The salt Lake Tribune ^Editors^ Forged a sermon which
they published on Sunday Morning March 16, [18]84 and
published it as a verbatim report of a Discourse delivered
at Juab School House on Sunday March 9, 1884 by Bishop
West. There was no meeting held on that day there at all
and there was no Bishop West in the Church, and No bishop
by any name there. It was the most infamous forgery concocted
Either by Man or Devils all got up by the Editors of the
Tribune to injure the Saints and Govornor Eli H Murray
took a Bundle of them to Washington to circulate a[mo]ng the
Members of Congress to help destroy the Saints. The Deseret
of March 19 has the whole account in it and comments
upon it and the Tribune of the 20 came out and recalled it
said they were imposed upon, and Men carrying on such
a game as that ought & will be damed.

~ Saturday

22 Keys crossed This is Wilfords Birth day. His Mother & myself
Met at his house Also Emma & family we took Dinner
I spent the night at the farm Wilford is 44 years old to day

~ Sunday

23 Sunday I attended Meeting at 2 oclok prayer
By Andrew Jenson. Brigham Young spok 55 Mins
& John Morgan preached an Excellent sermon from
107 Pslalm Psalm I attended the council in the Evening

~ Monday

24 I went to the field in the Morning to remove the old
fence on the farm I dug up the post & moved the poles
of 120 Rods in one day I was vary weary at night

Page 346

I attended Meeting in the Farmers ward upon the subject
of taxing that school district for school purposes they
wanted to tax the people 4 Miles on the dollar I moved
to to leave out some of the expens named which
reduced it 1/4 leaving it 3 mills on a dollar
but when they come to vote the company voted it
down distance of the day 5 Mile

~ Tuesday

25 A folded letter/box I receivd 5 letters from Hanson Farnsworth
G Teasdale Albert Smith & McAllister

~ Wednesday

26 I received 2 letters from Dr Anderson & Farnsworth
I spent the forenoon in the office I wrote 1 Letter to
M F Farnsworth

~ Thursday

27 I spent the day in the office I wrote a letter to Sarah

~ Friday

28 A hand pointing to the right In company with the first Presidency & 4 of the
Twelve we visited Heber J. Grant who is vary bitter
sick we administered to him I look upon him as
in a Dangerous condition I spent most of the
day in the office

~ Saturday

29 A folded letter/box I received one letter containing the cost of the
Logan Temple. Total to March 1, 1884 $577,517.94
Trustee in Trust gave $207,890.74. I had an interview
with President Taylor with J McAllister & J G Bleak
A coffin [sideways text] Robert Pierce [end of sideways text] Robert Pierce Aged 87 was buried to day
funeral Held at the 13 ward President Taylor
requested me to call men as a Mission to go to work
in the Temples on Donation for a year Each

~ Sunday

30 Sunday I attended Meeting at 2 oclok. C W Penrose
spoke 1 Hour & 24 M[inutes] on the subject of Patriarchal order of Marriage

Page 347

G. Q. Cannon followed spoke 11 M[inutes]. I attended Meeting in the Evening
at the 20 ward Meeting House & spoke one Hour

~ Monday

31 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Malinda Hatch & A. S. Gibbons
I met with the Presidency and Twelve at 11 oclok to take
into consideration any business for the conference I met
with Br Nicholsons class of young men I heard some half
a dozen of the young Men speak upon the first principles
of the gospel they spoke vary well. I addressed them a short time

~ Tuesday

Aprail 1, 1884 Keys crossed Asahel received a vary Excellent
letter from H. S Eldridge concerning his Labor in the
coop and presented him with a purse of $100 dollars in gold
In company with F D Richards I visited Heber J Grant
And Administered to him And I feel thankful to say
He is Better to day

~ Wednesday

2 An arrow An arrow Miles P Romney Arived this Morning from
St John As a Messenger. The Jews Gentiles & Mexicans
have commenced Making our Brethren Jumping
our land and quite a Number of our Brethren have
been arested

Keys crossed A crown I Attended Mrs Adelina Patti singing last
night in the big Tabernacle there was supposed to
be nearly 7000 people the recepts were $9950. she
is counted the greatest singer in the world

~ Thursday

3 I met with the Presidency and Twelve in council

~ Friday

4 Aprail we commenced our fifty fourth Annual con-
Keys crossed A crown ference to day at 10 oclok. President Taylor spok
15 M[inutes], G Teasdale 37 M[inutes], F M Lyman 26. Afternoon
Prayer By L Snow M. Thatcher spoke 30 M[inutes] A Carrington 30 m[inutes]

Page 348

F D Richard spoke 32 M[inutes]. Lorenzo Snow 27 M[inutes] B Young 18

~ Saturday

18 5. Met at 10. President Taylor made a few remarks Lorenzo
then spoke 27 M[inutes], Brigham Young 18 M[inutes] Erastus Snow
34 Minuts President G. Q. Cannon then read the List
of Missionaries some 80 in Number Asahel H Woodruff
among the Number. Afternoon D H Wells Prayed.

The Statistical Report was then read and found as follows
Grand Total 3 First Presidency, 10 Apostles, 68 Patriarchs
4447 Seventies, 3413 High Priests, 12318 Elders, 1636 Priests
1792 Teachers, 5022 Deacons, 67774 Members, 96383
Officers and Members, 41490 Children under 8 years of age
Total of Souls 137,873. Families 24758 Marriages 572
Births Males 1404, Births Females 1335, Children Blessed 2673,
Baptized New Members 635, Baptized Children 1190.
Deaths Males 390, Deaths Females 462 Individuals drawing
support 1403. The report of the Primary showed 6095
Members. The report of the Relief Society showed they had
31912 Bushels of wheat on hand. The report of the
Sabbath School shows 6583 officers Members 40005 Members
Total officers & Members 46587. At the close of reading the
Reports W. Woodruff spoke 20 M[inutes] G Q Cannon 14 M[inutes]
John Taylor 18 M[inutes]. I attended the Sunday school union in the Evening

~ Sunday

Aprail 6, 1884 Sunday The Conference Met at the Big
at 10 oclok. The building crouded to its
utmost capacity some thousands went away that could
not get standing room in the Building I should Judge
there was 12000 people present. Joseph F Smith Prayed
G Q Cannon read the report of the Auditing Committee

Page 349

G. Q. Cannon then spoke 60 M[inutes]. There arived in our midst
this Morning seven Chiefs & Leading Men of the Maricopas
and Pimo's lead By Brothers Rogers & Ray had Come some 700
Miles to attend the conference from Arizonia they were reporting
of many thousands of the Lamanits. Cheroquas Erastus who
I Baptize ordained a seventy at St George was one of
them they were much interested in the great Tabernacle
and congregation. Joseph F Smith spoke 30 M[inutes]
Afternoon prayer By Wm B Preston I conversed with the
Lamanite Chiefs. The Authorites of the Church were presented
and John W Taylor was presented to fill the vacancy in the
quorum of the Twelve & Wm B Preston was voted to
occupy the place of the Prisidid Bishop of the Church.
President John Taylor spoke 65 M[inutes].

~ Monday

7 I met with the Twelve & seventies & we set apart 55 Missionaries
I set apart my son Asahel Hart Woodruff to his mission
to England

~ Tuesday

8 Keys crossed I met in council with the Presidency and Twelve {Fifty}
many subjects were discussed and among others the troubles
in St John, Arizona. A mob spirit had arizen against
the saints in the place A committee was Appointed to
take the Matter into consideration and Adopt measures
to assist our Brethren in that place the committee con[sis]ted
of W Woodruff, Erastus Snow, Brigham Young F M
. We Met in the Evening at the Historians Office
And prepared a report to President Taylor.

~ Wednesday

9 I met with the Presidency Twelve & Presidents of stakes
I had 7 of the Maricopa & Pimo Chiefs to dinner with me today

Page 350

I met in council with the Presidency & Twelve
John W Taylor son of President John Taylor was ordained
An Apostle and A Member of the Twelve Apostles By his
father John Taylor Wm B Preston was ordained A
Presiding Bishop By George Q Cannon and Leonard
W Hardy
his first councillor

~ Thursday

10 I ordained Ferdinand Clark a seventy and
set him apart to his mission. I assisted to ordain
another seventy & set him apart for his mission I laid
upon one woman I spent the night at the farm 6 m[iles]

~ Friday

11 I administered to 1 sick person I went to the City with
Asahel I parted with my son Asahel for the last time to
day as He was going on his mission I went to the Office
and met with the Presidency Twelve & 7 Lamanite
Chiefs & Leading men of the Maricopas & Pimo's President
Taylors talked to them & taught them the gospel they
also gave Each of them a suit of clothes and three
of them a saddle apeace for their Labor in interpeting

~ Saturday

12 I took cars and rode to Tooele and spent the night 25 M[iles]
I spent the night with Br M F Lyman

~ Sunday

13 Sunday I saw Amasa M Lymans Journals
which He had written for many years. They were
in the Hands of his son MF FM Lyman we Met in the
Meeting House at 10 oclok. It was the first time I was
Ever in the House It has been 16 years since I was last in
this town the Last time I came it was in company with
Brigham Young, Heber C Kimball, Orson Pratt, G. A. Smith
Ezra T. Benson & Bishop John Rowbery was presiding

Page 351

and to day they are all in the spirit world prayer By D E Harris
W Woodruff spoke 54 M[inutes], G Teasdale 40 M[inutes], Hugh S Gowans President
Charles L Ander 1 councillor Thomas ^M^ Lee 2 councillor
Afternoon John Rowbery died Aprail 4, 1884 would
A coffin John Rowberry died Aprail 4/[18]84 have been 57 in August I Baptized him in
Herefordshire in Aprail 1840 when he was
13 years of age he was born in Aug 14, 1827. He
was buried on the 48 inst And this afternoon
ther laid Before us the body of Mother Gowin Aged 96 years
M F ^m^ Lyman spoke 25 M[inutes], G Teasdale 35 W Woodruff
45 M[inutes]. we then followed the body to the grave W Woodruff
offered Prayer at the grave I spent the Evening in looking
over the History of Noted man Lambert when
He died weighed 728 lbs. Elizabeth Ann Selwood
Paid me $10 as donation to the Temple which I delivered
to Horace Whitney to send her a recept

~ Monday

14 Returned home and I sent 20 letters to all the
Bishops in the stake Presidents of stake in this ^35 M[iles].^
Territory I received 2 letters

~ Tuesday

^ A folded letter/box^ 15 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 Letters to Sarah Lot & Jesse N Smith
& D K Udall

~ Wednesday

16. I attended council with presidency & Twelve

~ Thursday

17 Keys crossed President Taylor G. Q. Cannon and quite
a company of men left for the Iron works & St
I went to the field in the Evening to administer
to the sick Wilfords Youngest Child was vary sick
with Pneumonia we administered to it and it began to
recover I returned from the field this morning 6 m[iles]
A coffin I preached Ethan Pettets funeral sermon to day

Page 352

~ Friday

Aprail 18, 1884
A cold rainy time I spent a part of the day in the office

~ Saturday

19 I took cars & rode to Nephie and attended Meeting at 11 {o'clock} 95 miles
The bishops made verbal reports I dined with Br Teasdale
Afternoon Statistics read & showed officers & Members
1941, children 700, Total Souls 2649. C R Savage spoke
44 M[inutes]. Afternoon G Teasdale spoke 57 M[inutes] W Woodruff 30.
I attended the primary & spoke to the children I attended
the Priesthood Meeting in the Evening W Woodruff spoke
45 M[inutes] G Teasdale 15 M[inutes] Br Paxman 15 M[inutes] 217 of the
Priesthood was present

~ Sunday

20 Sunday I met with the Priesthood or Prayer Circle
in the Morning & gave some instruction. I met with
the sabbath school conference in the forenoon a crouded
House, sacrament administered superintendents
Reported 936 scholars in the stake. W Woodruff spoke
30 M[inutes] G Teasdale 30 M[inutes]. Afternoon Prayer By J Bigler
W Woodruff spoke 45 M[inutes], G Teasdale 25 M[inutes]. I took
supper with Br Andrews. I attended Meeting at 7 oclok
I called upon the People to Testify some near 30 spoke
W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes] I spent the night with Br Teasdale

~ Monday

21 I took cars at 5 oclok and rode to Salt Lake City 95 miles
A folded letter/box I received 4 letters and sent 20 circulars to the
various stakes of the Territory for the purpose of calling Men
to St John I sent a Telegraph to Br J McAllister

~ Tuesday

22 I spent the day about home

~ Wednesday

23 I went to the farm with Brother Wilton and spent the
day making fence

~ Thursday

24 I spent this day Making fence picket & Board fence

Page 353

~ Friday

Aprail 25, 1884
I returned to the City after making fence through the day
A folded letter/box I received 4 letters & 1 telegraph spent the night at home 6 m[iles]

~ Saturday

^26^ Wilford planted his potatoes to day

~ Sunday

267 Sunday I attended Meeting and spoke to the people
44 M[inutes], C W Penrose 38 M[inutes]

~ Monday

28 A folded letter/box I spent the forenoon in the office I received 4 letters
I held a meeting at 11 oclok with Joseph F Smith John
John Sharp B Young & John W. Young. We had receivd
intelligence from Jesse N. Smith that the Ring at St John
was trying to rob our People of their homes by trying to
Buy the Rail Road Lands upon which a part of the
Town of St John stands occupied By our people
We telegraphed to Gen Williamson of Washington D.C.
who was the General Land agent of those RR Lands
to Telegraph to Gen Sedgwick not to dispose of those
Lands untill he received our letter of same date this was
signed By W. Woodruff John Sharp B Young & J W Young. We
also sent a letter to Gen Williamson giving him an
account of matters appertaining to it both Letters & Telegraph
copied into my copy Book. In company with J F Smith
F. D. Richards B Young & H S Eldridge we ordained
Christian Daniel Fjelstead to the office of one of the
first Seven Presidents of the Seventies W Woodruff was mouth

~ Tuesday

289 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 1 letter to day and wrote 6 Letters
to O. G. Snow Thomas Ames Gen. Williamson to Sarah
E Snow & J. G. Bleak. we have cold stormy weather

~ Wednesday

30 W Woodruff ordained Francis Charles Teasdale a seventy
and set apart to a Mission to the Indian Territor F D Richards set apart
Israel Bale to the same Mission

Page 354

The Bannock Indian Chief with several others called
upon us to day at the office and had a talk with us Br
Joseph F Smith gave them an order for a sack of corn
and 300 lb of flour Br F S Richards set apart a woman
to go on a Mission with her husband

~ Thursday

May 1. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 1 Letter from W. G. Smith
I wrote 5 Letters to W. G. Smith Asahel H Woodruff
Nellie Woodruff, Jesse Moses & Sarah. I spent the night at the farm 6 m[iles]

~ Friday

2 A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter I attended the conference in the afternoon
Wm Taylor Prayed. The Elders made a verbal report
B Young spoke 420 M[inutes], W. Woodruff spoke 5 M[inutes], J F Smith
spoke 40 M[inutes]. upon the selling their inherititens [inheritance] W Woodruff
sustained the same I Attended the young Peoples Mutual
Meeting in the Evening superintendents Male
and female made Reports. Authorities of the Institution
were sustained W Woodruff gave the closing address

~ Saturday

3 I ordained Sandford Alread a seventy & set
him apart
for a Mission to the Sandwich Islands
I attended meeting at 10 oclok. The Bishops continued
their reports A M Cannon spok 25 M[inutes] Afternoon
Lorenzo Young Prayed. The Bishops continued their reports
D H Wells spoke 35 M[inutes], Wm Taylor sp[o]ke 15 M[inutes]
I Attended Meeting in the Evening. The Assembly was
addressed By Joseph E Taylor G Godard, and
G Q Cannon spoke 30 M[inutes].

~ Sunday

4 Sunday I attended Meeting at 10 oclok C. W. Penrose
Prayed. Wm Taylor spoke upon the Money collected
for the Logan Temple W Woodruff then spoke 30 Min

Page 355

Br Day spoke 5 M[inutes], Br Edington 16 gave a short history
of the High Council for Salt Lake Stake John Taylor 10 m[inutes]
Afternoon prayr By Milando Pratt President John
Taylor spoke 58 M[inutes]. We held a meeting in the big
in the Evening. G Q Cannon spoke one
Hour & 17 Minuts clothed with much of the spirit of God

~ Monday

May 5th A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters from Sarah and
J W Crosby I wrote Letters to Sarah Sent $10 to [her]
I set apart Theadore Brandley to a Mission to the
Mennonites at Minnosota & other places Br F D Richards
ordained Wittewer a seventy and set him apart for
the same Mission. I ordained John R. Tilby to the office
of A seventy, & set him apart to go on Mission to the
Sandwich Islands. My Daughter Bell came home to
day from Cottonwood quite Poorly I administered to her
& she returned. I also ordained Leonard John
Nuttall Jr
to the office of seventy and set him apart
for a Mission to Great Britain I had quite an inter-
esting conversation with President Taylor upon the Iron works

~ Tuesday

6 I spent most of the day at the farm Hung two gates
drew fence posts and done some ploughing

~ Wednesday

7 May I called upon Brother Grow to lay out my
Kitchen I wrote Letters to Jesse N Smith D. K. Udall
A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right A. M. Tenney, J McAllister I received 2 letters

~ Thursday

8 A folded letter/box A folded letter/box I received 2 letters to day from Br Bleak and
Farnsworth I wrote Letters to R Campbell & Kingsbury
A hand pointing to the right Keys crossed I ordained Heber Godard to a seventy & set him
for a Mission to England I met in council yesterday

Page 356

See Journal
On the 22nd August 1863 In company with The Presidency
of the Church the Twelve Apostles and a large Number of Elders
and a large train of carriages we Entered the Town of Logan
and we Met a large Number of boys & girls, young Men &
Maidens paraded in the street females all dressed in white
&on one side of the road and Males in thereir best on the other side
all to celebrate the coming of President Young & his company
Aug 22 [FIGURES] Sunday Morning we Met in a large
Bowery E T Benson President, & Peter Maug^ha^n Bishop
There wer present of the Authorities Brigham Young H. C. Kimball
Willard Richards, D. H. Wells, J Taylor W Woodruff G A. Smith
Lorenzo Snow F D Richards C. C. Rich and President Joseph
and A large congregation of Elders & saints and
After prayer President Young called upon W Woodruff to
speak. As I arose to speak I was clothed upon with
spirit of God And my Mind was turned towards
the young people who had met us the Evening before and
the following is a synopsis of some of the remarks which I made
As I am called upon this morning to Address this
Assembly My mind leads me to speak to the young
people who are before me this Morning I wish to say to you
my young friends, last Evening as we came into this Town
we met you paraded in the street to pay proper respect to
President Young and his party you met to greet Prophets &
Apostles and inspired Men. This is a privilege which no
other Generation of young people have Ever Enjoyed for Eighteen
hundred years untill Joseph Smith the prophet was raised
up to lay the foundation of the Church & kingdom of God

Page 357

on the Earth, A privilege ^for^ which I would have felt amply
repaid if I had to travel A thousand ^miles^ in the days of my boy-
hood to have witnessed. Now my young friends I wish
you to remember these scenes which you are witnessing
during the visit of President Young & his brethren you my
young friends treasure up the teachings & sayings of these
Prophets And Apostles as precious treasures, while they are li
living Men and dont wait untill they are dead A few
days and President Young and his brethren these prophets
and Apostles and Brother Benson & Maugn will be in the spir[i]t
you should never forget this visitation. You are to
Become Men & women Fathers & Mothers. Yea the day will come
after your Father & these Prophets And Apostles are dead and
gone into the spirit world you will have the privilege of
going into the Towers of a glorious Temple built unto
the Name of the Most High God ^East of us upon the Logan Bench^ and while you stand in
the Tower of that Temple and your Eyes survey this glorious
valley filled with cities & villages occupied wiby tens of
^thousands^ of the Latter day saints, you will then call to mind This
visitation of President Young & his company, you will say
that was in the day when Presidents Benson & Maugn
presided over us that was the day when President Young & the
Apostles were with us that was before New Yorg was
destroyed by an Earthquake it was before Boston was
swept into the sea by the sea heaving itself beyond its bounds
it was before Albany was destroyed By fire, yea at that
time you will remember the scenes of this day, treasure them up &
forget them Not. President Young followed and said
what Br Woodruff had said was revelation and would be fulfilled

Page 358

I Attended the Endowment House with the Presidency
in the Afternoon I dug out the foundation for a
Ketchen in the Evening

~ Friday

9 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a telegram from McAllister
and sent him one in reply I wrote 2 Letters to
J. G. Bleak C. L. Christianson

~ Saturday

10 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 2 Letters from Alace Smith & A M Tenney
I wrote Letters to Allace Smith. A M Tenney informed
me that they are still mobing the Brethren at St John.

I telegraphed to J McAllister that passes awaited
him at Milford

~ Sunday

11 Sunday I labored with many others to save the
bridg & road at the farm from going away

~ Monday

12 I attended a hospital Meeting which was adjourned
untill the call of the President. I received 3 letters &
A hand pointing to the right wrote 3 letters to Sarah, Bleak, and another

~ Tuesday

13 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 4 letters to day from Bishop Farrell
F D Richards I received two telegrams & wrote 2
I wrote Letters to H. H. Cluff of Provo for the Emigration
to Arizona to go as soon as they get ready & not
tarry. Bishop Farrell sent me a Milch Cow to day
all the streams are vary high throughout the country

~ Wednesday

14 I took cars with the Presidency & Twelve and others at 7:30
rode to Ogden & Logan I took with my [me] My Daughter Bell Moses
and her 3 children and on my arival at Logan I met with
Sarah & Newton & they took Bell & children home with her
to Smithfield I went home with Br Ricks & spent the
night with him. After Dinner The Presidency & Twelve

Page 359

went through the Temple. We also spent the Evening in coun-
cil at Br Thatchers untill 10 oclok distance of the day 95 Miles

~ Thursday

15 We had a rainy night clear this Morning I called upon
John Turner and administered to him He being sick
I called upon Brother Teasdale who was sick at Br Turners
I then Met in council upon the Dedication of the Temple
After Dinner I met again in council at 3 oclok J F Smith
returned from Bear Lake Conference I received a letter
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box from Charles A Munch I wrote him a letter in return
The temple was in Dept [Debt] to the ZC.M.I some $20,000.
I took cold at night at Br Ricks and took a severe cold

~ Friday

16 The quarterly conference met in the Assembly Hall
at 10:30 Prayer By G Q Cannon Wm B Preston spoke
16 Minutes A O Smoot 11 M[inutes] Lorenzo Snow 30, D H Wells
233 M[inutes]. we Met at Thatchers at Noon and voted to appoint
C O Card President of Logan or Cache Valley Stake
M W Merrill 1 councillor and Orson Smith 2.
Met at 10:30 Prayer By J F Smith G Q Cannon spok 47 M[inutes]
John Taylor 25 M[inutes], Mary S. Clark got a ticket

~ Saturday

May 17 I Met in the Temple at 10:30 in Logan
to attend to the Dedication of the same we met in the
Main upper Room for that purpose. Doors were opene
A building at 10 oclke and the people were permitted
to Enter upon showing a ticket of
Admission About 1500 persons were
admitted. The Priesthood occupied
the stands. The first Presidency occup[ied]
the upper stand in the west End G Q Cannon

Page 360

the North side J. F. Smith the south President Taylor
the centre W Woodruff occupied the North seat with
G Q Cannon L Snow the south by the side of J F. Smith
The quorum of the Twelve Apostles occupied the side seatts
North of the upper stand The Patriarch the south
the seventies the North of the stand. Below the Twelve
The Presidency of the stake occupied the stand Below
the first Presidency. The Presidents of the Elders Quorum
occupied the lower stand at the west End The
Bishops & Aaronic Priesthood occupied the
west stand. Meeting comm[ence]d at 10:30. Presidt
John Taylor read the Dedicatory Prayer, Temple
Hymn sung. The Prayer is published in the various
papers of the day. While attending the Dedication
of this Temple, The reflection came upon me of the
many hours I had spent in prayer in my Early
manhood in calling upon God to permit me to live
in the Earth to see the Christurch of Christ Esstablished
and a people raised up who would receive the
Ancient Gospel and contend for the faith once
deliverd to the Saints The LORD promised me
that I should live to find the people of God and
have a Name & a place withhisn [his] walls, & within
his House, A name Better than of sons or of Daught[ers]
a Name that should not be cut off And I to day
rejoice in having a Name with his people and assist
in the Dedication of Another Temple to his most
Holy Name. Praise be unto God and the Lamb forever

Page 361

G Q Cannon spoke 15 M[inutes], Joseph F Smith 20 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 20 who said
[several lines blank]

Lorenzo Snow spoke 20 M[inutes] President Taylor had
all the people stand up and gave a shout of Hosannah
to god and the Lamb repeated 3 times. There were about
1600 people Present. Met again at 2 oclok Prayer By
A M Cannon. Jacob Gates spoke 18 M[inutes], F D Richards 30 m[inutes]
E Snow 24 M[inutes], Joseph F Smith spoke 20 M[inutes] President Taylor spoke
upon the Payment of the Temple I went to Smithfield and spent
the night But suffered through the night with a cold. 8 Miles

~ Sunday

18 I went to Logan Temple The President & some
of the Twelve went again to the Temple and repeated the
ceremonies of the Dedication of the Temple the same
as yesterday. G Q Cannon read the Dedicatory Prayer
Erastus Snow and F. D. Richards done most of the talking
President Taylor made a few remarks. I was called
upon to preside at the Tabernacle or Assembly Hall
at 10:30 Prayer By C W Penrose

Page 362

Statisctical Report of the stake was read as follows
Apostles 1, Patriarchs 8, Seventies 540, High Priests 481,
Elders 1632, Priests 446, Teachers 364, Deacons 616 Members
8317, Officers & Members 12405, Children under 8 year
5791, Total of Souls 18196. The Authorities of the Church
were then Presented & sustained I called a vote of the people
to turn the meeting into a testimony Meeting which was
voted unanimously. G Teasdale spoke 10 M[inutes], A Carrington
12 M[inutes], Wm Jennings 10 M[inutes], M Thatcher 9, Wm Paxman 9
J. D. T. McAllister 10 M[inutes], C W Penrose 13 M[inutes] A M Cannon
9 M[inutes], Wm H W. 5 M[inutes] W Woodruff 10 M[inutes] He said
saviors would come upon Mount Zion and the Kingdom
would be the Lords. All men should keep an account
and record all the work they do in the Endowments
and that we should sustain our friends & not our Enemies
The Assembly Hall was full all day Afternoon
President Taylor spoke 1 Hour & 40 Minuts. He said
Moses sealed the keys upon the Head of Joseph Smith
to gather together the 12 tribes of Israel in the last days this
is the reason you are here. [Doctrine and Covenants 110:11] The young people were invited to
meet tonight in the Basement at 7 oclok G Q Cannon was
31 1/2 Minuts in reading the Prayer in the Temple E Snow
spoke 35 M[inutes] & F D Richards 25 M[inutes]

~ Monday

May 19. Monday I came from Smithfield with a cold
so I could Hardly speak. We Met in the Temple for the 3rd time
to attend to its dedication to accomidate the people who could
not attend the other Meeting. A few remarks were made By
President Taylor. Joseph F Smith read the Prayer

Page 363

Albert Carrington spoke 15 M[inutes], Moses Thatcher spoke 15 M[inutes]
G Teasdale 11 M[inutes], D H Wells 20 M[inutes], Jacob Gates 10 M[inutes], Wm B Preston
6 M[inutes], Milo Andrews 10 M[inutes] President Taylor 5 M[inutes] We Met at
Brother Thatchers at 3 oclok Samuel Roskelley was appointed
Chief Secretary of the Temple. It was decided that Men must
be called to work in the Temple on Donation as Missionary
John Crowler Engineer Wm McNeil Janetor.
President Taylor said that the President of a Stake or Either of
his councillors might Preside over the High Council while
in session. several subjects were discussed

~ Tuesday

20 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I am some better this morning I wrote 2 letters to Phebe
and Sarah I spent the day in Logan I rece^i^ved 4 letters

~ Wednesday

21 I went to the Temple M. W. Merrill was Apointed & orda[ine]d
& set apart to Preside over the Logan Temple President Taylor
was Mouth. S Roskelley set apart as Temple Recorder By
G Q. Cannon ^ A hand pointing to the right^ The first Baptisms in the Logan Temple was
administered By David Cannon. F. D. Richards was the
first Baptized for his health and the renewal of his covenants
He was confirmed By John Taylor & G. Q. Cannon. Sister
Rachael Grant was Baptized for her hearing seven times. many
Endowments were given during the day quite a Number of the
young Brethren had a wife sealed to them among the number
M. F. Cowley Keys crossed President Taylor officiated in sealing a wife to one ^two^
of his sons. W Woodruff gave 2nd Anointing to Wm B Preston
and wives and to L John Nuttall wife & 2 dead J. D. T McAllister
gave 2nd Anointing to C O Card & wife. D H Wells sealed 19 Couple
& J Taylor 2 & 9 sealings for the Dead.

