Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)

Document Transcript

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October 22, 1865
December 31, 1872

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From 1866 to 1872) 7 years 398

October 22nd 1865,
December 31st, 1872.

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Continued from 1st volumn of red covered Book of W. Woodruff

Oct 22nd 1865 Sunday Afternoon at the Tabernacle W Woodruff
spoke one hour & 15 Minuts Elder Sloan reported the same
which is recorded in this Journal under date of [blank]
I met with D. H. Wells & several of the Twelve for prayer & attended
a meeting in the Evening at the 14 ward school house I spoke to
the people 45 Minuts G. Q. Cannon spoke 35 Minuts the
spirit of the Lord rested upon us

~ Monday

23 I went to my field with Brother's Ashman & King & rebuilt
my wheat stack which had been wet & spread to dry I gath-
ered in the Afternoon 17 Bushels of spitzenburgh Appls

~ Tuesday

24. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House. We
gave Endowments to 17 persons. W Woodruff sealed 7 couple &
H. C. Kimball sealed 2 couple I spent the Afternoon writing &
at home gathering Appls

~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday

25, 26, 27 & 28. I spent most of the time in gathering Appls from
my orchard & attending to stock brought in by the drive.

~ Sunday

29. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle several Missionaries spoke follow by
W Woodruff & G Q Cannon & in the Afternoon John Sharp spok
followed by G Q Cannon on the Emigration

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

30 & 31. I spent the time diging carrotts

~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday

Nov 1, 2, 3, & 4 I spent most of the time diging carrotts & Beets.

~ Sunday

5 Sunday A folded letter/box I received 3 Letters from Wilford Brother Nebeker
at Honolulu & Solomon Wixom at St George I spent the
fore part of the day in the office writing

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Solomon Wixom & a few lines to
Wilford in Bulah letter & sent to him there has been a
great Military parade in spencers pasture during the last 4 days
I Attended meeting in the Tabernacle in the Afternoon John
ispoke in the Afternoon & Charles Taylor Miles Romney
& H. C. Kimball spoke in the forenoon. I attended the prayer circle
in the Evening with the presidecy & Twelve H C Kimball prayed
J. Taylor was mouth I preached in the 17 ward in the Evening

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

6, 7, 8, 9 I spent the time in gathering in my corn

Page 8

~ Friday

Nov 10 1865
I spent most of the day aton the Lake west of Ezra Pettetts
we killed 26 fine fat ducks. Brother H. C. Kimball & G Q Cann
spent the day in the Endowment House they gave Endowments to
65. G Q Cannon sealed 30 couple

~ Saturday

11. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 46. H C Kimball sealed 4 couple W. Woodruff sealed 22.
G. Q Cannon sealed 9. total 35

~ Sunday

12 I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended
meeting in the Tabernacle Alfred Lee & Miner G. Atwood
spoke in the forenoon & Brother Swensen, Winburgh & G Q.
spoke in the Afternoon I met with the Presidency
& Twelve for Prayer I preached in the Evening at the 12 ward

~ Monday to ~ Friday

13 to 17. I spent the weeke in my field ploughing &c

~ Saturday

18. I spent the day with a threshing Machine threshing
my wheat the wind blew almost a Hurrycane & we had
an awful day of it my labor was so fatigueing throgh
the day pitching wheat against the wind that my bones
ached all night & I could not sleep

~ Sunday

19. {Sunday} I spent the day threshing & finished I had 354
Bushels of wheat I lost 50 Bushels by the rains

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

20 2to 23. I spent the times Building a shed for chaff &
fodder labored to Hard & was sore & lame

President Brigham Young was taken vary sick on the 14
with Billious cholic & pleurisy & had one of the sickest turns of
his life he was administered to by the Twel[v]e & others & begun to get
better on the night of the 15 but is still vary weak

~ Friday

24. A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Wilford & David P. Kimball. I spent
the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to 48 persons
H. C. Kimball sealed 6 couple, & W. Woodruff 25 couple total 31

~ Saturday

25. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowments to 17. H. C. K. sealed 5 couple & G. Q. Cannon 6.
The U S. Armey marched through this city to Jordons Banks
whare they were Examined By Gen Cornor they numbered
about 600 men. I visited President Young in the afternoon &
found him vary Feeble he was sitting up & not able to stalk

~ Sunday

26. I met with my Quorum in the Morning I prayed & Brother

Page 9

Cram was Mouth. I spent the fore part of the day in the office
A hand pointing to the right I rote A Letter to Wilford & sent him a Draft on the
Liverpool office of £20 Twenty Pounds
I attended meeting
in the Tabernacle in the Afternoon. Joseph Young spoke in the forenoon
& G. Q. Cannon in the Afternoon 30 minutes, & D. H. Wells 50 minuts. we
met in the prayer circle.

~ Monday

27. I spent the day in preparing to go to the cole bed for cole

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

28. I started at day light with two teams & drove over the summit to
Brother Gates nooned, then drove to Allens coal bed & spent the night 45 miles
I went into the coal bed to see how they dig their coal. it was a danger-
ous business. I slep during the night on some hay under a shed they had
taken out of the mine during the night about 30 tons of coal & in the
^29^ morning when it came my turn to have my waggons loaded they stoped
work & we waited till 3 oclok in the Afternoon before our two waggons
were loaded. we then started on our return home. I got set in a creek
& had to get a team to draw me out. it soon began to rain & we drove
10 miles in the storm & stoped for the night at Brother Brazees.

~ Thursday

230. The ground was frozen this morning we started & drove up silver
& while going up the creek I burst a waggon tyre & had
to throw off my load & lock up my wheel & draw it with an
Empty waggon. I soon met a train of Loaded waggons on a
dug way in a Bad place but after considable careful labor we passed
without accident. we soon the stage in a bad place but we passed
that in a bad place it soon began to rain hard but we kept
travelling at Wm Kimballs I stoped & warmed my fingers
at Brother Karkers I stoped & got a pole & fastened my Ex [ox]
on to it & put my waggon wheel in the waggon & drew it in that
way to Brother Gates, whare we arived soaking wet we put our
teams into a good warm stable & brother & Sister Gates received
us kindly gave me some supper we made our beds upon the
floor with some 30 other men who were teamsters & spent the night

~ Friday

Dec 1. An arrow we arose this morning in the midst of one of the most
terrible driving snow storm I ever witnessed it looked vary
gloomey there were several teams from Salt Lake going to the
coal beds but they started back for home I left my broaken
waggon & put both span of my animals onto my loaded waggon

Page 10

& started in the face of the storm for the summit of the mountain
which was 4 miles I walked all the way to the top by the side
of my team with the snow blowing in my face. I sent my
team back & drew up a brother Packs team who was stuck
fast in the snow. we then started down the canyon got
about half a mile & met a Governmt train heavily loaded stuck
fast on a dug way & we could not pass them & the snow falling
fast I stood in the snow hafl [half] knee deep for about one hour untill
I became chilled through I saw more mules knocked down & heard
more profane swareing than I have seen & heard in many years
a small company of cavalry came along leading their horses &
passed their train I took one span of Mules & led them
passed the train & waided through snow & mud half knee deep
6 miles to Brother Hardys station. I left James with the other team
to come down when the train passed I was wet through when
I arived at Hardy's. Sister Hardy helped me off my coat got
me a cup of hot composition, got some dinner soon James
came along & we started down the canyon passed several
teams broke down others turned over & found the roads bad
got out of the canyon at dark & arived at my farm House
at about 8 oclok & spent the knight. distance from Coleville 45 M[iles].

~ Saturday

2nd I drove to my house unloaded my coal then went to the
Endowment House we gave Endowments to 15 persons President
Young sealed 1 couple Joseph W. Young W Woodruff sealed 10 couple
& G. Q. Cannon sealed 1 couple

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning, wrote in
the forenoon Attended meeting in the Tabernacle in the Afternoon
Elder Vancott spoke in the forenoon &followed By Edward L.
. in the Afternoon John Taylor spoke in great plainness
we met in the Evening for Prayer. I administered to 2 sick.

~ Monday

4. I spent the day in geting my sheep home from Brother
Coones I had returned to me 133 sheep

~ Tuesday

5 I spent the day packing away Apples

~ Wednesday

6. I undertook to make some cider to day. it was to cold
to get the Jucce ^out^ of the Apples

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~ Thursday

Dec 7, 1865
I packed away about 25 Bushels of Apples to day. sold 7 Bushels of
spitzenburgh for $50. Paid A. O. Smoots clerk (toShetler) $100 Borrowed
Money. Paid McCKean for U. S. taxes $20 per J. C. Little Borrowed
$20 of Mitchel. I spent the Evening reading the Letters of O. Cowdry
on the Early history of the Church

~ Friday

8. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 44 persons H C Kimball gave Endowments sealed 5 couple W W
sealed 5 couple & G. Q. Cannon 22 couple total 32. I spent the evening
at the office in writing

~ Saturday

9. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 52 Members W W sealed 19 person G. Q. Cannon
9 couple. I spent a short time in the office writing in the Evening

~ Sunday

10. Sunday A vary stormy day I did not Attend Meeting I met with
my Quorum in the morning I prayed Brother Cram was Mouth
I met with the Twelve for prayer in the Evening E. T. Benson
Prayed G. A. Smith was Mouth.

~ Monday

11 Meteting of the Utah Legislature in the Council House at
1 oclok W. Woodruff A Carrington G. Q. Cannon & Joseph
A Young
were Members of the Council from G. S. L. County
The Legislature organized by Appointing G. A. Smith President
& John Taylor speaker of the House, and all Needful officers
were Appointed.

~ Tuesday

12. We Met in Joint Session to day & received the Govornors
Message which was vary Good I sent 1 Hors & 1 Mule to scul valley

~ Wednesday

13. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 44 W. Woodruff sealed 14 couple & G. Q. Cannon 6 couple I sp[en]t
the Afternoon in the council. I called in the Presidents office
in the Evening I saw him a few moments. I wrote a letter to
A hand pointing to the right Brigham Young jr & to wilford I paid $100 in Gold to G Q
Cannon & he will send for for Brigham Young Jr to pay
Wilford £20 & send the draft when we can get the Blanks

~ Thursday

14 A plesant Morning I spent the Afternoon in the Legislative council

~ Friday

15 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 4 letters to Brigham Young jr David P. Kimball,
Ensign Stockings & Robert & Susan Scholes I met with the
council & spent the Evening in the council chamber in a
Military committee. I was writing

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~ Saturday

Dec 16th 1865
I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 31. H. C. Kimball sealed 4 couple, G. Q. Cannon 24 couple
it is vary cold winter weather it is snowing most of the day

~ Sunday

17. ^Sunday^ We had a large fall of snow last night & it took me nearly all
day to get the snow off my roofs I did not go to
Meeting G. Q. Cannon & others spoke I went down to the
farm in the Evening in a snow storm

~ Monday

18. I spent most of the day at the farm feeding stock & shufling

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

19 to 22nd I spent the time to the Legislative Council & on
committies I wrote 34 Letters to Wilford, & sent him a
A hand pointing to the right draft of £20. I wrote to Justin Wixem, & Azmon Woodruff
& Susan Scholes I received 3 letters. The Quorum of the
^22^ Keys crossed Twelve 10 of them met at Sister Jane Blackhurst as usual
to partake of a feast all of the Twelve were there Except
Orson Pratt in England & Lorenzo Snow in Great Salt
Lake City
but not well. We had a splended supper after
which A speech was called for from all the Twelve
Sister Jane Blackhurst made the first speech said she
was like the Miser who hoarded up piles of Gold but still
wanted More she had had the blessings of the Presidency &
Twelve for many years but she wanted it continued. E T Benson
followed & made a spirited speech followed By F. D. Richards
A Lyman A song from E. Snow. W. Woodruff followed
Orson Hyde who Blessed Jane & the Twelve W. Woodruff
said, I feel like saying a few words to Jane Blackhurst
In the History of the whole world I do not know of a woman
occupying the position of Sister Jane. A woman once fed
one Prophet Elisha [Elijah] in time of Famine & the prophet increased the
cruse of Oil & measure of meal through the famine [1 Kings 17:9-16] & one or
two women was last at the cross [John 19:25] & Earliest at the grave of
Jesus. [Mark 16:1-9] But Jane Blackhurst has made a feast for the Presid-
ency & Twelve, some fifteen Apostles & Prophets annually
for the last fifteen years although she is a poor crippled
woman, therefore I will say unto Sister Jane in the name
of Jesus Christ as an Appostle that all the Blessings which

Page 13

which have been promised you by the Appostles shall be fulfilled
upon your head & when you get through with the toils of this life
you shall come forth in the Morning of the first resurrection
clothed with glory immortality & Eternal Life, & you shall have
the privilege of associating in the Celestial kingdom of God with
these vary Apostles & Prophets whom you have been feasting
Annually for the last fifteen years (Brother & Sister Blackhurst
came over the sea with the Twelve in the ship Rochester in 1841)
I will also say to the Twelve concerning the Kingdom of God whom
you are called to build up, that when the Lord sent the Angel to visit
Joseph Smith to deliver unto him the Book of Mormon The devil
done all in his power to destroy the work in the butd & stop the organ-
ization of the Church upon the Earth this was before there was any
church or kingdom of God or Prophet or Appostle upon the Earth
yet the Lord watched vover the work & frustrated the power of the
devil & has contained to do it untill to day in spite of Earth
& Hell. Will not the Lord continue to watch over his Church
kingdom &work & people untill the End. will he not hear & answer
the prayers of the Prophets, Appostles, & Saints, whose Prayers
are asscending into the Ears of the Lord of Saboath daily. yes
he assuredly will. He will sustain Zion & his Kingdom upon
the Earth untill the Law shall go forth of Zion & the world of the
from Jerrusalem & he will destroy his Enemies &
those that fight against Mount Zion The God of Israel
sufferd Joseph Smith the Prophet to be martered & his brother
Hiram that they might be crowned in the presence of God
& the Nation was worthy to shed Innocent Blood, who slew
them & they will be destroyed & cast down to Hell Ye
Apostles of the Lamb still remain upon the Earth to build
upon the foundation which the prophet Joseph has laid
you have labored & toiled many years to build up Zion & to
bring souls into the kingdom of God. You have been Blessed
& shall be unto the End & you shall overcome your Enemies
I care not what Congress or the Nation attempts to
do against us God will overthrow them & hege up their
way other remarks were made by the speakers

Page 14

Elder Taylor followed & backed up the Testimony of those
who had spoke He was followed by Elder Cannon. all the
Twelve present spoke & much of the spirit of God rested
upon us & we were Blessed & felt it good to be there
Elder Taylor Prophesyed that the Twelve should be delivered
from the bondage of the poverty under which they had
been weltering for years At the close of the Meeting I
went & got my sleigh & Mules & took Elders Hyde & G. A.
& their wives home through a driving snow storm
23rd President Young met at a party at Jennings in
the Evening

~ Saturday

23rd I went down to Brother Sheets Barn yard &
got 4 cows & 1 calf driven in yesterday from
the range I took 3 of them to the Butchers one drove
home I spent a part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 27. G Q Cannon sealed 12 W. W. 2.
I met with the Jordon Irrigation Company & the
company voted to give W. Woodruff 20 Acres any
whare in the survey gratis free of all Expens allso a
[FIGURE] city lot They also voted to give G A Smith 100 Acres and
considerable other business (Ensign Woodruff was born 15 M[inutes] 3 oclok

~ Sunday

24 Sunday A hard snowey day I did not attend Meeting
I met with some of the Twelve in the prayer circle in the Evening

~ Monday

25 Christmass I spent the day at home & took supper
then went to the Theater in the Evening

~ Tuesday

26. A vary cold Blustering day I took Emma &
her two children to go to the farm I found no road
broke to my farm to the state road & in trying to get to my house I got
my Mules in to snow drifts 6 feet deep & it was with great difficulty
that I could get through Emma took the children out of the sleigh
into the snow so they all got quite chilled before I got my Mules
out & could get them to the House. it is an Exceding Hard Dec

~ Wednesday

27. I rbroak a road through the deep snows to the state rode & returned
to the city took a Beef from the slaughter house home then again
returned back to my farm & spent the night I cleared my sheds
of snow during the Evening 4 m[iles]

Page 15

~ Thursday

Dec 28 1865
I spent the Afternoon in the Legislative Council

~ Friday

29. I met with the council in the Afternoon

~ Saturday

30. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment house we gave
Endowments to 6 persons H. C. Kimball sealed 4 couple W Woodruff 2.

~ Sunday

31. Sunday I met in the Tabernacle with the Saints in the Afternoon
& herd A. Lyman deliver an interesting discourse upon the
Gospel of salvation being Applicable to theChildren & the importance of
Educating our children. I met inwith 8 of the Twelve for prayer
I attended meeting in the 14 ward school house. G. Q. Cannon preached
& I followed him the spirit of the Lord was upon us

Thus Ends the year of 1865. Praise be unto the Lord our God for he
has comforted Zion and sustained his people Israel. He hath
thwharted all the Evil devises of our Enemies against us up to the present

[rest of page blank]

Page 16

A Synopsis of my Labors in 1865

I Travelled 1983 Miles
I Attended Public Meetings 170 Meeting
I Preached 64 discoursed 64 Discourses
I Attended two General Conferences 2 Conference
I Attended 62 Prayer circles 62 Prayer
I Ordained 4 Seventies 4 Seventies
I Blessed 52 Missionaries in company with the Twelve
I spent 54 days in the Endowment House 54 days
We Gave Endowments to 1342 persons 1342 Endowments
President B Young sealed several couple
President H C Kimball sealed 182 couple
I sealed 451 couple
G. Q. Cannon sealed 529 couple
I Attended the dedication of one Meeting House June 24
I Wrote 27 Letters 27 Letters
I Received 24 Letters 24 Received
I Attended the 40 days session of the Legislative Council
I was a Member of the senate of the State of Deserett
I Attended the Meetings of the D. A. & M. Society
I Attended as Treausurer of the Jordon Irrigation Co.
I Administered to 16 sick persons by the laying on of hands
I paid my Tithing for 1865 $229 57 cts

I spent the rest of my time upon my farm & in
My Garden laboring for the support of my Family

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~ Monday

Keys crossed Jan 1st 1866.
Is it possible that I have lived to see 1866 Yes I have and may the
Lord preserve me through this year in purity & in righteousness and
all the faithful of his Saints & hedge up the way of all the wicked who
seek to fight against Mount Zion

Nine of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles met at the Historians Office
at 10 oclok viz O Hyde John Taylor Wilford Woodruff George A.
, A Lyman E. T. Benson Lorenzo Snow C. C. Rich F. D. Richards
& G. Q. Cannon. C. C. Rich & Erastus Snow was North
& O. Pratt, was in England.

at half past 10 oclok we walked over the road & called upon President
Brigham Young & Elder O. Hyde as our speaker informed President Young
that we had called to pay our respects to him & to wish him a happy
New Year President Y & to congratulate him on the pleasing prospects
that surround us at the opening of 1866. President Young shook
hands heartily with all the Quorum and freely Exchanged Blessings
after spending 30 minuts with the President, we then walked to
President H. C. Kimballs we all wished him a happy New Years
& Brother Kimball blessed us & prophesied upon our heads He told Br
Orson Hyde, that He should overcome all things & come out with a
clean sheet in the End without spot or Blemish, & should be crowned
in Glory in the presence of God & his Brethren as Joseph saw him 30
years ago, and I pronounce the same Blessing upon all the Quorum of
the Twelve & any man who attempts to ride yoo will be rode himself
& any man who opposes you will fall & I say to you Brother Franklin
that you shall come off clear in the End you have passed through trials
as well as the rests of us and I will say concerning Schyler Colfax
who is trying to go into the Presidential Chair on the down fall of the
Latter day Saints I will say in the name of the Lord that He shall go
under as Douglass did & the curs of God shall rest upon our
Enemies who seek our destruction. He blessed us all & prophesid
much good upon Israel & Evil upon her Enemies Sister Vilate
was present & Enjoyed herself well. while we were there
the band was playing in the street. We next visited President Daniel
H. Wells
. He was also Happy to see us & greeted us warmly we then
called upon G. A. Smiths family was treated to a fine feast of
Apples. Elder John Taylor furnished us with 3 sleighs

Page 20

and we all rode & called upon Orson Pratts family & spent a few
moments with them we also rode through the city & called upon the
Mayor A. O. Smoot & took some Home made wine with him we also
called upon Govornor Durkee who greeted us with Great welcome
we then went to Elder John Taylor's & took dinner with him there we
seperated. I spent the Evening at the Historians office writing the proced-
ings of the day & listning to G. A. Smith giving his views of the
dividing the Earth in the days of peleg [Genesis 10:25] & the kind of Barges the
Jaredites made to cross the ocian in to the Land of America [Ether 2:16-17] &
many items of the History of the Jaredites Nephits & Lamanits

~ Tuesday

2nd I met with the council in the Afternoon

~ Wednesday

3rd A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Ann Cossett to her sister Betsey I wrote
Ann Cossett a letter I spent the Evening with Brother & Sister Alvord
& found Brother Alvord had met with an accident He fell from the top of
an Hay stack & hurt his head & shoulder I administered to him

~ Thursday

4. ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I spent the forenoon in the Legislator & wrote a letter to I. F. Carter

~ Friday

5. A hand pointing to the right I spent the day in the council & wrote to Luther Scammans. we met
in Joint session & Electioned our Territoritoreal officers

~ Saturday

6. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowment to 25
H C K sealed 2 couple W W. 10, G Q Cannon 1, total 13 couple

~ Sunday

7. Sunday I Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle in the Afternoon

~ Monday

8 I spent the day in the counci

98 Keys crossed I Attended the dedication of the City Hall at 11 oclok it was
an interesting day G A Sm G Q Cannon made the dedication prayer
in the Evening we partook of a supper & had a dance

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

9 & 10. I spent the time mostly at the farm

~ Thursday

11. I spent the time in the council day & Evening

~ Friday

12. A hand pointing to the right I spent the day in council & wrote ^2^ [letters] to Father Carter & Shuah Carter

~ Saturday

13. I spent the day in the Endowments House we gave Endowments to [blank]

~ Sunday

14. Sunday I met with my Quorum & attended meeting in the After-
noon E. T. Benson spoke. I met with the Twelve in the Evening for prayer
& preached in the 9 ward

~ Monday

15 ^ A hand pointing to the right^ I spent the day in the council I wrote a letter to Azmon Woodruff

~ Tuesday

16. I spent the day in the council

~ Wednesday

17. I spent the day in council Attended a feast at Joseph Horns 6 {o'clock}

Page 21

~ Thursday

Jan 18th 1866
A hand pointing to the right I spent the day in council & wrote to Ozem Thompson Woodruff

~ Friday

19. I spent the day & all night in the Legislative council it Being the last
day of its session

~ Saturday

20. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
20 persons H C K. sealed 3 couple & W. W. 9, total 12. I attended a
party & feast at Brother G Q Cannon in the The presidency & 12 were there

~ Sunday

21. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning and attended
meeting in the Tabernacle in the Afternoon & preached to the peopl followed
by Erastus Snow. we both spoke plain I met with the 12 inat 4 oclok
for prayer John Taylor W. Woodruff & G. A. Smith spent an hour at
the Presidents office.

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

22, 23 I spent the time at the farm shoveling snow taking care of the Lambs

~ Wednesday

24. I returned home & attended the Theater & saw the peace performed Entitled
Aladdin or the wonderful lamp it was one of the best peaces I ever saw
put upon the stage

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

25 & 26 I spent the time at the farm shucking corn & taking care of Lambs

~ Saturday

27. I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to 17
W. Woodruff sealed 6 couple I met with the Jordon Irrigation
Company in the afternoon I settled with Brother A Coone his Bill
for herding 133 sheep 7 months was $111.72

~ Sunday

28. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting
in the tabernacle O. Hyde preached in the morning & G. Q. Cannon in the
Afternoon. both spoke well I met with the Presidency & Twelve at 4 {o'clock}
for prayer D. H. Wells prayed B. Young was mouth. we held a corcus [caucus]
upon the Election of Mayor & City Council. I preached at the 16
ward in the Evening

~ Monday

29. I met with mthe Jordon Irrigation Company at 10 oclok
& had an Election at 1 oclok I was Elected Treasurer of the comp-
any I then went down to the farm & spent the night

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

30 & 31. I spent the time at the farm Husking corn & feeding stock

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

Feb 1 & 2. I spent the time feeding stock & husking corn

~ Saturday

3rd I spent the forepart of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowments to 34. H C Kimball sealed 4 couple W W 22 couple

~ Sunday

4. Sunday I wrote 2 letters to Robert Scholes & John Ames I
A hand pointing to the right attended meeting in the Afternoon President Young preached
G. B. Wallace spok in the forenoon Presidents Young & Wells W Woodruff

Page 22

F. D. Richards G. Q. Cannon John W. Young & Joseph F. Smith
met at the close of the Meeting for prayer John W. Young was
set apart for his mission. We met again at the Presidents office
at 7 oclok & set apart Thomas Taylor John T. Cain H. B. Clawson
& Wm Jennings for their mission

~ Monday

A hand pointing to the right 5 I went wrote 2 Letters 2 to wilford one Byto John W Young & sent
By him to Wilford $25 in gold, & sent By thomas Taylor in
Green Backs $110, $50 dollars for myself & $60 from Mrs

~ Tuesday

6. I went to my farm & took my sheep & cows & drove them home
& put my sheep aroungd my Hay stack but they went into my
garden during the night & girdled som of my apaple trees & done
me much damage

~ Wednesday

7. [FIGURE] I started from my house this morning with my sheep
& 6 cows 2 span of Mules & horses to go to Coones Canyon
Brother Coone & son went with me we found the Road vary
bad we traveled through snow, mud & bear ground till about
9 oclok at night & many of our sheep gave out & we had to
camp on a bear ridge 2 miles East of Coones House for
the night & there came up a vary cold canyon wind & it
seemed as though we should all freeze to death before morning
I did not sleep any I suffered vary much

~ Thursday

8. I arose at day light this morning I found 6 sheep frooze to
death & we were all vary much chilled we gathered our stock
together & drove them to Coones House left Saraceets to take
care of the stock & we returned home. I went to bed soon
after I returned home & lay till morning

~ Friday

9. I arose quite sore I sheared 3 dead sheep & went to the office
& spent a short time Robert Scholes arived in the Evening

~ Saturday

10. I spent the fore part of the day in the office Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 17 persons H. C. Kimball sealed 3 couple
W. Woodruff sealed 7 couple

~ Sunday

11. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting in the Tabernacle. Lorenzo Young spoke in the morning &
Joseph Young spoke in the Afternoon I met with President Young &
Wells & Joseph F Smith, for prayer

Page 23

~ Monday

Feb 12, 1866
We held an Election for city officers & 2433 votes were
cast we took all our children large Enough to the Theater we had
a snow storm I went down to the farm in the Evening

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

13, 14, 15, & 16. I spent the time at the farm shucking corn

~ Saturday

17. A folded letter/box I received a letter from Wilford. I spent the fore part of the
day in the Endowment house we gave Endowments to 38 persons
W Woodruff sealed 15 couple & G. Q. Cannon 12 couple I met in the
afternoon with the Board of the Jordon Irigation Company

~ Sunday

18. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting
in the Tabernacle A Lyman spoke in the morning & J. Taylor in the
afternoon. I met with the Twelve for prayer & visited Brother &
Sister Alverd & preached in the 19 ward in the Evening

~ Monday

19. I spent most of the day choreing. I sold 4 Bushel of Apples for $40. I
setedtled my tithing with Bishop Hoagland & paid $229.57 and
still owe $47.98 ^paid^

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

20, 21, 22, 23. I spent this week at my farm shucking corn

~ Saturday

24. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 26 H C K sealed 1 couple W W. sealed 13, & G. Q. C. 2
I laid hands upon Brother Sprague's Daughter who had been long
afflicted with pain in the Ancle her foot was cut open & many
peices of Bones taken out she was in much distress

~ Sunday

25 Sunday Brother Bywater spoke in the Morning I spoke in the
Afternoon I met with my Quorum in the Evening & preached
in the Evening to a full house in the 13 ward.

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

26, 27 & 28. I spent the time pruning my orchard

~ Thursday

March 1. This is my Buireth day I am 59 years old to day
I spent the day in my orchard

~ Friday to ~ Saturday

2 & 3 I spent the time in my orchard

~ Sunday

4. I spent the time in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
29 persons H. C. Kimball sealed 8 couple & W. W. 3 couple. I attend-
ed the mass meeting at 2 oclok to regulate trade

~ Monday

5. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting at the Tabernacle Elder Musser spoke in the Morning
followed By Samuel A Woolley in the Afternoon President Young
spoke 1 Hour & 35 minuts an interesting discorce I met with the
Presidency for prayer I preached in the 9 ward in the Evening

Page 24

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

March 6th 1866
6 & 7. I spent the time Halling out manure on my garden

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

8, & 9 I spent the time making fence on my farm

~ Saturday

10. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
38. H C Kimball sealed 4 couple W Woodruff 12, & G Q Cannon 9
I herd my own History read in the Afternoon

~ Sunday

11. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning attended
meeting in the Tabernacl all day Judge Elias Smith spok in the morning
& J. D. T. McAllister in the Afternoon I met with President B Young
D. H. Wells G Q Cannon & J F Smith for prayer in the Evening
Keys crossed President Young said as the Lamanites are Hosstile let us Exercise
faith about them & learn what the will of the Lord is at the close of
the prayers President Young said let us send out interpeters to
them make them presents & tell them they must stop fighting
it is Better to give them five thousand dollars than to have to
fight them & kill them off for they are of the House of Israel
I preached in the Evening at the 14 ward to a full house

~ Monday

12. I spent the day diging out stumps of Peach trees

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

13 14, 15 & 16. I spent the time on my farm getting out Manure
& sowing wheat we put in 5 1/4 acres I came home in the Evening
of the 16, & found Brother Edward Tullidge raving mad. he was at the
City Hall in the hands of the poliece He had been writing or comp-
iling my own Autobyography for nearly two years. of late he
had been drinking vary hard & writing Theatrical Plays He now
imagins himself the great Bridegroom & many other foolish things

~ Saturday

17. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 29 persons H. C. Kimball sealed 2 couple G Q Cannon 11
and W Woodruff 6 couple I received a good letter from Ensign
A folded letter/box Stockings he spent a week in London & spoke of the corruption
of the city & the wickedness of the people. In the Evening I called
An arrow at the City Hall to see Edward Tullidge who had became
insane I was left alone with him I laid hands upon him
& rebuke the devels & they came out of him & he beged of
me to take him home. He promised me faithfully to obey me
in all things if I would take him to myhis family who were
in my house upon this promise I took him by the arm &
led him home in his right mind I spent the Evening with

Page 25

him reading the news of the day. he went to bed with his
Brother John, & slept untill about 1 oclok then the devil entered
into him & he raged Badly I arose & went to him & again
laid hands upon him & cast the Devel out of him in the name
of Jesus Christ & he remained quiet untill about day light
when the Devil again Entered into him & he raged in a dred-
ful manner we gave him his breakfast & I took him by
the arm & walked with him back to the City Hall & left
him in the hands of the poliece

~ Sunday

18. Sunday not having much rest through the night I spent
the forenoon in bed G. Q. Cannon spoke in the forenoon I attended
Meeting at Noon withe the Board of the D. A. M. Society I attended
the Meeting at the Tabernacle John Taylor spoke I met with the
Twelve for prayer in the afternoon & attended meeting at the 14
ward school house
Joseph Romney spoke followed By wm H
& I followed them

~ Monday

19. I attended a tryial Before the High Council Betwen the Trustee
in trust
& J V. Long I went as a witness. I then sat for an
Ambrotye likeness for Mr Perry to paint from I wrote a letter
to C. W Grant Iona (near Peekskill) weschester co N. Y.
I sent a post office order of $7 for Iona grapes & 1 Israella.
C W Stanes sent $2.50 & W. Woodruff $4.70. R L Campbell
^ A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box^ wrote the Letter I wrote to I F. Carter & received one from him

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

20, 21, 22, 23. I spent the week at my Farm I put in 2 Acres
of wheat on the 23

~ Saturday

24. I spent the forepart of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 22. H. C. Kimball sealed 5 couple W W 2 couple
A folded letter/box I got a letter from Wilford. Edward Tullidge became
sane & returned home to day. My daughter Bulah Augusta
got her Endowments to day A humanoid I set for my portrait
with Mr Perry

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morn
ing & attended Meeting in the Tabernacle. I prea-
ched in the forenoon & G. D. Watt John Taylor
& H. C. Kimball spoke in the Afternoon I visited
president Young found him feeble I met with the 12 for pray
& preached in the 7 ward

Page 26

~ Monday

March 26
I sat for my portrait it was a rainy day

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

27 & 28 I spent the time at home

~ Thursday

29. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 33 persons W Woodruff sealed 7 couple

~ Friday

30 I sat for my portrait I had a small party of a few
friends at my house in the Evening I received a letter from
A folded letter/box Wilford.

~ Saturday

31. I spent the fore part of the day at the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 21 H C. Kimball sealed 3, W W 10.
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Robert Scholes

~ Sunday

April 1. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning
& Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle A. H. Raleigh spoke in
the forenoon & Edward L Sloan & G. Q. Cannon in the Afternoon
I met with the Twelve for Prayer in the Evening we had a snow storm

~ Monday

2nd The ground is covered with several inches of snow this
Morning I spent the day in the Historians office writing

~ Tuesday

3rd The ground is still covered with snow Elder Lorenzo Snow
arived this Morning by stage several of the Twelve have arived
to Attend Conference. G. A. Smith arived home on Sunday
night. There is quite an Excitement in town this Morning in conseq-
uence of one Man by the name of Brassfield He Married Mary
the wife of Archibald Hill who is absent on a Mission. He
took the property out of Hills house & tried to sell it he was arested
by the poliece & put in the lock up last night while walking with
the U. S. Marsall He was shot & died in a few minuts, by some
unknown hand. This created quite a stir

~ Wednesday

4 A two days Meeting commenced this morning in the
Tabernacle Meeting opened By singing & Prayer By W. Woodruff
O Hyde spoke 35 Minutes A Lyman one hour & 13 minuts
H C Kimball spoke 75 Minutes G. Q. Cannon 15 Minuts
& H C Kimball 10 minuts. Afternoon A Lyman prayed
& L. Snow spoke one hour & G A Smith 7 minuts

~ Thursday

5. Prayer By C. C. Rich He also spok 40 minutes Erast[us] Snow
spoke 15 Minutes. H. C. Kimball spoke 30 Minuts. Afternoon
prayer By W. Woodruff O Hyde spoke 305 A Lyman spoke
73 Minuts

Page 27

~ Friday

April 6, 1866.
The general Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
Day Saints met in the Tabernacle at 10 oclok H C Kimball prayed
E T Benson spoke 60 minutes G. Q. Cannon spoke 15. Afternoon
Prayer By G. Q. Cannon Joseph Young spoke 30 minutes
D. H. Wells 50 minutes, G. A. Smith 10 minutes

~ Saturday

7. Singing Prayer By J. Taylor. The Authorities of the Church
were presented & sustained. Phineas Young spoke 20 minutes
John Taylor spoke 55 minutes. Afternoon Prayer By Joseph
F Smith
. F. D. Richards spoke 56 minutes. G A Smith spoke
50 minutes

~ Sunday

8. Sunday Prayer By A. Lyman. H. C. Kimball spoke one
hour & 25 minutes. song by McAllister President Young spoke
12 minutes. Afternoon Prayer By G. Q. Cannon David P.
, & Charles Kimball Just arived from England were
called upon to speak David P Kimball spoke 14 minutes Charles
Kimball spoke 6 minutes. D H Wells spoke 30 minutes Heber John
spoke 5 minutes H C Kimball spoke 30 minutes
Several Missionaries were called. President Young spoke 10 minutes
At candlelight The Tabernacle was filled with the priesthood
W Woodruff prayered Bishop Hunter spoke 45 minutes followed
By G. A. Smith Erastus Snow & D. H. Wells

~ Monday

9. The convention Met at 10 oclok & were Addressed by H C.
, B. Young H. S. Eldridge Wm S Godby Levi Hancock
& President Young made a few remarks & closed

~ Tuesday

10. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 22 persons W. Woodruff sealed 9 couple
& G. Q. Cannon Eight couple I spent the afternoon in
the office writing

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

11 12 & 13. I spent the time in my garden & orchard

~ Saturday

14. I spent the day in mythe Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 26 W Woodruff sealed 12 couple

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I attended
Meeting at the Tabernacle Joseph W Young spoke in the morning
followed By G. B. Wallace. In the Afternoon W Woodruff spoke
one hour & 15 minutes on the prophesies concerning Zion

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

16, 17, 18. I spent the time at the farm

Page 28

~ Thursday

April 19, 1866.
I went to the Mouth of Coones Canyon & got a load of
sheep & returned home 26 [miles]

~ Friday

20 I spent the day in my Garden

~ Saturday

21 I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 61. W. Woodruff sealed 29 couple
I met at the Historians Office the missionaries at 4 oclk
we blessed 7 missionaries D. H. Wells, J. Taylor W Woodruff
F. D. Richards & G. Q. Cannon officiated President Young came
in & spent a short time

~ Sunday

22. Sunday I spent the fore part of the day in the
Endowment House we gave Endowments to ^40^ Men
& not a woman in the House. I laid hands upon
Enoch B. Tripp & Brother Hunt. I Attended meeting
in the Tabernacle in the afternoon John Taylor spoke
to the people At the close of the meeting, President Young
& Wells & John Taylor W. Woodruff F. D. Richards
& G. Q. Cannon met at the Historians office for
prayer The subject of the History of Joseph the Prophet
Keys crossed as Published by Mother Smith was taken up &
President Young said Brother Woodruff as soon as G A
comes home I want yoty to get Elias Smith
& set down & correct the Errors in the History of Joseph
Smith as published by Mother Smith & then let it be
published to the world. He asked if we destroyed valuable
Historical papers by carriying them to the Back house as Dr
Richards did I answered we did not destroy any papers
in that or any other way President Young spoke his
feelings in a vary plain pointed way to Franklin D Richards
concerning his publishing & presidency in Englangd & in the
conducting of the Emigration & of all who had presided in
England since the days of Hedlock. Before we went into
the Historians Office, we laid hands upon Br Finley Free
who was at the points of death After attending to prayers
we were informed that he was dead.

~ Monday

23. Brother Free was buried to day President Young preached
his Funeral Sermon. I went to Coones Canyon to shear my
I met with presidency & 12 & Blessed 7 missionaries

Page 29

~ Tuesday

April 234
I went to Coones Canyon to sheere my sheep
We sheared about 50 in the Afternoon. ^Finley Free buried
to day presidents Young & Kimball & Joseph Young preached^

~ Wednesday

25. We Finished shearing to day & returned home in the
Evening I went to my Farm when I arived there I found
the creek high & flooding my premises I stood in the
water knee deep 4 Hours & dug ditches to save my place

~ Thursday

26. We dug ditches & made dams all the fore noon to
save the field crops & ploughed in the After noon

~ Friday

27. We took out about 100 bushels of potatoes out of
pits filled with water spread them to dry

~ Saturday

28. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowments to 42 persons. W Woodruff sealed 16 couple

~ Sunday

29. sunday I met with my prayer circle in the Morning &
prayed. Elder G A Smith preached in the forenoon on the History
of the Church. in the Afternoon C P Liston John
& Marias Ensign spoke followed By Charles
W. Kimball
& President Young I attended the prayer
circle in the Evening

~ Monday

30. I Bought a yoke of steers to send Back for the poor paid
$75. The teams went out to day I received a letter from
A folded letter/box Wilford I spent most of the day choreing

~ Tuesday

May 1. sI spent most of the day choreing at home I went to
the farm in the Evening

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

2, 3 & 4. I spent the time planting corn I returned to the
city in the Evening of the 4.

~ Saturday

5 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment we gave
Endowments to 39. W. Woodruff sealed 22 couple H. C. Kimball 3
I met with the Jordon Irrigation Company at 3 oclok

~ Sunday

6. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle at 2 pM. G. A. Smith preached in the
forenoon on the History of the Church in the Afternoon Joseph
Russel spoke followed by G. Q. Cannon I met with the President
Young & the Twelve for prayer. I spent the Evening at President
Youngs office

~ Monday

7. I spent the day with Ezra Pettit on the Lake we killed 20 duks

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

8. ^9^ I spent the day in my Garden

~ Thursday

10 I went to Coones Canyon & got 20 sheep & got wet by a storm

Page 30

~ Friday

May 11.
I spent the day at home choreing

~ Saturday

12 I spent the forepart of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 27. H C Kimball sealed 3 couple
& W Woodruff 10 couple

~ Sunday

13 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning
& attended meeting through the day G. A. Smith spoke
in the morning upon History ^1 H[our] 20 M[inutes]^ Joseph W. Young ^60 M^ & D. H
^30 M^ in the Afternoon I met in the Evening with the
President & 12 for Prayer

~ Monday

14. I spent the day at home choreing most of the day in
pileing wood My Grand son Wilford Leslie Snow four
years old brought wood for me nearly all day I told
him I would record it in my Journal so that He could
read it when he got to be a man. At the close of the day
I drove to my farm in the Evening & spent the night

~ Tuesday

15. 16. I spent the day at my farm planting cane
I married John [blank] and Susan [blank]
at my house

~ Wednesday

16. I planted my potatoes to day

~ Thursday

17. I spent the day in hoeing my carrott

~ Friday

18. I spent the day planting Beans in my garden

~ Saturday

19. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
36 persons H C K. sealed 4 couple & W W 31 couple one
was Baptized for the dead Broth Kimball confirmed
her I laid on hands with him I also confirmed sister
Sprage who had been baptized for the dead

~ Sunday

20. I met with my Quorum in the Morning & Attended
meeting in the Tabernacle G A Smith spoke in the fore noon
upon History. McCray & President Young spoke in the
Afternoon I met in the Evening with the President & Twelve

~ Monday to ~ Friday

21 to 25 I spent the week at home mostly in my Garden

~ Saturday

26. I spent the fore noon in the Endowment House. we gave Endow-
ments to 15. W Woodruff sealed 6 couple H. C. Kimball 2

~ Sunday

27. Sunday I was unwell & did not attend meeting in the fore-
noon G. A. Smith spoke in the forenoon upon history followed
By John Taylor in the Afternoon Joseph Young & W Woodruff spok

Page 31

I met with the President & Twel[v]e for Prayer

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

28 to 31. I spent the time in my Garden

~ Friday

June 1. I spent the day diging in my Garden

~ Saturday

2nd. I spent the day in the Endowment house We gave Endowments
to 20 persons. W. Woodruff sealed 9 couple. I spent the Afternoon
in the office I signed with Parley Pratt for the History of
the Rebelion in two volums for the H. O. for $5.

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I wrote a
A hand pointing to the right letter to Azmon Woodruff G. Q. Cannon spoke in the foren-
oon followed by John Parry. in the afternoon D H Wells
spoke followed By President Young I considered it the
Keys crossed greatest sermon I ever herd preached in some respects in
this dispensation. He took for his text the words of Jesus
"if I am lifted up I will draw all men unto me" [John 12:32] He preached
a universal salvation for all Except the sons of perdition
G D Watt reported. I met with the Twelve & Presidents
Young & Kimball Wells for prayer

~ Monday

4. I spent the day diging in my Garden

~ Tuesday

5. I went to my farm & commenced Hoeing my corn

~ Wednesday

6 [FIGURE] We had a tremendious rain & hail storm today
it destroyed many of the crops of the Earth snow fell 3 or
4 feet in the canyons it rained all the Afternoon & night

~ Thursday

57 it has rained most of the day & night it is it is raining
more this season than any season since we have been in this valley

~ Friday

68th I performed one of the worst days work of my life
to day. I cleaned out a Privey vault 10 feet long 6 feet wid
& 8 feet deep & with an Indian Boy dug another vault of
the same size 10 rods from the privey & carried all the contents
of the Privey in Buckets by hand & Empted into the new vault

~ Saturday

9 I spent the forenoon in the Endowments House & we gave
Endowments to 15 persons W. Woodruff sealed 6 persons

~ Sunday

10. Sunday I met at the Tabernacle a small congregation
it was a rainy morning. G. A. Smith rehearsed the History
of the Church up to the time of the trial of Joseph Smith
before Judge Pope in NSpringfield. Brother Bywater spoke
in the Afternoon followed By G Q Cannon I met with the Presidency & 12 for prayer

Page 32

~ Monday

June 11, 1866
I went to Coones Canyon & got 18 sheep in waggons &
brought home to the Butchers shop I had hard woork to
get home in consequence of the mud

~ Tuesday

12 I was sick & spent most of the day in bed

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

13, 14 & 15 I spent the time on my hoeing corn

~ Saturday

16. I spent a part of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowments to 17 persons H. C. K. sealed 4, W W. 7 couple

~ Sunday

17 Sunday I met with my circle in the morning. I attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle in the forenoon H C Kimball spok
60 minutes & Wm W Phelps 23. In the Afternoon Claudius
spoke 14 minutes & President B Young 55 minutes
I met with President Young G. Q. Cannon Joseph F Smith
for Prayer I herd an Express read from Gen Wells
near the seat of the Indian war. The Indians made a
raid in round valley & drove off their horses & cattle &
killed one man & 2 or 3 others were missing. The Brethren
followed them but could not overtake them

~ Monday

18. A folded letter/box I received a letter from I. F. Carter I spent the
day at home choreing

~ Tuesday

19. A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to I. F. Carter & spent the day at
home we learn From the Telegraph of to day that war
in Europe is in Evitable

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

20 & 21 I spent the time at my farm

~ Friday

22nd I trimed my cottonwoods & drew 7 loads to
the Bowery to cover it

~ Saturday

23rd I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment
we gave Endowments to 38 persons H C K. sealed 2,
A folded letter/box W Woodruff sealed 20 couple I received a letter from
Roberd Scholes He had just returned from the Mines

~ Sunday

24. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and
attended meeting in the bowery Joseph F ^G A^ Smith spoke one
hour & 40 minutes upon History & Joseph F Smith spoke in
the Afternoon 1 Hour 15 minutes & the power of God was upon
him & he manifested the same spirit that was upon his Uncle
Joseph Smith the Prophet & his Father Hyram Smith. John
Sharp Sharp sen
spoke before him. I met with the President

Page 33

and Twelve for Prayer

~ Monday to ~ Saturday

25 to 30. I spent the week at home mostly in my Garden budding

31. [30] I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House. we gave
endowments to 33 W. Woodruff sealed 15 couple

~ Sunday

July 1, 1866 ISunday mI met with my Quorum in the morning
Keys crossed I Attended meeting in the Bowery John Taylor spoke in
the morning 1 Hour & 25 minutes upon the Gospel In the Afternoon
John Sharp Jr spoke 10 minutes & Wm Jennings 10 minutes then
President Young spoke 1 Hour & 15 minutes At the close of the
meeting I met at the Prayer circle with President Young
John Taylor W. Woodruff G. A. Smith G. Q. Cannon & Joseph
F Smith
. John Taylor &Prayed & President Young was mouth
At the close of the Prayer President Young arose from his knees
took off his Apron with the intention of undressing
Of a sudden he stoped & Exclaimed hold on, "shall I
do as I feel led? I always fell well to do as the Spirit
constrains me. It is my mind to Ordain Brother Joseph
F Smith to the Apostleship, and to be one of my Councillors
He then called upon Each one of us for an Expression
of our Feelings and we Individually responded that
it met our Harty approval. we then offered up the signs
of the Priesthood After which Brother Joseph F. Smith
knelt upon the Alter & taking off his cap we laid our
upon him, Brother Brigham being mouth & we
repeating after him in the usual Form He said: Brother
Joseph F Smith we lay our hands upon your head in the
name of Jesus Christ and By virtue of the Holy Priesthood
we ordain you to be An Apostle in the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints, And to be a special
witness to the Nations of the Earth. We seal upon your
head all the Authority power & keys of this Holy Apostle-
ship, and we ordain you to be a councillor unto the
First Presidency of the Church & Kingdom of God upon
the Earth These Blessings we seal upon you in the name
of Jesus Christ & By the Authority of the Holy Priesthood

Page 34

After the ordination Br Brigham said this is
the first time that any person has been ordained
in this manner, and though right I do not wish
in recording it that it should be written in a way
to lead others to think that this mode is Essential
or the ownly way in which such ordinations can be
performed. He suggested to us that it would be wisdom
for us to keep the fact of this ordination to ourselves
but be sure to record it **After we had finished up
stairs we descended to the Historians office & wrote
this statement which we signed at 20 minutes past 6
oclok of the Afternoon of Sunday July first Eighteen
hundred & sixty six John Taylor Wilford Woodruff
George A Smith & G. Q. Cannon

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

2nd to 2 & 3rd I spent the time budding in my nursery

~ Wednesday

4. There was quite a stir in the city in celebration
of the 4 July I spent the day at home Portland Burned

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

5 & 6. I finished budding I have put in near 2000 treesbuds
during the week

~ Saturday

7. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment
we gave Endowments to 28 W Woodruff sealed 15 couple
we learned this morning that Portland wMe was Burned
on the 4 July half of the city destroyed

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to Robert Scholes

~ Sunday

8. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I attended
meeting at the Bowery A Campbellite Preacher spoke to the
people in the morning was followed by G. A. Smith who traced
the History of the Christian Church from the days of Christ
and the Apostles through Paganism, Catholicism, Protestant-
ism down to our day through all the days of darkness
corruption, & tradition & clearly showed that the purity of
the gospel of Christ with all of its gifts & gracies was done away
President Young spoke in the Afternoon an Excellent discours
we met in the Evening for Prayer

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

9 to 12 I spent the week on my farm ploughing & hoing my
corn it was vary hot & I labored hard

Page 35

~ Friday

July 13th 1866
I left G. S. L. City with A. H. Raleigh to Travel with Presidents
Young & Kimball to& co. to Grantsville to dedicate a New meet-
ing house
we drove to E. T. City we there partook of a good
public dinner then Held a meeting G. Q. Cannon spoke 15 m[inutes].
President Young 13 Minutes & President H C Kimball 24 minutes
we then rode to Grantsville distance 40 miles

~ Saturday

14. Keys crossed we met in the new Meeting House at 10 oclok meeting op[en]ed
by singing George Q Cannon offered up the dedication prayer
which W. Woodruff & R. L. Campbell reported. H. C. Kimball
then addressed the people one hour G. A. Smith spoke 43
Afternoon W. Woodruff spoke one Hour & 10 Minutes, & J Taylor
one hour & 5 minutes President Young & F D Richards was taken
quit sick & not able to attend Meeting in the Afternoon there was
a review of the Military of the place in the Evening Brother Raleigh
& myself stoped with Aroet Hale pPresident Young with
Bishop Rowberry.

~ Sunday

15 Sunday The Assembly met at 10 oclok Prayer By Joseph
F Smith
. G. Q. Cannon spoke 45 minutes Joseph F. Smith
spoke 55 minutes. In the Afternoon President Young spoke
one hour & 22 minutes W Woodruff & R L Campbell reported
He spoke vary plain & Pointed concerning our duty to God and
the Holy Priesthood At the close of the meeting I dined with the Pres-
idency & Twelve at Brother Cooleys. we then rode to the mill &whare
President Young & most of the company stoped all night G A Smith
Joseph F Smith A. H. Raleigh & myself drove 3 miles further
to Brother Selwoods & Briants & spent the night with them they
have a vary plesant Place under the mountain they have about
10 Acres of improvement fed by some springs & a fine orchard
& vieneyard & doing well 15 miles

~ Monday

16. We drove to E T City then to Black stoped & bathed in
the salt water then drove to G S. L. City 35 miles

A folded letter/box On my return home I went to the office found 2 letters
one from Robert Scholes & one from George Nebeker at
Honoloola Islands I wrote out some reports

~ Tuesday

17 I spent most of the day in the Endowments House we gave Endowments
to 28 persons. H C Kimball sealed 3 couple & W W 15 couple

Page 36

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

July 18, 1866
18 19 & 20. I spent the time Hoeing & haying

~ Saturday

21. I spent the day at home choreing

~ Sunday

22nd I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting at the Tabernacle Bowery Elder Burton spoke in the
forenoon & G Q Cannon Afternoon Elder Hollings in
English & Germon & told how he was Brought into the Church
He was a Episcopalian Minister & was commanded of
the Lord to go to Brigham Young to know what to do to
be fsaved. I met with President Young & Twelve for prayer

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

23 & 24. I spent the Time Haying

~ Wednesday

25 In company with A. H. Raleigh I rode to the American
& spent the night 35 miles

~ Thursday

26 We met for a two days meeting at the Bowery
Meeting opened by singing & Prayer By G A Smith
W Woodruff spoke 40 Minutes A. H. Raleigh 30 Minutes &
G. A. Smith 30 Minutes

Afternoon H. C. Kimball spoke one hour & 6 minutes
President Joseph Young spok 47 minutes

~ Friday

July 27. Met at 10 oclk Joseph Young spoke 52 minutes
E. T. Benson spoke 55 minutes

Afternoon F. D. Richards spoke 30 minutes B. Young spoke
40 minutes. At the close of the meeting we drove to springfvill
& spent the night 20 miles

~ Saturday

28. We met at the Bowery at 10 oclok for a 2 days meeting
Joseph Young spoke 63 minutes G. D. Watt spoke 30 minutes
Afternoon John Taylor spoke 61 minutes President B
spoke 20 minutes H. C. Kimball spok 38 minutes

~ Sunday

29. Sunday Met at 10 oclok F D Richards spoke 54 M[inutes]
E T Benson spoke 38 minutes President Young 24 Minutes
Afternoon G Q Cannon spok 22 Minutes W Woodruff 5 M.
& G. A. Smith 5 Minutes Meeting was broaken up by
a Heavy shower we then rode to Lehi & spent the night 25 [miles]

~ Monday

30. We drove home to G. S. L. City 30 Miles

~ Tuesday

31. I spent the day Haying

~ Wednesday

Aug 1. I spent the day Haying

~ Thursday to ~ Saturday

2, 3, & 4. I had a reaper & cut 10 Acres of haay wheat & Ba[il]ed it

Page 37

~ Sunday

Sunday 5 Aug 1866
I met with my Quorum in the morning & Attended
meeting at the Bowery in the Afternoon I did not go in
the morning Joseph Young & G Q Cannon spok in the
forenoon & President B Young in the Afternoon untill
he was stoped By a Heavy thunder shower

~ Monday to ~ Friday

6, 7, 8, 9, ^&^ 10 I spent the week drawing Hay putting up wheat &
picking fruit

~ Saturday

11. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endo-
wments to 27. I sealed 11 couple & H C K 11 couple

~ Sunday

12. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning
& Attended meeting in the Bowery F. D. Richards spoke
25 Minutes D H Wells 43 Minutes, & H C Kimball 25 M[inutes]
Afternoon G. A. Smith spoke on the History of the Church
from Josephs death for one hour & 20 minutes President
Young followed & spok 33 minutes in a plain manner
at the close of the Meeting we met at the Historians office
& set apart F. D. Richards Oscar Young & Brothr
Goosebeck for a mission to England they start at 4 oclk
tomorrow morning by stage we had prayers I read
A folded letter/box 2 letters forom Azmon Wooduff & R Schols

~ Monday to ~ Friday

13 to 17. I spent this week in Hoeing & stacking my wheat

~ Saturday

18. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowments to 18. H C K. sealed 5 persons & W W 3 couple
I learned to day that Andrew Jackson Stewart killed his Nephew
on Tuesday stabed him to the heart with a knife on a conten-
tion of who was the owner of a grind stone

~ Sunday

19. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting in the Bowery Joseph F Smith spoke one hour & 3 Minutes
Afternoon Capt Hooper spoke 30 minutes. T. B. H. Stenhouse
32 minutes & President Young spoke 44 minutes. I met with
the Presidency & Twelve for prayer in the Evening

~ Monday to ~ Friday

20 to 24. I spent the time stacking wheat

~ Saturday

25 I spent a part of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to ^29^ persons. H. C. K. sealed 15 couple & W W 2 couple

~ Sunday

26. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting in the Bowery Brother Nesbet spoke one hour Benjamin Stringham

Page 38

spoke 10 minutes Franklin Merrill spoke 25 minutes Afternoon
H. B. Clawson spoke 10 minutes F Mitchell spoke 7 minutes
Capt Wm H Hooper spoke 38 Minutes Brother Day 7 minutes
& H C Kimball 37 minutes

~ Monday

27. I threshed 51 Bushels oats & 333 Bushels wheat

~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday

28, 29, & 30. I spent the time drawing my wheat & fixing up
my stacks, sheds & stock yard

~ Friday

31. it commenced raining yesterday at 3 oclok P.M. &
rained all night & all the forenoon to day I spent the day
choreing Brother Ricks company arived on the 30.
Allexander Smith son of Joseph Smith the Prophet
arived in this city with Brother Ricks company President
Young & a company went to Salt Lake yesterday Allexander
Smith went with him. The object of Allexander Smith
visit to this country is as a missionary to Calafornia
he has two missionaries with him they preach to
Esstablish the claim of young Joseph Smith to lead the
Church or to be the true church they profess to have no
faith in the present organization of the Church

~ Saturday

Sept 1st In company with G. Q. Cannon & F Mitchel
I left G. S. L. City & rode to Farmington & spent the night
with Brother Haight 18 m[iles]

~ Sunday

2nd Sunday we met the people at the meeting house at
10 oclok. Singing & Prayer By G. Q. Cannon. G. A. Smith
spoke 25 minutes, G. Q Cannon 40 minutes W. Woodruff 25 M[inutes]
Dined with Bishop Hess. Then rode to Kaysvill & held Meeting
at 2 oclok Bishop Hess prayed G Q Cannon spoke 45 minutes
G. A. Smith spoke 50 minutes, W. Woodruff spoke 35 minutes
We spent the night at Bishop Laytons 8 miles

~ Monday

3rd President Young & company arived at Kaysville at
20 minutes to 1 oclok, dined & drove to Ogden as they Entered
the town President Wells had a valuable horse drop dead
we spent the night at Bishop Wests. 16 miles

~ Tuesday

4. we met in the oOgden Tabernacle at 10 oclok for a 2 days meeting
singing & prayer by G. Q. Cannon D. H. Wells spoke 34 minutes

Page 39

G. Q. Cannon spoke 34 minutes John Mabyan spoke
3 minutes. Phineas Young spoke 5 minutes

Afternoon Frederick A Mitchell prayed & W Woodruff
spoke 41 minutes. G. A. Smith spoke one hour & 23 minutes
At noon we visited Wests & Youngs Flouring mill, built
of stone & one of the most substantial buildings in the Ter.

~ Wednesday

5th Met at 10 oclok singing Prayer By W. Woodruff
Capt Hooper spoke 61 minutes. President B Young spoke
50 minutes. Afternoon Prayer By J Taylor. D. H. Wells
spoke one hour & 15 minutes President Young spoke 10 minutes
W Woodruff spoke 15 minutes G. A. Smith 10 minutes
G. Q. Cannon dismissed

~ Thursday

6. We drove to Willard City stoped with Bishop Cordon 15 miles
held a meeting at the Bowery at 12 oclok Prayer by Phineas
John Taylor spoke 51 minutes Capt Hooper spoke 10 m[inutes]
D. H. Wells spoke 5 minutes G. Q. Cannon Dismissed
we dined then rode to Brigham City 20 miles
we were here met by a large Mounted Escort of cavalry
& lancers besides a large procession of school children
We held a meeting in the Bowery about 5 oclok W Wood-
ruff prayed then spoke 10 minutes {Had the Spirit of God} President Young
spoke 12 minutes & told a dream he had last night about
the family of Joseph Smith. G. A. Smith spoke 17 minutes
Capt Hooper spoke 31 minutes. I spent the night with Brother Box

~ Friday

7. we drove to Wellsvill & held a meeting at the new
Meeting house Prayer By John Mabyan Capt Hooper
spoke 40 minutes G. A. Smith 15 minutes. Phineas Young
spoke 12 minutes D. H. Wells 20 minutes President Young 12 minutes
we then rode to Logan & spent the night I stoped with Wm Hyde 28 M[iles]
I spent the Evening conversing upon my first
mission through Ark

~ Saturday

8 We met in the Bowery for a two days meeting Joseph F.
Prayed. W. Woodruff spoke 47 minutes. G A.
spok 25 minutes Joseph Young spoke 15 minutes
Afternoon Capt Hooper spoke 72 minutes G. Q. Cannon
spoke 38 minutes Joseph F Smith Dismissed

Page 40

~ Sunday

Sept 9, 1866
Sunday Prayer By G Q Cannon D. H. Wells spoke
one hour & 25 minutes President Young spoke one hour & 4 M[inutes]
Afternoon John Taylor spok 55 minutes G. Q. Cannon
red the report of the committee in Congress on Utah
affairs Gen Cornor, Judge Titus, Joseph Smith &
M Cloud were the witnesses against us President
Young spoke 11 minutes Joseph F Smith spok 25 minutes
we held a meeting Joseph Young spok over an hour
Mabyan & Mitchels spoke a short time

~ Monday

10 we drove to Box Elder & held a meeting President
Young spoke 8 minutes D H Wells spoke 6 minutes
G Q Cannon spoke 27 minutes, John Taylor 30 minutes
we took dinner with Brother Snow I then drove
to R. Scholes & spent the night 28 miles

~ Tuesday

11. we drove to Ogden took dinner, had honey in the
comb of his o Brother West raising we held a meeting
in the Tabernacle at 2 oclok John Taylor spoke 16 minutes
G. D. Watt spoke 38 minutes W Woodruff spoke 10 minutes
G. A. Smith spoke 4 minutes President Young spok 20
minutes spoke of Gilbert said the people would be cursed
if they sustained him any longer G. A. Smith dismissed

~ Wednesday

12. We returned to G. S. L. City I met my son Wilford. 40 [miles]

~ Thursday to ~ Saturday

13, 14, 15 I spent the time at home in Labor

~ Sunday

16. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attend
meeting at the Bowery in the Forenoon The returned missionary
spoke H. Shirtliff spoke 4 minutes Joseph Felt 9, S. L Sprage
15 minutes, Alma Cunningham 15, Samuel H. Hill 11 minutes
Wm W Riter 60 minutes. Afternoon Hiram Folsome spoke
15 minutes, Oscar Lyons 10, Elnathan Eldridge 10.
President Young spoke 40 minutes. I met with the Presidency
& 12 for prayer in the Evening

~ Monday to ~ Friday

Sept 17 to 221st. I spent the week in labor at home my son
Wilford labored with me

~ Saturday

232 I took my wife Phebe, son Wilford & daughter Bulah
& drove to Farmington & spent the night with Ezra Clark 18 m[iles]

~ Sunday

23 iI met with the presidency & 12 in Farmington Meeting House

Page 41

at 10 oclock Singing & Prayer by G. Q. Cannon. H. C. Kimball
spoke 61 minutes Lorenzo Young 15 minutes W Woodruff sen spoke
23 minutes. Afternoon prayer By W Woodruff sen & W. Woodruff jr
spoke 15 minutes, G. Q. Cannon 30 minutes, John Taylor 25 M[inutes]
& President Young 41 minutes.

~ Monday to ~ Friday

24 to 28. I spent the week drawing corn & working in my garden

~ Saturday

29. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
25 & W Woodruff sealed 13 couple

~ Sunday

30. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning attended
meeting in the Bowery. Stephen Alley spoke 12 minutes
John Daulton 3 minutes Elder Orson Hyde 41 minutes
James Cobb spoke first 5 minutes ^John Rider 8 minutes^ Afternoon Wm G. Shermon
spoke 41 minutes I met with the Presidency & 12 for prayer

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

Oct 1st 2nd I spent the time in labor ^Except I attended the funeral of Brother Hunt Oct 1.^

~ Wednesday

3rd I spent the time in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 13. H. C. Kimball sealed 2 couple W Woodruff 4 couple

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

4 & 5 I spent the time gathering Apples

~ Saturday

6, Oct 1866 The General Conference of the Church of L. D. S.
met at the Bowery at 10 oclok. Singing & Prayer By O Hyde
President Brigham Young sopened the conference & spoke 15 min
And gave the Elders the privilege of bearing testimony

H. C Kimball spoke 40 minutes. D H Wells spoke 36 minutes
Afternoon O Hyde spoke 60 minutes John Taylor 61.

~ Sunday

7. Sunday A vast Assembly of some 10,000 people
W Woodruff spoke 46 minutes & gave his Experience & bore
his testimony of the work of God in the last days as did
the other speakers. Erastus Snow spoke 55 minutes

Afternoon President Young spoke one hour & 23 minutes
H. C. Kimball dismissed. We held a meeting at the
Tabernacle in the Evening. Edward Hunter spoke 30 minutes
John Taylor 40 minutes G Q Cannon 20 minutes

~ Monday

8. Conference met at 10 ock. G. A. Smith spoke one hour
& 25 minutes. President Young spok 21 minutes & corrected
G. A. Smith & said Joseph Smith never Did ordain
Hiram Smith his successor President Brigham Young sen
said that Joseph Smith the Prophet told me that no one

Page 42

Had Authority to seal any one in the Church but
myself if He should die. Afternoon Prayer by D
Joseph Young spoke 60 minutes Levi Hancock 15
John Young spoke in the power of God & Blessed the peopl
& conference adjourned till the 6 day of Next April

~ Tuesday

9. I spent the time in the Endowment House we gave Endow[men]ts
to 67. H. C. Kimball sealed 13 couple & 4W Woodruff 42 c[ouple]

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

10, 11, 12 I spent the time laboring with my hands

~ Saturday

13 I spent the day in the Endowments House we gave Endowments to
41 persons H. C. Kimball sealed 4 couple & W Woodruff 18.

~ Sunday

Oct 14. I met with my Quorum in the morning & Attended
meeting in the Tabernacle James Townsend spoke in the morning
about one hour & Brother Cox spoke 30 minutes

Afternoon A H Raleigh Prayed Justin Wixam spoke 7 m[inutes]
& Brother Nickelson spoke 42 minutes & G Q Cannon 40 M
I met with the Presidency & 12 for prayer & preached in the 14 ward

~ Monday to ~ Friday

15 to 19 (we had a snow storm on the night of the 14.)
I spent the time in sawing wood & gathering Apples & making

~ Saturday

20. I spent the time in the Endowments House we gave Endow[men]ts
to 44. H C Kimball sealed 13 couple W Woodruff 15.

~ Sunday

21. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & wrote
in the forenoon Attended meeting in the Afternoon A. M.
spoke in the morning followed By G. B. Wallace

Afternoon President Young spoke 70 minutes I met with the
Presidency & 12 for Prayer I preached in the 17 ward, in the evening

~ Monday to ~ Sunday

22 to 28. I spent the time making Molasses

27. I spent the day in the Endowments House we gave Endow[men]ts to 48
H. C. Kimball sealed 3 couple W Woodruff 30 couple

28. I met with my Quorum in the morning & Attended Meeting
in the Tabernacle Brigham Young jr hard returned home from
Liverpool through many Perils by sea & land & spoke to the
Saints to day 28 Minutes the spirit of the Lord was with him
Brother Cannon followed 15 minutes President B. ^Joseph W^ Young spoke
in the Afternoon ^40 M[inutes]^ I met with the Presidency & 12 for prayer
& preached in the 13 ward in the Evening to a large congregation

~ Monday

29. I spent the day making Molasses

Page 43

~ Tuesday

30th Oct 1866

I finished making molasses to day Wilford went to the
county [militia] drill.

~ Wednesday

31. I left the farm & went to the city the Malitia of the
county had a great review to day

~ Friday

Nov 12. I Accopmpanied Presidents Young & Kimball to camp
wasach on west Jordan whare we witnesed a great sham
fight one man had an Eye put out with a blank cartridge

~ Saturday

23rd the Military Encampment broke up & marched into the city
I went onto the Presidents House to see them march through
the city President Young had an interview with the U. S insp[ec]t[o]r
on his way to calafornia

~ Sunday

4. Sunday I met with my Qoorum in the morning & attended
meeting D. H. Wells spoke 38 minutes Afternoon President B.
spoke upon Revelation 65 minutes it was an interesting discourse
He said Revelation was as freequent as the weeds in the garden
all that we knew was by revelation I met in the Evening for
prayer with the Presidency & 12 At B Youngs house I attended
Meeting in the 14 ward Brigham Young Jr spok followed By Br
Hill & W Woodruff sen

~ Monday

5 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 35 person W Woodruff sealed 32 couple

~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday

6, 7, 8. I spent the time diging & buriying carrotts.

~ Friday

9. I buryed my grape vines

~ Saturday

10. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
House to 325 persons. H. C. Kimball sealed 4 couple W. Woodruff 232

~ Sunday

11. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. we had
a severe snow storm last night & this morning

Brigham Young jr spoke in the morning & George W Mousley
& Wm W. Phelps spoke in the Afternoon Brother Phelps had a poor
turn while speaking I did not know but he was going to have a fit
or would fall down or somthing it soon past off in the Evening
I met for Prayer with the Presidency & Twelve

~ Monday to ~ Friday

12 to 16 I spent the weeke cleaning out the Barnyard Fixing stable,
packing Apple, & attending to the cattle drive

~ Saturday

17 I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
23 persons H C Kimball sealed 3 couple W Woodruff 18 couple

Page 44

~ Sunday

Nov 18 1866

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning &
I Attended the Funeral of Laura Pitkin aged 77 she
had been a member of H. C. Kimballs family for many
years President B Young preached a sermon followed by Brother
Kimball, Jackman & Phelps. I reported it John Taylor
preached in the Tabernacle in the Morning & G. Q. Cannon
in the Afternoon

~ Monday to ~ Friday

19 to 23. I spent this week ploughing on my farm & shucking corn

~ Saturday

24. Saturday I spent the day in the Endowment House we
Gave Endowments to 34 persons H C Kimball sealed 4 couple
W Woodruff 11 couple & G Q Cannon 16 couple total 31.

~ Sunday

25 Sunday A rainy day, my Quorum met in the morning
I spent the day in the office writing sermons Joseph B Nobles
& G. B. Wallace spoke in the forenoon, Thomas Wallace & B. Young jr
in the Afternoon. I met with the Presidency & 12 in the afternoon
for Prayer & I spoke in the 14 ward in the Evening

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

26, 27, 28 I spent the time husking corn

~ Thursday

29. I spent the time in the Endowment House we gave Endow[men]ts
to 32. H. C. Kimball sealed 3 couple, W Woodruff 6 G Q Cannon 12

~ Friday

30. I spent the day shucking corn

~ Saturday

Dec 1st 1866 I spent the day in the Endowment House. we gave Endowments
to 35 persons H C Kimball sealed 4 couple W Woodruff 9, and
G. Q. Cannon 8 couple total 21. I attended the Theatre in the Evening

~ Sunday

Dec 2nd Sunday A snow storm I met with my Quorum in the
morning. Isaac Laney spoke in the morning & Brother Sharmon in
the Afternoon I met with the Presidency & Twelve at 4 oclk for prayer
I preached in the 16 ward in the evening

~ Monday to ~ Friday

3rd to 7. I spent the week in diging a canal on Canyon Creek

~ Saturday

8. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 22. H. C. Kimball sealed 3 couple G. Q. Cannon 13 W. Woodruff 1.

~ Sunday

9. I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting in the
Tabernacle Brother Cram spoke in the morning. O. Hyde in the aftern-
oon Brother Hyde said there was a crown for all men born
into the world but most men Forfeited it & those who did keep the
celestial Law received all the crowns of those who lost them. President
Heber C. Kimball said that when any blessing was sealed upon any

Page 45

man in this Church & kingdom of God of that man forfeited
that blessing it would be bestowed upon his children. I met
with the Presidency and Twelve at 4 oclok for Prayer Sister
Mary Vose died this morning at 7 oclok Aged 86 years. I preached
in the 12 ward in the Evening & called at Sister Sayers whare
Sister Vose died Brother Leonard W Hardy the Bishop of the
ward accompanied me home & we talked over old times untill
midnight He told me that his Grand Mother Hardy now living
on his Fathers side was in New Hampshire was 124 years of
age & vary smart the last time He saw her she was 108
years old & that year had made all the Butter & cheese on the
Farm of quite a dairy.

~ Monday

10. The Legi I Attended the funeral of Sister Mary Vose
at 10 oclok & spoke to the people. At 1 oclok The Legislature of
the Territory of Utah met in the Council House & organized
I am a member of the council I spent the Evening in Presid
ent Youngs office & met with the regency & they voted to
adopte pitmans Phonetic letter for our Deseret Alphabet

~ Tuesday

11. I spent the Afternoon in the Legislative Council

~ Wednesday

12 I attended the funeral of the first wife of Simeon
who now lives at Box Elder she was 67 years old
& was driven from Jackson Co. in 1833. I spent the time
in the Afternoon in the coulncil

~ Thursday

13. I spent the day in the Endowment House. we gave Endowments
to 50 persons W. Woodruff sealed 11 couple G. Q. C. 16 couple I
met with the council in the Afternoon I wrote a letter to
A hand pointing to the right Elders O. Pratt & F. D. Richards at Liverpool & sent
£5 pounds sterling to cancel £5 which W. Woodruff jr

~ Friday

14. I met with the Council in the Afternoon The
Govornors Message was refered

~ Saturday

15 I spent the Fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 47. H. C. Kimball sealed 1 W Woodruff 13, G Q Cannon 13

~ Sunday

16 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting
in the Tabernacle all day Henry Luff & Jacob spoke in the morning
& L Snow & G. Q. Cannon Afternoon. The 12 met for Prayer & L Snow spoke in 14 ward in the evening I attended

Page 46

~ Monday

Dec 17, 1866

I spent the Afternoon in the council. I wrote A Letter to
A hand pointing to the right Robert & Susan Scholes on the 15 inst. On Saturday the 15,
An arrow President Heber C Kimball while at the Endowment House
Prophesied that when the final last struggle came to this Nation
it would be at ^the^ Hill Comorrah whare both of the former Nations
were destroyed I spent the Evening at President Young
He was confined to his room with the Rheumatism
in his feet G. A. Smith & myself laid hands upon him
& rebuked his disease Four of his wives united in
the morning in Fasting & Praying through the day for him

~ Tuesday

18. A hand pointing to the right I swrote to George Nebeker at Honolulu and
spent the Afternoon in the Afternoon Council

~ Wednesday

19. A hand pointing to the right I wrote A Letter to Azmon Woodruff & cut
up two Beeves and attended a feast with the 12 at
Sister Jane Blackhurst in the Evening

~ Thursday

20 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Ozem T. Woodruff and
Shuah C. Carter I spent the Afternoon in the
council, & the Evening till 12 oclok in committee {[illegible shorthand]}

~ Friday

21 I Attended the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 32. H. C. Kimball sealed 1 W Woodruff 20 I spent the
Afternoon in council we had a hard rain storm

~ Saturday

22nd Sunday I met with mythe brethren in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 9, 1 man & 8 women H. C. Kimball
sealed 6 couple W. Woodruff 7 & G. Q. Cannon 4 total 17.

~ Sunday

23 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning, attended
meeting in the Tabernacle all day President H. C. Kimball preached
one hour & 45 minutes. In the Afternoon President Brigham Young
spoke one hour & 28 minutes it was a powerful sermon. He
counciled the Saints to support our Friends & let our Enemies alone
He said there were some things he could not think of He said
it did seem to him there was not a man on Earth Brutall Enough
to go & call out Dr Robisnson to officiate as a surgeon & then mur-
der him & he could not think of the mountain Massacre. He
supposed they were massacreed by savages but he did not think
before that they were as brutal as that He spoke upon a great
varieyty of subject. I met with the Presidentcy & 12 for Prayer

Page 47

~ Monday

Dec 24, 1866

I met [went] to the field got a load of straw met with the council
in the Afternoon. I wrote a letter to Uncle Ozem Woodruff
A hand pointing to the right

~ Tuesday

25 Chrismas I spent the time mostly at home we had
a Chrismas dinner Lorenzo Snow & Eliza Snow his daughter dined
with us I spent the evening at home. Santa clause called
upon me & demanded for his Appropriatins $35, which I paid

~ Wednesday

26. Keys crossed PI met with The Presidency and Twelve at President
Youngs office at about 12 oclok. The subjet of the Endowments & 2nd Anointings was presented when President Young said that the order of the 2nd anointing was for the persons to be anointed to be cloathed in their Priestly robes the man upon the right hand and wife or wifes upon the left hand. The Administrator may be dressed in his usual clothing or in his Priestly Robes as he may see fit. The meeting should be opened by Prayer then the Administrator should Anoint the man A King & Priest unto the Most High God. Then he should Anoint his wife or wives Queens & Priestess unto her husband. There should be but one man anointed at any one meeting. If more than one man is anointed in a day, They should come together and open by Prayer as though their had not been any meeting before and thus continue to the End.

President Young said when a woman was Anointed a Queen to a good man and he died & the woman was sealed to another man for time it was not necessary for her to be anointed a Queen again but if she was Anointed a Queen to a man who was not worthy of a wife & she is sealed to another man she should be anointed a Queen unto him. When a good man dies & his wives have not been anointed Queens unto him they may be anointed Queens to him after his death without any Proxey.
In speaking of the Endowments President Young said that
all persons who wished strickly to observedthe law of
the Celestial Marriage should not get married untill
they get their Endowments & are sealed at the Alter
There may be instances whare persons are Aged & infirm

Page 48

and not Able to get to the Endowment House if they have
not had their Endowments may be sealed and in some insta-
nces I have given this permission & others have taken
the advantage of it & urged to be sealed without coming
to the Endowment House. I gave A Lyman the privilege of
sealing some in Sanbernadeno by his urgent request but it
will ^not^ avail any thing. Some may ask the question why
may we not seal & give Endowments abroad, because it
would destroy the object of the gathering The People
should be gathered at head Quarters whare they can
be taught in the things of the kingdom of God & be under
the direction of the Priesthood. President Young said that
when Persons come to get their Endowments should be clean
& pure A man should not touch a woman for 10 days before
getting their Endowments and the Twelve while travelling
should hold meetings with the male members as priesthood
meetings & teach these but they have to be handled in
wisdom or Evil will grow out of it

In speaking of the death of Joseph Smith the prophet
President Young said it was necessary for Joseph
Smith to shed his blood seal his Testimony with
his blood that his testimony might rest upon all
Nations that the wicked might be left without ecxcuse
in the day of Gods Judgments upon the wicked. if this
had not been the case he would not have been slain
in carthage jail. He sent away most of the Twelve
and a web was woven which brought about this Event
The subject of A sermon Preached by A Lyman
and published in the Millennium Star April 5, 1862,
in vol 24 was brought up & red & it was found to have
done away with the Efficasy of the blood of Christ President
B Young said he wished to know what the Twelve had to
say about it For he had a go[o]d deal to say about it
when you do away with the blood of the Savior you
do away with all the Gospel & plan of Salvation. If
this doctrin as Preached by A Lyman & some by

Page 49

O Pratt be preached & published as the doctrine of
the Church & not contradicted by us it would not
be long before there would be syms [schysms] in the Church this
doctrin as preached in this sermon is fals doctrin
if we do not believe that it wouldas necesary for
Christ to shed his Blood to save the world, whare is
our Church it is nothing. This does not set well
upon my feelings. It is grievious to me to have the
Apostles teach fals doctrines Now if the Twelve will
sit down quietly & not contradict such doctrin
are they justified no they are not

In speaking of our Temporal Position President Young
said if we could get up Female releif societies & they
would use their influence to get the sisters to make their
own bonnetts & make & wear their own Homemade
clothing it would do much good

President Young said as A Philosipher I wish to
ask a question is there any Reflection or thought upon
any thing that does not Exist I think there is

At the close of the meeting we made an Appointement to meet
at the Endowment House at 12 oclok

I met in the Evening with the Jordan dam company
in the council chamber, then went to President Youngs
office & red the minutes of the day

~ Thursday

27. A single key with teeth to the right I looked over my past Journals & found who
of my dead Friends I had been baptized for. I
met with the council in the Afternoon

~ Friday

28. I met in council in the Afternoon and I received a2
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right Letters from I F Carter & My daughter Susan I wrote
one letter to FI F. Carter

~ Saturday

29. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 15. B Young sealed 1 couple H C K
1 couple W Woodruff 9 & G Q Cannon 1 total 12

~ Sunday

30 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning Attended
meeting in the Tabernacle Bishop A. H. Raliegh preached in the
Forenoon John Tailor spoke in the Afternoon 1 Hour 25 minutes

Page 50

And G. Q. Cannon spoke 25 All the Presidency & most of the
Twelve met in President B Youngs house for Prayer in the
circle. Joseph F Smith opened by Prayer, & President Young
was mouth. Oil was consecrated to use in the 2nd Anointing
I Attended meeting in the 16 15 ward & Preached to the[m]

~ Monday

Dec 301. An arrow piercing a heart James Geary shot himself with a pistol
ball through the body. He went out with some boys to
shot at a mark & while the boy was setting up the mark
the pistol went off in the mans hands & the man fell to the
ground He was carried into the House of James Cummings
wha[r]e he was living. I visited him at 11 oclok he was
suffering much The surgeons did not think he would
live. I met with the Presidency & Twelve in the Endowment
A crown Keys crossed House we clothed & offered up prayers then
President D H Wells & his 4 wives received their second
Anointing at 1 oclok. I returned home and Found my
Indian boy Sarrowkeets with great Pain in the head
I administered to him & he got Better. I conversed
with Wilford upon the Principle of improvement of over-
coming our passions & bringing them all in subjecttinion to
theo the law of Christ. I wrote 3 letters to Phebe, Leslie, &
A hand pointing to the right Susan Scholes

~ Tuesday

Jan 1st I Paid tithing for 1866, ($23547.86) still due $23.

Thus the year 1866 has closed, past away, and gone
and bourn its report to heaven of all men & Nations
1860 & [18]66 have been two years which many men have
looked forward to as being periods of vast importance
to the world. 1860 commenced the dissolving of
the American uUnion, the Southern states seceded which
was followed by a 4 years war which laid in the dust
two millions of men, who were the strengs [strength] bone & sinnew
of the Nation, and cost the Northern states alone Four
thousand Million dollars and left upon the world all the
Evils which follow a Bloody civil war

Page 51

1866 has been noted as a period of war beetween
the President Andrew Johnson, and the Congress
of the United States
, and the increase of Dishonesty and
corruption not ownly throughout the United States but
throughout the known world. It seems as though there
never was a more wicked & corrupt Generation than
the one which we live. The whole Earth is ripened in
iniquity and prepared for the damnation of Hell. Many
of both people & rulers of this Nation are seaking to
destroy the Church and Kingdom of God from off
the Earth, and we are ownly preserved through the
power and Mercy of God. All Nations are preparing
for war, and are fearing and trembling for fear of those
things which are coming upon the Earth. There is an
awful uncertainty resting upon all Nations, but do not
know what awaits them. The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter day Saints
, the Zion of God, and the Kingdom
of God are all progressing in the mountains of Israel. the
wicked say let our Eye be upon Zion and let her be defi-
led, but they know not the thoughts of the Lord neither
understand they his ways. [Micah 4:11-12] But the Saints of God understand
they that are faithful are looking for the judgments
of God to come upon the wicked, and for the coming of
the Son of Man. There has been more sin, wickedness,
and abominations, committed in the United States, and
throughout the Christian world during 1866 than in
fifty years a centeury ago. the whole Earth groans under
the sin and abominations which reigns upon the face
thereof. The Lord is withdrawing his spirit from the
wicked, and the devil rulses over them, and darkness
covers the Earth, and gross darkness the people. Wars, and
rumourrs of wars are among all people, and great Judgments
await the wicked; while the righteous Saints will stand in
Holy Places, and rejoice in the Lord their God, and the
Kingdom of our God will increase, and fill the whole Earth
and stand forever, and He will Reign whose right it is to Reign

Page 52

A Synopsis of my labors in 1866

I Travelled 276 Miles
I Attended Public Meetings 144 Meetings
I Preached 33 Discources
I Attended the prayer circle with Pres 40 & 12 [apostles]
I Attended the Prayer circle of W. W. 36 times
I spent 50 days in the Endowment House 50 Days
We gave Endowments to 1386 Persons
President B Young sealed 5 couple
President H C Kimball sealed 153 couple
W. Woodruff sealed 647 couple
George Q Cannon sealed 118 couple
Total sealed 923 couple
I Attended two General Conferences 2 conference
I Attended the Dedication of City Hall & 1 M[eeting] House
I Blessed & set apart 23 Missionaries 23
I Confirmed 2 Person
I Administered to 9 sick persons 9 sick
I Wrote 27 Letters
I Received 15 Letters
I Paid Tithing $247 86
I spent 40 days in the Legislative Council 40 days
I met with the Jordon Irrigation Co as Treasurer
I served as President of the D. A & M. Society

I spent the rest of my time laboring on
my farm & in my orchard for the support
of my family

Page 53


Page 54

The year 1867 is before us. every year grows
more and more important in the great Events of the
Last days as we Approach neares and nearer the
coming of the Son of Man. The Events of the last days
will be awful for the wicked, and Blessed for the righe-
ous. The Lord hath commenced a controversy with
the Nations and he will never cease untill that consu-
mption decreed will be fulfilled upon all the wicked
what 1867 will bring to pass time must determine. it
will hasten the downfall of our Nation, and Bring distress
upon other Nations. Mr Wade of Ohio has presented
a Bill to Congress Got up by Judges Titos & Drake and
Ashly for the overthrow of the Mormons. Capt Hooper
our Delegate to Congress thinks it will pass Congress
but thinks ithe President will vetoe it. Speker Colfax
is connected with them for the destruction of the
Church & kingdom of God from off the Earth.
I will watch those men & see what will be their
End. The Lord will fight the Battles of his saints
and he will destroy thereir Enemies. we may watch
the signs of the times. The Lord will preserve his
Saints and destroy the wicked. The wicked have
sought our destruction from the time Athe Angel of
God delivered into the Hands of Joseph Smith the
Prophet the Plates containing the record of the book
of Mormon
. But the Lord Our God has so far preserved
us and will continue unto the End. Our trust is in
Him. I will watch & see what 1867 will bring forth
Let all the Saints be faithful and keep the commands
of God that his blessings may rest upon us. The Lord
hath never deserted his people but hath sustained
them who trust in him. Praise the Lord O my soul
and all that is within me praise his Holy Name, [Psalm 103:1] for
he hath sustained the seed of Abraham and upheld all
of his Anointed. May the Earth spedily be redeemed
that all the righteous may rejoice in the Holy One of Israel

Page 55

I met with the Twelve at the Historians office
at 10 oclok we went to President Youngs office at 10 {shorthand}
and President Young wished us a Happy new Year we
Blessed us & we conversed with him abot an hour
we then went to Elder Kimball, & he blessed us &
we Blessed him and had a good time in general we then
visited President Wells & blessded each other & we took some refreshments
we then went to the Endowments House the Presidency & 8 of the Twelve
A crown were present George Quail Cannon & 3 wives obtained their second
Anointing President Young being mouth I spent the Evening at home

~ Wednesday

2nd A crown I met with the Presidency & 8 of the Twelve & Joseph F Smith
Joseph A. Young & Brigham Young Jr. dressed & prayed Then President
Brigham Young gave his son Joseph A Young his second anointing
Keys crossed It was decided by President Young that we dress & offer up the
signs of the Holy Presiesthood before we give the 2nd Anointing & ownly
Anoint one man & his wives in one day at one place. I Attended
a party at the 14 ward school house in the Evening

~ Thursday

3rd we have had a big snow storm through the night about 10 inch
of snow on the ground the first of any account we have had this season
A crown we met at the Endowment House at 12 oclok, dressed & prayed after
which Brigham Young jr Received his Second Anointing we
met in council of the Legislator, at 2 oclok, and Attended to all the
Business of the day. I rode to the field & spent the night.

~ Friday

4. I came home from the field & met at the Endowment House
dressed & G. Q. Cannon opened by Prayer all the Twelve were
present Except O Pratt & F. D. Richards who are in Englangd.
Joseph Fielding Smith & his two wives Received their Second
Anointing Joseph F Smith was the son of Hyram Smith. He has
the spirit of his Father & uncle Joseph & Hyram Smith who was mar-
for the gospels sake. W Woodruff was mouth &at the Altar
President B. Young officiated at cthe Anointing. At the close of the
Meeting I met with the Legislative Council & attended to the
Business of the day I do not write the business of the Legislator
But leave that for the Laws & Journals of the Territory

~ Saturday

5. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
14 persons H C K sealed 2 couple & G. Q. C. 4. Spent the Afternoon in the council

Page 56

~ Sunday

Jan 6th 1867

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting all day in the Tabernacle C. C. Rich Preached in
the morning & W. Woodruff in the Afternoon followed by
Joseph W Young I met in the prayer circle with the President
& Twelve C. C. Rich Prayed & E. T. Benson was mouth
I attended meeting at the 14 ward W. Woodruff Jr
Brother Randall, Peter Maughn & W Woodruff sen &
Bishop Hoagland all spoke we had a good time. while at
A single key with teeth to the right Presidents Youngs House in the Evening for Prayer He
divid[ed] the Twelve in 3 companies to attend to the second
Anointings. Lorenzo Snow, C. C. Rich & G. Q. Cannon was to
meet at President Youngs. H. C. Kimball D. H. Wells O Hyde
J Taylor E. T. Benson & Erastus Snow was to meet at
the Endowment House. W. Woodruff & G. A. Smith
was to meet at the Historians office to attended to the
Anointing in the Prayer Circle Room

~ Monday

Jan 7. A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right I met at the Historians Office at 12 oclok
dressed & prayed W. Woodruff prayed G. A. Smith was
mouth then W. Woodruff Anointed Joseph W. Young and
his [ink blot] t[w]o wives
to their seconed anointing Wm H Folsom
and his two wives
were Anointed at the Endowment
By Heber C. Kimball. And Albert Carrington &
and his two wives
received his second Anointing
at Presidents Youngs House under the Hands of President
Young. I spent the Afternoon in the council.

A Butcher
killed my two pigs to day they weighed nearly 800 lbs.