Page 364

~ Thursday

May 22, 1884
I Am better this Morning. I called upon President Taylor this
Morning about going to Bannock Keys crossed I visited the Temple. President
Taylor told the people to record that the Lord was well pleased
with the Temple the people had built and accepted of the Dedication
at the Hands of his people, and if they wished to ornament it they
were at Liberty to do so and this is the word of the Lord unto
you And the Lord will condescend to reveal unto us
Evry principle that is necessary for us from time to time

~ Friday

23 We took cars & returned to salt Lake City 90 M[iles]
A folded letter/box I received 8 letters and went to the farm 6 Mils

~ Saturday

24 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 2 letters and wrote 1 Letter

~ Sunday

25 I Met in the Tabernacle at 2 oclok Prayer By Thomas Hall
G Q Cannon spoke 65 Minuts. There were many strangers
Present He read the 4 chapter of Malachi

~ Monday

26 I ordained James Roskelley a seventy and Joseph
Y Boice
was ordained a seventy By F RD Richards and
samuel C Parkinson set apart By H J Grant I wrote 2 letters
A hand pointing to the right to Delight and Sarah

~ Tuesday

27 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter and wrote 1. I Attended
The funeral of the widow of Elnathan Eldridge aged 74 years
W Woodruff spoke 40 M[inutes], L W Hardy 8 M[inutes] Bishop Kesler
15 M[inutes] L W Hardy was born Dec 3, 1805

~ Wednesday

28 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 2 letters & wrote 2 letters I attended
the council in the Afternoon and I packed up my things

~ Thursday

29 May A rainy day I took cars with H. J. Grant rode to
Ogden stoped at Ogden 2 Hours for the U. P. Then took the
Utah Northern at 10:30 Arived at Logan at 2:30
and went North we passed Battle Creek where Gen Connor

Page 365

had his Battle with the Indians where many were killed
and wounded on both sides we passed up the Portniff River
about the size of the Logan River. We arived at Market Lake 260 Miles
at 11:30, where we met Thomas E Ricks with
two waggons we lay down in one of them untill morning

~ Friday

30 We arose in the Morning & found 3 of our Horses gone
the Brethren Hunted untill 130 oclok & could not find them
we then took one team & waggon & went on, and the
Boys found the lost Horses about night we went on to Br
Ricks ferry and crossed in a ferry boat by a wire roap
and pullies abut 200 feet across one fork of Snake River
when we reached the East bank of the River two yoak of
Oxen was hitched on to the boat and drew us about a quarter
of a Mile to dry land But we found the water had overflowed
its [bank] and covered the road so that we had to travel over
the rocky Levy beds and in the sage brush but we arived
at Rexburg all safe
distance of the day 25 Mils

~ Saturday

31. A Plesant Morning we walked over the gardens
orchards and took a view of the Town and we found
that an immence amount of work had Been done
in Rexburg during one year since the Town was
laid out. The Town covers 1120 Acres laid out into
10 Acre Blocks 4 lots in a Block, and most of the lots
gi[v]en out half of the Lot, fenced and the rest soon would
be one field of 1500 Acres fenced & 500 Acres in
wheat which looked well. The people Numbered
about 400. They had dug 2 water canals one 4 miles
long & the other 3 3/4 mils 10 feet wide on the bottom water in both

Page 366

Their is about 1500 people in the stake we road to the
River which is spreading over the country The two
canals cost 6000. We attended a Priesthood Meeting
at 10:30 John Donaldson prayed W. Woodruff
spoke a few Minuts W Young reported Lyman. Wm
reported Wilford. John G. Holman reported
Salem. John Donaldson reported Teton in good
condition. 180 Acres in wheat. Thomas E. Ricks
Represented Rexburg. Edmond Paul represented
the Young Men 5 societies in this stake. James
reported the sabbath schools in Rexburg
120 pupils in the Town and Doing well. Thomas
Smith spoke a short time. Instructions from
the Presidency was read H J Grant spoke 10 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 30 M[inutes]. Missionary Lands are
being set off in the various settlements. Thomas
E Ricks spoke 10 M[inutes]. I met with a good many
Brethren. After Dinner we rode up the Teton
River this with all the rivers of the country had
overflown the country in places Iwe caught 2 trout
but water to high to fish I wrote 2 letters to Phebe
A hand pointing to the right and Sarah

~ Sunday

June 1. Sunday Met at Rexburg at 10:30
Prayer By John Poul. H. J. Grant spoke 42 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 40 M[inutes]. Afternoon Prayer By Alexander
. W. Woodruff spoke 10 M[inutes], John Donalson
spoke 9 M[inutes], Sidney Weeks spoke 6 M[inutes] John Pool
spoke 15 M[inutes]. He reported Cedar Bute all well

Page 367

Richard Goodson spoke 7 M[inutes], H J Grant 6 M[inutes].

~ Monday

2nd we traveled to day to Teton, then went 16 miles South
East to Canyon Creek. we found the creek Located in
a deep gorge fsome 400 feet from the top of the bank to the water
from an Angle of 50 degr[ee]s to perpendicular Neither Br
Grant nor myself attempted to go down to the water Br
Ricks & son both went down but found it severe
Labor. The stream was larger than City Creek
but High water and heavy descent and rushing over
the ragged rocks that lie in its bed we travelled down
the creek untill 8 oclok and camp for the night. We had
a cold driving rain storm for the night. fWe found an
Excellent stock range in all our travels through the day
grass all over the country about a foot high distance 25 M[iles]
we fried 3 trout that we caught then lay down for the
Night we saw 1 doz Antilope and shot at one
deer this canyon is quite a range fromor Antilope
Deer Elk & Moose all of which are killed By the
setlers. One Man killed 3 Moose last fall in one
place, another man killed 15 Elk in one place & could
have killed as many Moose but could not take care
of the Meat.

~ Tuesday

3rd A Plesant Morning. We followed down the Can-
yon Creek many Miles Then drove back to Teton
and Rexburg and was vary weary 25 Miles

~ Wednesday

4 A hard wind I spent most of the day reading I was quite
weary through the day

~ Thursday

June 5 fast day we rode to Lyman and attended a fast Meeting

Page 368

in a New Log Meeting House which was not finished
we Met at 15 m[inutes] to 11. Prayer By Francis C Gunnel
W Woodruff spoke 50 M[inutes] H. J. Grant 21 M[inutes]. 2 peprsons
were confirmed, 4 children Blessed. We consecra-
ted 2 Bottles of oil President Taylor's instruction to
that stake was read Remarks made By W Woodruff
& T. E. Ricks we told the people not to Hunt fish or work
on Sunday but go to Meeting. W Woodruff ordiained
Sidney Weeks a High Priest & Bishop to presid over
the Lyman ward I also ordained [Charles Foster|Charles Foster]]
a High Priest and administered to his wife who was sick
Lyman is located on the North Bank of the south fork
of the Snake River on the North side of a heavy body
of Cottonwood timber & poles 15 Miles long & 2 wide
with thick under brush fwhich formes a shelter in winter
for large heards of Deer & Elk we returned to
Rexburg. distance of the day 20 Miles

~ Friday

6 I spent the day at Rexburg I wrote 5 Letters to
A hand pointing to the right John Jaques, Jesse N Smith J G Bleak
Emma & Sarah An arrow I have been quite unwell
for several days was taken in the night with somthing
like the Billious Cholic I vomited and was quite poorly
through the night A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to Asahel H Woodruff

~ Saturday

7 I got up in the Morning quite Poorly. I eat a bowl
of gruel and felt Better I kept [to] my bed most of the
^ A hand pointing to the right^ forenoon. got up & wrote ^2^ Letters to Henry & Nellie
& to Susan C Scholes & sent her $5.

~ Sunday

8 I was some better this Morning we Met at the

Page 369

Meeting House at 10 oclok Prayer By Robert L Bibe
H J Grant spoke 50 M[inutes], W M Parker 7 M[inutes] Br Grant
spoke upon the Patriarchal Marriage, word of wisdom
A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from Presidt Taylor, L. J. Nuttall
and Leslie Snow. Afternoon Prayer By H J Grant
sacrament administered, we had a hard rain storm
W. Woodruff spoke one hour & 17 Minuts T E Ricks spoke
8 M[inutes]. and gave good council. We met in the Evening
Br Bibgee spoke 5 M[inutes], T. E. Ricks 15 M[inutes], W Woodruff 24 m[inutes]

~ Monday

9 After a hard rain we took the waggon & rode to
Teton then crossed the river 200 feet on a cotton ^wood^ raft
vary frail. Brother Grant & myself went over one
at a time. Brother Ricks & Bibee both went over at
the same time and sunk it so they got some wet
we then drove up through the Town of Wilford
ownly one house on the town Lot. People settled on their
farms it was a vary fine level country for Mils around
we stoped with Brother Wm J Pratt jr grand son of Wm
Brother to Parley & Orson Pratt. We held a Meeting
at 2:20. Prayer By George Ward. H J Grant spoke 24 m[inutes]
W Woodruff 35 M[inutes], Br Bybee 7, Br Ricks 3 M[inutes]
Br Bybee Attends to the organization of the sabbath
. We put in Br George D Black a presiding Priest
we spent the night with Br Wm Pratt Distance 25 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

10 We drove over the Town sight crossed the river and
held a meeting at Teton Prayer By Br Bybee. H J Grant
spoke 25 M[inutes], W Woodruff 28 M[inutes]. Instructions were read
T. E. Ricks spoke 10 M[inutes]. John Donaldson was ordained & set apart

Page 370

as a Bishop over Teton ward by W. Woodruff Joseph
was ordained a High Priest & first councillor to
Br Donaldson By H. J. Grant. We dined with Brother Jones
then drove back to Rexburg & spent the night 20 Miles
at about sun down 3 Men rode into Rexburg with
15 Horses and wanted to stop over night they were rough
looking Men said they were looking over the country
Br Ricks pointed out the House for them to go into
But they got the wrong house they went into the House
of one of his sons with his wife children & a sick
man and got their supper they had not been there long
untill A sherriff and possee of 7 men arived in town
after these men as Horse thieves Br Ricks told them
whare the thieves were they wanted to go into the
House immediately and arest them Br Ricks
told them No (as they were in liquor) said they
would get killed some of them, and a woman & children
were there told them to wait till morning which
they did & garded the House untill morning

~ Wednesday

June 11, 1884 [FIGURES] I arose this morning at 6 oclok
and found the Depiuteey Sheriff T. E. Ray with 7 men
on guard watching for the Theiieves to come out of the
house. The House that Br Grant & myself were in was
nearly in range of the Bullets of the guard so I watched
all the movement with a good Deal of interest Br
Ricks had the women & children moved out of the
house at an Early hour. we got an Early Breakfast
and ready to leave the town for Good to start on our

Page 371

return home As the Thieves had been broken of their
rest for several nights they did not get up untill 8 oc[loc]k
not dreaming of any danger Br Ricks son called
them to Breakfast they soon got up and washed them-
selves and about 8 oclok two of them started East to go to
Breakfast and when within 40 feet of the stable whare the
sheriff & posse posse was, the sheriff ordered them to
throw up their hands the two thieves instantly grasped their
pistols and turned to run back to the House at the same instant the
sheriff & Posse commenced fireing upon them the leader
ownly took about 3 Jumps untill He fell beside a wood
pile and I thought He was shot dead, the other man
ran some 70 yards with a Doz balls following him and
Just before he reached the door a ball went through
his body and He fell inside the door. The sheriff then
commanded the Thief that remained in the House to
come out and give himself up, but the Thief said you
are nothing but a Damed mob and if I give myself
up you will linch me. the sheriff said if He would
give himself up He should not be hurt so the man in
the House thinking the other two men were dying came out
and held up his hands and as He came by the dead man
at the wood pile He droped his pistol & arose and held
up his hands too not having been touched at all and
they both were secured. I then went to the room whare
wounded man lay in his goore shot through the body
He died in 50 Minuts He was buried the other 2 thieves taken
back to Montana and report said the Posse hung them

Page 372

At the close of this scene of things we got aboard of our
waggon and left Rexburg and went to the river & crosed
and went to the Town of parker and held a Meeting at
at 2:35. W. M. Parker prayed Brother Bybee spoke 12 m[inutes]
T E Ricks 18, H J Grant 26, W Woodruff 38 M[inutes]
Wm M Parker was set apart as presiding Bishop of
the Parker ward By H. J. Grant mouth, was ordained
a Bishop before. we spent the night with Br Parker 18 M[iles]
George Monn was the name of the Man shot He had a wife
and family at Walace County Kansas

~ Thursday

12 We took carriage and rode up snake River
about 6 miles we caught 7 trout there came up
a cold rain storm back. This looks like a dead
level country. W Woodruff ordained Edward
W Davenport
a High Priest & H J Grant ordained
Samuel Smith A High Priest. We spent the night
at Br Parkers 12 Miles

~ Friday

13 We left Br Parkers at 8 oclok and Returned
to Rexic^ks^burg ferry crossed over on the ferry boat
we then went up snake River and we crossed
the river 7 of us in a skiff 600 feet across in
a rapid curant but had to make 3 trips it was rather
Dangerous 23 miles to the River Br Albert L Elsworth
took us in his waggon and carried us to his house
4 miles on spring Creek distance of the day 27 Miles
we took dinner then road to John R Pool's 4 Miles
& spent the night 4 Mils

~ Saturday

14 A Plesant Morning the greatest complaint Musketoes

Page 373

This is an Island the soil vary rich but the gentiles
have located 3 sections of University lands upon it
so the Mormons should not occupy it Brother Pool is
on that land. we road out to view the country, we
road on the top of the Cedar butes whare we had a
view of the whole country we held a Meeting at Cedar
at 10:30 Prayer By Robert L. Bybee W Woodruff
spoke 36 M[inutes], H J Grant 30, T. E. Ricks 10 M[inutes] B Pool 17
Br Bybee 5 M[inutes], Andrew S Anderson dismissed.

~ Sunday

15 Sunday A plesant day we Met in the Meeting House at
10 oclock. Prayer By A. S. Anderson 3 persons were
confirmed. Thomas E Ricks spoke 10 M[inutes], H GJ Grant
45 M[inutes], W Woodruff 45 M[inutes], Br Pool 5 M[inutes]. We took
Dinner with Spencer Raymond. we then drove
to the South fork of Snake River and crossed in
a skiff and held a meeting at Lewisville at
2 oclok Prayer By John Pool this place contained
126 souls T. E. Ricks spoke 8 M[inutes], John Evans 2 M[inutes]
H J Grant 42 M[inutes], W Woodruff 35 M[inutes]. Temple instruction
was read we spent the night with Richard F. Jordon 12 Miles
Brother Anderson was takien sick and we administered
to him. It was quite cold to day I wore an overcoat
Brother Jordan Paid 18 cts per lb for poor Beef at Eagle Rock
The Brethren here kill a good Many Antelope Deer
Elk m& Moose in the season there off. we travelled

~ Monday

16 We travelled through a solid sage plain mostly
level for 25 Miles we drove to Brother Heaths and
spent the night 25 Miles

Page 374

~ Tuesday

June 17, 1884
We drove on the several Branches of the Willow &
Sand Creeks to the camp of C Owens, then to the camp
of Rufus Norton whare we held a Meeting with
the few Brethren who had gathered there. The Instructions
of the Presidency were read T E Ricks spoke 8 M[inutes]
H. J. Grant 7 M[inutes], W Woodruff 7 M[inutes]. Cadwalader
Owens was Apointed a presiding Priest over that branch
we took dinner with Brother Norton Brother Ricks &
several of the Brethren rode out to pick out a town
cite we then drove to Eagle Rock containing the
Utah & Northern Rail Road Machine shops with
a population of about 600 souls we visited the
R.R. Ironbridge across the snake river there is
a large rock rises out of the Middle of the River 100
feet high which divides the river into 2 stream
the Iron Bridge is built upon this. This Iron Bridge
is some 500325 feet long the water is said to be
140 feet deep under the Bridge and rolls like
a raging Rapid torent the River is said to be
900 feet wide a few hundred yards above the bridg
we Met at the House of Brother Thomas at about 8 ocl[oc]k
T E Ricks spok 10 M[inutes] H J Grant 25 M[inutes] W Woodruff 28
We spent the night with Brother Thomas 25 Mile

~ Wednesday

18 We took cars at 5 oclok & took breakfast at
Pocatella and rode to Smithfield whare I spent the night 125 Mi[les]

~ Thursday

19 I spent the fore noon hoeing in the garden &
watering I took cars at 12:40 rode to Ogden &
to Salt Lake City and spent the night at home 108 M[iles]

Page 375

~ Friday

June 20 1884
A folded letter/box I went to the office & received 12 letters and spent the
day in the office

~ Saturday

21 In company with Wilford I rode over Jordon but in
consequence of High water we had to go some 5 mile to get
to our Lucern Lot and the lot itself was half cov[er]ed
with water I do not think there has been as much snow
in the rocky Mountains, or as Much water in the streams &
Lakes as there is at the present time since we came to these
Mountains in 1847 I went to the farm and spent the nigh

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle
G Q B Young spoke 35 M[inutes], G. Q. Cannon 38 M[inutes]. I drove
down to see the Jordon in the Eve[nin]g it was breaking over its Banks

~ Monday

23 I spent the day in the office writing Journal

~ Tuesday

24. I spent the day in the office writing Journal

~ Wednesday

25 I held a council with Brother Richards in the
forenoon Attended council in the Afternoon and went
to the Theatre in the Evening {I saw} 24 {pair of legs of women}

~ Thursday

26 I finished up my Journal to date I met in
council with Presidency and Twelve upon the subject
of protecting the Interest of the Church

~ Friday

27 A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Asahel, Bleak, & Roskelley I met
in council with the presidency and And voted
to Make our Temples, Temples of science Literature &
Theology The schools held in Kirtland Temple spoken off


28 we held a council with the presidency & Twelve
on Temple Affairs President Taylor Nominated A
G. Q. Cannon & G Reynolds a committee
upon the perpetual Emigrating Fund Company

Page 376

~ Sunday

June 29, 1884
Sunday I Attended Meeting at 2 oclok Lorenzo Young
Prayed. John Q Cannon spoke 15 M[inutes], gave an account
of his Mission to JGermany & switzerland. W Woodruff
30 M[inutes], & John Taylor 30. We met in Prayer Circle

~ Monday

30 We Met in committyee at 10 oclok & council at
3 oclok and discussed subjects of interest of the Church

~ Tuesday

July 1. Met in council at 10 oclok and at Council
at 2 oclok and discussed the Affairs of the Church

~ Wednesday

2 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 Letters to M. F Farnsworth spent the
forenoon in the office Nicholas Groesbeck died June
A coffin [sideways text] Nicholas Groesbeck [end of sideways text] 27, 1884 and was buried July 1. I wrote 1 Letter
to C R Anderson I met in council at
2 oclok and still discussed Church Matters

~ Thursday

July 3, 1884 David O. Calder Died this Morning at 3 oclok
A coffin David O Calder died at 3 oc[loc]k on this Mor[nin]g Aged 61 years & 15 days Born 18 June 1823
Brother McAllister & D H Cannon called
upon me this forenoone I wrote ^2^ Letters to
A hand pointing to the right David, Henry & Nellie Woodruff
Bishop L W Hardy had a light Paraletic stroak on
July 1, But is around to day

~ Friday

July 4. Wilford & Family James & Family Emma &
family & Bulah & myself went up Parlys Canyon
to spend the fourth we drove up & camped near
Hardy's spent several Hours finishing [fishing] & returned
home weary but vary few fish caught by anyone 30 Mil

~ Saturday

5 A folded letter/box We received a letter from Asahel
to his Mother He was well & Felt well. The council
Met in the forenoon I receivd a letter from Br Bleak

Page 377

~ Sunday

July 6, 1884
Sunday I met at the Tabernacle at 9:40 to attend
the funeral of David O Calder his remains were brought at
9 oclok & viewed untill 10 oclok services commenced at 10
Prayer By H S Eldridge. Mellen Atwood spoke 5 M[inutes]
A M Cannon 11 M[inutes], G Q Cannon 62 M[inutes]. He read the 42
chapter of the Book of Alma on the resurrection and spoke
quite extensively upon the subject. Afternoon {Prayer by}
Carl Maeser G. Teasdale spoke 64 M[inutes]. We met in council

~ Monday

7 We Met in council at 9 oclok and discussed matters
of Church interest we were informed that Judge Hunter
Had discharged the Grand Jury and liberated Nellie White
from Prision. A. M. Musser went to the penetentiary and
brought her away He stoped with her at the Historians
we went out and spoke to her she was in good spirits

~ Tuesday

8 Keys crossed A crown Thank God Congress has adjourned and the Hoar
Bill has not passed and we have five more [months] of Breathing
spell. The Lord has heard and Answered our prayers
in this respect I wrote ^5^ Letters to Asahel, Jesse Moses
A hand pointing to the right Susan C Scholes to Bell Erickson and Sarah The
Presidency & some of the Twelve went to Logan this after-
noon to attend to Logan Temple matters

~ Wednesday

9 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 2 letters to day from Sarah & Udall
I wrote ^2^ Letters to D. K. Udall or sent a message to him &
wrote A F. McDonald I learned to Day that Aaron
at Mesa City Arizona Died from sun stroak
I wrote to Francis Sharp & sent him a pamphlet on
Priesthood & revelation I put up a large quantity
of scraps to day

Page 378

~ Thursday

July 10th 1884
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from John Henry Smith
& Asahel H Woodruff A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to John
Henry Smith of 10 pages for publication in the Star

~ Friday

11 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Elizabeth Browet &
Jesse N Smith A hand pointing to the right There was a peace published
in the Evening News from Asahel H Woodruffs
Letter July 11, 1884 I spent the day in the office
I visited Br John Wilson in the Eve[ni]ng

~ Saturday

12 I spent the day in the office I went to the farm in the Eve[ni]ng

~ Sunday

13 Sunday I met at the Tabernacle at 2 oclok prayer
By Br Snedeker. Joseph F Smith spoke 60 M[inutes].

~ Monday

14 I went to the farm took Br Wilson & with Wilfor
and 2 boys we made 20 rods of Board fence on the
East side of the farm 40 Boards High and put a picket
over 40 Posts then put a board on top of a wire
fence 35 rods & returned to the City I rode 12 miles

~ Tuesday

15 We had fire last night in the Market row 2 rows dest[ro]yed
I spent the day in the office

~ Wednesday

16 I took cars with Joseph A West and rode to Juab
then in a waggon with Brother Thurber and rode to
Gunnison held A Meeting we stoped with Bishop Matson 135 M[iles]

~ Thursday

17 We drove to Salina and dined with
Jenson, then rode to Kins Meadows and camped
in the field with quite a company we adm[ini]stered to 2 sick 30 Miles

~ Friday

18 It is vary plesant but cold as we get hig[h] up
we started for fish Lake at about 8 oclok we travelled
5 Miles up hill we arived in sight of the Lake at 5 oclok
The young men had made a road on the side of the

Page 379

July 18th 1884
Mountain the road was vary stoney and rough we
traveled about 3 miles over this rough road we came to open
ground whare an Encampment was being formed Br Thurber
had built a house. This fish Lake was about 10000 feet above
the sea, 7 miles Long 1 1/4 wide the depth not known it is a
reservoy of fish, in the spring of the year large trout go up
the small streams to spond and the people throw them out
with their hands. The bottom of this Lake is covered
with some kind of vegitation like moss & weeds. There
is no fish known in the Lake but trout esxept sumthing
like a water Lizard distance of the day 30 M

~ Saturday

19 Saturyday We found this Morning in the Encampment
120 waggion 14 Bishop & 600 people and the young
People' Mutual improvement Association who had
gathered from the various wards of the Severe Stake
of Zion. Brother Thurber had brought a New skiff
and put it in the Lake I got in with him last Evening
to go out to view the Bottom of the Lake it was not
corked or tared and leaked baddly and so this morning
Br Thurber took it out of the Lake so no one might
not get drowned we assembled at a Bowery built
at 10 oclok for our conference Prayer By Harry Pain
W Woodruff spoke 5 m Reports of the young Men [were read]
Br Segmiller spoke 10 M, M W Mansfield spoke 12 m
16 sociities were then represented The following reported
their wards Thurber, J Broadhead, Henry Burr, Rusfus
, Peter Rasmussen, F P Sweet. W Woodruff spok 10 m
Afternoon A D Thurber Prayed John Reese reported Joseph

Page 380

July 19, 1884
The following reported Ole Olson Wm Warnock
Albert T Thurber reported Richfield, P Murphy,
J Godferson, Wm PetersenPalmer reported the Missionaries
of the society in the field. He spoke 35 M and gave
an interesting account of his Missionary experience
in the vineyard. Brothe Wheelock spoke 15 M,
W. Woodruff spoke 15 M. At noon we Met with the
Bishops on Temple Matters. we held a Meeting in
the Evening for the sisters. Prayer By Br Blackburn
Sister M I Horn spoke 21 M, Jane S Richards 15 M

~ Sunday

20. Sunday we Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Henry Oolson
Barnard Greenwood & Hiram Rasmussan reported
their wards of Yong Men W Woodruff spoke 60 Min
A K Thurber 15 M R Farnsworth 150 M
Afternoon Prayer By Paul Poulson We administered
the sacrament the first time it was administered since
the days of the Ancient Nephites The Authorities of
the society were then presented and sustained Franklin
then spoke 40 M, W Woodruff 430 Joseph West
10 M. R Segmiller spoke to the society we then dismised
this vary interesting conference we were Blessed with
much of the spirit of the Lord and I think much good
was done we took our teams drove to the outlet and
Examined the iEmbankment dam & gates which was
built to reservoy the Lake the whole Lake had been
raised about 4 feet the gate raised and a large stream
of water running out to water rabit valley we drove
down the outlet & camped at Browns Dairy 5 M.