~ Tuesday

8. A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right I met in council at 10 oclok & at 12 oclok I met
with G A Smith & others at the Prayer room at the
Historians office & we gave Thomas Callister his
Second Anointing. G. A. Smith officiated A. P. Rockwood
Prayed W. Woodruff was mouth at the Altar, & A
dismissed. President Brigham Young gave
Hamilton Gray Park & one wife their seconed Anointing
President H. C. kimball & company gave Arza Hinkley [blank]
their seconed Anointing. I wrote a letter to Luther &
A hand pointing to the right Rhoda Scammans I spent the Afternoon in the council

Page 57

~ Wednesday

Jan 9 1867

Met in council at 10 oclok and attended to the business of the day
A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right I met with G. A. Smith & others at the Endowment House and
gave Silas Sanford Smith his second anointing. W Woodruff
officiated Brther Pace opened by Prayer. Joseph W. Young
was mouth, & R. L. Campbell wasclosed Mouth. George Watt & 3 wives
received his second Anointing at the Endowment House. John
officiated. G A. Smith conversed with President Young
& he told him to ^take^ any of the persons on the list to anoint when
others notifyed did not come. I met at the 14 ward a party to
dance President Young was almost the first person that came
to the party the people did not arive untill 8 oclok. The family
was present at about 9 oclok The bands of Music in the city with
about 20 sleighs appeared before the House all illuminated with
Chinees Lanterns it was a Beautiful sight. they sung several songs
President Young spoke a few words to them & they left & we ret-
urned to the dance IPresident Young Addressed the Assembly in
an interesting smanner he was opposed to commencing parties
so late & continuing them so late an hour. it was following the
custom of the Gentile & Evil would grow out of it. the people
should open their party by Prayer By 5 oclok & close By 12 oclok

~ Thursday

Jan 10. A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right I met at the Legislature at 10 oclock and at the
Prayer circle Room of the Historians office at 12 oclok we gave
Albert King Thurber his second anointing. W Woodruff ^G A Smith^
officiated A Johnson opened the meeting by Prayer
Thomas Callester was mouth, & W. Woodruff closed. I met
in the council at 2 oclok. William C. Stanes & 1 wife w
received his second Anointing at the CouEndowment House H. C. Kimball

~ Friday

Jan 11th A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right I met at the Praryer circle room at the Historians
at 12 oclok we gave Leonard Wilford Hardy & 4 wives
their Second Anointing. Silas Smith opened by prayer
G. A. Smith was mouth Joseph W Young dismissed W. Woodruff
done the Anointing. I attended the Legislature & attended
to the business of the day

~ Saturday

12. I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to 28
W Woodruff sealed 17. The Presidency & 12 took a sleigh ride

Page 58

At [blank] oclok I met at the Historians office & we gave the
Second anointing to William Byron Pace
opened by Prayr W Woodruff was mouth
dismissed By Prayer I attended the Theater in the Evening

~ Sunday

13. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting in the Tabernacle Bishop Maughn spoke 15 minutes
in the forenoon followed by Warren S. Snow, 30 minutes
in the Afternoon President Brigham Young spoke 65 minutes
delivered an interesting discoursed upon Temporal things I
preached in the Evening to the 8 ward to a Full House

~ Monday

14. A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Wilford Leslie Snow of
Brigham City I spent the forenoon & afternoon in the
Legislative council. I met with O. Hyde G. A. Smith & E. T.
& others at the Prayer Room in the Historian office
I anointed John Riggs Murdock to his second Anointing
O. Hyde Prayed Thomas Collister was Mouth A K Thurber
closed I met the Presidency & 12 at G. Q. Cannon for
dinner and an Evening Party we dined at 4 oclok &
had a splendid dinner we remained till 9 oclok we had
a splendid Party Bryant Stringham & wives was
Anointed to their second Anointing at the Council House

~ Tuesday

15. A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right I met at the Prayer Room G. A. Smith E. T. Benson &
others we gave Hector Caleb Haight his second Anoint-
ing. E. T. Benson officiated he also opend by Prayer &
G. A. Smith was mouth A. P. Rockwood dismissed
A M Musser & 2 wives were anointed at the
Endowment House. I spent the day in the Legislature Council

~ Wednesday

16. I spent the day in the Legislatiure Council. I met with O
G. A. Smith & others at the Prayer room at the Historians
we gave Warren Stone Snow his second Anoint-
ing. A Johnson prayed, Joseph W. Young was mouth, & A.
P. Rockwood
closed O Hyde Anointed.

~ Thursday

17 A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right we met at the prayer room at 12 oclok Warren
S Snow
prayed & H C Haight was Mouth & W Woodruf
Anointed George Pecock to his second Anointing. J W.
dismissed. I spent the day & night in the Legislate Council

Page 59

John Sharp & wives received their second Anointing
at the Endowment House. we remained in the council chamber
till after 10 oclok

~ Friday

18. I spent the day & all night in the Legislative Council till 4 oclok
of the 19. we finished the busines of the session I met at the prayer
room at the Historians office at 12 oclok L E Harrington received
his second anointing. G A Smith Anointed him

~ Saturday

19. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endo-
wments to 22. W Woodruff sealed 2 couple & G Q Cannon [blank]

I met at the prayer Room at H. O. C W West & one wife & 2 wives
of Aaron Johnson
received their second Anointing. W Woodruff
A single key with teeth to the right Anointed

~ Sunday

20. I was sick abed through the day I attended the prayer circle at nigh
at President Youngs office

~ Monday

21. A crown The Legislature of the State of Deserett met in the State House at
1 oclok I was a member of the Senate we organized & received
the Govornors Message. We met at the Historians office and
Anointed Benjamin Franklin Johnson & his 2 wives
An arrow piercing a heart G A Smith Anointed. we held
a meeting in the Evening as a Quorum of the 12 Appostles to Examine
into the subject of Amasa Lyman's teaching fals doctrin & publishing
it to the world he had virtually done away with the Blood of Christ
that the Blood of Christ was not necessary for the salvation of man
The Quo^rum^ [page torn] of the twelve were horrified at the Idea that one of
Twelve Apostle should teach such a doctrin After Amasa Lyman
wos interrigated upon the subject & said those had been his senti
ments W Woodruff made the first speech & all the Quorum followed
and they spoke in vary strong terms W Woodruff said that he
felt shocked at the Idea that one of the Twelve Apostles should get so
far into the dark as to deny the Blood of Jesus Christ & say that it was
not necessary for the salvation of man, and teach this as a tru doctrin
while it was in opposition to all the doctrin taught by Every Prophet & Apostle
& saint from the days of Adam untill to day the Bibble, Book of Mormon,
& doctrins & covenants have taught from begining to End that Christ shed
his Blood for the salvation of man & that there was no other name given [2 Nephi 31:21]

Page 60

given under heaven whare by men can be saven, [2 Nephi 31:21] and I can tell
brother Lyman that that doctrin will send him to perdition if he contin-
ues in it, & so it will any man, & such a doctrin would rend this
Church & kingdom to peaces like an Earthquake. There never was
nor never will be a saint on the Earth that believes that doctrin it
is the worst herricy man can preach. when the Twelve got through
speaking Amasa Lyman wept like a child & asked forgivness
we then all went into President Youngs office & conversed with
him he felt as the Twelve did upon the subject ownly more so &
required Brother Lyman to Publish his confession & make it as
public as he had his fals doctrin

~ Tuesday

A single key with teeth to the right 22nd I spent most of the day in the senate chamber we met
A folded letter/box at the Historians office & gave Samuel Pitchforth his second
Anointing. G. A. Smith was mouth. I received 3 letters from Phebe
& Susan we met at Presidents Youngs office to hear Amasa Lyman
confession which he had written & it was not satisfactory President
Young talked vary plain^ly^ upon the subject & told Brother Lyman
that if he did not make a confession that was satisfactory
he should write upon the subject himself. He said if it had
^happened^ in Josephs day he would have cut him off from the Church & it
was a question whether the Lord would Justify us in retaining him
in the Church or not

~ Wednesday

23rd [FIGURE] Keys crossed I met with the Presidency & Twelve at the new meeting
house in the 8 ward at 12 oclok to dedicate it unto the Lord
we had a full house G. Q. Cannon made the dedication [page torn] Prayer
then President Young addressed the assembly about an hour followed
by H. C. Kimball D. H. Wells O. Hyde J. Taylor W. Woodruff
& Lorenzo Snow the spirit of God rested upon us & we had a
good time. At the close of the meeting we dined with Bishop
Sheets. we met in council of the Elders at the City hall the
A crown following Brethren were admitted after meeting opened
G. Q. Cannon Joseph A. Young & Brigham Young which
made about 35 Elders President Young made some remarks upon
the progress of the work of God in the Earth, followed by several others
G. Q. Cannon was recorder of the meeting

Page 61

~ Thursday

Jan 24th 1867

A single key with teeth to the right I met G A Smith & others at the Historians office & W. Woodruff
Anointed Robert Lang Campbell & 34 wives to there second
anointing one was dead. I attended A Party called reunion
Missionary Party at the Social Hall we received a letter from
A folded letter/box Phebe we danced & heard speeches untill 11 oclok & returned

~ Friday

25 Jan Friday

A crown Keys crossed I met at the Prayer circle in the Historians office at 10 oclock
and Samuel Linzy Sprague & 2 wives received their second
Anointing. G A Smith administered. at one oclok I met with
a council of Elders at the City Hall there was some 40 present
the following persons had not met with us before
(Edward Hunter) (A. O. Smoot) (George J. Taylor) (Joseph Rich)
(Hosea Stout) (John Sharp) (David P. Kimball) &
(Jeter Clinton) (Robert Burton) (Parley P Pratt) (Charles Kimball
we had speaches from several of the Elders

~ Saturday

26. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 13 persons H. C. Kimball sealed 3
couple & G Q Cannon 8 couple. I met at the H. O. prayer
room & Anointed Samuel [blank] Smith & one wife to there
second Anointing. He was the son of Samuel Smith the
Brother of Joseph Smith the Prophet. I rejoice to see these
sons of the Prophets coming forward & magnifying
there calling in the Church & Kingdom of God we
had quite a snow storm in the evening

~ Sunday

27. Sunday I wrote 6 letters 3 to Phebe & Leslie Snow
A hand pointing to the right A single key with teeth to the right & 3 to Susan Eugena & Phebe Scholes. I felt a spirit
to testify to Phebe that her two sons Wilford Leslie & Orion
would become Prophets & Apostles in their day I did not
attend meeting at the tabernacle G. D. Watt Preached in the
forenoon & Erastus Snow in the Afternoon. I met in the
evening at President Youngs for Prayer G. A. Smith W Woodruff was
mouth & G A Smith prayed

~ Monday

28. A single key with teeth to the right I met at the Historians office at 2 oclok & we gave John Smith & wife
their second Anointing. W Woodroff Anointed G A Smith was mouth
at the altar. Wilford & myself went to the farm & spent the night

Page 62

~ Tuesday

Jan 289th 1867

A single key with teeth to the right I returned home from the field & met at the Historians Office
at 2 oclok & I anointed Benjamin Brown & wife to his second
anointing. Wilford Woodruff jr was present Brother Riser
Prayed Joseph F Smith was mouth & W Woodruff jr dismised

~ Wednesday

30. A single key with teeth to the right Wilford is writing in his Journal. I have tried to incourage
him in keeping a Journal that he might follow my Example
in this thing I met at the Historians office And I
Anointed Charles J Cram & wife to his second
Anointing. I spent a part of the day & Evening filling my Scrap Book

~ Thursday

31 A single key with teeth to the right I met at the Historians Office
& I gave Thomas MCLelland & wife their second
Anointings. I settelled my Tithing to day with Bishop
[FIGURE] Hoagland for 1866 & Paid $247.86 cts Still due $23.23

~ Friday

A single key with teeth to the right Feb 1. I met at the Historians office at 2 oclok & gave
Robert Campbell & wife their second Anointing

~ Saturday

2nd I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 28 persons H C. Kimball sealed 1 couple
W Woodruff 12 & G Q Cannon 4 total 17.

~ Sunday

3 Sunday I met with the Prayer circle in the morning
Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle G. Q. Cannon spoke in
in the morning near one hour. I Preached the funeral
sermon of Brother Minkley his wife had not been baptized
and he had not obtained his Endowments for he had been
waiting for his wife many years, and died without
obtaining his Endowments. I was followed in my remarks
by James McKnight Anson Call & Frederick Kesler
President Young spoke in the Afternoon one hour & 45 m[inutes]
I met with the Presidency & Twelve at President Youngs
House for Prayer Erastus Snow prayed & D. H. Wells was mouth
I went to the 14 ward school House & Preached to the people
followed by R Campbell

~ Monday

4. A single key with teeth to the right I went to the polls in the morning & voted for Wm H Hooper
it snowed hard in the morning I met at the Prayer room at
the Historians office and I gave Bishop Abram Hoagland & 2 wives
their seconed Anointings

~ Tuesday

5. A single key with teeth to the right I met at the Prayer room in H. O. Office and I gave

Page 63

Jesse W Fox & wife their second anointing

~ Wednesday

6th A single key with teeth to the right I met at the H. O. at 2 oclok & gave Wm Playor his
second anointings

~ Thursday

7th A single key with teeth to the right I met at the H. O. at 2 oclok & we gave Allexander
& wife
their seconed Anointings G. A. S.
Anointed W. Woodruff was Mouth at the Altar I received
A folded letter/box 3 Letters from Phebe in one invellop I talked with
President Young & presented him a list of Names to him
for receiving their seconed Anointing. He spoke of the History
of the Church at the time Heber C. Kimball was called to
go on a mission to England He wished the History altered
to agree with the Account as published in the Juvinile

~ Friday

8th Quite cold weather I met at the prayer room H O. office at
2 oclok we gave Bishop Hickenlooper & 2 wives their
seconed Anointing. W Woodruff Anointed

~ Saturday

9. Saturday I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment
we gave Endowmets to 28. H C Kimball sealed 4 couple
G. Q. Cannan about 12 couple W. Woodruff 9 couple I met at
the H. O. office at 2 oclok we gave Frederick Kesler & 3 wives
their seaconed Anointings G. A. Smith Anointed

~ Sunday

10. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I had the
Largest prayer circle I have met with ^for^ years. I attended
meeting in the Tabernacle W. Woodruff spoke in the
forenoon 30 minutes President ^Joseph^ Young spoke in the afternoon
one hour & 10 minutes President Brigham Young followed
one hour. I met atwith the Presidentcy & 12 for Prayer I
Preached in the 19 ward in the Evening followed By my son
Wilford & Bishop Raleigh. I confirmed 1.

~ Monday

A single key with teeth to the right 11th A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter and met at Historian office in
the Prayer room & W Woodruff anointed Nathan Davis
to his seconed Anointing. Also Phebe W. Woodruff as proxy
for Mary F. Carter Woodruff deceased we looked over G. A. S.
[FIGURE] Album containing a Pictorial History it was a scenary
of Good, indifferent, bad, & wicked for it contained likenesses of
all classes saints & sinners The wicked seek the destruction of the
An arrow righteous {An unpleasant scene.}

Page 64

~ Tuesday

A single key with teeth to the right Feb 12, 1867

I met at the Historians office at 2 oclok and S. A. Woolley
and 2 wives also Emma Woodruff
received their second
Anointings. G. A. Smith Anointed. I Attended a party
At President Brigham Youngs Lion House commenced at 4 oclk
we had a magnificet supper my Daughter Bulah went
with me Governor Durkee & many other Gentiles were
present as wer the Twelve & others we had a plesant time

~ Wednesday

A single key with teeth to the right 13th I met at the H. O. prayer Room & W. Woodruff
Anointed Bishop Noon H Moone & Sarah Brown Woodruff
to their seconed Anointing

~ Thursday

A single key with teeth to the right 14. I met at the H. O. at 2 oclok & we gave Brother Merrill
and Sarah Delight Stockings Woodruff their seconed Anointing
G. A. Smith Anointed

~ Friday

A single key with teeth to the right 15. I met at the Historians office at 2 oclok & we gave
Martin Linzy and wife their seconed Anointing
W. Woodruff Anointed

~ Saturday

A single key with teeth to the right 16 I met at the Historians office Prayer Room & we
gave Samuel Turnbow & wife & Sister Bellow their
seconed Anointing G. A. Smith Anointed. I spent the foren[oon]
in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to 18 persons
G Q Cannon sealed 11 couple W. Woodruff 4 couple

~ Sunday

17. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle Jacob Gates spoke in the fore noon
& Joseph F Smith in the Afternoon He spoke 1 H[our] & 10 min
& spoke in the power of God & reproved the people for sin
I met with the Presidency & Twelve for prayer & preached
in the Evening at the 15 ward

~ Monday

18. A single key with teeth to the right I met at the prayer room H. O. at 2 oclok & we gave
John Picknel & 2 wives also Sister Viena Jaques there second
Anointings W Woodruff Anointed. I visited A. O. Smoot
& family in the Afternoon I had a severe cold in the night

~ Tuesday

19 A single key with teeth to the right I met at the Prayer Room at 2 oclok & we anointed Broth[er]
Peart & 2 wives C. C. Rich Anointed I am suffering
severely with a cold

~ Wednesday

20 A single key with teeth to the right I met at the Prayer circle at 1 oclok & we anointed
Samuel Broadhurst & 2 wives C C Rich officiated I was sick
with a cold went to bed & took a sweat Telegraph company held a meeting OH O

Page 65

~ Thursday

Feb 21, 1867

A single key with teeth to the right I met at the prayer room at 2 oclok & G. A. Smith
Anointed Brother Fost & wif I was still unwell

~ Friday

22 A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right I met at the prayer room at 2 oclok
& W Woodruff Anointed Thomas Winter & 4 wives
also BHis Mother for her husband who wa[s] dead
also 3 wives of A O Smoot total 9 persons
I was quite poorly when I went home

[FIGURE] I sent to St George By Brother Pendleton
6 varieties of grape cuttings

~ Saturday

23rd Saturday I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 36 persons H C Kimball sealed 5 couple
G. Q. Cannon 25 couple. I met at the Prayer circle at 2 oclok
we gave ^2nd^ Endowments to John Proctor & wife G. A. Smith gave
him his seconed Anointing

~ Sunday

24. Sunday I was sick & did not attend any meeting President
Young was poorly & did not attended Meeting

~ Monday

25. I met at the prayer room at 2 oclok & W Woodruff anointed
Charles F Jones & wife to there seconed Anointing I had an
interview with President Young He told me not to Anoint ownly
one man & his wives at any one meeting if we anointed other
women appoint a meeting for that purpose. I wrote a letter to
A hand pointing to the right day Wilford Put his colt into the waggon & went to the field

~ Tuesday

26. I met at the Prayer room at 2 oclok & G. A. Smith gave
Jeremiah Woodbury & 2 wives their Seconed Anointing
we dismissed & met again at 4 oclok & G. A. Smith Anoint-
ed 2 wives of C. W. West it was the mind of President
Young that we should not anoint ownly one man & his
family at one meeting. if any other women are to be anointed
to another man it must be at a separate meeting. there may
two meetings in a day at one place.

~ Wednesday

27. I met at 2 oclok at the prayer circle and W Woodruff gave
John Doolittle & wife there seconed Anointing we read History

~ Thursday

28. I met at the prayer room at 2 oclok we gave David Brinton
and wife
there seconed Anointing. G. A. Smith Anointed we
Read History in the Evening C. C. Rich is with us He has been
in the office several days writing his own History

Page 66

~ Friday

Keys crossed A single key with teeth to the right March 1st 1867

This is my birth day I was born the 1 day of March
1807, which make me 60 years of age at 10 oclok A.M.
This certainly would class me among the old folks at home
yet I do not particularly fell old, for I can now do
more hard work in a day than almost any man I can hire
I met at the Prayer room at 2 oclok to day and I officia-
ted in Giving Maj. Lot Smith & 4 wives their second
Anointing we read History a part of the day

~ Saturday

March 2nd I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 39 H. C. Kimball sealed 2 couple
G Q Cannon 17 couple & W. Woodruff 8 couple I met at
the prayer room at 2 oclok & G A Smith Anointed Ezra Oakley
& wife
to there seconed Anointing it is vary stormy

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday I attend the Prayer circle in the morning & spent
the day in the office writing Ifor the Juvinile Instructor
I met with the Presidency & Twelve in the Evening for Prayer
I asked President Young what more it would take to ripen
the United States for the Lord said he would cut off the
wicked when they were ripened in iniquity [Ether 2:9-10] President Young
said he thought there were a good many honorable men yet
in the United States who would not wish to destroy us I attended
meeting in the 14 ward & herd Elders VBalentine, Stenhouse,
& S. M. Blair Preach & had an interesting meeting

~ Monday

4. March Congress closed yesterday & meets again today
and they are passing a great Deal of partial & unconsti-
tutional Legislation they are a corrupt bodiy of men
& are fast sending the nation to destruction I wrote a
A single key with teeth to the right A hand pointing to the right letter to New York & sent a post office order of $3.
I met at the prayer circle at 2 oclok & we gave George
& his 2 wives
their seconed Anointing W. Woodruff
officiated. I met with the Jordan irrigation company in the evening I
located 20 Acres of Grass land that used to belong to Beaty

~ Tuesday

5. I met at 2 oclok in the prayer room & we gave Reuben
& 2 wives
their seconed Anointing. G. A. Smith

Page 67

~ Wednesday

March 6th 1867

A single key with teeth to the right I met at the Prayer room at 2 oclok And I anointed
Archibal Gardner & 7 wives to their Seconed Anointing
one was dead. we read History

~ Thursday

7. A single key with teeth to the right I met at 12 oclok at the Prayer room & we gave Andrew
& 2 wives
their seconed Anointing G. A. Smith officiated
I Attended the theater in the Evening with Mrs Woodruff
& Brother & Sister Clark I am much troubled with the
sun nevrvous head ake

~ Friday

8. A single key with teeth to the right This is Mrs Woodruff Birth day She is 60 years old today
I met at 2 oclok at the prayer Room to day at 2 oclok & I
gave Ezra Thompson Clark & 2 wives their second Anointing
and attended the Theater in the Evening

~ Saturday

9. Saturday I spent the forenoon in the Endowment Houese
we gave Endowments to 23. H C K. sealed 4 couple G Q C.
sealed 12 couple. I met at the prayer room at 2 oclk
G A Smith Anointed Wm C A Smoot & wife to their
seconed Anointing I suffer vary much with the
Nerveous Head ake

~ Sunday

10. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning
& the Presidency & 12 in the Evening & lay abed through the
day with the nerveous head ake I preached in the Evening
in the 14 ward

~ Monday

11. A single key with teeth to the right I suffer much to day with the Nerveous Head ake I met at
2 oclok at the prayer Room & I gave Isacc M Stewart
& 2 wives
their seconed anointing

~ Tuesday

12 A single key with teeth to the right I met at 2 oclok at the prayer room & G. A. Smith gave
Ebenezar Brown & 3 wives their seconed anointing & we
read History I sold J. M. Bernhisel 2 1/2 tons of Hay

~ Wednesday

13 A single key with teeth to the right I spent part of the day reading history I gave Julian
& one wife their seconed Anointing

~ Thursday

14. A single key with teeth to the right The Telegraph Company met at the Historians office
at 12 oclok I met at the Prayer room at 2 oclok, & G. A
gave Daniel S Cahoon and 2 wives their Second

~ Friday

15. A single key with teeth to the right I met at the prayer room at 2 oclok & we gave J. W.
J W Cumming
& 3 wives their Seconed Anointing I officiated
I went to the farm in the Evening

Page 68

~ Saturday

March 16, 1867

16. Wilford & myself came down to the farm
last evening & we borrowed a grain sive & we sifted 16 bushels
of seed wheat some barley and oats I opened a carrott pit &
& loaded up 10 bushels carrotts & returned home to the city
I spent several hours in the Endowment House we gave Endow-
ment to 31 persons H. C. Kimball sealed 3 couple G. Q. C. 16
& W. Woodruff 9 couple G. A. Smith Anointed
Heber John Richards & wife to their seconed Anointing
A folded letter/box I received a Telegram from Brother Ashman

~ Sunday

17. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning &
attended Meeting all day at the Tabernacle. Robert
& Thomas Taylor spoke in the forenoon &
S. W. Richards & H. S. Eldridge in the afternoon I
attended the Prayer circle with the Presidency & 12,
& I visited Ezra Pettit in the Evening & Preached
in the 6th ward followed by Wilford jr

~ Monday

18 A single key with teeth to the right I spent the forenoon Pruning my orchard I met
at the Prayer Room at 2 oclok & I anointed Br
Fowler & wife to their Second Anointing

~ Tuesday

19. we had quite a snow storm this morning I met
at the Prayer room at 2 oclok & G A Smith gave
John W Hess & 4 wives their second Anointing

~ Wednesday

20. A single key with teeth to the right I met at the prayer Room at 2 oclok & W. Woodruff
gave James Moses & wife their second Anointing

~ Thursday

21. A single key with teeth to the right I met at the Prayer room at 2 oclok & G. A. Smith
gave Brother Booke & wife their second Anointing
I attended the Theater in the night & saw Macbeth

~ Friday

22 A single key with teeth to the right This is Wilfords Birth day He is 27 years old. I
met at the Prayer Room at 2 oclok and I gave Brother
E. SL. Sloan & 3 wives their second Anointings G. A. Smith
went to Grantsville to hold a two days meeting

~ Saturday

23rd I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 21. H. C. Kimball sealed 2 couple &
W. Woodruff 18 couple I went to the Prayer Room at
2 oclok & gave Joseph Horn & 2 wives their second

Page 69

~ Sunday

March 24.

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and
Attended meeting in the Tabernacle C. C. Rich preached
in the forenoon W Woodruff & H C Kimball in the
Afternoon. I preached in the 8 ward in the Evening &
was followed by Wilford Woodruff jr & Brother Neslin
[FIGURE] President B. Young G. A. Smith G Q Cannon & others
dedicated a Meeting House at went to Grantsville &
held a 2 days meeting on Saturday & Sunday

~ Monday

25. President Young & company returned home to day I met
A single key with teeth to the right at the Prayer room at 2 oclok & C. C. Rich was with
me we gave Ezra Pettit & wife his seconed Anointing
C. C. Rich officiated.

~ Tuesday

26. I met at the Prayer room & we Expected Daniel
but He did not come, so we did not anoint any
one we read History

~ Wednesday

27. A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right I met at the Prayer room at 2 oclok & we gave
John Neff his seconed anointing W. Woodruff officiated
we read History a part of the day

~ Thursday

28. A single key with teeth to the right G. A. Smith gave John Clawson his seconed
Anointing. In company with Wilford jr & Ezra Pettit sen
I called upon Ezra Pettit jr on Jordon & we shot
20 ducks & come home

~ Friday

29. A single key with teeth to the right I met at the Prayer room at 2 oclok & I anointed
Martin H. Peck & 3 living wives & 2 Proxeys to their seconed
Anointing yesterday A Danish Brother fall from a
staging in the new Tabernacle 50 feet struck on a spring
pine board runing out from a pile of Lumber but it did
not injure him a great deal. Sister Godby had a vary
interesting dream during Febuary which was published
in the Times & Seasons Deserett News of March 27
it has been read by many with great interest yesterday
A Brother ^George^ Davis that drives a city Job cart Asked
Brother Cram if he thought the dream was true he said
he thought it was He then said I fell like going into the spirit
to see this Brother George Davis read this dream 3
times to his wife & then ^said^ told her If I should die to night

Page 70

or to morrow it would be all right. Brother Davis
went Early this morning with another Man into a
Bank of gravel near Brother Kimballs to get a load
of sand he began to dig with a Bank of Earth over
his head He was warned By his companion not
to do it, but He said he thought the Bank would not
fall, but He had not flung out but a few shovels full
untill the bank fell upon him & buried him up abot
An arrow 2 feet deep his companion dug him out as soon as
he could but he was dead. I have been called upon
to preach his Funeral Sermon tomorrow he was
Born in Wilton, Wiltshire England was 27 years old

~ Saturday

A single key with teeth to the right 30. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowment to 37. H C Kimball sealed 52 couple
G Q Cannon 5 & W Woodruff 13 I met at the Prayer room
at 2 oclok & G. A. Smith gave Levi Evens Riter & 3 wives
their Seconed Anointings I received 3 Letters from Brother
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right Ashman & one from Brother Benzon I wrote a
peace for the Juvinile Instructor

~ Sunday

31. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning And
attended Meeting in the forenoon in the Tabernacle G Q Cannon
Preached. I preached Brother Davis Funeral Sernom in
the afternoon John Taylor preached in the Afternoon in
the Tabernacle I met with the Presidency & 12 for prayer in
the Evening I took supper with President Young in the Evening

~ Monday

April 1. A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Brother Ashman I met with
G A Smith at the Prayer room & I Anointed Thomas S. Smith
& his wives
to their seconed Anointing

~ Tuesday

2 A single key with teeth to the right I met at the Prayer room at 2 oclok & G. A. Smith
Anointed Daniel Miller & 5 wives to their seconed Anointing

~ Wednesday

3rd A single key with teeth to the right I met at the Prayer room at 8 oclok & I anointed
Henry Bigler & wife to their seconed Anointing & spent the
rest of the day pruning my orchard

~ Thursday

4. A single key with teeth to the right G. A. Smith gave Brother Teasdale & wife his second
Anointing. I went to my fieelld & sowed 5 Acres of wheat &
returned home

Page 71

~ Friday

April 5th 1867

I A single key with teeth to the right met at the Prayer room & gave John Stocking
& wife
their second Anointing.

~ Saturday

6 A single key with teeth to the right I met at the Prayer room at 8 oclok & G. A. Smith Anointed
Thomas Williams & wife I Attended the Annual Conference of
the Church which met at the Tabernacle at 10 oclck
Conference opened by Prayer By H. C Kimball. President
Brigham Young spoke to the People 15 minutes He gave a text
for the Elders to Preach to viz not to scease our labors am[on]g
the people untill we get the people of one heart & one mind in
all things. President H. C. Kimball then spoke 50 minutes
then President Young spoke 23 Minutes and Preached a
good sermon to the sisters requested them to keep the word
of wisdom
not to drink coffee or tea & He wished all to keep
the word of wisdom. [Doctrine and Covenants 89] Afternoon D H. Wells spoke 40 Minutes
& John Taylor spoke 72 minutes.

~ Sunday

7. Sunday Conference Assembled in the Tabernacle at 10 oclok
prayer By Joseph W. Young. G. A. Smith spoke one hour
& President Young spoke 20 minutes He said I am at the
defiance of any man to Prove that God ^Ever^ afflicted a faithful
People. when People are afflicted they bring it upon themselve
in a great measure. whenever a people are faithful the Lord
Blesses them & when they are disobedient & wicked He chastizes them
Afternoon Prayer By Phineas Young we met in
the Bowery. W. Woodruff spoke 15 minutes E. T. Benson
spoke 30 Minutes & G. Q. Cannon spoke 16 minutes
President Young spoke 10 minutes

~ Monday

8. Monday A single key with teeth to the right I met at 8 oclok at the Prayer room & I gave
Jacob G. Bigler his seconed anointing. I then went to Conference
in the Tabernacle it was crouded full President Young came
in & said they would remove to the Bowery & their was a
terrible rush to get out Conference opened at 10 oclok
in the Bowery. Prayer By E. D. Woolley H. C. Kimball
spoke 50 minutes & President Young 5 minutes

Afternoon Prayer By J. T. D. MCallister C. C. Rich,
spoke 20 Minutes The Authorities of the Church were presented
47 Missionaries called D H Wells spoke 15 M[inutes]. Adjourned till 6 ock

Page 72

~ Tuesday

April 9, 1867

I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 20 H. C. Kimball sealed 1
& W Woodruff sealed 20 couple

~ Wednesday

10 An arrow I was called up at midnight & went to the field &
took down Mrs Hardie Emma was taken in labor in the
night she was vary sick all the afternoon and had
a Daughter born at 30 minutes to 6 oclok PM. & the
child died at 45 minutes past 12 oclok at night.

~ Thursday

11. A coffin I went to the city in the morning & got a coffin &
took mrs Woodruff & Mrs Smoot went to the farm took
the child which had died which was Named Ann Thompson
& took it to the grave yard & buried it. it lived 7 Hours & 15 m[inutes]

~ Friday

12. I went to the farm & spent the day cleaning out the bearn yard

~ Saturday

13 I spent this day at the farm Brother Kimball & co
gave Endowments to some 60 persons H. C. K. sealed 10
G. Q. Cannon sealed some 25 couple

~ Sunday

14. Sunday I met with my Prayer circle in the morning
and attended meeting in the Afternoon the missionaries
mostly preached through the day John Taylor spoke in
the forenoon after the missionaries & President Young in the
Afternoon. we had a missionary meeting at noon & a prayer
meeting in the Evening with the Presidency & Twelve

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

16, 17. I spent the day in my garden with the boys
setting out strawburies, grapes, grapes cuttings peas &c

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

18 & 19. I spent the time at the farm sowing Lucern
carrotts, Beets, Peas & Barley

~ Saturday

20. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 49. H. C K sealed 2 G Q Cannon 24
& W. Woodruff 21. Brother H. C. Kimball said that Joseph
told him that He Joseph Smith would meet in
old Jerrusalem with all the Prophets and Apostles from
Father Adam down to our day all the leading men of
this day will be there it will be a great council to
take into consideration the great work of God in the
last days & Jesus Christ will be at the head of it

Page 73

~ Sunday

April 21 1867

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning &
attended Meeting in the Tabernacle through the day &
met with the Presidency & Twelve in the Evening

~ Monday

22 In company with Presidents B. Young, & D H Wells &
John Taylor & G Q Cannon & others I left G. S. L. City to
visit St George I rode with Bishop A H Raleigh we rode
to Willow Creek at 2 oclok we held a meeting in the
Meeting House which is occupied for a school John R. Park
teaches. it is counted the Best school in the Territory taught
Best furnished with maps charts diagraphmsms &c
President Young spoke 21 minutes, D H Wells 24 minutes, John
Taylor 11, & W Woodruff 17 minutes. Distance of the day 20 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

23rd we drove to the American fork, held a meeting at 12 oclk
in the Bowery. Prayer By C. Spencer. G Q Cannon spoke
21 Minutes, W Woodruff 15 minutes Joseph F Smith 12 M[inutes]
John Taylor spoke 8 Minutes, D. H. Wells 11, & President Young
23 Minutes. I took dinner with Bishop Harrington
I laid hands upon the son of Sister Johnson. we drove 30 M[iles]
to Provo. Broth Raleigh & myself stoped with Br
Allexander Mc Donold & President Young with Bishop
Miller. The People of Provo have built a fine meeting
house with steeple, galleries, & pues after the Prysbeterian
order the Bell rang out clear & loud for a meeting at 7 oclk
prayer By A. H. Raleigh Claudius Spencer spoke 15 Minutes
A. H. Raleigh 23, & President Young spoke 26 Minutes

~ Wednesday

24. I visited the meeting House. Sister Mc Donald told
A single key with teeth to the right me a Blessing she received under the Hands of one of the
old Nephites when she was vary sick. She was healed &
was promised a family of 8 children she has now 6.
we rode to Springville & held a meeting. Prayer By J F Smith
W Woodruff spoke 16 minutes J Taylor 34 Minutes, J F Smith
20 minutes, & President Young 18 minutes. we then rode to Spanish
Fork City
& held a Meeting in the Meeting House Prayer By
A H Raleigh G Q Cannon spoke 33
Minutes, D. H. Wells 30 Minutes

Page 74

John Taylor spoke 12 Minutes. we dined with Brother
Rockwells we then drove to Pason distance of the day 24 [miles]
we held a Meeting Prayer By G. Q. Cannon President B.
spoke 30 Minutes D. H. Wells 44, & G A Smith 10 Minutes
we spent the night with Brother Christopher F Dixon

~ Thursday

25. we drove to Santaquin, held a Meeting. Joseph F Smith
spoke 24 Minutes & President Young spoke 30 Minutes. we
dined at Bishop Holladys we then drove to Nephi City 26 m[iles]
we held a Meeting in the Meeting house at 5 oclk we laid
upon Sister Taylor who was vary sick {Prayer} By J Taylor
D. H. Wells spoke 50 Minutes, G. A. Smith 19, & President Young 30 m[inutes]
I spent the night at Brother Oakeyes

~ Friday

26. we drove to the Severe and Nooned then drove to Sipeo
& held a Meeting Prayer By C Spencer W Woodruff spok 28 M[inutes]
A. H. Raleigh 22, G. Q. Cannon 20 A M Musser 6 M
we spent the night with Brother Painter. distance 40 M[iles]

~ Saturday

27. We drove to Filmore. We Telegraphed to all the
stations in in the Territory concerning a Band of Thieves who
were stealing Horses & cattle from the range by the Heard &
driving west I wrote a letter to Wilford distance 24 Miles

~ Sunday

A hand pointing to the right 28. Sunday Met at the State House at 10 oclok Prayer
By G. Q. Cannon President Young spoke 28 Minutes He
said I have much freedom in this place. whether it is in
consequence of the Nephites dedicating this land or whether it
is because this People have more of the spirit of God I leave
you to Jud[g]e John Taylor spoke 27 M[inutes] G. A. Smith 12 W. Woodruf
10 Minutes A H Raleigh Dismissed. President Young J. Taylor
G. A. Smith & W Woodruff wisited Brother Felshaw who has
suffered for a long time with the gravel & no hopes of
his recovery we laid hands upon his ^head^ & President Young
blessed him Afternoon Prayer by J. F. Smith G. Q. Cannon
spoke 30 minutes Joseph F Smith 24, C. Spencer 10 Minutes
Brother Squares 5 M, A M Musser 10 M. President Young
dismissed & Blessed the People. we then drove to Petersburgh 15 Miles
& held a Meeting Prayer By W Woodruff.
G Q Cannon spoke 25 M, W Woodruff 17, J Taylor 14 M

Page 75

~ Monday

April 29th 1867

It was a cold day considerable ice in the stre[a]ms this
morning we drove to Bever, distance of the day 47 M[iles]
we stoped at Brother Cox I met in council with President
Young and the Twelve in council to take into consideratin
the case of Elder Amasa Lyman who had been preaching
Heresy doing away with the Blood of Christ & trifling with
the ordinances. we herd the Testimony against him
and herd his own remarks. we finally voted to silence
him from Preaching. A Meeting was held in the
Meeting House. A. H. Raleigh spoke [blank] A M Muser
spoke [blank] & President Young spoke [blank] I spent the night
with A. H. Raleigh at Broth Cox.

~ Tuesday

30. I met with the Twelve at Bishop Murdocks &
the subject of A. Lyman was again taken up and
investigated and he was silenced from Preaching
because he had done away with the blood of Christ
in his teaching. When President Young put the vote to
the Twelve all four of us viz John Taylor W. Woodruff
G. A. Smith & G. Q Cannon gave their vote & consent
we then drove to Parawan 35 Miles

we held a meeting in the Meeting House prayer By G Q
Cannon J F Smith spoke 22 M[inutes], G. A. Smith 20
W Woodruff 16, G. Q. Cannon ^20^ President Young spoke
18 Minutes & J Taylor dismissed. 205 children
in a row was in the street to welcome our arival
80 boys 125 girls. I spent the nights at Brother Wests

~ Wednesday

May 1st 1867 President Young & part of the company
went to Cedar to hold a Meeting, and several of
the Twelve stoped to hold a meeting in Parawan in
the New Meeting House. Prayer By A. H. Raleigh
John Taylor spoke 55 A. H. Raleigh spok 25
G. A. Smith spok 30 Minutes we then drove to Cedar 18 M[iles]
President Young held a Meeting at Ceder

Prayer By J. F. Smith G Q Cannon spoke 31 M[inutes],
C. D. Spencer 17, J. F. Smith 20, A M Musser 20 m
President Young spoke 40 Minutes

Page 76

We held a Meeting in the Evening prayer by A. M. Musser
A H Raleigh spoke 35 Minutes W Woodruff 25
G. A. Smith 25, John Taylor 7 Minutes E Snow dismised
we spent the night at Brother Heights

~ Thursday

May 2nd A cold winday day we rode to Kanarrah
& Nooned then drove to Toquerville distance 36 Miles
we travelled over a hard rocky road all day
we held a Meeting in the Evening Prayer by G. Q. C.
President Young spoke 33 minutes G Q Cannon 17 M[inutes]
G A Smith spoke 12 & John Taylor 22 Minutes
we spent the night with Brother Haights.

~ Friday

3rd We had a vary sandy road nearly all day we
drove to Harrisburgh then to Washington. we called
at Woodruff Freemans Wests & Allexander. we
called to see President Youngs cotton Factory it
was a splendid Esstablishment they can make 200 lbs
of cotton yarn in a day. we drove to St George 26 [miles].
Brother Raleigh & myself stoped with Brother Franklin
B Woolley
. He had quite a sick child

~ Saturday

4th Saturday I visited Brothers Dodge gardener Branch
Hemingway & several other old Friends

We met in the Bowery at St George at 10 oclok
for a two days Meeting Prayer By E Snow
President Young spoke 23 M[inutes] G A Smith 35 M,
J Taylor 30, A. H. Raleigh 15 I dined with Broth Sanders
Afternoon Prayer by J F Smith

W Woodruff spoke 35 Minutes, G. Q. Cannon 35,
J. F. Smith 35. The Twelve met in council with
E Snow & resolved to cut off A Lyman from the
Quorum of the Twelve with the consent of the other of
the Quorum. I attended a Musical concert in the
Evening I visited many of the gardens of the city
there is much improvement both in St George and

~ Sunday

May 5. Sunday Met at 10 oclok Prayer by C. Spencer
A H Raleigh spoke 34 C Spencer 22, A. M. Musser 28

Page 77

President Young spoke 40 Minutes He spoke of
Surgery said that A Father or Mother ought to
know Enough to set a leg or an Arm of any one
of there children that should be broaken and do it
up. The doctors make cripples for life by ban[da]ging
up limbs tight & boxing them up. I dined with Brother
Pendleton. Afternoon prayer By J F Smith.
J Taylor spoke 24 minutes W Woodruff spoke 20 minutes
Erastus Snow presented the Authorities of the Church
all of which was received. G Q Cannon spoke 7.
Song by Adams. President Young spoke 25 Minutes
He said my council to the people concerning Liquor
and beer is to let it alone. your grain you want
yourselves the Liquor & Breer is of no yoose use to
you. I dont object to your making root beer for
that is healthy. I wish to say a word about Amasa
& tell why he is droped from the Twelve
it is because of his infidelity. he has no faith
in the Attonement, & another reason is he has lied in
his confession. He has Preached infidelity for
many years to the people, but not to the Preside-
ncy & Twelve. Orson Pratt does not believe in a
God ownly in Atributes but not in a personage
He would have been cut off from the Church long
ago had it not have been for me. The Twelve would
have cut him off. Did any one of you ever hear of
any one of the Twelve ever preach the baby Resurrection
I hav herd of it Neither of those brethren will
be enabled to do any good. At the close of the
Meeting President Young with some of the Twelve laid hands
upon the Head of Mother Atwood & blessed her &
set her apart to administer to the sick of her sex
Erastus Snow signed the paper cutting A Lyman
off from the Church or from the Quorum of the Twelve

~ Monday

May 6. J Taylor G. A. Smith & W Woodruff left
St George & drove to Washington to Hold a Meeting

Page 78

Prayer by W Woodruff G. A. Smith spok 30 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 30 & J Taylor 27. He said that while
we were made acquaintied with the Early principles
we were not prepared to be saved with a full and
complete salvation untill the sealeding for time and
Eternity was revealed. untill that time No one had
claim upon husband wife or child. G Q Cannon
spoke 17 minutes A M Musser 10, John Squars 10.
President Young spoke 25 minutes. At the close of the
Meeting, I went to Brother Harriman & took supper
then visited Freeman, West, & Allexander spent the
night with Harriman.

~ Tuesday

May 7. A Hot day we drove to Harrisburgh. we held
a Meeting. Prayer by A. H. Raleigh who spoke 20 mi[nu]tes
G. A. Smith Smith 15, W Woodruff 25, John Taylor 10.
I spent the night at Brother Orson Bennet Adams

~ Wednesday

8 we drove through deep sand & rock to Kelsey
and Nooned then drove to Kanarrah 35 miles
we held a meeting in the Evening Prayer by C Spencer
J. F. Smith spok 40 Minutes G Q Cannon 20, John
10 Minutes

~ Thursday

9. We drove to Cedar Held a Meeting Prayer by J F. Smith
G. A. Smith spoke 5 minutes, C Spencer 14, A. H. Raleigh 14
W Woodruff 28, J. F. Smith 25 M[inutes] C Spencer 2 m
Bishop Lunt dismissed. We drove to parawan 35 M[iles]
we held A Meeting in the Meeting House Prayer By
G. Q. Cannon. He spoke 33 Minutes. W Woodruff spok 19
John Taylor 28, G. A. Smith 3 minutes J F Smith dismi[ss]ed

~ Friday

10. we drove to Bever & held a meeting. prayer
by J. F. Smith. W. Woodruff spoke 28 minutes, G. Q. Cannon
18 minutes & President Young 33 Minutes we preached upon
the Attonement J Taylor spoke 25, G. A Smith 9 m[inutes]
& President Young 7 Minutes. J. F. Smith dismissed

~ Saturday

11th We drove to Corn Creek we stoped at J Freeman
Brother Raleigh Mare had drunk to much water & began
to Bloat & died in about half an hour. We held a Meeting

Page 79

at 6 oclock Prayer By C Spencer J. F. Smith spoke
40 Minutes. W. Woodruff spoke 10 Minutes

~ Sunday

12 We drove to Filmore took breakfast at Bishop Collis-
Held a Meeting in the State House at 10 oclok
Prayer by A. H. Raleigh. G. Q. Cannon read the 9 ch
of Heb
& 10 ch 28, 29 verses on the Blood of Christ. John
spoke upon the Attonement 46 minutes W. Woodruff
9, G. Q. Cannon 21, & President Young 30 Minutes
All spoke upon the Attonement to do away with the
Herrisy which A Lyman had been preaching iagainst
the Atonement President Young said There never
was ^never^ any world created & peopled Nor never would be
but what would be redeemed by the sheding of the blood of the
Savior of that world. If we are Ever Exhalted and
crowned in the presence of God we shall become saviors
of a world which we shall create & People I know why
the Blood of Jesus was shed. I know why the blood of
Joseph, & Hiram & others have been shed and the blood
of others will be shed it is all to answer a peurpose
and has its Effect Adam made this world and
suffered himself to take a body and subject himself
to sin that Redemption & Exaltation might come to
man. without descending below all things we canot
asscend above all things. There never will be any
change of the gospel of salvation. it is an Eternal
gospel and the same in all worlds and always will
be to the Endless ages of Eternity. There never was
a period but what worlds Exhisted & never will
be, and they all have the same Gospel & Law of
Salvation. Amasa Lymon is rejecting the Blood
of Christ has cut himself off from the Quorum
of the Twelve Apostles
and he cannot be restored
to it in this probation. He has had a chance to be
a great Man in this Kingdom. He never was
Joseph Smith's councillor but was a Thirteenth
Apostle for a long time

Page 80

At the close of the Meeting we drove to Cipio 40 [miles].
we held a Meeting in the Evening Bishop Collister
Prayed C. Spencer spoke 20 Minutes J. F. Smith 30
and President Young spoke 24.

~ Monday

13 We drove to Nephi. I stoped with Brother Oakey
we held a Meeting at 5 oclok in the Meeting House
A. H. Raleigh Prayed G. Q. Cannon spoke 20 minutes
A M Musser 30 Minutes W. Woodruff 13 minutes
O Hyde 5, John Taylor 17 Minutes.

~ Tuesday

14 We drove to Santaquin held a Meeting at 12 ock
Prayer By J. Taylor W. Woodruff spoke 10 M[inutes]
G. A. Smith spoke 3 M, G Q Cannon spoke 6 M
John Taylor 7 Minutes, President Young 15 T. B. H. Stenhous
17 minutes We then drove to Springville 40 miles

we held a Meeting in the Evening A M Musser
prayed G. Q. Cannon spoke 30 Minutes Stenhouse 17
G A Smith 24, & W Woodruff 9. I spent the night
at Brother Bringhurst

~ Wednesday

15 We drove to Lehi and dined we then drove to
A crown Great Salt Lake City and there met with a warm
reception by meeting with Ten thousand Men, women
& children parraded in the street with there banners
a flying bareing mottoes it was a glorious sight 55 M[iles]

~ Thursday

16. I looked around home, went to the farm & back

~ Friday

17. I tied up my grapevines & worked in the garden

~ Saturday

18. I spent a part of the day in the Endowments House we
gave Endowments to 59. H C K. sealed 4, D. H. Wells 19
& W Woodruff 9. On the 11 May H C Kimball sealed 4
& D H. Wells 30.

~ Sunday

19. I spent the fore noon writing in my Journal Attended
Meeting in the Afternoon Several Missionaries spoke followed
by G. Q. Cannon John Taylor & W. Woodruff I met with
the Presidency & 12 for prayer & Preached in the Evening at the
15 ward

~ Monday

20. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Susan & wrote a letter
to Lorenzo Snow & sent a Bill to him fromr Br Thomas

Page 81

~ Tuesday

May 21, 1867

I spent the day diging in my garden

~ Wednesday

22 I finished diging in my garden & sowing clover seed

~ Thursday

23rd I went to the field & mended my fence

~ Friday

24. My cattle shed post began to sink in the ground & shed to fall
down I flung all my straw off into the Barn yard & pried
up the top timbers & dug the posts out

~ Saturday

25 A Hard rainy day I did not go to the Endowm[en]t House as
I did not go to the city untill the afternoon President Young H. C. Kimball
& G. Q. Cannon attended to the sealing I received 2 letters from
A hand pointing to the right Brother Thomas & my daughter Phebe

~ Sunday

26. Sunday it is still raining I attended Meeting all day in the
Tabernacle E. F. Sheets & E. D. Woolley spoke in the forenoon
& Capt Wm. H. Hooper & President Young spoke in the afternoon
& spoke much to our Edification I met with the Presidency
& 12 for Prayer & had a plesant conversation with Capt
Hooper concerning Washington affairs President Young
said to day that He would not send any more floor to the
Gentiles untill they come & asked him for it He said the Lord
had preserved us & frustrated our Enemies and that we
should not apostitize but do the work of God. He spoke Highly of
Capt Hooper said the work of the Lord was increasing in him
He rejoiced in the growth of this people & made many other remarks

~ Monday

27. I went to the field & spent the day mending fence

~ Tuesday

28. I spent the day covering my shed with straw

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

29, 30. I spent the time at the farm laboring. went to the city in the Evening

~ Friday

31. I spent the day cleaning out my stack yard working in the
A hand pointing to the right gardin I recieved a letter from Wilford saying that He had
lost his Mule I sent Keets to Fort Herriman with two Mules
to him for them to go & try to Find the one he had lost

~ Saturday

June 1st 1867. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment
we gave Endowments to 40 persons H C Kimball sealed 2
couple & W Woodruff 17, & G. Q. Cannon 12.

~ Sunday

2nd Sunday I met with my Prayer Circle in the morning and
attended Meeting in the Tabernacle all day H C Kimball spoke
3 times in the forenoon & prayed occupied one hour & 24 Minutes
G A Smith spoke 20 Minutes Afternoon President Young spoke one hour

Page 82

Sunday I met with the Presidency & Twelve in the Evening for
Prayer. I visited Brother Smoot in the Evening & Preached in the
20 ward after Brothe Smoot I spoke 45 Minutes

~ Monday

3rd June I met at the Prayer Room at 8 oclok & we gave
Jesse N Smith his seconed Anointing G A Smith officiated
I visited the Printing office with my Daughter Bulah

~ Tuesday

4. I met at the Prayer rom at 8 oclok & I gave Charles Lambert &
their seconed Anointing. I spent the rest of the day at
home & diging sand over Jordon

~ Wednesday

5. I met at at the Prayer Room at 8 oclok & G. A. Smith
gave Samuel Malin & 2 wives their 2nd Anointing My Daugh[te]r
Manella was taken vary sick who was inat her Grand mothers
Smith she had Eat some Locas Blossoms which made her
vomit I went to the field & brought her Mother up then
went over Jordan & draw two loads of sand, then took
hEmma & her sick child & took her to the field 15 M[iles]

~ Thursday

6. G. A. Smith Gave Samuel Merrill his seconed anointing
& wives. his oldest child was 64 years old & his youngest
Eleven Months old. He was 87 years old himself

I spent the day in the field it rained, hailed, & snowed
I worked in the field all day I palanted some sweet Potatoes
some beans hoed a patch of Potatoes & with a Boy David
P. Woodroff
13 yers old I planted one acre & a half of sugar cane
but was vary weary at night. Manella had a vary sick
night. G. A. Smith & G. Q. Cannon Preached the funeral
sermon of Brother Houtz who was killed by the Indian

~ Friday

7. It was snowing hard this Morning I went to the city in
the rain got some Medicines to send to the sick child G. A. Smith
met at 8 oclok & Gave Edward Stephenson his second
anointing. We also Met at 2 oclok W Woodruff Gave
John Murdock ^sen^ & 1 Living wife & 3 dead ones their 2nd Anointing
it rained most of the day

~ Saturday

8. I met in the morning at the H. O. Prayer Room & G A Smith gave
Joseph W. Johnson 3 living wives & 1 dead their seconed Anointing
I then went to the Endowment House & we gave Endowments to 46 person
H. C. Kimball sealed 1 couple, G. Q. Cannon 18, & W. Woodruff 13.

Page 83

~ Sunday

June 9, 1867

I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting
in the Tabernacle President Yoong spoke one hour & 20 mitnuts
Afternoon L Snow spoke 47 minutes & E. T. Benson 30. I met
with the Presidency & 12 for Prayer & in the Evening again met
at President Youngs office

~ Monday

10 I met in the morning at 8 oclok in the H. O. Prayer room &
I anointed Thomas Taylor to his seconed Anointing & his wife &
then went to my farm to Labor

~ Tuesday

11. I labored on my farm & G. A. Smith Anointed
John Needham & 2 wives

~ Wednesday

12. I labored on my farm with my boys & G A Smith Anointed
Daniel Wood & 5 wives

~ Thursday

13. I labored on my farm & G A Smith Anointed Edward Martin & wife

~ Friday

14. Keys crossed I met at 8 oclok & Anointed Isacc Laney A man
Noted in the History of the Massacree at Hawns Mill who
was shot to Peaces on that occasin & still lived he had 27
Ball Holes in his shirt one ball Entered one arm pit &
came out at the other 2 Balls went through his breast 2 through
his body above the hips one through his arm & none of them stoped
his running Neithe[r] did they kill him. he was preserved by
the power of God at 4 oclok I met tat the Endowment House & Geor[g]e
A crown Q Cannon Baptized My son Wilford for the remission of his
sins & myself for & in Behalf of My Father Aphek Woodruff
& my wife Phebe Whitmore Carter Woodruff for my step-
Mother Azubah Hart Woodruff & for my half sister Eunice
. G Q Cannon confirmed Wilford and President
Brigham Young confirmed me for my Father & my wife
Phebe for f my step Mother & sister I then went to the
top of the Tabernacle with Mrs Woodruff & my daughter
Phebe whare we had a view of the coontry

~ Saturday

15. I met at 8 oclok at the H. O. prayer room & I anointed
Keys crossed James Agee Smith Aged 80 years who has 200 of his posterity
living on the Earth. He was from Tennessee & a litteral descendant
of John Smith whose life was saved by Pocchontas one of his
Sons with 4 wives was Anointed in the Endowment House By Br
D. H. Wells at 3 oclok

Page 84

^ A single key with teeth to the right Eunice Woodruff Mary Giles & Rebeca Brown were sealed to Wilford Woodruff sen
By H C Kimball^

I went to the Endowment House & we gave Endowments to
44 persons H. C. Kimball sealed 6 couple G Q Cannon 19
& W Woodruff 16. I met at the H. O. Porayer room at
3 oclok & I anointed Thomas Richardson & 2 wives one
living & one dead. I received a letter from G Q. Cannon
A hand pointing to the right Editor of the Juvinile Instructor which created some
sensation on its reception I attended the Theater in the
Evening & herd Panuncefort in the Great Irish Play Arrah-
Na Pogue ^H C Kimball sealed Phebe W Woodruff to Wilford Woodruff
as proxy For Bulah & Azubah Woodruff to Aphek Woodruff^

~ Sunday

16. Sunday I met at the Prayer room at 8 oclok & I Gave Br
Charles Chrisman & 3 wives their seconed Anointing. I
then met in the prayer circle & laid Hands upon Brother
Shipp & administered to Shipp & to Br Abinidi Pratt. I
wrote in the forenoon & Attended meeting in the Afternon
Cyrus Wheelock & G. Q. Cannon spoke in the forenoon
& Robert William spoke in the After noon 30 minutes & followed
one hour by President Brigham Young I met in the prayer
circle in the Evening & Preached in the 14 ward in the Evening &
followed by Brother Musser.

~ Monday

17. I met at 8 oclok at the Prayer room & I anointed Broth
Levi Jacksman to his seconed Anointing he was an old
Jackson County Mormon My teams drew Adobies &
clay for my houuse

~ Tuesday

18 I met at 8 oclok & gave Brother Thomas Speares & wife
their seconed Anointing & went to the Endowment House & we gave
Endow[men]ts to 10. H. C. Kimball sealed 3 couple G. Q. Cann[on] 4 &
W Woodruff 2 couple I Bought a music stool for Bulah $15.

~ Wednesday

19. I met at 8 oclok & gave Isaac Whittaker & 2 wives the[ir] [ink blot]
seconed Anointing & in a 2nd meeting I gave Brother Earl
& wife
their seconed Anointing & I took down my back
room & cleared the ground

~ Thursday

20. I met at 8 oclok & gave Thomas Harrington & 2 {shorthand} wives
their seconed Anointing.

~ Friday

21. I met at 8 oclok & G. A. Smith gave wm Smith More &
4 wives
their seconed Anointing. At 10 oclok we met W. Woodrff
gave Thomas Kingdton & 2 wives their seconed Anointing.

Page 85

I went down to Brother Mabain's shot [shop] & got the likeness
of Father Kingtons taken Aloso My Daughter Bulah got
hers taken

~ Saturday

22nd I met at 8 oclok at the prayer room & G A Smith I
gave Joseph Legget his seconed anointing. I then went
to the Endowment House & we gave Endowments to 51. H C K
sealed 4 couple G Q Cannon 15 & W Woodruff 20 total 39.
G. A. Smith gave the Seconed Anointing to [blank]

~ Sunday

23rd Sunday I met with my Quorom in the morning & wrote
in the forenoon & attended meeting in the Afternoon G A Smith
& G Q. Cannon spoke in the forenoon upon the Apostacy of the Church
in Ancient days & down to the present time President Young spoke
in the Afternoon upon the same subject I met with the Presidency
& Twel[v]e in the Evening in our Prayer circle & preached in the
Evening to the 13 ward to a full House

~ Monday

24. The Masons laid the foundation of my back rooms to day 16 By
30 feet I labored with them. G. A. Smith Anointed
Hough Moon

~ Tuesday

25 I spent the day tending Mason G A Smith Anointed
Henry W. Miller

~ Wednesday

26 I spent the day tending Mason G A Smith Anointed
Zacheus Cheny

~ Thursday

27 I went to my field to water my crops I had to work
vary hard to get the ditches open to get the water on the land
& the Thermometer marked 90 in the shade & I came near being
sun struct & I was sick through the night Wilford & Keets
were in the canyon after wood keets came home about midnigh
& wiford stoped at the Canyon ^G A S Anointed David Evans & J B Nobles family^

~ Friday

28 Wilford came home this morning & we all spent the
day watering land & ditching & hoeing I was quite poorly but
worked till night & went to bed sick ^G A Smith Anointed Wm Budge & David James^

~ Saturday

29. I arose this morning sick but drove to the city & went to
the Endowment House we gave Endowments to 54 persons H C K
sealed 2 couple G Q. C. 30 & W Woodruff 10 total 42 couple
G. A. Smith Anointed S. H. Earl & W. H. Sharman

~ Sunday

30. Sunday I was unwell & did not attend Meeting President Yo[u]ng spoke & others
I attended the prayer circle in the Evening

Page 86

~ Monday

July 1st 1867

I spent the day laboring at my house

~ Tuesday

2nd I spent the day laboring at home. I met in the morning &
G. A. Smith Anointed [blank] Atkin & wife to their seconed Anointing

~ Wednesday

3rd I spent the day laboring at home at my house I met at
the prayer circle in the Morning & G. A. Smith anointed
Brother [blank] Selwood & wife

~ Thursday

4th of July we met in the morning at the prayer room &
W Woodruff Anointed John Rowbury & his 2 wives to
their 2nd Anointing we had a great celebration of
the 4. All the Sunday & day schools marched from
their words [wards] & were seated in the Bowery some 10000 peopl
were present & were addressed by several persons. we
rode to the race course in the Afternoon & saw 2 Horses trot
one heat the other 3 heats runing the last time was made in 3 m[inu]t[es]
I attended a party at the Theater in the night about 700 person
present 200 danced at a time

~ Friday

5 I met at the Prayer room at 8 oclok & G. A. Smith
Anointed Broth Ridolch & wife I went to the Temple
in the Endowment House & sealed Broth Thomas
& wife we then met at the Prayer room & I gave
Thomas Clark & wife their seconed Anointing

~ Saturday

6 I met at the prayer room at 8 oclok & G A Smith
gave George Washington Wilkins & wife their seconed Anointing.
I went to the Endowment House we gave Endowments to 13
H C K. sealed 2 couple & W Woodruff 12 couple I
met at the H. O. & W Woodruff Anointed the wife of
7. Sunday I did not a Jesse P Harmon we held
a meeting in the Evening of the Jordon Irrigation Company
& we had An arrow a war with Jo B. Wallace for dishonesty

~ Sunday

7. Sunday I did not attent Meeting in the forenoon
President Wells Henry W Miller & Joseph F Smith
spoke in the Afternoon I attended Meeting & G A Smith
spoke 53 Minutes John Taylor spoke 20 minutes &
Bishop Hunter spoke 10 Minutes President Brigham &
Joseph Young & G Q Cannon spoke at Big Cotton
wood ward to abot 2000 people we met for prayer in the Ev[en]ing ^12 & {President Young}^

Page 87

~ Monday

July 8th 1867

I met in the morning at 8 oclok & I Anointed
David Bennett & wife I had 4 carpenters & 2 masons to
work for me

~ Tuesday

9. I met at 8 oclok at prayer room & G. A. Smith Anointed
Thomas Jenkins & 3 wives I had 3 wivescarpenters all day

~ Wednesday

10. I met at 8 oclok at the Prayer room & I Anointed
Almond Sinus Fulmor & wife My carpenters finished
my roof this morning at 9 oclok

~ Thursday

11. G. A Smith Anointed Edwin Rushton & 3 wives
12& Joel Ricks & wife this anointing was done on the 13.

~ Friday

12 I Anointed Ezekiel Lee & 2 wives I made a coal room
in my suller

~ Saturday

13 G A Smith Anointed Hernri J Daremus & 2 wives
I made two coal Bins in the south sullar I met at the Endow[men]ts
we gave Endowments to 65 H C. K. sealed 6 couple G. Q. C.
52 couple & W Woodruff 2 couple total 60 couple of sealings
President Young was present There is a great gold Excitement
[FIGURE] of a New gold mine found near the south pass thousands
are flocking to it in this Territory. I attended a Meeting of
the Jordon Irrigation Company

~ Sunday

14. Sunday James Lawson returned from the Island &
spoke this forenoon upon the Islands spoke vary discourgageingly
Joseph F Smith followed ^55 M[inutes]^ also President Young spoke & said
those Natives were of the House of Israel I met with the 12
& Presidency for Prayer in the Evening in the Afternoon
President Young spoke 55 Minutes

~ Monday

15. I met at the prayer room & Gave David H. Holladay & 3 wives
their seconed Anointing G A Smith
gave George Bundey & wife their seconed Anointing I
went to the field & comm[enc]ed cutting my Hay

~ Tuesday

16 G. A. Smith Anointed Sister of G J Bigler & W. A. Martindale
I spent the day cutting grass & Making Hay

~ Wednesday

17. G A Smith Anointed L. B. Foot I was Haying
18. ^& William Crazier^

~ Thursday

18 G A Smith Anointed J Pugmire Jr & J. H. Hart

~ Friday

19 G A Smith Anointed J. Pugmirre Sen

Page 88

~ Saturday

July 20.

I met at the Prayer room at 8 oclok & Anointed
Eliza Benson Brothe Benson was Present I spent a
part of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endow[men]ts
to 33 H. C. Kimball sealed 2 couple W Woodruff 28.

~ Sunday

21. Sunday I met with my prayer circle in the
Morning I attended Meeting all day Jesse N Smith
spoke in the Morning 30 Minutes & Henry W Lawrence
15 minutes He had Just returned from the states visited
Nauvoo & Emma Smith Said there was not a
vistage of the Temple left the foundation of the temple
had been taken up & the whole Block was covered
with a grape vineyard He said the whole town
looked like desolation G Q Cannon spoke 35 M[inutes]
Afternoon George G. Bywater spoke one hour
& John Taylor 32 minutes. President Young spok a
short time & thanked the Plasterers for their disligen[ce]
in plastering the Tabernacle I attended the prayer
circle with the Presidency & Twelve I received a letter
A folded letter/box from I. F. Carter

~ Monday

22nd I spent the day in drawing Hay. I Anointed David
& wife
& G. A. Smith anointed Brother Bentley & wife ^J W Fleming & wife^

~ Tuesday

23rd we finished drawing Hay today
I Anointed Aroet L Hale & 2 wives

~ Wednesday

24. I spent the day at home G A Smith Anointed
E B Kelsey & 3 wives

~ Thursday

25 I went to the field G. A. Smith Anointed
Burr Frost & wives

~ Friday

26. I spent the day Hoeing & taking up oats G. A. Smith Anointed
George M Ottenger & wife

~ Saturday

27 I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 18. H C. Kimball sealed 1 couple & W W
16 couple I rode to Willow Creek in the Afternoon
with Mrs Woodruff A O Smoot & wife president
Young & the Twelve or several of them went in the morning
& held a meeting in the Afternoon 18 miles

Page 89

~ Sunday

July 28, 1867

Sunday we held a meeting in the Bowery at Willow
at 10 oclok W. Woodruff opened by prayer
G. A. Smith spoke 47 minutes G. Q. Cannon 40 & President
B Young 8 minutes Afternoon President Young spok
68 minutes & W Woodruff 15 minutes A Cahoon spoke
a few moments at the close of the meeting we rode home 18 [miles]

~ Monday

29 I comm[enc]ed cutting wheat to day ^G A S Anointed Wm D Pratt & wife^

~ Tuesday

30 I met at 8 oclok & I Anointed Seymor Young & wife
& went to the Endowment House we gave Endow[men]ts to 46
A folded letter/box I receved a letter from Philadelphia wanted my autograph
H C Kimball sealed 4 W Woodruff 12 G Q Cannon 9.

30. G. A. Smith Anointed John Lyman Smith

~ Wednesday

31. G A Smith Anointed Legrand Young I spent the
day in the field

~ Thursday

Aug 1st I Anointed Zebedee Hallam I spent most of the
day Harvesting

~ Friday

2nd G A Smith Anointed Richard Golightly & 3 wives
I finished Harvesting to day I put up 10 Acres of wheat 10 of oats

~ Saturday

3rd I went to the Prayer room at 8 oclok G A Smith Anointed
[blank] MC Donald & 3 wives I went to the Endowment Hous
we gave Endowments to 10 W Woodruff sealed 9 couple I met
at the Prayer room at 2 oclok & I Anointed
Absolam Smith & 4 wives I went to the Theater in the Evening
& herd the celebrated Coledock play the old man in the willow

~ Sunday

4. Sunday Thomas Collaster spoke in the morning followed By
Vancott A. F. McDonnald & H. C. Kimball Afternoon
G. Q. Cannon spoke 25 Minutes & President Young 55 M[inutes]
I attended pray circle with Presidency & 12

~ Monday

5. I met at 8 oclok & Anointed David McKinzie & wife
& went to the field & stacked my oats

~ Tuesday

6. I Anointed Charles Schreeves Peterson & 2 wives went to
the field & hoed my cane

~ Wednesday

7. I Anointed Benjamin Kimball Bullock & wives &
went to the farm & started Wilford & Keets to the coal Beds
& I spent the Afternoon raking & Binding wheat for Tufts

Page 90

~ Thursday

Aug 8, 1867

I met at the Prayer room at 8 oclok & I Anointed
Edson Whipple & 4 living & 1 dead wife then held another
Meeting & Anointed Daminicas Carter & 6 wives making
13 anointing in one day I went home & had an ague chill

~ Friday

89. I met at the prayer room & G. A. Smith Anointed
James Baldwin & 2 wives I went to the Endowment Hou

~ Saturday

9th10 10. I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 13 H C Kimball sealed 1, W Woodruff 13
^G A S Anointed Jabez Woodard^

~ Sunday

11 Sunday I took passage with President Young in his
private carriage to attend the dedication of the meeting house
in Gardners ward we took the state rode their had
been a hard rain & the road was vary muddy we
started 30 minutes to 8 oclok & arived 15 minutes to 10, 13 m[iles]
there was a large Assembly present but a small portin
got into the House the remainder were in a large Bowery
meeting opened at 10 oclok by singing W Woodruff offered
the dedication Prayer. President Young then spoke
35 Minutes, John Taylor 50 & W Woodruff 20 Minutes
we took Dinner at Archibald Gardners & it rained
hard for one hour in the Afternoon we had still to meet
in the House as it rained in the Bowery G. A. Smith spok 38 m[inutes]
E Hunter spoke 20 Minutes & G. Q. Cannon 10. President
Young then spoke 32 Minutes G A Smith closed we
then rode back to the city 13 Miles

~ Monday

12 I Met at the Prayer rooms at 8 oclok & G A Smith
Anointed Wm Greenwood wife & W Woodruff anointed
Samuel Mulliner & wife G A Smith & myself then
visited Orson Pratt who had Just returned from
his European Mission been Gone 4 years his hevy
white beard hung to his waist he was well & healthy

In the Afternoon G. A. Smith anointed George lake & wife

~ Tuesday

13. I Anointed Father James Lake & wife & G A. Smith
Anointed Barnabas Lake & wife I spent most of the day
gathering Apples I gathered some 15 Bushels

~ Wednesday

14. I Anointed JDaniel Carter & wife & spent most of the day
in the garden

Page 91

~ Thursday

Aug 15th 1867

I spent the day at home

~ Friday

16. Friday President Yoong & company left G S L City 30 minutes
to 8 oclok to go to Toella to hold a 2 days meeting they drove to E. T.
& dined G. A. Smith & myself started in a carriage drove By Charles
F William
who took the wrong road, went 7 miles back through
the sage Brush without any road when we arived at E. T. the
company had dined and was prepared for Meeting but they all
waited for us to dine then the meeting opened by singing &
prayer forBy John Taylor, who alsso spoke 30 Minutes G Q Cannon
16 minutes & W Woodruff 15, & G A Smith dismissed we then
rode to Toille & President Young & company stoped with
Bishop Rowberry. I stoped with Brother Aitkins Wilford
also stoped over night at Brother Aitkins. Mrs Woodruff
took stage for Brigham City distance of the day 35 Mi[les]

~ Saturday

17. Wilford went for Lumber. I visited Brother Kelseys
vineyard. We assembled for a 2 days meeting at 10 oclok
G. D. Watt spoke 32 Minutes J Taylor 45, W Woodruff 20 M[inutes]
Afternoon Prayer By G. D. Watt. O Pratt spoke 58 M,
G Q Cannon 37, & President Young 5 Minutes

~ Sunday

18. Sunday Meeting opened by singing & Prayer by G. Q. C.
G. A. Smith spoke 40 Minutes W Woodruff 30, Brother Godby 33
& President Young spoke 65 Minutes & J. F. Smith 30 Minutes
at the close of the Meeting we drove to G. S. Lake City 40 M[iles]

~ Monday

19. I spent the day stacking wheat

~ Tuesday

20. I finished stacking wheat to day

~ Wednesday

21. I went to the city & spent the day

~ Thursday

22nd I spent this day at home

~ Friday

23rd President Young & the Twelve & others lef[t] the city at 9 oclok
for Provo. O. Pratt W. Woodruff G. Q. Cannon, Joseph Young
& Brother Squares all rode in President Youngs 4 Horse coach
we drove to the American Fork at half past 1 oclok & held a
meeting Prayer By G. Q. Cannon Joseph Young Spoke 40 M[inutes]
O Pratt 60 Minutes & W Woodruff 15. 35 Miles

A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters one to A H Raleigh & one to Bulah
we held a Meeting in the Evening G D. Watt Prayed G Joseph Young
spoke 30 G Q Cannon 22 & Edward Hunter 2215.

Page 92

~ Saturday

Aug 24, 1867

Left American Fork & rode to Provo in 2 Hours 15 M[iles]
took breakfast at Bishop Millars & Met in the New meet-
ing House for the purpose of Dedicating it to God it was
built of the Prysbeterian order the people were some 12 years
in building it the House was filled to overflowing galleries
& all at 10 oclok, & the Meeting opened by singing & prthe dedi-
cation Prayer was offered By Elder John Taylor which
was written & read President Young spoke 15 minutes
Joseph Yo[u]ng 8 minutes O Hyde spoke 2 minutes O Pratt
14, John Taylor 15, W Woodruff 11 minutes G A Smith
8 minutes G. Q. Cannon 3 Minutes & then dismissed
The following is a synopsis of W Woodruffs remarks
"I thank God with every sentiment of my heart that I
have lived to see ta Presbeterian Meeting House filled
with the Saints of the mMost High God & the pulpit occupied
by the Apostles of the lamb who have dedicated this
House unto God this is a glorious sight to me & it Brings to
my rememberance the days of my youth I refered to the time
of my boyhood more than 50 years ago when I first heard
of the pews being sold to pay expenses An Infidel said
the Lord had broke & the people were selling his property
to Pay his debts I thought in my boyhood this was
Blastphemey I counciled Husbands & wives, Parents &
children in there duties Keys crossed President Young said his views
of the great Temple in Jackson Co Mo. was that there would be
12 Temples surrounding a square & the square would be [illegible]
ofor a great Tabernacle for the People while the Temples would
be for giving Endowments & there would be doors out of Every
Temple for the Priesthood (who labored in the Temples), to go
into the Tabernacle to teach the People & Prepare them for the
Endowments. Afternoon Prayer By G. D. Watt G. Q. Cannon
spoke 32 minutes G A Smith 23, W Woodruff 20, Edward
25. The officers of the Chu[r]ch were then presented &
received. T. B. H. Stenhouse closed. A Meeting was Held
in the Evening prayer By O Hyde Joseph Yo[u]ng spoke 55 M[inutes]
President Young spoke 40 Minutes

Page 93

~ Sunday

Sunday Aug 25 1867

Meeting opened at 10 oclok Prayer By W. Woodruff
John Taylor spoke 64 Minutes, O. Pratt 42. Intermission 30 M[inutes]
G. Q. Cannon, W Woodruff & G. D. Watt sung & G D Watt Prayed
Sacrament Administered Orson Hyde spoke 45 minutes G D Watt
35, & President Young 38 Minutes. G. A. Smith dismissed we
took supper at Bishop Millers then drove to Pason in 2 Hour 18 M
Held a meeting at 7 oclok. Prayer By O. Pratt W Woodruff spoke
30 Minutes, O Pratt 52, A M Musser 10, & President Young 20 M

~ Monday

26. We rode to shell I in Ghoshun in 2 H[ours] 50 minutes 20 Miles
Met at half past 11 oclok Prayer By G Q Cannon. G A Smith
spoke 25 minutes W Woodruff 15, & President Young 5 M.

Afternoon Prayer By W Woodruff. President Young spoke 45,
Bishop Price spoke 20 M, G A Smith 15, J Taylor 14,
O. Pratt spoke 35 & President Young 5 Minutes G. A. S dismised

~ Tuesday

27. President Young roade out onto the bench in the morning &
decided to Locate Ghoshen on the East side of the Lake
we started at 10 oclok & drove to Lehi in 5 Hours 40 Miles
Meeting held at 7 oclok Prayer By G Q Cannon Abram
spoke 5 Minutes O Pratt 27, President Young 15 &
W Woodruff 15. I spent the night with Daniel Thomas

~ Wednesday

28. I got up 4 times before light to see the time finally arive
at 4 oclok & started half past 4 oclok & drove to Lehi G S L City
in 4 hours 35 M[iles]

I spent the rest of the day in the city

~ Thursday

29. I spent the day at home choreing

~ Friday

30 I gathered 10 Bushels Apples sold them at $3 p[e]r bushels the cheap-
est I ever sold any out of my orchard. I went to my Farm at

~ Saturday

31. I spent a part of the forpday at the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 23 H C K sealed 5 W. Woodruff 10 couple I received
A folded letter/box a letter From My Daughter Phebe

~ Sunday

Sept 1. Sunday I met with my Prayer circle & Attended
meeting at the Bowery Prayer By Brother Sloan, Brother Frost
spoke 7 minutes. Robert A [blank] spoke 5 minutes O Hyde
Brother Platt spoke 10 Minutes W. Woodruff O Prattspoke 30 Min[u]tes
O Pratt Dismissed

Page 94

Sunday Afternoon Erastus Snow spoke 55 Minutes
A hand pointing to the right President Young spoke 43 Minutes, advised the sons &
daughters toof Zion to get Married I wrote 2 letters

~ Monday

2nd President Young ^10 of^ the Twelve & a Number of others
left G. S. L. City at 9 oclok to visit the Northern settlem[en]t
we drove to Farmington & held a meeting at 12 oclok
I went in company with Brother Moses Thurstin & wife
I took my Daughter Bulah with me we stoped with
Abram Rose. W. Woodruff opened the meeting with
Prayer O Hyde spoke 22 Minutes O Pratt 22, John
25, & President Young 28. We then rode to
Kays ward & held a Meeting at 5 oclok. Prayer By
G Q Cannon W Woodruff spoke 35 Minutes G A
spoke 10, G Q Cannon 17, Erastus Snow 15
& President Young 5 Minutes. A public dinner was
got I drove in the dark 3 Miles to Wm Smiths & broke
a forward spring & spent the night 26 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

3rd we toggled up our spring & drove to Ogden & held
& held a two day Meeting Met at 10 oclok 1521 M[iles]
O Pratt Prayed. T. B. H. Stenhouse spoke 15.
Amos Milton Musser spoke 10 M[inutes], G D Watt 30,
O Hyde 30, President Young 8 Minutes

Afternoon L. Snow prayed. O Pratt spoke 55 Minutes
John Taylor 40 Minutes. I spent the night at Brother Hopkins

~ Wednesday

4th Meeting opened at 10 oclok By singing & Prayer By F Kesler
Frederick Kesler spoke 40 Minutes W. Woodruff 32,
President Young 30 Minutes Erastus Snow 35, G A Smith 20
G Q Cannon 22 A. O. Smoot 12, Wm H Folsome 15
& President Young 20 Minutes. The Twelve held a council
in the Evening in relation to Fals doctrins. O Hyde had former-
ly Preached an incorrect doctrin on the resurrection called
the Baby resurrection. Elder Orson Hyde renounced the
doctrin & made it all right with the Quorum some things
were not quite satisfactory with O Pratt on doctrin
I spent the night with Bishop West

~ Thursday

5th we drove to Willow Creek at Bishop A Cordons

Page 95

We held a Meeting at 10 oclok Prayer By Bishop Laton
O Hyde spoke 55, Capt Hooper spoke 20, Br Shipp 8,
& President Young 28 Minutes. we rode to Brigham City
to Elder Lorenzo Snows we held a Meeting at at 3 oclok
Prayer By Edward Stephenson. O Pratt spoke 11 Minutes
John Taylor 20, President Young 13 Minutes 20 [miles]

~ Friday

6th we drove to Wellsville & held a Meeting at 1 oclok
G Q Cannon Prayed W Woodruff spoke 13 Minutes
E Snow 43, Capt Hooper 30 & President Young 25.
I dined at Brother Ames. we drove to Logan I stoped
with Brother Shermon distance of the day 30 M[iles]

~ Saturday

7th We met at the Bowery at 10 oclok for a 2 days M[eeting].
G Q Cannon Prayed O Hyde spoke 51 Minutes O Pratt
55 Minutes. Afternoon Prayer By G A Smith
Capt Wm H Hooper spoke one hour J Taylor one hour
After meeting the Twelve met in council & President
Young & All voted to Appoint Joseph Fielding Smith
the son of Hyram Smith to be one of the Quorum
of the Twelve Apostles in the Place of Amasa Lyman
who was cut off from the Quorum for Preaching Harisy
in doing away with the Blood of Jesus Christ as an
Attonement for the sins of the world

~ Sunday

8. Sunday I met with the Sunday school at Logan as did
President Young & the 12. some 400 children were present &
was improving vary fast President Young spoke to the children
some 10 Minutes. Meeting assembled & opened at 10 oclok.
Prayer By J Taylor W. Woodruff spoke 40 Minutes see Minutes
President Young spoke 56 Minutes. Afternoon singing
Prayer By O Pratt. Sacrament Administered G A Smith
spoke 48 Minutes Erastus Snow 18, T B H Stenhouse 8,
G Q Cannon 5 Minutes & dismissed. We had social
A single key with teeth to the right conversation in the Evening. President Young said he herd
Joseph Smith say that the Ten Tribes of Israel were on a
Portion of Land separated from this Earth. He had also
Herd Joseph say that childern would not Grow after death
& at another time that they would grow & he hardly knew how

Page 96

to reconcile it. he would like a variety in Eternity. Children
might grow in intelligence & not in statu[r]e as well as a grown
Person. if his children were grown up after leaving him he
would not know them

~ Monday

9. Monday we drove to Hyde Park & held a Meeting at 11 oclok
Prayer By Lorenzo Snow, singing, O Hyde spoke 33 Minutes
O Pratt 39, L Snow 20, John Taylor 13. At the close of
the Meeting we partook of a Public dinner & drove to
Smithfield & held a Meeting at 34 oclok Prayer By C C Rich
G Q Cannon spoke 30 Minutes, E Snow spoke 28, 8 Miles
G D. Watt spoke 18, & President Young spoke 35 Minutes
I spent the night at Brother George Colemans

~ Tuesday

10. we drove to Richmond & held a Meeting at half past 10 [o]clk
Prayer By W Woodruff. Capt Hooper spoke one hour
& 15 Minutes G. A. Smith spoke 30 Minutes President Young
spoke 20 Minutes we drove to Franklin 12 M[iles]
we held a Meeting at Franklin at 4 oclok E Snow prayed
O Hyde spoke 28 Minutes, J Taylor 28, & President
Young 4 Minutes & G Q Cannon dismissed. the Twelve
held a Meeting in the Evening at 6 oclok W Woodruff spoke
his feelings. O Hyde spoke his feelings & said President Young
told me in 1850 that my views on the Baby resurrection
was not true, that I might Believe what I pleased if I
would not Preach fals doctrin but I am ready to Follow in
the beaten tract Brother Young said no man could know
much about the resurrection untill he passed through
the resurrection & had the keys of it for that reson I
have been silent upon the subject & I have not heard any
of the Twelve preach upon it that I recollect. I have not
contemplated for years the resurrection in any other
light than you do. the subject has died within me
years ago." Social conversation Ensued upon this subject
Even the Godhead O Pratt said that He did not worship
Atributes asside from the Personage of God But Believed that
God was an organized Being the same as Man, & that
Man possessed the Atributes of God & would become a God

Page 97

if he kept the Celestial Law.

~ Wednesday

11th We left Franklin at 5 oclok & drove to the foot of the Mountains
& Nooned. we then most of us walked up the Mountain &
rode down to Liberty & took s[u]pper with Solomon Hale &
E N Austin Brother Hale had done a great deal of work
in that place in making Improvements. we then drove to Paris
President Young & most of the Twelve stoped with Brother Rich
I stoped as did Gen Chetlain & Lady with Wm W Sterrit 50 M[iles]

~ Thursday

12th we met in the Bowery at 10 oclok Prayer By W. W.
O Hyde spoke 47 M[inutes], Amos Milton Musser 16 M President
Young 18 Minutes & J W. Crosby dismissed. Afternoon Prayer
By G. Q. Cannon O. Pratt spoke 65 Minutes Capt Hooper 50 M
E Snow dismissed. The President & Twelve held a council
in the Evening upon the difference of opinion with O. Pratt
I spent the night with G. A. Smith

~ Friday

13th Meeting at 10 oclok Prayer By L Snow, John Taylor
spoke 30 Minutes G A. Smith spoke 25, W Woodruff 20
A O Smoot 7, President Young 21, E T Benson 16,
E Snow 38, L Snow 15 G Q Cannon 17 & President Yo[u]ng 18.
President Young said when we get ready to Go to Jackson Co.
we shall leave the strength of Israel here in these Mountains

~ Saturday

14. Rode 3 Miles to Bloomington & held a Meeting at 10 oclok
L. Snow Prayed. O Hyde spoke 1 Minute L Farr 18, B Ship
5 Minutes, J Crosby 14 M, H. S. Eldridge 11, C Laton 5,
T. B. H. Stenhouse 8, N. B. Nobles 5, A Call 13, E Stephenson
5, Wm H. Folsome 6, G. D. Watt 20, O. Pratt 10, G A Smith 2,
& President Young 17 Minutes. We Partook of A Public
dinner & drove to St Charles, 6 Miles & I stoped at Brother
Johnathen Pugmyres we held a Meeting at 5 oclok singing
& Prayer By G Q Cannon John Taylor spoke 30 M[inutes], 10 M[iles]
President Yo[u]ng 15 [minutes] G Q Cannon 6, O Hyde 4, President Yo[u]ng 4
Brother Pugmyre had done Much at St Charles in improvements
had a vary fine flower Garden.

~ Sunday

15 We drove to the south side of the Lake then down the
canyon & crossed onto Blacksmith Fork At the south west
side of the Lake there was two streams of water spring out

Page 98

of the Earth about half a mile of Each other the North
stream springs out of a B[r]anch is abot 2 rods wide
& 2 feet deep this runs about 1/4 of a Mile & Empties into
the south stream this stream was one solid Black Mass
of young trout some 6 inches long & the school copvered the
whole bottom near a foot deep & 2 rods wide & as far
down the stream as I Examined there were hundreds of
Bushels which I saw these small fish supply bear lake
as do other streams the south stream is still larger
& Breaks out from under a high Bluff which runs
more rapidly. large trout come up in Dec to the head of
those streams from one to 10 pound weight Bear lake & its trib-
utaries contain the finest trout in the world. We had a snow
storm most of the day I was quite chilled we camped
on Blacksmiths Fork for the night we were met By
Brethren from Ogden with tents Bedding & Beef for
our supply which made us comfortable. Blacksmiths
Fork is one of the finest streams I Ever saw, as clear as
cristol. it is Naturly a rapid Mountain stream some
3 rods wide & 2 feet deep But the Bevers in formers times
have damed the stream Every 40 rods & formed into
ponds some of these dams are from 10 to 18 feet high &
have become petrifyed into stone distance of the day 50 M[iles]

~ Monday

16 We took Breakfast of trout which I caught last Evening. we
started at 6 oclok & drove 30 Miles through a severe snow storm
to Huntsville nearly all the company were chilled. we
dined with Brother Hammond & held a meeting in the New
Meeting House at 2 oclok G. D. Watt Prayed G. Q. Cannon
spoke 20 Minutes G. A. Smith 10 M[inutes], Capt Hooper 10, W Woodruff 10
& J. Taylor spoke 8 Minutes & President Young 15 Minutes O pratt closed
we then rode through Ogden Canyon to the city of Ogden it was
the finest Mountain scenery in America that I ever saw
we stoped at Brother Richard Hopkins

~ Tuesday

17. we took Breakfast & drove to Farmington & dined then
drove home to G. S. L. City & spent the night 40 M[iles]

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

18, 19 & 20. I spent the time in my orchard

Page 99

~ Saturday

Sept 21, 1867

I spent a part of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 13. H. C. Kimball sealed 1, W Woodruff 17
Wm Jenkings & wife received their seconed Anointings.

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning attended
Meeting at the Bowery. Prayer By Wm. W Phelps J W Crosby
spoke 50 Minutes, W Woodruff spoke 30 Minutes D. G. Watt
spoke 32 Minutes & G Q Cannon dismissed I attended
the Prayer circle of the Presidency & Twelve. Afternoon
Prayer By J. W. Young G. A. Smith spoke 53 Minutes &
G. Q. Cannon spoke 36 Minutes

~ Monday to ~ Friday

23rd to 27th I spent the time in my garden & in thrashing
wheat &c

~ Saturday

28 W Woodruff gave Allexander Ott his seconed Anointing &
Attended the Endow[men]t House we gave Endowments to 32.
H. C. Kimball sealed 3 & W Woodruff G. Q. Cannon 18.

~ Sunday

29. Sunday I met with my Prayer circle & attended
Meeting in the Bowery Lorenzo Young Prayed. G Sangiovanna
spoke 10 Minutes, George Spencer 20 John W Young 5, Wm
S Warren
15, & Jacob Gates 20 Minutes Afternoon
Prayer By W. Woodruff B Young Jr spoke 30 Minutes
Robert Williams 15, & President Young 35 Minutes

~ Monday

30 I spent the day on the farm

~ Tuesday

Oct 1st I spent the day drawing corn

~ Wednesday

2nd IW Woodruff gave Miles Park Romney & 2 wives also
Orange Warner their seconed Anointings.

~ Thursday

3rd I spent the day Making cider & choiring [choring]

~ Friday

4. H. C. Kimball & company gave 53 their Endowments H. C. Kimball
sealed 10 couple G. Q. Cannon sealed 35

~ Saturday

Oct 5th I attended at the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 55. W Woodruff sealed 24 couple & G. Q. Cannon [blank]

I met with a council of Elders ^50^ in the City Hall. Heber P.
& John Willard Young was taken into the council

~ Sunday

Oct 6, 1867 For the first time in this Generation some
8 or 10,000 Latter day Saints met in the Great Tabernacle in
Great Salt Lake City to hold a General Conference the Tabern-
cle was crouded full President Brigham Yo[u]ng jrsen called the

Page 100

meeting to order & offered up the first Prayer in
a public capacity that was Ever offered up in that
Tabernacle & he returned to all the workmen who
had labored upon that Tabernacle thanks in Behalf of
the Presidency & Twelve. The New organ was ownly
Partly finished it had ownly 750 Pipes while it was
designed for 2000. H. C. Kimball spoke 50 Minutes
& D. H. Wells 32 Minutes The Presidency & Twelve held
a council at Noon & cut off Amasa Lyman from
the CQuorum of the Twelve & set apart Joseph Fielding
as one of the Twelve Appostles He had been ord[ai]ned
an Apostle Before Keys crossed President Young said He did not wish to
ordain Joseph F Smith to take Amasas place or to take his
crown But He ordain him an Apostle to take his own
crown & his own place He viewed all the Apostles in the
same light President Young was mouth in setting Joseph
F Smith Apart as one of the Twelve & as a special
to all Nations.