Page 381

July 20th 1884
The Boys cought about 100 small trout in a spring nearby

~ Monday

21 some of the Brethren went into the Hills Early this morning
to see if they could kill a Deer Brother Thurber saw six shot
at one of them but got Nothing. We travelled to day 15
miles from Fish Lake outlet to Goosebury valley the worst
15 miles of Road I Ever travelled over with a carriage in my
life we had an appointment given out for a Meeting
they had supper waiting for us from 6 oclok. we did
not arive untill 8 oclok did not commence Meeting
untill about 9 oclok I told them the ownly Excuce I could
offer for not getting there before was that the Mountains
were too high, the vallies too Low, the roads too rocky and
Rough the Miles altogether to long, and the hours to short to
get there before we held a Meeting and Dismissed about
11 oclok took supper & went to bed at 12 and had a good nights
rest distance of the day 15 Miles
I think in crossing the highest point coming from the
Lake we were 11000 ^feet^ miles above the sea we spent the
Night with Andrew Jackson Russell

~ Tuesday

22 A plesant Morning we started at 8 oclok we rode to
Salina Dined went to Mantit, visited the Temple, took
supper with Brother Maiben rode to Ephrail spent the
night with Brothe Peterson Distnce of the Day 47 Mils

~ Wednesday

23 we travelled to wales took cars to Nephi 47 M while
at Nephi Brothe Golesburgh family was turned over
in a carriage containing several women and a child
all were bruised the child Badly hurt we administered to it and
returned to Salt Lake Distance from Ephrain 142 Miles

Page 382

~ Thursday

July 24, 1884
Keys crossed A crown 37 years ago to day I brought President
Brigham Young in my carriage into the valley of
the Great Salt Lake the first time He Ever saw the
valley. The Twelve who came were ^1^ B. Young ^2^ H C Kimball
^3^ W Richards ^4^ O Pratt, ^5^ W. Woodruff, ^6^ G A Smith, ^7^ E. Snow
^8^ E. T. Benson ^9^ A Lyman 9. The other Thre of the Twelve
followed us the same season or soon After ^10^ TJ Taylor
^11^ P P Pratt & ^12^ O Hyde. Nine out of these 12 men
are in the spirit world to day and but 3 of us living
viz J Taylor W Woodruff & E Snow and time must
determin how long before we shall be Numbered with
them I spent this 24th quietly resting in my own house
Also C C Rich Died in Bear Lake valley

~ Friday

25 A folded letter/box I received 6 Letters to day from Farnsworth
Susan, Jesse N. Smith A. M. Tenney Sarah &c. I
spent the day in the office

~ Saturday

26 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from A.M. Tenney & Christianson
I went to the field & visited Br L W Hardy and
talked a few moments with him He had an attack
of the Paralisis but was still able to talk 6 mils

~ Sunday

27 Sunday I attended Meeting at 2 oclok J T Cain
spoke 30 M. and gave an account of his labor
in Congress. He was followed By C W. Penrose
who spoke 50 M and many strangers listened with
Attention. Hearing that Brother Hardy had an
Keys crossed An arrow An arrow other Attack of paralisis I took Mrs
Woodruff with me & went down to his farm to
visit him his right side was paralized so

Page 383

July 27, 1884
He had no use of himself could not speak or hardly
swallow any thing yet He knew me I laid my hands
upon his head and Blessed him and sealed upon
him all that had been sealed upon him in life I then
returned home I also administered to Sister Sayers. 7 Mils

~ Monday

28 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received one Letter from Sister Sarah
I wrote one letter to Franklin Spencer upon doctrin
I spent the day in the office

~ Tuesday

29 A hand pointing to the right I 4 wrote Letters to McAllister, Bleak, Farnsworth
and Sarah & sent her $10 in cash & $10 in orders

~ Wednesday

30 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letter to Ward E Pack & told him to mak[e]
a smoke of woollen rags or wool, & hold his bear hand
and arm over it, if that did not help him to boil up
some strong wild sage, pound charcoal fine & make
a poultice of it & try that. I wrote to Samuel Roskelley
I attended council in the Afternoon & went down to
L. W. Hardies and staid untill about 11 oclok All the
Presidency had been down to visited him and
administered to him I found him breathing vary hard
and apparently dying I staid untill about 11.

~ Thursday

31 An arrow Wilford and myself called at Br Hardys
found him still breathing But dying hard, had
been dying Apparently since Midnight I came
up to the office Leonard Wilford Hardy Died
at 7 oclok PM. Geo Q. Cannon Joseph F Smith
& W Woodruff administered to William W Taylor
who lay at the point of Death

Page 384

~ Friday

Aug 1, 1884
A coffin Leonard Wilford Hardy Died July 31, 1884 at 7 oclock PM Aged 78 Y & 7 months A coffin Wm W. Taylor Died at 4 oclock PM Aug 1, 1884 Aged [blank] A coffin Orson P. Whitney Died July 31, 4 oclok PM Aged 55 Y
An arrow We have three men lying dead this Morning in
our Midst Leonard W Hardy who died last Evening
at 7 oclok Orson Whitney who died last Evening at
4 oclok and Wm W Taylor who died this Morning
at 4 oclock I also received a letter this Morning from
A O. Smoot saying that Margarett was at the
point of Death and wished me to attend his [her] funeral
Aug 1. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 Letters to James Owens, D. K. Udall
A M Tenney & 6 pages to Asahel H Woodruff I spent
most of the day in the office

~ Saturday

2 The quarterly conference of the Salt Lake Stake of Zion
Met this Morning in the Assembly Hall at 10 oclok
Joseph E Taylor Prayed A M Cannon Prayed spoke 2 M
Roll called Minutes read There wer recommends
read for quite a Numbers of Young Men to be ordained
Elders Home Missionary List read A M Canno[n]
spoke 25 M, W. Woodruff 25 M We had some visiting
Jews from Jerrusalem that seemed quite interested
in our services. Afternoon Prayer By Joseph Johnson
A Brother spoke 20 M, Joseph E Taylor 31 M, A. M.
Cannon 20 M. Authorities of the Church sustained
C W Penrose spoke 15 M, W Woodruff 10 M

Page 385

~ Sunday

Aug 3rd, 1884
we held a meeting in the Evening. Judge Elias Smith
W. Woodruff & G. Q. Cannon addressed the Meeting

~ Monday

Aug 4, 1884 A coffin A coffin LWH [FIGURE] Wm W Taylor We had 2 coffins this morning
Placed Below the stand containing the bodies
of Leonard W. Hardy & Wm W Taylor. The speakers
were W. Woodruff, R. T. Burton, Jacob Gates, A M. Cannon
Joseph F Smith & G Q Cannon. The Big Tabernacle
was nearly full we formed two posession [processions] to the grave
both posrosessions Numbered 125 carriages W Woodruff
Dedicated the grave & body of L W Hardy I attended
Meeting in the Afternooon at 2 oclok Prayer By [blank]
Wm Paxman spoke 25 M H J Grant 15 M B Young 30.
The conference continued in the Evening I was
not well and did not attend

4 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from S Roskelley & Temple
work for July I wrote Letter to S Roskelley had an
Interview with Br Jenson I wrote to Jesse N Smith

~ Tuesday

5 A folded letter/box I received a letter from A E Hinkley and spent
the day in the office I went to the field in the Evening 6 M

~ Wednesday

6 I spent the day making fenc or nailing on a board
at the top of the wire fenc at the farm I spent the Evening
at work on the fenc at the grass lot

~ Thursday

7 I came up on a load of Hay in the Morning and went to
A folded letter/box the office I received a letter from Asahel I spent
A hand pointing to the right the day in the office I wrote a letter to Lot Smith the 5

~ Friday

8 A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right I wrote 7 Letters to day To Ozem T Woodruff
Andrew S Gibbon, Jesse N Smith C L Christianson
Wm C Allen, M. S. Ray and Lot Smith 21 pages in all

Page 386

~ Saturday

Aug 9th 1884
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 8 Letters to P. J. Christofferson O T.
Susan C. Scholes, James H Heath,
Jeremiah Hatch, Henry & Nellie Woodruff, Elizabeth
, & Wm Budge. And took cars & rode to
Provo & spent the night with [blank] 50 Miles

~ Sunday

10 Sunday A plesant Morning I administered to Sister Smoot
last Evening and she seemed Better this Morning A conference
of the sabbath school Superintendents & teacher & children
Assembled this Morning at the Meeting House at 10 oclok
Prayer By S S Jones Sacrament was Administered
Joseph H Parry spoke 7 M J Wakefield 10 M E Daniels
on Music 15 M, Warren P Smith 9 M, J Morgan 15 m
Afternoon Harvey H Cluff Prayed, George Brimhall 10 m
Isaiah M Cooms spoke 10 M, Elder Marks of Salt Lake
spoke 5 M, J Morgan 15 M, W Woodruff 25 M.
He asks the question of all that is sacred what is to be
done with these 50000 sabbath school children when
they become young Men & women will you bind &
fetter them so they shall not progress or will you give
them a chance to Enter the young Mens & young women
Mutual Improvement Society
and continue their labors
is there not room for both societies in the Church & kingdom
of God I think there is

~ Monday

11 I took cars & rode to S L City 50 Mi
A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^2^ Letters to Malinda Hatch Asahel
H Woodruff

~ Tuesday

12 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 Letters to M Ray, A F McDonald
J McAllister & W G Brough

Page 387

~ Wednesday

Aug 13, 1884
An arrow An arrow We had a telegram from Tennessee saying the mob
had killed five of our Missionary Brethren were
Murdered by masked Men one of the mob was killed

~ Thursday

14 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Moses Thatcher and spent most
of the day in the office

~ Friday

15 I took cars & rode to Nephi {with Delight} 95 M to wales 25
to Ephraim 14 M, & spent the night. Distance of the day 134 M

~ Saturday

16 I met in conference at Manti at 10 oclok Prayer
By Wm Paxman. Kanute Peterson spoke 15 w woodruff 30 m
Statistics were then read & showed the following 4 patriarchs
379 seventies, 298 High Priests, 988 Elders, 204 Priests
233 Teachers, 281 Deacons, 5912 Members 8296 officers
& Members, 3468 children under 8 years 116764 Total souls
Wm Paxman spoke 20 M, E Snow 17 M. I stoped with
Brother Folsome. Afternoon Prayer By Wm Alread
John B Maiben spoke 15 M, Henry Beal 29 M.
The Temple reports for last Quarter read. Wm H
Folsome spoke upon the Temple work 30 M w woodruff
spoke 20 M. At the close of the Meeting E Snow and
W Woodruff visited the Patriarch Gardner E Snow
aged 92 He was quite feeble and we laid hands
upon him & Blessed him W Woodruff was mouth
we held an Evening with the Young People Prayer
By John F Alread E Snow spoke 20 M, Wm Paxman
10 M W Woodruff 30 we spoke in great Plainness
& spoke upon wrong doing doing we had a good Meeting

~ Sunday

16 [17] Sunday Prayer By Judge Bean Wm Paxman
spoke 30 M & E Snow 70 Minuts

Page 388

Aug 16, 1884
Afternoon Authorities of the Church were Presented
and sustained W Woodruff then spoke 60 M. at the
close of the meeting W Woodruff ordained one Bishop
Assisted to ordain 2 High Priests & 2 High Council
We Met in the Evening to discuss ways & Means
for raising $12000 in cash for the furthernce of the
Temple and sent a circular to the Presidents of the
stakes for that purpose I spent the night at Brother Folsomes

~ Monday

17 [18] We visited the Temple from the top to the Bottom. we
then rode to Ephraim took dinner & rode to Mount
and held a Meeting E Snow spoke 70 Minuts
& W Woodruff 27 M. I was some unwell with
cold & sore throat. I spent the night with Bishop Seeley 25 mils

~ Tuesday

19 We rode to Freedom took cars rode to Nephie & on to
Salt Lake City distance of the day 140 Miles

~ Wednesday

20 A folded letter/box I received 4 letters from John Henry Smith
J McAllisister A M Tenney & Watkins. I met in council
in the Afternoon I spent the rest of the day reading Bancroft
History of the Mormons

~ Thursday

21. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Sarah & wrote 1 letter to Emma
I spent the day reading Bancroft History

~ Friday

22 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I spent the day reading Bancroft History of the Mormons
A coffin John H Gibbs corps arived to day A coffin Wm S. Berry corps arived to day The bodies of the 2 Marte[re]d Elders
arived to day Brother Wm Berry's
body is stoped at Provo, & Bishop Sharp
goes with an Extra Engin & car with the Body and the Elders
Brother Berry of the Murdered Men & 2 Elders to Milford and there
teams take the body to Kanarrah whare it will be burid on
Sunday at 2 oclok

Page 389

Aug 22, 1884
The body of Gibbs will be taken to Ogden accompanid By
several Elders & on the Utah Northern to Logan in waggon to
Paradice and be buried on Sunday 2 oclok P.M at the
same time that Berry is buried and Meetings will be
held at the same hour throughout the Territory in Memory
of the Dead

~ Saturday

23 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to J H Watkins E. Roskelley, Sarah
& A. M. Tenney I spent the day writing

~ Sunday

24 I met at 2 oclok in the Tabernacle in memory of the
Mart[ere]d Dead. Prayer By D. H. Wells Joseph F Smith spok
8 M, A M Cannon 14 M, John Morgan 22 M
W Woodruff 18 M, Orson Whitney 15 M T B Lewis
15 M C W Penrose 17 M. All spoke upon the subject
of the Martared Men

~ Monday

25 I spent most of the day with Mr Bancroft on
Historical Matters

~ Tuesday

26. Keys crossed A hand pointing to the right I set apart 2 women as Midwives and
assisted Joseph F Smith in setting apart 2 others &
we set apart Leslie Wilford Snow to go to Philadelphia
to study surgery & Medicine Br Smith was Mouth
I Paid my city taxes to day $67.25 I wrote to Asahel

~ Wednesday

27 Keys crossed Br F D Richards and myself spent most of the
day with Hubert Howe Bancroft on the History of
Utah and the Mormons As He was giving both sides
of the question for and against He gave us the privilege
of correcting any mistakes on our side we atten[d]ed
council in the After noon

~ Thursday

28. We spent the day reading & correcting Bancroft History

Page 390

Aug 28 1884
Leslie W Snow left this morning for Philadelphia
to commence his studies of surgery & Medicine & Phebe
W Woodruff
went with him to Onawa Iowa to
visit our daughter Susan for about 2 Months
President Taylor and company arived home this
Evening from there Northern Journey

~ Friday

29 I spent Most of the day with Mr Bancroft
on History I went to the field & to the Theater 6 Mils

~ Saturday

30 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Joseph Hall S. Roskelley
to Jesse Moses & sent him Jacobsons Letter I wrote
to Sarah sent her $10 cash $10 orders I received
A folded letter/box ^6^ Letters from Hall, Roskelley, Jacobson Lot
Moses Thatcher Asahel H. Woodruff
M Thatcher Delight I sent her $10 in cash
& $10 in orders I went to the field spent the night

~ Sunday

31 I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle Prayer By A M Musser
G Teasdale spoke 42 M G Q Cannon 44 M. at the close
An arrow An arrow of the Meeting I met in council with Presidents
Taylor & Cannon G Teasdale & Bishop Spencer of
thistle valley He brought a report that the Indians of
this western world were going to unite together & make
war upon the United States. President Taylor persuid
the same policy that Presidet Young did He President
Taylor sent word By Brother Spencer to tell all the
Indians that we have any influence with not to have any
thing to do with going to war or sheding Blood to keep
out of Everything of that kind for it was not right
to shed Blood it was wicked

Page 391

Aug 31, 1884
A building I went down to the 3rd ward to Attend the
dedication of their Meeting House. the House was
full of people W. Woodruff offered the
dedicatory Prayer G Teasdale spoke 11 M
W Woodruff 30 M, G Q Cannon 38 M
I went down to the field & spent the night 6 M

~ Monday

Sept 1. I spent most of the day with Mr Bancroft
A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Malinda Hatch & Card
from L. W. Snow I attended a Bank Meeting at 3 oclok

~ Tuesday

2 A hand pointing to the right I spent the day in the office with Mr Bancroft on
History Presidents Taylor & Cannon were present and
F D Richards we read portions of Mr Bancrofts
History all seemed satisfied with it wrote to Phebe

~ Wednesday

3 A coffin Margarett T Smoot Funeral I took cars with Emma G Teasdale John
and Many others & rode to Provo &
Attended the funeral of Sister Margaret T Smoot
The procession formed at the House & President
A O. Smoot & family followed the Body to the meeting
house. The congregation filled the House Prayer By Geo
Teasdale W. Woodruff spoke 40 M. He gave it as his
opinion that whatever ordinances were necessary for
the salvation of the souls of Men that were not performed
in this life would be done after the Resurriectin Even
that children would grow up after the resurrection
and receive all the Blessing of Adult person on Earth
John Sharp spoke 5 M G Teasdale 15 M A O Smoot 5 m
He spoke of his Life with Mrs Smoot the crosses &
the crowns we Accompanied the body to the tomb

Page 392

Sept 3, 1884
Sister Smoot was buried in a deep vault it was
walled up with brick laid in cement to the top of the Box
when the coffin was placed in the box & the top of the Box
sc^r^ewed down then the top of the Box was covered with
stone slabs 2 inches thick which covers the whole Box
the grave is then filled with Earth to the top at the close
of the funeral the Grove was then we returned to S L C
A folded letter/box and I receive 2 letters & card from Phebe 100 Mils

~ Thursday

4 I spent the forenoon in the offic I spent the Afternoon
at the Gardo House with President Taylor Mr
Bancroft wife & Daughter F. D. Richards & wife Wm
& wife Mayor Sharp & wife C W Penrose & wife
and several others all took dinner together
A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letter to Phebe & Henry & Nellie Woodruff
Malinda Hatch sept 2, see copy

~ Friday

5 A cold Morning spent the day in the office I was
vary chilley I wrote 1 Letter to Lot Smith
A hand pointing to the right and spent the day in the office writing

~ Saturday

6. A cold Morning I took cars & rode to Smithfield
arived there at Midnight in a hard rain storm 105 Miles

~ Sunday

7 ^Sunday^ It rained hard all day I spent the day at the House
8Except I visited Brother S Roskelley and we visited
Bishop Farrall who was sick abed we laid hands
upon him and he was healed

~ Monday

8 It rained hard all day I spent the day choreing

~ Tuesday

9. An arrow I went up the canyon 4 miles horsback on
a hard saddle & got tiered out 8 Mils

~ Wednesday

10 I went up dry Canyon Horsback 4 miles returned

Page 393

Sept 10th 1884
Newton took me to Logan in the Evening distance of the day 16 M
Keys crossed while in smithfiedld upon this visit I bought of Joseph Hill
of Smithfield 10 1/3 Acres of Land for Newton lying a little
south of the town for $250. I pay $175 in cash & Newton
turns out 2 cows & other property to pay the remainder $75.
I sent Newton $50 on the 15 sept.

~ Thursday

Sept 11. In company with M Thatcher & A H Gibson of
Washington D. C. we went down Logan River fishing
Br Squairs was also with us He cought 4 trout 1.4 lb
1.2 lb 1.1 lb. I caught 2 Br Thatcher None 8 miles

~ Friday

12 In company with M Thatcher & 2 sons I went up
Logan Canyon to try fishing we had wors luck than
down the River we did not go up for [far] Enough I caught
ownly 1 Herring & a small boy 2 trout Br Thatcher none 8 miles

~ Saturday

13 A plesant Morning I took cars & rode to S L City 96 Miles

~ Sunday

14 Sunday I went to the office & received 8 letters from
A K Udall 2 A M Teney, Jesse N. Smith, J McAllister
J. G. Bleak & David P. Woodruff it was a hard rainy
day I attended Meeting at 2 oclok E. F. Sheets Prayed.
John W Taylor spoke 65 M, and gave a vary interesting
discourse. I attended meeting in the 14 ward in the Evening
and heard a vary interesting discuurs from G Q
^65 Minuts^ upon the Agency of man and the power within
himself to ascend to the hightest glory Even to the Godhead

~ Monday

15 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 1 Letter from Leslie Snow of 8 page
& wrote 8 letters to the following person Phebe, Udall,
J N Smith, J McAllister, J. G. Bleak, Karen Christianson,
Newton Woodruff sent him $50 for land, & David P Woodruff.

Page 394

~ Tuesday

Sept 16, 1884
I spent the day in the office at 2 oclok Mr & Mrs Bancroft
met me at my room and we examined my Journals for items
I Attended a Meeting of the stock holders of Zions Saving Bank
And Officers Elected I was Elected one of the Board
of Directors I spent the Evening at home

~ Wednesday

17 I spent the day in the office with Mr Bancroft on
his History

~ Thursday

18 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received ^2^ A Letter from Asahel & Sister Browett
I wrote ^3^ Letters to Phebe & one to Leslie one to Sarah I
sent her $5 to come to conference I spent the day in the
office I drew $89.40 for Leslie W Snow and let
[blank] Cannon have it at 9 per c[en]t

~ Friday

19 Keys crossed I spent the forenoon with Presidents Taylor Cannon
F D Richards Bancroft Gibbs & Reynold & A Carrington
on History and [in] the Afternoon read My Journals
A hand pointing to the right to a reporter I wrote 1 Letter to J McAllister

~ Saturday

^20^ I went to the field in the Afternoon with Orion
we ground up several Bushels of Apples
into cider then put up the fence on the East west side
of the orchard

~ Sunday

201 Sunday We returned to the city and attended
Meeting in the Afternoon Prayer By Seymour B Young
Edward Stephenson spoke 42 M W Woodruff 30 M
we Met in our prayer circle After which I went
to the field and had an Evenings visit with Wm
& wife his Father & Mother Wilford & Julia
and several others we Met at Emmas took supper &
conversed upon our missions in England

Page 395

~ Monday

Sept 22, 1884
Keys crossed A crown I spent my last day with Mr H. H. Bancroft
the great Historian of the last days He is writing up the
western country in 32 volums and devotes one vol
to Utah and the Mormons and he has been spending
some 3 weeks in our office searching our histories
and looking to us for information that he may make
a correct record as a true historian I received 23
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box letters from Jesse Moses & Phebe I wrote one
Letter to Phebe & Asahel wrote one letter to Asahel
for his Mother I sent him a draft on John Henry
of £4. 1. 8. see copy

~ Tuesday

23 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 3 Letters from McAllister
Bleak & Sarah I wrote 4 Letters to John Henry Smith
Elizabeth Browett, Jesse Moses, & O Jacobson

I attended the Lecture on Monday night 22 delivered
in the Theater by John Nichelson upon the Massacree
of the Mormon Elders in Tennessee and proved
that Gov Murry, The Tribune and the conspiritors
ring in this city was in a great measure the cause
of the death of those Men I do not think there were
Ever as many people before in that building sinc it was built

~ Wednesday

24 A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Phebe w w and wrote
one letter to Phebe and attended the council & prayer
we discussed a Number of Questions, what
shall be done with those who send their childre[n] to school
to our Enemies not Permit them to partake of the
sacrament or ordinances of the temple

~ Thursday

25 A folded letter/box I received one letter from Susan

Page 396

~ Friday

Sept 26, 1884
^ A hand pointing to the right^ A cold hard rainstorm I wrote a Letter to Phebe sent
her $32 and a permit for half fare ticket I spent the
day in the office

~ Saturday

27 A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to Leslie at Philadelphia and
spent the day in the office I received 1 Letter from Susan

~ Sunday

28 Sunday I took cars and rode to Kaysville and attended
the young Peoples conference. Meeting opened by Prayer Minuts
read and accepted. The sisters made verbal reports of their
societes. Junius F Wells made remarks 20 M, B H Roberts
30 M. we dined with Br Barnes Afternoon prayer
By Bishop Barton. The Authorities of the young Men & Ladies
were presented & sustained. Sister Wells spoke 20 M Dr Pratt
10 M, W Woodruff 50 M we returned to Salt Lake 40 Mils

~ Monday

29 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 letter to Phebe I felt quite unwell
I administered to 3 sick persons Br Teasdale & com-
panion Both returned from the Cherakee Mission both
sick they were two that we administered to I Administered to one
yesterday at Kays word [ward] I spent the day in the offic

~ Tuesday

30 A folded letter/box I received one letter from Asahel I spent
the day in the office writing

~ Wednesday

Oct 1. A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to Henry & Nellie Woodruff
I spent the forenoon in the office And in the Afternoon
I met in council we had a report from Brigham
of his Mission at Orderville and other places

~ Thursday

2 We met in council to day at the President Office
and herd the report of E Snow on his Mission
at Emery & San Wan Stakes.

~ Friday

3 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 3 letters from Nellie Jacobson & Brough

Page 397

Oct 3, 1884
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to Joseph H Richards of St Joeph
I spent the day in council with the Presidency & Twelve
both forenoon & Afternoon upon a variety of subjects
A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from Nellie, Jacobson & Evans

~ Saturday

4 Keys crossed A crown A rainy Morning we met in conference at
10 oclok Prayer By F. D. Richards Presidet Taylor
spoke 33 W Woodruff spoke 25 M Afternoon Prayer B[y] [blank]
B Young spoke 35 M E Snow 51 M. The conference of
the Y M. M I Acssociation Met at 7 oclok in the Evening
9 superintendents reported ther societies M Thatcher
B H Roberts J Wells & W Woodruff Addresed
the Meeting & closed

~ Sunday

5 Sunday Met at 10 oclok Prayer By E Snow
F. D. Richads spoke 40 M G Q Cannon 4065 M I met the
superintendents of the young Men at Noon and laid before
them the importance of presenting & receiving the History of
H H Bancroft to their libraries. Afternoon
Prayer By F M Lyman B Young spok 15 M M Thatcher 40 m
on home Manufacture, A Carrington 27 M
Missionaries called & Approved we held an Evening
Meeting of the Priesthood Presidet Taylor spok one
Hour & 25 M, W Woodruff spoke 10 M, & gave
an Account of the first testimony of the Prophet Joseph
in Kirland Aprail 1834 of filling the Rocky Mountains
with the Saints of God

~ Monday

Oct 6 Met at 10 oclok G Teasdale Prayed, Authorities Statistics of
the Church Presented and sustained F M Lyman spoke
24 M, G Teasdale 25 M

Page 398

Oct 6, 1884

Afternoon Prayer By H J. Grant Auditing Committee
report was then read. And minissionaries were then
called President John Taylor spoke one hour & 25 M
The spirit of God like a fire is burning was then sung
At the close of the meeting we met in the Assembly Hall
and listend to the singing of 200 children under the
direction of Brother Stephens. We Met in the Evening
in the Big Tabernacle with the sabbath school Union
I should Judge there were Present some 8000 people
The History of the organization & Progress of the sabbath
school was then read which showed the rapid increas
from its first organization untill now the school
Numbers about 50,000 schollars G Q Cannon spoke
a few Moments Erastus Snow 10 M, W Woodruff
5 M, John Morgan 6 M. We then dismissed

~ Tuesday

7 We Met in conference in the forenoon President
John Taylor Addressed the Assembly followed By H. J.
& John W Taylor Afternoon we Met in council
Keys crossed In the Evening I met with the Twelve and Presidents
of Seventis and set apart [blank] Missionaries W Woodruff
ordained John Morgan one of the first seven Presidents of the
seventies it was a vary busy day

~ Wednesday

Oct 8 Keys crossed We Met in council in the forenoon {of Fifty
we Met in the Afternoon with the Presidents of Stakes
the question was Asked what shall be done for those
who commit suicide leave them in the hands of God peform
no ordinances for them. F D Richards made a speech
advocating the receiving of H H Bancrofts History of Utah

Page 399

Oct 8, 1884
We Met with the board of trade in the Evening The subject of
the manufacture of sugar was investigated

~ Thursday

9 A folded letter/box I received a letter from T. W. Brookbank I set
apart 3 Missionaries I met with the Council {of Fifty} at
social Hall I wrote ^3^ Letters to Asahel on the 7 Oct
A hand pointing to the right and L Harris & Jesse Moses and sent him O Jacobson
Letter Brown Barney & Eaton

~ Friday

10. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Sarah & wrote her one
and sent her an order of $20 & $5 cash. Presidents
Taylor & Cannon set apart R T. Burton & [blank] Cannon
councillors to Bishop Preston & Joseph E Taylor & C W Penrose
as councellors to A M Cannon

~ Saturday

11 A folded letter/box I received a letter from L W Snow of Philadelphia
Mrs Phebe. W. Woodruff arived home this Evening from
Onawa visiting Susan & her family

~ Sunday

12 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle
Robert Campbell Prayed. G Teasdale spok 49 M
Brigham Young 33 M. We met in council & Prayer circle

~ Monday

123 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letter to Leslie W Snow and J McAllister
and sent him 3 sheets of Manuscript.

~ Tuesday

14 I spent the day looking over Letters in the office

~ Wednesday

15 I spent the forepart of the day in the office and
the Afternoon in council President J Taylor was supeonied [subpoenaed]

~ Thursday

16. to appear in court on the Rugedger Clawson case
I spent the day on my letters

~ Friday

17 A hand pointing to the right An arrow I wrote a letter to Asahel President John
gave his testimony before the court on
the Clawson case both his & G Q Cannon Published in
Deseret News Saturday Oct 18th

Page 400

~ Saturday

Oct 18, 1884
I took cars at 7:40, & rode to Nephie with F M Lyman
to Attend the Quarterly [conference] we Met in the Afternoon. 96 Miles
Prayer by Charles Spary statistics of the stake were
then read. There were 2810 souls in the stake inclouding
708 children W Woodruff spoke 18 M, F M Lyman 40 M
W Woodruff 10 M. We held a Priesthood Meeting
in the Evening G Teasdale spoke 20 M, F M Lyman 30 m
W Woodruff 40. I gave an accoun[t] of my Experience
in the days of my youth. My Prayers Promises of the
Lord and there fulfillment Exhorted the Men bearing
the Priesthood to faithfulness

~ Sunday

19 I attended the sabbath school conference in the
forenoon & spoke to the children 15 M, F. M. Lyman 20 m
Br Gill spoke 13 M. I dined with Br Paxman I read
in the Herald the Testimony of George Reynold who
said He say [saw] a Marriage Record in the Historian' office
many years ago & Said Wilford Woodruff was the
Historian the court immediately issued a supeoniy [subpoena] for
mye but I was in Nephi. Afternoon Prayer by
A Love. W Woodruff then Keys crossed dedicated the
Nephi Meeting house unto the Lord there had here
New Galleries put into the House & newly [sealed] at
a cost of about $2000. After the dedication of the
House the sacrament was Administered W Woodruff
spoke 43 M, {in the power of God}. We had a rainy day. we
held a Meeting in the Evening. It rained hard I
did not attend Meeting F M Lyman spok to the
People. I spent the night at Brothe Teasdale

Page 401

~ Monday

Oct 20, 1884
I took cars at 6 oclok rode to Salt Lake City 95 Mile
A folded letter/box I received 2 letters to day I spent the day in the offie & choring

~ Tuesday

21 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to day to Jesse Moses, M S Ray
A F McDonald I spent the day in the office
22 A hand pointing to the right Keys crossed I took cars in the Afternoon with 11 Missio-
naries & 32 sisters went to Oge Ogden Met with my
Daughter Arabell Moses & her 3 children I got all
three of the sisters on the Emigrant train for Maricopa
Station in Arizona I paid my Daughter for fare
& Expenses $55. I had but few Munites with them
I got them into their seats with their things and then
had to go on board of our train & return to Salt Lake
I organized the Missionaries & Appointed Br Davis
President of the company distac of the day 80 Miles

~ Wednesday

22 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^4^ Leslie & sent him $50 P.O. order
wrote to Sarah and Jesse Moses I wrote Lot Smith
and asked him to help the Brethren at St Johns
who were indipted [indicted] for Poligamy if He could with money

~ Thursday

23 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter to day from Asahel and
2 papers I wrote Asahel a letter of 2 sheets

~ Friday

24 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Jesse Moses & sent him a
Deed to sign to O Jacobson & to Sarah sent her $5.
I took cars at 4:30 with G Teasdale, F. M. Lyman
& John W Taylor Br Teasdale & myself stoped at
Brigham City. Lyman & Taylor went to Oxford
I spent the night with my daughter Phebe 60 Mile

~ Saturday

25 I attended the Quarterly Conference at 10:30, the
Bishops gave in their verbal Reports ww spok 10 M

Page 402

Oct 25 18874
^Lydia Spencer lay in prision last night & testifyed in court to day^
Afternoon Thomas Harper prayed statistical Report
read of the staktes there was 1 Apostle, 4 Patriarchs, 172 HP
233 seventies, 538 Elders, 90 Priest, 87 Teachers 250 Deacons
3144 Members 4519 officers & Members 2902^0^92 children
6611 Total of souls Justin Wixon Reported the sabbath
. Charles Kelley reported the Y.M. MIA. there
were 26 Associations. George Teasdale spoke 35 M.

~ Sunday

26 Sunday A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to Sarah I met with
the people at 10:30. W Woodruff spoke 1 Hour & 10 Minuts
E Snow 35 M. Afternoon Prayer By Samuel Smith
George Teasdale spoke 65 M, w woodruff 20 M. I Attended
Meeting in the Evening with the young People G Teasdale spoke
47 Minuts, W Woodruff 60 M. I spent the night at Phebes

~ Monday

27 I took car rode to S. L. City and spent the day in the
office writing

~ Tuesday

28 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received a letter to day from Phebe C. Scholes
I wrote one letter to her I received one letter from Sarah &
I wrote one letter to her. On the 24 Oct I received a letter
from O Jacobson containing $40 for 2 lots that Jesse
sold to him which money I paid for a ticket
for his wife Phebe Arabell to return home I also
made an Affidavit concerning the report of John
D Lee
to President Brigham Young giving an Account
of the Mountain Meadow Massacrre which C W.
used in his lecture upon that subjct in the
12 ward

~ Wednesday

29 I spent the fore part of the day in the office the
Afternoon in council

Page 403

~ Thursday

Oct 30, 1884
I spent the day in the office writing

~ Friday

31 I spent the day in the office writing took cars at
3:30 rode to Smithfield arived at 11:30 1005 Miles

~ Saturday

Nov 1. rode to SLogan to attend the conference Prayer
By S Roskelley Bishops reported verbally Belief [Relief]
[report] read. C. W. Penrose spoke 35 M. I dined with
Br Card Afternoon statistics of the stake read
1 Apostle 8 Patriarch, 454 Seventies, 410 High Prists
1198 Elders, 369 Priests, 299 Teachers, 464 Deacons
6404 Members, 9607 Officers & Members, 4318
childr[en] 13925 total souls Brother Card spoke 5 M, Brother
Merrill 20 M, Orson Smith 5 M G Teasdale 22 M
W Woodruff 30 M I returned to Smithfield 16 M

~ Sunday

2. Sunday I rode to Logan Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Br
Lambert G Teasdale spoke 62 M, C W Penrose 44 M
Afternoon Samuel Smith Prayed sacrament Administered
W Woodruff spoke 70 M. I dined to day with Isaac D Haines
At the close of the Meeting I rode to Smithfield and attended
A Meeting & spoke one hour followed By Br Lambert 16 M

~ Monday

3 I took cars rode to Salt Lake City Lottie Hill came
^ A single key with teeth to the right {excursion [wink]}^ with me to work for Mrs Woodruff distance 1005 Miles

~ Tuesday

4 A hand pointing to the right I ordained 1 seventy & set apart 3 Missionaries
I wrote 1 letter to Sarah & sent her a card from Jesse
An arrow Keys crossed Great Excitemet over the Eliction for a
Presidet of the United States

~ Wednesday

5 An arrow Both Parties claim the Election I spent the
forenoon in the Office Afternoon in council

~ Thursday

6 An arrow Both Parties still clame the Election

Page 404

Nov 6, 1884
I spent most of the day in the office

~ Friday

7 An arrow The Democratts claim the Election But the
republicans will not give it up. Mrs Woodruff
& Bulah went to Provo to day and while in
An arrow Provo Teny Dusenbury & Bulah with one
child was riding in a Buggy with a fast Horse
and He run away turned over flung them all out
and Bruised up the two women badly but no bones
broaken they returned home in the Evening
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Asahel. There is great
Excitement on the Election

~ Saturday.

8 A hand pointing to the right I sent Ezra Carter a letter & Herald I wrote
to Robert Scholes and sent him a washing machin
Mrs Woodruff Paid $8 for Machine & $2.10 freight
I spent the day in the office writing

~ Sunday

9 A coffin Mother Vance I attended the funeral of Mother Vance who
died in the States on a visit was 85 years old
I spoke 30 M, followed By Lorenzo Young 10 M
I Attended Meeting at the Tabernacle Lorenzo Young
Prayed G Q Cannon spoke 65 M, Presidet Taylor
20 M. The mission of Christ to the living & the dead
was dwelt upon also our Mission upon the Earth
I was quite unwell through the Meeting I attended
the Prayer Circle in the Evening

~ Monday

10 A hand pointing to the right I rote letters to A Hinkley, Jesse Moses,
John F Alred, L. R. Martineau, A. O. Smoot
and Sarah I received 78 Letters I attended
Br Sloans lecture in the Theater wrote to O Jacobson

Page 405

~ Tuesday

Nov. 11, 1884
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 Letters to J. G. Bleak & B Cluff jr
Nancy A. Clark on the Administration of women
to the sick I wrote to Newton

~ Wednesday

12 I took cars rode to Provo and Attended a special
council organized of 12 High Priests including the probate
courts of Utah & Salt Lake Counties this was to settle
the difficulty of the damage of the rise of Utah Lake
By the dam in the River Jordon this difficulty has
remained for Many years the subject was discussed
all day till late in the Evening 50 Miles

~ Thursday

13 We spent this day also in council upon the water question
they gave their decission that twhat the hight of the sill
of the dam should be and what highth the lake might be
raised I spent the time with Br Smoot

~ Friday

14 We took cars and rode to Nephi then to Moroni
then carriage to Ephraim G Q Cannon 140 Miles
and myself took up our abode at Bishop Andersen

~ Saturday

15 Saturday we commenced our Quarterly Conference
Prayer By Moses Thatcher statistics Read as follows
4 Patriarchs, 444 Seventies, 296 High Priests, 929 Elders
192 Priests, 232 Teachers, 292 Deacons 5962 Members
8351 Officers & Members, 3436 children under 8 years
11787 Total of souls, And 2645 Sunday school children
14 Names were Presented to be ordained High Priests
President Taylor then made some remarks upon
the subject of the class of Men to be ordained High Priests
quite a Portion of them should be smart inteligent faithful
young Men to use for Presidents Bishops & their councillers to Presid

Page 406

Nov 15 1884
Bishops were then called upon to report their wards
verbally quite a number reported

Afternoon W Woodruff Prayed F M Lyman spoke 44 m
M Thatcher 40 M. I met with the yo[u]ng People in the
Evening M Thatcher spoke 40 M Br Gill 23, G Q Cannon
17 M, & W Woodruff 25 M we had a vary Good Meeting

~ Sunday

16 Sunday Met at 10 oclok L John Nuttall Prayed
W Woodruff spoke 2538 M G Q Cannon 60 M, we
stoped with S. A Anderson Afternoon F M Lyman
Prayed Financial Report of the Temple read the whole
recepts & Expenditurs were $583,622.28 cts the Trustes
in Trust
had donated $254,998.26 cts The Authorities
of the Church were then Presented and sustainded
President J Taylor then spoke 69 Minuts at the
close of the Meeting we rode to Manti & held a Meeting
in the Meeting House M Thatcher spoke 15 M,
F M Lyman 15, W Woodruff 20 M G Q Cannon 15 m
Presidet Taylor 25 M. I stoped with W H Folsome Distance 8 Mils

~ Monday

17 We visited the Manti Temple which was in Excellent
Progression the Pipes & heater was in & most of the windows
President Taylor directed that that the sealing room for the
dead should be over the Baptismal font in the Afternoon
M Thatcher & myself & Judge Dusenbury rode to Moroni
and held a Meeting. Br Dusenbury spoke 30 M Thatcher
60 Minuts He gave an Excellent History of the Lamanites in
Mexico W Woodruff spoke 25 Minuts

~ Tuesday

18 we took cars & rode to S L City 125 Miles
A folded letter/box I received 5 Letters from B Young Sarah, Bleak McA

Page 407

~ Wednesday

Nov 19th 1884
^ A single key with teeth to the right {I think Mr. [Strongs] [card] to day [open]}^
I spent the forenoon in the office the Afternoon in the council

~ Thursday

20 I had an interview with Br Fife He gave me an inter-
esting account of his visit & location in southern Arizona
& visit to Sonora and also related the same to President
Taylor which was reported By Br Irvin I wrote
A hand pointing to the right A letter to Asahel and received one from him to
his Mother I also received a letter from Asahel to me
A folded letter/box of Oct 28. I wrote a letter to Canut Peterson for
the Mother of C. L. Christianson

~ Friday

21. A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^3^ letters to Mc Allister Bleak, C L.
. I spent the day in the office Evening at the Theater

~ Saturday

22 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 1 letter from Mary Jane Tanner

~ Sunday

23. Sunday I attended Meeting at 2 oclok in the Tabernacle
Henry Richards Prayed Lue Clawson spoke 15 M
George Godard 42 M, G Q Cannon 30. I wrote
A hand pointing to the right ^2^ Letters to Lot Smith Joseph F Richards

~ Monday

24 A hand pointing to the right A coffin Horace Whitney I attended the funeral of Horace Whitney
Prayer by B. Barton Joseph Kingsbury spoke
18 Joseph E Taylor 14 M, R T Burton 9 M,
David McKinzie 10 M, A M Musser 5, W Woodruff 20 m
I wrote Letter to C O. Card & T. R. Martineau

~ Tuesday

25 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 4 letters from Susan C Scholes
Martineau Putman B Young I wrote ^2^ Letters
to A. W. Putman Susan C Scholes

~ Wednesday

26 I went over Jordon with Wilford & the boys saw
some 15000 sheep scattered 6 or 8 miles towards the Lake 16 m

~ Thursday

27 Thanksgiving I spent the day at Wilfords I read
one letter from Asahel of Nov 11.

Page 408

~ Friday

Nov 28, 1884
A folded letter/box I received 3 letters today from Sarah Jesse Moses
A F McDonald. I gave Mr L Leadbetter an order
from for Mr H. H. Bancroft History of the pacific states
for the Historians office with the understanding with him
that it should be one of the 5 copies that Presidet Taylor
had subscribed for But He wished my name for
influence A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to Sarah

~ Saturday

29 I spent most of the day in the office I spent
the night at the farm

~ Sunday

30 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle
George Romney spoke 15 M, W Woodruff 54 M

~ Monday

Dec 1. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 1 Letter from Ilus F Carter
I wrote 2 letters to Jesse Moses & I F Carter
2I attended the sabbath school Monthly union Meeting
in the Tabernacle during the Evening Professor Maser gave
A vary interesting address to the scholars & teachers F D Richards
W Woodruff & G. Q. Cannon spoke upon the importance of
the young People obtaining H. H. Bancrofts History for
there libraries

~ Tuesday

2 A hand pointing to the right I wrote letters to Henry & Nellie Woodruff

~ Wednesday

3 An arrow I am suffering with a severe cold through my
whole system I attended council in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

4 I am still unwell this morning I wrote A Letter to
A hand pointing to the right John Henry Smith Dec 2nd. I spent most of the day in the office

~ Friday

5 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^5^ Letters to Asahel, Jesse Moses
Leslie W Snow Susan C. Scholes & O Jacobson

~ Saturday

6 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letters to F J Murrill and spent the
day in the office

Page 409

~ Sunday

Dec 7, 1884
Sunday I was quite unwell did not attend Meeting G Q
spoke about 1 Hour & 30 M.

~ Monday

8 I was quite unwell but spent the day mostly in the office
I took Mr Henry R. Rhone down to the field to see Wilford
& Julia, Rhone & Julia were cousins Mrs Woodruff
is quite Poorly with severe cold on the Lungs

~ Tuesday

9 An arrow Azmon called upon me this Morning & I wrote a
Letter to Henry Woodruff F D. Richards & myself
had a Meeting with Bishop Rawlins & Nathan Tanner
to settle an old difficulty of 10 years standing we advised
Br Tanner to go and Be Baptized & renew his covenants
and He promised to do so

~ Wednesday

10 I spent the day in the offic we had a hard wind
An arrow and it blew over a train of cars none dangerously
hurt Mrs Woodruff is quite poorly confined to her bed

~ Thursday

11 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Asahel and Emma sent a letter
I took supper with Wm Jenning, & the Presidency & other friends

~ Friday

12 Keys crossed A hand pointing to the right I mailed Asahels Letter to day & sent him 4
Photographs 2 of his Mothers large & small Claras large
size & a group of Owen, Blanch & Allace cabanit size
I wrote Sarah a letter & sent her $20.

~ Saturday

13 I Attended quarterly conference in the Assembly Hall
Roll called minuts read. A M Cannon made remarks
concerning [t]hose who go from one ward to Another without
Recommands in case of transgression who should
try them He said the Bishop should Enquire of the Bishop
whare [he] came from concerning his standing. A Bishop
may try any member of his ward for fellowship

Page 410

Dec 13, 1884
Bishop Thomas Taylor spoke upon the subject
Joseph E Taylor said the Bishop should not get
up dances for revenue for any Purpose
C W Penrose said round Dances should be
stoped Entirely He spoke upon the duty of the
Priests & Teachers. Afternoon Prayer By Br Snelgrove
statisticts were then read for the Stake as follows
6 Apostles, 11 Patriarchs 1180 seventies, 440 H Priests
1819 Elders, 308 Priests, 281 Teachers, 997 Deacons
13241 Members 18328 officers & Members,
5311 children under 8 years 24600 Total of souls
Br Morris spoke 10 M, Joseph E Taylor 20 M
W Woodruff spoke 25 M. We held a confernce of
14the Sundyoun[g] Men in the Evening good reports were
given & speeches made W Woodruff closed

~ Sunday

14 Sunday conference Met at 10 oclok R T Burton
spoke 40 M, Wm W Preston 33. Afternoon
Prayer By John W Taylor Authorities of the stake
were presented. G Q Cannon spoke 65 Minuts
we Met in the Evening Prayer By A. H. Cannon
W Woodruff spoke 32 M John Taylor 60 M

~ Monday

15 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 3 letters from Lot Smith A M Tenney
& G L Farrell I wrote 1 Letter to Nellie & sent 4 cards
of Photographs & sent 2 letters of Emma's to her

~ Tuesday

16 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letter & wrote 5 Letter to
G. L. Farrell, Joseph H Richards, Lot Smith & co Henry
and Sarah

~ Wednesday

17 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to A M Tenney &c & John Henry Smith

Page 411

Dec 17, 1884
An arrow I met in council in the Afternoon The abuse
& cruelties of some of the American Prision were
discussed and the situation of our Brethren in Detroit
Mich & Uma Arizona were spoken off

~ Thursday

18 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I sent 2 telegrams to A O Smoot & Cazier
A strong wind Blowing I wrote a letter to L W. Snow

~ Friday

19 I spent the day in the offic

~ Saturday

20 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 Letter to David P Woodruff &Sarah
I spent the day in the offic I rode to Provo stoped with Br Smoot
21He had been sick 3 weeks with a Desease called the shingles
it was a Belt of fire 3 inches wide from the Back bone to
the navle to half around the body which caused the most inten[se]
suffering of any thing he Ever Endured the belt was
covered with large Blisters the size of a dollar He
had Began to recover & was better distance 50 Miles

~ Sunday

21 Sunday I rode to Spanish Fork and Attended
a conference of the young Mens Mutual it snowed hard
all day Met at 10 oclok Reports of the varios superin-
tendents given I dined with Br George Snell 12 Miles
Afternoon Prayer By Bishop Snell W Woodruff
spoke 70 Minuts. I Attended a Meeting in the Evening
& listened to a program W Woodruff spok 30 Minuts

~ Monday

22 Snow was about 18 inches deep this morning I
A folded letter/box took cars rode to Salt Lake I received 4 letters

~ Tuesday

23 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 Letters to McAllister &c to Asahel
Ito receBr Brockkank & Milton S Ray. We had a vary
Keys crossed A crown interesting report from Brother Brigham Young,
H G Grant they had visited the Yaqui's Chief was kindly received

Page 412

~ Wednesday

Dec 24 1884
Keys crossed I look upon the visit of Brothe Brigham Young
to the Yaquis Nation and a friendly interview
with their chief as one of the Most importance
Events in the History of the Latter Day Saints since
we have been in these Mountains I met in council
in the Afternoon

~ Thursday

25 Keys crossed Christmass I had all my family together
that is near the city & took dinner together

~ Friday

26 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters and a package from
Asahel to his Mother of Photographs and a paper to me
from Sheffield containing an Account of a Mob got
up By Jerman against the Saints and Broak up
their confer[ence] at Sheffield. The Police Joined with
John Henry Smith in clearing the House they had
a hard Tussle for it I wrote 4 Letters to Asahel
Nellie, Eugenia, & Phebe Scholes

~ Saturday

27 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Sarah sent her an order of $20. we
had quite a snow storm to day

~ Sunday

28 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle
Orson Whitney Prayed B Young spoke 23 M John Taylor
51 M we Attended the Prayer circle and spent the
Evening at home Except I visited Br Fox house & laid
upon his daughter who was vary low In looking
over My Pamphlets in the Evening I found O Pratts
seer And Nixons which I thought I had lost

~ Monday

29 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 7 Letters from A. S. Gibbons B. Y. Duffin
Sarah Brockbank, Hanson Henry And Asahel to Clara
I wrote Letters to Gibbons Duffin, Owens, & Sarah

Page 413

~ Tuesday

Dec 30, 1884
I came up from the field. Azmon came with me & paid
$50 for his son Henry on Orssborn's Note, & $47 for to pay
L W. Snow, & $25 on Martitsia Smith' Note I wrote 12 Letter
A hand pointing to the right to Henry Woodruff & Asahel

~ Wednesday

31. I took cars Rode to Smithfield & spent the night 105 M.
I looked over my Journal and a synopsis of my
labors will be found on the following Page

Thus Ends the year of 1884 And the year 1885 opens
upon us with the combined Effort of the Republican Party
united with the Governor, Judges, Marshals, and all government
officers to persecute & Prosicute the Saints and drive them
to the wall as fast as they can Before the Dimocratts come
into Power so as to force the Dimocratts to follow in the
same Channel there never has been a more united &
determined Effort made for our destruction since the
organization of the Church than now but we still say
the Lord reigns & will reign untill he puts Evry Enemy
under his feet there is none of the Presidency or Twelve
or any leading Men who are in Poligamy I think that
1885 will prove a vary Eventful year with Both Zion
& Babylon & Zion is in trouble to day Babylon will be to
Morrow. The judgments of God await this Nation and
the wrath of God will rest upon our Enemies I am a
wanderer from home with Anoth[er] Apostle George Teasdale
because of my religion but it is not the first time that
I have been wandering in the wilderness for the gospels
sake May the Lord Deliver his saints & protect his
anointed is the Earnest Pray[er] of Wilford Woodruff

Page 414

A synopsis of my labors in 1884
I Travelled 4185 Miles 4185 Miles
I held 178 Meetings 178 Meetings
I Preached 100 discourses 100 Discourses
I Attended 2 general confer[en]ces & 15 Quarterly
I Attended 12 funerals, and Preached at them
I Attended 52 Prayer circles with Presid[enc]y & 12
I Attended 10 Conferences with Young Men Mutual
I Attended 8 Sunday School Union & 5 Councils of {fifty}
I Administered to 25 sick 25 sick
I ordained 2 Patriarchs, 12 Hig Priest, 22 sevetes 3 High Council, 1 Elder 3 Bishop 1 councillor
I Assisted in ordaining 10 High Priest, 35 70's 6 High Council, 1 councillor Assisted in ordaining H. J. Grant An Apostle. I ordaned 1 president of 70's
I set Apart 68 Missionaries
I wrote 273 Letters, Received 246 Letters
I set apart 3 Midwives
I dedicated the 10 ward school House Jan 5
I dedicated the 3 ward school House Aug 31.
I dedicated the Nephi Meeting House Oct 19.
I Attended the dedication of the Logan Temple May 17
I Paid Tithing for 1884 $291.75
Page 415


Page 416

~ Thursday

Jan 1, 1885
Keys crossed A crown I rode to Logan And attended the dedication
of the Brigham Young Academy A large Assembly gathered
and speaches were Made By Moses Thatcher, C. O. Card
Wm Preston & Carl G Maeser Wilford Woodruff offered
the dedicatory Prayer After Prayer the Meeting was addresed
By Moses Thatcher W. Woodruff George Thatcher & James C Steward
At the close of the Meeting I returned to Smithfield 16 Miles

~ Friday

2 I went to a pond with Newton fishing & caught Nothing

~ Saturday

3 I made one dozen lipes [lines] & set on the Ice & cought but
1 trout I [a] man caught 4 lb

~ Sunday

4 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Afternoon & spoke
from the 11 chapter of Heb. on faith I attended in the Evening
and heard Newton Woodruff & two other young Men
speak and I followed & spoke 30 M, and I spoke
67 Minuts in the Afternoon S Roskelley spoke 10 Minuts

~ Monday

5 Keys crossed I rode to Logan & went into S Roskelley House
and spent the night with him 8 Miles

~ Tuesday

6 I went into the Temple and had Sylvester Low &
A single key with teeth to the right Hugh Roberts & Mary Owen Roberts Adopted into
my family I rode to Smithfield with Newton
& his wife He took home a cow 8 Miles