Afternoon Prayer By B. Young Jr O Hyde spoke 43 m[inutes]
& President Young 42 Minutes

~ Monday

7th A rainy day the conference opened at 10 oclok as
yesterday in the Great Tabernacle Prayer By J. Taylor
O. Pratt spoke upon the Godhead one hour & 27 Minutes
President Young spoke 10 Minutes He said he was satisfied
with O Pratts views upon the God head in the Main but when
He or any man published or preached his views not to
say they are the views of the Church But his own At the
close of the Church President Young talked vary plain to O
Pratt about his saying that such & such were the doctrins of
the Church & abot his telling what would have Been if Christ
had not died & if Adam had not have fallen. if there had not
been a savior prepared the world would not have been
created. In the Afternoon Prayer By E T Benson
A single key with teeth to the right President Young spoke 22 Minutes & gave a Number of
texts for the Elders to speak From 1st To raise a subscription
for the Emigration Fund. 2nd The Education of our children

Page 101

Mothers should Educate your children to pray to have
Faith in God, To learn the Bible Book of Mormon & doctrin
& Covenants
, & all good principles & the Deserett Alphabet
should be taught so that our children should understand.

3rd Our Young Ladies should be taught Business to attend
stores Telegraph Offices, &c 4th we want 500 teams to
come & draw 3 loads of Rock each so that we may build
the Temple they should have a waggon that will draw
8000 lbs & with 5 yoak of good oxen. 5th we want
100 young Men to go on a Mission to Dixie

6th All young Men & Madens old Enough to Marry are
required to Marry & fulfill the Law of God. All young men
7thwho are 25 years old who do not Get Married in one
Month will be required to Pay $200 in cash into the
perpetual Emigrating Fund

7. Let the people lay up their wheat as they have been told for
years. 8th Let the people learn the Law of Life how to live
At the close of his remarks John Taylor spoke 32 M[inutes]
9th text let the Elders preach what they know & not tell
what they do not know & speculate on what would have
been had Adam not sined, had Christ not died, had
the world not been made &c for you know Nothing
about it. W Woodruff Followed & spoke 15 Minutes &
A single key with teeth to the right said when I Entered this Tabernacle yesterday morning
& gazed upon the vast sea of Fases for a few mo[me]nts
I could hardly tell whether I was in a vision or
whether it was a reality what I saw but I was soon conv
inced that I stood in the Great Tabernacle of our God
in which was Assembled some 6 or 8000 of the Latter day
. We have had given us a certain Number
of text to preach from I consider it the duty of
the Elders to pay attention to these subjects when given
to them 1st was the Emigration. The Lord has gathered
us from the Nations through ^the gospel of^ of Christ He requires us
to do all we can to gather the poor Saints from the Nations
of the Earth it is our duty to impart of our substance for that purpose

Page 102

2nd The Education of our children. This is of vast importance
to our children the duty resting upon mothers is vary
great. when does the Education of children begin. I will
not tell you what ^you^ Believe about it or any one Els But I
will tell you what I Believe about it & that is I Believe
that the Education of the child Begins the day that the
Spirit of Life from God Enters into the Tabernacle & as
the Mother is so will be the child if the Mother is full of
Faith, prayer, & the spirit of God quiet & contented so
will be her child if she is cross Fretful & discontented
it will Effect her child & after its Birth the Example
set Before the child will Effect it through life, & the
Education of the child or man will Never End untill the
spirit leaves the Body & it will then continue to learn Forever
& Forever. Mothers should teach there children to obey
their Father & to obey carry out his orders in all things
concerning their Every day duties If the Mother tells her
child as soon as the Fathers Back is turned Now your
Father is gone you may go & pick those Apples & grapes
or do any thing Els the Father has told them not to do the
Mother in such a course will make thieves of their children
& ruin them The Mother should sustain the Father in
the government of the children, then they will all be Blessed
together They should be taught to read the Bible Book of Mormon
& doctrins & Covenants all good Books & let Novels alone

3rd Ladies taught Business. This is right & proper &
Ladies should be taught Telegraphing & storekeeping & all
such light work & let men do the Heavy work

4th 500 teams wanted to dray rock. if the people value
the Blessings of the Holy Priesthood as they should they will
never withhold the building of that temple

5 The Missionaries called to go South Our Brethren may
as well be in Dixie as in England as long as they are doing
the will of God

6. The Young People are required to Marry & multiply
and replenish the Earth. This is the commandment of

Page 103

of God And I wish to say to the Young Ladies when the
young Brethren make proposals of Marriage to them dont ask
them how many carriages they have got or how much gold
& silver, but ask are they virtueous, honest, industrious
are they Saints & willing to obey council if so marry
them & God will bless you. all the requirements in property
I have herd was that they should have 3 straw beds all
but the ticks. 7. Lay up your wheat I do not feel that
a great deal is necessary to be said upon this subject. I
think the visitation of the grasshoppers another year will
cause us all to lay up wheat if we can get it without much preaching
8. Learn to keep the law of Life. This is an important
subject I think we shall have to change our maner of
life in many things But I feel that BPresident Young is
better qualified to teach this principle than I am
9. & Last Elders teach what you know & not tell what
would would have been if Christ had not died, & Adam
feel, & if the world had not been made &c. I have always
had more of the Spirit of God in preaching the first princi-
ples of the gospel
& testifiying that Joseph was a prophet of God
& the Book of Mormon true than in preaching many
Misteries when a Man goes into misteries he is in
the swamp & does not know what he is doing

G A Smith spoke 7 minutes & dismissed

~ Tuesday

Oct 8. Conference opened At 10 oclok Prayer By E. Snow
E. T. Benson spoke 23 Minutes, President Young 15 on the
word of wisdom Commanded all to keep the word of
wisdom & if the Saints trifled with this they would be
sorry And I say unto you in the Name of the Lord
God of Israel keep the word of wisdom. Erastus
Snow spoke 16 Minutes, President Young 3 Minutes
Then the Names were called to go on the dixie Mission
Afternoon Prayer By L. Snow. The Authoridies
of the Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S were pre[sen]ted
and recieved. The whole Church sustained the Presidency
& Twelve Apostles in cutting off LA Lyman of the Quorum

Page 104

of the Twelve & taking his Priesthood from him

G. Q. Cannon presented the Authorities & spoke 17 M[inutes].
C C Rich spoke 14 Minutes President Young looked over
the Bible & said that Noah was in the Ark one year
& 10 days [Genesis 8:3-19] during the Evening W. Woodruff Anointed
Edward Oakey & 2 wives Also 3 wives of Pitchforth
Aslso Wm Parsons & 2 wives

~ Wednesday

Oct 9. Prayer By W W Phelps. G. A. Smith spoke
40 Minutes, Hyram Dayton 20, L. Snow 25,
H C Kimball 1 Minutse President Young 2 Minutes

Afternoon Prayer By Joseph F. Smith J Vancott spoke
25 Minutes Joseph F. Smith spoke 27, President Young 21 M
President Young said A single key with teeth to the right I wish to present a soubject that has
never been presented to the public to my knowledge In orda[in]ing
a man into the Quorum of the Twelve I have omited
to appoint one man to take the place of Another, or to take
his crown. one man cannot take the crown of another
Evry man must wear his own crown if he has one
Thomas B Marsh once was the President of the Quorum of
the Twelve I now occupy that place I certainly would
not like to take or wear Brother Marsh's crown
(G. A. Smith says Neither would I) Each one will have his
own crown if he has one at all, & not the crown of another
Evry man will be rewarded according to the life he lives
Joseph Fielding Smith has been ordained an Apostle
& is now Appointed one of the Quorum of the Twelve. he
will not take Amasa Lyman place or crown but
his own. HeBrother Joseph has been on Missions is a good man
& is worthy of a good crown. I have officiated in
ordaining sixteen of the Twelve Apostles. there is a crown
for Evry good man, and a Man will not have but one
& I do not want any mans but my own. He also spoke
upon the Emigration & then closed the Conference &
Blessed the Twelve & the whole Church & kingdom of God

~ Thursday

Oct 10. I met in the Tabernacle at 10 oclok with the
Missionaries. Instructions were given to those going South

Page 105

I spent a part of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endow-
ments to 67. H C Kimball sealed 4 couple W Woodruff 14 & G Q Cannon
31, total 49 couple I met with a council of Elders {Fifty} &
Capt Wm H Hooper Joined us & received some instruction
We all Met with a party of Zions Camp there were some
40 Members of Zions Camp present bOut of 205 who went off
to Missouri to redeem Zion in 1834, thirty three years ago. we
had Addresses from several of the Brethren President Young
said when they returned to Kirtland some said they had been
on a Tomfools errand President Young said he would not sell
the Experience & knowledge he gained upon that Mission for
theis whole world in its present state He watched Joseph while
upon that Mission & it was there that he learned how to govern
rule & direct this Chu[r]ch & kingdom

~ Friday

11th I sold & assisted in packing 100 Bushels of Apples Brother
G A Smith Anointed several to day. I gave Brother
John D Holladay & wife their seconed Anointings.

~ Saturday

Oct 12 1867. [FIGURES] I was quite unwell this morning with a
severe cold upon my lungs but went to thane Historians office
& Attended to the 2nd Anointing of Rosetta Benbow I then
went to the Endowments House we gave Endowments to 32
I sealed My Son Wilford Woodruff Jr & Emily ^Jane^ Smith
in the Bonds of Matrimony over the Alter, acording to the
order of God. the Parents of bother parties were present
Emily Jane Smith is the daughter of Elder Elias & Lucy Smith
May the Blessings of God Attend them in there future life
& their Posterity after them. Brother & Sister Smith
dined with us & went home in the Evening. I called upon
the Lord in Earnest Prayer for the Lord to give unto
my son a wife who might be a good companion &
partner to him through the toils & Labors of this life. the
Lord heard heard & answered my Prayers, & has given
my son one of the Lovely Daughters of Zion who is
virtuous & good May God Bless them. we should never
distrust the Lord but always trust in him in every hour of
need for he will alway protect & Provide for his Saints

Page 106

~ Sunday

Oct 13, 1867

Sunday I am quite poorly in health & did not attend

~ Monday

14. I moved stoves, tools & sundry articles into my tool room
& spent the rest of the day in gathering Apples

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

15, 16, 17, & 18. I spent this week in gathering Apples &
preparing my Evaporator for making Molases & striping cane

~ Saturday

19. Saturday I spent a part of the day in the Endowment
we gave Endowments to 60. H C Kimball sealed 1,
W Woodruff 21, G. Q. Cannon 23. President H. C. Kimball
wished me to write the following revelation that if one
limb on a tree was dying and all of the others limbs
would unite together they could save the dying limb, so with
my family I have a woman dying if my wives & children
would unite with me & Exercise faith we could save her

~ Sunday

20. I attended my Prayer circle in the morning &
attended meeting in the New Tabernacle J. F. Smith prayed
G. D. Watt spoke 30 Minutes & G Q Cannon 40 Mi[nu]tes
Afternoon Prayer By J. Gates. Stephen Hale spoke 8 Minutes
Brother Hobson 5 M[inutes], Joseph Wyler 30, Pary Nebeker 32
& President Young spoke 21 Minutes. I met in the
Evening for Prayer with Presidency & Twelve & wento to my
Field in the Evening

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

21, 22, & 23rd I spent the time making Molasses

~ Thursday

A coffin V. M. K 24 Oct 1867 I attended the funeral of Sister Vilate
Murry Kimball
the wife of Heber C Kimball. She died
20 minutes to 4 oclok on the 22nd Oct. A large congregation
of Friends & acquaitances were assembled at 10 oclok
President Brigham Young & Brothers were present & sung (why should
we mourn & fear to die) Joseph Young Prayed. Then sung
(when first the glorious light of truth) President Young then
spoke 35 Minits. G. D. Watt reported so did I see Minutes. ^see Oct 26, 1868^

~ Friday

25. I spent the day Making Molasses

~ Saturday

26 I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endow[men]ts
to 66. H. C. K. sealed 1 G. Q. Cannon 17 & W Woodruff 19

~ Sunday

27. I met with my prayer circle I attended Meeting in
the old Tabernacle T. B. H. Stenhouse Prayed.

Page 107

Sunday Brother Miles of New York spoke 22 Minutes
G. Q. Cannon 28 Minutes Afternoon I was at Brother Elias
speveral spoke President Young spoke upon the Emigrating
of the Saints from Abroad I met with the President & Twelve for
prayer I went to the field in the Evening

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

28, 29, 30 & 31. I spent this week Making Molasses.

~ Friday

Nov 1. I spent the day at home choreing The wasach Military
Encampment who had been 3 days training over Jordon broke
up to day & returned to the city

~ Saturday

2nd I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 75 President Young sealed a wife to his son John Willard
. H C. Kimball sealed 5 couple G Q Cannon 19 W Woodruff
sealed 41 couple total 66 the most I Ever sealed in one day

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday I met with my Prayer circle & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle Heber John Richards spoke 30 M[inutes]
& Joseph W Young 10 Minutes President Yo[u]ng told me to give
Ira Fish his 2nd Anointing of the 19 ward President B. Young
spoke in the Afternoon I met with the Presidency & Twelve
for Prayer & Preached in the 14 ward in the Evening followed
By John Taylor.

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

4, 5, 6, ^&^7 I spent the last 4 days diging poptatoes & making fence
in the strong wind rain, & hail, which was vary disagreeable
Wilford & Sarroquets have spent the whole week at rush vally
& fort Herriman after stock

~ Friday

8. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 56. H. C. Kimball sealed 3 couple W. Woodruff 18, & G. Q Cannon
15. Eliza & Siylva & Oliver Snow came last Night with
Chancy W West to our house & spent the night

~ Saturday

9. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
45 persons H. C. Kimball sealed 9 couple W. Woodruff 18
& G. Q. Cannon 11. Sylvia Snow was sealed to C W. West jr

~ Sunday

10. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning &
Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle Wm Shermon spoke
45 Minutes. Afternoon Robert Williams spoke 15 Minutes
John Taylor one hour & 7 minutes we attended Prayer
& set apart Capt Wm Hooper, Heber John Richards & Wm Stewart

Page 108

~ Monday

Nov 11, 1867

^ Keys crossed^ Wilford & myself went to the field to get his waggon Box
& returned to the city I Anointed Wilford Woodruff Jr & wife

~ Tuesday

12 I spent the day in assisting Wilford to get ready for
his Journey

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

13, 14, & 15 I spent this time in Assisting Wilford to get
ready to go on his Southern Mission on Friday night Nov 15
I laid my hands upon Wilford Woodruff Jr & Emily Jane
Smith Woodruff
in connexion with Elias Smith & set
them apart
to their Mission & Blessed them

~ Saturday

16. Saturday I spent the Early morning in getting Wilford
& wife to start on their Journey They left my house
at 8 oclok Wilford was well fitted out with a good pair
of Mules A New waggon & harness his load weighed
A crown 1443 lbs & his fit out cost $1108.00 I spent
most of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endow[men]ts
to 51. H. C. Kimball sealed 2 couple Brigham Young jr 9,
W Woodruff 23, G Q Cannon 17, & Joseph F Smith 1, total 52

~ Sunday

17. Sunday I spent the forenoon at home G. A. Smith spoke
40 Minutes Edward L Sloan 10 Minutes A P Rockwood
Prayed. Afternoon Prayer By A H. Raleigh B Young Jr
spoke 20 Minutes & President B Young sen spoke 35 Minutes
D. H. Wells spoke 20 Minutes I Attended the Prayer circle
with the Presidentcy & Twelve I laid hands upon the
son of Angus Cannon who had the Ague.

~ Monday

18. I spent the day covering my grape vines

~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday

19, 20 & 21. we had a great stock drive this week
I spent the time Hunting stock & Butchering I had
2 Beeves killed which I cut up & salted

~ Friday

22nd I went to the field & salted some Beef & spent the night

~ Saturday

23rd we had a rainey night & cloudy this morning I
spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endow[men]ts
to 40 persons H C Kimball sealed 7 couple W Wood-
ruff 20 couple & Joseph F Smith 15 couple total 42

~ Sunday

24. Sunday I attended the Prayer circle, and
wrote An incident of the History of Joseph published in
the Juvinile Instructor concerning a day of Gods power

Page 109

with Joseph Smith on the 22nd day of July 1839, in healing
many that were sick. among the number was Elijah
& Joseph B Nobles. At the meeting Bishop
Woolley Prayed E. F. Sheets spoke 40 minutes Afternoon
Joseph W Young spoke one hour & 8 minutes I attended the
Prayer circle with the Presidency & Twelve I wrote a letter to
A hand pointing to the right Phebe A Snow

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

25, 26 & 27 I spent the time diging carrotts.

~ Thursday

28. My Boys had Been to Bingham Canyon 3 days to get a load
of Posts they got home last night & left the waggon stocke
in the Mud near Jordon I went down this Morning wither
another team & drew home the waggon then went to the field & got
a load of straw

~ Friday

29. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endow[men]ts
to 41. W Woodruff sealed 20 couple

~ Saturday

30. I spent the day in the Endow[men]t House we gave Endow[men]ts
to 43. H C Kimball sealed 8 couple W Woodruff 13, G Q Cannon
7 & J. F. Smith 5, total 33.

~ Sunday

Dec. 1. Sunday E. D. Woolley spoke in the Tabernacle one hour
upon the Emigration in the forenoon & O Pratt one hour in the
Afternoon upon Education followed By W Woodruff 20 minutes
upon the same subject Presidents Young, Wells, & Elder G Q. Cann[on]
[FIGURE] D. Calder, T. Ellebck & seven others spent the day in the
office counting over & Burning up $100,000 dollars of the
Deserett currency as it had Been redeemed & did not wish to
put it in circulation any More I attended the Prayer
with the Presidency & Twelve After which I
called upon Elder John Taylor with Brothers Wells & Cannon
and administered unto him by the laying on of hands as
he was vary sick with the congestion of the Bowels

~ Monday

2nd Keys crossed A crown President Young met this Morning in the Council House
with the Twelve, his councellors, the Bishop & many
others & opened the school of the Prophets By remarks a prayer
& an Address spoke of the first Esstablishment of the school
of the Prophets By the Prophet Joseph himself he wished the
Scholol now renewed Brother D. O. Calder was apointed

Page 110

to take charge of a class to study Book keeping
& commercial Business George Taylor to take charge
of Geography & Grammar classes Many Excellent rem[ar]ks
were made By President Young & others I had 3 Hogs Butch[er]ed
at the field it was a rainy day. I went down to the field
in the Evening & cut up 2 Hogs, & spent the night

~ Tuesday

3rd I returned home to the city & spent the day choreing

~ Wednesday

4. I ground up some Apples & made some 50 gallons of cider

~ Thursday

5. [FIGURE] 100 I gave to Thomas Ellebeke A $100 dollar Bill
of U S currency as a Donation to Emigrate the poor from
England I spent the day choreing

~ Friday

6. My Boys drew gravel to fill up the west side of My House

~ Saturday

7. I spent Most of the day in the Endowment House we
gave Endowments to 30 persons H C Kimball sealed 11 couple
W Woodruff 18 couple I went to the Historian office
& I Anointed James Washington Loveless & 3 wives to their
seconed anointing.

~ Sunday

8. Sunday I Attended meeting at the Tabernacle through
the day H. S. Eldridge J. C. Little spoke 16 minutes G Q Cannon 15.
at noon I visited the Tabernacle with President Young & others
Afternoon President Young spoke 53 Minutes I met with the
Presidency & Twelve for Prayer ^(The school of the Prophets Met at 6 oclock I Met with them)^

~ Monday

9. I spent the day choring

~ Tuesday

10. I spent the forenoon in the Historian office. G A Smith
Anointed Brother Joseph Harker & wife & Lorenzo Johnson
& 4 wives
to their seconed Anointings & W Woodruff Anointed
John Benyon & 3 wives. I attended the funeral of George
Washington Mousley
of the 16 ward I spoke tat the funeral & was
followed by Bishop Kesler

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

11th [FIGURE] I went down the Jordon with Ezra & Brower Pettet to
shoot some ducks Brother Ezra Pettet sen took two Boats
crossed the Hot spring lake & Brower went with me in the
waggon & met him there. we shot 6 ducks then drove
down the Jordon with the team some 5 Miles further I then
left my team with my Indian Boy Sarroquetts & we went
down 3 Miles near the Mouth of Jordon Ezra Pettet rowed

Page 111

down with his Boat while going down he shot 3 geese we rowed
our Boats in to the rushes whare we could hide ourselves & as the ducks
would fly over or among us we would shot them on the wing we
staid till dark then rowed Back to our waggon drew our
Boats up on to dry land made up a fire cooked a duck pot
pie eat our supper made our Beds in the Boat & slept all night
the wind Blew vary hard we got up Before day light on the
12, & took our Boats & went Back to our shooting place on the
way down a flock of Geese came over us I shot into the
flock & hit them but the shot was to fine to kill them the
wind Blew vary hard most of the forenoon we shot till
the middle of the Afternoon then we went up to our waggon
loaded our Boats in to the waggon & returned home while
at the Hot spring lake Ezra Pettit took one Boat across to
Ethan Pettets & I carried the other to Ezra Pettets House
we counted our game & found we had 40 ducks & 3 geese

~ Friday

13. I went to Historians office & Anointed Jefferson Hunt
& spent the remainder of the day at home ^I met with the school of the Prophets in the Evening^

~ Saturday

14. I spent the Most of the day in the Historian of Endo[wmen]t
we gave Endowments to 29 persons. H C Kimball sealed
5 couple & W Woodruff 21.

~ Sunday

165. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning &
attended Meeting at the Tabernacle I administered to John
with D. H. Wells & G Q Cannon he was vary Dangerously
sick with the congestion of the Bowels this is the 3rd Attack
he has had this season. I preached in the 13 ward in the Evening

~ Monday

16. I spent the day at home But I met with the school of the Prophets
Keys crossed in the Evening at the City Hall. This school was organized on
the 9, Dec 1867 in the City Hall President Brigham Young was
appointed President Heber C. Kimball & Daniel H Wells vice Presidents
E. L. Sloan was appointed secretary & Paul A. Shotler Treasuryer
President Young spoke of the first organization of this scholol By
Joseph Smith the Prophet. The word of wisdom was given in this
school President Young said Adam was Michael the Ark angel &
he was the Father of Jesus Christ, & was our gGod & that Joseph
taught taught this Principle President Yo[u]ng D. H. Wells & G. A. Smith

Page 112

Addressed the school on the 9, & on the 13. President Yo[u]ng
H C. Kimball W Woodruff & G Q Cannon addressed the Meeting
& on the 16 President Young H. C. Kimball & Joseph F Smith
Addressed the school The revelation called the olive leaf
was read [Doctrine and Covenants 88] & &Remarks made upon it By President Young O Pratt
also spoke

~ Tuesday

17. I took 4 Hogs up to the distillery to be fed on shares
& spent a part of the day diging willows 8 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

18. I spent the day diging willows on the farm & went home in
the Evening to the city it snowed in the night

~ Thursday

19. I went to the farm dug willows took a load of straw &
fodder home in the Evening

~ Friday

20. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endo-
wments to 69. H C Kimball sealed 15 couple W Woodruff 28,
& E T Benson 3 couple Total 46. It was a hard rainy
day I had 3 Hogs Butchered which I cut up in the Evening
& salted. The school of the Prophets met at 1 oclok to
day & were Addressed By President Young & quit[e] a Number
of the Elders I could not Attend as I was in the Endowment House

~ Saturday

21. I spent most of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 35 persons H. C. Kimball sealed
5 couple & W. Woodruff 24 couple

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle all day G. B. Wallace spoke in the
forenoon & President Brigham Young in the Afternoon
he spok one hour & was Followed By President Joseph Y[ou]ng
one hour. I met with the Presidency & Twelve for Prayer &
Preached in the 17 ward in the Evening & wrote a letter to
A hand pointing to the right Wilford & Emily

~ Monday

23rd I spent the fore part of the day at the Historians Office I
Anointed Ira Fish. The school of the Prophets met at one oclk
President Young delivered an address upon the subject of trading with
our Enemies & sustaining those who would destroy us he called
upon the Bishops to express their views upon the subject some
of Twelve of the Bishops spoke upon it. I attended the school we had
a hard rainy day & night

Page 113

~ Tuesday

Dec 24, 1867

The Earth is soaked this morning with water. I went this morning
to the Endowment House ^H O office^ & Anointed Thomas Boam & wife
& spent the day at home

~ Wednesday

25 Christmas I spent the day mostly at home

~ Thursday

26. A hand pointing to the right A rainy day I spent the day mostly at home wrote to I F Carter

~ Friday

27. I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 30. H. C. Kimball sealed 4 couple W. Woodruff 5
I attended the School of the Prophets in the Afternoon we
had speeches from President Young & the Bishops upon trading
with our Enemies

~ Saturday

28. I went to the Endowments House we gave Endow[men]ts to 7, &
& H. C. Kimball sealed 7 couple

~ Sunday

29. A vary cold day Sunday I rode with G. Q. Cannon & R. L.
to Mill Creek ward Meeting House we Met at 11 oclk
it was the first Meeting held G. Q. Cannon Prayed & dedicated
the House as far as it was finished W. Woodruff spoke one hour
& G. Q. Cannon one hour & R L Campbell 10 Minutes at
the close of the Meeting we took dinner with one of the Brethren
& then returned home the road was vary rough & we broak
one of the Iron Braces holding the Tongue to the carriage

~ Monday

30. Monday I went to the Endowment House & assisted D. H. Wells in
Anointing Silas Richards & wife when we come to the Altar his
seconed wife refused to be sealed to him. In the Afternoon
I Attended the School of the Propetshets The subject treated upon
was trading with our Enemies President Yo[u]ng spoke & several
of the Bishops George Godard J Taylor C C Rich & H C Kimball

~ Tuesday

31. I went to the Historians office & I Anointed
Wm Reading & wife & James Hunting & wife In the after[noon]
I laboured in my Garden & spent the Evening at home reading
Thus Ends the year 1867 O how time flies and how rapidly
imporrtant Events are crowding upon Each other The signs of
the seconed coming of the son of man are manifest upon the
Earth & in the Heavens. Zion is growing & rizing & Great Babylon
is fast ripening in iniquity & preparing for her final down
Fall. I looked over my Journal & recorded on the following
page A synopsis of My labors in 1867

Page 114

A synopsis of my labors in 1867
I travelled 1314 Miles
I Attended 173 Meetings
I Preached 66 sermons 66 sermons
I Attended 30 Prayer Meetings with Presidency & Twelve
I Attended 30 Prayer Meetings with my circle 30
I spent 53 days in the Endowment House 53 days
We gave Endowments to
I sealed at the Alter 610 couple 610 couple
I Gave seconed Anointings to 259 Persons
I Administered unto 10 sick persons 10 sick
I Attended two General Conferences 2 conferences
I Attended the Dedication of 3 Meeting Houses. I dedicated 1
I Attended 7 Meetings of the school of the Prophets 7 Meetings
I Attended the 40 days session of the Legislator of Utah
I also Attended the senate of the state of Deserett
I wrote 20 Letters 20 Letter
I Received 17 Letters
I was Baptized for my Father Aphek Woodruff
I confirmed 2 Persons 2 confirmed
I Blessed 10 children 10 Blessed
I Paid $247 dollars tithing $247 Tithing
I gave $100 to Emigrate the Poor $100

I spent the rest of my time in providing for my Family

[rest of page blank]

Page 115


Page 116

[rest of page blank]

Page 117

~ Wednesday

Jan 1st 1868

It is a cloudy Morning & looks like a storm our valley is
bare we have had no snow or winter of any account up
to this time but warm weather & a great deal of rain I
spent the day mostly Journalizing it rained hard in the After noon

~ Thursday

2 Thursday Fast day I sent my provisions to the poor & Fasted & attended
the 14 ward wmeeting. we had a full house & the time was occupied in bearing
testimony we had a good meeting

~ Friday

3rd I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 23 persons H. C. Kimball sealed 1 couple & W Woodruff 6.
I Attended the school of the prophets in the Afternoon & we had some
Excellent teaching from President Young upon the principle of union of
our being one & building up the kingdom of God

~ Saturday

4. I spent the day in the Endowments House we gave Endowments to 39
H. C. Kimball sealed 5 couple W. Woodruff ^10.^

I attended the CTheater in in the Evening Took Phebe, Sarah, & Bulah

~ Sunday

5th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended
the Meeting in the Tabernacle A P Rockwood Prayed Phineas Young
spoke 30 Minutes & Brigham Young ^jr^ 15 M[inutes]. Afternoon Prayer By
A. M. Musser. O. Pratt Spoke one hour & 20 Minutes on the gather[ing]
of the Jews. I met with Presidency & Twelve for Prayers
President Young spoke in the 14 ward in the Evening I preached to
the 165 ward followed By T. B. H. Stenhouse

~ Monday

6. A cold day G. A. Smith returned from Provo I Attended the
school of the Prophets. The following Persons spoke Presidents Young & Wells
also O. Pratt G. A. Smith, Elias Smith, Wm S Godby, & President Daniel
we had a good time I wrote a Letter to F D Richards

~ Tuesday

A hand pointing to the right 7. I spent the day in the Historians office I wrote a long letter
to A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right Azmon Woodruff & spoke plainly of the Latter Day
work & of the seventh Day Sabbath, & spoke of the organization of the
Church & kingdom of God & bore my testimony of the work

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

8 & 9. I spent the day drawing Manure

~ Friday

10. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 49 persons H. C. K. sealed 1, W. W. sealed 26 couple

~ Saturday

11th I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowment
to 39. H. C. Kimball sealed 1, W. Woodruff 14. I went to the Theater in the Ev[en]ing

~ Sunday

12 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended Meeting in the Tabernacle

Page 118

Prayer By Samuel SW Richards. J C Wright Preached 18 Minutes
Afternoon O Hyde spoke 10 Minutes President Young 41, E T Benson 17
I met with The Presidency & 12 for Prayer Most of the Quorum in the
Territory were Present as they had come to attend the Legislature
A folded letter/box I received a letter from Wilford & Emily Jane Elias Smith also Rec[eiv]ed a
A hand pointing to the right Letter from them Mrs Woodruff & myself spent the Evening at
Brother Smith. Brother Elias Smith wrote a letter to them I alsoo
wrote a Letter with My Daughter Bulah to Wilford & Emily Jane
I had a severe cold

~ Monday

13. I sent Sarroquetts to school to Elizabeth to day we met in Territorial
Keys crossed Legislatur at 2 oclok we organized & adjourned

~ Tuesday

14 A hand pointing to the right I met with the council in the Afternoon I wrote a
Letter to Susan I spent the Evening at home

~ Wednesday

15 I met in the Afternoon in council we soon Adjourned

A hand pointing to the right I rowrote a letter to Brother Thompson

~ Thursday

16. I spent the afternoon in council The Govornors Message was
distributed to the various committies

~ Friday

17. I spent the Afternoon in the Legislative Cooncil and attend
A party in the Social Hall till 2 ocok at night

~ Saturday

18 A hand pointing to the right I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we
gave Endowments to 44. H C Kimball sealed 1 couple & W Woodruff 15
I wrote a letter to George Nebeker

~ Sunday

19. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle J. T. D Mcallister prayed David Evans
spoke 35 Minutes on the word of Wisdom & Family Government
Afternoon prayer By G. D. Watt O Hyde spoke 54 L E Harrington
spoke 20. I preached in the Evening to the people of the 8 ward &
administered to Bishop Sheets who had Been sick.

~ Monday

20. A hand pointing to the right I wrote to my Daughter Phebe Attended the school of the Prophets

~ Tuesday

21. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Seth & A. L. Woodruff I rode up
from my farm in the Morning in a snow storm & spent
the Afternoon in the council ^5 M[iles]^

~ Wednesday

22nd A hand pointing to the right A single key with teeth to the right I spent the Afternoon in the Legislative council I wrote
a letter to Ezra Carter Jr Portland Maine the first letter I have written
him since I have been in this valley

~ Thursday

23rd I spent the Afternoon in the council I wrote 2 letters to Wilford & Phebe
A hand pointing to the right

Page 119

~ Friday

Jan 24, 1868

I spent the forenoon in the Legislature & Afternoon I attended
the school of the Prophets Speeches were made By Brigham Yo[u]ng,
H. C. Kimball, Orson Hyde, John Taylor, ^&^ Wilford Woodruff
Keys crossed W Woodruff I feel thankful for the privilege of speaking a
few words to this school. I wish to refer to the first doctrin preached
that Adam was our Father & God in the Revelation called the
ollive leaf it says that "the Deveil gathered together the Hosts
of Hell And Michael the Arkangel gathered together the Hosts of
Heaven and he overcame the devil & his Angels & this is the
Battle of the Godreat God" [Doctrine and Covenants 88:112-114] who is this Michael the Ark Angel
it is Adam who was Michael in the creation of the world.
Again in regard to the redemption of the dead I believe it will
take all the ordinances of the gospel of Christ to save soul as
much as another Jesus himself obeyed all the ordinances
of the Gospel that he might fufill all righteousness Therefore
those who have died without the gospel will have to receive the
gospel in the spirit world from those who preach to the
spirit in Prision, & those who dwell in the flesh will have to
attend to all the ordinances of the gospel for & in their behalf
by Proxy & it will take 1000 years with Jesus Christ at the head
of all the Prophets & Apostles before the work will be finished in
attending to all the ordinances for all the dead who have died
without the gospel. Again co[nce]rning Revelation I Believe
it to be the privilege of Evry Apostle & Elder who bears any
portion of the Holy priesthood to have the Holy Ghost &
Revelation to guide them in all things. But I do not Believe
that the Lord will Reveal to any man a New Principle, doctrin
or Law, to govern the Chu[r]ch & kingdom of God on the Earth
Except through the Mouth of the Prophet, Seer, Revelator
President & Law giver unto the Church. this is his place
& position to receive the word of the Lord & give it unto the
people There are some keys A single key with teeth to the right which the Prophet Joseph
held which No other man held while he lived, & there are some
which President Brigham Yo[u]ng holds which No other Man holds
The keys of the sealing power for instance But he permits other
Apostles to administer in this ordinance

Page 120

Again their is another subject I wish to speak off. There is
one subject upon my mind & has been for years that is contra-
ry to my practice & the practice of this People & that is corncerning
the Sabbath I have never thought that the Jews or ten Tribes
of Israel
would Ever keep the gentile Sabbath that is the first
day of the week when I was Baptized into this Church I
was keeping Saturday for the Sabbath. But I knew that
the Later day Saints were the tru Church of Christ & if I
had imbibed 100 tradition I would have given them up for
this I dont know as the Latter Day Saints will Ever keep
this day & it does not make any difference whether they do
or not for the Lord will dictate them Just as he please in
all those things. But when Moses received this comm-
andment to keep the seventh day of the week The Lord [said] this
Law shall remain as a statute Betwen me & the House
of Israel
forever throughout all your Generation [Exodus 31:13-17] I
have Never found this commandment changed By any
revelation from God Jesus & the Apostles kept the 7 day of
the week called the Jewish Sabbath. IYet the Apostles
did meet in some Instances on the first day of the week
to Break bread &c. Constantine changed the day of
worship from the seventh to the first day of the week
about 600 years after Christ. we received a Revelation
in the doctrins & covents in the Early age of this Chirch
to Meet upon the Lords day to Break Bred &c But the Lord
did not reveal which day of our time was the Exact did [day]
that the Lord commanded Israel to keep At the close of
the remarks President Young read the revelation and
said that there had been so much change in time that
we do not know the Exact time that was the seventh day
President Yo[u]ng made many rem[ar]ks upon various subjects

~ Saturday

25 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 46. H C Kimball sealed 4, W Woodruff 22
couple I spent the Afternoon in the Council Chamber The
secretary paid of the Mileage I wrote to Jessie Hard & got
a letter from Phebe A Snow

Page 121

~ Sunday

Jan 26, 1868

Sunday In company with A. O. Smoot Mrs Smoot & Mrs Woodruff
I rode to sugar House ward & preached to the people followed By A O Smoot
we dined at Wm. Smoots who was on a Mission in the southern country
we then returned to the city I laid hands upon 2 of Wm Smoots children
with A. O. Smoot & Blessed them I also administered to one sick child
I attended Meeting at the 14 ward Lorenzo Snow Preached followed
by W. Woodruff &, H. C Kimball I received 2 letters one from James
A folded letter/box Brown & one from Illinois to Brigham Young.

~ Monday

27. I spent the forenoon in the Legislative Council I wrote a
A hand pointing to the right letter to Brother Taylor & Mother Taylor of Illinois the Mother
of A. O. Smoot and gave an account of Brother Smoots Life &
Business &c I attended the school of the Prophets many remarks was
made upon the order of the Priesthood Keys crossed President Young a man
being ordained to the High Priesthood does not deprive him of any
office which he held before. I have a right to offeciate as a priest
teacher or Deacon. Presidents of the seventies might act as Bishop
councellors to the bor act as High councellor without Being ordained
a High Priest. I sent Wilford 2 papers

~ Tuesday

28. I spent the time in the Legislator I wrote 2 letters to wm C.
A hand pointing to the right A Smoot & Jacob Brown Also a letter to Capt Luther
A hand pointing to the right Scammans & sent in it 4 Photographs Aphek Woodruff
Wilford Woodruff Phebe W. Woodruff & Bulah Woodruff
Bulah also wrote a letter in the same Envelope.

~ Wednesday

29. A hand pointing to the right I called upon President Young & Presented to him Judge
Zera Snows claim for services as Deputy Attorney
General He gave council upon the subject I wrote to
Mrs Shuah C. Moulton Bulah also wrote a sheet to her I
sent her the Photographs of Aphek Woodruff & Bulah Woodruff

~ Thursday

30 A hand pointing to the right I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 19. H. C. Kimball sealed 4 couple & W. Woodruff 5.
I spent the Afternoon in the council I wrote a letter to Uncle
Ozem Woodruff & sent him 2 Photographs one of Aphek
& one of Bulah Woodruff

~ Friday

31. A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter [to] Ilus F Carter & sent him 2 Photographs
Aphek Woodruff & Bulah Woodruff I spent the Forenoon in the
Legislature & Afternoon in the school of the Prophets President Yo[u]ng

Page 122

Nominated Abram O. Smoot to go to Provo as President
Yayor [Mayor] & Bishop of that place & John Taylor as Judge and
a Number of others as city councillors

~ Saturday

Feb. 1st 1868 I met many of the Brethren at President Yo[u]ngs office
to make arangements about going to Provo I spent most of the
day in the Endowments House we gave endowments to 52.
H. C. Kimball sealed 3 couple W Woodruff 17, & D H Wells 15 couple
the council met in the afternoon

~ Sunday

2nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting
in the Tabernacle W. Woodruff spoke in the Forenoon 45 Minutes
& John Taylor 75 Minutes in the afternoon & G Q Cannon 30 minutes
I Attended mthe Prayer circle with the Presidency & Twelve I pre[a]ched
in the Evening in Bishop Hardys ward He went home with me.

~ Monday

3rd A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right A single key with teeth to the right The sun shone yesterday so according to the old dutch
rule we shall have 6 weeks Hard winter I received a pamphlet
from Capt Hooper I wrote a letter to Mrs Woodruff & sent her
spectacles I spent the forenoon in council I wrote to Franklin
in England. I Attended the School of the Prophets and
herd many interesting mremarks made upon the subjects of
Asstrology and it was decided that Asstrology was in
oposition to the work of ofGod Hence Saints should not be
ingaged in it. I went down to the field & spent the night

~ Tuesday

4. I returned to the city & attended a Meeting of the Jordon
Irrigation Company
. I met in the council in the aftern[oon]
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Capt Hooper.

~ Wednesday

5. A folded letter/box I received a letter from Mrs Woodruff I spent
the afternoon in the council, & attended a lecture of Mr Barker
introducing a New Theory of Asstronomy He does away with
the Law of Gravatation & attraction

~ Thursday

6 A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Mrs Woodruff & sent her Box to her
By Mail. I spent the Afternoon in the council. I sent a
Telegraph paper to W Woodruff Jr.

~ Friday

7th In company with A. O. Smoot & E. F. Sheets Also
Presidents Young & Kimball we left Salt Lake City at 8 oclk
& drove to the American Fork & took dinner then rod[e] to
Provo & I spent the night with Brother McDonald 50 M[iles]

Page 123

~ Saturday

8, Feb 1868

8. we met at 10 oclok in the meeting house for a 2 days
Meeting. Prayer By W. Woodruff G. A. Smith spoke 20 M[inutes].
9. Sunday we met at 10 olock President Young spoke 42 M
H. C. Kimball spoke 35 Minutes Afternoon The People met
for a mass Meeting to nominate the civil officers for Mayor
Aldermen & city council After which W. Woodruff spoke
40 Minutes J Taylor spoke 20 Minutes President Young 30 M

~ Sunday

9. Sunday Met at 10 oclok Prayer By B Yo[u]ng jr
J F. Smith spoke 40 Minutes E. F. Sheets spoke 15 Minutes
President Yo[u]ng spoke 25 Minutes. Afternoon Prayer By
H. C. Kimball Brother Bywater spoke 30 Minutes, W Woodruff
spoke 40 Minutes H. C. Kimball spoke 50 Minutes A. O. Smoot
spoke 10 Minutes President Young spoke 25. A. O. Smoot
was Elected Bishop of that stake & Wm Miller & E F Sheets
were appo[in]ted his councellors ^Phebe A. Snow had a son born today at 40 Minutes Past 4 oclok^

~ Monday

10. The Election at Provo was held for Mayor Alderman &
City Council & 436 votes were cast for the following
officers A. O. Smoot Mayor, Wm Miller E. F. Sheets &
Myram Tanner Aldermen & W Woodruff Joseph F
George G. Bywater Allexander McDonald David
Cluff Jr

Both councils met at the Court House at 6 oclok & we had
a very good meeting all united as the Heart of one man
A folded letter/box I received a letter from Bulah. Brother McDonald
was vary sick till midnight I spent the night with Brother
Musser at Brother McDonald

~ Tuesday

11. In company with A. O. Smoot & E. F. Sheets &
Brother Muser & J. F. Sheets we drove to American Fork
took dinner then road to Salt Lake & spent the night at home 50 M[iles]
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I rec[eiv]ed 4 Letters from Mrs Woodruff & others
I wrote one letter to Mrs Woodruff

~ Wednesday

12. I spent the Afternoon in the council & the Evening at Elias
with a party of Friends

~ Thursday

13 A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right I wrote 6 letters to Wilford Leslie Snow
A crown to Wilford & Emily Jane Woodruff to Wm Jefferies
to Jacob Brow, & to Azmon & Thompson Woodruff (sent Aphek & Bulah

Page 124

~ Friday

Feb 14, 1868

A hand pointing to the right I spent the forenoon in the council I wrote a letter to
Father Ezra Carter & spoke upon the affairs of Government

~ Saturday

15 A folded letter/box I received 3 letters forrom Ezra Carter jr Seth Woodruff
& Susan C Scholes. I spent the forenoon in the council
& the Afternoon I attended a Meeting of Jordon Irrigation Company
(( Keys crossed In the Afternoon of the 14, I Attended the school
of the Prophets
and President Brigham Young took up
the subject of the devision of the Election on Monday
for Mayor, Aldermen, & Councellors & Legrand Youngs
Name was scrached off & E. D. Woolley put on & Elected
President Young rebuked (in the strongest terms) D. H. Wells
and all the man who were present for not stoping the oppi-
I never herd him speak in such power & spirit)

~ Sunday

16. Sunday I met in my prayer circle oin the morning & attended
Meeting all day in the Tabernacle G D Watt spoke 40 Minutes in
the forenoon in the Afternoon W Woodruff spoke 40 Minutes
followed By President Young 40 Minutes I met with the
Presidency & Twelve for Prayer there was ten of the 12
present. Wm C. Stanes H B Clawson & wife was set
for an Eastern Mission I went to the farm at night

~ Monday

17. A hand pointing to the right I returned home from the farm & spent the forenoon
in the council & the afternoon in the school of the prophets I wrote
a letter to Wilford & Emily Jane. I attended a party at Broth
A O. Smoots, with a large compayny I spent several hours
with a committee upon the general Appropriation Bill

~ Tuesday

18 I spent the forenoon in the council and attended a
Party at John Taylors, & the theater in the Evening The secretary
Paid off the Members today

~ Wednesday

19. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 23 letters one to Seth Woodruff & one to Betsey
& sent her Aphek Woodruff & Bulah Woodruff likenesses
also one to Ezra Carter & sent him Bulah Woodruff likeness

~ Thursday

20. A hand pointing to the right I spent the day in the counsil till midnight we closed up the
session by the Appropriation Bill. I wrote a letter to Mrs Woodruff

~ Friday

21. This is our last day of the session I spent the whole day and
night in the council till 3 oclok at night I rec

~ Saturday

22 A folded letter/box I rec[eiv]ed 2 letters from Phebe & Aphek L Woodruff

Page 125

I arose nearly sick this morning I spent the forepart of
the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to 28
H C Kimball sealed 3. D H Wells sealed 19 couple
I attended the school of the prophets in the Afternoon
but was near sick

~ Sunday

23rd Sunday I was sick with a cold & did not attend Meeting
Peter Maughn & C C Rich spoke in the forenoon and John
in the Afternoon. I met with the Presidency & Twelve for
prayer we laid hands upon John Taylor, & President Young
set him apart as Probate Judge for Utah County

~ Monday

24. The Legislatoureo of the State of Deserett met at at the
A crown A hand pointing to the right State House & adjourned to the City Hall met
in Joint session & Gov Brigham Young delivered his
Message to the Assembly several acts & resolutions
were past we then adjourned. I attended the scho[o]l
of the Prophets
In the afternoon President Young requested
the Twelve to Bring in rules & regulations to govern the
school of the Prophets The following Persons presented
rules O. Hyde, L Snow, & W. Woodruff presented 10
commandments. They were all read Before the school
A hand pointing to the right I spent the Evening at home & sent 7 Agricultural
reports & wrote 7 letters to the following persons Ezra
Shuah C Moulton Ozem Woodruff Azmon
Thompson Woodruff, Luther Scammans
& Aphek L Woodruff & told him my office & how many
wives & children I had. To day is a great day in washington
An arrow A war Betwen President Johnson & Congress
There is two secretaries of war Stanton & Thomas
Gen Thomas is arested & let out on bail & Congress brought
in a Bill of Impeachment against the President & the
army & People are divided

~ Tuesday

25. I gave Chancy Warrenner Porter & 3 wives their
2nd Anointing & C C Rich Anointed Thomas Rich & wife

~ Wednesday

26. A folded letter/box I received a letter from Capt Hooper I spent the day choreing

~ Thursday

27 I suffer severely with the cold Head ake & teeth ake

~ Friday

28. I Attended the school of the prophets in the Afternoon

Page 126

~ Saturday

Feb 29, 1868

I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave Endo[wmen]ts
to 35. H C. Kimball sealed 6 couple & D. H. Wells 18 coupl

~ Sunday

March 1, 1868 This is my Birth Day I am 61 years
old this day. I spent the forenoon in the 14 ward Sunday
Keys crossed School though I still suffer severly with a cold
there was about 250 children present they gave us
quite an Exhibition of their studies in answering questions
speaking peaces & singing songs The teachers are learning
the scholars the birth & life of Christ the History of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints & many
interesting things I did not attend meeting at the Tabernl
Joseph W Young & Erastus Snow spoke in the Afternoon
I met with President D H Wells & several of the Twelve for Prayer
President Young was in Provo with A. O. Smoot & E F Sheets

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

2nd 3 & 4. I spent the time in laboring on my farm & garden on
the 4, I sowed 3 Acres of wheat & draged it in

~ Thursday

5. Jeremiah Stockings put his Horses on the lead of my Mules
& I took Delight & her children & furniture & started for
Provo it was a cold Morning it soon began to snow & we
had it in our faces all day we arived at Lehi at 8 oclok
& spent the night at Bishop Evans we were cold & chilley

~ Friday

6. we travelled in the mud & cold to Provo I rented Brother
Twede's House & took up my abode in it distance 50 Miles

~ Saturday

7. I spent the forenoon in visiting the People of Provo In
the Afternoon The city council of Provo met at 1 oclok
& we Attended to all the business which come before us and
in the Evening I attended a Bishops Meeting Many subj[ec]ts
were discused among the rest we all disapproved of Employing
a Gentile school teacher, to teach the children of the Saints in
the base ment of the Meeting House advised that He be dismised
when his quarter was out

~ Sunday

8. Sunday I attended Meeting in the Meeting House Barnard
Preached in the Morning followed By John Taylor. in the
Afternoon Joseph F Smith preached followed By W. Woodruff
& A. O. Smoot we had a good Meeting. After Meeting I
called into President Yo[u]ngs House He had a Telegraph in

Page 127

his house & President Yo[u]ng Telegraphed from Salt Lake City
saying that he had been to Meeting & Preached. I spent the Evening
with A. O. Smoot & others at his own Highered House

~ Monday

9. In company with A O Smoot & Jeremiah Stockings
we drove our team from Provo to Great Salt Lake City
The roads were vary bad our animals & ourselves were all weary 50 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

10. I went to the farm & got a load of wheat & took it to
Mill & got it groung [ground] ^ A coffin E. C. Father Ezra Carter Died to day Aged 96 lacking 10 days was Born March 18 1772 Died March 10, 1868^

~ Wednesday

11. I spent the day in cleaning out the Barn yard

~ Thursday

12 I spent the day at the farm

~ Friday

13. we had a hard snow storm I returned to the city the school
of the prophets
met to day I did not attend

~ Saturday

14. I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave Endo[wmen]ts
to 40 persons H. C. K. sealed 2 couple D H. Wells 14, & W W. 7 couple
I attended the funeral of Phineas H Yo[u]ng the son of President
Joseph Yo[u]ngs aged 20 years I received several papers & Books

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I was not well did not attend Meeting in the foren[oon]
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right But did in the Afternoon E Ludington & J. Gates spoke in
the fore noon & G. Q. Cannon in the Afternoon I attended the
Prayer circle with the Presidency & Twel[v]e & I attended the
meeting in the Evening at the 17 ward I spoke to the people followed
by Elias Smith & G. Q. Cannon I received a letter from Wilford
& Emily & Brother Smith received one also I wrote a letter to Wilford

~ Monday

16. I spent the fore noon in writing I went to the farm in the Evening

~ Tuesday

17. An arrow My Indian Boy Sarrowkeets was kicked in the Head with a
Mule & came near killing him I washed his head in cold water
& put on tobaco & yarrow

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

18 & 19. I spent the time drawing out Manure

~ Friday

20. I spent the fore noon in the guarden & attended the forSchool of the prophets

~ Saturday

21. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endo[wmen]ts
we gave Endowments to H C 42. D H Wells sealed 28 c[ouples]
& G Q Cannon 1.

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting at the Tabernacle A P Rockwood & G B Wallace spoke in
the forenoon, & D H Wells 55 Minutes in the Afternoon I met for
Prayer with D H. Wells & 3 others I Preached in the 15 ward in the Evening

Page 128

~ Monday

March 23rd 1868

I dug in the garden in the fore noon & attended the school of the
in the Afternoon & spoke vary plain upon following the fashions of the day

~ Tuesday

24. In company with Brower Pettit & others I went out
onto the prairie over Jordon & shoot over 25 ducks I herd
25that Father Ezra Carter died on the 10 March 1868 & I
had it published in to days Deserett Evening News.

~ Wednesday

25. I mailed to day the Deserett Evening News containing the death
of Ezra Carter sen 96 years old lacking 10 days to the following
persons Ezra Carter, Joseph F. Carter Shuah C. Moulton
Luther Scammans, Azmon Woodruff & Wilford Woodruff
[FIGURE] I paid to Mr Ferris to purchase goods in the East $150 $160.96
And spent most of Day in writing

~ Thursday

26. I spent the day at home laboring

~ Friday

27. I spent the fore part of the day diging in my Garden in the
Afternoon I attended the school of the prophets

~ Saturday

28. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 43. D H. Wells sealed 26 couple

~ Sunday

29. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle G D Watt Prayed R L Campbell spoke
in the forenoon 55 Minutes in the Afternoon President Young
spoke 67 Minutes I met with the Presid[enc]y & Twelve for Prayer & I
preached in the 14 ward Assembly Rooms

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

30, & 31. I spent the time at home clearing up door yards &
diging in Garden & Mending chimneys I spent the 31st nigh[t] at Farm

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

April 1 & 2nd I spent the time on the farm diging setting out
trees diging & sowing seeds we had a strong East wind

~ Friday

3. I sowed one Acre of oats & walked up to the city & attended the
school of the Prophets I attended a leap year Party in the 13 ward.

~ Saturday

4. I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave Endow[men]ts
to 40. D. H. Wells sealed 16 couple & W Woodruff 16 couple I
met at 2 oclok in the council of [blank]

~ Sunday

5 S[u]nday I attended Meeting in the New Tabernacle
Prayer By W W Phelps Joseph F Smith spoke 30 Minutes
W Woodruff spoke 30 Minutes, J. W. Young spoke 35 M[inutes].
Afternoon E D Woolley Prayed & President Yo[u]ng spoke
one hour & 8 Minutes & G A Smith 15 Minutes I met in the
prayer circle with the Presidency & Twelve

Page 129

~ Monday

April 6, 1868

The general Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter day Saints
Met this Morning in the New
at 10 oclok singing & in connexion with
the New Organ. Prayer By President Heber C. Kimball
President Young spoke a few Moments. President Kimball
spoke 41 Minutes. D. H. Wells spoke one hour & 10 Minutes
Afternoon Prayer By O. Pratt G. A. Smith spoke 28 Minutes
G Q Cannon 40, & President Young spoke 35 Minutes

~ Tuesday

April 7. Conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer By E T. Benson
John Taylor spoke 48 Minutes, E T Benson 43 Minutes
Afternoon Prayer By O. Hyde He also spoke 42 Minutes
O Pratt 47 Minutes W Woodruff dismissed the Meeting
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Thompson Woodruff &
Phebe A Snow I wrote a letter to My Daughter Phebe
& sent her an order on Brother Wm C Staines of $10.
we the Twelve laid hands upon a young man whose ha[n]d was
withered & administered unto him

~ Wednesday

April 8. Conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer By E Snow
Erastus Snow spoke one hour H. C. Kimball spoke 40 M[inutes]
Afternoon Prayer By L Snow. President Young then
Presented the Authorities of the Church At the close
of Presenting &the Twelve then G Q Cannon Presented
the rest there was not a desenting vote in the whole
conference. A Number of Missionaries were then
called President Young then spoke upon a Number of
subjects for about one hour L Snow spoke 23 M
G A Smith Dismissed after the conference was
adjourned untill Next October

~ Thursday

9. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 17. D. H. Wells sealed 14 President
B Young sealed 2 couple H C Kimball 2 couple W Woodruff 11.
The council of 50 Met but adjourned without doing Business

~ Friday

10. I dug & planted in my Garden in the foor noon & attended
the school of the Prophets in the afternoon

~ Saturday

11 I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave Endow[men]ts to
21 person H C K sealed 4, & D H Wells 23 couple G A Smith [redacted text]
had [blank] sealed to her I gave her her 2nd Anointing in the afternoon

Page 130

~ Sunday

April 12, Sunday 1868

I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle Eleazer Miller Prayed and
Peter Nebeker spoke 10 Minutes Lucius J Peck 20 &
Albert Brown 32 minutes In the afternoon G Q Cannon pray
Erastus Snow spoke one hour & 10 minutes G A Smith
spoke 25 Minutes I attended the Prayer circle with
the Presidency & Twelve in the Evening I spent the night at the farm

~ Monday

13. President Young went to Provo I spent the day at the Farm

~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday

14, 15, 16, 17, & 18 I spent this week at the farm
it rained, Hailed, & snowed Evry day Except Monday
& Saturday & froze nights Apricotts & peaches were in
Bloom it killed the fruit of the Apricotts & some of
the Peaches we ploughed & sowed Beets, Peas planted Potatoes
we cleaned out our stock yard dug ditches grubed
out willows made fence &c. The school of the Prophets
met at the Tabernacle on Monday & Friday

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Provo & got a Telegram from
Brother A Mc Donald

~ Sunday

19 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning
& wrote in my Journal in the forenoon I received 34 Letters,
A folded letter/box from Ozem Woodruff, Azmon Woodruff &
Phebe A Snow I also received A Letter from Wilford
Woodruff Jr.
^B Young jr N H Felt & E L Sloan spoke in the fore noon O Pratt Afternoon 1 Hour 36 M[inutes] I met in Prayer circle 12^

~ Monday

20. I took my son David, & my Mules & waggon & Drove
To the American Fork & held a Meeting in the Evening & spoke
to the people 30 Minutes & had a good time

~ Tuesday

21. Drove to Provo & spent the night with my family in
that Place I ploughed most of my lot in the Aftern[oon] 50 [miles].

~ Wednesday

22 I finished ploughing my garden & put in potatoes
Corn, Beans, Peas &c.

~ Thursday

23rd I went up the Provo River on the west side fishing
I caught 5 trout & one Herring I visited Brother Smoot in the Evening

~ Friday

24. A rainey Morning. I called upon Sister
Cory, a short time, & spent most of the day in surveying
out the state Road & city lots

~ Saturday

25 I took Sarah Delight & her children in the waggon

Page 131

and went to the Mouth of the Provo to try to ketch some fish
but the wind Blew vary hard down the Canyon & was cold we
could not ketch any fish untill after 10 oclok I caught
one trout that weighed 4 lbs he broke 3 strands of my line
Before I secured him. ^47 Endowments D H Wells sealed 27 couple^

~ Sunday

26. Sunday I attended Meeting in the Meeting House I op[en]ed
By Prayer H. C. Kimball spoke two hours & 15 minutes
Afternoon W Woodruff spoke 1 Hour & 15 Minutes J F. Smith
30 Minutes Wm Miller spoke 5 Minutes H C Kimball
drove to the Americ[a]n Fork, in the Evening

~ Monday

27. I drove to Lehi & held a Meeting in the Evening & spok
about one hour & had a good time I spent the night at
Daniel Thomas'es

~ Tuesday

28. I drove home to Salt Lake City & spent the night at home 50 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

29. I spent most of the day in tiying up My Gra[p]e vines
A folded letter/box I received a letter from the Citizen[s] of Salt Creek
containing one to President Young I attended a party at the
14 ward in favor of the Female Relief Society in the Evening

~ Thursday

30. I spent the day diging in my garden

~ Friday

May 1st I spent the fore part of the day diging in my garden the Afternoon
I attended the school of the prophets

~ Saturday

2nd I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 42. H. C. Kimball sealed 3 couple D H Well 26 couple

~ Sunday

3 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting in
the Tabernacle H C Kimball spoke in the forenoon one Hour & 30 M[inutes]
Afternoon W Woodruff spoke 45 Minutes upon the internal work
of Building up of Zion G. Q. Cannon spoke 45 minutes I met in
the Prayer circle with D H Wells & the Twelve President Yo[u]ng was in Provo
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Wilford & wrote one to him.

~ Monday

4. I went to my farm oin the forenoon found the grasshoppers
Eating my wheat a good deal they are destroying many fields
through the country. I attended the school of the Prophets in the
Afternoon we have had a cold rainy time for several days

~ Tuesday

5 I met in the Endowment House with E. T. Benson & G Q Cannon
& I Anointed 4 wives of William Hyde to their 2nd Anointing &
G Q Cannon Anointed A Son in Law of Wm Hyde & 2 wives

Page 132

~ Wednesday

May 6, 1868

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to my Brother Azmon Woodruff conta[in]ing
10 pages of fools cap Answering a long letter of his wharein he
says he does not Believe in a leitter[al] gathering of the Saints of the
Jews in the last days, or the building of Zion or Jerrusalem or does not
Believe that Man is conscious of any thing after death I took up all
these subjects & treated upon them at length also plurality of
I kept a copy of this letter

~ Thursday

7. I went to Fort Harriman took Keets & David & in the ev[en]ing
drove up Wilfords Pinto Mare & 5 of her postarity & altered one
hors colt that Wilford gave to Keets 20 M[iles]

~ Friday

8. we drove up one of my cows & 3 of her calves, & Branded
them & our colts. I held a meeting in the Evening & preached to
the people they are making some improvement in Fort Harriman

~ Saturday

9. I returned home & drove home a cow & calf called plum

~ Sunday

10 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting in the Big Tabernacle. it was divided in the Middle with
a cotton veil so the people could hear better & a New canopy
over the Priesthood stand the Building is so large & the arch
so high that it is impossipble to make all the people so as to underst[an]d
A P Rockwood Prayed B Young Jr spoke 305 Minutes E D Woolly
50 Minutes. Afternoon Prayer By W Woodruff Haden Church
spoke 10 Minutes R. T. Burton spok 6 minuts Joseph [blank] 3 M[inutes]
and President Young spok one hour & 20 Minutes I met with
the Presidency & 12 for Prayer & Preached in the 15 ward in the Evening

~ Monday

11. I attended the school of the Prophets in the Afternoon &
went to the farm in the Evening

~ Tuesday

12. I put in one Acre of potatoes

~ Wednesday

13. I marked out 5 acres of land for Planting & drove grasshoppers
into holes & Buried them

~ Thursday

14. I planted 2 acres of cane

~ Friday

15 I planted 3 acr[e]s of corn & one acre of squashes

~ Saturday

16. I let let water into my furrows & made a small net of
musketoes Bars & set in the stream & drove grass hoppers into it
& Buried Bushels of them. a Net was set in canyon creek
& its ditches & 175 Bushels were caught in 3 days. I retu[rn]ed
to the city there were 60 Endow[men]ts D H Wells presided & sealed 30 couple
Preasident Young sealed 2 couple

Page 133

~ Sunday

May 17, 1868

A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right Sunday I received a letter from Wilford & Emily Jane & wrote
one in return I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting in the Tabernacle. G Q Cannon Prayed J Vancott spoke 20 M[inutes]
L. W. Hardy spoke 35 Minutes J. C. Little spoke 30 Minute
Afternoon Prayer By O Pratt Brother Maybin spoke 5 Minutes
Angus M Cannon spoke 25 Minutes Thomas Williams spoke 20 M,
& J L Heywood spoke 10 Minutes I met with Brothers Wells O pratt
& G Q Cannon for prayer. I preached in the 14 ward I followed
Brother Horn Pressident Young preached in sessions settlement

~ Monday

18. I spent the forenoon in my Garden & attended the school of the
in the Afternoon A rainy day the subject of Labor was talked about

~ Tuesday

19. was a vary hard rainy day I spent the day at home

~ Wednesday

20. It rained some I spent the day at home

~ Thursday

21. I went to the field & cleaned out 2 springs

~ Friday

22 I set out some 400 cabages in the Morning & drove to the city in
a rain storm & attended the school of the Prophets in the afternoon
it has rained nearly all the week I have Never seen as much rain
in this country at this time of year before President Young has taken
a job of digi making the rail road from the Mouth of Echo to this city
or to the lake it was taken up to day in the school I wrote 34 letters
A hand pointing to the right to Wilford, Robert, Phebe, & Delight.

~ Saturday

23rd I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House & we gave Endo[wmen]ts
to 50 D. H. Wells sealed 17 couple W Woodruff 5 & G Q Cannon 2.

~ Sunday

24 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended the
Sunday School in the 14 ward & spoke to abot 300 teachers & children
I attended Meeting in the Tabrernacle in the Afternoon Parry
D. Huntington & James Hart spoke in the forenoon & in
the afternoon Brother Musser Prayed & Wm H Godby spoke 35 M,
Joseph Young 40 Minutes. I met with Brother Wells & the Twelve for p[ra]yer
President Young was confined to his bed [with] the gout in his foot

~ Monday

25 it rained hard in the fore noon I attended the Meeting of the
Prophets in the Afternoon & went to the field & spent the night

~ Tuesday

26. it rained hard all day. we have Never seen as much rain in
this country in May as this season

~ Wednesday

27 I spent the day diging willows

~ Thursday

28. I went up Big Cottonwood fishing trout but did not get a Bite

Page 134

~ Friday

May 29 1868

I came to the city & attended the school of the Prophets
Making the railroad, & the union of the people, & Esstablishing
waggon & carriage shops & furniture were discussed President
Young & Wells & G. Q. Cannon spoke upon the subject I received
A folded letter/box a Letter from Delight

~ Saturday

30. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to
67 persons President Young sealed 8 couple D. H. Wells 20, & W Woodruf
8 couple total 36. I attended the Theater in the Evening

~ Sunday

31. Sunday I met with my Prayer circle in the Morning
& attended meeting in the Tabernacle W W Phelps Prayed A
Brother Harrison spoke one hour & 10 minutes W Woodruff followed
& made some corrections Afternoon Prayer By Bishop Hoagland
H. W. Nesbit spoke one hour & 20 Minutes I met with D H Wels
& the Twelve for Prayer President Young was lame with the Rheumetist
A single key with teeth to the right I attended meeting in the 14 ward O Pratt spoke
upon the New Translation of the old & New Testament as
Translated By the Prophet Joseph Smith before his death &
it had Been Published of Late by the followers of Young Joseph
& a copy had been sent to President Young & it was published
in its purity & we felt much rejoiced that a copy had
fallen into Presidet Youngs hands Brother Pratt showed
the difference Between the old & New Translation on the
seconed coming of the Mesiah when he closed I related
a vision which I had at Brother Smoots in Kentuky in
1836, & the signs which I saw of the 2nd coming of Christ
we had a good Meeting

~ Monday

June 1st 1868 this is Brigham Youngs Birth day he is
67 years of age to day I went to the farm & a company of some
50 Men came down & we laid out a New ditch to water
the 5 Acre lots I went home at Night

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

2 & 3. I spent the time on the farm Making ditches planting & Hoeing

~ Thursday

4. A folded letter/box I received a letter from Phebe Snow Brother Thomas started ^June 3^
this Evening on his mission to Europe to day is fast day I att[end]ed
Meeting in the 14 ward & spoke to the people

~ Friday

5 I spent the day working on the ditch

~ Saturday

6. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments to 47
D H Wells sealed 19 W Woodruff 8.

Page 135

~ Sunday

June 7, 1868

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended Meeting in
the Tabernacle A M Musser Prayed H. C. Kimball spoke 38 Minutes
O Pratt 40 Minutes Afternoon J. F. Smith G. A. Smith spoke one hour
& 25 Minutes I met with the Presidency & 12 for prayer

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

8 & 9. I spent the time diging a ditch in the field I was in mud
& water nearly knee deep

~ Wednesday

10. I A single key with teeth to the right dug ditched till noon then walked to the city & attended a
Mass Meeting of Saints & Gentils conc[ern]ing the rail Road Speeches were
made By B Young J Taylor G. A. Smith G Q Cannon Mr Head & Mr Marshall
Resolutions were passed to the Effect that the Rail Road
should go throwgh Salt Lake City

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

11 I ^& 12^ spent the days watering my Garden 12 President Heber C Kimball
12 An arrow piercing a heart had a paraletic stroke to day so that his left side was usless
was nearly deprived of speech.

~ Saturday

123. I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 58 persons D H Wells sealed 17, W Woodruff 11. The school of
the Prophets
met in the Tabernacle at 1 oclok I did not attend but
few moments In company with Brothe J. D. T. McAllister I visited
A crown President H. C. Kimball he was wors to day was intirely speachless
to look at him Naturly it seemed as though he would not live
long we laid hands upon him, & he revived some. it seemed
strange to me to look at Brother Kimball & see that he could not
speak to me when I had never seen him before for 35 years
either sick or well but what he could talk He knew me & was
sensible but could not speak. Soon President Young &Wells & Carrington
came in & we all laid hands upon him again & Blessed him & He
smiled but could not speak

~ Sunday

14 Sunday In company with Brother Arnold Raleigh & Groo I rode to
Gardners ward to hold a meeting. the Meeting House was full A
H Raleigh spoke 45 Minutes W Woodruff 30. in the Afternoon
Isaac Groo spoke 405 Minutes & W Woodruff 35 & Brother Arnold 10.
we then returned to Salt Lake City distance 25 m[iles]

~ Monday

15 I spent the morning choreing attended at the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 26. D H Wiells sealed 3 couple My Indian
Boy Keets has been gone 4 days to Bingham Canyon for a load
of wood & I have heard Nothing from him

Page 136

~ Tuesday

June 16 1868

I let Bishop Hoagland have 1000lbs of flour on the Emigration & got
Ezra Foss to go After Keets I wrote 2 letters to Wilford & Delight.
A hand pointing to the right I spent the day at home

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

17 18 & 19. I spent the time diging ditches watering wheat
& hoeing corn

~ Saturday

20. I spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 31. D. H. Wells sealed 22 couple & W. Woodruff 7. I attended
the school of the Prophets [FIGURE] O. Pratt made remarks upon the
New Translation followed By President Young who bore testim[on]y
in strong terms that Joseph did not finish the New Translation
of the old & New Testament which young Joseph Smith had
lately published

~ Sunday

21. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning
& attended meeting in the Tabernacle all day Alma L Smith
who had Just returned from the Islands spoke one hour & 25 m[inutes]
He gave a history of the Mission on the Islands of the memory
of his Father & Brother at Hawns Mill & of his being shot himself
at the same time. In the Afternoon while G A Smith
was giving a History of the Roman & Protestant relig[io]n
He spoke 50 Munits [minutes] during the Time President Young came
in From visiting Brother Kimball He said he was Just
alive & that was all at the close of the Meeting we went to the
Prayer circle after which G A Smith G Q. Cannon J F.
& W Woodruff of the 12 visited Brother Kimball
& found him suffering as it were in the agonies of Death
we laid hands upon him & rebuked his suffering & he was
Eizer I went home took supper & visited Brother Kimball
again he appeared as though Death was upon him

~ Monday

An arrow piercing a heart 22. Monday President Heber C Kimball was
struck with Death at 1 oclok this Morning I visited him
Early in the Morning and stayed untill about 9 oclock I was
under the necssity then of leaving President Young several
of the Twelve & Many Friends were present & remained with
him untill he died which was 20 minutes to 11 oclok when
he went to sleep like an infant & breathed out his last breath
He was Born June 14, 1801, which made him 67 years & 8 days old

~ Tuesday

23rd I spent this day in the field

Page 137

~ Wednesday

June 234th 1868

June 24, 1868

A coffin Heber C. Kimball born June 14, 1801
Died June 22 1868, Aged 67 y & 8 days

President Heber C Kimball was buried today. it was the
largest funeral Ever attended in the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints
The Presidency, T8 of the Twelve and
many of the Authorities met at his residence at one oclk
& a little past 2 oclok the procssion was formed. A Brass
Band led, followed By many of the Authorities of the Church
Presidents Young & Wells walked before the coffin the Twelve in
front of them Next came the family of President Heber
C. Kimball there are but few men Ever lived on Earth
who had as many wives & children to follow him to the
Grave as Brother Kimball had about 20 wives.

The prosession moved then to the New Tabernacle in a
hard rain storm when we arived at the Tabernacle
it was filled [with] as many as could be seated There were
some 8000 people in the Tabernacle & others out side. there were
8 of the Twelve present discourses were deliv[er]ed By the following
persons in the following order John Taylor G. A. Smith
G. Q. Cannon D H Wells & President Brigham Young
it was an Effecting time. The coffin was cov[er]ed with Black
velvit & trimed with silver braid & the top decorated with
roses & flow[er]s of many kinds. the congregation was dismissed
at the close of the services & the procession with the morners
went to the near the House of the deceased to his own family
burying ground & his body was laid By the side of
his wife Vilate

Page 138
Page 139

~ Thursday

June 25 1868

It rained in the morning at about 9 oclok Jeremiah Stockings took
me in his carriage & we rode to Battle Creek called pleasant Grove
we spent the night at John Neff's I held a meeting in the Evening
& Preached to the people distance 38 miles

~ Friday

26. We rode to Provo & spent the night with my family there 12 [miles].

~ Saturday

27. I visited the mouth of the Provo & made arangements with
Brother Marson about some fish. I attended the city council
at 6 oclok

~ Sunday

278 Sunday I held a meeting at Provo in the forenoon & spoke
to the people followed By Brother Cluff, & A O. Smoot in the afternoon
I drove to American Fork & went down & spent the night with
Brother Mulner 16 m[iles]

~ Monday

29. We drove home to the farm & dined then drove to the city
A folded letter/box I received 3 letters From Susan, Mrs Sprague & Morgan

~ Tuesday

A heart A heart June 30, 1868 I sealed My Daughter Bulah Augusta
to Brother Hampton Sidney Betie, at the
Endowment house. at 10 oclock, he & his wives dined with us
Mrs Phebe W. Woodruff Mother of Bulah was present at the cerem[on]y
her 4 living children are all Now married

~ Wednesday

July 1st. A warm plesant Morning the air has been full of grass-
hoppers in the middle of the day for several days past & many
lit down upon our fields & gardens yesterday

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

2 & 3. I spent the time in the field Hoeing & weeding
^I Baptized Emma Manella Woodruff on the 3rd & confirmed her^

~ Saturday

4, July Independance day we had a great celebration of
our Nations Birth day All the sunday schools of the city
marched into the New Tabernacle after which the citizens
of all classes filled the Tabernacle untill some 10000 people
were [assembled] speeches were Made By Gov Durkee, G. A. Smith, Gen
^A.^ L. Chatlain & G Q Cannon. The oration Delivered by Col.
E. H. Head President Young dismissed I dined at the City Hall
& took supper with Brother Beatyie also Mrs Woodruff & Bulah
were present I attended the school of the Prophets O Pratt {made a [apology]}

~ Sunday

5 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting at the Tabernacle Wm W Phelps Prayed Thomas Collister
spoke 21 Minutes Joseph Young 25 W. Woodruff 15 Afternoon T. Taylor
20 M[inutes], A M Musser 22 & G Q Cannon 25 I Attended the Prayer circle

Page 140

During the Evening I visited Brother Ott wohho was low with the
consumption & administered to him

~ Monday

6. I spent the day hoeing in my Garden

~ Tuesday

7. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Wilford & Emily & wrot
one to them in return I went to the Endowment House & we
gave Endowments to 29. D H Wells sealed 11 couple

~ Wednesday

8. I went to my Farm & hoed my cane

~ Thursday

9. I drew some 30 load of chaff into my Barn yard

~ Friday

10. I returned to the city we had a vary hard rain storm

~ Saturday

11. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 49 D H Wells sealed 18 couples & W Woodruff 14 couple
I attended the school of the prophets in the afternoon

~ Sunday

12 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle David Candland spoke one Hour & 30 M[inutes]
Afternoon Andrew Moffit spoke 10 M, John Albertston 32,
& John Taylor 29 Minutes

~ Monday to ~ Friday

13 to 17. I spent the time mostly on the farm Hoeing &c

~ Saturday

18. I spent the time in the Endowment House we gave Endow[men]ts to
31 persons D. H. Wells sealed 25 couple

~ Sunday

19. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle D Huntington Phineas Richards G D Watt
& G B Wallace spoke in the fore noon Afternoon W Woodruff
spoke 40 Minutes & A H Raleigh 19 Minutes. I met with the
President & Twelve for Prayer

~ Monday

20 I spent the day in my Garden

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

21, & 22nd I spent the time Mowing & Haying

~ Thursday

23rd A humanoid Emma had a Daughter born 15 minutes past 8 oclok
in the morning Sister Harrington was in attendance

~ Friday

24. July This day was celebrated as the Anaversary of the
Enterance of the Pione[e]rs into this valley

~ Saturday

25 I cut my oats & Barly to day & shoked it up we had a hard
rain storm in the Afternoon D H. Wells & others gave Endow-
ments to 536. D. H. Wells sealed 32 couple

~ Sunday

26. Sunday I did not attend meeting in the morning
Afternoon Brother Nesbit spoke 40 Minutes G A Smith 22 M
President Young & others preached in [blank] ward
I attended the funeral of Mrs Neff

Page 141

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

July 27th 1868

27 & 29. I spent my time cutting wheat & putting it up it
is vary remarkable that I have had 10 to 15 Boshels of Grass
hopper to the Acre on my wheat for some two months & now
I am cutting wheat which will yield 40 bushels to the acre

~ Thursday

30. I spent the day weeding out squashes & potatoes.

~ Friday

31. I Blessed Emmas child to day & spent the day Hoeing & watering

~ Saturday

Aug 1. I spent the day in the forenoon in the Endowm[en]t House we
gave Endow[me]nts to 53 G Q Cannon sealed 3 couple D H Wells 13
and W Woodruff 7. I attended the school of the Prophets in the after[noon]
O Pratt Prayed Presid[en]t Young spok 40 Minutes G A Smith 20 Brother Chrisman 30 Minutes W Woodruff 8 minutes & Levi Hancock 10,
& Presid[en]t Young 10 Minutes I was at Presid[en]t Youngs & was
introduced to Miss Ince the Theatrical performer I went to the Theater
in the Evening. I rec[eive]d 3 letters & wrote one in return
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right

~ Sunday

Aug 2nd Sunday in company with President Young G. A. Smith
D H Wells G Q Cannon & others we rode to Cahoons ward & held a
held a meeting at 10 oclok W. Woodruff Prayed & D. H. Wells spoke
33 Minutes & G. A. Smith 30 M[inutes], A M Musser 31 Minutes Afternoon
W Woodruff spoke 30 Minutes, G. Q Cannon 30 M[inutes], & Presid[en]t
Young spoke 58 Minutes & Meeting dismissed. I laid
upon John Benbow & administered to him he has
Been vary sick we returned home distance 20 M[iles]

during the Evening I gave [FIGURE] Sister Edward Oakey her
2nd Anointing

~ Monday

3rd I spent the day in my Garden

~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday

4 & 6. I spent the time Harvesting

~ Friday

7 I finished Harvesting today & returned to the city

~ Saturday

8. I spent the forenoon in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowm[en]ts
to 36. D H. Wells sealed 10, & W Woodruff 9, the afternoon
I spent in the school of the Prophets President Young & several
others spoke

~ Sunday

9. I attended meeting in the Tabernacle F Little E. D.
& Joseph Andrews spoke in the forenoon &
Afternoon G. Q. Cannon & President Young spoke in the
I met with the Presidency & Twelve for Prayer

Page 142

~ Monday

Aug 10th 1868

I took my son Brigham with me & drove my team
to Battle Creek & spent the night with Brother Neff. 40 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

11 I drove to Provo & attended the School of the Prophets
A Johnson W. Woodruff A. O. Smoot & others spoke
at the close of the Meeting I drove to Brother Matson
at the Mouth of provo & spent the night distance 16.

~ Wednesday

12. [FIGURE] Brother Matson & family were fishermen
& Prepared for fishing to day It rained all night &
some this morning they took there net & I my fish
pooll to go a fishing we had 4 Boats I took one &
the men with the net took two boats, I stoped & fished
a few moments with a hook caught 4 trout had no
more bait & went out to see them make a hall they
were some two hours drawing & took up their net
in 4 feet of water had some 300 lb of trout & was
about to draw again when I requested Brother
Matson to go up & draw whare I was fishing & he
concluded to do so, & went & drew his net & caught
some 2000 bb. [lbs] of fine trout quite a Number weighed
from 9 5 to 9 1/2 lbs we went ashore & he gave me
10 of the largest to me & wished me to give Brother
Brigham Young 4 of them he also gave me 100 lbs of
salted trout & I Bought 150 lb More of him & drove Back
to the city & partly loaded my wagon & spent the night
at Brother Smoots 8 m[iles]

~ Thursday

13. I took Breakfast at Broth Smoots & with ab[ou]t one
ton & drove home to my farm 46 [miles].

~ Friday

14. I sp[en]t most of the day stacking oats & Barley
drove to the city at night 4 M[iles]

~ Saturday

15 I spent most of the day in the Endowments House we gave
Endowments to 27. D H. Wells sealed 8 couple & W Woodruff
9 couple I attended the School of the prophets G A Smith
spoke 22 M[inutes]. Capt Hooper spoke 60 minutes G Q. Cannon
15 Minutes Presid[en]t Young spoke 25 Minutes

~ Sunday

16 Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle
Jesse N Smith spoke 14 Minutes A Carrington 33

Page 143

B. Young Jr spoke 25 Minutes Afternoon A Carrington
spoke 27 Minutes & President Young spoke 275 minutes
A single key with teeth to the right He said that the word Gentiles did not apply to
Every body out of the Church it applyed to those who
were rebellious against God & his gospel there were
many honorable men of the Earth who were not in the
Church it did not apply to. I met in the Evening for prayer
with the Presidency & Twelve My Son Wilford & his
wife Emily Jane arived home yesterday on a visit
from the Muddy, they took supper with us & Elias
& wife & H S Beatie & wife. We set apart
A Carrington & Jesse N Smith to their Mission
BPresid[en]t Young & D H Wells being Mouth Carrington
to Preside in Europe & J. N. Smith in Scandin-
I spent the Evening in writing my Journal. I gave
Wilford means to pay for coal to live [on] during the

~ Monday

17. President Young & the Twelve started for a preaching tour
to Logan Cash valley this morning I rode in company [w]ith
David Day & G. Q. Cannon we broke our cross bar & iron of the
Tongue before we got out of town & it took till Noon before we
got it mended the President & others went to Farmington to hold a
Meeting President Young G. A. Smith Joseph F Smith & A. M. Musser
addressed the meeting we did not stop untill we got to kays ward
we arived there 3:30 oclock & stoped with Brother Barns & dined
then attended Meeting at the Meeting house, had a full House
Prayer By G Q Cannon He also spoke 30 minutes, W. Woodruff
spoke 20 M[inutes], G. A. Smith 25 President Young 30. 22 Miles

~ Tuesday

18 We then drove to Ogden Met in the Tabernacle at 10 oclok. 18 M[iles]
W Woodruff Prayed Joseph F. Smith spoke 65 M[inutes]. upon the
subject of Tithing. W Woodruff spoke 35 Minutes Afternoon
Prayer By G Q Cannon G. A. Smith spoke one Hour & 11 M[inutes].
G Q Cannon 48 m[inutes]. I spent the night with Brother Farr

~ Wednesday

19. Met at 10 oclok A. M. Musser Prayed & spoke 55 Minutes
President Young spoke 35 M[inutes].

Afternoon W Woodruff spoke 43 M[inutes], John Taylor 35 M[inutes]

Page 144

President Young spoke 29 Minutes I spent the night with Brother
Farr. I was introduced to Gen Dodge at Brother Wests. Gen
Stanford came in the Evening to Brother Wests

~ Thursday

20. President Young had to stop to have an interview with Gov
Stanford President of the Central Pacific Rail Road
G. A. Smith Joseph F Smith A M Muser D Day & myself
Drove to Willow Creek 15 Miles to hold a Meeting A procession
of 1270 children of the Sunday school lined the street Thare
Bowery was lined with home Manufacturer. Meeting com[men]ced
at 15 Minutes to 11 oclok Joseph F Smith Prayed G A. Smith
spoke 55 Minutes W Woodruff spoke 20 Minutes when it
was Anounced that President Young was in sight. we
dismissed the Meeting & went out to Meet the President
we then dined in the school House after Dinner we
met in the Bowery & heard a case in Law. We then rode
to Brigham City & held a Meeting in the Bowery at 4 oclk
J. F. Smith Prayed President Young spoke 33 Minutes G A
Smith 25 minutes G Q Cannon 20 Minutes we spent the
night with Lorenzo Snow Gov Stanford & his Brother spent
the Evening with us

~ Friday

21. I was not well this morning. We drove through Box
Elder Canyon
to Wellsville & held a Meeting I met with
Brother Kington, G. Q. Cannon Prayed Joseph F Smith
spoke 58 Minutes, W Woodruff spoke 18 minutes G. Q. Cannon
spoke 25 minutes G. A. Smith spoke 20, & President Young 28 M[inutes]
At the close of the Meeting we droveined & drove to Logan 25 M[iles]
President Young & some of the Twelve stoped with Brother Benson
I stoped with Brother Maughn

~ Saturday

22nd A Plesant Morning we met at 10 oclok for a 2 day
Meeting Prayer By W Woodruff President Young spoke 7 m[inutes]
G A Smith spoke 50, A M Musser 30 Minutes
& W Woodruff spoke 30 15 Minutes The Following is
a synopsis of my sayings

Keys crossed A single key with teeth to the right When I was a youth I Felt that I would have gone
hundreds of Miles to have seen a Prophet of God or
An Apostle or an Elder or any man who was called of God

Page 145

and inspired of God to Preach the gospel of Christ & could
tell me the true way to be saved now as we travel through the coun-
try we meet thousands of children as well as men & women who
can see Prophets Apostles & Elders by merly walking a few rods
into the streets to greet President Young, the Twelve & others as
we travel through the country it is a good thing for these chil-
dren to come out in procession to Greet the President as he com-
es along through through the country for it will make a good
impression upon there minds one that they will never forget
when these Boys & girls meet together thirty years hence
in 1898 & convers together upon the scenes of this visit
what will be their conversation it will be sumthing like
the following O what a great change has taken place
singce the Prophet Brigham Young & the Apostles visited us in
Logan in 1868. Then it was a New Country with but
few inhabitants not more than ten thousand People in all Cash
, then we had No Tabernacle or Temple in this valley
now we have a great Tabernacle & a great Temple built
on the high Bench of Logan & we can be drawn on the top
of its Towers by machinery whare we can view the glory
of this valley filled with cities & magnificet Palaces &
Towers occupied by one Million of the Saints of God who
can come up to the Temple on Logan Bench & get their
Endowm[en]ts & Blessings in their turn. Then our fields
of grain & gardens were half sunflowers & weed since
then by the commandm[en]t of God no man occupies more
land then he can keep clean of weeds & beautify, then
we had no shade trees in our streets, now our streets
ar adorned with the mulbury tree from which we make
our silk which now adorns our Bodies & the Bodies of our
children, then the Apostle E. T. Benson & Bishop Maughn
Presided over us, since then they have gone with
President Young to& others to Jackson Co Mo to Build the
great Temple & the New Jerrusalem This visit was in
1868 then we were children now it is 1898 & great
changes have taken place since that day throughout

Page 146

Great Babylon as well as in Mount Zion that year was
the great Election for the Presidency of the United States
Grant & Colfax were the candidates for the Black Repullin
& Seymour & Blair for the Dimocratts, then the Nation
felt strong & Powerful since then it has been broken to peces
That visit was before the destruction of the city of New
By the sea Heaving itself beyong its bounds & washing
the inhabitants into the sea & they were drowned. It was
Before Albany was utterly Destroyed by fire. It was before
Boston was sunk with an Earthquake. It was before
Chicago was struck with lightning & burned with fire &
Brimstone for their Abominations. It was before the many
Millions of the UniPeople of the United States & other Nations
of the Earth were destroyed Bywith their cities By the
Great Judgments of God Because of their great sins &
wickedness in the sight of Heaven & Earth, this was Before the
United States became so weakened & Broaken to peaces that
they called upon Brigham Young to take the Presidency of
the United States to save the Constitution & the remnant of
the Nation from utter destruction. If this will not be
the conversation of those little children 30 yo who were
in the procession with their Banners to welcome the prophet
& Apostles on their Enterance into this City, thirty years
from this it will be sumthing like it.

At the close of the meeting President Young said my remarks
were given By Revelation

Afternoon L Snow Praiyed Joseph F Smith spoke 65 m[inutes]
President Young 37 Minutes At the close of the meeting
some 300 Names were called over to form a Branch of
the School of the Prophets. The Branch was organized By
Appointing E. T. Benson Presid[en]t Bishop Maughn
Vice President A secretary & Treasurer was also app[oi]nted
Prayer By J Taylor President Young spoke upon the
order of the school of the prophets & then dismissed
In the Evening the Band & Quire came & sang & played
some good tunes.

Page 147

~ Sunday

Aug 23, 1868

Sunday The sunday school children met at 8 oclok & was addressed
By President Young there was a large Number present Meeting opened
at 10 oclok Prayer By C. C. Rich John Taylor spoke ^one hour^ 15 M[inutes]. G. Q. Cannon
61 minutes Afternoon Prayer By J. F. Smith Sacrament Administered
L Snow spoke 24 M[inutes]. C. C. Rich 18 G. A. Smith 22 Presid[en]t Young 48
At the close of the meeting we dined at Brother Bensons then drove to
Wellsville Brother Day, Cannon, & myself spent the night at Sister
Martha Howells 7 Miles

~ Monday

24. I had an interview with Brother Kingtons He is 74 years old
we drove to Box Elder Brigham City at 11 oclok we held a
meeting with the Brigham City Branch of the school of the prophets
President Young talked vary Plain in respect to the principle of
dishonesty among the people. I spoke vary plain upon the subject of
obeying council This Branch was organized to day L Snow
was president J. C. Wright vice President Bishop Nichols Treasurer
President Young spok 20 Minutes W Woodruff 15 G A Smith 18,
G. Q. Cannon 10 M[inutes], Br Dunford 15 M[inutes], D. Day spoke 10 M[inutes], J. F. Smith
20 M[inutes], & President Young 30 M[inutes]. At the close of the school we drove
to Ogden & spent the night at Bishop West & spent the night 38 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

25 We have had to obtain a New Team at Every settlement as we
were returning home we drove to Centreville & held a Meeting at
2 oclok Prayer By A. M Musser. The House was Decorated with
Flags G. Q. Cannon spoke 15 Minutes George N Dunford spoke
5 minutes W Woodruff spoke 10, E T Benson 14, J F Smith 16,
A M Musser 13, & President Young spoke 26 Minutes at the
close of the Meeting we returned to G S. L. City 40 Miles

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

26, , 28 I spent the time in the garden Wilford & Keets went to the
coal Bed

~ Saturday

29. I attended at the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endow[me]nts to 42
D. H. Wells sealed 16 couple & W Woodruff 9. I attended the school of
the Prophets
in the Afternoon Joseph Young A. O. Smoot, Levi
G. A. Smith & D. H. Wells spoke in the school

~ Sunday

Aug 30. Sunday I met with my Quorum & attended meeting
in the Tabernacle. E. D. Woolley prayed Isaac Laney spoke 56 m[inutes]
John Parry 15 m[inutes], Wm McMaster 20 m[inutes]. Afternoon Prayer By
O Pratt. Brother Rudd spoke 25 m[inutes] Wm Thatcher 25 m[inutes] Richard Petty 20
J. Staggoll 15 minutes I met with Presid[en]t Young & 12 for prayer

Page 148

~ Monday

Aug 31, 1868

I spent the day in the garden & went to my field at night with
my Teams to prepare for threshing

~ Tuesday

Sept 1. I had my Grain threshed to day I had 226 Bushels
of wheat 17 of Oats & 36 of Barley I felt vary thankful
to get so much grain considering that we had so many
grass hoppers through the whole season, to destroy the crops
of the Earth. I returned to the City at night

~ Wednesday

2nd I paid my tithing of Oats Barley & wheat to day
then went to the field & spent the day

~ Thursday

3rd I spent this day mowing weeds around my 20 acre farm
I cut down the sun flowers & milk weeds both in the street
& in the lot I was vary tiered at night I walked home to the City

~ Friday

Aug [Sept] 4, 1868 I was sick this morning But I
started in company with Brother Day & G Q Cannon to go
to Grantsville to hold a 2 days Meeting soon after I started
the Hives came out upon me all over & I felt as though
I was in a Bed of Nettles. When I got to E. T. City I
took a light dinner & went to bed. A Meeting was held
in the Bowery ^at E. T. City^ G A. Smith preached 30 M[inutes]. Presid[en]t
Young made a few rem[arks] also A. M. Musser spoke a few words
we then drove 10 miles an hour to Grants ville I spent
the night at Brother Hales Presid[en]t Young & others stoped with
Bishop Rhobery 38 miles

~ Saturday

5 Meeting was Held in the Meeting House at 10 oclok
A M Musser Prayed G Q. Cannon spoke 45 minutes
President Joseph Young spoke 48 m[inutes]. Afternoon W. Woodruff
Prayed G. A. Smith spoke one hour Presid[en]t Young 45 m[inutes]
He asked the Question what have we come to these mountains for
I took supper with Brother Rhobery. We held a Meeting in
the Evening President Joseph Young occupied most of the time
about one hour in treating upon Music & finding fault with
the Quires J. F. Smith followed half an hour.