~ Wednesday

7 I threshed Peas all day to get some to take home
to sow Newton went to the canyon

~ Thursday

8 We went to fishing again I ownly caught 2 trout

~ Friday

9. we spent the day choring Mending Harness &c
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to J Jaques & received 2 letter

~ Saturday

10 I took cars and returned to Salt Lake 105 Miles
And spent the night at home one More

Page 417

~ Sunday

Jan 11, 1885
An arrow Sunday I find my house watched this Morning
By a Marshal or some spy He walked the street
in front of my house untill 11 oclok watching my house
I did not attend Meeting But was visited in the
Evening By Brother G. Q. Cannon A. M. Cannon G Teasdale
H. J. Grant & N V Jones

~ Monday

12 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 124 letters to day from Asahel
at London, Henry & Nellie Price W Nelson, Jesse Moses
Thomas W. Brookbank, John King F Spencer J. G.
, M F Farnsworth Charles Kelley, John
F Alred
& Temple work of St Georg & Logan
Total work of St Georg Temple for 8 years from
1877 to 1884 inclusive work mostly for the dead
Baptized 207699, gave Endowments for 81683
ordained 30616, sealed 28057, sealed children
to Parents 6022, Adoptions 4558 Anointings
2178. I wrote 3 Letters to Sarah sent order $10
cash $5, $15 wrote to Sarah D. sent order $20
wrote to Sylvester Low Logan sent $10. I spent the
day in the office writing. I received a letter from Eugenia
A folded letter/box Cody and one from Leslie Eugenia sent the
likeness of herself & husband Cody which was vary fine

~ Tuesday

13 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to W Allle W Allee Burpee & Co
for $3 worth of seeds wrote to Leslie W Snow sent him
an order for $46. I wrote to Eugenia Cody I wrote
to Asahel and Just as I was closing his letter I
An arrow was informed that I must take care of myself
as the Enemy was on my track I spent the night in 17 ward

Page 418

~ Wednesday

Jan 14, 1885
An arrow A hand pointing to the right We are living in Perilous times No man who
obeys the Pratriarchal Law of Marriage is safe I am informed
that officers are after me I spent the day in the 17 ward
I wrote 7 Letters to Thomas W Brookbank G. J. Bleak
Sarah, Emma, & Sarah D Woodruff. I called at
my house in the Evening with G Teasdale & got some things
and spent the night in the 17 ward
15 A hand pointing to the right I wrote to James Jack Gave him an Account
[of] what orders to draw for my family see copy
I also wrote to Jesse Moses

~ Thursday

15 A hand pointing to the right ^wrote^ Letters to John King, Newman Buckley,
Price W Nelson, to J Jaques, & Phebe W Woodruff
I went home in the Evening Blesed my wife Phebe &
spent an hour with my family & returned to my
room in the 17 ward

~ Friday

16 I looked over my Journal for 1884 and recorded
the same I wrote 3 Letters to Joseph Kingsbury
A hand pointing to the right J Jaques & Emma

~ Saturday

17 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to G. Q. Cannon at 4 oclok Wilford
took me in a buggy & carried me west of Vancotts and
when the Utah southern train came along I got into the private
car of Samuel Hill the director and when we got to Nephi
George Teasdale Joined me and we rode all night & arived
at Milford at daylight distance ofrom S L City 280 Mile

~ Sunday

18 Sunday Morning The conductor started the train before we
^ An arrow^ got our things out they slacked a little so we got our things into
Brother Walker carriage and Brother Walker undertook to cross
the track as the train was coming on to us I told him to turn

Page 419

to take to the right & he did Just in time to save our lives if we
had attempted to have crossed the track we should have been
crushed to death Br Walker drove us to Minersville & Br Carter
took us from there and drove us to Cedar in 7 Hours 45 M[inutes]. total 60 Mile
We stoped at Bishops Lunts & held a Meeting G Teasdale spok
G Teasdale spoke 40 M[inutes], W Woodruff 60 M[inutes]. spent the Night at Br Lunts

~ Monday

19 We travelled to Leeds 40 Miles over the roughest 40 miles that
I Ever travelled over in one day in my life I was vary sore &
weary at night 40 Miles

~ Tuesday

20 Keys crossed A crown Br J. G. Bleak came last night to Meet us & went
to Belview to spend the night with us at Br Gregersen
but we took the upper road and Missed him we waited this
Morning for him to come to Leeds to us He arived & took break
fast with us at Br Wilkenson we then drove to St George
and taking a turn down down on the bottom we got into
a terrible Mudhole so our horses got down after getting
them out we hitched them onto the Hind End to draw it out
it turned the waggon over the Box struck me in the sholder
as it come over but did not hurt me Much after getting the
things righted up we went to the Temple took a bath got supper
and ocupied my room for the night with Br Teasdale that I
formerly occupied distance 18 Miles

~ Wednesday

21 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 6 Letters to day to J. Jaques G. Q. Cannon Phebe
Emma sent her $5 & to Asahel ^& Sarah^ we spent the day in the Temple
writing I had an interview with Brother McAllister, Bleak, Thompson
& Harmon I spent the day mostly in our room I felt thankful
to once more tread the courts of the Lords house whare I have spent
many a plesant day

Page 420

~ Thursday

Jan 22 1885
Keys crossed A crown Hannah Sanworth was sealed to Brigham Y Woodruff
I attended to 19 Adoptions to day 18 persons dead
were adopted to W. Woodruff & 1 to Aphek Woodruff
Thomas Draper & Nathan Wanslee & family 18 person adopted to
Wilford Woodruff Esther Lyman Woodruff Adopted to Aphek Woodruff
Wilford Woodruff was sealed for 45 of his dead Relatives
Emma Cotton Thompson acted for the female portion of the family

~ Friday

Friday 23 W Woodruff was Mouth in the Temple this Morning
I spent the day in the Temple was not vary well

~ Saturday

24 I rode up the Clara and across to dodge springs 12 Miles

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I visited Sister Everett and Blessed her &
administered to a sick sister I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle
Robert Gardner Prayed George Teasdale spoke 40 M[inutes].
W Woodruff spoke 45 Minuts & spoke in great Plainness we
took supper with Br Thompson and attended Meeting in the
in [blank] ward had a crouded house W Woodruff spoke 40 M[inutes],
G Teasdale spoke 30 M[inutes]

~ Monday

26 G Teasdale [blank] Thompson & W Woodruff svisited
Price City dined with wBrother Atkins visited his fish Pond
and returned home distance of the day 16 Miles

~ Tuesday

27 I spent the day in the Temple I took supper with Br
at Sister Everetts I called upon Sisters Church
Pendleton & Administered to Mother Bigaloo & attended
A folded letter/box [meeting] at Br Samuel Hardies had quite a full room &
testimonies given by many of the Brethren & Sisters
W Woodruff spoke 30 Minuts followed By G Teasdale on
our return I got a letter from G. Q. Cannon giving a
^ An arrow An arrow^ a history of the state of affairs in Salt Lake by our Enemies
they were after nearly all of the Presidency & Twelve

Page 421

~ Wednesday

Jan 28th 1885
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to President John Taylor to Pheb
& Orion W Snow which I sent By Brother George Teasdale
who starts this Morning for Salt Lake City with D H Cannon
I spent the day in the Temple writing Reading & Praying
^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote 1 Letter to Leslie W Snow

~ Thursday

29th A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 5 letters from G. Q. Cannon J. Jaques
Phebe, Emma, and Joseph Bowden. Hannah Sanworth
was sealed to Brigham Young Woodruff Jan 22nd both dead
I wrote I Letter to Emma sent her $5 I took supper with Br
James G Bleak, & spent most of the Evening I sealed 9 couple for Dead

~ Friday

30. Keys crossed I was sealed for 24 couple of Dead friends & had 10
Adoptions to me I sealed 1 couple

~ Saturday

31 An arrow I rode to Brother Atkins visited his pond 29 Boy set
fire to his rushes & flags and burned them up all around
his pond so there was no hiding places to get the wild fowl or
any other purpose I was weary when I got home I received
A folded letter/box one letter from Sarah & one for G Teasdale

~ Sunday

AFeb 1st Sunday I was intending to go to Clara to Meeting
A hand pointing to the right But I had a severe cold sore throat & horse & so I
kept my room Brother McAllister & Thompson mewent I
wrote 3 Letters To J. Jaque Milando Pratt & F D Richards
Keys crossed Brother Teasdale arived in the Afternoon which I was
glad to see He started to go to Salt Lake we informed
him by telegraph that there storms in the north and
he felt impressed to come back and He did so which
was a wise Move as the Marshalls were After him we
took supper at Br Wells we received Letters from
Erastus Snow which showed ius the course the courts were taking against us

Page 422

~ Monday

Feb 2, 1885
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received Letters from F M Lyman containing
2 from A. M. Tenney I wrote Letters to F. M. Lyman
Orion Snow Phebe & J Jaques I held a Meeting
with the Presidency, Bishops & cou[n]cil in the Temple upon
the safety of the People and spent the Evening in our room

~ Tuesday

3 I spent the forenoon in the Temple Afternoon we rode up the
^ A hand pointing to the right^ Clara In the Evening I wrote Letters to Asahel see copy

~ Wednesday

4 Keys crossed A crown In looking over my Temple Record I see I have been
sealed up to Feb 4, 1885 for 1048 couple for my dead relatives
There has been Endowed some 2500 of the dead & there is still
489 Male members of my dead relatives to be Endowed My
wife Phebe was sealed at the Altar for quite a Number of
the dead and Emma Woodruff for 132 couple
this is my last day in the Temple for a season

A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received Letters from J Jaques who gave synopsis
of 6 Letters I rece[iv]ed at Salt Lake & gave an Account of
the spirit of the Times I got one letter from Sylvia and

~ Thursday

5 We left the Temple this morning and rode to the Beaver Dam
and stoped for the night at John Algers 35 Miles

~ Friday

6. I shot a duck in the Morning we then rode to Bunkerville
and stoped with Bishop Bunker we held a meeting
at 4 oclok Henry Eyring spoke 20 M[inutes], G Teasdale 33 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 25 M[inutes]. we cross the virgin River 19 times to
day I spent the night at Edward Bunkers distance of the day 19 M[iles]

~ Saturday

7 This is the place whare I spent several week in 1879
we drove down the virgin River 18 miles oposite
the virgin Hill & Nooned we crossed the River many times

Page 423

We saw many Geese & Duck we passed over the
Virgin Hill the hardest Hill I Ever passed with a
waggon Except at Lees Ferry we found one place
that was 3 feet perpendicular rock we had to take
the Horses of[f] the carriage and Jump the Horses up & roll the
carriage up by hand we then crossed the Ranch 12 mile to Overton
on the Muddy This is in Nevada which our Brethren
left many years ago it is a vary rich valley of land
well waterd and the Saints are Begining to occupy it
again we stoped for the night with Bishop Isaiah Cox
He owns 330 Acres of land Bought from the State 30 miles

~ Sunday

8 Sunday we met in the Overton school House
at 10 oclok Prayer By Bishop Edward Bunker G Teasdale
spoke 55 M[inutes], Bishop Crosby 25 M[inutes]. Afternoon
Prayer By Henry Eyreing H Eyreing pspoke 30 m[inutes]
Edward Bunker 10 W. W. 38 M[inutes]. We held a priesthood
Meeting in the Evening to prepare the way for insta-
lling Isaiah Cox as Bishop and we had a stormy
time in the midst of a great variety of spirits a great
deal of division & but little union I told the people to
poor out all they had against the Bishop & nearly all
the Hous spoke & when they got through I called a vote
and all voted for the Bishop but 2.

~ Monday

9 Keys crossed An arrow We received a message this morning saying
that Brother Teasdale was indicted By the
Grand Jury on Poligamy and cohabitation so
he like scores of others must make for the city of
refuge there is hardly a leading Man in Utah

Page 424

that can walk the streets of Salt Lake in safety
Marshals are after him because He has obeyed
the Patriarchal Law of Marriage. We held a Meeting
at 10 oclok all the Authorities of the Church were
Presented & sustained all voted for the Bishop Except 1.
We held a meeting at 10 oclok. Edward Bunker spoke
35 M[inutes], Bishop Cox 12 M[inutes] G Teasdale 30, W Woodruff 5 m[inutes]
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to E Snow. I wrode to St Thomas
whare whare Wilford & Fuller built Houses many years ago
we met in the Evening at Brother Bunkers we had all
the people saints, sinner, Infidels, & Gentiles Present Prayer
By G Teasdale W Woodruff spoke 50 M[inutes], on the different glories
and kingdoms. G Teasdale 35 M[inutes], H Eyring 5 M[inutes].

~ Tuesday

10 Keys crossed We rode 4 miles & there I parted with Brother
Teasdale which I think was more painful than
Parting with his wives & children I laid hands upon him
and Blessed him Bishop Edward Bunker took him
& went over the Mountains with him to the R Road
at Hackbury to go to St Joseph whare Bishop Richards
will send him across the Country to Chihuahua
we rode up the Virgin to Bunkerville & spent the night
at Bishop Edward Bunkers 35 Miles

~ Wednesday

101 A hand pointing to the right I parted with Brother Eyring & Worthing who returned
to St George I wrote ^12^ Letters to E. Snow J McAllister
G J Bleak, D H Cannon & Wm Thompson Phebe, Bulah
Orion, Wilford, Jaques, Ensign, & Delight. I received ^11^ Letters
^ A folded letter/box^ from Bleak, Sarah A. M. Tenney, Asahel, McAllister, Pratt
Phebe, Bulah, Orion, E Snow, and Jaques spent the day writing

Page 425

~ Thursday

Feb 12, 1885
A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to J McAllister Clara, Owen, Blanch
& Alace I spent the day in writing wrote Jaques

~ Friday

13 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Asahel Sarah, Sylvia M E
, Jesse & Bell Moses Bleak D H


14 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I wrote ^4^ letters to A M. Tenney & Christofferson
J G Bleak & E Snow I received Letters from G Bleak &
D. H. Cannon I spent the day in my room Broth Wm H
& John Alger arived in the Evening Brother
Thompson had ridden horsback 50 miles to day to meet me

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I kept my room Brother Thompson & Alger
attended Meeting I receive Telegraphed Dispatches from Salt
Lake City
which keep me advised of what is going on


16 I arose with quite a lame back this morning I wrote ^7^ letter to
A hand pointing to the right F. D. Richards J. Jaques Susan & Phebe Scholes
Leslie W Snow & Henry & Nellie Woodruff

~ Tuesday

17 ^ An arrow An arrow^ The Mail Carrier brought word that there were 6 men
^ A hand pointing to the right^ camped at the Bever Dam that looked like officers so
Miron Abbot tooke me down to the Bank of the Virgin River
whare I made my camp & spent the day I shot 2 ducks
read the Deseret News the 6 Men passed through the
town without stoping about 1 o'clok on the way to Calafornia
I returned abot dark I rote 1 Letter to Joseph H Richards 4 miles

~ Wednesday

18 I spent the day in my room I wrote 35 Letters to
A hand pointing to the right Lorenzo & Phebe A Snow & Joseph H Richards
E Snow & J. G Bleak I received Letters from
A folded letter/box Emma, George Reynold, Wm H Thompson E. Snow
& J. G. Bleak I received dispaches from Salt Lake City
of the great snow slide of Alta covering the Town & killing several

Page 426

~ Thursday

Feb 19 1885
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 Letters to Emma G. Reynolds
E Snow, Wm H Thompson I received 1 Letter
from William Russel (G.T) at Hackbury
19 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to J. G Bleak

~ Friday

20 A hand pointing to the right I ^2^ wrote Letters to D H Wells & John Henry Smith I got
^ A folded letter/box^ one letter to G Teasdale from Wm Paxman I received 2 letters
^ A folded letter/box^ from Clara & J McAllister

~ Saturday

21 I spent the day in the House reading & writing

~ Sunday

22 Sunday I met with the people in the Afternoon & spok to them
55 Minutes Edward Bunker spoke 5 M[inutes] I met again in the Evening
& spoke to the young People and gave a History of my Misshion to
the Lamanites in Arizona & New Mexico

~ Monday

23 A folded letter/box I received Letters from Leslie Orion & 2 from
J G. Bleak I took a walk down the River & was vary weary
I receivd the dispatches from St George I walked 5 Miles

~ Tuesday

24 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to J. G. Bleak Wm H Thompson
Leslie W Snow I spent the day at the House I commenced
reading Robert W Morris Science of the Bible work days of God

~ Wednesday

25 A folded letter/box I received 9 letters from Bulah Orion Sarah
Asahel J Jaques, 2 F D Richards E Snow F
F M Lyman
J G Bleak Sarah I spent most of the day reading

~ Thursday

26 A coffin A hand pointing to the right 2D There were 2 deaths to day in this playse
Sarah Lewis Earl 16 years old & Br Earls Child of Br
Levitss I wrote ^57^ Letters to Orion, Bulah, Clara Owen
Blanch & Alace I wrote to Sarah 27.

~ Friday

27 A folded letter/box I attended the funeral of the 2 children & spoke to the People
I received Letters from McAllister, Jaques, Richards Lyman
Bleak, Matilda T. I spent the night with Stephen Bunker

Page 427

~ Saturday

Feb 28 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letter to Asahel, to Jaques, to
F D Richards and Sisters Chamber

~ Sunday

A heart with a key inside March 1, 1885
W. Woodruf
78 Years old
this day

March 1st 1885 I am 78 years old this day
Sunday morning I find myself at Bunkerville
Lincoln County Nevada I have been driven from
My wives children & home for the gospels sake & that to under
the American flag & Constitution and this is the case to day with
the Presidency of the Church and Twelve Apostles & many leading men
this Because we have obeyed the Patriarchal law of marriage

A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to G Teasdale Brother Wm H Thompson
arived last night & wished me to return to St George we attended
Meeting Meeting to day with the People W Woodruff spoke 35 m[inutes]
& Wm H Thompson 20 we then took the Parting hand with
Bishop Bunker & family & friends in Bunkerville and started
at 5 oclok & travelled 20 Miles & camped for the night at the west End
of Bever Dam spread our Blankets & lay upon the ground for the night 20 m[iles]

~ Monday

2 We started at 8 oclok & travelled to St George 40 Miles
& spent the night with Wm Squaire was quite weary I had
a good room & bed provided for me & I had a good nights rest

~ Tuesday

3. A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^5^ Letters to James Jack, J. Jaques Orion Snow
Sarah & Christofferson I received 1 Letter & Dispatch

~ Wednesday

4 A folded letter/box Keys crossed A crown This day is the inorgaration of President
Cleveland, and the Past Congress Ends without passing
any Antimormon Bills I wrote a letter to Br C. J. Kemp
A hand pointing to the right House of Correction in Detroit

~ Thursday

5 Keys crossed A crown An arrow An arrow An arrow I examined Gaskells Encyclopedia I found
the following Account of the Civil war. The north called into
the field 2,688,523 Soulders if the South had as many
there would have been in the war 5,377,646 There were
reported killed in Battle 455,527. But the heaviest

Page 428

Civil War
Battles of the South not reported The Provost Marshal
Generals Report shows that there were killed in battle
on the Northern side 280730. There was quite as many
in the south which would make 561,460 deaths in
Battle. There were reported wounded in Battle 94694
This added to the Killed would make 656,154. There were
Prisioners taken on both sides to the am[oun]t of 314,140.
This Added to the killed & wounded would be 970,294
This is ownly an approximate as some of the most
destructive Battles of the south is not reported at all
there was not less than One million of men lost there
thare lives directly or indirectly in the Civil War
The secretary of the Treasury has Paid out of the Treasury
for the war alone outside of the Expense of the Government
of $6,189,929,908.00 Providing it cost the
south as Mooch it would reach the Enormous sum of
$12,379,859,816.00 This shows the inspired
Man what it costs a Nation to kill the Prophets and
Apostles & shed the Blood of the Lords Anointed

A folded letter/box I received Letters from Joseph H Richards G Reynolds
Clare Blanch & Alacice and Orion Snow and a letter
from Asahel to his Mother which was vary good
E Snow called upon me to day

~ Friday

6 A hand pointing to the right Keys crossed A crown I wrote Letters to Emma, Clara, Owen,
Blanch & Alice I sent $5 to the children I had the
following Dream in the night I dreamed the Presidency
& Twelve Apostles were about to take a Mission together
and President Brigham Young called on me to Pray and

Page 429

while Praying the spirit of the Lord rested upon me in
a powerful manner and when I closed President
Young laid his hands upon my head & Blessed me &
Ordained me to sumthing I do not remember what
it was. He said I was one born out of Due time the
tears ran down my face while he was Blessing me

~ Saturday

7 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to Asahel and kept copy

~ Sunday

8 I wrote letters to day to Joseph H. Richards & G Teasdale
and to Phebe concerning her [birthday|Birth day]] I did not attend
Meeting to day but staid at home & wrote

~ Monday

9 I spent the day w reading Cassels illustrated History of England
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I receeivd 1 Letter from J McAllis & wrote him 1 Letter

~ Tuesday

10. A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from J Jaques & J McAllister I had a cold in [night]

~ Wednesday

11 I spent the day reading I feel like a prisioner [prisoner] shut up in the house

~ Thursday

12 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 3 letter froem Jaques Phebe & Clara I
wrote 7 Letters to Jaques, Phebe, Orion, Brixon Wilford
Clare & John W Taylor I received ^42^ Letter from Orion
Christofferson & Mrs Christoffer

~ Friday

13 A folded letter/box I received 6 letters from Lorenzo & Phebe Snow
Jesse & Bell Moses, Sarah, Emeline & Delight Woodruff
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 Letters to Phebe & Lorenzo Snow to
Emeline & Delight & to Sarah & Newton I had
a call from Erastus Snow ^ An arrow^ I am suffering with a cold

~ Saturday

14 Keys crossed I got a telegram last Evening saying the Marshals were
searching the gordo House for President Taylors family I wrote
A hand pointing to the right 2 Letters to Jesse & Bell Moses I received 3 letters from
A folded letter/box Susan & Phebe Scholes & Sarah & Bleak. St Georg conference confer-
ence met to day I got the Minuts Br Thompson called in the Evening

Page 430

~ Sunday

March 15 1885
A hand pointing to the right Sunday I am better this morning but not well conference
Met at 10 oclok but I kept my room In reading Cassels History
of England vol. 1 page 382 we have the Account of the Terrible
Battle of Crecy, Betwen France & England fought on Saturday
26 August 1346 Among the slain were 2 Kings, 11 Princes,
80 Bannorets, 10200 Knighsts, & 30000 men This done
from 3 oclok till dark the English were victorious The English
had about 40000 Men The French 120,000 abot 3 to 1
of the English I wrote 1 Letter to Susan & Phebe Schols

~ Monday

16 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Asahel Sarah F Spencer
and Bleak I wrote Letters to Asahel & James Jack
I made arangements to send Asahel £6 or £10 lb
I sent Br J Jack $30 and asked him to Put
$20 to it & send Asahel £10.

~ Tuesday

17 A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter from Orion and finished
reading the 1 vol of Cassells History of England

~ Wednesday

18 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Edward Bunker & E Snow & co
I met at the Temple in the Evening with McAllister Bleak & Thompson
Brother McAllister & Bleak was Expecting to go to Logan to
Conference with a team which would be 450 mils making 900
miles for the trip I advised them not to go in consequence
of the exposure of Being arested

~ Thursday

19 I spent the day reading we had a rainey night

~ Friday

20 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 56 letters from Jaques, Eugenia Clara Owen
Bleak & Alice I wrote Letters to President Taylor & G Reynolds
Keys crossed An arrow We have arived again at the Point of our History
when Persecution is again raging against us under the
Pretence of Law all leading Men have to hide up from our foes

Page 431

~ Saturday

March 21, 1885
I spent the day reading the History of England & the Bible

~ Sunday

22 Sunday I kept my room reading the Bible

~ Monday

23 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received letters from J. F. Wells Sarah, & J Jaques
I wrote Letters to J. F. Wells Sarah & Asahel

~ Tuesday

24 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Prest Lund London I
kept copies of both Letters I read the History of
Henry the VIII, Anne Boleyn and Cardinal Thomas
. All three were among the most Extraordinary characters
of the world of the 16th centaury

~ Wednesday

25 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received Letters from Clara, Emeline, E.
& Leslie An arrow I got word last night that Marshals
were searching Emma & Deligts Houses to subpeony them
before the Grand Jury but they Both had hid up

A hand pointing to the right I wrote 7 Letters to Phebe, Bulah, Wilford Orion
Emma Delight & Jaques

~ Thursday

26 A hand pointing to the right I was quit Poorly last night I wrote letters to
F. D. Richards, Jaques & Leslie W Snow

~ Friday

27 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received Letters from Peter Christofferson
Bulah, Wilford, Henry & Nellie & Asahal I wrote a long
Letter to Asahel I was quite Poorly through the nigh[t]

~ Saturday

28 A hand pointing to the right I spent most of the day reading the History of England
I wrote 1 Letter to Henry & Nellie I received 2 letters
A folded letter/box from Bulah and G Reynolds

~ Sunday

29 Sunday I spent the day in my Room reading history of England

~ Monday

30 A hand pointing to the right I wrote letters to Bulah, Wilford Beatie & Karl Masser

~ Tuesday

31 A folded letter/box I received an interesting letter from President John Taylor

~ Wednesday

Aprail 1. A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letter to Phebe & J Jaques

~ Thursday

2 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 letters to Tenney, Kemp, & Christofferson & his wife

Page 432

~ Friday

Aprail 23rd 1885
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to Sarah Sylvia & Joseph H Richards

~ Saturday

4 I spent the day reading the History of England wheat headed out

~ Sunday

5 Sunday A hard rainey Day and night I spent the day reading
A folded letter/box I received 3 letters, from Emma Blanch & Jaques

~ Monday

6 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 letters to Jaques Emma & children sent them $5.

~ Tuesday

7 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received I Letter from Wilford I wrote 2 letters to
Phebe & Wilford spent the day reading Calla Cassells History

~ Wednesday

8 I spent the day reading History vary Plesant weat[h]er

~ Thursday

9th A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter from Phebe I spent the day writing

~ Friday

10. I dreamed last night I was arested by 2 Marshals
for cohabitation with my wives this is the 2nd time I have dreamed this

~ Saturday

11 A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter from Farnsworth I spent the day writing

~ Sunday

12 Sunday I finished the 3 vol of Cassells History of England

~ Monday

13 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I wrote 4 letters to McAllister Farnsworth Aroit
& Alma Hale & Phebe I received 3 Letters from Sarah
Blake & J. Jaques we had a Hard rain throug the night

~ Tuesday

14 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ A rainy morning I wrote 2 letters to President
Keys crossed A crown John Taylor & John Jaques I also sent a
communication for the deseret News of 14 pages
of foolscap sent it to President Taylor for examin-
ation before publication I attended a prayer circle
in the Temple with about 30 friends the school of the prophets

~ Wednesday

15 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to day to Sarah & Eugenia
A folded letter/box I received Letters from Asahel Jesse & Bell Moses Clara
J Jaques & Reynolds & D H Wells

~ Thursday

16 A hand pointing to the right I wrote letter to J. Jaques Clare Owen Bleak & Allice
& Joseph H Richards I sent an order of $10.00 on Jack {[illegible shorthand].}

~ Friday

17 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to Asahel {Private.} see copy

Page 433

~ Saturday

Aprail 18 1885
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received Letters from F. D. Richards J. Jaques J G Bleak
A hand pointing to the right & Emeline & Delight I wrote Letters to Emeline & Delight $12 order

~ Sunday

19 A hand pointing to the right I wrote letters to Emeline & Delight J Jaques & J Moses

~ Monday

20 Rain & cold day I spent the day reading I had an interview
with several of the Breth[re]n upon the subject of our safety from our
enemies wasrrants had been issued for half a doz [of] our Brethren
here I advised McAllister to come & stop with me a short [time]
Bleak to take care of himself whare He was Farnsworth
to Leave town E Snow to watch as well as pray

~ Tuesday

21 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Asahel & D H Wells

~ Wednesday

22 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to G Teasdale & Wm Russel of 8 pages sent draft of $25.

~ Thursday

23 I spent the day reading and writing

~ Friday

24 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 letters to M Thatcher J Jaques & Joseph H Richards

~ Saturday

25 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 letters to Orion Snow, Clara, Owen, Blanch & Alice

~ Sunday

26 Sunday I spent the day reading in the house

~ Monday

27 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 34 letters to Leslie, Orion, Bulah & Sarah. rainy day

~ Tuesday

28 A folded letter/box I received Letter from G Teasdale, Jaques, & Emma rained

~ Wednesday

29 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Jaques & Emma I copied Emmas
A folded letter/box I received 2 letters today from Asahel & Leslie

~ Thursday

30 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter today to Asahel I spent the day writing

~ Friday

May 1. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 23 to J Taylor Wm Russel & J Jaques
An arrow I got word to day that all the saints were ordered to Leave
Mexico in 15 days the Devil is laboring hard to destroy the saints
Keys crossed A crown I Ordained Marcus Frank Farnsworth an High Priest
and set him apart for a Mission to New Zealand
J D T McAllister and Wm H Thompson laid on hands with me

~ Saturday

2 A vary warm day. A meeting was held to day throughout Utah
to Petition the President of the US against the unlawful act of the US officers

Page 434

~ Sunday

May 3, 1885
A hand pointing to the right Sunday I spent the day in the House reading & writing
I wrote 1 Letter to Albert Jones of London, 2 Brethren called in the Evening

~ Monday

4 I spent the day reading the Book of Mormon

~ Tuesday

5 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Asahel and kept a copy
A folded letter/box I received a Letter from Moses Thatcher

~ Wednesday

6 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to G. Teasdale & Edward Bunker Jr
Keys crossed Keys crossed Keys crossed On the 12 day of Febuary 1849, C. C Rich L Snow
Erastus Snow & Franklin D Richards were Ordained
Apostles into the Quorum of the Twelve

~ Thursday

7 I spent the day reading & writing The U.S. Court in Salt
An arrow An arrow Lake is running in full blast aresting Every Man
they can find who has more than one wife all leading
Men who do not want to get arested has to hide up
A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from J Jaques & J G Bleak

~ Friday

8 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 Letters to Phebe, Jaques, & Clara I gave Clara
council to file her Letter and keep for future use it is warm

~ Saturday

9 A folded letter/box I receive 3 Letters from Sarah Bleak & Mrs Christofferson
^ An arrow An arrow^ A. M. Cannon A. M. Musser & James Watson all went
to Utah Penetentiary for 6 month for their religion

~ Sunday

10 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ Sunday Keys crossed I wrote ^3^ Letters to day to Cannon, Musser & Watson
& Jaques & Sarah & Mary

~ Monday

11 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 24 letters to P. J. & Mrs. Christofferson
A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Asahel and C W Penrose I did not take copy

~ Tuesday

12 A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from Jaques Emma & Clara
we had a hard rain storm

~ Wednesday

13 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letter to Phebe & Orion

~ Thursday

14 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 4 Letters to day from President J Taylor
J McAllister & Jesse & Arabell Moses I wrote to Jesse & Bell

Page 435

May 15 1885
A folded letter/box I received 2 letters to day from M F Farnsworth & Telegraph

~ Saturday

16 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to M F Farnsworth J. Jaques & Clara
A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Asahel & Jaques

~ Sunday

17 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Asahel and took copy I spent
Sunday, the day in my room writing I wrote to Emma & Jaques
I copied Asahels Letter & sent to Emma

~ Monday

18 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I receivd 3 letter from ^2^ Jaques H J Grant & I
wrote 2 letter to Jaques & H. J. Grant & A M Tenney

~ Tuesday

19 Keys crossed A crown I had an interesting day to day I met in st George
with abot 30 Members of the school of
the Prophet
. We had a Revelation read given in 1880
concerning the Nation & the inhabitants of Zion all that
were present spoke their feelings & the spirit of the Lord
was with us we Met in the prayer circle I returned
to my lodgings in the Evening was weary in body
but felt well in spirit

~ Wednesday

20 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letter from Sarah & Mary & wrote
3 Letters to Sarah Newton & Mary I looked over my
sealing record & found I had sealed 1095 couple
up to Jan 1885 W Woodruff had sealed to him
of his dead relatives 336

~ Thursday

21 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters from Phebe & A C Brixen
I wrote 3 letter to Phebe Wilford & A C Brixen I spent
a part of the day looking over my temple Record I find I have
2518 Endowments for my dead up to Aprail 1883
and there is 427 more Endowments to be had on my record

~ Friday

22 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received Letters from Emma, Clara, & Jaques
^ A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote Letters to Asahel, Emma Clara Azmon & Jaques

Page 436

~ Saturday

May 23rd 1885
^ A folded letter/box^ I spent the day in the House Reading I received a letter from G Teasdale

~ Sunday

24 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ Sunday I wrote Letters to G. Teasdale, M Teasdale
and Wm Paxman I spent the day at home writing

~ Monday

25 Keys crossed I copied a prayer into my Journal today I received a
A folded letter/box A folded letter/box letter from Angus M Cannon and his companions in
Prision I also received 4 Letters 2 from Jaques Farnsworth & Emeline

~ Tuesday

26 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^3^ letters to A. M. Cannon & Jaques & Emeline

~ Wednesday

27 Wheat sheaves Keys crossed For the first in my life I helped reap a field of
wheat in the Month of Myay I have stoped with Broth
Wm Squairs in St George untill I have seen a field of wheat
grow from the ground up untill it is ripe for the sickle And Br
Squir rept one sheaf of wheat to day in his field the first
wheat cut in the country and I cut another sheaf in the Evening
I spent most of the day reading Josephus

~ Thursday

28 I spent the day reading Josephus I received 4 Letters from
A folded letter/box John W Taylor 2 from Phebe & Mrs Christofferson

~ Friday

29 I spent most of the day writing I cut a shok of wheat in Evening

~ Saturday

30 A hand pointing to the right ^I wrote^ 5 Letters 2 to Phebe, Jaques J W Taylor &c & Shuller

~ Sunday

31 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received Letters from Asahel Bulah & Sarah
I wrote Letters to Watson & Frank Marcus

~ Monday

June 1. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received Letter from Nellie I wrote Letter
to Asahel, Henry W. Wilford Blake & Jaques

~ Tuesday

2. I spent the day writing I rec[eiv]ed a letter from G Teasdale
I cut 20 Bundles of wheat in the Evening with a sickle

~ Wednesday

3 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 5 Letter to G Teasdale Edward Bunker jr
And Leslie W Snow & Sarah & Newton
I cut 24 Bundles of wheat in the d[a]rk & hurt one of my Eyes
A folded letter/box I received 6 Letters from Pheb, Grant, Clara, Tinney, Teasdale Jaques

Page 437

~ Thursday

June 4th 1885
A folded letter/box I received 2 letter from Jaques & I F Carter I spent the day reading

~ Friday

5 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^6^ Letters to day to I. F. Carter Mrs A Christofferson
John Jaques, Anna MS S Tenney, Matilda Teasdale & Emma

~ Saturday

6 A folded letter/box A folded letter/box I received 3 letter from Jaques Orion & Clara

~ Sunday

7 Sunday I recceived 1 Letter from Pheb. I spent the day reading
Josephus Account of the fall of Jerrusalem

~ Monday

8 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^4^ letters to Phebe, Clara, Orion ^&^ Jaques

~ Tuesday

9. A folded letter/box I received a letter from Wilford I spent the day reading
Josephus on the fall of Jerrusalem it was certainly a history
Keys crossed An arrow of the Most dredful Events of anything I Ever read in my
life In Josephus Book history of the wars with the Jews
On Page 423 He says there Perished in the fall of Jerrusalem
under Titus 2565000 souls 1,100000 dead bodies were
carried through the gates outside of the walls of Jerrusalem
Brother McAllister & Thompson called upon me in the Evening

~ Wednesday

10 A building In looking over Josephus and the Bible for the
Amount of gold & silver expended in the building
Solomons Temple it seems an imposibility
to form an idea of an Aproximate amount that was made
use of Josephus makes a Talent of Gold £6848, $3340.00
A talent of silver £375. $1875
1 Chron. 29 Ch 7 v. says David gave for the Temple in gold
5000 Talents and 10000 drams. 1 dram £ 1s 1p
5000 Talents $16,700000, 10000 drams, £^s p^541, 13s, 4P $2708.28
Total in gold $16,702,708.28. 10,000 Talents silver $18,750,000
Silver $18,750,000 Total $35,4500002708. In the
same vers David gives 18000 Talents of Brass & 100000 talents
talents of Iron. But the value of Brass & Iron not given

Page 438

2 Chron 3 Ch, 8 vers 600 Talents of Gold used in overla[y]ing in
the House in this verse was $2004,000 dollars. 2 Chron 8:18
Hiram sent Solomon 450 talents of Gold $1,503,000 dollars
2 Chron 9:9 Queen of sheba gave solomon 120 talents of Gold
$400,800 dollars. 2 chron 89:13, Solomon receivd in one
year 666 Talents of Gold $2224,440. 9 ch 15 v. 200 targets
of Gold $120048. 16 v. 300 shields of gold $90024.

Error 1 chronicles 22 ch 14 David sayes I have prepared for the House
of the Lord
, 100000 talents of Gold which is $335,000,000 dollars
1000 Talents of silver which is $1,875,000 $1875000
Talet in this one vers of Gold & silver $335,87500

This besides Brass and Iron without wait so it is
not strange that Solomon had a plenty of means to
build & adorn the Temple

~ Thursday

11 I wrote 1 Letter to Dr O. P. Brown Jersey City N. J.
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to G Teasdale & Lot & Jesse N Smith

1 Chron 22 ch, 14 v. 100,000 Talents of Gold. $334000000
[1 Chron 22 Ch, 14 v.] One Million Talents of silver $1,875000,000
Total in this one verse $12,209000000
1 Chron 29 ch. 4 v 3000 Talents of gold $10020,000
[1 Chron 29 ch. 4 v] 7000 Talents of Refined silver $13125000
7 v. 5000 talents 10000 drams of Gold $16,702708.28
[7 v.] 10,000 talents of silver 18750,000.
Total of Gold & silver given in 3 verses $2,267,597,708.28

The above given by David to Solomon for the Temple
Besides what was given by the Queen of Sheba & King of
and from all the Nations of the Earth so it is no
Marvel that Solomon had sufficient gold & silver to adorn the Temple

Page 439

~ Friday

June 12, 1885
A hand pointing to the right I wrote letters to Jaques, J Jack Emeline & Clara
A folded letter/box I received 7 Letters from Jaques, Watson, Teasdale
Lot Smith Sarah, Newton, Sylvia T, & Tithing Office Account
I attended a council with E Snow & the President of the Stake
in the Temple in the Evening

~ Saturday

13 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 5 Letters to G Teasdale Lot Smith Sarah Newton & Mary

~ Sunday

14 Sunday I spent last night in the Temple I attended the
Bishops Meeting this morning at 9 oclok with the Bishops
the subject was presented to the Bishop of collecting means for
finishing the Mantit Temple each Bishop spoke upon the
subject and said they would do all they could at 10 oclok
We went into the congregation of the people and the people
were vary much asstonished to see me not knowing that
I was in the county the forenoon was spent in hearing
the various reports Brother Lunt spoke then followed E Snow
who spoke 40 minuts and gave a history of Judge
Zane's desision in A. M. Cannons care and represented
that a Gentile was brought up for seducing a girl while He
had a wife But the Judge ruled that the Law was not meant
for Gentiles & nobody Els but the Mormons the gentile foots
must be kept out of the trap & the Mormon foot kept in
I stoped at noon at Br McArthurs Br Lunt & Henry
stoped there also Brother Harriman wanted me
to ordain him the senior President of the 7 President of the Seventies
Keys crossed A crown I laid my Hands upon Henry Harriman & ordained
him the senior President of the first seven Presidents
of the seventies that is I confirmed this ordination upon his
Head he had been holding the office for many years

Page 440

I met at 2 oclok with the General Assembly & partook of the
Sacrament the Authorities of the Church were then presented
& Henry Harriman then spoke 20 minutes I then addressed
the Meeting for 45 minuts and Encouraged the saints to faith[fulness]
unto the End. Marshal Armstrong & Clerk of the commitee
at Beaver were present. I took supper at Br Wm H. Thompson
His Daughter Amelia Thompson & others sang for us I spent the
night at the Temple

~ Monday

15 A humanoid I went this morning with Erastus Snow to Broth
Croxwells deegurian gallery and sat for our likenesses
we sat in different forms both together & singley I read
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right Letters from Asahel & Phebe C Scholes. I wrote Letters
to Phebe & Asahel I sent Asahel A likeness {of Mariah}
A Band of Music surenadeded me in the Evening after which
I went to Brother Wm Squire's & spent the night I wRode up
the Clara River in the Afternoon & viewed the fields of grain
the people were in the midst of Harvest I never saw the
grain look better in that field

~ Tuesday

16 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I wrote 11 letters to day to President Taylor Jaques
Watson, Phebe, Wilford, Emma, Henry, Nellie, Bleak Alice
And Azmon & Elizabeth I receivd a letter from
Wm Reynolds

~ Wednesday

17th A hand pointing to the right I wrote letters to Wm Reynolds & H. J. Grant

~ Thursday

18. I spent the [day] reading & writing

~ Friday

19 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received Letter from Lucy & Clara Woodruff, Jaques
A. M. Cannon & Farnsworth I wrote letters to Elias Smith
Luciy & Emeline W. Rode to Atkins pond caught 60 chub

~ Saturday

20 A hand pointing to the right I wrote letters to Clara Jaques spent the night in at Temple

Page 441

~ Sunday

June 21st 1885
Sunday I went to Santa Clara with Thompson CMCAllist
Cannon held Meeting Br Cannon spok 20 M[inutes], McAllister
30 M[inutes], W Woodruff 55 stoped with Bishop John Hafen
Returned home spent the night in the Temple 10 M[iles].
A folded letter/box I receeivd Letter from Sarah Mary & Orion Snow

~ Monday

22 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^6^ Letters to Sarah, Newton Orion Snow,
Farnsworth & Phebe & Jaques to Watson

~ Tuesday

23 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Leslie, Angus M Cannon
and his brethren in the Utah penetentiary

~ Wednesday

24 I spent the day in the Temple & Evening at Br Bleaks

~ Thursday

25. I spent the day in the Temple I sealed 5 couple at the Altar
A folded letter/box I receeivd 3 Letters from Jaques Sarah & David Woodruff
I spent the night at Brother Squair's

~ Friday

26 A hand pointing to the right ^wrote^ to Sarah & David Woodruff I wrote letters I spent
the day in the Temple was sick all day & night with a Diarrhea

~ Saturday

27 An arrow I was quite sick sick all day with the Diarrhe also nigh[t]

~ Sunday

28 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I checked my desease to day & felt better I
received a letter from Asahel and wrote 1 Letter to
Asahel I wrote untill midnight

~ Monday

29 In company with Brothers McAllister Bleak & Thompson
we rode across the virgin river to Aitkins farm & pond
we cought 30 chubs & 20 dove` doves returned home 10 mile
administered to Mother Cottom spent the night toat Br Squairs
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 3 letters from G Teasdale Wm Paxman & A Christofferson
I wrote 1 Letter to G Teasdale

~ Tuesday

30 I spent the day in the Temple they Baptized 413 for the dead I spent
the night at Br Wm Squair's Baptized in June 2985. 1373 June 16

~ Wednesday

June [July] 1. A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters ^Wm^ Reynolds, Grant, Pheb, Jaques, Clara, Sarah.

Page 442

A hand pointing to the right I spent the day in writing packed up my things & went to the Temple

~ Thursday

2 Keys crossed A crown I wrote 8 Letters to day to Wilford Harry Nellie
Emma Blanch & Alice I had 11 Dead persons Adopted to me
Betsey Cosset Dead was sealed to me to day

A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^2^ to Samuel Roskelly A K Thurber I receivd
A folded letter/box I received 3 Letters from J Gibbon Brown, H. J. Grant Sarah

~ Friday

3 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Sarah & Asahel

~ Saturday

4 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to J. Jaques. In company with J McAllister
J. G. Bleak & Wm H Thompson we left St George & rode to Leeds
& spent the night with Brother Wilkinson 18 Mils

~ Sunday

5 Sunday we drove to Belview & spent the day reading the
Bible relating Dreams & talking of the Kingdom of God 9 Mils

~ Monday

6 A single key with teeth to the left We travelled to Kanarrah & Dined with John Barry
I Blessed Mother Barry 82 years old. She had 3 sons
& 1 daughter Martered, 2 sons & 1 Daughter by Indians
and 1 son in Tennessee martered By Christians for preaching
the gospel we drove to Cedar & stoped with James Webster 31 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

7. We drove to Paragoona stoped with Joseph P Barton 22

~ Wednesday

8. We drove to Beaver & spent the night distance 32 Mile

~ Thursday

9 We drove within a Mile of Cove fort, turned to the East
into Clear Creek Canyon. we passed through a vary
heavy Thunder storm before we reached the summit
the horses sliped badly in climing the summit. we
passed through another Thunder storm in descending the
Mountain we camped for the night in the canyon
Thompson & Bleak made their bed under the clift of a rock
McAllister & myself slept in the waggon ^{[illegible shorthand]}^ 35 Miles

~ Friday

10 we had a cold night the Brethren were cold this [morning]

Page 443

we drove down the Canyon we overtook a man &
Enquired the name of the Bishop at Joseph City. He said
he was going there & asked if he could not ride with us
we took him in He had a Book with him we found He
was the registrat[i]on officer And we afterwords heard
He was a Deputy Marshal when we got to Joseph City
this man called into the Bishops but we continued
on to Elsamore & took Breakfast with Bishop Sylvester
we then drove on to Richfield & stoped with A K Thurber 29 M[iles]
[FIGURES] I receivd a Letter from J Jaques I wrote 2 letter
to J Jaques & Emma we spent the night at Br Thurbers

~ Saturday

11 We drove to Glenwood Then to Br Thatchers who
had a farm at Grass valley but we spent the night
in camp 12 mils from Br Thurber I caught 12 trout 27 m[iles]

~ Sunday

12 we drove to Brother A. K. Thurbers & spent the day 12 m[iles]

~ Monday

13 We drove to Smith Parkers to se[e] his stock He had
1 Bull & 8 cows all full blooded Holstein and their
calves The finest stock of cows for Milk butter
& Beef I ever saw for milk butter & Beef The Bull &
cows are 2 years old I should Judge the Bull would
weigh 1800 lb. The cows are vary large give 30 quarts
of milk daily & make 2 lb of Butter each He paid $400
a peace for them when a year old He also had A 3
year old Hamiltonian stud supposed to be the best in the
Territory He Paid $1200 for him I took a ride on his
rase track after time He will trot a mile in 2:30 which
is the standard of most of his progenitors we returned to Thurbers

~ Tuesday

14 we drove to Fish Lake over the Mountans 18 Miles

Page 444

~ Wednesday

July 15, 1885
An arrow Two days before we arived The roof of a Dairy house
24 feet long fell upon 9 persons Killing the Mother & one
son & injuring 3 others. We have a plesant morning
we drove North into the canyon through which runs
the outlet of the fish Lake. I went to fishing & caught
25 trout with the Hook the Rest of the brethren caught
several we camped in the canyon for the night. 6 [miles]

~ Thursday

16 we returned to camp I stoped in A K Thurber house
The Altitude is so high I suffer vary much at
night I can neither Breath or sleep lying down have to be
boulstered up to sleep or sit in a chair

~ Friday

17 A plesant Morning I receivd 2 letters from Jaques
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right & Clara I wrote 3 letters to Jaques Phebe & Clara
A great number of People are ariving to day & camping
We find Fish Lake to be 9000 feet above sea level
7 miles long 1 1/2 wide we crossed the Lake in a skiff
opposite our camp about one third of the length of the
Lake from the North End [FIGURE] we measured the
depths of the water from the west to the East shore & we
found the water the following Depth 50 feet, 75, 132,
143, 162, deepest 168 1/2, 125, 45 1/2, about 3 feet
at each shore. If we had gone through the middle of
the Lake or further South I think we would have
found the water over 200 feet deep. There is one pecu-
liarity about this Lake I never saw in any other Deep
water There is a vegitation growing in the bottom of the
Lake in Deep water like coarse weeds 2 to 3 feet high
thick Enough to mow a swath the water is vary clear

Page 445

and cold. I consider Fish Lake the greatest depository
of Large fine trout of any body of water in the Rocky Mountains
The Lake is fed with half a doz small streams that
flow into it from the west Mountains & hills none from
the East. The Trout in the spring of the year go up these
small streams to spawn and a person the can throw
then [them] out of the water with their hands or knock them
in the head with a stick from 1 to 5 or 6 lb Men have
made a Dam & put in large gates at the out let
to hold the water on a reservoy to water vallies below
by this means have raised the Lake some 4 feet & not
having used the water this season and the water being
stoped at the outlet the large trout trying to com back
to the Lake get into vary shallow water had by
the Son sun many of [them] Died from 1 to 6 & 7 lb and
many others nearly dead the Brethren let the water
down to save those that were not Dead

~ Saturday

18 Our camp is now organized containing
1136 persons, 187 vehicls & 516 Animals the largest
company of saints that Ever met in this vallie

Our Meeting commenced at 10 oclok After Prayer &
singing W Woodruff made a few remarks. The reports
of the young Mens Mutual Improvment Association
was then made & A program carried out as far as
ready. As one person was Appointed to Represent
Zion Camp & not being ready W. Woodruff reppresented it
President Spencer campe onto the stand during the Meeting
quite a Number spoke through the day

Page 446

~ Sunday

July 19, 1885
Sunday I suffered much through the night I took
a vary severe cold on my Lungs last night, my
Lungs & throat are so sore this morning I can
hardly speake. Our Meeting commenced at 10 oolck [oclock]
J. D. T. McAllister spoke 68 minuts Wm H Thompson 20.
Afternoon sacrament Administered J G Bleak spoke
17 m[inutes], W Woodruff spoke 47 M[inutes] but in great Distress
Wm H Palmer spoke 38 M[inutes]. Our Meeting closed
I suffered vary much through the night with my lungs
& throat I had to go to bed at an Early hour

~ Monday

20 Our camp broak up this Morning We left the
Lake at 11:25 And rode over the Mountan to
Burville we spent the night with Charle C Burr 15 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

21 An arrow I was quite sick this Morning Br Bleak gave me
a vapor bath I was quite sick through the night I coverd my
chest with a plaster of Lard & campha

~ Wednesday

22 I am much better this morning we concluded to continue
our Journey we drove 17 miles & Nooned we then took
the short Rout to Salina through a vary rough road a brooken
country of hills & hollows mountains & peaks distance of the day 30 m[iles]
we spent the night with George Gates Aged 74

~ Thursday

23 Keys crossed We drove to Manti and visited the Temple. we
found the Lower Story Plastered and the wood work
half done in the 2 story we spent the night with Brother
Bleak Jr we were thinking of going to Salt Lake to see our
A folded letter/box families But I got 3 [letters] from Jaques Pheb & Clara which
convinced me it was not wisdom to go. Distance of the day 27 m[iles]

A coffin US Grant died to day U.S Grant died to day July 23rd 1885

Page 447

~ Friday

Keys crossed A crown July 24, 1885
This is the Aniversary of the Arival of the Pioneers into Salt
Lake Valley
. I carried President Brigham Young in my carriag
through Emigration Canyon into the valley of the Great Salt Lake
38 years ago this day And this is the day Appointed By the
President of the United States, The General of the Armey, &
Gov Murry to send An Armey unto Salt Lake to Destory
the Mo[r]mons if they Put the flag at half mast And yet in
the Providence of God President Cleavland was under the
necessity of commanding all the People of the United States
to place the flag at half mast on that particular day And
Gov Murry commanded the People of Salt [Lake] to do the same
for Gen Grant was Dead and the Lord had prepared him
as a scape Goat to bear of the sins of the Mormons

We drove to Mayfield and Nooned then drove to [blank]
we spent the night with Br George Gates Distance of the day 30 m[iles]

~ Saturday

25 We drove to A. K. Thurbers at Richfield and spent
the night 20 Miles

~ Sunday

26 Sunday ^ An arrow^ we drove to Elsemore and I was vary
sick on the Road we stoped at Bishops Sylvesters, Joshua
Wm Sylvester. After Dinner the Rest of the Brethren
went I staid untill 6 oclk. Then Br Sylvester tooke
me in the carriage & drove me 14 mils into the Canyon
we spent the night with a Brother distance of the day 122 m[iles]

~ Monday

27 I fished in Clear Creek half a day & caught 25 trout
But I got vary weary. we left Clear Creek at 3 oclok
& drove 35 Miles to Beaver & stoped with John R Murdock 40 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

28 We drove to Parawan & spent the Night with Brother
Marsden Distance of the day 35 Mils

Page 448

~ Wednesday

July 29, 1885
We drove to Kanarrah 35 Miles & dined with Brother
Berry then Drove to Belview 16 miles & spent the Night with
Broth Sylvesters distance of the day 50 Miles

~ Thursday

30. We drove to Leeds & dined with Brother Wilkenson then
^ A folded letter/box^ drove to St George and I stoped at Brother Thomas Cottom's 25 m[iles]

~ Friday

On my return I reeceivd 19 Letters 2 from Asahel
I had 2 Excellent Letters from G. Teasdale He was Just
starting on an Exploring Expedition 10 of the Brothers &
one Mexican officer I had also a vary good letter
from Angus M. Cannon in Prision for his religin
He & all his companions felt well also I am now
occupying a large upper Room with 3 windows & 1 door
A Bright, light, airy good Room as cool a place as I could
find in St George But I find it now vary warm the
Thermometer ranging from 100 to 112 in the shade

I went to Brother Wm Squair's in the Evening

~ Saturday

Aug 1. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 letters to Jaques, Phebe, & Sarah
A folded letter/box I received 56 Letters from Jaques, Phebe, Clara,
Dr E. A. Scammans Brick Pomeroy & J F Alread

~ Sunday

2 Sunday A vary hot Day I wrote ^6^ Letters to Jaques,
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box Phebe, sent portrait [FIGURE] to Clara, Blanch Alice I wrote
to Asahel 2 sheets I received 2 letters from 2 letters
from G Teasdale & Nellie

~ Monday

3 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 Letters to Leslie, Penrose, & Jesse & Bell Moses
And M. M. Pomeroy

~ Tuesday

4 An arrow I was confined to my bed all day with a Diziness
& swiming of the head Evrything in a whirl Either from
great heat or constant writing I wrote 1 Letter to S Roskelley
A hand pointing to the right

Page 449

~ Wednesday

Aug 5, 1885
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I wrote 4 Letters to H. J. Grant, Wm George, ^8 pages^ G. Teasdale
Jesse N. Smith I Received 1 Letter from A K Thurber

~ Thursday

6 A hand pointing to the right Fast day I wrote Letter to A K Thurber

~ Friday

7th A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters from Presidents John Taylor & Cannon
& from S Roskelley I wrote 3 Letter to A. M. Cannon Dr
E. A. Scammons & J F Alread

~ Saturday

8 Wm H Thompson & mysel & 2 boys crossed the Virgin River
to Atkins pond we caught 100 chub, got 3 quail & 7 Rabits 15 m[iles]

~ Sunday

9. Sunday A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Wilford, Lucy, Elias
Matilda Teasdale, to ^2^ Jaques, James Jack I received
A folded letter/box 2 letters from Jaques & Sarah I requested Br Jack to
send Sarah $20 order for Merchandze

~ Monday

10 A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Sarah & Sylvia see copy I wrote to
Atkins shot 3 quails & 1 Rabbit 16 Mile

~ Tuesday

11 A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Azmon & Elizabeth 4 page

~ Wednesday

12 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 Letters to Mrs Christofferson & John R Murdock

~ Thursday

13 I finished writing up my Journal to day it is vary warm

~ Friday

14 I spent the day reading Utah Journal & the Great first cause

~ Saturday

15 A folded letter/box I received Letters from Asahel, Wilford, & Wm Paxman
I wrode out in the Afternoon it was vary hot I shot
5 quails & Wm H Thompson 1.