~ Sunday

6th Sunday Prayer By J. F. Smith Joseph W Young spoke 40 m[inutes]
W Woodruff 36 minutes (& made the chips fly all around)
Joseph F Smith spoke 14 m[inutes] G. Q. Cannon spoke 15 G. A. Smith
12 m[inutes] & President Young 38 Minutes we drove to S L City in 4 H[ours] 38 m[iles]

Page 149

~ Monday

Sept 7, 1868

I spent the day Journalizing & picking fruit

~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday

8 to 12 I spent the week picking fruit & choreing

~ Sunday

13 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle A. Rockwood
Prayed President Joseph Young spoke one hour & W Woodruff
spoke 33 Minutes An account Published in the Eastern Papers
Afternoon Prayer By O. Pratt Wm C. Stanes spoke 41 Min
& Joseph W. Young 50 Minutes I met with the Presidency &
Twelve in the Evening for Prayer

~ Monday

14. I spent the day in my orchard

~ Tuesday

145 I cut up My corn 3 acres to day quite a good crop

~ Wednesday

Sept 16 I left Salt Lake City in company with Presid[en]t
B. Young D. H. Wells G. Q. Cannon Presid[en]t Joseph Young, J
Joseph W Young & several others to go through San-
Pete County
on a Preaching Tour. I rode with Brother
Thomas Taylor we drove to the American Fork 33 Miles
we took dinner & held a meeting in the Bowery at 2 oclk
Prayer By D. Evans D H Wells spoke 15 minutes Joseph Young
spoke 28 Minutes G. Q. Cannon spoke 40 M[inutes], President
B Young spoke 15 Minutes & told the People not to trade
another cent with any man who does not Pay his tithing
help gather the poor & Pray in his Family & I request all
men who have bought goods of our Enemies of late to leave
the school of the Prophets & not come to the communion Table
no more for we do not fellowship you we held a meeting
in the Evening Prayer By {President} Joseph Young W Woodruff spoke
30 Minutes J Vancott spoke 25 Minutes Joseph W. Young
spoke 30 Minutes I spent the night with Brother Hingdley

~ Thursday

17 We drove to President Pleasant Grove Held a meeting at 10 oclk
G Q Cannon Prayed {President Young} Joseph Young spoke 25 minuts W W
Woodruff spoke 25 D. H. Wells spoke 32 minutes. We then drove
to Provo held a Meeting in the Meeting House at 2 oclok
{President} Joseph Young Prayed G. Q. Cannon spoke 35 Minutes D H
Wells spoke 30 Minutes, Joseph Young sen spoke 20 M[inutes].
President Young dismissed A Meeting was Held in the
MEvening G Q Cannon Prayed W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes],
G Q. Cannon spoke 32 m[inutes]

Page 150

Joseph W. Young spoke 35 Minutes, A O Smoot spoke 11 m[inutes]
I spent the night at Sister Kimballs distance of the day 50 m

~ Friday

18 We drove to Spring ville 6 miles

Held a meeting at 10 oclock W. Woodruff Prayed
President Young spoke 23 Minutes, D. H. Wells spoke 37 minutes
W Woodruff spoke 15 Minutes Joseph Young sen spoke 34 m[inutes]
We then rode to Spanish Fork & held a meeting at 2 oclk
in the Meeting House Joseph Smith Prayed G Q Cannon spoke 37,
J Vancott spoke 17, Joseph WVanc Young spoke 25 minutes
President Young spoke 25 Minutes we took dinner then drove
to Pason & held a meeting at 7 oclok A M Musser prayed
Joseph F Smith spoke 38 minutes Brother Dunford spoke 15 m[inutes]
Thomas Taylor spoke 12 minutes A M. Musser spoke 15 m[inutes]
President Young spoke 35 minutes & said He read from the
Booke of Life, keep the word of wisdom, Lay up the grain
Stop traiding with the Gentiles or I will cut you off
from the Church for it is time. Let every one stop drinking
coffee, tea, whiskey, Tobaco for this is the word of God
unto you & you will be cut off if you do not. I spent
the night with Brother Douglass 18 miles

~ Saturday

19 I met with a company of Brethren in the Meeting
House to organize a school of the Prophets, it was
organized By appointing Bishop Fairbanks President &
Borother Thurber vice President J Coombs Secretary
O Simons Treasurer Presid[en]t Young spoke 15 Minutes
then the rules were read & excepted. We then drove to
Santaquin & held a Meeting at 10 oclok Joseph Young sen
Prayed then spoke 40 minutes D. H. Wells spoke 25 m[inutes] G. Q. Cannon
28 m[inutes] We then drove to Nephi City 25 miles

A large procession of Men women & children met us in the
street they had Erected large Pyramids of Evergreen
with a welcome Erected upon them I stoped with Edward
. A Meeting was held in the meeting House J Vancott
Joseph W. Young Joseph W. Young Joseph F. Smith A M
& Joseph Young sen all spoke at the Meeting. Presid[en]t
Young D. H. Wells W. Woodruff G Q Cannon met with

Page 151

with Bishop Bryon J Bigler & S Pitchforth in council
Bishop Bryon Brought an accusation against J Bigler
Bishop Bryon had commit a grieveious sin & acknowledged
it to Bigler when he was Bishop & now accused Brother Bigler
of revealing it, But the investigation proved that woman had
revealed it & Bishop Bryon was required to take the woman
& support her & to resign his Bishopprick both of which he
said he would do. G A Smith gave Endowments to 61 & sealed 34 couple

~ Sunday

20 I met with the sunday school in the morning & spoke to
the children & Parents G. Q. Cannon & Joseph Smith spoke
Also. We held a Meeting at 10 oclk W Woodruff Prayed
D. H. Wells spoke 38 m[inutes], W Woodruff spoke 30 m[inutes], Presid[en]t
B Young spoke 5 Minutes. We held a council at the close
of the meeting to take into consideration the propriety
of organizing that place into a stake of Zion & Appointing
a Presid[en]t over it & a Branch of the school of the
Prophets. All voted to do this we then adjourned I dined with
Brother Pitchforth Afternoon we met in the Bowery
prayer By J. F. Smith G Q Cannon spoke 45 m[inutes]. the
Meeting was then resolved into a special conference, it was
moved & carried that this conference be organized into
a stake of Zion. Jacob Bigler was Appointed A
President over theis stake of Zion A High Council was
then organized Edward Oakey Mathew MCCoon, Timothy S Hoyt
Timothy B Foot Andrew Love Jacob G Bigler Jr
George Kendall, David Kazier, Wm H Warner
& Samuel Kazier. Bishop Bryon presented his resig-
nation & it was excepted. He was then appointed an Agent
to take care of the tithing property. The special conference
was then adjourned & Joseph ^W^ Young ^W^ spoke 15 minutes W
Woodruff spoke 10 Minutes Names were called to
organize a school of the Prophets. They assembled in the
Meeting House The school was organized By appointing
Jacob G Bigler Presid[en]t Brother Brian vice Presid[en]t
Brother Pitchforth Secretary & Treasurer.

Page 152

We held a meeting in the Evening

~ Monday

21 We drove to Fountains Green & held a Meeting at 12.
The Sunday school children sang. (I saw Father James Alread
He will be 85 years of age on the 22nd Jan 1869)

Meeting opened By Prayer By C. J Larson Joseph Young sen
spoke 25 minutes W Woodruff spoke 18 Minutes A M Musser
spoke 13 m[inutes], G. Q. Cannon spoke 17, D H Wells 18 & Presid[en]t
Young 29 Minutes. We dined then drove to Moroni 6 mile
& held a Meeting at half past 4 oclok Joseph F Smith spoke
25 m[inutes], John Vancott 22 & President Young 20 M[inutes]. I spent
the night at John Richmans we had a Meeting we had
a meeting Ein the Evening Br Dunford Prayed Thomas Taylor
spoke 15 minutes W Woodruff spoke 16, O Hyde spoke 4 minutes
G Q Cannon 10 Minutes D H Wells 13

~ Tuesday

22nd We drove to Fairview & held a Meeting at 10:30.
Joseph F Smith Prayed D. H. Wells spoke 40 Minutes Joseph
Young ^sen^
40 W Woodruff 17. President B Young was vary unwell
& could not speak He requested the people to raise the
walls of the House 3 feet higher before puting the roof on. We
drove to Mount Plesant. We had the greatest display & largest
procession in the streets to welcome us that I ever sayw in
this Territory out side of Salt Lake City. We held a meeting in
the Bowery Joseph Young prayed G Q Cannon spoke 40 minutes
D H. Wells 25, O Hyde 10 Joseph ^W^ Young sen 22 minutes.

~ Wednesday

23 President Young was still quite unwell. We drove to Springtown
whare O Hyde resides & held a Meeting at 10 oclok. Thomas
Prayed Joseph F Smith Prayed spoke 35 Minutes
J Vancott 15 Joseph Young sen 14, W Woodruff 15 G. Q. Cannon 15
& D H Wells 22 minutes. We then drove to Fort Ephraim 16 miles
& dined at the Meeting House. We held a Meeting at 3 o'clok
President B Young & the 12 met in the school House to organize
a Branch of the school of the Prophets. Fifty persons were
present we organized By appointing Kanute Peterson President
Andrew Moffit vise President Neils Christenson Treasurer
remarks were made By W Woodruff & D. H. Wells. The meet-
ing in the Bowery John Squares Prayed Brother Dunford spoke 18 m[inutes]

Page 153

Joseph W Young 35 m[inutes], John Vancott 25, O Hyde 6, D H Wells 25
Joseph Young sen 43 minutes W Woodruff 20, & O Hyde 15 minutes
There was a great preparation & display made for President Young
Keys crossed at Brother Browns whare he stoped for the night it was said
that there was the Best Table set that he had ever seen in
this Territory. in the Evening the House & yard was illuminated
with Chineese Lanterns & a Danish Torch light procession was
formed in the street in Front of the House which created a great
Illumination it was a grand affair 16 Miles

~ Thursday

24 I had an interview this morning with a Danish Brother
By the name of Soren Christensen Thura, 75 years of age
He had lived under five reigning Kings of Denmark & had
served as a soldier under Napolieon. He was a vary strong
man. He was once found Fault with By an officer Because his
horses Hoofs & legs were dusty in going to the parrade ground
so he led the Horse into a yard & cleaned him & Bathed & poli[she]d
his hoofs then run his head under the Horses Belly & took the
the Horse on his shoulders & carried him on to the parade gr[oun]d
& set him down By the side of the officer & said there Dont
you [think] your Horse is clean now. He looks as though He could
carry a horse on his Back to day. This man with 2 other aged
Danish Brethren wished to Be adopted into Presidents Youngs
family. We laid hands upon a sister who was sick
President Young was mouth. We drove to Manti & visited
the Agricultural & manufacturing Exahibition & held a Meeting
at the Hall & Bowery W Woodruff Prayed G Q Cannon
spoke 34 minutes W Woodruff spoke 22, JT Taylor 8 minutes
George Dunford 14 m[inutes] Joseph F Smith 20 m[inutes]. At the close
of the Meeting we dined & drove to Gunnison & held a Meeting
in the Evening A M Musser Prayed Joseph Young sen spoke 15
Joseph W Young spoke 25, G. Q. Cannon 17 D H Wells 33,
W Woodruff 5, O Hyde 6 minutes I spent the night at the House
of John Roadhead. A cool Morning

~ Friday

25. We started on our days Journey we had not gone more
than about half a mile Before Presidet Young stoped his team
& shot at a wolf with a Barrifle Barrel pistol & it kicked & struck

Page 154

him in the nose & nearly broke it. the pain struck to his
stomach & he fainted away & it took near half an hour
to bring him to, it frightened us all. We drove to Levan &
took dinner & held a meeting. T Taylor prayed Joseph Young sr
spoke 15 m[inutes] W Woodruff 17, Erastus Snow 35 M[inutes], D. H. Wells 10.
at the close of the Meeting we drove to Nephi & spent the night
with Brother Oakey he has been quite sick 45 M[iles].

We held a Meeting in the Evening Brother Dunford prayed
Thomas Taylor spoke 20 m[inutes] Joseph F Smith spoke 30, G Q Cannon
15 Minutes Joseph Young sen 12 Minutes

~ Saturday

26 We drove to pason 18 miles & dined at a public dinner
in a hall. A splendid Table was set. We then drove to provo
Brother Smoot was with us. He informed me that Marth Ann
Daughter of William O Smoot Died on the 20 day of Sept
Aged 14 years & 10 days was Buried on Monday 21. Her Father
is on a Mission in the South. We held a Meeting in Provo
Meeting House
at 7 oclok W Woodruff Prayed A M Musser
spoke 58 minutes D. H. Wells 17, ^G. A. S. 55 Endowments & 23 sealings^ 35 M[iles]

~ Sunday

27. Sunday we held a Meeting at 10 oclok G. Q Cannon
Prayed Joseph Young sen spoke 26 M[inutes]. W Woodruff 32 m[inutes]
Erastus Snow 21, G. Q. Cannon 18 minutes. This is the
26 Meeting we have held & 2 councils on this trip after dinner
the company drove home to S. L. City Br T. Taylor & myself
went via Lehi & stoped 2 hours distance of the day 50 M[iles]

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

28, & 30. I spent the time on the farm

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

Oct 1st & 2. I spent the time at the farm

~ Saturday

3rd I spent the forenoon in the Endowm[en]ts we gave Endow[men]ts to 76.
D. H. Wells sealed 23 couple & W Woodruff 29 couple total 52.

~ Sunday

4. Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Joseph Horn spoke 27 m[inutes]
C. W. Penrose 22 m[inutes] Robert Beaudenop 13, & R L Campbell 15.
Afternoon F. D. Richards spoke 55 minutes President Young 28 minutes
We met with the Presidency & 12 for Prayer

~ Monday

5 I spent the day in the field

~ Tuesday

6th Oct 1868 I met in the general Conference of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints in the New Tabernacle
at 10 oclok

Page 155

A strange Event happened at this conference All of the Quorum
of the Twelve
were present. An Event which has never happened
before for more than 32 years. When they last met it was in
Brother Heber C. Kimballs House in Kirtland & the Quorum were
contending one with another & Brigham Young Prayed to God that
that Quorum might never again meet untill they could meet
in peace & they have never meet since untill to day, & there
are but 3 of that Quorum now with us viz Brigham Young
Orson Hyde & Orson Pratt. The Names of the Quorum of
the Twelve that met on this 6 day of Oct 1868 Are, Orson
Hyde, Orson Pratt, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, George
A Smith
, E. T. Benson, C. C. Rich, Erastus Snow, Lorenzo
, F. D. Richards, George Q. Cannon, & Joseph F. Smith

The conference was called to order By President Brigham Young
Prayer By G. A. Smith. Orson Hyde made the opening address
& spoke 44 Minutes, Orson Pratt spoke 47 m[inutes]. Afternoon
Prayer By E Snow John Taylor spoke One hour & 18 minuts ^{too long for a dry sermon}^
G. Q. Cannon read the Law & rules of the school of the prophets
& all the people voted to sustain them Joseph W Young spoke 18 m[inutes]
we held a Priesthood meeting in the old Tabernacle & Presid[en]t
Young spoke one Hour & 5 minutes Bishop Hunter spoke 30 m[inutes]
& G A Smith 5 Minutes.

~ Wednesday

Oct 7. Conference opened at 10 oclk. Jacob Gates Prayed, the
Authorities of the Church were then presented & George A Smith
was chosen in the place of Heber C Kimball & Brigham Young Jr
was chosen to fill the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

John Vancott then spoke 40 Minutes, G. Q. Cannon spoke 505.
Oct 8. Conference opened at 10 oclok W. Woodruff prayed Afternoon
G. A. Smith spoke one Hour & 55 minutes

~ Thursday

Oct 8. W Woodruff Prayed G. A Smith continued hi[s] subj[ec]t
& spoke 40 Minutes Robert Williams spoke 8 M[inutes], Presid[en]t Young
spoke 63 minutes Afternoon D H Wells spoke 50 Minutes
Missionaries were then called to go south Presid[en]t Young spoke
A few Moments. In the Evening I Met with the First Presidency
and all the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles A privilege which

Page 156

I never Before enjoyed in my life Brigham Young Jr was
set apart as one of the Twelve Apostles He had been ordaineg as
Apostle Before By his Father

I Anointed [FIGURE] Samuel Hardy & wife to their 2nd Anointing
On the 7, I Anointed 2 wives of Morris Phelps
On the 8, I Anointed [blank] Love & wife I assisted Orson Hyde
in Anointing one of his wives

~ Friday

9. I Anointed [blank] & wife at 11 oclk I sat
in company with the tFirst Presidency Brigham Young G A.
& D. H. Wells & all the Twelve Apostles to have our
likenesses taken in a group By Brother Savage. I met with the Council of 50

~ Saturday

10. I spent the forenoon in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowm[en]ts to
51 person D H Wells sealed 22 couple & W Woodruff 23.

In the Evening I met with Zions Camp there were 39 men
& 3 women Father Duncan was with us he was 89 years old
had not met with us before since Zions Camp broke up

~ Sunday

11 Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle & prayer circle
^we gave 64 Endowments W W sealed 10, G Q Cannon 31, D H Wells 3^

~ Monday to ~ Friday

12 to 16. I spent this whole week at the farm making up molasses

~ Saturday

17. [blank]

~ Sunday

18. Sunday I was quite unwell & did not attend Meeting in the
forenoon O Pratt Preached. Capt White of Bever was buried in
this city funeral at 13 ward school House. I attended Meeting in
the afternoon Brother Widdenburgh spoke 44 Minutes B Young Jr spok
35 minutes. I attended meeting with the Presidency & 12 for prayer

~ Monday to ~ Friday

19 to 23. I spent the time making molasses.

I had a sick night on Friday the 23 with the Cholera Morbus

~ Saturday

24 I went home from the Farm quite sick & had a sick day

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I was vary weak this morning, was confined to my
bed most of the day Brother G. Q. Cannon called in & administered
to me G. A. Smith called in the Evening

~ Monday

26. I was quite weak this morning but sat up & wrote some in my Journal In looking over my papers I found President Heber
C Kimball
remarks at the funeral of his wife Vilate Kimball He spoke 38 minutes
A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right Heber C. Kimballs Remarks
He said Vilate & I have lived together 46 years and I have left

Page 157

The Funeral of Vilate M Kimball Oct 24 1867

Her many times to go & preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. I bid
her good By as much then as I have now. I did this in Zions Camp
also when I went to England & at different times. She has been
true to me always and never left Nor forsook me. I have taken
40 wives & many without her knowledge but she afterwards gave
them to me in the Temple. She has passed through many trials
but she has been always true to me. When Vilate was first taken
sick the spirits took the advantage of her. When I went to lay
upon her I saw a Devil in the room meeting me & I saw
it several times. I felt indignant by the spirit of God, there is
many fals spirits that are trying to destroy our children, and
will destroy all they can. We should strive to overcome them
She sympathized with me untill her last Breath. Br Brigham &
I have stood By Joseph unto the End, & he will never forsake
or forget us No never. No more than God will forget his ownly
Begotten Son. The foregoing is ownly a synopsis of his remarks
Farewell all Earthly honors was then sung & J Taylor Dismissed
The Following is a synopsis of remarks of President Brigham Young
at the commencement of the Funeral of Vilate Kimball He was the first
speaker. He said when I buried my first wife I do not think
there was a tear shed, and it is a great victory gained to overcome
the death & the grave & have a glorious resurrection. The good often
suffer as well as the wicked we suffer in the Flesh but when we
die & the spirit leaves the Body The Devil & Evil has No more
power over us When the spirits of the righteous enter the spirit world
they are Beyond the power of the Devil. The knowledge, which the
Latter Day Saints have obtained, have put us in possession of power
which the world has not. We live not for this world alone but
for the resurrection. There is ^are^ man^y^ in this room who have done
the Best they could. They would not wish to try it over again
where does Vilate go when this Body is laid off She is in the
presence of God not whare his Tabernacle is but have his presence
in spirit & we can see all things that we wish or desire to see
we are as much in the presence of God in this city as though we
were with him in person I do not know whether Vilate is
with us in this room or not but we have good spirits with us

Page 158

The Funeral of Vilate Kimball Oct 24 1867

and we feel themir influence. We allso have all the devils that
fall from Heaven & wicked men to contend with but whare,
those spirits have power on a person they Effect the body
but does it take any Glory from Vilate because of her affliction
No not in the least she will have a greater reward. She has
not Been afflicted because of sins. But Because the devil
has power on her body & some in this city who cherish Evil
& Devils they try to destroy the ignorant Vilate will
come forth with her body & will stand at the Head of this
Family & Heber at her head as he has here & this will be
the case with all who are good. Now we should prepare
ourselves to go as well as Vilate has. let us be faithful
till we hear the Trump sound. I Expect Joseph Smith
will be the first man resurrected then He will resurr[ec]t
his family Just when he pleases & if we live so as to come
forth in the first resurrection we shall rejoice to all Eternity
President Joseph Young spoke a few moments It was a solem
time At the close of the funeral the Body was removed to the
Family Grave of Brother Kimball

~ Monday

Oct 26, 1868 To day was quite a serious day I was quite
A hand pointing to the right An arrow Feble in health and about noon my Indian Boy
Sarokeets came up from the field & had quit his work &
had left the Cane Mill with No one to Feed it & they
were Boiling Molasses & had not help Enough so they set
my little son Asahel ownly 5 years old to feed the mill
so while feeding he got his right hand caught in the rollers
He hallowed & the Mule was instantly stoped & the Mill
rolled back but still it smashed about one half of his hand his
Mother Emma & Wilford took him into the waggon & came to
the city as soon as they could, they came to Dr Olmsby, & while
I was talking to Keets Wilford drove up & informed me of the accident
that had happened to Asahel I immediately went to the
docters & there found the Boy with his hand in a dredful
condition we gave him cloraform & it took about one hour
to dress his hand it took off his Thumb & two fingers But

Page 159

most of his two last fingers I took him home to my house
& we had to watch him closely all night He suffered a great
deal through the night

~ Tuesday

27 Asahel had a spasm this morning & came near having
the lock Jaw He was quite a sufferer through the day I set
up with him untill 1 o clock at Night He rested quite well
the fore part of the night But suffered a good deal the latter part
My Indian Boy Sarroqueets left to day I have raised
two of them nearly from childhood up But they have
made me a good deal of trouble they are vary uncertain help

~ Wednesday

28 Asahel has suffered a good deal to day our treatment
has been to pour cold water onto his hand to keep it
it constantly wet to keep out the inflamation & fever I
gave him salts to cool the fever & to open his Bowels I gave
him some Morphene when the suffering became intolerable but
the Main thing was to pour cold water on his hand & give him
all the cold water He wanted to drink I called to the Historians
a short time & sent G A Smiths Historical sermons to
Ezra & Ilus F Carter, Luther Scammans, Shuah C Moulton
to Azmon & Thompson Woodruff & Ozem Woodruff

~ Thursday

29. I spent the day & night watching with Asahel he was in
a great deal of suffering we had a hard, rain, snow, & hail storm,
the first rain we have had for a long time. C. W. West Jr
called at night whith his wife Silvia & her Mother Sister Snow
& spent the night & Next day

~ Friday

30. I changed Asahel's dressing on his hand & stoped using
cold water & put on a poultice of slipery Elm & granulated
chaircoal [charcoal] & it had a good Effect upon his hand & he did not
suffer near as much He rested well through the night

~ Saturday

31. Asahel is quite comfortable this morning it is a plesant mo[rnin]g
Wilford swaped waggons yesterday got a lighter one & is
fitting it up to start Back south. D H Wells gave 69 their
Endowm[en]ts. D H Wells sealed 25 couple G Q Cannon 20.

~ Sunday

Nov 1. ^Sunday^ I spent a part of the day in the Endow[me]nt House
48 got their Endowm[en]ts G Q Cannon sealed 17 couple

~ Monday to ~ Saturday

2 , 7. ^63 Endow[men]ts I went to the school of the prophets^ I moved Asahel down to the farm I spent most of
the week drawing corn & diging potatoes. Nov 6. 13 Endow[men]ts D H W sealed 12

Page 160

~ Sunday

Nov 8, Sunday 1868

I drove to Fort Harriman & held a meeting with the
Saints Ensign Stockings is appointed Bishop of the
place Wilford followed me also Ensign & John Stocking

~ Monday

9. I Butchered a heifer & returned to Salt Lake City 50 m[iles]
it was a vary cold day

~ Tuesday

10. I cut up my Beef & helped Wilford load up

~ Wednesday

11. In company with my son Wilford I started for
Provo & we drove to Lehi & spent the night with Daniel
Asahels Hand is healing up as fast as can be expected 20 [miles]

~ Thursday

12. We drove to Provo & took dinner with Brother Fuller

~ Friday

13. I finished diging my potatoes & drove to Lehi & spent
the night with Brother Daniel Thomas 20 m[iles]

~ Saturday

14. I drove home a double team to G S. L. City 30 m[iles]

~ Sunday

15. Sunday I did not attend Meeting in the morning
Henry W. Miller spoke in the forenoon Afternoon I
attended Meeting G. A. Smith spoke 45 minutes Joseph F Smith
spoke 47 minutes I met with the Presidency & 12 for prayer

~ Monday to ~ Friday

16, , , , & 20. I spent this week at work on my Farm

~ Saturday

21. I came up to the city & attended the school of the

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I met with my Prayer circle in the Morning
and attended Meeting all day F. D. Richards spoke in the
Morning about one hour & W. Woodruff one hour in
the Afternoon {I had the Spirit of the Lord upon me} I met with the Presidency &
12 in the afternoon for prayer I visited Brother B Pettit
in the Evening & Preached to the 14 ward after Lorenzo

~ Monday

23rd Monday I spent a good portion of the day at the
Endowment House we gave Endowm[en]ts to 61 persons D. H. Wells
sealed 28 couple & W Woodruff 21 couple A Female
meeting of teachers was held at our House in the Evening it
being the labors of the Female relief society I learned
in the Evening that sister Jackson of St George had
her arm broaken to day by the kick of a Mule

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

24, , , & 27. I spent the time mostly labouring with my Hands ploughing &c

~ Saturday

28. I attended the school of the prophets
A hand pointing to the right I wrote to I F Carter on the 24

Page 161

~ Sunday

Nov 29, 1868

Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle all day & prayer
in the morning & in the Evening. Milo Andrews spoke 30 M[inutes]
in the morning, in the Afternoon C. W. Penrose spoke 57 M[inutes],
President Young spoke 55 Minutes. I preached in the Evening in
the 12 ward

~ Monday

30 A hand pointing to the right I wrote to A. O. Smoot

~ Tuesday

Dec 1, 1868 I spent a part of the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave
Endowm[en]ts to 55. D. H. Wells sealed 22 & W W 22 couple.

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

2, 3 I spent the time at the field drawing manure David was ploughing

~ Friday

4. In company with Brother Dunford & J. F. Smith I rode
to Lehi we had a snow storm in the Evening we spent the
night with Brother Wm Taylor 30 M[iles]

~ Saturday

5 We drove to Provo I stoped with Sister Young 20 M[iles]

I met with the City Council in the Evening & transacted Business

~ Sunday

6. Sunday I met with the sunday school children in the morning
& spoke to them I met the people in the meeting House & Brother
Dunford spoke in the forenoon & I spoke in the After noon
one hour & 7 minutes Brother E F Sheets spoke a short time
I attended the ward meeting in the Evening & spoke to the people

~ Monday

7. I drove to American Fork & met with the school of the
I spoke to the people followed By Joseph F Smith & Br Dunford
then Drove to Lehi & held a Meeting in the Evening I spoke
to the people also Joseph F Smith & Brother Dunford

~ Tuesday

8. We drove home to Salt Lake City From Provo 50 m[iles]

An arrow I spent the night at Sister Taylors untill 4 oclock in
the Morning we were expecting Sister Leonora Taylor
to die evry hour. Brother John Taylor was in Provo & we
Telegraphed to him to come home He got started at 4 o'clk
in the afternoon & arived home next morning about 6 oclok
Brother Daniel Spencer Died this 8 day of Dec about
6 oclok in the Evening

~ Wednesday

9. Sister Leonoria Taylor Died this morning at 7 oclk
Brother John Taylor arived home about one hour Before
she died President Young spoke at D Spencers funeral & G. A. S. at L Taylors at 13 ward

~ Thursday

Dec 10, 1868 I attended the funeral of Daniel Spencer at 10 oclk
A coffin D. S & Sister Taylors Funeral at 12 oclok at 14 ward

Page 162

~ Friday

Dec 11, 1868

I spent the day at the field shucking corn

~ Saturday

12. I attended the school of the prophets ^I had the bone taken out of Asahels hand up to the last Joint^

~ Sunday

13. Sunday In company with Joseph F Smith & George
& Mrs Woodruff I rode to Bountiful & attended
the sunday school & addressed the children. We held
a meeting with the people Brother Dunford spoke 20 M[inutes],
Joseph F Smith 30 M[inutes], & W Woodruff 20 Minutes
we then rode to Centreville & held a Meeting J F. Smith
spoke one hour & W Woodruff 30 minutes. We then rode
to Farmington & stoped with Brother Height we held
a meeting in the Evening W Woodruff spoke 65 M[inutes],
J F Smith 40 M[inutes] & G Dunford 20 M[inutes]. 18 miles

~ Monday

Dec 14. We drove to Kays ward Broke down the carriage
which hendred some 3 Hours Mrs W & myself Dined at
Brother McFarsons we then drove to Ogden 26 miles
we held 2 meetings Brothers West Smith & Dunford
Preached in the one ward & W. Woodruff in another
ward. I saw the unioon Pacific Rail Road for the first
time in themy life, many people were to work upon it
we spent the night at Brother Wests. ^D H Wells gave 46 End[owme]nts sealed 36 couple^

~ Tuesday

15 We drove to Box Elder & stoped with Brother Snow
Mrs Woodruff & myself stoped with our Daughter 22 M[iles].
Phebe A Snow. D H Wells gave 65 Endowments sealed 38 c.
we held a meeting in the Evening W Woodruff spoke
{in the Spirit of God} one hour Joseph F Smith spoke 40 Minutes

~ Wednesday

16. We drove North 5 miles to see Robert Scholes &
his wife our Daughter Susan & returned to Box Elder 10 [miles].
we held a meeting in the Evening George Dunford J. F. Smith
& W. Woodruff spoke we had a good meeting

~ Thursday

17 I rode Back to R Scholes & had some talk with him
& his wife {They do not live happily together.} I returned to Box Elder & rode
to Willow Creek Brother Joseph F Smith & Dunford had
held a meeting & Preached to the people I Joined them &
& rode to Ogden we again held 2 meetings here Brother
Farr went with me & Brother West with J F. Smith
I spoke one hour followed By Farr. 22 Miles

Page 163

We stoped at North Ogden & held a meeting
W Woodruff & J. F. Smith spoke we stoped with Br West

~ Friday

18. We drove to Kaysville & held a Meeting in the Midst of
a hard snow storm W Woodruff & J F. Smith spoke. we
then drove in a hard storm to Farmington & spent the night
with Brother Ezra Clark 26 miles

~ Saturday

19. We drove home to Salt Lake City 18 miles

I attended the school of the Prophets & spoke a short time

~ Sunday

20. Sunday I met with my Prayer circle in the morning &
A hand pointing to the right wrote a letter to Robert & Susan Scholes. L Farr spoke in
the forenoon I attended Meeting in the afternoon & D. H. Wells
spoke 48 minutes & Presid[en]t Joseph Young 45 minutes I met with
the Presidency & 12 for Prayer I spent the Evening at President
Youngs office conversation turned upon the railroad affairs
of Ogden & the railroad Depos &c Presidet said He intended
to give Each company 40 Acres

~ Monday

21. I spent most of the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endow[men]ts to 68
W Woodruff sealed 29 couple among the number I sealed a
young woman to my son James Jackson Woodruff [FIGURE]
I went to my Farm in the Evening & spent the night

~ Tuesday

22nd I spent a part of the day in the Endow[me]nt House we gave
Endow[men]ts to 35. D. H. Wells sealed 11 couple & W Woodruff 11 couple
I soled 37 Bushels of corn in the Ear to day to Brother Grow for $111
I spent the Evening at home Journal writing

~ Wednesday

A crown 23 I spent the day at home But during the Evening I attended
a grand party & dedication of the residence of Wm Jennings
his house is finished & furnished in the greatest splender
of any dwelling in this Territory I should Judge that
his SCopper cost $500. President B Young dedicated the
House The Presidency & most of the Twelve were Present

~ Thursday

24. I went to my Farm & came home in the Evening it
rained vary hard during the Afternoon & Evening

~ Friday

25 A hand pointing to the right Christmass I spent the day at home reading & writing
I took supper with Brother Beaty & Bulah & a few
friends including Mrs Woodruff

~ Saturday

26 I met with the school of the Prophets

Page 164

~ Sunday

Dec 27 1868

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle A. O. Smoot Prayed G A Smith spok
one hour & 15 minutes in treating upon the reasons why we should
be admitted into the Union as a State Government. In the
Afternoon O Pratt spoke 50 Minutes I met with the Presidency
& 12 for Prayer in the Evening.

~ Monday

28. I spent af part of the day in the Endowm[en]t House we
gave Endowments to 48. D. H. Wells sealed 10 couple G A S. 9
& W Woodruff 17.

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

29, & 30 I spent the time labouring with my hands

~ Thursday

31. President B. Young G. Q. Cannon B Young Jr & F D Richards
& myself left Salt Lake City to visit Ogden we drove to
the mouth of Webber then down the riveer to John W Young
Encampment we crossed the river & dined we then drove to
Ogden & the company stoped with Brother Wests & Farr
Brother Richards & myself stoped with Brother Farr also
Joseph F Smith who came down the webber & met us at ogden 40 miles
This closes up the last day of 1868.

I looked over my Journals & have recorded A synopsis of
my labors on a following Page

This closes the year 1868. The Past Year like many others
has been a vary important one the great National
Rail Road From the Atlantic to the Pacific Rail Road
has been a great Undertaking and opened a Highway
for the ransome of the Lord to Pass over. Zion has also
flourished during the Past Year The Foundation has
been laid to Esstablished A Cooperative Society of
Mercantile Business
and A union of all temporal
Business President Young and the leading men of
Israel are gaining great influence in the world & the
Men of the world are coming to visit Zion, to Behold
the wisdom thereof. The Lord is breaking evry weapon
formed against Zion the Devises of our Enemies are brought
to Naught

Page 165
Page 166

A Synopsis of my labors in 1868

I travelled 1304 Miles
I Attended 176 Meetings
I Preached 79 Discourses 79 Discourses
I Attended 32 Prayer Meetings With the Presidency and Twelve 32 Prayer ^M[eetings]^
I Attended 26 Prayer Meetings with W. Woodruff Prayer Circle 26 Prayer ^M[eetings]^
I Attended two General Conferences 2 Confer[ences]
I Spent 27 days in the Endowment House 27 Endow[men]t
We gave Endowments to 2025 Persons 2025 Persons
President B Young sealed 12 couple
G. A. Smith sealed 43, D H Wells 615 couple
Heber C. Kimball sealed 40 couple
G. Q Cannon sealed 54 couple
W. Woodruff sealed 404 couple 404 couple
I Gave 18 Persons their seconed Anointing 18 Anointing
I met with the School of the Prophets 47 Times
I Baptized 1 confirmed 1 & Blessed 1 child
I met with the Council of Fifty 3 times
I met with the Irrigation Company 2 times
I was Elected A City Councillor of Provo Met 4 times
I wrote 60 Letters 60 Letters
I Received 35 Letters 35 Letters
I Attended the Legislative Council 40 Days
I Paid $152.04 Tithing Due W W $52.02

I Spent the rest of my time in laboring
upon my farm for the support of My Family

Page 167


Page 168

~ Friday

Jan 1st 1869

Jan 1st 1869 Friday I met in council with the Presidency
Twelve & Land owners in the city of Ogden President Young
spoke upon the subject of wishing to Buy some 300 Acres of
land lying west of the Main street for the purpose of furnish-
ing the rail road companises sufficient room for their Depos
machine shops &c as Ogden was Expecting to be the terminus
of the Eastern & Western Pacific Rail Roads. The owners of
the Land offered to sell the land to President Young for $50
per acre as President Young wished to give a considerable portion
of it to the rail road companies.

President Young G. A. Smith & the Twelve met at 2 oclok & organized
a Branch school of the Prophets W. Woodruff G. A. Smith
G Q. Cannon & F. D. Richards spoke upon the Principls of the
school of the Prophets the objet of its organization &c.
L. Farr was Appointed President of the Branch C. W. West vice-
President. it was quite a stormy day Capt Wm H Hooper arived
& stoped with us at Brother Farrs

~ Saturday

2nd A Hard rainy day we called at Brother Wests. We
met atwith Gov Standford also with Dr Durants. after
some conversation upon locationg the Depose of the rail road
President Young road out with them to show them the land
G. A. Smith W. Woodruff F. D. Richard J. F. Smith & H. S. Eldridge
met with the school of the Prophets J. F. Smith spoke 40 M[inutes],
H. S. Eldridge spoke 15 President Young spoke 62 minutes He
spoke upon the subject of Man's being subject to sin & Misery that
they might be able to prize the good this may apply to the Telestial

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday I met in the Tabernacle at 10 oclok W Woodruff
spoke 40 Minutes to a travelling congregation G Q Cannon
spoke 40 Minutes. Afternoon sacram[en]t administered G. A. Smith
spoke one hour Wm H Hooper spoke 26 minutes President Young
spoke 50 minutes. In the Evening there was 3 Meetings F. D. Richards
spoke at the 1st ward & I followed him.

~ Monday

4. Monday we drove home to Salt Lake City 40 M[iles]

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

5, , 8 I spent the time laboring with my hands

~ Saturday

9 I met with the school of the Prophets

Page 169

~ Sunday

Jan 10, 1869

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle G. B. Wallace spoke 35 Minutes
Afternoon John Taylor spoke 45 minutes G Q Cannon 25
& Presid[en]t Young 18 minutes

~ Monday

11. A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters from Wilford & Susan & Phebe

I met with the Legislative Council of the Territory of Utah
Both Houses organized & adjourned till tomorrow I went to the
field & spent the night

~ Tuesday

12 We met in Joint session at 11 oclok, & herd the Governors
Message read

~ Wednesday

13 I spent the fore part of the day in the Council

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Wilford & received a letter from Thurber
I spent the Afternoon in writing I spent the Evening with
^ A folded letter/box^ Br Ezra Pettit I received a letter from A K Thurber

~ Thursday

14 I spent the forenoon in the council & Afternoon writing
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to A K. Thurber

~ Friday

15 I spent the day in the Council Chamber I wrote a letter to
A hand pointing to the right Almond Woodruff & sent Papers to I. F. Carter Azmon Woodruff
& O Thompson Woodruff I attended a party in the 14 ward of
the Female releif society

~ Saturday

16 I met with the school of the prophets in the Afternoon

~ Sunday

17. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting in the Tabernacle J. C. Wright told his Experience
& spoke 25 M[inutes], & L. E. Harrington 25 minutes Afternoon
Lorenzo Snow spoke one hour & 18 minutes. I met with
the Presidency & 12 for prayer rode to my farm in the Evening 4 M[iles]

~ Monday

18 I drove home & spent the forenoon in the council &
the afternoon in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endow[me]nts
to 75 D. H. Wells sealed 29 W. Woodruff 20. I called at
President Youngs office found quite a Number of the
members of the Legislature there we discussed the subject of
the interest Law & Lean Law, & the policy of appriopriating
$1000 dollars to Justice Wilson in the 3rd district in con-
sequence of such an amount of Business transacted
I went to the Theatre and saw the American Cousin

Page 170

~ Tuesday

Jan 19, 1869

[FIGURE] An arrow I called at Brother Mussers at 10 oclok &
met with Doctors Bernhisel & Anderson & others also
Elder Orson Hyde who had met to have his toe next to
the great toe taken off on his right foot He took some
Brandy & cloriform his toe was taken off at the 2nd
Joint I then went to the Legislature & spent the forenoon

~ Wednesday

20. Mrs W was sick through the day I spent the forenoon
A hand pointing to the right in the Legislature & wrote a letter to I F Carter

~ Thursday

21. I spent the forenoon in the Legislature I had an
interview with Mr E Woodruff Agent for the
firm of Brown, Whitman, & Winslow, whole sale Dry goods
15 & 17, Randolph St Chicago. He was of the Family of
Long Island Woodruff. I Attended a party at Jane Blackhurst ^12 & presidency was there^

~ Friday

22nd A hand pointing to the right I spent the forenoon in the Legislature & wrote
two letters to George Nebeker & Osborn B Shaw I
spent the afternoon at home Brothers Beaty & Snow
took supper with me. In conversation at the feast of
A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right Sister Blackhurst Brother Joseph B. Nobles said
that he performed the first Marriage Cerriemony accor-
ding to the Patriarchal order of Marriage ever per-
formed in this dispensation By sealing Eliza Beman
to Joseph Smith on the 6 day of May 1841.

~ Saturday

23. Mr Elias Woodruff & B. B. W. Locke visited the
City Hall with me in the morning I wrote a letter to
A hand pointing to the right Aphek L Woodruff and attended the school of the

~ Sunday

24. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and
attended Meeting at the Tabernacle E. D. Woolley Prayed
Francis Marrian Lyman spoke 25 Minutes Afternoon
O Pratt spoke one hour & 5 minutes upon the first principles
of the gospel
we had a full house I met with the Twelve for
prayer then went down to my farm & Back 4 m[iles]

~ Monday

25 A folded letter/box I received a letter from Wilford & Emily they had
a daughter Born sunday Morning at 10 oclok Jan 10th 1869
A crown I spent the forenoon in the Legislative Council I
presented two Bills on Mechanics Lein & Interest on Money

Page 171

265. I spent the afternoon in the Endowm[en]t House we gave
Endow[me]nts to 56. D H Wells sealed 22 & W Woodruff 10.

~ Tuesday

26. I spent the day in the legislature & attended a lecture
in the 10 ward Delivered By R L Campbell upon compa-
sition I followed him

~ Wednesday

27. A hand pointing to the right I sent papers to Ezra Carter & I F Carter &
Wilford Woodruff Jr. We received a letter from Susan
C Scholes

~ Thursday

28. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Phebe & Leslie & Susan C Scholes
& spent the day in the Legislature we got supper & had
A. O. Smoot & wife Elias Smith L Snow & Eliza Snow
we spent a plesant Evening

~ Friday

29 An arrow A Man By the name of Miller was exic-
uted in provo for Murder. I spent the day in the
Legislature passed seven Bills I sent papers to
Thomas Woodruff Wilford Woodruff Jr & Luther Scammans

~ Saturday

30. I drove my team to Fort Harriman & spent the night
it was a stormy day the storm Blew into my face 20 M[iles]

~ Sunday

31. Sunday I preached in the school House in the forenoon
& attended the sunday school in the afternoon they have
about 40 schollars. I addressed them I also spoke in the Evening

~ Monday

Feb 1. I drove to my farm & took a load of Fodder & drove
home Before leaving Fort Harriman I sold a man a pair
of two year old colts will be 2 year old in the spring. one
Horse colt was from a sorrel Mare at Fort Harriman &
the Mare colt was pintoes I sold them for $50.

~ Tuesday

20nd A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from I F Carter & one from
Wilford I sent papers to Azmon & Thompson Woodruff I. F. Carter
Wilford Woodruff & Henry Woodford

~ Wednesday

3rd A hand pointing to the right I sent papers to Ozem Woodruff, Horace Woodruff
Luther Wheeler, Wilford Woodruff. I also wrote to Wilford
Woodruff & sent him $20. I also bought him a revolver for $12.

~ Thursday

4. A hand pointing to the right I sent Aphek L. Woodruff a Bundle of Apple, pear,
& Plum cuttings. I also wrote I. F. Carter a letter
and gave him an invitation to come & visit us I received
A folded letter/box A letter from Robert Scholes & Susan C Scholes

Page 172

~ Friday

Feb 5, 1869

A hand pointing to the right I returned from the farm this morning & spent
the day in the Legislature. President Young & several of the
Twelve went to Provo to Hold a 2 days meeting. I went to the field

~ Saturday

6 I returned from the field A& attended the school of the
Prophets & addressed the school was followed By C. C. Rich
& Erastus Snow William Smoot & Mother & wife visited
us in the Evening 4 M[iles]

~ Sunday

7. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning was
introduced to the Rev Mr Stewart of Penn, a Prybbatrn
Clergamian I attended meeting at the Tabernacle
in the morning. C. C. Rich spoke 40 minutes. Afternoon
Erastus Snow spoke one hour & 50 Minutes the Rever
Mr Stewart spoke 30 minutes upon the tex He cthat
ruleth over his own spiritsts is greater than he that
taketh a City [Proverbs 16:32]. Mr Stewart spoke in the Evening
at the 14 ward assembly room He spoke about
45 minutes upon the saying of Paul let us lay aside
evry wait & the sin which doth so Easily beset us &
rum for the Prize &c [Hebrews 12:1] I followed him & spoke near
an hour & showed the assembly we must keep the
commandm[en]ts of God as well as to believe in Christ
in order to be saved. The House was vary full

~ Monday

8. A hand pointing to the right I sent Papers to I. F Carter, Ozem, Thompson,
Azmon &Aphek L. & Wilford Woodruff & Luther Wheeler
I spent the day in the Legislature A hand pointing to the right I also wrote 2 letter
to Azmon & Thompson Woodruff

~ Tuesday

9th A hand pointing to the right I sent Papers to Capt Luther Scammans
& Wilford Woodruff I spent the forenoon in the Legislature
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Robert W. Scott Esqr of Frankfort
Ky, and asked him for information upon sheep &c
I wrote a Letter to Shuah C. Moulton

~ Wednesday

10th A hand pointing to the right I spent the forenoon in the legislature also the afternoon

~ Thursday

11 I spent the day in the Legislator & went to the farm in the
Evening A single key with teeth to the right President Young told me if I wanted any assist-
ance to call upon him

~ Friday

12. I came home from the farm & spent the day in the Legislature

Page 173

~ Saturday

Feb 13, 1869

13 A hand pointing to the right I spent the forenoon in the Legislature I sent papers
to I. F. Carter Azmon, Thompson, Seth & Willford Woodruff
and A. L. Woodruff I spent the Afternoon in the
school of the prophets

~ Sunday

14. I attended meeting in the Tabernacle G Q Cannon spoke
in the forenoon spoke 40 minutes O Pratt spoke in the afternoon
A hand pointing to the right one hour & 10 Minutes I wrote a Letter to Phebe A Snow
in the Evening I attended meeting at the 8 ward Bishop Sheets
spoke 30 minutes I spoke one hour I met with the Presidency &
Twelve for Prayer

~ Monday

15 I spent the day in the Legislative assembly and had a
good deal of business I attended a meeting at President
Youngs office in the Evening of the Board of Directors of the
Cooperative Association it was an interesting meeting
in many respects President Young made many remarks
upon this subject & wished to have the merchants
unite together under this head & be governed By the
Priesthood, He thought the merchants were slow
to carry out his council. The Lord wished the people
to unite upon temporal things. There are so many
Events transpiring at the present time that it is difficult
for me to keep an account of it in my Journals

~ Tuesday

16. I spent the day in the Endowm[en]t ^council^ House Legislative
Council also the evening I sent Papers to Horace &
A hand pointing to the right Eldad Woodruff Ilus & Ezra Carter & Seth Wheeler
I wrote a letter to Luther & Rhoda Scammons

~ Wednesday

17. I spent the day and evening in the Legislative
Assembly I sent papers to Wilford Woodruff I F
& Ozem Woodruff

~ Thursday

18 I spent the day in the Legislative assembly
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Leslie & Marrion I spent the
evening in the Legislature

~ Friday

19. A hand pointing to the right A crown I Bought a five Acre grass lot of C. Spencer
to day & Paid 800 dollars for it & got the deed today
I wrote a Letter to Robert Scholes I sent papers to
Wilford Woodruff & I. F. Carter

Page 174

we continued our Legislative Business untill 3 oclck in
the morning we done a good deal of Business the Acting
Govornor vetoed several Bills. I went home so weary
& sick I could not sleep

~ Saturday

20. I arose this morning vary weary & nearly sick
After selling a load of Hay & doing other work I
took the Boys & went to the field & it was an extream
cold windey day I sifted with the assistance of Brigham
16 Bushels of wheat & I sowed 5 acres of wheat &
draged it one way did not get through till 9 oclok at
night. I tired my team out & went to Bed sick

~ Sunday

21 Sunday we have a driving cold snow storm this
morning. Sick But I had 3 lengths of fence to put up in
the snow which was blown down in the night I then went
to the city through a driving storm arived much chiled [chilled]
got warm & went to bed. I did not attend meeting
Brother Penrose Preached in the forenoon & J Fo Smith in
the Afternoon, the Presidency & 12 met for Prayer

~ Monday

22. A crown I met in the state Legislature as a Senator and
attended to all the Business of the session in one day. I
a Military Ball in the Evening. 12 of the Quorum of
the Twelve were there it is vary seldom that all the
Quorum ever meet together but they did upon this occasion
& all the presidency

~ Tuesday

223rd I spent the day laboring with my hands

~ Wednesday

24. I spent the day laboring with my hands we met
with the 14 ward Female Relief society in the evening

~ Thursday

25 I went to my farm & spent the day laboring

~ Friday

26. I spent the day on the farm

~ Saturday

27. I came Back to the city & attended the School of
the prophets

~ Sunday

28 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I
A single key with teeth to the right then gave [FIGURE] Susan Smith the wife of Gorge A
her seconed Anointing this was done to correct
her former Anointing which was informar G A Smith
Also gave [FIGURE] Phebe W Woodruff & Sarah Woodruff their

Page 175

seconed Anointing Mrs Woodruff was anointed for
her sister Mary Carter Woodruff I attended Meeting
in the Afternoon Erastus Snow Preached more than an
hour I preached in Bishop Hardys ward in the Evening.

~ Monday

March 1, 1869. This is my birth day I am 62 years
A crown old this day & still a vary hard laboring man At
A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right 9 o oclok this Morning I met with the Presidency
& 12 at Mr Jennings store which had been stocked
as the first whole sale dry goods store of the Cooperative
. Our Meeting was for the dedication of this
store unto God we all knelt before the Lord & Presid[en]t
Brigham Young Dedicated the Building unto the Lord naming
Evry part & portion of the Building from the foundation to
the top thereof He was followed By George A Smith
& Daniel H Wells each prayed in their turn this is
the first time I Ever saw A dedication with three
Prayers in this Church the spirit of the Lord was
waith us & we had a good time I went to the Endo-
wm[en]t House
we gave Endowm[en]ts to 42 D H Wells sealed
18 couple & W Woodruff 11 couple I went to the field in the Evening

~ Tuesday

2nd I commenced draging in my wheat but it soon
began to snow & snowed hard all day I went home
in the Evening

~ Wednesday

3rd the snow melted all day I received a letter
A folded letter/box forom Wilford

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

4 & 5. I spent the [day] laboring at home

~ Saturday

6. Sunday I met with my Quorum I attended Meeting
in the Tabernacle I spoke in the forenoon S W Richards
in the Afternoon 30 minutes G. Q. Cannon spoke 35
I preached in the 13 ward in the Evening

~ Sunday

7 A folded letter/box I received a letter from Azmon one from
Delight & one from Susan I spent the day putting
in wheat at the farm

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

8 ^& 9^ I spent the day putting in wheat also the 9th

~ Wednesday

10. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Susan & Delight I spent
most of the day drawing clay ^9 & 10 D H Wells Attended at the Endo[wmen]t House^

Page 176

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

March 11, 1869

11 & 12 I spent the time putting in oats Barly & wheat

~ Saturday

13. I furrowed out 13 acres of wheat Barly & oats for taking
in the forenoon then went to the city attended the school
of the prophets
. in the Evening got a draft for A O Smoot
of $5000 to go East & Buy sheep & cows I went to
the Theater in the Evening & saw Rip Van winkle play

~ Sunday

14. Sunday A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from A. L Woodruff
& Internal Revenue office I wrote 2 letters to A
A hand pointing to the right O Smoot of Recommend Brigham Young signed one
& I signed the other. I met with my Prayer Circle in
the morning & attended Meeting in the Afternoon S Woolly
preached in the forenoon & John Taylor in the Afternoon
I met with the presidency & 12 for prayer I laid Hands
upon a sick man

~ Monday

15 We have had a hard rainy night & it rains &
snows this morning which I am glad to see as it has [been]
vary dry I attended the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endo[wme]nts to
60 persons D. H. Wells sealed 17 couple & W. Woodruff 13.

~ Tuesday

16. It was a hard snow storm the trees were heavily loaded
I Attended A funeral in the 6 ward of a youmg woman
who died in child Birth I spoke about half an hour
I attended a meeting in the 14 ward of the Merchantile
Cooporation the constitution & Buy laws was read & except [accepted]

~ Wednesday

17. It is still vary wet underfoot I spent the Afternoon
choreing. At a meeting of the 14 ward Cooporative Association
Bishop A Hoagland was chosen President & W Woodruff Vice Presid[en]t

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

18, & 19 I spent the time choring

~ Saturday

20. I Attended the school of the prophets

~ Sunday

21. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended Meeting
in the Tabernacle R Nesling spoke in the forenoon 35 M[inutes],
& O Pratt in the Afternoon one Hour & 10 Minutes I preached
in the Evening in the 15 ward school House

~ Monday to ~ Friday

22nd to the 26. I spent this week Breaking up a 5 Acre grass
lot which I had bought of Claudius Spencer

~ Saturday

27 I came from the field & attended the school of the prophets
A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from Robert W. Scott Azmon & Ozem Woodruff

Page 177

~ Sunday

March 28, 1869

Sunday I met with My Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle N H Felt spoke 40 minutes in the
forenoon & G Q Cannon one hour in the Afternoon
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Robert W Scott Frankfort KY, & one to
Sarah D Woodruff I preached in the Evening at the 14 ward
school House
I met with the 12 for prayer Presid[en]t
Young was quite sick

~ Monday

29. I went to the farm & sowed 2 Acres of Barley & it st[orm]ed
in the night so I could not drag it in

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

30 & 31. I spent my time in the city at home laboring cutting
wood & Brush

~ Thursday

April 1st I spent the day at home it was vary muddy in
the street

~ Friday

2nd I spent the day at home & went to the field in the
Evening to sow some wheat it snowed in the night

~ Saturday

3. I sowed 6 Bushels of wheat on 3 Acres this morning
in the snow & mud & will drag in when it gets dry
I attended the school of the prophets in the Afternoon
G. D. Watt spoke about 2 Hours in his own defense He had
Been accused of speaking against the Cooperative labor
of the Church & it was proved against him But he made
his confession in his way

~ Sunday

4. Sunday morning I met with my circle & Preached one
Hour in the Tabernacle in the forenoon in the Afternoon I
Attended the meeting at Brother Knowltons on the funeral occasion
of the Burial of one his child[re]n Joseph F Smith spok &
I followed him I met with the Presidency & 12
for prayer. President Young was quite poorly I wrote
A hand pointing to the right a letter to Wilford

~ Monday

5. I spent the day in my Garden at work

~ Tuesday

6. April The General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of
L.D.S. met in the New Tabernacle at 10 oclok was called to
order By President Young G A Smith opened By Prayer then
spoke to the people 12 Meinutes G Q. Cannon spoke 55 minutes
E. T. Benson spoke 25 Minutes Afternoon Prayer By J F Smith
F D. Richards spoke 30 [minutes]. G Q Cannon Presented the report of the

Page 178

Zions Cooperative Merchantile Associations. Also
the Female Relief Society Association The list of the Female
Missionaries was then read & excepted [accepted] President Young
then spoke 27 minutes

~ Wednesday

7th Conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer By W Woodruff
E Snow spoke 30 Minutes D. H. Wells spoke 55 Minutes O Pratt
spoke in the Afternoon W. Woodruff spoke 20 minutes Presid[en]t
Young spoke 20 [minutes]. I spent all my leasure Hours in grafting my
Apple Trees

~ Thursday

8. Conference met at 10 oclok G. Q. Cannon Prayed Presid[en]t
Young spoke 55 Minutes G. A. Smith spoke 24 minutes G. Q. Cannon
spoke 15 Minutes Afternoon Prayer By E. T. Benson the
Missionaries were then Presented Presid[en]t Young spoke 25 Minutes
& then 30 Minutes. Conference then adjourned t6ill 6 day of Oct
I met D. H. Wells & the 12 at the Historians office & we set
Apart about 50 Missionaries

~ Friday

9th I spent the day Grafting in my orchard Brother Brower
done the grafting I assisted him we got through at
Night I was vary weary. I went to the farm for the night

~ Saturday

10 I returned home in the morning & spent the day planting grape
vine & strawburies I was sick at night with a severe
cold upon the Lungs Bulah had a severe sick night with a
Nervious affection

~ Sunday

11. Sunday I was quite unwell & did not attend Meeting
I met with my prayer Circle in the Evening

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

12 to 165 inclusive I spent this week laboring in my
Garden. I set out strawburies, opened Grapes, sowed
clover & Timothy in my orchard prepared it for
watering on the 165 I was at the farm & sowed Oats
& Barley peas, Beans, Beets, corn, set out trees
A hand pointing to the right & so I returned home Bulah has been vary
sick with a Nervous Effection Mrs Woodruff
is quite worn down with the care of her & hard
A folded letter/box Labor I received 2 letters from Azmon &
Ilus. Susan & her children are with us
I am unwell with hard Labor

Page 179

~ Friday

April 16 1869

I left Salt Lake City this morning for
a Journey to St Georg we had the painful
intelligence that Franklin Woolley was Murdered
By the Indian near Calafornia & they were
Bringing his body home in a Metalic coffi[n]
J. V Long was found dead in a ditch on the
14th Died a drunkard found dead with 2
Bottles of whiskey with him many smart
Men are going to the Grave with drunkeness
I laid hands upon Bulah, Susan, & Mrs
Woodruff & Blessed them Befor leaving
I left Salt Lake City in company with H S Eldridge & his
driver Brother Henry Lewis President Young & company left the
day before. We drove to American Fork & dined with Br John
we then drove to Provo & called upon President Young
I spent the night at the family of Brother Smoot. distance 50 M[iles]

~ Saturday

Keys crossed 17. A stormy morning. We drove to sProvingfield & held a meeting at
10 {o'clock} to Dedicate the meeting House President D. H. Wells made
the dedication Prayer. President Young then spoke to the people
45 Minutes. Afternoon. Prayer By G. Q. Cannon W. Woodruff
spoke 35 Minutes H. S. Eldridge spoke 15 Joseph Young spoke 35 M[inutes]
At the close of the Meeting we rode to Spanish Fork & spent the
night with Bishop Thurber I wrote 3 letters to A O Smoot
Wilford & Phebe

~ Sunday

18. Sunday H S Eldridge & myself attended meeting at the
spanish Fork settlem[en]t prayer By Z Coulton H S Eldridge
spoke 20 [minutes] W Woodruff 60 [minutes], A. K. Thurber 10 Minutes Afternoon
I attended the sunday school & spoke to them a short time. it
is storming we drove to provason we spent the night at ^G^ Pattens 6 M[iles]
We held a meeting at Pason. G Q Cannon Prayed Joseph
spoke 48 minutes D. H. Wells spoke 50 M[inutes].

~ Monday

19. A cold Morning roads Heavy we left Pason at 9 oclok
& travelled to Nephi & spent the night at Brother Oakeys 25 M[iles]
we held a Meeting at the Meeting House at 5 oclok B Young jr
Prayed W. Woodruff spoke 24 M[inutes], G Q Cannon 36 [minutes].
President Brigham Young spoke 38 Minutes A synopsis on the following page

Page 180

President Young said I require all under 100 years old
to stop using tobaco & drinking whiskey if they do not we
will soon make it a test of fellow[ship] in the Church you should
keep the word of wisdom. I have laid the Benefit of this
course before the saints many times the people injure their
health tea injures the stomach tobaco, whiskey, tea, ^&^ coffee
injures the Health & shortens the lives of the peoples
Babylon is going to Fall. In the Millinnium all will
be filled with the knowledge of God then all the people
will keep the word of wisdom & take delight in in. shame
on the person who will not overcome all their evil
appetites for the sake of the Kingdom of God let all the
Saints save what they give for Tobaco, whiskey tea, ^&^ coffee
& give it for the emigration of the poor there is nothing
worth Possessing in Heaven Earth or Hell except what
the Gospel Brings

~ Tuesday

20th A Plesant Morning we drove to Tidwell Station
Chicken Creek & stoped to Bate But 2 families in the
Place. A Hard snow storm commenced while there
& snowed hard till night. ^18 M[iles]^ We then drove
to Round valley 20 Miles through a hard snow
storm we held A Meeting in the Evening 20 M[iles]

W Woodruff spoke 120 M[inutes], D H Wells 25 M[inutes] we had a
cold stormy night.

~ Wednesday

21. It is still snowing we drove with the snow
in our faces to Cedar Springs 14 M[iles].

We stoped with Brother Walter Stephens & took dinner
then drove to Filmore 12 [miles].

We stoped for the night with Brother Joseph Robisom
we held a meeting in the State House in the Evening G Q
spoke 21 M[inutes], B Young Jr. spoke 15 Minutes
D. H. Wells 40, W Woodruff 15 President Young 34 Minutes
He said If I was to tell you the will of God, I would say it is the
will of God that you should take of your substance & send it
to Gather the poor saints. the means you wood spend for
tobaco, tea, coffee, & whiskey & Gather the poor with it we should

Page 181

be doing the will of God. It is the will of God that we should
keep the word of wisdom. When you want to do evil it is the
will of the devil, & not the will of God. President Young told
a dream on chewing tobaco. We spent the night with Robinson

~ Thursday

22 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Phebe & I F Carter. It was snowing
Hard & we concluded to stay through the day & hold a meeting
we met at one oclok. President Joseph Young spoke at 61 M[inutes]
George Dunford 25 Minutes G Q Cannon spoke 40 Minutes
we met in the school House in the school of the Prophets
W Woodruff Prayed. President B Young spoke 40 Minutes
H. S. Eldridge spoke 12, then President Young spoke a few Minutes
on the course we should persue in our diet stop eating pork,
use milk eggs fowles & fish. D. H. Wells spoke 15 Minutes

~ Friday

23rd A Plesant Morning we rode to Canarrahosh settlem[en]t
& held a meeting Joseph Young Prayed H. S. Eldridge spoke
10 M[inutes], Joseph Young spoke 13, G. Q. Cannon spoke 10 M[inutes]
W Woodruff spoke 12 B Young Jr spoke 5 Minutes D H Wells
spoke 13, President Young spoke 12 Minutes. We drove to Corn Creek
& spent the night This Fort is a vary substantial Building
I think the best Fort in the Territory the Fort is Built of volcanic
rock laid up in lime Mortar. The walls are 100 feet square
outside 18 feet High from the foundation to the vertex. On the east
side is a Gateway 14 feet square with a good substantial arch
set all inside 6 feet deep & 3 feet thick Above this Preparation
are being made for a lock out & telegraph office on the west
side is a gate way 8 feet By 4, with a projection inside 10 1/2 feet
wide 10 feet High Hanging with strong Hinges. The fort also con-
tains 12 rooms 6 on the North & 6 on the south side, 10 of which
are 16 By 14 feet & 2 16 x 17 feet & 9 feet 4 inches High. A
chimney to each room 3 feet wide & 2 thick standing 6 feet
above the fort wall the rooms are well lighted & have 4 pannel
doors the roof is covered with good shaved pine shingle the whole
Building contains 2250 pearch of rock 1975 Bushels of Lime
& cost up to the present time $22690. distance of the day 37 1/ m[iles]

~ Saturday

April 24. The sun shines we drove to Bever 28 Miles
we had muddy roads the wheels loaded so with mud it Blocked

Page 182

them so they would not roll. We held a Meeting at Bever
B Young Jr Prayed Joseph Young spoke 27 Minutes D. H. Wells 40
W Woodruff 17 Minutes

~ Sunday

25 Sunday D. H. Wells H. S. Eldridge & myself left Bever &
drove to Parawan. We held a Meeting at 2 oclok 35 M[iles]

W Woodruff spoke 35 Minutes H. S. Eldridge 20 D. H. Wells 55.
President Young held a meeting at Bever G Dunford spoke
27 Minutes B Young Jr 28, G Q Cannon 40, {President} Joseph Young 30,
& President B Young 30 Minutes they then came on to Parawan
& we held another Meeting in the Evening Joseph Young spoke 45
President Young 24 Minutes He said I wish to live untill I can see
Zion redeemed & the centre stake built up & the Saints of God
sanctified Before the Lord. The people think if they were sealed
up in the things of God they would loose sight of all earthly
things but this is not the case. If we can understand this to
know the things of God & his ways would be to know how
to till the Earth & to Manufacture all we want. There is
no such thing as a kingdom without law. There is a Law
that Governs & controlls all things. They controll the Elem[en]ts
to bring them together to supply us with Evry thing we need
there is a system & Law to Evry Branch of knowledge, and
if we ownly understood it we should know how to do any
thing right that perfect system we should understand and
carry out we have this system in spiritual things so must
we become in temporal things. It is said you cannon Eat yor
cake & keep it to But our cooperate system comes nearer to it
than any thing Els I know of. I want this system in the
Hands of the poor & not the rich alone, & theLet the poor have the Ben-
efit of it

~ Monday

26. We travelled to Cedar & held a Meeting H. S. Eldridge
spoke 6 minutes B Young jr 3 M[inutes], Joseph Young 25 Minutes
D. H. Wells 38, & President B Young 28 M[inutes]. President Young
spoke asked do you keep the word of wisdom do you pray if
not it is hard living you know whether you do or not God is
the Man twho is carrying this work on we work with him
I tell you in the name of God, that it is our duty to live our

Page 183

religion, to keep the word of wisdom & do our duty, to say
those who sin are justified in the Church they are not, some
think they are going straight into the kingdom of God & partake
of all the Glory of God they are not they are mistakened
we must not live for ourselves alone, if you will not live
to the light of the Lord you will fail. The subject of each
man being Equal in voting in the cooperation has been brought
up Now I wish to preset a case if one man had 39000 sheep
& 10 men had 1000 sheep all in partnership the 10 men say
we will drive these to Calafornia & sell them the one man says no
we will keep them Here for the good of the Saints so we can make
up the wool into clothing for the people would it be just for these
10 Men to controll the 39000 sheep of the one man while they
had but one thousand No it would not neither is it right for
one Man to controll the capital of another unless he is
dictated by the revelations of God Such a principle does
not Exhist in heaven earth or Hell in Justice. 18 Miles

We travelled to Cannarrah we held a Meeting 12 Miles

W Woodruff spoke 20 M[inutes], G Q Cannon 37, Presid[en]t B.

~ Tuesday

27 We drove to Tokerville H S Eldridge & myself 24 M[iles]

Stoped with John Nebeker I visited his orchard & vineyard
He had large Fig trees bearing figs half grown. We held a
Meeting D. H. Wells spoke 45 Minutes G Q Cannon 20 M[inutes]
{President} Joseph Young 38 Minutes. We spent the night at J Nebeker

~ Wednesday

28 We drove to Pocketville & held a Meeting Presid[en]t B Young
spoke 35 Minutes Joseph Young spoke 15 Minutes D. H. Wells
11 Minutes we dined & drove to Rockville Here we found a
Beautiful plac a street half a mile long with rows of Houses
each side & fine gardens, orchards, & vineyards surrounded
with High Mountains a mile High which forms a vary
romantic sceney. We held a meeting. W Woodruff spoke
23 Minutes Presid[en]t Young spoke 30, G Q Cannon spok 26,
H S Eldridge 6 M[inutes]. Rules of the school of the prophets was
read then {President} Joseph Young spoke 6 Minutes President Young stoped
for the night with Brother & Sister Black 20 M[iles]

Page 184

Brother Black was 86 years old & quite smart. We stayed
a good deal with them in Manchester England. I spent the
night with Brother Smith of Herrifordshire England

~ Thursday

29. We drove Back down the Mountain to Tokerville
the people in thes Mountain regions are to a great Expens
to make ditches to carry the water to irrigate there lands they
have to dig for miles in the midst of large rocks on the side
of steep Mountains & often times have to floom for a
long distance. This days travel was the first day I did not
have to wear an overcoat since I had left home we held
a Meeting at Tokerville. Presid[en]t Young spoke 40 Minutes He
said The Latter Day Saints are not aware of the Influence
they have with each other. Now you put wine on the
Table morning & night & it will be an injury to you you might
as well tipple with any thing els as wine. we should set a
good example before all. Keep the word of wisdom, and
if you do not you will soon be severed from the Church
In speaking of Merchandize He said I mean to Break
up evry Merchant who has made himself rich off this
people & I mean to Break evry one of them By the Help
of God Let the sisters Attend these cooperative stores
and not Great strong Men. At the close of the 20 M[iles]
Meeting Presid[en]t Young & comp[an]y left & drove to Washington
H. S. Eldridge & myself stayed with Brother Haight at Tokerville

~ Friday

30. We left Tokerville & drove to Bennington 5 M[iles], then to
Harrisburgh 3 M[iles], & Held a Meeting H. S. Eldridge spok 23
Minutes & W Woodruff 34 M[inutes]. We then drove to St George 22 Miles
Presid[en]t Young & comp[an]y had arived Before us we stayed
with Brother Bartley St George is becoming the second city in
the Territory in Beuty & improvem[en]t they are building the finest
Meeting House in the Territory it is 100 By 50 feet in the door
Built of fine cut red sand stone it is laid in layers like Brick
& has a fine appearance it is 106 By 56 outside I visited Brother
Erastus Snow also Brother Olive Woolley Sister Sarah Foss
was also there they were in Mourning for the death of Frank
who was Murdered By the Indians we held a council in

Page 185

the Evening about going to the Muddy

~ Saturday

May 1st We met at 10 oclok in the Basem[en]t of the Tabernacle
for a 2 days Meeting My son Wilford & several of ofthe
St Thomas settlem[en]t had come up to attend the conference
Our conference was opened By prayer By D. H. Wells President
B Young spoke 50 Minutes D. H. Wells 63 M[inutes]. in the forenoon I visited
Brother Johnsons Garden at Noon. He had a great variety of
grapes flowers & shrubery. in the Afternoon Joseph Young spoke
28 Minutes W Woodruff spoke 37, H. S. Eldridge 30 Minutes I
spent the Evening in visiting the Saints & the night in comp[an]y with
Wilford at the Family of Frank Woolley

~ Sunday

May 2nd I visited many of the Saints also the sunday school
Our Meeting assembled at 10 oclok G Q Cannon spoke 58 M[inutes]
B Young Jr 32 Joseph W Young spok 10 M[inutes], Presid[en]t B
spoke 8 Minutes He said if you want to know why we
want to settle this southern country one reason is this, if
the Nation Makes war upon us again we want some place to go
to whare we can have a safe place to keep our women & children in
while we have to defend our homes. Afternoon president Joseph
spoke 36 Minutes G Dunford spoke 13 M[inutes] President B Young
spoke 60 Minuts & said I do not know that I have spent
one Moment to reflect whether I should be saved or not. I know
that I am serving a God that will do right & He has given
me a work to do And I ask God to Give me Grace and
wisdom to perform it & I leave all Events in his hands. He then
read the word of wisdom & said this people never saw the
day that they were willing for God to rule over us in all things
there is not one in a thousand willing for it. During the whole
war we were the ownly People in the United States who
were safe in person & property they did not call for any
Men I am Glad of it. The Nation is agoing to have war
& Blood up to there Horses Bridles & they will be destroyed
I have sPaid to this people more than two Million of Dollars
and they would hunt up some Gentile to give it to him there is
still many tares with the wheat a[mo]ng this people what shall we do
with them let them grow with the wheat untill the Harvest

Page 186

The rules of the schools were then read to the Assembly
I spent the night with Wilford at Sister Woolleys

~ Monday

May 3rd A Plesant Morning we drove to Pine Valley through
the Volcanic Country & held a Meeting at the school House
President Young spoke 11 Minutes D. H. Wells 16 Minutes W Woodruff
spoke 10 M[inutes], G Q Cannon 9 M[inutes], B Young Jr 4, H S Eldridge 5
E Snow 5, Presid[en]t Young spoke 4 Minutes we then met with
the Authorities in council at Brother Burgess House Presid[en]t
Young said I hear that the Moquiches want to come & live with
us I think we had Better send word to Brother Hamblin to send
word to them to come & live with us. I want the Brethren
to Esstablish a whole sale store at Parawan & at St George
I want to have all the Brethren go into raising Grapes that can
I like the Maliga the Best for raisins we spent the night with
Wm Burgess 35 Miles

~ Tuesday

4. We drove to Pinto Creek took Breakfast & Held a Meeting
at the New Meeting House W Woodruff Prayed Joseph Young
spoke 15 Minutes D. H. Wells 14 M[inutes], W Woodruff 6 M[inutes]
President Young 6 M[inutes]. We then drove to Cedar 26 M[iles] total 38 Miles
we held a Meeting {President} Joseph Young spoke 35 M[inutes], G Q Cannon 23
W Woodruff 17 Minutes B Young Jr 14 Presid[en]t Young spoke 5 M[inutes].

~ Wednesday

5 We drove to Parawan to Breakfast & held a Meeting
President Young spoke 17 Joseph Young 6 M[inutes], G Q Cannon 15.
we then drove to Bever & took supper together at the Female Relief
. We held a Meeting D H Wells spoke 16 M[inutes] 47 M[iles].
President Young 20 Minutes & said Keys crossed I have told you what I
expect with regard to Celestial Marriage there will be but
vary few men crowned as Gods in the Eternal world even
if all the Saints were crowned how many women will belong
what will be done with them I will tell you one thing the
women who oppose this work they will not be with the fami[ly]
of those who are crowned they will be some whare els. The
female relief society you have the knowledge that has been published
upon that subject I do not know of a More important thing
than for those women who know to keep a school to teach
others to keep house I have seen women pretend to keep Hous Make

Page 187

tea first then fry meat then Boil potatoes & at last make
Bread there are but vary few good Housekeepers But when you
find one you find a woman that knows what to do. The female
Relief Society would take this matter in hand & teach young
women the art of Housekeeping have a place for Evry thing & Evry thing
in its place learn the girls to be Book keepers so they can tend
the stores & keep accounts Also let the sisters get up a cheese
Factory & make cheese for the people, Make Bonnets Make
cloth shoes & let your Daughters Marry Good men if they
have 40 wives. G Q Cannon spoke 7 Minutes

~ Thursday

6th We drove to Corn Creek fort 26 Miles

I spent the night at Brother Wilcox the son of Brother Wilcox
who died with the cholary at Brother Burgeth in clay co
Mo. in Zions Camp He belonged to My company

~ Friday

7th We drove in a storm to Corn Creek & held a Meeting
D H Wells spoke 12 M[inutes], G Dunford 20 M[inutes] B Young Jr 17, G Q
175 it rained hard through the night 25 M[iles]

8we drove to Filmore & spent the night with Brother Robinson

~ Saturday

8 We drove to Cedar Springs & held a Meeting Presid[en]t
Young spoke 10 M[inutes], Joseph Young 9, D H Wells 17, G Q Cannon 11.
We drove to Round Valley and held a Meeting Presid[en]t Young
spoke 19 Minutes & said If I lived here I would Build
up this place so the devil could not get the stock fare [far] up the
canyon so the Indian cannot get them the Lord
takes care of those who take care of themselves there is not
the pain taken here that there ought to be if we do what
we can the Lord will do the rest if I go & preach to the people
I do my duty then the people must obey for themselves I
will not do it Neither will the Angels come & do your work
for you But you have got to do for yourselves. The Lord will
not come & raise your Bread you must raise it yourselves
I say to you to stop dealing with the wicked. Stop swearing
& drinking treat your Animals kindly God does not give
you Animals or wives & children to abuse we shall be held
responsible for all we do. Could our eyes be open to see the order
of Enoch
we should be ashamed of ourselves

Page 188

H S Eldridge spoke 16 M[inutes], W Woodruff spoke 9
B Young Jr spoke 16, G Dunford spoke 15 Minutes

~ Sunday

9th We drove to Chicken Creek Nooned then drove to Nephi
& stoped for the night with Brother Oakey 40 M[iles]

We held a Meeting D. H. Wells spoke 35 Minutes Presid[en]t
B Young spoke 41 Minutes A single key with teeth to the right and said it is not proven that
people are the saints of God because they live in these vallies but
those prove themselves saints who live by evry word of God
we can be saints or not Just as we please if we want to prove
to God or man that we are saints then we must live for
God & none Els The Devil temped Eve & she partook of the
forbidden fruit & sin entered into the world Now we can do
good or Evil Just as we please. We can be saints or not
Just as we please. Now learn the will of God & do it Just as we
please it is your duty to walk in the light of the Lord and
not in darkness we do not want sin or opposition to
Enalbe us to do the will of God or to be successful in all business
unite together & sustain Israel & not the wicked. do not
trade with the wicked A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right And I now say to the
President & Bishop cut off evry man from this Church
that trades with outsiders do you hear it President do you
hear it Bishop Cut them off from the Church & let them
go & have no opposition with you Hell is full of opposition
stop your opposition do not trade one cent from this
hour with any other store ownly with your cooperative
store in this place. Do you think we are prepared to go &
redeem the centre stake of Zion No we are not God will
not receive us unless we rise up & shake ourselves from
sin I will say Amen. I say again to your Bishop & Presid[en]t
to cut off evry man that trades with outsiders. There are
Jews here; they are not our Friends; do not trade with them,
they do not Believe in Jesus Christ. What rules the Chris-
world to day, sin & the Devil. Obey council & not go
to the gold Mines unless you are sent God is hiding up the
Gold of these Mountains untill we are prepared to receive
it Let it alone untill I tel you to dig it Leave all events in the

Page 189

hands of God I wish the wicked would leave this Church & go
away but they will stay wicth us more or less"

W Woodruff spoke 10 Minutes. He said that there were two
parties here & in other places. the one is the people of God & the
other the people of the devil they serve him & are under the
dominion of sin & Satan. all who do not belong to the Church
of Churchrist of ChBelong to the Church of the Devil. This people have
herd the most profitable sermon from Presid[en]t Young today
they ever herd in there lives if they will make a right
use of it give heed to it & obey it. I have written what pres-
ident Young has said to you today & when I get home I shall record
record it in my Journal and I can tell it to you in years
to come If I live & if not it will stand on record for the
Historians to use Unless you give heed to what Presid[en]t Young
has said, you will get disappointed in your expectations of com-
ing to this land. We have to war with the world the flesh sin &
the Devil. Why should you who profess to be Saints spend
your time, talents & means, in Joining with the wicked to war
against the cause of God & pull down the vary work you
profess to build up. unite together, & stop your divission or you
will feel the chastning hand of God many other remarks
were made By all the speakers not recorded

G Q Cannon spoke 10 Minutes He said I tell you in the
name of Jesus Christ that if you do not repent in this place
God will bring upon you his Judgments. I say this as an
Apostle of Jesus Christ I feel impressed By the spirit of God
to say to the people of this place that if they do not spedily
repent of there sins & turn unto the Lord they will soon feel
the judgm[en]ts of God." And I think we all felt the same

~ Monday

May 10. A Plesant Morning we drove to Pason & dined
at Brother Simons, then drove to Provo, & held a Meeting
B Young Jr spoke 30 M[inutes], G Q Cannon 28 M[inutes] W Woodruff 10 M[inutes]
& D H Wells 18. This Made 42 Meetings & 122 Discourses
while upon this Journey 42 Miles

~ Tuesday

11 May we drove to M Andrus & dined & drove home to S L City
& spent the night with our Families 450 Miles

Page 190

~ Wednesday

May 12, 1869

Robert Scholes arived to day I paid tithing Money
into the tithing office sent from the south.

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

13 & 14 I spent ion the farm planting potatoes & sowing oats

~ Saturday

May 15 I attended the school of the prophets I was vary
weary with hard labor. A Letter was read from John
ridiculeing cooperation & the work of God for which
He was cut off from the Church.

~ Sunday

16. Sunday I did not attend Meeting in the forenoon two
Methodist Ministers spoke in the forenoon in the Afternoon
G Q Cannon spoke 50 Minutes & W Woodruff spoke 35.
I was followed By one of the Methodist Ministers who spoke
in the forenoon, his name was Allen He was a Decendant
of Col Ethan Allen who took Ticondiroga Mr Allen
acknowledged what we said was true & said Amen
to it He seemed almost converted to the gospel I followed
him again & gave an Account of the organization of
the Church. At the close of the Meeting I attended the prayer
with G Q Cannon & J. F Smith President B Young &
concil was at Ogden.

~ Monday

17. President Young Broke the first ground for the Salt Lake
Branch of the rail road from Ogden to Salt Lake City
I spent the day at the Endow[me]nt House we gave Endowments to
48 persons W Woodruff sealed 27 couple J F Smith 19

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

18 to 21. I spent the time in Planting corn & diging water

~ Saturday

22nd I attended the school of the prophets President
Young G. A. Smith D. H. Wells W Woodruff G Q Cannon & G D Watt
& president Joseph Young all spoke upon the case of John Pack
Joseph Young sen did not vote to cut off John Pack with the
President B Young said that inasmuch as he did not vote
that cut the thread of union between those who did vote
& him. (He required ie Presid[en]t B Young) that his Brother
Phineas should give up his ticket & keep away from the
school Because of trading with outsiders at the
close of the Meeting I rode with Jeremiah Stocking to
Fort Herriman & spent the night with a portion of my family

Page 191

~ Sunday

May 23rd 1869

Sunday I met the largest Assembly at Fort Harriman
that I had Ever seen in that place & spoke to them
twice during the day A number of them bore testim[on]y

~ Monday

24 Jeremiah carried me home to S L City distance both ways 40 40 Miles
It rained mostly through the day

~ Tuesday

25 It rained hard all day

~ Wednesday

26. It has rained hard acfor the last 48 hours & is still ra[inin]g
we are having the Hardest rain & most water falling
we have ever seen in any summer Month since we have
been in this Territory the whole face of the Earth is all
soaked deep, the seasons are changing with us

A folded letter/box we received 2 letters from Wilford & Susan at
Susan was At Omahaw Robert my son in Law had
become dissatisfied with Mormonishm He had no faith
in it nor in God He never did have much religion
He does not pray nor enjoy the spirit of the Lord He sold
out his place in Box Elder & Brought his wife & children to
My House they have been stoping with me more than one
Month. I Blessed Susan & her children on the Evening of
May 17, & on the morning of May 18 Susan & her 4 children
left my House to go to the States with Her Husband Robert
Scholes they went to Ogden & took cars & arived in
Omahaw on thursday night it was quite a trial to her and
to her parents to have her leave but they are in the hands of God
& he will deal right with them I spent most of the day in writing

~ Thursday

27. May An arrow I had an unplesant day I spent most of the day
with with Brother James Brown with G. Q. Cannon Drs And-
Bernhisel, & Heber John Richards. Brother Brown was
shot some 5 years ago in the night in the canyon By a young
Man who thought He was a grizerly Bear the Ball Broke his
thigh bone & he has been years in misery & to day the surgeons
cut open his thigh & examined the Bone & found it so diseased
they amputated his leg near the Body Brother Cannon & myself
held his leg while it was cut off several of his cousins were
present & Bishop Davis Dr Anderson cut his leg off
Heber John Richards took up the arters Br Brown was a strong Man

Page 192

it was Hard to put him under the Influence of cloriform
& hard to come out of it Presid[en]t Young came a short time
But his leg was taken off when he got there. It has stoped
raining & cleared up to day I wrote a letter to Wilford
A hand pointing to the right

~ Friday

278. A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to A. O. Smoot we got a letter from
A folded letter/box Susan I went to the field with Elias Smith to find the Boundaries
of our land. I found my Farm lay on the west half of North
east quarter of sec 18, Township 1, South, Range 1 East
A. O Smoot was on the east half of the North west quarter
of sec 18, Township 1, South, Range 1 East

I visited Brother Brown & found him much better than
could possibly have Been expected. I attended the Theater in the evening

~ Saturday

29. I attended the school of the prophets

~ Sunday

30. sunday I attended meeting through the day in the Tabernacle J W.
spoke in the forenoon 1 Houre& 22 Minutes & gave an account of
his mission &in the South & the state of the country & the people
O Hyde spoke in the Afternoon one hour. I met with the Presid[enc]y
& 12 for prayer I preached a funeral sermon at 1 oclok in the
thirteenth Assembly room, & I followed Brother Faust in the
14 ward in the evening

~ Monday

31. I went to the field & made a Bridge & commenced weeding out
my Barley I spent the night at the farm

~ Tuesday

June 1, 1869 To day Is President Brigham Youngs Birthday
He is 68 years old to day I spent the day puling weeds to
day I came home to the city in the evening 6 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

June 2nd 1869 I went to the Endowm[en]t House at 10 oclok &
Keys crossed G Q. Cannon Baptized me for the following dead
Daniel Carter Great Grandfater to Phebe W Carter W.
Grand Father Ezra Carter to Phebe W Carter Woodruff
Grand Father Joshua Fabyan to Phebe W Carter Woodruff.
Great Uncle John Fabyan to Phebe W Carter Woodruff
Uncle John Fabyan to Phebe W Carter Woodruff
Uncle George Fabyan to Phebe W Carter Woodruff
Uncle Joseph Fabyan to Phebe W Carter Woodruff To[tal] 7.

Page 193

^ Keys crossed^ For her Mother Sarah Carter wife of Ezra Carter
G Q. Cannon Baptized Phebe W Carter Woodruff for the following person
Grand Mother Dinah Woodruff wife of Eldad Woodruff to Wilford Woodruff
Grand Mother Anna Thompson wife of Lot Thompson to Wilford Woodruff
Step Aunt wife of Asahel Hart to Wilford Woodruff
Step Aunt Sofrona Hart (Total 5) to Wilford Woodruff

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

3 & 4. I spent the time on the farm

~ Saturday

5. I attended the school of the prophets

~ Sunday

6th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning &
attended Meeting in the Tabernacle several Missionaries
spoke in the Morning & G. Q. Cannon in the Afternoon
about one hour. I spoke in the 17 ward in the evening

~ Monday

7th June 1869 Keys crossed I spent the day in the Endowm[en]t House
we gave endow[men]ts to 79. D. H. Wells sealed 29 & W Woodruff
sealed 26 couple. D H Wells sealed Wilford Woodruff
& Phebe W Woodruff for & in Behalf of Ezra Carter &
Sarah Fabyan Carter Father & Mother of Phebe W Woodruff

~ Tuesday

8. I spent the day hoeing corn & came up at night

~ Wednesday

9. A single key with teeth to the right I spent the forenoon searching Baptismal records
I Attended the Female Relief Society of the 14 ward
Presid[en]t Young spoke to the people one hour G A Smith
22 Minutes W Woodruff 17, & G Q Cannon 7.

~ Thursday

10. I Baptized 2 of my children & confirmed them Phebe
& Cylvia Melvina & spent the day choreing
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Delight & R T Burton made out
my tax list for 1869 which valuation of Property am[oun]ted
to $3885 dollars

~ Friday

June 11th In company with George Dunford I rode to
Ogden whare I met with President Young & G. A. Smith. D H
& David P Kimball came at the same time I did
I spent the night at C W West distance 40 M

~ Saturday

12 We met at Ogden Tabernacle for a two days meeting
Prayer By B Young Jr. President Young spoke 50 G. A. Smith
spoke 26 Minutes. Afternoon Prayer By W Woodruff
D H Wells spoke one hour & 13 Minutes W Woodruff spoke 37,
and had good liberty as did all who spoke

Page 194

The school of the Prophets met in the Tabernacle at 5 ock
Prayer By Lorenzo Snow President Young spoke 2032 M[inutes],
G. A. Smith 22

~ Sunday

13 Sunday met at 10 oclk Prayer By E. T Benson
G Q Cannon spoke one hour & 8 Minutes B Young Jr 25
Afternoon Prayer By Wm Budge Sacram[en]t Administered
President Young spoke 50 Ministered [minutes] G. A. Smith spoke 11 M[inutes]
D. H. Wells 28. At the close of the Meeting I rode with
Capt Hooper & G. Q. Cannon in company with Presid[en]t
Young we drove to Huntsville through the ogden canyon
one of the most interesting canyon ro[a]ds in the Mountains 12 M[iles]
we drove to the Meeting House which was filled
with people & held a Meeting John W Young Prayed
Wm W Hooper spoke 18 M[inutes], E T Benson 12 G Q Cannon
9 M[inutes] & D. H. Wells 10, W Woodruff 6, B Young Jr 4,
J W Young 3, & President Young 25. We spent the night at
Brother Hammonds

~ Monday

14. We drove to Blacks Fork & camped for the night 30 M[iles]
we went to Fishing in Blacks Fork it is the clearest
stream of water I ever saw of its size it would everage
3 rods wide & 3 feet deep we coutght 15 trout among us
we camped in a tent & it rained hard the fore part of the
night we did not sleep much

~ Tuesday

15 We arose at 4 oclok cooked our trout for Breakfast
then drove over the Mountains to Round Valley visited
the Great Spring at its head then drove to the settlem[en]t called
the Last Chance & Nooned, then drove across the south
side of the Lake to Swan Creek, Fish Haven, to St Charles 50 Miles
& spent the night President Young stoped with
J Pugmyre & C. C. Rich & myself stoped with Nathan
C davis
& we had a hard rain & hail storm on the
days Journey

~ Wednesday

16 An Indian Brought in 2 trout that weighed 35
11 1/2 lbs & sold them to Sister Davis for 35 cts. We drove
to Paris & stoped with Brother Rich took dinner & then
drove to Bear river Ferry crossed carriages on the Boat

Page 195

and swam our horses we then rode to Bennington
and on to Mount Pielier distance of the day 36 miles

we stoped with Brother Dennings we held meeting
John Young Prayed President Young spoke 10 Minutes
D. H. Wells 16.

~ Thursday

17 We arose at 4 oclok took Breakfast & at 6 oclok started
for the Soda Springs we drove 35 Miles in about 4 hours
found some trading Houses & a few cabbins the first
soda spring is close to the edge of a large creek the
spring was about 36 inches in diameter the spring
boiled up furiously it was composed of Iron Magnecia
& soda as far as we could learn. We drank Hartily
of it we then went to the steamboat spring standing on
the edge of Bear river it seems a volcanic country
we visited another soda spring that was more Acid & Iron
than in the other. We dined & rested our teams some 3 Hours
& then returned Distance of the day 70 Miles

Men & teams were all weary at night I spent the night with
Brother Dennings All the streams in this county abound in
trout which is a great Blessing to the people

~ Friday

18. I caught 7 trout out of one hole near the House before Breakfast
we attended Meeting in the school House Brigham Young Jr
Prayed W Woodruff spoke 18 M[inutes], E T Benson 12 M[inutes]
G Q Cannon 15 M[inutes]. He said the Lord has given this
People this land & Elem[en]t to see what they will do with
it. B Young Jr spoke 21, Presid[en]t Young spoke 33 M[inutes]
C. C. Rich 3 M[inutes]. At the close of our meeting we went
to the ferry swam our animals across & ferried our carriages
across Bear river several of us stoped on Bear river to
Fish. We caught about 30 trout & then went onto North
Creek & caught about 20 more, then to Paris & spent the night
with Brother Rich family. distance of the day 20 M[iles].

~ Saturday

19. We met at the bowery ^Paris^ at 10 oclok for a 2 days
Meeting Prayer By E. T. Benson D H Wells spok one Hour
& 14 Minutes, B Young Jr spoke 27 M[inutes]. I dined Bwith Brother
Duffin then went to Brother Rich & President B Young

Page 196

spoke of organizing a school of the prophets, we met
for that purpose Brother Hart opened By Prayer
W Woodruff spoke 50 Minutes John W Young 6 M[inutes]
E T Benson 33 M[inutes]. At the close of the Meeting a list
of Names was called to Form a Branch of the school
of the prophets we met in the school House the the list
of Names was red. President Young then spoke of organizing
A stake of Zion & a High Council & the school of the
prophets. C. C. Rich spoke a short time Presid[en]t B Young
called a vote to know if the Elders wished this to be
so A united vote. 12 Names were then called to
form a High Council. They were then ordained &
set apart as A High Council & were all ordained
High Priest who had not Before Ben ordained to that
office all was ordained but one, this was under
the Hands of D. H. Wells W Woodruff, C. C. Rich E. T. Benson
G. Q. Cannon & B Young Jr. we adjourned to meet tomorrow

~ Sunday

20 We Met in the school House at 9 oclok. rool [roll] called
of the school of the Prophets. D. H. Wells Prayed C. C. Rich
was chosen the Presid[en]t of the school of the Prophets
David Parley Kimball (son of Heber C Kimball) was
chosen vice President of the school of the Prophets And
President of this Stake of Zion He was ordained
A High Priest By President Young & the Twelve Apostles
President Young told him to chose his own Councillors
& ordain them at his leasure. He could chuse them
abroad & bring them with him if He chose. W Woodruff dismissed
Met in the Bowery at 10 oclok

David P Kimball Prayed. G Q Cannon spok 49 M[inutes]
Wm H Hooper 45 M[inutes]. Afternoon sacrament Administered
President B Young spoke one Hour & 15 Minutes He said when
I come again to see you in this place I shall want to see
more improvements than there is now. I shall exp[ec]t to
see more of this land fenced up so that you can find
your Horses without going a whole day to find them
as you do now. I exp[ec]t to send many more south

Page 197

and we shall send more here. I do not think there
ever was a people on the Earth who done as much as
we have in 40 years. I[t] was the opinion of the Prophet Joseph
that the City of Enoch was in the gulf of Mexico, And
that Adam offered his sacrafice & Bui[l]t his first altar
in Adam, Ondi, Ahman, & the stones of his Altar are
there now to be seen The City of Enoch was taken up
but the City of Zion which we shall build will remain
& not be taken away as his city was [Moses 7:69] Noah was 120 years
in building an Ark [Genesis 6:3] we have Not Been 40 years yet in
building up Zion in our day & the Kingdom of God on
the Earth. I have reflected a great deal upon this subject
I have labored to know how to build up the kingdom of God
upon the Earth. If I was to tell you what your duty
is in this place it would be go into these canyons & get
out the Timber & Lumber & build you good Homes
& make yourselfes & families comfortable. There is ^are^
a few words I want to say unto this people & I want
you to hear it & obey it. I would give a good deal
for what has been said on this Journey if I had it
But we have not a reporter in this Church that will
go with us ownly for pay G. D. Watt will not He would
see this Church in Tophat Before He will do one thing
ownly for us ownly as He gets his money down
I want to see improvem[en]ts here. I want to see a
good Meeting House here when I come again. I
would take Timber & make a Baloon Frame, & with
10 Men I could soon Make a Meeting House & put
on a good shingle roof & plaster good & Neat &
then set out your shade trees & fruit trees such
as Locus & Appletrees.

D H Wells spok 41 Minuts At the dismissal of
the Meeting we drove to Liberty 7 Miles

I spent the night at Brother John Prescotts

~ Monday

21. We drove up the canyon to the summit & then on
to Franklin in Cash Valley distance of the day 45 Miles

Page 198

When we arived in Franklin we met a large
processin of Men women & children. We stoped with
James Backer we held a meeting in Franklin
at the Meeting House at 5 oclok which was
a stone Building filled with Saints W. Woodruff Prayed
D. H. Wells spoke 39 Minutes W H Hooper 35 M[inutes],
President Young 39. We Met in council in the
Evening & Herd several cases of Difficulty &
President Young decided how they should be setled which
showed his wisdom. We spent the night at Brother Packers

~ Tuesday

22 We drove to Richmond & held a Meeting
at 10 oclok. W Woodruff spoke 27 Minutes G. Q. Cannon
30 Minutes B Young Jr 25 M[inutes], & President Young 22.
We then drove to Smithfield in 40 Minutes 6 M[iles].

Held a Meeting in the Bowery and as usual we
passed through two lines of Men, women, & children
A M Musser Prayed D H Wells spoke 58 G Q.
Cannon 22 President Young 5 Minutes we dined
with Brother Roskelly Had a splendid dinner we
then drove to Hyde Park, & held a Meeting at 5 ock
G. Q. Cannon Prayed B Young Jr spok 35 Minutes
John W Young 15 W Woodruff spoke 6 M[inutes] &
President Young 18 Minutes. We drove to Logan 21 m[iles]
we Passed a great Procession of People we stoped
with Brother Thatchers

~ Wednesday

23rd We visited the Cooperative Stores. Lorenzo Snow
arived from Brigham City. We held a Meeting in
the Bowery at 10 oclok B Young Jr Prayed, it was esti-
mated that there were 5000 Saints in the congregation
D. H. Wells spoke 32 G. Q. Cannon 12 Minutes Afternoon
W Woodruff Prayed Wm W Hooper spoke 58 Minutes
W Woodruff spoke 48 Minutes After Meeting we took
a ride on the south side of Logan River visited the
Fence made By the order of President Young which inclosed
a large Quantity of Land. There were three
wicked Murderers who Broke out of Box Elder Joale [Jail]

Page 199

& were shot dead By the guards

~ Thursday

24. We Met the sabbath school children at the Bowery
they were addressed By G Q. Cannon, D H Wells
& President Young who spoke to Parents & children
we Met in the Bowery at 10 oclok J W Young Prayed, G Q
Cannon spoke 61 Minutes. Several Missionaries
were then called to go on Missions. B Young Jr then
spoke 37. We dined with Brother Thatcher. Afternoon
W Woodruff Prayed, President Young spoke 53 M[inutes],
it is not your Privilege to correct your Bishop or speak
of his Faults, at the close of the Meeting we drove to
Providence & took supper, then drove to Wellsville 10 Miles
& held a Meeting W Woodruff Prayed D H Wells
spoke 41 Minutes, W Woodruff 21, G Q Cannon 13.

~ Friday

25 We drove to Box Elder & Held a Meeting 18 Miles

Travelled 430 Miles up to this point. W Woodruff Prayed
Wm H Hooper spoke 34 Minutes, B Young Jr 22 M[inutes],
D. H. Wells 22 M[inutes] Presid[en]t Young 12 Minutes we dined
with Brother Snow who set a splendid table. We then
rode to Ogden. 22 M[iles]

~ Saturday

26. We drove to Kaysville & took Breakfast with
Bishop Layton then drove to Salt Lake City 40 M[iles].
We Found Secretary Seward & company in the city
on our arival He dined with Wm Jennings today
The Great Men of the Earth are coming to visit Zion

~ Sunday

27 Sunday A sectarian Bishop Preached followed
By John Taylor spoke 58 Minutes Afternoon Joseph
W Young
spoke 72 Minutes. I met with the Presidency &
12 for Prayer. G. Q. Cannon & W Woodruff preached
in the 13 ward Assembly room in the Evening to a full House

~ Monday

278. A caravan of Animals paraded through our streets
I went to the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowm[en]ts to 54
persons Joseph Smith sealed 7, W Woodruff 18.

~ Tuesday

29 I spent the day in the field Hoeing

~ Wednesday

30. I Attended the circus with my family

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

July 1, & 2. I spent the time Hoeing corn

Page 200

~ Saturday

July 3rd 1869

I met with the school & Attended the circus in the

~ Sunday

4. Sunday I Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle J W
Prayed G Q Cannon spok one Hour G A Smith
14 Minutes. Afternoon Prayer By G. Q. Cannon.

A sectarian Minister spoke 46 Minutes President
Young followed him & spoke 48 Minutes He said one of the
Greatest Blessings given to Man is to have the privlege to come
to such a sinful wicked world as this & then overcome
sin & the power of Temptation & get an Exaltation in the
presence of God

~ Monday

5 July we had a Great celebration of the 4 to day
as the 4 came on Sunday We had a great display of
all the Mechanics Artizens tradesmen & Farmers
school children &c & A Long windy speech from
Judge Hawley on the Nigger Question & severall
Edifying speeches from others

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

6, , , 9. I spent the week Hoeing corn & potatoes

~ Saturday

10. I attended the school of the prophets

~ Sunday

11. Sunday I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle
Prayer By A. H. Raleigh. C C Rich spoke 18 Minutes
G Q Cannon spoke 54 Minutes G A Smith spoke 6 M[inutes]
Afternoon Joseph W Young Prayed Presid[en]t Young
spoke one Hour & 15 minutes. Some senators & the
Brother of President Grant & many strangers were presient
to Hear him among the Number was Senator Trumble
I met with D A & M Society I wrote to A O Smoot

~ Monday

^12 W Woodruff & P W Woodruff sealed for 9 couple see record^

A hand pointing to the right I spent the day in the Endowm[en]t House & gave Endo[wmen]ts
to 54 D. H. Wells sealed 11, W Woodruff 20, & J. F. Smith
23 couple I entered a Quarter section of Land today

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

13 & 16 I spent the week Haying & work on the farm

~ Saturday

17. I attended the school of the prophets Allexander &
David Smith two of the sons of Joseph Smith the prophet
Have arived in this city & Had an interview with Presid[en]t
Young their mission is to destroy the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints to destroy the work the foundation

Page 201

of which their Father has laid. Their Mother Emma Smith
has Taught them lies concerning the work of their Father

~ Sunday

18. Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle D. H. Wells
& A. O Smoot spoke in the Forenoon & A Mr Tiffiny a
Methodist Minister spoke in the Afternoon about one Hour
Followed by President Young 33 Minutes

~ Monday to ~ Friday

19 to 23 I spent the week Haying & Finishing my Fish pond

~ Saturday

24. July 1869 We had a great Celebration to day of the
Anniversary of the Arival of the Pioneers into this vally
on the 24 day of July in 1847. 22 years ago on that day
I drove President Brigham Young through Emigration
in my carriage into this valley He lay upon
a Bed sick in my carriage Our company consuted of
143 men & 2 women I think this is the Number to day
we Number some 140,000 souls who are to day met in
the various citys & towns to celebrate the arival of the pioneers
see Minutes of the celebration ofin the Deserett News.
J. C. Little spoke 30 Minutes G. Q. Cannon 15 G A Smith 11,
& President Y[oun]g 17. W Woodruff was chaplain

~ Sunday

25 Sunday George Nebeker & Jonatana H Napela
From the Sandwich Islands spoke in the fore noon Brother
Napela is a vary smart man though a Native of those
Islands He is the first from those Islands who has visited
us. G Q Cannon also spoke. Afternoon Samuel Woolley
Prayed G. A. Smith spoke one Hour & 6 minutes we had
many visitors to day among the Number some congressmen
they conversed vary Freely with Presid[en]t Yo[un]g for some time

~ Monday to ~ Friday

26 to 30. I spent the time mostly Harvesting

~ Saturday

31. I met with the school of the prophets

~ Sunday

Aug 1. Sunday I met with my Quorum & attended Meeting
at the Tabernacle A P Rockwood Prayed John T Cain
spoke 25 Minutes & President Young 58 Minutes

Afternoon, I met with the D A & M Society at Noon &
E D Woolley prayed Brother Eldridge spok 13 M[inutes]
Brother Morris 37, G Q Cannon 17. Met with Presidency
& 12 for prayer. I Herd J F Smith speake in the 14 ward &
I spoke in the 13 ward one Hour

Page 202

~ Monday to ~ Friday

Aug 2nd 1869

2nd to 6. I spent the week Harvesting &c

~ Saturday

7. I attended the school of the Prophts we had the great
Eclips upon the sun during school Hours

~ Sunday

8. Sunday I met with my prayer circle attended Meeting
in the Tabernacle B Yo[un]g Jr spoke in the fMorning followed
By Presid[en]t B Yo[un]g for about one Hour & a quarter Afternoon
G Q Cannon spoke G A Smith gave a Historical
Discours Had the long revelation read concerning the Building
the Nauvoo House He spoke an hour & a half I attended prayer
circle & went to the farm in the Evening

~ Monday

9. I went on the Mountain to East Canyon Creek

~ Tuesday

10 spent the day Fishing & [blank]

~ Wednesday

11 Returned Home ^60 M[iles]^

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

12 & 13. went to the East Canyon Creek got 2 loads
of Lumber I wrote 2 letter to Wilford & Azmon
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Wilford & Azmon

~ Saturday

14. I met with the school of the prophets

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle

In the Afternoon The Rev B F Whitemore & members of
Congress From South Carolina Addressed the Assembly
for one hour From 1 Cor. 13 ch 1 vers He was Followed By
W Woodruff 20 Minutes. I preached in the Evening in the 15 ward

~ Monday to ~ Friday

16 to 20. I spent this week drawing & stacking wheat &c

~ Saturday

21. I had a Threshing Machine set at My place to thresh my wheat

~ Sunday

22 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle
Henry Boyle spoke one hour & 5 Minutes G. Q. Cannon
spoke 20 Minutes. There was present some 8 Senaters &
other Members of Congress. Afternoon John R. Clawson
spoke 25 Minutes JG A Smith spoke 60 Minutes I had
a Meeting at Noon with the Board of D A & M Society
& met with the Presidency & Twelve

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

23 & 24. I threshed my wheat & had about 40 Bushels of
wheat to the Acre & 50 Bushels of Barley

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

25, , & 27 I spent the time drawing home grain & cleaning up the

Page 203

~ Saturday

Aug 28, 1869

I met with the school of the prophets

~ Sunday

29 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle O. Shaw spoke 58 minutes Nathan
P Baldwin
spoke 15 M[inutes], G A Smith spoke 15 Minutes & gave a
Relation of his first weeks preaching in this Church. Afternoon
Octave Ursenback spoke 43 Minutes G Q. Cannon 55 M[inutes]. I
met with the Agricultural Board at Noon & with the Presidency
& 12 in prayer circle.

~ Monday

30 A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Thompson Woodruff & Bonella I attended a
Lecture in the Theatre of George Francis Frain He is a singular
Man, in many respects

~ Tuesday

31. A single key with teeth to the right A crown I was Baptized to day for Ten of my Dead Friends
in the Font in the Endowm[en]t House Samuel Smith Baptized
D. H. Wells & Joseph F Smith officiated in confirming Joseph
F Smith was Mouth At the same time Phebe W Woodruff
was Baptized for seven of our Dead Friends see record
in this Journal

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

Sept 1, & 3. I spent the time cutting up corn it is ripe
it is the white Flint was planted from the 18 to 21 May

~ Saturday

Sept 4.

A coffin
Ezra T Benson
droped down dead
at Ogden at 7 oclok PM
September 3rd

As I was coming to the city about Noon to
day, I saw the Flags at half mast in various
parts of the city I inquired who was
dead I was informed it was Elder
Ezra T. Benson one of the Twelve Apostles
It was news like a clap of Thunder. He had come to
Ogden to settle up some of his business apparently in good
health & while walking From Brother Farrs Barn to his
his house he droped dead upon the ground. He fell with
his Head to the North rolled over on to his back breathed
about 4 times when puslsation sceased. This is the first
man in the Quorum of the Twelve of this dispensation who
has died a Natural Death David W Patten & Parley P.
were both Martered By their Enemies one in
Missouri & the other in Arkansas. I attended the school of
the Prophets
in the Afternoon President Young was present &
spoke to the school.

Page 204

~ Sunday

Sept 5 1869

Sunday I met with my Prayr circle in the Morning I
Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle all day George Nebeker prayed
Bishop A K Thurber spoke in the Morning 15 Minutes
James H Johnson spoke 5 M[inutes], George Godard 35 M[inutes],
& G A Smith 20 Minutes I met with the Agricultural Board at noon
Keys crossed A crown Afternoon W. Woodruff Preached the Funeral
Sermon of Elder Ezra Taft Benson one of the
Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints. Thare was About 60 Gentlemen & Ladies
from Cinicinnati Ohio A company of commercial
Travelers on a visit to Utah & Calafornia They occupied
the Front seats together & gave good Attention I spoke
One hour was Followed By G. A. Smith who spoke 20 M[inutes]
I met with the Presidency & Twelve for Prayer Presid[en]t
Young was vary Feeble we Administered to him by
the laying on of Hands & he was Better the Cincinnati
Company called upon President Young in the Evening had
to shake Hands with him & get his Autograph At the
close of this interview in company with A. K. Thurber
I went to the 13 ward & Brother Thurber spoke abot 30 Minutes
gave An Account of his Embraceing the Gospel in this
City while on his way to the Calafornia Gold Digings
At the close of the Meetings I went to the Townsend House
& conversed with some Cincinnati wine growers they
advised us to raise the Delaware Cataba & Ives seedling
for wine in this country

~ Monday

Sept 6. An arrow I went to the Endowm[en]t House & was sealed at
the Altar in company with Mrs Woodruff for 5 couple
and as I went to the Altar to commenced sealing other I
was taken deadly sick at the stomach ^though I sealed 11 couple^ I went out of Doors
& vomited severely I had to leave the House & go home I soon
was covered all over from head to Foot with the Hives the
ownly thing I could do to get releaf was to be rubed over with
raw flour I sat up a few moments in a chair I fainted away
& fell out of it I was put on to the bed & was vary sick G A. Smith
& G Q Cannon administered to me & I was some better

Page 205

~ Tuesday

Sept 7th 1869

I am vary weak to day but sat up some towards night

~ Wednesday

8. I am still quite weak but better Able to walk around some

~ Thursday

9. I am quite weak this morning but about 9 oclock I left
the city in company with Thomas Taylor to go with the
Presidency & attend a 2 days Meeting at Box Elder. we
drove to Farmington & dined & drove to Brother Farrs in
Ogden the Presidency stoped at Brother Wests 40 M[iles]

I was vary weary at night

~ Friday

10. I am some Better this morning we drove to Willow Creek
& held a Meeting at 2 oclok G A Smith Prayed D H
spoke 29 Minutes W Woodruff 14 President Young 14.
President Yo[un]g said, I want to say to Bishop Cordon to cut
off Evary man & woman that go to the Gentiles to trade
Trade with the Cooperation Stores & not with outsiders
and I want to say to you keep your grain, we do not know
what grain will fetch another Year in the world or here
Now I want the People to Examine Evry principle that
God Gives us & se if it is not the Best we could get, look
at our cooperation and all the council I have given
you & see if it is not the best we can get The greatest
statesman now living in the United States is Secretary
Seward & He knows but vary little And I was ashamed
of his ignorance the wisdom of the wise are perishing
& God has given us the power to build up his kingdom & let
us do it. G. A. Smith spoke 12 Minutes & G Q Cannon 8.
We dined in the school House then rode to Brigham City
& spent the night at Brother Snows 22 M[iles]

~ Saturday

11. I feel much Better this morning we met in the Bowery
at 10 oclok & Thomas Taylor Prayed G. A. Smith spoke
68 M[inutes] G. Q. Cannon 28. Afternoon W Woodruff prayed
D. H. Wells spoke 51 M[inutes], W Woodruff 28, President Young 40 M[inutes]
We rode out in the Evening to see the new Tanery & to find
a suitable place for a switch to come from the main trak
to Bring the cars into Brigham City

~ Sunday

12. We Met at 10 oclok G Q Cannon prayed F. D. Richards
spoke 52 Minutes President Yo[un]g 22 Thomas Taylor 16 M[inutes]

Page 206

We again Met at 1 oclok W Woodruff prayed
G. A. Smith spoke 17 minutes G Q Cannon 20,
W Woodruff 15 Minutes Names of Missionaries called
were then read to the Assembly D H Wells spoke 11 M[inutes]
F D Richards 8 & President Young 60 Minutes. At the
close of the Meeting we drove to Ogden 22 M[iles]
I spent the night with Brother F D Richards & looked
at the printed Geneology of his fore Fathers for 300 years

~ Monday

13. We drove to Farmington dined then drove to
Salt Lake City 40 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

14 A hand pointing to the right I sent the weekly News containing the two sermons
on the Death of E. T. Benson to the following persons.
Azmon Woodruff, Thompson Woodruff, A. L. Woodruff,
Seth Woodruff, Horace Woodruff, Wilford Woodruff Jr
George Woodruff, Luther Scammans, Luther Wheeler,
Ezra & I. F. Carter, Henry Woodford, Shuah Moulton,
& Robert Scholes Total 14.

~ Thursday

16 In company with G. A. Smith G. Q. Cannon, John Henry
& Brother & Sister Fost I left Salt Lake City at half
past 11 oclok & Drove to Amerian Fork & Dined then drove
to Provo. President Brigham & Joseph Young came together He
invited the company to stop with him But I stoped with A O Smoot 45 M[iles]
Before leaving the city I was introduced to Mr Ames
the great shovel & spade Maker, now President of the union
Pacific Rail Road
He had an interview with President
Young who was about starting on his preaching tour south
although the company was owing Presid[en]t Young about $1000000
One Million dollars it did not stop him at all from filling
his preaching appointm[en]ts

~ Friday

17 A Plesant morning we drove through the Provo Canyon
the first time I was Ever in it we drove to Heber City & stoped
with Bishop Abraham Hatch. The wind Blew vary Hard 28 M[iles]

~ Saturday

18 Brigham Yo[un]g Jr arived from the City, we met in Heber
City Bowery for a 2 days Meeting B Yo[un]g Jr Prayed
D. H. Wells spoke 35 Minutes Joseph Young spoke 37, G Q Cannon 40
W Woodruff 17, G. A. Smith 25, & President Yo[un]g 10 Minutes

Page 207

We had a rainy Afternoon we met in the Evening
Prayer By Brother Cluff Joseph Young spoke 5 Minutes
W Woodruff 25, Brother Faust 40, A O Smoot 30.

~ Sunday

19. Sunday Met at at 10 oclock Joseph Young Prayed G. A. Smith
spoke 47 Minutes B Y[ou]ng Jr 16, President Young spoke 62 M[inutes]
we had an intermission of 10 Minutes sacrament was then adm-
inistered. W Woodruff spoke 22 Minutes G A Smith 5 M[inutes]
At the close of the Meeting we drove to Camast Prairie
or Rhodes Valley G. Q. Cannon & Myself stoped at Brother
Smithest, this is a great valley for stock for Hay & grass
yet they have cold winters we held a Meeting in the Evening
in the school G Q Cannon Prayed Joseph Young spoke 45 M[inutes]
D. H. Wells 21, G Q Cannon 5 M[inutes] we spent the night at
James Smithies 15 Miles

~ Monday

20. A Hard Frost last night vary cold President Y[ou]ng
& D H Wells rode around the valley to visit it. G. A. Smith
G Q Cannon & myself rode to 3 Mile Canyon & held
a Meeting. G. A. Smith prayed & Joseph Young spoke 12 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 15 M[inutes], G A Smith 10, & D. H. Wells 20 G Q Cannon
14, B Young jr 15 President Y[ou]ng 24. He gave good council
& said those who spoke against A Plurality of wives &
in there feelings will not receive it will never inherit
the Celestial Kingdom of God for it has always been practiced
there and always will be & thousands of women will be saved
there who have been trodden under the feet of men & what
will be done with them if men did not have more than
one wife Men are the Lords of creation & God will hold
them responsible. At the close of the meeting we drove to
worship & held a meeting in the school House Joseph Y[ou]ng prayed
G. A. Smith spoke 22 Minutes D H Wells 26, W Woodruff 11 M[inutes]
F D Richards 12 President Y[ou]ng 17 Minutes we then drove to
Coleville & held a Meeting in the New Meeting House at 6 oclk
W Woodruff Prayed. G Q Cannon spoke 23 Minutes, Joseph Young
spoke 18 M[inutes], R. T. Burton 15 Minutes. At the close of the Meeting
I went into Spragues Cole Mine near a quarter of a Mile
under ground he had a rail way to draw out coal. 20 Miles

Page 208

~ Tuesday

Sept 21, 1869

^ Keys crossed^ We met in the New Meeting House for the purpose of
Dedicating it D. H. Wells offered the Dedication Prayer
G A Smith spoke 50 Minutes Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng spoke 55 Minutes
we then dined & drove over the Mountains to L Hardies
& took supper & waited for the Moom to rise then drove
to Salt Lake City I stoped at the farm distance 45 Miles

~ Wednesday

22nd I went to the city 3 M[iles]

~ Thursday

23rd I Entered as a Homestead 160 Acres of Land at
the west Mountain

~ Friday

24. An arrow I went to the Farm & spent the night Asahel was
Bloated in a severe manner & did not get him releived
untill Morning

~ Saturday

25. An arrow Asahel was better this Morning He was dressed &
went out doors & a cow kicked him in the stomach & nearly
knocked the breath out of him it seems as though the devil
was trying to kill him. I went to the city & attended the
school of the Prophets many speeches were made upon
cooperation & other things

~ Sunday

26 Sunday I met with my prayer Circle in the Morning
& Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle Marias Ensign spoke
12 Minutes Silas Hoyt spoke 5 Minutes Frank Farnsworth spok
Erastus Egan spoke G A Smith spok 34 Minutes
And President Y[ou]ng spoke 61 minutes and it was one of the most
Keys crossed A crown interesting instructive & useful sermons I ever herd
in my life. One remark he made which was painful to
his Friends conveying an Idea that He did not know but
his work was about closed with us here in the flesh, that
He might be called away He had never in public spoken in this
way before His sermon was reported & will probably be published
Afternoon John Hardy spoke 16 minutes, Brother Lucely
spoke 24 Minutes John Taylor 60 minutes. IAt the close of the
Meeting many strangers Gentlemen & Ladies visiters among the
number several Members of Congress came foreward & was introduced
to the Presidency & Twelve. We met in the prayer circle the Presidency
& 12. I visited Brother Ezra Pettet in the Evening was taken sick of
the stomach & vomited

Page 209

~ Monday

Sept 27th 1869

I was quite unwell this morning But I went to the Endowm[en]t
we gave Endowm[en]ts to 54 D H Wells sealed 31 couple &
W Woodruff sealed 28 couple total 59. I spent the Evening at Br Pettits

~ Tuesday

28 A hand pointing to the right I wrote 5 Letters to Azmon & Ozem Woodruff, to Wilford
to Luther Wheeler & I. F. Carter I asked for information concerning
our Family relations

~ Wednesday

29. Keys crossed I went to the Endowm[en]t House & was Baptized for the following
persons. Cousin Samuel Barber Great Grand Father Hart
Grand Father Asahel Hart, Samuel Cossett, Ezra Hart,
Cyrus Cossett P. W. W. uncle, Moses Farnham, & Richard Hazelton
Total 8. I attended a Meeting of the Board of the Jordon Irrigation
. it was a very cold night it rained & snowed most of the nigh

~ Thursday

30. A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right I wrote 5 letters to Orange Judd, sent $1 for the Hunter
& Trapper. To Alden & True 25 cts for a paper called Bright Side
To Southwick & Hastings 25 for Jacobs family sharpner. To Ozem
T Woodruff
& George Woodruff of Onondagua N Y it rained
Hard & snowed nearly all day, it was vary cold

~ Friday

Oc3t 1. I spent the day at the farm the mountains & Hills were all
covered with snow David was in the mountains with his team
on the way for coal but He started home in the morning & traveled
all day through the snow & mud

~ Saturday

2nd. I traveled from the farm to the city 2twice Emmas child
was quite sick. We received in our goods at the fair to
day we had many visiters arived in the city

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning I attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle all day. Prayer By O. Pratt, Platt
spoke 30 M[inutes], Oce Olson spoke 32 M[inutes], G. B. Walace
spoke 22 M[inutes]. Afternoon O. Pratt spoke 70 Minutes
upon the subject of Polygamy Before a large congregation
among the number was aseveral Members of Congress &
other visitors. The Vise President of the United States
[FIGURE] Schyler Colfax with quite a party several Members
of Congress Mr Ordway Sargent at Armes of the House of Represent-
atives & many others arived in the city at abot 5 ocolk & stoped
at the Townsend House they Attended Meeting in the Evening at
the 14 ward & I Preached the gospel to them for one hour

Page 210

in great Plainness & had much of the spirit of
Preaching I was Followed By Dr. J. Clinton who bore
testimony to what I said & Bishop Hoagland made
a few remarks at the close. Presid[en]t Young G A Smith
& others Held a Meeting at Provo at the same time
they held a 2 days Meeting

~ Monday

4. A crown Our Territorial Fair opened to day the Awarding
Committies attended at 8 oclok By invitation Mr
Colfax & pary [party] attended at 11 oclok By invitation they
Expressed Great surprise at what they saw. the House
was opened to the public at 12 oclok The House was soon
crouded it was the greatest Fair Ever Held in this Terri-

~ Tuesday

5. The fair opened this morning at 9 oclok & the House
was soon a solid Jam. The stock was also Brought
in this Morning & the awarding committies met at 9 ock
I got the following Premium 1 premium on the Best draft
Mare $25 on a 3 year old draft Hors $10 on a 2 year old
stud $10 On the Best Ayershire cow $20 total $65.
I had the society sheep on my Hands & they drew
several premiums I had a vary laborious time in making
pens chasing sheep & attending to the wants of the fair

~ Wednesday

Oct 6, 1869 The General Conference of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints Assembled in the New
at 10 oclok A large Assembly of Saints
President B Young Presiding all of the Twelve & Presid[enc]y
are present Except John Taylor. He had gone East on
Business. Orson Hyde Prayed President D. H. Wells
spoke 45 Minutes, G. A. Smith spoke 41. At the close
of the fore noon Meeting The Presidency & Twelve met
at the Historians Office to agree upon a Man to make
the Quorum of the Twelve full as Ezra T Benson
had died since last conference And they decided
upon Albert Carrington to fill that place. The fair
was Kept opened today. Afternoon H S Eldridge [R]
O Pratt spoke 52 M[inutes], President Y[ou]ng 8 M[inutes]

Page 211

O. Hyde spoke 32 Minutes the fair closed to night

~ Thursday

7th. Conference Met at 10 oclok B Y[ou]ng Jr spoke Prayed
L Snow spoke 42 Minutes, G. Q. Cannon read the
Names of the Missionaries, W Woodruff spoke 34 m[inutes]
After noon S W Richards Prayed O Pratt spok
upon Poligamy one Hour & 32 Minutes

A Mass Meeting was called at 4 oclok &
A committee Apointed & resolutions pased
to Memorialize Congress for a State Government
A humanoid Bulah Augusta Woodruff Beaty had a daughter
this Morning at 17 minutes to 9 oclok Oct 7, 1869
Mother & Daughter doing well

~ Friday

8 Prayer By W Woodruff C. C. Rich spoke 23 M[inutes]
Erastus Snow spoke 28 Minutes President Young spoke 41.
O Pratt said in his remarks that there was in Mass
33011 more Females than Males. Afternoon F D Richards
Prayed. The Authorities were presented & Albert Carring-
was Apointed as one of the Twelve Apostles F. D. Richards
spoke 21 Minutes, G. A. Smith spoke 32

~ Saturday

9. G. A. Smith Prayed G Q Cannon spoke 23 Minutes
Mr Coe From Jerrusalem spoke 15 Minutes Presid[en]t
Young spoke a few mom[en]ts we adjourned till tomorrow
I attended the Zions Camp party Thare was 35 of that
company present & some 3 in the city not present

~ Sunday

10. Sunday I met at the prayer Circle & Elder C. C. Rich
anointed Brother Sarines wife I Attended Meeting at
the Tabernacle J. A. Smith Prayed B Young Jr spoke 30 M[inutes]
Erastus Snow spoke 18 M[inutes], G A Smith spoke 13.

Afternoon G. Q. Cannon prayed President Young preached
one Hour & 8 Minutes President Y[ou]ng said it is the duty of
all Bishops Elders, & Fathers, to have Enough of the spirit
of God
to Judge righteous Judgment & reprove the wards
and Families in the spirit of God And in rendering
Judgment let it be a righteous Judgm[en]t & according to the
spirit mind & will of God & If I Ever live to see the
People whare they should be I will ownly have to say what I want done & it is done

Page 212

G. A. Smith spoke 10 Minutes D. H. Wells spoke 32 Minutes
I attended the Missionary Meeting at the City Hall
in the Evening we finished Blessing 169 Missionaries
most of them to the States {Emma and Delight showed their [illegible shorthand]}

~ Monday

11th Monday I Attended at the Endowm[en]t House we gave
Endowm[en]ts to 82. D. H. Wells sealed 40, W Woodruff 23, J F Smith 12

~ Tuesday

12. I spent the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endow[men]ts to
58 W Woodruff sealed 23 couple J F Smith 13. My daughter
Phebe Amelia Woodruff Snow, was Baptized for 8 person
as follows Sally Thompson Great Grand Mother Heart
Grand Mother Anna Kilborn Hart, Prudence Gridley Hart
Anna Hart Cossett, Bulah Hart, Mrs Robert Mason
Urena Kilborn Hoskins Mason

~ Wednesday

13 A crown A single key with teeth to the right I Attended at the Endowm[en]t House to attend to the
Baptism for the dead there was 224 Baptism for the dead
Ward Pack Joseph F Smith & Samuel Smith done the Baptizing
& I done the confirming in the connextion with the 3 Brothers
who done the Baptizing we took turns in Being mouth
My Daughter Phebe Amelia Woodruff Snow was Baptized
For the following persons. Ester Carter Farnham, Rhoda Carter
, Phebe Carter Hazelton, Phebe Hazelton,
Deborah Carter Rolf, Eunice Fitz, (single) Patty Milliken
& Ruth Carter Eastman total, 8. In the Evening I picked
some grapes & prepared for making about 8 gallons of wine

~ Thursday

14. I finished putting up my grape Juice this morning I
had 12 gallons of Juice. I sent the deseret News conta-
A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right ining the premiums list to the following persons
Ezra Carter, I. F. Carter, Shuah C Moulton, Azmon
, Ozem T. Woodruff, Ozem Woodruff,
Aphek L. Woodruff, Horace Woodruff, Robert Scholes
Luther Scamman, Luther Wheeler, Total 11. I wrote
a letter to Joseph Kelly of Springville.

~ Friday

15 I spent the day at the farm

~ Saturday

16. I attended the school of the prophets several of the Brethren
were disfellowship for none attendance & other causes untill
they met & made satisfaction

Page 213

~ Sunday

Oct 17, 1869

I Attended meeting in the old Tabernacle all day Elder
Gibson spoke in the morning 42 Minutes, O. H. Riggs 20 M[inutes],
G A Smith 19 M[inutes]. Afternoon A M Musser Prayed Nathan
spoke 20 M[inutes], & G. A. Smith 31. I met with the Presid[enc]y
& Twelve for prayer in the Evening. O. Pratt, W. Woodruff & G. Q.
were Apointed a committee to wait upon T. B. H. Sten-
E. L. FT Harrisson Wm H Godby & G D Watt with Teachers to taken
with them. I went to I went to the farm in the Evening

~ Monday

18. I delivered to Jeremiah Stockings 33 Bucks & 34 Ewes of
the D A & M Society sheep to take south to sell total 67 sheep
My son Brigham went with him In company with O. pratt
& G Q Cannon I visited T. B. H. Stenhouse & GWm H Godby & L B Har-
according to the appointm[en]t of Last Evening & found
them in the dark & Harrison esspecially with a Bitter spirit.
I went to my farm in the Evening

~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday

19 & , 21. I spent the time diging potatoes

~ Friday

22. [FIGURE] I attended the great Military drill over Jordon
& took dinner with Lieut Gen D. H. Wells & his staff & after
there was a Hallow square formed I offered Prayer
as Chaplain of the Legion & returned home in the Evening

~ Saturday

223rd I attended the school of the prophets & the following
persons were called upon to answer to the charges Brought against
them for not attended to the school & other things Brother
Nesling, Dunbar G. D. Watt T. B. H. Stenhouse Wm S Godby
& E L. T. Harrison. Nesling, Dunbar, Watt & Stenhouse
were restored to Fellowship But Godby & Harrison were
cited Before the High Council on Monday 10 oclok

~ Sunday

234 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
meeting in the Tabernacle all day Lorenzo Young prayed & J Gates
spoke Gates spoke 25 M[inutes], & G Q Cannon 41 Minutes I went into
the New Tabernacle with the Presidency & Twelve to see the
progress of the organ. Afternoon Prayer By S. W. Richards
D. H. Wells spoke 70 Minutes. I met with the presidency &
12 for prayer & Preached in the 14 ward in the Evening I took
supper with President Young I received a letter from Wilford
& A hand pointing to the right wrote him one in return I received one from I F Carter

Page 214

~ Monday

Oct 25, 1869

Keys crossed I spent the day in the High Council at the Trial
of Wm S Godby & E. L. T. Harrison Both of which
were cut off from the Church also Eli B. Kelsey for
Apostacy they manifested a dark wicked spirit
President Young G A Smith W Woodruff & G Q Cannon spoke
I pruned my Grape vines in the Evening

~ Tuesday

26. I covered my Grape vines in the morning & went to the
field & dug my potatoes

~ Wednesday

27. A crown In company with H. S. Eldridge I left Salt Lake City
to go on a Mission to Sanpete with the Presidency & Twelve
we drove to the American Fork & held a Meeting W. Woodruff
spoke one hour & H. S. Eldridge spoke 15 M[inutes]. We had the spirit of God
and a good time distance of the day 33 miles

~ Thursday

28. President Young & G. A. Smith Held a meeting at Lehi last
night O Pratt & A M Musser at Battle Creek we all drove
to Provo to day. President Young & G. A. Smith Held a meeting
at Provo W Woodruff & H. S. Eldridge at Springville W Woodruff
spoke one hour & 15 Minutes H. S. Eldridge 30. O Pratt &
A M Musser Held a meeting at Spanish Fork distance of the day 20 M[iles]
we Attended a Female relief society Meetings at Battle Creek
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to J. Stockings T Collister J. M. Murdock
& M. L. Shepherd total 4.

~ Friday

29. We drove to Pason Dined then drove to Santaquin 20 M[iles]
we held a Meeting in the evening W Woodruff spoke 60 M[inutes]
H. S Eldridge spoke 15. We stoped with Brother Holladay

~ Saturday

30. We drove to Nephi & met with the school of the prophets
G. A. Smith spoke 48 M[inutes], President Young spoke 30 M[inutes], Joseph
17 M[inutes] we held a Meeting in the Evening W Woodruff
spoke 35, J F Smith 37, Joseph Young 14, & President Y[ou]ng spok 50 M[inutes]
A hand pointing to the right I spent the night with Brother Oakey I wrote 3 letters to
Jeremiah Stockings to M. L. Shepherd & P. W. Woodruff 25 m[iles]

~ Sunday

31. We drove to Fountain Green Held a Meeting at 12 oclok
President Young read a telegram that the Navahoes made a
raid upon the people of Canarrah & drove off 50 Head of stok
He spoke 25 Minutes, & said now go to & build a good Meeting
House that will Hold a Thousand people you have got the

Page 215

Material Here & are able to do it & this is what the Lord requires
of you & we are here to day to tell you what to do in these things
G. A. Smith spoke 15 Minutes W. Woodruff spoke 150 O Pratt 20 M[inutes]
H. S. Eldridge 10 M[inutes], Joseph Y[ou]ng 10 M[inutes], Joseph F Smith 5

We then rode to Moroni & held a Meeting in the Evening had a full
Joseph Young spoke 39 M[inutes], G A Smith spok 25 M[inutes], W Woodruff 10,
& President Young 56 Minutes distance of the day 30 M

~ Monday

Nov 1. A plesant Morning we drove through Mount Plesant to Fair-
, & Held a Meeting O Pratt spoke 46 M[inutes], J F Smith 21,
W Woodruff 15, Joseph Y[ou]ng 28, President Young 24. I dined with
Sister Stephens we then drove to Mount Plesant 20 M[iles]

We held a Meeting G A Smith spoke 44 Minutes O Pratt 16,
J F Smith 11, Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng 7. H S Eldride & myself spent the night
with John Wheeler

~ Tuesday

2nd We drove to Springtown & held a Meeting G. A. Smith
spoke 44 M[inutes], Joseph Y[oun]g 6 M[inutes], O Pratt 25, J F Smith 20,
President Young 18. We dined at Elder Hyde we drove to Fort
& held a Meeting President Y[ou]ng & G A Smith stoped at
[FIGURES] with Brother Brown H S Eldride & W Woodruff at Hans Hansons
Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng spoke 5 Minutes, W Woodruff 21, H S Eldridge 12.
We held another Meeting in the Evening O Pratt spoke 30 Minutes
Joseph Y[ou]ng 36, A M Musser 22 M[inutes], O Hyde 8, Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng 32.
this is our 21 Meeting since we left home G. A. Smith 20 M[inutes]
Joseph Y[ou]ng 11 M[inutes] we had a Danish Illumination in the ^Evening^ 16 M[inutes].

~ Wednesday

3 We drove to Moronanti & held a Meeting Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng spok 31 M[inutes]
G. A. Smith 19, Joseph Y[ou]ng 54 Minutes

4. We drove to Gunnison Held a Meeting Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng 15 M[iles]
spoke 20 M[inutes], Joseph Young 13. We held a Meeting in the Evening
W Woodruff spoke 33 M[inutes], H S Eldridge 17 G Dunford 17,
John Squairs 4 M[inutes], J. F. Smith 17, O Hyde 7.

~ Thursday

Nov 4. We drove to Levan 30 Miles, & Held a Meeting
Joseph Y[ou]ng spoke 31 M[inutes], G A Smith 20, W Woodruff 12,
Joseph F Smith 17 A M Musser 4, & Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng 16. We
dined & drove to Nephi & held a Meeting Joseph Young spok 40 M[inutes]
J F Smith 35 G A Smith 5 Minutes distance of the day 50 M
the Meeting to night makes 26 Meetings I wrote 2 letters
A hand pointing to the right

Page 216

~ Friday

Nov 5, 1869

We drove to Pason Dined & drove to Provo 50 Mile

I spent the night at Brother Smoots & Evening at Presid[en]t Youngs

~ Saturday

6. Started at 6 oclok & drove to Salt Lake City 50 Miles

A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from Azmon, son Wilford & Luther Wheeler

~ Sunday

7. Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle

W H Mills spoke 20 Minutes Brother Teasdale 38 M[inutes]
Afternoon W Woodruff spoke 45 M[inutes], & J F Smith 60 M[inutes]
I met with Presidency & Twelve for Prayer & in the Evening I
Preached in the 15 ward followed Bry Brother R T Burton

~ Monday

8 Nov. 1869 I spent the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave
Endow[men]ts to 79 D H Wells sealed 33, J F Smith 27, &
W Woodruff 20 couple total 80 sealings. I sealed 6 dead
persons to Daniel H. Wells & J F Smith

Wilford Woodruff sen & Phebe Amelia Woodruff Snow was sealed
By Joseph F. Smith in the Endowm[en]t House for the following persons Nov 8.

Great Grand Father Hart & Great Grand Mother Hart Berlin Ct
Grand Father Asahel Hart & Grand Mother Anna Kilborn Hart
And Prudence Gridley Hart 2nd wife to Asahel Hart
Samuel Cossett & Anna Hart Cossett Berlin Ct
Asahel Hart 2nd & wife of Asahel Hart name not known
Joseph Hart & Sophrona Hart & Lura Buel Hart Berlin Ct
Adna Hart & Lydia Woodruff Hart Avon Ct
The Prophet Robert Mason & First wife of Robert Mason
& his 2nd wife Urana Kilborn Hoskins Mason
Edmond Eastman & Hannah Carter Eastman Limerick Me
Total Eleven sealings

8. I spent the day getting waggons Mended

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

9 & 10. I spent about home choring

~ Thursday

11. I spent the day getting stock out of the public carrall. I attended
A Party at J Townsend in the Evening took Emma & delight

~ Friday

12 I went to the field in the morning got out manure through the
day & spent the night at the farm

~ Saturday

13 I attended the school of the prophets D H Wells spoke about
one hour & a half & President Young 64 Minutes

~ Sunday

14. Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle A P Rockwood prayed
E W Brown spoke 13 Minutes H J Moon 10 Minutes O Pratt spoke 46 M[inutes].

Page 217

Sunday Afternoon Joseph Young spoke 50 M[inutes] & President
B Young 35 I met with the presidency & Twelve for prayer
& in the Evening I spoke at the 14 ward followed By G. Q.
I read a portion of the revelation on Celestial
& had a good time

~ Monday

15 I went to the farm several rain & Hail storms during
the day D H Wells gave Endow[me]nts to 53 & sealed 54 couple

~ Tuesday

Nov 16. I attended at the Endowm[en]t House we gave
Endowm[en]ts to 45 W Woodruff sealed 30 couple D H Wells 13

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

17 & 18 A Hard rain for 2 days & nights I spent most
of the time at the farm

~ Friday

19. I spent the day at home choring & mending up waggons
dubletrees &c. Jeremiah &Stockings & Brigham got home
this Evening Having been gone 31 days

~ Saturday

20. I attended the school of the prophets D H Wells spoke
20 Minutes. Brother Player a few moments J Taylor 38
W Woodruff 18 Minutes Joseph Young 16 G A Smith 18.
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Wm L Shepherd & A. O. Smith

~ Sunday

21. I attended meeting in the Tabernacle Brother Nesling prayed
Warren Dusenbury spoke 12 M[inutes], G A Smith spoke one hour & 36 M[inutes]
Afternoon O Pratt spoke one Hour & 18 minutes

~ Monday

22nd In company with Brower Pettet & Merkley I drove my team
to Lehi then to the shore of Utah Lake 35 Miles we then took a sailing
Boat to go to the South End of the Lake But the wind died away &
we rowed till midnight & landed made up a fire cooked supper
took our sails made a tent & went to Bed 30 miles By water 35 Land 65

~ Tuesday

23. We got our Breakfast & I shot 3 Geese on the wing & Brother
Pettit shot some duck we move our camp 5 miles south Brother
Pettit shot abot 20 duks

~ Wednesday

24. A Hard snow storm Brother Pettit shot some 30 ducks I shot
But 2. as I went to pick up one & leaning over the Boat I droped
my watch out of my Pocket in 3 feet of water & one of mud I
striped naked & got into the water to my arm pits But it chilled
me so bad I could not get my watch. Brother Brower Pettit
striped & went in & got it up with his toes But He was so
child [chilled] we had to help him in the Boat

Page 218

~ Thursday

Nov 25 1869

Brother Petted killed 40 ducks to day I killed several

~ Friday

26. We started to go to the North End of the Lake we had a hard
wind from the North which made the lake vary rough we
Beat against the wind till in the night it was vary cold we then
rowed to Pelican Point & camped for the night distance 25 m[iles]

~ Saturday

27. We went to Camp Hitched up our Horses & drove to S. L. City
we had 100 ducks 6 geese & 5 Rabbits distance of the day 45 [Miles].

~ Sunday

Nov 28 Sunday I met at the Tabernacle Br Mcallister prayed
& David Candlind spoke 44 Minutes. Afternoon James Needham
spoke 20 Minutes John Taylor spoke one hour & 20 Minutes

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

29 & 30. I spent the time Husking corn.

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

Dec 1, & 3. I spent the time Husking corn.

~ Saturday

4. I met with the school of the Prophets

~ Sunday

5 Sunday I met with my Quorum & attended Meeting in the Tabernacle
Wm King spoke 15 Minutes Henry H Cluff spoke 15 M[inutes]
Joseph F Smith spoke 45 Minutes G Q Cannon 80 M[inutes] ^in the Evening^ W W in the 13 ward

~ Monday

6 I spent the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endo[wmen]ts to
53 persons J F Smith sealed 18 couple W W 15 D H Wells 22

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

7 & 8. I spent the time cleaning up my stock yard at the farm

~ Thursday

9 I took my Boys in a waggon & drove to the point of the mountain
to look up my stock I stoped with Porter family 14 M[iles]

~ Friday

10. Keets rode am[on]g the Herds to look up our stock I returned home
with David & Brigham 14 M[iles]

~ Saturday

11 A snow storm I attended the school of the Prophets
I received A Letter from Azmon Woodruff it was published
in the News. I wrote 23 letters to Owen Smith to Brother
Fuller & Willford & sent Wilford $5 in money

W Woodruff opened the school By Prayer Questions were asked
By seven of the school President Young spoke 30 Minutes the
Keys crossed following is a synopsis of Presid[en]t Y[ou]ngs remarks He said
A Bill of Divorce that is given to many is no Better than
a peace of Blank paper A woman who is sealed to a good
man who bears the Priesthood if that man honors that Priesthood
if that woman leaves him of her own accord & she is sealed
to a dozen other men the first man will hold her in the
resurrection if he wants her unless she should be sealed to a

Page 219

Man of a Higher Priesthood then He would her But Even
A man Holding the office of a deacon may magnify that
calling so that he would be more worthy & have a higher
exaltation than many High Priest it is not so much the office
a Man Holds as it is of the magnifying of that portion of the
office He does hold. Some ordinances cannot Be given without
A temple All children Born Before parents are sealed to the
Altar will have to be sealed to their Parents in order to make them
Legal heirs those who are Born after the parents are sealed are legal
heirs. Man also will have to be sealed to Man untill the chain is united
from Father Adam down to the last Saint this will be the work of the
Millennium & Joseph Smith will be the Man to attend to it or to dictate
it He will not administer in person But He will receive his resurrected
Body & will dictate to those who dwell in the flesh & tell what
is to be done for He is the Last Prophet who is called to lay the
foundation of the great Last dispensation of the fullness of times
some have thought it strange what I have said concerning Adam
But the period will come when this people of faithful will be willing
to adopt Joseph Smith as their prophet seer revelator & God But not
the father of their spirits for that was our Father Adam Many
questions are asked about divorces I will say that many men
& women want to be sealed that should not be for they will not stay
together But if I was to stop it there would be a fulss now what is
to be done they will be sealed & then they will separate some
give them Bills of divorce I charge Nothing for sealing But
I charge $10 for Bills of divorce if they will Break the comma-
ndm[en]ts & make me Break them they shall Pay $10 for [it] Presid[en]t
Joseph Y[ou]ng asked President Young if He was Justified in giving
these Bills of Divorce President Y[ou]ng says yes I am I do not force
them to separate I give them good council & tell them what to do
No man has a right to put away a wife except for adultry But
when a woman will leave a man against his will He does not
not put her away; but she puts herself away & he that Marries
her commits adultery as Jesus says. I am Justified in giving
these Bills of Divorce for they will separate against my council
& the woman othertakes the responsibility upon herself & not me

Page 220

President Young said in relation to Joseph Smith return-
ing the Plates of the Book of Mormon that He did not returne
them to the Box from where He had received But He went im
a cave in the Hill Comoro with Oliver Cowdry & deposited
those plates upon a table or shelf & in that room were
deposited a large amount of gold plates containing sacred
records & when they first visited that room the sword
of Laban
was Hanging upon the wall & when they last visited
it, the sword was drawn from the scabbard & lew upon
da table & a Messenger who was the keeper of the room
informed them that that sword would never be returned
to its scabbard untill the Kingdom of God was Esstablished
upon the Earth & untill it reigned triumphant over Evry Enemy
Joseph Smith said that cave contained tons of choice
Treaassures & records

~ Sunday

12. Sunday I wrote a Letter to A. O. Smoot I attended my
A hand pointing to the right Prayer Circle & attended Meeting in the Tabernacle
A. P. Rockwood Prayed C. W. Penrose spoke one Hour & 28 m[inutes]
In the afternoon W. Woodruff spoke one Hour & 8 Minutes
I called upon G A Smith at the close of the Meeting
He had severely scalded his foot with Hot alchahol I
Preached in the 14 ward one hour & 45 Minutes at the
close of the Meeting I was informed that one of my children
was night unto death it had Been sick about one week
it was Delights youngest child I returned home &
administered to it & it revived But was vary low through
the night

~ Monday

13 My child is some Better this morning I went to the Endo[wmen]t
& spent a short time. They gave 23 Endo[wme]nts & D. H.
sealed 21 couple

~ Tuesday

14. My child seems some Better today I spent the day about
Home & in the Evening I went to the farm & spent the night

~ Wednesday

15. I was sent for this Morning they thought my child was dying
I went home & found the child vary louww we thought He was dying in
the Evening He was past swallowing any thing. He finally revived, & thirsted
for water being parched up with fever we fed him with water until

Page 221

we fed him a tumbler full that satisfied him & he fell asleep &
slept for half an hour and After He awoke he vomited up a good
deal of flem But finally became distresed again in the lungs &
continued sinking through the night

~ Thursday

16. The child is dying this morning. Delight the Mother of the child
is feeling vary bad Emma, Sarah, & myself was with the child nearly
all night it lived untill 35 Minutes past 12 oclok noon when he breathed
his last He was Borned 31 Aug 18668 & Died Dec 16, 1869 making him
A coffin J. Woodruff one year 3 Months & 17 days old

~ Friday

17. We Buried our child to day Elder Orson Pratt spoke at
the funeral President Y[ou]ng sent his carriage to the grave with us

~ Saturday

18. I met with the school of the Prophets Brother Christmas asked
concerning the drive which Brought out many remarks from
President Young & a vote was taken to stop all drives untill the
whole people wanted one, & then all to turne out & drive without [expens]
A folded letter/box I received a letter from I. F. Carter & A. O. Smoot & Anonymous
Letter from some apostate.

~ Sunday

19. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended meeting
in the Tabernacle Wm H. Folesome spoke 15 Minutes & W. Woodruff 45 M[inutes].
Afternoon O. Pratt spoke on spiritualism & the presid[en]t apealing
in this city AIt was a powerful discourse & will be published
I spent the Evening with Elias Smith

~ Monday

20. A folded letter/box I receive a Letter from Mr Moellen on Gates I
sent the Evening News tcontaining my sermon to 12 friends

~ Tuesday

21 I spent the day choreing

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

22nd & 24. I spent the time choreing mostly in the city

~ Saturday

25 Christmas I called upon President Young & G. A. Smith, in the
morning I attended the school of the prophets many Questions were
asked President Y[ou]ng answered them. Lorenzo Young asked if
the spirits of Negroes were Nutral in Heaven He said someone
said Joseph Smith said they were Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng said No they
were not there was No Nutral spirits in Heaven at the time
of the rebelion all took sides. He said if any one said
that He Herd the Prophet Joseph saiy that the spirits of the Blacks
were Nutral in Heaven He would not Believe them for He
herd Joseph say to the contrary all spirits are pure that

Page 222

come from the presence of God the posterity of Cane
are Black Because He commit Murder He killed Abel &
God set a Mark upon his posterity But the spirits are pure
that Enter their tabernacles & there will be a chance for
the redemption of all the children of Adam Expcept the
sons of perdition [John 17:12]. W Woodruff made a speech upon
aposticy and the Merchants. I took my Christmas dinner
with Brother Beatie's at his wifes Hellen & went to the Theater in the Evening

~ Sunday

26. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle Brother Neslin spoke in the Morning
45 Minutes & C. C. Rich in the Afternoon 30 Minutes &
President Young spoke one hour much to the Edification
of the Saints. I met with the Presid[enc]y & Twelve for Prayer
I Preached in the 19 ward in the Evening & laid Hands upon
Samuel Kimball son of Heber C Kimball He had been
kicked By a mule & his skul broke in & a peace of his skol
taken out & He appears to be getting better althogh it is a Miricle

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

27, , & 30. I spent the time laboring with my Hands

~ Friday

31. The last day of the year I spent at home A synopsis of
My labors will be found on the following leaf. Thus Ends 1869
and it has Been a vary important year in many resp[ec]ts
The great National Highway, the Union Pacific, & Central
was built during this year also the Utah Central
Rail Road
was Built from Ogden to Salt Lake City The first
rail road Built By the Latter Day Saints & owned By them, And
the first rail road Built in America. Built By working men
without Assistance from Governm[en]t, or large capitalist, this
is Built By the Poor Saints & owned By them without assistance from
any one Expcept the Lord. This opens a communication wi
Between Salt Lake City & all the world. We emigrated about
3000 Saints during this year. We have Lost during the past
year One of our Number of the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles viz Ezra Taft Benson, & Albert Carrington was
Appointed in his stead. President Brigham Young G A. Smith
D. H. Wells & the Twelve Apostles have travelled from St Charles

Page 223

Bear lake valley to St George in Washington County &
President Brigham Young Preached during these Journies 43 Hours
& 12 minutes according to the time I kept as recorded in my
Journal. We also Esstablished the Joint Merchantile Coop-
eration as a general whole sale store also ward stores.
We have had sent unto us By the general Governm[en]t the
most wicked set of Judges & all government officers that
have ever Been sent in Utah Territory, they are doing
all they can to stir up the general Governm[en]t to make war
war upon us & to destroy us from off the Earth. We have
had some Aposticy from the Church. L. E. Harrison
Wm S. Godby Henry W Lawrence Eli B. Kelsey & some
others have Been cut off from the Church for Aposticy &
they have formed themselve into a New Church the
same as other Apostates Have at different times and
they have Become spiritualist & pretend to receive rev-
. Wickedness is increasing throughout this
whole Nation & Exhertions are making to try to destroy
the kingdom of God. The Nations of the Earth are becoming
more & more fearful of the signs of the times & of the future
Events which await them. We have had peace in these
vallies since we came here as pioneers in 1847 with the
Exception of the Buchannan war which cost the nation
$40,000000 dollars & cost us 40 miles travel & Back again
we have also had some Indians wars which has cost
some lives & considerable property. The wicked of this
Nation are determined if possible to destroy, & scatter
the Saints during the year 1870 But the Saints are in the
Hands of God as they Ever have Been, & God will
defend them & fight their Battles if they will ownly be
faithful & trust in him. 1870 will be an Eventful
year in many respects. In fact Every year is Eventful
now in this fast age God has set his hand to Esstablish
Zion & his kingdom & he will accomplish in spite of
Earth & Hell, wicked men & devils He will overthrow
the wicked the, scorners, the Hipocritt, & unbeliever & save his Saints

Page 224

A Synopsis of my labors in 1869
I travelled 2172 Miles
I Attended 200 Meetings
I Preached 83 Discourses 83 discourses
I Attended 2 general Conferences 2 Conferences
I Attended Prayer Circles with Presidency & 12 22 Meeting
I Attended Prayer Circle with W. W. Quorum 21 Meetings
Met In Council with Presidency & Twelve 5 Meetings
Met with the school of the Prophets 36 days
I Assisted in the organization of the school of 2 the Prophets
I Attended 3 High Councils 3 H. Councils
I Baptized 2 Persons 2 Baptized
I Assisted in Confirming 226 Confirmed
Assisted in Blessing 219 Missionaries 219 Missionaries
I Attended 10 Funerals 10 Funerals
I reported 12 sermons 12 sermons
I spent 14 days in the Endowm[en]t 14 House
Assisted in giving Endow[me]nts to 861 Persons
I sealed at the Alter 305 Couple 305 Couple
D. H. Wells sealed 330 Couple
J F Smith sealed 119 Couple
I was Baptized for 32 Dead Friends 32 Dead
Phebe W Woodruff was Baptized for 12 Dead
Phebe A Woodruff Snow Baptized for 16 Dead
W Woodruff & Phebe W Woodruff sealed for 14 Couple
W. Woodruff & Phebe A. W. Snow sealed for 11 Couple
Assistindg in ordaining 11 High Priest & 12 High Council
Attended the dedication of 4 Meeting 4 Houses
Assisted In organizing one stake of 1 Zion
Administerd unto 25 sick 25 sick
Wrote 66 Letters. Received 33 Letters
Blessed 3 children. Met with D A & M Society 1 y. as Presid[en]t
Page 225


Page 226
Page 227

~ Saturday

Jan 1st 1870

This is New Years day I attended the school of the Prophets
Joseph F Smith Prayed B Y[ou]ng Jr spoke 28 Minutes G Q Cannon
21 M[inutes], D. H. Wells 28 & three other Brethren spoke 2 or 3 M[inutes]

~ Sunday

2nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting at the Tabernacle H W Nesbit spoke 61 Minutes
Afternoon H. S. Eldridge Prayed B. Y[ou]ng Jr spoke 45 Minutes
B Y[ou]ng Jr spoke 50 Minutes Mrs Yelverton of English Notiriety
was present also A Herrald reporter who reported the sermon
I met with the Presid[enc]y & Twelve for Prayer & preached in the
Evening in the 15 ward followed By Bishop Hunter & G Godard

~ Monday

A hand pointing to the right 3 I wrote a letter to Wilford & mailed one to Phebe Susan &
Wilford & went to the farm & Back

~ Tuesday

3.4 I went to my Farm & Back

~ Wednesday

5. I killed 3 Hogs to day at my farm & returned to the city

~ Thursday

6. Thursday is our Fast day I attended Meeting in the 14 ward & listened
to the Testimony of Many of the Brethren & Sisters & I spoke myself.
I dined with Bishop Hoagland at Job Smiths we laid hands upon a
child & Blessed it. I wrote a letter to I. F. Carter & advised him
A hand pointing to the right not to come out here on account of Business matters until
there was a change in Business for all Branches was dull. I attended
the Theater last Evening & Herd the celebrated Mrs Yelverton
give her readings. There is a great Exhertion Now making By
An arrow the wicked & Esspecially By the Congress of the United States
to get up a crusade or war against the Saints under [illegible]
of Polygamy. A Bill is Before Congress to deprive the Latter
Day Saints, of keeping the commandm[en]ts of God the Lord
has revealed the Law on the Patriarchal order of Marriage &
the Lord says we shall be damned if we do not obey it &
Congress says we shall be damned if we do so it its the Lord
& Congress for it I would rather obey the Lord than Congress

~ Friday

7. I went to my farm & spent

~ Saturday

8. [FIGURES] I returned to the city & took my family in a carriage &
drove to the Depo & saw the men lay the rails on the Utah Central Rail Road
into the Block entering the square containing the Depo this is the first rail
road Ever Built By the Latter Day Saints except some 400 miles which
they built for the union & Central pacific Rail Road Company

Page 228

I met with the school of the Prophets & D. H. Wells O Pratt W. Woodruff
& some others addressed the Meeting President Y[ou]ng is quite sick to day

~ Sunday

9. Sunday A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Wilford & Susan she has another son
& call his name George I met with my Quorum in the Morning &
Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle Claudius Spencer spoke vary
well for 25 Minutes & W. Woodruff spoke in the power of God for 30 M[inutes]
Afternoon Prayer By J. F. Smith O Hyde spoke 37 M[inutes], & G Q Cannon 40
& W Woodruff 15 Much of the power of God rested upon the speakers
through the day. I closed my remarks By saying that God commanded
Daniel the Prophet to Pray & He Prayed three times a day with his
windows Hoisted & his enemies said if He did pray & make any petition
to any God or king for 3 days He should be cast into the den of Lions
But He did pray, his enemies cast him into the den of Lions & his God
Delivered him [Daniel 6:4-23]. The three Hebrews were told if they did not fall down
& worship the Golden Image of Nebechudnezzar that they should be cast
into the Firyey furnisace &But they worshiped God & would not worship
the Image & they were cast into the firey Furnisace But the form of the
Fourth was with them & they were saved [Daniel 3:14-28]. Now in our day, God
has revealed unto us the Patriarchal order of Marriage & has said
if we do not obey it we shall be damned. Congress has said if
do obey it we shall be damned now tiwhich shall we obey God or
Congress for it is God & Congress for it. The assembly shouted as
By acclimation we will obey God.

I met in the Evening with the
Presidency & Twelve for Prayer & Preached in the Evening in the 20 ward
followed By A O. Smoot & J Sharp.

~ Monday

Jan 10th 1870 Keys crossed A crown [FIGURES]

This is a great day in Utah. some Twelve or Fifteen thousand of the
of the Inhabitants of the city of salt Lake, & surrounding country of Men
women & children, assembled around the rail road Depo to celebrate the
Building of the Utah Central Rail Road & to see the last rail laid & the
last spike driven By President Brigham Young. This rail road was
Built By the Hard labouring Men of the Latter Day Saints from Ogden to
Salt Lake City about 40 Miles distant. There were present in the Assembly
The Bands of Music from the city, Camp Duglass Band & many others

Page 229

There were present on the stand the first Presidency the Twelve
Apostles, The officers of the Union & Central Pacific Rail Road
& of the Utah Central Rail Road with Many invited guest
including the officers of Camp Duglass

The last spike was driven By President Young A large steel
Mallet was used on the occasion made By Mr James Lawson
it was Elegantly chased on the top, there was Engraved a
Bee-hive surmounted By the inscription Holiness to the Lord under-
neath the Bee-hive were the letters U.C.R.R. The spike
Made of Home made Iron Manufactured By the late N. V. Jones
was ornamented like the Mallet & was the work of Brother Lawson Just
Before the ceremony of laying the last rail commenced, the sun, which
during the whole day, had Been completely concealed By clouds
burst forth with unclouded Brilliancy as if determined to Enha-
nce the general Joy By his genial rays. After the performance of
the ceremony which took place about 9 minutes past 2 oclok a
salute of 37 guns, ^was given^ one for each mile of the road was when Capt
Croxall's Brass Band burst forth with their enlivening strains
after which the following Prayer was offered By
Elder Wilford Woodruff

O, God, our Eternal Father we have assembled on this occasion
to celebrate one of the greatest & grandest events of the generation
in which we live, and we offer up the gratitude of our hearts
with thanksgiving for thy merciful & protecting care that has
been over us when we were led into these vallies By thy servnt
servant Brigham Young, twenty two years ago, we found them
a perfec desert inhabited ownly by wild beast & a few red men
who roamed over the plains. To day we behold the teeming thousands
of the Anglo-Saxon race assembled here to celebrate the completion
of a line of rail road into this city which has opened up commerce
between us and all the world. Thou has Enabled thy Saints who have
gathered here from the Nations of the Earth to fill these vallies of the
Mountains with 600 miles of cities, towns, villages, gardens, orchards,
vineyards, and fields, and the desert has been made to Blossom as the
rose. We should be recreant to our duty did we not acknowledge
the hand of thee our God in thy protecting care that has been over us

Page 230

which has enabled us to assist in levelling these Mountains and
exhalting the vallies and in laying an iron band which has bound
this continent together from ocean to ocean & has made all the
various states & Territories of this mighty nation neighbors to each
other. For all these Blessings we feel to render the gratitude of our
hearts unto thee: and we pray that thy blessing may rest upon us
this day. We dedicate this rail road unto thee, the Lord our God
we pray that thy Blessings may rest upon it, and upon those who
have erected &and labored upon it. We thank thee for the peace and
quietude that we have enjoyed for the many years that we have dwelt
in these vallies of the Mountains. Continue thy Blessings O God we
beseech thee unto the inhabitants here and throughout the Nation
These favors and Blessings we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ
Our Redeemer Amen

A speech was then read By Elder G. Q. Cannon for President
Brigham Young. Telegrams were received from Gov Stanford
& others expressing regret that they were not able to be present
speeches were made By Wm Jennings, Joseph A Y[ou]ng, Col
B. O. Carr of the Union Pacific line, T. B. Morris Esqr Chief Engineer
of the western Division of the U.P.R.R. Elder John Taylor
and Mr Campbell Superintendent of the Utah Division of the
Central Pacific R. R. all of which are published in the
Evening Deseret News of Jan 11, 1870, with the exception of
Mr Campbells was omitted as the reporters could not Hear it
Benediction was pronounced By H. W. Nesbitt. The immense conco-
urse of spectators quickly dispersed. Thus ended the celebration
of the most important event considered from a commercial standpoint
that has ever transpired in Utah Territory Our chief city now
enjoys steam communication with the world at large

In the evening the streets were alive with Happy crouds. the
illumination of the city commenced at 6 oclok in the evening at
abot 7 oclok it shone with the greatest Brilliancey all public Buildings
& stores were illuminated with Brillant lights Bond fires & fireworks
illuminated the Heavens. I attended the grand Ball at the Theater whare
200 persons could occupy the floor at the same time in the dance

Page 231

There was some 1500 present including all the Military officers of
Camp Douglass except one, & the United States officers of the
Territory including the Judges all seemed to enjoy themselves well
I took with me Phebe, Sarah, & Emma, we took our supper at
the Townsend House.

11Our Utah Legislature assembled at 10 ock in the Morning & organized
The council Appointed G. A. Smith President P. Lynch secretary
& Slainer assistant secretary, J. D. McAllister Sergent at Arms
Joseph Y[ou]ng Chaplain all officers were appointed Mr Mann the
Secretary & acting Govornor swore the Members & officers in. O Pratt
was appointed speaker of the House R. L. Campbell chief clerk

~ Tuesday

11. Council Met o1 oclok w[en]t into Joint session & received the
Message at 2 oclok from the acting Govornor Mr Mann we had a
snow storm in the afternoon. There was another Party at the
Theater during the Evening

~ Wednesday

12. A plesant day. The council Met at 2 oclok I spent the
Afternoon with them

~ Thursday

13. A crown The Ladies of Salt Lake City held a Mass Meeting
in the Tabernacle at 1 oclok to express their indignation at
the course Congress was taking in receiving such Bills as
Culloms Bill upon Poligamy, it was an important Meeting
Many vary interesting speeches were made I spent the afternoon
in the Legislative Council. The Govornors Message was
distributed to the proper committies. We had quite a snow
storm I spent the evening at home writing

~ Friday

14. A crown The speeches of the Ladies of Utah delivered in the Tabern-
yesterday came out in to days paper a portion of them
& the remainder to morrow. I went down to my field in the evening
with my sleidgh and spent the night. Sarrowkeets my Indian
Boy was quite sick with the Mumps He had taken cold & they
had fallen

~ Saturday

15 A crown I returned home this morning in a hard rain storm
But it turned into a snow storm in the afternoon & was the
Hardest storm of the season The remainder of the speeches
of the Females Delivered at the Tabernacle was in the Evening News of the
day A hand pointing to the right I sent 12 copies of Both papers to Friends abroad 5 Miles

I attended the school of the prophets

Page 232

~ Sunday

Jan 176 1870

Sunday A coffin C. W. West I Left Salt Lake City at 7 oclok with about 100
Elders including 5 of the Quorum of the 12 on Board of the cars to
go to Ogden to Bury Bishop Chancy W West who died in
Calafornia his Body was Brought home to Ogden By his wife
& son who was with him when He died. The cars run off
the track which Hendred us for 3 Hours & we did not get to
Ogden untill half past 3 oclok the services were all over except
Burying the Body He was Brought home in a Polished Iron
Coffin with Plate glass top the corps did not look natural
the Body was Buried after we got there we took supper & travled
Home in the Evening I was quite sick going up But much Better
coming Back. We held one of the Best ward Meetings iI ever
attended in My life in the care while returning we had 22
speeches & about the same number of songs, among the Number speeches
were Delivered from Elder J Taylor, W Woodruff L. Snow
G. Q. Cannon Brigham Y[ou]ng Jr & J F Smith of the Twelve
Much of the spirit of God rested upon us & strong testimonies
were delivered. We arived home about 10 oclk distance 80 M

~ Monday

17. A hand pointing to the right I wrote to2 letters to Wilford & Jesse J. Fuller & spent the
fore noon in the Legislative Council I went to the farm in the evening

~ Tuesday

18. I returned to the city carried grain to the Mill 6 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

19 I spent the forenoon in the Legislature & the afternoon at home

~ Thursday

20. I spent the forenoon in the Legislature I had a party at my
House in the Evening G. A. Smith Elias Smith J. F. Smith
Samuel Smith, A. O. Smoot J Horn, Brother East & Wilconson
& their wives were present

~ Friday

21 I met with the Legislative Council

~ Saturday

22nd I met with the Legislative Council & attended the
School of the Prophets. The following persons spoke at the
Meeting. D. H. Wells, Joseph Y[ou]ng, W. Woodruff, Br Henry [D. Evans] [ink blots]
G. Q. Cannon, J. Sharp, J. C. Little, J. Taylor, & Ferrymore Little.

~ Sunday

23rd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and
Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle Prayer By Nathan Davis
A. O. Smoot spoke 42 Minutes J. C. Wright 21 Afternoon
L Snow spoke 57 Minutes I met with the Presidency & 12 for Prayer
I attended Meeting at 14 ward C C Rich Preached I followed Him

Page 233

~ Monday

Jan 24

I met with the Legislative Council & spent the forenoon I
called upon President Young while there I had an interview with
Mr John E. Cowles son of Egbert Cowles of Farmington Connecticut
He is the first man I have met with from my Native town for
the last 20 years. He gave me a great deal of information
concerning all the inhabitants of my Native town. I att[end]ed
the lecture delivered in the tabernacle in the Evening By Mr
Russell H Conwell He had travelled through Europe Asia &
America & was Now on his wasy to China & Jappan, his lectu-
re was vary interesting, giving an account of Ancient Baby-
lon Syria & Jerrusalem Of Abram offering up his son
Isaac & Jesus Praying in the garden of Gethsemane [Genesis 22:1-19] [Matthew 26:36-45]. He
gave an account of what had befalen him in his travels, while
walking on the shores of the dead sea A man wanted him to
buy a peaece of Lots wife after paying him twice for it to get
red of him He flung it into the dead sead & the man went in
& got it out of the mud & slime & want him to buy it again
He was robed By two Frenchmen in pParis of his money &
watch & when they started to leave him he drew a pistol
& ordered to them to lay down what they had taken from him
& rather than be shot they laid down on the ground his
watch & money & then run away He reported them to the police
office they asked him why he did [not] shoot them He said because
his pistol was not loaded many other amusing anecdotes
He told He prophesied a good deal concerning these mountains
& the people who inhabit them He said the higher & more
rugged the mountains the stronger & more rugged the
people many other remarks were made of interest

~ Tuesday

25 We had a hard storm this morning I went to the Legislative
Council Mr Cowles called upon me & spent an hour at my
desk I had an interesting time iwith him in conversing upon
A hand pointing to the right the affairs of Farmington He said Samuel dDeming was
dying with a cancer in the face I used to work for
him when I was a Boy Nearly all of the families of the
Cowles & dDemings were dead & their proper[t]y gone into other Hands
I wrote a Letter to Samuel Demings of Farmington

Page 234

~ Wednesday

Jan 26, 1870

I spent most of the day in the Legislature. ^went to the Theater in the Evening {[bad is the] [illegible shorthand]}^

~ Thursday

27. A folded letter/box I spent the fore part of the day in the Legislature I received
2 letters from Uncle Ozem Woodruff giving me a Geneology
of his family He informed me that his Brother Samuel Woodruff
A coffin S. W. Died Dec 1869 Aged 92 years old He was born
in 1877 [1767]. I spent the Evening in committee in the council chamber

~ Friday

28. I spent the forenoon in the council chamber I attended a
Party at Brother Wilkenson's

~ Saturday

29. I spent the forenoon in the council & afternoon in the school of
the prophets
& O Hyde, Henry, W Woodruff O. Pratt Joseph Young,
J. A. Young [blank] & President B. Y[ou]ng all spoke I Attended a
party in the Evening at Brother Horns.

~ Sunday

30. Sunday I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle all day
L. E. Harrington Prayed J. F. Smith spoke 50 minutes. Afternoon
G. Q. Cannon spoke 70 M[inutes]. I met with the Twelve for Prayer &
Attended meeting in the 17 ward. M. H. Pack prayed L E Harrington
spoke 44 M, W. Woodruff spoke 40 M.

~ Monday

31. I spent the forenoon in the council & Evening in the Theater

~ Tuesday

Feb 1. I called upon President Young in the morning & spent the forenoon
in the Legislature & went to the Theater in the Evening

~ Wednesday

2 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Iluss F Carter & wrote
3 letters to Ozem Woodruff, Horace Woodruff, & Thompson Woodruff
I Had a party of the Presidency & Twelve and had a plesant time

~ Thursday

3 I spent the day in the Legislature

~ Friday

4. I spent this day in the Legislative Council

~ Saturday

5 Saturday I spent the forenoon in the Council & the afternoon in
a Meeting at the Tabernacle it was a Business Meeting many
speeches were made concerning the debts of the rail road

~ Sunday

6. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning And attended
A Funeral at Brother Heber C Kimballs House. Vilate Murry
Aged 16 yers was dead, the daughter of Horace & Hellen
. There was a large Assembly present W. Woodruff
opened by Prayer President Brigham Y[ou]ng spoke [blank] Minutes
I reported his sermon Joseph Y[ou]ng spoke [blank] Minutes
E. L. Sloan spoke in the Tabernacle in the morning followed
By John Taylor. Theadore Curtis spoke in the Afternoon followed

Page 235

By L. E. Harrington & W Woodruff {I felt the power of God upon me}
I bore a strong testimony to the people At the close of the
Meeting I met with the Presidency & Twelve for prayer
I attended meeting in the 14 ward in the Evening Lorenzo Snow
spoke one hour & 15 minutes I then spoke about 30 Minutes
I gave an Account of my meditations of what I should
do if tryed for Polygamy Before Judge Hawley we had
a good meeting

~ Monday

7. [FIGURE] I went on an Excurcion with about 300 of the
Saints to Ogden we started at 9 oclk arived at abut 12,
& started Back at 3. I took dinner with Brother Browning
visited F D Richards who was vary sick with Rheumatic
Fever we laid hands upon him President B Y[ou]ng was Mouth
we returned home in safety & spent the Evening in the Legislative Council 80 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

8. A folded letter/box A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right received a letter from Wilford & wrote
him one in return. I sent the Deseret News containing
the Letters of Skyler Colfax & John Taylors reply on the
mormon Question. To the following Persons E. I. F. &
J. F. Carter, Mrs Moulton, L Scammans L Wheeler, Ozem
, Horace, Thompson, Azmon Wilford & Aphek Woodruff
Samuel Deming & R Scholes & J Fuller

~ Wednesday

9th We held 3 sessions in the council to day & spent the time
laboring on the civil coad

~ Thursday

10. I spent the day & Evening in the Legislature

~ Friday

11. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from Wilford & wrote 2 letters
to Wilford & B Pettit. I spent the day in the Legislature
& Evening in the Theater. There was a fire in the printing office
at about 10 oclok. It birnt the small out side Building over the engine
But was proidentially Put out Before it set fire to the main Bui-
lding. We are having quite warm weather I saw a copy of
An arrow Colloms Bill to day if Congress passes that Bill
& undertake to inforce it they might Just as well say that
No Latter Day Saint should live in the United States or
have any rights therein

~ Saturday

12 I spent the day in the Council House untill noon I attended
the school of the prophets Brother John Holeman made

Page 236

a long speech upon the subject of Poligamy. He contended
that no person could have a celestial glory unless He
had a plurality of wives. Speeches were made By
L. E. Harrington O Pratt Erastus Snow, D Evans J. F. Smith
Lorenzo Y[ou]ng, President Y[ou]ng said there would be men
saved in the Celestial Kingdom of God with one wife with
Many wives & with No wife at all.

~ Sunday

13. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & went to the sugar
House ward with A. O. Smoot & held a meeting in the sugar House
ward A. O. Smoot Preached I followed him then dined with Wm
& went to my farm & Found Emma vary sick we laid
upon her & went to the city. I went to the 15 ward in the
Evening Brother Bywater spoke a short time I followed him

~ Monday

14. I spent the day in the Legislative Council

~ Tuesday

15 A folded letter/box I went to the field. I received 2 letters from Mr Scott on the
sheep Question & one from D. H. Wells I found Emama vary sick Mrs
Foss went went down & gave her a Lobelia emetic I spent the night
with her she spent a vary sick night 6 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

16 I went to the city got a stove Moved Emma into the Bedroom
administered to her & returned home

~ Thursday

17. I spent the day in the Legislature

~ Friday

18 I spent the day in the Legislative council untill 4 ock in the
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right morning it being the last day of the session I received
a Letter from Seth Woodruff to Betsey Alvord containing $10
from Ann to have. I wrote 2 letters one to Seth Woodruff &
one to Betsey Alvord. Our Acting Governor Sect Mann
has signed all the Bills of this session Except a Mining Bill
& one to work Prisioners on the public roads. We got out a vary
important Bill a lengthy code of practice in civil cases which was
vary laborious on the members of the Legislature with the other Business
Mr Mann has acted most of A man of any person we have had
for govornor Except Brigham Y[ou]ng since we have been in this

~ Saturday

19 Saturday I attended the school of the prophets W Woodruff prayed
G. A. Smith spoke 52 Minutes G Q Cannon 25, W Woodruff 15, and
Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng 35. I attended the Theater in the Evening

Page 237

~ Sunday

Feb 20, 1870.

Sunday I did not attend meeting in the Forenoon Milo Andrus
spoke in the forenoon Afternoon G. A. Smith spoke 25 Minutes and
President Y[ou]ng 58 Minutes He spoke upon the gospel & made Evry
thing Plain if the religions of the sectarian world did not
ketch or save us our religion would if sprinkling children was
not Baptism & not acceptable to God Baptism By immeresion
was & what harm was there in keeping the commandm[en]t of God it
would save a man while rejecting them would destroy a man
we met in the Prayer Circle with the Presidency & 12. I called upon
Brother Cannon in the Evening to see his Babies He had 4 young children
1 pair of Tweiens I then called upon the family of Brother James
, He was gone North preaching. I then called upon Mother
Russell spent a few Moments I then called upon Elias Smith
& spent the Evening G. A. Smith & Brother Collester was there &
several other N. H. Felt had searched the Ancient records of
the Smith Family & sent an acc[ou]nt of some wills & other
Accounts of the family of Joseph Smith to G A Smith &
they were read over during the Evening with much interest
& comments made upon them

~ Monday

21. Keys crossed A crown A hand pointing to the right The Legislature of the State of Deserett met
to day & organized I was a Member of the senate Gov
Brigham Y[ou]ng delivered a short written Message & an oral one He
spoke plain these are interesting & important times all the United
States as it were are at war with us triying to pass Bills through
Congress to destroy us for our religion I received a long
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right letter from R. W. Scott upon the sheep Question & wrote
one in return I held a meeting with the Board of directors

~ Tuesday

22nd Washingtons Birth day I attended a Military Meeting in
the City Hall at 2 oclok speeches were made By D. H. Wells W. Woodruff
E Snow G. Q. Cannon, Pace, Thurber, Winder & Hyde.

A hand pointing to the right $5. I wrote a letter to Wilford sent him $5 & a sack of
goods & shoes & a sack of dried fruit all By Joseph W. Y[ou]ng
I attended a Milaitary Ball in the Evening at the Theater. I met
with Dr. H. Lathram & Lady from Laramie

~ Wednesday

23rd A hand pointing to the right $10 I wrote a letter to Betsey Alvord & sent her $10 By Richard
. I went to the field in the evening

Page 238

~ Thursday

Feb 24, 18670.

I laid Hands upon Asahel who was quite sick & then
in company with G. Q. Cannon & Heber Kimball rode
to American Fork & met President Y[ou]ng G. A. Smith J. Taylor
B Y[ou]ng Jr & John W Y[ou]ng Joseph Y[ou]ng & Lorenzo Y[ou]ng we held
a Meeting in the meeting House at 6 oclok B Y[ou]ng Jr spoke
30 Minutes Lorenzo Y[ou]ng 20 M[inutes] & E. Snow 40 M. J. Taylor G Q C
& myself spent the night at Brother Robinsons

~ Friday

^25^ Saturday we rode to Provo & spent the night with Brother Smoot 50 M[iles]

~ Saturday

26 We Met in the Meeting House to hold a 2 days Meeting
W Woodruff Prayed. J. F. Smith spoke one Hour & 10 M[inutes]
Joseph Y[ou]ng spoke 25 Minutes Afternoon W Woodruff spoke
43 M, G. Q. Cannon 50 M. We had No meeting in the Evening

~ Sunday

27. Sunday G Q Cannon & J. F. Smith & myself went to
Springville & held a Meeting in the Meeting House at
10 o'clok G Q Cannon spoke 1 Hour Afternoon J. F. Smith
spoke 67 minutes & W Woodruff 40 Minutes. We returned
to Provo & held a Meeting in the Evening J. Horn Prayed
B. Young Jr spoke 40 M, John W. Young spoke 10 M, Charles Savage
spoke 10 M. We stoped with Brother Smoot distance of the day 12 [Miles]

While we were at Springville the Presidency held a Meeting at
Provo. G. A. Smith spoke one hour Joseph Y[ou]ng spoke 15 M,
President B Y[ou]ng spoke 22 M. Afternoon John Taylor spoke
46 M, Lorenzo Y[ou]ng 35 & then President Young 17 Minutes

~ Monday

28 Monday A crown Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng G A Smith B. Young Jr Lorenzo Young
John W. Young Charles Savage, Squares & Orson Arnold &
Amelia Young started from Provo to St George G A Smith
Had his son John Henry & his wife Barsheba with him
we also left for Home rode to American Fork & attended
the school of the Prophets. G. Q. Cannon spoke 233 M[inutes], J F Smith
45, & W Woodruff 30 M we held a Meeting in the Evening
W Woodruff spoke 40 M Heber Kimball 2, G Q Cannon 30,
J Taylor 22, & J F Smith 15 Minutes

~ Tuesday

March 1, 1870 Keys crossed A hand pointing to the right I Wilford Woodruff are 7063
Years old this day I rode home to Salt Lake City 50 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

2nd I went to my Farm to sow wheat when I went to sow my

Page 239

grain I found from one pint to a quart of Barley & oats
in each Bushel of wheat so I had to stop & go to work to
pick over 20 Bushels of wheat a spoonful at a time I set all
the family at it as soon as I could & it was the most
tedious work I ever undertook

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

3 & 4. I spent all day picking over wheat

~ Saturday

5 I Branded a colt & sent David & Keets to the west Mountain
who took the colt over to get Black Hawk Horse But could not
find the Band & Brought the colt Back I attended the school
of the prophets
& herd speeches from H. S. Eldridge & J Gates
who was returned missionaries from the States they gave
an actcount of the public feeling upon the Collum Bill in
Congress. others made speeches. At the close of the school I
went in company with G. Q. Cannon & J F Smith to
visit Bishop Hoagland who lay vary dangerously
sick with a fever we laid Hands upon him & Blessed

~ Sunday

6. Sunday In company with G. Q. Cannon & George Chris
to Bishop Brintons ward on Cotton wood we met
Elder John Taylor we met to hear some complaints against
Bishop Brinton By some Members who drank whiskey &
chewed tobaco But after setting 4 Hours & hearing all that could
be said against him we found nothing proved aga[ins]t him.
We rebuked the accusers took supper returned home visited
Bishop Hoagland laid Hands upon him found him vary
low went to the 14 ward herd a Primitive Minister
preache about Christ dying on Calvary I followed him
a few moments & returned home 20 M[iles]

~ Monday

March 7. A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters from Betsey Alvard
& wrote 3 to Betsey to Richard Barrett to Bishop Lester Herrik
Richard Barrett with whom I sent the $10 to Betsey had not
deliverd the money nor letter But I suppose had stolen it
I called upon Bishop Hoagland & laid Hands upon him He
was still vary low did not look as though He would live
I went to the 14 ward. Herd a puriton Minister speak upon the death
of Christ I followed him distance of the day 20 M

Page 240

~ Tuesday

March 8, 1870

Mrs Woodruffs Birth day is 63 years old to day I went to the
Field & sowed with a Hand sower 10 Acres of wheat & was vary
weary at night I also done some ploughing in the afternoon

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

9 & 10. I ploughed 2 1/2 acres & sowed 3 acres to wheat total 13.

~ Friday

11. A Hard stormy day snowed & Hailed I took to Mill wheat
& corn to be ground I shot a sage Hen & returned home

~ Saturday

12 I Had a severe cold on my lungs But I went to mill to get
my grist & shot 3 sage Hens & 2 prairie chickings then came to
the city But did not get home in time to attend the school of the
20 Miles

~ Sunday

13. Sunday we had the worst snow storm of the season it blew
hard & vary cold I did not attend Meeting in the Morning But
did in the the afternoon Brother Bywater spoke in the Morning &
L. W. Hardy & John Pack in the Afternoon they spoke of ther
A folded letter/box mission in the States, the unbelief, Hardness of Hart, & wickedness
of the people I received 2 letters one from Mueller & one from
Harriet Woodruff. I visited Brother Pettit family & Bishop Hoagland
He is getting Better I met with D. H. Wells & the 12 for prayer
it was a terrible cold night

~ Monday

14. Keys crossed A crown The sun has come out clear & Bright this morning I spent
the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowm[en]ts to 45 persons
D H Wells sealed 12 couple & W Woodruff 23. The following persons
were sealed to Wilford Woodruff sen By D H Wells Phebe W. Woodruff Proxy
Bulah Hart, (Daughter of Asahel & Anna Kilborn ^Hart^ Born & died in Conneticut
Laura Haskins Born & died in Simsbury Conn.
Marietta Haskins [Born & died in Simsbury Conn.]
Sophia Carter Born in Lynn Mass & died there
Phebe Hazleton Born & died in Maine
Rachael Smith Born & died in Scarboro Maine
Eunice Fitz Born and died in Maine
Patty Milliken Born & died in Maine Total 8.