~ Sunday

16 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ Sunday I wrote a letter to A Asahel 8 page see copy

~ Monday

A hand pointing to the right 17. I wrote to D. H. Wells & C. W. Penrose and kept
a copy I spent most of the day reading D. H. Cannon called

~ Tuesday

18 A folded letter/box I receivd A letter from Samuel Roskelly, Wm Atkins called
A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^5^ Letters to Jaques, Pheb, Wilford, Paxman

~ Wednesday

^19^ and Bishop Crain about the wool see copy

~ Thursday

20 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to Phebe A Snow I visited the Temple

Page 450

~ Friday

Aug 21st 1885
A hand pointing to the right I wote Letters to SaRah Sarah & Junius F Wells
An arrow word arived last night that Marshal Greenman
from S. L. C arived at Leeds last night arived with
Documents for such as He could find here but
He did not arive here last night I occupied my
former boarding place I have spe[n]t the day writing

~ Saturday

Aug 22 In company with Brother & Sister Thompson & 2
children we drove from St George to Thompson Grist Mill
in Pine Valley over rough roads we spent the night at Bennets 40 Miles

~ Sunday

23 Sunday we had a rainy day I spent the day ^reading^

~ Monday

24 Brother Thompsons Mill was run by Charles W.
it was in bad repair we took up the Burr stones
this morning and Brother Thompson & myself spent the
day dressing them though I had not done such a thing
before in 55 years

~ Tuesday

25 We finished Dressing the stones to day & Put them down

~ Wednesday

26 We have had rain, two days it cleared up this
Morning & we went fishing up pine Canyon Creek
We fished up the south fork then the North but all
the borders of the creek was so full of Brush & large
rocks & steep Bluffs it was almost impossible to travel
and vary difficult to get the hook into the water it took
3/4 of the time to wallow through the Brush clime rocks
& untangle my line that I could not fish one quarter
of the time I caught 20 trout & Br Thompson 12, but I
was so weary when I got through I could sccarsly stand
on My feet 10 Miles

~ Thursday

27 I spent the day mostly at the Mill resting

Page 451

~ Friday

Aug 28, 1885
We left & rode to grass valley & stoped with Brother
Jeffreys who was suffering severely with the teeth
his face was badly swollen. After resting we
drove to grass Valley Canyon which was owly abot
a mile from Jeffreys but we were wrongly directed
and went 5 miles out of our way we got to the creek
at 2 oclok took dinner & At 3 oclok I undertook to
fish but it was the smallest stream of water I ever
attempted to fish in it was so small Brother Thompson
did not Believe fish could live in it & would not
fish I could ownly use an 18 inch line for
the thick brush I fished 2 Hours caught 22 trout but
they were small I lost most of the trout I hooked that
would weigh half a pound No chance to get them out from
brush we spent the night at Br Jeffrey 15 Miles

~ Saturday

29 Br Jeffrey was bad this morning we administered
to him we then drove to pinto & down to Holts Ranch
near the border of the Desert stoped with Br Holt 15 M[iles]

~ Sunday

30 Sunday we drove to the Indian Camp a short
distance Below br Holts they had gathered from various
parts to go into the Mountain to gather Pine Nuts
I preached to them & After Meeting Br Wm H Thompson
Baptized 15 of them & I confirmed them & Blessed
5 of their children. The following are Names of those Baptized
Mericats, Machinnap, Secub, China, How,
Cahaoh, Urnup, Pegarbo, Curbu, Cobarry,
Teammamo, Nima, Paraguce Jabbor
Seechort. We spent the night at Br Holts

Page 452

Sunday Evening I Blessed Joseph Woodruff Holt son
of George A Holt

~ Monday

31 We started & drove through Mountain Meadow settlement
and onto the Clary Creek & Nooned then drove to St
. On the road I shot a gun 8 times mostly from
the waggon got 6 Rabbits 1 quail, & 1 Herron I did not
miss one during the 8 shots Brother Thompson shot 3 times
& got 2 Rabbits we did not reach St Georg untill
10 oclok we were all vary weary roads vary rough 40 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

Sept 1. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 9 Letters from Asahel
Leslie Orion, Jaques, Sarah, D. Pearce O Jacobson
Jesse & Bell Moses & Henry Woodruff I wrote ^6^ Letters
to Asahel Wells & Penrose Sarah Jaques Phebe & Emma

~ Wednesday

2 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I re[ceiv]ed 5 letters, & wrote ^2^ Letter to
to Leslie & Susan

~ Thursday

3. A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^2^ to Orio & Jesse & Bell Moses

~ Friday

4 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 1 Letter from Jaques & wrote 5 Letters
to Jaques F. D. Richards John Henry Smith H. J. Grant
& F Spencer I spent the day writing

~ Saturday

5 A folded letter/box I received a letter from Phebe I rode across the
Virgin to Aitkins I shot 6 ducks got 4 Thompson 2 duck
Returned at Night distance of the day 12 Mils

~ Sunday

6 Sunday spent the day reading

~ Monday

7. A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Jaques & 12 pages to P. W. Woodruff
A folded letter/box I receivd 3 letters from G Teasdale S Roskelley & Emeline Woodruff

~ Tuesday

8th In company with J McAllister & Wm H Thompson I rode to
Santa Clara settlement & returned & spent the Afternoon in company
with a few friends McAllister Bleak & B F Johnson & [Lakes]

Page 453

~ Wednesday

Sept 9, 1885
A hand pointing to the right I ^4^ wrote Letters to Mrs A. S. B. Jennings, Presidents
Taylor & Cannon, J. T. Cain Matilda Teasdale I went up the
clara field in the Evening 6 mils

~ Thursday

10 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to G Teasdale & Wm George MPR
and Lucy Woodruff

~ Friday

11 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I recived Letter from Wm Paxma Jaques
Wilford jr Wilford 3, & Elias E Woodruff I wrote Paxman
& A. M. Cannon 4 pages fools cap & cash

~ Saturday

12 A folded letter/box I received Letters from Jaques, Phebe, Sarah David
Clara & G Teasdale in company with Wm H Thompson I rode
to Atkins pond & took dinner with Atkins I killed 34 quail
3 ducks 2 large fowl like snips one cole black & one snow white
& one large Herron I was vary weary when I got home
I had an interview when I got home with Elder Roberts
St George conference commenced to day Distance 16 m[iles]

~ Sunday

13 Sunday Elder Roberts & others addressed the Meeting to day
Bishop Bunker spent the Evening with me

~ Monday

14 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^4^ Letters to Clara, Owen, Blanch & Alice

~ Tuesday

15 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^4^ Letters to Wilford jr Wilford 3, & Elias E W
& Jaques I had an interview with President Jones of P[ar]

~ Wednesday

16 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received Letters F. D. Richards J. Jakques & Bulah
An arrow giving me the information of a sudden attack of the
chills of Phebe W. Woodruff which seemed to be dangerous
I wrote ^5^ Letters to Bulah, Phebe, Jaques, & Bishop Crane ^on^ wool
& to Asahel I spent the day writing

~ Thursday

17 A hand pointing to the right ^wrote^ 5 Letters to George Teasdale M.P. Romney
S. Roskelley, David P. W. & Henry & Nellie Woodruff we
An arrow got the Decision of Judge Zane to imprision a Man for life
for cohabitation

Page 454

~ Friday

Sept 18th 1885
Keys crossed A hand pointing to the right I gave Elder Jacob Hamblin A mission to the
Lamanits Any whare in the United States or Mexico I gave
him A written Appointment & filed a copoy of the same

~ Saturday

19 [FIGURE] Br Thompson took me in his wagon & we rode to Atkins
Pond & spent the day we shot 10 wild Duck 4 Rabbitts
& one large fat crane & cought about 100 fish with hooks
and returned in the Evening. On my return I had
an interview with Brother Bleak who informed me that
An arrow A telegram had Been sent from Beaver saying
that Woodruff, Thurber, Spencer, & others were accused of
threatning to Put Marshal Armstrong & his papers into
the Lake or make him a prisioner [prisoner] in the land. this is
not true but a trumped up story to Black mail us
for Money I moved my quarters for the night

~ Sunday

20 Sunday by I spent the day mostly reading

~ Monday

21 Keys crossed A crown I have felt for several years that there was a
change coming over Zion, & over our Nation & the world
at large. I have spoken of it in public in several instances,
and it has commenced. The United States Government has sent
Judges & Marshals to Utah to prosicute all the Mormons they
can for Poligamy & cohabitation with their own wives
and they have turned it more into persecution than prosecution
untill our prisions are crouded with the Leading Men
of the Church. All the Leading Men are Either in prision
or Exhile All of the 3 first presidency are hid up & myself
& the Twelve Apostles are in Exhile and many other leading men
of the Church And the United States Government with the
Editors & P[riest] are laboring to destroy the saints of God we shall see

Page 455

~ Tuesday

Sept 22, 1885
An arrow An arrow A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 7 Letters from Asahel, J. Jaques 2, L. W. Snow
H. J. Grant Daniel Thompson, & C. L. Christiansen. Brother Wm
has been vary sick for several days he fainted away
this Morning & it seemed as though He would die it was with
great difficulty that we could get him to swallow any kind
of Nourishment to keep life in him Robert T Burton & E F
were in town I sent for them They with Bleak &
Thompson & myself Anointed him & administered to him and
he seemed to recover some. By his request I wrote his
will A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to J McAllister I returned to my other room

~ Wednesday

23 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received ^5 letters^ from Presidents Taylor & Cannon, 2
from Jaques Phebe & McAllister I wrote Letters to Phebe
Jakesques & H. B. Shettler I sent an order to him I spent
the day writing in my room Brother William Squair
signed his will today {I learned today of the removal of [illegible shorthand] from
this [bishop's] account without cause. Somebody will have to pay for it.} I spent
the night in the Temple

~ Thursday

A hand pointing to the right 24. I spent the day in the Temple I married
Edward Snow, & Hannah Nelson to day. I had James Bean
(Father of Georg Washington Bean) & his wife Elizabeth Lewis
Adopted to me to day also Agnes ^Harris^ Baun I wrote letters
to day to Presidents John Taylor & G. Q. Cannon & Asahel
see copies I visited Br Wm Squoir & Blessed him He is very sick

~ Friday

25 A folded letter/box I received 4 letters from Teasdale McAllister Jaques & Or^s^on

~ Saturday

26 Brother William Squire died this morning 25 m[inutes]
to 8 oclok, on this his birth day, being 69 years of
Age was born on the 26 Sept 1816. I have been
living with Brother Squire for the last 6 month. He has
been vary kind to me I washed, Anointed & blessed him

A coffin William
Sept 26
69 years

Page 456

Brother William Squire died this Morning on his birth day
He has been sick about 10 days I have spent most of my time
with him since the first of Last March He has been vary
kind to me Brother Squire has been a true Latter Day Saint
He has been valient in the Testimony of Jesus Christ. Brother
Thompson washed and clothed him on the Evening
of the 25 I laid my hands on him & blessed him the last
^ Keys crossed^ time I saw him the brethren are preparing A coffin for
him & Preparing his body for the funeral Blessed are the
Dead who die in the Lord as Wm Squire's has

~ Sunday

27 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 3 Letters from Asahel Sarah & Jaques
I wrote 1 Letter to Asahel. Brother Wm Squire
was buried this Afternoon so my friends drop off
and leave me, but my turn will come I spent the
day in my room writing

~ Monday

28 A folded letter/box I received Letter from J. D. T McAllister & Jaques
I have lain still so long I am under the Necessity of having
1 days exercise in a week for my health so to day Brother Thompson
took me over to Atkins pond 8 miles I took a boat went into
the rushes & watched for ducks Broth Thompson fished we caught
6 ducks, 1 Rabbit, & a string of chubs. we killed 2 Hawk &
a Turkey buzzard

~ Tuesday

29 I spent the day in my room mostly reading John Squire's
went North to meet his sister & got back in the night

~ Wednesday

30 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^6^ Letters to J. D. T McAllister, Jaques, Phebe, Sarah
Newton & S Roskelley

~ Thursday

SOct 1. A hand pointing to the right I wrote a ^2^ Letter to G Teasdale & Orion Snow

~ Friday

Oct 2 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to A. M. Cannon &c & C. L. Christianson

Page 457

~ Saturday

Oct 3rd 1885
we have arived at a strange state of affairs in the
History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
I have recorded many Events in my Journals of
the History of the Church for the Last 50 years of my
life we have been persecuted by individuals
villages towns counties states and Now the whole
great Nation of the United States of some
60000000 of people have set their hand to destroy
the Church & Kingdom of God from off the Earth
The Congress Passed Laws in 1862 Against the saints
for practicing poligamy it being a tenit of our religion
the Nation was not ripe Enough to inforce untill
of late in 1882 Congress passed a law making
it a crime to cohabit with our wives made
it a fine of $300 and imprisionment 6 months
Marshals & Judges were sent to Utah to
exicute this Law And the whole government
is turning it into persecution and striving to destroy
the saints & church & kingdom of God from off the Earth but they
are strugling to try to do it under pretence of Law. The Judges
& Marshals seem perfectly insane Judge Zane puts
the penalty of those who will not Deny the faith to the full extent
of the Law then Blackguards the prisioners calls their
wives Prostitutes & Children Bastards For cohabitation
all who do not Deny the faith are sent to Prision 6 month
& have to pay a fine of $300. Judge Zane Desides that a
man can be indicted for Every Month During the 3 years
which would make 36 Indictments, 18 years imprisionment, $10800 fine

Page 458

But the Dimocratit Judg Powers dont want to be out done by
a Republican Judge so he de[c]ides the Law will allow him to
bring in an Indictmen for Every day during the 3 years, which
would make 1095 indictments which would make
6570 months imprisionments or 547 1/2 years and $300 dollars
fine for Each Indictment would be $328,500 dollars
so they by this ruling they will imprision a Latter Day
Saint During Life & take all the property He has. Now comes
the last & trials of the saints. These Judges have formed a
platfore for the Elders of the church to stand upon & deside
which they will serve Either God or Baal And as they
come to trial some take one side & some the other out of
the whole Number so far up to date has been five persons
whove Deserted their wives & children, Broaken their covenants
Denyed thir religion & dishonored God, viz Arnold C. V. Spencer
Bishop John Sharp T O Angel Jr & Septmas W Sears
while Bishop Clawson ^& Son^ A. M. Cannon A. M. Musser P. P. Pratt
Brown of Ogen Watson & many others prefer to go to prision
with Honor than to have Liberty with Dishonor and this
is now the test which is to try all the Elders of Israel who
have obeyed the Celestial Law of Marriage. As a Historian
I would say I would rather be shot dead, in the streets, or
struck with lightnigng, than to Desert my children Break
my covenants turn my wives into the street & desert
them with whom I have made sacred Covenants, Deny
my religion & Dishonor God. The decision Iwe now make
will decide our Destiny for all time & Eternity. We
have but a short time to live here but a long Eternity to

Page 459

Live on the other side of the veil. And any man who
is faithful to his wives & children, his covenants his religion
& his God in this life if it costs him fines, imprisionment
Bonds, or Death No power, beneath the Heavens, can deprive
him from Enjoying the society of his wives, & children
his family and friends, The prophets & Apostles & the
society of God & Lamb, to all Eternity after the Resurrection

Oct 3 I rode to Atkins with Wm H Thomps & spent the day 16 m[iles]

~ Sunday

4 Sunday I received 3^4^ letters from D. H. Wells & Penrose
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box J McAllis & Sarah ^& Jaques^ I wrote ^4^ Letter to Jaques
Sarah, McAllister & Clara I was taken with a
hard chill which lasted me untill midnight I had a sick
night I got a little sleep near morning

~ Monday

5 I feel quite poorly this morning I spent the day resting

~ Tuesday

6 A folded letter/box I got a letter from S Roskely & work of the Temple
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to D. K. Udall & A M Tenney I wrote
Tenneys Letter on the shield of faith

~ Wednesday

7. A folded letter/box I receivd a letter from John Henry Smith
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letter to Asahel

~ Thursday

8 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 23 letters to Azmon & Elizabeth, Henry & Nellie
& Thompson Woodruff we had a short Thunder storm
A folded letter/box I received 3 Letters from Prest Taylor & Cannon J Jaques
& J McAllister we had quite a Thunder storm in the morning

~ Friday

9 Brother Thompson started for Milford for J McAllister

~ Saturday

10 A hand pointing to the right I spent the day reading Except I wrote Letter to
Phebe & Bulah & Jaques I received Letters from
A folded letter/box Asahel ^2^ Bulah Emeline & Jaques Bulah said her
An arrow Mother had a fall and split the scalp of her head open

Page 460

An arrow An arrow
Mrs Phebe W Woodruff fell while walking across
her room with a lighted lamp Broak the lamp to peaces
but did not Explod she struck her head against the
washboard & split the scalp of her head open for several
inches knocked her sensless but she soon came
to Dr Anderson sowed up her wound thought her
skull was not cracked thoght she would recofver
Emeline Woodruff wrote that her sister Julia was vary
sick with Typhoid fever Asahel said I am honerably
released to come home with the company on the 24 inst

~ Sunday

11 A hand pointing to the right Sunday I wrote 7 Letters to Asahel, Phebe & Bulah
Jaques, Emeline John Henry Smith & James H Hart
A folded letter/box I received one Letter from Bulah. Phebe was some better

~ Monday

12 A hand pointing to the right I wrote A Letter to Bulah & Phebe receivd 1 L[etter] fro[m] Bulah

~ Tuesday

13 A hand pointing to the right Keys crossed I wrote 23 letters to President John Taylor
to Jaques & Bulah Mrs Woodruff was not so well
last night prospect of a chill I read the dispaches today
An arrow saying that 11 to 2 of the Grand Jury voted to clear
A M. Cannon on the 2 Indictment for the same
offence and that Dixen and Varian had resigned
& reported that Gov Murry had & that Judge Zane
was called to Washington Thank God for this
Let us have peace for a Month

A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from Mrs Christofferson Jakques & Ensign

~ Wednesday

14 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^3^ Letters Jaques & Bulah and Sarah
A folded letter/box I received a letter from Jaques & Ensign

~ Thursday

15 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Wm Paxman
I wrote letters to Jaques B. FH. Shettler & Bulah

Page 461

~ Friday

Oct 16, 1885

^ A coffin
[sideways text]
[end of sideways text]

Wilford Woodruff jr
child Phebe 2 year old
died to day Oct 16

A coffin
[sideways text]

[end of sideways text]

James J Woodruff
child Brigham
2 years old died to day^

A cloudy morning Heavy showers to day

~ Saturday

17 [FIGURE] In company with Broth Thompson I rode o[v]er the
virgin River to Atkins Pond we got 12 ducks 3 quail and
^ A folded letter/box^ 1 Babbit [rabbit] I was vary weary at night I got 1 Letter from T E. Ricks

~ Sunday

18 Sunday I had an ineterview to day with J McAllister & Cannon
A folded letter/box I received an interesting letter from A M Cannon

~ Monday

19 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Thomas E Ricks I wrote on
the 18 to Jaques to Phebe W, Phebe snow & Bulah see copy
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Wm Paxman

~ Tuesday

20 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters from A M Musser & Phebe A Snow
I wrote ^5^ Letters to Jaques Phebe Snow Wilford
Clara & Sarah I sent Sarah $10 in post office order for taxes

~ Wednesday

21 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right An arrow

A coffin
[sideways text]
[end of sideways text]

A coffin
[sideways text]
[end of sideways text]

I received a letter from J Jaques
saying that my son Wilford Woodruff Jr lost his little
girl Phebe 2 years old with the Diphtheria And that
my son James J Woodruff lost his son Brigham 2 years
old both Died on the 16 Oct I wrote 8 Letters to J. H. Hart
A hand pointing to the right And Asahel New York, to James J. Woodruff sent order
on T. O. for $25 wrote to Jaques, Wilford, Phebe W & Snow
Emma & Owen Blanch & Clar Alice

~ Thursday

22 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to A M Cannon & A M Musser
A M Musser see copy of Cannons

~ Friday

23 I went to the Temple & met with The workers saw
ten of them I laid before them the Necssity o[f] runing
the Temple on Donation and they all voted to donate
there labor in the Temple

~ Saturday

24 Keys crossed A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters today to Leslie W Snow &
Mrs A Christofferson Asahel leaves Liverpool today for home

Page 462

~ Sunday

Oct 25, 1885
A hand pointing to the right Sunday I wrote 23 letters to Jaques & P W. W. & Phebe Snow

~ Monday

26 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 8 Letters from G Teasdale, J Jaques
H. B. Shettler Asahel Phebe Snow, Sarah, Emeline, ^&^ Bell Moses
I wrote ^8^ Letters to President Taylor, Jaques, Phebe S, Bulah
Sarah Newton Sylvia & Heber Thompson I sent Sarah
Bells Letter, & President Taylor, G Teasdales I had an interview
in the Evening with Erastus Snow

~ Tuesday

27 [FIGURE] In company with Brother Wm Thompson I went
to the Duck pond south of the Temple. We took with us
a new boat Brother Thompson had made when we got it in the
water we found it to rounding on the bottom like a chair rocker
when a person was in one End the other End would stick up
the ownly way we could manage it was to have a person
in Each End & set in the centre or it would dip, or if
one person was in the middle of the boat He could manage
it. it was launched & 5 ducks picked up we had shot. I
got into the boat with a boy named standley crossed to
some rushes, and in trying to get a shot at some ducks I
steped back into the middle of the Boat & we sh sunk it in
2 1/2 feet of water of course we got wet but it was well for
us we was by the side of rushes we got out emptied the boat
got in & went to shore my stockings & pants was wet most
of the day. we got 11 ducks, 2 geese & 1 Large crain & returned
home & took our wboat with us we traveled in all about 6 miles

~ Wednesday

28 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 Letters to Jesse & Bell Moses, Bulah
Emma & James Sharp I did not sleep any through the night

~ Thursday

29 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from O Shaw I wrote ^3^ Letters to
President John Taylor; Taylor & Gibbs ^&^ Jaques

Page 463

~ Friday

Oct 30, 1885
I spent the day reading mostly I had an interview
in the Evening with Robert Pope from Ashley

~ Saturday

31 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 7 Letters to J. Jaques, Sarah, Newton Mary
to James Jack Delight & Emeline gave orde[r] on Jak of $25.