~ Tuesday

15 March I went to the field & made fence post I received
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right A Letter from Betsey Alvard which I received stated
that she had not received the letter or $10 in Money which
I sent By Richard Barrett I wrote 3 letters to Betsey Alvard

Page 241

to Bishop Herrick & to Richard Barrett {I accused him of stealing the money}

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

16 & 17. I spent the time making posts & setting fence

~ Friday

18 I came to the city I received 2 letters from Richard Barrett
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right & Henry Holmes I also received a letter from Wilford

~ Saturday

19. I spent the forenoon in writing I attended the school of the
I addressed the Meeting followed By the Twelve & others

~ Sunday

20. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning for prayer &
attended Meeting in the Tabernacle W. Woodruff spoke in the forenoon
45 Minutes & John Taylor 62 minutes in the afternoon I met with
the Twelve in the Evening for Prayer I attended meeting in the
Evening at the 14 ward G Q Cannon spoke one hour I
followed him 30, spoke of Family affairs difficulties in fam-
ilies caused in a great measure By interfereance of Neighbors
attending to other peoples Business Exhorted women to pray
& teach there children to pray

~ Monday

21. drove to west Mountain got a cow & calf & brought
her home 20 M[iles]

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

22, 23. I spent the day at my farm sowed 5 acres of oats
& Barly & draged it in

An arrow piercing a heart The Collam Bill against the Saints of God in Utah
Passed the House. The Congress of the United States has
commenced to Make war against God & his Church and
kingdom upon the Earth & wo, wo, is their doom for
this act will fill their cup of iniquity & the Lord will
destroy the Nation & breake them to peaces so they
will not encumber the ground & the Lord will redeem
Zion & Esstablish his kingdom

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

24, 25 I spent the time on the farm

~ Saturday

26. I Attended the school of the Prophets & the Collum
was mostly the subject of conversation J Taylor W
Woodruff O Pratt G. Q. Cannon, G. D. Watt Joseph A Y[ou]ng
John Sharp J Merphy David Kimball & D. H. Wells spoke
A committee of 13 was appointed to draft resolution to
a Mass Meeting to be held on Thursday next I was one
of the committe

~ Sunday

27. Sunday A Hard stormy day My Mare Doll had a colt

Page 242

A sorrel mare colt. I did not attend meeting in the fore noon
I Attended in the Afternoon A visitor Layman spoke in the
Afternoon 66 minutes his whole subject was to Believe in Jesus
He was followed By S. W. Richards who gave an account of his
mission East I went to President Y[ou]ngs office & conversed
with D. H. Wells G Q. Cannon & Joseph A Y[ou]ng upon the signs
of the times
then returned home & called upon Elias Smith &
spent most of the evening returned home & wrote a letter to
A hand pointing to the right Phebe A. Snow & Bulah wrote one.

~ Monday

28. I went to the endowment House we gave Endowments to 26.
D. H. Wells sealed 14 couple W Woodruff 6 couple I attended committee meeting

~ Tuesday

29. I went to the farm was quite unwell had a severe cold on
the Lungs I returned home & met with the committee to draft resolu-
tions to present to the Mass Meeting on thursday 6 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

30. I went to the farm oin a waggon took down Mrs Woodruff &
Bulah the first time Mrs Woodruff has been to the farm for many
years I returned home sick But attended the committee Meeting

~ Thursday

31. Keys crossed The citizens of Salt Lake City met in general Mass Meeting
to protest against the passage of the Cullum Bill the House was crouded
to overflowing. The meeting was organized By appointing D H. Wells
President of the Meeting & J M Bernhisel, John Taylor Orson Pratt Jos A
W Woodruff G Q Cannon & Jos F Smith Vice-Presidets, R L Campbell
Theo McKean Paul A Shettler & D McKenzie Secretaries & D W Evans
& E. L. Sloan Reporters. Prayer Offered By Jesse Haven Report of committee
was then read By Hon G Q. Cannon also the resolutions Chief Justice
Wilson & many other citizens not Mormons were present. I was quite
Poorly in health. The resolutions & Protest was published in the Deseret
& Telegraphed to the associated Press

~ Friday

April 1. I am quite poorly in health to day G. Q. Cannon received
a Telegraph from Hon Wm H Hooper that the senate of the United States
had put off the Collum Bill one Month. I wrote 5 letters to Harriet
A hand pointing to the right Woodruff, Wilford & Emily I. F. Carter & Shuah Moulton
to Phebe A Snow & A F Williams of Farmington Ct. for Sam-
uel Deming
I told him of our religion, of my travels, of our
Mass Meeting &c I spent most of the day in the House.
A folded letter/box I also received 2 letters from Susan & I. F. Carter.

Page 243

~ Saturday

April 2nd 1870

I Attended the school of the prophets & speeches were made By Pres-
ident Wells & several of the Twelve I went to the News office
& signed the Protest against the Passage of the Cullom Bill
By the Senate. A contribution was taken up in the school to pay for
sending the Papers & Pamphlet to each Member of Congress
some $75 was collected. I attended the funeral of Mother Jordan
R L Campbells wife she was 70 years old. When I preached in
Scotland in 1845 she walked 40 miles to see an Apostle &
hear me Preach. During the funeral the Boys let my Horses
run away & Broak up the waggon some. I have been in vary poor
health for a week with a cold on the Lungs

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday it was a hard rainy day I was confined to the house with
a cold I wrote 2 letters to I F Carter & Susan C Scholes in
A hand pointing to the right answer to theirs Brower Pettit called upon me to day

~ Monday

4. I spent the day at home & went to the field at night david went with
me I took down one doz spanish Hens Eggs

~ Tuesday

5. David & Keets went to fort Harriman & it was a hard snow storm
all day & it snowed all night

~ Wednesday

6 Keys crossed A crown This is an important day in the History of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints it is 40 years to day since the Church was
organized. There was about one foot of snow on the ground But a
small congregation of Saints assembled at the old Tabernacle &
we held one Meeting John Taylor spoke followed By O. Pratt
W Woodruff & D. H. Wells. They spoke upon the organization of the
Church, & of the Present Excitment upon the Cullom Bill which has
Passed the House & is now in the senate. It seems as though the
United States Govern[me]nt were determined to make war upon
us for our religion if they do the war is between God & the Nation
The conference was adjourned to Meet the 5 day of May I received
4 Numbers of the Illustrated Bee Journal, which I think ofis of great
Benefit to Bee raisers. I sent the weekly News to 12 persons as follows
A hand pointing to the right Ozem Woodruff, Azmon, Thompson, Horace, Willford Woodruff
Ezra Carter S. C. Moulton L Scammans, A. F. Williams R. Scholes,
& Phebe A. Snow, & Luther Wheeler

~ Thursday

7. A good deal of snow upon the ground I attended the funeral of
Brother Crams child R L. Campbell spoke I followed him

Page 244

~ Friday

April 8, 1870

I Bought a swarm of Bees to day from Brother Roberts
in the Longstroth Hive I paid $35 for it I made a Bee House for it

~ Saturday

it9. I attended the school of the Prophets J. F. Smith W. Woodruff
Joseph Y[ou]ng & D. H. Wells, spoke I received 2 letters from Wilford
A folded letter/box & Phebe Wilford spoke of the Presidents visit with them

~ Sunday

10. Sunday I wrote a letter to Col Joseph Leffel & sent $1
for Alasikeie clover or Bee feed. I met with my Quorum
in the morning, & attended meeting in the Tabernacle A H Raleigh spoke
in the forenoon & gave an interesting account of his mission. He
said the American Nation had green Backs on the Brain spiritual-
ism in the Boots & wine & women from Head to foot

Orson Pratt Preached in the Afternoon one Hour & 15 minutes
spoke a good deal upon the Evidence of the Book of Mormon
At the close of the Meeting I met with the 12 for Prayer. I visited
Brother Pettits family & they accompanied me to the 14 ward &
I spoke over an hour

~ Monday

11. I spent most of the day in moving posts pools & Lumber in
my door yard

~ Tuesday

12 I spent most of the day in pruning my vineyard

~ Wednesday

13. I pruned my vineyard some we had a tremendius snow
storm lasted all day and night

~ Thursday

14. Their is 6 inches of snow on the ground to day I spent most
Keys crossed of the day writing the Geneoliogy of the families of the
Woodruffs Thompsons, Harts, Carters, & Fabyans. I wrote
A hand pointing to the right A Letter to N. C. Mitchell, Publisher of the Illustrated
Bee Journal & A $4 order. I Bought a Family Bible of
R. L. Campbell for $3. The Cullom Bill has Been Amended
By Cragen Chairman of the Senate Committee on Territories
& presented to the senate for their Action with several
sections of Additions which is making war upon us, our
religion, & against God. Congress seems determined to make
war upon us & our religion I wrote a Letter to Wilford & Emily
A hand pointing to the right David & Brigham sent a letter to Wilford also

~ Friday

15. I spent the day at home writing I wrote a letter to K. P. Kidder
& sent 50 cts for the secrets of Bee keeping at Burlington Vermont
A hand pointing to the right I wrote one letter to National Bee Hive Co St Charles Ill

Page 245

& sent 10 cts for Illustrated Catologue. I also wrote a letter
to H. A. King & co. 87240 Broadway N. Y. for a sample his
Bee Journal & National Agriculturist.

~ Saturday

16 I met with the school of the prophets. Remarks were made
By the presidency

~ Sunday

17. I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended Meeting in
the Tabernacle G. A. Smith spoke 62 Minutes Afternoon Presid[en]t
B. Young spoke 57 Minutes I met with the Presidency & 12
for prayer, & attended Meeting in the 14 ward school House
O Pratt spoke followed By John Taylor

~ Monday to ~ Friday

18 to 22. I spent this week gardning & farming

~ Saturday

23rd I attended the school of the prophets

~ Sunday

24. I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended meeting
in the Tabernacle. A Baptist Minister By the name of Andrews
addressed the congregation in the Morning 43 Minutes. A
Dunkard By the name of Levi spoke a few Minutes then
President Young spok 22 Minutes Afternoon O Pratt spoke
22 Minutes. Then a Blind Man An Episcopalian Minister
spoke 20 Minutes, G. A. Smith spoke 5 M, & President Young 8
I met with the Presidency & 12 for Prayer And attended meeting
in the 14 ward. G. Q. Cannon spoke & I followed him gave an
account of my Labor in Herrifordshire & other things

~ Monday

25. I went to the field sheared some sheep & returned home
26 I attended a cooperative Meeting in the Evening

~ Tuesday

26. I spent the day in my garden and attended a lecture in
the Evening of Mr Vincent a celebrated English lecturer
He lectured upon the days of Cromwell

~ Wednesday

27. I spent the day laboring in my garden. I went to the Theater
A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right In the Evening I saw the performance of the Japaneese
which was the most wonderful feats that I ever saw.
28. A coffin Father John Young the Patriarch the oldest Brother of
President Brigham Y[ou]ng died this 27 of April 1870 was
in his 80 year

~ Thursday

28. I viewed the corps of Father John Y[ou]ng visited the Japaneese
in the Theater & saw their wonderful performances one man carried
around the stage a large tub with 200 lb of rock in with his theeth

Page 246

~ Friday

April 29, 1870

I left the city in company with Brother & Sister Faust to visit
Toille City & Dedicate their New meeting House Our company consisted
of D. H. Wells O Pratt J Taylor W Woodruff J F. Smith Faust, Wm Jennings
& A H Raleigh we drove to Black Rock there met about 50 Horsemen
as an escort, then drove to the woollen Factory. Stoped took dinner
& dedicated the Building & all thereto Belonging to the Lord John Taylor
made the dedication Prayer D H Wells addressed the people followed By
John Taylor we then drove to Toille City & spent the night. I stoped
with Brother John Aitkin Brother Wells with Bishop Rhobery 35 M[iles]

~ Saturday

30. Keys crossed We met in the New Meeting House, Built of rock 40 By 60 feet
with a gallary 18 By 40 & well finished. The Dedication Prayer
was offered By President D. H. Wells Then O Pratt spoke 41 M[inutes]
W Woodruff spoke 29 Minutes Afternoon A H Raleigh Prayed
Joseph F Smith spoke one hour & 14 Minutes D. H. Wells spoke 47 M
A Meeting was Held in the Evening W Woodruff Prayed Wm
spoke 24 Minutes A. H. Raleigh spoke 53
Henry J Faust spoke 19 Minutes

~ Sunday

May 1, 1870 Met at 10 oclok O. Pratt Prayed John Taylor
spoke 69 Minutes O Pratt 23, & D. H. Wells 11 Minutes at the
close of the Meeting we drove Back Home to Salt Lake City 35 m[iles]

~ Monday

2nd I went to my farm at Night sowed Alsike Clover seed in
my garden through the day 3 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

3rd I spent the day mending fence

~ Wednesday

4. I spent the day at work Building Back room & sowing Lucerne

~ Thursday

May 5. Keys crossed The adjourned General Conference met this after
Morning in the New Tabernacle at 10 oclok sung the Morning Breaks
G. A. Smith Prayed then spoke to the people 21 Minutes D. H. Wells
37, & President Y[ou]ng 11. G Q Cannon closed
Afternoon L Snow Prayed President Young spoke 38 Minutes
B Y[ou]ng Jr Prayed O Hyde spoke 32 Minutes O Pratt 65 M.

~ Friday

May 6. Conference Met at 10 oclok John Taylor spoke one hour &
25 Minutes. Afternoon prayer By L Snow, President Y[ou]ng spoke 38
Minutes W Woodruff spoke 32, G A Smith spoke 16 M

A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to H. A. King 240 Broadway N. Yng [York]
& sent $5. One letter to N. C. Mitchel & sent $2. I did not put
a stamp onto Kings letter but went Back & left a stamp with the Post Master

Page 247

~ Saturday

May 7, 1870

Conference Met at 10 oclok J. F. Smith Prayed G. Q. Cannon
read a sermon of O. Pratt in reply to Rev Mr Newman who
preached Before the Congress of the U. S. against Poligamy and
the Mormons it took Brother Cannon one hour & 10 Minutes
to read it. President Y[ou]ng spoke 11 M. Afternoon W Woodruff prayed
G. A. Smith spoke 12 M. The Authorities of the Church were
then Presented By G. Q. Cannon & received unanimously. E. Snow
spoke 31 Minutes L Snow 25, Joseph Y[ou]ng spoke 5 Minutes

~ Sunday

8. Sunday Conference Met at 10 oclok J Taylor Prayed
G. A. Smith spoke 28 Minutes Joseph Y[ou]ng spoke 5 Minutes C. C. Rich
spoke 15, F. D. Richards spoke 22 Minutes. Missionaries were
then called G Q Cannon spoke 19 Minutes Afternoon prayer
By O. Pratt B Young Jr spoke 20 M, Joseph F. Smith spoke 26 M
G A Smith spoke 10 M, President Young spok 45 M.

Met in the Prayer Circle & Met at the Historians Office &
& Blessed some [blank] Missionaries I wrote a letter to the
A hand pointing to the right National Bee Hive company

~ Monday to ~ Friday

9, , , , 13. I spent the week planting corn

~ Saturday

14. I met with the school
of the Prophets

~ Sunday

15. Sunday, I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended
Meeting in the New Tabernacle Thomas Higs spoke 7 Minutes
Br N Murdock spoke 10 M, Bishop Wylen spoke 40 M G. Q.
20 M. Afternoon O Pratt spoke one Hour & 20 M

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

16, , & 18. I Fought Grasshoppers 19.

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

19, & 20. I Planted Potatoes

~ Saturday

21. A folded letter/box I met with the school of the Prophets I received 2 letters
from Bulah, & N. C. Mitchel the $4 P.O order I sent him
had not reached him.

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning. Attended
A coffin W. I. A. Wm I Appleby's Funeral at 11 occlock. O Pratt preached
one hour & 15 Minutes upon the resurrection all the Presidency
came before the close of the Meeting, But made no remarks
N. H. Felt spoke in the Tabernacle in the fore noon followed By G. A. Smith
Afternoon D. H. Wells spoke 1 Hour & 17 Minutes I met with the Prayer
of the Presidency & 12. I attended Meeting in the 14 ward Brother
Y[ou]ng son of Lorenzo Y[ou]ng gave an interesting History of the Moquiess Indians

Page 248

~ Monday

May 23rd 1870

A plesant Morning After a hard rain I mailed a letter to
A hand pointing to the right H A King 240 Broadway N Y containing $1 for the
Bee Journal & spoke of the $5 I sent Before

~ Tuesday

24 I went to the farm & spent the day fighting grasshoppers & choreing

~ Wednesday

25. I came to the city & spent the day in the Endowm[en]t House
Keys crossed we Baptized for the dead 489 Joseph F Smith & Samuel
done the Baptizing D. H. Wells W. Woodruff Joseph F Smith
& Samuel Smith Done the confirming I laid on hands in the
confermation of Nearly the whole D. H. Wells also sealed 33 couple
& W Woodruff sealed 26 couple

~ Thursday

26. I went to the farm & dug ditches all day to try to head the
grass hoppers I was vary weary at night

~ Friday

27. I spent most of the day drawing a waggon sheat through my
grain to ketch grass hoppers we caught many bushels but still
the Earth was nearly covered it seems a vary hard matter
to save any grain this season on my farm they have Eat
my wheat Barley oats & corn & it looks as though we not
raise any thing. But I would rather have a grass hopper war than
a gentile war. I went home in the Evening

~ Saturday

28 A coffin I attended the school of the prophets untill 3 oclok
I then attended the funeral of Father James Taylor Aged 87
years. He is the father of the Apostle John Taylor President
Y[ou]ng & G. A. Smith with J Taylor W Woodruff F D Richards
G Q Cannon & J F Smith of the Twelve attended G. A. Smith
Preached an interesting Practical discourse

~ Sunday

Keys crossed A hand pointing to the right Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning &
attended Meeting all day in the Tabernacle A large Number of
strangers were present The Boston Board of trade arived on
saturday Night in Eleven of the Pullman Palace cars which
[cost] $220000 dollars $20000 each. The company consisted of 120
persons of the rich Merchants & Nabobs of the city of Boston
they Attended Meetings both forenoon & Afternoon I spoke
to them one hour in the foorenoon & preached in great plainness
the gospel of Christ was followed By G. A. Smith 19 Minutes
Afternoon President Young spoke 45 Minutes to some 300
strangers & a large congregation of Saints all gave Good

Page 249

Attention At the close of the Meeting the Presidency &
Twelve Apostles were Invited to go down & take supper in
the Pulman Palace Cars. President Young G A Smith &
D. H. Wells & O Pratt J. Taylor W. Woodruff & G Q Cannon
of the Twelve went down went through the whole train was
introduced to all the Gentlemt & Ladies & partook of a grand
feast with the Board of Directors of the comp[an]y in going through
this long train of Palace cars & visiting their printing office
whare a daily paper was printed & [ca] their stoor room then
dining room, parlor, sleeping rooms, all lighed with gass
Manufactured as they go along was wonderful it looked
like going through a street in Boston. We had a vary
severe cold rain storm while visiting the cars we left
& met at Presid[en]t Youngs office & attended to prayers

~ Monday

May 30. A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right I spent the day attending to various
Branches of Business I Bought one share in the general
Cooperative Merchantile institution of Jeremiah Murphy
which made me $400 of interest in the institution
In the Evening I wrote 3 letters to Wilford Woodruff
N. C. Mitchell & H. A. King & co, which closed the
Business of the day I asked King for the Agency of the
American Bee Hive But on reflection I do not like it

~ Tuesday

31. I travelled through the city in a rain snow & hail storm
visiting Friends I first called upon Elias Smith, & we read
the Long tedious fals Cragan speech, upon Utah affairs I
next visited Brother Fulsome & saw the American Beehive now
being Made I then called upon Wm Johnson & we visited
the Kidder Beehive. We then visited the American side of every
movable comb Hive did not like it we then visited
Brother Faust Italian Bees, then visited Brother Thurston
New Bee Hive, & Bees. liked his hive putty well then visited
Brother Roberts & Brigham H Youngs Bees, then visited
Paul Shutlers Imported Fowels, Many different kinds which
were vary fine He has a dozen different kinds of imported
Fowles He sells his Eggs tfor $10 & $5 per doz He is selling
them through many parts of the Territory which is a Blessing

Page 250

~ Wednesday

June 1, 1870

[FIGURES 16] A crown A hand pointing to the right This was a vary Busy day with me I spent
the morning untill 9 oclok In assisting Hiram
to get started for St Thomas with a threshing Machine
I sent a wild unbroaken Horse By him to Wilford at half past 9 oclok
I Accompanied My wife Phebe & Daughter Bulah to the Endow[men]t
& I Baptized Phebe W. Woodruff for 26 Dead Friends
I Baptized My Daughter Bulah A Beatie for 17 Dead Friends
I was then Baptized for 30 Dead Friends By Samuel Smith
Joseph F Smith confirmed my wife Daughter & Myself for
73 Dead Friends there were 406 Baptized in all I confirmed
about 100 of them went to sealing room & witnessed the sealing of
98 couple D. H. Wells sealed 12 W Woodruff 53 & Joseph F Smith
33 couple total 98 all for the dead. I was Baptized for the following
Persons 30 in number

Cousins Aphek M. Woodruff, Alanson F Woodruff Nephew Thomas
D. Woodruff
, Marcus W. Woodruff cousin Francis Woodruff cousin
Leonard Wheeler, Friends, Chancy Clark Samuel Hart, Step Grand
Father Kilborn, James Kilborn, John Kilborn, step Grand Father
Cossett, Asa Cossett, George Cossett, Capet Cossett, Nathaniel
, David Eastman, Lyman Gleason, Daniel Carter, Eleazer
, Wm Seavy, Thomas seavy, Timothy Ham, Wm Hutchins,
George Boothby, Nathan Marshall, Ebenezer Burbank Parson
Chadwick of Scarborough Maine, James Junkings & Job Seavy

W Woodruff Baptized Phebe Whitemore Carter Woodruff for the
following the 26 Persons Cousins Amelia Woodruff Lua Woodruff
Emelia Woodruff, Mary Woodruff, Grand Mother Kilborn,
Mrs James Kilborn, Mrs John Kilborn, Grand Mother Cossett
Mrs Asa Cossett, Mrs George Cossett Mrs Capet Cossett, Anna
Cossett Goodwin
, Lavina Cossett White, Mary Cossett Woodbridge,
Runa Cossett, Mrs Fout Barber, Mrs Samuel Barber, Mrs Case
, Betsey Tilliston Thompson, Mrs Thadeus Thompson Elizabeth Foot
, Nancy Wheeler Thompson, Lydia Woodruff Hart, Great-
Grand Mother Carter, Judith Walker Carter Mrs Daniel Carter, 26

Page 251

I Baptized My Daughter Bulah Agustia Woodruff Beatie for the following persons
17 in number Friends Polly Burbank, Sally Seavy Betsey Seavy,
Jenny Seavy, Patty Seavy, Mrs Timothy Ham, Mrs William Hutchings,
Lydia Hutchings, Miriam Boothby, Olive Marshall Mrs Ebenezer
, Mrs Chadwick, Sophia Chadwick, Mary Chadwick,
Betseyy Milliken, Olive Junkings 17.

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

June 2nd A Plesant Morning after a cold storm. Spent the day
choreing allso the 3rd

~ Saturday

4. I arose at 3 oclok & was at the rail road depo at half past 34
to accompany President Young on his Northern trip but the
car did not start till half past 5 oclk. The presidency & Twelve
with many others rode to Box Elder we arived at Box Elder
at 9 oclok I stoped with my daughter Phebe A. Snow 60 M[iles]
we held a Meeting at the Bowery at 10 oclok G Q Cannon Prayed
John Taylor spok 50 Minutes, G. Q. Cannon 8 M. Afternoon
R T Burton Prayed F. D. Richards spoke 30, R L Campbell 18,
D Huntington 15, R. T. Burton 22 Isaac Grow 23, G A Smith 2
In the Evening we visited the Cooperative Tanery woollen
& Factory.

~ Sunday

June 5. Sunday about 100 came from Salt Lake City to attend
Meeting they came in the cars. J. F. Smith Prayed G Q
spoke 31, G A Smith spoke 52 M[inutes]. Afternoon
Prayer By J W Y[ou]ng D H Wells spoke 46 M, Thadeus B Lewis
spoke 20 M, Presid[en]t Young spoke 46 Minutes A single key with teeth to the right He said when
any man was called at the Head of a New Dispensation
his Blood was shed to seal his Testimony then his Testa[me]nt
was in force the same as with Jesus on the cross Joseph Smith
in Carthage Jail, his Testim[en]t has been more in force
since his death than before

~ Monday

6. Monday drove to Bear River ferry 10 3/4 Miles, held
a Meeting in a Bowery 65 families in the place F D. Richards
Prayed, President Y[ou]ng spoke 14 M[inutes]. He said women could
take up a quarter section of Land the same as Men. D. H. Wells
spoke 5 M, B Y[ou]ng Jr spoke 10. W Woodruff dismissed I was
sick when left home but are getting Better

Page 252

we then rode to Bear River Bridge 10 2/3 Miles from
Bear River City. We then Dined & drove to Portage 14 1/2 M[iles]
from Bear River Bridge. We held a Meeting at half past
5 o'clok D RB Huntington Prayed D H Wells spoke 26 M[inutes]. Gave
council not to scatter to much in a New Country John
spoke 10 M, W Woodruff spoke 6 M, F. D. Richards
spoke 13, President Young 28. He spoke a parable Ask a
child how such fruit looks & tastes. He never saw it
nor eat of it, & knows knothing about it. So with us if we
were not subject to sin sorrow & affliction, how could we
be touched with the infirmities of our children when we
become Exhalted. Pray & do your Duty whether you have the
Spirit or not

~ Tuesday

7. We drove to Malad City 16 1/4 Miles & held a Meeting
in the Bowery J Taylor Prayed, D H Wells spoke 45 M[inutes]
W Woodruff 15, J Taylor 31, B Young Jr. 16, C. W. Penrose
16, & Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng 62 Minutes He said all the money we
give to our Enemies is used to destroy the Saints the Lord
will Bring this People to a point whare they will expect to
be destroyed But God will deliver them but the weak will
turn away. At the close of the Meeting we took dinner
then drove Back to Portage 16 1/4 Miles & took supper in
the Meeting House & stoped for the night. Total 32 1/2 Miles

~ Wednesday

8 We drove to the top of the Mountain on the Clarkston
Road & had a splendid view of the Malad valley we then
descended into Cash valley & arived at Newton at 12 oclk
distance from Portage to Newton 20 Miles. We held a Meeting in
the Bowery. B Y[ou]ng Jr Prayed L. Snow spoke 20 M[inutes] J Taylor
49 M. We then drove to Clarkston 5 Miles, held a Meeting
W Woodruff Prayed Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng spoke 25 M. He said
all the affliction upon this People will be for our Good
I do not think we should have been visited with grass-
hoppers if the people had harkened to council in laying up their
Grain. I would say to this people any that want to stay in
this settlem[en]t you are at liberty to stay if you do have to dig
out of snow in the winter it will not Hurt you what is a

Page 253

What is a kingdom A King People & Territory without
thes things there can be No kingdom. Several of the Brethren
spoke & Expressed there feelings upon the two settle[me]nts
President Y[ou]ng spoke 3 M[inutes]. We then returned to Newton 5 M[iles]
We held A Meeting on our return D B Huntington
spoke 530, F. D. Richards 5, President Y[ou]ng 30, Brother Penrose 10
distance of the day 130 Miles

~ Thursday

9. A Plesant Morning I did not feel well. We visited
a strange Natural well surrounded with a rough wall, 40
feet in diameter & the water 10 feet deep of a dirty
greenish cast with an oily serfase I contained a
species of half fish & half reptile it had 4 legs like a
lizard, a head like the New England Bull Heads about
8 inches long the tail like a lamper Eel. We caught several
with a hook the Head surrounded with a row of thorn
We drove to Wostan & held a Meeting L Snow Prayed
President Y[ou]ng spoke 27 M[inutes], D. H. Wells 40 M. we dined
& drove to Clifton stoped a Moment & drove to Oxford 25 M[iles]
We held a Meeting at Oxford. B Y[ou]ng Jr
Prayed Wm G. Nelson Bishop. L Snow spoke 15 M
He gave a history of his Being drowned at the Honol-
ola Islands was under 60 feet of water had suffered
much with the Head ake Before But drowning cured
him. W Woodruff spoke 16 Minutes He said
Zion was full of Y[ou]ng children while the Gentiles
had stoped raising children there was a meaning to this
they would soon make mighty Armies R T Burton
spoke 10 M, D. H. Wells 11, & President Y[ou]ng 30 M.
He said I told the Mormon Merchants that what they
Made more than there support should go to Build up
Zion & the kingdom of God, the leading Merchants said
Gov Y[ou]ng if you will furnish the Capital we will do
as you say I turned the subject & they went away
if there is one of our Merchants who will Escape
going to Hell I shall Marvel Most of them have
Apostitized & I Expect the rest will Now Mark

Page 254

My word that Evry who gets rich & does
not accknowlede the Hand of God in it will be damned

~ Friday

10 We left Newton this morning & started for
Soda Springs & we travelled 6 Hours & Nooned on the Bank of
of the Portneu whare we stayed 2 Hours & cought some trout
& then started on our road nearly all day was through a
vary hard Mountaneous country vary steep rocky hills to
go up & down we arived at the Soda Springs at about 6 oclk 75 M[iles]
over the most Mountaneous road I ever travelled in one day
when we arived we found C. C. Rich & D. P. Kimball on the
ground with with 50 Men had come to Meet with Presid[en]t
Young. Had 7 Baggage wagons A Brass Band of Music, they have
put up President Young a good hewed log House 22 x 18 good
floors, doors windows & shingle roof

~ Saturday

June 11. Our camp Had a day of leasure I wrote a Letter to
A hand pointing to the right G. Q. Cannon Giving him an account of our Journey to
the present time Myself B Y[ou]ng Jr, R T Burton D. P. Kimball
& some 15 others drove 10 Miles to Blackfoot River to fish
as it was recommended as the best fishing stream in
the Mountains But we found ourselves Badly sold it was about
one third as large as Bear River, & high water & the worst
country to travel on its Banks I ever saw Marsh swamps
thick Brush &c I caught one small trout & about a dozen
in all caught weary with our days labor we returned to camp
& went to the best soda spring in the cedars we had seen & drank
hary [hearty] of the sparkling soda. President Y[ou]ng & company spent the day
visiting the varios curiosities, of the country distance of the day 25 m

~ Sunday

12 Sunday Morning W Woodruff Prayed in camp. We received the Mail
this Morning & got many Papers. The camp Assembled together &
held a Meeting B Y[ou]ng Jr Prayed Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng spoke 31 Minutes
He said Many of the Elder of Israel do not seem to understand their
position on the Earth & their calling, that they are called to save
the children of men. We are surrounded by the Lamanits, who
are degraded & cast down to the Lowest depths of filt, yet they
are of the house of Israel & we should set a good Example before
them & not come down to there capacity but seek to Exhalt them

Page 255

They are visited by the whites who profess to know more than
the Lamanites do yet they introduce all the sins & corruptions of the
age to them & degrade them more than they naturally are yet we
acknowledge them Human beings & think them wicked when
they kill any one, or steal, yet the soldiers & whites will kill
them with impunity & they be Extoled for it & that is wrong
Now our Boys will trade with them swap horses, run races &
wrestle with them. We should not descend so low as to do such
things. the Christians do it but we should not. An English
Lord came to me he did not look as though he knew Enough to gam-
but he went to Calafornia & met with their gamblers & took
their Money but we should not gamble nor do any such thing, a
gentleman os one that Behaves well at all times. It is not good
clothes or wealth that Makes a Gentleman But A Man who is
good, polite, virtueous & kind to all & who serve God & keep his
commandments & seek to imitate the Lord as far as we can.
Elders many times are vain & trifling & seem to forget their
calling & their position on the Earth But we should realize
we have the Priesthood & are set as an example to all men
and we should magnify our callings & walk with dignity
before the Lord. D H Wells spoke 20 M[inutes] J Taylor 32 M
we walked in the Evening half a mile South of the House whare we
saw some large cold springs of water. We then rode North
1 1/2 Miles & visited a large soda spring & drank 3 cups of the soda we
put some Lemon in which made it much better we visited
Mr & Mrs Nowland Mr Nowland showed us some
Bear skins which he bought of some Indians Both Griz-
ally [and] Black one was as large as a Buffalo robe He chewed
up the Indians vary bad before He killed him Mr Nowland
was from Virginia & was going to carry home some of these
skins with

~ Monday

13 We broke camp & drove to Montpielier & held a Meeting 30 M[inutes]
in the school house. President Young spoke 30 Minutes, D H Wells
47, W Woodruff 21. I spent the night with Brother Joseph Phelps

~ Tuesday

14 A cold Morning we drove to Ovid via Ferry 13 Miles, then
to Paris 6 Miles President Y[ou]ng & family, E T Clark & myself stoped with C C Rich 6 M[iles]

Page 256

We held a Meeting in the Bowery Presid[en]t Young spok 20 Minutes
He said I do not think it prudent to stay long in this Bowery it
is so damp. Now I think I see Men Enough Here if I
could Boss them to build a Balloon Frame Meeting House
110 x 50 feet in 10 days I think you ought to go to & build
a Meeting House soon, so that you can have a place to
Meet in. It is our duty to go to & build up the Zion of
God on the Earth. We cannot do it by singing & Praying alone
but it must take the bone & sinnew of the people. What
will Zion do when it is built up it will be beautiful
& glorious, what we have done already is attracting the
Attention of the world. The meeting was dismissed.

~ Wednesday

15 We drove to Bloomington & to St Charles Brother Clark
& myself stoped at Brother Davis President Y[ou]ng & family with
Brother Pugmyre. We held a Meeting at 11 oclok
Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng spoke 10 Minutes spoke of the organization of
the Church read a revelation that a Desolating sickness would
cover the Land but the Saints would stand in holy places & not
be moved [Doctrine and Covenants 87:8] the wicked say the Lord delayeth his coming
D. H. Wells spoke 28 M[inutes], L Snow 24, B Y[ou]ng Jr 18 Minutes

Afternoon E. T. Clark Prayed President Young spoke 7 M, told
the people to build their House higher Make More windows &
ventilate the room more J Taylor spoke 44 M, F D Richards 21,
W Woodruff 18, Brother Penrose 4. I spent the night with N
N. C. Davis D. B. Huntington came in from the Indian camp with
some horses the Indians had stolen. Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng had a dispatch
from G. A. Smith

~ Thursday

16 President Y[ou]ng & company drove through the turnpike which
separates the two lakes we went to the hot spring on the west side
of the lake 7 Miles & returned 14 M[iles]

The water is quite shallow & clear on the south side of the
turnpike & North side of the Main lake the Horsmen rode out
150 yards from shore & the carriages several rods from shore
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to G Q. Cannon

~ Friday

17. We drove through Fish Haven on the Lake shore road around the
South End of the Lake to Ithica 25 M[iles]

Page 257

Here we found abot 200 Indian lodges & about 2000 Indians Black
, Pocotello & many Indian Chiefs were among them. We held
a Meeting at 11 oclk L Snow Prayed sung do what is right, & what
is truth D. H. Wells spoke 28 Minutes C. C. Rich 5, J Taylor 8, L
Snow 7, F D. Richards 12, President Y[ou]ng 20, W Woodruff 10
& A. M. Musser 6, at the close of the Meeting we dined, & drove
into the Indian camp & saw them have a war dance, we then
returned to St Charles, on the shores of the lake we saw
fish in large schools come clear to the edge of the water 40 M[iles]

~ Saturday

18 A plesant Morning we drove to Paris stoped with
Brother Rich we met in the school House of the Prophets at
Paris John Taylor Prayed. The Minutes of several Meetings
was read President Young spoke 10 M[inutes], said the world would
have to judge the word of wisdom for themselves
Men will have to be
Judged Equal according to their conduct D. P. Kimball spoke 2 M
and asked can a man have an Exhaltation without
a wife or two president Y[ou]ng said you cannot put a gallon
Measure in a pint Measure but both can be filled full.
if a man is faithful with one wife he will grow to be a gallon
measure some men have not judgm[en]t & wisdom A Badlam
whiped his wife for fear she would disobey him. D H
spoke 37 M, John Taylor 24. The Question of Adoption
was preached. Presid[en]t Young said the Priesthood had been
on the Earth at different times. When the Priesthood has not
been on the Earth Men will have to be sealed to Each other
untill we go on to Father Adam. Men will have to be sealed
to Men so as to link the chain from begining to end & all
children will have to be sealed to their Parents that was
born before they had their Endowm[en]ts, but this must be in
A Temple & No whare Els. Joseph will be with us No doubt,
& Joseph will have to be sealed to somebody But it will require
revelation to do this. Elijah Holds those keys & who ever
holds those keys holds the keys of Elijah. W Woodruff spoke
10 Minutes. The Question was asked shall Men go to the
Mountains to hunt for Gold & silver. No stay at home &
raise grain. He said a Man might take his own life without

Page 258

committing suicide but a woman should not be sealed to
a Man who had commit suicide without revelation.
Let no man who finds gold in these Mountains use any of it
for his own use but use it for the building up of the kingdom of God
we rode to Bloomington at the close of the Meeting & held a
Meeting with the people A. M. Musser Prayed. School
room Highly decorated House & Bowery full Many Mottos
and banners. B. Young Jr spoke 33 Minutes he told a dream He
saw Wm S Godby in a congregation of people & there was a
hole in the wall of the building & Godby stuck his head in the hole
to see what was in the other side of the wall & his Ears grew
out so long he could not get Back again. L. Snow spoke 25 M
He related Majors experience in setting out onions & his wife
in Making bread He spoke of the improvem[en]t of the people
F. D. Richards spoke 22 M. President Young spoke 5 M. I do
think the Saints are improveing and we should learn by this
time that our trust is in God. I also want you to raise this
house & always Make windows in Public or Private Buildings
so as to let down from the top. This make 76 discourses on this

~ Sunday

19th A Plesant Morning Met in the bowery at 10 oclok C Layton
Prayed D. H. Wells spoke 60 M[inutes], President Y[ou]ng 34 Minutes
& said there is an improve[me]nt in the people since the days of
Joseph Smith. there was not the same Manifestation when he
lived among the people that there is now. He spoke of visiting the
Union Fort, the Bishop could not come out to see Presid[en]t
Young & Kimball untoill He got through his writing we went on
to another Settlem[en]t have not been there since. I want to make
a little scripture. I want to ask how my sisters to look
around themselves & see how you are going to cloth yourselves
it is a Fact that you want a woollen Factory here, take your
wool to the Factory & exchange it for cloth, & the time you would
spend in spinyigng rolls spend it in study in geting useful knowledge
& it would be better to spend your time in taking care of your sheep
than in spining it is time to begin to make preparations to support
yourselves you want to buy a knitting Machine to knit your stockings

Page 259

you should also begin to raise hops to have sumthing to export
to Exchange for what is necessary to import we have the principles
of the gospel in these 3 Books that lie before me yet it will not
be a drop to the bucket to what God will reveal to us, but it
may not be untill after death, but there is an Eternity of
knowledge for the Saints

Afternoon Prayer By C W Penrose President Y[ou]ng spoke
17 Minutes He spoke upon the sacram[en]t Quoted the words of Jesus
if any man will do the will of God he shall know of the doctrin
whether it be of God or Man [John 7:17]. All they in the spirit world
will appear Natural spirits can see each other & their
shape will apper as Natural as it is here & when we were in
the spirit world with our Father in Heaven all was as natural
as it is here & it will be the same after the resurrection we
shall rejoice together in the Eternal worlds with all our
Friends & with God now do your duty

W. Woodruff spoke 25 Minutes R. T. Burton spoke 14 M
C. W. Penrose spoke 20 M C. C. Rich spoke 3 M, B Y[ou]ng Jr dismissed

~ Monday

20 We drove over the Mountain to Franklin in Cash
& held a Meeting in the Meeting House L Snow Prayed
J Taylor spoke 22 M, F. D. Richards 120 M W Woodruff 6 M
D. H. Wells 15 M Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng 20. Said you should do as
you are taught of the Lord you do know when you do wrong
you may be tempted to do wrong, but you should not do wrong
for there is no salvation in it, then do right in all things
A Hypocritt or a Traaiter cannot gain the confidence of God
or Man I will do as I please By keeping the command[me]nts
of God all must obey law. The God of heaven has kept a
Celestial Law & so must we oif we obtain the same glory
with him. Improve your condition dont live in filth
& bedbugs God is not pleased with a people who will do
this He will not live in such a place He is pleased
with cleanliness, refinem[en]t, & good order, & good homes 6 Miles

~ Tuesday

21. We drove to Richmond & held a Meeting
F. D. Richards Prayed Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng spoke 20 Minutes
He said now the appearance is you will raise a good crop

Page 260

this season. Now ye Elders of Israel lay up your
grain for 2 years or 3 years if you can & not make fools
of yourselves & give your grain to your Enemies as
you have before continue to lay up your grain untill
you get 7 yers supply. Get up woollen Factories
& make your own cloths, my cotton Factory will
not make more cloth in one year than one Merch[an]t
could sell we cannot begin to supply the Territory
yet, But we should not depend upon the United States
for our support for they are our Dedly Enemies
& will do all they can against us, & now any Elder that
will go to our Enemies here to trade are of No use to us or
the kingdom of God they would destroy the kingdom of God
if they could cut off such men for they are of no use in
the Church let them go to the pit R. T. Burton spoke 18 M[inutes]
B Young Jr 24 M, W. Woodruff 6, & Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng 10 M
We then drove to Smithfield & held a Meeting D. B. Huntington
Prayed L. Snow spoke 24 Minutes The People & children were
paraded in the streets in great Numbers carrying flags & Banners
F. D. Richards spok 20, J Taylor spoke 24, Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng spoke
2 Minutes. We haved a splendid dinner of strawburies &
cream & then drove to Hyde Park & held a Meeting 3 Miles
Prayer By John Taylor who dedicated the New Meeting House
unto God D. H. Wells sung a Nu spoke 41 Minutes W Woodruff
12 M, President Young spoke 20. He said I would rather have
slept with Joseph Smith than to have lived to turn one honest
Man from the Church of Christ

W Woodruff spoke & said Joseph led the Church 14 years
2 Months & 17 days President Brigham Young led this Church
26 years. If he lives to lead it 10 years more he will be 80
years of age. If he leads us as long as He has been in these vallies
he will be 93 years of Age. Can we expect him to live so
long I hope He may. This the 99 sermon on this Journey
At the close of the Meeting we drove to Logan 4 Miles total 20 M
We met a great Procession in the streets of Man wom & children

~ Wednesday

June 22nd We held a Meeting in the Bowery I visited Sister Benson

Page 261

B Y[ou]ng Jr Prayed President Y[ou]ng spoke 38 M[inutes]. He said If I
was to ask how many there are here today who was in Jackson
I think there would be but few, or in Kirtland or far west,
but few I contrast the groth of this people with those days
In the days of Joseph it was a hard Matter to get the people
to believe in revelation. But I told the people the day would come
when the world would be flooded with revelation, but from
the devil. this began by a woman being put to sleep & gave
revelation. Spiritualism began in this way all their revel-
ations go to deny Jesus Christ, the gospel & the Atonem[en]t
There are a few thousands who do know that God lives I
with this people know it & are witnesses of it, & there never
was a people as much blessed as this people on Earth
We have the privilege of Attending to the ordinances of the House of
for the dead. did the Zion of Enoch Or Adam, Abram
Isaac, or Jacob, or the Twelve Apostles in the days of Christ
No they did not. But we are the people that are called
to do this work. What other people have been called to do this
work I do not know of any, if this is our work what state
of Mind are we in, are we after the world & the things of the
world this should not be. those who have turned away from
their callings & seek for the things of the world will turn
away from the Church & Apostitize. The world are com-
bined against & seek our destruction. they do not see the
things of God, but we do, this is the difference betwen them and
us. We know the things of God, but they do not. it is our duty
to gather the poor & build up Zion, while they seek to destroy
us. God will save all the Inhabitants of the Earth in some kingdom
except the sons of perdition. We are called to do that that
No other people were Ever called to do. We are called to
keep the Celestial Law of God upon Mount Zion All
the Merchants who have got riches among us I cannot controll
them, & if they do not repent they will be damned & go
to Hell. Can you not see your position that you are called
to redeem the dead. In the days of Joseph He felt vary
Bad to see a Man Apostitize But now I feel if a man

Page 262

wants to Apostitize I say let him go. Cut the thread
& the least we say about the Apostates or the officers of Government
the Better, & Mr Grant has been on a bed of Nettles
to know what the Mormons were agoing to do if they
Passed the Collum Bill. I have told them I did not
know but God will tell us what to do & if we do it He
will protect us in all things. We have No time to spare
Not a Moment do all in our power to save ourselves
& redeem our dead. You may think things are going
slow but we are doing all we can. Now be kind to
your families dont scold at them But pray in your
families & do your duty to them. D H Wells spok 51 M[inutes]
W Woodruff spoke 17 Minutes & said we did not realize our
Priviliges, if none of the Ancients redeemed the dead we still
have a greater work to do. I would not like to go into the
spirit world & meet my friends who have died without the
gospel & have them reproach me for not doing my duty towards
them it is a great reponsibility to be a Prophet, Apostle or
Elder. the Saints should take the council given them, the
Ancients are not Perfect without us nor we without them
then let us labor diligently to fulfill our mission & do our
duty & not sell our Birthright or make ship wreck of faith.
John Taylor ^afternoon^ spoke 63 Minutes read the 38 chapter of Job & spoke
upon it. spoke of the afflictions Job received at the hand of
the Devil. F D Richards spoke 36 Minutes.

I attended a party in the Evening. We laid hands upon Elder
Preston President Y[ou]ng Blessed him

~ Thursday

23 We Met at 10 oclok A M. Musser Prayed L. Snow
spoke 45 Minutes He spoke of the Exhaltation of the Saints, the
Lord does not intend for the Saints to always live in dens &
caves of the Earth but to build good fine Houses & Mansions
when the Lord comes He will not Expect to Meet a Dirty lazy
People But expects to Meet the Zion of God with refinement
& Glory as the Bride the Lambs wife already this zion is
attracting the Attention of the world we should continue to
improve when we were called to go south I continued to

Page 263

improve untill the last Mom[en]t Expecting to burn Every thing up
Except what we took south with us & I wanted to burn as much
as I could, but when we returned from Provo I Believed we
were on our return to Jackson Co, & I shall still believe it untill
I learn to the contrary. Those who follow Brigham Y[ou]ng will be
much richer than those who do not we should feel that all we
have is on the Altar to build up the Kingdom of God with.
there is Nothing more glorious than to see an old man who
has grown Gray in the service of God, & in building up his work
as we grow older we should grow better & more kind to our fam-
ily. President Y[ou]ng says Politeness is in the heart & not in Bowing
& scraping. When Moses came out the people came out to see
him & did not come out with Banners & flags flying to greet
him as they do President Young. When we were called to go
South we united as the Heart of one Man & were ready to
Burn up Evry thing we had, the Lord tryed us in this
But when He found we would do as we were told he with-
held our hand from burning up our property & restored it
to us again in this I acknowlede the Hand of God in all things
I was drowned in the Pacific & it cured me of a Head
ake I had from my childhood. B Young Jr spoke 32 M[inutes]
spoke of the improvem[en]ts since we came here. Said there was 47
families in St Thomas, & 43 Babies, & one death last year
The U. S. Governm[en]t sent an Army to drive us out of these M
Mountains & in three years they had a war that cost a
Million of lives & $4,00000000000 dollars & the Army
who came here turned traitors to the Government & did fight
against the North. some people are anxious to keep cattle
to go back to Jackson Co Mo with we shall not go
with ox teams but By rail road. R T Burton spoke
23 Minutes. In continually feasting there is danger of
Eating to Much, But no danger of Getting to much spiritual
food. In Nauvoo the Temple was built with gun ^trowel^ in one h[an]d
& the sword in the other & what Peace we have here is in
consequence of our being ready to defend ourselves the first
council given was to build forts in evry settlem[en]t the

Page 264

the Neglect of this has cost this Territ[or]y Millions of
Dollars & many lives. Can we ask God to defend our
families, while we Neglect the council given us.
we should keep the word of wisdom & keep our arms
& amunition in good order we should set a good
Example in Zion & not be seen chewing tobaco & with a
pipe in our Mouth or drinking whiskey.

Afternoon Prayer By F. D. Richards W Woodruff spoke 22
D H Wells spoke 9 M[inutes], Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng spoke 44 Minutes
He said the Gospel taught By Joseph Smith I testify is true
it is in the Bible Doctrin & Covenants & in the Book of Mormon
the Blessings of Life & health is in keeping the word of wisdom
Tea coffee whiskey, & tobacoe prepares the system for all
decseases that come along. Those who say they cannot
keep the word of wisdom it shows they cannot, those
who say they can such can keep the word of wisdom
The word of wisdom if carried out would add
to the lives of the rising generation 20 to 30 years how glorious
it would be to talk with an intelligent Man 100 years old
I say to my family & to my sisters if they would give
up their tea & coffee, they would be much better off I
want to say to the people Now go to & save all of your
wheat that you can & lay it up & dont sell it. I dont
think the Month of March has found me with less than
7 years of Bread on hand but I have had to let it go to men
who have let their wheat go for a song. When the people came
to these Mountains many had not Bread Enough to last
a week. But would say Brother Y[ou]ng will not let us starve
it is time you laid up your grain I know as God lives
that if we had done right, laid up our grain as we have
been councilled, we should not have been visited by the
grass hoppers. Our Brethren sent their flour to Mon-
for Nothing & I tryed to guide it, & I fear if the
people do not do Better there is a worse scourge to come
& Now sisters I want you to take hold & raise a
fiactiongry & you will soon Accomplish it if you will say the

Page 265

the word you will soon have a woollen Factory Here
you also want to get your knitting Machine. How long before
we shall want a temple here not long I hope whare is
Ezra T. Benson He was here a short time since He is gone others
will be in his place but the kingdom of God will roll on
At the close of the Meeting we drove to Box Elder & spent the night
with Brother Snow 30 Miles

~ Friday

24. We drove to Ogden took cars & returned to S Lake City 60 M[iles]

~ Saturday

25 A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I recieved 2 letters from Azmon Woodruff He had
Keys crossed Been Baptized again into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saitnts. I wrote a letter to Brother Azmon of 6 pages. I
received 6 Letters

~ Sunday

June 26. Sunday Met with my Quorum in the Morning, attended
Meeting all day in the Tabernacle J F Smith Prayed Dr Crockwell
spoke 30 M[inutes], gave his Experience in receiving the gospel John Taylor
spoke 32 M. Afternoon R. T. Burton spoke W Woodruff spoke
one hour B Y[ou]ng Jr 22 Minutes I wrote 4 Letters to Azmon
A hand pointing to the right & Thompson Woodruff, N. C. Mitchell & H. A. King

~ Monday

27. Keys crossed I spent the day in the Endowm[en]t House, we gave 50 End-
owments D. H. Wells sealed 51 couple J F Smith 57 W W 17
total 125 sealings. I had 8 dead Friends sealed to me
& was sealed for 23 couple

~ Tuesday

28 I rode with President B Y[ou]ng & Joseph A Y[ou]ng to the
City Insane Assylum. The Presidency, City Council & others
accompanied us for the purpose of Dedicating it to God
John Taylor offered the dedication Prayer for that
also the pest House. We then drove to the Presidents coconery
He had about one Millions worms feeding. Some of the worms
were spingning their cocones. distance 10 M

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

29 & 30 I spent the time planting corn. I found my
farm on my return home looked as though it had not
been visited by Grasshoppers but when I left there were so
many of them on the farm it looked as though I should
not save an Acre of Grain it was a Miracle to see how
well crops looked

~ Friday

July 1. Planted corn & Hoed on the farm

Page 266

~ Saturday

July 2nd 1870

A hand pointing to the right wrote a letter to Battle Creek. I Preached the Funeral
sermon of Dr Davis wife I followed J F. Smith

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday I met at the Townsend House to converse with
some strangers. I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle all day
J W Y[ou]ng spoke in the Morning [blank] M[inutes], followed By G. A.
. Afternoon A Carrington spoke 67 M,
followed By President Y[ou]ng. I received a letter from
A folded letter/box Azmon Woodruff. I wrote 2 letters to Azmon &
A hand pointing to the right Betsey Alvard & gave her an Account of those I
had Been Baptized for. I Attended the prayer circle
with the Presidency & Twelve

~ Monday

4. July spent the day celebrating the 4 July Had an
Interesting day see Deseret News

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

5 to 8. We had a visitation of flying Grasshoppers
they eat the leaves off my fruit trees & grain I mowed
12 Acres of oat straw after the grain was shelled out &
lay on the ground

~ Saturday

9. [FIGURE] I transfered my Bees into the kidder Hive

~ Sunday

10 I went to Ogden to Attend Meeting the Presidency
& Twelve were there the day Before except myself I was
to late for the cars & returned home 80 M[iles].

The Meeting commenced at 10 oclok R T Burton prayed
President Y[ou]ng spoke 63 Minutes. "What have the people come
together for, for the worship of God, who are you worshiping
do you know his character, if you worship the Lord
with lip service without the Heart your lip service will be
in vain. In the days of Christ why did not the people
believe in him, his doctrin was good and still is but
the people did not Believe on him the reason is the people
walk in the dark & not in the light & are at Enmity against
God. The Devil rules over the people, but few have the spirit
of God
to Believe his doctrin & follow him. But few do
so in this day but few are in the light of Christ today
to receive the Gospel. the light of Christ shines upon all
Men or strives with them in a measure, to lead them to God
But the Devil influences them to that degree that they

Page 267

are led away from God & fight against him. how
many are there who is willing to sacrafice all they possess
in order to follow Christ & saved in the kingdom of God. not
many & but few will be saved. If Jesus or one of the an-
cient Apostles was to Go to Rome, or any other City in
the Christian world & tell them He was Jesus or an Apost-
le they would lock up the House they would not know
Jesus or receive him. do they have the spirit of God
yes a little of it but not Enough to receive the gospel
& when they reject the work of God they will be damned
Let light come unto the world & the world will reject
it they will not receive the light & are under condem-
nation this is the case to day God is with the few who
have Enough of the spirit of God to follow him & the
rest of the world fight us, the people in England have been
turned out of Doors for their religion you must have
Enough of the spirit of God to be willing to forsake
all & follow Christ & keep all of his command[me]nts
or you will fall short of a Fulness of Glory & salvation
The Mormons are the ownly people on Earth who have
faith in the revelations or word of God the Christian
world would receive the gospel if it was popular but it
is not B& they will reject it & be damned. All men are
not capaciated alike to receive the light & truth from
God or to receive the same Exhaltation all will be rew-
arded according to his deeds. The honorable Men of the
world will not reject the light of God but the wicked
will reject it & fight against God & destroy his people
if they can and they sin unto death and will not
have forgiveness we are here the Saints of God with
the kingdom of God will you receeive it or reject it, let
the spirit of God bwell [dwell] in your hearts. He spoke of the
Parable of Jessuus whare the farmer went out to sow the
seed [Matthew 13:1-23] [Luke 8:4-15] some brought forth fruit to the Honor & glory of
God while others died. Prayed that the spirit of God might
be with this people, that they might keep the faith

Page 268

"Fathers & Mothers will you raise your families in purity
if so you will go into the kingdom of God, if you do not
do it there is ^no^ Excuse for you we have the keys of the
Kingdom of God through the Mercy of God. Can you
understand God & Jesus Christ you can be exhalted in
the same way they were, we are all by the same parents
Now understand all ye people of God, let the spirit of God
enter into your hearts. what is the necessity of Men
having more wives than one, because Men will not do right
ten Thousand young females perish in the streets of New
. Men should take those young women & save
them & not let them go to destruction. The Men are Lords
of creation & should save the women, but No they will
destroy all they can. A Gentleman will not ask for your
Daughters, but be Baptized & go & save the Fathers & Daughters
of the world & not try to destroy them A Gentleman
will not do wrong.

B Y[ou]ng Jr spoke 16 Minutes G A Smith spoke 16 M
Afternoon sacram[en]t was Administered D. H. Wells spoke
46 Minutes, J Taylor 29, W Woodruff 3 1/2, & Presid[en]t
B Y[ou]ng spoke 16 Minutes & said are we the sons & daughters
of our Father in heaven, we are. How are we to be Exhalted
into the presence of God, we have committed sin & a divine
Debt is contracted & it requires a Divin sacrafice
& God has sent his son to die & redeem the Earth
& Man & this is in Evry Earth which God has created
& if the particle of this Earth were create numbered &
it would not be a begining to the Number of the creations
of God & still his work is constantly going on & it is
Necessary for sin to be in Each world that the sons of
Men may know good & Evil, & in some Men there is
more & power than in others I defy all the spiritualists
in the world to make a table move or get a commun-
ication from Hell or the spirit world while I am present
I lay uhands upon the sick I exp[ec]t them to be healed &
virtue goes out of me & it did out of Jesus Christ

Page 269

when the woman touched him. All may not be healed
that I lay hands upon, but many are healed. If man
did not taste the bitter He could not know the sweet or com-
prehend the contrast, all who are fallen will be redeemed
in there time & day except the sons of perdition & it requires
a Divine sacrafice to redeem any world

~ Monday

July 11 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Wilford & went to the farm 3 M[iles]

~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday

12 to 16. July I spent the time hoing corn watering & Haying
I got up all my Hay on the 16 Saturday I mowed 4 loads &
went to Fort Harriman after 6 oclok P. M. I received 2 letters 20 M[iles]

~ Sunday

A folded letter/box 17. Sunday I visited Brother Stockings who was vary sick
& nigh unto death. Brother Boman['s] Child lay at the point of
Death. I attended Meeting in the New Meeting House stone
walls up & roof on & loose floor not finished Brother A Call spoke
I followed him. I spoke in the Afternoon & administered
to Brother John Stockings who was vary low.

~ Monday

18 I returned home to Salt Lake City I swaped a colt
for a pair of yearling steers. 20 M[iles]

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

July 19, 20. Chored at home

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

21, 22. We got out about 150 loads of Manure at the Farm

~ Saturday

23rd A folded letter/box I received 3 letters 2 from Azmon one from
Caraline E Woolcott. I wrote one to C. E Woolcott
Mrs Woodruff left for Brigham City I herd G F Train
in the Evening at the Theater He is a strange Man He speak the truth

~ Sunday

24. July Sunday President Young G. Q. Cannnon,
G A Smith & George Francis Train spoke to day it
was an Interesting Meeting I received a letter from
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right Susan & wrote a letter Mr Marshall P. Wilde
Mr Downing & others went with me through Presid[en]ts
Youngs Garden & they spent an hour with me at my
House they had an interview with Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng the
Presidency, several of the Twelve & many others went
to Ogden to escort Wm H. Hooper our Delegate to
this city.

~ Monday

25. A great celebration of the 24 of July W Woodruff
Chaplain O Pratt orator spok 37 M[inutes] G A Smith 16 Minutes

Page 270

President Young spoke 43 Minutes. I wrote 2 letters to P W Woodruff
A hand pointing to the right & to Joseph E. Johnson & spoke of the visit of M. P. Wildes
Downing & others

~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday

26 to 30. July I spent the time on the farm Had a reaper on
Saturday & did not attend the school

~ Sunday

31. Sunday I attended the Prayer Circle & Meeting in the
Tabernacle. I Baptized Brigham & Asahel on the 5 & confirmed them

~ Monday to ~ Friday

Aug 1, to 5 I spent the week on the farm.

~ Saturday

6. I attended the school of the prophets was on a committee
on Friday to sell Utah Central Rail Road Bonds, the
subject was spoken off in the school. I attended a Meeting
also on Friday 5, Aug of the 14 ward Cooperation Store

~ Sunday

7. Sunday In company with R. T. Burton I rode to
Mill Creek ward & Big Cottonwood wards to hold Meeting
At Mill Creek ward we got $1900 subscribed on the
Utah Central Bonds At Big Cotton wood we got
$284 subscribed & more promised I spoke at Mill
Creek followed atby Brother Burton. He spoke at Cottonwood
I followed him & returned to the city we administered to
a sick child of Brother Burton I much admired Bishop
Millers Fish Pond & Bee stand I wrote 2 letters to
Mitchel, sent $2 & one letter & $1 to King. 20 Miles

~ Monday to ~ Friday

8 to 12. I spent the time cleaning out the stock yard
& stacking wheat. Wilford had come up from St Thomas
& was helping me

~ Saturday

13 Keys crossed I attended the school of the Prophets stoped but a
short time to hear the Debate Between Professor
Orson Pratt & Dr Newman the Chaplain of the
U. S. Senate, upon the subject of Poligamy the discussion
was held one day before. Brother Pratt spoke one hour
& Dr Newman one hour.

~ Sunday

14. Sunday I met with my Quorum & attended Meeting in
the old Tabernacle in the Morning C W Penrose Prayed
Charles J Moosley spoke 15 M[inutes], Jesse N Smith 25, in English
& 10 in Danish. S. Peterson spoke 13 M, James Jenson
spoke 10 M, Nephi Pratt 10 M, George Knowlton 14 M.

Page 271

Afternoon the People met in the New Tabernacle
to hear the finishing speeches in the Discussion O. Pratt
spoke first one hour & answered Dr Newman argu[me]nts
He was followed By Dr Newman who labored hard to
make truth an Error He had no scripture to maintain
his ground. I met with the Presidency & Twelve for Prayer

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

15 to 18. I spent the time stacking & Threshing wheat I met
on Friday with the committy to report & hear reports

~ Friday

19. I picked Peaches & Plums & hoed in the garden

~ Saturday

20. I attended the school of the Prophets Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng
said the time would come when this People will dictate
to the whole world what to do, this is true & there is no more
difficulty in leading the people than in Eating a meal of vitules
for God leads

~ Sunday

21. Sunday Attended Meeting in the Tabernacles Levi
spoke 12 Minutes Brother Shirtliff 9 M,
Brother Tadman 21 M, Brother Hulse 22 M &
Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng 35 Minutes. Afternoon S W Richards spoke
42 Minutes & President Young 54 Minutes at the close of
the Meeting Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng walked down from the stand & took
Governor Wm H Seward by the arm & walked out of the
congregation & assisted him into his carriage. Mr
Seward was on his way to China. I met with the
Presidency & Twelve for Prayer in the Evening I spoke
in the 14 ward in the Evening

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

Aug 22 to 25 I spent the time in East Canyon Creek
getting wood & fishing I caught some 40 fine trout got
2 good loads of wood & shot 3 pine Hens

~ Friday

26. I spent the day picking Peaches I read one letter
A folded letter/box from Susan

~ Saturday

27. I went to Fort Harriman with Wilford 20 Miles

~ Sunday

28. Sunday Wilford spoke in the Morning & I followed him
In the afternoon the People spoke I followed & Admin-
istered to John Stockings

~ Monday

29. I returned to Salt Lake City 20 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

30. I spent the day choreing

Page 272

~ Wednesday

Aug 31, 1870

I commenced shingling the west side of my South House

~ Thursday

Sept 1. I finished shingling my house & went to the farm 3 M[iles]

~ Friday

2nd I spent the day in hoeing corn & pulling weeds out of
my Potatoe Patch.

~ Saturday

3rd I attended the school of the Prophets President Y[ou]ng had
gone to the Canab Country. One of the Lectures on faith
was read & the Brethren spoke upon it

~ Sunday

4. Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle Edward
had been to Kirtland & Brought up old
Father Martin Harris one of the 3 witnesses of the Book
of Mormon Brother Stephenson spoke to the people
35 Minutes A crown Keys crossed Then Martin Harris arose & bore
testimony to the truth of the Book of Mormon He
is 88 years old & has finally come up to Zion to lay his
Body down with the Saints He has been from the Church
33 years in a state of Apostacy & he is far behind
the times yet He bears a strong testimony to the truth
of the Book of Mormon. He was followed By G A Smith
15 Minutes. In the Afternoon John Taylor spoke
One hour & 20 Minutes upon the first Principles of the
gospel we had Many strangers Present I met
with the Twelve for Prayer & spent the Evening in writing up my Journal
Keys crossed [FIGURES]

~ Monday

5 Monday I spent the day in the Endowm[en]t House we
gave 38 Endowm[en]ts & sealed 97 couple Joseph F Smith
sealed 48 couple & W. Woodruff 49 couple Sister
Josephene Ursenbak had been baptized for European
Ladies, Princes, &c & she officiated to day with Joseph F
Smith, & I sealed 9 to the Prophet Joseph Smith, 54 to the
Patriarch Joseph Smith, 5 to the Patriarch JHiram Smith
3 to Samuel Harrison Smith, 3 to Don Carlos Smith
3 to Joseph F Smith, & 3 to Samuel H. B. Smith He offici-
ated for His Father & Don Carloes Smith. Total 30 sealed
to the Smith Family. The French & Prussia war which
has been raging now for a month are sheding as it were rivers
of Blood some half a Million of Men have been slain

Page 273

since the war commenced & Finally a French Army has surrendered
of some 120000 men to the King of Prussia including the Emperor
Napoleon whether the war will now scease or whether the
Prussians will besiege Paris time will determin.

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Azmon Woodruff

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

6 to 9. I spent the time on the farm.

~ Saturday

10. I attended the school of the prophets a lecture on Faith
was read & quite a Number spoke upon the subject I spoke
a short time

~ Sunday

11. Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle A
spoke in the Forenoon followed By John Taylor
Afternoon G. Q. Cannon spoke one Hour & 20 Minutes
had much of the spirit of the Lord & Edifyed the people
I met with the 12 for prayer in the Evening & followed
John Sharp in the 15 ward in the Evening

~ Monday

12. I spent the day in the Endowm[en]ts gave Endowments to
21 persons W. Woodruff sealed 39, J F Smith 25.

~ Tuesday

13 I spent the day drawing corn & the Boys lost my milk
cow I spent the night at the farm {I gave} Keets {a scolding}

~ Wednesday

14. I drew 2 loads of corn Hunted for my cow. Wilford
took his Mother Sister & wife to uncle John Benbows
I went to the Endow[men]t House Samuel H. B. Smith
Baptized 213, & Ward Pack 237, total 450 for
the dead J F Smith sealed 37, W Woodruff 24
A folded letter/box I received a letter from George Engle on Bees

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

15 & 16. I spent the time drawing corn

~ Saturday

17. I attended the school of the prophets in the Afternoon the 6th lecture
weres read & quite a Number spoke upon the subject ^Martin Harris Baptized^

~ Sunday

18 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle Prayer By Martin
W Woodruff read the Latter part of the 49 chapter of
Isaiah commencing at the 13 verse
I spoke 50 Minutes upon
the building up of the Zion of God in the Latter days & was followed
By G. A. Smith 33 Minutes In the Afternoon Elder O. Pratt
spoke one hour & 26 Minutes, upon the building up of Zion I
met with the 12 for Prayer & spent the Evening at home laid hands
upon Sarah

Page 274

~ Monday

Sept. 19 1870

I attended to the Endow[me]nt House we gave Endowtnts to
28 persons W Woodruff sealed 37 couple

Keys crossed Saturday Evening Sept 17, 1870 Martin Harris one of
the witnesses of the Book of Mormon came to the Endo[wme]nt
House & Edward Stephenson rebaptized him into the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Orson
John Taylor, W. Woodruff & Joseph F Smith confirmed
him He was Baptized for several Dead Friends

~ Tuesday

20. I spent the time drawing corn

~ Wednesday

21. I went to the Endowm[en]t House Samuel H B Smith
Baptized 288 & John Cotton Baptized 282 total 570
Joseph F Smith sealed 92 couple & W Woodruff 69,
total 161 couple sealed

~ Thursday

22nd. I spent the day choreing

~ Friday

23rd I spent the day choring at home & the night at the farm

~ Saturday

24. A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from Azmon & Bee man I drew
2 loads of corn in the morning commencing ploughing in spencers lot
attended the school of the prophets a lecture on faith was
read & short speeches maid from Many I spoke a short
time while speaking G. A. Smith came in & followed me & gave
an Account of a raid made upon the city of Provo by
some 25 Drunken U. S. soldiers they broke in the doors & windows
of several Houses & tried to burn the Meeting House took several
citizens prisioners & mistreated them President Y[ou]ng &
company returned home to day

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I attended the funeral of Sister Turnbow
J Taylor spoke, I followed him. I attended Meeting in the
Tabernacle Many strangers were present. D. H. Wells spoke
44 Minutes, & President Young spoke 61 Minutes Afternoon
Mr J. W. Low a Cambelite spoke some 20 Minutes John
Taylor spoke 57 Minutes at the close of the Meeting I met
with the Presidency & Twelve for Prayer & on our return to the
Presidents Office we Met with Mr Green the President
of the Bank of England we held half an hour conversa-
tion with him He had attended Meeting thrugh the day.
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Azmon Woodruff.

Page 275

~ Monday

Sept 26, 1870

I went to the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowm[en]ts to 30 persons
D. H. Wells sealed 16 couple W. Woodruff 10 & J. F. Smith 6 couple

~ Tuesday

A single key with teeth to the right 27. I spent the day at the field I Baptized Wilford Leslie Snow

~ Wednesday

28 Keys crossed I had a Meeting at my house Martin Harris was with us
& taught the children about the coming forth of the Book of Mormon
I confirmed Wilford Leslie Snow who was baptized last Evening
we Blessed 3 children Elias Smith Blessed Lucy Emily Woodruff
& I Blessed Phebe Agusta Florence Snow, & Phebe Elanor Beatie
all three my Grand Children. Martin Harris talked a great
Deal to us But had been out of the Church so long he was far
Behind the times of Mormonism

~ Thursday

29. I went to the farm & leveled a 5 acre lot with scraper &
dug 15 Bushels of potatoes

~ Friday

30. I 31. I spent the day Picking Apples

~ Saturday

AugOct 1. I spent the day Picking Apples I picked 40 Bushels.

~ Sunday

Oct 2nd Sunday, I met with my prayer circle & attended Meeting
A folded letter/box all day. A H Raleigh Prayed Peter Nebeker spoke 20 M[inutes], Levi
Richards Jr.
spoke 15 M George Romney 11, Samuel Price 5
& G A Smith 19. I went through Wm gJinnings grounds He
made me a pressent of a Pig of the Ohio improved Chester white
I received 2 letters from Azmon & Bronelli

~ Monday

Oct 3rd 1870 Keys crossed I spent the fore part of the day gathering
Apples In company with Presidents B. Young & G A Smith &
J. Taylor G Q Cannon B. Y[ou]ng Jr & A Carrington & W Wood-
ruff of the Twelve, we had an interview with Gen
Shermon, General Scofield, & others of Gen Shermons
staff as well as General Bertrand at President Y[ou]ngs
office of about one hour. We went through Presid[en]t
Youngs Garden both parties were vary sociable there
were two Ladies in company one was the Daughter
of General Phelps of Symsbury Conn. I had a plesant
talk with her upon CT affairs. The company also
visited Br Wm Jinnings grounds.

~ Tuesday

4th I spent most of the day gathering Apples. Brother
Wm Jennings made me a present of an Ohio improved Chester
County white pig, the Mother Imported from Ohio.

Page 276

~ Wednesday

Oct 5th 1870

Keys crossed A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right I spent the day in the Endowm[en]t House
to attend to the Baptism & sealing for the dead. D. Huntington
Baptized 211, Samuel H. B. Smith 203, & Ward Pack 237.
Total 651 Baptisms I confirmed some 60 persons,
D. H. Wells sealed 80 couple Joseph F Smith 59 & W. Woodruff
41, Total 180 sealings. Wilford Woodruff Jr was
Baptized for 3 persons viz. Nathaniel Rolf David Eastman
& Freedom Moulton. I sealed the following to Wilford
Woodruff Jr. Mary Ann Holmes, Mary Ockey, and
Sarah Ockey.

Phebe Amelia Woodruff Snow was Baptized for the
Following persons. Eliza Atwater, Lucinda Atwater,
Printha Leeaville, Leaura Ladd, & Louisa Snow Total 5.

~ Thursday

Oct 6, 1870 The Fortieth semiannual conference of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints convened in the New Tabernacle
All of the First Presidency & Twelve were Present an Event
that seldom happens in the History of the Church. President Y[ou]ng called
the attention of the conference when A Hymn was sung & Albert Carrington
Prayed & President Young spoke 10 Minutes & oO Hyde one Hour & 10 M.
G A Smith spoke 14 M. Afternoon O Pratt Prayed Presid[en]t
B Young spoke 30, G Q Cannon 50 M

~ Friday

Oct 7. John Taylor Prayed, O. Pratt spoke 64 Minutes, G. A. Smith
spoke 30 M. Afternoon J. F. Smith prayed C C Rich spok 30 M
President Young spoke 47 Minutes, G A Smith spoke 8 M.
We held a Priesthood Meeting in the old Tabernacle in the
Evening Bishop Hunter spoke about 30 Minutes D H Wells 61 M
G. A. Smith 5 Minutes & President Young gave the following
Revelations Keys crossed It is the mind & will of God that the Elders
of Israel
should take the Utah Central Rail Road Bonds
& own the road & Pay for it so that He could pay the debtts
of the Union Pacific, which He owes to the Brethren It is the
will of God that C. C. Rich & Lorenzo Snow should call for
50 Men to strengthen the settlements in Bear lake valley. It is
the will of God that Erastus Snow should call upon the
People to strengthen the Southern settlements Many other remarks
were made.

Page 277

~ Saturday

Oct 8, 1870

Conference opened at 10 oclok. Erastus Snow Prayed & then
spoke 44 Minutes G. A. Smith 20, D. H. Wells 24, & Presid[en]t
B. Young 5 Minutes. We held a council at noomn at Pres-
ident Youngs office the Presidency & all of the Twelve & By unanimous
Keys crossed vote cut of [off] Isaac Haight, John D. Lee & Wood, for
committing a great sin & they were not to have the
Privilege of returning again to the Church again in this life
Afternoon The Authorities of the Church were presented
President Young resigned his office as Trustee in trust the
People voted against accepting it He also resigned his office
as President of the Perpetual Emigrating fund & Horace S Eldridge
was appointed to that office. G. A. Smith resigned his
Office as Historian & General Church Recorder & Albert
was Appointed in his place President Y[ou]ng spoke
36 Minutes & O Hyde 10 Minutes. We held a Meeting
in the Evening in the old Tabernacle of the Priesthood
C. C. Rich spoke & called for volenteers to go to soda springs
the Presidency spoke & L Snow

~ Sunday

9th Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle A Carrington
Prayed J. Taylor spoke one hour & 22 Minutes & G A Smith 5 M
Martin Harris Bore Testimony to the Saints & to the Gentiles
who were present. G. A. Smith spoke 5 Minutes. The Testimony
of the 3 witnesses in the Book of Mormon was then read
then President Y[ou]ng spoke 10 Minutes. Afternoon sacram[en]t
Administered & A Carrington spoke 58 Ministeredtes
G. A. Smith 25 M, & President Y[ou]ng 27.

~ Monday

10th I spent the day in the Endowm[en]t House gave Endowments
to 47. W Woodruff sealed 47 couple J. F. Smith 6 couple
Keys crossed I then attended A meeting of the stock Holders of Zions
cooperative Merchantile Institution
& a dividend of
10 percent wars declaired for 6 month upon the capitol stok
At the close of the Meeting I went to the party of the Zions Camp
& Mormon Battalion. Bishop E Hunter got up a Dinner for
the same Mrs Phebe & Emma Woodruff accompanied me to the
same. There were 30 Men & 2 women of Zions Camp present
out of 205 Men, & 63 Men of the Mormon Battalion out of 500 Men

Page 278

~ Tuesday

Oct 11, 1870

President B. Young & G. A. Smith with most of the Twelve &
several others took a car at 5 oclok at Salt Lake Depo
for a trip to Everston we stoped in provo [ Ogden ] a short time
then took cars to the East went through Echo to Evanston
there Met with Mr Ames the President of the Union
Pacific Rail Road & Mr Sidney Dillon Vice-Presid[en]t
& other Gentlemen. after spending a short time we returned
to Ogden there took on the 2 Pullman cars containing the
President & Vice-Presid[en]t of the U.C.R. & they returned
with us to Salt Lake. We had travelled during the day 260 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

Oct 12 I spent the day in the Endowm[en]t House. We Adm-
inistered 548 Baptisms for the Dead & confirmations
D. H. Wells sealed 68 couple W. Woodruff 33 J. F. Smith 44.
A folded letter/box Total 145 sealings I received a letter from Susan.

~ Thursday

13. I spent the day making cider

~ Friday

14. I went to the farm drew 16 loads of squashes & dug
some potatoes

~ Saturday

15 I dug potatoes in the forenoon & attended the school of
the prophets in the Afternoon. President Young asked me to
Keys crossed A hand pointing to the right speak upon the character of Adam who he was. I proved
that Adam was Michael the Arkangel, the Seventh Angel,
& the Ancient of Days, The Father of all, & the prince of All.
I quoted the 7 chapter of Daniel 9 to 14 verse, Doctrin & Covenants
79 page, 28 Paragraph 106 Page 35 P. 201 P. 2d Paragraph
I was followed By G. Q. Cannon Presid[en]t Y[ou]ng & G. A Smith

~ Sunday

16 Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle all day
Erastus Snow spoke in the forenoon upon the firtst principles
of the gospel, 53 Minutes. In the afternoon O Pratt spok 65 M
thay both spoke vary well. I Attended the prayer circle
with the Presidency & Twelve I spent the Evening at Elias Smith

~ Monday

17. I finished diging potatoes we had about 200 Bushels of potatoes we
also gathered 16 loads of squashes

~ Tuesday

18. I spent the day in the field

~ Wednesday

Keys crossed 19. I spent the day in the Endow[me]nt House we Baptized & confirmed 715
persons for the dead J F. Smith, Baptized 228, Samuel H B Smith Baptized 487
D. H. Wells sealed 107, J F Smith 62, W Woodruff 41. Total 110. W W confirmed 140.

Page 279

~ Thursday

Oct 20, 1870

^ A coffin Oct 21. Harriet Woodruff wife of Azmon Woodruff Died at Noon^
I spent the day at the field ditching leveling land & [s]owing clover & Timothy

~ Friday

21. Oct. President Young G. A. Smith, O. Pratt J. Taylor W Woodruff
G Q Cannon President Joseph Y[ou]ng & some others Left S. L. City for
Provo to hold a 2 days Meeting. We dined at American Fork
with Bishop Harrington then drove to Provo O. Pratt & myself spent
the night with Bishop A. O. Smoot Margarett Smoot was there 50 M[iles]

~ Saturday

22 I visited Brother MCDonalds House & saw the destruction
caused By the raid made By the soldiers in Mashing in all the windows
& doors. The conference commenced at 10 oclok W Woodruff Prayed
G. A. Smith spoke 25 Minutes, G Q Cannon 30, & W Woodruff 30 M
Afternoon Prayer By G. Q. Cannon Joseph Young spoke 56 M,
& John Taylor 32 Minutes. In the Evening we visited the provo
cooperative woollen Factory built this season which was composed
of 3 Buildings one 165 feet long By 65 wide & 86 feet high built
of rock laid in cem[en]t walls 2 1/2 feet thick will take 100000 shingle
to put the roof on. 2nd Building 134 feet long By 34 wide Adobie
walls 2 stories. 3rd Building 74 By 34 Adobies 2 stories it will
take some 500000 feet of Lumber to build the buildings.

I had an Interview with Brother Burton D. P. Kimball pace
& Thurber. spent the night at Brother Smoot

~ Sunday

23rd Sunday Met at 10 oclok W Woodruff Prayed O. Pratt
spoke one hour & 15 Minutes G. A. Smith 30 Minutes Afternoon
J Taylor Prayed. John Taylor spoke 41 M, Joseph Y[ou]ng 26 M
& President Y[ou]ng 50 Minutes.

~ Monday

24. Monday Met at 10 oclok in the Meeting House to hear the
charges Made against the Bishop Aaron Johnson By Men in
springville. The High Council was Present. Presid[en]t Young & his first
councellor G. A. Smith & O. Pratt J. Taylor W Woodruff &
G Q. Cannon of the Twelve. We sat all day untill night
to hear the testimony for & against & adjourned untill tomorrow

~ Tuesday

25 Met at 10 oclok & herd the finishing testimony against
Brother Johnson, then a speech from two councellers then
a speech from G. A. Smith G. Q. Cannon & Presid[en]t Young
& the speeches of all cleared Bishop Johnson & condemned his
accusers for they did not prove one crime against him or hardly
a fault But the Accusations arose through Jeleousy & party spirit

Page 280

President Young said a Bishop could not be tryed ownly By a
High Council & the first Presidency. The ownly fault President
Young could find with Brother Johnson was his interlining the
constitution of the cooperation with the words "And the Board" which
He supposed was in the Original if it was left out in the copying the
board should have been consulted but there was No crime or Evil
intended in the matter. He & all the speakers reproved all the accusers
vary strongly. A vote was taken to sustain Brother Johnson which
was Unanimous exept some of his accusers

At the close of the trial the school of the prophets Met & was
Addressed By O. Pratt G A Smith G Q Cannon & W Woodruff

~ Wednesday

26. We left Provo at abot 8 oclk arived in S. L. City abot 3 oclk 50 M[iles]
A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Sanpete & Provo

~ Thursday

27. I went to my field & sowed By a hand Machine 5 acres
of clover & Herds grass or Timothy & draged it & spent the night
at the farm

~ Friday

28. I roolled my 5 acre lot & took off the remaining corn stuble
& went back to the city

~ Saturday

29. Met at the old Tabernacle to hold a 2 days Meeting. the
first 2 days Meeting ever appointed & held in the city of the
Salt Lake
since it was first setteled except our conferences
The Meeting was opened By singing & Prayer By C. W. Penrose
President Y[ou]ng spoke 50 Minutes G. A. Smith 35 Afternoon
Prayer By A Carrington F. D. Richards spoke 30 M,
J Taylor one hour & 10 M. The Deserett eEvening News
contained A correspondence Between Gov Shaver &
Lieut General D. H. Wells. Governor shaffer which
shows the wickedness, pomposity, & Ignorance of Gov J. W. Shaffer

~ Sunday

30. Sunday In company with Brother Beatie & Bishop Hoagland
I called at the House of Brother Mumford & laid hands upon
his daughter who was quite sick. I called upon G. Q. Cannon
to go with me & I found him with one of his own
children in his arms dying but it lived untill 12 oclk & then
died. Conference Met at 130 oclk prayer By W Woodruff
O Pratt spoke 59 M[inutes], A Carrington spoke 20, J. F. Smith 19
Afternoon Prayer By J Taylor G A Smith spoke 43 M.

Page 281

President Y[ou]ng spoke 60 Minutes. I met at the close of the
Meeting with the Presidency & Twelve for Prayer. I spent the Eve[ni]ng at
home writing in my Journal.

~ Monday

31. I spent the day covering grapes

~ Tuesday

Nov 1. I spent the day at home choreing. ^On 1 held a stock & Bee convention
we organized a parent society
W Woodruff Appointed President^

~ Wednesday

2nd I spent the day in the Endowment Haouse there were Baptized
for the dead
572 & confirmed. I confirmed some 25 persons
D. H. Wells sealed 40 couple W Woodruff 36 & J F Smith 16.
we Met in the Historians office in the Evening Nov 1 Tuesday &
Appointed committies of 5 on Horses, Horned Cattle, Sheep, Bees,
Fish, & swine & Fowls.

On wednesday night Nov 2nd when I got through at the Endowment House
I walked down to the Farm & spent the night

~ Thursday

3rd. I spent the day at the farm & came Home in the Evening

~ Friday

4. Keys crossed All the Presidency & O. Pratt, J. Taylor, W Woodruff G Q. Cannon
B Y[ou]ng Jr & J F Smith & A Carrington of the Twelve Left S L
about 8 ock A.M. to go to Tooele to hold a 2 days Meeting
we stoped at the Woollen Factory a short time while there we
found the water was underminding the Mill so the Men cut a hole
in the Middle of the dam which soon washed Nearly all the dam
away which cost some $4000. We then drove to Touelle City &
spent the Night. J Faust took O Pratt J [A] Carrington & Myself
we stoped at Br T Aitkins 35 Miles

~ Saturday

5. We Met in the Meeting House at 10 oclok prayer By [blank]
President Young spoke 30 M[inutes], D. H. Wells 62 M W Woodruff 35.
Afternoon Prayer By [blank] John Taylor spoke 75 M
& J F Smith 35 M.

Evening A Carrington spoke 75 Minutes B Young Jr 40 M
& W Woodruff spoke 5 Minutes upon the organization of
A Branch society upon stock, Fish, Fowl, Bees &c

~ Sunday

6. Sunday Prayer By [blank] O Pratt spoke 40 Minutes
G. Q. Cannon 45.

After Meeting or during intermission
we organized A Branch of the School of the Prophets
In the Afternoon G A Smith spoke one hour followed
By President Young 45 Minutes. at the close of the Meeting we
started for Home when we in the Edge of the City Brother Fausts
Best Horse droped dead from eating green corn & we walked Home 35 M[iles]

Page 282

~ Monday to ~ Friday

Nov 7, 1870

7 to 11. I spent the week on the farm geting out manure & ploughing

~ Saturday

12 A folded letter/box I Attended the school of the prophets. O Pratt W Woodruff & Many
others spoke. The Presidency & Twelve Held a 2 days meeting at Ogden

~ Sunday

13. Sunday The Presidency & most of the Twelve were in Ogden. I met
with my Quorum in the Morning & Preached in the old Tabernacle in the
Fore noon to the saints & strangers. I spoke 50 Minutes. In the Afternoon
O Pratt spoke one hour & 15 Minutes W Woodruff followed him &
bore testimony of the great work of God on the Earth for 5 Minutes
A coffin I received a Letter from my Brother Azmon stating that his
wife Harried died 10 Minutes to 12 oclok Oct 21, 47 years of
Age she was not Baptized But wished to be

~ Monday

14 I spent the day at home choreing. I attended a Meeting at the
City hall in the Evening of the Deseret Stock Company & herd the
reports of the committies & speeches Made & arangements made to other
fine stock

~ Tuesday

15. I went to Fort Herriman & held a Meeting in the Evening E F Sheets
spoke I followed him. I spent the night at Brother Stockings 20 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

16 I Joined the Fort Harriman Cooperative Stock Company the
shares are $25 each I turned in one cow & calf & 2 yearlings
prised at $[blank] I took Delight & 2 children & returned to
the city & spent the night at home I Butchered a steer in the Evening 20 Miles

~ Thursday

17. I cut up my Beef & done other choreing

A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I received 2 letters from Azmon Woodruff & Wm D. Roberts
I wrote 3 Letters to Azmon, Hugh S. Jones & Wm D Roberts

~ Friday

18. I spent the day choreing

~ Saturday

19th I attended the school of the prophets Administered to John Taylor

~ Sunday

20 I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended Meeting in
the Tabernacle through the day I spoke in the forenoon & O Pratt in
the Afternoon. I also followed Brother Pratt in the Afternoon much
of the spirit & Power of God rested upon us. G Q Cannon spoke
in the 14 ward in the Evening & I followed him

~ Monday to ~ Friday

21. In company with Brower Pettit I left the city & rode
to the Lake in Utah west of Lehi & I spent 11 days with him
fishing & hunting we caught a ton of fish & some 150 ducks 8 geese
& 3 otter. Brother Pettit shought all 3 of otter in some 15 Minutes
we had some Rough weather on the lake

~ Saturday

We got home on the Morning of

Page 283

Dec 3rd at 1 oclok in the Morning but did not go to bed till near
morning was called up Early to visit Emma who was taken
sick at the House of Mary Jackson I went to see her & found her
vary sick she had Miscarried. I attended the school of the Prophets
& followed G. Q Cannon & J. F. Smith. Distance of my travels south 150 M[iles]
A folded letter/box I received 5 letters on my return home One from Azmon

~ Sunday

4. Sunday I attended my prayer circle in the Morning & Tabernacle
all day. Brother Grow spoke in the Morning 45 Minutes & in the
Afternoon O Pratt spoke one hour & 6 Minutes I attended the
prayer circle with the Twelve, & I Preached in the 13 ward in the
Evening followed By President Joseph Young. On my return home
A humanoid Sarah was taken sick in labor & had a son born at 10 oclok A.M

~ Monday

Dec 5, 1870. Emma is still quite sick I was up Most of the night
I spent the day choring mostly in picking over Apples. I find those
which I packed in chaff rotted vary bad. Apples should not be
packed in chaff at all Brother Cunningham bought of Me 20
Bushels of spitzenburghs at $1.75 per bushels & packed in Boxes

5. Emma was vary sick to day. I spent the day choreing

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

6, & 9 I spent the week in picking over Apples husking corn &c

~ Saturday

10. I attended the school of the prophets & spoke with others

~ Sunday

101. Sunday I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle in a hard snow
storm. Brother Morris spoke in the Morning & G. Q. Cannon
& W Woodruff in the Afternoon. I also Preached in the 8 ward
in the Evening. I received 4 letters from Azmon, Ingles,
A folded letter/box & from 2 counterfiters in New York. I sent these
letters to the Chief of Poliece in New York City

~ Monday

* 12. Emma is still vary sick. I spent the day with the sick

~ Tuesday

13. I went to the farm & put corn under cover & spent most
of the night with the sick {I had a [gloomy day] at the farm with} Asahel {I expect his mother has died. I ordained him a priest and blessed him.}

~ Wednesday

14. Keets took the team & went to Utah Lake to Meet Brower
(* I attended Meeting at the City Hall on the Evening of
the 12 with the Deseret Stock Society & herd the reports
of the various committies)

I moved my Bee house to day & put my Bees in winter Quarters

~ Thursday

15 I spent the day husking corn & choreing

~ Friday

16. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Mitchel & King & sent King $1 Mitchell $2.

Page 284

I Preached the funeral sermon of Sister Neighber &She was the
Mother of 14 children Had 11 living, & 9 at her Funeral. I also
attended the dedication of the 14 ward store & Female Relief society
Hall. D. H. Wells Made the dedication Prayer Bishop Hoagland
addressed the Meeting followed By W. Woodruff G. Q. Cannon J F Smith
& D. H. Wells. We took supper at Sister Horns & I spent the
Night at Frank Turnbows taking care of Emma who is still vary low

~ Saturday

17. I attended the school of the prophets in the Afternoon

~ Sunday

18. Sunday I met with my Prayer Circle in the Morning & attended
the sabbath school in the 14 ward in the forenoon & in the Tabernacle
in the Afternoon. Brother Thompson spoke in the Morning followed
By G. Q. Cannon. Afternoon O Pratt spoke 62 Minutes on the
fulfillment of Prophesy on the 107 Psalms ^50^ & I met for prayer
in the Evening with the Twelve & Preached in the 7 ward with Bishop

~ Monday to ~ Friday

19 to 23. I spent this week shucking corn at the farm & finished
on Friday the 23. The weather was exceding cold

~ Saturday

24. I met with the school of the Prophets, the Deeds of Land was
spoken of what kind of Deeds were Legal &c.

~ Sunday

25 Dec 1870 Sunday & Christmas I met with my Quorum in
the Morning & Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle. A. H Raleigh Prayed
& Elder David Candland spoke one hour upon the first Principles
of the Gospel
. Afternoon Joseph F. Smith sope one hour & 30 Minutes
upon a great variety of subjects. I met in the Prayer Circle
at the close of the Meeting & I Preached in the 14 ward in the Evening

~ Monday

26. I went to the Endowment House & delivered a short Lecture &
returned home. Emma is getting much better I received 3 letters
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right & one from Susan I wrote one to Ilus & sent him our
home circular

~ Tuesday

27. I moved Emma down to the farm to day

~ Wednesday

28. I went to Fort Harriman & Attended a party in the Evening

~ Thursday

29. I spent the day at Fort Harriman & Preached in the Evening

~ Friday

30. I returned home to Salt Lake City. Distance going & Returning 40 M

~ Saturday

31. I Attended the School of the Prophets & reprooved some Bishops for
permitting Bad conduct in their parties this Being the last day of 1870
I helped Eat a Turkey at Br A. O. Smoots. A synopsis of 1870 is on another page

Page 285
Page 286

A Synopsis of My labors in 1870 1710 Mil
I travelled 1710 Miles
I held 166 Meetings
I Preached 75 Discourses 75 Discourses
I Attended 2 General Conferences 2 G. Conferences
I Attended Prayer Circle with Presidency & Twelve 22 Times
I Met with my own Prayer Circle 21 Times
I Attended the school of the Prophets 35 Times
I Baptized the living 3, For the Dead, 43 46 Baptized
I was Baptized for 30 Dead Friends. 30 Dead Friends
I Confirmed 325 for the Dead, 3 for the living 328 Confirmed
Assisted in Giving Endowment to 285. 285 Endo[wmen]ts
I sealed 535 Couple 535 sealed
D. H. Wells sealed 432 Couple J. F. Smith sealed 512 Couple
I Blessed 4 Children, Administered to 15 sick.
Joseph F Smith & Samuel H B Smith Baptized for the Dead 4400 when I was present
I wrote 63 Letters 63 Letters
I Received 60 60 Received
I spent 18 days in the Endowment House 18 Days
I Attended 40 Days session of the Legislature
I Preached 8 Funeral Sermons 8 Funerals
I Attended the Dedications of 2 Meeting Houes 2 Dedications
I Attended the Celebration of the Utah Central Rail Road.
I was sealed for 23 Couple of Dead Friends. 8 sealed to W. W.
I sealed 9 Dead persons to the Prophet Joseph, 5 to Hiram, 4 to Father J. Smith
I sealed 3 persons to Samuel H Smith & 3 to Don Carloss Smith
I Paid my lawful Tithing
June 1. Phebe W Woodruf was Baptized for 3026 Dead Friends 3026 Friends
My Daughter Bulah A Beatie was Baptized for 17 dead 17 Friends
Page 287


Page 288

~ Sunday

Jan 1, 1871

Jan 1, 1871. Sunday I met with my Prayer Circle in the Morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle all day Broth George G Bywater spoke in the Morning 45 M[inutes]
Elder C. C. Rich spoke in the Afternoon 37 Minutes & W Woodruff
spoke 35 Minutes. there was a full House. I refered to the various periods
& years which we had looked forward to with interest. I refered to 1831
The great Eclips upon the sun. Also 1860, the great division in the United States
the 4 years war the Earth deluged in Blood Before 1866. this war was
Prophesied of By Joseph Smith some 25 years before it took place. I spoke
of 1870, and we had now approached a period when Evry year was big
with Events the fullfillment of Prophesy & Revelation was at our doors
Zion was destined to arise, the Kingdom of God to be Esstablished, Great
Babylon to Fall, The Plagues & Judgments of God to be poured out upon the Christian
world, the Jews to be poured gathered home to Zion Jerusalem to rebuild
their City & Temple, The Ten tribes to return tofrom the North country &
the rivers to be turned to Blood as John the Revelator saw them [Revelation 16:4] & the way
prepared for the coming of the Son of Man. I Bore my Testimony of
the calling of Joseph Smith & Brigham Young & the Prophets & Apostles in
the latter days, the spirit of God rested upon me

I Attended the Prayer Circle with O. Pratt, J. Taylor, C. C. Rich & G. Q. Cannon
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I spent the Evening at home. I received 3 letters from Wilford
Susan, Eugenia, & D. W. Roberts I wrote 2 letters to Presidt Brigham
Young & Wilford & Emily. As Wilford was sent to the Muddy on a Mission
& the settlements now broaken up I asked President Young to release him
& let him come home. I wrote Wilford to the same Effect

A crown Keys crossed Thus we have commenced upon another year, what the End will be
God knoweth. Our Nation are rapidly filling their cup of iniquity
& preparing themselves for their own Destruction, they are secretly trying
to make war upon us to destroy us & to take away our rights But God is
with us, is our strong hope, high Tower, & our defense. He will deliver
us & break evry weapon formed against Zion & hHe will redeem his
People Israel. The Lord hath defended us Ever since we have been in these
vallies of the Mountains and we still can trust in him

I have kept a Journal of Events in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints
for the last 37 years of my life & I Pray God My
Heavenly Father that the many hours & days which I have spent in
this way myay prove a Blessing to Future Generations

Page 289

~ Monday

Jan 2nd 1871

I went to the farm & sawed & splip up pin timber to make posts

~ Tuesday

3. I spent the day making posts. I went to the city at night 6 m[iles]

~ Wednesday

4. My Horse was taken vary sick with the Fearcy. Pitt doctored him

~ Thursday

5 I spent most of the day in Making a shed for waggons & Horses

~ Friday

6. A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from Wilford, Susan, ^&^ Eugena. I spent the day upon my sheds 6 M[iles]

~ Saturday

7. I returned from my farm & attended the school of the prophets several
of us spoke. Brother Gardner confessed concerning the disorder in a party
at his ward on Chrismass Eve. I went to the Theater in the Evening.

~ Sunday

8. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended Meeting in
the Tabernacle some 50 strangers present. O Pratt spoke in the Morning
one hour upon the sayings of Paul that Angels were Ministering spirits
to them who should be heirs of salvation. [Hebrews 1:14] in the Afternoon G. Q. Cannon
spoke 64 Minutes both had the power of God upon them. I Attended
the prayer circle of the Twelve in the Evening, & a Meeting in the 13 ward
Brother Nezbut spoke one hour I followed him 30 Minutes on my return
A hand pointing to the right home I wrote a letter to my Daughter Phebe

~ Monday

9. I went to the farm. Keets & Brower Pettit went to Utah Lake with my team
I went home & Attended an Evening Meeting at the City Hall on the stock
society. we had a report on Horses & quite a Number of speeches Made 6 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

10 I had a vary sick Horse with the Fiercy. I had to raise $162 to pay
Brother Rydolch for a Rone Durham Bull which He brought from Canida
He was 4 years old & weighed 2200 lbs. I was to raise the Means out of the
D. A. & M. Society funds to loan to the stock society

~ Wednesday

11. I spent the day at home choreing

~ Thursday

12 I went to the field & spent the day & returned at Night & attended a party. 6 m[iles]

~ Friday

13. I went to the farm & spent the night

~ Saturday

14. A folded letter/box I came to the city. Attended the school of the prophets O Pratt W. Woodruff
& several others spoke. I received a letter from A. M. Musser 6 m[iles]

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I Attended the Funeral of Brother MusserBlazzard in the 14 ward
I spoke to the people, Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle in the Afternoon
Elder Thomas Taylor spoke in the Morning. W Woodruff spoke in the
afternoon. Attended the Prayer Circle at the close of the meeting & attended
Meeting in the 17 ward, & herd Wm Clayton speake upon the subject
of Poligamy followed By W Woodruff

~ Monday to ~ Friday

16 to 20. I spent the week drawing Manure

~ Saturday

21. I Attended the school of the prophets but was afflicted with a sever cold

Page 290

~ Sunday

Jan 22nd 1871

A coffin Sunday I took cars to Kays ward to attend the funeral of Mary Philips
who died in her 98 year. I Baptized her into this Church in 1840
31 years ago the funeral commenced at 11 oclok we had a large congre-
gation. I spoke one hour but had a severe cold upon my lungs which
troubled me much about speaking. G. D. Watt reported my Discourse
I was followed By Brother Wm Kay & Bishop Layton. The corps was foll[ow]ed
to the grave By 61 full loaded waggons & carriages & some Horsmen
At the close of the servises I dined at Brother Philips & rode with Brother
Layton to visit Sister Smith who has been sick a long time. we adm-
to her. On our return to the settlement we visited Brother
Latons Farm & saw his flock of 200 fine fat sheep I spent the night at
Brother Philips

~ Monday

23 I Attended the meeting of the Parent Stock society
23. I returned to Salt Lake City By the cars distance to & from Kaysville 50 M

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

24 to 27. I spent the week at the farm & choreing ^I Paid Rydolch $552.50 for A Bull^

~ Saturday

A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box 28. I received 5 letters & wrote one to Wilford I attended the
school of the Prophets & spoke upon the subject of forming Cooperative
Stock Herds & was followed By many others upon the same subject. I
administered to 2 sick children Jacob Townsend & Mary Woodruff

~ Sunday

29. Sunday I was quite unwell with a cold on my lungs yet I
Administered to 2 children Jacob Townsend & James Brown son
I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle in the Afternoon President Joseph
spoke one hour & 15 Minutes I met with the 12 for prayer in the
Evening & Administered to Sister Riggs with Orson Pratt

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

30 & 31. I spent the time at the farm but was vary unwell with a cold upon
My lungs I returned to the city & found 3 of my children sick 2
of Sarah's her babe Charles Henry was vary low ^ A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right I ordained him an Elder^

~ Wednesday

Feb 1. I was quite unwell Sarah's child was sinking vary fast

~ Thursday

2nd A coffin Charles Henry died this morning at 2 oclok near 2 months
old it was a great trial to his mother

~ Friday

3rd I buried my child to day Joseph F Smith spoke at the funeral, which was
Attended at 11 oclok, at the closed of the funeral & buriel I went to the field
& spent the night

~ Saturday

4. I returned to the city & Attended the school of the Prophets. John Taylor
spoke to the people I followed him I spoke upon the subject of our Brethren
renting or selling their houses & lands, to the Gentiles. I was followed by others
upon the same subject President Wells made the closing speech. 6 M[iles].

Page 291

~ Sunday

Feb 5, 1871

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & Attend Meeting
in the Tabernacle. The Rev John C. Kimball A Unitarian Minister
both Prayed & Preached 56 Minutes upon the principles of there faith
In the Afternoon Elder John Taylor spoke one hour & 36 Minutes. I attended
the Prayer Circle in the Evening. I received 3 letters one from Azmon saying
A folded letter/box that He had Married him Another wife Brother Thompson was in
Poor health

~ Monday

6. I spent the day choring. In the Evening I attended the Meeting at the
City Hall with the stock Association.

~ Tuesday

7. I Left S. L. City at 10 oclok & drove to Toelle City & spent the
night with Bishop Rowbery 35 Miles

~ Wednesday

8. We rode to Center City & Nooned then drove to Faust Station
& stoped with Brother Samuel Simmons 32 Miles

Rush valley has been a good range but mostly eat out consid[era]ble
good Hay land at Faust station

~ Thursday

9. I Left Faust Station & crossed the lookout Mountain to
skull valley & went to Porter Rockwell Ranch. He has a
vast range for stock for both summer & winter. after
taking dinner He took his team & took me to his summer
station whare he had some 3 dwelling rooms &Barn & Milk House
over a good spring of water. we looked over the country & returned
to his House & spent the night. Distance of the day 28 Miles
it was 10 Miles from Lookout Station to his winter House & 4 miles
to his summer House

~ Friday

10. In company with Brothers Rockwell & Shirtliff we rode to
near Mount Look out station they returned Home. I continued
over the Mountain in a snow storm to Faust Station 20 M[iles]
Porter Rockwell Had about 500 Horses Mares & Mules & 150
Head of Horn stock & had a Foundation laid to get rich
of [if] rightly Managed.

~ Saturday

11. I drove to Center Station & Dined with John Rich who had
200 Head of cattle in skull valley. I then drove to Tooiele & spent the
night with Brother Robwbery 31 M[iles]

~ Sunday

12. (Sunday I preached in the forenoon in the Meeting House to the people
one Hour & one hour in the Afternoon) I Attended the prayer circle
in the evening

Page 292

~ Monday

Feb 13, 1871

I drove to Salt Lake City with John Rich I visited President
Young in the Evening. G. A. Smith J. Taylor G. Q. Cannon J Sharp & others
were presidentent. President Young was quite lame. He had been in
St George through the winter this was the first time I had seen him
since last fall. Brother Sharp was about to start for the states in the Morning
I returned home at about 10 oclok & spent the night 35 M[iles]
A folded letter/box I received 5 letters from various parties. It was a vary stormy
day snow Hard

~ Tuesday

14. I went to the farm & spent the night

~ Wednesday

15 I returned to the city. Brother Roberts had returned from the East
& Brought 240 stands of Bees of the Italian I spent most of the day
at work among them

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

16 & 17. I spent the time pruning my orchard & choreing

~ Saturday

18 I attended the school of the prophets

~ Sunday

19 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & Attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle all day. Orson Pratt spoke in the forenoon
one hour & W. Woodruff one hour in the Afternoon had a large congregation
of Gentiles. I met with President Young & council & the Twelve for prayer
& Preached in the 12 ward in the Evening

~ Monday

20. I spent the day at home choreing I attended Meeting with the
Stock Company in the Evening

~ Tuesday

21. I went to the field & spent the night
21. I returned to the city & spent the day

~ Wednesday

22 I spent the day at home choreing

~ Thursday

23 Wilford went to the field with me & got Doll & her 2 colts &
Brought them to the city & took them with his 2 Mules & gray Mare
to Coones Canyon on Friday the 24.

~ Friday

24. It stormed hard this morning. Wilford started for Coones Canyon
at about 12 oclok with David & the stock

~ Sunday

26. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle all day we had a large Number of Gentiles
Joseph F Smith spoke one hour in the Morning & John Taylor one
hour in the Afternoon. I met with the Presidency & 12 for prayer
A folded letter/box I received two letters from Azmon & one from St Louis. I spent the
Evening with Elias Smith.

~ Monday

27. I spent the day in Examining my Bees & pruning my orchard I attended

Page 293

I attended the Meeting of the Stock Society at the City Hall in the evening

~ Tuesday

28. I spent the day writing & choring. I took down 15
stand of Bees to the depo sto send to Ogden 5 stands
were to go to Lorenzo Snow at Brigham City. In the
Evening I called at Brother A. O. Smoots. Sister Smoot
informed me that a Sister Allen was dying in her hous
& in Great Distress thought she had Been dying two days
wished me to lay hands upon her & Pray that she might
depart in Peace I did so & Blessed her & she did in an
hour. I went to the farm & spent the night thare was
quite a snow storm during the night

~ Wednesday

March 1st 1871. This is my Birth day. I am
A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right Keys crossed 64 years of age this day it is
quite a cold snowy day I wrote 3 Letters to Azmon
to F. A. Hammond who wanted to buy stock
& to B K Bliss & son Box 5,712 Post Office New Yog [York]
& sent $2.25 for 8 lb potatoes & 1 package of Peas
several Brethren called upon me during the day on a
variety of Business 6 M[iles]

~ Thursday

2nd A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to C. C. Rich & Bishop Stewart

~ Friday

3 A hand pointing to the right I Telegraphed to Brother McGaw & wrote to L Snow
On Thursday 2nd I attended the fast Meeting & preached the
sermon at the funeral of Sister Allen

~ Saturday

4. I attended the school of the prophets. B Young Jr G Q Cannon W
Woodruff & D H Wells were the speakers

~ Sunday

5 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle. A Carrington spoke in the Morning 57 m[inutes]
& O Pratt spoke 60 Minutes in the Afternoon

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

6 & 7. I spent the time at home pruning my orchard

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

8 & 9. I spent the time at the farm Making pigpens & choring

~ Friday

10. [FIGURE] I sowed 1 peck of Exeleer California wheat & 1 pack
of Mediterranium Cal. wheat & 2 Bushels of Surprise oats
& 6 Bushel of Norway oats & came to the city 6 m[iles]

~ Saturday

11. I met with the school of the Prophets. President Young called for
Donations for Emigrating the poor subscribed $1000 Himself

Page 294

~ Sunday

March 12, 18701

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended Meeting
in the Tabernacle all day. O Pratt ^G Q Cannon^ spoke in the Morning & C. W.
in the Afternoon. I met withe Presidency & 12 for Prayer &
spoke in the 14 ward in the Evening

~ Monday to ~ Friday

13 to 17. I spent the week farming & making fence. I sowed 8 Acres of

~ Saturday

18. I Attended the school of the Prophets

~ Sunday

19. Sunday in company with D. H. Wells & G. Q. Cannon I took cars
& rode to Ogden & Held 4 Meetings I spoke in the forenoon 50 M[inutes]
& G. Q. Cannon 45 Minutes. we ordained 7 High Priest & organized
a High Council. D. H. Wells spoke in the Afternoon 23 Minutes & one
Hour total 83 M. at the close of the Meeting we returned Home 80 M[iles]
Bishop Alfred Cordon of Willow Creek wDied & was buried
they had a large funeral & procession I received 5 Letters & wrote
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box 2 letters

~ Monday

20. I met with the Board of the rail road company at President
Youngs office to extend the rail road south to Pason

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

21 to 24. I spent the time on the farm

~ Saturday

25 I met with the school of the prophets. President Young spoke upon
the building of the Temple wished it done followed By D. H. Wells W Woodruff
& G. A. Smith. I rece[ive]d a letter from C C Rich.

~ Sunday

26. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & Attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle. W Woodruff spoke in the Morning one hour
& O Pratt spoke one hour & 14 minutes in the Afternoon. I met with the
Presidency & 12 for prayer in the Evening

~ Monday

27. A snow storm I Attended a Meeting of the Parent Stock Company
The constitution & By laws of the Cooperative Stock Herd were read &

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

28 to 31. I spent this week on the farm geting out Manure plowing &c

~ Saturday

April 1, 1871. I returned to the city. Attended the school of the prophets
Judge Z. Snow spoke followed By Ralph Harrison A Cahoon Wm Young
G A Smith G. Q. Cannon & President Young I received a letter from
A folded letter/box Azmon

~ Sunday

April 2nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning. G Q Cannon
spoke 55 Minutes. Afternoon O Pratt spoke 1 Hour & 14 Minutes. I met in
the Prayer Circle with the 12 & Presidency I Attended Meeting in the 17 ward & spoke

Page 295

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

April 3rd 1871

3rd & 5 I spent the week on the farm putting in Potatoes, Beets, Carrotts
Peas &c

~ Thursday

6 April 1871 Keys crossed I met in the general conference of the Church of Latter
Day Saints
in the New Tabernacle at 10 being all the First Presidency
& 12 present Except Erastus Snow who was sick at St George
President Young called the Attention of the conference which was opened
By prayer By John Taylor. G A Smith spoke 20 Minutes O Hyde
spoke 60. Afternoon Prayer By W Woodruff Lorenzo Snow spoke
50 Minutes, John Sharp spoke 12 Minutes G. A. Smith 18 President Young 5.

~ Friday

7. Conference opened By Prayer By O Hyde at 10 oclok Wm C Stanes spoke
25 Minutes D F Richards 48, G. A. Smith 10. Afternoon J F. Smith
Prayed, John Taylor spoke 1 Hour & 10 Minutes J F Smith spoke 15 Minutes
we held a Priesthood Meeting. G. Q. Cannon made the first
speech upon the building of the Temple followed By O Hyde D. H. Wells
& President Young. I wrote 2 letters one to H. A. King one to
A hand pointing to the right John Slaugh of Battle Creek

~ Saturday

8. Conference Met at 10 oclok. O Pratt Prayed G. Q. Cannon spoke
46 Minutes C W Penrose 35. Afternoon Authorities of the Church
were presented & Accepted A Carrington spoke 22 Minutes
President spoke 45 Minute & it was one of the Most powerful &
instructive discourses I ever herd in my life. There was a
large Number of Gentiles including Members of Congress
the Chief Justice of the Territy seven Priest & many dignitaries
He spoke in great power among his remarks He said the
Keys crossed Lord does not require us to Force men to Embrace the gospel
of Christ if He did He would require us to do what He
will not do himself for He gives all Men there agency & sets
Life & death before them & lets them chuse for themselves
Joseph Young

~ Sunday

9. Sunday Conference Met at 10 oclok. Joseph Young spoke
48 Minutes O Pratt spoke 40 Minutes. Afternoon A
spoke 40 Minutes. Then the Names of the Miss[iona]ries
were called. President Young spoke one Hour & 15 Minutes

~ Monday

10. I Met with the stock Holders of the Zions Merchantile
Cooperative Institution
at 10 oclok & with the Missionaries
at 2 oclok, & we set apart some 20 Missionaries. I Blessed

Page 296

3 Missionaries & ordained 2 seventies. At the close I gave
council to the Elders to keep a Journal of their official Acts
& the Dealings of God with them. B Pettit & Wilford grafted in the garding

~ Tuesday

^11 I grafted fruit in my garding^

~ Wednesday

112. I went to the field & set out about 75 fruit trees

~ Thursday

123 I went over Jordon & Burned over my 12 Acre lot of Bull
Rushes & flags

~ Friday

14. I got Horses shod & collected $108 on Note the Boys
A hand pointing to the right cleaned out the cottage. I went to the farm and spent
the night I wrote to ^2 Letters^ Azmon By Brother Hulse & to Battle Creek

~ Saturday

15 I Blessed Rosana Woodruff to day And Attended the
school of the Prophets. The subject of thea general Drive of stok
was Brought up discussed & finally rejected.

~ Sunday

16. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle all W Woodruff spoke in the Morning
one hour & 12 Minutes John W Young spoke 3 Minutes. Afternoon
John Taylor spoke one hour & 22 Minutes several of us laid
upon G. A. Smith who was sick. I spent the Evening
A hand pointing to the right at home & wrote a letter Col Saxie

~ Monday

17. I spent the day loading my waggons for a Journey to
Bear River valley I spent the night at the farm

~ Tuesday

18 I left this morning in a snow storm with 3 teams dined
at Brother Hardies station & traveled over the summit in a
hard snow storm & going down we got into the Mud &
snow & mired down with one team finally got out & drove
to Hards, & stoped for the night distance 28 Miles

~ Wednesday

19 A vary cold morning we drove through the park to
wonship & spent the night with Russ R. Rogers & held
a Meeting. I spoke to the people about one hour. 20 M[iles].

~ Thursday

20. we drove to Coalville to Echo & to Brother Roswell
& spent the night 26 Miles

~ Friday

201 Brother Stephen related to me the History of his deliverance
from the Camanche Indians & getting 5 Mules By a dream
his whole Account of his travels in the Battalion was interesting
we travelled to wanship & camped on the south side of the
divide to Woodruff 25 M[iles]

~ Saturday

22nd. We drove to Woodruff & dined with Bishop Lee.

Page 297

we then drove to Randolph & spent the night with
Bishop Randolph Stewart this is our place of Residence
for Wilford & David P. Woodruff & his Mother & family
we travelled to day 27 Miles

~ Sunday

23rd Sunday we held a Meeting I spoke to the people

~ Monday

24. We Moved on to our 20 Acre lot & pitched our camp
& broke up about 3 Acres of New land with two teams
we had a plesant camp on a small trout Brook through
a Mistake of the Boundaries given us we ploughed 85
yards west of our line

~ Tuesday

25 we hunted a while for our horses then ploughed
North & south & Burnt sage Brush in the Evening

~ Wednesday

26. I went up the canyon cought 6 trout lost our
Horses & hunted all day & found them at night

~ Thursday

27. we ploughed 2 Acres

~ Friday

28. Horses gone again. Hunted till 2 oclok & found them
then ploughed 2 Acres & draged till night

~ Saturday

29. [FIGURE] I went fishing trout with the Bishop & Frank
. I cought 17 trout 4 of which weighed 17 lbs
large trout Broke My Fishing rod which I had owned
31 years. I hooked more large trout to day than I
Ever had in all my life but lost the largest of them
while I was fishing the Boys ploughed 2 Acres & sowed
oats & Barley & draged the ground

~ Sunday

30. Sunday I met with the people & spoke to them about
one hour, then met with the Teachers in the Afternoon
& entered into arangements to Enter the land. I spent the
night with Brother Arrow Smith

~ Monday

May 1, 1871 A Pleasant Morning I have a severe cold sore throat
& head Ake. We planted Potatoes & peas

~ Tuesday

2nd we went into the canyon & got a load of Posts timber
& explored the timber canyon we tied up our Horses at night
one span & went to Bed 16 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

3rd All our horses are gone this Morning those tied to the post
& all. But we found them again & went to the canyon & got
posts & poles. 16 M[iles]

Page 298

~ Thursday

May 4, 1871

we went to the canyon & got poles 16 M[iles]

~ Friday

5. I spent the day choreing Made shave horse, planted
1/2 Acre of corn, Made 2 long waggon reads. Wilford
& Keets are in the canyon cutting poles

~ Saturday

6. I went to the canyon got 2 loads of poles 16 M[iles]
The Boys had cut 500 poles & 100 post timber

~ Sunday

7. Sunday I met with the Saints at Randolph & as I
had spoken 2 Sundays I requested them to speak, they
did so. I followed them & gave instruction to the Saints

~ Monday

8 We made 22 posts & put up 20 rods of Fence

~ Tuesday

9. In company with Frank Turnbow & Wm Cahoon &
Brother Snowball I went fishing trout we caught about
210 lbs in all. at 3 oclok we put 2 teams on a Breaking
Plough & Broke about one Mile of Ditch for water
to our farm

~ Wednesday

2110 we cleared out our water ditch got the water
into our lot & came away & left it runing. I was so
tiered out I could hardly stand up. We hitched to our
waggons & drove to Woodruff on our return Home
& spent the night with Bishop Lee. 12 Miles

~ Thursday

1211. We drove to Coleville got 2 tons of coal & drove to
Wm Kimballs. 40 Miles

131. We drove to wanshsash & to Roswell Stephens 40 M[iles]

~ Friday

12 We drove to Coleville got 2 tons of coal & drove to
Wm Kimballs Black Hawk gave out 40 Miles

~ Saturday

13. We drove to Salt Lake City & spent the night at home 24 M[iles]

~ Sunday

14. Sunday I preached in the old Tabernacle in
the Morning ^60 M[inutes]^ followed By President Young ^30^. O. Pratt spoke in
the Afternoon one hour & 25 Minutes. I preached in the 13
ward in the Evening.

~ Monday to ~ Friday

15 to 19. I spent the week on the farm planting corn & potatoes

~ Saturday

20. I attended the school of the Prophets speeches were Made
By Levi Stewart D. H. Wells Elias Smith & President Young

~ Sunday

21. Sunday I attended Meeting with the Saints in the Tabernacle
all day Joseph Young spoke in the Morning 53 Minutes President
Young 45 Minutes Afternoon G Q. Cannon 68 Minutes & President Young 15
I met in the Pryer Circle with the Presidency & Twelve

Page 299

~ Monday

May 22nd 1871

A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Col Saxe

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

23 to 26 I spent the time on my Farm watering & in my Garden.

~ Saturday

27. In company with the Presidency & Twelve & many others I went to
Ogden in the cars to Hold a 2 days Meeting
27 I met with the school of the Prophets John Sharp Prayed & John
J. W. Cummings W Woodruff E. Murphy & President Young
all spoke

~ Sunday

28. Sunday A. H. Raliegh Prayed G Q Cannon spoke 64 Minutes
President Young spoke 42 Minutes Afternoon W Woodruff spok 65.

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

29 30 & 31. I spent the time at the field

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

June 1, 2, & 3 I spent the time watering at the field

~ Saturday

3rd In company with the Presidency & 12 & others I rode to oOgden to
attend a 2 days Meeting. Met at the Tabernacle Prayer By R L Campbell
President Joseph Young spoke 58 Minutes G. Q. Cannon 17. Afternoon
President Young spoke to parents & children 59 Minutes D H Wells 25.
I spent the night with Walter Thompson Mrs Woodruff spent
the night with me

~ Sunday

June 4, 1871. Elias Smith Prayed D H Wells spoke 55 M[inutes], &
President Young 41 Minutes. He gave good council, "do not
Quarrel with any one tell your wives & children what to do & if
they will not do that then let them do what they are a mind to["]
Afternoon A. M. Musser Prayed. W. Woodruff spoke 15 Minutes
J. F. Smith 15, G Q Cannon 30 & G. A. Smith Dismissed. We
then returned to S. L. City, we Administered to Sister Richards while
we were at Ogden Also to a girl afflicted with Evil spirits 80 Miles

~ Monday to ~ Friday

June 5 to 9. we spent this week in Moving from our large House
to a small one on the south I have rented it to Mr Christian Dahl
for one year for a Boarding House for $125 dollars per Month it
was an Exceding Hards weeks labor

~ Saturday

10. I attended the school of the prophets. Many committees were Appointed
to Make Preparation for the celebration of the 4 July. I received a
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right Letter from Edward Oakey he was vary sick. I wrote 2 Letters
10. I attended the school of the prophets

~ Sunday

11. Sunday I met with my Quorum & attended Meeting in the Tabernacle
Hiram McGee A Methodist preacher & President Young spoke in the

Page 300


forenoon 30 Minutes Afternoon President G Q Cannon spok
64 Minutes we are now Having large Assemblies of Gentiles
attend our Meetings. I met with the Presidency & Twelve in
the Prayer Circle

~ Monday

12. I went to the field & opened a large ditch for wattering

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

13 & 14 I spent the time watering my farm the crops are drying
up vary much

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

15 & 16. I spent the time Hoing corn

~ Saturday

17. A folded letter/box I received 3 letters. I attended the school of the Prophets

~ Sunday

18. Sunday I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle all day Br
G. Bywater spoke one hour W Woodruff 30 M[inutes] in the Afternoon
O Pratt Preached on the first principles of the Gospel spoke
one hour & 25 Minutes. I met with the Presidency & Twelve for
prayer & Attended the Methodist Camp Meeting at Night
President Y[ou]ng & Wells & a Number of the Twelve were present

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

19 to 232. I spent the time on the farm Hoeing & weeding the crops

~ Friday

243. I came to the city & hoed in the garden

~ Saturday

254 I attended the school of the Prophets & then went to
the Theater & saw a Man make an exhibition of Legerdamai[n]
He suspended a young Lady 3 feet in the air with No support
of any consequence she lay in a horizontal position for near
half an hour. I wrote 4 Letters to Wilford, Sarah, David &
A hand pointing to the right the children & sent to Randolph By Brother Evans

~ Sunday

25 Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle. Brother
McAllister prayed & W Woodruff spoke 45 Minutes
G Q Cannon spoke 41. Afternoon G A Smith spoke 25
& President Young 55 Minutes. I met in the Evening for
Prayer with the Presidency & Twelve

~ Monday

June 26. I Left S. L. City in company with President Young
& company at 5 occlk travelled in cars to Ogden then
to Evinston there left the cars took our carriages rode
to Woodruff 25 Miles took dinner, rode to Randalph 12 M[iles]
& spent the night with my Family there Distance of the Day 138 M

~ Tuesday

27 I walked up to the Farm, then Attended Meeting
in the school House at 9 oclok Joseph Young spoke 37 Minutes
Wm Hooper 15, E F Sheets 12, W Woodruff 12

Page 301

G. A. Smith spoke 17 M[inutes] President Young 45 M we then
took Dinner I went with Wilford to lay out a place to build
a House, we then started & drove over the Mountain to Laketown 22 Miles
We held a Meeting in the Bowery the grass hoppers eat
up all the grain in the place. Brother T W Elebeck opened By prayer
President Young spoke 35 Minutes. He said 27 years ago today
Joseph Smith was Martered in Carthage Jail it will not
be but a few years untill you will not find a man who herd
Joseph Smith. G. A. Smith spoke 21 Minutes. I stoped with
Brother Chena the son of Elijah Chena the man that
came with Brother Pulsipher when he Baptized me

~ Wednesday

28 A Plesant Morning we drove to Meadowville Round ^3 Miles^
Valley. We held a Meeting. Prayer By W Woodruff
Joseph Young spoke 60 M[inutes], W Woodruff 20 M we then
took dinner with Brother Polmanteer we then rode to
St Charles 23 Miles. I spent the night with Brother Davis 23 M[iles]

~ Thursday

29. We held a Meeting in the Bowery at St Charles. E. F. Sheets
prayed. Joseph Young spoke 32 Minutes J. F. Smith 23, W Woodruff
30 M. Afternoon Prayer By Brother Budge E F Sheets
spoke 31 M, Capt Hooper 19 M, G A Smith G48, C C Rich 3
At the close of the Meeting we drove to Paris I stoped with
Henry J Horn 8 Miles

~ Friday

30. I rode with C. C. Rich 8 Miles to his ranch on Bear River
He had some 1500 Acres of Pasture & Meadow the finest
I had seen in the valley it was a fortune to any Man I returned
to Paris 16 M[iles]

~ Saturday

July 1. We Met in the Bowery at 10 oclok for a Meeting
President Young was Quite sick Brother Rich was quite
& myself laid hands upon him. Joseph Young spoke 15 M[inutes]
Afternoon James H Hart Prayed Joseph F Smith spoke 13 M
E F Sheets 20 M.

~ Sunday

July 2nd Sunday Met at 10 oclok. E F Sheets Prayed W Woodruff
spoke 45 Minutes Capt Hooper 20, G A Smith 5. Afternoon
I had an Attak of Billious Cholic had to leave Meeting
President Young spoke one hour & 15 Minutes. At the close of the
Meeting we drove to Mont Pieliar I called upon the Bishop

Page 302

Brother Cousins we held a Meeting in the evening. John
spoke 10 M, Joseph F Smith spoke 36 Minutes W Woodruff
spoke 39 M. I spent the night with E. F. Sheets at Br Cousins

~ Monday

3rd President Young & company arived at 10 oclok we then
drove to Georgetown 12 Miles & to Soda Springs 18 total 30 Miles
we hitched our tents & waggons there were some 50 waggons
located with People we went to the spring & drank soda water
we spent the night in our tent.

~ Tuesday

A crown July 4, 1871 We celebrated our independance at Soda Springs
Bear Lake Brass Band & a company of cavalry was drawn
up before President Youngs House. A tune By the Band A Prayer By
the chaplain Joseph Young. Orations By G. A. Smith speeches By
Capt Hooper B. Young Jr C. C. Rich J. F. Smith W Woodruff E F Sheets
& President Young tune By Brass Band. Chaplain Dismissed we took
Dinner. We then rode to the Northern Springs & went up &
visited the curiosities the cristiline formations of leaves
of trees grass & many things. We also went into the cave
then returned home to camp 6 Miles

~ Wednesday

5 A hand pointing to the right I arose at 4 o'clk & went to Fishing in Soda Springs
Brook But I ownly caught 2 trout then went to Bear River
& cought 3 trout, took at 9 o'clok then rode with
Brother & Sister Clark & company with President Young & company
with C C Rich G A Smith & co went to North soda
springs then toBack to camp & wrote a letter to Mrs
Woodruff. President Young got a telegraph this
from president Wells that all right in the celebra-
tion of the 4. our Enemies were Defeted & we triumphed

~ Thursday

6. In company with President Young & company I rode to the Meadow Springs
then to the Mouth of Spring Creek then Back to camp. I visited Brother
& Sister Rose & found Sister Rose vary poorly I wrote to Mrs Woodruff

~ Friday

A hand pointing to the right 7. I spent most of the day in camp. In the Evening I went to spring
Creek & in one Hole I cought 6 trout & 2 More close By in few
moments the 8 weighed 13 lbs one weighed 3 lb. it created quite a
wonder in camp it rained hard all night

~ Saturday

8. I had severe tooth ake through the day I went fishing & caught
3 trout

Page 303

~ Sunday

July 9, 1871

Sunday in company with J Smith & E F. Sheets I administered
to Sister Rose who was vary sick & nigh unto Death. we
Met in the Bowery at 11 oclok E F Sheets prayed Joseph Young
spoke 45 Minutes W Woodruff spoke 15 Minutes E F Sheets
spoke 13. At the close of the day we went to the spring & took
a drink of soda water

~ Monday

10 Monday President Young & company rode to the head of Soda
Creek some 6 Miles & it was composed of a large series of
soda springs it did not taste well but Naucious it is the
strangest country I ever saw the soda springs boil up like
a large caldron 10 to 15 feet across them. We passed through
a large fine Meadow of some 1000 Acres, we then returned
to camp. Distance of the day 12 Miles

~ Tuesday

11 I visited Sister Rose & Administered to her she appeare in
a dying condition. I wrote a letter to Mrs Woodruff.
C C Rich & Bishop Budge came & stoped in the tent with me

~ Wednesday

July 12 1871 A coffin Sister Rose died this Morning at 2 oclk
The Body was laid out well then put into an Indian Rubber
sack then wraped around with 3 starched sheets then laid in a
Box with 3 inches of fine earth in the Bottom then covered with fine

~ Thursday

13. We put the corps of Mrs Rose into a waggon then
filled the Box with dry Earth, & surrounded it with Hay. President
Young Hiered 2 waggons one to take the corps & the other to take the
two daughters. President Young & several of the Brethren went with them
to Bear River ferry. The Two Daughters Anna & Catherine proved
faithful to there Mother to the last. I Baptized Sister Rose
& her Husband some 30 years ago. I rode to E Clark 20 Miles

~ Friday

14. President Young & company came from Soda Springs to Twin
& took Dinner at Ezra Clarks. I then Accompanied
them to Paris. I spent the night with Brother Duffin 20 Miles

~ Saturday

15. we learned that one of the Brethren was kicked By a Horse at
Soda Springs who died at Twin Creeks from the injury it
was the same horse that killed a Sister Gravenson the
year Before Aged 18 years she was watering him on the 24 July
with the rope around her hand & he run & draged her to death

Page 304

we met with the school of the prophets in Paris at 11 oclok
We had speeches from G. A. Smith 40 M[inutes] W Woodruff 14,
President Young 15 M, J. F. Smith 11 M W. Woodruff 3 M.
C. C. Rich spoke of the Hay land. I wrote 2 letters to Wilford Sarah &
A hand pointing to the right the children. President Young said he wished all who had
a plurality of wives to Make their will & thought it well for
all Men to do so.

~ Sunday

16. Sunday Met at the Bowery in Paris at 10 oclok prayer
By Wm Budge. Joseph Young spoke 40 M[inutes], Bishop Preston 5
J. F. Smith 40. I dined with Brother Duffin. Afternoon Brother
Hart prayed, President Young spoke 45 Minutes W Woodruff
15, G A Smith 13.

~ Monday

17. Moonday we left Brother Davis at St Charles & rode over
the Mountains 10 Miles to the top & 40 Miles down one of the roughest
canyons in the Territory landed at Logan weary, men & Beasts 50 M[iles]
A hand pointing to the right I stoped at Brother Turbits & wrote a letter to Phebe in the Evening

~ Tuesday

18. A folded letter/box I received a letter from Peter Saxe & wrote one in

~ Wednesday

19. I rode to Richmond & held a Meeting at 10 oclok
D. P. Kimball prayed Joseph Young spoke 58 M[inutes], W Woodruff
52 M, David P. Kimball 5, John Henry Smith 5 M G A
20 M. We took dinner with Bishop Merrill then
drove to Franklin 6 M[iles] & held a Meeting at 5 oclok
Wm Hyde Prayed Joseph Young spoke 45 Minutes John Henry
Smith 10, D. P. Kimball 17, Wm Hyde 8 M, W Woodruff 48 M
G A Smith 15 Minutes

~ Thursday

20. We rode to Smithfield, held a Meeting. W Woodruff spoke
35 M[inutes], Joseph Young 52, David P Kimball 10, G A Smith 7,
Evan M Green 5 M. we dined & Drove to Hyde park 3 M[iles]
we held a Meeting. E. M. Green Prayed Joseph Young spoke
45 Minutes D. P. Kimball 3, W Woodruff 35 M G A Smith
12, Joseph Young spoke 15 M. we then Drove to Logan 6 M[iles].

~ Friday

21 We drove to Millvill & held a Meeting at 12 oclok
Wm Preston Prayed E F Sheets spoke 30 M[inutes] President
Young spoke 16, G. A. Smith 21 J. F. Smith 21. We dined with
Brother Pitkins we then Drove to Providence & held a Meeting

Page 305

J. F. Smith Prayed. W Woodruff spoke 33 M[inutes], E F Sheets 15 M
D P. Kimball 7, John W Young 5 M G. A. Smith 25 M we
then rode to Logan 2 M[iles]

~ Saturday

22nd We Met at the Bowery for a 2 days Meeting. W Woodruff
opened By prayer President Young spoke 18 M[inutes] Joseph Young spoke
61, G A Smith spoke 20 Minutes (At the close of the meeting
we laid hands upon 2 that were sick then rode a mile & laid
hands upon a sick sister that had lain upon her right side
3 years with a broaken spine or sumthing like it. Lorenzo Snow
took dinner with me at Brother Turbits one of the greatest
curiosities with the above woman was she had a young Babe
ownly 3 Months old) Afternoon Prayer By D P. Kimball
President Young related the circumstances of Wm Miller being
arested for Brigham Young hence came the proverb of Bogus
Brigham. He spoke 13 M, J F Smith spoke 48 Minutes
David Kimball spoke 10 M President Young spoke 31. at the
close of the Meeting we took supper with Brother Thatcher
then went to the Bishops & herd a case tried

~ Sunday

23rd Sunday I met with the Sunday school & addressed them
followed By Joseph Young. Meeting opened at 10 oclk Joseph Young
prayed W. Woodruff spoke 50 Minutes. E F Sheets spoke
30 Minutes this Makes 28 Meetings on our Journey Afternoon
J. W. Young prayed Joseph Young spoke 37 M[inutes], G A Smith 25
L Snow 13, President Young 25 Minutes & gave the Best of coun-
cil to the people G A Smith Dismissed we then rode to
Box Elder, & spent the night at Brother L. Snows 30 Miles

~ Monday

24. Keys crossed We rode to Ogden in our carriages & there met a
great celebration of the 24. A great procession orations
speeches &c. I here Met with Col Saxe I saw his flock
of Cotsworld sheetp the finest flock I ever saw after
spending several hours in ogden we took cars & arived home
in S. L. City & spent the night with my family 60 Miles

~ Tuesday

25 I spent the day choreing I received 2 letters

~ Wednesday

A folded letter/box 26. I went to Ogden & sold sheep to Northern Brethren
& returned home 80 Miles

~ Thursday

27. I drew Hay

Page 306

~ Friday

July 28, 1871

I cut 9 Acres of wheat with a Machine & shocked it up

~ Saturday

29 I came from the field Attended the school

~ Sunday

Aug July 30. Sunday I met with my Quorum. Attended Meeting
in the Tabernacle. 2 dDainish Elders spoke a few minutes
Brother Lambert spoke 10 M[inutes], W Woodruff spoke one hour &
5 Minutes Had good liberty there were many Gentiles
present as there are now Evry Sabbath Afternoon
G Q Cannon spoke 60 Minutes. I met with the presidency
& 12 for prayer. I preached in the 13 ward in the Evening

~ Monday

31. I spent the day on the farm

~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday

Aug 1 to 5 I spent the week drawing Hay & Harvesting for
Ezra Foss on the 5. I attended the school of the prophets
Bryant Stringham was buried on the 5 Aug.

~ Sunday

6. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning &
attended Meeting in the Tabernacle John Pack Prayed C W
spoke in the Morning 66 Minutes & O Pratt in the
Afternoon one hour & 15 Minutes. I met with the Presidency
& 12 for Prayer & spent the Evening with Elias Smith

~ Monday

7. Election Day but all is quiet. Mrs Woodruff has been
quite sick with the Cholery Morbus had a sick night is some
Better to day. Wilford came home on Friday started to
day for Grantsville with a white cow

A hand pointing to the right I wrote A letter to H A King & co sent $1 for N C
for the Bee journal

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

8 & 9 I spent the time weeding my farm

~ Thursday

10. I attended the funeral of the child of Frank Turnbow

~ Friday

11 I spent the fore part of the day drawing wheat & Barley in the
Afternoon I came to the city sold 10 Bushels of potatoes

~ Saturday

12 I watered corn in the forenoon & attended the school of the
in the Afternoon the subject of Entering into a
cooperative Banking institution was discussed a constitution
red & accepted & a company organized I received 3 letters
A folded letter/box from sundry persons

~ Sunday

13 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle all day. W Woodruff Prayed E Bird spoke
28 Minutes. Brother Parks spoke 28 Minutes Thomas Hower 9 M

Page 307

Afternoon A. M. Musser Prayed. G. A. Smith spoke 50 M
& President Young 53 Minutes I met with the Presidency & 12
for Prayer & took supper with President Young

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

14 & 15 I spent the time on the farm diging potatoes I worote
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box A Letter to Azmon Woodruff. I received 3 Letters

~ Wednesday

16. I finished diging potatoes to day ie my Early rose they done
vary Poorly this season

~ Thursday to ~ Saturday

17, , 19 the time was spent stacking wheat I attended the school of the prophets on the 19.

~ Sunday

20. I met with my circle in the Morning & attended Meetin
the Tabernacle. W. Woodruff spoke in the morning 35 Minutes
J F Smith 68 Minutes Afternoon O pratt spoke one Hour
& 32 Minutes

~ Monday to ~ Friday

Aug 20 to 25 I spent the week on the farm we done our
threshing. I had near 700 Bushels of grain wheat oats & Barley

~ Saturday

I26. I Attended the school of the prophets. Many subjects
were brought up & speeches Made President Young presented the
subject of Making our will. He recommended to divid our
property into so many shares & then divide the shares to
the wives & children according to our mind & will.

~ Sunday

27. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning &
A folded letter/box attended Meeting in the Tabernacle. A. P. Rockwood
Prayed Brother Albert Dewey spoke 22 Minutes Br Ship 33,
Rev Dr Thompson spoke 13, & President Young 16 M.
Afternoon G Q Cannon spoke 20 Minutes then
Gen Riley of Rochester N. Y. spoke upon Temperance
30 M, then G. Q. Cannon 30, & President Young 21 M
I received 4 letters & I wrote 2 to Thomas Oand
A hand pointing to the right & Mr S Hart

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

28, , 30. I spent the time on the farm

~ Friday

Sept 1. I spent the time on the farm

~ Saturday

2nd I Attended the school of the prophets

~ Sunday

Sept 3rd Sunday I Attend Meeting in the Tabernacle. Brother
McAllister Prayed Brother Bywater spoke one Hour & 9 M
G Q Cannon 14 M Afternoon E. D. Wooley Prayed. J. F. Smith
spoke 55 M, G Q Cannon 35.

Page 308

Sunday I Met with the Presidency & Twelve for Prayer & attended
the Lecture of Mrs G. L. Whitman. She read the 18 ch of St John
& spoke upon the fulfillment of Prophesy she said that there was
seven million five hundred thousand Jews who were true to the
Jewish faith & were getting ready to return to rebuild Jerrusalem
At the close of Her Lecture Brother Wells, Cannon, J F Smith &
myself laid hands upon Brother Merrill who was Bleeding to death
at the Lungs

~ Monday to ~ Saturday

4 to 9. I spent the week gathering Peaches & cutting up & gathering corn

~ Sunday

10. President Young has been quite sick through the week He buried
a Daughter during the week she was the wife of Mark Crockswell
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Phebe Snow & Bulah. I met with my Quorum
this Morning for Prayer & Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle
Brother Grow Prayed. W Woodruff spok one hour & 3 M
Afternoon O Pratt spoke 45 Minutes followed By J Jakes 20 M
& Stephen Taylor 15 Minutes. I met with the Presidency & 12
for Prayer. President Young was able to attend Meeting this afternoon
{President Young} A hand pointing to the right I wrote to my Daughter Susan. The subject of the Legislature
came up we are satisfied that it will be profitable for The Twelve
D H Wells Elias Smith & other good men to go ^be^fore the Lord in
Prayer & ask for wisdom to guide us in our Legislative Enactments

~ Monday

11. I cut an Acre of corn to day & was tierd at night

~ Tuesday

12 A folded letter/box I cut an Acre of corn to day & went to the city. I
received 3 letters one from David P. Kimball one from
Peter Saxe containing Notes amounting to $1200, wished
tMe to Discount them & send a Draft East

~ Wednesday

13 A hand pointing to the right I got the Notes Discounted for Col Saxe &
sent his draft I wrote 5 Letters to Col Saxe Br
Preston L Farr & Geo L Farrill. I collected $150
of Bishop Preston & Paid into the Bank I wrote one
Letter to David P. Kimball

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

14, 15. I drew corn to the stock yard

~ Saturday

16 I attended the school of the prophets

~ Sunday

17. Sunday I Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle. G B Wallace prayed
H S Eldridge Prayed spoke 24 M[inutes], A. O. Smoot spoke 17 M
G. Q. Cannon 25 Minutes. I Dined with Brother Smoot

Page 309

Afternoon John Taylor spoke 54 Minutes. I met with the
Prayer Circle & spoke in the Evening to the 13 ward

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

18 to 21. I spent the time in Building a Kitchen 10 By 18 feet Brower
was the carpenter

~ Friday

22nd I left S L City with the Presidency & G. Q. Cannon
of the Twelve & others for Grantsville I rode with D H Wells
our Journey was to hold a 2 days Meeting. We rode to Dr Clintons
& dined then visited the Factory & rode to Grantsville I never
saw the Earth Dryer or more Dusty even in this country President
Young & G. A. Smith stoped at Bishop Rhoberry's & Br Wells
& myself with Brother Rydalch Distance of the day 40 M.

~ Saturday

23rd Met in the Meeting House at 10 oclok Prayer By W Woodruff
D. H. Wells spoke 35 Minutes G. Q. Cannon spoke 43, G. A. Smith
36 Minutes I dined with Aroet Hale. Afternoon J. W. Young
Prayed J F Faust spoke 20 M, J W Young 20, W Woodruff 35
President Young 27. The Presidency & Twelve took supper
with Brother RyDalch. We had News from the city the
Enemy are on the Elert still laboring for the destruction
of the Saints. We held a Meeting in the Evening Br Ure prayed
J. F. Smith spoke one hour & 20 Minutes. I spent the night
with Brother Clark

~ Sunday

24. Sunday several of the Brethren came from the city
to day. I visited Brother MCBrides orchard to day
the finest orchard I Ever saw for its size. I should
Jud[g]e there were 30 Bushels of Rhode Island Greenings in it
that would measure 12 inches each & many 14 inches.
Our Meeting opened at 10 oclok G Q Cannon Prayed
D. H. Wells spoke 37 Minutes G. Q. Cannon 45 M
Afternoon Prayer By W. Woodruff. G Q Cannon dedicated
the silver service Bought to administer the sacrament
on. the sacrament was then administered G. A. Smith spoke
10 Minutes W Woodruff 18 M then President Y[ou]ng
spoke 58 Minutes. He said a Man may embrace the Law
of Celestial Marriage in his heart & not take the second
wife & be justified before the Lord. we took supper at
Bishop Rhoberry's & Drove to S. L. City 40 Miles

Page 310

~ Monday to ~ Friday

Sept 25, 1871

25 to 29. I spent the week working on my House Building
my kitchen

~ Saturday

30. I Attended the school of the Prophets

~ Sunday

Oct 1. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning. Brother
Morris Prayed & David Candling spoke 50 Minutes & Lorenzo
45. Afternoon O Pratt spoke one hour & 30 Minutes
a powerful Discourse upon the Gathering & final redemption
of Israel & the Building & future state of Zion. we met in the
Prayer Circle President Young was vary feeble we administered
to him by the laying on of hands

~ Monday

Oct 2nd 1871 To day a little after 4 oclk PM U. S. Marshal
Keys crossed An arrow Patrick waited upon President Brigham Young
with a writ for his arrest on an indictment founded on
a charge of "Lasceivious Conduct." President Young being in
Poor health the Marshall left some deputies in charge this
is a commencement of persecutions By the U S Judges. I went
to the field & spent the night

~ Tuesday

3rd An arrow To day at 20 Minutes past 3 oclok this Afternoon
D. H. Wells was Arested By U. S. Marshal on a charge of
lascivious and unlawful cohabitation. So the Bell opens against
the servants of God By the wicked Judges & ring to make war
upon the Mormons. See Deserett News of to day

4In the Evening Mrs Woodruff & myself met at Judge Elias
to Bless the Boy of Wilford & Emily Jane Woodruff

~ Wednesday

4th I spent the day laboring with my hands. In the Evening I
called upon President Young & found him vary feeble. G. A. Smith
D. H. Wells G. Q. Cannon & myself Anointed President Young
from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet & Blessed him
& he was Much Better

~ Thursday

5 Oct A special conference of the Church assembled this
Morning at 10 oclok in the New Tabernacle John Taylor Prayed
President Young was present & his councillors & all of the Twelve But
O Hyde & A Carrington. G A Smith spoke 17 minutes D. H. Wells
15 G Q. Cannon 23 M Afternoon L Snow Prayed Joseph Young spoke
followed By Brother Nicholson 10 M C W Penrose spoke 28,
B Young Jr 5, & G A Smith 5. I spent the Evening at President Young

Page 311

~ Friday

Oct 6, 1871

The general conference of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter day met this morning in the New Tabernacle
at 10 oclok. Their were present all the Presidency & Twelve
except O. Hyde & A. Carrington. President Young was vary
feeble W. Woodruff spoke 55 Minutes C C Rich 22. Afternoon
H. S. Eldridge Prayed James Brown spoke 48 Minutes Wm Cluff
spoke 23 M. & G Q Cannon 8 M

We held a Meeting at candle light in the old Tabernacle
The House was completely filled with the priesthood the speakers
were John Sharp, Edward Hunter D H Wells & Elder W Woodruff
each of whom spoke with Great Power imparting valuable
instructions regarding the building of Temples & kindred subjects
it was concluded to build a Temple in St George and
if possible to compte the Mason work during the coming winter

~ Saturday

Oct 7, 1871. Conference Met at 10 oclok J. F. Smith prayed
Keys crossed An arrow Isaac Grow spoke 22 Minutes. I was called upon
in the commencement of the Meeting to go to Faust's stables
whare the U. S. Court was held & give Bale or Be Bondsman
for Elder George Q Cannon who had a warrant issued
against him the same as against President Young & Wells
after staying half an hour I was informed that it was put
off so I again went to conference David Mckenzie
spoke 30 M[inutes] & E F Sheets 18.

Afternoon G. Q. Cannon Prayed & Authorities were
presented & accepted & Missionaries called. A Hatch
then spoke to the people & while speaking Elder George
Q Cannon was Notifyed that the sherriff had called
to Arest him. John & myself Taylor accom-
panied him to the court room & Became his bondsmen
in the sum of $5000 dollars for his Appearance at court
on Next Friday. We then returned to the meeting
& Brother Stanes was speaking. He spoke 19 M[inutes], A O Smoot
spoke 15 M

~ Sunday

8. Sunday I spent the day in the Tabernacle. Joseph Young
Prayed John Taylor spoke 40 M, G Q Cannon 30. At
Noon I Met with the Mormon Battalion in the old Tabern[acle]

Page 312

Sunday G. A. Smith W. Woodruff L Snow F. D. Richards
& D Huntington Addressed the Mormon Battalion
it was in the midst of a cold rain storm. there was
about 60 of the Battalion present out of the 500 that
went to Mexico to fight the Battles of their country
24 years ago. Afternoon Elder O. Pratt preached
one hour & 15 Minutes upon the Baptism for the dead
the conference Adjourned th untill the 6 day of April 1872
their was 142 Missionaries called during conference to go
on Missions to the states. At the close of the Meeting we
met in the prayer circle with the Presidency & Twelve for
Prayer. President Young was feeble. Wilford & David
P. Woodruff
came home from Bear River valley to
get their winters supply of provision. I received a letter from

~ Monday

Oct 89, 1871 Keys crossed An arrow This morning President Young prepared
to go to the court room at 10 oclok to answer the writ served
upon him by the U. S. Marshall. The court room was crouded
by the friends of President Young & thousands were in the street
finally word was sent to President Young not to come untill 2 oclk
at 2 oclok The Presidency, Twelve, & many others went to the court
room Wm Jinnings & John Sharp gave bail for him in the sum of
$5000. Hempsted one of his lawyiers pled to Quiash the Inditement
the court adjourned till 10 oclok tomorrow at the close of
the court The Twelve went to the Historians office & attended to
the Blessing of the Missionaries. O Pratt W. Woodruff C. C. Rich
L. Snow F. D. Richards & J. F. Smith aofficiated. In the evening
I called upon Elias Smith with Sister Gravenston who
wished to make her will I then called upon the president
Young & staid at his office untill 10 oclok. He feels vary calm
with regart to his present Persecutions. He feels that the Lord will
deliver him

~ Tuesday

Oct 10. Keys crossed I met with the Missionaries at 8 oclok & Blessed
53 Missionaries for the United States & 4 Home Missionaries
I Attended the court at 10 oclok. Hemstead closed his Argument
& Basken & Maxwell spoke for the prosicution & Mr Fitch at

Page 313

2 oclok Mr Fitch made a speech for the Defence to quash the
Inditement he made a strong plea at the close of the court we got
the Telegram that nearly all of Chicago was in Ashes 100000
people homeless losst all they possesed $150,000000 dollars worth
of property destroyed the largest fire ever known in
America since the first setling of New England. I went to
the office of President Young & spent an hour, we also got News of
the Burning of the village Cas-sello of Indiana 30 Miles from
Chicago by the prairi fires. Also an Earthquake in Delaware
& New Jersey I Attended the Theater with L Snow & saw the
A folded letter/box play of Rip Van Winkle I received a letter from Azmon

~ Wednesday

11. I went to the field & put up 44 Bushels of wheat & sent to Mill
it was a cold day & we had a severe storm of wind cold &
rain through the night

~ Thursday

12. The fenses were prostrate this morning through the country
the streets strewed with trees & limbs roofs Bloon of from Houses
& hay stacks Blown over I put up fence in the fore noon & dug
potatoes in the Afternoon

~ Friday

13. I spent the day diging potatoes. Meetings are held in the old Tabernacle & other places to collect subscriptions for the sufferers
of the great fire in Chicago. President Brigham Young gave
$1000. D. H. Wells & Capt Hooper gave $500 each. D. H. Wells
sent a Draft of $12000 Dollars to the Mayor of Chicago the
outsiders also sent donations all the United States are sending
in their subscriptions for their relief

~ Saturday

14. I dug potatoes in the forenoon & Attended the school of
the prophets
in the Afternoon several of the Brethren spoke

~ Sunday

15 Sunday I met with my Prayer Circle & Attend Meeting
in the Tabernacle. Jacob Gates spoke 40 M[inutes] & G Q Cannon
spoke 36. Afternoon O Pratt spoke one hour & 25 Minutes on
the Authenticity of the Book of Mormon I met with the Presidency &
Twelve for Prayer

~ Monday to ~ Friday

16 to 20. I spent the week diging potatoes

~ Saturday

21. I Attended the school of the Prophets Presidents Young Smith & Wells spoke

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I met with my circle & attended Meeting in the Tabernacle
H S Eldridge Prayed N H Felt spoke 15 M[inutes] Robert Neslin spok 21 M

Page 314

Sunday Afternoon O Pratt spoke one hour & 30 Minutes I met
with the Presidency & Twelve for Prayer

~ Monday to ~ Friday

23rd to 27. I spent the week diging carrotts & Beets & choring
Keys crossed President Young & G. A. Smith with several others started south
to spend the winter

~ Saturday

28 Oct 1871 An arrow An arrow I met with the school of the prophets. D H
was present & spoke & left the school Before it was closed &
went into the street & soon after the school was closed President
Daniel H. Wells Hosea Stout, & Wm Kimball were all three
arested for Murder on the Testimony of Wm Hickman
all three of the Men were as innocent as children But Wm
Hickman is trying to clear himself By laying all of his damna-
ble Murders upon Innocent Men & the wicked Judges and
U. S. Officers in this city are trying to Murder the Innocent
& to clear the guilty. The above 3 Brethren were confined in
Camp Douglass & it is reported that President Grant is backing
up these wicked Judges to persecute the leaders of this People
so as to create an open war upon the L. D. Saints. We held
a council at President Youngs office in the Evening

~ Sunday

29. Sunday An arrow A hand pointing to the right In company with H. S. Eldridge
& A. Carrington I went to Camp Duglass & visited
President Wells H Stout & Wm Kimball, who were prisioners
under a Military Guard, Indited for Murder who were
as innocent of the crime as the Savior before his Crucifixion
while we were there Elder G. Q. Cannon came in had just
arived from Calafornia was in a Rail Road Mass up
& a Miracle that He was not killed quite a Number of
the Brethren were in visiting the prisioners at about one
oclok we left the Brethren & returned to the city the Prisioners
seemed to Feel cheerful & felt to trust in God But it was
one of the Most wicked persecutions in the annals of time
I Attended the Meeting in the Afternoon & Elder O Pratt
spoke one hour & 25 Minutes upon the words of Paul
in the 14 Ch of Hebrews "Marriage is honorable in all &c"
at the close of the Meeting we Met for prayer then had a
council A folded letter/box I received a letter from David Kimball

Page 315

I Married Christian A Dahl & Huldeh Lund on Saturday
MNight Oct 29, 1871

~ Monday

Oct 30. D H Wells got Bail to day in the sum of $50,000. L Snow went
to court with me but we did not get in I went home & covered my Grape
vines & done other choreing

~ Tuesday

31. We loaded our waggons with flour & Provision for the portion of
my family that was in Randolph Rich County in bear lake valley.
I drove my waggon & David did his down to the farm

~ Wednesday

Nov 1. Wilford drove to the farm we all started together & drove to
Hardies Station & spent the night 12 Miles

~ Thursday

2nd We drove to the Mouth of Silver Creek & stoped with a Brother
It was a vary cold night we had 12 Bushels potatoes in one waggon &
they froze hard I suffered with the cold all night 14 Miles

~ Friday

3rd I drove to Brother Hoyts & took Dinner with them then drove
to Coleville stoped with Bishop Cluff & held a Meeting & preached 15 m[inutes]

~ Saturday

4 I drove through the storm to Brother Roswell Stephens & all
three of our teams stoped for the night. It was a cold snow
storm through the night 18 Miles

~ Sunday

5 It was a cold Morning our loads heavy & roads Bad we
left 1500 lbs of flour & wheat, & then drove to wasatch and spent
the night with Brother Rowley. He & his wife were vary kind to
us. Brother Rowley had been cut off from the Church By Hammand without
Just cause or trial 18 M[iles]

~ Monday

6th We drove to Woodruff & dined then to Randolph & met
with Sarah & her children they were well & all glad to see us
I took Emily Jane Wilfords wife & her 2 childn distance 36 M

~ Tuesday

7. Wilford & David arived to day & we unloaded our
waggons, it was still cloudy. Wilford had got up a log
House 2 stories high 20 By 40 feet the North half done off

~ Wednesday

8 Wilford took My Horses this Morning & started Back for
the load we had left David & myself went to the saw Mill & got
some Lumber

~ Thursday

9. An arrow David & Myself went to the canyon to get wood as it was
all the way down Hill we put on about 2 cords of Dry Quaking Asp
& while going down a vary steep ^hill^ of some 8 rods the ring of the neck yoke
Broke at the top & the waggon went down with great force one Mule

Page 316

fell Just as the waggon stoped the Tounge run into the ground 6 foot
the waggon stoped with the off Mule Back of the foorre wheel & was pined
fast to the ground with the swaybar across his back & he had to lie there
untill I unbound the load & unloaded 2 cords of wood, then uncopled
the waggon & dug the tongue out of the ground with an Ax & turned the
wheels over off from his back I hought the Mule must have been
Near dead but he got up & shook himself & soon went to Eating the
Neck yoak & Irons off both whippletrees were broke yet I straped
them up & got home with one cord of wood ^12 [miles]^

~ Friday

10. David went & got a load of wood & I went down bear
fishing & hunting & caught Nothing ^15 [miles]^

~ Saturday

11 David got a load of stable logs & Wilford arived with the last
of our freight & [blank]

~ Sunday

12. ^ A hand pointing to the right^ Sunday I Attended Meeting & Preached to the people & wrote a letter home

~ Monday

13 I wento to Otter Creek & caught 29 trout with a hook & shot 3 ducks

~ Tuesday

14. We built the body of a stable 20 By 18 feet

~ Wednesday

15. We commenced diging another well, when the boys dug the other
well when they came to water they did not stone it up it formed
a quick sand caved in so we could not get water & when we tryed
to clean it out it continued to cave in so we filled it up

we dug 9 feet to day

~ Thursday

16. We dug 10 feet in the well to day

~ Friday

17. We dug 2 feet this morning & struck a strong stream iof water in
the gravel it came in so fast we could not dig any lower. we
had hard work to get the water out so we could stone it up
Kennison who was diging & stoneing up got wet through & was vary
chilly & when we closed at night we had walled up 4 feet & there
was 3 1/2 feet of water in the well

~ Saturday

18. We stoned up about 12 feet of the well to day

~ Sunday

19. Sunday it snowed in the Morning. I Attended Meeting with the
Saints in the school House & spoke some 50 Minutes was followed By
several of the Brethren. We visited the Bishop in the Evening

~ Monday

20. we finished stoning the well to day

~ Tuesday

21. Wilford went to the canyon & David & myself drew coarse stuff to cover
the stable we had built

~ Wednesday

232 we finished covering the stable & chinked up a part of it

Page 317

~ Thursday

Nov 213 1871

It is still storming we all spent the day choreing

~ Friday

24. It rained nearly all day I felt strongly impressed to go
home this feeling has been upon me since Monday Morning but
it has stormed nearly Evry day & my family have urged me to stay
I went to Otter Creek to day or in the Afternoon caught 10 trout

~ Saturday

25. Keys crossed An arrow The same spirit rests upon me this morning to go home
I told Sarah & Wilford I must go so I got my Breakfast
hitched up my team & bid the family good by & started at 108 oclk
it was still vary cloudy I drove to Woodruff stoped & talked awhile
with Bishop Lee baited my Horces & started on when about 12 Miles
from Wasatch the great snow storm struck me. I had to travel
some 12 Miles in a terrible blinding snow storm to Watsatch where
I arived in the night my Horses covered with snow & water I
called upon Brother George Rowley who was the ownly Mormon
in the place. He assisted me to get my horses into a store house as
there was no stable in the place it was a terrific cold storming night
my Horses would have nearly or quite perished if I could not
have got them under cover. Distance of the day 35 Miles

~ Sunday

26. Sunday An arrow I did not sleep but little during the night. I arose
this Morning & found the snow about 2 feet deep & still falling thick
& fast, it looked vary gloomy I did not know what course to pursue
I could ^not^ travel the road & I went & Enquired of Mr Haven the operator
& Agent in that place what chance there was of takigng a kcar. He said
he had No baggage car there & if he had, he did not know how
I could get my waggon or horses on board of it as all the
accomodations of the kind was moved to Evanston. I could not
buy any grain in the place for it was not there & the ownly Hay
there was in the hands of Mr Hammer an Apostate Mormon &
vary bitter I had put in about 100 lbs of Hay when I started from
Randolph which was all I had to feed the snow was covering
up my waggon I went over to My Horses & gave them a little Hay &
knelt down & prayed for the Lord to Deliver me I could get
No watter to my horses ownly as Brother Rowley who had charge
of the Engine run it upon a trak near my horses & poured me out
4 Buckets of water this I divided between them while I was there
I went to bed at night with the snow still falling & all things looked gloomy

Page 318

~ Monday

Nov 27, 1871

A crown Keys crossed This was quite an important day day with me I arose in the morn-
ing & found the snow 3 feet deep on the level & still snowing furiously
& I could see no way to find deliverance for myself & team unless the
Lord opened the way. Evry thing was glomy I had to wallow to my arm-
pits in snow to go to my horses or any whare Els. Mr Haven had sent
to Evanston for a car for me the night before by my request but
how to get my waggon & team on to it was the great question. I
talked with Mr Haven in the Morning concerning the prospect of Getting
on board of a car. He did not see how it could be done. My waggon
was covered with snow, & some 300 yards from the Depo & No help to
get it there except the Chinamen in the Hands of Carpenter who
was Employed to keep the rail road track clear of snow. I talked
with Carpenter & he said he had no right to take his men from
the rail Road to dig a span of Horses & waggon out of the snow to
get them on board of the cars it was under these circumstances that
I wallowed through 3 feet of snow some 300 yards to My Horses in
the storehouse I went to them rubed them down carressed them
but could not feed them except as it were a morsel I knelt down
& prayed Earnestly to the Lord to Deliver me & my team, it might
be thought a small matter to leave a team to starve to Death & take
the cars & save my own life but my team had saved mine, had wallowed
through the snow some 12 miles to save mine & I felt it my duty to do
all in my power to save theirs. I prayed Earnestly to the Lord to
Deliver me & save my Animals from starvation. The spirit of the
came upon me while praying & I had a testimony while
praying that my Prayers would be answered & that I should be delivered
I arose from my knees & wallowed some 60 rods through 3 feet of
snow to the Telegraph office & talked with Mr Haven the operator
& Agent at wasatch. I told him he must Help Me. The spirit of
the Lord rested upon him & he said he would do all in his
power for my deliverance & we went together to see Mr Carpenter
the same spirit same upon him & he said he would do all He
could he had ten Chinamen with him he told them to take
their shovels & follow him we all went to whare the Horses & waggon
was & it took us some 5 Hours to dig out the waggon & open a road some
400 yards to the Depo & to get our Horses & waggon there we then had to

Page 319

build a stageing some 10 feet high out of plank to get the Horses up
& covered it with coal sinders when I brought the Horses to it they would
not go up. I them went [t]o Mr Hammer an Apostate Mormon & bitter
at that who had the ownly hay in the place & asked him to sell me 50 cts
worth of Hay. He caught the same spirits of the others went & put up the
hay & carried it for me to the Depo I laid it on the platform at
the Head of the stageing & both of My Horses readily went to it. I led
them inside we then went to work & had to take the waggon all to
peaces & lift it up a wheel to [at a] time some 8 feet perpendicular to get it in-
to the store house. when the freight train came along Mr Haven stoped
it & had the Engineer take his Engine & bring up the car 100 yards to the
platform for me to load my Horses & waggon in. I got my Horses in without
difficulty but in trying to get my Box in with the Bows & cover on we got
stuck fast with one end on the platform & the other against the side of the car the
Engineer would not wait any longer but started on with his train &
left me Mr Haven telegraphed to Evanston to send him another Engine
we went to work took the cover & Bows of the waggon Box & got it loaded
& when I got all my things on board & got on board with my
Horses & waggon & myself an Engine came Down from Evanston
& Mr Haven ordered the Engineer to hitch on to that car &
take it to Ogden & he done so but did not like it much as He
had to travel something like 160 miles to go to Ogden & back just to take
me down when the car started I bid my Friends good by &
knelt down by the side of My Horses & felt to return harty thanks
to God my Heavenly Father for the Deliverance he had wrought out
for me. I had wallowed in the snow all day untill I was wet to my
armpits I changed my clothing in the car & rode in the car 65 M[iles]
to Ogden without a fire I arived in Ogden abot 10 oclok I went
to Bishop Herricks & spent the night

~ Tuesday

28 I arose in the morning refreshed by sleep. Bishop Herrick loand
me $25 to pay my Bill at the rail road & received his pay again
in Salt Lake City the same day. I went to the Depo & paid my Bill
which was ownly $26 for myself & Horses & wgaggon. Mr Haven did
not charge me for the use of the car or Engine ownly ownly the freight
on my team & waggon if he had charged me for all that was done
for me it would have Been $150. I drove to kays ward Bishop Layton

Page 320

got me a good supper kept my team over night paid my fare on
the rail Road & sent me my team next day I arived home at 8 ock
& was much rejoiced to be delivered from my perrils & to be with
my family once more at home I wrote a letter to Sarah at wasatch
A hand pointing to the right & another one on my arival home I also wrote a letter to Brother Rowley
at Ogden

~ Wednesday

29. I attended athe funeral of Mr Whites Daughter 10 years of age
at Brother Mussers House I spoke half an hour

~ Thursday

30. I Attended the funeral of Sister Hoagland Bishop Hoaglands first
wife. Elder Taylor spoke followed By President D. H. Wells. I went to
the field & spent the night

~ Friday

Dec 1, 1871. I cut up a Beef & went to the field & spent the night

~ Saturday

2nd I Attended the school of the prophets & gave an Account my
experience in the mountain storm

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle. Bishop Hickenlooper prayed
W Woodruff spok 40 Minutes. Afternoon Isaac Grow Prayed & G Q. Cannon [spoke]
one hour & 23 Minutes. I met with the Twelve in Prayer Circle & preached
in the 14 ward in the Evening I wrote 2 letters to Wilford & Phebe

~ Monday

A hand pointing to the right 4. I drove cattle out of my field & spent most of the day looking up the
owners I

~ Tuesday

5 I Brought up a load of corn from the Farm

~ Wednesday

6. I spent the day choreing

~ Thursday

7. I Attended the Fast Meeting & herd the Testimony of many of the Saints
& spoke myself Bulah had a son born this morning 30 Minutes past 4 oclok
A humanoid which is named (Preston Carter Woodruff Beatie)

~ Friday

8. I killed 2 pigs to day at the farm one wieghed 320, the other 295 lbs

~ Saturday

9. Brother Peterson son died this Morning Aged 22 years I came to the city

~ Sunday

10. Sunday I met with my Prayer Circle AI attended the funeral of Brother
Petersons son & spoke 30 Minutes was followed By Brother Gibson
Brother Neslin spoke in the Tabernacle in the forenoon & in the Afternoon
Elder O. Pratt spoke one hour & 16 Minutes

~ Monday

11. I killed 2 Hogs in the city weight about 300 each & went to the field

~ Tuesday

12. I spent the day at the farm

~ Wednesday

13. A single key with teeth to the right I spent the day at the farm & came home at night & spent the evening
at the Presidents office with the Twelve & Fitch, Hemstead, Snow, Miner,
& many others & expressed our views concerning the return of President

Page 321

Brigham Youngs coming home to stand his trial before the unjust Judges
now holding court in Salt Lake City out of 15 Men all thought it wisdom &
good policy for him to come to the city & stand his trial (although He could not have
a fair impartial trial) except 4 of us were of the oposite opinion viz J. Taylor
W Woodruff A Carrington & Wm C. Stanes, yet all agreed to leave it with him
to decide as the Spirit might dictate. I received a letter from Sarah

~ Thursday

A folded letter/box 14 I Attended the funeral of one Sherman in the 15 ward school house he was
killed by having a waggon turned over on to him with a heavy Boiler which rolled
over him & crushed him. I spoke half an hour

~ Friday

15 I spent the day at the farm

~ Saturday

16. I Attended the school of the Prophets. George Nebeker Prayed Wm C. Stanes
spoke 30 Minutes O Pratt spoke 22 M J Taylor 10 M & D H Wells 57. He told
his Answer to Gen Morrow at Camp Douglass when He asked what we would
do whether we would submit to the Demands of Government concerning Poligamy, or fight
He said (We will neither submit, nor obey, fight, nor run away)

~ Sunday

Dec 197 I Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle Prayer By W. Woodruff D Candlind
spoke 45 Minutes. Afternoon A. H. Raleigh Prayed J Taylor spoke 30 Minutes
I preached in the 15 ward in the Evening I met with the Twelve in the prayer Circle

~ Monday to ~ Friday

18. Monday to Friday 22nd I spent the week at the farm it rained evry day through
the week. I spent the time Mostly husking corn & sawing wood 6 M[iles]

~ Saturday

23rd I Attended the school of the Prophets. B Young Jr spoke followed By J Pack,
D. H. Wells & W Woodruff

~ Sunday

24. Sunday it has continued to rain untill Near noon I spent the forenoon
at home writing up this Journal. Zebedee Coultrin & E. D. Woolley spoke
in the forenoon & O Pratt in the Afternoon one hour & 25 Minutes I spoke
in the 14 ward in the Evening followed By J W Cummings

~ Monday

25 was Christmass But I spent the day husking corn 6 M[iles]

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

26 & 27. I spent the time at the farm husking corn I came to the city &
spent the Evening with President Young at his offic. G. A. Smith & D H Wells
& others were present. Presidents Young & Smith got home from St George
on the night of the 26.

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

28 & 29. I spent the time husking corn I came to the city in the Eve[ni]ng 6 M[iles]

~ Saturday

30. I Attended the school of the prophets. Dunford, Musser, J Taylor & D
H Wells
were the speakers. I wrote a letter to Editor of Omaha Herrald

~ Sunday

31. Sunday I rec[eive]d 3 letters from Randolph & wrote 3 to Wilford, Sarah & David
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right O Pratt preached in forenoon & A Carrington Afternoon one hour Each

Page 322

A synopsis of my labors in 1871

I Travelled 1745 Miles
I Attended 139 Meetings
I Preached 60 discourses 60 Discoures
I Attended 2 General Conferences 2 G Conferences
I Attended 28 Prayer Meeting with the Presidency & 12 28 Times
I Attended 21 Prayer Meeting with W W Prayer Circle 21 Times
I Attended 23 Schools of the Prophets 23 Meetings
I Ordained 7 High Priests, 1 High Council, & 2 Seventies 10 Ordained
I set apart & Blessed 77 Missionaries 77 Missionaries
I Blessed 2 Childres 2 Children
I Administered to 14 sick persons 14 Sick
I Attended 14 Funerals 14 Funerals
I wrote 53 Letters 53 wrote
I Received 47 Letters 47 Received
I was Appointed President of a Cooperative Stock Association & Attended 7 Meetings with them 7 Meetings
I Attended 40 days session as Legislative Councellor
I Paid $195.88 cts tithing $50 was cash $195.88 Tithing

I spent the rest of my time in cultivating the Earth
and Providing for my family
Page 323


Page 324

~ Monday

Jan 1, 1872

It is snowing most of the day I called upon President G. A. Smith
in the morning had some conversation with him I then called upon
President Young & spent Near an hour with him I Bid him a happy
New Year after conversing a short time with him I took John Henry
& went to the City Hall & visited Hosea Stout, Brother Blythe, B Y
& Wm Kimball who were in Prision under indiptment for
Murder By the U. S. Judges Not Because they were guilty of any such
crime But to open the Bell of persecution against the Latter Day Saints
from visiting them I called upon Elder John Taylor whom I found
quite unwell. He spoke of visiting President Young

This year has opened upon us with Persecution in our path there are
several inditements for Murder, got out By the court against Brigham
Young, D. H. Wells & quite a Number of others to commence a series of
persecutions against the Church & we are bordering upon an important
era & we have to look to the Lord for our Deliverance he has fought
our Battles thus far & He will continue to do it. Evry year now
is big with events this year opens with many of our leading men
in bonds or imprisionment for the word of God & Testimony of Jesus Christ
The President of the United States U. S. Grant has like Phario set himself
up to destroy Israel & taken a stand against the Church & Kingdom
of God
& determined to Destroy the Church & Kingdom of God
from off the Earth. But I say in the Name of Jesus Christ as
An Apostle of the Lord Jesus in this last dispensation & fulness
of times
, that the wrath & indignation of the Lord of Hosts shall
rest upon President Grant, & all associated with him against
Zion as it did against Phariaoh in the days of Moses
and the curse of God shall rest upon him and I say unto
Wilford Woodruff the Journalist of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter day Saints
to watch & record hereafter the History of
U. S. Grant & Judge McCain of Utah & see what there End
will be I spe

~ Tuesday

Keys crossed A crown An arrow 2nd Jan I spent most of the forenoon at President Youngs
office at about 11 oclok A.M. Patrrick the United States Marshall
came to Presidents Youngs office & served an Inditement upon him
for Murders I was present at 2 oclok President Young & counci surrou-
nded By his Friends his concellors the Twelve & the leading Men of the

Page 325

Church appeared in the court room to answer to the writ Fitch &
Hemstead appeared as his council & asked for Bail. Bates the prosicuting
Attorney also Asked for Bail & Put the sum at $500000. McKean
the Judge refused Bail But put President Young into the Hands of the Marshall
to be confined in one of President Youngs own Homes then President
Young returned to his own house in company with the Marshall I
went Back to President Youngs office a short time & called again
in the Evening. He was in the office with the Marshall & his Friends
I also called upon H. Stout, Blythe, & the other Prisioners in the city prison
& spent a short time then went to the Theater which clothesed the
Labors of the day.

~ Wednesday

3rd I spent the day cleaning out the Barn yard

~ Thursday

4. I finished the barn yard & went to the farm

~ Friday

5 I spent the day painting at the farm & returned to the city 6 M[iles]

~ Saturday

6. I spent an hour with the Presidency then went to the school of the prophets
Prayers were offered for President Young & his brethren in bonds & impris-
. Also Prayers were offered for the success of the Legislator G. Q. Cannon
spoke followed By Lany & W. Woodruff I went to the Theater in the Evening

~ Sunday

7. Sunday I met with my Quorum & attended Meeting in the Tabern-
. John Vancott spoke in the forenoon 40 Minutes Afternoon G. Q. Cannon
spoke one Hour & 20 Minutes. He also spoke in the 13 ward in the Evening

~ Monday

8. Monday Our Legislative Assembly met to day & organized we Elected
Lorenzo Snow our President I went to visit the Prisioners in the Evening

~ Tuesday

9. We Met in Joint session & received the Govornors Message

~ Wednesday

10. The council Met at 1 oclok. The secretary Black had hiered the
Methodist Meeting house for the Legislature to Meet in & the Legislature
refused to go there but Met in the City Hall whare the law required
them to Meet & we requested the secretary to bring the desks & seats to
the City hall for our benefit He finally agreed to do so. I called
in the Evening upon Elias Smith, & President Young, & Historian office
A folded letter/box I received a letter from Phebe A Snow

~ Thursday

11. A hand pointing to the right I spent the afternoon in the Legislative Council I wrote 2 letters
to Sarah & George Rowley & I went to the farm & spent the night 6 M[iles]

~ Friday

12 I spent the Afternoon in the Legislative Council I called upon the Govornor

~ Saturday

13. I met with the school of the prophets & Attended a Meeting in the
Evening of the Board of the D. A. & M. Society

Page 326

~ Sunday

Jan 14, 1872

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended a Meeting
in the Tabernacle. L. E. Harrington spoke in the Morning 48 Minutes
Afternoon Lorenzo Snow spoke one hour & 14 Minutes. I met with the presidency
& 12 for prayer & Attended meeting in the 14 ward in the evening & spoke about
one hour followed By L. E. Harrington

~ Monday

15 A hand pointing to the right I wrote a Letter to Peter Saxe & sent him my Account
I spent the Afternoon in the council

~ Tuesday

16 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 2 letters from Sarah & wrote one to Sarah & one to
Phebe spent the Afternoon in the council

~ Wednesday

17. A hand pointing to the right I sent papers to Wilford & David spent the day in the council

~ Thursday

18. A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Augustus Moulton & sent him 2 papers

~ Friday

19. A hand pointing to the right I wrote to a Man in Richmond spent the day in the council

~ Saturday

20 I have been suffering the past week with a severe cold but it
is now breaking up I met with the council at 11 oclok & attended to
the school of the Prophets O. Pratt spoke first & refered to the time he first
Keys crossed A crown saw Joseph Smith in the same house whare the first Branch of the
Church was organized said he wished that there could be a small
plain History of Joseph Smith written by some one who had a good
Memory by some one who could remember the circumstances as they
were. said he received a testimony there that he knew the work was of
God it was not by the Administratonion of Angels or open vision but
by the Holy Ghost. He made other remarks. He was followed By W. Woodruff
I said there was one subject I wished to speak upon & that was writing
& keeping a Journal of the dealings of God with us. I have many times
thought the Quorum of the Twelve & others considered me rather enthu-
siastic upon this subject. But when the Prophet Joseph organized the
Quorum of the Twelve he commanded them to write & keep a Journal
or History of their lives & gave his reasons why they should do it. I think
the Twelve Apostles & all the Elders of Israel who bear the Holy Priesthood
should keep a Journal of their official acts & the dealings of God with them
I would be glad to read the Acts of My forefathers if they had never
herd of a God. But esspecially when men are called to stand at the
head of a Great dispensation like this & to build up the kingdom of God on
the Earth to remain forever, they of all men on Earth ought to write
& keep a true & correct History of the rise & progress of that Kingdom,
of the revelations of Jesus Christ & his dealings with us as we travel

Page 327

along in our pilgrimage. I have had this spirit upon me since I first
Entered this Chirch I was Baptized the first sermon I herd & from
that day untill now I have kept a daily Journal whenever I have herd
Joseph Smith preach, teach, or prophesy, I have always felt it my duty
to write it. I have always felt uneasy I could not Eat drink or sleep
in peace untill I did write it & my mind has been so Exercised upon
this subjects that when I herd Joseph Smith teach & I had not pen-
cil & paper I would go home & set down & write that whole sermon
almost word for word & sentence By sentence as it was deliver & when
I had written it, it was taken from me I remembered it no more
this was the gift of God to me & the question has often rested me why are
these things so, why has this subject rested upon me more than other men
again another Question has rested upon my mind many times? why
has the devil sought to take my life from the day I was born untill
now more than other men, for I been a marked victim for the
devil from the day I was born untill now, and I can find but
one answer & that is the devil knew if I got into the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints
I would write the History of the
Church & leave on record the doings, works, & teachings of the prophets
& Apostles Elders & Saints in the latter days, & that I would attend to
the ordinances of the House of God. Froor my Fathers Household & Friends
both for the living & the dead. I am the ownly person in all the lineage
of my Fathers Household Either on my Father or Mothers side who
has been in the Church & in a situation to do any thing for my
Fathers House I Baptized my Father & all his household that He had
with him at the time including my step Mother & half sister
I am the ownly person that has attended to any of the ordinances
of the Church for my Dead. Again I have recorded nearly all
the sermons & teachings that I Ever herd Joseph Smith deliver & many
of the Quorum of the Twelve. I have in my Journals scores of sermons
of President Brigham Young that He does not know that Exist on
Earth so of Orson Hyde, Parley Pratt, Orson Pratt, & others, one
reason I have Been moved upon to write in Early days was
nearly all the Historians appointed in the Early History of the Church
Apostitized & took the Journals away with them which in a measure
were lost to the Church. I still keep a daily Journal but I have not

Page 328

reported sermons much for many years for we have had scribes
& reporters to keep a record of the sayings of the Prophets & Apostles &
I rejoice & thank God for it does my soul good to look upon these
little Boys sons of Brother George Q Cannon & others set at the reports
table & report the sermons as they are delivered from the mouth of
the Prophets & Apostles I would there were 10 whare their is but one
Another subject I wish to say a few words upon & that is the spirit
of God
to man, the Holy Ghost which is given to the Saints, The
inspiration of the Almighty which giveth the spirit of man under-
standing it is the greatest testimony man can possess, his Eyes & Ears
may be deceived in seeing the miracles such as the magicians in the
days of Moses [Exodus 7:11] or such as the fals Prophets & Beasts of the last day will
perform [Revelation 13] wbut when the Elect receive the Holy Ghost they will not be dec[eive]d [Matthew 24:24]
but man is apt to look to high or expect too great things so that they
often times mistake the spirit of God & the inspiration of the Almighty
it is not in the Thunder or whirlwind that we should look for the spirit
of God but in the still small voice. [1 Kings 19:11-12] "The wind Bloweth whare it listeth
& ye hear the sound thereof but cannot tell whence it cometh or whether
it goeth so all is the spirit saith Jesus." [John 3:8] We should all become acquainted
with this spirit & obey its voice for it hath preserved the prophets Apostles
& Elders for the last 40 years in their travels upon the Earth. We have
all Experienced this from time to time our lives have been preserved
by listning to the whisperings of that still small voice. When I was going
to Boston in the spring of 1848 with my family I drove into the door
yard of one of the Brethren tied my Mules to a large oak tree & went
to Bed in my carriage with my carriage ^family^ the spirit came upon
me & told me to get up & move my ^carriage^ & my Mules I did so & it was but
a short time untill a whirlwing took that oak tree broak it into [nom]
the ground & brought it some 12 rods & laid it prostrate in that dooryard
& the body of fell whare my carriage stood & if I had not moved it
I should have been killed with my family. Again when I was bri-
nging the Eastern Saints to this valley when I arived in Pitsburgh
I chartered a steemboat to take the Saints to St Louis as soon as
I had done it the spirit said to me dont go abord of that Boat. the
Captain released me & I chartered another the steemer that
I first chartered started down the river soon took fire burned

Page 329

the wheel cha ropes into & nearly all the passenger either burned
to death or drowned many in this Church have experienced these
things, & in all the travels & Emigrations of the Saints for the last
40 years the preserving care of our Hevenly Father has been over
us & we as a people have been preserved while the wicked have
been destroyed upon evry hand, the destruction of the saluda
is the ownly case whare the Saints have met with disaster in their
Emigration, and if Eli B. Kelsey who was the leader of the company
had had the spirit of God & his office upon him he never would
have gone on board of that Boat or taken the Saints on board of it
I would Exhort all the Saints to get the spirit of God & keep
it & live under its influence, & then they are always safe. And
"this is the condemnation of the world that light has come
into the world & men love darkness rather than light because their
deeds are evil [John 3:19]

Elder G. Q. Cannon followed in some remarks the spirit of God
rested upon us & we had a good meeting

~ Sunday

21. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting in the Tabernacle all day. Joseph W. Young spoke in
the Morning one Hour & O. Pratt in the Afternoon one Hour
& 20 Minutes. I met with the Presidency & 12 for Prayer & attended a
lecture in the Tabernacle in the Evening

~ Monday

22 Keys crossed A hand pointing to the right [Eliza R. Snow Discourse] Bulah child Preston was taken vary sick I adm[inistere]d
to it. The council met at 10 oclok I had a severe head ake yet
I attended sister Eliza Snows surprise party at the 14 ward it
was a grand affair, it was a party got up in honor of her birth
day & she had no knowledge of it whatever until she was taken
in a carriage & set down at the 14 ward assembly room whare
were assembled 100 Ladies from some 20 wards & the Presidency
& Twelve with a rich table spread the whole length of the Hall. the
Feast opened by prayer thare was singing & speeches & finally
a large Piramid kake presented to Eliza R. Snow which she
received & made a speech the Table was then filled with
the rich products of the Earth of which the company partook
Sister Snow cut up her cake which was distributed to the
company present she found deposited in a Box under the cake

Page 330

over $200 in green backs the whole Party passed off plesantly
I attended the lecture in the evening of Mr McDonald

~ Tuesday

23rd Preston is vary sick to day it is terminating in the Brain fever
I spent the Afternoon in the council & attended the lecture in the Evening
Preston had a vary sick night

~ Wednesday

24. The babe seems some better this morning I spent the afternoon in
the council. Preston had a vary bad night I attended a lecture in the Evening

~ Thursday

25 Pres is vary low this Morning & has continued to sink all day. I did not
Attend council in consequence of the sickness of My Grand son Bulah child

~ Friday

26 A coffin P C B Preston Carter Beatie died this morning at 6 oclok 26 Jan 1872
one month & 19 days old his spirit seemed to cling to the Tabernacle & loth to die
I spent the Afternoon in the council

~ Saturday

27. The funeral of our child was attended by the family & friends at 11 oclk
singing O oOur Father. Prayer By L. Snow. G. Q. Cannon spoke some 40 Minutes
3 carriages went to the Grave. He was buried in Brother Beaties lot

~ Sunday

28. Sunday I met with my prayer circle in the Morning & attended meeting
in the Tabernacle in the forenoon Moses Thatcher spoke in the Morning 45 M[inutes]
A Carrington in the Afternoon one hour & 25 M. I attended the prayer circle in
the Evening & attended a council at President Youngs office

~ Monday

29. A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Col Peter Saxe & sent a draft of $189, $1
for draft. Brother Smith Paid $190 on his Note I spent the Afternoon
in the council & went to the farm in the evening & spent the night

~ Tuesday

30 Brigham went to Mill I walked to the city & lamed myself spent
A hand pointing to the right the Afternoon in the council & wrote a letter to Sarah

~ Wednesday

Jan 31. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to Susan & Azmon Woodruff

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

Feb 1 & 2. I spent the time in the legislature

~ Saturday

3rd I attended the Legislature shchool of the prophets & the Mass Meeting

~ Sunday

4. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended Meeting all day
Jesse N Smith spoke in the Morning 42 M[inutes]. Afternoon O Pratt spoke
from Daniels prophesy concerning setting up the Kingdom of God in the last
. [Daniel 2:26-47] He spoke 62 Minutes

~ Monday to ~ Friday

5 to 9 I spent the week in the Legislature I received 3 letters & wrote one to
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right Sarah I spent the night of the 9 at the farm 6 Miles

~ Saturday

10. I spent the forenoon in the council & afternoon in the school. Bishop Hoagla-
& L E Harrington are vary sick I administered to Both of them. I spent
the Evening at Judge Elias Smith.