~ Sunday

Nov 1. An arrow I received ^4^ Letters from Jaques, Wilford his son
Wilford & Elias I wrote ^2^ Letter to Jaques & Sarah
Keys crossed I had an interview with E Snow had a letter calling
me to Salt Lake I start tomorrow I have been doing up
my things to day

~ Monday

2 I parted from my friends in st George and started for S L C
we rode to Leeds spent the night with Br Wilkinson 18 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

3 We drove to Cedar & stoped with Broth Lunt 38 Miles

~ Wednesday

34 We drove to Milford & spent the night at Br E Tanners 60 M[iles]

~ Thursday

45. CTook cars at Milford & rode to Juab changed cars & rode
to Salt Lake City I spent the night at home 226 Miles
I found Mrs Woodruff quiete poorly

~ Friday

6 I spent the day at home & Attended Meeting with 11 of the 12
An arrow in the night A Carrington was cut off for Adultery
I had an interview with G. Q. Cannon went to bed in the
office at 4 oclok

~ Saturday

7. Saturday we held a Meeting at 3 oclok also at 7 oclok
at the presidents office And we spent the night untill
3 oclok upon John W. Y[ou]ngs case He finally promised to
throw himself upon our hands & take our council & magnify
his calling & we voted to try him again I went in the

~ Sunday

^8^ Morning to farm & spent the day Sunday I wrote 2

~ Monday

9 A hand pointing to the right Letters to Sarah, & Wm H. Thompson My wife Phebe
is vary low Bulah thought she was dying wrote to Nellie

Page 464

Keys crossed A crown An arrow At 6 oclock I called to see my wife
Phebe who was vary low I laid my hands upon
her head & Blessed her And anointed her for her burial
and at 2 oclok she died Thus we part after living together
48 years & 6 months in the Marriage covenant

~ Tuesday

Nov 10th 1885

A coffin Phebe Whitemore Carter Woodruff
was born March 8th, 1807 In Scarboro Maine
Died in Salt Lake City Utah Nov. 10 1885
Aged 78 years 8 months & 2 days
Blessed are the Dead who die in the Lord

Sleep on my Dear Phebe, But Ere long from this
The conqured Tomb shall yield its captive prey,
Then with thy Husband, children, friends, & Prophets & Apostles
Thou shalt reign in Bliss,
As wife, friQueen, Mother, and Saint to an Eternal Day
Wilford Woodruff

The Parents of Phebe W Woodruff were
Ezra and Sarah Fabyan Carter. Ezra Carter
was 96 years of age when he died. Sarah F Carter
was about 70 when she died Both were baptized
Thus My wife Phebe Ends Her Earthly Mission
She has gone to meet her Fathers, Mothers, Children,
Prophets, Apostles, Saints & Friends in the spirit world

Page 465

An arrow
This was a serio[u]s day word came to me this mor-
ning of the Death of my wife Phebe it was a trying
time to her children I telegraphed to Phebe & Sarah
A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^5^ Letters to Susan, Leslie Shuah C. Moulton
Ezra Scammans Ilus F Carter The Loard ^Lord^ has
born me up in this Affliction in a wonderful
Manner. I pray God to still sustain me many of
the family called upon ^me^ & I had much writing & Business
to attend to I spent the night in the office

~ Wednesday

11 A hand pointing to the right I spent the day in the office I saw a Number of
of my family I wrote Letters to

~ Thursday

12 Keys crossed The funeral of my wife Phebe was attended to day
at the 14 ward school House I saw the procession as it
past the office I saw the hearse that carried my wife
Phebe Whitemore Carter Woodruff to the grave I was not
permitted to attend her funeral without being ariested
for my religin, & imprisioned for cohabitation with
my wives as many others are. she was followed to the
grave with 35 carriages I am passing through
a strange chapter in the history of my life
persecution is raging against the Latter Day Saints
I am perfectly willing for my wife to lie down
& go to sleep & be freed from any for the persecution
from the wicked. I hope I may prove true & faithful
unto the End that I may meet with her & our friends
in the Celestial kingdom of God, and have part in
the first resurrection with the righteuse Prophets
& Apostles and dwell with them in peace forever

Page 466

A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to G. Teasdale Leslie W Snow, Susan
& J McAllister At the close of the funeral, Emma
Clara, Delight, Marion, & Ensign & Emeline all called
upon me Coffin & Hearse $75 Articles from coop $33.25 $108.25

~ Friday

13 Many called upon me today among the Number was Lorenzo
C W Layton Card of Logan & others. I spent the day
in the office As so many had seen me in the office it was
thought wisdom for me to leave the office for a time so in
the evening I went to Judge Smiths & talked with him untill
10 oclok when it was thought that Marshal Ireland was seen
in front of the House so 2 of the poliecemen to[ok] me [to] H J Grants
whare I spent the night

~ Saturday

14 I spent the day at H. J. Grants I wrote Letters to J. G. Bleak
& Wm H Thompsons I had my trunks moved down to Emmas
I went down & spent the night at the farm ^6 M[iles]^

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I spent the day looking over my things I wrote
A hand pointing to the right one letter to Nellie Woodruff

~ Monday

16 A hand pointing to the right I went to Brothe[r] Henry Harrow & spent the day with
Robert Franklin Turnbow & He & Brother Harrow & myself sat
up untill midnight reading revelations, visions & Dreams &
talking of the signs of the times I wrote 1 Letter to Nellie
I spent the night at Brother Harrows

~ Tuesday

17 A hand pointing to the right I spent the day at Henry Harrows I wrote 2
Letters to Sarah & Wm H Thompson I went down to
the farm & spent the night 3 Miles

~ Wednesday

18 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to Nellie, David Phebe Scholes
and Ensign W. Owen has been to the Depo 5 nights
After Asahel He has gone to night Asahel did not come

Page 467

~ Thursday

Nov 19, 1885
A hand pointing to the right I came to the Historions office this morning
I wrote Letter to Bulah, to Wm H. Thompson.

~ Friday

220 I overhalled my trunks of records today I found all
3 of my autobyographs & Journals together

^ An arrow An arrow^ I was Just informed that Lorenzo Snow was arested
at Brigham City I went to Judge Elias Smiths & spent
the night I had quite a conversation with Brother Smith

~ Saturday

21 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 6 Letters to President Taylor & Cannon
to Sarah, Preston & Sheets, Leslie & Orion & Brixen

~ Sunday

22 [FIGURE] I spent the day at the farm regulating my papers &
filing them I filed all the Letters I had rwritten my
wife Phebe W Woodruff during the last year I also
filed Asahel H Woodruffs letters to his Mother and
read some of them which were very interesting I
spent the night at the farm I received 10 Letters
A folded letter/box 2 from G. Teasdale, Wm Paxman, Wm H. Thompson
Henry Woodruff M. P. Romney Lot Smith, J. H. Hart
A M Cannon Susan C Scholes & Sarah

~ Monday

23 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received Letter from Sarah, & Sylvia, 2 from
Leslie, Wm H. Thompson & C. A. Brixen. I wrote ^1^ Letter
to C. A. Brixen & Rented the Brick Ho[u]se for $25 a month I
wrote to Bulah, to Wm Paxman, and Susan C Scholes.
I spent the day at Judge Elias Smiths

~ Tuesday

24 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^6^ Letters to Wm wH. Thompson G. J. Bleak
Bulah, Sarah, & Jaques & G Teasdale I spent the
day at Judge Elias Smiths and in the Evening at about
9 oclok Asahel H. Woodruff arived home from hi[s] mis[si]on
in England it was A Happy Meeting with him with Father & Mother

Page 468

Keys crossed A crown I accompanid Asahel & his Mother down
to the farm & spent the night with Asahel it wa[s] certainly
a happy Meeting what I had looked for for a long time

~ Wednesday

25 Emma, Asahel & Owen went to the city to get
such things as they needed today I wrote Letters today
A hand pointing to the right to Nellie & M E Teasdale Asahel had a great
surprise party nearly 50 persons of the Mutual & Sunday
called upon him & kept their visit up untill midnight
David P. Woodruff arived in the Evening soaked to
skin in the storm

~ Thursday

26. Thanksgiving day vary Muddy in the streets
I spent the day at the farm with my family had a large Turkey
for dinner we had all the family present Exce[p]t Nellie

~ Friday

27 A hand pointing to the right I went to the office with Asahel at 6 oclok in the morning
waited 4 hours before I could get a key to get into my office
I aranged my library in a room by itself I rote 2 letters to J F
^ A folded letter/box^ Wells & Lot Smith I received 3 letters from Sarah Phebe Orion
& Asahel I spent the night at Judge Smiths 3 Miles

~ Saturday

28 I received a letter from Dr E. A. Scammans I wrote Letters to
A hand pointing to the right E. A. & Rhoda Scammans, & M. P. Romney I spent the
day in the office & went to the farm with Asahel 3 M[iles]

~ Sunday

29 A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to J. H. Hart to Phebe Orion &
Sarah Asahel spoke at the Farmers ward to day about one
hour spoke again in the Evening to the Mutual

~ Monday

30 Asahel spent most of the day at the coop I spent the day in
A hand pointing to the right the House I wrote one Letter to Walker & Bowen abot
our sheep heard

~ Tuesday

Dec 1. A folded letter/box I received 5 Letters from Susan, Sarah, Newton Pope & Palmer

Page 469

~ Wednesday

Dec 2, 1885
Asahel ploughed ^{Saturday}^ & is ploughing to day it is quite cloudy
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 5 Letters to Susan, Pope, Palmer, Sarah,
& Newton I spent most of the day in the house

~ Thursday

3 I spent a part of the day husking corn

~ Friday

4 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I recceived 7 Letters from Azmon, Thompson
Nellie, McAllister Susan, & Eugenia & Emeline I rote
^4^ Letters to McAllister, Azmon & Elizabeth Thompson &
Electa Woodruff & to Emeline. I shucked 7 bushels of corn

~ Saturday

5. I helped finish shucking corn to day I shucked 5 bushel

~ Sunday

6 A hand pointing to the right Sunday James J. Woodruff & family called upon Emma
& spent the day I wrote one letter to J Jaques

~ Monday

7 we had a snow storm this Morning I spent the day in
the House mostly

~ Tuesday

8 Asahel Owen & myself started out this morning at
[FIGURE] 4 oclok to go over Jordan on the range to see if
we could kill some rabbits we crossed the white bridge
[FIGURE] and travelled 7 miles and camped there was several
inches of snow on the ground we found the rabbits vary
wild we could hardly see one less than 100 yards of us
we ownly killed one we did not go on to the right
ground it snowed vary hard most of the Afternoon Asahel
got lost & came near having to spend the night out but He
finally found the waggon & we camped for the night

~ Wednesday

9 We spent the day hunting Owen killed one I 2, & Asahel 5 we
camped an other night it was an Exceding cold night

~ Thursday

10 Asahel killed 2 rabbits this morning making 11 in all we
saw quite a number but they were vary wild we returned
home quite tired out distance travelled 25 Miles

Page 470

~ Friday

Dec 11, 1885
I spent the day oiling Boots, cleaning up guns writing up Journal &c
A folded letter/box I received 13 Letters from Emeline, Delight, Phebe A. S.
Presidents John Taylor & Cannon, G Teasdale John Jaques
J G Bleak Wm Atkins, Hannah Grover, Newton, Sarah,
Wm H Thompson Jesse & Bell Moses. I wrote ^2^ Letters
A hand pointing to the right to F. D. Richards Jaques. It was a vary cold night

~ Saturday

Dec 12 I wrote ^2^ Letters to Delight To Jesse & Bell Moses of
8 pages sent an Account of Mrs Woodruff Death & burial A coffin

~ Sunday

13 A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^6^ Letters to Newton, Sarah, Hannah Grover
James G Bleak, Wm H. Thompson & Wm Atkin
Asahel suffered severely all night with the Teeth ake

~ Monday

14 Asahel took me in the buggy to the Historians office
before day light I received 2 letters from J F Wells
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right and Phebe C Scholes I wrote ^2^ Letters to Orion &
Phebe Snow I attended to a good Deal of business
to day I had a council with John W Taylor & F D Richards
I Paid H Dinwoody $60 for work on My Brick
House I Paid $100 at Zions Savings Bank for the
Insurance on the valley House I spent the night at Judge
E Smith hard a hard Head Ake in the night

~ Tuesday

Dec 15. Keys crossed A crown A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I held a council with 3 of the Twelve
F D Richards John Henry Smith & John W Taylor I
received 2 letters from Sarah & Orion I wrote to
Sarah sent an order for $15 to her for Merchandize
I had an unexpected visit from my Daughter
Susan C Scholes who had come from Onawa
she spent the Afternoon and Evening with me
at Brother Smith whare I spent the night

Page 471

~ Wednesday

Dec 16, 1885
I had an interview to day with F. D. Richards H. J. Grant &
J. F. Wells on the interest of the Mutual I looked over my Deeds
& many papers I went to the farm at night 6 miles

~ Thursday

17 A hand pointing to the right Keys crossed I wrote to Presidents Taylor & Cannon upon the
YM.M.I Assocition I spent the day & night at the farm

~ Friday

18 Susan spent the day yesterday & to Day with Wilford
A hand pointing to the right and Emma {Bulah is on the road to destructing} I wrote to Phebe
I had a long conversation with Susan upon family
Affairs I wrote to Bulah and Susan took it to her
An arrow Asahel had his horse hitched to his Buggy was
about to take his Brother & Sisters to a party He took
the nose sack off from the Horse to put the Bridle on and
the Horse Jumped took a circuit around a spring
through the yards and out of the gate over a ditch
into the street without striking any thing and started
North on a run Asahel run after the Horse with
overcoat & overshoes on He flung his overcoat
off Ho [he] overtook the Horse at the End of the Block
got ahead of him & run him into creek & stoped
him without Breaking any thing and returned with
the Horse & Buggy to the House in safety Asahel
said the Lord helped him to stope him & He felt to
acknowlede the hand of God in [it] I rode to the city
and spent the night with a friend 3 M[iles]

~ Saturday

19 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Presidents Taylor
& Cannon I wrote Letters to Ensign Woodruff
I had an interview with Susan & Br Jaques
I spent the night alone {at [Brother] Grant's}

Page 472

~ Sunday

Dec 20th 1885

A coffin Susanah

A coffin Mrs

Sunday Sister Susannah Hunters funeral was held to day
John Henry Smith & H. J. Grant wroand several others
spoke at the funeral M Sister George Reynolds was
also buried today Brother F D Richards Preached her
funeral sermon. John Henry Smith spoke this Afternoon
in the Big Tabernacle to a full congregation I spent the
day in the House, and was accompanied by my Daughter
Susan I am still a free Man although an Exile

Keys crossed A crown One year has passed away since the prosicution
and persecution commenced against the Latter Day
Saints for Poligamy and the Persecution has increased
more & more untill the present time, untill 40 or 50 of
our Elders are imprisioned for obeying the Law of God
And Now the Congress of the United States are attempting
to pass Laws to destroy the Latter Day Saints and take
away all our rights Our Nation is fast ripening
itself and getting Prepared for the Judgments of God
which will cause there utter overthrow & destruction
great Destruction & Judgments are at the Door of this
generation The whole Christian world are over-
whelmed to day with whoredoms Murder and abomina-
tions of Every kind

~ Monday

Dec 21. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I receivd 3 Letters from J. McAllister
Sarah And a vary kind interesting Letter from Bulah
A hand pointing to the right I wrote ^7^ Letters to Wilford, Emma, J. D. T. McAllister,
Wm H Thompson, & Sarah I wrote a letter sent By ^to^ Sarah
By Newton I wrote to Phebe C. Scholes

Page 473

~ Tuesday

Dec 22, 1885
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Bulah of 8 pages in answer
to hers & kept a copy. My Daughter Susan visited me
in the the Afternoon I spent the day writing I rec[eiv]ed

~ Wednesday

23 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box a letter from J G Bleak I wrote him a Letter
in return I wrote a letter to Phebe W Snow I had
Keys crossed A crown I had a visit today from Wilford Susan and Bulah
I Entered into An amical arangement with
Wilford & Susan in the division of the city lot on
which the Valley House stands I spent the day in
the office I went to the farm at night with my family {Sarah B}

~ Thursday

24 A hand pointing to the right I spent the day at the farm I wrote a long letter
to Azmon I gave him a history of our youth & the
dealings of God with us

~ Friday

25 Christmass day I spent the day in the chamber
locked up as a prisioner while all the family went
to the ward school House to attend the Chiristmass
A hand pointing to the right I wrote Letters to George Teasdale & Thomas E Ricks
I felt Thankful to God I was still a free man
on Earth

~ Saturday

26 I spent the day in the whouse writing

~ Sunday

27 Sunday I spent the day in my room

~ Monday

28th A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 6 Letters from President Taylor
^Below not counted^ Bartlet H. J. Peterson L. W. Snow Sarah & Atkin I wrote
^6^ Letters to Jaques, President Taylor, H J Peterson
L. W. Snow, Sarah (told a Dream) Wm Atkins

~ Tuesday

29 A folded letter/box I received 5 letters from Jaques Matilda T. Bleak, Thompson
& T. Cottom. I wrote ^5^ to Bleak, McA, Thompson Cottom M. T.

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

A hand pointing to the right 30th & 31 I wrote to Br Lindsay I made a synopsis of 6 years Jornalizing

Page 474

Thus Ends the year of 1885 I have written in my
Daily Journals for fifty one years since Jan 1, 1834
I have recorded many Events in the Church and kingdom
of God
on Earth in these last days concerning our per-
secutions and Afflictions in the rise & progress of the
Church This year Ends with the prisions crouded
with the Leading Elders of the Church of Jesus Chri[s]t
of Latter Day Saints Because of obeying the Celestial
of God in the Patriarchal order of Marriage
And the presidency of the Church and Twelve Apostles
& Many other Leading Men are in Exile for our
Religion And we are now Approaching 1886
with the whole United States Govermentnment united
at war against us including the supreme court
President, Cabinet & both Houses of Congress seaem
now Determined to Mob us under the form of Law
The Edmunds Bill take away all the civil political
& Religious rights of the Latter Day Saints And
Nothing but the God of Heaven can safve us But
the God of Heaven will save his people and protect
his Church Zion & Kingdom and fight the battles of
his Saints and Destroy our Enemies in his own
time & way He has said it & He will do it If I am
alive on the 31 day of Dec 1886 Let me record the
state of Affairs at that date and show what the Lords
performs for Zion & her inhabitants and the signs of the
with our Nations The hour of Gods Judgment
has come Let our Nation prepare for that which awaits Her

Page 475

A Synopsis of my labors in 1885

I Travelled 1933 Miles

I Held 27 Meetings

I Preached 21 Discourses

I Administered to 20 sick person

I wrote 579 Letters

I Received 364 Letters

I Blessed 10 children

I confirmed 15 Persons

I sealed 15 couple for the Dead

I was sealed for 75 Dead Friends

I had 45 persons Adopted to me

I Attended 2 Quarterly Conferences

I Attended 2 Conferences of Y.M.M.IS

I Attended 4 prayer circles

I preached 1 funeral sermon

I attended 2 councils with the 12 Apostles

I Dedicated Brigham ^Y.^ Accademy in
Logan Jan 1, 1885

I Paid Tithing $280 dollars

I spent this whole year in Exile Becaus of
obeying the Celestial Law of God which explains
the cause of there being so little labor upon this Journal for 1885

Page 476

A synopsis of Wilford Woodruff Travels
and Labors taken from his Journals By Himself
from 18834 to 1885 Inclusive Making (51)
yearse of Labor in the Ministry as a Member
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day

I traveled during this period Th[r]ough England,
Scotland, Wales, six Islands of the sea, and
23 of the United States, and Five Territories
Including the Rockiy Mountains Utah, Idaho,
Arizona New Mexico, Wyoming, Nevada &
Calafornia I crossed the Atlantic Ocean four
times I travelled 143,369 Miles

I held 4191 Meetings

I Preached 3250 discourses

I Attended 73 Semiannual Conferences

I Attended 176 Quarterly Conferences

I esstablished 77 preaching places in the vinyard

I organized 51 Branches of the Church in the
Vineyard. I added to the Church 1800 souls
in 8 months Labor in the south of England
in 1840, Among whom were 200 preachers
of the vario[u]s sects of the day. 50 of the preachers
Belonged to the United Brothr[en] who broke
off from the Weslian Methodist

Page 477

There were 600 of the United Brethren all were
Baptized except one person. I ordained Elders
and Priests who done a good deal of the Baptizing
I ownly Baptized 10453 persons I confirmed
3343 for the living I assisted in confirming 4499.
I spent 603 days in the Endowment House in
Salt Lake City And most of two years in St.
George Temple
in giving Endowments I presided
during that time. There were Baptized during
this period for the Living and the dead 85851.
And the same Number confirmed. We gave
Endowments during this time for the living & the
Dead 41398. I sealed at the Alter for the living
and the Dead 11550 couple Others sealed during
this time 21991 Most of which I witnessed
Total sealed while I was present 33541
couple for the Living and the dead. I was Baptized
for 443 Dead friends The rest of my family
was Baptized for 2745. Total Baptized for
my Dead friends 3188 For the Woodruff
Hart and Thompson families. I had Endowments
in the St George Temple for 2518 of my Dead
friends This was through the Assistance of my
friends I have 427 more Endowments to
finish my Record This is up to Aprail 1883.
I had 336 single dead women sealed to me

Page 478

of my Relatives, By the council of President Young
This included 1885. I was sealed at the
Altear for 1117 couple of Dead friends up
to Jan 1886. I had 233 persons Adopted to
me by their own request I was Adopted
to my Father Aphek Woodruff. He was
ordained A High Priest and Patriarch
I officiated in Adopting 96 others Men to
Men. I sealed 806 children to parents and
assisted in sealing 1004 others My Father
Aphek and Azubah Woodruff had 6 children
sealed to them Ezra & Sarah Carter had 4 children
sealed to them all dead in 1881. I gave 488
Their Seconed Anointing. I Assisted in
giving seconed Anointing to 590 others
I received second Anointing for Father Aphek
Woodruff Uncle Ozem Woodruff And the Prophet
Robert Mason Also Samuel Smith, the Father
of Emma Smith Woodruff My Daughter Phebe
A W Snow
was Anointed for my Mother Bulah
& Azubah Woodruff and 3 wives of Robert Mason
Aprail 9, 1871. Ezra Carter sen Sarah Fabyan Carter
Ozem Woodruff Achsa Merrill & Hannah Hart
, Robert Mason & 3 wives wer all
Adopted to Wilford Woodruff sen And Phebe Whitemore
Carter Woodruff
on the 13 day of Aprail 1877.
On the 10 day of Aprail 1877 Samuel B Hardy

Page 479

and wife, Josiah Hardy and wife were adopted
to Wilford Woodruff sen the first persons Ever
Adopted to me on Earth.

I Attended 32 High Councils, & 20 Priesthood Meeting

I Attended 130 Meetings of the Elders quorum

I attended 398 Councils with the Presidency & Twelve

I attended 1102 Prayer Circles with the Presidency & 12

I attended 213 meetings with my own prayer circle

I Attended 43 Meetings of the Young Mens improvement Association

I Attended 5 sabbath school Unions

I Assisted in organizing the First Presidency of the Church in 1880

I Ordained 1 Apostle, Assisted in ordaining 8 Apostles

I Ordained 23 Patriarchs Assisted in Ordaining 84

I Ordained 93 High Priests Assisted in ordaining 17 HP

I Ordained 24 High Council Assisted in ordaining 75 H.C.

I Ordaind 59 Seventies Assisted in Ordaining many others

I Ordained One of the first seven Presidents of 70

I Ordaind 667 Elders Assistd in ordaining 4349

I Assisted in ordaining Elders for the dead 4932

Total in Ordaining for the Living & Dead 9948

I ordained 23 Bishops & 17 councillors to the Bishop

I Assisted to Ordain 5 Bishops & 4 councillors

I Ordained 446 Priests, 66 Teachers, & 15 Deacons.

I set apart and Blessed 1034 Missionaries

Assisted in setting Apart 4512 Missionaries

I set apart 12 Midwives, Assisted in 27 others

I Blessed 283 Children

Page 480

I Administered to 922 sick persons By the
laying on of hands and Anointing with Oil,
and many were healed by the power of God
Devils were cast out, the Dumb spake, the
Deaf heard, The blind saw, the lame walked
The sick were raised up and in one instance
the dead were raised in the case of my own wife
After the spirit left her body

I Organized 16 Branches of the United order
and I held 16 meetings with the United Order

I wrote 4767 Letters. I received 3576 Letters

I Paid Tithing from 1850 to 1885 $4903.57

I Recorded in my Journals 30 sermons of the
Prophet Joseph Smith, And 81 sermons
of president Brigham Young & of the Twelve Apostles

I recorded in my Journals from 1834 to
1885, 4000 Pages, And my Autobyography
contains 1194 Pages I ownly wrote a
small portion of that Edward Tullidge wrote
most of it. I sealed 9 Dead Persons to Joseph
Smith the Prophet, 5 to Hiram Smith the Patriarch
4 to Father John Smith 3 to Samuel H Smith 3 to Don
Carloss Smith
, 3 to Wilford Woodruff jr

I dedicated the Baptismal font in the 14 ward 1857
I Dedicated the Assembly room in the 13 ward Jan 1
1861, The Assembly room in the 14 ward Dec 24 1861,
The Farmington Meeting House in 1864 The Pason
Meeting House
Utah County July 20 1872

Page 481

I dedicated the Cornor Stone of Z.C.M.I. Nov 25, 1875
I dedicated the Z.C.M.I. Building After it was finished
March 13, 1876. I dedicated the Relief society
House in the 2 ward Feb 28, 1875. I dedicated the
Mill Creek ward Meeting House May 21, 1876
I dedicated the St George Temple under the direction
of Brigham Young in connexion with Erastus Snow
& Brigham Young jr Jan 1, 1877.

I Also Attended the following Dedication
The meeting House in the Kays ward Sept 17, 1863
G A Smith was Mouth. The Baptismal Font Temple
Salt Lake City, 1864 Brigham Young was Mouth.
The Nephi Meeting House June 24, 1865, G A Smith Mouth.
The City Hall Salt Lake City Jan 8, 1866 G. Q. Cannon
was Mouth. The Grantsville Meeting House July 14,
1866, G. Q. Cannon was Mouth. The Cooperative
Store of Wm Jennings March 1, 1869 Brigham
Young, G. A. Smith & D. H. Wells all prayed. The
Springville Meeting House Aprail 17th 1869 D H. Wells
was Mouth. The Coleville Meeting House
sept. 21, 1869 D H Wells was Mouth. The
Tooele Meeting Meeting house Aprail 30, 1870
John Taylor was Mouth. I Attended the dedica-
of the Temple in Salt Lake City, and the
laying of the theCorner stone of the Temple on the
6 day of Aprail 1853

Page 482

I deposited the Books & Records in a stone
in the South East Corner of the foundation of
the Salt Lake Temple on the 13 day of Aug 1857.
President Brigham Young Dedicated the same.
I was Appointed to superintend the diging
out of the foundation of the Temple. I spent 111
days in that service I attended 169 Meetings
with the school of the Prophets in Salt Lake City.
I collected for the Temple in Nauuvoo
$1674. I Printed the Times & Seasons &
Nauvoo Neighbor in connexion with John
for two years. I Printed 2500
copies of the Millennial Star in 1885 [1845]
I published 3000 copies of the Doctrins & Coven-
in England and secured the copy right
in Stationers Hall London in 1845. I published
20000 copies of the Proclamation of the Twelve
Apostles By order of Parley P. Pratt on his own

I have been Ordained during the foregoing Period to the
Office of Teacher, Priest, Elder, 2 Quorum of Seventies,
first Quorum of Seventies, and of the Twelve Apostles.

I received my Endowments under the Hands of
President Brigham Young under the Direction of
Joseph Smith the Prophet I received the washing of
under the hands of Heber C. Kimball
I Officiated as a Member of the City Council
in Nauvoo

Page 483

I was Appointed a Member of the Regency in
Salt Lake City and officiated as such. I was
Appointed a Chaplain in the Nauvoo ^Legion^. I was
Appointed Clerk & Historian of the Twelve Apostles
I was Appointed Assistant Historian
in AD 1855 I compiled & Published the
History of 8 of the Twelve Apostles in
the Deseret News. I was Appointed
Historian of the Church on the [blank] day
of [blank] 18[blank] And have officiated
as such since. I Moved to Provo
with 30 tons of freight with my family
flocks & Heards and Prepared for burning the
country in AD 1858 in the time of the
Buchannan Armey and returned at the
close of the war. I spent 2 days with the
Presidency Twelve & Peace Commissioners
And acepted of Buchannan Pardon for sins
which we never commit and Peace was restored
I was Appointed President of the Universal
Scientific society
held 25 Meetings will [with] them
I was Appointed President of the Deseret
Agricultural & Manufacturing society
1862 and served as such for 10 years.

I was Elected a Member of the Territorial
Legislator and served as such 22 years,
20 years in the Legislative Council in which

Page 484

I spent 733 dayes. I was Elected a Member
of the Senate of the State of Deseret. I was
Appointed President of the Horticultural
in 1855 And served as such
I was Appointed President of the Jordon
Irrigating Company
in 1862 And im [in]
1864 I was Appointed Treasurer & G A
President. I was Appointed chairman
of the Medical Board of Examination in
1862, and served as such (But I think
a vary inappropriate Appointment)

I attended Zions Camp Party in 1865
the [first] meeting of the Company in 30 years
I was foreman of the Grand Jury in Salt
Lake City
in 1867 and attended 6 days session
I attended 30 Meetings of the Gardners Club
I was Elected a Member of the City Council
in Provo And officiated as such. I was
chosen President of the cooperative Stock
in 1876. I was Elected a Member
of the board of Directors of the Merchantile
Institution of Z.C.M.I
And officiated as
such two years

Page 485
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