Page 331

~ Sunday

Feb 11, 1872

Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & Attended Meeting
in the Tabernacle all day. D Candlin spok in the Morning 38 Minutes
& O Pratt in the Afternoon one hour & 15 Minutes upon the Evidences
of the Book of Mormon He delivered a lecture upon the same subject
on Wednesday & Thursday Evening, last I administered to Bishop Hoa-
& Harrington to day I met with the Presidency & Twelve for Prayer

~ Monday

12 I went to the Court House this Morning & voted for city officers at
8 oclok & met with the council at 10 oclok

~ Tuesday

13 I administered to Bishop Hoagland he is sinking fast I spent the day
in the Legislative Council I attended a party at the Court House at night

~ Wednesday

14. A coffin A Hoagland I spent the day in the Legislative council. Bishop Abram Hoagland
died this Evening 45 Minutes past 6 oclok this He has been a
faithful Bishop to the 14 ward for Many years. Richard Golightly &
Joseph Simons both also died to day

~ Thursday

15. I spent the whole day & night till 10 oclok in the Legislative Council

~ Friday

16. This is the last day of our session we labored vary hard all day until
2 oclok at night & finished up

~ Saturday

17. Keys crossed I Attended the funeral of Bishop Hoagland there was a vary large
Assembly all three rooms were full & many that could not get into the
house I spoke about 30 minutes followed by John Taylor, Bishop Hunter
& D. H. Wells. I went to the grave there was 35 carriages that followed
the corps to its last resting place. I Attended the school of the prophets
But did not feel well hagd a chill in the Evening I had an interview
with the President of the Board of Agriculture of Jappan. He was at the
Townsend House I went home & went to Bed sick.

~ Sunday

18. Sunday I felt Better this Morning I met with my circle & attended
Meeting all day. C W Penrose spoke in the morning 62 Minutes & G. Q. Cannon
in the Afternoon one Hour & 21 Minutes I met in the Evening with the Presidency &
Twelve for Prayers

~ Monday to ~ Friday

19 to 23 I spent this week on the farm getting out Manure

~ Saturday

24. I met with the school of the prophets. The convention for the framing
of a constitution has siet in the City Hall during the week but not advanced far

~ Sunday

25. Sunday we have had a hard snow storm through the night & is
snowing this morning I spent the day at home writing & attended the prayer
at night & spent the evening at Elias Smiths I read over
the first copy of my will & Judge Smith was to copy it in Legal form

Page 332

~ Monday

Feb 26, 1872

A hand pointing to the right A hand pointing to the right Keys crossed I spent most the day in writing I wrote 10 letters to
Col Peter Sax, And to Wilford sent him $50, to Sarah $5, to Emily $5,
to David $5, to Lucy $2, to Arrobell $2, to Sylvia $2, to Mary $2, to
Newton $2, Total $75 dollars I put these all up in one package to send
by Charles C Rich I also received 5 letters from Wilford, Sarah,
A folded letter/box David &Susan & Eugene I also received a good many papers &

~ Tuesday

27. A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Wilford & spent the day pruning my orchard

~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday

28 & 29. I spent the time Pruning my orchard

~ Friday

March 1, 1872 This is my Birth day I am 65 years old to day so time
Keys crossed passes on with us. No man knoweth what a day or year will bring to pass
I went to the field & spent the day

~ Saturday

2nd I returned to the city & attended the school of the Prophets. O Pratt ^6 M[iles]^
& W Woodruff spoke

~ Sunday

3rd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended Meeting in the
Tabernacle. Gabriel Huntsman spoke in the Morning 35 Minutes and
John Taylor in the Afternoon 54 Minutes I met with the Presidency & Twelve for
Prayer & spoke in the 14 ward in the Evening. President Brigham Young had
Nominated Brother Thomas Taylor to be Bishop in the 14 ward I presented
Him to the People & they voted unanimously to receive him

~ Monday

4. I setled my tithing this morning had paid $195.88 cts. $50 was cash
I met at the 14 ward at 10 oclok & organized a Bee Company with
A M Musser President Putman, Thurstin, & John Morgan as
vice Presidents for Salt Lake County, R V Morris secretary & H
Treasurer. I Also went to President Youngs & laid on
with Presidents Youngs & G A. Smith upon Thomas Taylor
& President Young ordained him a Bishop

~ Tuesday

5. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to I. F. Carter & finished Pruning my orchard

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

6, , & 8. I spent the time on the farm, sowing & Ploughing

~ Saturday

9. A coffin W W Phelps I Attiended the funeral of Brother Wm W Phelps who
died on Thursday night March 7, 1872 Aged 80 years
& some months. He was Baptized in Kirtland Ohio in
1831. He has been in the Church over 40 years He has been
a vary Peculiar Man in many respects. He has been the Author
of many of the most choice hymns published by the L. D. Saints
He was publishing a paper when he came into the Church & He
Published the first Paper in the Church the Evening & Morning star

Page 333

He left the Church with many others in the difficulties in far
But finally returned to the Church in Nauvoo & been in ever
sinc has been with Joseph a good dele & has written for
him. He has labored in the Endowment House for many
years for the last year of his life he has not been capable
of doing any busines. John Taylor spoke at the funeral &
W Woodruff followed him. Bishop Hunter made a few remarks
I attended the school of the prophets & at the close I Attended a
Mass Meeting or a Political Carcass to Nominate candid-
ates for Congress & the Legislature of the State of Deserett. A
committee was appointed to present a list of Names to the Meeting
after consulting for a while during which time a speech was made
By Z Snow followed By Gen Barnum at the close of which the
committee presented the follow names Hon Mr Frank Fuller as
representative to Congress & W. Woodruff G. Q. Cannon
Wm Jennings & Mr Hemstead for senators, & John Taylor
B. Young Jr A. P. Rockwood John T. Caine, S A Mann &
Mr Aker as representatives of the State of Deserett
they were voted for unanimously

~ Sunday

10. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning attended
Meeting all day in the Tabernacle Joseph W Young spoke in
the Morning 62 Minutes O. Pratt spoke in the Afternoon
one Hour & 23 Minutes. I met with the Twelve for Prayer
& Preached in the 15 ward in the Evening

~ Monday

11. I went to the field & spent the day ploughing

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

12 to 15 I spent the week at the farm mostly ploughing & sowing wheat
A folded letter/box I received 6 letters mostly from Randolph we had several snow
storms through the week come in the night & go off next day I came
up to the city friday night

~ Saturday

16. Saturday I attended the school of the prophets

~ Sunday

17 I met with my Quorum & attended meeting in the Tabernacle W
W Woodruff spoke in the morning 39 M[inutes], & J Taylor in the Afternoon
one hour & 20 Minutes. I met with the Presidency & Twelve for prayer
I spent the Evening at Elias Smith, & sighed signed my last will &
& left it in the Hands of Judge E. Smith

~ Monday to ~ Friday

18 to 22. I spent this week on the farm ploughing sowing draging rolling &c

Page 334

~ Saturday

March 23rd 1872

I came to the city & drew up the frame for my pig & chickens House &
set it up, 3 departments for pigs, 2 for fowls, 40 feet long By 8 wide

~ Sunday

March 24. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & wrote a
A hand pointing to the right letter to Col Peter Saxe & Attended Meeting in the Afternoon. H S
Wm Folsome spoke in the morning & A Carrington in
the afternoon spoke 65 M[inutes]. I met with the Presidency & Twelve
for prayer & took supper with President Young & the Twelve I attended
Meeting in the 14 ward in the Evening & Herd A Carrington speak
one hour one my return I wrote 2 letters to Phebe a Snow
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box and Sarah & Wilford I received 3 letters

~ Monday to ~ Friday

25 to 29. I spent the week on the farm sowing grain & in the city
tearing down old picket fence & building new.

~ Saturday

30. I attended the school of the prophets & spoke 30 Minutes followed
by Joseph SF Smith I met at the close of ^with^ the Agricultural board

~ Sunday

31. March Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended
Meeting all day in the Tabernacle. Isaac Grow spoke in the forenoon
47 Minutes & O Pratt in the Afternoon 67 Minutes I met with
the Presidency & Twelve for Prayer & Preached in the 14 ward in
the Evening I received 6 Letters from Sarah, Susan, Ilus,
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right Azmon, Bleak, &c. I wrote 4 letters to Azmon, Susan
Ilus & Sarah, & I sent a Box of cutings to Robert Scholes

~ Monday

April 1, 1872 I spent the day fenceing & building

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

2 & 3. I spent the time building pig pens

~ Thursday

4. Keys crossed I met in the City Hall at 12 oclok as a senator in the Legislative
Assembly of the State of Deserett we organized & after transacting some
business we adjourned till to morrow at 12 oclok to Elect 2 senators
to the United States Congress

~ Friday

5. Both Houses met at 12 oclk after Balloting about a dozen times
the Senate Elected Capt Wm H Hooper as one senator but did
not agree upon the second but adjourned to meet in Joint session
on the Morrow at 12 oclok. I received 3 letters & wrote 2 to
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right Col Saxe & Editors of the Bee Journal & sent $1.50 for the

~ Saturday

6. April The general conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Met this Morning in the New Tabernacle at 10 oclok President Brigham
was not permitten to Attend being in the Hands of the Marshall for

Page 335

his Religin so President G A. Smith called the conference to order
singing & Prayer By Erastus Snow G A Smith spoke 21 Minutes
W. Woodruff 30 Minutes C C. Rich 321

Afternoon J Vancott Prayed A O Smoot spoke 35 Minutes
John Nicholson 12 M John W Young 2, C. W. Penrose 30 Minutes
A folded letter/box I received 2 letters. Attended a Bee Meeting in the Evening & went
to the Theater which closed the day with me

~ Sunday

7. Conference Met at 10 oclok. Joseph W Young Prayed G. A. Smith prayed
spoke 17 Minutes on the Emigration John Taylor spoke 50 M
Joseph W Young 18 M Afternoon J F. Smith Prayed, O. Pratt
spoke one hour & 10 Minutes A Carrington spoke 6 M

~ Monday

8. Conference Met at 10 oclok President Joseph Young prayed G. A. Smith
spoke 38 Minutes, E Snow 38 Afternoon F D Richards Prayed
Joseph Young sen spoke 54 Minutes. The Authorities was presented & received

~ Tuesday

9. Conference Met at 10 oclk we have had a full House nearly through conference
Lorenzo Young Prayed E F. Sheets spoke 18 Minutes, Samuel Woolley 12 M
He on one Mission went clear around the world & preached the gospel. R L Cam-
spoke 7 M, Jesse N. Smith 8 Minutes, Wm C. Cluff 12 M.
Brother Steed had his pocket Picked of some $300. Afternoon
A. M. Musser prayed, Brother Moon spoke 2 Minutes, Isaac Grow 15 M,
W. Woodruff 23, G. A. Smith 18 M. I received 2 letters & wrote 2
A folded letter/box to N. HC. Davis & Wilford

~ Wednesday

A hand pointing to the right 10. A cold snow storm last night. I wrote 2 letters to day to
T. W. Whittaker of Centerville & George Rowley of Watsatch

~ Thursday

11. I Met at the Historians office at 10 oclok & attended to the Blessing
of Missionaries we Blessed some 40 Missionaries I ordained one
to the office of Seventy. I went to the farm at night

~ Friday

12 I returned to the city & spent the day making pig pens 6 M[iles]

~ Saturday

13 A folded letter/box I spent the forenoon finishing my pig pens I attended the school
of the prophets
. H. S. Eldridge, Z. Snow, W Woodruff Edward Stephen [&c]
were the speakers I received three letters we had one of the largest
snow storms of the season in the night

~ Sunday

14. Sunday There is near a foot of snow on the ground this morning
I met with my Prayer Circle & attended Meeting John Vancott spoke
24 M[inutes], & Thomas Taylor 30 M. Afternoon D Candlin 27, C Carrington 48
I met with the Prayer Circle in the evening

Page 336

~ Monday to ~ Friday

April 15, 1872

15 to 19. I spent the week laboring in the city & at the farm planting potatoes
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box & puting in Garden I received 3 letters & wrote 2 to Wilford & Saxe
we received the unanimous decision of the Supreme Court of the U. S.
at washington in favor of the Trials of the L. D. Saints under the Court
of Judge Mckean it was received with Joy By all the Saints

~ Saturday

20 ^I met with the school of the prophets^

~ Sunday

21 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended Meeting
in the Tabernacle. Lorenzo Young Prayed. Robert Nelson spoke 36 M[inutes]
Brother Ship 27, Edward Stephenson 22 M at the close of the Meeting
O. Pratt F. D. Richards & W Woodruff Blessed 2 Missionaries

~ Monday

22nd A coffin D. C. I attended the funeral of Daniel Garnes J. Taylor spoke I followed him 6 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

23 I cleaned out my Grape vine yard uncovered my Grapes I have taken a
severe cold upon my lungs. I went to bed sick & had a sick night

~ Wednesday

24. A hand pointing to the right $554.60 I found myself quite feble this morning my lungs vary
tight I received $537.50 from Joseph A. Young for Col Peter Saxe
I went to the Bank & got a draft & sent to Peter Saxe of $554.60

~ Thursday

25 I spent the day setting posts around my grape vineyard

~ Friday

26 I spent the day at work in my vineyard & I went to the field & spent the night 6 [miles]

~ Saturday

27. A folded letter/box I attended the school of the prophets & for the first time for months
Keys crossed All the Presidency were there President Young had been liberated
from his confinement on a writ of Habeus Corpus by the Probate
Judge Elias Smith, all the Presidency spoke & some others. I received 4 letters

~ Sunday

28. Sunday met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended Meeting in
the Tabernacle all day this was the last day of conference. President Young
attended for the first time for Months in the New Tabernacle, there was
a large assembly I should think 10000 people in the afternoon B Young jr
Prayed & President Young spoke 36 Minutes O. Pratt 20, & A Carrington 22
Ant noon the Presidency & Twelve met at the Historians Office to Bless
the Missionaries. wWe blessed abot a doz. President Young Blessed 3. in the
afternoon W. Woodruff Prayed, President Young spoke 40 M. in a
powerful Manner. AG. A. Smith spoke 12, President Young 4,
and W Woodruff 5 Minutes at the close of the meeting we met in
the Prayer Circle I wrote 2 letters to Wilford & Bishop Stewart
A hand pointing to the right it rained in the afternoon & night

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

29 & 30. I spent the time Making fence

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

May 1, , & 3. I spent the time on the farm

~ Saturday

4. I Attended the school of the prophets

Page 337

~ Sunday

May 5, 1870^2^

ISunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning & attended Meeting
in the Tabernacle. J F Smith spoke in the Morning one hour & W. Woodruff
in the Afternoon 55 Minutes. At the close of the Meeting I took cars
& rode to Cotton wood station then walked 1 1/2 Miles to John Benbows
found him sick then visited Isabel Benbow was quite sick & her
child 3 weeks old. Mrs Woodruff was there waiting upon her
I spent a few minutes with them then took cars & returned home 25 Miles

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

6 to 9. I spent the week on the farm it rained almost
Evry day we are having more rain this spring than usual

~ Friday

10. I spent the day Hoeing in my gardin

~ Saturday

11. I attended the school of the prophets several of the Brethren spoke
Presidents Young & G. A. Smith are in Provo attending a 2 days Meeting

~ Sunday

12. Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle. TJ T D Mcallister
spoke in the fore noon one hour & 15 Minutes. Afternoon O Pratt
spoke 67 Minutes I Attended the Prayer Circle & preached in the 13 ward
in the Evening I received 2 letters & wrote one to Wilford

~ Monday

A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box 13. Keys crossed Near 3000 children were taken on the cars to the sandy
for an excursion But they had a hard rain & hail storm I went to
the field & spent the day & returned at night & we had the Hardest rain
night I Ever saw in Utah the whole land was afloat sister Jane Richards
spent the night with us Delights child was sick & I administered to it

~ Tuesday

14. The whole Earth is wet this Morning I spent the day in the orchard &
Making Picket fence

~ Wednesday

15 I spent the day Making fence

~ Thursday

16. I went to the farm & Wilford & David arived from Randolph
in the fore noon I finished Marking out my corn ground at noon
& Planted corn in the afternoon

~ Friday

17 We planted corn to day & I spent the night at the farm

~ Saturday

18. We finished planting corn at noon & went to the city I did
not get up in time to attend the school

~ Sunday

19. Sunday I met with my circle in the Morning & attended Meeting
in the Tabernacle. Elder George Teasdale spoke 68 Minutes G. B Wallace
23 M. Afternoon D Candlin spoke 23, G. A. Smith spoke 43. I met
with the Presidency & Twelve for Prayer

~ Monday

240 A crown Keys crossed I spent a part of the day at the Endowment House David &
Brigham both got their Endowments today were ordained Elders

Page 338

I went to the farm & took 60 Bushels of wheat to Mill & got it ground
I spent the night at the farm

~ Tuesday

21. I finished planting my Beets, carrotts, Beans, &c, today & went
to the city & spent the night 6 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

22 I went to the field & returned 6 M[iles]

~ Thursday

23. I went to the field & returned & spent the day choreing 6 M[iles]

~ Friday

24. [FIGURE] I went to the field & transfered 2 swarms of Bees returned to the city
& Examined 4 swarms 2 were good 1 Queen was not Brooding another Queen
was dead. Wilford & David went on the range for Dolls colts our
chester white sow hand 8 pigs, the first time I Ever had that Breed of Hogs
Brother Pope came from Randolph & spent the night with me

~ Saturday

25. I left Salt Lake City took cars went to Ogden with the presidency
& 12 to hold a 2 days meeting in the Tabernacle. met at 10 oclok Prayer
By W Woodruff D H Wells spoke 55 M[inutes], E Stephenson 30. Afternoon
L Snow Prayed W Woodruff spoke 54, G. A. Smith 17. At the close
of the meeting I rode to North oOgden & spent the night at Father Alvards
Aged 90. He made his will, was Badly crippled up with the Rheumatist
but still would milk his 2 cows. 67 M[iles].

~ Sunday

26. Sunday I returned to Ogden met in the Tabernacle at 10 oclk. Wm
Prayed. John Taylor spoke 62 M[inutes] G A Smith 26. we dined with
Brother Peri. Afternoon Moses Thatcher Prayed, H. W. Nesbit spoke 24 M
Samuel H. B. Smith 2 M, Brother Springfellow 4 M & President Young
64 Minutes. We took supper with Brother F. D. Richards, took cars &
returned to S. L. City 67 M[iles]

~ Monday to ~ Tuesday

27 ^& 28^ I spent the day choreing in the city & preparing to leave for Randolph

~ Wednesday

289 In company with Sarah & her children & Wilford I left Salt Lake
with 2 teams loaded with flour & provisions & drove up Parleys Canyon
above Hardies & spent the night 16 M[iles]

~ Thursday

2930. The road was bad we double team for 3 Miles to the top of the summit
we drove Near Hoyts & camped for the night 30 M[iles].

~ Friday

301. We drove in the rain to Arza Hinkleys & spent the night we made
a New Bridge over the creek or recovered the old one 25 M[iles]

~ Saturday

June 1. Saturday we rode to Wahsatch. I called upon Brother & Sister
Rowley & drove to the first creek & camped 24 M[iles]

~ Sunday

2nd Sunday we started in the Morning & it took 3 span of Animals
to get our waggons through the creek bottom we had to double teams

Page 339

several times during the day we arived at Woodruff the stream was
high the Bishop had a pair of Mules ready to hit[c]h on to my team &
took me through the 3 branches of the creek the water ran into my
waggon Box we stoped with Bishop Lee for the night 20 M[iles]

~ Monday

3rd we drove to Randolph, & at 12 oclok we held a council & made
Appointments in Bear Lake valley. I wrote a letter to Bishop Budge 12 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

A hand pointing to the right 4. I Paid Brother Howard for 5 city lots $225. $1125

~ Wednesday

^5^ In company with Br Lee & R Stewart I rode over the Mountain
to Lake Town & held a Meeting in the Evening I spoke 40 M[inutes]. Brother
Lee & Steward spoke also we spent the night at Brother Nebeker 20 M[iles]

~ Thursday

56 We rode to St Charles & spent the night with Brother Davis 25 M[iles]

~ Friday

7. We held a meeting in the school House at 10 oclk. W. Woodruff
spoke 60 M, Bishop Lee 30. Afternoon Bishop Stewart 44 M,
Joseph Horn 7. I spent the night with Brother Davis

~ Saturday

8. Met in Paris at 10 oclok. R Stewart Prayed Wm H Lee
spoke 25 M, W Woodruff 55. At Noon I visited David P
family & stock. I stoped with Brother Horn. Afternoon
R Stewart spoke 32 M Neils Williamson 30 M, Wm Alread 8 M
George Osmond 10 M

~ Sunday

9. Sunday N. T. Davis Prayed. W Woodruff spoke one hour & 15 M
N. T. Davis 20. At the close of the Meeting we drove to Bloomington 2 M[iles]
& Dined with George Osmond. We Met in the school House at 2 ock
R Stewart Prayed & W Woodruff spok 60 M Br Lee 15. we then
Rode to St Charles & spent the night 7 Miles

~ Monday

10. We rode to fish Haven & took a Bote ride on the lake in a fish
Boat. we laid hands upon 2 sick women, we then rode to Br
Coom & took dinner with him his peach orchard was in Bloom
we rode to Lake Town & spent the night 323 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

11. we rode over the Mountain Back to Randolph 234 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

12 I spent the day watering wheat I caught 7 trout

~ Thursday

13 I watered wheat to day & caught 9 trout

~ Friday

14. I watered wheat to day & caught 7 trout. Wilford returned with 7 Head of sheep

~ Saturday

15 Wilford & myself watered wheat & labored hard

~ Sunday

16. Sunday I rode to Woodruff & held a Meeting & spoke one
hour followed by Brother Brockbank & Bishop Stewart & then
returned home & laid hands upon My sick child Mary 24 M[iles].

Page 340

~ Monday

June 17, 1872

Wilford watered wheat I went up tighe creek with Bishop Stewart
& picked out a public pasture also a piece of Medow land for the Bishop &
Wilford to fence together. I went up to the saw mill & cought 17 trout

~ Tuesday

18. I went up Oter Creek & caugh 50 trout with a hook Wilford caught
19 & Brigham 21, total 90, they were gererally small traveled 16 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

June 19. I spent the day choreing

~ Thursday

20. I left my family at Randolph & rode in a waggon with Brother
Henderson to wahsatch & spent the night with Browther Rowley 34 M[iles]

~ Friday

21. I took cars & rode to Ogden stoped half an hour with F D Richards then
on car to Salt Lake City & spent the night at home 110 Miles

~ Saturday

22 It was a hot day I spent the fore noon watering & weeding vineyard
Afternoon I attended the school of the Prophets President Young called upon
Wm H. Hooper to speak he gave an account of his labors in
Congress during the past session & the great Deliverance God had wrought
out for us followed by G. Q. Cannon who told his experiences in Congress
President Young spoke gave good council & teaching. I received 3 letters
A folded letter/box from Azmon, Phebe Snow, & A P Rockwood

~ Sunday

23. Sunday I attended Meeting in the Tabernacle Brother Ship
spoke in the forenoon 55 Minutes a good sermon. Afternoon G. Q.
spoke one hour & 7 Minutes we had No Prayer Circle in
the Evening. President Youngs family occupied the room so the
Evening Prayer Circles were abandoned for the present

~ Monday

24. I spent the day in my vineyard hoeing & tying up vines

~ Tuesday to ~ Friday

25 to 28. I spent the week on the farm watering & hoeing

~ Saturday

29. I came to the city in the Morning Attended school in the Afternoon
& spoke as did President Young Capt Hooper & J Taylor

~ Sunday

30 Sunday we had a hard rain storm to day. (Brother Wm Young
& ^J^ Albertson spoke in the forenoon & W Woodruff one hour in
A hand pointing to the right the Afternoon) I wrote a letter to Wilford & to Perkins

~ Monday

July 1. I spent the day making a coal house

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

2 & 3. I spent the time on the farm

~ Thursday

4. Independance Day I attended the fast Meeting in the 14 ward & herd many
speak I followed them

~ Friday

5 I spent the day on the farm

~ Saturday

6 A folded letter/box I Hoed corn in the forenoon. Attended school in the Afternoon
G A Smith arived home I visited President Young with him in the Eve[nin]g

Page 341

~ Sunday

July 7, 1872

I took cars in the morning rode to Sandy station south then
rode in a waggon to Fort Herriman & held a Meeting with the people
Issac Grow spoke 35 M[inutes], Brother Teasdal 25 M Afternoon Br McAllister
spoke 28 Br Smith 20 & W Woodruff 40 Minutes. we then
rode to the Love Dale station & returned to Salt Lake City 50 M[iles]

I received a letter from Col Saxe

~ Monday to ~ Saturday

8 to 13. I spent most of this week Haying I cut the 5 acre spacer lot
which was wheat Barley & Timothy. I cut it all for Hay

~ Sunday

14. Sunday Mrs Woodruff & Bulah went to Box Elder on the 13.
A folded letter/box I received a letter from Wilford & wrote 2 one to him & one to
A hand pointing to the right Col Saxe I attended Meeting in the Prayer Circle in the Evening
at the H. Ooffice with the Presidency & 12. I Attended Meeting in the Taber-
in the Afternoon G Q Cannon spoke one hour a good
Many strangers present

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

15, , 17 I spent the time Haying

~ Thursday

18. In company with President Young G. A. Smith G. Q. Cannon & others
I rode in the cars to the Terminus we there met with the teams
to convey us to Pason I rode with Joseph F Smith we drove to Provo
but dined at American Fork we spent the night with Brother Smoot 50 [miles]
I visited the woollen Factory at Provo which is much the most substantial
Building In Provo or in the Territory I wrote a letter to Ezra Taft
A hand pointing to the right I had an introduction to Gen Logan in the Evening with Dr
Tagget. Brother Bean gave a relation of Gen Dodge the Indian
Agents interview with the Indians

~ Friday

19 we drove to Pason Brother Smith & myself stoped with Brother
Searls Keys crossed 18 Miles

~ Saturday

20. We met in the New Meeting House to dedicate it. W Woodruff
Made the dedication Prayer. G. A. Smith spoke 62 Minutes
G. Q. Cannon 15 M. Afternoon O Hyde spoke 40 M, Joseph
38. At the close of the Meeting I wrote a letter to Mrs Woodruff

~ Sunday

A hand pointing to the right 21 Sunday I met with the Sabbath school & spoke to the children as
did G. A. Smith & others. I then met in the prayer room, which
we dedicated to the Lord G. Q. Cannon being Mouth we Met in
the House at 10 oclk. G Q Cannon Prayed J F Smith [spoke] 49 M[inutes] &
President Young one hour. Afternoon W Woodruff spoke 44 M
G Q Cannon 35 M, Levi Hancock 30. we rode to Provo 18 M[iles]

Page 342

~ Monday

July 22nd 1872

we rode to S L City & spent the night 50 Miles

~ Tuesday

23 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 2 letters & wrote 2 to Phebe & Wilford. I bought
all of Frank Robbins property that He owned in Randolph Rich co
& paid him $300 for the same including city lot House, stable, carrells,
20 acres of Farming land & 20 acres of Grass land I spent the rema-
inder of the day Binding wheat we cut 4 acres of wheat & 2 of oats

~ Wednesday

24. July There was No particular celebration to day of the arivals
An arrow piercing a heart of the Pioneers But the children met for recreation & a
Terrible Accident occured to George A. Wells son of Daniel H Wells
aged 13. He accidentally discharged a pistol Heavely loaded the contents
of which went into his Bowels & He died at 1 oclok P.M.

~ Thursday

25 An arrow I spent the forenoon Binding wheat I went to the city
at 3 oclock to Attend the funeral of the child of Brother Wells I had
a Hay rack on My waggon I drove into my door yard &
while unhitching my Horses from My waggon in my hurry I negl-
ected to unhook the outside trace of the off Horse & as I started to lead
my Horses into the Barn yard the off Horse pulled the Tounge against
his legs & freightened him by the time I got him by the Head He was
so freightened I could not hold He draged me in a circle twice
around the yard then knocked me down & I had labor hard to keep
the waggon from running over me He finally took the road by
the south Dwelling House as he passed one hub struck the cornor
of the House broak the cornor posts knocked a hole in the House &
landed the Hind wheels & rack on top of a wood pile & run the
tongue through the picket fence into the vineyard & the Horse went
off charging through the orchard with one whiffle tree I did not
do much damage to Harness, rack, or waggon or Horse & I was
vary thankful to Escape without hurt to myself or family I turned
my horses into the stable & went to the funeral & was late President
Young called upon me to speak I did not wish to refuse but felt
in no frame of mind to speak I did speak a few Moments was
followed By G Q J. Taylor G. Q. Cannon & President Young I returned
to the farm & spent the night 6 M[iles]

~ Friday to ~ Saturday

26, 27. I spent the time binding grain I was vary weary at night

~ Sunday

28. sunday I did not attend Meeting in the forenoon but did in the
afternoon. James Brown spoke 45 Minutes W Woodruff 25 Minutes

Page 343

A hand pointing to the right ^28^ I felt well in speaking in the Tabernacle. I attended the prayer
in the evening & went to the 14 ward & herd President Young
speak about one hour. He told how Joseph got the plates & the attack
of 3 Men to get them from him & how he was delivered. He said
there were 7 men with Joseph when he first organized the Endowments
& he Brigham Young was the ownly witness on the Earth the rest are
dead & but few living that received there Endowments under his
hands. I wrote 2 letters to Mrs Woodruff & Sarah

~ Monday to ~ Wednesday

29, & 31. I spent the time binding wheat

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

Aug 1 & 2nd I spent the time binding wheat

~ Saturday

3rd Keys crossed I attended the school of the prophets President Young gave
me & all others a text to preach from "Be ye one." [Doctrine and Covenants 38:27] He spok & so did
several others at the close of the school President Young dismissed the school
of the Prophets & No more to be held &at Present

~ Sunday

4. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning for prayer
I attended meeting in the Tabernacle all day. Thomas Taylor spoke
39 Minutes, A H Raleigh spoke 30 M. Afternoon O. Pratt spoke
one hour & 10 Minutes Gov Wood Judge Hayden & many Gentiles
were present I met with the Twelve for prayer & preached in the 14 ward in the

~ Monday to ~ Saturday

5. Aug a General Election to day through Utah

5 to 10. I spent the week drawing Hay & binding wheat I attended
a meeting of the Board of D. A. & M. Society in the Evening

~ Sunday

11 Sunday I spent the forenoon at home G. W. Bywater spoke
in the forenoon one hour J Taylor in the Afternoon 45 Minutes
& President Young 48 Minutes I met with the Presidency & Twelve for prayer

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

12 to 15. I spent the time on the farm laboring

~ Friday

16. I Left S. L. City in company with Presidents Young & G. A. Smith
J Taylor, G Q. Cannon B. Young Jr J. F. Smith & several others we took cars
rode to Box Elder changed to Narrow track & rode to terminus took
carriages & rode to Logan to hold a 2 days Meeting 100 M[iles]

I stoped Bwith Br Thatcher two of his sons George & John, while
in Calafornia killed a Mountain Lion or Panther with their
Hands & feet without any weapon that measured 9 feet from
tip of nose to End of tail 2 1/2 feet high & weighed 160 lbs. He Jumped on
to Johns Back in a dark night. He caught him around the Jaw back

Page 344

of the big teeth & flung him onto his back & kicked him in the head
untill they killed him he striped all the cloths off the back of John & tore
his flesh considerable, but it seemed a Miracle that they should
have killed him without any weapon

~ Saturday

17. Brother Taylor Richards & Myself visited Brother Bensons family
& laid hands upon one of them. We also laid hands upon Brother
Turbit who was vary sick. I then rode with President Young & L. D.
& others to visit President Youngs stok farm. B Young Jr was in
company we rode through the farm there were 10000 Acres under
fence. He had Debon & short Horn Durham among his stock after
travelling for miles over his place we returned to Logan & attended
Meeting in the Afternoon. G Q Cannon spoke in the forenoon 37 M[inutes]
F. D. Richards 38 G A Smith 38 M. In the Afternoon J F Smith
spoke 57 M. Br Nesbit spoke 235 M Br Neslin 22. W Woodruff Dismissed
(President Brigham Young said to me I would like to put
1000 families on My farm which would make 10 Acres each
& commence the order of Enoch, but I would want a Revelation
to know who to put there. I know of 2 Men that I think would
do right & that is you & me I could not say about our families)
On Friday after noon Aug 16, I Attended a council & herd accusa-
tins Against Bishop Roskelly but it did not amount to much

~ Sunday

Aug 18. Sunday I Attended the Sabbath school in the morning G A.
spoke followed By G Q Cannon. Meeting commenced at
10 oclok B. Young Jr spoke Prayed. John Taylor spoke 50 M[inutes]
Lorenzo Young 5 M, W Woodruff 30 M, President Young 10 M
Afternoon Br Ridger Prayed. President Young spoke 30 M, G A Smith
38 M. President Young then spoke upon things Emported By the
Cooperative Store Gave statistics of Articles G A Smith then spoke
15 Minutes & G. Q. Cannon then spoke 24 Minutes which
closed the Meeting. In company with Brother Taylor I visited Sister
Maughn & Benson & Br Turbit we laid hands upon Brother
Turbit & a sister

~ Monday

19. We left Logan at 9 oclok & Returned to S. L. City the way we went 100 Miles

~ Tuesday

20. A folded letter/box I received 2 letters one from Susan
A hand pointing to the right I wrote Susan a letter & sent her $5 for her Mother

~ Wednesday to ~ Friday

21 to 23rd I spent the time stacking wheat

Page 345

~ Saturday

Aug 24, 1872

I spent the day stacking wheat & in the Evening I attended a
Meeting of the Board of the D A & M. Society I received 3 letters
A folded letter/box from Sarah, Azmon, & Wilford. A Meeting was held
25In Millers Grove Farmington Davis County at 10 oclok the
Presidency & Twelve were there

~ Sunday

25. Sunday in company with the Presidency & Twelve I rode 18 M[iles]
in the cars to Farmington & attended the Meeting in the grove
Wm H Folsome Prayed B. Young Jr spoke 32 M[inutes] G Q Cannon 45.
At Noon went to Judge Heights. The Presidency & Twelve sat near
2 Hours & herd Sister Secrist Enter her complaints against
Brother Thornton the case had been tried before the Bishop
& he had given his decision in the case & Sister Secrist
was Not satisfied & appealed to the Presidency, after Hearing the
case President Young confirmed the decision of the Bishop
at 2 oclok we Met in the grove. W Woodruff spoke 36 M
J Taylor 35, C W Penrose 10, & G A Smith 15 Minutes
we had a vary hard rain in S L City at 10 oclk & another
at 6 oclok. we returned home & spent the night 18 M[iles]

~ Monday to ~ Friday

26 to 30. I spent the week stacking wheat & oats some of My family
are sick. Delights youngest child is vary sick I spent the night with
A folded letter/box it. I received 2 letters from Saxe & Sarah 6 M[iles]

~ Saturday

31. I spent the day about home I administered to our sick child

~ Sunday

Sept 1. The first day of fall. Cool after rain our child is better this
Morning I did not attend Meeting this forenoon I wrote a letter
A hand pointing to the right to Azmon Woodruff. Br Harmon George Romney and
E. F. Sheets spoke in the Morning. Afternoon G A Smith
spoke 65 Minutes

~ Monday

2 I spent the day preparing for Threshing we threshed 31 Bushels
of wheat in the Evening

~ Tuesday

3 We Threshed 400 Bushels of wheat to day

~ Wednesday

4. We threshed 66 Bushels of oats & 16 Barley this Morning
my wheat yielded 42 Bushels to the Acre

~ Thursday

5 I commenced cutting up corn to day

~ Friday

6. I extracted honey from 2 Hives of Bees this morning &
went to the city & attended a Dinner Party on the Birth
of Elias Smith. He was 68 years old

Page 346

~ Saturday

Sept 7, 1872

I spent the day in Preparing to take a Journey to Calafornia
to Attend the State Fair with G A Smith & G Q Cannon
I took up a collection for G. A. Smith to Bear his Expenses
I collected $1658 which I paid over to him

~ Sunday

8. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning &
attended Meeting in the Tabernacle all day. Benjamin Hulse
spoke in the Morning one hour & G. Q Cannon one hour & 10 M
I met with the Presidency & Twelve for Prayer I received 2 letters
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box from Wilford & Susan & wrote one to Wilford

~ Monday

9th A crown In company with G. A. Smith G. Q. Cannon & A M
I took cars at S L City for Calafornia left at 3 oclok
& took cars at Ogden at 6 oclok it was soon dark so we could see
Nothing but we took sleeping cars & soon went to bed

~ Tuesday

10. When I arose this morning I found myself in the Humbolt
& not feeling vary well did not sleep much. We took
breakfast at Carlin, paid $1. Went through the Palisade Canyon
The whole Humbolt Valley has ownly small settlements at rail
road stations, & occupied By Herd Ranches, mostly Barren
salaratus sage Plains, some good herd grounds

~ Wednesday

11 This Morning found us at Trucky at the foot of the
Nevadiaa Mountains we had a view of the Lake whare the company
of Emigrants perished in 1847. Mrs Murphy & children were
among the Number. We went to the summit & took breakfast
It was a vary grand scenery in crossing the Sire Nevada Mountains
As we passed the place called Cape Horn the cars stoped so we
could take a good view of the scene it was said to be 1 1/2 miles abot
perpendicular down to the bottom the American River looked like
a Ribon of silver in the valley below us we soon passed down
in to the Sacramento vally. The country looked dry & parched
we stoped but a short time in Sacramento & passed on to San
we had to take a steemer & cross the bay we arived
at abot 8 oclok in the evening & put up at the lick House 900 M[iles]

~ Thursday

12 We found the lick House to possess vary fine accomodations
Their dining Hall was said to be the finest known in the
world. G. A. Smith & Myself two bed rooms & one sitting room
together we took breakfast at 8 oclok. We then commenced

Page 347

to visit the city. we visited the Merchants Library contained
33000 volumes. We visited the Williamette Woollen Manufact-
uring Co goods, & the Merchants Exchange, Chamber of
Commersce. San Francisco is a vary fine place the city
looks as though it was 100 years old instead of 20. It contains
175000 Inhabitants & a vast amount of wealth expended in
building it up. We visited the Chineese part of the city
their God Josh [Joss], with their Eternal fires burning, we
saw them ingaged in their various persuits, they are vary
Numerous in that city

In the Evening we visited the Horticultural & Floral Fair we
received complementary tickets it was a vary interesting Exhi-
bition. The Hall was lighted with more than 3000 gass Jets, there
was one pyramid of floor 7 feet high & abot 6 feet at the base.
5000 plants were given away to girls under 14 years old, the
Music was excellent. I was interested in the silk culture that
was exhibited from the feeding of the worm up to the spinning ^reeling^ of the
silk. There was a great variety of fruit & flowers.

~ Friday

We took ^13^ a coach & road to the Cliff House built on the rocks standing
on the shore of the pacific Ocean about 150 yards from the House
out in the ocean stands several Huge Masses of rock rising 100
feet out of the sea which are nearly covered with the sea lions
from the babies up to those which would weigh 1000 lbs from one
to 200 were in sight at a time some were sleeping others barking
others again were swiming in the water these rocks also contained
hundreds of pelican & other large birds. It was a grand sight
On our return we rode along the beach for a mile or more
the sand was heavy & a heavy load we broke one whippletry
which detained us for an hour, we returned to the Lick House,
dined, & then rode with Mr H Schussler Hydrolick &
Civil Ingineer. He took us to the College Hill Reservoy
which contained 14,000,000 gallons of water it is in a
A heart shape 18 feet deep. There is now 137 Miles of water
pipes in the city & 45 miles ajacent to the city, the large pipes
were 37 inches in diameter. After visiting the water pipes
we went to the Force pump whare water is raised 307 feet

Page 348

High & 1000 feet long. While on the way here we saw the moving sand
banks which like drifting snow was covering a small portion
of the city bothe lots & building 100 feet deep. U. S. had a fort that
was in danger of being swallowed up they had raised a fence
60 feet high & the sand was pooring over that

~ Saturday

14 We visted the Jewish Sinaguge which is said to be one
of the finest in the world for richness of finish 80 feet square
on the ground & 150 feet high cost $150,000. We then visited
Mr Ralston The cashire of the bank of Calafornia one of
the richest Men in the state we then visited
Mr Linforth. Then went to the Mission woolen works
we first visited the office we there saw a large amount of
tin Boxes containing silver & gold each workman in the
esstablishment come to the office on Saturday & finds his pay
ready for him in a Box containing his Number this save a
great deal of henderance when hands have to settle & wait for ther
pay. We went all through the Esstablishment. S. M. Samules
was our conductor

~ Sunday

15 Sunday In company with Mr Linforth we went to the Trinity
Episcoplal Church. Dr Theadore B. Lyman was the paster it was a
vary fine church. We had an Interview with Dr Lyman at
the close of the service. We accompanied Mr Linforth to his
home & dined with him we then visited Mr Charles Bosmand
garden containing many tropical plants flowers & trees. We
attended Dr Stones church in the Evening Congregationist
a vary fine church his tex[t] was "When I ate it it was in my
mouth sweet as Honey but in my belly it was bitter." [Revelation 10:9-10] He compared it
to sin of any kind sweet while in the act but when done it was
bitter. He preached a good practical sermon at the close we had an
interview with him he was a plesant man

~ Monday

16 We took street cars & visited Mrs Agness Picket, Don Carlos
widow. She said that she had not seen Picket for some 2
years He was in Oregon Editing a paper. We also visited Woodwards
& Examined all it contained. We then Met Alexander
. We found him a confirmed Infidel. He said he did
not Believe in the Bible nor in Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world.

Page 349

We visited the stock exchange whare the bears & lions meet
to buy & sell stock. It was the greatest scene of Bedlam that I Ever
saw A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Mrs Woodruff & sent a Telegram to her

~ Tuesday

17 Mr Ralston the Money king of Calafornia sent an Agent
[FIGURE] with a coach & team to take us to the rail Road so we could visit
San Jose & the country. Mr B Thompkins who accompanied us
was Mr Ralstons clerk in the Bank we were drove to the cars
which we took to San Jose there we met Mr Ralston coach in
waiting for us to take us through the various gardens, orchards, vine-
yards, & parks of the Gentlemen of that country. There was one feature
of that country which was interesting we found the whole country
intersperced with a tree called the live oak an Evergreen from one
foot to 6 feet through, those trees were preserved so that all the gardens
parks & grounds had the appearance of a hundred years growth looks
some like the oak openings of Ohio. In many parts also was a
vine or low shrub called poison oak which was much worse in
poisoning the flesh than poison Ivy. We visited NGeneral Nagles
garden & Grounds & vineyard, containing 160 Acres, 40 of which
was a fine yvineyard, he watered it with Artecian wells which
he got in diging 70 feet. His grounds were vary tastefully aranged
they contained many tropical fruits, flowers, & shrubery among
which were many pepper trees & centaury plants leaves 8 feet long
& 12 inches wide they bloomed evry 7 years instead of 100. Gen Nagles
had spent 2 years in France & Jermany in order to learn the best
process of manufacturing wine & Brandy. He had introduced the
best grapes & Esstablished the best distilary in the state. He made
100000 gallons of wine & 20000 gallons of Branndy each year His
brandy was as clear as cristal No coulering whatever in init. He did
not sell his brandy but put it up into 1000 gallon casks untill it was
5 or 6 years old & had age then He said this Generation should
for once have the privilege of buying a pure article, it took 5 gallons
of wine to make one gallon of Brandy. He paid $20 a ton for the
Mission Grape & $30 for the grapes He had imported. we went
all through his grounds & dined with him & when I left him
He shook me by the hand & said God Bless you

Page 350

We next visited Mr Lathram's grounds & place. It contained
70 Acres of Fruits & Flowers. He also had the finest stables & Har-
ness I Ever saw. We also visited Mr Athenton gardens &
orchards his son-in-Law accompanied us through his orchards of Apples
& Pears & vineyards. We then took cars & rode some 30 Miles to& there
Met Mr Ralstons servant with a coach & 4 Horses awaiting us & we
drove to Mr Ralston Princely palace & was received with all the attention
that Princses could expect. He had a Telegraph from his bank in San
to his dwelling 20 Miles distance. He telegraphed to the family
to receive us kindly & make us Happy & they did so, his princely
Mansion did not cost less than a Million of Dollars & his wife
spent a quarter of a Million Dollars in Furnishing it. The chairs were
made of the finest Ebony in China, spitoons & kindred vessels carved
out of the finest Persian Marble, the rooms decorated with the finest
Marble statuary & bronze, Many cristals of a pure water from one to 5
inches in diameter, chandeliers cost many thousands of dollars, in fine
the whole palace had more the appearance of a Museum than a private
dwelling it had its Turkish & Russian Baths besides scores of Baths con-
nected with bedrooms, had their 9 pin allies. Had a retort & made
their own gass to light their dwellings & barns, & their many Mirrors
were large & costly & the surrounding grounds of 100 acres was cultivated
at a great expense I almost spent felt like spending the night in visiting
the House & surroundings instead of Going to sleep. I became so dazzled
& Bewildered with the scenery, & attention of the last 24 hours & since
our arival in Calafornia, that I felt to ask myself the question
Am I an Elder in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints? if
so, what has come over the world, that such a great change is
manifest to wards us? another thing it was hard work for me to compr-
ehend that I was in Calafornia, a country built up in twenty years
while it had the Appearance of a centaury's gro^w^th. I felt to thank the
Lord that he had softened the hearths of the people & raised up friends
unto us. While we were taking supper the wating Lady of the House
was called away by telegraph to go 20 Miles by coach that night
to San Francisco, But we had the Freedom of the House. We visited the
grounds, stables, Bath Rooms, Boling Allies &c & had a vary plesant time
& finally had music out of a penonna by turning a crank. 75 M[iles]

Page 351

~ Wednesday

Sept 18, 18372

18. We visited Howards Garden & D. O. Mills Dayiry whare he
kept 275 cows every thing in prime order we then took cars
& went back to San Francisco & visited the Central pacific Depo
& Machine shop. We then visited the steemer great republic
We visited Mr Haywoods Grounds, the greatest variety of the
most varrigated flowers mingled with the Tropical shrubery
and the Patriarchal live oak trees of a centauries growth
from 1 to 5 feet in diameter made the scenery look ancient &
interesting. We visited Mr Howards grounds & Mr D. O.
Mills dairy whare he kept 275 cows & steamed all their food
We took cars for San Francisco & visited the steemer Great Rep-
ublic went through it saw a Chinaman Just killed by falling
down the Hatchway from top to bottom we then returned to the
Lick House 130 Miles

~ Thursday

19 Cloudy & cool. we took a walk with Mr Goodman
& viewed the Central Pacific Machine shop & Manufac-
turing Esstablishment, it was a ponderous affair & cost a large
amount of Money. We attended the Raisece grounds & saw Woodburn & Norfork Run. Woodburn Beat first Heat
1 mile 1.43 3/4. 2nd Heat 1.49. Then Horses troted in Harness 2.34
Then another trot & Lady Blanchard beat 3 Heats out of 5
time 2.40. It was vary chilly. In the Evening we called
upon Robert Beck, The secretary, who gave us a free ticket
to the State Fair & went with us through the Pavilion in
Sacramento containing all the articles of the fair except
the stock we returned to our room in the Grand Hotel
whare we had taken up our abode. We Telegraphed to President
Young. I received the Following Note. W. Woodruff The Atlan-
Keys crossed tic & pacific Telegraph line is hereby tendered to your
use free when convenient. Yours F L Vanderborsh

~ Friday

20th We went to the Race Grounds & Examined all the stock
on exhibition & attended the Races. The President gave
us a seat with the Judges on the stand so we had a good

~ Saturday

21. We visited the State House was introduced to the
Govornor & Judges & officers. Newton Booth the Govorner
showed us Evry attention we were piloted all through the

Page 352

State House cost 2500 $2,500,000. Went to the top of it 280
feet High, whare we had a good view of the city. We visited
their Money vaults. After going through the building we
visited the Races. Two Double teams run & made their mile
in 2.47, 2.46, & 2.45. Another troting Match in single Harnes
when Lady Blanchard distanced the other two & drew $500
time 2.26 1/4 The fastest in the state. The third race was pacing
time 2.31. We visited the pavilion in the Evening & herd an
address delivered By Mr Read the President of the society
and also visited the fruit & fair in General 15 M[iles].

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday we attended the Catholic church in the morning
and heard Father Caleham Preach a vary good practical
discourse. We attended the Methodist Sunday school in the
afternoon & Bible Class. We tried to attend a Baptist
church in the Evening but the street cars disappointed us

~ Monday

23rd We attended the stock ground in the Morning & saw
a vary fine exhibition of Blooded & graded Horses, also
of Horn stock, short horn Durham, Devon, Alderny &
Jersey one graded Durham cow was said to weigh
23 hundred lbs. We visited the swine Berkshire Essex &
Poland China but not a white hog in the fair, we also saw
a vary fine collection of sheep cotswolds, spanish
& French Marino, & some fine goats. We attended the
races at 1 oclok. Dr Clayton M.D. was with us today
He was the leader of the Bible class. The first race was 2 Miles
in 3.40 3/4. 2nd Troting race. 5 troted 2.34. Next pacing race
2.21 & we returned to our Hotel got supper & went to the pavilion
it was a vary crouded house 10 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

24. We went to the stock ground with Wm Jennings visited
the stock in the grounds stalls. He went home we stoped & saw
them parraded we saw more race Blooded, & troting stock
than I ever saw before gathered together & the finest cattle show
we attended the races in the Afternoon 6 Horses troted in sulky
at a time 2.30. We visited the pavilion we were satisfied
that we could beat Calafornia in Apples Potatoes & many other
things we saw a good deal of Machinery 15 M[iles]

Page 353

~ Wednesday

Sept 25, 1872

G. A Smith & myself attended the boat race in the morning
the Pioneer beat I sent a Telegram to P. W. Woodruff
My Bill at Sacramento was about $50 including $10 to assist
to Emigrate a family of Saints. We left Sacramento at
2 oclok on the sleeping cars. I rode oin the Engine room
to the summit Sira Nevada Mountain whare I had a good
view of the country

~ Thursday

26 Found us near the Humbolt

~ Friday

27 Found us at Corrin. Judge Fields of the Supreme
of the United States accompanied us on the
cars & had a good deal of conversation with G A. Smith
& G. Q. Cannon in relation to our affairs. We arived
at Ogden at 7.30, took breakfast, then cars to S L City
arived at 10 oclok & was glad to get home again 900 M[iles]
I visited President Young with G A. Smith & G Q Cannon
I spent the day visiting Friends

~ Saturday

28 I A folded letter/box received 3 letters From Susan & Sarah to David
A hand pointing to the right I wrote one to Brother Farr one to Sarah I attended a
Meeting at President Youngs at 6 oclok with a Number of
Friends. Mr Bates called a few Moments

~ Sunday

29 Sunday I drove to Fort Harriman to attend a Meeting
& visit my child which was vary sick. D Candland
& Br McMaster spoke in the Forenoon & I spoke in the
Afternoon & gave an account of My visit at Calafornia
I administered to my sick child

~ Monday

30. I took Sarah D Woodruff & our child & returned
to Salt Lake City 40 M[iles]

I found Wilford Emily & Brigham had come
to Make us a visit. I received 3 letters from
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right Azmon, Susan & the Stock Journal. I wrote
4 letters to Almond & Azmon Woodruff L Farr &
Susan & Administered to our child

~ Tuesday

Oct 1. I spent the day drawing corn. I Administered to
our child & Brother Martin with R. L. Campbell

~ Wednesday

2nd I spent the day choreing

~ Thursday

3rd Keys crossed The State Fair commenced to day I went to

Page 354

The Farm & got wheat, Barley, oats, Potatoes, Honey
& light Brama Fowls, Beets & squashes & took up to the
Fair the rest of the day I spent in service on the ground

~ Friday to ~ Saturday

4 & 5 I spent these 2 days in service at the Fare as
President of the society & it was vary busiy work I think
it was the best fair we have Ever had in the Territory
I delivered My address at the opening

I drew Premiums on the following Articles the first
premium on a sow & 8 pigs 12 weeks old, wheat, Barley,
& oats. 2nd premium on squashes & 3rd premium on Honey
& 2nd premium on Light Brama Chickens.

~ Sunday

Oct 6, 1872 Sunday The Semmi Annual Conference of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints met at the
Big Tabernacle at 10 oclok this Morning. I met with my
circle for prayer before Meeting President Brigham Young
called the attention of the conference & O Hyde Prayed
President Young spoke 22 Minutes G A Smith spok 24 M
D. H. Wells 20. Afternoon prayer By John Taylor
O Hyde spoke one hour & 5 M, O Pratt 15 M. I met with
Presidency & 12 for Prayer

~ Monday

7 Erastus Snow Prayed. John Taylor spoke 65 M[inutes]
& W Woodruff spoke 15 M. I met at Noon with the board
Afternoon J. F. Smith prayed. C. C. Rich spok 24 M
O Hyde 2 M L Snow 26, E. Snow 34 M

~ Tuesday

8. G Q Cannon Prayed. President Young spoke 3 M[inutes],
F D Richards 40 M President Young 5 M G Q Cannon 50 M
Afternoon A P Rockwood Prayed. B Young Jr spoke 35,
J F Smith 45 M. I Met with the board at Noon
and attended the Bee Meeting at night in the City Hall

~ Wednesday

9 Conference Met at 10 oclok. Prayer By Joseph Young
Authorities of the Church were then presented & al voted
for unanimously some Missionaries were called to
United States Eurupe & Iceland. G A Smith spoke 10 M[inutes]
President Young spoke 58 Minutes & gave a vary interesting
discourse upon Entering into the order of Enoch

Page 355

At noon I preached a funeral sermon of a child
Afternoon J. Vancott Prayed Joseph Young spok 30 M[inutes], G. A. Smith
33 M & said He was going to Jerrusalem with a company
of about a dozen Men it would cost about $3000 in gold
could not raise the Money & wished the conference to help him
President Young spoke one hour upon the order of Enoch &
the way the people should live should ke[e]p the law of God, the
word of wisdom set a good example. Employ No doctor
ownly surgeons & have No lawyiers

~ Thursday

10 I spent the day gathering winter Apples. I carried 25 B[ushels]
into Dahls suller & 15 into My own total 40 Bushels I was
weary at night

~ Friday

11 Spent the day gathering Apples I put 25 Bushels into my suller

~ Saturday

12 I drew Hay from my field & received 3 letters from Azmon
^ A folded letter/box^ Sarah & Eldridge

~ Sunday

13. Sunday I attended Meeting at the Tabernacle E D Woolley prayed
Elder Teasdel spoke one hour & 13 Minutes Afternoon Br Tominson
spoke 14 Minutes G. A. Smith one hour & 16 Minutes spoke of his
Mission to Jerrusalem &c. We met for Prayer in the Evening
A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter to Azmon he is in trouble his children
have turned against him & the Gentiles have united against him
& are trying to destroy him & I have invited him to come
to Zion whare he ought to have been years ago

~ Monday

14. I collected my rent & paid Elias Smith $100 Borrowed
Money & his son Elias $13.50 for the expens of Deeds of my city
lot & recording. I went to the field & back again 6 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

15 A coffin I Attended the funeral of the first wife of Bishop L. W.
& spoke some 30 Minutes followed By Brother Hardys
councillor & J. C. Little. I picked 10 Bushels of winter
Apples in the afternoon

~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday

16, & 19. I spent the week diging potatoes. President Young & some
of the Twelve went to provo to hold a 2 days Meeting. I attended the High
council on the 19 a short time

~ Sunday

20. Sunday I did not attend Meeting in the forenoon I attended in the
Afternoon. Elder E. S. Kearsley & Brigham Young Jr spoke in the forenoon &
O. Pratt one hour & 20 Minutes in the Afternoon. I met for Prayer

Page 356

~ Monday

Oct 21, I1872

I spent the day at the farm & night at home in the city. Rosanna Sarah
child was vary low she has been wasting away for months I was
up with her the latter part of the night

~ Tuesday

22nd A coffin Rosanna Died this morning 15 Minutes to 8 oclok I made
arangements for the funeral tomorrow at 11 oclok

~ Wednesday

23rd The funeral of my child was held at 11 oclok John Taylor
spoke President Young sent his carriage for our services

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

24 & 25 I spent the time at the farm

~ Saturday

26 [FIGURE] Wilford, David, & Emily & her 2 children started for Randolph
this Morning & I returned to the city & fixed up the cider Mill
& ground Apple & made a Barrel of cider

~ Sunday

27 Sunday A Hard snow storm & cold. A. H. Raleigh preached in
the forenoon in the New Tabernacle & W. Woodruff in the afternoon
in the old Tabernacle

~ Monday

28. A cold snowy day I made one Barrel of cider & com[mence]d
picking my grapes in the evening in the snow & nearly froze my fingers
A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 2 letters for Col Saxe & Phebe Scholes & wrote
one to Sarah

~ Tuesday

29. I administered to Sister Brown & a sick Man spent the day making cider
& picking grapes

~ Wednesday

310. I finished picking grapes to day made 15 gallons wine

~ Thursday

31. I pruned my vineyard to day. We have had the coldest storm for
3 past days & the most snow I ever knew in Oct.

~ Friday

Nov 1. I spent the day laboring at home

~ Saturday

2nd I spent the day at home laboring was called to the farm in the latter part of the night

~ Sunday

3rd I spent the day with my family at the farm Emma was quite sick all day

~ Monday to ~ Thursday

4 to 7. I spent the time at the farm Husking corn

~ Friday

8. In company with the presidency & Twelve & some 200 others I rode on
the cars to the promontory to test a New Engine that weighed 31 tons
which worked & performed well we arived home at 8 oclok 200 Miles

~ Saturday

9. we had a snow storm last night & to day I went to the farm & Back
Sister Foss was quite sick I administered to her & another woman
A hand pointing to the right ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a letter from David & wrote him one in return
A folded letter/box I received a letter from Susan & I. F. Carter

~ Sunday

10 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended Meeting
in the 14 ward John R. Winder Bishop in the evening Br Ship spoke I followed

Page 357

An arrow The city of Boston has been burning now for 24 hour ^$^100000000
dollar worth of property Destroyed. Telegraphs say 300 Acres of the Heart
of the city burned. I red in Meeting the latter part of the 4th section
of the Doctrins & Covenants
containing the commandment of the
Lord to Newel K Whitney to go to the cityies of Albany New York,
& Boston & warn those cities of the utter Desolation which awated
them if they rejected the gospel & the Message sent to them if they did
their hour of Desolation was Nigh & their house should be left unto
them Desolate & this is the begining of the fulfillment I spoke about 40 M[inutes]
& was followed by O pratt

~ Monday

11. I went to the Farm & back 6 M[iles]

~ Tuesday

12 Keys crossed To day I had my first introduction to the Hands in the printing
as Elder Cannon is going to Washington President Young
wishes Me to publish & Edit the Deseret News & take charge
of the whole Affair. It is a vary heavy load for me, but what
is laid upon me I will do the best I can at I wrote 3 letters to
A hand pointing to the right Azmon, Ilus, & Evans of Brigham City I received a letter

~ Wednesday

13. ^ A folded letter/box^ from Nathan T Davis sent an order of $50 for me
to pay I spent the day in the office

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

14 & 15 I spent the time in the printing office to get insight into
the affairs of the same

~ Saturday

16. I spent the day in the printing office & in the Evening I attended
the Meeting of the board, & the Board Appropriated $200 each to Br
Cannon & myself to pay our Expenses to Calafornia & Back

~ Sunday

17. Sunday I spoke in the 7 ward in the Afternoon

~ Monday

18. In looking over the printing office & seeing the vast load thare was to carry
I felt that it was more than I was Able to shoulder. In company
with D. H. Wells & G. Q. Cannon I told president Young my feelings
& he released me from the responsibility of the printing office

~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday

19 & 1220. I spent most of the time in the printing

~ Thursday

21. I spent most of the time inchoreing

~ Friday

22nd I went to the farm in the evening

~ Saturday

23rd I spent the day husking corn Emma had a son at half past 10 oclk

~ Sunday

24. Sunday I went to the farm & spent 2 hours returned home attended the
Prayer Circle & Preached in the 15 ward in the Evening I followed
Brother Teasdale

Page 358

~ Monday

Nov 25, 1872

25 I spent the day at home choreing & attended A council in the Evening in the
A folded letter/box City hall I received a letter from David

~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday

26, , 28. I spent the time husking corn & putting up fodder

~ Friday

29. I came to the city spent several hours with Col Saxe paid him $145
the remainder of Smith Note which settles all account with Col Saxe
I spent the Evening at Col Littles with Gen Thomas L CKane accompanied
By his wife & 2 children I had a vary plesant interview with him

~ Saturday

30. I called upon Brother Pettits in the morning I met with the board of Directors
of the D. A. & M. Society in the evening

~ Sunday

Dec 1, 1872 Sunday I called upon Brower Pettit then took Bulah & Eleanor
to see Dr Plant the Noted worm Doctor he had preserved in Bottles of Alchahol
near 50 specimins of tape worms, toads & horrid looking monsters which
he had brought away from the human systim. I went to the field &
Blessed Emma's child Named Abram Owen. I attended G. A. Smiths prayer
at 102 oclok & my own Prayer Circle at 1 o'clok I preached in the 12 ward
at 2 oclok I met with the 12 for prayer at 4 oclok I spent the Evening
with Brower Pettit

~ Monday

^2nd I Attended the Theological school in the Evening. I rode
during the day to sessions settlement, with Rockwood, Wallace, & Eldridg in all 30 M[iles]^

~ Tuesday

23rd I shelled 20 bushels of corn, called upon President Young in the evening
& attended the Theater to listen to the play of Ingama

~ Wednesday

4. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters to J. E. Johnson & Sarah & concluded to be
at Wasatch on Monday the 16 inst

~ Thursday to ~ Friday

5 & 6 I spent the time at home choreing

~ Saturday

7. I went to Mill & to the farm & back found Emma sick. 8 M[iles]
I spent the evening at J C Littles with Gen T. TL. CKane & E Smith
& H Stout conversing upon the Laws of Utah

~ Sunday

8. Sunday I met with my prayer circle in the forenoon & was
in the Endowment House at 1 oclok & administered the 2nd Anointing
I met with the Twelve for prayer in the Evening & walked to the farm

~ Monday

9 I Butchered 2 Hogs at the farm walked home & attended a Meeting
in the Theological Council at City Hall

~ Tuesday

10. I walked to the field in the morning left Eleanor Beaty vary
sick with fits or convulsion we administered to her I spent the night
at the farm 6 M[iles]

~ Wednesday

11 I walked to the city paid $50 cash Tithing to Edward Hunter
& spent the Evening with President Young He is expecting to start
south in the Morning He was vary busy

Page 359

~ Thursday

Dec 12, 1872

President Young started to St George this morning I went
over Jordan with Eligah Jones & Asahel Woodruff. We shot
3 rabits & one of them after shooting him & [c]arrying him in
the waggon 2 Hours he came to Jumped out of the waggon &
ran away 10 M[iles]

~ Friday

13 A folded letter/box I received 3 letters from David, F. D. Richards & Lucy Brown
I went to the Endowment House a short time & to the Historians office
& spent most of the time in getting ready for a Journey north
A single key with teeth to the right I Baptized John P. Sorrenson this Morning & confirmed
him in the evening at my house

~ Saturday

Dec 14 I took cars at 10 oclok with John Sharp went to Ogden
stoped with F. D. Richards attended Meeting in the Tabernacle
Prayer By David M Stewart. The various Branches of this
stake of Zion were represented at this conference, this stake was
composed of 17 Branches 15 of which were represented. The
Sabbath schools were represented. F D Richards closed the
services of the day by representeding the whole stake of Zion. At the
close of the day I visited the Court House, City Hall, school House
&c the improvements are a credit to F. D. Richards & the city auth-

~ Sunday

15 Sunday Met at 10 oclok D M Stewart prayed. The Authorities
of the stake were represented & received. F. D. Richards spoke
followed by Lester Herrik. Afternoon prayer By Walter Thompson
L Farr spoke then F. D. Richards. W. Woodruff then spoke
one hour & the Meeting was Dismissed By W Woodruff Blessing
the people I spent the night with F. D. Richards 40 M[iles].

~ Monday

16. I took cars & rode in company with Philip Blight & family
to Evanston & found My son David in waiting for me with
a team we loaded up took Br Blight & family & rode to Woodruff
& stoped for the night with Br Duncan 12200 M[iles].

~ Tuesday

17. We rode to Randolph & found My family as well as
usual Except Sarah was not well ^12 M[iles]^

~ Wednesday

18. A hand pointing to the right I wrote a letter this morning to P. W. Woodruff & one
at Ogden to A. M. Cannon & sent him $7.50 for papers
Wilford started for Evanston this Morning to get a load of
freight for Brother Blight

Page 360

~ Thursday

Dec 19, 1872

I took My gun & Newton & went out to get some game to eat as
we had no fresh Meat I met with nothing untill near night I found
a flock of sage Hens & shot 5 Hens & one white Rabbit

I attended a Meeting of the Board of Directors of Zions Merchantile
Cooperative Institution
of Randolph

~ Friday

20. A vary cold stormy day I spent most of the day in the
House we hung a New Grind stone Wilford spent the Evening with us

~ Saturday

21. I spent the day in laying a House floor

~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I met with the saints at 11 oclok & spoke to them
one hour I took supper witt Wilford

~ Monday

23rd I finished the lower flowor to day

~ Tuesday

24. I went Hunting with Br Blights it snowed most of the day I
ownly killed 2 sage Hens

~ Wednesday

25 Chrismass it was a stormy day I took dinner with
Brother Pearce I wrote 3 letters to Phebe, S Hart & Lucy Brown
A hand pointing to the right I attended a party in the school House.

~ Thursday

26. I killed 3 sage Hens to day

~ Friday

27 I killed a rabbit & 2 sage Hens today

~ Saturday

28. I spent the day laying an upper floor

~ Sunday

29. Sunday I preached in the day & Evening in the school House
A hand pointing to the right I wrote to Phebe & Brigham it was a stormy day

~ Monday

30. I spent the day laying floor

~ Tuesday

31. I spent this last day of the year 1872 In laying a floor
In looking over My Journal I find a synopsis of my
labors as recorded on a following page

[rest of page blank]

Page 361

A Synopsis of my labors in 1872

I Travelled 2720 Miles 2720 Miles
I Attended 117 Meetings 117 Meetings
I Preached 43 discourses 43 Discourses
I Attended two General Conferences 2 G. Conferences
I Attended the Prayer Circle with the Presidency & 12 24 times
I Met with my own Prayer Circle 24 times
I Met with the school of the Prophets 21 Times
I Ordained 1 seventy 1 ord[ain]ed
I Baptized & Confirmed one 1 Baptized
I Blessed 54 Missionaries 54 Blessed
I Blessed 2 children 2 children
I Administered to 20 sick persons 20 Sick
I Attended 7 Funerals 7 funerals
I wrote 287 Letters 287 Letters
I Received 78 Letters 78 Received
I Dedicated one Meeting House 1 Dedicated
I spent the 40 days in the Legislative Council 40 days
I spent 2 days as senator of the State of Deseret 2 days
I held 9 Meetings with the Board of the D. A. & M Society 9 Meetings
I visited two New States, Calafornia, & Nevada.
I Paid $^210^ Tithing $62 In Cash ^$210^

I spent the rest of my time in cultivating
the Earth & Providing for my family
Page 362

A Synopsis of Wilford Woodruff's Travels & Labors
taken from his Journals by himself from 1834 to 1872
inclusive making 38 years of Labor in the Ministry
As a A member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints

I Travelled during this period, Through England,
Scotland, Wales, six Islands of the sea, and 23 of the
United States, and Three Territories, Including
The Rocky Mountains, Utah, Nevada, & Calafornia
and crossed the Atlantic Ocean four times

Total distance Travelled 106,209 Miles 106209 Miles
I held 2620 Meetings 2620 Meetings
I Preached 2275 discourses 2275 Discourses
I Attended 96 Conferences abroad 96 Conferences
I Attended 53 General Conferences of the Church 53 Conferences
I Attended 225 Councils with the Presidency & Twelve Apostles
I Attended 18 Meetings of the High Council 18 Meetings
I Attended 123 Meetings of the Elders Quorum 123 Meetings
I Attended 643 Meetings of the Prayer Circle of the Presidency & 12
I Attended my own Prayer Circle 213 times 213
I Esstablished 77 Preaching Places 77
I Organized 51 Branches of the Church in the vineyard.
I Added to the Church 1800 souls in seven Months
Labor in AD. 1840 In Herriford Conference England among whom were 200 preachers of the various sects of the day. I Ordained Elders & Priests to do the Baptizing and ownly baptized with my own hands 715. 715 Baptized
I Confirmed 1867 1867 Confirmed
I Assisted in Ordaining 5 Patriarchs 5 Patriarchs
I Assisted in Ordaining 67 High Council 67 H. Council
I Assisted in Ordaining 3 Presidents of the Stakes of Zion
Page 363

I Ordained 11 Bishops 11 Bishops
I Ordained 60 High Priests 60 H. Priests
I Ordained 39 Seventies 39 Seventies
I Ordained 440 Elders 440 Elders
I Ordained 444 Priests 444 Priests
I Ordained 64 Teachers 64 Teachers
I Ordained 13 Deacons 13 Deacons
I Administered to 722 sick persons by the laying on of hands many of which were healed by the power of God. 722
I Blessed 168 Children 168 Children
I set apart & Blessed 851 Missionaries & Joined others in BlessingSetting apart & Blessing thousands of others
I spent 445 days in the Endowment House in Great Salt Lake City 445 days
I Assisted in giving Endowment to 13007 Persons
I Sealed at the Altar 47885 Couple 47885 Couple
I Maried 20 Couple 20 Couple
I was present when President Brigham Young sealed At the Altar 101 couple, H C Kimbal 741 couple Daniel H Wells 1564 couple G A Smith 43 couple G. Q. Cannon 761 couple & Joseph F Smith 631 couple
Total sealed at the Altar when I was present 83726 couple
I was Present when Joseph F. Smith & Samuel B Smith Baptized for the Dead in AD 1870, 4400 in Salt Lake City
I Assisted in Confirming 4499 for the dead 4499
I Gave Second Anointing to 277 persons & assisted in anointing many others
I was Baptized & Confirmed for 99 Dead friends
I was sealed By proxey for 56 couple of Dead friends
I had 19 dead persons sealed to me 19 sealed
My wife Phebe Phebe W Woodruff was Baptized for 47 dead friends
My Daughter Phebe Amelia Snow hadwas Baptized for 20 dead friends
My Daughter Bulah Agustia Beatie was Baptized for 17 dead friends
Page 364

I sealed 9 dead persons to Joseph Smith the Prophet
5 to Hirar Smith Patriarch, 4 To Father John Smith
3 to Samuel H. Smith, & 3 to Don Carloss Smith.

I sealed 3 dead persons to My son Wilford Woodruff

I reported & recorded in my Journals 30 of Joseph Smiths
sermons & 81 sermons of President ^Young^ & the Twelve

I wrote 2305 Letters & Received 1560 Letters

I Dedicated the Baptismas Font in the 14 ward AD 1857

I Dedicated the Assembly room in the 13 Ward S. L. City Jan 1, 1861

I Dedicated the Assembly room in the 14 ward Dec 24, 1861

I Dedicated the Farmington Meeting House AD 1864

I Dedicated the Meeting House at Pason July 20, 1872 5

I Also Attended the following Dedications
The Meeting House at Kays ward Sept 27, 1863 G A Smith Mouth
The Baptismal Font, Temple Block, Great Salt Lake City,
AD 1864. President Brigham Young Dediacted it
The Nephi Meeting House June 24, 1865. G A Smith Mouth
The City Hall Great Salt Lake City Jan 8, 1866 G Q. Cannon Mouth
The Grantsville Meeting House July 14, 1866. G Q Cannon Mouth
The Cooperative Store of Wm Jennings March 1, 1869
President Brigham Young was Mouth followed By G. A. Smith & D. H. Wells
The Springville Meeting House April 17, 1869 D. H. Wells Mouth
The Coleville Meeting House Sept 21, 1869. D H Wells was Mouth
The Toolele City Meeting House April 30, 1870. D H Wells Mouth
The Insane Assylum S. L. City June 27, 1870 John Taylor Mouth

I Deposited the Books & Records in the stone of the foundation
of the Temple in Great Salt Lake City which was Dedicated By B. Young
Aug 13, AD 1857. See list in W Woodruffs Journal 17 dedications

I Attended the school of the Prophets organized in S L City 169 Times

I collected for the Temple in Nauvoo $1674 $1674 Dollars

I Printed the Times & Seasons & Nauvoo Neighor in company
with John Taylor for two years & stereotyped the Doctrins & Covenants

Page 365

I Printed 2500 copies of the Millinnium Star in 1845

I Published 3000 copies of the Doctrins & Covenants in
England & secured the copy right in Stationers Hall

I Published 20000 copies of the proclamation of the
Twelve Apostles By order of Parley P Pratt on his responsibility

I have been ordained during the foregoing period to
The office of Teacher, Priest, Elder, 2nd Quorum of seventy
first Quorum of seventies & to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

I received my Endowments under the Hands of Brigham
under the direction of Joseph Smith the Prophet

I received the ordanance of washing of feet under the Hands of H. C. Kimball

I officiated as a Member of the City Council in Nauvoo

I was Appointed a member of the Regency in S L City Attended 16 Meetings

I was Appointed a chaplain in the Nauvoo Legion & officiated as such

I was Appointed clerk & Historian of the Twelve Apostles

I Attended the Dedication of the Temple Ground in the City
of Great Salt Lake
& the laying of the Cornor Stone of the Temple
on the 6 day of April 1853.

I spent 111 days in oversseeing the men while diging out
the foundation for the Temple

I Paid Tithing in Salt Lake City $2530.75 cts

I Moved to Provoo with 30 Tons of Freight with family
flocks & herds & prepared for the burning of the country
in 1858 & returned at the close of the war

I Met with the Presidency, Twelve, & Peace Commissioners 2 days

I was Appointed President of the Univeral Scientific
& Attended 25 Meetings with them

I was Appointed President of the Deseret Agricultural
and Manufacturing Society
in 1862 And served as such
for 10 years and spent 130 days in the interest of the society

I was Elected a Member of the Territorial Legislature & served
as such for 21 years, 19 years in the Legislative Council Attended 733 days

Page 366

I was Elected A Member of the senate of Deseret

I was Appointed Assistant Historian in AD 1855
and compiled the History of 8 of the Twelve Apostles
in 1858 And assisted in the compilation of the Church History

I Attended 50 Funerals & Preached at Most of them

I was Appointed President of the Horticultural Society
in 1855 and officiated as such

I was Appointed President of Jordon Irrigation
in 1862, & in 1865 I was Appointed Treasurer
& G. A. Smith President I Attended 30 Meetings of the Co

I was Appointed Chairman of the Medical Board
of Examination
in 1862, And officiated as such

I Attended Zions Camp Party in 1864, the first Meeting
of that company in 30 years

I was Appointed Foreman of the Grand Jury in
Salt Lake City in 1864, And Attended 6 days session

I Attended 30 Meetings of the Gardners Club

I was Elected a Member of the City Council of Provo

I was Elected President of the Cooperative Stock
Company Association
in 1871, And officiated as such

I Attended several Meetings with the Council of 50.

I Received 11 sacks of Books & seeds for Utah
in 1867 which I distributed to the People

The remainder of my time not included in the
foregoing schedule I spent in cultivateding the Earth
and in the support of My Family
Wilford Woodruff

^The foregoing record is recorded in the following
Journal up to 1880 1878 Added to the foregoing
History as will be found in the Journal of 1880^

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Wilford Woodruff & Phebe W. Carter Woodruff was
sealed at the Alter at Endowment House S L City under the Hands
of D. H. Wells for & in behalf of Ezra Carter & Sarah Faybyan
Father & Mother of Phebe W. Carter Woodruff

. Wilford Woodruff & Phebe W. Carter Woodruff
were sealed at the Altar at the Endowment House S L City under
the Hands of Heber C. Kimball For and in behalf of
Aphek Woodruff & Azubah Bulah Thompson Woodruff
& Azubuh Hart Woodruff the Mother & Step Mother
sealed to the Father of Wilford Woodruff

June 15 1867 The Following persons were sealed at the Altar
Endowment House under the Hands of Heber C Kimball to
Wilford Woodruff Phebe W Woodruff Being Proxy.

Eunice Woodruff Born in Farmington Hartford Co Ct. 19 June 1821
Died 14 June 1853.

Mary Giles Born in Marblehead Essex Co, Mass 6 Sept 1803
Died Oct 3, 1852

Rebca Brown Born in Vinal Haven Fox Island Maine
30 Oct 1826 Died Aug 1839.

. Wilford Woodruff sen & Phebe Whitmore Carter
Woodruff was sealed at the Altar in the Endowment House By
D H Wells for & in behalf of the following persons
Great Grand Father Josiah ^(Medad Elijah^ Woodruff & Great Grand Mother Sarah Woodruff
Grand Father Eldad Woodruff & Grand Mother Dinah Woodford Woodruff
Uncle Eldad Woodruff & Aunt Lewie Woodruff
Great Grand Father ^Samuel^ Thompson & Great Grand Mother ^Hannah North^ Thompson
Grand Father Lot Thompson & Grand Mother Anna ^Hart^ Thompson

Phebe Whitmore Carter Woodruffs Relatives
Great Grand Father Daniel Carter & Great Grand Mother Carter
Grand Father Ezra Carter & Grand Mother Phebe Whitmore Carter
Grand Father Joshua Fabyan & Grand Mother Sarah Bracket Fabyan
Uncle John Fabyan & Aunt Sarah Bracket Fabyan 9 couple

Page 375

Wilford Woodruff sen & Phebe W Woodruff was sealed at the Altar
in the Endowment House for the following persons By D. H. Wells

Titus Woodruff & Lewie Allen Woodruff Lua
Amasy Frisby & Elizabeth Woodruff Frisby
Amos Wheeler & Hellen Woodruff Wheeler
Abijah Barber & Cyntha Thomson Barber
Erastus Hart & Anna Thompson Hart Total 5 couples

Wilford Woodruff sen & Phebe Amelia Woodruff Snow
was sealed at the Endowment House for the following persons By Joseph F Smith

Great Grand Father ^Joseph 1705^ Hart & Great Grand Mother Hart Berlin Ct
Grand Father Asahel Hart, Grand Mother Anna Kilborn Hart Ct
& 23rd wife Prudence Gridley Hart ^2nd wife Chloe Booth^ Berlin Ct
Samuel Cossett & Anna Hart Cossett Symsbury Ct
Asahel Hart & wife of Asahel Hart name not known
Joseph Hart & Sophrona Hart & Lura Buel Hart Berlin Ct
Adna Hart & Lydia Woodruff Avon Ct
The Prophet Robert Mason & wife of Robert Mason Ct
2nd wife Urana Kilborn Hoskins Mason Symsbury Ct
Edmund Eastman & Hannah Carter Eastman Liimorick, Me
Total 11 sealings

The following Dead persons were sealed to Wilford Woodruff
By Daniel H Wells on the 14 day of March 1870 Phebe W Woodruff Proxy

Bulah Hart Daughter of Asahel & Anna Kilborn Hart Berlin Ct
Laura Haskins & Marietta Haskins Simsbury Conn.
Sophia Carter Born & Died in Lynn Mass.
Phoebe Hazeleton Born & died in Maine ^N. H.^
Rachael Smith Born & died in Scarboro Maine
Eunice Fitz, Born & died in Maine
Patty Milliken Born & died in Maine Total 8.

Page 376

Wilford Woodruff was Baptized for the wife
of Uncle Samuel Woodruf

The following persons were sealed to Wilford Woodruff
Phebe W. C. Woodruff Acting Proxy

Cousin Lua Woodruff Born July 29, 1817, Died March 1836 Avon Ct
Cousin Emelia Woodruff Born June 5 1828 Died Oct 24 1846 [Avon Ct]
Cousin Mary Woodruff born Nov 1832, Died 1866 The Daughter of Ozem Woodruff
Patty Seavy Friend
Lydia Hutchins [Friend]
Abigal Chadwick [Friend]
Sophia Chadwick [Friend]
& Mary Chadwick [Friend]
^D H Wells & A Pratt witnesses
Joseph F Smith sealed the Above 8 sealings^

Wilford Woodruff & Phebe W C Woodruff was sealed
By Joseph F Smith for the following persons in the Endowment House G S L City

Chancy Clark & Eunice Hart Berlin Ct
Step Grand Father Kilborn, Grand Mother Kilborn
James Kilborn, Mrs James Kilborn ^Lucy Fitch^
John Kilborn Mrs John Kilborn
Step Grand Father Cossett, Grand Mo Mother Cossett
Asa Cossett, Mrs Asa Cossett Rachael Steel
George Cossett, Mrs George Cossett
Nathaniel Rolf, Deborah Carter Rolf.
David Eastman, Ruth Carter Eastman
Daniel Carter, Mrs Daniel Carter
Eleazer Burbank, Polly Burbank
William Seavy, Sally Seavy
Thomas Seavy, Betsy Seavy
Job Seavy, Jenny Seavy
Timothy Ham, Mrs Timothy Ham Maine
William Hutchings Mrs William Hutchings
George Boothby, Miriam Boothby
Nathan Marshall, Olive Marshall
Ebenezar Burnham Mrs Ebenezar Burnham
Mr Chadwick, Mrs Chadwick
James Junkings, Olive Junkings
Lyman Gleason, Aunt Sylvia Thompson
Total 22 couple

Page 377

I made the following Record from my Journal

On the 21 day of April 1842 I was Baptized in the font For my
Mother Bulah Woodruff & my two half Brothers Philo & Asahel
sons of Azubah & Aphek Woodruff see Journal April 21 1842

On the 15 May 1842 I was Baptized fo in the Font for my
Great Grand Father Josiah ^Medad Eligah^ Woodruff & My Great Grand Mother
wife of Josiahah ^Elijah Medad^ Woodruff see Journal

was Baptized for Lewie Woodruff wife of uncle Eldad ^Woodruff^
On the 29 May 1842 I was Baptized under the hands of G A Smith
For my Grand Father Eldad Woodruff & My Grand Mother
Dinah Woodruff (Also uncle Eldad Woodruff) see Journal May 29 1842

On the 30 May 1842 I was Baptized in the Font under the Hands
of George A Smith for My Great Grand Father ^Samuel Thompson^ Thompson & my
Great Grand Mother Thompson. Hannah North
Also For My Grand Father Lot Thompson & My Grand Mother
Anna Thompson wife of Lot thompson see Journal May 30 1842

The synopsis of my Journal in 1842 says I was Baptized for 17 I find but 9

Aug 26 1844 I was Baptized in the river under the Hands of G A Smith
for Uncle Cyrus Thompson ^Aunt^ Sylva Thompson, Cousin Hyram Barber
Aunt ^Cousin^ Anna Hart, Cousin Electa Woodruff, total 5. see Journal

Uncle Asahel Hart, wife of Asahel Hart, Uncle Joseph Hart
aunt Sopho Sophrona Hart wife of Joseph Hart, ^uncle^ Adna Hart, Aunt
Eunice Hart, The Prophet Robert Mason, Uncle Erastus Hart
Aunt ^Cousin^ Milla ^Emelia^ Woodruff Aunt ^Cousin^ Hellennry Woodruff, Laura Hoskins
Marietta Hoskins, Wakemen Standly & Hellen Woodruff
Total 19 se Journal

George Q. Cannon Baptized me for & in behalf
of my Father Aphek ^Woodruff^ in the Font in the Endowment House S L City
my Father Had Been Baptized By myself But Brother Kimball advised me
to Be Baptized for him. President Young confirmed me.

In consequence of there being No record kept in the Above Baptisms
we have to Be Baptized again, & women were Baptized for men which is not Legal
June 2nd 1869 G. Q. Cannon Baptized Wilford Woodruff sen
in the Font for the Following persons. Daniel Carter, Ezra Carter Joshua
, John Fabyan, John Fabyan 2nd George Fabyan & Joseph Fabyan
Relatives of Phebe W. Carter Woodruff See Journal

Page 378

On the 31, Aug 1869 Wilford Woodruff was Baptized in the
Font in the Endowment House Temple Block Salt Lake City
For the Following Persons ^Samuel Smith Baptized Joseph F Smith was mouth in confirming^

Edmiund Eastman, Timothy Carter, Amos Wheeler ^Total 10^
Amasa Frisby, Titus Woodruff Abijah Barber Erastus
, Thadeus Thompson, Alson Thompson & Romanti Barber

Phebe W Woodruff was Baptized Aug 31, 1869 for the following persons
Hannah Eastman, Hellen Woodruff Wheeler, Lewie Allen Woodruff,
Acksie Merrill Woodruff, Elizabeth Woodruff Frisby,
Cyntha Thompson Barber, & Anna Thompson Hart Total 7.

Wilford Woodruff was Baptized for the following persons
By Samuel Smith in the Font in the Endowment House D H Wells confirmed

Cousin Samuel Barber, Great Grand Father ^Joseph^ Hart ^705 page 180^, Grand Father
Asahel Hart, Ezra Hart, Samuel Cossett, Cyrus Cossett,
P. W. W Uncle, Moses Farnham, Richard Hazelton, total 8

Oct 123 1869 Phebe Amelia Woodruff Snow was Baptized for the following persons

Ester Carter Farnham, Rhoda Carter Farnham,
Phebe Carter Hazelton, Phebe Hazelton, Deborah Carter
, Eunice Fitz, Patty Milliken, & Ruth Carter Eastman

Phebe Amelia Woodruff Snow was Baptized for the following

Sally Thompson, Great Grand Mother ^Ann Barnes 705^ Heart, Grand Mother Anna
Kilborn Hart
, Prudence Gridly Heart, Anna Hart Cossett,
Bulah Hart, Mrs Robert Mason, Urena Kilborn Hoskins Mason.

Wilford Woodruff jr was Baptized for the following
Nathaniel Rolf, David Eastman, & Freedom Moulton total 3

Oct 5 1870 The following persons were sealed to Wilford Woodruff jr
By his Father Wilford Woodruff
Mary Ann Holmes, Mary Ockey, Sarah Ockey Total 3.

Oct 5, 1870 Phebe Amelia Woodruff Snow was baptized for
the Following Persons in the Font Salt Lake City
Eliza Atwater, Lucinda Atwater, Printha Leavitti,
Laura Ladd, & Louisa Snow Total 5.

All but one of the above Names were sealed to Lorenzo Snow By
W Woodruff Oct 10, 1870.

Page 379

On the 21 April 1842, Wilford Woodruff sen Baptized his
wife Phebe W Carter Woodruff For her Grand Father Ezra Carter
& Grand Mother Phebe W Carter in the Font at Nauvoo

On the 29 May 1842 Wilford Woodruff Baptized Phebe W Carter
Woodruff in the Font at Nauvoo for her Grand Father Joshua
& Grand Mother Sarah Fabyan & Great Uncle John Fabyan

On the 30 May ^1842^ Wilford Woodruff Baptized in the Font at Nauvoo
Phebe W. Carter Woodruff, For her uncle John Fabyan
Aunt Sally Fabyan wife of John Fabyan, Uncle George Fabyan &
Uncle Joseph Fabyan see Journal

On the 26 Aug 1844, Wilford Woodruff Baptized Phebe W Carter
Woodruff in the River in Nauvoo for the Following Friends.
Olive Libby, Ezra Carter Sopihia Carter Rachael Smith
& Sarah Pierce see Journal

On the 14 June 1867 G. Q. Cannon Baptized wPhebe W Carter
Woodruff in the Font S L. City for Azubah Hart Woodruff
wife of Aphek Woodruff & Eunice Woodruff half sister to
Wilford Woodruff sen see Journal

G Q. Cannon Baptized Phebe W Carter Woodruff
For W W. Grandmother Dinah Woodruff wife of Eldad Woodruff
for W W Grand Mother Anna Thompson wife of Lot Thompson
for her Mother Sarah Fabyan Carter
Sophrona Hart, And wife of Asahel Hart name not known
Total 5, Baptized in Font Grea Salt Lake City see Journal

I Find in the Baptismal records of Nauvoo in the Historians office
that Phebe W. Carter Woodruff was Baptized for the following persons
Mehetable Bracket, Edmund Eastman, Ruth Eastman,
Elizabeth Hagget, Betsey Hagget, & Olive Moulton

June 2nd 1869 G Q Cannon Baptized W. Woodruff For & in behalf of
Daniel Carter G G Father to Pheb W CWoodruff & Grand Father Ezra Carter
Grand Father Joshua Fabyan, Great Uncle John Fabyan, Uncle
John Fabyan, Uncle George Fabyan & Uncle Joseph Fabyan
see Journal
see Journal June 1, 1870

Page 380

. I Wilfod Woodruff sealed Harriet Cowles to
my oldest Brother Azmon Woodruff Also Lida Ann Wheeler
I Aalso sealed Elizabeth Norton Hart to Wakeman Stanley

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